CH 21

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Electromagnetic Radiation

21.1 Visible light having a wavelength of 6 ´ 10 -7 m appears orange. Compute the frequency and energy
of a photon of this light.


In order to compute the frequency of a photon of orange light, we must use Equation 21.2 as

c 3 ´ 10 8 m /s
n = = = 5 ´ 10 14 s -1
l 6 ´ 10 -7 m

Now, for the energy computation, we employ Equation 21.3 as follows:

hc (6.63 ´ 10 -34 J - s)(3 ´ 10 8 m /s)

E = =
l 6 ´ 10 -7 m

= 3.31 ´ 10 -19 J (2.07 eV)

Light Interactions with Solids

21.2 Distinguish between materials that are opaque, translucent, and transparent in terms of their
appearance and light transmittance.


Opaque materials are impervious to light transmission; it is not possible to see through them.
Light is transmitted diffusely through translucent materials (there is some internal light scattering). Objects
are not clearly distinguishable when viewed through a translucent material.
Virtually all of the incident light is transmitted through transparent materials, and one can see clearly
through them.
Atomic and Electronic Interactions

21.3 (a) Briefly describe the phenomenon of electronic polarization by electromagnetic radiation. (b)
What are two consequences of electronic polarization in transparent materials?


(a) The phenomenon of electronic polarization by electromagnetic radiation is described in Section 21.4.
(b) Two consequences of electronic polarization in transparent materials are absorption and refraction.
Optical Properties of Metals

21.4 Briefly explain why metals are opaque to electromagnetic radiation having photon energies within
the visible region of the spectrum.


The electron band structures of metals are such that empty and available electron states are adjacent to
filled states. Electron excitations from filled to empty states are possible with the absorption of electromagnetic
radiation having frequencies within the visible spectrum, according to Equ ation 21.6. The light energy is totally
absorbed or reflected, and, since none is transmitted, the material is opaque.

21.5 In ionic materials, how does the size of the component ions affect the extent of electronic


In ionic materials, the larger the size of the component ions the greater the degree of electronic polarization.
21.6 Can a material have an index of refraction less than unity? Why or why not?


In order for a material to have an index of refraction less than unity, the velocity of light in the material (v)
would necessarily have to be greater than the velocity of light in a vacuum (Equation 21.7). This is not possible.
21.7 Compute the velocity of light in calcium fluoride (CaF 2), which has a dielectric constant r of 2.056
(at frequencies within the visible range) and a magnetic susceptibility of -1.43 ´ 10 -5.


We want to compute the velocity of light in calcium fluoride given that er = 2.056 and c = -1.43 ´ 10-5. The
HWKH YDOXHV RI e and m for calcium fluoride.
According to Equation 18.27

e = er e0 = (2.056) (8.85 ´ 10 -12 F/m) = 1.82 ´ 10 -11 F/m

Now, combining Equations 20.4 and 20.7

m = m 0 mr = m 0 (c m + 1)

= (1.257 ´ 10-6 H/m)(1 - 1.43 ´ 10-5 ) = 1.257 ´ 10-6 H/m

And, finally, from Equation 21.8

v =

(1.82 ´ 10 -11 F / m)(1.257 ´ 10 -6 H / m)

= 2.09 ´ 10 8 m/s
21.8 The indices of refraction of fused silica and a soda– lime glass within the visible spectrum are 1.458
and 1.51, respectively. For each of these materials determine the fraction of the relative dielectric constant at 60
Hz that is due to electronic polarization, using the data of Table 18.5. Neglect any orientation polarization effects.


The frequencies of visible radiation are on the order of 1015 Hz (Figure 21.2). At these frequencies only
electronic polarization is operable (Figure 18.34). Thus, er from Equation 21.10 is the electronic contribution to er ; let

us designate it as er' . Or, in other words

e'r = n 2

For fused silica

er' (silica) = (1.458)2 = 2.13

And, for soda-lime glass

er' (glass) = (1.51) 2 = 2.28

The fraction of the electronic contribution is just the ratio of er' and er , where er values are taken from Table 18.5 (4.0

and 6.9 for fused silica and soda-lime glass, respectively). Thus

er' (silica) 2.13

= = 0.53
er (60 Hz) 4.0


er' (glass) 2.28

= = 0.33
er (60 Hz) 6.9
21.9 Using the data in Table 21.1, estimate the dielectric constants for borosilicate glass, periclase
(MgO), poly(methyl methacrylate), and polypropylene, and compare these values with those cited in the table
below. Briefly explain any discrepancies.

Material Dielectric Constant

(1 MHz)
Borosilicate glass 4.65
Periclase 9.65
Poly(methyl methacrylate) 2.76
Polypropylene 2.30


This problem asks for us, using data in Table 21.1, to estimate the dielectric constants for borosilicate glass,
periclase (MgO), poly(methyl methacrylate), and polypropylene, and then to compare these values with those cited in
the table provided, and briefly explain any discrepancies. From Equation 21.10

er = n 2

Thus, for borosilicate glass, since n = 1.47

er = (1.47) 2 = 2.16

Similarly, for periclase

er = (1.74) 2 = 3.03

And, for PMMA

er = (1.49) 2 = 2.22

For polypropylene

er = (1.49) 2 = 2.22
When we compare the values of er for the polymers with those in the table at frequencies of 1 MHz, there is

reasonable agreement (i.e., 2.22 versus 2.76 for PMMA, and 2.22 versus 2.30 for polypropylene). However, for
borosilicate glass and periclase there are some significant discrepancies (i.e., 2.16 versus 4.65 for the borosilicate
glass, and 3.03 versus 9.65 for the periclase). The reason for these discrepancies is that for these two materials an
ionic component to the dielectric constant is present at 1 MHz, but is absent at frequencies within the visible
electromagnetic spectrum, which frequencies are on the order 109 MHz (1015 Hz). These effects may be noted in
Figure 18.34.
21.10 Briefly describe the phenomenon of dispersion in a transparent medium.


Dispersion in a transparent medium is the phenomenon wherein the index of refraction varies slightly with
the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation.

21.11 It is desired that the reflectivity of light at normal incidence to the surface of a transparent medium
be less than 6.0%. Which of the following materials in Table 21.1 are likely candidates: silica glass, Pyrex glass,
corundum, spinel, polystyrene, and polytetrafluoroethylene? Justify your selection(s).


For this problem we want to compute the maximum value of n s in Equation 21.13 that will give R = 0.060.

Then we are to consult Table 21.1 in order to ascertain which of the materials listed have indices of refraction less
than this maximum value. From Equation 21.13

(ns - 1)2 ns2 - 2 ns + 1

0.060 = =
(ns + 1)2 ns2 + 2 ns + 1

or, upon rearrangement

0.94 ns2 - 2.12 ns + 0.94 = 0

The value of n s is determined by using the quadratic equation solution as follows:

- (-2.12) ± (- 2.12) 2 - (4)(0.94)(0.94)

ns =

2.12 ± 0.98

The two solutions are: n s(+) = 1.65 and n s(– ) = 0.606. The n s(+) solution is the one that is physically reasonable.

Thus, of the materials listed, silica glass, Pyrex glass, polystyrene, and PTFE have indices of refraction less than 1.65,
and would be suitable for this application.
21.12 Briefly explain how reflection losses of transparent materials are minimized by thin surface


The thickness and dielectric constant of a thin surface coating are selected such that there is destructive
interference between the light beam that is reflected from the lens-coating interface and the light beam that is
reflected from the coating-air interface; thus, the net intensity of the total reflected beam is very low.
21.13 The index of refraction of corundum (Al2O3) is anisotropic. Suppose that visible light is passing from
one grain to another of different crystallographic orientation and at normal incidence to the grain boundary.
Calculate the reflectivity at the boun dary if the indices of refraction for the two grains are 1.757 and 1.779 in the
direction of light propagation.


This problem calls for a calculation of the reflectivity between two corundum grains having different
orientations and indices of refraction (1.757 and 1.779) in the direction of light propagation, when the light is at
normal incidence to the grain boundary. We must employ Equation 21.12 since the beam is normal to the grain
boundary. Thus,

æ n - n ö2
R = ç 2 1
è n2 + n1 ø

æ 1.779 - 1.757 ö2
= ç ÷ = 3.87 ´ 10 -5
è 1.779 + 1.757 ø

21.14 Zinc telluride has a band gap of 2.26 eV. Over what range of wavelengths of visible light is it


This problem asks us to determine the range of visible light wavelengths over which ZnTe (Eg = 2.26 eV) is

transparent. Only photons having energies of 2.26 eV or greater are absorbed by valence-band-to-conduction-band
for visible light is 1.8 eV (Equation 21.16b), which corresponds to a wavelength of 0.7 mm. From Equation 21.3, the
wavelength of a photon having an energy of 2.26 eV (i.e., the band-gap energy) is just

l =
(4.13 ´ 10 -15 eV - s)(3 ´ 10 8 m /s)
E 2.26 eV

= 5.5 ´ 10-7 m = 0.55 mm

Thus, pure ZnTe is trans parent to visible light having wavelengths between 0.55 and 0.7 mm.
21.15 Briefly explain why the magnitude of the absorption coefficient (β in Equation 21.18) depends on
the radiation wavelength.


The magnitude of the absorption coefficient (b in Equation 21.18) depends on the radiation wavelength for
intrinsic insulators and semiconducting materials. This is because, for photons having energies less than the band-
gap energy (or in terms of wavelength, when l > ), photon absorption due to valence-band-to-conduction-band

electron transitions are not possible, and, therefore, the value of b will be relatively small. On the other hand, when
photons having energies equal to or greater than the band gap energy (i.e., when l £ ) these electron transitions

by the absorption of photons will occur with the result that the magnitude of b will be relatively large.
In addition, there may be impurity levels that lie within the band gap (Section 21.7) from or to which electron
excitations may occur with the absorption of light radiation at specific wavelengths.
21.16 The fraction of nonreflected radiation that is transmitted through a 10-mm thickness of a
transparent material is 0.90. If the thickness is increased to 20 mm, what fraction of light will be transmitted?


In this problem we are asked to calculate the fraction of nonreflected light transmitted through a 20-mm
thickness of transparent material, given that the fraction transmitted through a 10-mm thickness is 0.90. From
Equation 21.18, the fraction of nonreflected light transmitted is just IT' / I 0' . Using this expression we must first

determine the value of b; this is possible by algebraic manipulation of Equation 21.18. Dividing both sides of the
equation by I 0' , and then taking natural logarithms leads to

æ ' ö
çI ÷
ln ç T ÷ = - bx
çI ' ÷
è 0ø

Now solving for b and also incorporating values for IT' / I 0' and x provided in the problem statement gives

æ ' ö
1 I
b =- ln ç T ÷
x ç I' ÷
è 0ø

æ 1 ö
= - ç ÷ ln (0.90) = 1.05 ´ 10 -2 mm -1
è 10 mm ø

And computation of IT' / I 0' when x = 20 mm (Equation 21.18) is as follows:

= exp (- bx)
I 0'

[ ]
= exp - (1.05 ´ 10 -2 mm-1)(20 mm) = 0.81

21.17 Derive Equation 21.19, starting from other expressions given in the chapter.


The problem asks that we derive Equation 21.19, which is

IT = I 0 (1 - R) 2 e- bl

If we examine Figure 21.7, at the front (or left) interface, some of the incident beam having intensity I0 is reflected.
Since IR = I0R at this surface, then

IT' = I 0 - I 0 R = I 0 (1 - R)

in which IT' is the intensity of the nonreflected beam at the front surface that is transmitted.

Now there will be absorption of this transmitted beam as it passes through the solid and transparent medium
according to Equation 21.18. Just inside the back (or right) interface, the beam has passed through a thickness l of
this material (x = l) and, therefore, the intensity of the transmitted beam at this point (I '' ) is just

IT'' = I 0 (1 - R) e- bl

Finally, a second reflection will occur at the back interface as the beam passes out of the medium. The
intensity of the reflected beam (I '' ) is just

I R'' = I T'' R = I 0 R(1 - R) e- bl

And the intensity of the final transmitted beam (IT) becomes

IT = IT'' - I R''

= I 0 (1 - R) e- bl - I 0 R(1 - R) e- bl

= I 0 (1 - R) 2 e- bl
which is Equation 21.19, the desired expression.
21.18 The transmissivity T of a transparent material 20 mm thick to normally incident light is 0.85. If the
index of refraction of this material is 1.6, compute the thickness of material that will yield a transmissivity of 0.75.
All reflection losses should be considered.


We are asked to compute the thickness of material to yield a transmissivity of 0.75 given that T is 0.85 when
l = 20 mm, n = 1.6, and for normally incident radiation. The first requirement is that we calculate the value of b for this
material using Equations 21.13 and 21.19. The value of R is determined using Equation 21.13 as

R =
(ns - 1)2
(ns + 1)2

(1.6 - 1) 2
= = 5.33 ´ 10 -2
(1.6 + 1) 2

Now, it is necessary to compute the value of b using Equation 21.19. Dividing both sides of Equation 21.19 by I0(1 –

R)2 leads to

= e -bl
I 0 (1 - R) 2

And taking the natural logarithms of both sides of this expression gives

é IT ù
lnê ú = - bl
êë I (1 - R) 2 úû

and solving for b we get

é IT ù
1 ê ú
b =- ln
l êë I (1 - R) 2 úû

Since the transmissivity is T is equal to IT/I0, then the above equation takes the form

1 é T ù
b=- ln ê ú
l ëê (1 - R) 2 úû
Using values for l and T provided in the problem statement, as well as the value of R determined above, we solve for
b as

æ 1 ö é 0.85 ù
b= -ç ÷ ln ê - 2 2 ú = 2.65 ´ 10 -3 mm -1
è 20 mm ø ë (1 - 5.33 ´ 10 ) û

Now, solving for l when T = 0.75 using th e rearranged form of Equation 21.19 above

1 é T ù
l=- ln ê 2 ú
b ë (1 - R) û

1 é 0.75 ù
= - -3 -1
ln ê -2 2 ú
2.65 ´ 10 mm ë (1 - 5.33 ´ 10 ) û

= 67.3 mm

21.19 Briefly explain what determines the characteristic color of (a) a metal and (b) a transparent


(a) The characteristic color of a metal is determined by the distribution of wavelengths of the nonabsorbed
light radiation that is reflected.
(b) The characteristic color of a transparent nonmetal is determined by the distribution of wavelengths of
the nonabsorbed light radiation that is transmitted through the material.
21.20 Briefly explain why some transparent materials appear colored while others are colorless.


For a transparent material that appears colorless, any absorption within its interior is the same for all visible
wavelengths. On the other hand, if there is any selective absorption of visible light (usually by electron excitations),
the material will appear colored, its color being dependent on the frequency distribution of the transmitted light beam.
Opacity and Translucency in Insulators

21.21 Briefly describe the three absorption mechanisms in nonmetallic materials.

The three absorption mechanisms in nonmetallic materials involve electronic polarization, electron
transitions, and scatW
21.22 Briefly explain why amorphous polymers are transparent, while predominantly crystalline polymers
appear opaque or, at best, translucent.


Amorphous polymers are normally transparent because there is no scattering of a light beam within the
material. However, for semicrystalline polymers, visible light will be scattered at boundaries between amorphous and
crystalline regions since they have different indices of refraction. This leads to translucency or, for extensive
scattering, opacity, except for semicrystalline polymers having very small crystallites.

21.23 (a) In your own words describe briefly the phenomenon of luminescence.
(b) What is the distinction between fluorescence and phosphorescence?


(a) The phenomenon of luminescence is described in Section 21.11.

(b) The feature that distinguishes fluorescence from phosphorescence is the magnitude of the time interval
between photon absorption and reemission events. Fluorescence is for delay times less than a second;
phosphorescence occurs for longer times.
21.24 In your own words, briefly describe the phenomenon of photoconductivity.

The phenomenon of photoconductivity is explained in Section 21.12.

21.25 Briefly explain the operation of a photographic lightmeter.


A photographic light meter is used to measure the intensity of incident light radiation. Each photon of
incident light induces a valence-band-to-conduction band electron transition in which both electrons and holes are
produced, as depicted in Figure 21.5a. The magnitude of the photoinduced current resulting from these transitions is
registered, which is proportional to the numbers of electrons and holes, and thus, the number of incident photons, or,
equivalently, the intensity of the incident light radiation.
21.26 In your own words, describe how a ruby laser operates.

Section 21.13 contains a description of the operation of a ruby laser.

21.27 Compute the difference in energy between metastable and ground electron states for the ruby laser.


This problem asks for the difference in energy between metastable and ground electron states for a ruby
laser. The wavelength of the radiation emitted by an electron transition from the metastable to ground state is cited
as 0.6943 mm. The difference in energy between these states, DE, may be determined from a combined form of
Equations 21.6 and 21.2, as

DE = hn =

(4.13 ´ 10 -15 eV - s)(3 ´ 10 8 m /s)
6.943 ´ 10 -7 m

= 1.78 eV
Optical Fibers in Communications

21.28 At the end of Section 21.14 it was noted that the intensity of light absorbed while passing through a
16-kilometer length of optical fiber glass is equivalent to the light intensity absorbed through for a 25-mm
thickness of ordinary window glass. Calculate the absorption coefficient β of the optical fiber glass if the value of β
for the window glass is 5 ´ 10 –4 mm–1.


This problem asks for us to determine the value of the absorption coefficient for optical fiber glass given
that b for window glass is 5 ´ 10-4 mm-1; furthermore, the intensity of nonabsorbed light transmitted through a 25-
mm thickness of window glass is equivalent to the nonabsorbed light transmitted through a 16-km length of the
optical fiber material. Using Equation 21.18, it is first necessary to compute the fraction of light transmitted through
the window glass—i.e., T . Thus
I 0'

= e-bx

= e- ( 5 ´ 10-4 mm-1 )( 25mm) = 0.9876

Now, solving for b from Equation 21.18 leads to

æ ö
1 ç IT' ÷
b = - lnç ÷
x çI' ÷
è 0ø

And substitution into this expression the above value for (0.9876) as well as parameters for the optical fiber
glass—x = 16 km = 16 ´ 103 m = 16 ´ 106 mm—yields

b=- ln (0.9876 ) = 7.80 ´ 10 -10 mm-1
16 ´ 10 6 mm

Atomic and Electronic Interactions

21.D1 Gallium arsenide (GaAs) and gallium phosphide (GaP) are compound semiconductors that have
room-temperature band gap energies of 1.42 and 2.25 eV, respectively, and form solid solutions in all proportions.
Furthermore, the band gap of the alloy increases approximately linearly with GaP additions (in mol%). Alloys of
these two materials are used for light-emitting diodes wherein light is generated by conduction band-to-valence
band electron transitions. Determine the composition of a GaAs–GaP alloy that will emit orange light having a
wavelength of 0.60 µm.


This problem stipulates that GaAs and GaP have room-temperature band gap energies of 1.42 and 2.25 eV,
respectively, that they form solid solutions in all proportions, that alloys of these two semiconductors are used for
light-emitting diodes wherein light is generated by conduction band-to-valence band electron transitions, and that
the band gap of a GaAs-GaP alloy increases approximately linearly with GaP additions (in mol%). We are asked to
determine the composition of an alloy that will emit red light having a wavelength of 0.60 mm. It first becomes
necessary to compute the band-gap energy corresponding to this wavelength of light using Equation 21.3 as

Eg =

(4.13 ´ 10 -15 eV - s)(3 ´ 10 8 m /s) = 2.065 eV
0.60 ´ 10 -6 m

Realizing that at 0 mol% GaP, Eg = 1.42 eV, while at 100 mol% GaP, Eg = 2.25 eV, it is possible to set up the


100 mol% - CGaP 2.25 eV - 2.065 eV

100 mol% - 0 mol% 2.25 eV - 1.42 eV

Solving for CGaP, the composition of GaP, we get CGaP = 77.7 mol%.

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