2015 Jan Feb Satya Ka Avahan Invoking The Divine
2015 Jan Feb Satya Ka Avahan Invoking The Divine
2015 Jan Feb Satya Ka Avahan Invoking The Divine
Front cover
diksha at Satyam Vatika, Munger
Plates: 1: Swami Sivananda Saraswati; — ÔÌãã½ããè Ô㦾ãã¶ã¶ª
2014; 4: Poornahuti for culmination of
3-year Sannyasa Training 2012–14; 5: Das
Awaken Spiritual Samskaras
Swami Sivananda Saraswati
really doing good to yourself because there is nothing but the
Self. This virtuous action will react upon you with equal force
and effect. It will bring you joy and happiness.
Good samskaras force a man to do good actions and vice
versa. If you have a great asset of good samskaras, you will
not do any evil action at all. You will have an established good
a bhakta should raise his consciousness to a high degree and
acquire para bhakti, highest knowledge and supreme peace.
Aspirants need not be afraid of pitfalls and snares on the
spiritual path. The whole spiritual world is ready to back up
sincere students who are trying to lift up their head from the
quagmire of samsara. Aspirants should nourish their good
samskaras through japa and regular meditation.
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are still with you. Although you may not remember them,
they are still there. Sometimes you may suddenly remember
of your life. This means they are within you. You remember
ago. If these impressions are still with you after such a long
period of time, they will remain with you even after leaving
the body. If you try to access those thoughts now, you may
not be able to make a printout, but they are still there stored
in the subtle mind.
After inputting you can either make a printout or transfer the
information to a disc. If all our thoughts and impressions could
be fed into a computer and a printout taken, it would extend
registered, they are transferred to the subtle body as samskaras,
mental seeds; this is the source of secret knowledge. Millions
and billions of thoughts and ideas have come to our minds and
they still exist there in the form of samskaras. Thoughts create
samskaras, which are the seeds of our mental impressions. Then
The software
Whatever a person thinks or does becomes a samskara which
cannot be eliminated. It is recorded or registered in the mind
and brain. Whether its impact is strong or weak is a different
matter. Sometimes this samskara remains for many years and for
many births. If the samskara is not very powerful, it may go or
it may not. You cannot ignore any action; every action, thought
and form of your awareness is recorded. The mind or brain is
like a computer camera. Everything that comes into the area of
the camera is recorded in the picture. Some of the karmas are
not strong. They stay online, as if they are electromagnetic. You
have also seen that when you sit for meditation, your mind is
one-pointed, and then suddenly thoughts start coming. These
are inner thoughts; either you take them out or you come out.
There are different brainwaves which are biological, but also
psychological and spiritual. A thought is not merely a biological
process; it is there and it will go with you.
However, one thing must be remembered. Sometimes
the computer program gets a virus that impedes the system
and has to be wiped out. In the same way, the mind also gets
cobwebs. Most people have a very limited mental capacity.
Their minds are not expansive and they cannot think much,
hence their abilities are few. Actually, people create fearful
and inhibiting social concepts, which in turn limit the mind
and the mental abilities.
A thorn has to be removed with a thorn. In the same way,
remove rubbish with rubbish. You may ask your guru or
somebody else to remove your rubbish for you, but you are
only adding more to your waste bin, which is why it is always
full. The municipality removes the old rubbish, but the new
garbage accumulates again. When God’s grace is there, all the
rubbish of life is removed instantly, just as sheets and sheets
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sent to the market to buy vegetables, but he went to the railway
station and bought a ticket for the next station.
Once the spiritual samskara ignites, the worldly
conditioning of the mind is by passed. The spiritual samskara
is not compatible with the worldly samskara. The limited
There is no gap between the present experience and the
Past samskaras constitute prarabdha
A child is born with his samskaras. A child is born with his
past experiences transmuted into mental and moral tendencies
and powers. By experiences, pleasant and painful, man gathers
materials and builds them into mental and moral faculties. The
earthly experiences are worked up into intellectual faculty.
The mind evolves through the impressions received from
the universe through the senses. It will take many bodies
until it gathers the complete experience of the world. Every
man is born with his inborn or inherent samskaras and these
samskaras are embedded, lodged or imprinted in the chitta,
which is the seat for prarabdha. In earthly life, he gains many
more samskaras or experiences through actions and these are
added to the original store and become the future sanchita
karmas, accumulated actions.
All samskaras lie dormant in the chitta as latent activities,
not only of this life but of all previous innumerable lives
from beginning less time. The samskaras of animal life (those
of dog’s births, and so on.), the samskaras of a deva life, the
samskaras of kingly life, the samskaras of the life of a peasant,
are all hidden there in the chitta. In human life, only those
samskaras which are appropriate to that particular type of birth
will operate and come to play. The other kinds of samskaras
will remain concealed and dormant.
Just as a merchant closing the year’s ledger and opening a
new one does not enter in the new all the items of the old but
only its balances, so does the spirit hand over to the new brain
his judgements on the experiences of a life that is closed, the
conclusions to which he has come, the decisions to which he
has arrived. This is the stock handed on to the new life, the
mental furniture for the new dwelling – a real memory.
Your next life will depend very largely upon the karma you
perform in this birth. There are probably many things which
the man of the world does constantly and may do without
much harm resulting in any way; if these things were done by
those sincere aspirants who are treading the path of realization,
they would be decidedly harmful. Habitual study of abstract
problems will result in a well-developed power for abstract
Good Samskaras Abide
Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Sankalpa and Samskara
Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati
Questions and Answers with
Sri Swami Satyananda
worked out by going deep into meditation or pratyahara,
dharana or dhyana and then expressing or transforming
those samskaras in the form of visions. The visions that you
experience in the stages of pratyahara and dharana mean
you have not lost your individual ego; you are still in the
level of duality. At the time when you enter into a dharana
or pratyahara state then you have a lot of visions and a lot
of feeling. It is nothing important, as it is only a transformed
vision of your samskaras. You are expressing your samskaras
in that form.
This can be done in the state of pratyahara. It can also
happen in the state of dharana and in deep meditation. In the
early stages of samadhi also it happens. The deeper you go,
the negative has been eliminated then the positive also should
be eliminated. In the scheme of realization, in the long run
even a positive samskara is bondage creating an obstruction;
although this does not apply to everyone. Everyone should be
content by eliminating the negative samskaras and replacing
them with the positive ones. However, if you want to go further
and deeper into spiritual life, then even the positive samskaras
have to be withdrawn.
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the same eyes. This uniqueness is the karma of our evolution,
development and growth.
Samskaras are the nourishment. If you imbibe negative,
restricted, bad samskaras then your life is being nourished
in the wrong manner and your mind becomes negative,
pessimistic and destructive. If you are nurtured with the
Descent of Grace
Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati
lush and green. The story says that Nandi and the cow fell in
love, and even though Nandi killed her he gave her the boon
that the mountain she turns into will always be blossoming.
Another interesting aspect of the Madurai temple is that
there is a particular room there where Lord Shiva is installed
in the form of Sundareshwar Shivalingam. At a time when
the temple was about to be attacked, the priests sealed up the
sanctum sanctorum with Sundareshwar inside. Forty years
later when the wall was removed, it was found that the deepak
Sri Swamiji’s Legacy
Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati
true to their commitment and their aspiration. No matter what
you do, the mind diverts your attention away from what you
want to do. That is the nature you have come with in this life.
Until and unless there is total isolation, there is no deepening
of experience or awareness.
This could be seen in Sri Swamiji’s life when he retired into
seclusion. For ten years he did not meet anybody, not even
sannyasins. He lived in total isolation and seclusion doing
his own thing. Today as I also move into more isolation and
seclusion for some time, I can understand the value and the
necessity of disconnecting for the sake of stopping the mental
Alongside this, there is a need to focus on the development of
better sannyasins, well-equipped sannyasins, not just wearers of
geru but with true feelings, sincerity and commitment. A better
understanding must evolve about the process of sannyasa as
an ongoing journey towards perfection, not as having attained
something; rather, as an ongoing journey which we have started
and we shall walk as far as we can until the last breath.
As part of that, we meet here on every 5th and 6th of the
month to reconnect with the spirit of sannyasa, renunciation,
surrender, compassion and love that our guru experienced
in his own life and shared with all of us. Today is the
commemoration day of his mahasamadhi. At midnight on the
5th, he wilfully and voluntarily left his body while sitting in
meditation, chanting mantras, with prayers on his lips, fully
conscious, retaining his breath, chanting Om and releasing
his soul. It is something we have only read about in mythical
books or ancient history; never before have we witnessed the
departure of a siddha. Even in his departure he gave us a
lesson in how to leave, to attain that ultimate union with the
divine. Therefore, this day is a celebration of the enlightened
consciousness. Samadhi is not death, there is change and
transformation; samadhi is a celebration of enlightenment.
Sri Swamiji lived as a sannyasin and he did not deviate from
that path. You can deviate, you can take sannyasa and after
three years decide it is not right for you. You can decide it is
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Meditation on Mahasamadhi
This meditation was given at Satyam Udyan (Ganga Darshan) on 5th
December 2014, Sri Swami Satyananda’s mahasamadhi day.
heartspace, hridayakasha. Centre the awareness here. See this
space as full of light, full of radiance and glow; it is the light of
a pure, untainted love welling within you. With the power of
this love, you can call Sri Swamiji. See this light, feel this light,
feel its strength. Feel the luminosity of pure love suffusing your
Now let go of hridayakasha and take the awareness to
chidakasha, the space of consciousness. Simply watch this space
for some time. It is like an empty night sky: no clouds there, no
stars, no moon, just stillness. Watch this stillness.
saying something to you? Try to hear his words. Now, look into
his eyes and ask him to always inspire you, ask him to lead you
in the right path, ask him to help you overcome your weaknesses
to him and thank him for coming to you and touching your life.
Now let go of Sri Swamiji’s image, let go of the Shivalingam,
let go of the golden dome, let go of chidakasha. Once again take
the awareness to your heartspace and connect with the light of
love shining there, the love for Sri Swamiji through which you
were able to invoke his presence. Allow this light to gather into a
it with you no matter where you are, and with its force you can
always call him.
End the practice by chanting the mantra Om three times.
Dates: 21st–28th January & 17th–25th July
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Yoga Publications Trust
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Glimpses of the Divine II Ô㦾㠇ãŠã
Sri Lakshmi-Narayana Mahayajna