NQA ISO 50001 Implementation Guide

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ISO 50001:2018


> ISO 50001:2018


Introduction to the standard P04
Benefits of implementation P05
Annex SL P06
PDCA cycle P07
Risk based thinking / audits P08
Process based thinking / audit P09
SECTION 1: Scope P10
SECTION 2: Normative references P10
SECTION 3: Terms and definitions P11
SECTION 4: Context of the organization P12
SECTION 5: Leadership P14
SECTION 6: Planning P16
SECTION 7: Support P20
SECTION 8: Operation P22
SECTION 9: Performance evaluation P24
SECTION 10: Improvement P28
Get the most from your management systems P29
Energy Management Training P30
Next steps once implemented P32
Useful links P36


BS EN ISO 50001:2018 “Energy management systems – Requirements with guidance for
use” sets out an energy management framework for establishing policies, processes,
procedures and specific energy-tasks to meet an organization’s energy objectives. It
requires an organization to define its desired energy performance, and work towards
achieving its stated objective(s).

As with other ISO management system standards, the energy ISO/PC 242 was led by ISO members for the United States and
management system (EnMS) in ISO 50001 is based on the Brazil. In addition, its leadership included the ISO members for
“Plan, Do, Check and Act” framework. It was first published in China and the United Kingdom to ensure that developed and
June 2011 and updated in August 2018. developing economies participated together in the strategic
direction and administration of the project committee. It was
Brief history of ISO 50001 transformed into a technical committee in June 2011, signifying
that it would be developing additional standards.
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Experts from the national standards bodies of 44 ISO
(UNIDO) recognised that industry around the world needed to
member countries participated and another 14 countries were
mount an effective response to climate change. It also noted
observers. Development organizations including UNIDO and
a proliferation of national energy management standards
the World Energy Council (WEC) were also involved.
including ones developed in China, Denmark, Ireland, Japan,
Republic of Korea, Netherlands, Sweden, Thailand, USA and In 2012, the Lawrence D. Eicher (LDE) Leadership Award for
the European Union as a response to market demand for help excellence in creative and innovative standards development
with energy efficiency. In April 2007, a UNIDO stakeholders went to the ISO/TC 242 technical committee for the work that
meeting decided to ask ISO to develop an international energy was carried out to publish the Standard in June 2011. At the
management standard. ISO had identified energy management time, it was estimated that the Standard could influence up to
as one of its top five areas for the development of International 60% of the world’s energy use.
Standards and, in 2008, created a project committee, ISO/PC
242 “Energy management”, to carry out the work.


Whilst having a thought-out system to manage business processes are beneficial, there are
specific benefits of implementing an EnMS which is certified to ISO 50001:


An effective EnMS that is aligned with an organization’s ISO 50001 requires an organization to establish a
business strategy, will allow visibility of how energy baseline to act as an indicator of energy performance.
is being used and areas where performance can be By identifying a baseline, energy efficiency can be
improved. It provides the structured policies, processes, tracked over time.
procedures and action plans to implement energy
saving opportunities. Continual improvement in energy
management is therefore achieved. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE
Similar to ISO 14001 and ISO 45001, ISO 50001
requires an organization to identify and have access to
COST REDUCTION applicable “legal and other requirements” in relation to
Any energy reductions identified through an EnMS will, its energy efficiency, energy use, energy consumption
in turn, offer demonstrable savings on energy bills, and its EnMS.
which will reduce the overhead of a business and in In the UK, ISO 50001 can be used to comply directly
some cases substantially. There are many examples with the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS).
of an organization undertaking the ISO 50001 process The Government established ESOS to implement Article
achieving first year energy cost savings which are equal 8 (4 to 6) of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/
to or greater than the initial costs of implementing the EU). In general ESOS applies to large UK undertakings
Standard. and their corporate groups. It mainly affects businesses
but can also apply to not-for-profit bodies and any other
REDUCING ENERGY non public sector undertakings that are large enough to
meet the qualification criteria.
Cost reduction as identified in b) above and reducing
energy, go hand in hand. By establishing, implementing, Organizations are required under ESOS to review
maintaining and continually improving an EnMS, an the total energy use and energy efficiency of the
organization will be able to not only deal with the initial organization and identify cost-effective energy savings
energy saving opportunities or “low-hanging fruit” but opportunities by undertaking an energy audit. However,
to identify and manage where, when and how energy if an organization has an EnMS certified to ISO 50001
is being consumed and identify energy efficiency then upon registration of the certification with the
improvements and reductions. Environment Agency, direct compliance with ESOS is

Many businesses report their output of carbon dioxide
(CO2) or “carbon footprint”. Whilst CO2 reduction Achieving ISO 50001 can offer significant reputational
cannot really be cited as a primary reason for achieving benefits by demonstrating to an organization’s
the ISO 50001 Standard, any reductions in energy will stakeholders that it is fully committed to managing its
have a direct correlation with an organization’s overall energy consumption and seeking ways to increase its
carbon footprint. energy efficiency.
When an organization gains certification, it can display
the NQA logos on appropriate materials (in accordance
ORGANIZATIONAL ENGAGEMENT with NQA/UKAS guidelines). This can not only publicise
The “top down” approach within ISO 50001 ensures an organization’s credentials (and perhaps provide a
that key senior stakeholders within the organization competitive edge) but can provide a short-hand info-
understand,as appropriate, its EnMS and are therefore graphic that energy “governance” is being achieved.
motivated to achieve its objectives. ISO 50001
can be also be used to drive engagement on energy
management; providing other members of an COMMERCIALITY
organization with a structured approach to managing It is an ever increasing trend, that when seeking to
energy use. supply goods and services to the business sector
(particularly the Public Sector) accredited systems such
as ISO 50001 are required, in order to meet pre contract
procurement award criteria.


Annex SL provides the new common architecture for ISO Management System Standards.
It replaces ISO’s Guide 83, which provided a structure and text for management system
standards. Guide 83 started to address the issues that many organizations had when
integrating such Standards as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001 and ISO 50001.

Annex SL takes the principles within Guide 83 and creates a

universal high-level structure, identical core text, and common
terms and definitions for all management system standards High level structure
which make the integration of management systems when
according to a particular Standard easier.
Annex SL high level structure comprises
the following:

Note: the “SL” in Annex SL doesn’t stand for anything 1. Scope

– it’s just the way that ISO identifies things!
2. Normative references
3. Terms and definitions
A good use of Annex SL and an example of an integrated
4. Context of the organization
management system (IMS) is one that simultaneously handles 5. Leadership
the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001.
Typically, the processes required in each Standard for document 6. Planning
control, internal audits, dealing with nonconformities, corrective 7. Support
actions, or management review are shared, so that the
requirements of each Standard are met without duplicating effort 8. Operation
i.e. having three processes - one for ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and 9. Performance evaluation
ISO 50001.
10. Improvement

Clauses 1 to 3 provide a background to the Standard

itself and it is not until clause 4 that the requirements of
the Standard are set out.

Whilst clauses 4 to 10 are common to all Management

System Standards, ISO 50001 specifically relates to
energy topics. So, whilst there is commonality, there
are processes to be established, implemented and
maintained such as an energy policy and undertaking
an energy review which are unique to ISO 50001.


Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) is an iterative, four-stage approach for achieving continual
improvement. It involves systematically testing possible solutions, assessing the results,
and implementing the ones that are shown to work. At the “heart” of this approach is
leadership. The importance of leadership at all levels, but particularly by Top Management,
cannot be underestimated to operate an EnMS successfully, to achieve performance levels
required and generate continual improvement.

In the context of an EMS, PDCA is translated into the following:

Plan: Context of the organization

Understand the context of the organization,
establish an energy policy, understand INTERNAL AND NEEDS AND EXPECTATIONS
risks and opportunities and undertake an EXTERNAL ISSUES OF INTERESTED PARTIES
energy review by gathering, analysing
and interpreting energy data. This energy
intelligence is then used to help set trends,
Significant Energy Uses (SEU’s), energy
baseline(s) performance indicators, SCOPE OF THE ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
objectives, targets and actions. It is also
critical to secure Top Management buy-in
and identify where help from competent
consultants is required as well as securing
NQA as a preferred ISO 50001 certification

Plan Do
Implement the energy management action
plans and act on the analysis of energy IMPROVEMENT SUPPORT AND
data to drive new standards of energy

Act Check
Monitor, measure, analyse, evaluate and PERFORMANCE
audit and conduct energy reviews of energy EVALUATION
performance against objectives and targets,
then report the results.

This is where you take action, led from top INTENDED OUTCOMES OF THE
management level, to ensure continual
improvement in the EnMS and to address
non conformity.


The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle for process improvement, as described above,
corresponds to proven risk management approaches. Many organizations have the process
of risk management as a fundamental process particularly around information technology,
finance and occupational health and safety. The following identifies the key processes in
ISO 50001 where risk based thinking is inherent:

Context: Planning – risk and opportunities:

One of the first steps of implementing an EnMS, as described Those organizations that need further assistance in ensuring
below, is to gain an understanding of the “context” of the that their risk assessment process is comprehensive can
organization or, paraphrasing, the macro issues that affect and look towards ISO 31000 Risk Management - Principles and
are affected by an organization. For instance, this could be guidelines. This provides generic guidelines although it is not
security of energy supply. As an organization is subject to a intended to promote uniformity of risk management across
variety of influences, which can change, this can lead to risks organizations. Of course, the design and implementation of
in the form of potential threats and opportunities. Determining risk management plans and frameworks will need to take
the risks that derive from this drives an organization to consider into account the varying needs of a specific organization, its
such changes or events, analyse their impacts and chances particular objectives, context, structure, operations, processes,
of an event occurring and then encouraging a planning or functions, projects, products, services, or assets and specific
mitigation strategy. practices employed.

Planning – legal and other Improvement – continual

requirements: improvement:
The assessment of whether an organization is complying with A risk based philosophy means that an organization can be
their energy legal framework. The concept of maintaining better prepared for the impacts of uncertainty e.g. stable power
knowledge and understanding of its compliance status has supply, which in turn means greater resilience. Moreover, risk-
built in risk assessment principles so that an organization can based thinking implicitly results in continual improvement, as
determine its compliance status and, per se, understand where an organization is always examining potential influences and
it is not complying and therefore devise strategies to minimise changes.
the risk.



Some organizations that implement an EnMS will look to integrate it with their Quality (QMS)
or Environmental Management System (EMS). If this is the case, they will be familiar with
“process based” thinking. However, if not, it might not be clear how the process approach is
applicable to the EnMS requirements in ISO 50001.

The ISO 9001 requirements for a QMS are
founded on seven quality management principles, A comprehensive appreciation of an organization’s processes
and one of these is the “process approach”. It is needs to be understood when considering the macro issues
explained fully in the introduction of ISO 9001, but which interrelate between the organization and energy
as a paraphrased summation; a process approach consumption.
is where more consistent results can be attained
when consideration and management of activities Energy review:
are carried out as interrelated processes, which In order to determine a comprehensive assessment of the
together, make up a system. energy the current types and past and current energy use
and consumption need to be analysed. This will draw out
The process approach applies to an EnMS Significant Energy Uses (SEUs).
because a comprehensive appreciation of
an organization’s energy use/consumption/ Performance and monitoring:
equipment from its processes needs to be known.
The following are the main areas in an EnMS In order to determine energy performance, analysis of energy
where process thinking is attributable: data derived from the EnMS needs to be evaluated.

In order to manage energy use/consumption, a person needs
to be competent. When determining competence needs,
competence will need to be obtained or matched to the needs
of the particular energy using processes. If competence is not
proven or appropriate to a particular process this could result
in breaching legal requirements or energy performance being

Internal audit:
The processes which comprise the EnMS need to be
systematically audited over a time and frequency to determine
whether they perform effectively.

Corrective action:
A corrective action is an opportunity to correct a problem
identified in an EnMS. A process approach to this will start
at root cause and finish at an appropriate and satisfactory
sustainable solution.


There are no specific requirements for
an organization to adhere to within this
section. However, it sets out the parameters

within which ISO 50001 can be used and
provides the overall intended outcome of an
EnMS as being:
• To enable an organization to follow a
systematic approach in achieving continual

improvement of energy performance and the
The section also sets out that the Standard:
• Is applicable to any organization, type,
size, complexity, geographical location,
organizational culture or the products and
services it provides.
• Is applicable to activities affecting energy
performance that are managed and
controlled by the organization.
• Is applicable irrespective of the quantity, use,
or types of energy consumed.
• Requires demonstration of continual energy
performance improvement, but does
not define levels of energy performance
improvement to be achieved.
• Can be used independently, or be aligned or
integrated with other management systems.

ISO/IEC Directives, Part two, Section 6.2.2,
defines the inclusion of a normative reference
as, “This conditional element [of the Standard]
shall give a list of the referenced documents…
in such a way as to make them indispensable for
the application of the document.”

In other words, by citing something as a normative

reference, it is considered as indispensable to the
application of that particular Standard. However, unlike
ISO 9001, there are no normative references in ISO 50001.


This section sets out the terms and definitions that are used in the Standard which may need
further clarification in order to apply the Standard to a particular organization. They are listed
according to the hierarchy of the concepts (reflecting the sequencing of their introduction in
the Standard).

Terms are grouped by major clause title (i.e. If an electronic version of the Standard has been purchased
Context of the Organization, Leadership, the definitions are hyperlinked to other definitions so that their
interrelationship can be seen.
Planning, etc.). ISO/TC 207/SC 1/WG 5 agreed to
order terms within the groupings such that: The following sections, 4 to 10, provide the requirements of
the Standard. When reading the Standard it is important that
i. discipline-specified terms are presented consecutively after as with the previous iteration of ISO 50001, the word “shall”
its generic form, and to the extent possible. indicates the mandatory requirements that an organization
ii. present terms in the order in which they appear in the must meet and external auditors, such as NQA, are required to
text. WG5 inserted an “Alphabetical index of terms”, which verify conformance and effectiveness against.
may be modified to reflect alphabetical listings in another
language. In order to understand how each of the following clauses
applies to each other the remaining text applies to the
In addition to the term or definition there are also notes that following diagram:
seek to provide further information and clarity.


4 9
5 6 7 8 10
Context of the Performance
Leadership Planning Support Operation Improvement
organization & evaluation

Understanding Leadership Actions to Resources Operational Monitoring, Nonconformity

the organization & commitment address risks planning and measurement, and corrective
and its context & opportunities control analysis and action
of energy
Energy Policy
Understanding Energy Design performance Continual
the needs and Review and the EnMS improvement
expectations Awareness
of interested Organizational
roles, Procurement
parties Energy Evaluation of
responsibilities Communication compliance with
and authorities performance
indicators legal and other
Determining requirements
the scope of Documented
the EnMS information
baseline Internal audit

Planning for Management
collection of review
energy data


This is a new concept in terms of ISO 50001:2018 which was introduced as part of the reformatting
of management ISO’s using Annex SL. Of course, ISO 50001 had always asked to undertake a
comprehensive review of energy within an organization but context “elevates” this to provide a
broad understanding of energy use/consumption/requirements an organization has prior to working
out SEU’s or detailed energy performance.

The clause is sequential as there is need to understand the organization and context (4.1), prior to identifying interested parties
and understanding their needs and expectations (4.2), the output of both 4.1 and 4.2 allows determination of scope (4.3), and then
ultimately designing the EnMS (4.4):

Clause 4.2
Clause 4.1 Clause 4.3 Clause 4.4
Understanding the
Understanding the Determining the Energy
needs and
organization and its scope of Management
expectations of
context the EnMS System
interested parties

Understanding the context of the organization is usually conducted by top management with information about the business and
activities gathered at every level of the organization. Discussion points focus on internal and external issues which have an impact
on the EnMS system.

4.1 Understanding of the organization and context

The intent of “Context” is to provide a high-level, conceptual of To put it another way, it is a comprehensive appreciation of the
the external and internal issues that can affect, either positively macro processes (and their interrelation) which can affect or be
or negatively, energy performance and the EnMS of the affected by an organization. From ISO 50001:2018 Annex A,
organization. it suggests that the following can be appreciated when
understanding “context”:

External issues Internal issues

• Issues related to interested parties such as existing • Core business objectives and strategy;
national or sector objectives, requirements or standards. • Asset management plans;
• Restrictions or limitations on energy supply, security and • Financial resource (labour, financial, etc.) affecting
reliability. the organization;
• Energy costs or the availability of types of energy. • Energy management maturity and culture;
• Effects of weather. • Sustainability considerations;
• Effects of climate change; • Contingency plans for interruptions in energy supply;
• Effect on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. • Maturity of existing technology;
• Operational risks and liability considerations.

There are a number of methodologies that can be used to determine context. A good way of achieving this is to formulate a matrix
setting out the requirements of the Standard (and Annex A) and then perform a series of interviews with appropriate employees, so
that the knowledge of an organization can be harnessed. Where appropriate, this could be turned into a report or perhaps a matrix.
The benefit of this is that it provides a cohesive explanation and a good reference to support present and future business strategy. (It
can also be reflected upon when undertaking a Management Review (See Section 9 Performance evaluation below).


4.2 Understanding the needs & expectations
of interested parties
Whilst the term “interested parties” may not be new within ISO 50001, most organizations will probably understand the
term “Stakeholder” better. From an understanding of the context i.e. the conceptual or macro issues in the organization,
determination of the stakeholders or interested parties will provide an understanding of energy within the organization.

Determination of interested parties can be formulated by creating a “Map” i.e. those internal and external parties who interact
with an organization in relation to energy:






Once this has been created then the interested parties relevant needs and expectations need to be determined.
There again, this can be an iterative process, listing the interested parties needs and expectations. What is important
though is the drawing out of issues from interested parties that an organization may consider to become legal and
other requirements.

This is a departure from the Annex SL format (and ISO 14001) in that “legal requirements and other requirements”
are treated by the Standard as a need(s) of interested parties. This essentially requires the compilation of a list of
legal and other requirements. The legal and other requirements can be derived from such interested parties as
Regulatory Bodies e.g. laws, but also perhaps from Trade associations or others. As detailed in 9.1.2 below, this list
can then be evaluated to determine if compliance is being achieved.

4.3 Determining the scope of be defined so that the organization shall ensure that it has
the authority to control its energy efficiency, energy use and
the EnMS energy consumption within the scope and boundaries and not
to exclude an energy type within the scope and boundary of
From an understanding of the context, interested parties and the EnMS.
the interested parties needs and expectations, the scope of the
EnMS can be determined. The “scope” sets out a description
of the extent and breadth of the EnMS. Sometimes, at the
4.4 Energy management
initial stages of an implementation, it can be problematic to system
finalise the scope because sometimes there needs to be more
knowledge of the organization through implementation of the The final section in clause 4 sets out that as a result of the
remainder of the Standard. above, an organization then has to determine, implement,
maintain and continually improve the energy performance
However, the scope has to be documented in some form deriving from the EnMS. The remainder of this document will
within the EnMS. In some cases this could be in a manual look at the how this is to take place.
or it could be within the Energy Policy. Either way it needs to


The Standard states that top management must demonstrate leadership, commitment with
respect to continual improvement of energy performance and take accountability for the
“effectiveness of the EnMS.” This sets the tone for Section 5 and the operation of the whole
of the EnMS.

Demonstration of top management commitment

Its overall success and energy performance attained can occur in many ways in respect of an EnMS.
will depend upon the extent to which Top Management However, Top Management is usually empowered to
are committed in most aspects of the establishment, delegate authority and provide resources within an
implementation and continual improvement of the EnMS. organization. It is the latter that is of key importance
The following examples are how leadership can be within an EnMS, as authorisation of resources
demonstrated within an EnMS: are often required for altering energy consuming
equipment into energy efficient equipment.
• Ensuring that the EnMS scope and boundaries are
The Standard is holistic and there are other implied
“leadership” requirements within other clauses:
• Ensuring that the energy policy, objectives and energy
targets are established and are compatible with the strategic
direction of the organization. Planning:
• Ensuring the integration of the EnMS requirements into the
organization’s business processes. Strategic support around identification of risks and
• Ensuring that action plans are approved and implemented. opportunities within the organization.
• Ensuring that the resources needed for the EnMS are
available. Support:
• Communicating the importance of effective energy
management and of conforming to the EnMS requirements. There are many instances where it is Top Management’s
• Ensuring that the EnMS achieves its intended outcome(s). role to provide a steer or “sign off” in order to support
• Promoting continual improvement of energy performance the aims of the EnMS. This includes provision of
and the EnMS; resources, gaining competence, ensuring awareness,
• Ensuring the formation of an energy management team; effective communication, and appropriate documented
Whilst in the Standard it defines that one person can be information.
a team, it is best practice to have a cross discipline team
comprising the following disciplines; project management,
procurement, production/service delivery, research
and development, maintenance, facilities, training, Certain operational control, design and procurement
communication and marketing, although, of course, need in many cases top management’s insight and
its constitution will depend upon the type and size of strategy.
organization. Note; that in the 2018 version of the Standard
“management representative” has been omitted and now the
emphasis is very much on the energy team.
Performance evaluation:
• Directing and supporting persons to contribute to the Top management needs to understand overall
effectiveness of the EnMS and to energy performance organizational energy performance as a key overhead
improvement; and the output of internal audit and be actively involved
• Supporting other relevant management roles to demonstrate in the Management Review process.
their leadership as it applies to their areas of responsibility;
• Ensuring that the Energy Performance Indicators (EnPI(s))
appropriately represent(s) energy performance; Improvement:
• Ensuring that processes are established and implemented to Top Management influences the culture of continual
identify and address changes affecting the EnMS and energy improvement and in particular within an EnMS, the
performance within the scope and boundary of the EnMS. approval of monies for the introduction of energy saving
measures is vital.


The Planning section within the Standard is at the heart of managing energy effectively and
can be described by the following diagram:


(See 4.1, 4.2, 6.1) Strategic (See 6.1.1)
(6.1 Actions to address risks
and opportunities)

• Internal and external issues (from

context) Identification of risks and Actions to address risks and
• Needs and expectations of opportunities opportunities
interested parties

(6.3 Energy review)

• Current energy types ENERGY REVIEW • Energy use and

• Past and current consumption trends
energy uses Based on energy consumption • Future energy use and
• Past and current energy and/or identified opportunities for consumption
consumption energy performance improvement, • Opportunities for energy
determine SEUs performance improvement
• SEUs
• EnPIs
• EnBs
For SEUs, determine: • Energy objectives, energy targets
• Relevant variables and action plans
• Current energy performance • Energy data
• Personnel collection plan

Determine and prioritize

opportunities for improving energy

6.1 Actions to address risks deal with the requirements of this clause along with “energy
review” as this may give you the granular information required
and opportunities to make informed decisions.

Considerations of risk and opportunities are part of high- Within 6.1.2 the Standard sets out an organization must plan to
level strategic decision-making in an organization. By address the risks and opportunities and how to:
identifying risks and opportunities when planning the EnMS,
• Integrate and implement the actions into its EnMS and
an organization can anticipate potential scenarios and
energy performance processes.
consequences so that undesired effects can be addressed
• Evaluate the effectiveness of these actions.
before they occur. Similarly, favourable considerations or
circumstances that can offer potential advantages or beneficial This can naturally lead to 6.2 opposite.
outcomes can be identified and pursued. It is a good idea to


6.3 Energy review
6.2 Objectives, energy An energy review is a documented analysis of energy
targets and planning to efficiency, energy use, and energy consumption based on
data and other information, leading to identification of areas of
achieve them SEUs and opportunities for energy performance improvement.
The methods and criteria by which it is produced should also
The Standard says that an organization has to be documented.
“establish objectives at relevant functions and levels....
and establish energy targets”. The energy review will help to establish energy performance
indicators (EnPI’s), energy baseline(s) (see below) and
The framework that the objectives and targets fit in objectives and targets for improvement.
is provided for in the ISO 50001 in that they shall be
documented and: The energy review should include:

• Be consistent with the energy policy. i. Analysis of energy use and consumption based on
• Be measurable (if practicable). measurement and other data i.e. identification of current
• Take into account applicable requirements. energy sources type and evaluation of past and present
• Consider SEUs. energy use(s) and consumption.
• Take into account opportunities to improve
energy performance. ii. Identification of the areas of the SEUs, i.e. identification of
• Be monitored. the facilities, equipment, systems, processes and personnel
• Be communicated. working for, or on behalf of, the organization that significantly
• Be updated as appropriate. affect energy use and consumption. SEUs can be defined
depending on the needs of the organization, such as by
The Standard sets out explicitly the framework it facility (e.g. warehouse, factory, office), by process, or
requires for achieving objectives and targets and a system (e.g. lighting, steam, transport, electrolysis, motor-
good way of depicting this, meeting the Standard driven) or equipment (e.g. motor, boiler). Once identified,
and having an “Action plan” to manage the objectives the management and control of SEUs are an integral part of
and targets is to form a table of the Standards’ the EnMS. Of course, over time they may change but initially
requirements: attention needs to focus on the significant.

iii. Identification of other relevant variables and energy
When How will the
What will resources Who will be
will it be results be performance of the SEUs. This should include identification
be done? will be responsible?
completed? evaluated? of employees and others than undertake work that
can influence or affect the SEUs (Which may include
contractors, part –time personnel or temporary employees)

iv. Determination of the current energy performance of

facilities, equipment, systems and processes related to
identified SEUs.
The latter column in the table above - “How will the
v. Estimation of future energy use(s) and consumption.
results be evaluated?” is an interesting requirement
that is worthy of further consideration. The Standard vi. Identification, prioritisation and recording opportunities for
directs an organization into including indicators for improving energy performance.
monitoring progress towards achieving its objectives.
Unlike other management standards where qualitative Where appropriate the energy review can also consider
measures are more frequent, within an EnMS, they security and availability of supply.
tend to be quantitative measures.
Opportunities can relate to potential sources of energy, use
The overall theme of ensuring that the EnMS is of renewable energy, use of energy efficient equipment e.g.
integrated within the business is inherent within this LED’s or other alternative energy sources.
part of the Standard. Energy objectives and targets,
by their sheer nature, will, of course, be meaningful The energy review should be updated at defined intervals e.g.
to the business and therefore be integrated into the Yearly – perhaps in time for a Management Review, as well as
organizations’ processes. in response to major changes, for instance, in any facilities,
equipment, systems, or energy-using processes.


6.4 Energy performance
indicators 6.5 Energy baseline
ISO 50001 says that an organization must determine An energy baseline (EnB) is defined as a quantitative
EnPIs that: reference(s) providing a basis for comparison of
energy performance. It is based on data from a
• Are appropriate for measuring and monitoring its energy specified period of time and/or conditions, as defined
performance. by the organization. The Standard says that an
• Enable the organization to demonstrate that energy EnB should be established using the energy review
performance has improved. (above). Where there are variables that have been
identified, the baseline should be normalised (so that it
How the EnPIs are determined and updated has to be makes sense!). EnB(s) should also be revised when:
maintained as documented information. An EnPI is an analysis
or “ruler” that is used to compare energy performance before • EnPI(s) no longer reflect the organizations energy
(reference EnPI value) and after (resultant or current EnPI performance.
value) the implementation of action plans and other actions as • There have been major changes to the static factors
depicted on the diagram below: e.g. an energy use that consumes a significant
amount of energy is removed or introduced.
• According to a pre-determined method.

6.6 Planning for the collection

of energy data
Energy Performance Indicator

(EnPI Improvement)
Data is critically important within the Standard particularly from
a perspective of continual improvement. Planning for which
Target data to collect, how to collect it and how often to collect it
(Energy target)
helps ensure the availability of the data needed to maintain the

energy review and the monitoring, measurement, analysis and

Target evaluation processes.
ISO 50001 sets out that an organization shall define and
Reference EnPI value

implement an energy data collection plan appropriate to

Current EnPI value
(Reporting Period)

its size, its complexity, its resources and its measurement

(Baseline Period)

and monitoring equipment. The plan has to specify the data

necessary to monitor the key characteristics and state how and
at what frequency the data shall be collected and retained.

The Standard is prescriptive in describing the data to be

collected (or acquired by measurement as applicable) and
documentation retained, and includes:
Baseline Reporting
Period Period • The relevant variables for SEUs;
• Energy consumption related to SEUs and to the
The difference between the reference value and the resultant
• Operational criteria related to SEUs;
value can be an improvement or a measure of a change in
• Static factors, if applicable;
energy performance. When business activities or Energy
• Data specified in action plans.
Baselines change, the organization can update its EnPI(s),
where relevant. The organization must specify the frequency of reviews at
defined intervals and as a result of the reviews update the
Examples of EnPIs Inputs are:
information as appropriate.
• Monthly energy consumption data preferably separately by
type of energy, e.g., electricity, natural gas etc. Whilst the Standard doesn’t use the word “calibration” as in
• Any variables that affect the energy consumption e.g., ISO 9001, it goes without saying that the equipment used for
heating degree days, cooling degree days, etc. measurement are accurate and repeatable.
Examples of EnPIs:
• Kilowatt hours (kWh) consumed per site
• kWh per linear metre of product produced
• kWh per number of staff
• kWh per square meter of occupied office space


This section looks at the resource, communication and documentation of an EnMS. The
requirements really underpin an EnMS and ensure that it runs effectively.

7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 Resources risks/opportunities and resulting objectives and targets that
have been identified and need deployment of resources to
including competence and mitigate or manage them.

awareness Usually, the greatest challenge is to provide competent and

knowledgeable personnel to support the requirements of the
In order to operate an EnMS there are a variety of resources EnMS. This is particularly so in relation to energy as it is highly
required which can include human resources, specialized technical and a specialised area that can sometimes only be
skills, technology, data collection infrastructure and financial catered for by having appropriate consultants to assist in-
resources. house employee(s). Creating a “training-needs” matrix based
upon what competency or awareness is required amongst
As considered in Section 5, “buy-in” from Top Management organizations’ employees will highlight when competency
is essential, as ultimately they have the decision to deploy has been achieved or is required. For example, if it has
or invest in the resources for the EnMS. An organization also been identified that there is a need to undertake an energy
has to identify the correct resources it requires. As part of assessment of air conditioning equipment, then there needs to
identifying resources, an organization needs to look at the be appropriate competency and resource to carry this out.
information produced within Section 6 to acknowledge the

7.4 Communication
Effective and efficient internal and external communication is important to running an EnMS. The Standard is helpful
in providing a framework in order to depict the communication process within an organization. By turning this into
a table and with reference to the “interested parties” or “stakeholder” analysis undertaken in 4.2 a communications
“plan” can be formed:

What will be When will it be To whom will it be How will it be

communicated? communicated? communicated? communicated?

Of course, the columns can be re-arranged if necessary!

One area that is often forgotten is communication with “persons doing work under the organization’s control”. As a “rule of
thumb” it is advisable to treat contractors or outsourced operations as if they were “direct” employees and communicate
in a manner that is effective and so that the communication is two-way. By adopting this philosophy it ensures that the
“persons doing work under the organization’s control” can contribute to continual improvement. In the case of an EnMS,
the Standard says that there should be a process in place so that employees and other person(s) under the organizations
control can make comments or suggest improvements to the EnMS and to energy performance generally.

The Standard asks the organization to consider retaining these suggestions as documented information. In reality, whilst
the Standard says consider it would be best practice to document these as they could be vital in improving energy
performance and retaining them as a document may be the first part of a broader improvement process.


7.5 Documented Information
The Standard gives clear direction as to what documentation it requires:

Clause Documentation Requirement

4.3 (Scope) The scope shall be maintained as documented information and be available to interested parties.

5.2 (Energy Policy) The energy policy shall be maintained as documented information.

6.2.1 & 6.2.3 (Objectives, energy The organization shall retain documented information on the objectives, energy targets and action
targets and planning to achieve them) plans.

6.3 (Energy Review) The organization shall maintain as documented information of the methods and criteria used to
develop the energy review, and shall retain documented information of its results.

6.4 (Energy Performance Indicator(s) The method for determining and updating the EnPI(s) shall be maintained as documented
(EnPIs)) information. The organization shall retain documented information of EnPI value(s).

6.5 (Energy baseline EnB(s)) The organization shall retain information of EnB(s), relevant variable data and modifications to
EnB(s) as documented information

6.6 (Planning for collection of energy Data to be collected (or acquired by measurement as applicable) and retained documented
data) information shall include:
a) the relevant variables for SEUs;
b) energy consumption related to SEUs and to the organization;
c) operational criteria related to SEUs;
d) static factors, if applicable;
e) data specified in action plans.
The organization shall retain documented information on measurement, monitoring and other
means of establishing accuracy and repeatability.

7.2 (Competence) The organization shall retain appropriate documented information as evidence of competence.

7.4.1 (Communication - General) The organization shall consider retaining documented information of the suggested improvements
from any person(s) doing work under the organizations control.

7.5.1 (Documented information – The organization’s EnMS shall include:

General) a) documented information required by this document;
b) documented information determined by the organization as being necessary for the effectiveness
of the EnMS and to demonstrate energy performance improvement.
NOTE: The extent of documented information for an EnMS can differ from one organization to
another due to:
• The size of organization and its type of activities, processes, products and services.
• The complexity of processes and their interactions.
• The competence of persons.

7.5.3 (Control of documented Documented information of external origin determined by the organization to be necessary for the
information) planning and operation of the EnMS shall be identified, as appropriate, and controlled.

8.1 (Operational planning and control) The organization shall....keep documented information to the extent necessary to have confidence
that the processes have been carried out as planned.

8.2 (Design) The organization shall retain documented information of the design activities related to energy

9.1.1 (Monitoring, measurement, The organization shall retain documented information on the results of the investigation and
analysis and evaluation of energy response. The organization shall retain appropriate documented information on the results from
performance and the EnMS) monitoring and measurement.

9.1.2 (Evaluation of compliance) The organization shall retain documented information on the results of the evaluation of compliance
and any actions taken.

9.2.2 (Internal audit programme) The organization shall retain documented information as evidence of the implementation of the
audit programme(s) and the audit results.

9.3 (Management review) The organization shall retain documented information as evidence of the results of management

10.1 (Non-conformity and corrective The organization shall retain documented information as evidence of:
action) • the nature of the nonconformities and any subsequent actions taken;
• the results of any corrective action.

After these mandatory requirements, it is up to the organization Where documented information is produced it needs to be
to decide whether it requires further documentation. ISO 50001 created, updated and controlled consistently. An organization
says that the organization should determine appropriate should look to do this in as simple a way as they can as the
documentation “as being necessary for the effectiveness of greater the degree of complexity - the more it can go wrong!
the EnMS and to demonstrate performance improvement”. As a minimum, a version number, date and page numbers
Therefore, it is up to the organization to decide when and should be on each document.
where they need documentation and of course what form that
should take, whether it is a procedure, flow chart, data table, Often organizations subscribe to software to manage their
graph or some other way of describing and managing the energy data. In this case the actual software provides the
EnMS requirements. document control that is required under this clause.


In comparison to ISO 14001, the requirements for this section in ISO 50001
are less extensive.

8.1 Operational planning 8.3 Procurement

and control The Standard seeks for an organization to establish and
implement criteria for evaluating energy performance over the
Within this clause there is a need to establish and implement planned or expected operating lifetime, when procuring energy
operating criteria for controlling processes (including the using products, equipment and services which are expected
effective operation and maintenance of facilities, equipment, to have a significant impact on the organization’s energy
systems and energy-using processes) related to SEUs, performance. It goes onto say that when procuring energy
and communicating the criteria to the relevant persons. using products, equipment and services that an organization
Outsourced SEUs or processes related to SEUs also need to has, or can have, an impact on SEUs, the organization
be controlled. A good example, where heating, ventilation and must inform suppliers that energy performance is one of the
air conditioning (HVAC) is an SEU, is to have process(es) for evaluation criteria for procurement.
maintaining the appropriate apparatus.
In reality, this means that “energy” procurement needs to
8.2 Design incorporate organizational procurement policies/procedures
and in some cases capital request processes.
Considering energy performance over the operating lifetime
does not require a lifecycle analysis or lifecycle management. As part of the communication with suppliers ISO 50001
ISO 50001 applies to the design of facilities, equipment, says that an organization shall define and communicate
systems or energy-using processes within the scope and specifications for:
boundaries of the EnMS. An organization must consider
a) Ensuring the energy performance of procured
opportunities to improve energy performance and implement
equipment and services;
operational controls within the design of new or renovated
b) The purchase of energy.
SEUs and incorporate the results into specifications, design
and procurement activities. This may provide opportunity to influence not only direct
suppliers but into a wider sphere into the supply chain.
For new facilities, improved technologies and techniques,
Specifications for purchases of energy can include energy
alternative energy such as renewables or less polluting types
quality, quantity, reliability, availability, cost structure,
of energy options should be considered.
environmental impact and alternative types of energy. In
some case though the organization can use the specification
proposed by an energy supplier, if this is appropriate.

It should be noted though that a change to, or increase in,

procurement of renewable energy from outside the scope of
the EnMS does not affect energy consumption, nor does it
improve energy performance. It can and usually will though,
have positive environmental impacts.


Performance evaluation involves; implementation of the data collection plan and appropriate
documented evaluation of both energy performance improvement and effectiveness of the EnMS.

its legal requirements pertaining to energy efficiency, use,

consumption and the EnMS and any other energy related
9.1 Monitoring, energy requirements that an organization treats in the same
measurement, analysis way as legislation.

and evaluation of energy In practice, the range and scope of energy related legislation
that can impact an organization can be limited in number.
performance Essentially a list of appropriate legal and other requirements
can be compiled. Then an organization can determine if
The Standard is specific in what it requires as a compliance is being achieved by sampling appropriate
minimum an organization to monitor and measure: evidence. In many organizations this will entail “an audit(s)”,
perhaps annually, to determine that the specific legal and other
1. The effectiveness of the action plans in achieving requirements are being met. The result of such an audit will
objectives and energy targets. establish the “compliance status”.
2. EnPI(s).
3. Operation of SEUs.
4. Actual versus expected energy consumption

Energy performance improvement can be

demonstrated by improvements in EnPI values over
time, relative to the corresponding EnB. There can be
situations where energy performance improvement is
achieved from an activity that is not related to an SEU or
key characteristic. In those instances, an EnPI and EnB
can be established to demonstrate energy performance
improvement. Where there are significant deviations in
energy performance the Standard says that they must
be investigated.

When conducting analysis, the limitations of the data

(accuracy, precision, measurement or uncertainty) and
consistency of energy accounting should be taken
into account before reaching final conclusions. This
needs to include the frequency of the monitoring and

9.1.2 Evaluation of compliance

with legal requirements and
other requirements
As is the case with ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 an organization
has to evaluate and document the result of compliance with


9.2 Internal audit audit on a yearly basis and do so by turning the Standard into
a questionnaire and then systematically going through each
part of the EnMS to determine if a particular requirement within
the Standard is being met.
A fundamental to continual improvement and a dynamic
EnMS is an effective internal audit process. The The Standard asks an organization to produce documented
expectation of internal auditing by organizations should information as evidence of the implementation of an audit
be to determine whether the EnMS: programme and audit results. An audit programme in its
simplest form sets out when and what is going to be carried
• Improves energy performance.
out over a period of time. Organizations may have programmes
• Conforms to:
which cover many years (or perhaps a certification cycle) but
- The organization’s own requirements for its
as a suggestion a minimum of a programme covering twelve
months should be produced.
- The energy policy, objectives and energy targets.
- The requirements of ISO 50001. The Standard also says that auditors should conduct audits to
ensure objectivity and the impartiality of the audit process. This
is sometimes inherently difficult as internal auditors (by their
Therefore, an organization needs to check “are we doing - name) have a close relationship with the organization being
what we say we are doing?” To carry an internal audit audited. However, sensible guidelines so that internal auditors
out effectively a competent energy auditor should use do not audit their own processes should be strived for.
ISO 19011:2018 Guidelines for auditing management systems
as a framework. This sets the Standard for carrying out an When an audit has been carried out and the results of that
audit and should be part of the competency requirements of audit produced (in a documented form e.g. an audit report) it is
internal auditors. important that they are efficiently communicated to appropriate
stakeholders including appropriate Management. Some of the
An audit should check that an organization is meeting the best performing organizations ensure that the results (which
requirements of ISO 50001. Some organizations mistakenly can include non conformities – see section 10 below) are fed
think that this can be carried out as part of certification also into “Top Management”. This can be important, especially
activities that companies such as NQA carry out. This is not the where an audit has found deficiencies within the EnMS and
case; an organization should determine, through internal audit, resources are needed to rectify the situation.
that they are meeting the requirements of the Standard (at a
suitable frequency). Many organizations undertake this kind of


9.3 Management Review
The most wide ranging and strategic evaluation of performance is the Management Review process. The Management Review
must be carried out by Top Management and should essentially be based upon factual input (generated by the EnMS) in order to
make recommendations and improvements going forward (outputs). The Standard is helpful in providing a framework of what a
management review should entail and it is suggested that these headings are used in the documented information that is produced
by an organization:

Note: comments on each section have been included to provide guidance when carrying out the Management Review.

Excerpt from 9.3 of ISO 50001 Comment

a) the status of actions from previous management This should be a summary to what extent previous management review
reviews. actions have been carried out or not carried out and the reasons why.
Some organizations produce a comparative table.

b) changes in:

external and internal and associated risks and This is a review of the context review detailed in section 4. Changes in
opportunities issues that are relevant to the EnMS. relation to external and internal issues should be explained.

c) information on the EnMS performance,

trends in:

1) nonconformities and corrective actions. This should be a review of the non conformities and corrective actions
that have taken place since the last management review. If there have
been particular trends in either corrective actions or non conformities
they should be brought out as there may be decisions required to
mitigate their occurrence.

2) monitoring and measurement results. As detailed earlier in this section, a depiction should be created to
determine whether the monitoring and measurement that is carried out
is providing energy performance improvement and effectiveness of the

3) audit results. The results of audits carried out since the last Management Review
should be appraised. To cover this comprehensively it should include
both internal and external audits. The depth to which this is carried out
will differ from organization to organization and the quantity of audits
carried out.

4) results of the evaluation of compliance with To satisfy this part of the Standard, it can be as simple as saying that
legal requirements and other requirements. the organization is “meeting its legal and other requirements”. On
a practical level, if a particular legal requirement is proving tricky to
comply with then this should be highlighted too.

d) opportunities for continual improvement, Opportunities for continual improvement may have been brought
including those for competence. out of other sections of the Management Review although any other
opportunities for improved energy performance should be reflected

e) energy policy. A review of energy policy can be whether it is still fit for purpose or
whether it needs to be changed as the organization has changed in
some way.

The extent to which objectives and energy targets Reviewing whether objectives and energy targets have been achieved
have been met. needs to be carried out. This can be produced in a variety of different
ways but text; data tables/graphs are widely used.

Energy performance and energy performance Once again, reviewing whether the status of performance gives a good
improvement based on monitoring and indication whether improvement is or is not being achieved. This can
measurement results including the EnPI(s). be produced in a variety of different ways but text; data tables/graphs
are widely used.

Status of the action plans. The action plans that have been generated to provide a framework to
improvement are reviewed to see if a) they are being undertaken but b)
also achieving what was anticipated.


Following the review, the Standard asks for the following “outputs”:

The outputs of the management

review shall include:
decisions related to continual improvement This should be a wide ranging appraisal whether the EnMS is suitable,
opportunities and any need for changes to adequate and effective.
the EnMS, including:

a) opportunities to improve energy Whether from the inputs to the management review there are ways that energy
performance; performance can be improved.

b) the energy policy What the changes, if any, are to the energy policy.

c) the EnPI(s) or EnB(s); What performance has been achieved in terms of the data collected.

d) objectives, energy targets, action plans or Where objectives, energy targets, action plans or other parts of the EnMS
other elements of the EnMS and actions have not been met, decisions whether they could not be achieved for specific
to be taken if they are not achieved; legitimate reasons need to be brought out where appropriate and plans put in
place to resolve them.

e) opportunities to improve integration with This should be a recommendation as to whether the EnMS is integrated within
business processes. the organization or whether further integration is required. To be an effective
EnMS the closer the integration is to the organization and its processes greater
benefit is likely to be achieved.

f) the allocation of resources. A recommendation as to whether resources are adequate to run the EnMS
broadly or resources to carry out individual process should be formulated. Very
often “Top Management” need to informed about inadequacy of resources (in
whatever form) so that change can be provoked especially if investment (with
pay-back) is required to be decided upon particularly on capital spend.

g) the improvement of competence, A recommendation should be formulated from the determination of whether
awareness and communication. competence, awareness or communication needs further work.


This section draws together b) Continual improvement
the fundamentals for achieving
The Standard says that:“The organization shall continually
continual improvement i.e.: improve the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of
the EnMS. The organization shall demonstrate continual
• Those items within section 9 in relation to the results
energy performance improvement.”
from analysis and evaluation of environmental
performance, evaluation of compliance, internal audits In the context of continual improvement, the expectation
and management review. is that improvements occur periodically and over
• Non conformity and corrective action. time. The rate, extent and timescale of actions that
support continual improvement are determined by the
organization, in light of its context, economic factors and
a) Non conformity and corrective action other circumstances. (Note; some circumstances may be
The audit process, whilst evaluating the performance of the
EnMS, can bring about non conformities and resulting corrective Energy performance improvement can be
actions. A non conformity in relation to energy use/consumption demonstrated in several ways, such as:
or related energy infrastructure can occur in an organization at
any time. A methodology to capture, manage and resolve needs • Reduction in normalised energy consumption for the
to be undertaken and the Standard asks for the following: scope and boundaries of the EnMS;
• Progress toward an energy target(s) and management
• React to the nonconformity and, as applicable: of the SEUs.
1) take action to control and correct it;
2) deal with the consequences; It is recognized, however, that improvements are achieved
based on the priorities of the organization as stated within
• Evaluate the need for action to eliminate the causes of the EnMS.
the nonconformity, in order that it does not recur or occur
elsewhere, by: It is important that an organization selects objectives
1) reviewing the nonconformity; and EnPI’s carefully so that they can demonstrate
2) determining the causes of the nonconformity; energy improvement. The following Standards can
3) determining if similar nonconformities exist, or assist in this:
could potentially occur;
• ISO 50006, Energy management system - Measuring
• Implement any action needed; energy performance using energy baselines (EnB)
• Review the effectiveness of any corrective action taken; and energy performance indicators (EnPI) - General
• Make changes to the environmental management system, principles and guidance
if necessary”. • ISO 50015:2014, Energy management systems -
Measurement and verification of energy performance of
The Standard says that this process should be documented. organizations - General principles and guidance
There are various ways to achieve this but usually this
comprises a “Corrective Action Request” (CAR) for each The need to demonstrate energy performance cannot be
corrective action and a “log” which is essential to record and underestimated within the Standard (it is mentioned over
manage the CARs. This is especially useful where numerous 150 times!) and it is a key factor that an NQA auditor will
corrective actions are raised. ask an organization to demonstrate when undertaking an
audit against the requirements of ISO 50001.
The “log” can be as simple as:

Non Date non

Audit When Action
conformity Responsibility: conformity
date: due: taken:
description: closed:

More complex systems can “code” different types of non

conformity. This can then be used to generate trend data that
can be useful in ongoing performance appraisal of the EnMS
and the Management Review process.


Top tips for the successful implementation of a EnMS

1. To have an effective EnMS ensure that 7. Use ISO 50001 for compliance directly
“Top Management” is committed to with ESOS.
its establishment, implementation and
continual improvement.

8. Aside of the potential to save energy,

there is commerciality in having
ISO 50001. Organizations are often
2. Use “Context” to understand
asked at tender stage how they manage
the macro energy issues.
energy. If they say they have ISO 50001,
procurement personnel are satisfied.

3. Integrate the EnMS into your work

9. Understand that energy management
processes so that it is not another thing
requires an organization to shift from
to do – it’s just what you do!
a project-by-project approach to one
of continual improvement in energy

4. Allocate people
and time wisely.
10. Use the ISO 50001 Standard as a
means to design an EnMS.

5. Start “small and simple” with data

capture and then expand over time. 11. Make energy data visible and easy to

6. The energy plan must be part of an

organization’s culture and supported 12. Use Management Review to provide
from top management to all employees. strategic direction.
Educate your organization, promote it,
get buy in.


Keeping Costa alert - Costa is certified to ISO 50001 for its energy management system.

“We looked at every piece of equipment, how it was used and
when it was used in the manufacturing process. We analysed
everything, from the coffee bean roasters and packaging
equipment down to the kettle in the staff room,” remembers
Brakes. “It helped us to identify where we needed to better
control our equipment and allowed us to see when our peak
energy uses were. Examining how the site was being used gave
us the chance to engrain energy saving in all of our working
practices, including common, often overlooked behaviours
(electric wall heaters are no longer left on if the windows are
open, for example). We then focused on how equipment was
used in the roasting process.”
Costa understand that to be an industry leader you have
to stay ahead of the game. That’s why they approached us
to help them meet energy targets and secure ISO 50001
certification. Not only are they one of the first companies in As a result, some processes were changed, such as delaying
the food industry to achieve such a high standard, energy the switching on of packaging equipment until coffee beans
use was cut by 16% in the process. Reduced costs meant are roasted, instead of having it on from the start of the 12-hour
that they were able to expand production without building a operating period. Measures like this may seem simple with
new site. That’s some smart growth. hindsight, but this could only be done after calculating that no
manufacturing time would be lost as a result of switching on
While Costa Coffee’s motivation was to cut energy use the
additional benefits of the process have been to expand
production and increase output.
THE BUSINESS BENEFITS When it came to choosing which certification body to work
with, Brakes explains,
While there is currently no legislation requiring companies
to demonstrate their energy management processes, an “From the start, we were very clear about what we wanted
increasing number of organizations choose to do so by going to achieve and NQA worked to support our aims and values.
through a certification process – but why? After long discussions we were confident that we could
work together to achieve our objectives. A few members of
Costa Coffee, the UK’s largest coffee chain and a division of
Whitbread staff were already aware of the certification process
Whitbread became NQA’s first client in the food industry to
but often people can be afraid of the word ‘audit’, especially
achieve certification to ISO 50001, the international standard
if they haven’t been through the process before. NQA made
for energy management systems.
the overall process simple and its aim easy to understand for
people on site who hadn’t any prior experience of auditing.”
Having seen the benefits of ISO 50001 in Costa, Whitbread
While the motivation was to cut energy use the additional intend to roll out the standard to the company as a whole.
benefits of the process have been expanded production
and increased output. Ben Brakes, Whitbread’s environment
manager, wanted to focus on one of their most energy Ben Brakes, Whitbread’s environment manager
intensive sites: their coffee bean roastery based in Lambeth,
south London, where energy reduction was crucial. Reducing our energy consumption
has enabled us to expand our
Upon analysing their current operations, it became apparent
production capability without
that, due to the limited amount of electricity available to the
site, expansion would only be possible if they could create
having to build a new site.
spare capacity.


Using ISO 50001:2018 as a framework, learn how to implement, audit and improve your
energy management system and reduce impacts. Our courses suit the needs of
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NQA ISO 50001 EnMS (Energy) - Transition Training 1 1 Day £399.00

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1 • Your organization should raise awareness about
6 • A robust internal audit system for the organization is
various standards covered under EnMS. essential.
• You should hold separate training meetings for top • It is important to implement corrective actions for
management, middle management and junior level improvements, in each of the audited documents,
management, which will help to create a motivating in order to bridge gaps and ensure effectiveness of
environment, ready for implementation. EnMS.


2 • Your organization should develop an Integrated
• Top management must review various official
business aspects of the organization, which are
Energy management systems and Health & Safety relevant to the standards being implemented.
Policy (if applicable) and relevant objectives to help
meet the requirements. • Review the policy, objectives, changes in context,
results from previous management meetings,
• For integrated systems, by working with top results of system updating activities, monitoring and
management your company should hold workshops measuring results, analysis of results of verification
with all levels of management staff to outline the activities related to PRPs and hazard control plan,
integrated objectives. results of internal and external audits, results of
process performance of external providers, results
of complaints/feedback/legal compliance, results of
risk and opportunities, adequacy of resources, and
INTERNAL GAP ANALYSIS develop an action plan and any need for changes or
3 • Your organization should identify and compare the
updates to the EnMS following the meeting - which
must be minuted.
level of compliance of existing systems against
requirements of the standards under your new EnMS.
• Relevant staff should all understand the operations
of the organization and develop a process map for
the activities within the business. THOROUGH GAP ANALYSIS OF
• A formal pre-certification gap analysis should be
conducted to assess effectiveness and compliance
of system implementation in the organization.
4 • The organization should create documentation
• This final gap analysis will prepare your organization
for the final certification audit.
of the processes as per requirements of relevant
• You should write and implement a manual, functional
procedures booklet, work instructions, system CORRECTIVE ACTIONS
procedures and provide associated terms. 9 • Organization should be ready for final certification
audit, providing that the gap analysis audit
conducted in the last step and all the non-
conformities (NC) have been assigned corrective
DOCUMENTATION / PROCESS • Check that all the significant NCs are closed and the
5 IMPLEMENTATION organization is ready for the final certification audit.

• Processes / Documents developed in step 4 should

be implemented across the organization covering all
the departments and activities.
• The organization should hold a workshop on the • Once completed, your organization is hopefully
implementation as per applicable for the ISO recommended for registration to ISO 50001.
standard requirements.


Client NQA reviews and
Quote is accepted Scheduling
submits quote submits quote
and contracts team book
request form (client is contacted
are signed Stage 1 Audit
within 24 hours)


Requirements met Requirements not met

Report issued Report issued

Stage 2 Audit planned Time given to rectify issue


Requirements met Requirements not met

Report issued Report issued

Non-conformances corrected and

Certification recommended
corrective action verified

3 year validity and surveillance
audits to maintain certification



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past couple of years ISO 9001 process from Morton Hodson
and I wish that we had was excellent. Clark for support with our
done so much earlier! is a professional annual process auditing.
We have found them in his delivery, a Martin understands our
to be very professional, knowledgeable person business and always
providing not only a that offers a high advises us of which
comprehensive audit level of service which changes to guidance
report but additional makes him an ideal and regulations apply
ideas for improvement QHSE Consultant. and what we need to
and contacts for our His ideas and do to implement them.
company that we delivery are both Martin’s expertise
could additionally creative and effective. ensure that staying
benefit from. CLARK-IT,
compliant is simple.

To find a consultant to support you through ST


your certification journey contact us on:


0800 052 2424 (option 2) or email sales@nqa.com YE A RS


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IEMA – Transforming the world sustainability


Energy Management Training


ISO - International Organization for Standardization


Authored on behalf of NQA by: Andrew C Fletcher


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