SCP Foxboro Control Simulation
SCP Foxboro Control Simulation
SCP Foxboro Control Simulation
Foxboro Control Simulation software turns the actual EcoStruxure Foxboro DCS Control
Processor (CP) source code into a Simulated Control Processor (SCP). Foxboro Control
Simulation uses the same communication protocol and connects to the same hardware
and software as Foxboro CP270/CP280/FDC280. The Simulated Control Processor
provides a comprehensive environment for modeling, validation, and system checkout.
Foxboro Control Simulation also includes a light version of DYNSIM Dynamic Simulation®
process modeling software and the capability to bulk configure tie-back models to aid
in training.
Foxboro Control Simulation software provides Foxboro The Perfect Off-Line Simulation
Process Automation Suite users with a comprehensive and Verification Tool
environment for modeling, testing, and system checkout
Perfect Fit Foxboro Software Connectivity
prior to start-up.
Foxboro Control Simulation software is built from the
Business Value CP270/CP280/ FDC280 algorithms and communication
infrastructure as a Foxboro CP. Most operational and
yy Dramatically reduce the time required for engineering applications, processes, and equipment
commissioning and startup of a Foxboro I/A that function with I/A Series or Control Core Services
Series or Control Core Services system systems, will run the same way with Foxboro Control
yy Design superior quality real-time control software Simulation software.
yy Provide high-quality operator training Foxboro Control Simulation software fully emulates the
yy Accurately analyze and troubleshoot system Foxboro ladder logic, sequence of events, and motor
response and performance, saving time drive actuator, which normally execute in the Fieldbus
and resources Modules (FBMs). Furthermore, controls deploy to an
SCP exactly as they do to a real CP for all Foxboro
Benefits configurators: Integrated Control Configurator (ICC),
yy Dramatically reduce commissioning I/A Series Configuration Component (IACC), and
and start-up times EcoStruxure Foxboro DCS, without modification.
yy Provide an ideal retrofit/upgrade design environment The simulation model in Foxboro Control Simulation
software drives the system’s field input and output
yy Analyze and troubleshoot system response
signals. The cross- reference database in the Foxboro
and performance
Control Simulation environment defines the exchange
of Input/Output data between the control blocks
Key Product Features and the process model. Additional cross-reference
yy Identical functionality to a Foxboro CP utilities perform dynamic loading of cross-reference
yy One-to-one SCP to real CP relationship modifications, verification of control point and model
parameters, simulation of various I/O malfunctions and
yy Supports virtualization and cloud environments
the ability to service points at different time intervals.
yy Small hardware footprint
Accurate Process Simulation
yy Supports all standard Foxboro configuration tools
Foxboro Control Simulation software allows a wide
yy Can be mixed with real CPs during the Process range of simulation models to be generated for testing,
Automation System (PAS) Factory Acceptance validation and training purposes:
Test (FAT)
yy A control model library which can be used
yy Easy to bulk configure tie-back models
for simple “tie-back” simulation models.
yy Supports direct links to other control software,
yy A SimSci DYNSIM Dynamic Simulation model “starter
including Triconex, Rockwell, Emerson, Siemens, GE,
kit” with valves, pumps, vessels, heat exchangers
Yokogawa; and many other PLC, SIS, PAS, and third
and limited multi-component thermodynamics.
party simulation software
With a full DYNSIM Dynamic Simulation license,
these models can be extended to detailed process
models including full thermodynamics, compression,
distillation, and reactions.
Plant performance
Foxboro Control Simulation software provides
the ideal no-risk experimental environment for
evaluating proposed control system revamps, retrofits
and upgrades. It is the ideal test bed for process
modifications, control strategy development and
system additions or changes.
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