Having The Mind of Christ During An Election: Message Notes
Having The Mind of Christ During An Election: Message Notes
Having The Mind of Christ During An Election: Message Notes
Open your group in prayer, and remember that this is only a guide. Feel free to discuss each of the
provided questions in the message notes, or simply dive deeper into just one. Before you close with
prayer, take a few minutes to look over the Three Essential Questions towards the end of the
Message Notes
Talk It Over
Rick’s Message Goal: To be able to say this after this whole election is over:
“We have conducted ourselves in the world… with holiness and sincerity from God. And we’ve been
guided by God's grace, not by the human wisdom of this world.“ 2 COR. 1:12
Question 1
What are some ways you have sought God’s will during this election season?
Talk It Over
“The church is not peripheral to the world; the world is peripheral to the church! The church is Christ's
Body, in which he speaks and acts, and by which he fills everything with his presence.” EPH. 1:23 (MES)
Question 2
For people without faith, politics matters more than anything else. How does that contrast with the
biblical view?
2. Politicians: We’ll solve all your problems & save the world!
Jesus: Only I can save you & solve your worst problems
Talk It Over
“Do not put your trust in princes, who are mortal men. They cannot save you.” PS. 146:3 (NCV)
Question 3
How does knowing God is in control affect your mindset during this challenging time? How can we
encourage others, regardless of the election results, they can rely on God for his wisdom and
Talk It Over
“Make every effort to preserve the unity (in the church) which the Spirit gives us. Bind yourselves together
with peace. We are all one Body, we have the same Spirit, and we have all been called to the same
glorious future.” EPH. 4:3-4 (NLT)
“Welcome with open arms fellow believers who don't see things the way you do. And don't jump all over
them every time they do or say something you don't agree with.” ROM. 14:1 (MES)
Question 4
We are told in Romans to welcome fellow believers that don’t see things the way we do and to
remain peaceful with each other. Discuss some steps we can take to share our ideas to promote
Talk It Over
“A wise person's heart will lead in the right way. But the heart of a fool will always lead in the wrong way.”
ECCL. 10:2
Question 5
What are some good characteristics we look for in our leaders?
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Talk It Over
“Some day there will be a king who rules with integrity, and national leaders who govern with justice. Each
of them will be like a shelter from the wind and provide safe covering in storms. They will refresh others like
streams flowing in a desert, and the cool shadow of a giant rock in a hot, barren land. Their eyes and ears
will be open to the needs of the people. They will not be rash and reckless hotheads. Instead they will act
with understanding and they will say what they mean. In that day, ungodly fools will no longer be called
great and scoundrels won’t be given positions of honor. A foolish leader speaks foolishly and thinks up new
ways to do mischief. What he does and what he says are both an insult to the Lord! He never feeds the
hungry or gives thirsty people anything to drink. The scoundrel’s methods are wicked. He constantly lies, is
cruel and unmoved by the pleas of the poor and hurting, and he denies them justice and their rights. But a
good leader plans good things to do good, and those good things make him a good leader.”
ISA. 32:1-8 (TEV,NCV,NLT)
Question 6
Read Isaiah 32:1-8 aloud. Share with the group what part resonates with you the most and why.
1. What did you hear? What point in this message was most impactful for you?
2. What do you think? How did this message challenge, change, or affirm your thinking?
3. What will you do? How will you or your group put into practice what you’ve learned today?
Are you interested in the Bible and in helping small groups benefit from the weekend message? Well, you
are in luck! Saddleback members like you create these discussion guides each week. If you are interested in
joining the team, please email Maturity@saddleback.com