RM Proposal Components
RM Proposal Components
RM Proposal Components
– Qualitative research
• Data is narrative incl. interview transcripts, observations and personal
• Qualitative techniques of analysis
– Involves subjective assessment of attitudes, opinions and behavior
Qualitative Research Methods
• Largely limited by the imagination of the researcher.
• Participant Observation
– It requires that the researcher become a participant in the
culture or context being observed. Participant observation
often requires months or years of intensive work because
the researcher needs to become accepted as a natural part
of the culture in order to assure that the observations are of
the natural phenomenon.
• Direct Observation
– The researcher is watching rather than taking part.
Consequently, technology can be a useful part of direct
observation. For instance, one can videotape the
phenomenon or observe from behind one-way mirrors.
Qualitative Research Methods
• Unstructured Interviewing
– Unstructured interviewing involves direct interaction
between the researcher and a respondent or group.
Because each interview tends to be unique with no
predetermined set of questions asked of all respondents, it
is usually more difficult to analyze unstructured interview
data, especially when synthesizing across respondents.
• Case Studies
– A case study is an intensive study of a specific individual
or specific context. For instance, the role of Judiciary in
political outcomes – case of Kenyan Judiciary. There is no
single way to conduct a case study, and a combination of
methods (e.g., unstructured interviewing, direct
observation) can be used.
Research Process
Review concepts
Define and theories Design research Analyse data
Formulate (including Collect data Interpret
research (Test hypotheses
hypotheses sample design) (Execution) and report
problem Review previous F if any) F
research finding V VII
What you should expect during the research
– to make mistakes and to learn
– to write and rewrite your research report several times! Nobody
gets it right the first time!
– to spend many hours reading books and journals relating to
your topic!
– to spend many hours discussing your research with other
researchers or your supervisor
– to have your work criticized.
– to feel confused and sometimes even hopeless!
¨ Specific objectives
– These define the scope of the work
– A check list of how the general objective is addressed
• To determine the effect of outsourcing logistical services on
perceived performance.
• To evaluate the effect of outsourcing HRM services on perceived
• To examine the effect of outsourcing marketing services on
perceived performance.
• To determine the effect of outsourcing legal services on perceived
Why should research objectives be
• Focus the study (narrowing it down to
• Avoid the collection of data which are not
strictly necessary for understanding and
solving the problem you have identified;
• Organise the study in clearly defined
parts or phases.
Research objectives
• Ensure they clearly indicate the specific focus and
purpose study. Key elements include:
– Specific – are they stated clearly and specifically, are they easily
understood as to what is intended, and indicate what is to be
achieved through the study
– Measurable – ensuring that they can measure what has been
intended through the study. Can the stated objectives measure
what they claim?
– Achievable – are they realistic and can they be achieved? Can
they actually achieve what it was originally intended? How will
they be achieved?
– Compatible – are they in line with the purpose and focus of the
research study?
• Use action verbs that are specific enough to be evaluated
e.g. to determine, to compare, to verify, to calculate, to
describe, and to establish. Avoid the use of vague non-
action verbs such as: to appreciate, to understand, or to
• What predictions would you make about the phenomenon you
are examining?
• Hypotheses are more specific predictions about the nature and
direction of the relationship between two variables (based on
– Strong hypotheses:
– Give insight into a research question;
– Are testable and measurable by the proposed experiments;
– Spring logically from the experience of the staff;
– Normally, no more than three primary hypotheses should be proposed
for a research study.
• Proposition is an assertion about judgement or opinion
– Oustourcing affects organisational performance
¨ (Testable) Hypotheses (based on theory)
– What you want to prove wrong or right
– Mirror images of specific objectives : Null or Alternative
– Theoretical framework
– What are the competing theories or arguments, theoretical
– Empirical literature
– What real life studies exist on the issue and what are the
main conclusions; provide a synthesis
Qualitative Research
¨Describe the discernible patterns and relate
them to the hypotheses (expected outcomes)
– Qualitative trends (frequencies etc)
– Common occurrences and their effects
– Lessons there from
• Discuss the implications of the findings
– In relation to the literature
• Do they validate or refute
• What contribution
Empirical Results and Discussion
Quantitative Research
• Provide descriptive statistics of your variables
– Mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum
– You may also do some statistical and/or graphical analysis of
your data (cross-tabulation, bar graphs, trend lines)
Unintentional plagiarism
•Wrongly paraphrasing
•Paraphrasing without citing
•Copying & Pasting
Make sure you credit ideas of authors, quote properly & paraphrase.
Example: Quotation
• In most vital organizations, there is a common bond
of interdependence, mutual interest, interlocking
contributions, and simple joy. Part of the art of
leadership is to see that this common bond is
maintained and strengthened, a task certainly
requiring good communication.
Is it plagiarism?
Is it plagiarism?
• Yes
48 point posters
36 point
presentation slides
24 point
18 point
14 point
12 point
10 point
8 point
In your layouts, use white space for association,
emphasis, and hierarchy
space for
space for
House Keeping:
Work Plan/Time Frame