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The Symrise

Code of Conduct
Communication, Decision-making and Actions


Why Do We Need
a Code of Conduct?

Dear Symrise employees, So much diversity requires a common basis.

The Code of Conduct is an instrument that allows
Symrise to create this basis on an ethical and legal
Symrise has more than 10,000 employees around foundation. The Code of Conduct is therefore one
the world – people from more than 160 countries of the most important components of our Group-
working at over 84 sites. Every day, we do busi- wide compliance program. It provides us with
ness with other companies in other countries a proven framework in which to make business
with different cultures, habits and customs. We decisions.
are in daily contact with a broad spectrum of
stakeholders, including customers, colleagues, By complying with our Code of Conduct, we have
suppliers and shareholders. built up an outstanding reputation as a reliable
company of exceptional integrity. This reputation
is a vital asset to our company: It isn’t just a
facade – it’s part of our daily business. So please
continue to comply with the Code of Conduct and
support your colleagues in doing the same.

The Executive Board

4 The Symrise Code of Conduct Overview of Topics 5

1 Page 6 3 Page 10 4 Page 18 5 Page 52

What Is the Code of Conduct? What Guides Our Behavior at Symrise? The Code of Conduct: The Guidelines Your Contacts at Symrise

2 Page 8 3.1 Page 12 4.1 Page 20

One Code of Conduct for Everyone The Basis of Our Code of Conduct: In the Workplace
Our Compliance Guidelines Respect and Fairness
Health and Safety at Work
3.2 Page 14 Product Safety
The Basis of Our Success: Our Values Company Property
Data and Information Technology
3.3 Page 16 Alcohol and Drugs
The Basis of Our Future: Sustainability
4.2 Page 30
In Business Relationships
Market and Competition
Conflicts of Interest
Corruption and Bribery
Gifts and Invitations
Financial Contributions

4.3 Page 42
Overview of Topics Handling Information
Confidentiality and Data Protection
Insider Information
— External Requests
Intellectual Property
6 the
der symrise code
of conduct What Is the Code of Conduct? 7

What Is the
Code of Conduct?

Our Code of Conduct at Symrise is a set of legally The Code of Conduct is based on our values and
binding ethical guidelines that apply to every
employee, regardless of position, location or task
and irrespective of any personal characteristics
such as age, gender, language or culture.
principles. By following it, we guarantee that
every person is treated fairly and with respect,
while ensuring that our behavior and business
activities remain transparent, honest and consis-
tent throughout the world.
The Code of Conduct provides the framework
for interactions with our key stakeholders: Em-
ployees and colleagues, customers and suppliers,
Our stakeholders are all those that have
shareholders and investors, neighbors, society, a legitimate interest in our company,
national and local governments, as well as including its activities and services, and
government agencies, opinion leaders, media with whom we interact on a regular basis.
and the public.
8 the symrise code of conduct One Code of Conduct for Everyone 9

One Code of Conduct

for Everyone

The Code of Conduct applies to every employee All employees are required to know the basic
at Symrise AG and its national and international
Group companies. The Code of Conduct applies
during working hours. It should also be followed
when you are involved in external activities as an
employee or representative of Symrise. A viola-
laws, regulations and internal corporate rules that
apply to their areas of responsibility. Additionally,
every manager needs to ensure that their staff are
familiar with the Code of Conduct and that they
work in compliance with its provisions. This is a
tion of our Code of Conduct or other regulations mandatory requirement.
and guidelines can lead to disciplinary measures
and other legal actions. We also expect our business partners to accept
and respect the principles contained in our Code
Every Group company must also comply with of Conduct.
national laws when implementing the Code of
Conduct. In certain countries, it is possible that
stricter or more comprehensive laws or regula-
tions may apply than those described in the Code
of Conduct. In such cases, the stricter regulations
always apply.
10 the symrise code of conduct What Guides Our Behavior at Symrise? 11

What Guides Our Behavior

at Symrise?

Decisions are a part of our daily work. We all know + Does my decision align with the applicable laws,
to consider more than just business interests and
success – legal and ethical aspects must also be
taken into account.

One bad decision can have far-reaching conse-

Code of Conduct and other company rules?

+ Can I make an unbiased decision in the best

interests of the company, completely free from
my own competing interests?
quences for the entire company. If you are unsure
of how to act in a given situation, check your + Would my decision be approved if a third party
decision against the following criteria: were to check it? Will my decision protect the
company’s good reputation?

If you cannot unequivocally answer

every question with “Yes”, then you should
seek advice from one of our contacts
(see page 52).
12 the symrise code of conduct What Guides Our Behavior at Symrise? 13

The Basis of Our

Code of Conduct:
Our Compliance Guidelines

The Group Compliance department at The Code of Conduct is a core element of

Symrise is responsible for monitoring Symrise’s compliance program. The program also
includes advising employees on questions re-
observance of the Code of Conduct and the garding the Code of Conduct, performing audits,
applicable legal regulations as well as for advising on disciplinary measures regarding
developing, implementing and adhering Code of Conduct violations and reporting to the
Executive and Supervisory Board on its imple-
to the Symrise compliance program.
mentation and effectiveness.
The term compliance means observing all + We comply with the applicable legal provisions
Group Compliance offers regular training on the and our internal standards at all times.
of the applicable laws and regulations at
Code of Conduct. Your supervisor may contact
you regarding participation. In an attempt to local, national and international levels. + We strengthen the trust placed in us by custom-
make the training fit busy work schedules, we’ve This includes, in particular, the principles ers and stakeholders by upholding our high ethical
also made it available online. of ethical business. We at Symrise act in standards.
accordance with the laws and constantly
+ We avoid conflicts of interest. If conflicts of interest
strive to conduct ourselves correctly, based exist, we deal with them openly. We maintain trans-
on the Symrise compliance guidelines, parency in order to handle conflicts of interest in an
which form the foundation for all specific appropriate manner.
and broader statements as summarized
+ We condemn every form of corruption. Corruption
here in the Code of Conduct: has no place in our business practices and poses an
obstacle to development and advancement.
14 The Symrise Code of Conduct What Guides Our Behavior at Symrise? 15

The Basis of Our Success:

Our Values

Our values describe the attitude and team
spirit we are committed to at Symrise.
They explain the manner in which we
want to achieve our goals.
Commitment — Our
­employees are the key to the
success of Symrise. We ­motivate
Excellence — Outstanding
­performance for ­customers,
consumers and markets:
our employees with ­challenges, ­Profitability, entrepreneurial 2
encourage them to take on vision and uncompromising
­responsibility and help them quality ensure our success.
to develop through ­targeted

Integrity — Trust and Creativity — It is our driver of Added value — Intelligent Sustainability — We are all
­honesty serve as the founda- innovation with which we bring ­additional benefits and aware of our responsibility
tion for collaboration. This our claim of “always inspiring ­integrated services for our toward society as a c­ ompany.
is as true in working with more...” to life. ­customers, attractive and That’s why sustainability
­fellow e­ mployees as it is with healthy product solutions is one of the core principles
all of our stakeholders, and for consumers and strategic ­guiding our actions.
it ­represents a core element growth for Symrise.
of our Code of Conduct.
16 the symrise code of conduct What Guides Our Behavior at Symrise? 17

You can support our efforts towards a sustainable

future for our company and the jobs it provides by Footprint – We minimize our
following our sustainability guidelines:
environmental footprint along the
entire value chain. In doing so, we
The Basis of Our Future: not only contribute to conserving
resources and lowering environmen-

Sustainability tal impact, but also perform active

risk management. We also save on
costs by increasing efficiency.

We are committed to the long-term Sustainability means assuming responsibility for
development of our company. Responsible
conduct in line with sustainability is a
permanent element of our corporate
the future. Symrise is active in four areas in this
respect: Footprint, innovation, sourcing and care.

You can read more about our global sustainability

Innovation – We maximize the
social and environmental added value
of our products. With a constant
focus on sustainability criteria in
strategy and therefore part of our day- activities in our integrated Corporate Report.
product development, we can create
to-day business.
resource-conserving and business-
enhancing effects within our own
value chain and have a positive
influence on consumer behavior.

Our Sustainability Agenda Care – We create lasting value Sourcing – We sustainably develop
for our employees and our local the sourcing of our raw materials
communities. Along with strength- and their supply chains. We focus on
Footprint Innovation Sourcing Care ening the infrastructure and sense ensuring a long-term, stable supply
of community, we gain new talents of high-quality raw materials as well
and increase motivation among as the greatest possible transparency
our employees. and oversight of environmental and
social impacts.
18 The Symrise Code of Conduct The Code of Conduct: The Guidelines 19

The Code of Conduct:

The Guidelines

In the following chapters, you will find

our company’s compulsory guidelines for
ethical and legal conduct. These guidelines
will help you make successful decisions.
They cover the following areas of applica-

+ Conduct in the workplace

+ Conduct in business relationships
+ Handling information
20 the symrise code of conduct In the Workplace 21

In the Workplace

In this section, you will find all guidelines As a company, we are committed to upholding
regarding workplace conduct. All Symrise human rights, in particular the basic principles
set down by the International Labor Organization
employees must comply with these guide- (ILO), the United Nations Conventions on the
lines. Rights of the Child, and the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights.

Every form of exploitation, disrespect towards

people due to their age, gender, health, skin color,
religion or other personal characteristics, as well
as the disregard of work safety provisions or em-
ployee rights is illegal and will not be tolerated.
We reject any and every form of forced or child

We guarantee a compensation that, at the very

least, corresponds to the legal or standard wage
levels in our industry. In regard to working hours
and paid vacation, Symrise complies with the
local legal regulations, labor agreements and
national customs where it operates.
22 the symrise code of conduct In the Workplace 23

Respect and Fairness

Honesty, respect and fairness in our

behavior and communication with one
another are absolutely vital. Our employees
are hired, trained and promoted based on
these principles. 1
+ We respect the personal dignity, personal rights
and privacy of our colleagues, customers, suppliers
and every other stakeholder with whom we have

+ We do not tolerate discrimination based on gender,

ethnic identity, skin color, nationality, age, religion,
sexual orientation, disability or any other personal

+ We also do not tolerate expressions or actions that

promote a hostile working climate and/or that have
the exclusion of colleagues as their goal.

+ We do not accept any statements that could be

understood as inappropriate or illegal, regardless as
to whether the point of view expressed is technically
correct or not.
24 the symrise code of conduct In the Workplace 25

Health and Safety Product Safety

at Work —

Symrise is committed to providing its + We observe our company’s safety rules Safety is also an essential aspect for our
employees with a safe and healthy work-
ing environment. And every employee can
contribute to the overall level of health
and regulations.

+ We always use the ergonomic aids provided

and the relevant safety equipment.
products, as our customers and consumers
expect safe, high-quality products from
us at all times. Therefore, the following
and safety at work, too. We therefore en-
+ We immediately seek help in the case of accidents
points are always to be considered: 1
courage our employees to do just that. The
and report every incident to our supervisors without
basic rules in this regard are as follows: delay.

+ We report inadequate safety standards, dangerous

working conditions and violations of work safety
provisions. There are various contacts available + We ensure that our products have no deficiencies
throughout the company to deal with these issues or dangerous qualities that could potentially harm
(see page 52). the consumer or our customers’ property.

+ We provide suggestions for improving safety + We support the monitoring systems for substances
and motivate our colleagues to do the same. and products that have been established by the com-
pany. Incidents that could compromise their safety
are immediately reported.

+ We assume responsibility for our products over

their entire life cycle. We act in awareness of this
responsibility in everything we do.
26 the symrise code of conduct In the Workplace 27

Company Property

Many of the items that we use each day

are the property of Symrise. This includes
computers and furniture, but also office
supplies, software and copyrights. To pro-
tect the company’s property, the following 1
guidelines are to be observed:

+ We handle Symrise’s property with care and

protect it from improper use, damage and theft.

+ We do not use company property without the

necessary permission to do so. Symrise property is
not to be sold, borrowed, given away or removed
from the company grounds.

+ We only use company property for its intended

purposes. Misuse, including personal, illegal or other
unauthorized use, is not permitted.
In certain circumstances, employees are
allowed to use company property for
private use. The corresponding regulations
can be found in the respective employment
agreements and/or company guidelines.
You can find more information on this
topic on our intranet.
28 the symrise code of conduct In the Workplace 29

Data and Information Alcohol and Drugs

Technology —

Information technology (IT) is indispens- + We use the company’s IT systems to complete The health of all employees is just as
able in our day-to-day operations. Just
as important are the measures ensuring
data security. Violations of these security
our business-related tasks. We do not use them
for personal purposes that are inappropriate or not
permitted, nor for unethical or illegal activities.
important to us as workplace safety.
We are therefore committed to a work
environment free of drugs and alcohol.
measures can have serious consequences: + We pay close attention to the content of emails
and email attachments, downloaded files and saved
Theft of (personal) data, loss of data and + Under no circumstances may work safety or our
voicemails. We do not download any inappropriate
copyright violations, to name a few. Our material from the internet and handle passwords ability to work be jeopardized or impaired by the
guidelines help in avoiding such incidents: with care. consumption of alcohol or drugs.

+ We only install software on our computers for + The possession or consumption of illegal drugs and
which we have the necessary license and approval substances of any kind in the workplace and during
from Corporate IT. working hours is strictly prohibited.

+ We support the measures that our company has + We report every case of drug or alcohol abuse.
established for the security of its IT systems and the There are various contacts available throughout the
protection of data from internal or external abuse company to deal with these issues (see page 52).
or threats.

Should tasting alcoholic beverages or other

drugs be among your professional tasks,
then it does not represent a violation of
the Code of Conduct. If special regulations
apply to your area of work, they must be
taken into account.
30 The Symrise Code of Conduct In Business Relationships 31

In Business Relationships

When we as employees come into ­contact

with our business partners, we are ­re­­pre-
sentatives of Symrise. Act accordingly by
upholding our values, complying with
applicable laws and abiding by our Code 2
of Conduct.
32 the symrise code of conduct In Business Relationships 33

Market and Competition

We advocate fair competition everywhere + Nonconfidential facts on competitors, Sanctions, Embargoes and
and at all times. The following principles
belong to our understanding of fair
customers and third parties

+ Industry studies and reports from

market research companies
Export Controls:

We are required to comply with any

sanctions, embargoes and applicable
+ Information from publicly accessible sources, export control laws in our international
We do not put down our competitors and/or such as trade fairs, websites, company brochures,
their products and services. We do not make any
activities. We are responsible for ensuring
press releases and advertisements
that we do not violate any applicable Antitrust Law:
statements to customers that might misrepresent
competitors and/or their products and services. We do not discuss pricing or related information national or international legal regulations Some agreements with business partners may
with competitors. We do not make any arrange- during our business activities. If in doubt, be subject to antitrust or competition laws. Before
We do not manipulate project tenders and do ments with them regarding pricing or production initiating or making one of the following agree-
not attempt to prevent other companies from
please contact Group Legal Affairs.
quantities. ments, please consult Group Legal Affairs.
entering the market or drive competitors from
the market. We do not make any arrangements with com-
+ Contracts with competitors.
petitors in an attempt to divide up the market or
We do not take information directly from com- share customers, or to boycott customers or other
+ Agreements that stipulate another company
petitors, but rather depend on ethical and legal market participants. We hand out this brochure to
must obtain all of the products it requires to cover
market research sources to gain information on our raw material suppliers and service providers
its needs exclusively from Symrise.
competitors. This includes: to ensure that they are also familiar with our
+ Agreements that require Symrise to provide
one customer exclusively with certain supplies.
Every employee who is entrusted with
information and who comes into contact + Package deals that tie the sale of one product
with competitors must comply with our to the sale of another product.
guidelines and be familiar with the com- + Agreements that involve market behavior
petition regulations of the nation in which coordinated with third parties.
they are acting on behalf of Symrise.
34 the symrise code of conduct In Business Relationships 35

Conflicts of Interest

A decision that serves Symrise’s interest + We ensure that our personal activities do not
may stand in conflict with your personal,
professional or financial interests. Such
conflicts of interest can lead to a situation
conflict with our responsibilities at Symrise.

+ If we are seeking additional professional employ-

ment or activities beyond Symrise, we notify our
where business decisions can no longer be supervisors about this and receive prior approval.
made impartially and in the best interests
+ We ensure that our performance for Symrise is not
of the company. The following points are negatively affected by jobs held outside of Symrise.
therefore to be considered:
+ Whilst employed by Symrise, we are not involved
directly or indirectly with Symrise’s competitors,
customers or suppliers. This also applies to working
at a company that is or that would like to become
one of Symrise’s competitors, customers or suppliers.

+ We inform our supervisors immediately if we are

met with a possible or definite conflict of interest
and work through the situation together.
36 the symrise code of conduct In Business Relationships 37

Corruption and Bribery

We do not tolerate any form of corruption + We never provide financial contributions of

at Symrise. Accepting or providing money
or services of any kind in an attempt to ob-
tain a competitive advantage is prohibited.
any kind to government officials or public servants,
even if they should request them.

+ We do not provide government officials of any

kind or public servants with cash or noncash
contributions, not even when these are requested.
+ No gifts and/or other personal favors may be
expected or provided in return for business relation- + We do not involve ourselves in any form of money
ships. This holds true even when “cultural customs” transfer whose origin or destination could be tied to
seem to demand it. money laundering or other criminal activities.

+ We do not expect any personal favors from our + We are certain of the identity of our business
business partners and refuse all offers of this kind. partners when it comes to transactions. We only
This applies equally to all employees at every level accept money from and/or pay money to business
of our company. partners whose identity we are certain of.
38 the symrise code of conduct In Business Relationships 39

Gifts and Invitations Financial Contributions

— —

Both material and immaterial goods, In addition, discounts and special offers, Donations and sponsorships are an
commissions, rebates and discounts on
privately procured goods and services
qualify as gifts. The exchange of small
for example from transport companies,
hotels, car rental agencies and restaurants,
are acceptable if they occur as part of a
expression of our social commitment.
We promote the areas of health, education
and science, art and culture, and social
gifts and mutual invitations between membership or bonus program and as projects. Having this reputation, we are 2
business partners are allowed as part of long as Symrise has not expressly forbid- approached by various organizations,
maintaining good business relationships. den them. institutions and associations with requests
This means that: for support. The following rules apply to
awarding financial contributions:
+ We ensure that the context leading to the giving Donation-like payments violate our
or receiving of a gift or invitation is appropriate. + We award contributions according to consistent
It goes without saying that no legal provisions are
requirements for transparency. They are
principles, which are documented in our financial
to be violated through the transaction. contributions guidelines. All requested donations
forbidden. Donation-like payments are
and sponsorships are examined to see whether they financial contributions that are declared
+ We also make sure that the value of the invitation meet the requirements outlined in these guidelines. as payment for a service, but the payment
or gift is appropriate (e.g., pens, calendars or other
promotional articles) and that there is no obligation
clearly exceeds the value of the service.
+ We value transparency in our contributions,
to provide a service or gift in return. meaning that the reason for a contribution and its
This is therefore classified, at least in part,
use must be verifiable at any and all times. as a contribution for other purposes.
+ We inform our supervisors about the acceptance
of gifts and invitations. If we are unsure or in doubt + We ensure that contributions are never awarded
about a situation regarding gifts or invitations, we to organizations whose goals do not align with our
discuss it with our supervisors and Group Compli- Code of Conduct or operate for profit.
40 the symrise code of conduct In Business Relationships 41


As a publicly traded company, we are + We are committed to fulfilling all disclosure

required to observe numerous capital mar-
ket laws and national and international
accounting regulations. The following
obligations to the full and in a timely manner.

+ We prepare all tax returns and other forms for

the tax offices responsible in compliance with all
principles also apply: relevant legislation. We prepare them properly and
completely and turn them in before the deadline.
+ We do not make any financial transactions that
contain a risk that exceeds the value limits of normal
operations in our area of responsibility. Any excep-
tions require the express consent of the Group’s
Executive Board.

+ Any financial transactions that do not directly

benefit Symrise’s usual business require the approval
of the Group’s Executive Board in advance.
42 The Symrise Code of Conduct Handling Information 43


Information is valuable and must there-
fore be handled carefully and responsibly.
That we communicate about our company,
including its products and services, in a
truthful manner goes without saying. In 3
addition to this, please observe the follow-
ing guidelines.
44 the symrise code of conduct Handling Information 45

and Data Protection

Symrise complies with all applicable data + We uphold our confidentiality obligations that we What is considered confidential infor-
protection laws and regulations across the
Group. We expect our employees to handle
internal information and data just as
agreed to in writing when starting our employment
at Symrise. This obligation also continues after termi-
nation of employment.
mation? Confidential information at our
company includes: 4
carefully and responsibly: + We collect and process personal data only when
it is explicitly required for legal purposes. + Access data for our web-based systems
+ We protect confidential information about our Some employees have access to especially + Customer and supplier lists
company, our products and our customers as well confidential information, such as those
as other sensitive data from abuse. + Procurement figures sorted by product and supplier
working in the areas of finances, human
+ We ensure that confidential information, regard- resources, legal matters, and research and + Sales figures sorted by product and customer + Symrise’s intellectual property (patents, etc.)
less of format, is only accessible for the intended development.
recipient. + Financial data and other reports + Information on inventions as well as research
and experimental data
+ We do not discuss confidential information publicly + Sales and earnings expectations
and ensure that confidential information is not + Product formulations and production instructions
shared illicitly internally nor published externally. + Growth and improvement plans
+ Information on personnel and personal data
+ We check whether a confidentiality agreement + Business and product plans
exists or needs to be signed before passing confiden- + Wage and salary plans
tial information on to third parties. + Investment plans
+ Organizational charts
+ Planned acquisitions or divestments
+ Contracts

+ Court records
46 the symrise code of conduct Handling Information 47

Insider Information

As with every publicly traded company, + We never pass on insider information Insider information is internal corporate
Symrise is subject to the strict rules of
the capital market and to monitoring by
various supervisory bodies. This requires
to third parties.

+ We never purchase or sell stocks based on insider

information. This applies to stocks in any company,
information that would have a consid-
erable (direct or indirect) impact on the
affected company’s stock value if it became
a very sensitive handling of insider infor- including Symrise, its customers, suppliers and
public. This includes... 3
mation, meaning internal information
that would have a considerable impact + We never entice third parties to buy or sell stocks
on the company’s stock value if it became based on insider information. This applies to stocks
public. in any company, including Symrise, its customers,
suppliers and competitors.
+ Information on research and development results.

+ Information on improvements to production

processes, market launches for new products or
product deficiencies.

+ Information on the bankruptcy of a customer,

securing a tender or the discontinuation of a product.

+ Information on the outcome of court proceedings

or the approval or expiration of a patent, financial
data and other reports.

+ Information on the purchase or sale of companies

or parts of companies, the founding of joint ventures
or capital measures.
48 the symrise code of conduct Handling Information 49

External Requests

The Right Contact

We are contacted on a daily basis by exter- + We do not answer any inquiries without authori- + For routine inquiries concerning your normal
nal sources such as media representatives,
government authorities, service providers
and other stakeholders. These inquiries
zation that do not belong to our area of expertise or
work, but forward them to the correct contact.

+ If in doubt, we go to our supervisors for advice or

activities: You.

+ Inquiries from media and the public: Contact

Corporate Communications.
belong to the normal workday of only a get in touch with one of the contacts listed here.
+ Inquiries from official authorities, governmental
few employees. Therefore, please observe
+ We always protect Symrise’s lawful interests when bodies or on legal matters: Contact the regional
these guidelines when dealing with exter- answering any inquiries. Legal department.
nal inquiries:
+ We only provide financial information that has + Inquiries from municipalities or local authorities:
already been published in our annual or quarterly Contact the local subsidiary head or plant
reports. All other such information is considered manager.
insider information and is confidential.
+ Inquiries from nongovernmental organizations:
+ We deal and communicate with governments, Contact Corporate Communications.
authorities and nongovernmental organizations in an
honest and transparent manner and in compliance + Inquiries from investors: Contact Investor
with the applicable laws. Relations.

+ We ensure that recordings and documents in + Inquiries via social media: Make sure that it is clear
connection with an official inquiry or audit are in your communication whether you are speaking
preserved for the statutory durations and are not as a company representative or private person.
destroyed or deleted. Also, please observe our social media guidelines on
communication using Web 2.0 applications.
+ We always maintain this flow of information
within the company.
50 the symrise code of conduct Handling Information 51

Intellectual Property

A major portion of our success is due to + We use third-party publications only with the ex-
products and solutions that have been
developed in our company – creative
breakthroughs that we always seek to
press consent of the rights holder. Every publication,
whether image or text, whether in print or digital
form (for example on the internet), is protected by
copyright. Group Legal Affairs can help in cases with
protect (e.g. through patents). We know possible exceptions.
just how important these ideas and break-
+ We do not procure confidential information
throughs are. We therefore respect and on third parties and do not use such information
protect intellectual property of every kind, without a corresponding agreement approved by
regardless of whether or not it was devel- Group Legal Affairs.
oped by one of our companies or by third
+ We especially respect patents and trademark rights
parties, and regardless of its commercial of third parties and do not use these rights without
value. prior approval.

+ We do not use any software without a license

agreement and without the prior approval of
Corporate IT.

You can find images and videos that can

be used for your day-to-day work in our
Symrise Media Center. Observe the rights
that apply to these media, which can also
be found in the Symrise Media Center.
52 the symrise code of conduct Your Contacts at Symrise 53

Your Contacts The Integrity Hotline

With the Integrity Hotline,
at Symrise you can report possible viola-
tions of the Code of Conduct
— anonymously. The Integrity
Hotline can be contacted via
telephone or over the internet
Do you have questions regarding compliance or Information on how to contact the Integrity in your native language, 24
the Code of Conduct? Do you have the impression
that certain actions are being undertaken that
violate the principles of the Code of Conduct? Feel
free to express your concerns openly. Symrise
will support you in any and every case. You will
Hotline by telephone or online is available in the
SymPortal. Additional details are also available
hours a day. Symrise is obliged
to investigate all reports and to
support the observance of all
not be in any way disadvantaged, as this would be applicable laws.
a major violation of our guidelines. You can turn
to the following contacts to report your concerns
in confidence:

Your supervisor Your Human Resources Your Compliance Officer Group Legal Affairs
You should generally contact Officer If the position of Compliance If certain practices need to be
your supervisor on such issues, If you cannot express your Officer has been established checked for legality or com-
as they are most familiar with concerns to your supervisor, at your site, then they are pliance with legal or ethical
your area of responsibility. perhaps because of poten- your contact. Your questions principles, Group Legal Affairs
tial involvement/conflict of and concerns will always be is your point of contact.
interest, please contact your handled confidentially. You can
Human Resources Officer or also contact the Compliance
the next-highest supervisor. Officer anonymously.
Symrise AG
Muehlenfeldstrasse 1 · 37603 Holzminden

Version 2
Release Date
July 2016

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