Clasa I Plan de Lectie 13 Feb
Clasa I Plan de Lectie 13 Feb
Clasa I Plan de Lectie 13 Feb
1. Reception of simple oral message.
2. Expressing orally in usual communication contexts.
1.1 Offering an adequate reaction to a simple short question/ instruction, clearly
and very slowly articulated, attentively asked by the teacher;
1.2 Recognizing elementary localisation (this/that) of objects in the immediate
surroundings, in messages clearly and slowly articulated;
1.3 Showing curiosity towards understanding the general meaning of (films)/songs
for children in English;
2.3 Taking part in communications games intended to reproduce or create short
To use correctly vocabulary related to pets (pets, cat, dog, rabbit, tortoise,
mouse, duck, +house)
To answer to questions What’s this?/that?
To show curiosity towards the general meaning of a recording (song);
To react adequatelly to a short, clear question/ instruction given by the
To identify and name animals in clearly articulated messages;
To get an answer from the students after listening to oral instructions;
To identify the animal using the noise it makes;
To reproduce a simple song.
- to create a warm atmosphere in order to offer the background for smooth, easy
conversations between teacher and students;
- to make students confident in themselves when speaking a foreign language.
To elicit meaningful response to stimulus;
To raise students’ interest in the topic;
To motivate students to listen to English songs;
To develop students’ skills of speaking and listening in English.
- Teacher- Students
- Students - Teacher
- Individual work
- Pair work
- Group work
Crt Teaching Teacher’s activity Students’ Class Competence/
events/ Time activity org. Purpose
Warm-up - greets the students -students join Teacher- -to create the basis
Set up general and initiates routine in Students of discussion;
situation- conversation, using the conversation,
3 min. puppet Chuckles; (1.1, 2.3)
-to encourage
students s to speak.
2. Presentation -the teacher shows -students -to introduce
& Practice students 6 flashcards listen to the vocabulary related
with animals teacher, then Plenary to the new lesson
Vocabulary (cat,dog,rabbit,mouse, to the cassette (pets, cat, dog,
presentation tortoise,duck) and 2 and repeat, rabbit, tortoise,
flashcards representing first chorally, mouse, duck,
10 min. the words pets and then house)
house , saying the individually Teacher-
appropriate word the words Students
representing each representing -to practice
( Appendix 1 ); the animals in pronunciation and
-plays the cassette and the pictures; encourage students
asks students to repeat, to speak.
first chorally, then (1.1)
individually the new
words. (Appendix 2)
-pins up the -look at the
flashcards, one at a pictures the
time, and asks students teacher pins
to say the word. up and say the
word for each.
5 min Activity 1
Setting the scene: - name the Teacher- -to practise
elicits the names of the characters Students receptive and
characters –Larry, they already productive skills:
Lulu, Chuckles, Nanny know from provide short
Speaking -explains the students the previous answers;
that Larry, Lulu and lessons;
Chuckles are at
Nanny’s house, (1.1)
pointing to the picture;
-pointing to each
illustration, elicits - answers the Teacher- -to give short
Nanny’s pets teacher’s Students/ answers to simple,
(Pointing to picture 1 – question, - short clearly
Nanny’s pets?, a.s.o.); naming each Answers articulated
Next, pointing also to pet in the chorally/ questions;
the pets, the teacher pictures; individu
tells their names ally (1.1)
(Danny the dog, Kitty
the cat, Roger the
rabbit, Maisie the - listen to the - to practice
mouse, Dereck the teacher, then pronunciation;
duck, Tommy the repeat with - to predict the next
tortoise), inviting her; exercise;
children to join in; (2.3)
10 min. Activity 2
The teacher plays the -the students
cassette, telling the listen to the -to listen for
Listening and students to listen and cassette and general meaning;
speaking look, miming listening look at the
and looking; points to pictures (1.3)
the pictures illustrating illustrating the
the recording; dialogue;
- Pointing to Lulu, in
the fourth picture, the -the students -to introduce
teacher introduces the listen to the What’s this?/that?
question What’s that? cassette and
or What’s this?, then answer the
plays the cassette and teacher’s
invites students to question; -to present an
listen again to the last animal
part of the dialogue. (2.3)
-points to the fourth
picture again, and
repeating the question
What’s that?, invites
children to answer it.
(That’s Tommy, the -Look for the
tortoise!) sticker, show Individu -using multiple
- asks students to find it to the al Work intelligence, to get
the sticker for the teacher and an answer from the
watermark picture at stick it; students after
the end if their book, listening to oral
checks it and tells instructions;
them to stick it in the (1.1)
right place; helps them
all around;
provide them help;
-plays the second
exchange on the
cassette and repeat the
procedure above.
5. Ending the -The teacher revises -repeat the
lesson the names of the names of the Group -to encourage
pets,showing the pets Work students to learn
8 min. pictures; the English
- plays the song on the language more
cassette (twice) -listen and efficiently and
(Appendix 4), pointing look at the pleasantly as they
in turns, to the pets in illustration,; use the words as
the pictures, asking points to the means of having
children to join in; right picture; fun
-divides the class in (2.3)
two groups, explaining
the task to the -listen to the
children, teacher’s
demonstrating the explanations;
actions: What’s this?
making an animal
sound … eek-eek-eek-
names the animal -
-makes animal noises, -say the name
asking students to of the animal
recognize and name making that
the animals; the first sound;
pupil who recognizes
the animal gets a point
for his-her team; the
point is represented by
the flashcard with that
-asks students to count -count the
the animals they got; animals/
-praises the gaining points;
team – with the highest
number of points; - the winner is
-offer a diploma to the the group
winners;(Appendix 5 - with the
diploma) highest score;
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4