# A Vision Board

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Robert Leavitt
About the Author………………………………………………………………………………

What Is a Vision Board?...............................................................................................


Vision Board Styles……………………………………………………………………………


Supplies You'll Need to Create Your Vision Board………………………………………


Putting the Vision Board Together…………………………………………………………


Weight Loss and the Law of Attraction………………………………………………………


Career and the Law of Attraction……………………………………………………………


Relationships and the Law of Attraction……………………………………………………


Manifesting Money and the Law of Attraction………………………………………………


Education and the Law of Attraction…………………………………………………………


Health and the Law of Attraction……………………………………………………………


Adventures, Vacation, and Travel and the Law of Attraction……………………………


Spirituality and the Law of Attraction………………………………………………………


Updating Your Vision Board…………………………………………………………………

About The Author
Robert Leavitt is a life coach who works with individuals to help
them achieve their highest desires. A mixture of Christian,
Buddhism and modern psychology have all contributed to his
unique perspective and approach to life. He has multiple years of
experience in positive manifestation and enjoys teaching others
how to do the same for themselves. His short term goal in life is
to share his experiences with others, to help them break free of
individual pain and suffering. His ultimate vision includes all of
humanity waking up to their greatest potential so that peace, love
and compassion can flow freely between all of us.

By the end of this report you will have a better understanding of

Vision Boards.

Creating a Law of
Attraction Vision Board
The law of attraction is an amazing tool that
gives you control over your life and what
experiences and material things you invite into
your reality. What you think, feel, and believe
all have an underlying energy that dictates
your experience of the world.

This energy gets projected out into the

universe, whether it’s good or bad. You are
constantly transmitting the energetic frequency
of your thoughts, so it’s vital that you do
everything you can to keep that energy

This is because what you emit into the

universe is what you get back. Putting negative
energy out really does cause negative things
to flow toward you, which leads to
disappointment, disillusionment, and a lack of
fulfillment in your life.

The information provided in this report is designed to provide
helpful information on the subjects discussed. This book is not
meant to be used, nor should it be used to diagnose or treat any
medical condition. For diagnosis or treatment of any medical
problem consult your own physician. The author is not
responsible for any specific health or psychiatric needs that may
require medical supervision, and is not liable for any damages or
negative consequences from any treatment, action, application,
or preparation to any person reading or following the information
in this report

What Is a Vision Board?
A vision board (also referred to as a Map of Life, or a Law of Attraction
collage), is a board where you put pictures, words, and quotes that you've
found that support your hopes and dreams for the future.

These items are a representation of what you want to have happen in

your life. The purpose behind having a vision board is to create a powerful
image to focus on and draw to yourself the good things that you want.

It's the power of the Law of Attraction (LOA) that makes these things
come to pass.

This board can be as open and inclusive as you want it to be. The
possibilities are endless, and the more you focus on your dreams and
goals, the more positivity you will attract into your life.

On your board, you can put up photos of what you want to do in life. For
example, if you never finished college but want to, you would put up
pictures of a diploma or a cap & gown.

Everything that you want in life can go on the board, regardless of what it
is. If you want a certain kind of home in a particular neighborhood, go
ahead and put a photo or image of that home up on your board. If you
currently live in one state but long to move to another, you can put up
photos or words that depict the state that you desire.

If you'd like to go somewhere on vacation because you've always wanted

to go there but could never afford it, or could never get time off from work
to go, then you would include that. You can include photos and pieces of
travel brochures or tourist maps from that vacation spot on your vision

It’s okay to include small things too! If you'd like a particular purse or pair
of designer shoes, there's nothing wrong with putting those up on your
board as well. Your vision board is unique to your life desires.

Now, creating a vision board does not mean that there's a mythical fairy
godmother waiting in the wings to make all of this stuff that you desire
actually occur. This works because when you visualize something, you
subconsciously begin to alter the course of your life so that it begins to
reflect the things that you want as shown on your vision board.

These visuals give you a concrete projection of your desires,

and enable you to subconsciously start steering your life in that

Take this 30-second test to meet the 'hidden

adversary' in your mind

Vision Board Styles
While all vision boards cover certain aspects of life, there are many
possible types of boards you can create. Your vision board can be as
unique as you are. Below, I’ll describe three types of formats you can
use, but you are welcome to combine or differentiate the styles however
you wish.

The first kind of vision board is the “open to change” board. This board is
for you if you are unsure of what you specifically want to attract to your
life. Perhaps you’re seeking something, but you don’t really know what the
outcome of this more general idea looks like.

For example, you're seeking happiness, but you don't know what it would
take to make yourself happy. These kinds of boards can be fantastic
imaging tools because they can help the person who doesn't know what
they truly want to attract to discover exactly what they’re seeking.

To create these boards, you simply look for the images and words that
speak to you. It doesn't matter what it is. For some people, discovering
this kind of board has led them to making career changes, or making a
move that brought them profound joy after they realized their images were
leading them in a certain direction.

Another type of vision board that's popular is the “goal” vision board. This
one is for people who know precisely what they want in life. This is for
people who don't want to just "graduate college," but specifically want to
"graduate college with a teaching degree in science from school XYZ."

These boards are not as open as other boards, as they omit distractions
that can steer you away from your main goal. When you're doing a goal
specific board, you'll want to choose visuals that reflect your goals

Another kind of vision board is an “area” vision board. These boards are
for people who desire to use the Law of Attraction within a particular area
of their life. For example, if they've had a string of bad relationships they
can choose to create a relationship board to explore possible changes in
mindset around relationships that may solve their current struggle.

For this board, you would use images depicting the kind of relationship
you want to be in, and the unique facets of that relationship. These boards
are good for people that have begun to utilize the LOA, but are lacking in
a particular area.

People often discover that whatever area they aim to change was holding
some level of negative energy. Once they created the board, they were
able to see what they had been attracting, and how creating the board led
them to receive what they wanted instead.

Supplies You'll Need to Create Your
Vision Board
The first item that you'll have to get in order to create the vision board is
some sort of poster board or base for your project. Stores like Target,
Walmart, and Dollar Tree sell products that will work, usually in the
stationery or the school/office supply aisle.

Some people use the tri-fold presentation type boards, while others opt for
a sturdy piece of foam board. Regular poster board, or even wood will
work too! Whatever you get, make sure that the board is durable enough
to withstand the creation and update (more about that later) processes.

Once you have a base, write a list that brainstorms what you want to
attract into life. Then, begin to gather your images and any quotes or
words relating to your goals that you want to include on your board. List
everything that you imagine for yourself in the areas that you want to
change. For example, you could have a list dealing with your career, your
education, your finances, and your health.

Depending on how many areas you want to include on your board, you
may need to use an extra large one - or, you can make multiple boards
divided by category.

One way to get everything onto one board is to take a large square board
and cut it into a big circle. Then, divide that circle into triangles, like you
would slice a pizza. Each slice represents its own area of your life. Some
people choose to put a circle in the center of the board that holds a photo
of themselves, or an image or phrase that they feel represents them or
their goal.

Next up, you’ll need to gather up some magazines or other media that
contain phrases and images that inspire you. If you don't have a wide
variety of magazines at home already, try to find some free or cheap ones
to use for your board. Many libraries give away free magazines that
patrons donate to them.
You can also get slightly out of date magazines from doctor's offices or
other places with lobbies or waiting rooms just by asking. Also, you can
contact magazine publishers and ask for free samples.

Brochures with images on them that you may like are also available from
hair salons, car dealerships, real estate offices and more. You can even
print out any image that you find that suits your LOA desires.

Some stock photo sites have great images on a variety of topics that you
can buy fairly cheaply to use for your board. Usually, they provide a free
version of their images that may contain a watermark. This version works
just fine for a vision board. Or, you can just print out images that you find
for free on the Internet.

While it can be tempting to start putting the board together as you gather
the images, try to resist. You want to completely finish gathering all of the
images you’re going to use before you start to work on the layout, so that
you can make sure everything will fit.

Don't worry about having too many images if there are many dreams or
goals that you want to make realities. Your board can be neatly arranged
while having images and words that overlap each other. Use your style
and creativity to fit everything together how you like it.

You'll need a good pair of scissors to cut out images from the magazines
and other print media you’ve gathered. You'll also need an adhesive to
make the images stick to the base.

Avoid regular kid's school glue because this type of glue is very wet and
has a tendency to over-saturate the images, and make them soggy.
Even if you're careful to use only a little bit, white glue can still make the
images come out wrinkled.

Instead of school glue, you can use photo adhesive, or foam dots or
squares which are carried in the craft or photography section of many
retail stores. Some people use glue sticks or rubber cement, and those
will work well too.

Putting the Vision Board Together

If you're like most people, you may have collected an abundance of

images and words that speak to you. To help narrow down what should
go on your board, just follow your instincts.

Put the pieces that stand out the most to you on your board, grouping the
common themes together. For example, put things related to job or career
on one distinct area of the board.

If you want to return to college and that move could help you with your job
or career, then you could overlap both of these topics in adjacent areas.

Don't worry too much about trying to make the board look perfectly
organized or polished. That's not what this is about.

Building the board is about using the Law of Attraction to bring into your
life what you want the most, so use your board as a flexible tool that
reflects your genuine desire rather than trying to make it look perfect.

Once you've selected the images and things that you feel belong on your
board, you're going to want to create a pre-layout. This means arranging
the images and words on your board as you would want to attach them.

The item that’s most important to you should go in the very center of your
board. Remember, seeing these images creates within you positive
emotions, which in turn help you send out positive energy into the

Once you have the images organized the way that you want them placed
around your board, start working in any quotes, phrases, or words that
you want to include next. Some people use simple one-word

descriptions of what they want to attract to themselves such as "joy" or
"happiness" or "abundance." Others use phrases or full sentences. Feel
free to write inspirational or motivational thoughts by hand, too.

After you have the images and text placed where you know you want
them to stay, you can begin glueing.

When you’re ready to hang your board, make sure that you put it in a
place where you'll be able to see the images every day. This helps keep
the positive energy flowing out into the universe.

Creating your own vision board means you get to choose whichever type
you want to make.

Some people use just one kind of vision board while others make their
board a mixture of more than one kind. And just because you create a
specific style of vision board doesn't mean that it has to stay that way.

You can also allow for any changes that you want to make to the details.
The thing that stays consistent regardless of what kind of board you
choose to make is the areas where you want the LOA to work for you.

Some people call these areas themes. It can be helpful to choose a label
for each of the areas that you want to utilize the LOA, and then put the
details inside those areas that represent your goals.

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Weight Loss and the Law
of Attraction
If you want to attract health (and losing weight
is part of that health), make sure that you
address this in a positive manner. Too many
people bring negativity to their boards when
they define the weight loss part of their idea of
health with unkind words such as "fat" or

These words have a negative connotation.

Instead, choose words like "get fit" or "be
active" as your vision words. Some people
choose to put photos of athletes or fitness
gurus on their board as a reminder of their
goal. Including an image of yourself looking
happy can be a great motivator as well.

Career and the Law of Attraction
This is one of the biggest areas where people want the Law of Attraction
to work for them. That's because too many people feel stuck in jobs they
hate. All too often, people go to college, set off on one career path, and
then discover that it doesn't fulfill them or bring them the happiness they

A lot of young people fall prey to the idea that there is a certain way that
they "should" conduct their lives. Often times, they choose a particular
career field because a well-meaning parent or other mentor suggested
they should go into the field.

Perhaps they went into that field to please someone else, or because the
field offered a high paying salary. The Law of Attraction can help you to
better figure out how you need to change your job or career in order to
find fulfillment at work.

It could be that you're simply not happy with your job, and you dread going
to work. You might not even know what you’d rather do for money - you
just know that this isn't it.

One solution is to start looking through images that you could include in a
specific vision board focusing on the area of job or career. Just look
through the pictures of various vocational fields and notice what catches
your attention.

That pull you feel is probably your intuition telling you that your
subconscious desires that field of work. If it makes you feel happy rather
than negative, you can bet that's a good clue.

Now, you may be in a position that prevents you from simply up and
leaving your job or walking away from your current career. You might have
financial obligations that you can't just push aside.

What you can do is create your vision board and get that positive energy
flowing out into the universe.

When you literally see what it is that you want, you will unknowingly begin
to chart your course for that job or career. The LOA will guide you toward
people or opportunities that will make what you want to happen a reality.

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Relationships and the Law of Attraction
Creating a relationship section on your vision board can help you attract a
romantic partner. This can mean inviting a new relationship into your life.
Or, it can work to help you create the best relationship possible out of the
one that you already have.

Have you spent your life looking for the right person, but inevitably end up
with someone that is all wrong for you?. This could mean that you're
stuck in the cycle of spending time with the kind of person that doesn't
work well with your personality type. You break off one relationship only
to end up in another one exactly like it.

The good news is that this cycle can be broken. Even if all you've had a
string of bad relationships, the LOA can change that.

The relationship area will help you figure out what it is that you want out
of your relationships. Every person in the world wants to be loved and to
feel that they belong in a place where they're appreciated and respected.

This does not mean that you're supposed to be looking for a missing
piece of yourself. Everything that happens in your life is a result of the
LOA. Focus on adjusting your intentions, and you will find love for
yourself and from others.

Incorporating a relationship area on your LOA board means that you’re

looking to grow love, to attract it to you, and to find the kind that's positive
and right for you. A vision board for relationships can really help when
you seem to always end up with someone that's an unhealthy match for
you emotionally.

You can also create one if you've always been in relationships that
generate a lot of negativity. That negativity is the exact thing that makes
these relationships fail in the long term.

Your board can also focus on examples of happy couples together, rather
than just the one individual you're looking for. Look for images that show
couples being romantic or having fun or sharing a tender moment.

If you want someone with a great sense of humor, look for images and
words that portray that. If you want someone who's athletic or someone
who's into charitable causes, you would put that on your board.

For those who don't desire to have a romantic relationship in their lives,
but would like to attract good friends, a friendship board can be used in
place of a relationship board.

This will attract the kind of dear, life-long friends that you can count on to
bring enrichment to your life.

Or, you can also create a board that emphasizes achieving happiness as
a single person if you're trying to break free from a negative relationship.

Answer these 8 questions. Discover what's ~really~

holding you back.

Manifesting Money and the
Law of Attraction
Having an abundance of wealth is something that has a lot of power to do
good - not only in your own life, but in the lives of those that you'll help out
with that abundance.

If you've felt the strain of financial stress, then you know how much
negativity it can produce. So, whether you want to attract wealth for
yourself or as a way to help other people, an LOA money board can help.

In order to succeed, you need to shake any negative thoughts that you
have when it comes to money. Look at money as a means of freedom and
generosity, rather than focusing on what you don't have or what kind of
debt you've racked up.

When you're ready to start gathering images for this board, look for ones
that represent what money means to you. For some people, this will be
something as simple as a way to meet their basic needs of food, shelter,
and clothing.

For others, money represents a better lifestyle than the one they currently
have. The images you cut out or print can be ones that reflect how money
can enrich your life emotionally as well as physically.

You can include images with words like “success” and “freedom,” or other
phrases that represent a positive sentiment about money. You can use
quotes about money, and some people even take a picture of themselves
holding money or something of value and put it in the center of their
money vision board.

Education and the Law of Attraction
There are thousands of young people who want to go to college and
can't afford it. There are also thousands of older people who either
didn't finish college or didn't get the chance to go at all simply because
of their life’s journey.

Regardless of the reason, if you want to start or finish a college

education, you can attract that opportunity to yourself with an
education vision board. Start by finding an image of a college that
you'd like to attend.

You can even print off an application, shrink it to size and stamp
"accepted" across the front of it before you glue it to your board.
Consider what classes you want to take, and glue images related to
these classes onto your board.

If finances are the reason that you haven't reached this goal, you can
cut out pictures of money or scholarship awards and paste those onto
your board.

Again, the way that the Law of Attraction works is that when we clearly
define what we want most, we take steps to make those goals happen,
even if we’re unaware that that's what we're doing!

Health and the Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction works for any area of your life - including health.
You can attract better health and you can also attract healing. It doesn't
matter if what you're experiencing is a minor illness or something that's
much more serious. You can attract healing no matter what ails you, and a
health vision board can get you there.

Just as with your career or money or education, the first step is letting go
of any negativity that you're holding onto when it comes to your condition.
Don't allow your mind to think about aches and pains or to dwell on how
bad you feel. What you focus your mental energy on grows.

Also don't allow fear, which is a negative emotion, to rule your mind.
Negativity can provide a fertile breeding ground for disease. This is why
stress is so bad for the body.

This type of negativity can open the door for you to end up on the
receiving end of a bleek diagnosis. Your mind has a powerful influence
over how your body does physically.

To keep ill health from claiming your body, you must keep your thoughts
centered on things that are positive. That includes emotions, too. Choose
emotions like happiness and joy to focus, for they will yield peace for you.

Where positivity reigns, negativity will cease to exist. It may be that you've
already been told that you have a serious health problem that could end
your life. When this occurs, most people allow the shock of the news to
overtake their thoughts. This is ok initially, but then they allow the health
condition to consume their thoughts and actions.

But, you can't allow your mind to dwell on the negativity. You can't allow
the illness to become the very center of your focus. When you obsess

about something that you fear,it keeps your mind churned up, which can
greatly affect your body.

That, in turn, puts out a lot of negativity and doesn't attract good things to
you. This is the Law of Attraction working against you. Focusing on fear
and negativity and pain only brings you more of those things. The Law of
Attraction is always working to bring you more of whatever you focus on.
Avoid constantly talking about or thinking about health issues that upset
you, and don’t continually ruminate on imaginary catastrophic outcomes.

Remember that negativity thrives in a negative soil of the mind, and it’s
even worse when you allow fear and worry about the future to take root.
Squelch the negative energy that you're putting out and replace it with
positive energy.

Focus on what you can change about your health. Focus on what positive,
productive steps you can take to feel better. Stay positive no matter what.

Visualize that your body has already beaten whatever health issue is
going on. See yourself living a healthy and healed life. Use images that
represent living a long, healthy life, like running a marathon or celebrating
a milestone birthday. Or, use images that depict future activities such as
going on vacation or getting married.

You can create a vision board for your health even if you're currently in
good health. Continue focusing on and attracting this good health to you.

On this vision board, use images or phrases that acknowledge that your
health is where you want it to be. You could include positive affirmations
such as "I am healthy." Again, be careful to avoid using words that create
negativity or induce fear on your board.

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Adventures, Vacation, and Travel and
the Law of Attraction
Many people want to have great You can also use affirmations on
vacations or adventures and this board such as "I am enjoying
travel to see the world, yet time a trip to the Bahamas," or "I am
passes and these things don’t backpacking through Europe."
happen. An LOA vision board Treat your greatest desires for
can help you with this, too. travel or adventure as if they are
already happening.
You can create a board which
emphasizes the kind of travel or If you'd like to go on adventures
adventures that you want to with companions, be sure to
have. You can use photos of a include them as well. You can
generic beach scene, or, if you take a picture of yourself with
know of a particular beach that your friends and add it to your
you want to visit, find images board to make the scene more
showing that beach and use them personal and inclusive.
for your board. Being as specific
as possible multiplies the
effectiveness of these boards.

Check out craft stores or craft

departments, as they often have
stickers and other images
pertaining to travel in their
scrapbooking area. You can find
words such as "travel" and
"adventure" along with tags that
will help identify the type of
vacation or adventure you want
to attract to your life.

Spirituality and the
Law of Attraction
Spirituality makes a great focus for an LOA
vision board, because it tends to attract
serenity and a deep sense of well being
into your mind, body and soul. Choose to
include images that symbolize important
spiritual principles to you.

Some people use images of practices that

help them feel spiritually connected.
These often include visuals of yoga poses
or of people practicing meditation. Images
of monks, photos of Buddha, or portraits of
people known for bringing spirituality and
peace to the world are also useful.

If your spirituality is based on a religion,

including passages from your Holy text that
speak to you, or images of your higher
power, can help guide you.

Has your brain been tricking you? Take

this quiz to find out.

Updating Your Vision Board

As time goes on, your vision board may change because you will have
attracted more and more of the things that you desired initially. You may
want to remove images and sayings for goals that you've met or for things
that have been attracted into your life. Or, you may want to leave them up
as a reminder of your success. Either way, your vision board is a living
tool and can be changed to reflect your desires.

Perhaps you realize that one area of your life has taken on greater
significance than another that you had previously emphasized, and you
want to change your priorities. It may be difficult to remove or reposition
images that have been glued to your board, depending on the adhesive
that you chose. “Repositionable '' or “temporary” adhesives are available,
and may serve you well if your plans change often. Regardless of the
glue you choose, you can always cover your old images with new, or start
a fresh board all together.

Keep your LOA vision board up to date. A vision board can help you to
become the best version of yourself that you can be, so make sure that it
represents your current goals and desires.

As your vision board evolves, make sure that it’s placed somewhere that
you can see it every day. You don't want to stick it in a closet because out
of sight means out of mind.

You can set a consistent time to revisit your vision board and see what
changes need to be made. Or, create a daily ritual that involves evaluating
your board for continual changes you want to make.

You can also keep a running file of ideas that you would like to include in
future vision boards.

However you do it, remember that you have the power to attract anything
you want into your life. The Law of Attraction works like a magnet by
drawing the things you think about into your life. Make sure that you are
focusing on the positive things that you really want, and not on the
negative parts of your life, or you’ll get more negative things.

A Law of Attraction vision board works by helping to keep you focused on

the good stuff that’s coming your way.



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