Nuclear Physics - PreMed
Nuclear Physics - PreMed
Nuclear Physics - PreMed
Composition of Atomic
Ernest Rutherford first developed
the nuclear model of the atom,
consisting of a small dense
positively charged nucleus
surrounded by negatively charged
He suggested the presence of
the neutron inside the nucleus,
which was discovered by James
Chadwick (1932).
The nucleus makes up 99.9% of the
atom’s mass, and its size is of the
order 10-15m (Unit for nuclear
dimension measurement: 1 fermi =
It is a bound collection of protons
and neutrons, together referred to
as nucleons
A proton has a positive charge
equal to 1.6x10-19C and a mass of
1.673x10-27kg whereas a
neutron has no charge and a
mass of 1.675x10-27kg
The atomic number or the
charge number (Z) represents
the total number of protons
present in the nucleus
The mass number or nucleon
number (A) represents the sum
of the number of protons and
neutrons inside the nucleus
The atoms of an element having the
same charge number but different
mass number due to a different
number of neutrons are called
Hydrogen has 3 isotopes
P P n
P n P
Mass Spectrograph: The ions are accelerated to a
certain velocity using an electric
This is a device that has two main field so the K.E. of the ions can be
functions: calculated from the P.D. used to
It is used to identify and accelerate the ion and the mass-
measure the mass and to-charge ratio of the ion:
abundance of particles, atoms, ½ mv2=Ve
and molecules in a sample. So v= √2Ve/m
It works on the principle that a The centripetal force applied by
beam of ions experiences the magnetic field is given by
deflections when it moves through Bev=mv^2/r
electric and magnetic fields. This Bevr/v^2=m (Substituting
deflection depends on the mass-to- value of v from the previous
charge ratio of the ions. equation):
First the sample is ionized, m= Ber/ (√2Ve/m)
creating charged particles. These m= B^2er^2/2V
ions are accelerated by an This equation shows that if
electric field and then pass V, B, and e are kept constant
through a magnetic field, which then the radius of deflection
causes them to deflect. The depends on the mass of the
degree of this deflection ion, helping ions with
depends upon the charge to different mass-to-charge
mass ratio of the ions. ratio be separated.
The ions are then separated
based on this ratio, with the
lighter ions experiencing more
deflection compared to heavier
After separation, the ions are
detected by a detector which
generates an electrical signal
which is proportional to the
number of ions that hit it.
This signal is then amplified and
recorded as a mass spectrum
which shows the abundance of
ions at different mass-to-charge
Nuclear Mass:
This nuclear binding
Nuclear masses are measured with energy is derived from the
the atomic mass unit (a.m.u.) strong nuclear force.
1 a.m.u. Is exactly the mass of B.E.= Δmc2
1/12th of the C12 isotope B.E.= (Zmp+ (A-Z)mn -
1 a.m.u. = 1.660x10-27 kg mnucleus)c2
When mass is considered Binding Energy per
equivalent to energy, a.m.u. is nucleon is the average
converted to Joules and eV (units energy required to extract
of energy) a nucleon from the
1 a.m.u. = 1.4924x10-10J nucleus. It is also called the
1 a.m.u. = 931.5 MeV packing fraction.
The mass of a nucleus is less B.E. per nucleon or B.E./A=
than the mass of the (Zmp+ (A-Z)mn -
constituents of the nucleus. This mnucleus)c2/A
difference in mass is known as The B.E./A is a measure of
the mass defect. the stability of the nucleus,
Δm= Zmp+ (A-Z) m-nucleus greater the B.E. , the more
where m-nucleus is the stable the nucleus.
experimentally determined The decrease in B.E./A is due
mass of the nucleus. to certain factors:
Surface effect: The
Binding energy is the energy
nucleons that are near the
with which the nucleons are
surface are less tightly
bound within the nucleus. It is
bound as compared to
the energy equivalent of the
those at the center. A
mass defect.
smaller nucleus has more
The energy which is required
nucleons near the surface,
to break a nucleus into its
hence decreased B.E./A
constituents is the binding
Large Nuclear Size: The
number of protons
The energy which is released
increases in larger nuclei,
when the nucleus is formed
causing Coulomb’s
from its constituents is the
repulsive force to increase
binding energy.
which opposes the nuclear
force, causing the B.E./A to
The B.E./A increases with the
mass number until it reaches
a maximum value of 8.8 MeV
at A=58. After that, it
gradually decreases to a
value of 7.6MeV at A=238.
For A<28, the curve shows
some peaks at 2He4, 4Be8,
6C16, 8O16, 10Ne20, 12Mg24 .
This is due to the extra
stability of these elements in
comparison to their
Radioactivity : Beta decay:
Gamma decay:
Alpha decay:
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NOTES Half life and rate of decay : The number of nuclei present
varies with time according to
Half life is the time it takes for the equation: N= N0 e-λt
half of the radioactive nuclei in a where N0 is the number of
sample to decay OR the time it undecayed nuclei at t=0,
takes for the activity of a N=number of undecayed
radioactive sample to decrease nuclei at time t and λ=decay
to half of its original value. constant
The activity/rate of decay is For t= T1/2 , N= N0/2
defined as the number of N0/2= N0 e-λT1/2 ½= e-
disintegrations that take place λT1/2 2= eλT1/2 ln2=λT1/2
per second. T1/2=ln2/λ so T1/2=0.693/
No radioactive element can λ
completely decay as an infinite Value of half life is constant
time is required for all the atoms for each radioactive
to decay. element. The half-life is a
The number of atoms decaying measurement of the
in a particular period is stability of radioactive
proportional to the number of elements. The rate of
atoms present in the beginning radioactive decay is directly
of the period(undecayed atoms). proportional to the stability
If at a particular time the of the isotope.
number of radioactive atoms is N The activity is the number of
then after a time interval Δt, the disintegrations per unit time
number of decaying atoms ΔN is (ΔN/Δt).
proportional to Δt and N. A= -ΔN/Δt=λN
ΔN∝ -N Δt (negative sign The SI unit of activity is
Becquerel where 1 Bq
because N decreases as t
increases) represents one decay per
ΔN = -λNΔt where λ=decay second.
constant Curie is a common unit to
If for a particular atom, the measure activity. 1 Ci=
decay constant is large, then 3.70x10^10 Bq
in a particular time period, Artificial radioactive elements
the number of atoms that will are formed when high energy
decay will also be large. It can particles are bombarded on the
also be defined as the stable element, which excites
fraction of decaying atoms the nuclei causing it to become
per unit time. It has unit s-1. unstable and radioactive
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Most of the radiation detectors A high P.D. is maintained to
make use of the fact that ionization produce discharge through the
is produced along the path of the gas which causes ionization,
particle. producing electrons. When the
Wilson cloud chamber: It shows electrons are accelerated to the
the visible path of ionizing anode, they collide with gas
radiation. It uses the principle atoms, causing them to be
that supersaturated vapors ionized.
condense preferentially on ions.
If the ionizing particle is about to More electrons are produced,
pass where the cloud droplets causing a cascade of electrons
are about to form, they will form towards the anode that makes a
along the particle’s path, short pulse of current pass
showing it as a trail of droplets. through the external resistor. This
Tiny droplets condense about pulse is amplified and registered
these ions and form vapor tracks electronically. The entire pulse
which show the radiation takes less than 1 microsecond. GM
pathway. counter is unsuitable for fast
counting as it has a lon dead time
Types of
Tracks produced
radiation Solid state detectors : These
devices use semiconductors to
Thick, straight and detect charged
continuous particles/photons. A reverse
bias PN junction diode is used
Thin, discontinuous, and the incident radiation
Beta and extending in an produces electron-hole pairs
erratic manner which causes a current pulse
to flow through the external
circuit. The energy needed to
Gamma No definite tracks
produce and electron-hole
pair is 3-4 eV. The top and
bottom layer is coated with
Geiger muller counter: It gold for conduction.
consists of a stiff, central wire
which makes the anode and a
hollow metal tube filled with gas
(cathode). A thin mica window
allows particles to enter.
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NOTES Normally no current flows
through the circuit but when the
incident particle penetrates
through the depletion region,
electron-hole pairs are produced,
causing a pulse of current which
is amplified by a scaler unit. The
size of the pulse is directly
proportional to the energy
absorbed by the incident particle.
SSD can detect low-energy
particles and can count very fast.
It is smaller in size and requires a
low voltage.
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It is a reaction in which an incident Fission chain reaction:
nuclear particle or photon causes a
change in a target nucleus.
In this, the first neutron collides
An induced nuclear reaction is
with the heavy nucleus,
one in which the target nuclei
producing two to three more
are bombarded with energetic
neutrons. If those neutrons
light particles.
bombard with other heavy
Quantities that are conserved in
nuclei, the reaction becomes a
nuclear reactions:
chain reaction. The critical mass
is the mass of the heavy nucleus
Energy (mass)
for which 1 out of the 3 neutrons
Momentum (linear/angular)
produced in one fission reaction
Nucleon number
continues the chain reaction.
The energy equivalent of the
If the mass of the heavy
difference in rest masses on both
nucleus is greater than the
sides of the equation is called the
critical mass, then the chain
nuclear reaction energy (Q).
reaction occurs at rapid
When Q is positive, energy is
speed (explosion).
released, when it is negative,
If the mass < critical mass,
energy is absorbed.
chain reaction does not
The nuclear reaction that led to
the discovery of neutron
If mass= critical mass, chain
4Be9 + 2He4 —---> 6C12 + 0n1
reaction proceeds at initial
Nuclear Fission
It is the reaction in which a heavy
nucleus splits into two nuclei of
roughly the same size along with
energy emission. It produces free
neutrons and photons.
There is no difference between
the sum of mass and charge
numbers on both sides of the
nuclear fission equation.
The fission of one uranium
nucleus releases 2.11 MeV of
Fission takes place very easily
with slow neutrons of U-235
and Pu-239
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NOTES Nuclear Fusion:
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Definition: 3.1. Control Rods: They are used to
control the number of neutrons
It is a device that is designed to to maintain the critical state (the
maintain self-sustaining fission minimum mass required to
reactions in a controlled way. A sustain the chain reaction).
reactor has 4 main parts: Cadmium and Boron are used
1. Core: In the core, the usually as they can absorb fast-
fuel(enriched Uranium-235) is moving neutrons. The rods are
kept in cylindrical tubes. moved in and out of the core to
2. Moderators: They slow down the control the neutrons.
speed of neutrons produced as 4.1. Coolant: It cools the fuel rods
the neutrons produced by fission and moderator. It carries away
of U-235 have an energy of the heat that is generated in the
several MeV but those required fission process. It is usually water
for fission are neutrons with or heavy water under high
0.025 eV. The material for the pressure. The heat carried by the
moderator should be light so as coolant can be used to run the
to not absorb the neutrons e.g. turbine to generate electricity.
water, heavy water, graphite, .
carbon, etc..
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Background radiation is present
around us at all times due to Absorbed dose tells about the
cosmic radiation and naturally effect of absorbed radiation on
radioactive substances in the the body. It refers to the
Earth’s crust. energy absorbed from ionising
The atmosphere absorbs all radiation per unit mass.
these radiation. The depletion of D= E/m
ozone due to CFCs in the upper SI Unit: Gray (Gy)
atmosphere increases eye and 1Gy= 1J/kg = 100 rad
skin diseases. Equal doses of different
Radon gas from underground radiation produce different
enters buildings and causes the biological effects e.g. the
radiation levels inside buildings same dose of alpha
to rise if there is no good radiation is 20 times more
ventilation. damaging than X-rays.
Food has K-40, C-14 which are Neutrons are the most
radioactive isotopes of damaging to eyes.
potassium and carbon Equivalent dose De = D x RBE
respectively. (where RBE is the relative
Diagnostic tests like X-rays also biological effectiveness)
contribute to the radiation SI Unit= Sievert
exposure. 1 Sv= 1 Gy x RBE = 100 rem
Radioactive waste from nuclear .
facilities, hospitals, research
establishments also contribute low level high level
to this.
Hair loss Anaemia
Biological Effects of
Radiations : Fever (radiation Chromosomal
sickness) abnormalities
All this exposure to radiation can
pose biological damage to cells: Lung stiffening Cancer
Somatic i.e. has immediate
effect such as hairloss, burns
Diarrhoea Cataracts
Genetic i.e. may not appear in
individual’s lifetime e.g. gene
or chromosomal damage Ulceration
Activity describes the strength of
the radiation source. It is
measured in Becquerel (Bq)
where 1 Bq= 1 decay/sec 1
Curie= 3.7x10^10 Bq.
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Biological and medical uses of
Radiations :
Food preservation: Gamma rays
are used to kill bacteria, mould,
insects in food
Sterilization: Medical/surgical
equipment is sterilized with the
help of gamma rays
Agriculture: Radiation induced
mutations are used to produce
crop varieties (wheat, rice,
Medical diagnostics: Certain
radio-isotopes are selectively
absorbed by certain organs e.g.
radio iodide by thyroid gland,
phosphorus by bones, cobalt by
liver. These radio-isotopes serve
as tracers to detect position of
Medical treatment: Cells that
multipy rapidly are more easily
destroyed by gamma radiation.
Radiotherapy uses gamma rays
from cobalt-60 to treat cancer,
Iodine-131 is used in treatment of
thyroid cancer, Strontium-90
and Phosphorus-32 is used in
treating skin cancer.
Industrial: Cracks in pipes are
detected by X-rays and gamma
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Gravitational Strong Weak nuclear Weak nuclear
force nuclear force force force
Most dominant Strongest of all Relative strength 10^2
force in nature force, relative strength 10^6 Causes all
strength= 1 chemical
reaction and
binds together
crystals, etc.
Responsible for
Shapes the Confines Responsible for
all macroscopic
structures of nucleons in the spontaneous
forces e.g.
galaxies nucleus breakup of
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NOTES Building blocks of matter:
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