The Smoking Gun
The Smoking Gun
The Smoking Gun
Un-X News
News Magazine
Pioneering alien implant researcher
and surgeon, Dr. Roger Leir shares
his biggest cases and never-before-
seen photos of his work
tarting research in the field advanced in intelligence. and debunkers asked, “Where is
of UFO’s, Alien Abductions Our written and recorded history the Smoking Gun?” “Where is
and Implants was a leap of provides us with a record of how your physical evidence?” When
consciousness for me as my edu- long mankind has seen craft of their questions were answered by
cational background was in aca- unknown origins flying through physical trace cases from landed
demic science. I had no trouble our skies. Perhaps our ancient rec- craft, portions of metallic objects
conceiving the possibility of intel- ord was the key to probing the taken from crash sites, millions of
ligent life, even more advanced UFO Phenomena. Over many civilian and eyewitness testimonies,
than our own. It was simple for centuries a very careful campaign close encounters of the third and
me to gaze at the stars on a clear of organized deceit enveloped our fourth kinds and other forms of
night and realize that each star was world, telling us those who saw scientific evidence, the debunking
an actual sun. things flying in our skies or who community paid little heed or
This followed by the reasoning, claimed contact with non- simply responded with silly re-
suns must have planets that re- terrestrial beings were deceived, marks whose concepts were biased
volved around them as we do in first by the Gods of the ancient and bordered on the ridiculous.
our own solar system. If this was literature and modified through
so, then why was it not possible the centuries by clever and skilled The problem is even more compli-
for those other worlds to be in- deceivers of the truth, into a mod- cated with the fact that most popu-
habited with life similar or even ern campaign which dismissed all lations still pray to higher masters.
dissimilar to the life on our planet? sightings and individual experienc- They are obligated by society to
What’s more, I had to consider es as illusions by nut cases who feed their families and be responsi-
other forms of life could be much should be receiving psychiatric ble members of some sociological
older and if they had survived treatment. order. This included academic sci-
longer, then were also possibly Over and over the paid skeptics ence itself. It is only a handful of
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Un-X News
News Magazine
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Un-X News
News Magazine
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Un-X News
News Magazine
Smoking Gun continued... hancement, but scored very high that cracked like the shell of a nut
on our battery of questions per- exposing the metal inside. An SEM
his mates. taining to his possibility of being and EDX was performed and it
He was told they would be sepa- an Alien Abductee. was noted that the coating showed
rated for only a short while but He recently underwent a surgical biological material, however there
would soon be back together and procedure for removal of a metallic was a lack of biological factors in-
no harm would come to them. object from his calf area. It was dicative of human origin. The ma-
Each one was then escorted down typical in all forms, positive jor portion of the metal was mete-
a different circular corridor. Under MGauss readings and radio wave oric iron. There were also numer-
hypnosis our surgical candidate emissions. It was a metallic rod ous heavy bundles of carbon nano-
described rooms on either side of about 8mm in length and about as tubes, nanofibers and nanostrands.
this long corridor and stated they big around as a pencil lead. This Further testing is forthcoming.
looked like hospital rooms. Under fits the general description of
hypnosis he remembered them about eight of the other objects This author and researcher would
putting something into his thigh like to clearly state, with the all the
but there was no pain.
After this they were all three re-
“This author and re- research results of true academic
science that we have the so called
united in the same large room and searcher would like to “Smoking Gun”. This was evi-
beamed back to the campsite.
They all noticed the sun was begin-
clearly state, with the denced at the Citizens Hearing in
Washington DC this passed May.
ning to rise and that they had been all the research results In my testimony before a respected
gone most of that night. Then
something very strange occurred.
of true academic sci- Congressional Committee I dis-
cussed in detail some of the factors
All three boys found a fresh vege- entists that have the so expressed in this article. Addition-
table garden and furiously tore the
vegetables out of the ground and
called ‘Smoking Gun’.” ally I submitted a copy of the
“OSTP Report”, given to Presi-
ate them. removed. There was no scar or dent Obama by this organization in
portal of entry. The object clearly the White House last year when he
Case number 17 was a gentleman showed on x-ray and Cat Scan as was attempting to raise money for
in his forties who is a resident of well as an Ultrasonogram. The his health care legislation.
Southern California. He has con- surgery went well and the patient is
scious memory of one experience recovering satisfactorily post oper- ###
when he was young with bluish- atively. The author’s new book will soon
white light and gray beings in his The only testing performed so far be available to the public. Its title is
bedroom. He has very few other was under the optical microscope “UFO’S DON’T EXIST”
memories and has not undergone which showed the object had a (THE GREATEST LIE THAT
any hypnotherapy for memory en- heavy exterior biological coating ENVELOPED THE WORLD)
The Foreword for the book was
written by Astronaut Dr. Edgar
Mitchell. Watch for it soon at your
local book store, or
my website,
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