Validation Report For Horiba Pockit
Validation Report For Horiba Pockit
Validation Report For Horiba Pockit
Assay description ................................................................................................................. 2
Diagnostic sensitivity and specificity (Clinical validation with confirmed positives and
negatives) .......................................................................................................................... 12
Summary ........................................................................................................................... 14
Assay description
1. What is the principle and method of the assay (Description of the assay according to
the manufacturer’s Instructions For Use (IFU))
2. Is the test a stand-alone device or test or to be used in conjunction with other devices
or tests?
The POCKIT™ Central Nucleic Acid Analyzer is intended to be used with the POCKIT
™ Central reagents.
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Residual VTM samples were used for analysis at Cumbria NHS Trust, Newcastle NHS
Trust and Sheffield NHS Trust. Standard materials were used for LOD and
performance characteristics analysis; supplied by National Medicines Laboratory
(London, UK), based in INSTAND material.
Equipment and reagents
List all equipment required that are supplied by the manufacturer with calibration/service
dates where applicable
Product components
• Fuses: 2A, 250V AC, f 5 × 20 mm fast-acting, low breaking capacity glass tube fuses
Testing capacity
[Insert title]
• List all reagents required that are not provided by the manufacturer with expiry dates
and storage conditions. Include positive and negative control materials.
• Disposable gloves
Performance characteristics
Sensitivity and linearity
1. Dilution series: ideally, this should be calculated using a validated standard dilution
series. If not possible (as standard material not available), use 5 clinical positive
replicates, with a 5 log dilution, plus 5 negatives. If feasible, repeat over several days,
different users/machines (feasibility may be limited due to availability of positive
material). Where dry swabs are to be used, known amounts of standard material
should be added to the swab, and then tested as per IFU.
[Insert title]
Material Day 1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 2 Day 2 Day 2 Day 3 Day 3 Day 3
2. Linearity and efficiency. Plot the data from 1. and calculate linearity and efficiency.
Compare data with that supplied by the manufacturer, if applicable.
3. Although the assay gives a qualitative result, it also gives a numerical readout. This is
not a linear relationship however; therefore, linearity and efficiency cannot be plotted.
4. Lowest Limits of Detection (LLOD). Where a validated standard dilution series was
used LLOD should be calculated, using data from 2., in copies/ml (to align with MHRA
TPP). Where clinical positive material is used, copies/ml cannot be calculated; median
CT value should be given for the lowest dilution detected from the samples used in 1.
5. The company stated LLOD is 6x104 copies/ml, which is outside the current POC TPP
criteria of 1x104 copies/ml (LLOD data is not stated within the IFU, but was provided
via a powerpoint slide). Results from dilution series demonstrate detection down to
2440copies/ml. Testing of standard material demonstrate consistent detection at
1x104 copies/ml with sporadic detection at 1x103 copies/ml. The LLOD is therefore
outside the POC TPP (desirable = 100copies/ml, acceptable = 1000 copies/ml).
[Insert title]
1. Intra-assay precision: use the data for 5 replicate values from a single day from
Performance Characteristics 1 to calculate Standard Deviation and Coefficient of
Variation measurement, with the values for the latter to be <10%.
Table 4. Results from positive and negative controls performed over successive days
Positiv Positiv Positiv Positiv Negati Negati Negati Negati
e e e e ve ve ve ve
Contro Contro Contro Contro control control control control
l l l l
25/06/20 positive negativ
1798 864 2.081 986 1067 0.9245
26/06/20 positive negativ
1459 917 1.5905 992 1057 0.9392
Positive control for one day (26/06/20): mean 1.65; SD 0.20; CV 11.95%; UoM 23.43%
Negative control for one day (26/06/20): mean0.98; SD 0.03; CV 3.35%; UoM6.56%
2. Inter-assay precision: use the data for 5 replicate values data from multiple days from
Performance Characteristics 1 for Standard Deviation & Coefficient of Variation with
the values for the latter to be <15%
3. Positive control on successive days: mean 1.81; SD 0.17; CV 9.26%; UoM 18.15%
4. Negative control on successive days: mean 0.97; SD 0.03; CV 2.90%; UoM 5.68%
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Diagnostic sensitivity and specificity
(clinical validation with confirmed
positives and negatives)
1. Diagnostic sensitivity. Confirmed clinical samples from patients (positive PCR result)
should be used. Preferably, depending on the availability of samples, ~150 samples
should be included to align with MHRA TPP. Clinical sensitivity (95% CI) and positive
predictive value (PPV) should be calculated in comparison with a CE reference
method that itself has good sensitivity and specificity.
Sensitivity = 95.7% (95% CI 91.0-98.1%), this meets the acceptable criteria for sensitivity
of the POC TPP (desirable>97% = acceptable = >80%). The CT values of the seven false
negative samples were 21, 35, 29, 27.9, 36.6, 36.2 and unavailable for n = 1.
CT range for 121/163 positive samples (CT values not available for 42 positive samples)
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2. Diagnostic specificity. Confirmed clinical samples from patients (negative PCR result)
should be used. Preferably, depending on the availability of samples, ~250 samples
should be included to align with MHRA TPP. Clinical specificity (95% CI) and negative
predictive value (PPV) should be calculated in comparison with a CE reference
method that itself has good sensitivity and specificity.
3. Specificity = 97.7% (95% CI 95.2-99.0%), this meets the acceptable criteria for
specificity of the POC TPP (desirable>99% = acceptable = >95%). Two samples that
gave a false positive result at one centre were removed from the analysis as they
repeated positive on a second comparator PCR, but with very late CT values that are
potentially beyond the LLOD of the assay.
TVG uses a wide range of sites in order to validate new technologies/tests. These
independent sites use a range of RT-qPCR assays against different genomic regions and
it is recognised that for some assay comparisons the sensitivity of RT-qPCR assay(s) may
subtly differ from the true sensitivity of the test if compared to the same genomic region.
The POCKIT detects the ORF1ab genomic region, while several of the comparator
assays used here detected sub genomic regions, such as E and N; this may slightly
decrease the performance of the assay in question to that seen here.
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