Operational M Anual: Grenade Launchers "FORT" Caliber 40x46 MM

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Science Industrial association

of the MIA of Ukraine

Grenade launchers
caliber 40x46 mm

SIA «Fort» of the MIA of Ukraine

600-richchya Street 27
Vinnitsa, 21027, Ukraine Operational
tel. (0432) 46-73-26
fax (0432) 46-80-16 M anual
siafort@ ukr.net

Science Industrial association

Grenade launchers
caliber 40x46 mm
SIA «Fort» of the MIA of Ukraine
600-richchya Street 27
Vinnitsa, 21027, Ukraine Operational
tel. (0432) 46-73-26
fax (0432) 46-80-16 M anual
siafort@ ukr.net
T h is o p e ra tio n m a n u a l is in te n d e d fo r th e
le a rn in g o f th e p rin c ip le o f a c tio n a n d o p e ra tio n
r u le s of g re n a d e la u n c h e r s "F O R T "
c a lib e r 4 0 x 4 6 m m , h e re in a fte r - la u n c h e r, a n d
c o n ta in s in fo rm a tio n a b o u t th e d e s ig n , o p e ra tin g
p ro c e d u re s , s a fe ty re q u ire m e n ts , d is a s s e m b ly
a n d a s s e m b lin g , m a in t e n a n c e , c le a n in g ,
g re a s in g , s to ra g e a n d g u a ra n te e s ta te m e n t.
Y o u m u s t a lw a y s k e e p in m in d th a t a
s o u r c e o f h ig h e r r is k d u r in g s h o o tin g is a
g re n a d e , w h ic h is fire d fro m th e b a rre l w h ile
s h o o tin g .
O n ly p e r s o n s w h ic h h a v e s tu d ie d th e
p h y s ic a l f a c ilit ie s o f la u n c h e r , le a rn f ir in g
p ro c e s s a n d ru le s , a n d re q u ire m e n ts fo r s a fe
u s e c a n be a llo w e d to o p e ra tin g a n d c o m b a t
e m p lo y m e n t o f la u n c h e rs .

34 3

26 G uide shoe retaining pin Table 1.1

27 Barrel axis Norm fo r m odel
28 Spring o f folding barrel Param eter name
29 Butt-stock axis
1 Caliber, mm 40x46 40x46 40x46
30 S crew
31 S crew 2 Barrel length, mm 280-0,3 280-0,3 250-0,3
32 S crew 3 Trigger pull, H, not more 50±5 50±5 50±5
33 S crew 4 Deviations of the mean
34 Nut p o in t o f im p a c t fro m
35 Nut aiming point at distance 350 350 350
36 T rigger axis of 100 meters (shooting
37 Sling swivel accuracy), mm, not more
38 Slot fo r checking case in the barrel cham ber 5 Average value grenade
39 F ront sight m uzzle v e lo c ity , m/s, 78 78 78
40 H older o f the folded butt-stock not less
41 H ook o f the folded butt-stock 6 Deliverable rate of fire,
42 Picatinny rail fo r sights shots per minute, not less 5 5 5
43 Back upside o f the barrel 7 D im ensions, mm,
44 Barrel hook not more:
45 Picatinny rail fo r fore grip - length with folded butt­ 365 365 333
46 Rod stock
47 T rig ge r spring - length w ith e xten de d 580 from 605 550
butt-stock to 695
- height 200 200 200
- w idth with folded butt­ 90 90 90
- w id th w ith e x te n d e d 55 55 55
8 W e ig h t w ith o u t
grenade, kg, not m ore 2,2 2,8 1,95
32 5
1.1 Function
L a u n ch e rs are d e sig n e d fo r sh o o tin g by high
explosive, hollow charge and o the r ball grenades fo r
shooting by non-lethal am m unition (gas and flash bang
grenades). It is intended fo r shooting for personnel target
and fire m eans, w hich are open and out o f the shelter, in
open trenches on distances from 100 m to 400 m.
It is possible to shoot with using the launcher as
desk type m anner and curved fire from different positions
(prone, stand up, kneeling position).

1.2 Technical characteristics

1.2.1 Launcher is available in such versions:
- FO R T 600 with right side-folding butt-stock of
costant length - picture C1;
-F O R T 600A with telescoping right side-folding butt­
stock - picture C2;
- FO R T 600U with right side-folding butt-stock of
costant length, w ith shorted barrel - picture C 1 .
For shooting from the launcer you should use low
velosity am m unition caliber 40x46 mm HE M6P, TPTM 6P,
HEDP M7, and also others grenades caliber 40x46 mm
w hich is com ply with NATO standart and have overhand
rip and load from breech end o f the barrel.
1.2.2 M ain c h a ra c te ris tic s and d im e n s io n s o f
launcher are in the table 1.1

4 33

1.3 Scope o f supply Parts list fo r pictures C1, C2, C3

T he launcher is supplied in such com pleteness:
1 Fram e
grenade lau nch er............................................... 1 pee
2 Barrel with Picatinny rail
fo re g rip ................................................................ 1 pee
3 B utt-stock w ith butt plate
launcher c a s e ......................................................1 pse
4 H am m er with firing pin
grenade p o u ch ................................................... 1 pee
5 T rigger
w ip e r.......................................................................1 pee
6 Sight shank
s lin g ........................................................................ 1 pee
7 Butt-stock axis catch
w rench s2.5 7 8 1 2 -0 3 7 2 1 pee
8 Fore grip
w rench s3.0 7 8 1 2 -0 3 7 2 .................................... 1 pee
9 Left strap
w rench s4.0 7 8 1 2 -0 3 7 2 .................................... 1 pee
10 R ight strap
operation m a n u a l............................................... 1 pee
11 Left lever o f folding o f the barrel
individual p a cka g e ............................................. 1 pee
12 R ight lever o f folding o f the barrel
13 Barrel backstop
1.4 Safety m easures
14 G uide shoe
1.4.1 It is forbidden:
15 Spring guide o f barrel hook
- fire a launcher under the angle m ore then 60°;
16 Barrel hook spring
- to load the lau nch er if the barrel has foreign
17 A xis lever fo r folding o f the barrel
18 Pusher
1 .4 .2 D u rin g th e a c tio n w ith g re n a d e s it is
19 S afety lever
20 S afety lever retaining pin
- to touch grenades w hich are not shredded after
21 Firing spring lever
fire (such grenades m ust be ordnance disposal);
22 Firing spring
- d is a s s e m b ly and re p a ir g re n a d e s and th e ir
23 Bolt stop
24 H am m er axle
- expose grenades m echanical shocks and falls;
25 H am m er spring
- use fo r fire grenades w hich have green deposit
or dim ple case, ruptures or dim ples at detonating fuze
or tube;

6 31
- use foreign bodies fo r loading and reloading
- fire at distances less then 50 m can be cause of
j!2 sh oo ter injury by grenade detruits.
= A TTE N TIO N ! During fire you m ust pay attention
— on a bse nce o f the o bstructio n s, w hich could stop or
£ change the flight trajectory of grenade, because destructor
•g mechanism of detonating fuze operates at 14 s after shoot,
c 1.4.3 It alw ays necessary to fo llo w such safety
~ o indications on using launcher:
o § - do not use dam aged launchers;
o - d ire ct the barrel o f lau nch er in safe direction
c o during loading/reloading;
ro ^ - do not perform any action w ith load launcher
o g except shooting;
ro ^ - safety lever m ust be always in safe position. Turn
ro £ the sa fety lever to “fire ” position only before fire,
g o
ro ° 1.5 Lau n cher design
The launcher is single shot with one folded barrel,
•“ one cartridge ch am be r w itho ut feeding m echanism .
^ Launcher is single-action, all reloading operations
a) (ejecting o f e m p ty ca se from ca rtridg e ch a m b e r and
3 g re na de loa din g) are m anual carried o ut by sh oo ter
.2 through breech end o f the barrel.
^ T he a p p e a ra n c e and lo ca tio n o f th e la u n ch e r
controllers are show n in pictures C1 and C2, and the
location o f the launcher parts in picture C3 (A nnex C).
30 7

A nnex B
1.6 C o ncept o f launcher operation
Target fo r fire testing o f the launcher
The launcher reloading is m anual. Press lever (11)
o r (12) o f fo ld in g barrel fo r fo ld in g up o f the barrel,
therefore pusher ledge turns around the axis (17), pushes
spring-actuated barrel backstop (13) and unhooks barrel
hook (44). S ynchronous under the springs (28) pressure
breech end o f the barrel (2) turns up and opens the
access to cartridg e cham ber. Ejection case from the
cartridge c h am be r and grenade loading are carry out
For locking o f the barrel press down the breech
end o f the b a rre l, with that barrel hook (44) pushes guide
shoe (14), by pressing guide shoe retaining pin (26),

w hich provides barrel (2) fixing in horizontal position,

cartridge c h am be r is locked.
A shot is carryed out by pressing the trigger (5).
Herewith, the trigg er (5), turning around axis (36), pulls
th e rod to w a rd h a m m e r (4). Bend o f the rod tu rn s
h a m m e r (4) w ith firing pin around an axis (24). The
ham m er (4), turning around axis (24), pushes top end o f
firin g s p rin g le v e r (2 1 ) to w a rd h a m m e r a x le and
synchronous presses firing spring (22). W hen ham m er
will stay in unstable position, firing spring (22) releases,
fo rce s the ham m e r (4) to m ove forw ard and strike the
g re n a d e p e rcu ssio n c a p b y by firin g pin, w hich is in
cartridge cham ber. T he shot is happened. A fte r the shot
the h am m e r spring (25) is under the pressure, ham m er
(4) deviates from percussion cap appro xim a te in 14°.
P ic tu r e B1
28 9
Launcher consists o f such parts:
- fram e (1) to w hich a barrel (2) is fastened. There
are breech and fold b ack m e ch a n ism o f th e barrel,
percussion and trigg er m echanism , safety lever (19) of <D
button type inside o f the fram e. Lateral faces o f fram e o
(1) are covered by left (9) and right (10) plates, which 3
are m ade o f plastics m aterial; butt-stock (3) is in the back
part o f fram e, butt-stock is right-side folding with constant 3
lenght or can be telescopic (that depends on launcher o
o oCD
model); c I—
- breech and fold back m echanism o f the barrel o O'
contains barrel backstop (13) with spring (16) and guide re O
shoe (14), that folded up the barrel springs (28); left (11) o
and right (12) levers o f folding barrel; o ■o o
x c CO
-self-cocking percussion and trig g e r m echanism
<u ro I—
has ham m er (4) with firing pin, firing spring (22), which c CD C4
c OO
envelope firing spring lever (21), bolt stop (23) and < c
trigg er (5) w ith spring (47) and rod (46);
re in
- sa fe ty leve r (19) b utton -typ e w hich in sa fe ty re
o. re
position locks the trigg er (5); o .=
re o
- sights: fram e sight shank (6) and fron t sight (39),
re -fc
fixed at Picatinny rail (42) on the barrel (2) face. To take .c =
aim you need turn sight shank in vertical position. Sight ^ 8
shank (6) has aim ing m arks, w hich determ ined distance o
to target. Sight shank m ust be turn into horizontal position re
in portable station o f launcher; 3
- fore grip (8), w hich is intended fo r holding o f
lau nch er during shooting, fixed at P ica tinn y rail (45),
w hich is setup in fron t bottom part o f launcher.


Safety lever o f button-type has an axis with notch.

If sa fety lever is in fire position, trig g e r (5) m oves in the
s a fe ty le ve r notch. If s a fe ty leve r is in sa fe p osition ,
trig g e r (5) is blocked by the sa fety lever axis.

1.7 M arking
A t the launcher should be applied the follow ing
m arking: m an ufa ctu re r trade m ark; title o f the launcher
m odel, caliber 40x46 m m; the w ords “ M ade in U kra ine ”.
Serial n um ber on the launcher fram e and barrel
is applied by sh ock m ethod.

1.8 Packing
T h e la u n c h e r in c o m p le te n e s s a c c o rd in g to
section 1.3 o f this m anual is packed in individual packing
box suitable fo r storage.

2.1 C hecking o f the lau nch er safety
2.1.1 B efore carrying out any actions with the
launcher, it is necessary to learn all rules and m ethods of
firin g , o p e ra tio n p rin c ip le s and m a in te n a n c e o f the
launcher, w hich are given in this m anual.
C hecking o f launcher sa fety carried out in the
follow ing cases:
- w hen receiving or tran sfe rring launcher:
- upon arrival to the place o f fire;
- after the shooting;
Picture A5
- before exiting o f the shooting range;
Shooting position at distance from 200 m to 400 m
- before conducting o f m aintenance. "standing up from under the hand"

10 27
2.1.2 To te st the sa fety o f the launcher, fo llo w the
steps below:
- point the barrel o f the launcher in a safe direction;
- press the lever o f folding barrel, breech end of
the barrel is lifting up and opens the a ccess to cartridge
cham ber;
- check that in the cartridge ch am be r and bore
there is no em pty case or o the r foreign objects;
- press down the breech end o f the barrel, barrel
m ust be fixed in horizontal position;
- h o ld in g th e b a rre l o f th e la u n c h e r in s a fe
d irection, m ake sure sa fety lever is se t in the “s a fe ”
position; at a tte m p t o f pressing, trigg er m ust be locked;
- h o ld in g th e b a rre l o f th e la u n c h e r in s a fe
directio n , put the s a fe ty lever to “fire ” and press the
trigger. T rigger m echanism m ust be deployed, firing pin
w ith h am m e r m ust hit g renade percussion cap.

2.2 C hecking o f fig h tin g position

Shooting by launcher can be m ade from any place
w here target area or fire are visible, w here can appear
the enem y. It is n e ce ssa ry to e n su re th a t in the fire
direction are not close objects that can catch a grenade
during flight, such as branches o f trees, bushes, stalks
o f plants. The above requirem ents m ust be carried fo r
th e s a fe ty o f th e s h o o te r and s u rro u n d in g p e rs o n s
Picture A4
despite the fa ct that the fro n t grenade fuse will activate
Shooting position at distance from 200 m to 400 m
a fter m eeting with any barrier.
"kneeling and from under the hand position"

26 11

- at distance from 200 m to 400 m "kneeling and

from under the hand position" picture A4 or "standing up
from under the hand" picture A5.

2.5 U nloading in stru ction s

Follow such steps to unload the launcher:
- m ake sure that safety lever is set in “safe position",
point the barrel o f the launcher in safe direction;
- press the lever o f folding barrel, take out the
case from the cartridge chamber, holding it by two fingers;
fo r ease o f that lateral sides o f the cartridge cham ber
have radial grooves;
- press down the breech end o f the barrel; barrel
fixation in horizontal position is accom panied by a specific

3.1 G eneral
C a r r y o u t m a in te n a n c e o f th e la u n c h e r
im m ediately after shooting. W ith a large num ber o f shoots
fo r one day, ca rry m aintenance a fte r every 30 rounds.
If the launcher is not used, m aintenance m ust be
m ade weekly.
B e fo re m a in te n a n c e c h e c k th e s a fe ty o f th e
launcher, as described in 2.1.2 o f the m anual.
S equence o f m aintenance:
Picture A2
- disassem ble the launcher as described in 3.2, 3.3;
Shooting position at distance
from 100 m to 200 m "upright and o ff-sh o u ld er - clean the launcher as described in 3.4;
firing position " - ch e ck the d isa sse m b le d lau nch er as described
in 3.6;
24 13
2.3 Loading in stru ction s
Follow such steps to load the launcher:
- m ake sure that safety lever is set in the “safe
position", point the barrel o f the launcher in safe direction;
- p re ss th e le ve r o f fo ld in g barre l, in s e rt the
grenade into the cartridge cham ber;
- press down the breech end o f the barrel; barrel
fixation in horizontal position is accom panied by a specific

2.4 Targeting, firing and fire m anipulations

2.4.1 For executing o f the shot:
- m ove at fire position in according with A nnex A;
- set safety lever in “fire ” position;
- point the launcher at the target and press the
trigger, launcher will shot.
2.4.2 For sighting on visual target: join the m ark o f
sight shank, front sight and the top o f the aim ing point
along aim ing line. Aim ing m arks, w hich are on the sight
s h a n k ,c o m p ly w ith distan ces 100 m, 150 m, 200 m,
250 m, 300 m, 325 m, 350 m and 375 m.
2.4.3 It is recom m ended to fire by launcher in such
positions as shown in A nnex A:
- at distance 100 m "prone supported position"
picture A1;
- at distances from 100 m to 200 m "upright and
Picture A3
o ff-shoulder firing position" picture A2 or "kneeling and
off-shoulder" picture A3; Shooting position at distance from 100 m to 200 m
"kneeling and off-shoulder"

12 25

- lu b r ic a te a n d a s s e m b le th e la u n c h e r a s
d e s c rib e d in 3.7;
- check the operation o f the launcher as described
in 3.8.

3.2 Field s trip p in g instruction s

Field stripp in g ca rry out according picture 3 in E
such sequence: o
1. D isconnect the butt-stock (3): ° :c
- d isconnect the butt-stock axis catch (7); jj 0 o
- push the butt-stock axis (29). ■= o ~
2. D isconnect left (9) and right (10) straps: | n o
- untw ist takedow n screw s o f levers ( 11, 12) o f « w a
folding butt-stock at both sides o f launcher and disconnect < c ^ o
left and right levers o f folding butt-stock; «j> ™ ~
- untw ist connection screw s o f left (9) and right = -o = c o.
(10) straps and rem ove left strap. < c « .2 a
3. Pull the bolt stop (23), then firing spring lever .2 ini ~ u>
(21) with firing spring (22). w oo
4. R em ove right strap (10) with takedow n screw s. o. a

3.3 C o m plete d isassem b ly o f the lau nch er o - =
C arry out co m p le te d isassem bling only in case £ °
strong pollution or operation is severe conditions.
C o m p le te d is a s s e m b ly c a rry o u t a c c o rd in g
p ictu re 3 in such sequence:
1. C arry out field stripping as directed by section
3.2 o f this m anual.
2. D isconnect the barrel:
- by pressing the p usher (18) fold up the barrel;

14 23
10 IN FO R M A TIO N ABOUT C A N N IN G AND - push out the barrel axis (27) and separate the
PACKING barrel (2), pull the springs (28) fo r folding o f the barrel.
3. Push out the ham m er axle, pull the ham m er and
T he grenade launcher FO R T 600/ FO R T 600A/ ham m e r spring (25).
F O R T 6 0 0 U c a lib e r 4 0 x 4 6 m m fa c to r y n u m b e r 4. Push out trigger axis (36) and disconnect the
____________________________ is canned and packed in trigger (5) with trigger rod (46) and trigger spring (47).
a c c o rd a n ce w ith re q u ire m e n ts o f the valid te ch n ic a l 5. Push out the axis (17) o f the barrel folding
documents. lever, pull out the pusher (18), barrel b ackstop (13) with
guide shoe (14) and guide shoe retaining pin (26), as
Executed preservation. also b a rre l h o o k s p rin g (1 6 ) a nd s p rin g g u id e o f
b a rre l h o o k (1 5 ).
Executed packinq

Preservation d a te " 20 3.4 C leaning o f the launcher

C lea ning o f the la u n c h e r c a rry o ut by sp ecial
L.S. lubricating oil in such sequence:
1. C lear bore and cartridge cham ber:
- stretch square o f cloth and m oist the cloth by
lubricating oil.
- insert the cleaning brush with the m oist cloth in
the bore and clea r bore and cartridge ch am be r till traces
o f dirt or soot will not rem ain;
- w ipe d ry the bore and ca rtridg e c h a m b e r by
clean and d ry cloth;
- cloth m ust rem ain clean w ithout traces o f dirt or
2. The rest o f the details and m echanism s clean
by m oisted cloth by lubricating oil, then w ipe dry with a
cloth to the com plete rem oval o f traces o f soot, dirt and
m oisture till cloth w ill rem ain clean.

22 15

7 TR AN SPO R TA TIO N 3.7 Lubrication and assem b ly o f the launcher

P a c k e d la u n c h e r in th e o rig a n a l p a c k in g is A fte r cleaning and inspection o f the disassem bled
transported by any transport fo r any distances: in the launcher, lubricate components and launcher m echanisms
covered railroad car, covered cars, air-tight a partm ents by rifle oil.
o f airplanes in a ccordance with rules o f transportation A p ply a thin coat o f oil w ith a cloth m oistened with
w ith the proper transport. During the transportation m ust oil and squeezed out. R em ove oil flow s by dry cloth.
be a s s u re d p o s itio n o f b o xe s, w h ic h e x c lu d e s th e C arry out the assem bling o f the launcher in the
p ossibility o f th e ir strokes at one another. reverse sequence as described in section 3.2 and 3.3
o f this m anual.
T he grenade launcher FO R T 600/ FO R T 600A/ 3.8 Inspection o f the lau nch er function
F O R T 6 0 0 U c a lib e r 4 0 x 4 6 m m fa c to r y n u m b e r Inspection o f the launcher function ca rry out in
______________________________ is m ade and accepted such sequence:
in a c c o rd a n c e w ith re q u ire m e n ts o f th e n o rm a tiv e -m ake sure that the safety lever is in “safe” position,
docum ents, technical docum ents and is recognized as trig g e r m ust be blocked;
suitable fo r exploitation. - turn the sa fety lever in “fire ” position, press the
trigger. H am m er cocks, hits the seat place o f percussion
Executed a c c e p ta n c e ____________________ cap by firin g pin, then h a m m e r is fixe d in h a lf-co ck
L.S. "_____ "________________ 20
3.9 Preservation
Sold The m anufacturer carries out canning/preserving
o f the launcher. M axim um term o f storage o f the launcher
ii ii
L.S. 20 w itho ut repeated preservation is no m ore than one year.
A t achieving the m axim um term o f its storage or in
the case w hen the launcher is not used fo r a long tim e, it
is n ecessary to carry out canning by using the m ethod
o f putting thick layer o f oil on its internal and external

20 17
3.5 Special cleaning m aterials 9 W A R R A N TY
For cleaning and lubricating o f the launcher use: The m anufacturer guarantees the conform ity o f the
- liquid rifle oil; launcher to requirem ents o f norm ative docum ents at the
- p a tc h s o f c lo th fo r w ip in g , c le a n in g a nd o b s e rv a n c e o f e x p lo ita tio n rules, tra n s p o rta tio n and
storage, w hich are described in this m anual.
lubricating o f launcher and its parts.
The w arranty is 12 m onths from the introduction
For convenience cleaning o f grooves, notches and
date in exploitation.
holes it is allowed to use w ood w ands.
A verage operation tim e o f the launcher is not less
T he usage rate o f such m aterials: five year or 1000 shoots from the day o f the launcher
- liquid rifle oil - 0.5 kg; introduction in exploitation.
- patchs o f cloth - 0.1 kg. SIA "FORT" rem oves discovered defects during the
w arranty free o f charge, under the condition o f observing
3.6 Inspection of the dissam led lau ncher all rules o f exploitation and launcher storage, w hich are
M ake inspection o f the dissam led launcher after m entioned in this manual.
cleaning. For fulfilling the guarantee repair the ow ner m ust
On the details should not be defects, w hich could send the launcher and this m anual to S IA «FO RT» to
have bed influence on w orking capacity, durability and
safety exploitation: 600-rich chya Street, 27, Vinnitsya, 21027, U kraine
- on the barrel and cartridge ch am be r should not
be bulge deform ation and disruption; SIA "F O R T " repairs the launcher after the end of
- P icatinny rail m ust be hardly fixed in the barrel w arranty fo r the o w n e r’s cost.
surface, and back supporting surface o f this rail should
not have chips, disruptions and other defects.
- in the fram e around the hole fo r barrel fixing axis
should not be disruptions, m etal crippling;
- firing pin should not has chips;
- lau nch er d etails should not have disruptions,
plough defects, others defects and rust m arks.

16 21

During carrying out the canning and uncanning o f 5 PO TE N TIA L PR O B LEM S

the launcher you should use the wiper, w hich is included Common troubles and remedies are listed in table 5.1
in set o f supply, rag and rifle oil.
N am e o f failure Possible reason Troubleshooting
4 C H E C K IN G AND ZE R O IN G method
T he launcher test is ca rry out in such cases; M isfire. Trigger G renade defect C hange th e
- after receiving o f the launcher by the subdivision; is w orked, but the grenade
- a fte r w orksh o p repair;
shot is failed
- in case o f degeneration o f firing accuracy;
P re c ip ita tin g or U n lo a d th e
- in case o f launcher tra n sfe r to a nother shooter.
fr a c tu r e o f th e launcher and send
Zeroing o f the launcher is executed by shooting
firing spring it to w orkshop
w ith fo u r grenades in firing position "front plank" (picture
A1 o f a n n e x A ) on c h e c k in g ta rg e t (p ic tu re B1 o f
a n n e x B). C hecking target m ust be pasted on plywood
T ight loading of C artridge ch a m ­ C le a n th e
board and be located at distance 100 m from launcher
g re na de into the ber is polluted cartridge cham ber
m uzzle end. S ig h tin g is ca rry o u t by la u n c h e r sig h t
m a rk "1" c a rtrid g e c h a m ­
A fte r firing join along the sight line the sigh t m ark ber
"1", to p edg e o f fro n t s ig h t and lo w e r end o f b la ck
rectangle target. A t that lateral sides o f rectangle target 6 STO R A G E OF THE LA U N C H ER
m ust be continuation o f front sight lateral sides. F o r a lo n g -te rm s to ra g e o f the la u n c h e r it is
A fte r firin g and d e p e n d in g on h oles p o sitio n , n ece ssary to c a rry o ut its p reservation. P reservation
determ ine location o f m ean point o f im pact (MPI). If procedure is done in the section 3.9 o f this m anual.
norm al a ccuracy - MPI o f fo u r holes or th re e (with one Preserved and packed launcher m ust be stored in
varied from ) m ust be w ithin o f control circle w ith radius the closed storehouses, w here tem perature and hum idity
0.35m and centre in aim ing point. fluctuation are less than in open air.
Hole is obvious vary from if it varies from MPI o f M axim um storage term o f the canned pistol is not
three holes, w hich are m ost closely-grouped, m ore than m ore one year from the canning.
2.5 circle radius, w hich contains th ese holes, at that
centre o f this circle is in MPI o f three holes.
If MPI is out o f control circle, then according to
firing results you need to regulate sights.
18 19

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