Lesson 9: The Clientele and Audiences of Social THE INDIVIDUAL AS CLIENT OF SOCIAL WORK
Work demonstrates an understanding of this aspect focusing on a specific person’s concern
of social work whereas the clientele and audiences
are being described and the needs of individuals, generally work on an individual who has to be assisted to
groups, organizations, and communities are fit in a larger environment or someone who has been
distinguished. deprived space by the larger environment calling for
change in the very environment or simply improving one’s
Starting points - like marginalization, social justice, ability to cope with it.
universal human rights and dignity - displays the several
classes of people to qualify as clientele and audience of
social work right away. Such as the minorities, elderly,
women, children, the poor, people with disabilities and grouped as having similar or common identity as they
mental health issues and all or further on which may form collectives in terms of the level of services, they have
constitute the social work’s clientele and audience. to receive
CHARACTERISTICS OF CLIENTELE AND gay men and lesbians, migrants, women, abused or
AUDIENCES OF SOCIAL WORK neglected children, elderly, pensioners, veterans, military
service men and women, people in conflict with the law,
All people with various social concerns (in terms of being
unemployed, people with substance abuse and addiction
marginalized or experiencing social injustice or having
their rights violated or disrespected) share common as well as members of an organization, place of
characteristic qualities of the clientele and audience of employment, or students in school set up
social work:
Individuals, families, groups, and communities
experiencing being left out largest share in the clientele and audience of social work
because individuals and families are essentially members
Having some personal social problems like loss of job, of the community and everything happens in a community
getting sick, becoming terminally ill ~ and all those as everyone claims membership in the community
deserving of social welfare benefits.
A community may exist as a marginalized sector, and in
Its not just being old and retired, being employed, being which case, the social work services may gear toward
in a health care facility, home for the elderly, home for their emancipation and empowerment.
street children, drug rehabilitation center, mental health
facility; In some cases, they may constitute the majority imposing
general norms that seek to marginalize minorities and
But there are also concerns that characterize one as a those different from them;
clientele and audience of social work such as being a
minority, a migrant, a divorced woman, neglected child, In this case, social work may focus on community
sexually, physically, or mentally abused child, and transformation to cause environmental change so as to
suffering discrimination of any kind. make it possible for individuals and groups on the minority
to achieve social well-being or social justice and respect
Still, there are many other areas in which they play a vital
role like in the implementation and monitoring of social
welfare and social development projects under DSWD.
Age range can affect choice of communication format or THE COMMUNITY AS A CLIENT
distribution. When a community is the client of communication, the
Race and ethnicity are an important consideration in message has to be responsive to the need and the
communication particularly in deciding on graphics and channel has to be appropriate, and the subject to be
photos as communication materials. communicated has to be relevant to the community.
NEEDS OF VARIOUS TYPES OF CLIENTELE AND The settings of communication may be defined as the
AUDIENCES OF COMMUNICATION physical surrounding of a communication event (Alberts,
Nakayama, & Martin 2007). What is critical regarding the
Different individuals, groups, and communities have setting is to know the audience and understand what they
distinct communication needs. need to hear and how they need to receive information.
The process of communication accounts for what SCHOOL SETTING
happens between the source of message and the
recipient, the skills employed in giving and receiving Schools are educational and social institutions. Their
information, and conveying ideas and opinions with those participation in communication is to deliver educational
around us. goods to the public and engage communities in agenda
setting regarding educational goals and means.
The methods of communication involve the verbal, oral,
non-verbal, written, and visual ways of sending a Communication in a school setting tends to be very formal
message. and academic.
In this type of media, people forge a conversational NEEDS ASSESSMENT FOR INDIVIDUAL, GROUPS,
community driven by common interest and focus ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITIES
generally on a single issue that can be virtually located.
Under these media channels, conducting needs
The most prominent forms of social media are blogging assessment is essentially the same;
and social networking that tend to resemble a typical
mass media but it has the provision for concerned people the communicator wants to know the purpose of
to respond and sustain a discussion and exchange views communicating that may include considering the five
in a two-way communication style. essential elements:
New media and social media also challenge the the sender, the message being transmitted, the medium
profession of communication and ethics of used to carry the message, the receiver of the message,
communication; as it is regulated by the discourse of and the interpretation given to the message (Hodgetts,
participants not the members of the profession. 2002).
As well as it redefined participatory democracy with new By conducting a needs assessment, the communicator
political implications; open debate and consensus on would be best prepared to contain the meaning to the
issues are increasingly sought and achieved through new receiver; since to communicate effectively means that one
media and social media. has met the needs of the intended individuals, groups,
organizations, and communities in all aspects.
A logical model in monitoring and evaluating The functions of applied social sciences for self-
communication effectivity involves splitting the variables development have been discussed – counseling, social
into two: work, communication – each of which has a distinct
contribution in services they put out for self-development.
the variables of causes, which includes input, activities,
and outputs that have to be monitored and accounted for; Counseling offers guidance to individuals in varying
and situations of conflict. Social work offers a wide range of
services in the aid of emancipating the marginalized
the variables of effects, which includes initial, individuals and facilitating participation in the public goods
intermediate, and ultimate outcomes that have to be and services necessary for self-development.
Communication empowers the individual with listening
Monitoring traces the plan and documents its and speaking skills in order for them to be effective.
implementation, while evaluation accounts for results
arising from the implementation of the plan.
Communication is a dynamic process that aims at a
response and through monitoring and evaluating At the heart of persuasion is the ability to understand well
communication, the success and failure of communication one’s audience and its complexity.
can be determined and necessary immediate or future In this kind of communication, the communicator deals
corrective actions can be identified and undertaken with people’s basic attitudes, values, and beliefs on
accurately. issues and how to tailor the message for the audience in
order to convince hem to adopt a particular point of view
through appropriate channels.
APPLIED SOCIAL SCIENCES Persuasion often consists very few words making sure
each one is very important, simple, specific, and exciting.
We have discussed counseling, social work, and Other than communication and journalism skills,
communication; they help individuals fit well in society counseling and social work skills facilitate the ability to
and challenge the social environment to become a empathize, listen well, and to respond effectively.
better place for all. These sciences cover a broad field
which is discussed here in Lesson 17: The Disciplines Drawing on the skills of applied social sciences,
of Applied Social Sciences; drawing on different persuasion energizes itself to move audiences to desired
social theories and perspectives and it combines and immediate action.
theory and practice to deal with the complexity of
social issues experienced by individuals, groups, and ART AND ENTERTAINMENT AND APPLIED SOCIAL
communities. SCIENCES
Like for a child, applied social sciences services are Through art and entertainment, we are able to see life
indispensable to its full transformation; as they are critical differently. It can provide nurturance and keep
to unblocking all barriers to the individual’s, group’s, and communities mentally and socially healthy.
community’s holistic development. They create a consistent atmosphere of excitement and
They help the society to see beyond the behavior vitality and they bring humor in depressing and stressful
manifestations by looking beneath them. moments; hence, expanding the people's ability to endure
extreme forms of suffering and optimism.
Applied social sciences services help us consider all
helping situations to be multicultural in the sense that In moments of hardships, the arts provide collective
people's uniqueness has to be recognized in the helping resilience among people.
process. The art and entertainment industry offers a wide range of
career opportunities.
The industry requires creativity, adaptability, and offers EDUCATION AND APPLIED SOCIAL SCIENCES
the opportunity for travel.
The educational process is a well-recognized global
framework and means of socialization and enculturation.
SCIENCES Education is an ongoing process of improving knowledge
and skills, and it is an exceptional means of bringing about
The proliferation of news outlets, channels, and purposes personal development and building relationships among
require increased ability for the other and participants in individuals, groups, and nations.
the news making and consumption.
In many instances, education has played a big role in
The new media and social media are providing the reducing poverty, social exclusion, ignorance,
possibility of driving the democratization of information by oppression, and war.
undercutting the agenda setting of large media outlets
and their ability to control news and information flows. From this perspective, the link between education and
applied social sciences can be considered to be highly
The overall information ecosystem has changed. This interwoven.
society is informed by simply reading, listening to, or
watching just about anything. In UNESCO 1972 report, they essentially gave birth to the
four pillars of education that continue to inform and shape
Today, we live in a digitally networked world democrat global education curriculum: learning to know, learning to
democratization of thought, ideas, and flows of do, learning to live together, and learning to be.
It is important to note that the four pillars of learning relate
It has been observed that online audience concentration to all phases, areas, dimensions, and types of education.
has equaled, and in many instances surpassed, what can
be found in most traditional media. Education is preparation for social praxis in the present
and emerging context inasmuch as it is an essential
Social media has the possibility of making accessible and means to economic and human capital development for
driving democratization of information further beyond the individuals and communities.
agenda setting of large media outlets in the relative
control of news and information flows.
Today, the media landscape is more vibrant in offering APPLIED SOCIAL SCIENCES;
faster and cheaper distribution networks, fewer barriers to
entry, and more ways to consume information. Socialization is the process by which society turns an
individual from being a child into a full-fledged responsible
The new digital tools are providing powerful ways to adult or from being an outsider to becoming an insider.
consume, share, and even report the news.
Enculturation is a process by which a culture of his or her
Applied social sciences in this context can provide environment (Sampa 2008).
encouragement and empowerment to underserved
communities to avail open and free media channels voice Since culture is a meaning-making system, there are five
out and to consume critical information. elements included in the meaning production: symbols,
language, values, norms, ideal-real or worldview-ethos.
We are entering an era where audiences employ self-
censorship and play a bigger role in engaging, remixing, To be enculturated means that one can understand the
commenting, and ultimately filtering what is important. cultural symbols, the language, the values, the norms,
and is capable of negotiating the thin line of meanings
called ideal-real or worldview-ethos.
SCIENCES Another concept closely associated with enculturation is
acculturation, which refers to the process of acquisition of
In our present day of free speech and democracy, a second culture (Sampa 2008).
organizing advocacy is very much part of social cohesion.
The skills learned in the applied social sciences can
In organizing advocacy for issues of great concern, one enrich and facilitate both socialization and enculturation.
can benefit from core values of applied social sciences;
which foster the common good and inclusion and a Empathy and good listening and speaking skills are
greater sense of life in community. effective tools in the socialization process.
SOCIAL AWARENESS, SELF-AWARENESS AND research has produced theories to explain how change
SELF- KNOWLEDGE occurs. The Stages of Change or the Transtheoretical
model (TTM), of James Prochaska and Carlo
Social awareness, self-awareness, and self-knowledge DiClemente, Demonstrates the change is not easy and
are very essential for quality participation and functioning requires a gradual progression of small steps toward a
in society for they incorporate one's appreciation of both larger goal.
the inner-ecology and the social-ecology.
This model has found to be an effective aid in
Social awareness is important for managing your own understanding how people go through change in a
response to change, and it forms an essential part of behavior, whereas there are three most important
intrapersonal intelligence as Incapacitated individuals to elements: (1) readiness to change; (2) barriers to change;
appreciate diverse perspectives, contribute to civil and (3) expect relapse.
society, and understand relationships.
Self-change can be hard and so is changing others.
Self-awareness is an important step toward self- Applied social sciences bring in a wealth of approaches,
understanding and self-mastery and it forms an essential techniques, and tools to facilitate change on the individual
part of intrapersonal and emotional intelligence; meaning and group level.
having the capacity to understand your own personality,
behaviors, habits, and emotions. Behavioral change has been rightly associated with the
role of applied social sciences processes.
A self-aware individual acts with personal and social
capability through recognition of emotions, recognition of The practice and insights from social work and counseling
personal qualities and achievements, understanding are influencing progress in conflict management and
oneself as a learner, and developing a reflective practice. peace building i.e., in Mindanao and across society.
Relying isn’t enough so there is a need to have an Evidently, personal and family relations, gender, overseas
attitudinal and value transformation on negative migration of Filipino workers, single parenting, community
inclinations like the “bahala na” attitude; these cannot lead life, criminality, and substance abuse are not only
to individual, group, or community sustainability. changing in structure; they are also becoming more
common and normal.
Our attitudes and values must change with time so as to
allow our new abilities to emerge and survive. Applied social sciences are facilitating much of people's
struggle to live with these changes.
Social work, counseling, and communication are making
common issues more of a public discourse leading to
greater acceptance and better understanding and coping
at an individual, group, and community levels;