Unit 10
Unit 10
Unit 10
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Gain an overview about the topic The ecosystem;
- Gain vocabulary to talk about ecosystems;
- Get to know the language aspects: Compound nouns.
2. Competences
- Develop communication skills and creativity;
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork.
3. Personal qualities
- Be aware of the responsibility for protecting the ecosystems;
- Develop self-study skills
- Actively join in class activities
- Grade 11 textbook, Unit 10, Getting started
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV/ pictures and cards
- hoclieu.vn
Language analysis
Form Pronunciation Meaning
1. flora (n) /ˈflɔːrə/ the plants of a particular area, type of thực vật
environment or period of time
2. fauna (n) /ˈfɔːnə/ all the animals living in an area or in a động vật
particular period of history
3. insect (n) /ˈɪnsekt/ any small creature with six legs and a côn trùng
body divided into three parts. Insects
usually also have wings. Ants, bees and
flies are all insects.
4. organism /ˈɔːɡənɪzəm/ a living thing, especially one that is sinh vật
(n) extremely small
Anticipated difficulties Solutions
1. WARM-UP (5 mins)
a. Objectives:
- To stir up the atmosphere and activate students’ knowledge on the topic of ecosystems;
- To set the context for the listening and reading part;
- To enhance students’ skills of cooperating with teammates.
b. Content:
- Game: Guess the place.
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can name the targeted place which is the topic of the lesson.
d. Organisation
e. Assessment
- Teacher observes the groups and gives feedback.
e. Assessment
- Teacher’s observation on Ss’ performance and answers.
- Teacher’s feedback and peers’ feedback.
Board Plan
Date of teaching
Unit 10: The ecosystem
Lesson 1: Getting started - Ecosystems and humans
* Vocabulary
1. flora (n)
2. fauna (n)
3. insect (n)
4. organism (n)
5. biodiversity (n)
Lesson 2: Language
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Use the lexical items related to the topic Plants and animals;
- Revise intonation in question tags;
- Review and practise the use of compound nouns.
2. Core competence
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work;
- Access and consolidate information from a variety of sources;
3. Personal qualities
- Be aware of the importance of protecting the ecosystem;
- Develop self-study skills.
- Actively join in class activities
- Grade 11 textbook, Unit 10, Language
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV/ pictures and cards
- hoclieu.vn
Language analysis
1. WARM-UP (5 mins)
a. Objectives:
- To stir up the atmosphere and activate students’ knowledge on the topic of plants and
- To enhance students’ skills of cooperating with teammates.
b. Content:
- Categorising game
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can identify some more new words about plants and animals.
d. Organisation
e. Assessment
- Teacher observes the groups and gives feedback.
e. Assessment
- Teacher checks students’ pronunciation and gives feedback.
- Students in class listen and give feedback on their friends’ performance.
a. Wrap-up
- T asks Ss to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson.
b. Homework
- Do the exercises in the workbook.
- Prepare for Lesson 3 - Reading.
Board Plan
Date of teaching
Unit 10: The ecosystem
Lesson 2: Language
Categorising game
* Pronunciation
- Task 1: Listen and practise.
- Task 2: Mark the intonation.
* Vocabulary
- Task 1: Match the words and phrases with their meanings.
- Task 2: Complete the sentences.
* Grammar
- Task 1: Make five compound nouns.
- Task 2: Use the words to make compound nouns. Then make sentences with them.
Lesson 3: Reading – U Minh Thuong – A unique national park
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Develop reading skills for general ideas and for specific information about U Minh
Thuong National Park.
2. Competences
- Develop communication skills and creativity
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork
- Develop presentation skills
3. Personal qualities
- Love the national parks of our countries
- Be aware of the values of U Minh Thuong National Park and the responsibility to
protect it
- Actively join in class activities.
- Grade 11 textbook, Unit 10, Reading
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV/ pictures and cards
- hoclieu.vn
Language analysis
Pronunci Vietnamese
Form Meaning
ation equivalents
1. unique (adj) /juˈniːk/ being the only one of its kind độc đáo, độc nhất
2. mangrove /ˈmæŋɡrə a tropical tree that grows in mud or at the edge of cây đước
(n) ʊv/ rivers and has roots that are above ground
3. delta (n) /ˈdeltə/ an area of land, like a triangle in shape, where a river vùng châu thổ,
has split into several smaller rivers before entering vùng đồng bằng
the sea
4. pangolin /pæŋˈɡəʊ a small animal from Africa or Asia that eats insects, con tê tê
(n) lɪn/ and has a long nose, tongue and tail, and
hard scales on its body
5. floating /ˈfləʊtɪŋ/ staying on or near the surface of a liquid and not nổi
(adj) sink
Anticipated difficulties Solutions
1. Students may lack knowledge about Provide students with the meaning and pronunciation
some lexical items. of words.
1. WARM-UP (5 mins)
a. Objectives:
- To stir up the atmosphere and activate students’ knowledge on the topic;
- To set the context for the reading part;
- To enhance students’ skills of cooperating with teammates.
b. Content:
- Quiz: National parks in Viet Nam
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can get some knowledge about famous national parks in Viet Nam.
d. Organisation
e. Assessment
- Teacher observes the groups, collects their answers and gives feedback.
e. Assessment
- Teacher’s observation on Ss’ performance.
- Teacher’s feedback and peers’ feedback.
a. Wrap-up
- T asks Ss to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson.
b. Homework
- Write a short paragraph about how to protect national parks in Viet Nam.
- Do the exercises in the workbook.
- Prepare for the next lesson – Speaking.
Board Plan
Date of teaching
Unit 10: The ecosystem
Lesson 3: Reading – U Minh Thuong – A unique national park
- Task 1: Discussion.
* Vocabulary
1. unique (adj)
2. mangrove (n)
3. delta (n)
4. pangolin (n)
5. floating (adj)
- Task 2: Match the headings to the paragraphs.
- Task 3: Complete the sentences.
- Task 4: Discussion.
Lesson 4: Speaking – Ways to protect local biodiversity
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Gain an overview about ways to protect local biodiversity
- Memorize vocabulary to discuss ways to protect local biodiversity
2. Competences
- Develop communication skills and creativity
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork
- Develop presentation skills
3. Personal qualities
- Be aware of ways to protect local biodiversity
- Develop self-study skills
- Actively join in class activities
- Grade 11 textbook, Unit 10, Speaking
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV/ pictures and cards
- hoclieu.vn
Language analysis
Form Pronunciation Meaning
1. mass tourism /mæs ˈtʊərɪzəm/ a kind of tourism in which there is huge gathering of
(noun phrase) tourist in a destination and creates huge impact upon its
carrying capacity.
3. shelter (n) /ˈʃeltə(r)/ a structure built to give protection, especially from the
weather or from attack
4. native (adj) /ˈneɪtɪv/ (of animals and plants) existing naturally in a place
Anticipated difficulties Solutions
Students may lack more vocabulary to - Provide vocabulary and useful language before
deliver a speech. assigning tasks.
- Encourage students to work in groups so that they
can help each other.
- Give short, clear instructions and help if necessary.
1. WARM-UP (5 mins)
a. Objectives:
- To stir up the atmosphere and activate students’ knowledge on the topic;
- To set the context for the speaking part;
b. Content:
- Watch a video
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can find the correct ideas related to the topic of the lesson.
d. Organisation
e. Assessment
- Teacher observes the students’ performance, collects their answers and gives feedback.
e. Assessment
- Teacher’s observation on Ss’ performance.
- Teacher’s feedback and peers’ feedback.
a. Wrap-up
- T asks Ss to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson.
b. Homework
- Do the exercises in the workbook.
- Prepare for the next lesson – Listening.
Board Plan
Date of teaching
Unit 10: The ecosystem
Lesson 4: Speaking – Ways to protect local biodiversity
* Vocabulary
1. mass tourism (n.phr)
2. carbon footprint (n.phr)
3. shelter (n)
4. native (adj)
- Task 1: Which of the followings are ways to protect local biodiversity?
- Task 2: Choose a way to protect local biodiversity from the list in Task 1.
- Task 3: Read the situations and think of possible responses.
- Task 4. Report your answer to the whole class.
Lesson 5: Listening – Human impact on ecosystems
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Gain an overview about humans’ impact on ecosystem
- Memorize vocabulary to talk about humans’ impact on ecosystems
2. Competences
- Develop listening skills: listening for the main idea and listening for specific details
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork
- Develop presentation skills
3. Personal qualities
- Be aware of what people can do to restore the ecosystems
- Develop self-study skills
- Actively join in class activities
- Grade 11 textbook, Unit 10, Listening
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV/ pictures and cards
- hoclieu.vn
Language analysis
Form Pronunciation Meaning
1. coral reef (n) /ˈkɒrəl riːf/ a hard substance that is red, pink or white in colour,
and that forms on the bottom of the sea from the
bones of very small creatures.
3. food chain (n) /ˈfuːd tʃeɪn/ a series of living creatures in which each type of
creature feeds on the one below it in the series
Anticipated difficulties Solutions
Students may lack more vocabulary to - Provide vocabulary and useful language before
deliver a speech. assigning tasks.
- Encourage students to work in groups so that they
can help each other.
- Give short, clear instructions and help if necessary.
Students cannot follow the speed of the - Make sure they understand the meaning and
recording. pronunciation of important words.
- Teach them the skill of underlining key words in the
questions before they listen.
- Play more time if necessary.
1. WARM-UP (5 mins)
a. Objectives:
- To stir up the atmosphere and activate students’ knowledge on the topic;
- To set the context for the listening part;
b. Content:
- Game: Food chain
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can join the game and gain knowledge on the topic.
d. Organisation
e. Assessment
- Teacher’s observation on Ss’ performance.
- Teacher’s feedback and peers’ feedback.
Board Plan
Date of teaching
Unit 10: The ecosystem
Lesson 5: Listening – Human impact on ecosystems
* Vocabulary
1. coral reef (n)
2. expert (n)
3. food chain (n)
4. run out of (v)
5. restore (v)
- Task 1: Choose the correct meanings
- Task 2: Choose the correct answer.
- Task 3: True or false.
- Task 4: Discussion.
Lesson 6: Writing – An opinion essay about spending more money on
restoring local ecosystems
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Write an opinion essay to present their point of view on whether we should spend more
money on restoring local ecosystems.
2. Competences
- Develop writing skills
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork
3. Personal qualities
- Be responsible for protecting the ecosystems
- Actively join in class activities.
- Grade 11 textbook, Unit 10, Writing
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV/ pictures and cards
- hoclieu.vn
Anticipated difficulties Solutions
Students may have underdeveloped - Guide students to make an outline before they write.
writing skills. - Encourage students to work in pairs and in groups
so that they can help each other.
- Provide feedback and help if necessary.
1. WARM-UP (5 mins)
a. Objectives:
- To stir up the atmosphere and review vocabulary of the previous lessons;
- To set the context for the writing part;
b. Content:
- Jumbled words
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students review some vocabulary of the previous lessons.
d. Organisation
Game: Jumble words Words:
- Teacher divides the class into 2 groups. 1. R/U/N/A/L/T/A E/I/D/A/S/S/T/R (2 words)
- Teacher shows each jumble word on the screen. 2. N/E/B/A/C/A/L
- If a team can answer the word, students raise their
hands and say BINGO to get the chance to answer. 3. L/O/C/A/R F/E/R/E (2 words)
- If Ss have a correct answer, they get one point for 4. M/O/C/E/Y/S/T/S/E
their team. 5. A/N/R/D/E/A/N/G/R/E C/E/S/I/P/S/E (2
- The team with more points will be the winner of words)
the game. Answer key:
e. Assessment
- Teacher observes the students’ performance, collects their answers and gives feedback.
e. Assessment
- Teacher’s observation on Ss’ performance.
e. Assessment
- Teacher’s observation on Ss’ performance, provide help if necessary.
- Teacher’s feedback and peers’ feedback.
a. Wrap-up
- T asks Ss to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson.
b. Homework
- Do the exercises in the workbook.
- Prepare for the next lesson – Communication and Culture.
Board Plan
Date of teaching
Unit 10: The ecosystem
Lesson 6: Writing – An opinion essay about spending more money on restoring
local ecosystems
- Task 1: Discuss and decide whether the following ideas are for or against restoring
local ecosystems.
*Useful expressions
-Task 2. Write an opinion essay.
- Peer-review
Lesson 7: Communication and Culture / CLIL
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Expand vocabulary with the topic of the unit;
- Have some knowledge about protecting ecosystems around the world;
- Review expressions to talk about likes and dislikes.
2. Core competence
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork
- Develop problem-solving skills and creativity
3. Personal qualities
- Be aware of how to protect ecosystems around the world.
- Grade 11 textbook, Unit 10, Communication and Culture
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV/ pictures and cards
- hoclieu.vn
Language analysis
Form Pronunciation Meaning
3. barrier (n) /ˈbæriə(r)/ something that exists between one thing or person and
another and keeps them separate
5. marine (adj) /məˈriːn/ connected with the sea and the creatures and plants that
live there
1. WARM-UP (5 mins)
a. Objectives:
- To stir up the atmosphere and activate students’ knowledge on the topic of the lesson.
- To enhance students’ skills of cooperating with teammates.
b. Content:
- Watch a video
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can identify expressions to talk about likes and dislikes in a video.
d. Organisation
a. Wrap-up
- T asks Ss to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson.
b. Homework
- Do the exercises in the workbook.
- Prepare for Lesson 8 - Looking back and project.
Board Plan
Date of teaching
Unit 10: The ecosystem
Lesson 7: Communication and Culture / CLIL
* Everyday English
- Task 1: Complete the conversation.
- Task 2: Make similar conversations
- Task 1: Read the text and tick the correct project in the table.
- Task 2: Discussion.
Lesson 8: Looking back and project
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Review the vocabulary and grammar of Unit 10
- Apply what they have learnt (vocabulary and grammar) into practice through a project
2. Core competence
- Develop communication skills and creativity
- Develop presentation skills
- Develop critical thinking skills
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and team work
3. Personal qualities
- Be more creative when doing the project
- Develop self-study skills
- Grade 11 textbook, Unit 10, Looking back and project
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV/ pictures and cards
- hoclieu.vn
Students may have underdeveloped - Encourage students to work in pairs and in groups
speaking, writing and co-operating so that they can help each other.
skills when doing the project. - Provide feedback and help if necessary.
Some students will excessively talk in - Explain expectations for each task in detail.
the class. - Have excessively talkative students practise.
- Continue to explain task expectations in small
chunks (before every activity).
1. WARM-UP (5 mins)
a. Objectives:
- To stir up the atmosphere and help Ss review vocabulary
b. Content:
- Miming game.
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can develop speaking skills and review vocabulary of the unit.
d. Organisation
e. Assessment
- Teacher observes the students’ performance, collects their answers and gives feedback.
e. Assessment
- T gives comments and feedback to all posters and presentations, and awards a prize to the
group which has the most votes.
a. Wrap-up
- T asks Ss to talk about what they have learnt in the lesson.
b. Homework
- Do the exercises in the workbook.
- Prepare for End-of-term test.
Board Plan
Date of teaching
Unit 10: The ecosystem
Lesson 8: Looking back and project
* Looking back
- Pronunciation
- Vocabulary
- Language
* Project
Restore and protect a local ecosystem.