UMUX Management: Umux Technical Description Systems
UMUX Management: Umux Technical Description Systems
UMUX Management: Umux Technical Description Systems
Technical Description Systems
UMUX Management
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document contains confidential information which is the property of
KEYMILE. It must be held in confidence by the recipient and may not
be used for any purposes except those specifically authorised by
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Keymile AG
Schwarzenburgstrasse 73
CH-3097 Bern-Liebefeld
Switzerland © November 2006 by Keymile AG
Table of contents i
Management overview 1- 1
UNEM 1- 1
UCST 1- 1
Management functionality 1- 2
Connecting to UMUX 1- 4
Interfaces of the NE 2- 1
F-interface 2- 1
Q1-interface and Q1-master interface 2- 2
QX-Interface 2- 5
Referenced documents
Management overview 1
It is the network manager for complete networks built with elements of
KEYMILE's flexible access platform.
At the element level UNEM provides comprehensive configuration, fault, per-
formance and software management functions.
At the network level it provides graphical network views as well as trail and
circuit management functions. The application operates on a UNIX based
workstation platform.
The UNEM provides the following interfaces to a High Level Management
• SNMP based for fault management
• CORBA based (for ≥ R7)
It is the local craft device designed mainly for the commissioning, configura-
tion and fault management of single systems and small networks.
The UCST application provides a very comprehensive graphical user inter-
face and runs on a PC platform with the MS Windows operating system.
By allowing to manage the network's transport and access functions, UCST
and UNEM are main contributors for an optimal cost of ownership during the
operational lifetime of the network.
Management functionality
The management communication of the UMUX 1500, UMUX 1200 and
UMUX 900 relies on TCP/IP for the layers 3/4. All addressing required for
the management of the UMUX is therefore established via IP addresses.
Each UMUX needs at least 2 IP addresses; an address for
• the QX-interface (including subnet mask)
• the F-interface.
The IP address of the F-interface is at the same time the node ID, which
is used to address the NE via the ECC.
The assignment of IP addresses to the UMUX NEs requires careful plan-
ning, since the use of IP addresses is strictly regulated. At the time of the
commissioning of the NE, its IP addresses have to be defined, since a sub-
sequent change of the addresses might create an address jam and will inter-
rupt service provisioning.
The UMUX are directly accessed via their physical management interfaces
or if required, the UMUX management communication is transported via the
transport and access network by means of dedicated communication chan-
Several types of channels are provided in order to maintain the flexibility of
management and to adapt to the requirements of the transport and access
Connecting to UMUX
To connect to the NE the EM(S) uses 2 parameter sets, which you can de-
fine independently:
• Management Network Agent
The management network agent defines the communication parameters
and the communication interfaces for the EM(S). Such parameters are:
− Type of connection
− Type of supported NEs
− Address (Id) of the EM(S)
− Interface
− Modem device
− Serial port
− Speed on serial port
− Configuration of (local host) routing
• Network Element
The NE provides the following parameters.
− Type of NE
− IP address of the NE
− Domain
− Dial-up numbers
− HDLC router parameters
− Passwords
Depending on the type of connection and the selected NE, only some of the
parameters might apply. You can define several management network
agents each with a list of the NEs that the agent manages. You can edit the
list and the parameters of the NEs.
The management network agent of the EM(S) provides access and connec-
tions for management communication as follows:
Remote Perma- via the F-interface of a gate- UCST RAS F, via standard null
nent way to the LAN and QX direct on F modem
RS-485 via local Q-bus (converter RS- UCST RAS Q1, via RS-232/RS-485
232C/RS-485) to Q1-interface direct on Q
SIFOX via EOC (access SIFOX) to UCST RAS F, via a SIFOX network
F-interface direct on F via
SIFOX and RS- via modem to EOC (access RAS connection Device corresponding
485 via Modem SIFOX) to F-interface, corresponding to to your modem 1)
your modem 2)
via modem to remote Q-bus
(converter RS-232C/RS-485)
to Q1-interface,
You have to manually install your modem in the operating system of
your PC/computer.
You have to manually add a corresponding phone book entry in the
operating system of your PC/computer.
Manual installation of modems provides the flexibility which is required to in-
stall and operate almost any modem that is locally available and/or already
operating with your computer/PC. The installation process of UCST installs
however all interfaces of the type 'UCST RAS …' automatically.
All the COBU<X> have 3 physical management interfaces (all front access
on the unit):
• F-interface
• Q1-interface
• QX-interface (Ethernet 10BaseT)
The COBUX and COBUV provide additionally 2 internal interfaces for the
management communication (not available for COBUQ and COBUL) via
In transport networks with management communication via OSI based DCN,
the UMUX management communication (TCP/IP) has to be tunnelled
through the OSI DCN. This tunnelling function is implemented on the
COBUX and COBUV control units. The following table summarises the
availability of the internal interfaces and the tunnelling functions:
Interfaces of the NE 2
The F-interface is a serial interface, which is mainly used for a (local) point-
to-point management access to the NE. It is implemented on the COBU<X>
control units and features a 9 pin D-submini connector. The F-interface is
• directly or
• via modem
to the serial interface of a PC or laptop computer which is running the EM
The F-interface allows local configuration of the NE and local fault and per-
formance management. The F-interface of the COBU<X> accepts bit-rates
up to 115.2 kbit/s. The F-interface is used for the initial commissioning of the
NE and the set-up of the parameters of its management communication.
The F-interface of the COBU<X> controlled UMUX uses standard PPP on
layer 2, TCP/IP on layers 3/4 and a proprietary layer 7 protocol. The physical
layer is according to ITU-T V.28 and RS-232 respectively.
The Internet Protocol (IP) used on the network layer, also requires an IP ad-
dress for the F-interface. The default IP address for the F-interface provided
with unconfigured systems is After the initial commissioning, the
NE’s IP address(es) for the F-interface (and QX-interface) has (have) to be
configured according to the implemented management communication net-
Modem (optional)
Q1 Q1
• • •
The F- and the Q1-interface of the UMUX can be used alternately only!
The COBU<X> provides 2 external interfaces but they share the same in-
ternal circuitry. Hardware and software based mechanisms have been
implemented to avoid conflicts resulting from simultaneous access via the
F- and the Q1-interfaces.
The IP address of the F-interface also applies for management commu-
nication via the Q1-interface.
• Q1-master interface
The Q1-master interface allows the EM(S) to control NEs connected to a
remote Q-bus via the DCN. The Q1-master function is available with all
the COBU<X> control units.
This mode is important since it allows you to control remote clusters of
legacy UMUX directly from your EM(S) via the management DCN of the
transport and/or the access network.
Q1 Q1
• • •
HDLC address HDLC address
The QX-interface is an Ethernet LAN interface on the COBU<X> that pro-
vides flexible management communication via LAN / WAN structures. The
QX-interface is implemented according to the 10BaseT Ethernet standard
(IEEE 802.3/802.2) on layer 1/2. TCP/IP is used on layers 3/4, together with
a proprietary layer 7.
UMUX 1200 / 900 UNEM
UMUX 1500
Qx Qx Ethernet IF
The PDH ECC is transported via P0 & P0_nc (n x 64 kbit/s) and/or the TS0
of a structured 2 Mbit/s signal. The following parameters specify the PDH
ECC function:
• 32 ports for PDH ECCs per NE (PDH ECC-1 … 32)
The ports are implemented on the COBUX and COBUV units.
• n x 64 kbit/s up to 31 x 64 kbit/s in an structured 2 Mbit/s signal (per PDH
ECC port)
• 16 kbit/s in the TS0 of an E1 signal (per PDH ECC port).
Using TS0, a subtended UMUX (COBUX or COBUV controlled) can be
managed without using any of the traffic bandwidth. This will use the
COBUX or COBUV control unit and a LOMIF/LOMI4 type 2 Mbit/s inter-
face (2Mbit/s mode set to ‘terminated’, Sa Mode set to ‘ECC’)
The SDH ECC is transported via the SDH section overhead bytes in the
STM-1 signal. The following parameters specify the SDH ECC function:
• 8 ports for SDH ECCs per NE (SDH ECC-1 … 8)
The ports are implemented on the COBUX and COBUV units.
• 192 kbit/s or 576 kbit/s (per SDH ECC port).
Using the SOH (D1 … D3, D4 … D12), a subtended UMUX (COBUX or
COBUV controlled) can be managed without using any of the traffic
bandwidth. This will use the COBUX or COBUV control unit and an STM-
1 interface (SYNI<X>, SYNOT).
• Manual or automatic link mode to select the network or user interface.
Please note that
• The ECC function is only provided with the COBUX and
COBUV control units.
• The maximum bandwidth which is available for all the ECC
channels is 2048 kbit/s per NE. That is the total assignable
bandwidth for all ECC links.
The maximum bandwidth that you can assign per E1 link is
31 x 64 kbit/s plus 16 kbit/s corresponding to an ECC of 1984
kbit/s plus TS0.
ECC advantages
Management communication via ECC provides:
• Implementation of flexible WAN/LAN structures for management commu-
• No restrictions on the ECC network structure (redundancy for paths).
• No practical restrictions on number of connected NEs.
For limitations on routers, refer to design rules for OSPF and OSI net-
works and routers in the paragraphs on routing.
• Multiple connections to the ECC are possible.
• ECC transported over:
• Uses direct access to “in-band" transmission capacity in the (access and
transport) network.
No additional units for the implementation of the ECC required.
• High throughput such as required for the download of embedded soft-
• Implementation of multiple channels with variable bit-rates between the
• QX-interface as LAN / WAN interface for management access to the ECC
• The serial F-interface can be used simultaneously for local PC access.
ECC examples
The figure below shows the various elements required for the implementa-
tion of a PDH ECC in a generic example.
The EM accesses UMUX A directly via the LAN. The UMUX B is accessed
via the UMUX A, which is the gateway for the EM to the ECC. The function
of UMUX A can be realised with any COBUX or COBUV controlled UMUX. If
the EM specifies the Node Id of UMUX B as NE address the connection
from the EM to UMUX B is routed via the UMUX A.
IP subnet 1 IP subnet 2
IP subnet 3
The COBU<X> control units provide 3 router functions for management
IP routing The IP routers are implemented as OSPF routers. The routers provide 4
types of router interfaces per NE:
• F(Q1)-interface
• QX-interface
• PDH or SDH ECC (not available with COBUQ and COBUL)
• OSI tunnel (interface to virtual LAN of the OSI tunnel)
The router allows you to configure all the relevant parameters of the OSPF
routing and of the interfaces:
• Implementation and support of multiple areas including stub areas.
• Virtual links (transit areas)
• External routes (autonomous systems)
• Configuration of router interfaces including connectivity (no connectivity,
dynamic host, static host, no flooding)
OSI DCN routing The routing for the OSI DCN is implemented as an IS–IS router. Since the
IS-IS router of the COBU<X> is a level 1 router, external Level 2 routers
required to connect several (more than 1) OSI DCNs (domains) together.
The COBU<X> router provides configuration for all the relevant parameters
of the routing and tunnelling function for TCP/IP:
• Definition of up to 3 OSI (NSAP) area addresses per NE.
The address parameters are fully supported (AFI, IDI etc.)
• Activation of the QX-interface for the CLNP layer.
If enabled, the COBU<X> will exchange TCP/IP and OSI messages via
the QX-interface and the LAN connected to the interface. This double
functionality allows you to connect the UNEM (TCP/IP) and the OSI
based management communication of SDH equipment to the same LAN
and thus encapsulation/decapsulation of TCP/IP into/from OSI. This func-
tion is independent on the tunnelling of TCP/IP via OSI DCN and also
available with the COBUQ.
• Parameters (number of routers, lowest throughput router, packet size)
that allow you to optimise the HELLO time for the router.
• Manually maintained routing table for NSAP addresses of the COBU<X>
routers (level 1) which are linked via the tunnel (Level 2 routers).
• Mask that allows the router to filter the addresses for subsequent proc-
HDLC routing The Q1-master interface of the COBU<X> uses HDLC serial address routing.
The COBU<X> decapsulates (encapsulates) the management data of leg-
acy UMUX from (to) the TCP/IP connection to the EM and sends (receives)
transparently (Layer 2) data of legacy UMUX via the Q1-master interface.
The routing relies on the HDLC address specified for the remote legacy
UMUX to establish the connection between the Q1-master and the selected
UMUX NEs on the remote Q-bus.
It is not possible to address UMUX controlled by COBU<X> via the Q1-
master interface.
Please note that:
• All the COBU<X> control units provide the IP and OSI DCN
routing functions.
However, only the COBUX and COBUV control units provide
the ECC interfaces to connect the router. Accordingly the router
functions are only released for the COBUX and COBUV.
• A careful and competent planning of the IP network is a prereq-
uisite for successful DCN implementation!
Principles and rules for such planning are provided in detail in
standard literature on networking. Guidelines for the ECC appli-
cation with the UMUX are provided in [901].
Routing limitations The IP router is responsible for the routing of all management communica-
(design guidelines) tion provided via the ECCs, corresponding 'OSI tunnels' and ECCs over
To operate the router of the control units within specified workload you
should observe the following design guidelines:
• Virtual LANs
− A tunnelling VLAN may be member of only 1 virtual LAN
− 1 VLAN per OSPF area
− A VLAN must reside totally within 1 OSPF area
• OSPF areas
− The number of NEs that can be OSPF hosts is unlimited.
− The number of NEs that can be OSPF routers is limited to 100 (in IP
only networks).
− Maximum of 256 OSPF LSDB entries
− Maximum of 512 IP routing table entries
• OSI domain
− The number of NEs that can be OSI routers is limited to 150.
− Number of ESs per OSI area must not exceed (260 - ISs)
− The maximum number of IS on a (virtual) LAN is 32.
• In general, the SDH network will be regarded as one OSPF area covering
many OSI areas. Further OSPF areas can be created if groups of UMUX
exist in the network.
For more information on engineering limitations and design guidelines
please refer to [901].
Since some of the NEs feature OSPF and the OSI routers, the network view
is different depending on whether the view is OSI or OSPF. An example that
shows the boundaries of the OSI and OSPF areas for a network consisting
of a single OSI area is shown below.
STM-1 OSI area
OSI router
OSPF area
legacy legacy
OSPF router
HDLC router
IP address administration
Each UMUX will have up to three IP addresses. These are:
• Node IP address
• QX LAN IP address, for those nodes that use this interface
• the tunnel IP address
for those NEs at each end of the OSI tunnel
Each of these IP addresses should be on a different sub-network.
On initial power up, each UMUX starts up with default IP addresses for the
QX- and the F-interface.
The addresses are adapted to adequate values during commissioning and it
is then when the UMUX will be ready to be integrated into the management
communication structure of the network.
STM-N STM-1 P0nc
QX Q1 master QX Q1 master
Q1 legacy Q1 legacy
The elements connected with dashed lines to the Q1-master interfaces are
not typical for the head-end.
The LAN connects the management communications between the Element
Controllers (NWM and UNEM/UCST) and the Network Elements. In order to
manage the UMUX, the TCP/IP management traffic of the UCST/UNEM is
connected to the LAN.
For some applications and if you do not wish to carry IP and OSI protocols
over the same physical LAN, a router will be required in order to provide the
separation of the TCP/IP and OSI protocols.
To transport the UMUX management communication via STM-N the IP traf-
fic from the UNEM must be encapsulated into OSI. This function is per-
formed by a UMUX at the head-end. This NE must contain a COBUX or
COBUV control unit. The control unit will perform the encapsulation function
and route the OSI traffic to the head-end SDH node and, if applicable, pro-
vide access to the SDH or PDH ECC.
The UNEM is connected to a LAN segment that is reserved for OSI and IP
traffic, if you do not want that the OSI and IP traffic are present on the same
LAN. This LAN segment is connected to the OSI LAN via an OSI router.
Remote access
The UMUX management communication provided via STM-1 or the LAN
(remote SDH NE) must be de-capsulated from OSI. A remote UMUX with a
COBUX or COBUV performs this function and, if applicable, access the SDH
or PDH ECC. The remote control unit decapsulates and route the TCP/IP
traffic back to the LAN or the PDH ECC.
STM-N STM-1 P0nc,
NE UMUX1500 UMUX1500
COBUX 212/213 COBUX 212/213
(remote) COBUV 217/218 COBUV 217/218
QX Q1 master QX Q1 master
legacy legacy