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This Is An Electronic Reprint of The Original Article. This Reprint May Differ From The Original in Pagination and Typographic Detail
This Is An Electronic Reprint of The Original Article. This Reprint May Differ From The Original in Pagination and Typographic Detail
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Author(s): Edgren, Johanna; Salpakoski, Anu; Sihvonen, Sanna E.; Portegijs, Erja; Kallinen, Mauri;
Arkela, Marja; Jäntti, Pirkko; Vanhatalo, Jukka; Pekkonen, Mika; Rantanen, Taina;
Heinonen, Ari; Sipilä, Sarianna
Year: 2015
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Effects of a home-based physical rehabilitation program on physical
disability after hip fracture: A randomized controlled trial
Johanna Edgren, MSc1*, Anu Salpakoski, MSc1, Sanna E Sihvonen, PhD2, Erja Portegijs, PhD1,
Mauri Kallinen, MD, PhD3, Marja Arkela PhD4, Pirkko Jäntti, MD, PhD5, Jukka Vanhatalo,
MD4, Mika Pekkonen, MD, PhD6, Taina Rantanen, PhD1, Ari Heinonen, PhD8, and Sarianna
Sipilä, PhD1
Gerontology Research Center and Department of Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä,
Jyväskylä, Finland
JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Jyväskylä, Finland
Department of Medical Rehabilitation, Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland
Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Central Finland Central Hospital,
Jyväskylä, Finland
Geriatric Department, Hatanpää City Hospital and School of Medicine, University of Tampere,
Tampere, Finland
Peurunka Medical Rehabilitation Center, Laukaa, Finland
Department of Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
*Corresponding author:
Johanna Edgren, MSc
Gerontology Research Centre and Department of Health Sciences
P.O.Box 35 (Viv), 40014 University of Jyväskylä, FINLAND
Tel: +358-40-8053565
Background: Less than half of the hip fracture patients will regain the pre-fracture level of
physical functioning. This secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial investigated the
effects of a multi-component home-based rehabilitation program (ProMo) on physical disability
after hip fracture.
Methods: Population-based clinical sample of over 60-year-old community-dwelling people
(n=81) operated for hip fracture were randomized into intervention and control groups. The year-
long intervention aimed at restoring mobility. It included evaluation and modification of
environmental hazards, guidance for safe walking, pain management, home-exercise, physical
activity counseling, and standard care. Physical disability was assessed by a questionnaire at
baseline, and three, six and twelve months thereafter. Sum scores were computed for basic (ADL)
and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL). A higher score indicated more difficulty. GEE
models were constructed to analyze the effect of the intervention.
Results: In the intention-to-treat analysis, no intervention effect was observed for sum scores.
For the single disability items, a borderline significant positive effects were observed for
preparing food and handling medication (interaction p=0.061 and p=0.061, respectively). In the
per-protocol analysis, the mean differences between groups were -0.4 points (S.E. 0.5), -1.7 (0.7),
and -1.2 (0.7) at three, six and twelve months for ADL and -1.0 (1.2), -3.2 (1.5), and -2.5 (1.4)
for IADL, correspondingly.
Conclusion: The current analyses suggest that home-based rehabilitation may reduce disability
among older people after hip fracture. The present results need to be confirmed in a study with
larger sample size. Potentially a more task-oriented rehabilitation approach might gain more
Hip fractures are strongly associated with many adverse consequences (1,2) and are typically
followed by activity restriction which leads to functional limitations and finally to disability.
Moreover, less than half of the hip fracture patients will regain the pre-fracture level of physical
functioning (3). Physical disability is defined as difficulty in performing activities of daily living
in a social context and thus reflects an imbalance between person’s physical functional capacity
and the requirements of the environment (4). Activities of daily living can be divided into basic
(ADL) (5) and instrumental (IADL) (6) activities.
The search for an optimal rehabilitation model has evoked increasing interest for home
rehabilitation after a hip fracture. Right after hospital discharge the hip fracture patients are often
weak and tired and thus not able to participate in rehabilitation elsewhere than home on a regular
basis. The frail ones are potentially those who would benefit most from home-based
rehabilitation. Additionally, when rehabilitation is implemented outside home, it requires
equipment, facilities and ability to travel. Based on previous research, home-based rehabilitation
programs involving physical rehabilitation may be as beneficial as inpatient rehabilitation
programs as long as they are started within four months post fracture (7).
In one recently published study, community-dwelling hip fracture patients participated in a year-
long, home-based exercise program including physical exercise, safety assessment, and self-
efficacy based motivational component (8,9). This intervention had no effect on several targeted
outcomes, including coping with ADL, compared to standard care (9). In another study home
rehabilitation focusing on supported discharge improved independence in IADL in community-
dwelling older adults after hip fracture (10). Based on earlier contradictory studies, more
research is needed to determine the effectiveness of home rehabilitation programs on physical
disability after hip fracture. Additionally, Crotty et al. (2010) suggests in their systematic review
that patient-reported outcomes (e.g. physical disability and fear of falling) should be established
for hip fracture trials because insufficient evidence exists to recommend practice chance for hip
fracture rehabilitation (11).
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of multi-component home-based
rehabilitation program (ProMo) on self-reported physical disability among over 60-year-old
community-dwelling men and women with a recent hip fracture. The intervention was planned to
support mobility recovery and independent living in the home environment. It took place at the
participants’ homes and began on average six weeks after the hospital discharge (12).
Study Design
The study protocol of this randomized controlled trial (RCT; ISRCTN53680197) entitled
“Promoting Mobility after Hip Fracture” (ProMo) has already been published (12) and is
described briefly here. This secondary analysis reports the outcomes related to physical disability
which refers to perceived functional capacity. The one year primary outcome of this study was
self-reported difficulty in walking, the result of which will be reported elsewhere. Participants in
this study were randomly assigned to the intervention (ProMo + standard care) or control
(standard care) group after the baseline measurements. All participants were measured at the
university laboratory four times; at baseline, and three, six, and twelve months thereafter.
Baseline measurements were organized as soon as possible after being discharged to home; on
average 70 days after the hip fracture.
This RCT was performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the
Ethics Committee of the Central Finland Health Care District on August 18th, 2007. Participants
signed a written informed consent prior to participation. Proxy consent was not permitted. Those
who were interested in the study had an opportunity to discuss with a researcher before signing
and giving permission to review their medical records. The participants could, at any point,
refuse to participate further.
Sample size
Pretrial power calculations were based on earlier published longitudinal data on mobility
recovery after a hip fracture. In the study by Visser et al (2000), 45.3 % of the community-
dwelling participants were independent in more demanding mobility tasks (chair rising, walking
one block and negotiating stairs) before the fracture (15). Twelve months after a hip fracture less
than one third of them (20.7 % of the total sample) had regained their pre-fracture level of
mobility. In this study, to detect the expected difference between the study groups in mobility
recovery at α=0.05 and β=0.20, a minimum of 44 subjects were needed in each study group (12).
Sample size was calculated using an online sample size calculator available from (DSS
researcher's toolkit,
Randomization an blinding
Participants who gave informed consent underwent baseline assessment before randomization. A
statistician not involved in recruitment or assessments developed the group allocation schedule
using a computer generated random number sequence and stored the list off site. Men and
women and those operated with internal fixation or arthroplasty were randomized by blocks
which were randomly arranged within blocks of 10. The study group assignment was enclosed in
sealed opaque envelopes. The study coordinator performed randomization. This study was
single-blinded. To ensure blinding, participants were asked not to disclose group allocation to the
assessors and other participants.
Standard Care
At baseline, information on standard care after the hip fracture was collected by interviewing all
participants (12). Of all participants, 70% obtained a written home exercise program from the
hospital or health care center with no difference between the intervention and control group (68%
vs. 71%, p=0.813). Typically the program included 5–7 exercises with no additional resistance.
There was no follow-up or update for the home exercises. Twelve participants received a referral
to physiotherapy (five in the intervention and seven in the control group).
The intervention included standard care and the ProMo rehabilitation program (12). ProMo was
an individually tailored year-long rehabilitation intervention taking place at participants’ homes.
It aimed at restoring mobility after hip fracture and began on average within one week after the
During the first face-to-face session evaluation and modification of environmental hazards and
guidance for safe walking took place according to the guidelines by the National Public Health
Institute of Finland (16). Participants’ concerns regarding fear of falling, satisfaction with
assistive devices for physical functioning and usage of hip protectors were also considered. An
individual non-pharmacological pain management evaluation took place in the second face-to-
face session and was repeated at three (fourth home visit) and six months (fifth home visit). Pain
management sessions included structured interview. In addition, knowledge on pain relief
strategies were discussed (17). The purpose of the first and second home visits was to prepare the
ground for the physical activity and exercise.
Also the individual progressive home exercise program was launched during the second home
visit. It comprised strengthening exercises for lower limb muscles, balance training as well as
stretching, and functional exercises. Functional exercises included walking, reaching/turning
different directions, and stair climbing. Strengthening and stretching exercises were advised to
be done on the same day three times a week. Balance, walking and functional exercises were
advised to be done on the same day two to three times a week (different than strengthening and
stretching exercises). The duration of one exercise session was approximately 30 minutes. (More
detailed in Supplementary Table 1.)
The home exercise program was updated 4–5 times with a more intensive and demanding
protocol. The first update occurred after one week (third home visit) and subsequently after one
(fourth home visit), three (fifth home visit), six (sixth home visit), and nine months (phone call).
For eleven participants only five home visits were scheduled. Four participants went on holiday
during the intervention period and the face-to-face meeting was replaced by a phone call.
Additionally, six participants received two updated programs during the third home visit and
were contacted by telephone after one month for further support. During the intervention, the
progression for the strengthening exercises was increased with resistance bands of three different
strengths. All participants kept daily exercise diary in which they marked the exercises they
performed and the Borg Scale for each exercise. Participants were asked to mail their exercise
diaries to the research physiotherapist monthly. If diaries were not returned in time the
physiotherapist called to the participant and reminded him/her.
Individual motivational face-to-face physical activity counseling (18) took place after three
months (fourth home visit) at subjects’ homes. Counseling was a onetime session followed by
phone calls at four and eight months and a face-to-face meeting at six (sixth home visit) months
to promote and encourage subjects to physical activity. In addition, an extra motivational
conversation was provided at twelve months after the final laboratory measurements.
Outcome Assessments
Review of medical data and health status
Medical data and health status was assessed at baseline, during a medical examination performed
by a nurse practitioner and a physician (12) (Supplementary Table 2). To ascertain safe
participation in the measurements and intervention, the physician evaluated contraindications
according to American College of Sports Medicine guidelines (19). Indoor and outdoor falls and
need for emergency room services after the previous assessment were self-reported at three, six
and twelve months with a questionnaire.
Physical disability
Physical disability was assessed by a validated questionnaire (20) estimating perceived
difficulties in six basic activities of daily living (ADL): eating, transferring from/to bed, dressing,
bathing, cutting toe nails, and toileting (5,20) and eighth instrumental activities of daily living
(IADL): preparing meals, doing laundry, coping with light housework, coping with heavy
housework, handling medication, using the telephone, using public transportation, and handling
finances (6,20) (Supplementary Table 2). Both scales are commonly used and shown to be
valid predictors of functional capacity among older people (21). Test-retest reliability is high for
both scales (22). For the statistical analysis, two sum scores were composed: ADL score (ranging
from 0 to 30) and IADL score (ranging from 0 to 40). Higher score indicates more difficulty.
Additionally, three-graded categorical variables were computed for each individual item: 1) No
difficulty, 2) Some difficulty, and 3) Major difficulty.
The presence of chronic conditions was confirmed according to a pre-structured questionnaire
and medical records obtained from the local hospital and health care centers during the medical
examination carried out by physician and research nurse. Balance confidence (Activities-specific
Balance Confidence Scale), functional balance (Berg Balance Scale), pain on the fractured side
(questionnaire), use of walking aids outdoors (questionnaire), and average temperature of the
month (monthly temperature data) were assessed (Supplementary Table 2).
Statistical methods
Normality of the distributions was tested with Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Means, standard
deviations (SD), medians and frequencies for the baseline characteristics were calculated. The
significance of differences between the groups at baseline was tested by Pearson Chi-Square
tests for discrete variables, by Independent Samples t-test for normally distributed data, and by
Mann-Whitney U-test for non-normally distributed continuous data. All significances were two
tailed and set at a p-value < 0.05.
The intention-to-treat (ITT) principle was followed to assess the effect of the intervention on our
primary outcome; physical disability. To analyze the effect of the intervention generalized
estimating equation (GEE) models were constructed. Since the ADL and IADL scores were not
normally distributed, square root transformations were applied and used in the GEE models. The
GEE methodology allowed us to analyze whether the participants in the intervention group had a
lower prevalence or higher recovery from physical disability compared with the control group. In
a case of missing data (max eight cases missing at one time point) the GEE methodology uses
maximum-likelihood estimation which provides estimates for the model's parameters by finding
particular parametric values that make the observed results the most probable. We adjusted the
GEE models for age and additionally one of the following at a time: number of chronic diseases,
time since fracture, pain of the fractured limb, balance confidence, functional balance, and the
average temperature of the month. In the per-protocol analyses those who were suspended from
training by the physician or exercising with low frequency (performed less than 45% of the
expected exercises) were excluded (altogether 14 non-compliant intervention group members)
but only at issuing time-point. The GEE models of the single ADL/IADL items did not withstand
adjusting for potential confounders because there were too few observations in some of the
categories. However, we calculated corrected p-values for single ADL/IADL items using the
FDRTOOL-package in R version 2.15.2 to avoid false positive results in multiple comparisons
The mean changes in ADL and IADL scores between baseline and different follow-up
assessments were calculated as [follow-up–baseline]. Differences in the mean changes (effect)
between the study groups and standard errors (S.E.) were also calculated. Compliance with the
exercises was calculated as [number of performed exercises]:[expected number of
exercises]×100%. All the analyses, except p-value correction, were done using IBM SPSS
Statistics 19 software.
Participant flow
A flow chart of the study is presented in Figure 1. We recruited participants between 1.3.2008
and 31.12.2010. All patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria (n=296) received an information
letter. Of them, 161 expressed initial interest in the study and were further informed during the
inpatient period. Finally, 136 persons were recruited. Eighteen men and 63 women (total 81;
average age 79 years, time since fracture 70 days) were eligible and were randomized into
intervention (n=40) and control (n=41) groups. Three women dropped out after the baseline
measurements, one from the intervention and two from the control group, all due to personal
reasons. One participant in the intervention group died before the twelve-month measurements
because of cardiac failure (not related to the intervention). At baseline, the study groups did not
differ in demographics, chronic diseases, time elapsed since fracture, operation type, pain, usage
of assistive devices, postural balance, balance confidence or physical disability (Supplementary
Table 2).
The intervention was well tolerated and no intervention related adverse events occurred. Of the
40 participant in the intervention group, nine were suspended by a physician for medical reasons.
During the first six months four participants were suspended. Two of them returned to the
intervention (revision operation and femoral fracture: International Classification of Diseases
S72.4) and two never returned (pulmonary embolism and pneumonia + new hip fracture). In
addition, five participants were permanently suspended during the final six months (pubic bone
fracture, urinary tract infection, cerebral infarction, cardiac failure, and sacrum strain fracture).
In the control group there were four revision operations but no new hip fractures.
During the one-year study, the number of participants who had sustained a fall after the previous
assessment varied between 26–33% (no difference between groups). During the first three
months, 3% on the participants in the intervention group and 13% of those in the control group
needed emergency room services. Thereafter, respectively 8% and 20% reported using
emergency room services from three to six months (no difference between groups).
The number of performed exercises and compliance are presented in Supplementary Table 1.
In general, the compliance was higher during the first six months compared to the final six
months. The overall compliance for all exercises was 61% during the first six months, 40%
during the final six months, and 54% when counted for the whole twelve month period. Five
participants were considered exercising with low frequency (total number of all exercises less
than 45% of the expected).
In the per-protocol analysis, a greater difference between groups was observed in ADL an IADL.
The mean differences between groups at three, six and twelve months were -0.4 points (S.E. 0.5),
-1.7 (0.7), and -1.2 (0.7); p=0.190 for ADL and -1.0 (1.2), -3.2 (1.5), and -2.5 (1.4); p=0.651 for
IADL, correspondingly (Figure 2C&2D). The results for adjusted sum score models remained
This randomized controlled trial investigated the effects of an individually tailored multi-
component home-rehabilitation program on physical disability in community-dwelling older
people who had sustained a hip fracture. Physical disability was assessed by a questionnaire
assessing perceived difficulty in ADL and IADL. In the intention-to-treat analyses, the ProMo
intervention had no wide ranging effect on physical disability. In more detailed analyses we
found out, however, that the intervention tended to reduce difficulty in two IADL tasks,
preparing meals and handling medication. Additionally, in the per-protocol analyses a greater,
though not significant, difference between groups was observed in both ADL and IADL.
The results of this study are consistent with earlier findings (1,24,25) indicating that the
consequences of a hip fracture are substantial. A large number of the participants had some or
major difficulty in ADL and IADL after the hip fracture. Similar to the other studies most of the
recovery in physical functioning occurred within the first three months after hospital discharge
(10,26). Some of this recuperation is presumably natural and may occur without any intervention.
Only few RCTs have investigated individually tailored multi-component home-based
rehabilitation programs aiming to improve independence in daily activities among older people
who have sustained a hip fracture and the results have been conflicting. Tinetti et al. (1999)
studied the effects of physical and functional therapy (27). Orwig et al. (2011) investigated the
intervention which comprised an exercise module and a self-efficacy based motivational module
(9). Both studies included a twelve-month home-intervention. Researchers found no significant
advantage over usual care. The results of our study are partly similar to the foregoing. Even
though the ProMo intervention had no wide-ranging effect on disability, we found a borderline
significant intervention effect in two IADL tasks: preparing meals and handling medication.
The improvement seen in two separate IADL items in our study is encouraging. Preparing meals
is important and a necessary daily activity. Progress in it may have occurred because of
improvement in balance due to balance training resulting in better standing position and freedom
from assistive devices inside home. This makes operating in kitchen more fluent and effortless.
Additionally, handling medication is an inevitable skill for most community-dwelling older
people. Checking out the dosage and sufficiency of the pain medication during the intervention
may have resulted in easiness of handling other medication also. Independence in preparing
meals and handling medication reduces the need for home care services and provides financial
and instrumental savings. Thus, the result can be considered clinically meaningful.
To our knowledge, previously only two RCTs have indicated that individually tailored multi-
component home-based rehabilitation program has improved independence in daily activities
after a hip fracture (10,28). Anyhow, in these studies the interventions started when the
participants were staying at geriatric wards and hospital staff was involved. The interventions
focused on supported discharge and enhancing self-efficacy. Additionally, they comprised home
visits by both physical and occupational therapist. In the study by Crotty et al. (2003) also speech
pathologist and social worker visited the participants. The ProMo intervention started on average
six weeks after the hospital discharge, took place at participants’ homes, and included visits and
phone calls by a physiotherapist. The hospital staff or occupational therapist was not involved
with the delivery of the intervention. Consequently, contrasting between the designs and
interventions may partly explain the different results.
The original purpose was to design the ProMo intervention easy to carry out in order that it could
be launched into communal health care without large investments or resources. The
rehabilitation program was organized with a minimal number of home visits. It was well
tolerated, and no intervention related adverse events occurred. The compliance with the home
exercises was good (on average 54%) compared to other similar rehabilitation protocols (27,29).
This indicates that for most participants the exercises were convenient to perform independently.
Generalizing the study results to older hip fracture patients should be done cautiously since the
frailest ones were excluded from our study. However, those in poor condition would have likely
benefitted more from rehabilitation. Thus our results may underestimate the training effect. One
potential limitation of the study is that the power calculations were initially carried out to detect
expected difference between the study groups in mobility limitation (the main outcome of the
ProMo study). Based on the calculations, a minimum of 44 subjects was needed in each study
group. Despite of the extended recruitment period we were able to recruit only 81 applicable hip
fracture patients to the RCT. Thus the power of the study may have been too weak to show a
more explicit training effect on physical disability which may be more a more complex outcome
than mobility limitation is. Anyhow, the drop-out rate in our study was very low. Only three
participants dropped out and just one of them was from the intervention group.
Per-protocol analysis carried out in this study should be interpreted with caution since it loses the
balances of randomization and may thus lead to attrition bias. However, per-protocol analysis
usually gives better comprehension of the efficacy of the intervention under optimal conditions.
It should also be noted that when single disability items are separated from a multi-item measure
the reliability and validity of the single items has not been established similarly as those of the
sum scores calculated from the disability scales. Although single item analysis may not be the
optimal method for analyzing the disability scales, inspection of the single items provides
valuable additional information on the effects of the intervention on different domains of
In future, more research is required concerning what kind of rehabilitation would be effective in
different subgroups e.g. those in good vs. poor physical condition or cognitively impaired. It is
also worthwhile to consider how these different subgroups can be identified before discharge to
home. Usage of a more sensitive disability scale, such as Functional Status Questionnaire (30),
may be considered to conquer the ceiling effect.
Multi-component home-based rehabilitation had positive, though not significant, effect on
physical disability. Additionally, the secondary analyses of the ProMo trial showed that multi-
component home-based rehabilitation tended to reduce difficulty in two IADL tasks: preparing
meals and handling medication among community-dwelling older people recovering from hip
fracture. Managing these two IADL tasks reduces need for home care services and provides
financial and instrumental savings. Results of the ProMo trial also suggest that multi-component
home-based rehabilitation may reduce ADL and IADL disability extensively. The current
hypothesis needs to be confirmed in a study with sufficient power. Possibly a more task-oriented
rehabilitation might gain more benefits for disability outcomes.
ADL: Activities of Daily Living; GEE: Generalized Estimation Equation; IADL: Instrumental
Activities of Daily Living; SD: Standard deviation; S.E. Standard error
Competing interests
Authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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Table 1.
Higher score indicates more difficulty
Negative values indicate reduction in ADL/IADL disability
*General Estimation Equations, crude model, interaction p-value
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
Figure 3.
Table 1. ADL and IADL sum score values, absolute changes, and differences between groups
Figure 2. Mean changes, standard errors (S.E.), and interaction p-values for the ADL and IADL
sum scores; a) All participants included; b) Participants who were suspended or exercising with
low frequency were excluded from the analysis at issuing time point
Figure 3. Change in self-reported difficulty in preparing meals and handling medication and
interaction p-values in the crude GEE model
Supplementary 1
Supplementary material
Supplementary Table 1. The mean number of performed exercises, standard deviations, and compliance with the exercises
Mean (SD) Expected# Compliance§ Mean (SD) Expected# Compliance§ Mean (SD) Expected# Compliance§
Strengthening exercises 47.9 (34.0) 78 61.4 30.1 (32.5) 78 38.6 78.0 (62.7) 156 50.0
Stretching exercises 41.2 (35.1) 78 52.8 29.2 (32.8) 78 37.4 70.4 (64.6) 156 45.1
Balance exercises 43.6 (29.8) 65 67.1 39.2 (30.7) 65 60.3 72.4 (56.4) 130 55.7
Total** 152.3 (109.6) 251 60.7 87.4 (96.3) 221 39.5 239.8 (195.2) 442 54.3
For strengthening and stretching exercises the expected total number of exercise sessions during the one-year intervention was on average 156
(three times a week, 52 weeks in a year) and for balance exercises 130 (two to three times a week, 52 weeks in a year). For functional exercises,
which were performed only for the first twelve weeks two to three times a week, the equivalent number was 30.
Compliance = [number of performed exercises]:[expected number of exercises]×100%
*Functional exercises were performed only during the first 12 weeks
**In general, the compliance with physical exercises was higher during the first six months being 61% with strengthening, 53% with stretching, 65%
with balance, and 69% with functional exercises. During the final six months the corresponding values were respectively 39%, 37%, and 43%
(functional exercises were instructed to do only during the first twelve weeks). The overall compliance for all exercises was 61% during the first six
months, 40% during the final six months, and 54% when counted for the whole twelve month period. Five participants were considered exercising
with low frequency (i.e. total number of all exercises less than 45% of the expected). Two of them reported no exercises at all during the one-year
intervention. Compliance with the physical activity counseling, which was part of the intervention, was excellent. One participant, who was
suspended from week 13 onwards, did not receive any counseling session. All others received at least the first face-to-face counseling. Thus,
compliance with the first face to face session was 98% and with the following sessions as follows: 90% (first phone contact), 88% (second face to
face), and 88% (second phone contact), and 83% (third phone contact).
Supplementary 2
Supplementary Table 2. Baseline characteristics of the ProMo study in the intervention and
control groups
Intervention Control
(n=40) (n=41) p*
Mean (SD); n (%) Mean (SD); n (%)
Age (years) 80.4 (7.8) 78.5 (6.4) 0.251§
Gender: women 31 (49) 32 (51) 0.953#
Chronic diseases** 3 (1) 3 (2) 0.462
Time since fracture (days)** 62.5 59.0 0.379
Operation type 0.917#
Internal fixation 19 (50) 19 (50)
Arthroplasty 21 (49) 22 (51)
Offending pain, fractured limb† 19 (50) 19 (50) 0.917#
Use of walking aids outdoors 29 (74) 34 (87) 0.054#
Berg Balance Scale, total score{ (range 0-56) 40.5 (10.4) 43.6 (8.5) 0.311
ABC Scale, total score (range 16-160) 89.5 (32.5) 87.2 (28.9) 0.734§
Baseline ADL sum score‡ (range 0-30) 4.7 (3.2) 3.9 (3.0) 0.316
Baseline IADL sum score (range 0-40) 9.4 (7.7) 7.8 (6.5) 0.421
*Mann Whitney U-test, except: § Independent samples t-test; # Pearson Chi-Square test
The presence of chronic conditions, fracture status and date, type and date of surgery were
confirmed according to a pre-structured questionnaire, current prescriptions and medical records
obtained from the local hospital and health care centers during the medical examination carried
out by physician and research nurse.
Pain on the fractured side was assessed by two questions “Have you experienced pain daily
during the last month in the lower back, hip, knee, ankle or foot on your left/right side? Has the
pain compromised your mobility?” The response alternatives were 1) No, 2) Yes, but it is not
offending, 3) Yes, and it is offending. A new variable “offending pain of the lower body on the
fractured side” was composed based on the answers.
Functional balance was assessed by the Berg Balance Scale (1)
A modified Finnish version of the Activities-specific Balance Confidence Scale (2,3) was used to
assess confidence in performing specific activities without becoming unsteady. Balance
confidence can be regarded as a surrogate for fear of falling and falls-related self-efficacy.
There were five response categories for each ADL/IADL item: 1) Able to manage without
difficulty, 2) Able to manage with some difficulty, 3) Able to manage with major difficulty, 4)
Able to manage only with the help of another person, and 5) Unable to manage even with help. For
the supplementary analyses, the categorical variables were re-coded into thee-graded: 1) No
difficulty (category 1), 2) Some difficulty (categories 2 and 3), and 3) Major difficulty (categories
4 and 5).
Additionally, the average temperature of the month in which the respective assessment took place
was derived from average monthly temperature data, collected in the years 1981-2010 daily at 12
O’clock at a local weather station in Jyväskylä (4).
Supplementary 3
Supplementary references
1. Berg KO, Maki BE, Williams JI, Holliday PJ, Wood-Dauphinee SL. Clinical and laboratory
measures of postural balance in an elderly population. Arch Phys Med Rehabil.
2. Powell LE, Myers AM. The Activities-specific Balance Confidence (ABC) Scale. J Gerontol A
Biol Sci Med Sci. 1995;50A:M28-34.
3. Mänty M, Sihvonen S, Hulkko T, Lounamaa A. Iäkkäiden Henkilöiden Kaatumistapaturmat;
Opas Kaatumisten Ja Murtumien Ehkäisyyn (in Finnish). B 39 ed. National Public Health
Institute of Finland; 2007.
4. Pirinen P, Simola H, Aalto J, Kaukoranta J, Karlsson P, Ruuhela R. Tilastoja suomen ilmastosta
1981-2010 - climatological statistics of finland 1981-2010. Helsinki: Ilmatieteen laitos
(Finnish Meteorological Institute); 2012.
Supplementary 4
Supplementary Table 3. Number and proportions of participants who reported difficulty in ADL
Supplementary Table 4. Number and proportions of participants who reported difficulty in IADL
Author contributions
JE collected and analyzed the data, carried out the ProMo intervention, interpreted results, and
wrote the paper. AS recruited participants, collected data, and wrote the paper. SES collected
data, and wrote the paper. EP interpreted results and wrote the paper. MK conceived the idea of
the study, recruited participants, collected data, and wrote the paper. MA conceived the idea of
the study, recruited participants, and wrote the paper. PJ recruited the participants and wrote the
paper. JV recruited participants and wrote the paper. MP conceived the idea of the study,
recruited participants, and wrote the paper. TR conceived the idea of the study, interpreted
results, and wrote the paper. AH conceived the idea of the study, interpreted results, and wrote
the paper. SS developed the idea of conducting the study, recruited participants, collected data,
interpreted results, and wrote the paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
This study was supported by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Finnish Ministry of
Education and Culture, Juho Vainio Foundation, Central Finland Regional Fund of the Finnish
Cultural Foundation, Peurunka Medical Rehabilitation Center, and Miina Sillanpää Foundation.
Study sponsors had no involvement in the study design, data collection, analysis or interpretation
of data, in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to submit the manuscript for
The Gerontology Research Center is a joint effort between the University of Jyväskylä and the
University of Tampere. The authors want to thank sincerely all the hip fracture patients who
were willing to participate in this trial. Also special thanks go to the physiotherapy department of
the Central Finland Central hospital which helped with screening the hip fracture patients.
Additionally, we would like to thank the persons who assisted in data collection: Veera Farin,
Suoma Korhonen, Hanna-Maija Lapinkero, Katri Lihavainen, Mervi Matero, Tuovi Nykänen,
Jenni Rouhiainen, Emma Takkinen, and Leena Tulla. We are thankful to Professor Urho Kujala
for the medical surveillance during the measurements. We also want to thank statisticians
Markku Kauppinen and Timo Törmäkangas for providing assistance with the statistics.