This document provides an introduction and overview of the principles of Ho'oponopono, a Hawaiian spiritual practice of atonement and reconciliation. It explains that Ho'oponopono aims to help practitioners address personal responsibility for problems, forgive others, and experience inner peace and miracles in their lives. The core practice involves silently repeating the Ho'oponopono mantra "I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you" to cleanse oneself of past harms and their effects. Examples are given of how applying this practice has helped resolve conflicts and problematic memories for both the practitioner and others.
This document provides an introduction and overview of the principles of Ho'oponopono, a Hawaiian spiritual practice of atonement and reconciliation. It explains that Ho'oponopono aims to help practitioners address personal responsibility for problems, forgive others, and experience inner peace and miracles in their lives. The core practice involves silently repeating the Ho'oponopono mantra "I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you" to cleanse oneself of past harms and their effects. Examples are given of how applying this practice has helped resolve conflicts and problematic memories for both the practitioner and others.
Original Description:
It is about the 4 cleaning phrases and a couple of old and new healing tools
This document provides an introduction and overview of the principles of Ho'oponopono, a Hawaiian spiritual practice of atonement and reconciliation. It explains that Ho'oponopono aims to help practitioners address personal responsibility for problems, forgive others, and experience inner peace and miracles in their lives. The core practice involves silently repeating the Ho'oponopono mantra "I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you" to cleanse oneself of past harms and their effects. Examples are given of how applying this practice has helped resolve conflicts and problematic memories for both the practitioner and others.
This document provides an introduction and overview of the principles of Ho'oponopono, a Hawaiian spiritual practice of atonement and reconciliation. It explains that Ho'oponopono aims to help practitioners address personal responsibility for problems, forgive others, and experience inner peace and miracles in their lives. The core practice involves silently repeating the Ho'oponopono mantra "I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you" to cleanse oneself of past harms and their effects. Examples are given of how applying this practice has helped resolve conflicts and problematic memories for both the practitioner and others.
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The key takeaways are that Ho'oponopono is a tool for atonement and correcting errors from the past. It focuses on looking within oneself to understand how one's beliefs and actions may be contributing to problems in life.
Some of the fundamental concepts of Ho'oponopono mentioned are that the practitioner will look within to understand how their beliefs and actions may be causing adverse situations, and that blaming others will not solve problems and can make issues recur.
Some cleansing techniques mentioned include using the Ho'oponopono mantra, visualizing placing money or other items in orange juice to cleanse memories, using strawberries and blueberries to void memories, and combining Ho'oponopono with EFT tapping.
Welcome to the Ho'oponopono cleaning meditations and mantra!
This site is the result of many months of "cleaning" and procrastination. I have always felt that the simple principles of atonement offered by Ho'oponopono are a gift from the Creator so that we may finally tae our rightful place on !arth and en"oy a life of peace# "oy# abundance and good health$$not "ust for some# but for everyone. I truly believe that our role on earth is of caretaers$$taing care of the animals# plants and of each other. It is clear to me that we are now e%periencing the effects of thousands of years of greed# hate and appalling cruelty towards the animals# nature and other human beings. I believe that through Ho'oponopono the Creator has given us the opportunity to repair the damage$$I am doing my part# and for the sae of all of us# I hope that you will do the same. &dditionally# please do not "force" Ho'oponopono onto anyone. 'emember that you have no right to force your opinions or beliefs onto anyone else$$even if you "thin" they may help others. Indeed those who practise Ho'oponopono now (uite well that the best way to help others is to loo within. )o if you truly want to help others use the Ho'oponopono mantra "I am sorry# please forgive me# I love you and I than you"# and other cleaning practises# breathing e%ercises and meditations to eliminate what is in you that is causing the adverse condition to manifest in the other person's life. There is a profuse amount of information on the Internet about Ho'oponopono. If you are not at all familiar with Ho'oponopono I need to clarify some very important points* Ho'oponopono is not a religion and never will become one. With Ho'oponopono there are no teachers# gurus or high priests or middle men. Ho'oponopono practitioners now that the Creator is the only teacher there is. Indeed# there are those who are more e%perienced in the practice of Ho'oponopono# but they are regarded in the same way you would regard an older brother or sister. Ho'oponopono is a tool for atonement, for correcting errors, erasing the effects of past actions and memories that cause haoc and grief in our lies, the lies of others and on mother nature as a !hole" &nyone can practise Ho'oponopono$$essentially you are seeing a dialogue with the Creator. However# before you proceed further you will need to be comfortable with the following fundamental concepts of Ho'oponopono. When faced with any adverse situation# the Ho'oponopono practitioner will immediately as "What is it in me that is causing this event to tae place# this person to behave this way# this sicness to manifest+ etc". Ho'oponopono practitioners now that blaming others is a sure way for maing sure of the recurrence of a problem. If you cannot get past the habit of blame# I suggest you do not use these meditations. 'ather use the breathing e%ercises and other chants. If #ou can pass through this ma$or ego generated hurdle, I promise #ou that #ou !ill a%solutel# loe Ho'oponopono&¬ onl#, #ou !ill !itness miracles in #our life and the lies of others" Those who follow and practise religions of love will (uicly recognise that the message of Ho'oponopono is not at all new. ,abbalah has been teaching these very same principles since the times of the prophet &braham. The recent scriptures# the -uddhist principles of love for all creation are living embodiment of the ,abbalah principles. )o# there is really nothing new under the sun$$"ust more and more advanced perceptions of eternal truths. 'ecent developments such as .uantum /hysics and the principles taught by )ource Healing are offering new and e%citing interpretations of the future of the human race. They point to a Higher Intelligence that has a very clear and well planned future for the human race $$ the emergence of a )uper 'ace being the first step of this plan.
'id #ou pass through the first hurdle( )ongratulations* All that needs to happen no! is for #ou to practise the first meditation and mantra" That's the second hurdle" &ll of my Ho'oponopono meditations and chants include the Ho'oponopono 0antra. 'ear +O', Here !e ac-no!ledge the )reator !ho gies .nconditional Loe" If you believe that you are the result of an e%plosion or worse still that you created yourself# you are going to have a lot of trouble with this one. &ddressing the Creator is fundamental to this process# since only the Creator can fi% the mess that we 1and our ancestors2 have created.
I am sorr# This statement opens the door to atonement.3meaing $ mae up for having done something wrong.4 The moment you tae responsibility for any negative manifestation you e%perience or witness you also create an opportunity for healing. The apology is an acnowledgement that we are sorry for whatever it is that we 1or our ancestors before us2 have done to cause the adverse circumstance to tae place. There is no need to grovel# "ust a simple "I am sorry" will do.
/lease forgie me We are asing for forgiveness for having forgotten how much the Creator loves us. We are asing for forgiveness for having shut out the Creator from our lives and missing out on all the wonderful e%periences that we could have had. We as for forgiveness with the absolute certainty that it has already been granted. The Creator is )pirit and is 5nconditional 6ove# incapable of e%periencing feelings of anger# resentment and all the other ego related neurotic behaviours that afflict humans. It is important to note here that Ho'oponopono practitioners never have to forgive anyone# since they realise that all wrongdoing is the result of their own wrong action or memories$$past or present. I loe #ou When 7esus was ased "which is the greatest commandments of them all" he surprised everyone 1typical2 and stated "8ou shall love the 6ord 8our 9od with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." 6ove is a great healing power. )ending the Creator an )0) of love will reverberate through your psyche and generate an immediate feeling of well being. :nce again being pure )pirit# the Creator# does not need your love# but the very act of thining loving thoughts will tune your mind to that fre(uency with remarable and immediate results.
And I than- #ou &s stated earlier# whatever your petition or concern# the moment you tae responsibility for its occurrence and see a way out$$you are guaranteed a response. &lmost invariably the response will never be what you e%pect 1or in some cases want2$$but what you need to start the process of healing or reconstruction. 8our "than you" is the acnowledgement that your petition has been heard and acted upon$$that is all. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ '6oo' or witness an undesirable situation and say the mantra# it a also called cleaning. )ay it any time of day for any length of time. Have no e%pectations. 6et it go and let 9od. -e at /eace. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ That's it! 8ou have now mastered the basic principles of Ho'oponopono. It is simple and logical and an easy to understand process$$as it should be. E0ample 1, 6ooing out of her office window# one of my staff noticed that on the street below a truc driver was becoming enraged with a motorist$$it looed lie it was going to develop into a nasty fist fight. 0y staff member# used the mantra and the words# what is in me that is causing this person to be so angry. Within minutes something happened and the truc driver calmed down the fight was averted. E0ample 2, I was e%periencing some serious red tape difficulties with a 9overnment body$$the more I tried to pacify the situation the more recalcitrant and unreasonable the official became. This could have had disastrous conse(uences for my business. I used the Ho'oponopono mantra accepting full responsibility for this person's behaviour. The end result was that I une%pectedly met this very same person in a social setting$$and we became friends! E0ample 3, 0any adults still live in their high school memories$ I did for years. Then I stumbled upon Ho'oponopono. :ver a period of ; days while traveling in my car to the town where I grew up# I cleaned on the data of my high school memories and was hooed on the process. Those painful memories were wiped out in seconds. !very time I thought of a siitutation# I cleaned on it until it was gone. It was the beginning of a "ourney... I have never looed bac. E0ample 4, I am !lena# from 'omania and I want to tell you some of changes that occurred in my life in the last < months. I heard about Ho'oponopono last year and I read =ero 6imits by 7oe >itale in :ctober ?@A@. I was on a course with you in :ctober ?@A@# 0arch ?@AA and last weeend 7une ?@AA. Ho'oponopono changed my life# changed me. A. -eginning for me# it was not easy to say moment by moment Than you or I love you ..... # but now it is easy. ?. 5ntil Bebruary ?@AA# I woe up at C.;@ am# every morning# I arrived at the office at D#;@ am and I came home after AA#@@ pm. Eow I wae up when I can and I am not staying in the office after <#@@ pm 1and I solve all tass2. ;. F@G of my colleagues always avoided me because I was in conflict with them 1I wor for a big company# ;C@@ employees2. In the last si% months I had only three conflicts 1minor2 and my colleagues are very nice with me. I detached from all the problems that are here and this is a state that still I am not confortable 1and I still clean2. H. 0any people ased me* What do you do+# What do you tae+ 1drugs+!2# What do you eat+ -ecause now# all the time# I smile or mae "oes. 1I didnIt do this until < months ago2 C. 5ntil Bebruary ?@AA# I was living with my brother who is HI> positive. I was afraid to let him live alone. :n Bebruary D# ?@AA I moved into a new apartment and I still clean with my fears. <. Inside of me is peace and I can sleep. I am sorry for my !nglish# I still learn. Than you for all and especially for appearing in my life. E0ample 5, Hi my name is -ruce and I live with my AA year old son on the 9old Coast# &ustralia. I have been practicing Ho'oponopono now for appro%. ; months and have had many many wonderful e%periences. )ince practicing I have reduced my wor days to ? days a wee and I now spend C days with my son. We have become so much closer and have attracted a lot of his friends to spend time with us too. I am the happiest I have ever been and I am e%tremely e%cited to be here and to share. Than you so much. I love you. E0ample 6, I am a wiJard now. I can do magic things. /eople and animals came to me to heal them. Today a dog came directly under my chair and when I left# he left too. I was cleaning with my thoughts about him all the time and I touched his head. In the afternoon a co$worer came in my space and I put my hands arround her head and she felt better# and i too the head each to another co$worer twice# with my hands# breathing and thoughts of cleaning. &nd I have a lot of more stories about the people whom I cleaned with my thoughts. I eep cleaning and I use almost all the tools you gave me. Bly paper is one of the most used ones. I notice people don't remember things I still remember. Bly paper is deleting almost everything. I don't have anymore bac pain crisis# no more cervical spondylosis# and I use my eyes muscles to see now. I gave up my glasses after ?< years. I read spirituality now and all maes sense to me now. Than you 0abel# it's amaJing. E0ample 6, 0y name is &ngelica 1&ngi2# and I am from 'omania. I bought your e$boo# The !asiest Way. Birst of all# I want to tell you that you and Kr. IhaleaalL have changed my life. &nd I say that not because I e%perienced some miracles in my life since I use ho'oponopono 1H day ago2# but because now I see the people and the world with different eye. &nd I have much more /eace now# when I now that everything is in 0!. E0ample 7, 0abel# I have been through some of your teleseminars and ased (uestions on them and email you personally. 8ou even directed me to 0arvin at one point. :f course my "problem" to clean has money. I have really learned there is no out there and about taing responsibility for everything. To me it seems the mope I looed for a "ob the worse the economy became# until an usual set of circumstance lead to get my now perfect "ob which I love and as you say in your tals doesn't even seem lie wor at all. 0y point is that it seems that I am responsible to the economy otherwise I would have never found this "ob. Than you I Loe 8ou E0ample 7, 0oney "ust found me! This 's how the story goes* & lady from the 5-) called my mother at Mam today# asing if she was a relative of mine 1we have the same last name# not a very common one here in )witJerland2. )he e%plained that she had been looing for me for at least C years# that I have a 5-) account that hasn't shown any activity for a decade $ and that I please call her. That's what I did# and guess what+ It's about an account I established in AFMC# and there's still money on it. &ctually# some H'@@@N... &EK TH&T 0:E!8 B:5EK 0! T:K&8. Isn't that amaJing+!! I didn't even now that this account e%isted# and when calling the lady I didn't e%pect that there was money in that account. &gain# and again and again* The healing wor you are spreding in the world# that is 9od's gift to you# is such an incredible gift to the world! Eot only that# but I'm able to become more and more a catalyst for 08 clients by doing the cleaning on myself $ I have received an incredible testimonial on my website. & client of mine in debts you can't imagine 1had several properties# houses etc. she couldn't sell# mother of ;# credit card debts etc.2 was able to sell one of her houses after only :E! session with me# and within A@ days# and that in today's economy and in the actual real estate maret of the 5). $ I am personally blessed by the healing wor as well! I did a lot of cleaning# and what I learned from Ho'oponopono and especially from you* E: !O/!CT&TI:E). There are so many ways how money can come in $ once we do the cleaning wor... Than you 9od# and than you 0abel! 0uch love and light to you# I could go on and on and on$$but I won't. It's your turn to practise Ho'oponopono and start a brand new life. PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP Brom* 6ashmi -alarishnan QlashiAFFFR...S )ub"ect* 'e* 3switchwordsgroup4 Bly /aper $ -ina To* Kate* Thursday# )eptember AA# ?@@M# F*@? /0 Well this wee has been great# I've been busy researching ho'oponopono and listening to 0abel ,atJ's teleconferences. What has been a common (uestion# is people saying that ho'oponopono is not woring for them. They clean# clean# clean and still nothing is happening. -ut 0abel has a favourite saying# which is# "What you resist# persists." -asically when you encounter people or things# they are programs that are being presented to you to clean on. Eothing you encounter is outside you# it's something inside you# some program that you need to clean on. )o when these programs or problems are presented to you# you should be thanful that 9od is giving you the opportunity to clean. Instead of engaging or reacting to some problem or person# clean. Tae A@@G responsibility for that problem# which is a program# and clean. )ay you are sorry for whatever is inside you that is causing this..."I'm sorry# please forgive me# than you# I love..." Try not to get emotional and shut your mouth. If you are fighting with someone# remember being right is not important. It is more important to be at peace. )o when your spouse says something that really gets to you# repeat "flypaper#" over and over and do not engage. It is not important to win the fight# it is important to be at peace and connected to 9od. When you engage# you are not connecting to 9od or inspiration# you are hanging on to the programs. The other thing I learnt listening to 0abel ,atJ's program is# if you try to avoid certain people or situations# they will eep popping up. )ay you are dating someone# who has a lot of "baggage#" instead of dealing with it# you dump them. The ne%t person you date# will have the same baggage# because the problem is not with these people# but it's the programs inside yourself. 5ntil you clean these programs# you will eep encountering them over and over again. ¬her reason you might find that ho'oponopono isn't woring# is because you are too emotional to the outcome. )ay you really want that new "ob. 8ou are imagining what ind of "ob it is# what the hours are# where it is# the people etc. -ecause you are too attached to the outcome# you are stopping 9od from delivering what is best for you. What you thin is right# and what he thins is right# might not be the same thing. The best thing to do# is let go# and let 9od do what he thins is right. I find that sometimes for me# it is hard not to engage. I love to debate with people# I love to be right# and now that I now that what I am resisting will remain# I need to wor on being more at peace instead of being right. I need to learn to "ust shut my mouth and clean. I love you $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 0ost of us live lives based on untruth. :ur lac of wholeness 1unwellness2 comes from not listening to our hearts. We have betrayed ourselves by not listening to our hearts. The way to heal 1become whole2 more (uicly is to forgive ourselves and become one with ourselves. Ho'oponopono is described as a cleaning process 1consisting of the repetition of H ey phrases2 which enables self$transformation for the individual. If you are open and willing to practice these simple steps# you will discover that this method wors wonders with confounding or comple% cases# and especially for those who seem resistant to helping themselves. It is an helpful 1and entertaining2 video to watch this first before reading on. &t the beginning there is some awesome 1although# not 'Ho'op'2 info. that 7oe shares about setting goals and limiting 1or as he calls them# 'counter'2 beliefs. I thin he's a >!'8 cool# leading edge guy! I %eliee $oe is incorrect %# sa#ing that !e hae to sa# than- #ou, I loe #ou, please forgie to the diine" I $ust did a 2 da# !or-shop !ith dr hew len and those phrases are actuall# said to the data or memor# in #ou %ecause that is !hat is %loc-ing #ou from the diine" 'r Len -ept telling us to erase the data, fall in loe !ith the data, and the memor# in me is the pro%lem it goes against +od" That ma-es sense %ecause %# surrounding the pro%lem !ith loe it dissoles to 9ero and %ecomes Loe, or Inspiration" :hat else did 'r" He! Len tell #ou( greed m# friends""!e sa# Thank you to the 'ata, and memories and also to the 'iine""" !e trul# %less it all"",; and 8es !hen !e gie so much Love to the data, !e dissole it""" Learn Ho! To Attract Miracles In Eer# Area Of 8our Life :ith Hooponopono Meditation 8ou can find more insights into ho! people all oer the !orld are creating more peace A<' =O8 in their lies !ith Zero Limits Hooponopono Meditation is one of the most direct and po!erful !a#s to clear #ourself of limiting %eliefs" It cuts through conentional methods and goes straight to the source of the pro%lem !ithout the need for anal#sis" The great thing is Hooponopono Meditation is such a simple #et po!erful practice that an#one can do it" 8ou don't een need to understand the nature of the pro%lem that #ou are e0periencing" All #ou need to do is -eep clearing #ourself !ith 4 phrases !hich are guaranteed to change #our life* :e can often feel controlled %# past %eliefs !hich -eep us stuc- :e often sa# things to ourseles li-e""" > ?I could neer do that? > ?I'm not smart enough? > ?I'll neer %e !ealth#? > ?I'm al!a#s sic-? > ?I'm too fat? > ?I'm unattractie? > ?If I start m# o!n %usiness I'll fail? > ?I can't earn more than m# parents? > ?I'm a loser? > Or an# other limiting %eliefs and thoughts( Here are 5 Things that Hooponopono Meditation !ill help #ou to do, 1; )LEARI<+ 8O.RSEL@ of limiting %eliefs Auic-l# 2; @REEI<+ 8O.RSEL@ from #our past Auic-l# 3; MOBI<+ @OR:AR' in #our life and leaing the old %aggage %ehind Auic-l# 4; O/E<I<+ 8O.RSEL@ ./ to all the possi%ilities all around #ou Auic-l# 5; Mind, Cod# and Spirit transformation 8ou can achiee these ama9ing %enefits in Hooponopono Meditation !hen #ou appeal to 'iinit# to clear those old programs and memories so that #ou are left feeling clear and inspired" It is at that point !hen #ou achiee ?Zero Limits? and the mind is empt# of old programming and !e are free to attract !hat !e desire" :heneer a pro%lem comes up, remem%er, it is $ust an old su%conscious memor# repla#ing in #our mind" 8ou can therefore %egin to let go of $udgement and clear #ourself at an# moment in the da# and start to feel greater peace and freedom* /eace of the I
I'm )orry. /lease Borgive me. Than 8ou! I 6ove 8ou! +reat Ho'oponopono )leaning Tools Clue Solar :ater D is a %ig cleaning tool" The more #ou drin- it, the more it erases those memories or data and %rings #ou to #our child&li-e mind" To ma-e it, #ou need a %lue glass or %ottle" An# shade of %lue !ill do" 8ou put it in the sun for an hour, or under a lamp" If #ou are $ust using a glass, #ou need to coer the top !ith an#thing %ut metal, as %ugs and others are attracted to this pure !ater" Once it's %een in the sun for an hour, #ou can drin- it, rinse !ith it, coo- !ith it, sho!er !ith it, or put it in the fridge for later" A drop of this %lue solar !ater !ill purif# an# container #ou add it too"
)eeport D )lean Erase Erase %ac- to /ort, is a special graphics configuration impressed on a E? circular la%el" Special processes are used to gie the configuration its a%ilit# to tune #ou into #our natural rh#thm" )eeports are actiated !hen attached to the surface of o%$ects" http,FFihhl&ceeport"comF is the !e%site to purchase )EE/ORT products courtes# of 'r"Ihalea-ala He! Len )orn D is #et another cleaning comesti%le" Ho'oponopono adises us to loe our food %efore !e eat it, so loe #our corn and start haing more of it, it cleans the %ad programs !e're all interested in getting rid of" Eat it as %lue corn meal, corn chips or corn itself"
'e!drop 'e!drop !or-s on eer#thing" 8ou can sa# de!drop !hen #ou're frightened, threatened, sad or angr#" 8ou can thin- de!drop if #ou see someone else in trou%le" There is no limit to its use" .se moment to moment"
Eraser D that's !here #ou use a pencil !ith an eraser and tap on the item #ou !ant to clean" This can %e a %oo-, a computer, #ourself, or an#thing" 8ou can repeat the cleaning mantra or $ust tap" :hen #ou tap on the item #ou are cleaning it releasing all memories through all generations of time %ac- to the point of its' creation" Some people claim $ust using an eraser !or-s the same !a#" 8ou can sa# 'e!drop as #ou tap "
@l# /aper D is deleting almost eer#thing" 8ou can sa# fl#paper or thin- it for an# conflict %et!een #ou and another and the memories !ill stic- to the fl#paper good for relationships "
@ruit&!ater dun- D is to mentall# isuali9e dun-ing an#thing #ou !ish into a clear glass of !ater !ith fruit in it" +lass of !ater D a clear glass E full of !ater placed in an# room of #our home !ill help clean and erase memories !hile #ou are not thin-ing a%out it" )hange this !ater t!ice per da# or more often if #ou are feeling especiall# an0ious, !orried or upset" 8ou can !rite the name of the situation trou%ling #ou on a piece of paper and place the glass of !ater on top of it" Remem%er to change the !ater periodicall# throughout the da#"
Ha Creathing D 'r" Len also states in a recording that $ust the ?Ha? %reathing can cure depression" Creath in !hile counting to 1G H1&2&3&4&5&6&7&I&J&1G;, %ut $ust as fast as #ou normall# count, no need to go slo! unless #ou !ant to" Then hold #our %reath in for a count of 1G" Then let out #our %reath for a count of 1G Heen happil# sighing or ?haaaa? if #ou !ant;" 'o this 1G times or ho!eer long #ou'd li-e" It's a %eautiful thing* Ice Clue D !or-s on an# pain and suffering" =ust thin- ice %lue !hen #ou hae an# %urns, cuts, %ruises or hurts" .se it !hen cutting plants and grass to help num% their pain" .se as man# times as #ou li-e to help #ou, an#one or an#thing !ho ma# %e e0periencing hurt"
Light S!itch D meaning the Light goes on and the dar-ness disappears" Erases !hateer is going on in #ou H#our memories; !hich #ou perceie the pro%lem to %e" 8ou can sa# 'I turn the Lights!itch on m# thoughts feelings memories of """""""'
Mirror D loo- at #ourself, see !ho #ou reall# are, Loe #ourself again" A deep profound loe comes from this" 8ou see #ourself as #ou reall# are, #ou see the !orld" 8ou reach 9ero" A<' sa# I loe #ou to 8O. "
Orange =uice D imagine #ourself pouring a glass of orange $uice" Imagine placing a K2G %ill into the orange $uice Hcan %e an# alue;, and leae the mone# in the glass of orange $uice" )ontinue !ith this e0ercise putting !hateer else #ou !ant to clean into the imaginar# glass of orange $uice" :h# does this !or-( 'r" He! Len sa#s that Orange $uice represents +od's sunra#s" So %# putting the mone# in the glass of orange $uice, !e are putting mone# in the ra#s of the sun" C# doing this, !e are cleaning on the mone#" Another suggestion he had, if #ou are in credit card de%t, #ou are a%using mone#" So #ou need to apologi9e to mone# for a%using it" I'm sorr# mone# for a%using #ou, I'm sorr# mone# for a%using #ou, I'm sorr# mone# for a%using #ouL"Casicall# eer#thing in the !orld has energ# around it, and these items ma# need to %e cleaned as our memories ma# hae a%used them in the past"
/icture of #ounger self D hae a picture of #ourself as a little %o# or girl" Tap it !ith the eraser tool idea, sa# the 4 phrases to #our #ounger self and see !hat epiphanies come" Or sa# 'e!drop and tap on picture "
/illar of the /eace of I D $ust %# thin-ing /illar of the /eace of I #ou !ill %e automaticall# placed in the radiance of 'iinit# in that moment" 8our !hole %eing !ill %e protected from negatie i%rations" Then #ou can direct it to an#thing or an#one else to %ring them into %alance too %# $ust thin-ing /illar of the /eace of I" .se it throughout the da#"
Seeing CL.E D !heneer #ou see an#thing %lue, remem%er Ho'oponopono and sa# the phrases, %e in that moment"
Silence pills D Erase memories of !omen's hatred of men" Mentall# sa#, ?I ta-e silence pills"? The cleansing process !ill ta-e memories %ac- to ZERO and allo!ing LOBE to manifest" Stra!%erries M Clue%erries D 'r" Len sa#s that these t!o fruits hae a cleansing effect on our memories" The# oid memories" Eat fresh or dried, in $am or an#thing" <ot onl# health# for us to eat, %ut also good for the soul* Stra!%erries heal the heart and depression"
NNNNGGGG D and don't forget #our 0's and o's* 0's to clean, clear and erase, send loe and transmutation* o is the state of nothingnessF9ero" One leads to the other" 0 is loe and erasingFtransmutingFHo'oponopono all in one" o is the state of 9ero, the state !here #ou receie inspiration from 'init#F+od and ta-e action from those messages, the ultimate state of %eing" =ust %eing"""Ce""" NO Loe F Ho'oponopono O O Zero F 'iinit# @lor&de&lis is a cleansing process that releases memories of %loodshed of constant !arfare and slaer# to ideas, places, situations and %eliefs that result in constant !arfare" Our minds are stuc- in constant !arfare !ith ourseles* The !a# to use it is to sa# outloud or mentall# D ?I put the @lor&de&lis on the situation"? PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP C# com%ining Ho'oponopono !ith the E@T practice of tapping> on -e# meridian points Heither ph#sicall# or %# intention;, this %ecomes a po!erful tool for self&transformation into a more !hole #ou" >Tapping is the Emotional @reedomTechniAue HE@T; of tapping on -e# meridian points Heither ph#sicall# or %# intention; to release energ# %loc-ages" ?I hae found that com%ining E@T Tapping and the ancient Ha!aiian energ# practice called Ho'oponopono, is er# po!erful*? PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP