What Is A Research?
What Is A Research?
What Is A Research?
What is a research?
search for knowledge through objective and systematic method
of finding solution to a problem or establishing facts/principles.
Mixed Method
Correlational Explanatory
Research Research
Classification of Research
• Example Basic vs. Applied One type can influence the
other and vise versa
• An engineer studying theory of light rail construction
techniques may lead to less expensive construction cost
• therefore leading to the ability of Regional Transportation
authorities to implement extensive regional transportation
systems that can efficiently transport people around the area
• Development of efficient transportation systems may lead to
new theories related to development and growth
Specific Objectives
In order to meet the main objective, specific objectives were defined as:
To determine the extent of application of the principles of total quality management in
Engineering Higher Learning Institutions;
To determine the extent of the performance of Engineering Higher Learning Institutions
To establish the relationship between total quality management practices and the
performance of Engineering Higher Learning Institutions.
Objective examples
developing a performance measurement framework for road construction
Specific Objectives
To establish and classify road construction project performance
To assess factors influencing performance of road construction projects
To propose a road construction project performance assessment tool
Objective examples
The main objective is the Assessment the Housing Affordability;
The Case of NHC Affordable Housing Projects in Dar es salaam,
Specific objectives:
i. To determine the prevailing definition of housing affordability
index in Tanzania.
ii. To evaluate factors that influences the demand and supply of
the affordable houses Tanzania.
iii. To assess the role of government in improving the provision of
affordable housing in Tanzania.
iv. To give recommendation to the real estate sector on ways to
improve the supply of affordable houses.
Objective examples
The main objective of this study is to determine the evaporation
losses on the water surface of NYM reservoir and correlate
evaporation losses between offshore and on water surface to
determine energy losses at NyumbayaMungu Reservoir.
Specific Objectives
To determine evaporation parameters on water surface and on
land at NYM reservoir.
To develop an evaporation correlation model for water surface and
land surrounding the reservoir.
To determine energy losses at NYM reservoir due to evaporation
Objective examples
The general objective of this research was to assess the
adherence to quality management practices by building
contractors during the construction phase in Tanzania.
Specific Objectives
i. To determine commitment of the building contractors to
Quality Management in the building construction projects;
ii. To determine the challenges faced by building construction
companies while practicing quality management in
iii. To recommend the best practice of quality management for
achieving quality in construction.
Objective examples-is it SMART
To know how computer-based management information system
application is introduced in secondary schools.
Specific Objectives
i. To investigate the external factors on application of computer-
based management information systems in Tanzanian
Secondary Schools.
ii. To investigate the internal factors on application of computer-
based management information systems in Tanzanian
Secondary Schools.
Objective examples-is it SMART
To modernize garage for the University of Dar es salaam that will
operate competitively and profitably .
1. To examine the existing garage of university of Dar es
salaam ,to find out what it lacks in terms of facilities, operational
model, location suitability.
2. To provide a design that gives the best in terms of Physical
layout of the workshop ,Facilities layout ,Modern tools and
equipments,Work practices and procedure.
Why Formulate Objectives
Help to
Focus on the study
Avoid collection of data that are strictly not
necessary for understanding ad solving the
Organize the study in clearly defined part/phase
Facilitate the development of research
Operational definition
• To find out the number of children living
below the poverty line in Tanzania
• To measure the effectiveness of a retraining
program design to help young people
Identifying Variables
• Variable: a concept that can be measured
(varies and take two or more values)
Types of Variables
• Causation
– Independent variable-having the effect
– Dependent variable-what is being affected
– Extraneous –not related to the study but may
affect dependent variable (e.g. smoking and
cancer) independent
– Intervening variable-links independent variable
and dependent variable (e.g. higher education and
income [occupation])
• Unit of measurement
– Categorical (yes/no; bad/good, political party)
– Continuous (age, income)
Writing research titles
A good title should….
• Predict the content
• Catch readers interest
• Reflect the problem you are/ wish to
• Contain key words that will make it easy to
access through computer search.
To check if you have a good title answer the
following questions….
• What is my research about?
• What techniques /designs will I use?
• Who/What will be studied?
How to do it
• Build a sentence with a key words
• Delete all unnecessary words
• Delete non-essential words and re-word
• It is recommended that the title should not
exceed 14 words