Building An Atom (PhET Simulation) - 2
Building An Atom (PhET Simulation) - 2
Building An Atom (PhET Simulation) - 2
d ga A (P ET a )
2. Click on the + sign for each of the boxes (element name, net charge and mass number) to view changes as
ou change the number of particles in the atom.
3. What particle(s) are found in the center of the atom? _______protons and neutrons
4. Pla until ou discover which a c e( ) determine(s) the name of the e e e ou build.
5. What is the a e of the following atoms?
a. An atom with 3 protons and 4 neutrons: lithium
b. An atom with 2 protons and 4 neutrons: helium
c. An atom with 4 protons and 4 neutrons: ber llium
6. Pla with the simulation to discover which particles affect the c a ge of an atom or ion.
7. Fill in the blanks below to show our results:
a. Neutral atoms have the same number of protons and electrons.
b. Positive ions have more protons than electrons.
c. Negative ions have fewer protons than electrons.
8. Develop a relationship (in the form of a single sentence or equation) that can predict the charge based on
the number and t pes of particle.
The charge of an atom is made b the ratio of protons to electrons
9. Pla with the simulation to discover what affects the a number of our atom or ion.
st nd
10. P
ractice appl ing our understanding b pla ing 1 and 2 levels on the game screen.
P b b Te de c be Pa c e ed H e a e
f a de e e de e ed
c Atomic number
2. Create a definition (using a complete sentence) for each of these items based on our labels from the atomic
s mbol above.
a. Element S mbol
One or two letter abbreviation to represent the full name of the element
b. Charge
The difference between electrons and protons
c. Atomic Number
Identifies the number of protons
d. Mass Number
Identifies the number of protons and neutrons
3. Practice appl ing our understanding b pla ing the 3rd and 4th game levels. Pla until ou can get all the
questions correct on the 4th level. Fill in the information here for our last screen of the 4th game level:
protons ____________
d ga A (P ET a )
neutrons ___________
electrons ___________
4. In addition to atomic s mbols, we can represent atoms b name and mass number. Complete the table
S b Na e
a Each representation (S mbol and Name) in the table above provides information about the atom.
Describe the similarities and differences between the S mbol and Name representations.
1. Pla with the simulation to determine:
a. Which particles affect the stabilit of the atom? _Protons and Neutrons_
b. Which particles do not affect the stabilit of the atom? _Electrons__
2. What are the names of the stable forms of ox gen?
a. Ox gen-16
b. Ox gen-__17__
c. Ox gen-__18__
3. List all of the things that are the same about these atoms (ignore the electrons).
The number of protons is 8
4. List all of the things that are different about these atoms (ignore the electrons).
The number of neutrons is different is 16-18
5. The atoms in the previous question are e of each other. Based on this information, list the
requirements for two atoms to be isotopes of each other.
Isotopes have the same number of protons but not the same number of neutrons
d ga A (P ET a )
6. Test our understanding of isotopes b examining the relationships between the pairs of atoms listed
A 1 A 2 Re a be ee a 1a da
Same Atom, Not Isotopes of Each Other
Different Element
Carbon-12 Isotopes
Same Atom, Not Isotopes of Each Other
Different Element
Boron-10 Isotopes
Same Atom, Not Isotopes of Each Other
Different Element
2. Can ou tell from our own periodic table e ac how man neutrons are in an atom? Explain our
answer. ___________no the mass number is the average mass of isotopes
How will ou use our periodic table to find the number of neutrons?
Na e S b A M N be N be C a ge
c a f f
N e E ec
b b
e e
h drogen-2 2 1 2 1 1 0
H drogen 3 3 1 3 2 1 0
sodium-22 22 11 22 11 10 +1
Magnesium MG-2 12 24 12 12 0
24 4
Magnesium MG-2 12 25 13 13 -1
25 5
Titanium-46 46 22 46 24 24 -2
Silver-107 107 47 10 60 47 0
d ga A (P ET a )
Flourine-19 19 9 19 10 10 -1
carbon-12 C-12 6 12 6 6 0
carbon-13 C-13 6 13 7 6 0
carbon-14 C-14 6 14 8 6 0
carbon-12 C-12 6 12 6 7 -1
carbon-12 C-12 6 12 6 5 +1
Helium-4 4 2 4 2 2 0
Ox gen-16 O-16 8 16 8 10 -2
argon-40 Ar-40 18 40 22 18 0
Gallium-70 70 31 70 39 31 0
Gallium-70 70 31 70 39 34 -3
nitrogen-15 N-15 7 15 8 8 -1
7. To test our knowledge of isotopes, draw arrows between all pairs of atoms in the table above that are
isotopes of each other.