Preschool Assigenment 1
Preschool Assigenment 1
Preschool Assigenment 1
Intellectual Development
It’s true that a lot of the child’s intellect will be connected to the kind of nutrition he or she gets.
As per a study conducted in 2010 published in The Journal of Nutrition, two- year-olds, who
were undernourished had 16 percent more chances of failing or would break into school later,
compared to children who had balanced nutrition.
Emotional Development
Minerals such as calcium are critical in helping a child develop an emotional system. In fact,
undernourished children have more chances of having autism, anxiety, depression etc.
Behavioral Development
How children behave also stems from what they eat. It might be hard to believe.
In fact, for the first two years, if the child doesn’t get adequate nutrition, they could show signs
of becoming withdrawn, could be very less active and generally stay away from helping.
Food and behavior are also related but the effects of nutrition on child development need to be
looked at as well.There are parents who are constantly worried about their children’s growth.
They often panic that their children are not growing the way they should.