Stellar Age - Guide Updates
Stellar Age - Guide Updates
Stellar Age - Guide Updates
This version of the game brought some new additions and changes to the game, to mention
some, new buildings, change in some PvP and PvE mechanics, and the introduction of
Commanders to lead the fleet. Love it or hate it, every change and new content can be
exploited and adjusted to, if we, gamers, have the drive to do so.
First and foremost, let’s give a proper introduction to the new content:
On the top part, we can see the total power of defense on planet power-wise.
Following, you have the option to select up to 2 commanders to boost the defense power.
Once selected, they will remain locked here and unable to be used until they are
released. To do so, you will need to tap on the arrow shown on the right, and then X.
On top of this, Shield Generator will now determine how many cubic metres of fleet
you can have as reinforcements. This increases with each level of the building.
b. Military Council
Alongside with the new rally mechanics change, this building now determines your
maximum rally combined fleet size. Rallies will not be limited by the amount of players
joining them, but by the maximum fleet size of it. This is determined by the Rally Leader’s
Military Council level (and commanders leading it), where each level increases the maximum
cubic metres of the rally fleet. This applies for both, rallying players and environment (Elite
Pirates, Flos).
In this building, you can also see the current active rallies within the corporation:
c. “Bomber Casualty” Bar
This building is where you can manage your commanders and Apex summons.
Entering in more info, we can see the time it takes to earn free Apex:
Each level will reduce the time needed for gaining a free Ultra Summon (gold Apex)
up to a maximum of 2 every day (for level 30) which can be claimed 10 minutes apart from
each other. Whatever it’s level, you receive 5 free standard summons daily (fourth column)
which reset at 00:00 GMT and can be claimed 10 minutes apart from each other (last
These last values are not changed when leveling the building, only ultra summon’s
timing is reduced by improving the building.
Summons can be completed by going into the last menu:
Here we have both summons: standard (blue) and ultra (gold). On the top right we
have our current stash of each as well as our credits count. Each summon will consume one
item of the kind. On the bottom part, we can see the buttons to complete the summon.
Both can be used one at a time, or in batches of 10, making no difference but the
time spent on doing so. Above each single summon button, you can see the “Free
summons” count, which will be used prior to using our own stash.
Finally, on the top right, we have a question mark, where we can see the reward pool
set for each type of summon.
Once we engage in a summon, we will receive four items and are prompted to carry
on summoning, or stop:
After using all our summons, we can acquire more of each kind. For standard
summons, the cost is 800 credits, and for each ultra summon, the cost is 2.500 credits.
Last, but not least, is the Commander screen. You can access this through the third
option of the building, or the second button of the bottom right corner menu bar, in the base
or galaxy view.
On the left panel, we can see currently summoned commanders under “Your
commanders”; those who we have yet to unlocked “Not Summoned, and those who we have
already unlocked but not summoned “Can be summoned”. When you select a commander,
it’s full portrait will show screen centered, and it’s parameters on the right side; below it, we
can see the commander’s power, this is determined by the combination of his level, rank and
skills, as well as it’s status (rare, epic, legendary).
On the right panel, first we have Parameters:
Here you can see your selected commanders stats (same as in previous screen with
a detailed explanation of each; how each parameter can be increased and which, and where
to obtain, the specific items for doing so.
Second, we have commander’s Name and skills priority. There are several tags for
commanders, such as:
- Warrior: skills related to fleet attack, armor, speed when attacking other
- Resource Collection: prioritize efficiency on wrecks resource collection.
- Rally: when appointed as Head commander, it improves the whole group’s
- Defense: improves damage and armor of defending units.
- Towers: improves damage and armor of tower units in defense.
- Hunter: improves efficiency of pirates confrontations increasing wreck size,
increases damage, armor and/or speed against pirates, and chance of finding
- Pathfinder: improves efficiency of pirates confrontations increasing debris
collection and wreck spawn chance.
- Support: these provide a bonus on leadership and extra experience gain.
Fourth, and last section, shows the commander Rank and skills:
- Rank - ranks are represented by stars. A commander can be promoted to the
next rank (obtaining 1 more star) by first maxing the Commander’s level for
the respective rank. Each rank allows a commander up to level 10 levels, so a
one star commander has a maximum achievable level of 10, a rank 2 has a
maximum level of 20, and so forth. Promoting a commander to the next rank,
will unlock the respective skill to the obtained rank.
- Skills - each commander has a specific set of 5 skills. These are unlocked
when the commander is promoted:
Below each picture we can see the required commander rank to unlock each skill.
Tapping on them will prompt an explanation of the benefits of acquiring/upgrading it.
Once unlocked, skills can be upgraded up to 5 levels. In order to do so, you need to
have enough Commander badges to upgrade them. If more than one are unlocked and
upgradable, the upgrade will be done to a random skill, not necessarily from lowest to
highest ranked.
- It is worth to note that regarding commander’s PvE oriented skills do not stack with
each other. Meaning that if we send 2 commanders on an attack/resource gathering
mission (for example) and both share skills of increased debris, or field size, only the
highest will apply. Skills DO stack on PvP oriented skills such as increased
APPENDIX: New items
The introduction of Commanders brought new items to the game, which are used for
improving them. Each has a specific function, and need to be well thought before using.
Commanders Badges
These are used to upgrade the skills of your commander. They are specific for the
commander they relate to.
These are (left to right) Legendary, Epic and Rare Commander badges. They can be
used for upgrading skills of any commander of the kind when you don’t have enough of the
specific ones. Bear in mind that some commanders are harder to acquire than others, so you
should use them wisely.
These are used for standard and ultra summons. Apex is used for standard summon
and Gold Apex is used for ultra summons.
Used for upgrading specific buildings, such as Military Council and Shield Generator.
Management Module
This is used for improving the leadership parameter of your commanders. This is a
common resource for ALL of your commanders, so choose carefully on which one you will
use it.
Expertise Modules
These are used to level up your commander. Each gives a specific amount of
experience stated on the bottom of each item. These items are common for all the
commanders, so choose wisely on which one to apply them.
Skill Modules
These items are (left to right) Legendary, Epic and Rare skill modules, and are used
for ranking up your commanders. Once your commander has reached the max level for his
rank, they must be ranked up in order to continue progressing (up to level 50 and rank 5).
Each can be used only for it’s kind and are common for every commander with the
same status.