Drainahe System
Drainahe System
Drainahe System
Drainage System
A stormwater drainage system must be designed to collect and transmit the runoff
generated within a river basin during and after rainfall events, for a safe discharge into a
The storm drainage system must be sized according to the rainfall intensities, slope, and
roof areas of the building. Provision shall be made for the future installation of rainwater
collection system in compliance with R.A. No. 6716 ‘An Act Providing for the Construction of
Water Wells in all Barangays in the Philippines’. (DGCS 2015 Volume 6) In the project site,
a. Rainfall Intensity
Rainfall intensity is the amount of precipitation that falls off over time in a certain
catchment. When the water stays on the catchment, water layers will be formed, and the
depth can be measured and treated as the precipitation intensity on that catchment. It is
derived from the maximum rainfall for the design storm frequency and the time of
b. Rational Method
The Rational Method is widely used to estimate the peak surface runoff rate for
design of a drainage structure. The method states that if a rainfall of intensity begins
instantaneously and continues indefinitely, the rate of runoff will increase until the time of
concentration, when the entire watershed is contributing to flow at the outlet. The product of
rainfall intensity and watershed area is the inflow rate of the system, and the ratio of this rate
c. Design Discharge
The value of discharge will be used in the Manning’s Equation for the
computation of the channel section. Design discharge calculation will be made by using
rational formula:
Q p=Ci A e
Q p- design discharge in cu. meter per second (m3/s)
C – runoff coefficient
I – rainfall intensity in m/s.
A – catchment area in square meters
According to Design Guidelines, Criteria & Standards Volume 3 (2015), Runoff coefficient
C is the least precise variable of the Rational Formula implying the fixed ratio of peak runoff rate
to rainfall rate for the catchment area. Table 8 provides the values of runoff coefficient for each
land use.
Table 8
classification of land use of public market and parking facilities in Sto. Tomas City, Batangas is
city business district. The value will be use range from 0.70 to 0.95 for the computation of
In getting the required section for the open canal to be used, the equation is:
V = R 2/ 3 S1 /2
V- Velocity of flow in m/s
n – Manning’s frictional factor
S – Slope of the canal
R – hydraulic radius
P – Wetted perimeter
The Table 9 provides the values of the roughness coefficient (n) depending on the
Table 9
Continuation of Table 9…
Dredged 0.028 – 0.033
earth banks
Manning’s Roughness coefficient, the proponents use the value of 0.015 for the concrete
2 2
Q = the area of the room (m ) times the maximum intensity (m/s ) divided by
Q = discharge
A = Assumed area of the opened channel
v = Velocity flow of storm water on open channel
Drainage design
Q p- Discharge
C – 0.70
I –22.75 mm/hr
A –1.29 hectares
CIA 0.70( 22.75) ( 1.29)
Qp = =
360 360
Qp =0.05706 m 3 /s
In getting the required section for the open canal to be used, the equation is:
2 1
V = R 3 S2
For roughness coefficient (n), use 0.012 for concrete cement finish, and the slope
bd 2d 2 d
R= = =
b+2d 4d 2
0.05706 1 d 32 1 12
= ( ) ( )
2d2 0.012 2 120
d=0.14640 m
d=146.4 mm say 150 mm
b=300 mm
Figure 20. Drainage Cross Section
The main function of a septic tank is to liquefy and precipitate solid waste purifying
odorous materials. The proponents determined the size of the septic tank based on Plumbing
Design and Estimate by Max B. Fajardo. To determine the size of septic tank the computations
For commercial and industrial establishments to serve larger number of people, allocate
V= L x W x H
43 m3 = 2W x W x 2.5m
W= 2.93 m say 3.0 m
Chamber Sizing
Shown in Figure 21 is the section and details of septic tank of the three-storey market
building. The digestive chamber has a calculated length of 12.0 m and a width of 3.0 m. Both
leaching chamber has a width of 3.0 m and a length of 3.0 m. The wall is reinforced with 10 mm
diameter vertical and horizontal rebars spaced at 600 mm on 5 inches’ thick concrete hollow
blocks with interior and exterior plaster. The floor slab has a thickness of 100 mm with 10 mm
Shown in Figure 22 is the section and details of septic tank of the three-storey apartment
building 3,4 and 5, The digestive chamber has a calculated length of 10.0 m and a width of 2.5
m. Both leaching chamber has a width of 2.5 m and a length of 2.5 m. The wall is reinforced
with 10 mm diameter vertical and horizontal rebars spaced at 600 mm on 5 inches’ thick
concrete hollow blocks with interior and exterior plaster. The floor slab has a thickness of 100