Product Conformity Certificate: Model Apna 370 Nox Analyser
Product Conformity Certificate: Model Apna 370 Nox Analyser
Product Conformity Certificate: Model Apna 370 Nox Analyser
Certification Ranges :
NO 0 to 1200 µg/m3
NO2 0 to 400 µg/m3
0 to 500 µg/m3
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Registered Office: Rake Lane, Eccleston, Chester, UK CH4 9JN
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Approved Site Application
On the basis of these tests this certificate is valid when the instrument is used on urban air
quality and similar applications.
Any potential user should ensure, in consultation with the manufacturer, that the air monitoring
system is suitable for the process on which it will be installed.
Basis of Certification
This certification is based on the following Test Report(s) and on Sira’s assessment and
ongoing surveillance of the product and the manufacturing process:
Product Certified
This certificate applies to all instruments fitted with software version P1000878001C onwards
(serial number 432866-10021 onwards).
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Certified Performance
The instrument was evaluated for use under the following conditions:
0.33 nmol/mol/K
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Test Results expressed as % of measured Other results MCERTS
value specification
<0.5 <1 <2 <5
Interference by NH3 (at concentration of 3.62 nmol/mol <5 nmol/mol
200 nmol/mol)
Interference by CO2 at concentration of 2.16 nmol/mol <5 nmol/mol
Interference by Ozone at concentration of 1.04 nmol/mol <2 nmol/mol
200 nmol/mol
Short term zero drift (over 12h) 0.1 nmol/mol <2 nmol/mol
Short term span drift (over 12h) 0.2 nmol/mol <6 nmol/mol
Long term zero drift (over 3months) Note 1 1.0 nmol/mol <5 nmol/mol
Long term span drift (over 3 months) Note 1 2.4 <5% of the max of
certification range
Note 1: Field test: The field test was performed at an urban site for 3 months.
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The APNA 370 ambient air analyser measures NOx using a combination of dual cross flow
modulation and the chemiluminescence (CLD) method. This monitor continuously measures
the concentrations of nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2, and NOx (NO + NO2) in the atmosphere.
The APNA 370 divides the sampled gas into two flows; one is used for NOx (NO + NO2)
concentration measurement by reducing NO2 to NO with a NOx converter; the other is used
for NO concentration measurement directly. An internal reference gas is also generated
internally. The NOx sample, NO sample and reference gas gases are switched to every 0.75s
with solenoid valves, and are introduced to the reaction chamber in turn. The concentrations
of NO2 are calculated from those of NO and NOx.
The analyser also has internal data storage capacity for three different mean value periods.
General Notes
1. This certificate is based upon the equipment tested. The Manufacturer is responsible for
ensuring that on-going production complies with the standard(s) and performance
criteria defined in this Certificate. The Manufacturer is required to maintain an approved
quality management system controlling the manufacture of the certified product. Both
the product and the quality management system shall be subject to regular surveillance
according to ‘Regulations Applicable to the Holders of Sira Certificates’. The design of
the product certified is defined in the Sira Design Schedule for certificate
No. Sira MC 070090/03.
2. If certified product is found not to comply, Sira Certification Service should be notified
immediately at the address shown on this certificate.
3. The Certification Marks that can be applied to the product or used in publicity material
are defined in ‘Regulations Applicable to the Holders of Sira Certificates’.
4. This document remains the property of Sira and shall be returned when requested by
the company.
This certificate may only be reproduced in its entirety and without change
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