Didactic Sequence 2021 - Final
Didactic Sequence 2021 - Final
Didactic Sequence 2021 - Final
Sixth grade
Context Daily life and Literary
Theme Feelings
Materials/Resource The Hurt by Teddi Doleski (adapted simplified version)
s Copies with activities and vocabulary
Genres / Discourse Story
Number of lessons Four
Story telling – presentation of the story and topic
Controlled practice of linguistic exponents (presencial)
Free sentence writing with the help of the teacher in order
to complete the final task (online)
Presentation of a short video (online)
Final task “Someone I trust”
Students imagine a situation in which they might feel
sad/angry/unhappy/etc. then they will tell their own stories filling
the gaps and adding a picture, drawing or photo to represent the
situation. Then they will present their works in a short video
narrating the sequence they’ve produced.
1. When I feel…
2. I talk to…
3. Then I feel…
“When we have hurt feelings, we should talk with someone we
trust to feel better.”
Linguistic exponents Adjectives to describe good and bad feelings
Comparatives and superlatives
“I’m… when”
“It hurts my feelings when…”
“I don’t like it when… / I like it when…”
Performance Students understand the structure of the story
indicators Reading: Students read and interpret the text and pictures from the
book with the help of the teacher
Listening: Students can understand the teacher’s instructions and
Speaking: Students can produce appropriate language to express
their feelings / Students can narrate their own experience using
pictures and key words
Writing: Students can write short sentences, express feelings and
Lesson 1
Pre-task (Pre-listening: predicting and working out the meaning from context)
The teacher shows the students the cover of the book and students read the
title and answer some questions to predict the gist of the story to activate any
previous knowledge about the topic (e.g.: Do you know what is the meaning of
“The Hurt”? Look at the picture, what do you see? What do you think the book
will be about? etc.)
The teacher will clarify the meaning of “Hurt” and explain that the Hurt (the
object) is the representation of that feeling growing bigger.
The teacher will introduce the basic vocabulary on feelings (a sheet of paper
with pictures from the story if possible / in the board with drawings) that
appears in the story.
The teacher will introduce activity 1 (task) showing the pictures students will
have to match. The Students will look at the pictures first and say what they
think is happening in each of them, then they will check of their guessing was
Task Activity 1 – (while listening) Put the events in order and match the pictures
Post task Grammar focus - Story telling:
T will introduce some basic vocabulary students can use to narrate the story
(e.g.: At the beginning, then, after that, in the end, etc.)
Activity 2 (Homework)– The teacher will draw a timeline on the board and
write: “At the beginning” and “In the end” leaving space in between. The
students will copy the timeline and fill the rest of the space with the pictures
and events from activity 1.
Wrap up Activity 3 –
“Who would you talk to?
I would talk to: __________ (Think of someone you trust. E.g.: My
friend, My brother, My teacher)”
In the same sheet of paper students can complete the blank (or can do it
after the teacher asks orally), before the end of the class they will have
to answer orally (T will ask: “In the story Justin talks to his father about
the Hurt. Who would you talk to?”)
Warm up Recapitulate the story read last class (Check homework from lesson 1)–
The teacher might want to elicit a brief and simplify version of the
story and then ask some questions important to understand the gist
of the story and the reason for acknowledging our feelings and
talking about them.
“In the story we read last class Justin, the boy, talks with his Dad
about how he feels. Do you think it is important to talk about our
feelings? Even positive feelings? Why?”
Pre-task Introduction of new vocabulary – new ways of expressing our feelings –
distinction between positive and negative feelings (students will work
with superordinate and subordinate words)
Sad, Down, Lonely
Happy, Cheerful, Glad, Exited
Angry, Upset, Frustrated, Irritated
Relieved, Calm
Scared, Nervous, Worried
Surprised, Amazed
Ashamed, Embarrassed
The teacher will ask if the students know any of the new words and
introduce each of them
Task Activity 1 – There are two circles (negative / positive), students will have to
copy each word in the correct one
Activity 2 – practice of vocabulary and chunks (seen in the text) – Read the
dialogue bubbles above each character and decide which feeling suits best
for each situation (e.g.: Today is my birthday, I’m…)
Post task Activity 3 –
Write a short sentence about how you feel now that we are back to face-
to-face classes. Include:
Write a short sentence about how you feel now that we are back to face-
to-face classes. Include:
Lesson 3 (Online) - Free sentence writing with the help of the teacher in order to complete the
final task – Coping with bad feelings
Pre task Watch the video
Task Activity 1 – Watch the video and complete the sentences with the
suggestions children give to feel better
(Game 1 https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/es/video-zone/angry-
Activity 2
Mr Orlando shows three different emotions, which are those?
What does he do when…
…he feels sad? When…
…he feels mad? When…
…he feels angry? When…
Which tip to feel better do you like the most? Do you know any other tip
that may help Mr Orlando?
Post task Activity 3 – Short sentence writing – Put the words in the correct order to
write the sentences (they appear in the video) - (Game 2
When I feel scared.
I ask my mum for a hug.
Then I feel relieved.
“No matter how you feel it is important to put your feelings into words. Talking about
feelings helps us feel better.”