Hooponopono Hawaiian Healing System

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Some of the key takeaways are that we create our own reality through our thoughts and emotions, and we can heal ourselves and others through the Ho'oponopono technique of taking 100% responsibility for our lives and cleansing negative memories.

Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian healing technique based on taking 100% responsibility for our lives. It works by connecting to our inner child and divine spirit to cleanse negative memories and beliefs that cause imbalance. The phrase 'I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you' is repeated to do this cleansing.

The text says that our thoughts and emotions directly impact our health, as memories and past experiences shape our current emotions and associations. Negative emotions like anger or fear can manifest physically as disease over time if the underlying issues are not healed or forgiven.



Ho'oponopono is a healing technique that derives from the teachings from
Dr.Ihaleakala Hew Len based on tradition and beliefs Hawaiian It is based on
feeling 100% responsible for our lives and for everything that happens in it.
Ho'oponopono means: "Rectify an error" The error comes from thoughts
contaminated by painful memories happened in the past. Ho'oponopono offers a
way to release the energy of those traumatic thoughts, or mistakes, which cause
imbalance and diseases. This healing system allows us to connect with our being
and develop a relationship with the Divine by learning to cleanse our memories
since we are the sum total of all our experiences past. The emotions that are
linked to these memories affect us now. The subconscious associates an action
or a person in the present with some success of the past. When this happens,
emotions are activated. The process is essentially about the complete liberation
of our gone through forgiveness. By becoming 100% responsible for our lives we
finally move away of the mental trap of believing that a large part of everything
that happens to us is product of the outside, alien to us.

It is known that Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len has cured an entire pavilion of criminal
patients with mental imbalances without even having I had contact with none of
them. The psychologist studied the file of the prisoner and, immediately, looked
inside to see how he had created the illness of that person. As he improved and
healed the patient did it too. He just repeated: "I'm sorry, I love you" and He took
100% responsibility for having created that reality. Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len has
been practicing the method Ho'oponopono updated since November 1982. He
taught it Kahuna Lapa'au Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, who was appointed living
treasure of Hawaii in 1983. He was part of the staff of psychologists in the
forensic unit for the mentally ill criminals in the Hospital State of Hawaii for
several years. He taught this method around the world and in the United Nations
several times. Dr. Hew Len has a PhD at the University of iowa. Foundation's
web site: www.hooponopono.org

1. By understanding that we create our reality, we are co-creators of

everything that makes up our world.

2. Our mind is composed of a Conscious, a Supraconscious and a

Subconscious that many identify with the Inner Child, Child who holds the
key to our happiness and stores it in his power information about
everything that happened in this or other lives, starting with data that you
have from old experiences. We must understand that the mind is perfect
but not the memories it contains, those erroneous beliefs that at some
point we consider, are with the that works and that is where this technique
affects; in cleaning, deleting and cancel those memories.
3. Allow Divinity to flow through us

4. In the practice of this system you have to connect with our Child Inside
and ask him to communicate with the Divine and tell him: "Divinity
cleanses in me what is contributing to my problems "then we will affirm:"
I'm sorry, forgive me, I love you, Thank you". In doing so, I am asking the
Divine to cancel the wrong beliefs that there are in me (memories) for
these to be canceled also in the other people, I'm asking to heal my Inner
Child to heal myself and others.

"Divine Creator, Father, Mother, Son, all in one. If I, my family, relatives and
ancestors have offended your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words,
deeds and actions, from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask your
forgiveness. Let this heal, clean, purify, release, cut off all memories, blocks,
energies and negative vibrations, and transmute these unwanted energies into
pure Light, and that's the way it is. "

I am sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you

Every time you feel discomfort, anger, anguish, or any emotion negative about a
fact, situation or person, or towards yourself, say for you:

I am sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you

Do it as many times as you think necessary, with these words we are connecting
with our inner Child and with the Divine that exists in us and asking for the
cancellation of memories that tie you to the moment. "Divinity, I am sorry that my
erroneous thoughts have created undesirable situations in my life, clean these
memories "

I am sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you

In moments where we find ourselves living redundant experiences (when

situations and circumstances are repeated) we can affirm: "My memories I love
you, thank you for the opportunity I have to release them and free myself”

I am sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you

When we do not feel comfortable with our reality we can affirm: "Divinity cleanses
in me what is contributing to my shortage"

I am sorry, forgive me, I love you, thank you

To heal relationships we say:

"I love you I love you I love you. Please forgive me, I'm sorry. Anyone that it
was this memory that caused this between us, please delete it, cancel it.
Thank you thank you thank you"

"Sorry, forgive me for what is in me that has created this"

In this way we take responsibility and from that place we We forgive ourselves.
As we have memories in common, it is enough for one to take the responsibility
of asking forgiveness so that those memories are erased from one and from the


Repentance and forgiveness
1. The Conscious Mind initiates the process of cancellation of memories, and
send our petition to the Divine Intelligence so that transmute our
erroneous beliefs into Emptiness. She recognizes that Problems are the
memories revived in your Subconscious Mind; Y that these are
responsible for your reality.

2. The downward flow of the request directed to the Mind Subconscious,

gently set in motion the memories for transmutation. The petition then
goes up to the Super Mind Conscious, coming from the Subconscious

3. The Super Conscious Mind examines the request, making the

modifications it deems appropriate. Because it is always linked to Divine
Providence, she is in a position to examine and do modifications. The
request is then routed upwards, to the Divine Intelligence, for final review
and consideration

When practicing Ho'oponopono we do not try to modify the other, but rather
Divinity helps us cleanse those memories that make me see the other as a
problem, but how those memories are shared, when healing we also do the
others. It is important that we understand that when we observe a problem in
someone, that person is a wonderful reflection of ourselves, reflection of some
painful memory stored in our subconscious, which Manisfiesta through that
problem of that person. The real problem is the mistaken belief that we have
ingrained that person, whether or not we have awareness of it, we project it all
thus creating our reality. Ho'oponopono offers us wonderful tools to heal, clean,
purify and thus take what every day offers us as a blessing.


I take 100% responsibility for everything that happens in my life.

Regretful sense of our erroneous thoughts and beliefs that at some point we

Transmutes energy, blockages, or negative vibrations in light

For the chance to cancel my memories

There are certain "trigger" words that are used to erase memories which we must
repeat continuously to be generating the cleaning in our interior as long as

The alchemists used it on Saint Peter's Day, who caught with cloths or rags clean
dewdrops for noble healing purposes.

What used to be "light a candle" now we say: "key of light" serves to create a
space of light where controversy does not exist.

Clears memories and erroneous beliefs

For reasons of money, providence and supply

It is anesthetic for pain, both physical and emotional.


For problems in couple relationships


Serves therapeutically for health problems


Relax and loosen your body, put your hands to the sides and relax Close your
eyes and focus on your breathing, let it become soft and deep As you inhale,
take the air of the Universe and feel how it flows through all of you body

Gently exhale through the mouth and let go of all worry, eliminate the stress and
anxiety Do not force your breath and quiet your mind

I will make a countdown from 10 to 1 and you will go into a state of ever deeper
relaxation You will connect with your inner child, with your essence

10-9-8-increasingly deeper 7-6-5 more and deeper 4-3-2-1

Now you can see from a staircase a beautiful garden, full of green, flowers, trees,
down there your inner child waits for you, he smiles and you extend your hand

You start down those stairs

Each time you are closer to him, you can see in his look how much he wants to
be with you

Finally you manage to make contact, they take each other's hands and take you
to tour that beautiful and pleasant place

You feel the peace of nature, the songs of the birds, there are benches Where
you can rest, Divine water fountains, and a blue sky above you with the sun

Your child wants to play, and you consent

Take a few moments to live that moment with him.

Now they lie on the grass, they look at each other deeply and your child smiling
asks you not to go, do not go away

At this moment you promise to always be with him, you never go to leave, that
you will dedicate time to have fun and that from now on they will be allowed to be
happy together.
You tell him not to be afraid, that you will always protect him

You take him by the hand and look at his bright and attentive eyes you say:
Sorry, Forgive me for having wrong and painful thoughts, and having created this
reality, I love you.

Take time now to listen to what your child has to say It's time to say goodbye and
come back.

You take it in your arms and tell it how much you love it and value it

Your child becomes increasingly tiny, until you can take it between your hands
and you take it to the center of your heart

Every time you feel the beating of your heart you will know that it is there your
inner child, your essence, you can have contact with him every time you want, do
not forget that he needs you, he is a child, he loves you and he trusts you

Now you go up the stairs again and at the count of 10 you can open your eyes


Open your eyes calmly

Get a blue glass container with a lid (not metal), fill it drinking water and place the
container (or the bottle) under the sun, and if it is cloudy under the light of an
incandescent lamp (not fluorescent) during a minimum time of one hour.

After having solarized the water, you can drink it, cook with it, rinse your face or
body, or spray it in your environments to make a cleaning.

As with the process "I'm sorry, Forgive me, I love you, Thank you," solarized
blue water erases memories that cause Repetitive situations in our subconscious
mind. Drinking amounts of solarized water is a wonderful practice for solve
problems or heal situations.

This procedure allows the energies, colors, frequencies and necessary elements
are added to the water. It serves for everything, and if we need it and we do not
have it, we "imagine" it. After prepared it can be added to other water bottles.
In traditional approaches that are given about problem solving and healing, the
therapist begins with the belief that the source of The problem is with his patient,
not with himself. He believes that his responsibility is to assist him by working
through what ails him.

As a result of this belief, we have arrived many times at the systematic failure in
the healing profession.

The therapist must be willing to be 100% responsible for having created that
problematic situation; that is, you must be willing to see that the source of the
problems are the erroneous thoughts that coexist within you, and that he has
created this reality, not his patient.

Based on the updated Ho'oponopono approach, a process of repentance,

forgiveness and transmutation developed by the Kahuna Lapa'au Morrnah
Simeona, tells us: "A therapist is capable of have your wrong thoughts inside
and inside your patient transmuted into perfect thought of LOVE"

The updated Ho'oponopono process allows the therapist to work directly with
the Original Source that can transmute thoughts erroneous in LOVE.

In solving problems using the updated process of Ho'oponopono, the therapist

first takes his Identity, his Mind and the connects with the original Source, what
others call LOVE or GOD. With the connection in place, the therapist appeals to
LOVE to correct the wrong thoughts inside you that are being updated as the
problem for himself first and for the patient in second place. The request is a
process of repentance and forgiveness by the therapist: "I apologize for the
wrong thoughts inside me that They have caused this problem for me and for the
patient; please forgive me."

In response to the therapist's requested repentance, the LOVE begins the

mystical process of transmuting thoughts wrong. In this process of spiritual
correction, LOVE neutralizes the erroneous emotions that have caused the
problem, either Resentment, fear, anger, guilt or confusion. At next step, LOVE
releases the neutralized energies of the thoughts leaving them in a state of
emptiness of total freedom. With the empty, free thoughts, the LOVE then fills
them with Yes. result? The therapist is renewed, restored in LOVE. While the
therapist is renewed, so does the patient and all involved in the problem. Where
there was despair in the patient, now there is LOVE. Where there was darkness
in the soul, now There is a healing light of LOVE.
Meditation Ha
All Hawaiian procedures begin with a breath called Ha. It consists of inhaling for
7 seconds, retaining the breath counting 7 and exhale counting 7 times in the
same way. When you have emptied your lungs, hold your breath for a while
count 7. Relax and allow your own breathing rate to determine by itself when
your count of 7 can last.


The perfection of our body and its manifestation in Perfect Health is a concept
that few people have managed to assimilate in its existence. We have a deep-
rooted belief that the body is a way of life independent of our will and acting,
generally in our against sending us diseases that we can not control and
continually obstructing our life. We feel unprotected and fearful in our own skin.

To understand why this fear of our own biology, we must go deeply to our inner
world, that hidden place where we store the thoughts and from where we build
the beliefs that shape our existence and realize that all disease that afflicts us is
only a faithful mirror of beliefs that we harbor within ourselves and in this way
understand that Our body does NOT act against us, on the contrary, always and
in everything moment is obedient to the thoughts and feelings that emerge from

As children, we believed that we were invincible, we played on earth, we got wet

in the rain and walked barefoot without fear of contracting no disease, then at
that time, the information package called "disease and death" did not yet touch
our inner world, We had the firm conviction that life was inexhaustible and
perfect, just as It is and should be.

Little by little, our Fathers and the people around us left commissioning us to
introduce beliefs about the fragility and imperfection of our body. They told us not
to get wet or We walked barefoot because he would give us a cold. That we did
not play with land would give us an infection and so, little by little we were
integrating our thinking and feeling the deep fear of disease and, the
consciousness that we have no control over life and our body took shape and
strength in our mind.

They were SO convincing Our Fathers by telling us their beliefs and fears, that in
the long run, we started to catch cold when we got wet rain and to get sick from
walking barefoot! Your beliefs and fears, already had penetrated our interior and
in that way, our cells they took and assimilated the order to manifest illness every
time we wet or barefoot.

The body is intelligent and responds to each and every one of the orders of the
mind. It never acts against us, on the contrary, it obeys every one of our thoughts
and feelings.
Each of the diseases that we manifest in adulthood come from of beliefs and
feelings collected in childhood. All disease of the body has its root in an inner
child deeply wounded whose desires and dreams were truncated because of the
pressure of the world Exterior.

Cancer. It is nothing more than a living reflection of old wounds and resentments
not healed. When we are injured as children we begin to create a breastplate of
thoughts, to be able to defend ourselves and exist in this world; often, those
thoughts are nothing more than a cluster of resentments and unforgiveable
wounds that are first housed in our aura, to later stay in our body, which causes
the cells transform and take the pattern and shape of those emotions from
Hatred and resentment.

Depending on your location we can meet and work with those wounds and
feelings. For example, a colon cancer is a reflection of the emotions, hatred and
unhealed grudges related to disappointments love affairs, frustrations at work
and problems in relationships interpersonal not forgiven or transcended.

A uterine cancer is the reflection of an unhealed sexual problem and the rejection
of wounded sexuality, likewise a prostate cancer. And so successively.

Cancer is curable once it is healed and integrated into love and forgiveness
emotions that caused it. We must be honest with ourselves and forgive others,
no matter how hard the experience has been. We have the responsibility to love
our body, because through the love that we can heal him

We must be aware that the disease is always a product of the feelings, no

ailment arises out of nothing and neither is it a punishment. (Punishment being a
belief that we must uproot)

In us lies the power of healing and the power to eradicate complete the disease
of our body, from the mildest of the colds to the most serious of cancers, can be
eradicated and Healed completely

Our body is a living miracle. It is a wonderful structure and complex, so perfect!

Its original design and its cosmic matrix is created to manifest perfection and
health, at all times. The only thing that is able to transform that structure is
human thought, which is how very, very powerful! and is the pillar responsible for
the creation of everything what we know as reality.

If we are able to create our reality, we are also capable of transform the structure
of our body!

Life ... all life in this universe responds to thought, without exception, to a greater
or lesser extent. This is how the creation was designed whole, always and at all
times the energy that surrounds us will respond to thought.
Thought manifests itself as expansive sonic waves. That is, each thought and
feeling emanates from our Being as a wave that is moving and moving through
space expanding itself same and impregnated with a certain geometric pattern,
everything that touch The space through which thought moves is LIFE SAME.

All the space that surrounds us, is LIFE. There is no vacuum! That which we
know how empty is actually a blank canvas made up of the energy of LIFE. And
every time we issue a thought accompanied by a feeling, without exception this
will move by that LIFE space giving shape to a new creation.

Everything is life! Everything around us responds to geometric patterns of our

thoughts and always, without exception we receive fair what we think about most
strongly. In the same way, our body responds to our thinking and feeling. At all
times we are issuing orders, patterns of way that will give life to the new cells that
are forming each thousandth of a second.

In each conception of a new cell, it receives a pattern of form through which he

manifested his existence and his function. It is logical then that every thousandth
of a second we have the OPPORTUNITY OF HEAL, through the transformation
of our thinking and through the emission of thoughts and feelings of Love
towards Our Body.

They have noticed that when they have an illness, they always say "MY "That is
to say, they have already appropriated this series of ailments and for Therefore,

That disease is not yours! It's just a reflection of your feelings and thoughts. And
every feeling and thought can be transformed and balance.

What is happening now with the famous Influenza?

We are being bombarded with the constant fear of contracting disease, which is
"very contagious" "very dangerous" and what happens if I I'm not afraid? IF I DO
NOT BELIEVE IT? How will my cells in the presence of a person who is sick?

I can be surrounded by thousands of sick people and if I DO NOT ALBERGO

will not have anywhere to take the pattern to manifest the disease!

We remove from our interior the fear of being sick and once and for all for all they


Speak directly with your cells, with your body. Tell him you love them and that
are perfect.

Now, get along with yourselves and heal your inner child. Release all your
beliefs, return to the origin of innocence and FAITH.

We are renewed with the transformation of Our mind.

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