Modern Physics - Ii: Theory and Exercise Booklet
Modern Physics - Ii: Theory and Exercise Booklet
Modern Physics - Ii: Theory and Exercise Booklet
1. Nucleus ............................................................................................................. 3
4. Radioactivity ................................................................................................... 4 – 5
Syllabus :
1 a.m.u = [mass of one atom of 6C12 atom at rest and in ground state]
1.6603 × 10–27 kg ; 931.478 MeV/c2
mass of proton (mo) = mass of neutron (mn) = 1 a.m.u.
Some definitions :
(1) Isotopes :
The nuclei having the same number of protons but different number of neutrons are
called isotopes.
(2) Isotones :
Nuclei with the same neutron number N but different atomic number Z are called
(3) Isobars :
The nuclei with the same mass number but different atomic number are called isobars
(d) Size of nucleus : Order of 10–15 m (fermi)
Radius of nucleus ; R = R0A1/3
where R0 = 1.1 × 10–15 m (which is an empirical constant)
A = Atomic mass number of atom.
(e) Density :
It has observed that there is a differene between expected mass and actual mass of a
Mexpected = z mp + (A – Z) mn
Mobserved = Matom – Zme
It is found that
Mobserved < Merxpected
Hence, mass defect is defined as
Mass defect = Mexpected – Mobserved
m = [Zmp + (A – Z)mn – [Matom – Zme]
It is the minimum energy required to break the nucleus into its constituent particles.
Amount of energy released during the formation of nucleus by its constituent particles and
bringing them from infinite separation.
Binding Energy (B.E.) = mc2
BE = m (in amu) × 931.5 MeV/amu
= m × 931.5 MeV
= m × 931 MeV
Note : If binding energy per nucleon is more for a nucleus then it is more stable.
For Example
B.E1 B.E 2
If A A
1 2
then nucleus 1 would be more stable.
It was discovered by Henry Becquerel.
Spontaneous emission of radiations (, , ) from unstable nucleus is called radioactivity.
Substances which shows radioactivity are known as radioactive substance.
Radioactivity was studied in detail by Rutherford.
In radioactive decay, an unstable nucleus emits particle or particle. After emission of or
the remaining nucleus may emit - particle, and converts into more stable nucleus.
- particle :
It is a doubly charged helium nucleus. It contains two protons and two neutrons.
Mass of - particle = Mass of 2He4 atom – 2me = 4 mp
Charge of - particle = + 2e
-particle :
(a) – (electron) :
Mass = me ; Charge = – e
(b) (positron)
Mass = me ; Charge = + e
positron is an antiparticle of electron.
Antiparticle :
A particle is called antiparticle of other if on collision both can annihilate (destroy completely)
and converts into energy. For example : (i) electron (–e, me) and positron (+e, me) are anti
particles, (ii) neutrino () and antineutrino ( ) are anti particles.
-particle : They are energetic photons of energy of the order of Mev and having rest mass zero.
Z XA Z–2 Y A – 4 2 He 4 Q
Q value : It is definied as energy released during the decay process.
Q value = rest mass energy of reactans – rest mass energy of products.
This energy is available in the form of increase in K.E. of the products
A Y + 2He4 + Q
(it has charge + 2e)
Let, Mx = mass of atom zXA
My = mass of atom z – 2YA – 4
MHe = mass of atom 2He4
Q value = [(Mx – Zme) – {(My – (Z – 2)me) + (MHe – 2me)}] c2
= [Mx – My – MHe] c2
Considering actual number of electrons in - decay
Q value = [Mx – (My + 2me) – (MHe – 2me)] c2
= [Mx – My – MHe]c2
p 2 p Y 2mT = 2 mY TY (Here we are representing T for kinetic energy)
Q = Ty + T mT = mYTy
mY m
T Q ; TY Q
m m Y m m Y
A–4 4
T Q ; TY Q
From the above calculation, one can see that all the -
particles emitted should have same kinetic energy. Hence,
if they are passed through a region of uniform magnetic
field having direction perpendicular to velocity, they should r v B
move in a circle of same radius.
mv mv 2Km
qB 2eB 2eB
Experimental Observation :
Experimentally it has been observed that all the
-particles do not move in the circle of same ra-
dius, but they
move in 'circles having different radii.
This shows that they have different kinetic energies. But it is also observed that they follow
circular paths of some fixed values of radius i.e. yet the energy of emitted -particles is not
same but it is quantized. The reason behind this is that all the daughter nuclei produced are
not in their ground state but some of the daughter nuclei may be produced in their excited
states and they emits photon to aquire their ground state.
X Y* (excited state) Q
Y + photon ( particle)
The only difference between Y and Y* is that Y* is in excited state and Y is in ground state.
Let, the energy of emited - particles be E
Q = T + TY + E
where Q = [Mx – MY – MHe] c2
T + TY = Q – E
mY m
T (Q – E ) ; TY (Q – E )
m m Y m mY
5.2 – – decay :
z X A Z 1 Y A –1 e 0 Q
mY me
me m Y , me m Y
as me << mY, we can consider that all the energy is taken away by the electron. From the
above results, we will find that all the -particles emitted will have same energy and hence
they have same radius if passed through a region of perpendicular magnetic field. But,
experimental observations were completely different. On passing through a region of uniform
magnetic field perpendicular to the velocity, it was observed that -particles take circular
paths of different radius having a continuous spectrum.
To explain this, Paulling has introduced the extra particles called neutrino and antineutrino
(antiparticle of neutrino).
antineutrino, neutrino
Propeties of antineutrino ( ) & neutrino (n) :
(1) They are like photons having rest mass = 0
speed = c
Energy, E = mc2
(2) They are chargeless (neutral)
(3) They have spin quantum number, s = ±
Considering the emission of antineutrino, the equation of – - decay can be written
Z X A z 1 Y A 1 e 0 Q
Production of antinuetrino along with the electron helps to explain the continueous spec-
trum because the energy is distributed randomly between electron and and it also helps
to explain the spin quantum number balnace (p, n and ± e each has spin quantium number
± 12)
During – - decay, inside the nucleus a neutron is converted to a proton with emission of an
electron and antineutrino.
n p –1 e 0
Let, Mx = mass of atom zXA
MY = mass of atom z + 1YA
me = mass of electron
Q value = [(Mx – Zme) – {(MY – (z + 1)me) + me}] c2 = [Mx – MY] c2
Considering actual number of electrons.
Q value = [Mx – {(MY – me) + me}] c2 = [Mx – My ]c2
5.3 + – decay :
Z X A Z – 1 Y A 1 e 0 Q
In + decay,inside a nucleus a proton is converted into a neutron, positron and neutrino.
p n 1 e 0
As mass increases during conversion of proton to a neutron, hence it requires energy for +
decay to take place,
+ decay is rare process. It can take place in the nucleus where a proton can take energy
from the nucleus itself.
Q value = [(MX – Zme) – {(MY – (Z – 1) me) + me}] c2 = [MX – MY – 2me] c2
Considering actual number of electrons.
Q value = [MX – {(MY + me) + me}] c2 = [MX – MY – 2me] c2
5.4 K capture :
It is rare process which is found only in few nucleus. In
this process the nuclues captures one of the atomic
electrons from the K shell. A proton in the nucleus
combines with this electron and converts itself into a
neutron. A neutrino is also emitted in the process and is
emitted from the nucleus. N
p –1 e n
If X and Y are atoms then reactions is written as :
K shell
z X z –1 Y Q
+ characteristic x-rays of Y..
If X and Y are taken as nucleus, then reactions is written as :
z X A –1 e 0 z –1 Y A
Note : (1) Nuclei having atomic numbers from Z = 84 to 112 shows radioactivity.
(2) Nuclei having Z = 1 to 83 are stable (only few exceptions are there)
(3) Whenever a neutron is produced, a neutrino is also produced.
(4) Whenever a neutron is converted into a proton, a antineutrino is produced.
Figure shows a plot of neutron number N versus proton number Z for the nuclides found in
nature. The solid line in the figure represents the stable nuclides. For light stable nuclides,
the neutron number is equal to the proton number so that ratio N/Z is equal to 1. The ratio N/
Z increases for the heavier nuclides and becomes about 1.6 for the heaviest stable nuclides.
1. 6 N
no. of Z 1
proton (N) N N
Z Z stable
( shows – decay )
Stability Curve
Z Z' stable
( shows + decay )
(i) Nuclear forces are basically attractive and are responsible for keeping the nucleons bound
in a nucleus in spite of repulsion between the positively charge protons.
(ii) It is strongest force with in nuclear dimensions (Fn – 100 Fe)
(iii) It is short range force (acts only inside the nucleus)
(iv) It acts only between neutron-neutron, neutron-proton and proton-proton i.e. between nucleons.
(v) It does not depend on the nature of nucleons
(vi) An important property of nuclear force is that it is not a central force. The force between
a pair of nucleons is not solely determined by the distance between the necleons. For
example, the nuclear force depends on the directions of the spins of the nucelons. The force
is stronger if the spins of the nucleons are parallel (i.e., both nucleons have ms = +1/2 or –1/2)
and is weaker if the spins are antiparallel (i. e., one nucleon has
ms = +1/2 and the other has ms = – 1/2). Here ms is spin quantum number.
N' N0 – N
Number of nuclei decayed (i.e., the number of nuclei of B formed)
N' N0 – N N0 – N0 e – t
N' N0 (1 – e – t )
8.1 Half life (T1/2) :
It is the time in which number of active nuclei becomes half.
N N0 e – t
After one half life, N
N0 ln 2 0.693
N0 e – t t= t 1/ 2
ln 2 0.693
t1 / 2
(to be remembered)
Number of nuclei present after n half lives i.e. after a time t = n t1/2
ln 2
N N0 e – t = N0 e – nt1/ 2 = N e – n
(– n ) –n
N0 e ln 2 N 0 ( 2) N0 (1/ 2)n =
{n = t . It may be a fraction, need not to be an integer}
1/ 2
2 3 n
after 1st N0 2 1 3 1 n 1
or N0 N0 N0 .................. N0
half life 2 2 2 2
8.2 Activity :
Activity is defined as rate of radioactive decay of nuclei
It is denoted by A or R A=N
If a radioactive substance changes only due to decay then
As in that case, N = N0 e–t
A N N0 e – t A A 0 e – t
SI unit of activity : becquerel (Bq) which is same as 1 dps (disintegration per second)
The popular unit of activity is curis which is defined as
1 curie = 3.7 × 1010 dps (which is activity of 1 gm Radium)
specific activity : The activity per unit mass is called specific activity.
Ex.17 A radioactive nucleus can decay be two different processes. The half-life for the first
process is t1 and that for the second process is t2. Show that the effective half-life t
of the nucleus is given by
1 1 1
t t1 t 2
Sol. The decay constant for the first process is 1 ln 2 and for the second process it is
ln 2
2 . The probability that an active nucleus decays by the first process in a time
interval it is 1 dt. Similarly, the probability that it decays by the second process is 2 dt.
The probability that it either decays by the first process or by the second process is 1 dt
+ 2 dt. If the effective decay constant is , this probability is also equal to dt. Thus
dt = 1dt + 2 dt
or, = 1 + 2
1 1 1
or, (To be remembered)
t t1 t 2
Ex.18 A factory produces a radioactive substance A at a constant rate R which decays with
a decay constant to form a stable substance. Find (i) the no. of nuclei of A and (ii)
Number of nuclei of B, at any time t assuming the production of A starts t = 0. (iii)
Also find out the maximum number of nuclei of 'A' present at any time during its
Sol. Factory R A
cons tan t decay
Let N be the number of nuclei of A at any time t
N t
dN dN
R – N dt
dt 0
R – N 0
On solving we will get
N = R/ (1 – e–t)
(ii) Number of nuceli of B at any time t, NB = R t – NA = Rt – R/ (1 – e–t) = R/ (t – 1 + e–t)
(iii) Maximum number of nuclei of 'A' present at any time during its formation =
Ex.19 A radioactive substance "A" having N0 active nuclie at t = 0, decays to another radio-
active substance "B" with decay constant 1. B further decays to a stable substance
'C' with decay constant 2. (a) Find the number of nuclei of A, B and C after time t, (b)
What would be answer of part (a) if 1 2 and 1 2
Sol. The decay scheme is as shown
1 2
A B C ( stable)
t = 0 N0 0 0
t N1 N2 N3
Here N1, N2 and N3 represent the nuclei of A, B and C at any time t.
For A, we can write
N1 N0 e – 1t ...(1)
For B, we can write
1N1 – 2N2 ...(2)
or, 2N2 – 1N1
This is a linear differential equation with integrating factor
I.F. e 2 t
e 2t e 2t 2N2 1N1e 2 t
d(N e2 ) 1N1e 2 t dt
N2 e 2 t 1N0 e – 1t e 2 t dt
...using (1)
e ( 2 – 1 ) t
N2 e 2 t 1N0 C ...(3)
2 – 1
At t = 0, N2 = 0 0 C
2 – 1
Hence C –
1 2
1N0 – 1t
For 1 << 2 N2 (e ) = 0
In nuclear fission heavy nuclei of A, above 200, break up into two or more fragments of
comparable masses. The most attractive bid, from a practical point of view, to achieve
energy from nuclear fission is to use 92U236 as the fission material. the technique is to hit a
uranium sample by sample by slow moving neutrons (kinetic energy 0.04 eV, also called
thermal neutrons.) A92 U235 nucleus has large probability of absorbing a slow neutron and
forming 92U236 nucleus. This nucleus then fissions into two parts. A variety of combinations of
the middle-weight nuclei may be formed due to the fission. For example, one may have
1 H2 1 H2 1 H3 1 H1 4.0 MeV (D – D)
1 H2 1 H3 2 He 4 n 17.6 MeV (D – T )
2 2
Q value = [{(MD – m e ) (MT – m e )} – {(MHe 4 – 2m e ) m n }] c [(MD MT ) – (MHe 4 m n )]c
• In case of fission and fusion, m = matom= mnucleus
• These reactions take place at ultra high temperature ( 107 to 108). At high pressure it
can take place at low temperature also. For these reactions to take place nuclei should be
brough upto 1 fermi distance which requires very high kinetic energy.
• Energy released in fusion exceeds the energy liberated in the fission of heavy nuclei.
1. Let u be denote one atomic mass unit. One Which of these is most stable.
atom of an element of mass number A has mass
exactly equal to Au. (A) 24 He, (B) 73 Li, (C) 12
6 C (D) 14
7 N
(A) for any value of A 10. The following nuclear reaction is an example
(B) only for A = 1
(C) only for A = 12 of 12 4 16
6 C + 2 H 8 O + energy
(D) for any value of A provided the atom is stable (A) fission (B) fusion
2. The surface area of a nucleus varies with (C) alpha decay (D) beta decay
mass number A as
11. The rest mass of the deuteron, 12 H , is
(A) A2/3 (B) A1/3
(C) A (D) None equivalent to an energy of 1876 MeV, the rest
mass of a proton is equivalent to 939 MeV and
3. Consider the nuclear reaction that of a neutron to 940 MeV. A deuteron may
X200 A110 + B90 disintegrate to a proton and a neutron if it :
If the binding energy per nucleon for X, A and B (A) emits a - ray photon of energy 2 MeV
is 7.4 MeV, 8.2 MeV and 8.2 MeV respectively, (B) captures a - ray photon of energy 2 MeV
what is the energy released? (C) emits a - ray photon of energy 3 Me V
(A) 200 MeV (B) 160 MeV (D) captures a -ray photon of energy 3 MeV
(C) 110 MeV (D) 90 MeV
12. In an -decay the Kinetic energy of particle
4. The binding energy per nucleon for C12 is 7.68 is 48 MeV and Q-value of the reaction is 50 MeV.
MeV and that for C13 is 7.5 MeV. The energy The mass number of the mother nucleus is :
required to remove a neutron from C13 is (Assume that daughter nucleus is in ground state)
(A) 5.34 MeV (B) 5.5 MeV (A) 96 (B) 100
(C) 9.5 MeV (D) 9.34 MeV (C) 104 (D) none of these
5. The binding energies of nuclei X and Y are E1 13. In the uranium radioactive series the initial
and E2 respectively. Two atoms of X fuse to give nucleus is 92U238, and the final nucleus is 82Pb206.
one atom of Y and an energy Q is released. Then When the uranium nucleus decays to lead, the
(A) Q = 2E1 – E2 (B) Q = E2 – 2E1 number of -particles emitted is.. and the number
(C) Q = 2E1 + E2 (D) Q = 2E2 + E1 of - particles emitted ...
6. If each fission in a U235 nucleus releases 200 (A) 6, 8 (B) 8, 6
MeV, how many fissions must occurs per second (C) 16, 6 (D) 32, 12
to produce a power of 1 K W 14. A certain radioactive nuclide of mass number
(A) 1.325 × 1013 (B) 3.125 × 1013 mx disintegrates, with the emission of an electron
(C) 1.235 × 10 (D) 2.135 × 1013 and radiation only, to give second nuclied of
7. A star initially has 1040 deutrons. It produces mass number my. Which one of the following
energy via, the processes 1H2 + 1H2 1H3 + p equation correctly relates mx and my ?
& 1H2 + 1H3 2He4 +n. If the average power (A) my = mx + 1 (B) my = mx – 2
radiated by the star is 1016 W, the deuteron (C) my = mx – 1 (D) my = mx
supply of the star is exhausted in a time of the 15. The number of and –– emitted during the
order of :
(A) 106 sec (B) 108 sec radioactive decay chain starting from 88 Ra and
(C) 10 sec (D) 1016 sec 206
ending at 82 Pb us
8. The binding energies of the atom of elements –
(A) 3 & 6 (B) 4 & 5 –
A & B are Ea & Eb respectively. Three atom of
(C) 5 & 4 – (D) 6 & 6 –
the element B fuse to give one atom of element
A. This fusion process is accompained by release 16. Binding energy per nucleon vs. mass number
of energy e. Then Ea, Eb are related to each curve for nuclei is shown in the figure. W, X, Y
other as and Z are four nuclei indicated on the curve. The
(A) Ea + e = 3Eb (B) Ea = 3Eb process that would release energy is
(C) Ea – e = 3Eb (D) Ea+3Eb+e=0
t1 – t 2
X (C) e (D) e ( t1 – t 2 )
Binding Energy/nucleon
7.5 23. There are two radionuclei A and B. A is an
in MeV
alpha emitter and B is a beta emitter. Their
distintegration constants are in the ratio of 1 : 2.
5.0 Z
What should be the ratio of number of atoms of
two at time t = 0 so that probabilities of getting
and particles are same at time t = 0
30 60 90 120
(A) 2 : 1 (B) 1 : 2 (C) e (D) e–1
Mass Number of Nuclei
24. The activity of a sample reduces from A0 to
(A) Y 2Z (B) W X + Z A0 / 3 in one hour. The activity after 3 hours
(C) W 2Y (D) X Y + Z
more will be
17. Two radioactive material A1 and A2 have decay
constants of 10 0 and 0. If initially they have A0 A0 A0 A0
(A) (B) (C) (D)
same number of nuclei, the ratio of number of 3 3 9 9 3 27
their undecayed nuclei will be (1/e) after a time
25. Half life of radium is 1620 years. How many
1 1 1
(A) (B) 9 (C) 10 (D) 1 radium nuclei decay in 5 hours in 5 gm radium ?
0 0 0 (Atomic weight of radium = 223)
18. The radioactive sources A and B of half lives (A) 9.1 × 1012 (B) 3.23 × 1015
of 2 hr and 4 hr respectively, initially contain the (C) 1.72 × 10 (D) 3.3 × 1017
same number of radioactive atoms. At the end of 26. The activity of a sample of radioactive material
2 hours, their rates of disintegration are in the is A1 at time t1 and A2 at time t2 (t2 > t1). Its
ratio : mean life is T.
(A) 4 : 1 (B) 2 : 1 (C) 2 :1 (D) 1 : 1 A1 – A 2
(A) A1t1 = A2t2 (B) t – t = constant
19. In a RA element the fraction of initiated 2 1
amount remaining after its mean life time is :
(C) A 2 A 1e( t1 – t 2 )/ T (D) A 2 A 1e( t1 / Tt 2 )
1 1 1 1
(A) 1 – (B) (C) (D) 1 – 27. A fraction f1 of a radioactive sample decays
e e2 e e2
in one mean life, and a fraction f2 decays in one
20. 90% of a radioactive sample is left undecayed half-life.
after time t has elapsed. What percentage of the (A) f1 > f2 (B) f1 < f2 (C) f1 = f2
initialsample will decay in a total time 2t : (D) May be (A), (B) or (C) depending on the values
(A) 20% (B) 19% (C) 40% (D) 38 % of the mean life and half life.
21. A radioactive meterial of half-life T was 28. A radioactive substance is being produced at
produced in a nuclear reactor at different instants, a constant rate of 10 nucle is. The decay constant
the quantity produced second time was twice of of the substance is 1/2 sec–1. After what time
that produced first time. If now their present the number of radioactive nuclei will become 10?
activities are A1 and A2 respectively then their Initially there are no nuclei present. Assume decay
age difference equals : law holds for the sample.
(A) 2.45 sec (B) log (2) sec
T A1 A1
(A) ln 2 ln A (B) T ln A l
2 2 (C) 1.386 sec (D) sec
T A2 A2 29. The radioactivity of a sample is R1 at time T1
(C) ln2 ln 2A (D) T ln 2A and R2 at time T2. If the half life of the specimen
1 1
is T. Number of atoms that have disintegrated in
22. Activity of a radioactive substance is R1 at time (T2 – T1) is proportional to
time t1 and R2 at time t2(t2 > t1). Then the ratio (A) (R1T1 – R2T2) (B) (R1 – R2) T
(C) (R1 – R2)/T (D) (R1 – R2) (T1 – T2)
30. The decay constant of the end product of a
R1 is :
radioactive series is
t2 (A) zero (B) infinite
(A) t (B) e – ( t1 t 2 ) (C) finite (non zero)
(D) depends on the end product. of the rate of formation of Y against time would
31. At time t = 0, N1 nuclei of decay constant 1 look like
& N2 nuclei of decay constant 2 are mixed. The
decay rate of the mixture is :
N1 –( 1 – 2 ) t (A) (B) (C)
(A) N1N2 e –( 1 2 ) t (B) N e
t/s t/s t/s
– 1t – 2t –(1 2 ) t
(C) (N1 1e N2 2 e ) (D) N11 N2 2e
particle are emitted from the surface. The (B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and
potential of the sphere will riese to 1 V in time statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for
(A) 180 sec (B) 90 sec statement-1.
(C) 18 sec (D) 9 sec (C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
44. An energy of 24.6 eV is required to remove (D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.
one of the electrons from a neutral helium atom. 47. Statement-1: Consider the following nuclear
The energy (ln eV) required to remove both the reaction of an unstable 146 C nucleus initially at
electrons from a neutral helium atom is :
rest. The decay 146 C 147N 01 e . In a
(A) 38.2 (B) 49.2
(C) 51.8 (D) 79.0 nuclear reaction total energy and momentum is
conserved experiments show that the electrons
REASONING TYPE are emitted with a continuous range of kinetic
45. Statement-1: It is easy to remove a proton energies upto some maximum value.
from 20 Ca nucleus as compared to a neutron. Statement-2: Remaining energy is released as
thermal energy.
Statement-2: Inside nucleus neutrons are acted
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and
on only attractive forces but protons are also
statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
acted on by repulsive forces.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and
statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for
statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false. 48. Half life for certain radioactive element is 5
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true. min. Four nuclei of that element are observed at
a certain instant of time. After five minutes
46. Statement-1: It is possible for a thermal Assertion (A) : It can be definitely said that two
neutron to be absorbed by a nucleus whereas a nuclei will be left undecayed.
proton or an -particle would need a much larger Reasoning (R) : After half life i.e. 5 minutes, half
amount of energy for being absorbed by the same of total nuclei will disintegrate. So only two nuclei
nucleus. will be left undecayed. Then
Statement-2: Neutron is electrically neutral but (A) A is correct & R is correct explanation of A.
proton and -particle are positively charged. (B) Both are correct. But R is not correct
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and explanation of A.
statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1. (C) A is incorrect & R is correct.
(D) Both are incorrect.
23. An isotopes of Potassium 19 K has a half life
of 1.4 × 109 year and decays to Argon 18 Ar which
is stable.
(i) Write down the nuclear reaction representing
this decay.
(ii) A sample of rock taken from the moon contains
both potassium and argon in the ratio 1/7. Find
age of rock
24. At t = 0, a sample is placed in a reactor. An
unstable nuclide is produced at a constant rate R
in the sample by neutron absorption. This nuclide
- decays with half life . Find the time required
to produce 80% of the equilibrium quantity of
this unstable nuclide.
1. The kinetic energy of an - particle which 7. U238 and U235 occur in nature in an atomic ratio
flies out of the nucleus of a Ra 226 atom in 140 : 1. Assuming that at the time of earth’s
radioactive disintegration is 4.78 MeV. Find the formation the two isotopes were present in equal
total energy evolved during the escape of the -
amounts. Calculate the age of the earth.
(Half life of u238 = 4.5 × 109 yrs & that of U235 =
2. A small bottle contains powdered beryllium Be 7.13 × 108 yrs)
& gaseous radon which is used as a source of -
8. An experiment is done to determine the half-
particles. Neutrons are produced when -
particles of the radon react with beryllium. The life of radioactive substance that emits one -
yield of this reaction is (1/4000) i.e. only one - particle for each decay process. Measurement
particle out of 4000 induces the reaction. Find show that an average of 8.4 are emitted each
the amount of radon (Rn222) originally introduced second by 2.5 mg of the substance. The atomic
into the source, if it produces 1.2 × 106 neutrons weight of the substance is 230. Find the half life
per second after 7.6 days. [T1/2 of Rn = 3.8 days]
of the substance.
3. When thermal neutrons (negligible kinetic 9. A wooden piece of great antiquity weight 50
energy) are used to induce the reaction ;
10 1 7 4
gm and shows C14 activity of 320 disintegrations
5 B 0 H 3 Li 2 He . – particles are emitted with per minute. Estimate the length of the time which
an energy of 1.83 MeV. has elapsed since this wood was part of living
Given the masses of boron neutron & He4 as tree, assuming that living plants show a C14
10.01167, 1.00894 & 4.00386 u respectively.
activity of 12 disintegrations per minute per gm.
What is the mass of 3 Li ? Assume that particles The half life of C14 is 5730 yrs.
are free to move after the collision.
10. The element Curium 96 Cm has a mean life of
4. Show that in a nuclear reaction where the 10 13 seconds. Its primary decay modes are
outgoing particle is scattered at an angle of 90° spontaneous fission and decay, the former with
with the direction of the bombarding particle, the a probability of 8% and the latter with a probability
Q-value is expressed as of 92%. Each fission releases 200 MeV of energy.
mP m1 The masses involved in decay are as follows :
Q = KP 1 M – K1 1 M 248 248
O O 96 Cm = 248.0.072220 u, 96 Pu = 244.064100 u &
Where, I = incoming particle, P = product nucleus, He = 4.002603 u.
T = target nucleus, O = outgoing particle. Calculate the power output from a sample of 1020
Cm atoms. (1 u = 931 MeV/c2)
5. A body of mass m0 is placed on a smooth 11. A small quantity of solution containing 24Na
horizontal surface. The mass of the body is radionuclide (half life 15 hours) of activity 1.0
decreasing exponentially with disintegration microcurie is injected into the blood of a person.
constant . Assuming that the mass is ejected A sample of the blood of volume 1 cm3 taken
backward with a relative velocity u. Initially the after 5 hou rs shows an acti vity of 296
disintegrations per mimute. Deterimine the total
body was at rest. Find the velocity of body after
volume of blood in the body of the person. Assume
time t. that the radioactive solution mixes uniformly in
the blood of the person.
6.A radionuclide with disintegration constant is (1 Curie = 3.7 × 1010 disintegrations per second)
produced in a reactor at a constant rate nuclei
per sec. During each decay energy E0 is released. 12. At a given instant there are 25% undecayed
radio–active nuclei in a sample. After 10 sec the
20% of this energy is utilised in increasing the
number of undecayed nuclei remains to 12.5%.
temperature of water. Find the increase in Calculate :
temperature of m mass of water in time t. Specific (i) mean – life of the nuclei and
heat of water is S. Assume that there is no loss (ii) The time in which the number undecayed
of energy through water surface. nuclear will further reduce to 6.25% of the reduced
Exercise - V JEE-Problems
1. Two radioactive materials X1 and X2 have decay rate equations for the populations of X, Y and Z.
constants 10 and respectively. If initially they The population of Y nucleus as a function of time
have the same number of nuclei, then the ratio is given by Ny(t) = {N0x /(x – y)} [exp (–y t)
of the number of nuclei of X1 to that of X2 will be – exp (–x t)]. Find the time at which Ny is
1/e after a time. maximum and determine the populations X and Z
(A) 1/(10) (B) 1/(11) (C) 11/(10) (D)1/(9) at that instant. [JEE 2001]
[JEE’ 2000(Scr)] 7. The half-life of215 At is 100 s. The time taken
2. The electron emitted in beta radiation originates from for the radioactivity of a sample of215 At to decay
[JEE; 2001 (Scr)] to 1/16th of its initial value is [JEE 2002 (Scr)]
(A) inner orbits of atoms (A) 400 s (B)6.3 s (C) 40 s (D) 300 s
(B) free electrons existing in nuclei 8. Which of the following processes represents a
(C) decay of a neutron in a nucleus gamma-decay ? [JEE 2002 (Scr)]
(D) photon escaping from the nucleus
(A) A X Z A X Z –1 a b
3. A radioactive sample consists of two distinct (B) X Z 1 n 0 A – 3 X Z – 2 c
species having equal number atoms initially. The
mean life of one species is and that of the other (C) XZ AXZ f
is 5. The decay products in both cases are stable. A
A plot is made of the total number of radioactive (D) X Z e –1 A X Z –1 g
nuclei as a function of time. Which of the following 9. The volume and mass of a nucleus are related
figure best represents the form of this plot? as [JEE 2003 (Scr)]
[JEE 2001] (A) v m (B) v 1/m
N (C) v m2 (D) v 1/m2
10. The nucleus of element X (A = 220) undergoes
- decay. If Q-value of the reaction is 5.5 MeV,
(A) (B) then the kinetic energy of -particle is :
t t [JEE 2003 (Scr)]
(A) 5.4 MeV (B) 10.8 MeV
(C) 2.7 MeV (D) None
N N 11. A radioactive sample emits n -particles in 2
sec. In next 2 sec it emits 0.75 n - particles,
(C) (D) what is the mean life of the sample ?
[JEE 2003]
t t 12. A 280 days old radioactive substance shows
an activity of 6000 dps, 140 days later it’s activity
becomes 3000 dps. What was its initial activity.
4. In a nuclear reactor 235U undergoes fission [JEE 2004 (Scr)]
liberating 200 MeV of energy. The reactor has a (A) 20000 dps (B) 24000 dps
10% efficiency and produces 1000 MW power. If (C) 12000 dps (D) 6000 dps
the reactor is to function for 10 year. Find the
total mass of uranium required. [JEE 2001] 13. The age of rock containing lead and uranium
5. A nucleus at rest undergoes a decay emitting is equal to 1.5 × 109 years. The uranium is
an -particle de-Broglie wavelength, = 5.76 × decaying into lead with half life equal to 4.5 ×
10–15 m. If the mass of the daughter nucleus is 109 years. Find the ratio of lead to uranium
223.610 amu and that of the -particle is 4.002 present in the rock, assuming initially no lead was
amu. Determine the total kinetic energy in the present in the rock. (Given 21/3 = 1.259).
final state. Hence obtain the mass of the parent [JEE 2004]
nucleus in amu. (1 amu = 931.470 MeV/c2) 14. Helium nuclie combines to form an oxygen
[JEE 2001] nucleus. The binding energy per nucleon of oxygen
6. A radioactive nucleus X decays to a nucleus Y nucleus is if m0 = 15.834 amu and mHe = 4.0026
with a decay constant x = 0.1 s–1, Y further amu
decays to a stable nucleus Z with a decay (A) 10.24 MeV (B) 0 Me V
constant y = 1/30 s–1. Initially, there are only X (C) 5.24 MeV (D) 4 Me V [JEE 2005 ]
nuclei and their number is N0 = 1020. Set-up the 15. In Young’s double slit experiment an electron
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beam is used to form a fringe pattern instead of 21. Assume that the nuclear binding energy per
light. If speed of the electrons is increased then nucleon (B/A) versus mass number (A) is as shown
the fringe width will : [JEE’ 2005 (Scr)] in the figure. Use
(A) increase (B) decrease
(C) remains same 6
(D) no fringe pattern will be formed 6
16. Given a sample of Radium - 226 having half-
life of 4 days. Find the probability, a nucleus
disintegrates within 2 half lives. 100 200 A
[JEE 2006] this plot to choose the correct choice(s) given
(A) 1 (B) 1/2 (C) 3/4 (D) 1/4 below.
17. Match the following Columns Figure
[JEE 2006] (A) Fusion of two nuclei with mass numbers lying
Column I Column II in the range 1 < A < 50 will release energy
(A) Nuclear fusion (P) Converts some matter (B) Fusion of two nuclei with mass numbers lying
into energy in the range of 51 < A < 100 will release energy
(B) Nuclear fission (Q) Generally occurs for (C) Fission of a nucleus lying in the mass range
nuclei with low atomic of 100 < A < 200 will release energy when broken
number into two equal fragments
(C) - decay (R) Generally occurs for (D) Fission of a nucleus lying in the mass range
nuclei with higher of 200 < A < 260 will release energy when broken
atomic number
into two equal fragments. [JEE 2008]
(D) Exothermic (S) Essentially proceeds
nuclear reaction by weak nuclear forces 22. A radioactive sample S1 having an activity
18. In the options given below, let E denote the 5Ci twice the number of nuclei as another sample
rest mass energy of a nucleus and n a neutron. S2 which as an activity of 10 C. The half lives of
The correct option is [JEE 2007] S1 and S2 can be [JEE 2008]
236 137 97 (A) 20 years and 5 years, respectively
(A) E 92 U E I E Y 2E(n)
53 39
(B) 20 years and 10 years, respectively.
236 137 97
(B) E 92 U E I E Y 2E(n)
53 39 (C) 10 years each
236 140 94 (D) 5 years each
(C) E 92 U E Ba E Kr 2E(n)
56 36
236 140 94 Paragraph for Questions 23 to 25
(D) E 92 U E Ba E Kr 2E(n)
56 36 Scientists are working hard to develop nuclear
1H ,
19. The largest wavelength in the ultraviolet fusion reactor. Nuclei of heavy hydrogen,
region of the hydrogen spectrum is 122 nm. The
known as deuteron and denoted by D, can be
smallest wavelength in the infrared region of the
thought of as a candidate for fusion reactor. The
hydrogen spectrum (to the nearest integer) is
2 2
[JEE 2007] D – D reaction is H 32 He + n energy. In
1 H 1
(A) 802 nm (B) 823 nm the core of fusion reactor, a gas of heavy
(C) 1882 nm (D) 1648 nm hydrogen is fully ionized into deuteron nuclei and
20. Some laws/processes are given in Column I. electrons. This collection of 12 H nuclei and electrons
Match these with the physical phenomena given
is known as plasma. The nuclei move randomly in
in Column II and indicate your answer by
the reactor core and occasionally come close
darkening appropriate bubbles in the 4×4 matrix
enough for nuclear fusion to take place. Usually,
given in the ORS.
the temperatures in the reactor core are too high
Column I Column II
and no material wall can be used to confine the
(A) Transition between (P) Characteristic
plasma. Special techniques are used which confine
two atomic energy levels X-rays
the plasma for a time t0 before the particles fly
(B) Electron emission from (Q) Photoelectric
away from the core. If n is the density (number/
a material effect
volume) of deuterons, the product nt0 is called
(C) Mosley’s law (R) Hydrogen
Lawson number. In one of the criteria, a reactor
is termed successful if Lawson number is greater
(D) Change of photon energy (S) - decay
than 5 × 1014 s/cm –3 .
into kinetic energy of electrons
It may be helpful to use the following: Boltzmann
constant k = 8.6 × 10–5 eV/K ; 27. The activity of a freshly prepared radioactive
e 2 sample is 1010 disintegrations per second, whose
= 1.44 × 10–9 eVm [JEE 2009] mean life is 109 s. The mass of an atom of this
4 0
radioisotope is 10–25 kg. The mass (in mg) of the
23. In the core of nuclear fusion reactor, the gas radioactive sample is [JEE 2011]
becomes plasma because of
(A) strong nuclear force acting between the Paragraph for Question Nos. 28 to 29
The -decay process, discovered around
(B) Coulomb force acting between the deuterons
1900, is basically the decay of a neutron (n). In
(C)Cou lomb force acti ng between
deuteronelectron pairs the laboratory, a proton (p) and an electron (e-)
(D) the high temperature maintained inside the are observed as the decay products of the neu-
reactor core tron. Therefore, considering the decay of a neu-
tron as a two-body decay process, it was pre-
24. Assume that two deuteron nuclei in the core
dicted theoretically that the kinetic energy of
of fusion reactor at temperature T are moving
towards each other, each with kinetic energy 1.5 the electron should be a constant. But experi-
kT, when the separation between them is large mentally, it was observed that the electron ki-
enough to neglect Coulomb potential energy. Also netic energy has a continuous spectrum. Consid-
neglect any interaction from other particles in eri ng a three-body decay process, i .e.
the core. The minimum temperature T required
n p e ve , around 1930, Pauli explained the
for them to reach a separation of 4 × 10–15 m is
in the range observed electron energy spectrum. Assuming the
(A) 1.0 × 109 K < T < 2.0 × 109 K anti-neutrino ve to be massless and possessing
(B) 2.0 × 109 K < T < 3.0 × 109 K
negligible energy, and the neutron to be at rest,
(C) 3.0 × 109 K < T < 4.0 × 109 K
(D) 4.0 × 109 K < T < 5.0 × 109 K momentum and energy conservation principles are
applied. From this calculation, the maximum ki-
25. Results of calculations for four different netic energy of the electron is 0.8 x 106 eV. The
designs of a fusion reactor using D – D reaction
kinetic energy carried by the proton is only the
are given below. Which of these is most promising
recoil energy.
based on Lawson criterion?
(A) deuteron density = 2.0 × 1012 cm–3 ,
confinement time = 5.0 × 10–3 s 28. What is the maximum energy of the anti-neu-
(B) deuteron density = 8.0 × 1014 cm–3 , trino?
confinement time = 9.0 × 10–1 s (A) Zero
(C) deuteron density = 4.0 × 1023 cm–3 , (B) Much less than 0.8 x 106 eV.
confinement time = 1.0 × 10–11 s (C) Nearly 0.8 x 106 eV.
(D) deuteron density = 1.0 × 1024 cm–3 , (D) Much larger than 0.8 x 106 eV.
confinement time = 4.0 × 10–12 s
6 29. If the anti-neutrino had a mass of 3 eV/c2
(where c is the speed of light) instead of zero
mass, what should be the range of the kinetic
4 energy, K, of the electron?
dN(t )
(A) 0 K 0.8 x 106 eV
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. C
8. C 9. C 10. B 11. D 12. B 13. B 14. D
15. C 16. C 17. B 18. C 19. C 20. B 21. C
22. D 23. A 24. B 25. B 26. C 27. A 28. C
29. B 30. A 31. C 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. B
36. B 37. A 38. E 39. C 40. C 41. C 42. B
43. C 44. D 45. A 46. A 47. C 48. D
1. A,B,D 2. A,C 3. C 4. A,D 5. B,C 6. C,E 7. A,C,D
7. 5.304 MeV 8. 11.88 MeV 9. (a) 4.816 MeV (b) 3.254 MeV 10. 1.182 MeV
11. 0.2806 MeV 12. 3.7 mg 13. – 93.1 KeV, No 14. 23.6 MeV
15. 8/3 × 10 sec 18
16. 2.48 × 10–12 m 17. 28 MeV 18. 9 × 106 19. Fusion, 24 20. 152 min.
l n5
21. 4.5 × 1010 y old 22. (T1/2 = 10.8 sec) 23. (i) 40
19 K
18 Ar 1 e0 v , (ii) 4.2 × 109 years 24. t ln 2
25. (a) 14 Ci, (b) 1.4 × 10–6 sec–1 26. (a) 6.49 × 109 y, (b) 4.5 × 109 y, (c) 4
1 3N0
27. (a) +, (b) 24 min 28. 1.92 × 109 y 29. (a)N = [(1–e–t) + N0 e–t] (b) , 2N0
0.2E0 t – (1 e – t )
1. 4.87 Mev 2. 3.3 × 10–6 g 3. 7.01366 amu 5. v = ut 6. T
7. 6.04 × 109 yrs 8. 1.7 × 1010 years 9. 5196 yrs 10. 33.298 W 11. 6 litre
12. (i) t1/2 = 10 sec., tmeans = 14.43 s
(ii) 40 sec.