A Doom To Speak - The Wyvern's Nest - Pamphlet
A Doom To Speak - The Wyvern's Nest - Pamphlet
A Doom To Speak - The Wyvern's Nest - Pamphlet
SoulMuppet Publishing
Devil Ants Hunkin of Clan Undergem
These ants are the size of rats, Hunkin is a devious dwarven worker who
enthusiastic servants of the Ant Queen. somehow survived the wyvern’s attack.
Most of them are worker ants, but they He is a proud, selfish dwarf with a canny
are still large and vicious enough to be sarcastic wit who continues to work the
capable warriors should the need arise. mine as best he can despite the monsters.
They will work tirelessly until their given He will not take kindly to Cryptdigger’s
task is completed. They will fight to interrupting his work or stealing his
defend their task, but they will not chase equipment, but will gladly promise future
retreating enemies unless they carry payment if they clear out the Devil Ants
spoils. Do not roll on a mood/reaction and Tar Zombies and leave the mine. He
table for the most Devil Ants, they are has a key to the Workshop.
always working. However, Aggressive Mood: Guards
Devil Ants will always attack. The Brawn 2 Wit 1 Will 0
Disorganisation Adaptation here Vigour 9 Grip 5 Armour 9
reflects the combat disadvantage of their Pickaxe (Heavy), Dwarven Blasting
size, not their organisation as such. Charge, Heavy Lantern, Tough As Nails
Brawn 0 Wit -1 Will 1
Vigour 3 Armour 9 This cave network is full of chemical overflows and valuable ore
Hexproof, Paltry, Disorganised veins, and was previous mined by the Undergem Clan until a
wyvern took nest here. A colony of Devil Ants was released, and now
they work to expand their hive.mine.