EX294 - Sample Questions
EX294 - Sample Questions
EX294 - Sample Questions
Created by PERjham / perjham@gmail.com
You will need five RHEL 8 virtual machines to be able to successfully complete all questions.
One VM will be configured as an Ansible control node. Other four VMs will be used to apply playbooks to
solve the sample exam questions. The following FQDNs will be used throughout the sample exam.
There are some requiremens that should be met before proceeding further:
• controller.example.com server has passwordless SSH access to all managed servers (using the
root user).
• node2.example.com server and node3.example.com have a 2GB secondary /dev/vdb disk
• node4.example.com server has a 512MB secondary /dev/vdb and a 1GB tertiary /dev/vdc disk
• node1.example.com has 1.3GB of RAM
• node2.example.com, node3.example.com and node4.example.com have 2GB ofRAM
• There are no regular users created on any of the servers.
Install ansible package on the controller node (including any dependencies) and configure the following:
• Create a regular user ansible with the password of redhat. Use this user for all sample exam tasks
and playbooks, unless you are working on the task that requires creating the ansible user on
inventory hosts.
• You have root access to all five servers.
• All playbooks and other Ansible configuration that you create for this sample exam should be
stored in /home/ansible/plays.
• The roles path should include /home/ansible/plays/roles, as well as any other path that may be
required for the course of the sample exam.
• The inventory file path is /home/ansible/plays/inventory.
• Privilege escalation is disabled by default.
• Ansible should be able to manage 10 hosts at a single time.
• Ansible should connect to all managed nodes using the ansible user.
Create an inventory file /home/ansible/plays/inventory with the following:
Create a playbook with the name 02-ftp-repo.yml to set up the controller host as a repository host. Make
sure this host meets the following requirements, which must be done by the play.
Create a playbook with the name 03-http-repo.yml to set up the controller host as a repository
host. Make sure this host meets the following requirements, which must be done by the play.
Create a script with the name 04-setuphosts.sh that uses ad hoc commands to complete configuration
on the managed servers. This includes:
After running the adhoc script, you should be able to SSH into all inventory hosts using the ansible user
without password, as well as a run all privileged commands.
TASK 5: Ad-Hoc Commands II
Create a script with the name 05-configure-repos.sh that configures the managed servers as repository
clients to the repository server that you have set up in the previous tasks (2 and 3). This script must use
adhoc commands and perform the following tasks:
Create a playbook 06-motd.yml that runs on all inventory hosts and does the following:
• The playbook should replace any existing content of /etc/motd with text. Text depends on the host
• On hosts in the proxy host group the line should be “Welcome to HAProxy server”.
• On hosts in the webserver host group the line should be “Welcome to Apache server”.
• On hosts in the database host group the line should be “Welcome to MySQL server”.
Create a playbook 07-sshd.yml that runs on all inventory hosts and configures SSHD daemon as follows:
• X11Forwarding is disabled
• MaxAuthTries is set to 3
Create a playbook with the name 08-setupstorage.yml that accomplishes the following tasks:
• On all servers that have a second hard drive, create a partition with all the size of the second disk.
• Use this partition to set up an LVM volume group with the name vgdata that uses physical extents
with a size of 8 MiB.
• In the vgdata volume group, create a logical volume with the name lvdata and whit all the size
• Format this logical volume with the xfs file system.
• Ensure the volume is mounted persistently on the directory /data.
Create a playbook with the name 09-setupstorage2.yml that accomplishes the following tasks:
• On all servers do this. If the volume group vgdata does not exist, the playbook must return the
message “vgdata does not exists”.
• If the volume group exists the playbook must return the message “vgdata exists”.
• If the volume group exists but has less than 1 GiB storage available, the playbook must show the
message “Insufficient disk space available”.
- username: alice
uid: 1201
- username: vincent
uid: 1202
- username: sandy
uid: 2201
- username: patrick
uid: 2202
Create a playbook 10-users.yml that uses the vault file secret.yml and var file 10-user_list.yml to achieve
the following:
• Users whose user ID starts with 1 should be created on servers in the webserver host group. User
password should be used from the user_password variable.
• Users whose user ID starts with 2 should be created on servers in the database host group. User
password should be used from the user_password variable.
• All users should be members of a supplementary group wheel.
• Shell should be set to /bin/bash for all users.
• Account passwords should use the SHA512 hash format.
TASK 11: Users and groups II
Create a playbook with the name 11-users.yml. This playbook should create users based on the input file /
home/ansible/plays/vars/11-user_list2.yml. Manually create this file, and ensure it has the following
- name: linda
password: password
department: profs
- name: lisa
password: secret
department: profs
- name: anna
password: geheim
department: students
On servers that are in the webserver group, users who have the department set to profs should be created,
and the department should be set as a secondary group to the user. Also make sure that the password
that is specified in 11-user_list2.yml is set as a SHA256-encrypted password while creating the users.
Create a playbook 12-regular_tasks.yml that runs on servers in the proxy host group and does the
Create a playbook 13-repository.yml that runs on servers in the database host group and does the
Create a role called 14-sample-mysql and store it in /home/ansible/plays/roles. The role should satisfy the
following requirements:
bind_address = IPV4ADDRESS
Create a playbook /home/ansible/plays/14-mysql.yml that uses the role and runs on hosts in the database
host group.
Create a role called 15-sample-apache and store it in /home/ansible/plays/roles. The role should satisfy
the following requirements:
• The httpd, mod_ssl and php packages are installed. Apache service is running and enabled on
• Firewall is configured to allow all incoming traffic on HTTP port TCP 80 and HTTPS port TCP 443.
• Apache service should be restarted every time the file /var/www/html/index.html is modified.
• A Jinja2 template file index.html.j2 is used to create the file /var/www/html/index.html with the
following content:
Create a playbook /home/ansible/plays/15-apache.yml that uses the role and runs on hosts in the
webserver host group.
TASK 16: Download Roles From Ansible Galaxy and Use Them
Create a playbook 16-haproxy.yml that runs on servers in the proxy host group and does the following:
• Use geerlingguy.haproxy role to load balance request between hosts in the webserver host group.
• Use roundrobin load balancing method.
• HAProxy backend servers should be configured for HTTP only (port 80).
• Firewall is configured to allow all incoming traffic on port TCP 80.
• If your playbook works, then doing “curl http://node1.example.com/” should return output from the
web server (see task #15). Running the command again should return output from the other web
Create a playbook 17-selinux.yml that runs on hosts in the webserver host group and does the following:
Create a playbook 18-sysctl.yml that runs on all inventory hosts and does the following:
• If a server has more than 1500MB of RAM, then parameter vm.swappiness is set to 10.
• If a server has less than 1500MB of RAM, then the following error message is displayed:
Create a playbook 19-archive.yml that runs on hosts in the database host group and does the following:
Create a playbook 20-facts.yml that runs on hosts in the database host group and does the following:
TASK 21: Create and Use Templates to Create Customized Configuration Files
After running the playbook, the content of the file /etc/server_list.txt should be the following:
Note: if the FQDN of any inventory host changes, re-running the playbook should update the file with the
new values.
Create a playbook 22-packages.yml that gathers facts about packages that are installed on your
managed nodes. Have the playbook generate a report with the name /root/packages.txt in all the hosts. In
this report, package versions should be printed for the packages listed next. Make sure the report is
printed in the format “packagename = version”, such as zlib=1.2.11. Do this for the following packages:
• kernel
• bash
• glibc
Create a vault-encrypted password file with the name 23-cloudpass. In this file, set the variable CLOUDID
to the value myid, and set the variable CLOUDPASS to the password cloudpass. Encrypt the vault file with
the password cloudsecret. Store this password in the file 23-vaultpass in such a way that it can be used
while using this cloudpass.yml file in a playbook.
Next, create a playbook 23-cloudpass.yml. This playbook should import the variables that are set in the
cloudpass.yml file and use them to create a clear text readable file with the name /root/cloudcreds.txt. In
this file, the variables and their values should be listed in the “VARNAME = value” format, like
“CLOUDPASS = cloudpass”. Ensure this playbook can use the vault password file that you have created
Use the RHEL system role that manages time in a playbook with the name 24-settime.yml. Ensure that
control.example.com is used as the time server, and set the appropriate parameter that allows changing
time even if a large difference exists between time on the managed machine and time on the time server.
At the end of the playbook, verify that time is synchronized. If this is not the case, the playbook should
print the text “Unfortunately time could not be synchronized”
Create a playbook named 26-default-target.yml that runs on hosts in the webserver host group and does
the following: