INDEMNITY BOND For Issue of Duplicate Share Certificate
INDEMNITY BOND For Issue of Duplicate Share Certificate
INDEMNITY BOND For Issue of Duplicate Share Certificate
I/We (name of the shareholder) jointly with
(name of the first joint holder )&
(name of the second joint holder )
residing at
(address of the shareholder) for
last---- years, holding shares of face value of Rs each under folio no
in M/s-
(Name of the
Company) issuer Company having its registered office at
registered office address). The original share certificate(s) in respect of shares as
detailed below has/have been lost/destroyed/misplaced and the same is/are not traceable:
I/We have not delivered the said share certificate(s) with the intention of transferring the shares
or pledging them or parted with the said share certificate(s) in any other manner whatsoever.
I/We, therefore, hereby request the issuer Company to issue to me/us duplicate share
Certificate(s) in lieu of the original share Certificate(s).
In consideration of the issuer Company having agreed to issue duplicate share certificate(s) for
the aforesaid shares in my/our name, I/we am/are executing a Indemnity Bond in favour of the
issuer Company.
(residential address of Surety No.2) know the applicant(s) for last ______ years and having PAN
Card No.____________,business address at
(official address of Surety No.2)
and with the net assets worth of Rs. _______ .
We, the undersigned certify that the above facts are true to the best of our knowledge. We bind
ourselves as sureties to make good all claims, charges, costs, damages, demands, expenses and
losses which the issuer Company, its successors and assigns its estate and effects and its
directors, manager, secretary and shareholders may sustain, incur or be liable for in consequence
of complying with the request contained above and the issuer Company, its successors, assigns,
directors, manager, secretary and shareholders will be entitled to realise all claims, charges, cots,
damages, demands, expenses and losses from our persons and our properties, as the case may be.
Name :
Name of Employer :
Self owned Business Annual Income :
Asset worth of self owned Immovable Property :
Signature of Witness :
Name :
Name of Employer :
Self owned Business Annual Income :
Asset worth of self owned Immovable Property :
Signature of Witness :