Hamstring 7

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Int J Physiother.

Vol 6(6), 256-262, December (2019) ISSN: 2348 - 8336

Marc Linard
¹Jean Mazeas
1, 2
Maude Traulle
³Amaury Vandebrouck
³Pascal Duffiet
³Louis Ratte
Florian Forelli

Background: The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear is the most common sports injury. Surgery is often proposed,
but single-leg and double-leg static postural disorders have been discovered several months after surgery. Our aims
are to compare postural disorders after ligament reconstruction by hamstring tendon graft in the three months after
surgery to those caused by aging.
Methods: 2 groups of subjects underwent bilateral and unilateral postural tests. An analysis of the center of pressure’s
displacement is carried out for each test.
Results: Comparison of the two groups shows no significant difference for the injured leg on the unilateral and bilateral
tests only (p-value>0,05).
Conclusion: Postural alteration after an ACL reconstruction on the injured leg and bilateral posture can be compared
to postural disorders caused by age.
Keywords: Anterior cruciate ligament, Stabilometry, Force Plateform, Postural balance.

Received 05th October 2019, accepted 28th November 2019, published 09th December 2019



¹Researcher Physical Therapist in OrthoLab,
Clinic of Domont, France. Researcher Physical Therapist and Co-Director
²Co-director OrthoLab, Clinic of Domont, France. OrthoLab, 85 route de Domont, 95330 Domont,
³Knee Orthopaedic Surgeon, Clinic of Domont, France.
France. Email: fforelli@capio.fr
This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International License.
Copyright © 2019 Author(s) retain the copyright of this article.

Int J Physiother 2019; 6(6) Page | 256

INTRODUCTION which validated it under reference PCE-06.18-038
The rupture of the ACL is often traumatic; it will cause a The participants are informed of the progress of the
disturbance in the stability of the knee, highly requested measures through an explanatory document acting as
articulation during the activities of the daily life, and the informed consent after the signature. The data obtained
sports practice. In 2012, 41,000 surgeries were performed during the study are anonymous. No feedback on the data
in France, mainly affecting young sporting adults and more and protocol was made to the subjects.
particularly women [1], therefore making the rupture of Two groups of subjects participated in the study, a first of
the ACL, the most frequent sports pathology [2]. In 2011, eleven asymptomatic subjects presenting no involvement
a poll found that 26.7% to 43.2% of injuries take place in in the lower limb and a second of seven subjects who
football and 13.2% to 17.4% during winter sports [3]. had undergone ACL surgery with STG after isolated
Following a rupture, it is recommended to perform a rupture of the ACL at three months postoperatively. The
surgical treatment to restore the bundles to restore the characteristics of each group are presented in Table 1.
function of the knee by minimizing the symptoms and the To integrate the study, the subjects of the test group had to
risk of complications [4]. The most performed surgery in meet the following inclusion criteria: having benefited from
the world is that of the Gracilis and Semi tendinous graft ACL surgery with STG after isolated rupture [8, 14], be at
also called STG [5, 6]. least 15 years old, understand French, be at three months
87% of ACL surgery is uncomplicated [7] but it is possible post-operative at the time of the assessment and maintain
to find joint, muscle, neuromuscular or proprioceptive. unipodal support eyes open and closed for at least ten
These changes will have an impact on the regulation of seconds. Men and women are included in this study. Older
bipodal posture [ 8, 9-11] and unipodal [12-20] statically subjects should have a BMI of less than 35 kg / m² and be
and/or dynamically. The sports recovery is generally done able to perform unipodal support for at least 10 seconds.
around six months postoperatively through subjective To have objective, analyzable and comparable results, the
criteria (answers to questionnaires, absence of feeling of following exclusion criteria are added for the selection
instability) and unspecific [21]. Today, 75.3% of people of the two populations: presenting central or peripheral
who have had surgery return to sport at the same level as neurological pathologies [11, 12, 16, 17], cerebellar or
before the injury, and a certain percentage did not recover vestibular disorders [ 16], acute dental disorders, visual
after one year due to lack of confidence, fear of recidivism, uncorrected [16] (heterophobia, strabismus, amblyopia)
or by a feeling of instability [22]. but also Otorhinolaryngology disorders, presenting a
Nowadays, life expectancy continues to increase. The traumatic history of sprained or ligament rupture in both
scientific literature agrees that physiological aging is lower limbs during the last six months [14- 17], presenting
associated with impaired postural control, caused by cognitive disorders [11]. The use of drugs or alcohol, 24
impairment of the various balance-regulating systems, hours before the start of the acquisition of the measures,
with an increase in potentially deleterious falls in 50% to excluded the patients of the study [16].
60% [23] cases in this population with a state of “fragility” An AMTI AccuGait® force platform (Advanced Mechanical
[24, 25]. These consequences are one of the main causes Technology Inc., Watertown, MA, USA) associated with
of the reduction of activities of daily living and the quality the software BalanceClinic® (version 1.4.2) was used in this
of life of the elderly [23]. Stabilometric assessment is study.
the study of pressure center displacement (COP) [26] Before data acquisition, subjects were asked to hold bipodal
on a force platform by means of static and / or dynamic support for 50 seconds and then unipodal for 10 seconds.
measurements. This evaluation and its follow-up seem Failure in one or both tests excludes subjects in the study.
necessary and represent a certain social and economic
A personalized support database has been created for each
stake to allow to refine the reeducation to resume a sports
subject before the acquisition of the data and will be kept
activity identical to the previous stage in the subjects
for the realization of the different tests
having benefited from an ACL surgery but also among the
aging people in preventing the risk of falls. Each participant performed four tests, in agreement with
the literature data evaluating static postural balance on
However, the use of such material is not common practice
stabilometry platform. The protocol includes two bipodal
and would require a large database of healthy patients
tests (50 seconds) and two unipodal tests (10 seconds)
to best analyze patient outcomes [27]. The literature has
performed with open eyes and eyes closed, knee extension.
shown the existence of postural disorders after ACL
The order of performing the tests was randomized for each
surgery with STG and physiological aging.
This study aims to compare this disorder, of different origin,
During tests, patients stand, barefoot, arms along the body,
present in these two types of population, and determine if
looking horizontally [16-18, 20]. During the unipodal
they are assimilated through the use of a platform of force
tests, no positions were imposed on the subjects for the
MATERIALS AND METHOD non-wearing limb. Visual and auditory stimuli have been
The study was conducted between July 2018 and November reduced to avoid distracting the patient. Three attempts
2018. It was submitted to the ethics committee of the center are granted for each of the tests. In the third unsuccessful
Int J Physiother 2019; 6(6) Page | 257
attempt, the test is considered impracticable. Table 2: Principle Results
The measures taken are the COP displacement amplitude X amp Y amp Path Lengh Area 95 V moy
along the mediolateral axis (Xamp) [12, 13, 16, 17] and
along the anteroposterior axis (Yamp) [12, 13, 14, 17 ], Test 1 1,21±0,47 2,43±1,11 60,82±9,20 2,21±1,75 2,21±1,75
the displacement surface of the COP containing 95% of T Test 1 1,35±0,47 2,24±0,65 65,25±10,95 2,14±1,39 1,31±0,22
ρ-value 0,72 0,93 0,60 0,93 0,60
the recorded points (Ellipse95) [8, 12], the variation of the
length traveled by the center of pressure (PathLengh) [8,
Test 3 2,87±1,11 3,82±1,28 100,37±30,90 6,24±2,68 2,01±0,62
12, 13, 16, 19] as well as the average speed of displacement T Test 3 1,37±0,49 3,07±0,80 77,57±11,34 2,41±1,15 1,55±0,23
ρ-value 0,21 0,25 0,48 0,72 0,48
of the COP (Vmoy) [8, 11, 13, 14, 16].
Statistical analysis
Test 5 2,41±0,68 3,10±1,1 57,22±21,14 6,86±4,26 5,72±2,11
Statistical analyses were performed on R® software (R T Test 5 2,92±0,57 3,51±0,72 52,82±10,18 9,34±3,61 5,28±1,02
ρ-value 0,15 0,37 0,79 0,29 0,79
Development Core Team 2011, Bell Laboratories, Murray
Hill, NJ, USA) after exporting the data to Excel®. The
Test 9 2,6±0,68 2,85±1,19 57,39±23,96 7,3±6,13 5,74±2,4
confidence level is predefined, such that C = 95%, and T Test 9 3,08±0,25 3,71±1,07 52,72±13,59 10,08±3,09 5,25±1,29
the level of significance is α = 0.05. Since the number of ρ-value 0,01* 0,04* 0,86 0,02* 0,54

participants in the study is less than 15 in the test and AV= average ; SD= Standard Deviation; *= significant difference (ρ-value<0,05)
control group, it is accepted that the values ​​obtained do not
follow a normal distribution. Mann-Whitney tests were DISCUSSION
performed to allow comparison of the results obtained. Static postural balance and its study tend to develop today
RESULTS with the appearance and improvement of new tools such as
force platforms. The purpose of the study was to compare
The age and test groups did not show a statistically significant the postural alteration present after ACL surgery with
difference for the height, weight, body mass index, and STG at three months postoperatively to that caused by
sex variables (p-value> 0.05). For the age variable, both physiological aging. The objective of this study is, therefore,
groups have a statistically significant difference (p-value not to evaluate the quality of the ACL surgery with STG
<0.05).  An absence of a statistically significant difference on the postural parameter but to allow the reeducators to
(p-value> 0.05) is found between the two populations for acquire information on the possible postural imbalances
all the variables studied when during the bipodal tests. present after surgery and to be able to compare them with
A statistically significant absence of difference (p-value> another population also presenting balance disorders.
0.05) is found when comparing the two lower limbs in the
control population. Randomly, it was decided to compare This study used a customized support base compared to
unipodal support on the injured side to the unipodal right selected studies that use a standardized support base. In
support of the elderly group and to compare the unipodal their study, Mouzat et al. (2005) [28] demonstrated that the
support on the healthy side of the ACL group to the left increase in the spacing of the opening angle of the feet is
unipodal support of the elderly group. correlated with an improvement of the static equilibrium.
The use of a personalized support base is therefore sensible
Table 1: Characteristics of the test and control groups to allow subjects to place themselves in a position where
(mean ± standard deviation) they feel stable rather than constrain them in a potentially
Test Group Control Group unbalanced position. The results obtained will focus more
(n = 7) (n = 11) precisely on the personal and functional characteristics of
Age (y) 36,8±11,8 62,4±8,2 0,005 each individual.
Height (m) 1,79±0,10 1,68±0,08 0,08 This study is the only one to compare the postural balance
Weight (kg) 79,7±18,1 67,2±6,4 0,08
after ACL surgery with STG to a healthy and elderly
Body Mass Index 24,7±3,5 23,8±1,6 0,79
Numerous studies have investigated the quantification of
Sex (M/F) 6/1 3/8 0,08
postural disorders following ACL surgery compared to
Operated knee (R/L) 4/3 Ø /
an asymptomatic population. The results are not identical
M/F= male/female ; R/L = right/left ; y=years ; m= metre ; kg=kilogramme ; because of the difference in the postoperative time of the
Ø= no ACL surgery; /= value not calculated
subjects included.
Statistical analysis revealed a statistically significant Dauty et al. (2010) [12] studied postural disorders after ACL
difference (p-value> 0.05) for all the variables studied reconstruction, 15 days postoperatively. The results of the
when comparing unipodal support on the injured side bipodal tests, knees extended or flexed, show a significant
of the ACL group and the right side of the elderly group. increase in the displacement of the center of pressure in
Significant p-values (p-value
​​ <0.05) are found for the the group has benefited from an ACL surgery compared
variables Xamp, Yamp, and Area 95 during the comparison to the control group. In unipodal opened eyes and knee
between the healthy side of the ACL group and the left side extension, the study revealed a significant difference in
of the old group. Area95 measurement and complete COP displacement

Int J Physiother 2019; 6(6) Page | 258

between the two lower limbs of the ACL population ACL will lead to a decrease in strength that can be found
(both injured and healthy side) and those in the healthy preoperatively but also postoperatively. Kim and colleagues
population. The failure rate in closed eyes and knee flexion [32] published a meta-analysis in 2011 to evaluate the
tests makes it difficult to analyze the results correctly. This impact of ACL rupture on thigh muscle strength. Thus, a
study shows an increase in bipodal test results. Failure in decrease in quadriceps strength averaged 22.3 N compared
some of the unipodal tests demonstrates the difficulty of to the opposite side and a decrease of approximately 7.4 N
performing this test and may imply a unipodal postural in the strength of knee flexors. The decrease in strength of
disorder. the knee extensor can be likened to a protective mechanism
Parus et al. in 2015 [9] highlighted in their study the presence to prevent excessive translation of the tibia relative to the
of postural disorders in bipodal and tandem position at femur following rupture of the ACL and which could cause
two months postoperatively, which is in agreement with some instability. The lower attenuation of the hamstring
the Duty study. However, this disorder is no longer found muscle strength is not surprising, however, as they have a
at one year post-operative, according to Sugimoto (2016) protective role at the knee by limiting the anterior drawer.
[19], at three years post-operative according to Henriksson The degradation of the muscular system is probably
(2001) [20] and at five years post-operative according to associated with a decrease in the mobility of the subject,
Lysholm (1998) [18]. then leading to a loss of muscle capacity. In their study,
The analysis of unipodal tests agrees that following ACL Thomas et al. (2013) [34] highlight the effectiveness of
surgery, a postural disorder is found on the injured leg but rehabilitation for one year in improving the strength of the
also the healthy leg up to 2 years postoperatively [17, 19, extensor and adductor muscles of the hip, plantar flexor
29, 30 ] or up to 5 years according to the studies [17]. muscles. However, this reeducation is not sufficient for the
quadriceps and the IJs because a significant difference is
Howells et al. [13] published a systematic review in 2011
always present between the injured side and the healthy side
to evaluate the influence of ACL surgery on postural
after reeducation. The lack of strength of all these muscles
balance. Four studies have shown interest in postural
can be at the origin of instability related to an active defect
bipodal disorders. Two studies have evaluated this disorder
of stability and it is, therefore, necessary to be able to offer
statically and none of them is in favor of a postural
a rehabilitation adapted to overcome this weakness.
bipodal disorder at one and a half years and three years
postoperatively. Also, in this same review, six articles agree Studies have evaluated the strength deficit after ACL
to put forward a unipodal postural imbalance during tests surgery and after rehabilitation. In his study, Lautamies et
performed. al. (2008) [33] evaluated the effects of surgery with STG
or KJ at five years postoperatively. In the case of both
Postural alteration following ACL surgery may be primarily
operations, there is a decrease in strength at the level of
related to proprioceptive system involvement as well as the
the injured side compared to the healthy side that can
muscular system resulting in increased COP displacement
influence the ability to jump and, therefore the sport. This
during postural testing.
imbalance between the two lower limbs could then lead to
Kosy et al. [31] published a systematic review in 2017 the appearance of possible other lesions. [35]
to make an inventory in the field of proprioception
The state of “fragility” caused by aging has consequences
in relation to the rupture of the ACL and its repair.
for systems allowing the regulation of postural balance.
Schulz and his collaborators are the first to highlight the
The main consequence of this disorder is the fall. Its origin
presence of mechanoreceptors in the ACL in 1986. These
can be multiple, but the deterioration of the postural
mechanoreceptors form a real network up to the central
balance is a significant cause. Thus, the scientific literature
nervous system to transmit proprioceptive. The ACL injury
has focused on the study of this disorder.
will result in a decrease in the number of mechanoreceptors
correlated with the attenuation of proprioception accuracy. In their study Masui et al. (2005) [23] put forward a
significant increase in Area95 values ​​as well as the speed of
The purpose of the surgery is to tend to recover this
COP displacement for all age groups (55-64, 65-69, 70-74
proprioception by replacing the native ACL with a graft
and 75-84), for men and women in opened eyes and closed
that does not have the same mechanoreceptors. The
eyes bipodal tests. This increase is correlated with the age
phenomenon of ligamentisation is a long process extending
up to 1 year when it is estimated that at six months the neo-
ligament seems identical to an ACL [31] Bird et al. (2013) [32] evaluated the evolution of postural
balance, muscle strength and falls in three years in an elderly
The role of the ACL, in the function of the knee and, more
population. The results of this study show a significant
particularly in its proprioception thanks to the many
increase in the COP displacement along the mediolateral
mechanoreceptors it contains, is certain. Its lesion will
axis in static, opened eyes and closed eyes and with the
necessarily lead to a proprioceptive disorder that can be
presence or absence of a foam. Moreover, the degradation
translated with postural consequences. Surgical treatment
of the physical and functional capacities of the subjects is
is therefore intended to improve proprioceptive recovery
to be pointed out. The study did not show any significant
but it is a process that can last several months.
results on the muscle strength factor in three years, but
The scientific literature agrees that the rupture of the
Int J Physiother 2019; 6(6) Page | 259
King et al. (2016) [24] noted a decrease in maximum PathLengh value does not seem to agree with the previous
isometric strength for the upper and lower limb following results. The oscillations, related to the postural alteration,
comparison between an elderly and a young population. present on the healthy side of the ACL group are therefore
The alteration of the postural parameters is also confirmed lower than those related to aging with no significant
by da Silva et al. (2013) [25]. All of these factors (strength difference for Vmoy.
deficit, postural disorders, physical and functional capacity The comparison of bipodal tests does not show a significant
deficit) then lead to a significant increase in the number of result. However, the literature asserts the presence of a
falls as well as the number of fallers in the Bird et al. study postural imbalance linked to aging when comparing a
(2013) [32]. young and elderly population. Thus, we can, therefore,
Postural alteration in the elderly is caused by a set compare the postural balance after ligamentoplasty to that
of microscopic processes that will have macroscopic related to aging and therefore affirm that there is a postural
repercussions impacting all the systems governing the disorder in the ACL population, which is in agreement
posture system. with the study of Dauty et al. and Parus and al.
During aging, muscle function will undergo structural and We can then make two hypotheses within the ACL group
functional changes [36, 37] These changes are responsible following the unipodal analyzes, i.e., the subject tries
for a decrease of 18% to 27% in muscle mass [37] resulting to compensate by transferring his support to his healthy
in a loss of strength [36, 37], a decrease in endurance side, but this would not be enough to improve his postural
capacity [36] and generally associated with an increase in balance or the patient does not compensate. The answer to
reaction time and a decrease in the rate of contraction [36, these two hypotheses could be allowed thanks to the study
37]. All of its alterations are involved in the process of the of the distribution of supports in bipodal which was not
frailty of the elderly. They will result in a decrease in the realized in the present study.
physical capacities of the elderly person associated with an Limitations
impairment of his functional abilities [36, 37].
However, this study has limitations that can influence the
The sensory system also undergoes involutions during results obtained and, therefore the conclusions that follow.
aging that are visually reflected by a decrease in contrast
It is important to report the small number of participants
sensitivity, accommodation capacity, and / or acuity
within each group that can influence the significance of the
degradation [38, 39]. The elderly person will then have
results obtained. We cannot claim that the results of the
difficulty in perceiving the textures, the shapes, and the
study are representative of a larger sample.
colors of the objects but also the orientation and the speed
of the movements [28]. Isolated rupture of the ACL is a rare lesion [4] and is
generally associated with cartilage and / or meniscal
Regarding the proprioceptive system, all receptors change
involvement. The addition of a population with surgery to
with age. Morphological changes in neuromuscular
repair these lesions would then allow a more representative
spindles and Golgi tendon organs will result in a decrease
analysis of the population with ACL rupture.
in the statesthetic and kinesthetic capacities of the subjects,
with repercussions on the functional and equilibrium The position chosen for the bipodal and unipodal flexion
capacities of the elderly subjects. [40] tests during the study is 20 °. This position has been
described by various authors during their work [12, 14,
The postural alteration found in the two populations
17, 29, 30]. The completion of the 20 ° flexion tests, in
studied is certain but of distinct origin. In the population
the scientific literature and in this study, is based on the
with ACL surgery, the postural disorder is caused by the
position of the Lachman test. In order to evaluate postural
association of a proprioceptive and muscular deficiency. In
disorders accurately after surgery after ACL rupture, it
contrast, in the elderly population, this deficit is related to
would be interesting to position the subject in a position
progressive cellular aging, which will have repercussions
where this ligament would be in maximum tension and
on the systems governing the postural balance.
therefore where it plays its main action in the stability of
Comparing the results and data from the literature, it the knee.
appears that the alteration found during the unipodal
During this study, no rest time was proposed to the subjects
support on the injured side of the population has benefited
between the different tests and a single measurement was
from ACL surgery with STG is similar to that related to
recorded during the acquisition of the data. The majority
the physiological aging during unipodal support right side.
of studies evaluating postural disorders after ligament
The large Vmoy in both populations shows the additional
reconstruction include a rest period of between 20-30
energy cost to maintain their balance with an increase
seconds [7, 10] up to several minutes [12, 14, 18, 20, 17,
in COP displacement in the different plans. Postural
30]. The common goal of this rest period is to prevent
alteration following ligamentoplasty affects the injured
fatigue that could affect the quality of the results [16,
side as well as the healthy side [16-18]. The comparison
18]. Pinsault et al [41], in 2009, determined that the
of the two populations shows a significant difference for
achievement of 3 measurements for each postural bipodal
Xamp (p-value = 0.01), Yamp (p-value = 0.04) and Area95
test made it possible to obtain excellent reliability for the
(p-value = 0.02). The lack of significant difference for the
results obtained. As for Da Silva and his collaborators [25],
Int J Physiother 2019; 6(6) Page | 260
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advisable to integrate during a future study a rest period [6] Prentice HA, Lind M, Mouton C, et al. Patient
of 30 seconds between each test in a sitting position [41] demographic and surgical characteristics in anterior
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The analysis of bipodal and unipodal test results highlights cruciate ligament reconstruction: MR imaging
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support on the injured side for the ACL group is similar to 35.
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on the healthy side the postural alteration appears lower. H. Studying the Balance of the Coper and Non-
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indicate an absence or insufficient compensation by the [9] Parus K, Lisiński P, Huber J. Body balance control
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