Smart Meter Matlab Desing
Smart Meter Matlab Desing
Smart Meter Matlab Desing
Abstract—Smart environment and Pervasive Computing has The SM is included with a data collection unit and
deeply influenced the present power system. The present smart meters such as Voltmeter and ammeter for measuring the
grid is capable of determining and handling the load anywhere, power [2]. The measure power can be easily notified to the
anytime due to the Wireless communication. The Smart Meter user and even it can serve as a input the load flow algorithms
(SM) is enabled with communication module, potential
[3]. Figure illustrates the block diagram of the SM.
transformer and current transformer to measure the amount of
power being used. A Zigbee communication enabled SM is Prelims
designed for a smart grid and its performance is evaluated in this
paper. The data error rate is also evaluated. a) Smart Grid
Keywords: Smart Grid, Zigbee protocol, Signal Error Rate (SER), Smart Grid is a simple and optimal solution to the current
Receiver Signal Strength power system. The load balancing (i.e.) High generation in
I. INTRODUCTION one side and high demand in the other side of the power
system can easily be compensated through the help of smart
The characteristics such as compactness, Wireless grid[4]. The interconnection of smart meter with the help of
communication, remote data collection and intelligence have artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms helps in
enabled the SM ease inside the power system.[1] making fast decisions in the power system [5]. The present
power system lacks due to illiteracy in information deep inside
the power system. The Smart grid provides the solution
providing big data to the computational system [6] & [9].
b) Zigbee Protocol
Zigbee provides broadcasting, Unicasting and multicasting of
information deep inside the power system.[7] The Zigbee
protocol favors long range communication with reduced
energy consumption when compared to other pan protocol.
The ZigBee communication also ensures high reliability and
adaptability to any computing devices [8]. ZigBee aims to
ensure safe data delivery with low energy consumption,
though the data rate is low.[10] It specifically serves power
system applications and smart grid applications. Figure 2
illustrates the ZigBee protocol stack.
The smart meter enabled with Zigbee Communication is
evaluated in Matlab Simulink model. The resistor, inductive
and capacitor load is given to a power supply and its voltage,
current and power factors aremonitored using True Time tool
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2017 International Conference on Electrical, Instrumentation and Communication Engineering (ICEICE2017)
box in Matlab. Figure 3 illustrates the smart meter module Figure 4 illustrates the Zigbee transceiver and receiver unit
through Matlab Simulink. modeled in MATLAB true time tool box.
10 sec
Simulation time
10 ohm
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[1].Atef Abdrabou; A. M. Gaouda, “ Uninterrupted Wireless Data Transfer
for Smart Grids in the Presence of High Power Transients”, IEEE
Systems Journal, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 567–577, 2015.
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