Machine Learning in Drug Discovery and Development Part 1: A Primer
Machine Learning in Drug Discovery and Development Part 1: A Primer
Machine Learning in Drug Discovery and Development Part 1: A Primer
Artificial intelligence, in particular machine learning (ML), has emerged as a key promising pillar to overcome the high failure
rate in drug development. Here, we present a primer on the ML algorithms most commonly used in drug discovery and de-
velopment. We also list possible data sources, describe good practices for ML model development and validation, and share
a reproducible example. A companion article will summarize applications of ML in drug discovery, drug development, and
postapproval phase.
Application of artificial intelligence (AI; Box 1) in drug dis- to support robust models. In addition, researchers should
covery and development has emerged as a key promising prepare to validate and interpret the models and results.
pillar. Its importance has been consolidated by the need This work consists of two parts. The first part is a tuto-
of new strategies to overcome the high failure rate in drug rial on the most commonly used ML algorithms along with
development of ~ 90%.1,2 As such, pharmaceutical compa- possible data sources, good practices for ML model devel-
nies are beginning to explore how various AI frameworks opment and validation, and a reproducible example. The
can supplement or be integrated into the current drug dis- second part, published in a companion article, is an overview
covery and development processes.1 of applications of ML in drug discovery, drug development,
Machine learning (ML), a branch of AI (Figure 1), is “based and the postapproval phase.
on the idea that systems can learn from data, identify
patterns and make decisions with minimal human inter- DATA SOURCES FOR BUILDING ML MODELS
vention.”13 AI frameworks may contain several different ML
methods applied together. For example, an AI framework The amount of data being generated today is staggering. An
in drug discovery may optimize drug candidates through a estimated 2.5 quintillion bytes are created every single day.26
combination of ML models that predict favorable physico- However, it is not the quantity of data but it is the opportunity
chemical characteristics (e.g., solubility and permeability), to generate knowledge that matters most. Some common
pharmacokinetics (PK), safety, and possibly efficacy.14–21 examples of large data sets include chemical structure data,
An AI framework in drug development may use ML meth- gene expression and genetic data, high throughput in vitro
ods to prescreen covariates in PK-pharmacodynamic data, data, clinical trial data, and electronic medical records. Data
identifying patient subpopulations, predicting clinical out- may be freely available public data, commercially available
comes, informing clinical trial design, and investigating data, internal companies’ data, or data shared among par-
novel therapeutic purpose for existing drugs (i.e., drug ticipating institutions.27 The reader can refer to Conrado
repositioning or drug repurposing).22–25 However, ML meth- et al.28 for examples of individual data-sharing initiatives.
ods have been utilized more often in drug discovery than “Big data” and advances in technologies for data science
in development. have paved the way for the applications of ML in drug discov-
ML can support a range of different drug discovery and ery and development. Recent advances in ML technology,
development applications. To be a fit-for-purpose approach, in turn, allow us to make use of large data sets on a scale
the application of ML should be guided by answers to the that was previously unrealizable. A rapidly emerging field is
following three questions: (i) What is the drug discovery and/ the use of wearable technology and sensors, which provide
or development need? (ii) What ML methods are most appro- a wealth of real-time data that can be leveraged to assess
priate to address this need? and (iii) What data can be used patient health and detect trends for potential health risks.29
to support these ML methods? Data quality is as critical as For example, wearable sensors that can be adhered directly
data quantity in that data should be unbiased and diverse to patients’ body surfaces can provide detailed movement
Laboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo de Bioactivos (LIDeB), Faculty of Exact Sciences, National University of La Plata (UNLP), Buenos Aires, Argentina; 2Statistical
& Quantitative Sciences, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA; 3Quantitative Medicine, Critical Path Institute, Tucson, Arizona, USA; 4Center
for Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology, Department of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, University of Florida, Orlando, Florida, USA; 5Quantitative
Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics, Merck & Co. Inc, Kenilworth, New Jersey, USA; 6Canary Speech LLC, Provo, Utah, USA; 7Center for Drug Evaluation and
Safety, Department of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy, College of Pharmacy, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA; 8e-Quantify LLC, La Jolla, California,
USA. *Correspondence: Daniela J Conrado (;
Received: July 17, 2019; accepted: December 10, 2019. doi:10.1002/psp4.12491
ML in Drug Discovery and Development
Talevi et al.
Figure 1 Overview of the types of machine learning and algorithms. Only the most commonly used algorithms are described in this
tutorial. AdaBoost, adaptive boosting; DBSCAN, density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise; DCNN, deep convolutional
neural networks; Eclat, equivalence class transformation; FP-Growth, frequent pattern growth; GRU, gated recurrent unit; K-NN,
K-nearest neighbors; LDA, linear discriminant analysis; LightGBM, light gradient boosting machine; LSA, latent semantic analysis;
LSM, liquid state machine; LSTM, long short-term memory; MLP, multilayer perceptron; PCA, principal component analysis; seq2seq,
sequence-to-sequence; SVD, singular value decomposition; SVM, support vector machine; t-SNE, t-distributed stochastic neighbor
embedding; XGBoost, extreme gradient boosting.
and most common way of estimating the coefficients. This potentially result in a nonidentifiable model when the number
model is not designed to handle strong collinearities between of features is greater than the number of observations.
covariates. Severe multicollinearity greatly reduces the pre- Instead of reducing the number of features for multiple linear
cision of the estimated coefficients. In such cases, principal regression, we can fit a model starting with all predictors
component analysis may be used to reduce the number of using a technique that constrains the coefficient estimates,
features to a smaller set of unrelated components. or equivalently, that shrinks the coefficient estimates toward
Logistic regression is a widely used supervised ML zero. The two best-known techniques for shrinking the
method for modeling binary outcomes, such as yes/no, regression coefficients toward zero are ridge regression and
success/failure, and survived/died. The logistic regression LASSO.41 Multiple linear regression is the underlying model
model estimates the probability that the outcome belongs to used for these techniques. However, the fitting procedure is
a particular binary category. The probability curve is sigmoid not based on maximum likelihood. Instead, these techniques
or S-shaped and constrained between 0 and 1. work by applying a “penalty” to the fitting procedure that
depends on the magnitude of the coefficients. All coefficients
P (Y = 1) = . are usually penalized equally. Therefore, before applying
−(𝛽0 +𝛽1 x1 +…+𝛽n xn )
1+e ridge regression or other shrinkage methods, the analyst will
typically rescale the covariates to prevent covariates with
Ridge regression, least absolute shrinkage and numerically wider ranges from being excessively penalized.
selection operator (LASSO), and elastic net. Some Ridge regression shrinks the regression coefficients by
data sets, such as genetic data sets, have large numbers of imposing a penalty on their size. Instead of minimizing only
features (covariates) relative to the number of observations, the residual sum of squares, as ordinary least squares does,
but most features are expected to have minimal association ridge regression minimizes:
with the outcome. Including all of the features in a linear or
logistic regression model would add noise to the model and Y − 𝛽X 2 + 𝛾𝛽 2 .
ML in Drug Discovery and Development
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Here, the first term is simply the residual sum of squares. predictor and a corresponding decision rule threshold are
In the second term, 𝛾 is a weight factor, and 𝛽 2 is the sum identified that maximize the accuracy of the decision tree.
of the squared coefficients. Thus, when 𝛾 = 0 the ordinary When all of the trees are completed, the model is ready to
least squares coefficients are returned, and when 𝛾 = ∞, make predictions about new data. The prediction is defined
the coefficients will approach zero. However, a disadvan- by majority voting from this collection of decision trees. To
tage is that it includes all predictors in the final model. As evaluate the accuracy of the model, the trained forest can be
with the ridge regression, the LASSO shrinks the coeffi- used to predict the remaining one-third of the observations
cient estimates toward zero: and calculate the out-of-bag (OOB) error.
Random forest is a type of ensemble modeling because
Y − 𝛽X 2 + 𝜆𝛽1 . it involves combining multiple ML models to improve the
overall performance of the model. Ensemble models gen-
Here, in the second term, 𝜆 is a weight factor, and 𝛽1 is the erally combine the results by voting or taking the mode,
sum of the absolute values of the coefficients. This penalty mean, or weighted mean of the results from different
has the effect of forcing some of the coefficient estimates models. More advanced techniques include bagging and
to be exactly equal to zero. LASSO performs variable se- boosting. Bagging involves creating random subsamples,
lection, yielding models that involve only a subset of the or bootstrapping, of training data with replacement and
variables. As a result, models generated from the LASSO building a model for each subset. For boosting, see the
are generally much easier to interpret than those generated Gradient Boosting section.
from the ridge regression. For a data set with N observa-
tions, LASSO will select at most N features.42 LASSO can Gradient boosting. Gradient boosting41,47 differs from
also be adapted to fit logistic regression models. bagging methods in that the trees are trained and combined
Elastic net is another shrinkage-based method that linearly sequentially. This algorithm generates models by computing
combines the penalties from ridge and LASSO to minimize: a sequence of trees in which each successive tree is built
from the prediction residuals of the preceding tree. A simple
partitioning of the data is determined at each step in the
Y − 𝛽X 2 + 𝛾𝛽 2 + 𝜆𝛽1 .
boosting tree algorithm, and the deviations of the observed
values from the respective residuals for each partition are
Compared with LASSO, the elastic net can yield a model computed. Given the preceding sequence of trees, the next
including more features than number of observations, but tree will then be fitted to the residuals to find another partition
with possibly far fewer than would be selected via the ridge that will further reduce the error in the model.
penalty alone. In addition, the elastic net exhibits a grouping
effect, where highly correlated features will have similar es- Neural networks (NNs). NNs48 are composed of units
timated coefficients. called artificial neurons. Each connection between neurons
can transmit a signal to another neuron. All neurons have
Decision trees and random forest. Decision trees41,43–45 multiple inputs and one output. The receiving neuron can
are a commonly used group of nonlinear ML methods. Each process the signals and then signal downstream neurons
model is a set of rules organized in the form of a tree. Starting connected to it. Each input is associated with a weight
at the base or “root node,” the algorithm selects a “branch” that varies as learning proceeds, which can increase or
based on the decision rule at the root node. The decision decrease the strength of the signal that is sent downstream.
rule is generally based on a single covariate and a specified A general formula for the output Y of a neuron is:
threshold (e.g., if the third covariate is greater than five, take
the left branch). The algorithm then reaches the next node and ( )
follows the next decision rule. Eventually, the algorithm reaches
Y =f Wi Xi .
a “leaf node,” which represents a specific output decision, i
returned as a result. Decision trees can be used for building
both classification models for making qualitative predictions where f is a specified function, Xi is the ith input, and Wi is
and regression models for making quantitative predictions. the weight associated with the ith input. Neurons are typ-
One reason for the popularity of single decision trees is their ically organized in the following three types of layers: (i)
ease of interpretation and representation. However, they are the input layer (i.e., the bottom layer), where the predic-
outperformed by more advanced ML algorithms, such as tors are entered; (ii) the hidden (middle) layers; and (iii) the
random forest or gradient boosting modeling. output layer (i.e., the top layer), where the predictions are
Random forest41,46 is a method that creates a large col- generated.
lection of decision trees, where each decision tree makes Deep NN (DNN), also known as deep learning, refers to a
a prediction or “vote” for a certain outcome. For each tree, model with more than one hidden (middle) layer. Recent ad-
typically one third of the training data set is randomly se- vances of DNN-based algorithms have been implemented
lected and set aside, and the remaining two thirds of the in various fields from automatic speech recognition49 to
training data set is used for model development. When medical image recognition.50 DNNs can be further cate-
these decision trees are being built, each time a split in a gorized based on model architectures; convolution NN,
tree is considered, a random sample of predictors is chosen recurrent NN, and long short-term m emory-based recur-
as split candidates from the full set of predictors. A single rent NN.
Genetic algorithm. The genetic algorithm is inspired by value of the points assigned to the cluster. Hence, “means”
the process of natural selection and belongs to the larger in the “K-means” expression corresponds to the centroid.53
class of evolutionary algorithms. The genetic algorithm Each data point is assigned to the nearest cluster. Each
works as following:22 centroid is then updated (i.e., iteration) so that the total
within-cluster variation is minimized. There are several
• First, the solution space is defined and corresponds K-means algorithms, and the standard algorithm defines
to a set of models to test. the total within-cluster variation as the sum of squared
• The search for the best model is initialized by randomly Euclidean distances between points and the corresponding
creating an initial population, defined as a set of indi- centroid.54 Most often, a local optimum is achieved;
viduals with a genome (model structures). These model hence, it is suggested to run the algorithm multiple times
structures can then be fitted to the data, and the best with randomized starting centroids for better outcome.
model is identified based on a goodness-of-fit statistic Systematically, the steps are the following:54
criterion (e.g., Akaike information criterion).
• Then, the next generation can be created by first select- 1. Define K, the number of clusters to be created.
ing sets of “parents.” Parents are selected randomly, with 2. Select randomly K centroids from the data set (i.e., the
replacement and probability of selection proportional to initial cluster centers).
fitness. 3. Assign each data point to the nearest centroid based
• Next, the genomes of the parents are lined up and on the Euclidean distance between the point and the
“crossover” occurs, i.e., some user-defined fraction of centroid.
the parent sets (e.g., 60%), at a single, random loca- 4. Recompute the centroid for each of the K clusters by
tion in the genome. For instance, if the genome contains calculating the new mean value of all the data points in
four genes (model characteristics: one compartment the cluster.
PK model + first-order absorption + presence of lag 5. Iteratively minimize the sum of squared Euclidean dis-
time + proportional residual error), then a 50% split tances. Repeat Step 3 and Step 4 until the centroids do
would generate the left part with “one compartment PK not change.
model + first-order absorption” and the right part with
“presence of lag time + proportional residual error.” To select the number of clusters, the total within-cluster
Then, the left part of the first parent is combined with the distance to the centroid may be compared for increasing K
right part of the second parent and vice versa. values. The point where the average within-cluster distance
• Subsequently, a mutation is randomly applied based on to the centroid levels off may be chosen as the value of K.
a prespecified small proportion. For instance, the “pres- K-means is relatively fast, robust, and easy to inter-
ence of lag time” feature is reversed to “absence of lag pret. It is also relatively efficient when the data set are well
time.” separated from each other. However, some drawbacks of
• This process is repeated until no further improvement is K-means include (i) a priori selection of K, (ii) distinguish
seen (i.e., a model with an improved goodness-of-fit cri- data that are close or overlapping, (iii) obtain different results
terion is no longer obtained). produced by non-linear transformation, and (iv) inability to
handle categorical data.
A reproducible example can be found in Bies et al.,22 where
a genetic algorithm–based, hybrid ML approach to model se- Hierarchical. This algorithm creates a set of nested
lection has been developed and applied. clusters structured as a hierarchical tree. Unlike K-means,
hierarchical clustering starts with considering each
Unsupervised ML observation as an individual cluster. Then iterations are
Unsupervised ML deals with unlabeled data51 defined as performed to merge similar clusters until all the clusters
data that include the covariates, but not the outcomes. This are merged. A dendrogram (i.e., a tree diagram that shows
technique is used to identify patterns and associations be- the taxonomic relationship between covariates) is obtained
tween data points. Dimensionality reduction methods may to show the hierarchical relationship between the clusters.
be applied as a first step in the analysis.52 Principal compo- This technique is also known as agglomerative hierarchical
nent analysis is among the most widely used dimensionality clustering. Another less commonly used hierarchical
reduction techniques. In addition, the data may also be technique is called divisive hierarchical clustering, where
normalized to facilitate comparison between data points. all the observations are grouped into one cluster and then
Several widely used algorithms in unsupervised ML are de- successively split into multiple clusters.
scribed in the next sections. Hierarchical clustering offers several advantages includ-
ing easy implementation and the lack of a need to specify the
K-means. K-means groups data points with similar number of clusters. However, limitations include sensitivity
properties or features into a fixed number of clusters (K). to outliers and greater computation resource requirements.
K-means is commonly applied to gene expression or clinical
lab data to identify similar groups of samples or subjects. Active learning
The algorithm can be initialized by randomly selecting K Active learning is a ML method where the algorithm can
“centroids” from the data set. A centroid is a data point interactively request labeled data to train themselves.
(imaginary or real) at the center of a cluster, i.e., the mean Active learning can be used when a full labeled data set
ML in Drug Discovery and Development
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has not yet been collected and cost constraints prevent full a rule of thumb, and depending on the importance of the
labeling. For example, if one wishes to predict affinity to a variable, one could consider removing variables with 70%
protein based on selected chemical features, it may be too or more missing data, as often they do not provide infor-
expensive to run experiments with a full compound library. mation toward predictability. For the remaining covariates,
An active learning algorithm would design a series of ex- the simplest strategy is to remove data points for which
periments to learn the relationship between the chemical any covariate is missing. Another simple alternative is to
features and affinity. Each experiment would be designed replace missing values with the median value for continu-
based on the previous data obtained. The algorithm would ous variables or with the mode for categorical variables. For
select the most informative compounds for future exper- time-dependent variables, similar statistical measures could
iments. Although there are many different approaches to be considered across time points. Although these strategies
active learning, these methods often use a supervised ML allow ML models to be fit by various algorithms, they may
algorithm to process the data that have already been col- also introduce bias.
lected.55 To select new data for labeling, an active learning More sophisticated approaches to handle missing
algorithm may identify unlabeled samples that have the data for time-dependent variables include model-based
greatest prediction uncertainty. These samples will be more imputation (e.g., regression model of height and weight
informative compared with samples with high prediction in children). Another model-based imputation is the
certainty, thus allowing greater improvement in prediction K-nearest neighbor. The assumption with K-nearest neigh-
accuracy. bor is that a missing point value can be approximated by
the values of the nonmissing points that are closest to it
AND VALIDATION For established pharmacometric analyses, several effec-
Data curation and preparation tive strategies to handle missing data have been described
Every ML experiment begins with data curation on the in the literature.69 Handling missing data is usually quite chal-
data required to build a model (i.e., training data); indeed, lenging, and strategies to address it need to be executed in
a common saying is that a model will be only as good as the context of the problem at hand. Often, a combination of
the data from which it is derived.56,57 Modelers typically different methods might be required to effectively manage
rely on data generated (and, more recently, even c ompiled) missing data.
by other scientists. Therefore, data quality is often highly
dependent on the data providers. Although often an
overlooked aspect, data curation and preparation are Overfitting is gaining explanatory power of the training data
cornerstone to develop reliable models. Common issues by sacrificing generalizability (i.e., predictive ability for rel-
related to data curation and preparation are described in evant data sets not used in the model building). As in any
the next sections. Good practices for the curation of chem- learning task, memorizing peculiarities of the training data
ical data sets in drug discovery are presented in Box 2. (i.e., fitting noise) is discouraged because the goal of learn-
ing is to envision a general principle that can be later applied
Outliers. Data entry or experimental errors can introduce to other scenarios or cases. According to the principle of
observations that appear to be inconsistent with the parsimony, one should use the simplest model or method
rest of the data. Data curation includes identifying and that delivers the pursued performance level (e.g., avoid
potentially removing or correcting outliers.64 The modeler using NN or random forest if a single linear model provides
could also perform a sensitivity analysis by rerunning an adequate solution). This also means to avoid including
the model without the outliers and comparing the model more parameters and/or covariates than required.70 Models
results. that explain too well the training data usually experience
Because many data sets for ML are large, manually iden- a sharp drop in performance when making predictions for
tifying and handling outliers may not be possible. However, new data.
one may be able to summarize the covariate ranges and vi- Overfitting may be addressed in a retrospective manner
sually inspect the distributions to identify outliers or ranges (i.e., after model development) using adequate model vali-
where outliers fall. Heuristic or statistical/mathematical dation procedures (refer to the Model Validation section) or
methods to detect and handle data outliers can be per- in a prospective manner (i.e., before model development).
formed in a semiautomated manner.65,66 The distinction between retrospective and prospective ap-
proaches to avoid overfitting is philosophically similar to the
Missing data. Another challenge with data preparation is distinction between quality control and quality assurance.
handling missing data. Missing data are not unusual, often In the context of computer-aided drug discovery and devel-
the result of missed data collection or entry and issues with opment of ML models, both prospective and retrospective
data processing. Although some ML algorithms, such as approaches are utilized.
random forest, can handle missing data, most algorithms Prospective avoidance of overfitting usually involves a
do not perform well with missing data. rule of thumb regarding the ratio of training observations
There are several strategies to handle missing data. The to covariates included in the model. A minimum ratio of
first step should be to find the number of the missing values 5:1 is often recommended for multivariate regression ap-
and visualize their distribution. Packages in R and Python proaches,60,71 but a more conservative ratio of 10:1 is
such as VIM67 and missingno68 can aid in this process. As safer.
An approach called regularization can help avoid over- Test data sets can be used for regularization by early stopping,
fitting when using complex, flexible ML approximations.72 i.e., stopping further training when the error on the validation
Regularization techniques are neither prospective nor retro- data set increases, as this is a warning of overfitting.74
spective, but somewhat in the middle, as they are applied Overfitting can depend on the number of tested covari-
“on the fly” while training the model. For example, dropout ates in the model.75 If covariates are added in an univariate
is a regularization technique used in the context of DNN; it or stepwise manner, then one must consider the inflation of
consists of removing or ignoring randomly selected neurons the false positive rate or Type I error as a result of multiple
during training, resulting in a network that is capable of bet- comparison, i.e., the larger the number of covariate mod-
ter generalization.73 Moreover, for complex ML approaches els tested, the greater the probability of finding significant
that require tuning hyperparameters (e.g., learning rate and covariates by chance. For instance, if one statistical test
number of hidden units in a neural network), the models are is performed at the 0.05 α level and the null hypothesis is
usually interrogated by a third data set (besides traditional true, there is a 5% chance of incorrectly rejecting the null
training and holdout sets), which is called a “test data set.” hypothesis (i.e., false positive or Type I error); however, if
ML in Drug Discovery and Development
Talevi et al.
10 independent statistical tests are performed and the null called the training subset and the holdout subset. The
hypotheses are true, the family-wise error rate is 40%. If model is developed using the training subset only and
these “false positive” covariates are then included in model, used to make predictions for the holdout subset. Then, at
this will contribute to overfitting. We have observed that the the minimum, a measure of the residuals (e.g., difference
use of small random subsets of descriptors (a “random sub- between the observed and model predicted values) could
space” approximation) is a useful strategy to mitigate the be used to evaluate the model performance. However,
chance of spurious correlations.76 Ensemble learning, which evaluation results can have a high variability, depending
is the combination of individuals models into a meta-model on which data points end up in the training vs. the test
(e.g., random forest), can also improve model robustness. subset.80 Ensuring that the data set is split randomly and
relevant variables are balanced among the subsets can
Model validation help mitigate this issue.
Model validation is performed to assess the model’s pre- K-fold cross-validation is an improvement of the hold-
dictive performance when it is used to make predictions out method.80 The training data set is randomly divided into
for relevant data that were not used for model building. A K equal or nearly equal subsets (also called “folds”) and
validated model is expected to make sufficiently accurate then K-1 parts of it are systematically used for model de-
predictions for the intended use (i.e., to have sufficient pre- velopment and the remaining fraction is reserved for model
dictive performance). Model validation includes a series evaluation. The process is repeated until each part has
of techniques for quantitative assessment of the model been once removed from the training data set. Averaging
stability and predictive power;77,78 it serves to detect the the predictive performance on the folds allows computing
occurrence of overfitting and chance correlations (when a confidence interval for the parameter estimates, for in-
no cause–effect relationship is encoded in the correlation). stance. Although the training data set should be randomly
Validation techniques can be roughly classified into internal divided into K parts, one may want to ensure that relevant
and external validation approaches. variables are balanced among the K parts. The advantage
of this method is that the variability in evaluation results
External validation. External validation is the most as a result of the splits of the data set is attenuated, with
stringent type of model validation.77,79 Here, the validation the reduction magnitude being directly proportion to the
data set should be completely independent from the training size of K.80 Leave-one-out cross-validation is a K-fold
data set—e.g., a different study altogether. For instance, cross-validation with K equal to N, where N is the number
a model was developed using a sample of subjects with of independent experimental units (i.e., subjects within a
disease X (training data set), and the intended use for the study). Although K-fold cross-validation methods are more
model is to make predictions of any sample of subjects computationally intensive, they can be automated using
with disease X outside of the training data set. A successful packages such as caret (refer to the Resources section).
external validation may rely on the following assumptions: Cross-validation has also been implemented in Perl-speaks
(i) the training data set is representative of the general NONMEM as part of the stepwise covariate modeling
population with disease X, and (ii) the validation data set is procedure.81
a sample of the population with disease X, consequently, a
sample of the training data set. Data leakage
The validation data set must not be used at any stage of Data leakage is a common and critical mistake when de-
the model development or selection. If this condition is not veloping ML models. Definitions for data leakage include
met, then an additional external validation data set would be the following: (i) it is “when information from outside the
required as a more definitive proof of the model predictive training data set is used to create the model”82 or (ii)
ability.57 For instance, if multiple models are built and the “when the data you are using to train a ML algorithm hap-
best models are selected based on the predictive perfor- pen to have the information you are trying to predict.”83
mance for the validation data set, then this is not an external Data leakage may reduce the generalization of the model
validation. Something similar occurs when a model ensem- (overfitting), overestimate model performance, and/or
ble is built using a selective ensemble procedure based completely invalidate the model. A common example of
on the performance on a holdout set; in this case, a third data leakage is leaking data from the test or validation
validation sample should be included as solid proof of the data set into the training set:82–84
ensemble predictive power.
• Perform data preparation (e.g., variables normalization)
Internal validation. Cross-validation is one of the most or featuring engineer in the whole data set before
frequently used internal validation procedures. It can splitting into training and validation data sets
be used when an external validation data set is not • In time-series data:
available or is prohibitively expensive to obtain. However,
it is important to understand that internal validation a Sample time points instead of experimental units
methods can be considered overoptimistic in the sense (e.g., subjects) when setting aside the validation
that a successful internal validation does not guarantee data set
transportability. b Include time-varying predictors that are correlated
The simplest type of cross-validation is the holdout with time and have a similar distribution between the
method.80 The analysis data set is split into two subsets training and validation data sets
Other examples are:82–84 concentrations of less than 20 µM (n = 116), and the remain-
ing compounds were considered inactive (n = 140).
• Leaking the correct prediction into the test data (e.g., For reproducibility, Supplementary Material S3 carries
use the response itself as a predictor) the data set with the 256 compounds (polyamines_data-
• Leaking of information from the future into the past set.csv). The first column of the data set contains a code
• Reversing randomization or anonymization of data that for each compound, with the compounds labeled as
were intentionally included “AXXX” belonging to the active class, and the compounds
• Include information from data that is outside of the ap- labeled as “IXXX” belonging to the inactive class. The
plication scope for the model second column is a binary dependent variable (named
“ActivityClass”) that takes values of 0 for the inactive com-
Recommendations to avoid data leakage include:82–84 pounds and values of 1 for the active compounds. Other
data set columns are the 3,668 molecular descriptors that
• Remove incremental identification fields from the were computed with Dragon 6.0 (commercial software,
data set Milano Chemometrics & QSAR Research Group, Syracuse,
• When possible, remove predictors that are correlated Italy); these descriptors can be used to evaluate molecular
with time from time-series data sets structure-activity relationships as well as high-throughput
• Conduct data preparation and feature engineering sepa- screening of molecule databases.86 Common examples of
rately for the training and validation data sets. In the case molecular descriptors are molecular weight and number
of cross-validation, this should be done within the cross- of atoms.
validation folds The procedure for the analysis is the following:
• In time-series data, perform nested cross-validation to
evaluate performance: select a particular time value (t) 1. A series of packages required for data analysis pur-
and, for instance, establish that all data points lower than poses are installed
(or equal to) t will be part of the training set, and all data 2. Working directory is set
points greater than (or equal to) t will be part of the valida- 3. Data set with the 256 compounds is read
tion data set 4. A random and balanced training data set with 87 active
• Use an unseen validation data set as a final check and 87 inactive compounds is obtained. The data set
consisting of 256 polyamine analogs was divided into
two groups using a representative sampling proce-
A REPRODUCIBLE EXAMPLE dure: (i) training data set, which was used to develop
ML model to guide drug repurposing: Searching for or “train” the models, and (ii) test data set, which was
novel inhibitors of putrescine uptake in Trypanosoma used to internally validate the models. Of the com-
cruzi (T. cruzi) pounds, 75% (n = 87) in the active group were kept for
This example is an adaptation of the work of Alberca et al.76 the training data set; an equal number of compounds
to obtain a ML model for the subsequent search for drugs (n = 87) were taken from the inactive group (62.1% of the
against T. cruzi, i.e., putrescine uptake inhibitors. T. cruzi is a inactive group). To obtain a balanced training data set,
parasite that is transmitted to animals and people by insect we have undersampled the inactive group. A balanced
vectors and causes Chagas disease, a neglected tropical in- training data set prevents model bias toward predict-
fectious disease endemic to Latin America.85 Putrescine is a ing a specific category (i.e., active vs. inactive). In the
low-molecular-weight polyamine with crucial importance for original article, Alberca et al.76 sampled the 87 com-
the parasite survival.76 Different from humans, T. cruzi cannot pounds from the active and inactive groups through a
synthesize putrescine and must uptake it from the human two-step clustering approach (hierarchical clustering
host via a high-affinity putrescine transporter; this makes followed by K-means) to ensure representativity. For
putrescine uptake an attractive target for drugs against simplicity, we have omitted this sampling approach in
T. cruzi.76 this example.
Alberca et al.76 developed a linear regression model
using small random subsets of descriptors (a random # Obtain a random and balanced training data set
subspace approximation) followed by an ensemble- with 87 active
learning procedure to combine the results (Supplementary # and 87 inactive compounds
Material S1).76 Although we follow the data set pre- set.seed(123)
processing (i.e., creation of the training and validation
random _ sample <- strata(data = data set, strata-
data sets) of Alberca et al., a random forest model
and a LASSO model are developed for demonstration names = "ActivityClass",
(Supplementary Material S2). size = c(87, 87), method = "srswor" )
For model development and validation, a data set com- training _ set <- data set[random _ sample$ID _ unit, ]
posed of 256 polyamine analogs (previously assayed against
T. cruzi) was compiled from literature.76 The 256 compounds 5. Columns (i.e., variables) with missing values or scarcely
were labeled as “active” or “inactive” according to their informative descriptors (constant or almost constant
half-maximal effective concentrations against T. cruzi. The values) are then removed to yield the final training
active group were compounds with half-maximal effective data set with 1,608 predictors:
ML in Drug Discovery and Development
Talevi et al.
with the fact that the random forest model is interrogated "on # Format x and y variables as required (x as a
the fly" by a test data set (one third of the training data set) matrix, y as a list of # values)
make for a powerful ML algorithm. In this example, however, x <- as.matrix(training _ set[ , -1]) # Removes
interpreting an ensemble of 500 trees with more than a thou- ActivityClass
sand predictors is rather cumbersome, and the modeler may
y <- as.double(as.matrix(training _ set[ , 1])) #
want to investigate the performance of a simpler model.
Therefore, we also developed a logistic regression model: Only ActivityClass
x _ test <- as.matrix(testing _ set[ , -1]) #
# 10-fold cross-validation
Removes ActivityClass
y _ test <- as.double(as.matrix(testing _ set[ , 1]))
fitControl <- trainControl(
# Only ActivityClass
method = "cv",
# Use default parameters
number = 10)
# alpha=1 is the lasso penalty, and alpha=0 the
# Logistic regression model training
ridge penalty.
logistic _ model <-train(ActivityClass ~ .,
# Logistic regression (family=’binomial’), as we
data = training _ set,
have a
method = "glm",
# binary response. Here, we already perform 10-
family = "binomial",
fold cross
maxit = 100,
# validation to choose the best λ.
trControl = fitControl)
## Predicting on training set and checking clas-
cv _ lasso <- cv.glmnet(x, y, family = 'binomial',
sification accuracy
alpha = 1,
pred _ training _ logistic <- predict(logistic _
type.measure = 'class')
model, training _ set)
# lengthy output suppressed
mean(pred _ training _ logistic == training _
# best lambda
cv _ lasso$lambda.min
# 1
# 0.02904885
table(pred _ training _ logistic, training _ set$Ac-
# extract only non-zero coefficients
extract.coef(cv _ lasso)
# pred _ training _ logistic 0 1
# or equivalent
# 0 87 0
coef(cv _ lasso, s = "lambda.min")[which(coef(cv _
# 1 0 87
## Predicting on testing set and checking classi-
s = "lambda.min") != 0)]
fication accuracy
# results 44 non-zero coefficients
pred _ testing _ logistic <- predict(logistic _
# Predicting on validation set and check classi-
model, testing _ set)
fication accuracy
mean(pred _ testing _ logistic == testing _ set$Ac-
pred _ testing _ lasso <- predict(cv _ lasso, newx
= x _ test,
# 0.5609756
type = "class",
table(pred _ testing _ logistic, testing _ set$Ac-
s = "lambda.min")
mean(pred _ testing _ lasso == y _ test)
# pred _ testing _ logistic 0 1
# 0.7682927
# 0 31 14
table(pred _ testing _ lasso, y _ test)
# 1 22 15
# y _ test
ML in Drug Discovery and Development
Talevi et al.
vs. 79.3%). Whether the percent reduction in PPV with In pharmacometric analysis, models are often used to sim-
LASSO justifies the choice of the random forest model ulate new data. However, many ML models do not describe
though will depend of the context in which the model will the variability in the outcome as a model parameter, thus
be applied. Herein, the fit-for-purpose context goes be- making the simulation process more difficult. If new simulated
yond knowing that the model will be applied to screen for outcome data are required, and the covariates are provided,
potential drug candidates to treat against T. cruzi. For in- one approach is to start with the model predictions and add
stance, let us assume that an “active” classification from random noise with a variance determined by the model accu-
the model will be the gold standard on deciding whether racy for the test or validation data set. However, this approach
to translate the compound to a clinical trial in the disease may not work when there are repeated measurements within
population. In this case, having a model with a higher PPV subjects because model accuracy alone does not distinguish
is probably warranted. On the other hand, if the model will between intersubject and intrasubject variability.
be used to generate a short list of compounds (i.e., get- This first part of our work presented a tutorial on ML
ting rid of probable inactive compounds) to be tested in concepts and technical aspects. With such knowledge, the
a series of more definitive in vitro tests, then the LASSO reader will be able to follow the second part of our work,
would be expected to perform similarly to the random for- which is an overview on applications of ML in drug discov-
est model (NPV of 83% and 81% for LASSO and random ery, drug development, and the postapproval phase.
forest, respectively). In summary, there is no absolute best
ML algorithm. Supporting Information. Supplementary information accompa-
nies this paper on the CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology
RESOURCES website (
The popularity and widespread adoption of ML across in- Supplementary Material S1.
dustry has helped create versatile tools and resources for Supplementary Material S2.
researchers to build a variety of ML models. For the ben- Supplementary Material S3.
efit of our readers, we have compiled a list of open source Funding. No funding was received for this work.
tools and learning resources related to ML (Table 1).
Although the list is not exhaustive, it contains a useful col- Conflict of Interest. The authors declared no competing interests
lection of tools based on our experience with building ML for this work.
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