Surface Roughness
Surface Roughness
Surface Roughness
Causes of Roughness
a) Marine growth—primary and secondary
b) Impingement attack
Methods of Measurement or
The development of surface roughness could Assessment of Surface Roughness
be accelerated if the propeller has been
ground by inexperienced operators, perhaps
using too coarse grinding discs, and if
insufficient attention is paid to the correct There are a number of surface roughness
formation of the blade edge shape. measurement instruments on the market,
some of which may only be used under
permanent laboratory conditions. For
propeller work a fully portable machine is
required which will give a rapid surface
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Propeller surface roughness
valuable research but not yet in a form that little loss of blade thickness. If maintenance is
can be conveniently applied in the dock delayed the increase in depth of the
bottom or with the propeller in the water. roughening will be accelerated. This means
that the loss in efficiency, and thus increase
in fuel consumption, will be greater and
The estimates of the effects of roughness because more grinding will be necessary the
made recently by three investigators have costs of rectification will be increased.
been transformed to compare directly with
the previous estimates, and are also shown
in the diagram. These were presented in Therefore the rule applying to propeller
references 1, 2 and 3. S.M.M. have taken Dr. surface maintenance should be “little and
Townsin's line as representing a moderately often".
conservative estimate for the assessment of
cost effectiveness that follows.
It is normally recommended that grinding
and polishing is carried out at every
It should be appreciated that any of the lines drydocking, but since the periods between
shown may be reasonable estimates in drydockings are now being extended from
particular circumstances as the effect of two or three years to five years, it is
roughness will depend on ship speed, RPM, necessary to consider servicing the propeller
blade area and other ship and propeller while the ship is afloat between the discharge
characteristics as well as the peakiness and and loading operations. This is feasible
texture of the roughness measured or providing the ship may be trimmed so as to
assessed as being of a particular Ra value. expose the outer parts of the blades from
the water, and adequate floating platforms
and appropriate services can be provided.
Blade Surface Maintenance This comment applies to any servicing
operation and it is strongly recommended
that work of this nature should always be
Overall blade surface wastage caused by placed in the hands of experts who are
impingement or corrosion leads to sympathetic to the needs of the propeller
turbulence which increases the drag of the designer requiring the maintenance of a "fair"
blade section resulting in loss of efficiency. surface and accurate blade edge formation.
The development of turbulence intensifies Inexpert grinding may in fact increase the
the attack. effective roughness of a surface rather than
reduce it. In addition coarse grinding cuts
provide a more secure base for marine
lf treated at an early stage the roughness can growth thus further increasing the
be removed by light and fine grinding with possibilities of fouling.
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Propeller surface roughness
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Propeller surface roughness
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