Atari Force 201 1984-01 Worlds Strangest Heroes
Atari Force 201 1984-01 Worlds Strangest Heroes
Atari Force 201 1984-01 Worlds Strangest Heroes
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ATARI FORCE 1 Published monthly by DC Comics Inc .. 666 Finh Avenue. New York. NY 10103. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to DC Comics Inc .• Subscription
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trademark 01 Alari , Inc. used under license. The stories. characters and incidents mentioned in this magazine are entirely fictional. Printed in USA Advertising Representa·
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DC Comir;s Inc, and Ata rl Inc 'yVarner Commun,ications Compani es
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I think we have a bit of explaining to solution to mankind's most pressing find out what happens on the supposed-
do ... problem. Intensive research leadstothe ly "deserted" planet after the ATARI
The book you hold in your hands is the construction of SCANNER ONE, and the FORCE leaves, we once again esk you to
first issue of the ATARI FORCE. It beginning of PROJECT: MULTIVERSE. pick up the STAR RAIDER GRAPHIC
features a really neat cast of characters To quote the director of the ATARI ALBUM, available at selected comic
in typically bizarre situations, as provid- INSTITUTE: ,"Project: Multiverse is an shops everywhere,)
ed by creators Gerry Conway and Jose attempt to alleviate potential famine- After countless more excursions
Luis Garcia Lopaz. Gerry you already by locating inhabitable worlds among through the Multiverse, the ATARI
know. Jose you will definitely GET to the infinity of alternate realities exist- FORCE finally finds a peaceful, scien-
know. His artwork is possibly the most ing in other dimensions parallel to our tifically advanced universe that they all
sensitive and imaginative available in ownl Such worldS' may be primitive think is just right for human habita-
comics today. He's been here at DC for jungles-futuristic paradisea-or tion-'only to ' have the DARK
quite awhile, but this is his first monthly underwater wonderlands. Eaoh will be DESTROYER intercede once again.
comic creation. It's our sincere hope unique, with ita own oulture, Its own This time, DO uses his particular
that Jose's artwork will thrill you ·as history. Somewhere among these many brand of thought control to take over the
much as it does us. (Pause for plug: possible worlds you will find a planet minds of the entire alien populace, turn-
STAR RAIDERS, DC's first GRAPHIC much iike our own EARTH ... When 'you ing them against the ATARI FORCE. But
NOVEL, is Jose's baby too-check it out, find this world, we will begin coloni. once again, the ATARI FORCE defeats
if you can still find it. End plug). zation ." ' the Destroyer-this time, they hope, for
We'll talk more about the artists and ' This is the mission, and to fulfill it, good. We, on the other hand, know
writers involved in the creation of the ATARI selects five individuals, each better.
ATARI FORCE next issue. But for now, with his or her own unique set of quali- When things return to normal, the
we think there's something you should fications. Security Officer ' li San .ATARI FORCE petitIon the governing
know .... O'Rourke is a combat expen, trained in body of the universe, asking for per.lnis-
THIS Atari Force ISN'T the FIRST Atari the martial ans as well as in the use of sion to colonize. Approval is given, and
Force. That's right. If you 're a video- futuristic weaponry; Flight Engineer soon, the first starships begin to leave
game fan, you probably remember the Mohandas Singh is an electronics Earth for a new future. .
current group's noble predecessors. If wizard; Ship's Doctor Lucas Orion is a That just about brings us to the end of
you are, skip down a few graphs. If dadicated pacifist and Atari's Director of the ATARI FORCE's original run. Ob-
you 're not, hang on, 'cause like we Medical Research;' and Executive Of- viously, the preceeding paragraph. tell
aaid-we have a bit of explaining to do. ficer Lydia Perez Is one of the future's the story in a nutshell cause, hey, we
The ORIGINAL Atari Force appeared greatest space pilots. haven't got all day for this thing, y'know]
in a group of half-sized comics packed To lead this group of. adventurers, To gat the WHOLE story, you 'll simply
into five different ATARI 2600 video ATARI selects Martin Champion to have to buy the ATARI game car-
game boxes. Unlike most comics, these serve as Commander. Champion, you've tridges-or CAREFULLY read the rest of
don't go off sale after a month, so if probably noticed by now, is the firmest this column.
you're curious, you can still pick up the link between the old and new ATARI The ATARI FORCE series you now
games and get the comics free. (The FORCES,sowedon't want to give away hold picks up about 25 years later, and
games aren't bad either). What follows any well·kept-secrets about him except believe us when we tell you-you've
is a quick listing of the comics in the to tell you to check out next issue's FACT missed a loti So if some of the stuff
order they originally appeared. Con- FILE page to get a bit of background on you've just relld makes little sense to
tinuity freaks take notel the man. you in light of the preceeding 23 pages
ATARI FORCE #1: DEFENDER The group are given the Multiverse- of' magnificent story and art-don't
ATARI FORCE #2: BERZERK spanning starship called SCANNER worry-before long, all the pieces will
ATARI FORCE #3: STAR RAIDERS ONE, and take off .in search of a new begin to fall into piacel That, we
ATARI FORCE #4: PHOENIX homeworld for mankind. Their first trip promisel
ATARI FORCE #5: GALAXIAN brings them to a barren, war-torn world, -ANDY HELF~R
Now remember, videogame fans, uninhabited except for the primitive And please, don't forget your com-
we're still talking to the uninitiated, so "HUKKAS", a race of cute, furry docile ments on this first issue. Gerry and Jose
don't let us bore you. What we are about creatures who aided the planet's higher and I are anxious to hear what you think
to embark on is a short course in ATARI life forms by performing menial tasks. about this book and its-dare I say it-
FORCE history, which should, with a bit The last of the Hukkas immediately be- UNUSUAL origin sequence. The ad-
of luck, bring us up to the present group. friends Singh, and becomes his cons- dress Is, as always, ATARI FORCE c/o
Ahem- tant companion, so we'lI be seeing more DC COMICS INC, 666 FIFTH AVE. NEW
of the orange critter in the future. YORK, N.Y. 10.103, And while you're at
The year is 2005 AD. The world is in a But things on the planet aren't all It, take a shot at suggesting a name for
state of turmoil. Man has reduced much sweetness and light. Soon after the this column-winner gets a full set of all
of his homeworld to an uninhabitable Atari Force's arrival, the evil ZYLONS, five ATARI FORCE mini-comics.
desert. Although war has reduced the controlled by the many-tantacled (end Nexti..u_
population s'ignificantly, there is simply terribly evil) creature known only 8S the The members-to-be of the Force move
not enough farmable land left to provide DARK DESTROYER; attack. closer to their destiny-fulfilling forma-
food {~~ \Mm. The Atari Force discover a spaceship tion. PLUS: Fact file pages, and the
Into this world comes the ATARI called the STAR RAIDER and use it to origin of the origin of theATARI FORCE.
TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH IN- distract the Zylons while SCANNER Betcha didn't think we could cram all
STITUTE, a group organized to provide a ONE destroys the Dark D·estroyer. (To that into one book, right?
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