Root Password and Log Into The System
Root Password and Log Into The System
Root Password and Log Into The System
Create new
root password and log into the system.
5) Install Apache and allow it to get documents from NFS mounted folder (SELinux part)
6) Extend the existing xfs file system to a total size of 200MB and add a label called myFS.
7) Assign the same SELinux contexts used by the home directories to the /xfs directory
8) Create two users: john with uid/gid equal to 2000, password 12345678
and davis with uid/gid equal to 3000, password 87654321. Make davis' account validity
stopping in one month.
9) Allow davis (and only davis) to get full access to john's home directory.
10) Create a directory named /common. Allow john and davis to share documents in
the /common directory using a group called team. Both of them can read, write and
remove documents from the other in this directory but any user not member of the
group can’t.
11) Create a xfs file system on a new logical volume of 100MB called lv_xfs. Mount it
permanently with uuid under /xfs.
13) Create a logical volume of 200MB called lv_swap2 and add it permanently to the current
swap space.
14) Create a cron job running as root, starting at 11PM every day and writing a report on daily
system resource consumption in the /var/log/consumption.log file.
15) Set the default target to boot into X Window level Graphical Target.
16) Add additional repository for YUM with name my_custom_repo which can be found via
URL http://local.repo/rhel7
17) Create new physical partition with 100MB size and mount it under /meet
18) Install the kernel from the source The following criteria
must be met:
• LDAP dn is dc=server,dc=com
• certificate file is located on
• ldapuserX should be able to log into your system, where X is server domain
number but will have none home directory (configured in different question)
• all LDAP users have password password
24) Copy the file /etc/fstab to /var/tmp. The file copied should be owned by root, the group
also should be set to root and should not be executable by anyone. The user andrew should
have read&write access to this file. User susan should not have any rights to this file. All other
users (current or future) should have the ability to read this file.
25) Create a new physical volume with volume group in the name of datacontainer, the extent
of VG should be 16MB. Also create new logical volume with name datacopy with the size of 50
extents and filesystem vfat mounted under /datasource.
27) Create the archive file /root/local.tgz for /usr/local compressed by gzip.
28) Search the string sarah in the /etc/passwd file and save the output in /root/lines
32) Find All Files in /etc (not subdirectories) that where modified more than 180 days
32) Find All Files in /etc (not subdirectories) that contain text "chrony" (ignore case).
34) Create pool and filesystem for thin provisioning and snapshots.
35) Login to the registry. Download image for a webserver. Run web server in a container as a
user-service on port 8080, sharing files from /home/user/webfiles