ETLP-FCE-V-14-Student Book

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Erican Teen Learners Programme


Class Code: ETLP-FCE-V-SB014





E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 1 | 27
1. Will all people continue to live on the Earth in the future?
2. Have you ever thought of living on another planet?

A1) Skim the article on space travel for its general meaning. Why do NASA and
the SFF have different priorities?


A ‘Cheap’ is an important word in space technology nowadays and reusable
rockets will be a key way of controlling costs. They will deliver things, bring stuff
back to Earth and then go up again, perhaps with machinery for a space factory,
or even carrying tourists. In the future, these space vehicles will be orbiting the
Earth as efficiently as air freight carriers. There could be a billion-dollar market
in taking packages from one side of the planet to other in an hour.
B NASA, the government-owned space program, once aimed to develop a re-
usable rocket. However, its immediate priority is missions to Mars from the
Moon. Since this will require different technology, it is more likely that people
outside the NASA program will develop re-usable rocket design.
C Rick Tomlinson, co-founder of the Space Frontier Foundation (SFF), has spent
the past two decades pushing for human exploration and settlement of the solar
system. Space News magazine described him as one of the 100 most influential
people in the space industry. Tomlinson has always maintained that businesses
should get involved, and views NASA as a bit of a dinosaur.

E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 2 | 27
D He sees the NASA program as a bit of a dinosaur. 25 years after the Wright
brothers flew a plane for the first time, people could buy a commercial plane
ticket, but 25 years after landing on the Moon, we sat around watching old
astronauts on TV talking about the good old days.'
E Using his high profile, Tomlinson is going to try to prove a point. Space is our
destiny, he says, so why not get on with it? He and his colleagues encourage any
business that shares this aim. Several companies already have blueprints for
getting into space and back cheaply. For example, Rotary Rocket is working on
something that would be launched like a rocket but return like a helicopter.
Pioneer Rocketplane believes there could be a billion-dollar market in taking
packages from one side of the planet to the other in an hour.

F The SFF ran a survey on the internet called ‘Cheap access to Space’, where it
asked American taxpayers for their opinions on the current US space program
and future priorities for space transportation. Its own view is that it is impossible
for NASA to offer an ‘open frontier’. This is not a matter of budgets or schedules,
but of fundamental purpose and design. NASA is 'elitist and exclusive', whereas
the SFF believes in opportunities for everyone: 'a future of endlessly expanding
new choices'.
G Once space transportation becomes affordable, mass space travel will be
possible. Many people believe that by 2025 space tourism will have become a
viable industry. However, US government officials don't really see a future for
space tourism. Here again, private companies may well prove them wrong in the
very near future.

Words IPA Part of Meaning

orbit /ˈɔː.bɪt/ verb to follow a curved path around a
planet or star
freight /freɪt/ noun goods that are transported from
one place to another by ship,
aircraft, train, or truck
asteroid /ˈæs.tər.ɔɪd/ noun one of many large rocks that circle
the sun
solar /ˈsəʊ.lər/ adjective of or from the sun
influential /ˌɪn.fluˈen.ʃəl/ adjective having a lot of influence on
someone or something
E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 3 | 27
blueprint /ˈbluː.prɪnt/ noun a photographic copy of an early
plan for a machine
elitist /iˈliː.tɪst/ noun someone who believes that some
things should be controlled or
owned only by the richest or best
educated people
viable /ˈvaɪ.ə.bəl/ adjective able to exist, perform as intended,
or succeed

A2) Read the text again. Are the following statements True (T) or False (F)?
1. Reusable rockets will be used to discover space.
2. Reusable rockets will be orbiting the Earth to carry goods.
3. NASA will develop a reusable rocket.
4. Tomlinson is a famous person in the space industry.
5. Tomlinson believes that business must get involve in space exploration.
6. Companies don’t have access to blueprints for getting into space.
7. Rotary Rocket is working on something that would be launched like a rocket
but return like a helicopter.

A3) Skim paragraphs F & G and answer the following questions.

1. Why did the SFF run a ‘Cheap access to Space’ survey on the internet?
2. Why doesn’t NASA offer an ‘open frontier’ opportunities for normal people?
3. Does US government see a future for space tourism?

E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 4 | 27
A4) Look at words a- j. The related words can have noun or adjective prefixes
or/and suffixes.
a. use reusable e. willing _________
b. settle __________ f. afford __________
c. commerce __________ g. science __________
d. achieve __________ j. impress _________

The use of the negative prefixes il-, im-, in- and ir depends on the first letter of
the word they join, as in inappropriate.
Use il- prefix before words that start i: illegal.
Use im- prefix before words that start with m or p: impossible.
Use ir- prefix before words that start with r: irregular.
Use in- prefix with words that start with consonants and vowels, but not i or u.
A5) Add a prefix to form negative adjectives in a- f.
a. legal _______________
b. experienced _______________
c. responsible _______________
e. regular _______________
f. patient _______________
d. moral _______________
A6) Use four of the negative adjectives to complete a-d.
a. Someone who wants something to happen as soon as possible is
b. A young adult who has no knowledge of working life is _______________.
c. Driving a car without a licence is _______________.
d. Friends who only see each other occasionally meet at _______________

E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 5 | 27
Review of future tenses

A7) Look at sentences a-g and match the sentences with future forms listed
1- 5 below.
1. going to future
2. future simple
3. future continuous
4. future perfect
5. simple tense

a. They will deliver things, bring stuff back to Earth and then go up again.
b. This is only going to happen through free enterprise.
c. In the future, these space vehicles will be orbiting the Earth as efficiently as
air freight carriers.
d. Many people believe that by 2025 space tourism will have become a viable
e. Tomlinson is going to try to prove a point.
f. It plans to launch a manned expedition to an asteroid by 2025.
g. However, this situation is due to change.

A8) Read the sentences a-g again and write the letters that mention the
following meanings.
1. a prediction about the future _______________
2. a planned event that is expected to happen soon _____________
3. an event that has not yet happened but will happen within a certain period
of time _____________
4. an intention to do something _____________

E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 6 | 27
Grammar explanation
There are many ways of talking about the future in English. Sometimes, more
than one tense is possible, with no change of meaning.
The future simple tense shall/will can be used for:
• future plans
I'll give you a ring sometime.
• definite future events
Our representative will meet you at the airport.
• predictions based on general beliefs
Mass space travel will soon become possible.
• offers or promises relating to the future
I'll prepare some salads for the party.
I'll do my homework after this episode of 'The Simpsons'.
Remember that the future simple is also used in the first conditional.
The 'going to' future can be used for:
• future plans, particularly if they are likely to happen soon
I'm going to clear out the kitchen cupboards at the weekend.
• intentions
James says he's going to work harder.
• predictions based on facts or events in the present
It's going to snow tonight.
The present continuous tense can be used for:
• imminent future events
I'm having a meeting with Charlotte at two o'clock.
• definite future arrangements
Johnny's starting school next September.

E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 7 | 27
A9) Choose the correct form in the pairs of sentences. In which sentences are
both forms possible?
1. I’ll see/’m going to see
a. I’m very excited. I ______________ all my family this weekend,
b. I don’t know if I have time to come tonight. I ___________________.

2. are you going to do/will you do

a. So, you’re off to the US for a year! What _____________________
b. I’m sure you’ll pass the exam, but what _________________ if you

3. ‘ll come/’m coming

a. I ________________ with you if you like.
b. I _________________ with you whether you like it or not.

4. are you going/are you going to do

a. Your school report is terrible. What _________________ about it?
b. What __________________ this evening?

5. ‘m giving/ ‘m going to give

a. I’ve had enough of her lazy attitude. I ___________________ her a
good talking to.
b. I _________________ a presentation at 3. 00 this afternoon. I’m
scared stiff.

E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 8 | 27
A10) Choose the correct form of future simple, present continuous, or going
1. We _______________dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday, but we
haven’t booked a table yet. (to have)
2. My ski instructor believes it ________________in the mountains tomorrow
evening. (to snow)
3. On Sunday at 8 o'clock I _______________ my friend. (to meet)
4. They ____________ to London on Friday evening at 8:15. (to fly)
5. Wait! I _____________ you to the station. (to drive)
6. I _________________ my sister in April. (to see)
7. Look at the clouds - it _________________ in a few minutes. (rain)
8. Listen! There's someone at the door. I ______________ the door for you. (to

E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 9 | 27
Grammar explanation – More Future Expressions

The present simple can be used for:

• events based on a timetable or known date
The plane leaves at 09.45.
• future intentions
NASA plans to send further rockets to Mars.
• definite planned events
The new pool is due to open in April.
The future continuous tense is used:
• to indicate certainty, when we are thinking ahead to a certain point in the
Tom will be sharing an office with Fran.
The future perfect simple is used:
• to refer to events that have not yet happened but will definitely do so at a
given time. This tense also conveys the idea of completion at some point in the
This time next year I'll have finished my course.
Space tourism will have become a reality by 2030.
The future perfect continuous tense is used:
• to indicate duration
At the end of June, Henry will have been working here for sixteen years.

E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 10 | 27
A11) Choose the correct option in italics in these sentences and explain why
it is correct.
a. Within the next twenty years, the cost of space travel will be falling / will fall
b. In the near future, it's likely that adventure holidays won't be / aren't going
to be limited to remote places on Earth.
c. People will / may one day have the opportunity to go to distant planets, but
first we need to discover a way of travelling faster than the speed of light.
d. Our 7-day trip is due to depart on 1st December, 2025 and will carry / will
have carried you 100 km into space.
e. I've decided I am going to book / will book a trip into space as soon as I can
afford it.
f. The Americans always said they would fly/ will fly to Mars.
g. Sooner or later people will live/ will be living in space.
h. The International Space Station will have been/ will be manned for 14 years
in November.

12) Complete the following sentences by rewriting the verbs in brackets into
the correct future tense forms.
1. The train _____________ (to arrive) at 12:30.
2. We ______________ (to have) dinner at a seaside restaurant on Sunday.
3. It _____________ (to snow) in Brighton tomorrow evening.
4. On Friday at 8 o’clock I ______________ (to meet) my friend.
5. Paul _____________ (to fly) to London on Monday morning.
6. Wait! I _____________ (to drive) you to the station.
7. I _____________ (to see) my mother in April.
8. Look at the clouds – it _____________ (to rain) in a few minutes.
9. Do you think the teacher _____________ (to mark) our homework by
Monday morning?
E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 11 | 27
10. I’m sorry but you need to stay in the office until you _____________ (to
finish) your work.
11. Before we _______________ (to start) our lesson, we ______________ (to
have) a review.
12. This summer, I ______________ (to live) in Brighton for four years.
13. When you _____________ (to get) off the train, I _____________ (to wait)
for you by the ticket machine

E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 12 | 27
What facilities are available in your school?

A13) Read the task and the report, ignoring the underlining. Decide whether
the report:
a. supports the idea
b. opposes the idea
c. recommends a different course of action

The director of your language school has put forward an idea to remove
the only food and drinks machine. You have been asked to find out the
views of your fellow students and write a report with your


The aim of this report is to consider the pros and cons of removing the food
and drinks machine from the student common room, and to make a
recommendation to the director of the school.
There are some strong arguments in favour of removing the machine. It is felt
that it:
• is old, ugly and noisy.
• takes up valuable space.
• sells only unhealthy foods, such as crisps, sweets and fizzy drinks

E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 13 | 27
Removing the machine would also have drawbacks.
• A lot of students use it and would be unhappy it were removed.
• The machine saves people valuable time as they do not have to go out and
buy snacks at the local shops.
Although there are convincing arguments for removing the machine, I believe
on balance that the disadvantages of doing so outweigh the advantages.
However, I recommend that it is replaced with a smaller, more modern model
that has a wider range of snacks, including some healthy ones.

A14) Under which heading does the writer do the following?

a. lists the arguments against the idea _________________
b. makes a recommendation _________________
c. states the aim of the report _________________
d. lists the arguments for the idea _________________

Tip Use headings and numbered or bullet points.

Try to use synonyms rather than repeat words.

A15) Read the report to match the words and phrases below with the
synonyms underlined in the report.
a. advantages and disadvantages
b. strong
c. examine
d. disadvantages
e. for
f. purpose
g. after considering all the information

E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 14 | 27
The aim of this report is to consider the pros and cons of removing the food
and drinks machine from the student common room, and to make a
recommendation to the director of the school.
There are some strong arguments in favour of removing the machine. It is felt
that it:
• is sold, ugly and noisy.
• takes up valuable space.
• sells only unhealthy foods, such as crisps, sweets and fizzy drinks

Removing the machine would also have drawbacks.
• A lot of students use it and would be unhappy it were removed.
• The machine saves people valuable time as they do not have to go out and
buy snacks at the local shops.
Although there are convincing arguments for removing the machine, I believe
on balance that the disadvantages of doing so outweigh the advantages.
However, I recommend that it is replaced with a smaller, more modern model
that has a wider range of snacks, including some healthy ones.

E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 15 | 27
A16) Read the task below, then divide sentences a-h into two groups:
arguments for and arguments against the idea. Add any other arguments you
can think of.

The director of the school suggests closing the canteen and using the
space for a student recreation room, with a TV and pool table. You
have been asked to write a report on the advantages and
disadvantages of this idea.

a. The canteen is underused.

b. The canteen food isn't very good.
c. The canteen food is cheap.
d. The canteen is very popular.
e. There's an excellent cafe opposite the school.
f. Students need a place to relax between and after lessons.
g. There's a TV in the cafe opposite the school already.
h. The pool table would be popular among the boys but not the girls.

For the proposal Against the proposal

Bullet points can be used in a report as a helpful way of presenting a series of

points clearly and keeping within a word limit, but in other styles of writing (e.g.
essays and formal letters), complete sentences with linking words are a better

E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 16 | 27


E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 17 | 27
B1) Imagine that scientists could develop an 'immortality pill' that allowed
people to live forever. Discuss these questions.

a. Would you take it? Why/ Why not?

b. Would you want everyone to take it? Why/Why not?

B2) You will hear an excerpt from a radio programme about living forever.
Listen and choose the best answers for 1-5.

1. According to some scientists, technology that allows people to live for

thousands of years:
a. already exists.
b. will definitely exist within 30 years.
c. may exist within 30 years.

2. According to the speaker, why are scientists closer to finding this

a. They are beginning to understand why and how our bodies age.
b. Medical technology is improving quickly.
c. There are more old people in our societies.

3. According to some people, immortality would have a negative effect

a. we would soon use up all the earth's natural resources.
b. everybody would stop caring about the environment.
c. the earth would become very overcrowded.

E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 18 | 27
4. Some people say that immortality would be pointless because:
a. only the very rich would be able to afford it.
b. you wouldn't use your time carefully.
c. you would only remember a part of your life.

5 You might never fall in love if you were immortal because:

a. the most powerful human feelings come from knowing that we will
not be here forever.
b. you would get bored with everybody that you've met.
c. the technology would change the way in which your brain experiences

Future travel arrangements

You are going to hear three friends, Loic, Tess and Marco, discussing travelling
arrangements from Birmingham in England to their destination near La
Rochelle in France. Work in groups. Look at the map. Discuss the different
ways you think they could travel.

E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 19 | 27
B3) What type of transport did they finally decide to book for travelling to

France? _____________________.

B4) Listen again and then answer the following questions.

1. Why does Tess (the lady) want to make the travel arrangements now?
2. Why does Marco disagree with taking tunnels?
3. Do they agree about flying there? Why or why not?
4. Why does Tess prefer flying?
5. What is Marco’s final idea about travelling?
6. Why does Loic (the other man) suggest a night crossing by ferry?
7. Who is going to check the price of the ferry?

E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 20 | 27
B5) Make predictions about the future using these notes. Use the range of
future structures covered in this unit. An example is given.

Near future/scientists/work on moon.

In the near future, scientists will be working on the moon.

1. Scientists/control/ the weather


2. Traffic conditions/ in our cities/ improve


3. Newspapers/ replace/ by the Internet


4. A cure/found for/ all diseases


5. We/ live / probably/ until /125 years or more


6. Everything/ be digital


E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 21 | 27
Expressing degrees of certainty and uncertainty in the future
Meaning Expressions of varying degrees of certainty

Yes, definitely 99% Of course it WILL (rain)

It's sure to (rain)
There's no doubt at all it will (rain)
It's definitely GOING TO (rain)
Yes, probably 75% I expect it WILL (rain)
I wouldn't be surprised if it (didn't rain)
I bet it WILL (rain)
It's LIKELY that it WILL (rain)
Perhaps 50% There's a chance it that it WILL (rain)
It MIGHT possibly (rain)
I suppose it MIGHT (rain)
No, probably not 20% I doubt if it WILL (rain)
I don't think it WILL (rain)
There's not much chance of it (rain)
It's highly UNLIKELY that it WILL (rain)
No, definitely not 0% Of course it WON'T (rain)
There's no chance of it (raining)
I'm absolutely sure it WON'T (rain)
I'm one hundred per cent certain it WON'T

B6) Let’s answer the following question. Try to use phrases in the table to
show the degree of certainty.
Do you think you will ever take a holiday in space? Why? Why not?





E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 22 | 27
B9) Reads Megan’s report on how to raise money for school computers.
Match these subheadings A-E to the sections 1-5.
A. Future action
B. Two further proposals
C. The safest option
D. Purpose of this report
E. Initial ideas

Ideas for raising money for school computers

1. _____________________
The aim of this report is to present the ideas that were discussed at the well-
attended meeting of the parents’ and teachers’ association held on 25th January
at 7 p.m. The meeting was to discuss ways of raising money to purchase
replacement computers. A number of proposals were made.

2. ___________________
One suggestion was the organization of a sponsored bicycle ride. However,
following discussions, it was decided a ride on roads would be dangerous for
younger children. Consequently, the idea was dismissed.

3. _____________________
The next proposal was for a pageant on the theme of English history with
children travelling on decorated floats. A further idea was to organize a boat
race on the river. Even though both ideas were greeted with enthusiasm, it was
decided that the parade would be difficult on account of the lorries while the
boat race was unsuitable on safety grounds.

E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 23 | 27
4. _______________________
Those present returned to the idea of the sponsored walk. On balance, it was
agreed that a sponsored walk, while not the most imaginative choice, was the
most acceptable. Moreover, it was felt that it would raise the money required.

5. ________________________
Mrs. Megan Green agreed to create a sponsorship form and Mr. Fox accepted
the role of treasurer. Volunteers will be required to act as stewards and to
provide refreshments for the event.

B10) Unjumble these sentences into the correct order.

1. to give/this report/is/main/The purpose/ an overview of/the town’s/eating



2. a number of/good quality/are/ There/ in the area/restaurants/ for most

tastes/, which cater/.


3. to give/ about/your English language course/my views and suggestions/ The

aim of/is/this report.


4. more grammar homework/giving/I suggest/the classes and/to supplement/to

separate/into different classes/of the same nationality/students/


E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 24 | 27
5. was intended to/ which/to review/The final option/is/implemented/for
students/products and services


We use subheadings in reports to summarise what each part of the report is

about. Subheadings also help the reader to find the information they need

B11) Imagine that you are reading a report about homelessness among
young people. Write notes about what you would expect to read under
subheading 1-4. The first one has been done as an example.
1. Introduction: homelessness -a growing problem among young people
2. The result of family breakdown: ____________________________________
3. Fear and friendship on the streets: __________________________________
4. The dangers of street life: _________________________________________

E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 25 | 27


E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 26 | 27
Word List
1. asteroid 26. light years
2. astronaut 27. manned
3. blueprint 28. mission
4. commercial 29. occasionally
5. destiny 30.orbital
6. destination 31. orbiting
7. efficiency 32. parachutes
8. elitist 33. pick out
9. enterprise 34. priorities
10. exclusive 35. proposal
11. expedition 36. re-usable
12. exploration 37. rocket
13. evidence 38. settlement
14. faint 39. shortlist
15. freight 40. solar system
16. frontier 41. space capsule
17. galaxy 42. squirt
18. inappropriate 43. taxpayers
19. influential 44. telescope
20. impress 45. turning point
21. intervals 46. viable
22. irreversible 47. washcloth
23. Jupiter 48. willingness
24. landing 49. wring
25. launch 50. worthwhile

E T L P - F C E ( V e n u s ) S B 1 2 P a g e 27 | 27

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