Estimating and Costing Class 10
Estimating and Costing Class 10
Estimating and Costing Class 10
Building and
Surendra Maharjan
Table of Contents
1 water power engineering................................................................................................................2
1.1 General Layout Plan of Hydropower Project...........................................................................2
1.2 Intakes.................................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Type of Hydropower Projects..................................................................................................3
1.3.1 Run of River (ROR).........................................................................................................3
1.3.2 Peaking Run of River (PROR).........................................................................................3
1.4 Pressure - Void Ratio Curves.................................................................................................4
2 foundation engineering.................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Site Investigation and Soil Exploration of Bridge Sites............................................................5
2.2 Soil Exploration of Bridge Site.................................................................................................5
2.3 Earth Pressure and Retaining Structures................................................................................5
2.3.1 Plastic equilibrium in soils: Active and Passive States*....................................................5
2.3.2 lateral earth pressure theory............................................................................................5
2.3.3 Rankine's earth pressure theory......................................................................................8
In the beginning empirical approach was used for the design of concrete elements. Later elastic
theory was followed to limit stress in concrete and reinforcement within the elastic range. But limit
state method, semi empirical approach, is proved as the best method of design.
4.2 Intakes
It is a structure situated at the entrance of the canals or tunnels or pipes to draw the required quantity
of water from the river or reservoir and conveyed to the power house. They fulfill the following
It controls the flow of water in to the conveyance system. This is achieved by a gate or a valve.
It allows smooth, easy and turbulence free entry into the conveyance passages by flaring the inlet
mouth as a bell mouth entry.
It strops entering coarse river borne trash matter such as boulders, ice and logs of wood into the
conveyance passage.
throughThe main purpose of the test is to obtain the compressibility properties of a saturated soil for
use in determining the magnitude and rate of settlement of structures.
Loads are applied such that successive load intensity, p, is twice the preceding one. The load
intensities commonly used being 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 tonnes/ft2. Each load is allowed to stand
until compression has practically ceased (no longer than 24 hours). Sandy samples are compressed
relatively short time.
After the application of the greatest load for the test, the soil sample is allowed for expansion to have
the information about swelling nature of the soil, elastic properties and magnitudes of plastic or
permanent deformations.
a. Since the flow would vary throughout the year, ROR without storage schemes would run during
the monsoon flows and would otherwise remain shut during low flows.
b. Low to Medium head operation.
c. The clay layer is laterally confined.
d. Darcy's Law is valid.
e. The compression of the soil layer is due to the change in volume which, in turn, is due to the
expulsion of water from the void spaces.
f. Deformation of soil layer is in the direction of load application.
g. The coefficient of consolidation is constant during the consolidation.
Equilibrium void ratio at the end of any load increment may be determined by the change in volume
void ration method.
Change of Void Ratio Method
t= C+stanF ………….1.0