Symrise Code of Conduct Web en
Symrise Code of Conduct Web en
Symrise Code of Conduct Web en
Code of Conduct
Communication, Decision-making and Actions
Why Do We Need
a Code of Conduct?
4.3 Page 42
Overview of Topics Handling Information
Confidentiality and Data Protection
Insider Information
— External Requests
Intellectual Property
6 the
der symrise code
of conduct What Is the Code of Conduct? 7
What Is the
Code of Conduct?
Our Code of Conduct at Symrise is a set of legally The Code of Conduct is based on our values and
binding ethical guidelines that apply to every
employee, regardless of position, location or task
and irrespective of any personal characteristics
such as age, gender, language or culture.
principles. By following it, we guarantee that
every person is treated fairly and with respect,
while ensuring that our behavior and business
activities remain transparent, honest and consis-
tent throughout the world.
The Code of Conduct provides the framework
for interactions with our key stakeholders: Em-
ployees and colleagues, customers and suppliers,
Our stakeholders are all those that have
shareholders and investors, neighbors, society, a legitimate interest in our company,
national and local governments, as well as including its activities and services, and
government agencies, opinion leaders, media with whom we interact on a regular basis.
and the public.
8 the symrise code of conduct One Code of Conduct for Everyone 9
Integrity — Trust and Creativity — It is our driver of Added value — Intelligent Sustainability — We are all
honesty serve as the founda- innovation with which we bring additional benefits and aware of our responsibility
tion for collaboration. This our claim of “always inspiring integrated services for our toward society as a c ompany.
is as true in working with more...” to life. customers, attractive and That’s why sustainability
fellow e mployees as it is with healthy product solutions is one of the core principles
all of our stakeholders, and for consumers and strategic guiding our actions.
it represents a core element growth for Symrise.
of our Code of Conduct.
16 the symrise code of conduct What Guides Our Behavior at Symrise? 17
Our Sustainability Agenda Care – We create lasting value Sourcing – We sustainably develop
for our employees and our local the sourcing of our raw materials
communities. Along with strength- and their supply chains. We focus on
Footprint Innovation Sourcing Care ening the infrastructure and sense ensuring a long-term, stable supply
of community, we gain new talents of high-quality raw materials as well
and increase motivation among as the greatest possible transparency
our employees. and oversight of environmental and
social impacts.
18 The Symrise Code of Conduct The Code of Conduct: The Guidelines 19
In the Workplace
In this section, you will find all guidelines As a company, we are committed to upholding
regarding workplace conduct. All Symrise human rights, in particular the basic principles
set down by the International Labor Organization
employees must comply with these guide- (ILO), the United Nations Conventions on the
lines. Rights of the Child, and the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights.
+ We provide suggestions for improving safety + We support the monitoring systems for substances
and motivate our colleagues to do the same. and products that have been established by the com-
pany. Incidents that could compromise their safety
are immediately reported.
Company Property
+ We only install software on our computers for + The possession or consumption of illegal drugs and
which we have the necessary license and approval substances of any kind in the workplace and during
from Corporate IT. working hours is strictly prohibited.
+ We support the measures that our company has + We report every case of drug or alcohol abuse.
established for the security of its IT systems and the There are various contacts available throughout the
protection of data from internal or external abuse company to deal with these issues (see page 52).
or threats.
In Business Relationships
We advocate fair competition everywhere + Nonconfidential facts on competitors, Sanctions, Embargoes and
and at all times. The following principles
belong to our understanding of fair
customers and third parties
Conflicts of Interest
A decision that serves Symrise’s interest + We ensure that our personal activities do not
may stand in conflict with your personal,
professional or financial interests. Such
conflicts of interest can lead to a situation
conflict with our responsibilities at Symrise.
+ We do not expect any personal favors from our + We are certain of the identity of our business
business partners and refuse all offers of this kind. partners when it comes to transactions. We only
This applies equally to all employees at every level accept money from and/or pay money to business
of our company. partners whose identity we are certain of.
38 the symrise code of conduct In Business Relationships 39
Both material and immaterial goods, In addition, discounts and special offers, Donations and sponsorships are an
commissions, rebates and discounts on
privately procured goods and services
qualify as gifts. The exchange of small
for example from transport companies,
hotels, car rental agencies and restaurants,
are acceptable if they occur as part of a
expression of our social commitment.
We promote the areas of health, education
and science, art and culture, and social
gifts and mutual invitations between membership or bonus program and as projects. Having this reputation, we are 2
business partners are allowed as part of long as Symrise has not expressly forbid- approached by various organizations,
maintaining good business relationships. den them. institutions and associations with requests
This means that: for support. The following rules apply to
awarding financial contributions:
+ We ensure that the context leading to the giving Donation-like payments violate our
or receiving of a gift or invitation is appropriate. + We award contributions according to consistent
It goes without saying that no legal provisions are
requirements for transparency. They are
principles, which are documented in our financial
to be violated through the transaction. contributions guidelines. All requested donations
forbidden. Donation-like payments are
and sponsorships are examined to see whether they financial contributions that are declared
+ We also make sure that the value of the invitation meet the requirements outlined in these guidelines. as payment for a service, but the payment
or gift is appropriate (e.g., pens, calendars or other
promotional articles) and that there is no obligation
clearly exceeds the value of the service.
+ We value transparency in our contributions,
to provide a service or gift in return. meaning that the reason for a contribution and its
This is therefore classified, at least in part,
use must be verifiable at any and all times. as a contribution for other purposes.
+ We inform our supervisors about the acceptance
of gifts and invitations. If we are unsure or in doubt + We ensure that contributions are never awarded
about a situation regarding gifts or invitations, we to organizations whose goals do not align with our
discuss it with our supervisors and Group Compli- Code of Conduct or operate for profit.
40 the symrise code of conduct In Business Relationships 41
Information is valuable and must there-
fore be handled carefully and responsibly.
That we communicate about our company,
including its products and services, in a
truthful manner goes without saying. In 3
addition to this, please observe the follow-
ing guidelines.
44 the symrise code of conduct Handling Information 45
and Data Protection
Symrise complies with all applicable data + We uphold our confidentiality obligations that we What is considered confidential infor-
protection laws and regulations across the
Group. We expect our employees to handle
internal information and data just as
agreed to in writing when starting our employment
at Symrise. This obligation also continues after termi-
nation of employment.
mation? Confidential information at our
company includes: 4
carefully and responsibly: + We collect and process personal data only when
it is explicitly required for legal purposes. + Access data for our web-based systems
+ We protect confidential information about our Some employees have access to especially + Customer and supplier lists
company, our products and our customers as well confidential information, such as those
as other sensitive data from abuse. + Procurement figures sorted by product and supplier
working in the areas of finances, human
+ We ensure that confidential information, regard- resources, legal matters, and research and + Sales figures sorted by product and customer + Symrise’s intellectual property (patents, etc.)
less of format, is only accessible for the intended development.
recipient. + Financial data and other reports + Information on inventions as well as research
and experimental data
+ We do not discuss confidential information publicly + Sales and earnings expectations
and ensure that confidential information is not + Product formulations and production instructions
shared illicitly internally nor published externally. + Growth and improvement plans
+ Information on personnel and personal data
+ We check whether a confidentiality agreement + Business and product plans
exists or needs to be signed before passing confiden- + Wage and salary plans
tial information on to third parties. + Investment plans
+ Organizational charts
+ Planned acquisitions or divestments
+ Contracts
+ Court records
46 the symrise code of conduct Handling Information 47
Insider Information
As with every publicly traded company, + We never pass on insider information Insider information is internal corporate
Symrise is subject to the strict rules of
the capital market and to monitoring by
various supervisory bodies. This requires
to third parties.
External Requests
The Right Contact
We are contacted on a daily basis by exter- + We do not answer any inquiries without authori- + For routine inquiries concerning your normal
nal sources such as media representatives,
government authorities, service providers
and other stakeholders. These inquiries
zation that do not belong to our area of expertise or
work, but forward them to the correct contact.
+ We ensure that recordings and documents in + Inquiries via social media: Make sure that it is clear
connection with an official inquiry or audit are in your communication whether you are speaking
preserved for the statutory durations and are not as a company representative or private person.
destroyed or deleted. Also, please observe our social media guidelines on
communication using Web 2.0 applications.
+ We always maintain this flow of information
within the company.
50 the symrise code of conduct Handling Information 51
Intellectual Property
A major portion of our success is due to + We use third-party publications only with the ex-
products and solutions that have been
developed in our company – creative
breakthroughs that we always seek to
press consent of the rights holder. Every publication,
whether image or text, whether in print or digital
form (for example on the internet), is protected by
copyright. Group Legal Affairs can help in cases with
protect (e.g. through patents). We know possible exceptions.
just how important these ideas and break-
+ We do not procure confidential information
throughs are. We therefore respect and on third parties and do not use such information
protect intellectual property of every kind, without a corresponding agreement approved by
regardless of whether or not it was devel- Group Legal Affairs.
oped by one of our companies or by third
+ We especially respect patents and trademark rights
parties, and regardless of its commercial of third parties and do not use these rights without
value. prior approval.
Your supervisor Your Human Resources Your Compliance Officer Group Legal Affairs
You should generally contact Officer If the position of Compliance If certain practices need to be
your supervisor on such issues, If you cannot express your Officer has been established checked for legality or com-
as they are most familiar with concerns to your supervisor, at your site, then they are pliance with legal or ethical
your area of responsibility. perhaps because of poten- your contact. Your questions principles, Group Legal Affairs
tial involvement/conflict of and concerns will always be is your point of contact.
interest, please contact your handled confidentially. You can
Human Resources Officer or also contact the Compliance
the next-highest supervisor. Officer anonymously.
Symrise AG
Muehlenfeldstrasse 1 · 37603 Holzminden
Version 2
Release Date
July 2016