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PII: S0167-739X(20)31245-0
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2020.07.048
Reference: FUTURE 5770
Please cite this article as: Y. Yun and D. Ma, Human–computer interaction-based Decision Support
System with Applications in Data Mining, Future Generation Computer Systems (2020), doi:
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School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao, China
School of Animation and Communication, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao, China
Corresponding author, and the email is dexinma666@sina.com.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Abstract: Human-computer interaction (HCI) plays a vital role
in modern intelligent systems, such as brain-machine
integration, human action recognition, telemedicine, and
somatosensory game. A decision support system is a
combination of the information system and decision-making
technology. Visual human-computer interaction
decision-making is a key technique in the decision support
system. This paper proposes a new visual decision-making
system applicable for industrial applications, i.e. data mining
topics. To assist the performance of the proposed visual
decision-making system, it is designed for data mining
technique applications. Furthermore, the architecture of the
decision support system is analyzed based on practical data
mining case study. The comprehensive experiment shows that
the proposed method is effective and robust in comparison to
other methods.
Keywords: Human-computer interaction; Data mining;
Decision support system; Decision-making; Intelligent Figure 1. The basic architecture of the decision support system.
The intelligent decision-making system helps
1. Introduction decision-makers to make semi-structured and unstructured
With its development, the database technology built based on decisions. It combines database, model base, method base, and
business operating environment and platform can not meet the knowledge base techniques [10]. In general, an intelligent
needs of people in analysis and decision-making layers. The decision support system consists of a decision support system
decision support system (DSS) has been developed based on and intelligent modules. Besides, systematic human-computer
the information management system [6-8]. To effectively interaction is also a key component of the decision support
provide important information for corporate and government system. To this end, system developers not only need to study
management, data mining technology is applied in the field [9]. the overall structure of the software but also need to understand
Data mining can be defined as a method to obtain useful the user’s concept of interaction and the degree of mastering the
knowledge and information by analyzing data in the database computer, to design the interface of layout and platform
and data warehouse [1-3]. Data mining has shown an effective management and the auxiliary control function that can
performance in the decision-making system [4, 5, 27, 28]. The automatically adjust and guide users to better conduct
basic architecture of DSS is depicted in Figure 1. The decision decision-making. The intelligent human-computer interaction
support system usually focuses on semi-structured or system utilizes artificial intelligence and expert systems in the
user interface; thus, the interface contains the most knowledge
providing the basis for business decision-making and market gesture, and body movement can be used as the means of
planning. Data mining technology is a new business communication between humans and computers. Zabulis et al.
information processing technology in essence, which improves [21] proposed vision-based hand gesture recognition. Hidden
the user’s application of data from low-level online query Markov Model (HMM) is generally used for hand gesture
operation to higher-level application of decision support, recognition since HMM processes a strong ability in analyzing
analysis, and prediction. Data mining can deal with massive time-related tasks. In addition, recurrent neural network
data, and even if these data are incomplete, redundant, and algorithms are applied in hand gesture recognition [22, 23].
random, the user data can be chosen for building a knowledge Recognizing human gesture is significant for HCI applications.
model through data cleaning methods. Data mining technology The decision-making system aims to obtain the best solution.
has brought about the structural change of the traditional The decision support system (DSS) was proposed by Scott in
decision support system. The existing database system can 1970 [26]. DSS consists of a decision module, support module,
achieve the effective input, modification, statistics and query and system module. Spraque [27] proposed that DSS should
functions, but it fails to find the relationships and rules in the support not only structural decision-making but also
data, and it can not predict the future development trend semi-structural and non-structural decision-making. The author
according to the existing data. gives the general structure of DSS and points out that DSS can
In this paper, we propose a visual decision-making system only provide useful information for decision-makers, but
based on data mining. Likewise, we analyze the basic structure cannot specify decision. Traditional DSS uses various
of the decision support system. Further, a human-computer quantitative models, which play a great role in quantitative
interaction system is designed to provide feedback to modify analysis and processing. It supports semi-structured and
the decision. The main contributions of this paper include: unstructured decision-making problems. However, DSS has
The proposal of a novel visual decision-making some limitations [28, 29]. The function of the system in
system. re-
The approval of the proposed decision support system
performance on data mining topics.
Designing a new HCI system for providing feedback
decision support is passive, it cannot provide active support
according to the change of decision environment and it cannot
provide support for the common unstructured problems in
decision-making. Based on the quantitative mathematical
and notifications. model, it lacks corresponding to the common qualitative, fuzzy
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The related works and uncertainty problems in decision-making means of support
including HCI and data mining are given in Section 2. The [30].
proposed method is introduced in Section 3. Section 4 presents 2.2 Data Mining
the experiment analysis and results, while Section 5 concludes. Data Mining (DM) can be divided into five methods, i.e.
2. Related work predictive modeling, clustering, summarization, dependency
The research work presented in this paper is related to three modeling, and change and deviation detection [24]. Predictive
research topics, i.e. human-computer interaction (HCI) [14, 15], modeling is based on some fields to predict one or several fields
decision-making system [35], and data mining. These topics are in the database. When the predicted field value is a continuous
introduced and discussed briefly in the following subsections. value, the task is a regression problem. While when the
2.1 Human-computer interaction predicted field value is an enumeration value, the task is a
HCI studies the interaction between people and computers. It is classification problem. The genetic algorithm and decision tree
worth mentioning that the user interface is the medium and algorithm are widely used in classification methods [31].
dialogue interface between people and computers to transfer Clustering is an unsupervised classification task, which is
and exchange information. Ideally, human-computer classified as several subsets based on feature representations.
interaction does not depend on machine language. In the Clustering algorithms can be grouped into three categories:
absence of keyboard and mouse equipment, human-computer metric-distance based methods, model-based methods, and
communication can be realized anytime and anywhere. Hayes partition-based methods. Summarization methods can generate
[17] discussed the relationship between human action and the Feature Generalization of each data subset and find the
human-computer interaction. The author described the relationship between data fields. Dependency modeling is to
historical context of action research (AR). Bulling et al. [18] find the causal relationship from the data. By exporting the
proposed an eye tracking-based human-computer interaction. irregular structure in the data, it can usually deepen the
Since the human real-time gaze is a powerful communication understanding of the data. The causal model can be random or
way for humans with computer devices. Zander et al. [19] deterministic. Change and deviation detection is used to
proposed a brain-computer interaction system. Hollender et al. interpret the information of time series or other types of series,
[20] conducted a review of the theory and concepts of such as the change of quantity value with time, and detect
human-computer interaction, where two conceptual models abnormal situations. The order in which information is
were presented. observed is an important factor in such methods. W. H. Inmon
Human-computer interaction is widely applied in modern [25] proposed the concept of the data warehouse. The data
intelligent systems, such as human action recognition, hand warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-varying and
gesture recognition. In general, a camera-equipped on the non-volatile data collection in enterprise management and
computer can capture human actions. In addition, the computer decision-making. Different from other database applications,
will make corresponding actions according to different the data warehouse is more like a process of integration,
instructions of people. As described in [18], human gaze, hand processing and analysis of business data distributed throughout
the enterprise. The fuzzy method, rough sets, and cloud
Journal Pre-proof
methods are usually used in data mining techniques. In recent without risk, and A2 means that a fund 𝑠 can be obtained by
years, with the development of neural networks, an artificial probability 𝑝 , or the loss amount 𝑡 can be obtained by
neural network (ANN) is also used for DM. In data mining, the probability 1 𝑝 . Here we define 𝑡 𝑟 𝑠. Let 𝑈 𝑠 , 𝑈 𝑟 ,
neural network is mainly used to obtain classification patterns. and 𝑈 𝑡 represent the utility value of 𝑠, 𝑟, and 𝑡. If 𝐴 and 𝐴
However, since the patterns obtained by the neural network are equivalent, then it can be formulated as:
classification method are hidden in the network structure rather 𝑃𝑈 𝑠 1 𝑃 𝑈 𝑡 𝑈 𝑟 1
than expressed as rules, it is not easy to be understood and Formula (1) denotes that the utility value of 𝑟 is equivalent to
interpreted by people [32]. In addition, the training time of the the utility expectation value of 𝑠 and 𝑡. In our implementation,
network is longer when training data is scanned many times. we fix the values of 𝑃, 𝑠, and 𝑡, and we can obtain the utility
Therefore, different from other data mining methods, the neural curve of the decision-maker by using the iterative algorithm
network used for data mining should solve two key problems: [33].
training time reduction and comprehensibility of mining 3.1.2 Utility curve construction
results. In multiple attributes decision-making, there are three issues
3. Proposed method that should be solved: 1) the utility values of some
Decision support system (DSS) is a semi-structured or representation discrete points in the scheme set should be
unstructured decision-making computer application system measured. 2) designing a mathematical model suitable for
through data, model, and knowledge. In our work, we design a describing the behavior of subjects is still a challenging task. 3)
human-computer interaction decision-making system. The how to put forward some questions to the decision-maker to
framework of our method is shown in Figure 2. investigate the risk attitude of the decision-maker, so as to
select a certain kind of function model as the qualitative
constraint of the utility function of the decision-maker. We
re- introduce a method to construct the utility function by
interacting with decision-makers.
We calculate the utility value of several representative points:
𝑢 𝑦 1 𝛼 𝑢 𝑥 𝛼𝑢 𝑧 2
where 𝛼 ∈ 0,1 . We leverage two points 𝑥 and 𝑧 with known
utility value. In general, we choose the minimum and maximum
elements of 𝑋, and we define 𝑢 𝑥 ≡ 1, 𝑢 𝑧 ≡ 0. If there is
no maximum or minimum element in X, you can also use the
upper or lower bound of X and select the appropriate
3.1.3 Preference visualization
To make decision-makers express their preferences simply
Figure 2. The framework of our proposed decision support
and clearly, we propose the concept of preference visualization.
Preference visualization refers to the process that the
3.1 Visual HCI decision system
decision-maker transforms the preference information in the
3.1.1 Utility function
decision-making problem into an intuitive, easy to understand,
between the objects to achieve the goal. In our work, the visual
utility function curve of each decision-maker. It can be used to
human-computer interaction decision system is modeled by the
analyze the effect of utility on decision-making. As a
UML method.
quantitative description of subject preference, the utility
3.2 Data mining in DSS
function model can be established in the range of elementary
Data mining is a decision support process of finding patterns
function as long as preference satisfies rational behavior and
in the observation data set. The hierarchical space of data
has structural characteristics of the system. As a quantitative
mining is shown in Figure 3. We divide data mining into three
constraint, the utility point measurement in the preference
hierarchical space: data space, aggregate space, and influence
element is used to determine the value of unknown parameters
in the model and obtain a specific algorithm.
The utility curve plots the performance of the utility function.
Suppose the decision-maker faces two alternative schemes 𝐴
and 𝐴 , where 𝐴 denotes that one can get a fund amount 𝑟
Journal Pre-proof
method of decision support system, but also as a good
representation of concept level. Concept lattice applying in
DSS can solve the problem of concept validity after knowledge
updating in a case-based reasoning system.
Figure 3. Hierarchical space of data mining. DT Bayes AR CL clustering
1 0.6284 0.7250 0.7893 0.8676 0.7327
The data space leverages the query and reports function of the 2 0.6410 0.7392 0.7908 0.8762 0.7426
existing database management system to carry out the 3 0.6513 0.7017 0.8093 0.8902 0.7897
decision-making query based on keywords and realize the 4 0.6034 0.6993 0.8137 0.8365 0.6937
online transaction processing (OLTP). The aggregate space
5 0.6197 0.7183 0.7900 0.8638 0.7213
leverages aggregation operation, multi-dimensional analysis,
6 0.5920 0.7427 0.7857 0.8365 0.7430
and statistical analysis to realize on-line analysis and
processing to provide statistical analysis data for 7 0.6211 0.7083 0.7902 0.8783 0.7104
decision-making reference. According to the clustering of 8 0.6392 0.7200 0.8013 0.8607 0.7642
similarity and the classification method of difference, the 9 0.5907 0.7221 0.8109 0.8730 0.7553
influence space discovers the relevance and structural pattern, 10 0.6253 0.7173 0.7902 0.8635 0.7432
the sequential pattern, establishes the prediction model, and Ave. 0.6212 0.7194 0.7971 0.8646 0.7396
finds the hidden useful information from the database. Each
level of data mining reflects different levels of query requests. 4.2 Parameter analysis
This division is conducive to the gradual extraction of There are two key parameters in our work 𝛼 balancing two
knowledge, which is the decision support process. In the terms of formula (2) and 𝑝 denoting the probability of the fund
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automatically obtaining knowledge from the inside of the clustering method can achieve the best performance. When
system. Compared with the query and retrieval information of 𝛼 0.5 , the concept lattice method achieves the best
the database management system, the knowledge of data performance.
mining is implicit, concise, and high-level.
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Corresponding author, and the email is dexinma666@sina.com.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
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This version was carefully updated and all the comments are well taken by the