Corporate Reporting (UK) (P2) September 2017 To June 2018
Corporate Reporting (UK) (P2) September 2017 To June 2018
Corporate Reporting (UK) (P2) September 2017 To June 2018
Relational diagram of the main capabilities The syllabus is designed to progressively broaden
and deepen the knowledge, skills and professional
This diagram illustrates the flows and links between values demonstrated by the student on their way
the main capabilities (sections) of the syllabus and through the qualification.
should be used as an aid to planning teaching and
learning in a structured way. The specific capabilities within the detailed
syllabuses and study guides are assessed at one of
three intellectual or cognitive levels:
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Level 2: Application and analysis the subject and how these areas have been broken
Level 3: Synthesis and evaluation down.
Very broadly, these intellectual levels relate to the GUIDE TO EXAM STRUCTURE
three cognitive levels at which the Knowledge
module, the Skills module and the Professional level The structure of examinations varies within and
are assessed. between modules and levels.
Each subject area in the detailed study guide The Fundamentals level examinations contain
included in this document is given a 1, 2, or 100% compulsory questions to encourage
3 superscript, denoting intellectual level, marked at candidates to study across the breadth of each
the end of each relevant line. This gives an syllabus.
indication of the intellectual depth at which an area
could be assessed within the examination. However, The Knowledge module is assessed by equivalent
while level 1 broadly equates with the Knowledge two-hour paper based and computer based
module, level 2 equates to the Skills module and examinations.
level 3 to the Professional level, some lower level
skills can continue to be assessed as the student The Corporate and Business Law (F4)
progresses through each module and level. This paper is a two- hour objective test examination
reflects that at each stage of study there will be a which is also available as a computer based exams
requirement to broaden, as well as deepen for English and Global variants, as well as paper
capabilities. It is also possible that occasionally based for all variants.
some higher level capabilities may be assessed at
lower levels. The skills module examinations F5-F9 contain a mix
of objectives and longer type questions with a
LEARNING HOURS AND EDUCATION duration of three hours for 100 marks.* These are
RECOGNITION available as computer-based and paper-based
exams. In the computer-based exams there may be
The ACCA qualification does not prescribe or instances where we have extra content for the
recommend any particular number of learning hours purposes of ongoing quality assurance and security.
for examinations because study and learning
patterns and styles vary greatly between people and * For paper-based exams there is an extra 15
organisations. This also recognises the wide minutes to reflect the manual effort required.
diversity of personal, professional and educational
circumstances in which ACCA students find The Professional level papers are all of three hours
themselves. 15 minutes duration and, all contain two sections.
Section A is compulsory, but there will be
As a member of the International Federation of some choice offered in Section B.
Accountants, ACCA seeks to enhance the education
recognition of its qualification on both national and ACCA has removed the restriction relating to reading
international education frameworks, and with and planning time, so that while the time
educational authorities and partners globally. In considered necessary to complete these exams
doing so, ACCA aims to ensure that its qualifications remains at 3 hours, candidates may use the
are recognized and valued by governments, additional 15 minutes as they choose. ACCA
regulatory authorities and employers across all encourages students to take time to read questions
sectors. To this end, ACCA qualifications are carefully and to plan answers but once the exam
currently recognized on the education frameworks in time has started, there are no additional restrictions
several countries. Please refer to your national as to when candidates may start writing in their
education framework regulator for further answer books.
Time should be taken to ensure that all the
Each syllabus contains between 23 and 35 main information and exam requirements are properly
subject area headings depending on the nature of read and understood.
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The Essentials module papers all have a Section A
containing a major case study question with all
requirements totalling 50 marks relating to this
case. Section B gives students a choice of two from
three 25 mark questions.
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© ACCA 2017-2018 All rights reserved.
the financial
performance of entities (C)
Financial statements of
groups of entities (D)
entities (E)
Implications of changes in
accounting regulation on
financial reporting (F)
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© ACCA 2017-2018 All rights reserved.
DETAILED SYLLABUS D Financial statements of groups of entities
A The professional and ethical duty of the 1. Group accounting including cash flow
accountant statements
8. Provisions, contingencies and events after the 2. Convergence between national and
reporting date international reporting standards
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APPROACH TO EXAMINING THE SYLLABUS accounting standards will feature prominently in this
section on initial introduction
The syllabus is assessed by a three-hour 15 minutes
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Study Guide 2. Critical evaluation of principles and practices
B THE FINANCIAL REPORTING FRAMEWORK a) Apply and discuss the timing of the recognition
of non-current assets and the determination of
1. The applications, strengths and weaknesses of their carrying amounts including impairments
an accounting framework and revaluations.[3]
a) Evaluate the “valuation models adopted by b) Apply and discuss the treatment of non-current
standard setters.[3] assets held for sale.[3]
b) Discuss the use of an accounting framework in c) Apply and discuss the accounting treatment of
underpinning the production of accounting investment properties including classification,
standards.[3] recognition and measurement issues.[3]
c) Assess the success of such a framework in d) Apply and discuss the accounting treatment of
introducing rigorous and consistent accounting intangible assets including the criteria for
standards.[3] recognition and measurement subsequent to
acquisition and classification.[3]
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3. Financial Instruments 6. Employee Benefits
a) Apply and discuss the recognition and de- a) Apply and discuss the accounting treatment of
recognition of financial assets and financial short term and long term benefits and defined
liabilities.[2] contribution and defined benefit plans .[3]
b) Apply and discuss the classification of financial b) Account for gains and losses on settlements
assets and financial liabilities and their and curtailments.[2]
c) Account for the “Asset Ceiling” test and the
c) Apply and discuss the treatment of gains and reporting of actuarial gains and losses.[2]
losses arising on financial assets and financial
liabilities.[2] 7. Taxation
d) Apply and discuss the treatment of the a) Apply and discuss the recognition and
expected loss impairment model.[2] measurement of deferred tax liabilities and
deferred tax assets.[3]
e) Account for derivative financial instruments,
and simple embedded derivatives.[2] b) Determine the recognition of tax expense or
income and its inclusion in the financial
f) Outline the principles of hedge accounting and statements.[3]
account for fair value hedges and cash flow
hedges including hedge effectiveness.[2] 8. Provisions, contingencies and events after the
reporting date
4. Leases
a) Apply and discuss the recognition, de-
a) Discuss and apply the accounting treatment for recognition and measurement of provisions,
leases by lessees including the measurement of contingent liabilities and contingent assets
the right of use asset and liability including environmental provisions and
b. Discuss and apply the accounting for leases by restructuring provisions.[3]
c Discuss and apply the circumstances where b) Apply and discuss the accounting for events
there may be re-measurement of the lease after the reporting date.[3]
d. Discuss and apply the reasons behind the c) Determine and report going concern issues
separation of the components of a lease arising after the reporting date.[3]
contract into lease and non-lease elements
e Discuss the recognition exemptions under the 9. Related parties
current leasing standard
a) Determine the parties considered to be related
to an entity.[3]
f) Account for and discuss sale and leaseback
transactions.[3] b) Identify the implications of related party
relationships and the need for disclosure.[3]
5. Segment Reporting
10. Share based payment
a) Determine the nature and extent of reportable
segments.[3] a) Apply and discuss the recognition and
measurement criteria for share-based payment
b) Specify and discuss the nature of segment transactions.[3]
information to be disclosed.[3]
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b) Account for modifications, cancellations and consolidated financial statements.[2]
settlements of share based payment - why directors may not wish to consolidate a
transactions.[2] subsidiary and where this is permitted.[2]
11. Reporting requirements of small and medium- g) Apply the equity method of accounting for
sized entities (SMEs) associates.[3]
a) Discuss the accounting treatments not h) Outline and apply the key definitions and
allowable under the IFRS for SME’s including accounting methods which relate to interests in
the revaluation model for certain assets , [3] joint arrangements.[3]
b) Discuss and apply the simplifications i) Prepare and discuss group cash flow
introduced by the IFRS for SME’s including statements.[3]
accounting for goodwill and intangible assets,
financial instruments, defined benefit schemes, 2. Continuing and discontinued interests
exchange differences and associates and joint
ventures. [3] a) Prepare group financial statements where
activities have been discontinued, or have been
c) Discuss the key differences between the IFRS acquired or disposed of in the period.[3]
for SMEs and UK GAAP. [2]
b) Apply and discuss the treatment of a subsidiary
D FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF GROUPS OF which has been acquired exclusively with a
ENTITIES view to subsequent disposal.[3]
c) Apply the recognition and measurement criteria a) Outline and apply the translation of foreign
for identifiable acquired assets and liabilities currency amounts and transactions into the
and goodwill including step acquisitions.[3] functional currency and the presentational
d) Apply and discuss the criteria used to identify a
subsidiary and an associate.[3] b) Account for the consolidation of foreign
operations and their disposal.[2]
e) Determine and apply appropriate procedures to
be used in preparing group financial E SPECIALISED ENTITIES AND SPECIALISED
statements.[3] TRANSACTIONS
f) Identify and outline (using relevant legislation, 1. Financial reporting in specialised, not-for-profit
accounting standards and other applicable and public sector entities
- the circumstances in which a group is a) Apply knowledge from the syllabus to
required to prepare consolidated financial straightforward transactions and events arising
statements.[2] in specialised, not-for-profit, and public sector
- the circumstances when a group may claim entities.[3]
and exemption from the preparation of
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2. Entity schemes of arrangement and c) Highlight inconsistencies in financial
reconstructions information through analysis and application of
a) Identify when an entity may no longer be
viewed as a going concern or uncertainty exists d) Make inferences from the analysis of
surrounding the going concern status.[2] information taking into account the limitation
of the information, the analytical methods used
b) Identify and outline the circumstances in which and the business environment in which the
a scheme of arrangement or reconstruction entity operates.[3]
would be an appropriate alternative to a
company liquidation.[2] H CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS
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ACCA periodically reviews its qualification syllabuses so that they fully meet the needs of stakeholders such as
employers, students, regulatory and advisory bodies and learning providers
The main areas that have been added to the syllabus are shown in Table 1 below:
The main areas that have been deleted from the syllabus are shown in Table 2 below:
Table 2 – Deletions from P2 (UK)
Section and subject area Syllabus content
B4 Leases Apply and discuss the classification of leases and
accounting for leases by lessors and lessees.
The syllabus must be read in conjunction with the Examinable Documents list.
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