Ecostruxure Expert - Programing Guide

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EcoStruxure Machine Expert

Programming Guide

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Table of Contents
Safety Information ....................................................................................17
About the Book.........................................................................................18
Introduction ................................................................................................23
General Introduction to the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic
Builder .....................................................................................................24
What is the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder? ........................24
Tasks Performed by the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic
Builder ...............................................................................................24
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User Interface ...........................26
Elements of the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder
Screen ...............................................................................................26
Multi-Tabbed Navigators ....................................................................31
Functional tree..................................................................................37
Multi-Tabbed Catalog View .................................................................40
Customizing the User Interface ............................................................41
User Interface in Online Mode..............................................................45
Menus and Commands .......................................................................46
Basic Concepts ........................................................................................47
Introduction and Basic Concepts ..........................................................47
Configuration .............................................................................................49
Installing Devices .....................................................................................50
Integration of Sercos Devices from Third-Party Vendors ........................50
Managing Devices ....................................................................................52
Adding Devices through the Hardware Catalog ....................................52
Adding Devices by Drag and Drop ..................................................52
Adding Devices by Contextual Menu or Plus Button...............................54
Adding a Controller........................................................................54
Adding Expansion Devices ............................................................54
Adding Communication Managers ..................................................55
Adding Devices to a Communication Manager.................................57
Adding Devices from Template .......................................................58
Updating Devices................................................................................59
Updating Devices ..........................................................................59
Converting Devices.............................................................................60
Converting Devices .......................................................................60
Converting Projects.............................................................................61
Converting SoMachine Basic and Twido Projects ............................61
Common Device Editor Dialogs .................................................................77
Device Configuration...........................................................................77
General Information About Device Editors.......................................77
Communication Settings in Controller Selection Mode .....................78
Communication Settings in Simple Mode ........................................95
Communication Settings in Classic Mode........................................98
Configuration .............................................................................. 102
Parameters................................................................................ 102
Applications ................................................................................ 103
Synchronized Files...................................................................... 104
Files ........................................................................................... 105

EIO0000002854.04 3
Log ............................................................................................ 106
PLC Settings............................................................................... 107
IEC Objects ............................................................................... 109
Users and Groups ....................................................................... 111
Access Rights ............................................................................. 117
Symbol Rights........................................................................... 121
Task Deployment ........................................................................ 122
Status ........................................................................................ 123
Information ................................................................................. 123
Emulation Settings.................................................................... 123
I/O Mapping...................................................................................... 124
I/O Mapping ................................................................................ 124
Working with the I/O Mapping Dialog Box...................................... 127
Mapping a Device and a Function Block Instance .......................... 130
I/O Mapping in Online Mode......................................................... 131
Implicit Variables for Forcing I/Os ................................................. 132
Select Function Block Dialog Box .............................................. 133
Cybersecurity........................................................................................... 134
General Information ................................................................................ 135
Access Protection with Device User Management ............................... 135
Firewall Settings ............................................................................... 135
Using Certificates.............................................................................. 135
Digital Signature Verification.................................................................... 136
Digital Signature Verification .............................................................. 136
Connecting to the Controller .................................................................... 138
First Login to the Controller with User Rights Management
Activated .......................................................................................... 138
Logoff Current Device User ..................................................................... 139
Logoff / Change Device User ............................................................. 139
Security for the Project and the Application ............................................... 140
Protecting and Saving a Project ......................................................... 140
Protecting and Saving Applications .................................................... 141
Security for the Runtime System / Controller............................................. 142
Encrypting Communication ................................................................ 142
Handling of Device User Management................................................ 142
Visualization........................................................................................... 145
Visualization ..................................................................................... 145
FAQ....................................................................................................... 146
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) .................................................... 146
Program .................................................................................................... 147
Program Components............................................................................. 148
Program Organization Unit (POU) ...................................................... 148
POU........................................................................................... 148
Adding and Calling POU Objects .................................................. 148
Program ..................................................................................... 151
Function ..................................................................................... 153
Method....................................................................................... 154
Property ..................................................................................... 158
Interface ..................................................................................... 159
Action......................................................................................... 162
Transition ................................................................................... 164
4 EIO0000002854.04
POUs for Implicit Checks ............................................................. 164
Function Block.................................................................................. 166
General Information..................................................................... 166
Function Block Instance............................................................... 168
Calling a Function Block .............................................................. 169
Configuring a Memory Reserve for the Online Change of Function
Blocks ........................................................................................ 170
Extension of a Function Block ...................................................... 171
Implementing Interfaces .............................................................. 173
Method Invocation....................................................................... 174
SUPER Pointer............................................................................. 176
THIS Pointer............................................................................... 177
Application Objects ........................................................................... 179
Data Type Unit (DUT) ................................................................. 179
Global Variable List - GVL ............................................................ 180
Network Variable List (Receiver)................................................... 181
Persistent Variables..................................................................... 186
External File ............................................................................... 187
Text List ..................................................................................... 189
Image Pool ................................................................................. 194
Application ....................................................................................... 197
Application.................................................................................. 197
Task Configuration.................................................................................. 199
Task Configuration ........................................................................... 199
Adding Tasks .................................................................................... 199
Managing Applications ............................................................................ 200
General Information .......................................................................... 200
Introduction ................................................................................ 200
Building and Downloading Applications .............................................. 201
Building Applications ................................................................... 201
Login.......................................................................................... 202
Build Process at Changed Applications ......................................... 203
Downloading an Application ......................................................... 203
Managing Expired Certificates...................................................... 213
Running Applications ........................................................................ 213
Running Applications................................................................... 213
Maintaining Applications.................................................................... 214
Monitoring .................................................................................. 214
Debugging.................................................................................. 214
Core Dump ................................................................................. 218
Programming Support ................................................................. 220
Refactoring ................................................................................. 220
Static Analysis Light .................................................................... 224
Creating an Archive in Your Controller on Download ...................... 225
Logic Editors ............................................................................................ 227
Common Features of Graphic Editors ...................................................... 228
Common Features of Graphic Editors................................................. 228
FBD/LD/IL Editor .................................................................................... 230
Information on the FBD/LD/IL Editor ................................................... 230
FBD/LD/IL Editor......................................................................... 230
Function Block Diagram (FBD) Language ..................................... 230

EIO0000002854.04 5
Ladder Diagram (LD) Language ................................................... 231
Instruction List (IL) Language ....................................................... 231
Modifiers and Operators in IL ....................................................... 232
Working in the FBD and LD Editor ................................................ 236
Working in the IL Editor................................................................ 240
Cursor Positions in FBD, LD, and IL.............................................. 244
FBD/LD/IL Menu ......................................................................... 247
FBD/LD/IL Editor in Online Mode.................................................. 248
FBD/LD/IL Elements ......................................................................... 252
FBD/LD/IL Toolbox ...................................................................... 252
Network in FBD/LD/IL .................................................................. 253
Assignment in FBD/LD/IL ............................................................ 254
Jump in FBD/LD/IL ...................................................................... 255
Label in FBD/LD/IL ...................................................................... 255
Boxes in FBD/LD/IL..................................................................... 255
RETURN Instruction in FBD/LD/IL ................................................. 256
Branch / Hanging Coil in FBD/LD/IL .............................................. 256
Parallel Branch ........................................................................... 258
Branch Start / End ....................................................................... 260
Set/Reset in FBD/LD/IL ............................................................... 260
Set/Reset Coil............................................................................. 261
Execute ...................................................................................... 261
LD Elements..................................................................................... 262
Contact ...................................................................................... 262
Coil ............................................................................................ 263
Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Editor .................................................. 264
Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Language....................................... 264
CFC Editor ....................................................................................... 264
Cursor Positions in CFC .................................................................... 266
CFC Elements / ToolBox.................................................................... 267
Working in the CFC Editor ................................................................. 271
Execution Order in CFC .................................................................... 274
CFC Editor in Online Mode ................................................................ 277
CFC Editor Page-Oriented................................................................. 279
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor.................................................... 281
SFC Editor ....................................................................................... 281
SFC - Sequential Function Chart Language ........................................ 282
Cursor Positions in SFC .................................................................... 283
Working in the SFC Editor ................................................................. 284
SFC Element Properties ................................................................... 286
SFC Elements / ToolBox.................................................................... 287
Qualifier for Actions in SFC................................................................ 296
Implicit Variables - SFC Flags ............................................................ 297
Sequence of Processing in SFC......................................................... 301
SFC Editor in Online Mode ................................................................ 303
Structured Text (ST) Editor ...................................................................... 305
Information on the ST Editor .............................................................. 305
ST Editor .................................................................................... 305
ST Editor in Online Mode ............................................................. 306
Structured Text ST ............................................................................ 309
Structured Text ST ...................................................................... 309

6 EIO0000002854.04
Expressions................................................................................ 309
Instructions ................................................................................. 310
Object Editors .......................................................................................... 318
Declaration Editors ................................................................................. 319
Textual Declaration Editor.................................................................. 319
Tabular Declaration Editor ................................................................. 320
Declaration Editor in Online Mode ..................................................... 323
Device Type Manager (DTM) Editor ......................................................... 324
DTM Editor....................................................................................... 324
Data Unit Type (DUT) Editor .................................................................... 325
Data Unit Type Editor ........................................................................ 325
Global Variables List (GVL) Editor ............................................................ 326
GVL Editor ....................................................................................... 326
Motion Design Object Editor .................................................................... 327
Motion Design Object Editor .............................................................. 327
Network Variables List (NVL) Editor ......................................................... 330
Information on the NVL Editor ............................................................ 330
Network Variables List Editor........................................................ 330
General Information on Network Variables .......................................... 331
Introduction to Network Variables List (NVL).................................. 331
Configuring the Network Variables Exchange ................................ 333
Network Variables List (NVL) Rules .............................................. 337
Operating State of the Sender and the Receiver ............................ 339
Example ..................................................................................... 339
Compatibility............................................................................... 342
Task Editor ............................................................................................. 346
Information on the Task Configuration................................................. 346
Properties Tab ................................................................................. 347
System Events Tab.......................................................................... 347
Monitor Tab ..................................................................................... 349
Variable Usage Tab.......................................................................... 350
Configuration of a Specific Task ......................................................... 351
Task Processing in Online Mode ........................................................ 353
Watch List Editor .................................................................................... 355
Watch View / Watch List Editor........................................................... 355
Creating a Watch List ........................................................................ 355
Watch List in Online Mode ................................................................. 356
Tools Within Logic Editors ....................................................................... 358
Function and Function Block Finder.................................................... 358
Input Assistant.................................................................................. 360
Tools.......................................................................................................... 363
Data Logging.......................................................................................... 364
Introduction to Data Logging .............................................................. 364
Recipe Manager ..................................................................................... 366
Recipe Manager .............................................................................. 366
Recipe Definition .............................................................................. 369
RecipeManCommands...................................................................... 373
Loading Recipe Values from the Controller ......................................... 381
Memory Usage by Recipes ................................................................ 382
Trace Editor ........................................................................................... 383
Trace Object..................................................................................... 383
EIO0000002854.04 7
Trace Basics............................................................................... 383
Creating a Trace or a Device Trace Object .................................... 384
Trace Configuration........................................................................... 387
Trace Configuration - Tree Views ............................................... 387
Variable Settings ......................................................................... 389
Record Settings .......................................................................... 391
Display Mode............................................................................. 392
Advanced Trace Settings ............................................................. 394
Trace Editor in Online Mode............................................................... 395
Trace Editor in Online Mode ........................................................ 395
Keyboard Operations for Trace Diagrams ........................................... 396
Keyboard Shortcuts..................................................................... 396
Trend Recording..................................................................................... 398
Trend Recording Objects................................................................... 398
Trend Recording Overview........................................................... 398
Trend Recording Objects ............................................................. 398
Trend Recording Configuration .......................................................... 399
Trend Recording Editor ............................................................. 399
Record Settings .......................................................................... 400
Variable Settings ......................................................................... 402
Steps for Trend Recording Configuration....................................... 403
Recording Trend Data ....................................................................... 405
Start the Recording Process ........................................................ 405
Alarm Configuration ................................................................................ 407
General Information .......................................................................... 407
Alarm Management ..................................................................... 407
Defining Alarms .......................................................................... 408
Configuration of the Alarm Management ............................................. 409
Creating an Alarm Configuration............................................... 409
Configuring an Alarm Class.......................................................... 409
Configuring an Alarm Storage ...................................................... 410
Configuring an Alarm Group......................................................... 410
Calling Event Alarms in the Program .................................................. 411
Defining an Event Alarm in the Alarm Group ................................. 411
Program Call for Triggering the Event Alarm ................................. 412
Alarm Management Objects .............................................................. 412
Alarm Configuration..................................................................... 412
Alarm Class ................................................................................ 413
Alarm Group ............................................................................... 416
Alarm Storage............................................................................. 419
Unit Conversion...................................................................................... 421
Unit Conversion Configuration ........................................................... 421
Usage in IEC Editors ......................................................................... 423
Symbol Configuration Editor .................................................................... 425
Symbol Configuration Editor .............................................................. 425
Symbol Configuration ....................................................................... 430
Adding a Symbol Configuration .......................................................... 431
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Controller - HMI Data Exchange ................... 434
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Single Variable Definition........................ 434
Publishing Variables in the Controller.................................................. 437
Selecting Variables in the HMI............................................................ 438

8 EIO0000002854.04
Publishing Variables in the HMI of Vijeo-Designer................................ 438
Parameterization of the Physical Media .............................................. 440
Data Exchange Performance Between Controller and HMI
Configured with Vijeo-Designer .......................................................... 441
Indications for HMI Connections with Vijeo-Designer ........................... 443
Cam Motion Editor .................................................................................. 444
Cam Motion Editor - General Information ............................................ 444
General Information..................................................................... 444
Adding a Cam Object .................................................................. 444
Opening the Motion Editor of a Cam Object ................................. 444
Generating IEC Program Code from Cam Data ................................... 445
Using Cam Data for Function Blocks............................................. 445
Copying the Source Code of the Cam Diagram.............................. 446
Online View and Functions of the Cam Motion Editor ........................... 446
Online View and Functions of the Cam Motion Editor ..................... 446
Discontinuous Courses of the Positions .............................................. 447
Discontinuous Courses of the Positions ........................................ 447
Dialog Boxes .................................................................................... 448
Motion Editor .............................................................................. 448
Generating IEC Source Code....................................................... 455
Configuration .............................................................................. 455
Script Hook Manager ............................................................................ 457
Script Hook Manager ...................................................................... 457
Programming Reference........................................................................ 460
Variables Declaration .............................................................................. 461
Declaration....................................................................................... 461
General Information..................................................................... 461
Best Practices for the Naming of Identifiers ................................... 463
Shadowing Rules ........................................................................ 467
Variables Initialization .................................................................. 469
Declaration ................................................................................. 470
Shortcut Mode ............................................................................ 471
AT Declaration ............................................................................ 471
Keywords ................................................................................... 472
Variable Types .................................................................................. 475
Variable Types ............................................................................ 475
Attribute Keywords for Variable Types........................................... 479
VAR_CONFIG - Configuration Variables......................................... 482
Method Types................................................................................... 483
FB_Init, FB_Reinit, and FB_Exit Methods...................................... 483
Pragma Instructions .......................................................................... 487
Pragma Instructions .................................................................... 487
Message Pragmas ...................................................................... 488
Conditional Pragmas ................................................................... 490
Region Pragmas ......................................................................... 495
Attribute Pragmas ............................................................................. 495
Attribute Pragmas ....................................................................... 495
User-Defined Attributes ............................................................... 496
Attribute call_after_global_init_slot ......................... 497
Attribute call_after_init ................................................. 498
Attribute call_after_online_change_slot ..................... 498

EIO0000002854.04 9
Attribute call_before_global_exit_slot ....................... 499
Attribute call_on_type_change ..................................................... 499
Attribute conditionalshow ................................................. 500
Attribute conditionalshow_all_locals ........................... 500
Attribute const_replaced, Attribute const_non_
replaced .................................................................................. 501
Attribute 'dataflow' ........................................................... 502
Attribute displaymode ......................................................... 503
Attribute enable_dynamic_creation ................................. 503
Attribute estimated-stack-usage ..................................... 503
Attribute ExpandFully ......................................................... 504
Attribute global_init_slot ............................................... 505
Attribute hide ....................................................................... 506
Attribute hide_all_locals ................................................. 507
Attribute initialize_on_call ........................................... 508
Attribute init_namespace ................................................... 508
Attribute init_On_Onlchange ............................................. 508
Attribute instance-path ..................................................... 509
Attributes io_function_block, io_function_block_
mapping .................................................................................... 510
Attribute is_connected ....................................................... 510
Attribute linkalways ........................................................... 511
Attribute monitoring ........................................................... 512
Attribute namespace ............................................................. 514
Attributes no_assign, no_assign_warning ...................... 515
Attribute no_check ............................................................... 516
Attribute no_copy ................................................................. 517
Attribute no-exit ................................................................. 517
Attribute no_init ................................................................. 518
Attribute no_instance_in_retain ..................................... 518
Attribute no_virtual_actions ........................................... 518
Attribute pingroup ............................................................... 520
Attribute pin_presentation_order_inputs/
outputs .................................................................................... 521
Attribute obsolete ............................................................... 522
Attribute pack_mode ............................................................. 523
Attribute ProcessValue ....................................................... 523
Attribute qualified_only ................................................... 524
Attribute reflection ........................................................... 524
Attribute subsequent ........................................................... 525
Attribute symbol ................................................................... 525
Attribute to_string ............................................................. 526
Attribute warning disable .................................................. 527
The Smart Coding Functionality ......................................................... 527
Smart Coding.............................................................................. 527
Data Types............................................................................................. 529
General Information .......................................................................... 529
Data Types ................................................................................. 529
Standard Data Types ........................................................................ 529
Standard Data Types................................................................... 529
Extensions to IEC Standard ............................................................... 535

10 EIO0000002854.04
UNION ....................................................................................... 535
BIT............................................................................................. 535
References ................................................................................. 536
Pointers...................................................................................... 537
User-Defined Data Types .................................................................. 539
Defined Data Types..................................................................... 539
Arrays ........................................................................................ 540
Vector ........................................................................................ 543
Structures................................................................................... 549
Enumerations ............................................................................. 550
Subrange Types.......................................................................... 552
Programming Guidelines......................................................................... 555
Naming Conventions......................................................................... 555
General Information..................................................................... 555
Prefixes............................................................................................ 556
Prefix Parts................................................................................. 556
Order of Prefixes ......................................................................... 556
Scope Prefix ............................................................................... 557
Data Type Prefix ......................................................................... 557
Property Prefix ............................................................................ 559
POU Prefix ................................................................................. 559
Namespace Prefix....................................................................... 560
SmartTag Functions .......................................................................... 561
SmartTag Function ...................................................................... 561
Operators .............................................................................................. 562
Arithmetic Operators ......................................................................... 562
ADD ............................................................................................ 563
MUL ............................................................................................ 565
SUB ............................................................................................ 566
DIV ............................................................................................ 567
MOD ............................................................................................ 569
MOVE .......................................................................................... 570
SIZEOF ...................................................................................... 571
Bitstring Operators ............................................................................ 571
AND ............................................................................................ 572
OR .............................................................................................. 572
XOR ............................................................................................ 573
NOT ............................................................................................ 574
Bit-Shift Operators ............................................................................ 574
SHL ............................................................................................ 574
SHR ............................................................................................ 575
ROL ............................................................................................ 576
ROR ............................................................................................ 577
Selection Operators .......................................................................... 578
SEL ............................................................................................ 578
MAX ............................................................................................ 580
MIN ............................................................................................ 580
LIMIT ........................................................................................ 581
MUX ............................................................................................ 581
Comparison Operators ...................................................................... 582
GT .............................................................................................. 582

EIO0000002854.04 11
LT .............................................................................................. 583
LE .............................................................................................. 583
GE .............................................................................................. 584
EQ .............................................................................................. 585
NE .............................................................................................. 585
Address Operators............................................................................ 586
ADR ............................................................................................ 586
Content Operator ........................................................................ 587
BITADR ...................................................................................... 587
Calling Operator ............................................................................... 588
CAL ............................................................................................ 588
Type Conversion Operators ............................................................... 588
Type Conversion Functions.......................................................... 588
Overloaded Conversions ............................................................. 589
BOOL_TO Conversions............................................................... 590
TO_BOOL Conversions............................................................... 592
Conversion Between Integral Number Types ................................. 593
REAL_TO / LREAL_TO Conversions............................................ 594
TIME_TO/TIME_OF_DAY Conversions ........................................ 595
DATE_TO/DT_TO Conversions.................................................... 597
STRING_TO Conversions ........................................................... 598
TRUNC ........................................................................................ 599
TRUNC_INT ............................................................................... 600
ANY_..._TO Conversions........................................................... 601
TO_<xxx> Conversions............................................................... 601
Numeric Functions ............................................................................ 602
ABS ............................................................................................ 602
SQRT .......................................................................................... 602
LN .............................................................................................. 603
LOG ............................................................................................ 603
EXP ............................................................................................ 604
SIN ............................................................................................ 604
COS ............................................................................................ 605
TAN ............................................................................................ 605
ASIN .......................................................................................... 606
ACOS .......................................................................................... 606
ATAN .......................................................................................... 607
EXPT .......................................................................................... 607
IEC Extending Operators................................................................... 608
IEC Extending Operators ............................................................. 608
__DELETE .................................................................................. 609
__ISVALIDREF .......................................................................... 610
__NEW ........................................................................................ 611
__QUERYINTERFACE .................................................................. 613
__QUERYPOINTER ...................................................................... 614
AND_THEN .................................................................................. 615
OR_ELSE .................................................................................... 615
__TRY, __CATCH, __FINALLY, __ENDTRY ............................... 616
__VARINFO................................................................................ 618
‘__POSITION’ .......................................................................... 620
‘__POUNAME’ ............................................................................ 620

12 EIO0000002854.04
Scope Operators......................................................................... 621
Initialization Operator ........................................................................ 623
INI Operator................................................................................ 623
Multicore Operators .......................................................................... 623
__CURRENTTASK ........................................................................ 624
__COMPARE_AND_SWAP .............................................................. 624
__XADD ...................................................................................... 625
TEST_AND_SET .......................................................................... 626
Operands............................................................................................... 628
Constants......................................................................................... 628
BOOL Constants......................................................................... 628
TIME/LTIME Constants................................................................ 628
DATE Constants ......................................................................... 629
LDATE Constants........................................................................ 629
DATE_AND_TIME Constants....................................................... 630
LDATE_AND_TIME Constants ..................................................... 630
TIME_OF_DAY Constants ........................................................... 631
LTIME_OF_DAY Constants.......................................................... 632
Number Constants ...................................................................... 632
REAL/LREAL Constants .............................................................. 633
String Constants ......................................................................... 633
Typed Constants / Typed Literals.................................................. 634
Variables .......................................................................................... 635
Variables .................................................................................... 635
Addressing Bits in Variables ......................................................... 636
Addresses ........................................................................................ 637
Direct Addresses......................................................................... 637
Functions ......................................................................................... 639
Functions ................................................................................... 639
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Templates ............................................. 640
General Information about Templates....................................................... 641
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Templates ............................................. 641
General Information About EcoStruxure Machine Expert
Templates................................................................................... 641
Administration of EcoStruxure Machine Expert Templates .............. 642
Managing Device Templates.................................................................... 648
Managing Device Templates .............................................................. 648
Facts of Device Templates ........................................................... 648
Adding Devices from Template ..................................................... 648
Creating a Device Template on the Basis of Field Devices or I/O
Modules ..................................................................................... 651
Visualizations Suitable for Creating Device Templates ................... 651
Further Information on Integrating Control Logic into Device
Templates................................................................................... 652
Steps to Create a Device Template ............................................... 654
Managing Function Templates ................................................................. 657
Managing Function Templates ........................................................... 657
Facts of Function Templates ........................................................ 657
Adding Functions from Template .................................................. 658
Application Functions as Basis for Function Templates................... 662
Steps to Create a Function Template ............................................ 663

EIO0000002854.04 13
Troubleshooting and FAQ ...................................................................... 668
Generic - Troubleshooting and FAQ ......................................................... 669
Troubleshooting................................................................................ 669
Log File ...................................................................................... 669
Frequently Asked Questions .............................................................. 669
How Can I Enable and Configure Analog Inputs on
CANopen?.................................................................................. 669
Why is EcoStruxure Machine Expert Startup Performance
Sometimes Slower? .................................................................... 670
How Can I Manage Shortcuts and Menus?.................................... 671
How Can I Increase the Build-Time Performance of EcoStruxure
Machine Expert? ......................................................................... 672
What Can I Do in Case of Issues with Modbus IOScanner on
Serial Line? ................................................................................ 672
What Can I Do If My Network Variables List (NVL)
Communication Has Been Suspended?........................................ 673
Accessing Controllers - Troubleshooting and FAQ..................................... 674
Troubleshooting: Accessing New Controllers ...................................... 674
Accessing New Controllers .......................................................... 674
Connecting via IP Address and Address Information ...................... 675
FAQ - What Can I Do in Case of Connection Problems With the
Controller? ....................................................................................... 677
FAQ - Why is a Connection to the Controller not Possible? ............ 677
FAQ - Why has the Communication Between PC and Controller
been Interrupted?........................................................................ 680
Appendices .............................................................................................. 681
Network Communication ......................................................................... 682
Network Topology ............................................................................. 682
Addressing and Routing .................................................................... 682
Structure of Addresses ...................................................................... 684
Python Script Language .......................................................................... 687
General Information .......................................................................... 687
Introduction ................................................................................ 687
Accessing the Python Interpreter in EcoStruxure Machine
Expert ........................................................................................ 689
Using the Logic Builder Shell........................................................ 691
Using the Logic Builder Scripting Immediate View ....................... 697
Keyboard Commands in the Logic Builder Shell and the
Scripting Immediate View ......................................................... 699
Explore EcoStruxure Machine Expert Python API (with dir()
and inspectapi) ...................................................................... 700
Executing Scripts ........................................................................ 704
Best Practices............................................................................. 704
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Python API ...................................... 706
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Scripting - Python API ...................... 707
Calling Scripts Via Toolbar Icons .................................................. 711
Schneider Electric Script Engine Examples......................................... 713
New Projects .............................................................................. 713
Device Parameters...................................................................... 714
Compiler Version......................................................................... 715
Visualization Profile ..................................................................... 716

14 EIO0000002854.04
Update Project ............................................................................ 716
Update Libraries.......................................................................... 717
Clean and Build Application ......................................................... 718
Communication Settings .............................................................. 718
Start ETEST ............................................................................... 719
Reset Diagnostic Messages......................................................... 720
Reboot the Controller .................................................................. 721
Convert Device ........................................................................... 721
Comparing Projects..................................................................... 723
Advanced Library Management Functions .................................... 724
Accessing POUs ......................................................................... 725
CODESYS Script Engine Examples ................................................... 726
Project........................................................................................ 726
Online Application ....................................................................... 732
Objects....................................................................................... 734
Devices ...................................................................................... 735
System / User Interface (UI) ......................................................... 738
Reading Values........................................................................... 741
Reading Values From Recipe and Send an Email .......................... 742
Determine Device Tree of the Open Project................................... 743
Script Example 4: Import a Device in PLCOpenXML From
Subversion ................................................................................. 743
Script Example 5: Creating and Editing POUs ............................... 744
Script Example 6: User Interface / Interaction with the User ............ 745
Script Example 7: Manipulation of the Project information
Object ........................................................................................ 747
Advanced Example: Checkout a Library from SVN and
Installation in EcoStruxure Machine Expert ................................... 747
Managing Device User Rights Using the Scripting API ......................... 748
Managing Device User Rights Using the Scripting API .................. 748
Controller Feature Sets for Migration........................................................ 750
Controller Feature Sets for Migration .................................................. 750
Glossary ................................................................................................... 753
Index ......................................................................................................... 757

EIO0000002854.04 15
Safety Information

Safety Information
Important Information
Read these instructions carefully, and look at the equipment to become familiar
with the device before trying to install, operate, service, or maintain it. The
following special messages may appear throughout this documentation or on the
equipment to warn of potential hazards or to call attention to information that
clarifies or simplifies a procedure.

The addition of this symbol to a “Danger” or “Warning” safety label indicates that an
electrical hazard exists which will result in personal injury if the instructions are not

This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal injury
hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or

DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious

WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.

CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or
moderate injury.

NOTICE is used to address practices not related to physical injury.

Please Note
Electrical equipment should be installed, operated, serviced, and maintained only
by qualified personnel. No responsibility is assumed by Schneider Electric for any
consequences arising out of the use of this material.
A qualified person is one who has skills and knowledge related to the construction
and operation of electrical equipment and its installation, and has received safety
training to recognize and avoid the hazards involved.

EIO0000002854.04 17
About the Book

About the Book

Document Scope
This document describes the graphical user interface of the EcoStruxure Machine
Expert software and the functions it provides. For further information, refer to the
separate documents provided in the EcoStruxure Machine Expert online help.

Validity Note
This document has been updated for the release of EcoStruxureTM Machine
Expert V2.0.3.
The characteristics that are described in the present document, as well as those
described in the documents included in the Related Documents section below,
can be found online. To access the information online, go to the Schneider Electric
home page
The characteristics that are described in the present document should be the
same as those characteristics that appear online. In line with our policy of constant
improvement, we may revise content over time to improve clarity and accuracy. If
you see a difference between the document and online information, use the online
information as your reference.

18 EIO0000002854.04
About the Book

Related Documents
Document title Reference
Cybersecurity Best Practices CS-Best-Practices-2019-340

Cybersecurity Guidelines for EcoStruxure EIO0000004242

Machine Expert, Modicon and PacDrive
Controllers and Associated Equipment

EcoStruxure Machine Expert Introduction EIO0000002836 (ENG);

EIO0000002837 (FRE);

EIO0000002838 (GER);

EIO0000002840 (SPA);

EIO0000002839 (ITA);

EIO0000002841 (CHS)

EcoStruxure Machine Expert Compatibility and EIO0000002842 (ENG);

Migration User Guide
EIO0000002843 (FRE);

EIO0000002844 (GER);

EIO0000002846 (SPA);

EIO0000002845 (ITA);

EIO0000002847 (CHS)

EcoStruxure Machine Expert Functions and EIO0000002829 (ENG);

Libraries User Guide
EIO0000002830 (FRE);

EIO0000002831 (GER);

EIO0000002833 (SPA);

EIO0000002832 (ITA);

EIO0000002834 (CHS)

EcoStruxure Machine Expert Controller EIO0000001671 (ENG);

Assistant User Guide
EIO0000001672 (FRE);

EIO0000001673 (GER);

EIO0000001675 (SPA);

EIO0000001674 (ITA);

EIO0000001676 (CHS)

EcoStruxure Machine Expert Device Type EIO0000003047 (ENG);

Manager (DTM) User Guide
EIO0000003048 (FRE);

EIO0000003049 (GER);

EIO0000003051 (SPA);

EIO0000003050 (ITA);

EIO0000003052 (CHS)

EIO0000002854.04 19
About the Book

Document title Reference

EcoStruxure Machine Expert EIO0000001692 (ENG);

TwidoEmulationSupport Library Guide
EIO0000001693 (FRE);

EIO0000001694 (GER);

EIO0000001696 (SPA);

EIO0000001695 (ITA);

EIO0000001697 (CHS)

EcoStruxure Machine Expert Network Variable EIO0000002974 (ENG);

Configuration SE_NetVarUdp Library Guide
EIO0000002975 (FRE);

EIO0000002976 (GER);

EIO0000002978 (SPA);

EIO0000002977 (ITA);

EIO0000002979 (CHS)

Product Related Information

• The designer of any control scheme must consider the potential failure
modes of control paths and, for certain critical control functions, provide a
means to achieve a safe state during and after a path failure. Examples of
critical control functions are emergency stop and overtravel stop, power
outage and restart.
• Separate or redundant control paths must be provided for critical control
• System control paths may include communication links. Consideration must
be given to the implications of unanticipated transmission delays or failures
of the link.
• Observe all accident prevention regulations and local safety guidelines.1
• Each implementation of this equipment must be individually and thoroughly
tested for proper operation before being placed into service.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

1For additional information, refer to NEMA ICS 1.1 (latest edition), "Safety
Guidelines for the Application, Installation, and Maintenance of Solid State
Control" and to NEMA ICS 7.1 (latest edition), "Safety Standards for Construction
and Guide for Selection, Installation and Operation of Adjustable-Speed Drive
Systems" or their equivalent governing your particular location.

• Only use software approved by Schneider Electric for use with this
• Update your application program every time you change the physical
hardware configuration.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

20 EIO0000002854.04
About the Book

For reasons of Internet security, for those devices that have a native Ethernet
connection, TCP/IP forwarding is disabled by default. Therefore, you must
manually enable TCP/IP forwarding. However, doing so may expose your network
to possible cyberattacks if you do not take additional measures to protect your
enterprise. In addition, you may be subject to laws and regulations concerning

• Observe and respect any and all pertinent national, regional and local
cybersecurity and/or personal data laws and regulations when enabling
TCP/IP forwarding on an industrial network.
• Isolate your industrial network from other networks inside your company.
• Protect any network against unintended access by using firewalls, VPN, or
other, proven security measures.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

Consult the Schneider Electric Cybersecurity Best Practices for additional


Terminology Derived from Standards

The technical terms, terminology, symbols and the corresponding descriptions in
this manual, or that appear in or on the products themselves, are generally
derived from the terms or definitions of international standards.
In the area of functional safety systems, drives and general automation, this may
include, but is not limited to, terms such as safety, safety function, safe state, fault,
fault reset, malfunction, failure, error, error message, dangerous, etc.

EIO0000002854.04 21
About the Book

Among others, these standards include:

Standard Description

IEC 61131-2:2007 Programmable controllers, part 2: Equipment requirements and tests.

ISO 13849-1:2015 Safety of machinery: Safety related parts of control systems.

General principles for design.

EN 61496-1:2013 Safety of machinery: Electro-sensitive protective equipment.

Part 1: General requirements and tests.

ISO 12100:2010 Safety of machinery - General principles for design - Risk assessment
and risk reduction
EN 60204-1:2006 Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General

ISO 14119:2013 Safety of machinery - Interlocking devices associated with guards -

Principles for design and selection

ISO 13850:2015 Safety of machinery - Emergency stop - Principles for design

IEC 62061:2015 Safety of machinery - Functional safety of safety-related electrical,

electronic, and electronic programmable control systems

IEC 61508-1:2010 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-

related systems: General requirements.

IEC 61508-2:2010 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-

related systems: Requirements for electrical/electronic/programmable
electronic safety-related systems.

IEC 61508-3:2010 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-

related systems: Software requirements.

IEC 61784-3:2016 Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3: Functional safety

fieldbuses - General rules and profile definitions.

2006/42/EC Machinery Directive

2014/30/EU Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive

2014/35/EU Low Voltage Directive

In addition, terms used in the present document may tangentially be used as they
are derived from other standards such as:

Standard Description

IEC 60034 series Rotating electrical machines

IEC 61800 series Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems

IEC 61158 series Digital data communications for measurement and control – Fieldbus for
use in industrial control systems

Finally, the term zone of operation may be used in conjunction with the description
of specific hazards, and is defined as it is for a hazard zone or danger zone in the
Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC) and ISO 12100:2010.
NOTE: The aforementioned standards may or may not apply to the specific
products cited in the present documentation. For more information concerning
the individual standards applicable to the products described herein, see the
characteristics tables for those product references.

22 EIO0000002854.04
What’s in This Part
General Introduction to the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder...............24
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User Interface .................................26
Basic Concepts ..............................................................................................47

EIO0000002854.04 23
General Introduction to the EcoStruxure Machine Expert
Logic Builder

General Introduction to the EcoStruxure Machine

Expert Logic Builder
What’s in This Chapter
What is the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder?...................................24
Tasks Performed by the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder ..................24

What is the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder?

General Description
The Logic Builder provides the configuration and programming environment for
EcoStruxure Machine Expert projects.
It displays the different elements of your project in separate views that you can
arrange on the EcoStruxure Machine Expert user interface and on your desktop
according to your individual requirements. This view structure allows you to add
hardware and software elements to your project by drag and drop. The main
configuration dialog boxes that allow you to create content for the project are
provided in the center of the Logic Builder screen.
In addition to easy configuration and programming, the Logic Builder also provides
powerful diagnostic and maintenance features.

Tasks Performed by the EcoStruxure Machine Expert

Logic Builder
Configuring and Programming Projects
The Logic Builder allows you to program logic and add devices to EcoStruxure
Machine Expert projects.
To assist you in performing this task, it provides the following functions:
• Separate hardware catalog views for Controller, HMI & iPC, Devices &
Modules, Diverse allow you to add hardware devices to your project by drag
and drop. It also allows you to use device templates and function templates.
• A separate software catalog view for ToolBox allows you to add software
elements by drag and drop.
To display only the relevant views for the task that is being performed,
EcoStruxure Machine Expert provides individual perspectives, page 43 for
hardware configuration, software configuration, and online mode. You are allowed
to adapt these default perspectives to your individual requirements, and to create
your own perspectives with the views you use most frequently.

Building Projects
The Logic Builder provides different ways (such as Build, Build all, or Clean all)
to build your EcoStruxure Machine Expert project.

24 EIO0000002854.04
General Introduction to the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic

Communication with Controller

The Logic Builder provides scan functions to detect available controllers in the
Ethernet network. It supports different protocols for communication with the
After communication has been established, applications can be downloaded to or
uploaded from the controller. Applications can be started and stopped on the

Online Features
The Logic Builder online features allow you to perform the following tasks:
• Online monitoring of values in program code and in Watch views
• Performing online changes
• Online configuration of traces
• Watching traces online
• Interacting with your machine by using built-in visualizations in online mode
for diagnostic and test purposes
• Reading the status of controllers and devices
• Detecting potential programming logic errors by using the debugging function

EIO0000002854.04 25
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User Interface

EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User

What’s in This Chapter
Elements of the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder Screen...................26
Multi-Tabbed Navigators ...............................................................................31
Functional tree ............................................................................................37
Multi-Tabbed Catalog View............................................................................40
Customizing the User Interface.......................................................................41
User Interface in Online Mode ........................................................................45
Menus and Commands..................................................................................46

Elements of the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic

Builder Screen
Logic Builder consists of the following elements:
• Menus and toolbars
• Navigator views
• Catalog views
• Main editor pane
When you open the Logic Builder, it provides a default screen layout. This
document describes the default positions.
You can adapt the elements according to your individual requirements as
described in the Customizing the User Interface chapter, page 41. You can see
and modify the present settings in the Customize dialog box. It is by default
available in the Tools menu.
You can also arrange the views and windows via shifting, docking/undocking
views, resizing or closing windows. The positions are saved with the project.
When you reopen a project, the elements are placed at the positions where they
were when the project was saved. The positions of views are saved separately in
perspectives, page 43.

26 EIO0000002854.04
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User Interface

Default Logic Builder Screen

Default positions of menus, bars, and views on the Logic Builder screen

1 2 3

MyProject.project - Machine Expert Logic Builder - Version X.X (x64)

File Edit View Project System Project ETEST Build Online Debug Tools Window Help


LMC_PacDrive (PacDrive LMC 300/400/402/600

My Controller (TM262L10MESE8T)


Project Information


Library Manager


Project Information
Project Settings

Messages – Total 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 1 message(s)

Licensing 0 error(s) ! 0 warning(s) 1 message(s)

Description Project Object Position

Trial license not activated – EcoStruxure Code Analysis: Please use the `manage licenses` dialog of the help menu to .. ...

Messages – Total 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 1 message(s) Watch 1 Call Stack

Last build: 0 ! 0 Precompile Digital Signatures Verification Project user: (nobody)

4 5 6

1 Menu bar
2 Toolbar
3 Multi-tabbed Navigators: Devices tree, Tools tree, Applications tree, Functional tree
4 Messages view
5 Information bar
6 Status bar

Default Components
The Logic Builder screen contains the following components that are visible by

EIO0000002854.04 27
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User Interface

Component Description

Menu bar Provides menus which contain the available commands as

defined in the Tools > Customize dialog box.

Toolbar Contains buttons to execute the available tools as defined in the

Tools > Customize dialog box.

Multi-tabbed Navigators The following Navigators are available as tabs where the
different objects of a project are organized in a tree structure:
• Devices tree
• Applications tree
• Tools tree
• Functional tree
For further information, refer to the chapter Multi-Tabbed
Navigators, page 31.

Messages view Provides messages on precompile, compile, build, download

operations. Refer to the description of the Messages view
commands for details (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help).

Information bar of the Provides information messages, for example on the license
Messages view status.

Status bar Provides the following information:

• Information about the user account.
• Information about the editing mode and position if an editor
is open.
For further information, refer to the Status Bar paragraph in this

Multi-tabbed Catalog view The Catalog view consists of different tabs where the available
hardware and software objects are listed:
• Hardware Catalog
◦ Controller
◦ HMI & iPC
◦ Devices & Modules
◦ Diverse
• Software Catalog
◦ ToolBox
For further information, refer to the chapter Multi-Tabbed Catalog
Views, page 40.

Multi-tabbed editor window Used for creating the particular object in the respective editor.

In the case of language editors (for example, ST editor, CFC

editor), usually the window combines the language editor in the
lower part and the declaration editor in the upper part.

In the case of other editors, it can provide dialog boxes (for

example, task editor, device editor). The name of the POU or the
resource object is displayed in the title bar of this view. You can
open the objects in the editor window in offline or online mode by
executing the Edit Object command.

Status Bar
The bar at the lower border of the Logic Builder screen provides various types of
• Information on the logged-in user.
• If you are working in an editor window: the position of the cursor and the
status of editing mode.
• In offline mode: the status of the program.
• In online mode: the status of the program.

28 EIO0000002854.04
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User Interface

Information on the logged-in user

Each project has a user and access management setting (refer to the Project >
User Management > Permissions... command (see EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help)). The logged-in user name is displayed in
the status bar.
Cursor positions in editor windows
The cursor position is counted from the left or upper margin of the editor window.

Abbreviation Description

Ln Line in which the cursor is placed.

Col Column in which the cursor is placed.

(A column includes exactly one space, character, or digit.)

Ch Number of characters.

(In this context, a character can be a single character or digit as well

as a tab including, for example, four columns.)

Double-click to open the dialog box Go To Line. Here you can enter a different
position where the cursor is placed.
The status of the editing mode is indicated by the following abbreviations:

Abbreviation Description

INS Insert mode

OVR Overwrite mode

Double-click this field to toggle the setting.

The status of the active application is indicated in offline mode by an icon and a

Icon Tooltips Description

No reference code generated Application not downloaded.

Code unchanged Application not modified. A connection to the controller can be established without
Online change possible Application modified, can be downloaded by an online change.

Code download necessary Application modified, cannot be downloaded by an online change. A full download is

The following status of the program is indicated in online mode:

Text Description

Program unchanged Program on device matches the active application in the programming

Program modified Program on device differs from the active application in the
(Online Change) programming system, online change required.

Program modified (Full Program on device differs from the active application in the
download) programming system, full download required.

Online mode information

Status of the application on the device:

Text Background Color Description

RUN Green Program running.

STOP Red Program stopped.

HALT ON BP Red Program halted on a breakpoint.

The following status field is only available if the controller, depending on a setting in the device description, supports cycle-independent

EIO0000002854.04 29
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User Interface

Text Background Color Description

IN CYCLE White Indicates that the values of the monitored expressions are read
within one cycle.

OUT OF CYCLE Red Indicates that the retrieval of the values of the monitored
variables cannot be performed within one cycle.

Watch Windows and Online Views of Editors

Watch windows and online editor views display a monitoring view of a POU or a
user-defined list of watch expressions.

Windows, Views, and Editor Windows

There are two different types of windows in the Logic Builder:
• Some can be docked to any margin of the EcoStruxure Machine Expert
window or can be positioned on the screen as undocked windows
independently from the EcoStruxure Machine Expert window. Additionally
they can be hidden by being represented as a tab in the EcoStruxure
Machine Expert window frame (refer to the Customizing the User Interface
chapter, page 41). These windows display information which is not dependent
on a single object of the project (for example Messages view or Devices
tree). You can access them via the View menu (see EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help). Most views include a non-
configurable toolbar with buttons for sorting, viewing, searching within the
• Other windows open when you are viewing or editing a specific project object
in the respective editor. They are displayed in the multi-tabbed editor window.
You cannot hide or undock them from the EcoStruxure Machine Expert
window. You can access them via the Window menu.

Switching Windows
EcoStruxure Machine Expert allows you to switch between open views and
editors. To switch between open views and editors, press the Ctrl and Tab keys
simultaneously. A window opens that lists the views and editors that are open. As
long as the Ctrl key is pressed the window stays open. Use the Tab key or the
Arrow keys simultaneously to select a specific view or editor.

30 EIO0000002854.04
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User Interface

Multi-Tabbed Navigators
The multi-tabbed Navigators are default components of the Logic Builder screen.
By default, the following navigators are available:
• Devices tree: It allows you to manage the devices on which the application is
to run.
• Applications tree: It allows you to manage project-specific as well as global
POUs, and tasks in a single view.
• Tools tree: It allows you to manage project-specific as well as global libraries
or other elements in a single view.
• Functional tree: It allows you to group the content of a controller according to
your individual requirements.
You can access views via the View menu.

Adding Elements to the Navigators

The root node of a navigator represents a programmable device. You can insert
further elements below this root node.
To add elements to a node of a Navigator, select a device or object in the
hardware or software catalog on the right-hand side of the Logic Builder screen
and drag it to the Navigator (for example, the Devices tree). The node or nodes
where the selected device or object fits are automatically expanded and displayed
in bold. The other nodes where the selected device or object cannot be inserted
are grayed. Drop the device or object on the suitable node and it is inserted
automatically. If any further elements are required for the device or object, such as
communication managers, they are inserted automatically.
Alternatively, you can select a node in the tree. If it is possible to add an object to
the selected device or object, a green plus button is displayed. Click this plus
button to open a menu providing the elements available for insertion.
It is also possible to add an object or a device, by right-clicking a node in a
Navigator and executing the command Add Object or Add Device. The device
type which can be inserted depends on the selected object within the Navigator.
For example, modules for a PROFIBUS DP slave cannot be inserted without
having inserted an appropriate slave device before. Note that only devices
correctly installed on the local system and matching the present position in the
tree are available for insertion.

Repositioning Objects
To reposition objects, use the clipboard commands (Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete)
from the Edit menu. Alternatively, you can drag the selected object with the
mouse while the mouse-button (plus CTRL key for copying) is pressed. When you
add devices using the copy and paste function, the new device gets the same
name followed by an incrementing number.

EIO0000002854.04 31
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User Interface

Updating the Version of a Device

A device that is already inserted in the Navigators can be updated to another
version or converted to another device.
Refer to the description of the separate commands:
• Update Device command, page 59
• Convert Device command, page 60

32 EIO0000002854.04
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User Interface

Description of the Devices Tree

Each device object in the Devices tree represents a specific (target) hardware
Examples: controller, fieldbus node, bus coupler, drive, I/O module
Devices and subdevices are managed in the Devices tree. Other objects which
are needed to run an application on a controller are grouped in the other

• The root node of the tree is a symbolic node entry: <projectname>

• The controller configuration is defined by the topological arrangement of the
devices in the Devices tree. The configuration of the particular device or task
parameters is performed in corresponding editor dialogs. Also refer to the
chapter Task Configuration, page 199.
Thus the hardware structure is mapped and represented within the Devices
tree by the corresponding arrangement of device objects, allowing you to set
up a complex heterogeneous system of networked controllers and underlying
• To add devices configured with DTMs (Device Type Managers) to your
project, activate the check box Use DTM Connection in the lower part of the
Devices tree. This has the effect that a node FdtConnections is added
below the root node of the tree. Below the FdtConnections node, a
communication manager node is inserted automatically. You can add the
suitable DTM device to this node.
For further information, refer to the Device Type Manager (DTM) User Guide.
• To acknowledge diagnostic messages of an individual device with or without
the subordinate devices, execute the command Acknowledge Diagnosis or
Acknowledge Diagnosis for Subtrees in the contextual menu of a device
Device objects are marked when diagnostic messages are available:
◦ A red exclamation mark indicates that the detected error is still valid.
◦ A gray exclamation mark indicates that the detected error is no longer
Example of a Devices tree:

1 Root node
2 Programmable device (with applications)

3 Symbolic device name

4 Device name defined in device description file

EIO0000002854.04 33
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User Interface

• Each entry in the Devices tree displays the symbol, the symbolic name
(editable), and the device type (= device name as provided by the device
• A device is programmable or configurable. The type of the device determines
the possible position within the tree and also which further resources can be
inserted below the device.
• Within a single project, you can configure one or several programmable
devices - regardless of manufacturer or type (multi-resource, multi-device,
• Configure a device concerning communication, parameters, I/O mapping in
the device dialog box (device editor). To open the device editor, double-click
the device node in the Devices tree (refer to the description of the device
editor, page 77).
• In online mode, the status of a device is indicated by an icon preceding the
device entry:

◦ Controller is connected, application is running, device is in operation,

data is exchanged. The option Update IO while in stop in the PLC
settings view of the device editor, page 107 can be enabled or disabled.

◦ Controller is connected and stopped (STOP). The option Update IO

while in stop in the PLC settings view of the device editor, page 107 is
◦ Device is not exchanging data, bus error detected, not configured or
simulation mode (refer to the description of the Simulation command).

◦ Device is running in demo mode for 30 minutes. After this time, the
demo mode expires and the fieldbus stops exchanging data.

◦ Device is configured but not fully operational. Data is not exchanged.

For example, CANopen devices are in startup and preoperational.
◦ Redundancy mode active: The fieldbus master is not sending data
because another master is in active mode.
◦ Device description was not found in device repository. For further
information on installing and uninstalling devices in the Device
Repository dialog box, refer to the description of the Device Repository
(see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

◦ The device is running, but a subordinate device is not running or a

diagnostic message has been issued. The subordinate device is not
visible because the Devices tree is collapsed.

◦ The device is running, but a subordinate device is not running or a

diagnostic message has been issued. A diagnostic was pending. The
issue that caused the error is no longer valid. This symbol can be
displayed in connection with various other symbols in this list.
◦ The device is not running or a diagnostic is pending. The issue that
caused the error is still valid. This symbol can be displayed in connection
with various other symbols in this list.
• The names of the connected devices and applications are displayed green
• The names of devices running in simulation mode (refer to the description of
the Simulation command) are displayed in italics.
• Additional diagnostic information is provided in the Status view of the device
editor, page 123.
You can also run the active application on a simulation device which is by default
automatically available within the programming system. Therefore, no real target
device is needed to test the online behavior of an application (at least that which

34 EIO0000002854.04
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User Interface

does not rely on hardware resources for execution). When you switch to
simulation mode (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online
Help), an entry in the Devices tree is displayed in italics, and you can log into the
For information on the conversion of device references when opening projects,
refer to the Compatibility and Migration User Guide.

EIO0000002854.04 35
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User Interface

Arranging and Configuring Objects in the Devices Tree

Adding devices / objects:
To add devices or objects to the Devices tree, select a device or object in the
hardware catalog on the right-hand side of the Logic Builder screen and drag it to
the Devices tree. The node or nodes where the selected device or object fits is
expanded and is displayed in bold. The other nodes where the selected device or
object cannot be inserted are grayed. Drop the device or object on the suitable
node and it is inserted automatically.
Alternatively, you can select a node in the tree. If it is possible to add an object to
the selected device or object, a green plus button is displayed. Click the plus
button to open a menu providing the elements available for insertion.
Alternatively, you can add an object or a device, by right-clicking a node in the
Devices tree and executing the command Add Object or Add Device. The
device type which can be inserted depends on the selected object within the
Devices tree. For example, modules for a PROFIBUS DP slave cannot be
inserted without having inserted an appropriate slave device before. No
applications can be inserted below non-programmable devices.
Note that only devices correctly installed on the local system and matching the
present position in the tree are available for insertion.
Repositioning objects:
To reposition objects, use the clipboard commands (Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete)
from the Edit menu. Alternatively, you can draw the selected object with the
mouse while the mouse-button (plus CTRL key for copying) is pressed. Consider
for the Paste command: In case the object to be pasted can be inserted below or
above the selected entry, the Select Paste Position dialog box opens. It allows
you to define the insert position. When you add devices using the copy and paste
function, the new device gets the same name followed by an incrementing
Updating the version of a device:
A device that is already inserted in the Devices tree can be replaced by another
version of the same device type or by a device of another type (device update). In
doing so, a configuration tree indented below the respective device is maintained
as long as possible.
Adding devices to the root node:
Only devices can be positioned on the level directly below the root node
<projectname>. If you choose another object type from the Add Object dialog
box, such as a Text list object, it is added to the Global node of the Applications
A device is inserted as a node in the tree. If defined in the device description file,
subnodes are inserted automatically. A subnode can be another programmable
Inserting devices below a device object:
You can insert further devices below a device object. If they are installed on the
local system, they are available in the hardware catalog or in the Add Object or
Add Device dialog box. The device objects are sorted within the tree from top to
bottom: On a particular tree level first the programmable devices are arranged,
followed by any further devices, sorted alphabetically.

36 EIO0000002854.04
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User Interface

Description of the Applications Tree

The Application objects, task configuration, and task objects are managed in the
Applications tree.
The objects needed for programming the device (applications, text lists, etc.) are
managed in the Applications tree. Devices that are not programmable
(configuration only) cannot be assigned as programming objects. You can edit the
values of the device parameters in the parameter dialog box of the device editor.
Programming objects, like particular POUs or global variable lists can be
managed in 2 different ways in the Applications tree, depending on their
• When they are declared as a subnode of the Global node, these objects can
be accessed by any devices.
• When they are declared as a subnode of the Applications node, these
objects can only be accessed by the other devices declared in this
Applications node.
You can insert an Application object only in the Applications tree.
Below each application, you can insert additional programming objects, such as
DUT, GVL, or visualization objects. Insert a task configuration below an
application. In this task configuration, the program calls have to be defined
(instances of POUs from the Global node of the Applications tree or device-
specific POUs). Note that the application is defined in the I/O Mapping view of the
respective device editor, page 124.

Description of the Tools Tree

Libraries are managed in the Tools tree. Devices that are only configured (not
programmed) cannot be assigned the programming objects described above. You
can edit the values of the device parameters in the parameter dialog box of the
device editor.
Programming objects, like the Library Manager,can be managed in 2 different
ways in the Tools tree, depending on their declaration:
• When they are declared as a subnode of the Global node; then these objects
can be accessed by any devices.
• When they are declared as a subnode of the Applications node; then these
objects can only be accessed by the other devices declared in this
Applications node.

Functional tree
The Functional tree is available for controllers that have a Functional Model
node in the Devices tree. It allows you to group multiple objects, such as IEC
code or devices, and link them to a function. Once this function is created, you can
reuse it. By creating this modularity, reuse your developments to improve your
vision of the project. You can export / import the Functional tree and reuse it in
another project.

EIO0000002854.04 37
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User Interface

Description of the Functional tree

Example of a Functional tree:

1 Root node: corresponds to the name of the open project

2 Controller node: only those controllers that have a Functional Model node in
the Devices tree are displayed
3 Functional module: nodes for structuring the Functional tree
4 Attached object: object attached to the functional module
5 Child object: child object of the attached object

Selecting Controllers
Select controllers for the Functional tree as follows:

Step Action Result

1 In the Functional tree, right-click the root node, A new subnode Functional Model
and execute the command Select Controllers. is inserted for each selected
controller in the Devices tree.
2 In the Select Controllers dialog box, select the New controller nodes are added to
controllers you want to add to the Functional the Functional tree below the root
tree, and click OK. node for each selected controller.

Adding Nodes
To group the content of a controller according to your individual requirements, the
Functional tree allows you to create subnodes below the controller nodes.

38 EIO0000002854.04
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User Interface

Node Description How to create

Functional module A functional module is a group of program Select a parent node (for example, the controller
elements intended to perform an application node), and click the green plus button.

Functional module nodes create a hierarchical

structure in the Functional tree. To create a
meaningful structure, edit the default name and
assign a name of your choice to each functional
Attached object Attached objects are nodes of the other navigators Right-click a functional module node, and execute
(Devices tree, Applications tree, Tools tree) that the command Select Objects from the contextual
represent the content of the controller. menu. From the Select Objects dialog box, select
the node you want to attach and click OK.
Note the following:
• One object can only be attached to one
functional module.
• An object can only be attached to a function
module of the same controller.
• You can attach only those objects that are
also allowed in function templates, page 660.

Child object Child objects of the attached objects. Child objects are displayed in the Functional tree.

Deleting Nodes
To delete a node from the Functional tree, right-click on it, and execute the
command Delete from the contextual menu. You are requested to delete the
selected object, with its child objects, only from the Functional tree or from the
whole project.
Child objects cannot be removed from the Functional tree only. If you intend to
delete a child object, you are prompted to confirm that the object is removed from
the whole project.

Reusing Functional Modules

If you have created a functional module that you want to reuse in the same or in
another project, use the function templates as they can resolve the dependencies
between the attached objects. The Import/Export commands and the copy/paste
functions can also be used, but they only serve special cases as described in the
following sections.

Reusing Functional Modules by Using Function Templates

You can save a functional module to a function template by right-clicking the node
and executing the command Save as Function Template from the contextual
To instantiate a functional module from a function template, right-click a node in
the Functional tree, and execute the command Add Function From Template
from the contextual menu.
For further information, refer to the Managing Function Templates chapter, page

EIO0000002854.04 39
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User Interface

Reusing Functional Modules by Using the Import/Export

When you use the Project > Export command and the Project > Import
command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help) for
reusing functional modules, note the following:

If... Then ...

If you export a complete controller device, and Then the functional model is recreated.
then import it in the same or in another project,

If you export and import the functional model Then the attached objects are not recreated.

Reusing Functional Modules by Using the Copy and Paste

When you use the copy and paste functions for reusing functional modules, note
the following:

If... Then ...

If you copy a complete controller device, and Then the functional model is recreated.
then paste it in the same or in another project,

If you copy and paste one or more functional Then the attached objects are not recreated.
modules only,

It is not possible to copy and paste attached objects in the Functional tree.

Multi-Tabbed Catalog View

The multi-tabbed Hardware Catalog is a default component of the Logic Builder
It contains the following tabs:
• Controller: Contains the Logic, HMI, and Motion controllers that can be
inserted in your EcoStruxure Machine Expert project.
• Devices & Modules: Contains the PLC Components, I/O Modules, and the
Communication, Motor Control, Safety, and Sensor devices that can be
inserted in your EcoStruxure Machine Expert project. It also allows you to
insert devices by using a device template.
• HMI & iPC: Contains the HMI and iPC devices that can be inserted in your
EcoStruxure Machine Expert project.
• Diverse: Contains third-party devices that can be inserted in your
EcoStruxure Machine Expert project.
The content of the individual tabs depends on the project. If the controllers
integrated in the EcoStruxure Machine Expert project do not support, for example,
CANopen, then CANopen devices are not displayed in the catalogs.
You can extend this view by the Software Catalog > ToolBox via the menu View
> Software Catalog.

The buttons Hardware Catalog and Software Catalog in the toolbar

allow you to display or hide the catalog views.

40 EIO0000002854.04
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User Interface

You can add the elements from the catalogs to the project by drag and drop as
described in the Adding Devices by Drag and Drop chapter, page 52.

Searching Within Catalogs

Each tab of the catalog view contains a search box. The sublists of the tab are
analyzed for the string you enter in the search box. In open sublists, the identified
entries are marked yellow. Any other items of the list that do not correspond to the
search string are hidden. The number of items found in closed sublists is
displayed in bold in the title bar of each sublist.
By default, the search is executed on the names of the items in the lists. But
EcoStruxure Machine Expert also supports the tagging mechanism. It allows you
to assign search strings of your choice to any item included in the Catalog view.

Favorites List
Each tab of the catalog view contains a Favorites list. To provide quick access,
you can add frequently used elements to this Favorites list by drag and drop.

Adding Devices From Device Templates in the Devices & Modules

The Devices & Modules tab contains the option Device Template at the bottom.
Activate this option to display the available templates of field devices in the lists of
the Devices & Modules tab. Add them to the Devices tree as described in the
Adding Devices from Template chapter, page 648.

Customizing the User Interface

The look of the user interface, in terms of arrangement and configuration of the
particular components, depends on the following:
• Default pre-settings for menus, keyboard functions, and toolbars. You can
overwrite the EcoStruxure Machine Expert default settings via the Customize
dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help)
(by default available in the Tools menu). The present settings are saved on
the local system. A reset function is available for restoring the default values
at any time.
• Properties of an editor as defined in the respective Tools > Options dialog
box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help). You
can also overwrite these settings. The present configuration is saved on the
local system.
• The way you arrange views or editor windows within the project. The present
positions are saved with the project (see below).
• The selected perspective. By default, the Logic Configuration perspective is
selected. For further information, refer to the Perspectives paragraph in this
chapter, page 43.

EIO0000002854.04 41
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User Interface

Arranging Menu Bars and Toolbars

The menu bar is positioned at the top of the user interface, between the window
title bar and view windows. You can position a toolbar within the same area as the
menu bar (fix) or as an independent window anywhere on the screen.
In view windows, such as the Devices tree, a special toolbar is available. It
provides elements for sorting, viewing, and searching within the window. You
cannot configure this toolbar.

Arranging Windows and Views

Closing a view or editor window: Click the cross button in the upper right corner.
Opening a closed view: you can reopen the views of default components via the
View menu. To open an editor window, execute the command Project > Edit
object or double-click an entry in the Devices tree, Applications tree, or in the
Tools tree.
Resizing a view or window within the frame window: Move the separator lines
between neighboring views. You can resize independent view windows on the
desktop by moving the window borders.
Moving a view to another position on your desk top or within the frame window:
Click the title bar or, in the case of tabbed views, click the tab of the view, keep the
mouse-button pressed, and move the view to the desired place. Arrow symbols
indicate possible target positions. The target position is indicated by a blue-
shadowed area.
Arrow symbols indicating new position

Arrow symbol Description

View is placed above.

View is placed below.

View is placed to the right.

View is placed to the left.

View is placed here: the view currently placed at this position and the
new one are arranged as icons.

42 EIO0000002854.04
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User Interface

Example of navigation by the arrow symbols

When you release the mouse-button, the view is placed at the new position.
Views with an Auto Hide button can be placed as independent windows (floating)
anywhere on the screen by moving them and not dragging them on one of the
arrow symbols. In this case, the view looses the Auto Hide button. As an
alternative, execute the commands Dock and Float from the Window menu.
Hiding views: You can hide views with Auto Hide buttons at the border of the
EcoStruxure Machine Expert window. Click the Auto Hide down button in the
upper right corner of the view. The view will be displayed as a tab at the nearest
border of the frame window. The content of the view is only visible as long as the
cursor is moved on this tab. The tab displays the icon and the name of the view.
This state of the view is indicated by the docking button changed to Auto Hide.
Unhiding views: To unhide a view, click the Auto Hide button.
An alternative way of hiding and unhiding a view is provided by the Auto Hide
command that is by default available in the Window menu.
It is not possible to reposition the information and status bar on the lower border of
the user interface, page 27.

A perspective is used to save the layout of EcoStruxure Machine Expert views. It
stores whether the Messages and Watch views are open and at which position
the view windows are located (docked or independent windows).
By default, EcoStruxure Machine Expert provides the following perspectives for
specific use cases in the Window > Switch Perspective menu or in the
perspective table in the toolbar.

EIO0000002854.04 43
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User Interface

Perspective name Use case Navigators (on the left Catalog views (on the Views at the bottom of
side) right side) the screen

Classic Default views. • Devices – • Messages (in Auto

• POUs Hide mode)
• Watch 1
• CallStack
ETest For working within the • Devices – • Messages
ETEST framework. • POUs • Watch 1
• CallStack
• Testruns
Device Configuration For adding / configuring • Devices tree Hardware catalog Messages (in Auto Hide
devices. • Controller mode)

• Devices & Modules

• HMI & iPC
• Diverse
Online For online mode. • Devices tree – • Messages (in Auto
• Applications tree Hide mode)

• Tools tree • Watch 1

Smart Template For working with Smart • Devices – Messages (in Auto Hide
Template modules. • POUs mode)

• Modules
Logic Configuration For adding / creating • Devices tree Hardware catalog Messages (in Auto Hide
logic. • Applications tree • Controller mode)

• Tools tree • Devices & Modules

• HMI & iPC
• Diverse

The Online perspective is automatically selected when the application is switched

to online mode.
Creating your own perspective:
In addition to these default perspectives, you can create your own view layout and
save it in different perspectives according to your individual requirements.
To create your own perspective, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 Resize, open, or close views according to your individual requirements.

2 Execute the command Save Perspective from the Window menu to save your
modifications to a new perspective.

3 In the Save Perspective dialog box, enter a name for your perspective.

Result: The present view layout is saved. The new perspective is available in the
Window > Switch Perspective menu and in the perspective table in the toolbar.

Resetting a perspective to its initial state:

To reset a modified perspective to its initial state, execute the command Reset
current Perspective from the Window menu.
Importing / exporting perspectives:
To be able to exchange perspectives between different EcoStruxure Machine
Expert installations or between different users, the Tools > Options >
Perspectives dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands,
Online Help) allows you to export perspectives to an XML file and to import
already available perspective XML files.

44 EIO0000002854.04
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User Interface


Each editor window provides a zoom function. Click the zoom button in the
lower right corner of the window to open a list. It allows you to choose one of the
zoom levels 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, and 400 percent or to enter a zoom factor of
your choice. A printout always refers to the 100% view.
Customization of the user interface is possible in offline and in online mode.

User Interface in Online Mode

As soon as you log in with the project, the objects which have already been
opened in offline mode are automatically viewed in online mode. The perspective
is automatically switched to the Online perspective, page 43 which means that the
Watch view opens by default.
To open an object in online mode, double-click the node in the Applications tree
or execute the Project > Edit Object command.
If there are several instances of the selected object (such as function blocks)
contained in the project, a dialog box named Select Online State <object name>
is displayed. It allows you to choose whether an instance or the base
implementation of the object should be viewed and whether the object should be
displayed in online or offline mode.
Select Online State dialog box

The Device/Application field contains the device and application to which the
object is associated.
To open the online view of the object, activate the option Online mode and click
OK. To see the offline view, activate the option Offline mode.
If the object is a function block, the Function block instance field contains a list
of the instances currently used in the application.

EIO0000002854.04 45
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder User Interface

In this case, the options available are:

• Either select one of the instances and activate Online or Offline mode.
• Or select the option Implementation which - independently of the selected
instance - will open the base implementation view of the function block. The
Implementation option has no affect for non-instantiated objects.
For more information on the online views of the particular editors, refer to the
respective editor descriptions.
The status bar, page 27 provides information on the current status of the

Menus and Commands

The following figure shows the default menu bar:

Some commands are not visible in the default view. To add a command to a menu
or reorganize the menu structures, use the Tools > Customize dialog box.
Specific commands, for a particular editor for example, are usually available in a
corresponding menu. These commands are only visible when the editor is open.
For example: when you edit an object in the SFC editor, the SFC menu is added to
the menu bar.
For a description of the menus and commands, refer to the separate EcoStruxure
Machine Expert Menu Commands Online Help (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert,
Menu Commands, Online Help).

46 EIO0000002854.04
Basic Concepts

Basic Concepts
What’s in This Chapter
Introduction and Basic Concepts ....................................................................47

Introduction and Basic Concepts

EcoStruxure Machine Expert is a device-independent controller programming
Conforming to the IEC 61131-3 standard, it supports standard programming

Object Orientation
The object-oriented approach is not only reflected by the availability of
corresponding programming elements and features, but also in the structure and
version handling of EcoStruxure Machine Expert and in the project organization.
Multi-device usage of an EcoStruxure Machine Expert project is possible based
on jointly used, instantiated programming units.

Version Handling
A parallel installation of several versions of EcoStruxure Machine Expert
components and working with the desired combination of versions is possible.
This also pertains to the device-specific use of different compiler versions.
Individual functions can be added without having to update the whole version.
For further information, refer to the Compatibility and Migration User Guide.

Project Organization
Project organization is also determined in an object oriented fashion. An
EcoStruxure Machine Expert project contains a controller program composed of
various programming objects and it contains definitions of the resources which are
needed to run instances of the program (application) on defined target systems
(devices, controllers).
So there are two main types of objects in a project:

Object Type Description

Programming objects (POUs), These are programs, functions, function blocks, methods,
page 148 interfaces, actions, data type, definitions, and so on.

Resource objects (Devices tree) Device objects are only managed in the Devices tree. To insert
objects in the Devices tree, refer to Adding Elements to the
Navigators section, page 36.

Code Generation
Code generation by integrated compilers and the subsequent use of the resulting
machine code provides for short execution times.

EIO0000002854.04 47
Basic Concepts

Data Transfer to the Controller Device

The data transfer between EcoStruxure Machine Expert and the device is
conducted via a gateway (component) to a runtime system. After downloading the
application to the controller it can be monitored and controlled in EcoStruxure
Machine Expert.

Supported Programming Languages

The programming languages mentioned in the standard IEC 61131 are supported
via specially adapted editors:
• FBD/LD/IL editor, page 230 for function block diagram (FBD), ladder logic
diagram (LD), and instruction list (IL)
• SFC editor, page 281 for sequential function chart
• ST editor, page 305 for structured text
Additionally, EcoStruxure Machine Expert provides an editor for programming in
CFC that is not part of the IEC standard:
• CFC editor, page 264 for continuous function chart
CFC is an extension to the standard IEC programming languages.
A CFC - page-oriented editor is also provided. It allows you to arrange the CFC
elements on individual pages.

48 EIO0000002854.04
What’s in This Part
Installing Devices ...........................................................................................50
Managing Devices..........................................................................................52
Common Device Editor Dialogs .......................................................................77

EIO0000002854.04 49
Installing Devices

Installing Devices
What’s in This Chapter
Integration of Sercos Devices from Third-Party Vendors ...................................50

Integration of Sercos Devices from Third-Party Vendors

Via the Device Repository dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help), you can integrate Sercos devices with generic I/O
profiles in your programming system.
To install this Sercos device, you need the SDDML (Sercos Device Description
Markup Language) file (device description file for Sercos devices) provided by the
vendor of the device. The SDDML file is a device description file for Sercos
There are two types of Sercos devices with generic I/O profiles available:
• Block I/O devices
A block I/O device is a pre-assembled block that consists of a bus interface
and an I/O module.
• Modular I/O devices
Modular I/O devices are I/O modules which can be connected to a bus

Integrating In EcoStruxure Machine Expert

Proceed as follows to integrate Sercos devices from third-party vendors in your
programming system:

Step Action

1 Select Tools > Device Repository... from the menu bar.

Result: The Device Repository dialog box opens.

2 Click the Install... button in the Device Repository dialog box.

Result: The Install Device Description dialog box opens.

3 Select the file type SERCOS III I/O device descriptions (*.xml) and browse your file
system for the SDDML file to open.

4 Select the SDDML file and click Open.

Result: The SDDML file is converted and imported into a compatible file format for
EcoStruxure Machine Expert.

NOTE: If the selected SDDML file is not compatible or if the Sercos device of
the third-party vendor is not using a compatible FSP (Function Specific Profile)
type, then a corresponding diagnostic message is indicated in the Messages
view (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

50 EIO0000002854.04
Installing Devices

Verifying the Integration

To verify whether a Sercos device with generic I/O profile has been integrated in
your programming system, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 Select Tools > Device Repository... from the menu bar.

Result: The Device Repository dialog box opens.

2 In the tree structure Installed device descriptions, expand the node Fieldbusses >
3 Expand the subnode Slave to verify whether the Sercos bus interfaces that you
integrated are available in the list.

4 Expand the subnode Module to verify whether the Sercos I/O modules that you
integrated are available in the list.

For further information, refer to the description of the Device Repository dialog
box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

EIO0000002854.04 51
Managing Devices

Managing Devices
What’s in This Chapter
Adding Devices through the Hardware Catalog ..............................................52
Adding Devices by Contextual Menu or Plus Button .........................................54
Updating Devices ..........................................................................................59
Converting Devices .......................................................................................60
Converting Projects .......................................................................................61

Adding Devices through the Hardware Catalog

Adding Devices by Drag and Drop
EcoStruxure Machine Expert provides a multi-tabbed catalog view on the right-
hand side of the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder.
To add a device to the Devices tree, select the respective entry in the Hardware
Catalog, drag it to the Devices tree, and drop it at a suitable node. It is added
automatically to your project.

Adding Controllers
To add a controller to your project, proceed as follows:

Step Action

Open the Hardware Catalog by clicking the Hardware Catalog button in the
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder toolbar if it is not already opened.

2 Select the tab Controller in the Hardware Catalog.

Result: The controllers suitable for your EcoStruxure Machine Expert project are
displayed in the Hardware Catalog.

3 Select a controller entry in the Controller tab, drag it to the Devices tree and drop it at a
suitable node. You can drop a controller at any empty space inside the Devices tree.

Result: The controller is added to the Devices tree as a new node with different
subnodes depending on the controller type.

Adding Expansion Devices

To add an expansion device to a controller, proceed as follows:

Step Action

Open the Hardware Catalog by clicking the Hardware Catalog button in the
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder toolbar if it is not already opened.

2 Select the tab Devices & Modules in the Hardware Catalog.

Result: The expansion devices suitable for your EcoStruxure Machine Expert project
are displayed in the Hardware Catalog.

52 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Devices

Step Action

3 Select your expansion device, drag it to the Devices tree and drop it at a suitable
subnode of a controller.
NOTE: Suitable subnodes are expanded and highlighted by EcoStruxure Machine
Result: The expansion device is added to the Devices tree below the subnode of the
4 If the expansion device requires a communication manager, this node is added
automatically to the Devices tree.

If several communication managers are available for your expansion device, a dialog
box is displayed allowing you to select the suitable communication manager.

Adding Devices and Modules

To add a field device to a controller, proceed as follows:

Step Action

Open the Hardware Catalog by clicking the Hardware Catalog button in the
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder toolbar if it is not already opened.

2 Select the tab Devices & Modules in the Hardware Catalog.

Result: The field devices suitable for your EcoStruxure Machine Expert project are
displayed in the Hardware Catalog.

3 Select a field device entry in the Devices & Modules catalog view, drag it to the
Devices tree, and drop it at a suitable subnode of a controller.
NOTE: Suitable subnodes are expanded and highlighted by EcoStruxure Machine
Result: The field device is added to the Devices tree below the subnode of the
4 If the field device requires a communication manager, this node is added automatically
to the Devices tree.

If several communication managers are available for your field device, a dialog box is
displayed allowing you to select the suitable communication manager.

Adding Devices from Device Template

To add a device from a device template, proceed as follows:

Step Action

Open the Hardware Catalog by clicking the Hardware Catalog button in the
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder toolbar if it is not already opened.

2 Select the tab Devices & Modules in the Hardware Catalog.

3 Select the option Device Template at the bottom of the Devices & Modules tab.

Result: The device templates suitable for your EcoStruxure Machine Expert project are
displayed in the Devices & Modules tab.

4 Add them to the Devices tree as described in the Adding Devices from Template
chapter, page 648.

EIO0000002854.04 53
Managing Devices

Adding Devices by Contextual Menu or Plus Button

Adding a Controller
To add devices to the Devices tree, you can also click the green plus button that
is displayed at the suitable node in the Tree. Alternatively, you can right-click a
node of the Tree to use the contextual menu. The Add Device dialog box opens
that allows you to determine whether the device will be appended, inserted, or
plugged to the selected node (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help).
When you add a controller to your project, several nodes are automatically added
to the Devices tree. These subnodes are controller-specific, depending on the
functions the controller provides.
The following paragraph describes the general procedure of adding a controller.
For details on a specific controller, refer to the programming manual for your
particular controller.

Adding a Controller
To add a controller to your EcoStruxure Machine Expert project, proceed as

Step Action

1 Select a project node, right-click the project node and execute the Add Device... command
from the contextual menu.

Result: The Add Device dialog box opens.

2 In the Add Device dialog box, select Schneider Electric from the list box Vendor.

3 Choose the controller you want to insert into the project.

4 Rename your device by typing a name in the text box Name.

NOTE: Choose a name that complies to the IEC standard. Do not use special
characters, leading digits, or spaces within the name. The name must not exceed a
length of 32 characters. If you do not rename the device, a name is given by default.
Naming the device meaningfully may ease the organization of your project.

5 Click the Add Device button.

Result: The selected controller is added to the project and appears as a new node in the
Devices tree. The Add Device dialog box remains open. You can do the following:
• You can add another controller by going back to step 3
• You can click the Close button to close the Add Device dialog box

Adding Expansion Devices

Available Expansion Devices
For a list of expansion devices available for the different controllers, refer to the
Supported Devices chapter of the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Introduction

54 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Devices

• Only use software approved by Schneider Electric for use with this
• Update your application program every time you change the physical
hardware configuration.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

Adding Expansion Devices

To add expansion devices to your device, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 Select a controller node and click the green plus button of the node or right-click the controller node and execute the Add
Device... command from the contextual menu.

Result: The Add Device dialog box opens.

2 In the Add Device dialog box, select Schneider Electric from the Vendor list.

3 Choose the expansion device you want to add to your controller from the Device list below.

4 Rename your expansion device by typing a name in the text box Name.
NOTE: The name must not contain any space character. If you do not rename the expansion device, a name is given
by default.
Naming the expansion device meaningfully may ease the organization of your project.

5 Click the Add Device button.

Result: The selected expansion device is added to the project and is displayed in the Devices Tree as a new subnode of
your controller.

The Add Device dialog box remains open. You can do the following:
• You can add another expansion device by going back to step 3 of this description
• You can click the Close button

Expansion Device Configuration

For more information about configuration, refer to the Programming Guide of your
expansion device.

Adding Communication Managers

Communication managers are mandatory to activate and configure any hardware
bus interface, for example CANopen or serial line.
Two types of communication managers exist:
• Fieldbus managers which allow to configure fieldbus devices (for example
CANopen slaves or Modbus slaves)
• General communication managers
Communication managers available in EcoStruxure Machine Expert are listed

EIO0000002854.04 55
Managing Devices

Name Interface Description


ASCII Manager Serial line Used to transmit and/or receive data with a simple
Machine Expert-Network • Serial For exchanging data with HMIs.
Manager line
• Ether-

Modbus IOScanner Serial line Modbus RTU or ASCII protocol manager used to
define implicit exchanges (I/O scanning) with Modbus
slave devices.
Modbus Manager Serial line Used for Modbus RTU or ASCII protocol in master or
slave mode.
CANopen Performance CAN CANopen manager for performance controllers
(M241, M251, M258, and LMC058).

CANopen_Manager CAN CANopen manager for PacDrive controllers.

J1939_Manager CAN For adding J1939 slaves (Electronic Control Units

(ECU)) on M241 / M251 controllers.

Modbus TCP Slave Device Ethernet Modbus TCP manager for controllers with Ethernet

EthernetIP Ethernet EtherNet/IP manager for controllers with Ethernet

port (M251, M258, and LMC058).

Industrial Ethernet Network Ethernet For configuring EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP
scanner services on M241 / M251 controllers with
Ethernet port.

Adding the Communication Manager

Communication managers are automatically added with the respective device.
To add a communication manager separately, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 In the Devices Tree, select the bus interface (Serial Line, CANopen bus / CANbus,
Ethernet) and click the green plus button of the node or right-click the bus interface
node and execute the Add Device... command from the contextual menu.

Result: The Add Device dialog box opens.

2 In the Add Device dialog box, select Schneider Electric from the list Vendor.

Note: You can filter the devices by brand by clicking the list Vendor.

3 Select the Communication manager from the list.

4 Rename your device by typing a name in the Name box.

Note: Do not use spaces within the name. If you do not rename the device, a name is
given by default.

Naming the device meaningfully may ease the organization of your project.

5 Click the Add Device button.

6 Click the Close button to close the Add Device dialog box.

7 Configure the Communication manager.

56 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Devices

Adding Devices to a Communication Manager

You can add field devices to the communication manager by selecting the field
device manager node (for example, CANopen or Modbus manager) in the
Devices Tree and clicking the green plus sign. Alternatively, you can right-click
the field device manager node in the Devices Tree and execute the Add Device
As a prerequisite, the device must be available in the Device Repository dialog
box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

Adding Devices

Step Action

1 Select the field device manager node (CANopen or Modbus manager) in the Devices
Tree and click the green plus sign, or right-click the field device manager node and
execute the Add Device... command from the contextual menu.

Result: The Add Device dialog box opens.

2 In the Add Device dialog box, select Schneider Electric from the list box Vendor.

Note: You can filter the devices by brand by clicking the list box Vendor.

3 Select the device of your choice from the list below.

4 Rename your device by typing a name in the Name textbox.

NOTE: Do not use spaces within the name. Do not use an underscore character (_)
at the end of the name.
If you do not rename the device, a name is given by default.

Naming the device meaningfully may ease the organization of your project.

5 Click the Add Device button.

Result: The field device is added to the field device manager.

NOTE: The Add Device dialog box remains open.

You can do the following:

• You can add another device by going back to step 2.
• You can click the Close button.

Access to Diagnostic Information

To get diagnostic information of devices on CANopen, use the CAA_CiA405.

Access to Configuration Diagnostic (for Advanced Users)

You can use the options Abort if error and Jump to line if error in the Service
Data Object tab of the CANopen configurator to manage potential configuration
To optimize the CAN master performance, CAN diagnostics are external from the
CAN master in the controller. The CAN diagnostic structure is defined in the
CanConfig Extern library available in the Library Manager.
The structure g_aNetDiagnosis contains the most recent diagnostic information
from the slaves. The structure is updated every time a slave is configured.

EIO0000002854.04 57
Managing Devices

This structure can be used within the program to do the following:

• Monitoring the response of the slaves configured via SDO messages.

• Monitoring the master for abort messages from the slaves before allowing a
machine / application start-up.
This structure must be in place and active within the user application during
testing, debugging and commissioning of the application. When the machine and
its controlling application have been commissioned and validated, then it would be
possible to disable this code from execution to reduce traffic on the CANopen
However, if during the lifecycle of an application and the machine or process that it
controls, slaves are added or replaced in the operational system, then the
diagnostic structure should continue to remain active in the application.

• Use the g_aNetDiagnosis data structure within the application to monitor
CAN slave responses to configuration commands.
• Verify that the application does not start up or put the machine or process in
an operational state in the event of receiving SDO abort messages from any
of the CAN slaves.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

After adding the CanConfig Extern library to your application, use the Net
Diagnostic definition within your application to test for SDO abort messages from
the CAN slaves.
The following code example illustrates the use of the CAN diagnostic data
IF g_aNetDiagnosis[CAN_Net_Number].ctSDOErrorCounter = 0
(* No error is detected in the configuration*)
(* An error has been detected during configuration. Get
the latest error information.*)
// node ID of the slave which sent the abort code
ReadLastErrorNodeID := g_aNetDiagnosis[CAN_Net_Number].
// index used in the aborted SDO
ReadLastErrorIndex := g_aNetDiagnosis[CAN_Net_Number].
// subIndex used in the aborted SDO
ReadLastErrorSubIndex := g_aNetDiagnosis[CAN_Net_
//SDO abort code
ReadLastErrorSdoAbortCode := g_aNetDiagnosis [CAN_Net_
(* Do not allow the start-up or other operation of the
machine or process *)
NOTE: In this example, the CAN_Net_Number would be 0 for the CAN0 port
and, if the controller is so equipped, 1 for the CAN1port.

Adding Devices from Template

It is also possible to add a new device using a device template. For a description
of this procedure, refer to the Managing Device Templates section, page 648.

58 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Devices

Updating Devices
Updating Devices
The update device function allows you to replace a device selected in the Devices
• By another version of the same device or
• By a different type of device.

Updating Devices
To replace a device of your EcoStruxure Machine Expert project by another
version or by a different device, proceed as follows:

Ste- Action

1 Select the device you want to replace in the Devices tree and execute the command
Update Device... from the Project menu.


Right-click the device you want to replace in the Devices tree and execute the command
Update Device... from the contextual menu.

Result: The Update Device dialog box opens.


Right-click the device you want to replace in the Devices tree and execute the command
Add Device... from the contextual menu. In the Add Device dialog box select the Action:
Update device.

Result: The Add Device dialog box is converted into the Update Device dialog box.

2 From the Device: list, choose the device that should replace the present device.

To select a specific version of the device, select the options Display all versions (for
experts only) and/or Display outdated versions.

3 Click the Update Device button.

Result: The device that had been selected in the Devices tree is replaced by the new
device type or the new version. The new device type or the new version is now displayed at
the selected node in the Devices tree.

Effects after Updating a Device

The subdevices that are located in the Devices tree below the device you
updated are automatically updated as well.
The device configuration settings are not modified if the device type has not been
If the update procedure causes any mismatch in the existing configuration, this is
detected at the next Build run of the application. Detected mismatches are
indicated by a message. This also concerns implicitly added libraries which will not
be removed automatically at a device update.

EIO0000002854.04 59
Managing Devices

Converting Devices
Converting Devices
EcoStruxure Machine Expert allows you to convert a device that is configured in
your project to a different, but compatible device. EcoStruxure Machine Expert
automatically converts the currently configured device into the selected device
and displays the changes that are made in the Messages view.
The Convert Device command may automatically add or remove modules. These
hardware changes also have influences on the addressing and the libraries.
To help to avoid unintended behavior after a device was converted:
• Verify that the new device supports all functions and communication ports
that are required in your project
• Avoid using direct addresses in your application
• Perform a backup of the project to the PC before converting a device

• Verify that any direct addresses used in your application (for example, %IB5)
have been converted correctly after device conversion.
• Verify that the modified project contains the intended configurations and
provides the intended functionality after you have converted the device.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

Perform a backup of the project to the PC before converting a device.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

Converting a Device
To convert a device to a compatible device, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 Perform a backup of the project to the PC by executing the File > Save Project As... command before converting a device.
2 Right-click the device you want to convert in the Devices Tree.

3 Execute the Convert Device command from the contextual menu.

Result: The Convert Device dialog box is displayed. It lists those devices that are compatible with the device you selected
and provides further information on the selected device.

4 Select the device from the list in which you want to convert your currently configured device.

To display the available versions of a device, select the option Display all versions (for experts only).

60 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Devices

Step Action

NOTE: If you have not yet performed a backup of your project, click Cancel to stop without changes and perform a
backup before you start the procedure once again.
To start the conversion, click OK.

Result: The currently configured device is converted into the device you selected from the list. The information you entered
is kept if the related modules are still available. Any modifications or configurations that could not be converted are listed in
the Messages view.

6 Verify whether the converted project still contains the intended configurations and provides the intended functions. If not,
adapt the configuration or restore the backup of the unchanged project file.

Conversion Information in the Messages View

The following information is displayed in the Messages view for the conversion
• The source devices and the target devices they have been converted to.
• The parameters that have not been transferred to the target.
• The devices that have not been converted.
To save the information displayed in the Messages view, you can copy it to the
Clipboard (press CTRL + C) and paste it to a data file (press CTRL + V).

Converting Projects
Converting SoMachine Basic and Twido Projects
With EcoStruxure Machine Expert, you can convert a SoMachine Basic or
TwidoSoft/TwidoSuite project and the configured controller to a selectable
EcoStruxure Machine Expert logic controller, page 750. The controller and the
corresponding logic are converted and integrated in the EcoStruxure Machine
Expert project.
For the conversion process, execute the File > Convert SoMachine Basic
Project or the File > Convert Twido Project command. The Convert
SoMachine Basic Project dialog box or Convert Twido Project dialog box
opens. If the commands are not available, you can insert them in a menu of your
choice by using the Tools > Customize dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).
If you convert a SoMachine Basic project that was created with a SoMachine
Basic version that is newer than the latest supported version, this is indicated by a
message in the Messages view (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help). You can then continue or cancel the conversion. If you
continue, the application will be converted, but it may not be possible to do so
without encountering errors that will need to be rectified. In this case, review and
verify both the message view and your application before attempting to put it into
NOTE: Verify that the SoMachine Basic or Twido project is valid before you
convert it into EcoStruxure Machine Expert.
NOTE: It is not possible to convert password-protected projects.
To help to avoid unintended behavior after a project was converted, verify that the
target controller supports the functions and communication ports that are required
in your project.

EIO0000002854.04 61
Managing Devices

• Verify that the program for the target controller contains the intended
configurations and provides the intended functions after you have converted
the project.
• Fully debug, verify, and validate the functionality of the converted program
before putting it into service.
• Before converting a program, verify that the source program is valid, i.e., is
downloadable to the source controller.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

NOTE: For more information, advice and important safety information

concerning importing projects into EcoStruxure Machine Expert, see the
Compatibility and Migration User Guide.

Converting a SoMachine Basic or a Twido Project

To convert a SoMachine Basic or a Twido project, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 To start the conversion process, perform one of the three actions in the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder (as listed
in the Introduction block of this chapter, page 61).

Result: The Convert SoMachine Basic Project dialog box or Convert Twido Project dialog box opens:

2 Enter a name for the controller in the Device Name field.

62 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Devices

Step Action

3 Enter the path to the SoMachine Basic or Twido project file in the Project File box, or click the ... button to browse for the
NOTE: If you already browsed for your SoMachine Basic or Twido project in the Open project dialog box, the path has
been entered automatically in the Project File field and cannot be edited.

4 Select the programming language in which the logic will be converted from the Implementation Language list.

The following programming languages are supported:

• Ladder diagram (LD)
• Function block diagram (FBD)
• Instruction list (IL)
• Continuous function chart (CFC)

5 Select the target controller from the Devices list in which you want to convert your SoMachine Basic or Twido controller.
Further information on the selected device is displayed in the Information area of the dialog box.

6 Click Convert to start the conversion.

Result: The SoMachine Basic or Twido project is converted and integrated in the open EcoStruxure Machine Expert project.
Modifications or configurations that could not be converted are listed in the Messages view (see EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

7 Consult the category Project Conversion of the Messages view and verify the errors and alerts detected and listed.

8 Verify whether the converted project contains the intended configurations and provides the intended functions. If not, adapt
the configuration.

IEC Compatibility of Object and Variable Names

Object names and variable names in EcoStruxure Machine Expert projects have
to comply with the naming conventions defined in the IEC standard. Any names in
your SoMachine Basic or Twido project that do not comply with the standard are
automatically adapted to IEC conventions by the converter.
If you want to preserve names that are not IEC-compatible in the converted
EcoStruxure Machine Expert project, activate the option Allow unicode
characters for identifiers in the Project Settings > Compile options dialog box
(see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

TwidoEmulationSupport Library
The TwidoEmulationSupport library (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Twido
Emulation Support Library, Library Guide) contains functions and function blocks
that provide SoMachine Basic and TwidoSoft/TwidoSuite functionality in an
EcoStruxure Machine Expert application. The TwidoEmulationSupport library is
automatically integrated in the EcoStruxure Machine Expert project with the
converted controller.

Conversion of the Application Program

In the target EcoStruxure Machine Expert project, separate programs are created
for each SoMachine Basic POU and free POU and for each Twido subroutine and
program section. The programming language that is used for these programs is
determined by the Implementation Language selected in the Convert
SoMachine Basic Project / Convert Twido Project dialog box. An exception is
made for POUs that were programmed in graphical Grafcet. They are converted to
an SFC program. For detailed information, refer to the Grafcet section in this
chapter, page 71.
For each language object (such as memory objects or function blocks) being used
by the application program, one global variable is created. Separate global
variable lists, page 180 for the different object categories (one for memory bits,
one for memory words and so forth) are created.

EIO0000002854.04 63
Managing Devices

The following restrictions apply for the conversion of the application program
concerning the program structure:
• In EcoStruxure Machine Expert, it is not possible to jump to a label, page 255
in another program.
• It is not possible to define Grafcet steps in a subprogram.
• It is not possible to activate or deactivate Grafcet steps (per # and D#
instruction) in a subprogram.

Conversion of Memory Objects

The areas provided for memory objects in SoMachine Basic and Twido differ from
EcoStruxure Machine Expert.
In SoMachine Basic and Twido, there are three distinct areas for memory objects:

Area Memory objects included

memory bit area memory bits (%M)

memory word area • memory words (%MW)

• double words (%MD)
• floating point values (%MF)

constant area • constant words (%KW)

• double words (%KD)
• floating point values (%KF)

In EcoStruxure Machine Expert, there is only the memory word area for memory

Area Memory objects included

memory word area • memory words (%MW)

• double words (%MD)
• floating point values
There is no specific addressing format for floating point
values. Floating point variables can be mapped on a %MD

64 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Devices

The graphic provides an overview of the different layouts of %MD and %MF
addresses in SoMachine Basic / Twido and EcoStruxure Machine Expert.

1 Memory addresses in SoMachine Basic / Twido

2 Memory addresses in EcoStruxure Machine Expert
Memory objects are converted as follows:

Source memory objects Target memory object Further information

%MW Mapped to the same %MW For each %MW object, a global
address variable of type INT is created.


%MW2 is mapped on %MW2.

%MD and %MF with even Mapped such that they are For each %MD object, a global
addresses located on the same %MW variable of type DINT is
address as before. created.

Example For each used %MF object, a

global variable of type REAL is
%MD4 / %MF4 are mapped on % created.
%MD and %MF with uneven Cannot be mapped because a A variable is created to help
addresses DINT variable cannot be ensure that the converted
located on an odd word application can be built.
address. However, you need to examine
the effect that such variable
creation has on the overall
functionality of your program.

%M Mapped as a packed bit field to For each %M object, a global

a fix location in the %MW area. variable of type BOOL is
%KW Mapped to consecutive For each used %KW object, a
addresses of the %MW area. global variable of type INT is

The relationship between %KW, %KD, and %KF objects is the same as for %MW, %MD,
and %MF objects. For example, %KD4 / %KF4 are mapped on the same location as
%KW4. Uneven %KD / %KF addresses cannot be mapped.

EIO0000002854.04 65
Managing Devices

Remote Access
Memory objects (%MW, %MD, %MF, and %M) can be accessed by a remote device
through Modbus services:

• If a remote device accesses %MW, %MD or %MF objects in the source

application, this access will still be available in the EcoStruxure Machine
Expert application.
• If a remote device accesses %M objects in the source application, this access
will no longer be available in the EcoStruxure Machine Expert application.

Handling Rising and Falling Edges

A rising/falling edge contact is converted as follows:
1. An additional global variable with the suffix _Rise/_Fall is created (for
example, M1_Rise for a rising edge contact for %M1).
2. This variable is set via an R_TRIG/F_TRIG instance in the SystemFunctions
Edge detection is performed at the beginning of the controller cycle.
A FALLING/RISING instruction is directly converted into an R_TRIG/F_TRIG
Edge detection is performed at the same place of the execution sequence as in
the original application.

Conversion of Function Blocks

For the following function blocks in SoMachine Basic / Twido, the

TwidoEmulationSupport library provides function blocks with compatible functions:

SoMachine Basic / Twido function block TwidoEmulationSupport library function block

Timers %TM FB_Timer

Counters %C FB_Counter

Register %R FB_FiFo / FB_LiFo

Drum %DR FB_Drum

Shift bit register %SBR FB_ShiftBitRegister

Step counter %SC FB_StepCounter

Schedule %SCH FB_ScheduleBlock


Exchange / message %MSG FB_EXCH

High-speed counter %HSC / %VFC They are converted as described in the section
Conversion of Fast Counters, High-speed
Fast counter %FC Counters (Twido: Very Fast Counters) and Pulse
Generators, page 69 of this chapter.
PLS pulse generator %PLS

PWM pulse generator %PWM

PTO function blocks %PTO, %MC_xxx_PTO

Frequency generator %FREQGEN

Communication function blocks READ_VAR, FB_ReadVar, FB_WriteVar, FB_

WRITE_VAR, WRITE_READ_VAR , and SEND_ WriteReadVar, and FB_SendRecvMsg

SMS function block SEND_RECV_SMS They are not converted.


Drive function blocks %MC_xxx_ATV


66 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Devices

For the conversion of function blocks, note the following:

• The TwidoEmulationSupport library does not provide any function blocks for
hardware-related functions, such as high-speed counters, fast counters, and
the pulse generators. They must be controlled through function blocks
provided by the platform-specific HSC and PTO_PWM libraries. These
function blocks are not compatible with the source function blocks. In short, a
full conversion is not possible if the source program contains functions based
on controller hardware resources. For further information, refer to the
description Conversion of Fast Counters, High-speed Counters (Twido: Very
Fast Counters) and Pulse Generators, page 69.
• In SoMachine Basic / Twido, the messaging function is provided by the
EXCHx instruction and the %MSGx function block. In the EcoStruxure Machine
Expert application, this function is performed by a single function block FB_
• In SoMachine Basic / Twido, certain function blocks can be configured using
special configuration dialog boxes. This configuration data is provided to the
function blocks of the TwidoEmulationSupport library by dedicated
• If a rung contains multiple function blocks, the converter may split the rung
into multiple logic networks.

Conversion of Network Objects

The table indicates the network object types that are supported by the conversion:

Network object Object function Supported

%QWE Input assembly (EtherNet/IP) Yes

%IWE Output assembly (EtherNet/IP) Yes

%QWM Input registers (Modbus TCP) Yes

%IWM Output registers (Modbus Yes


%IN Digital inputs (IO scanner) Only Serial IO scanner

%QN Digital outputs (IO scanner) Only Serial IO scanner

%IWN Input registers (IO scanner) Only Serial IO scanner

%QWN Output registers (IO scanner) Only Serial IO scanner

%IWNS (IO scanner Diagnostics) Only Serial IO scanner

Conversion of System Variables

The following system bits and words are converted:

System bit / word Further information

%S0 Is set to 1 in the first cycle after a cold start.

NOTE: It is not possible to trigger a cold start by writing to
this system bit.

%S1 Is set to 1 in the first cycle after a warm start.

NOTE: It is not possible to trigger a warm start by writing to
this system bit.

%S4 Pulse with the time base 10 ms.

%S5 Pulse with the time base 100 ms.
%S6 Pulse with the time base 1 s.
%S7 Pulse with the time base 1 min.
%S13 Is set to 1 in the first cycle after the controller was started.

%S18 Is set to 1 if an arithmetic overflow occurs.

EIO0000002854.04 67
Managing Devices

System bit / word Further information

NOTE: This flag is provided by the TwidoEmulationSupport

library and is only set by functions provided by this library.

%S21 , %S22 Are only written. Reading is not supported for these variables.

%S113 Stops the Modbus Serial IOScanner on serial line 1.

%S114 Stops the Modbus Serial IOScanner on serial line 2.

%SW63...65 Error code of the MSG blocks 1...3.

%SW114 Enable flags for the schedule blocks.

Other system variables are not supported by the conversion. If an unsupported

system variable is used by the source application program, a message is
generated in the category Project Conversion of the Messages view (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

Conversion of Retain Behavior

The variables and function blocks in SoMachine Basic / Twido are retain variables.
This means, they keep their values and states even after an unanticipated
shutdown of the controller as well as after a normal power cycle of the controller.
This retain behavior is not conserved during conversion. In EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, the converted variables and function blocks are regular, which means that
they are initialized during unanticipated shutdown and power cycle of the
controller. If you need retain variables in your EcoStruxure Machine Expert
application, you have to declare this attribute keyword, page 479 manually.

Conversion of Animation Tables

Management of animation tables differs in the source and target applications:
• SoMachine Basic / Twido allow you to define multiple animation lists identified
by name. Each animation list can contain multiple entries for objects to be
animated. For each variable, you can select the option Trace.
• In EcoStruxure Machine Expert, there are 4 predefined watchlists, page 355
(Watch 1...Watch 4). Each watchlist can contain multiple variables to be
animated. One watchlist can contain variables from different controllers.
For those variables that have the option Trace selected in SoMachine Basic /
Twido, EcoStruxure Machine Expert creates a trace object. You can view
these variables in the trace editor, page 383.
During the conversion process, the entries of the source animation tables are
added at the end of watchlist Watch 1.

Conversion of Symbols
Symbols defined in a SoMachine Basic / Twido project are automatically
transferred into the EcoStruxure Machine Expert project.
The following restrictions apply to the naming of symbols:

If... Then ...

a symbol name does not comply with the the name of the symbol is modified.
naming rules of EcoStruxure Machine Expert,

a symbol name is equal to a keyword of the name of the symbol is modified.

EcoStruxure Machine Expert,

no variable is created for a language object, the name of the symbol is discarded.

a symbol is not used anywhere in the application the name of the symbol may be discarded.

68 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Devices

For the complete list of symbol modifications that were required, refer to the
Messages view.

Conversion of Fast Counters, High-Speed Counters (Twido: Very Fast

Counters) and Pulse Generators
The function blocks provided by EcoStruxure Machine Expert differ from the
function blocks provided by SoMachine Basic / Twido. Nevertheless, the
configuration of fast counters, high-speed counters, and pulse generators is
converted as far as possible. The following sections provide an overview of the
restrictions that apply.
General Restrictions
The following general restrictions apply:

Restriction Solution
The inputs and outputs used by the converted Take this into account in the wiring of the
high-speed counters and pulse generators may converted controller.
differ from the used inputs and outputs of the
source application. The reassignment of inputs and outputs is
reported in the Messages view (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help).

The SoMachine Basic controller may support a You have to adapt your application manually.
different number of counters and pulse
generators than the selected target controller.
The conversion function only converts the
counters and pulse generators that are
supported by the target controller.

Constraints Regarding the Conversion of %FC, %HSC / %VFC, %PLS, and %PWM
For each %FC, %HSC / %VFC, %PLS, and %PWM function block being used in the
SoMachine Basic / Twido application, a single program is created in EcoStruxure
Machine Expert. You can improve this basic implementation according to the
needs of your application.
The following restrictions apply:

EIO0000002854.04 69
Managing Devices

Restriction Solution

The access to function block parameters is If the source application accesses parameters
performed differently in SoMachine Basic and of the function block, you have to extend the
EcoStruxure Machine Expert. converted application accordingly.

In SoMachine Basic, the parameters of a

function block can be accessed directly by the
application program, for example, %HSC.P =

In EcoStruxure Machine Expert, a controller-

specific function block (for example,
EXPERTSetParam) has to be used to access a

The behavior of counters differs in EcoStruxure You have to adapt your application manually.
Machine Expert from SoMachine Basic / Twido
when the preset value is set.

In Twido:
• The down counter continues counting if
zero is reached.
• The up counter continues counting if the
preset value is reached.
In EcoStruxure Machine Expert:
• The down counter stops counting if zero is
• The up counter starts to count from the
beginning if the preset value is reached.

The following parameters of SoMachine Basic You have to adapt your application manually.
function blocks cannot be converted to
EcoStruxure Machine Expert:

Function block %PLS:

• Output parameter D [Done]
• Parameter R [Duty Cycle]
Function block %PWM:
• Parameter R [Duty Cycle]
Function block %HSC:
• Output parameter U [Counting Direction]

Constraints Regarding the Conversion of PTO Function Blocks %PTO and %

For M241:
The PTO function blocks provided by EcoStruxure Machine Expert for M241
controllers are compatible with the PTO function blocks provided by SoMachine
Basic. PTO function blocks are converted without restrictions. The only exception
is the MC_MotionTask_PTO function block. The MC_MotionTask_PTO is not
The PTO function blocks provided by EcoStruxure Machine Expert for HMISCU
controllers are not compatible with the PTO function blocks provided by
SoMachine Basic. PTO function blocks are not converted.
Constraints Regarding the Conversion of Frequency Generator Function
The frequency generator function block %FREQGEN is converted without
restrictions for both M241 and HMISCU controllers.

Conversion of Loop Elements (FOR / ENDFOR)

The destination languages for the conversion do not support loops. For that
reason, a FOR loop is broken up into a functionally equivalent sequence of logical
networks using label and jump elements.

70 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Devices

Conversion of Conditional Elements (IF / ELSE / ENDIF)

The destination languages for the conversion do not support conditional
statements (except EN / ENO, which are already used for other purposes). For
that reason, an IF structure is broken up into a functionally equivalent sequence of
logical networks using label and jump elements.

Conversion of a Grafcet Program

You can write a Grafcet program in a textual or in a graphical way.

Grafcet type Description Supported by

Textual Various IL and LD programming • TwidoSoft/TwidoSuite

elements are available for the
• SoMachine Basic
definition, activation, and deactivation
of Grafcet states.
Graphical Allows you to draw the layout of steps, Only SoMachine Basic V1.4 and later
transitions, and branches in a versions.
graphical manner.

Conversion of Textual Grafcet

The programming languages of EcoStruxure Machine Expert do not support the
programming with Grafcet.
For that reason, a converted Grafcet application contains additional language
elements that implement the Grafcet management.

Additional element Description

folder Grafcet This folder contains the following language elements used
for the management of the Grafcet state machine.

data structure GRAFCET_STATES This data structure has one bit element for each allowed
Grafcet state.

If it is an initial state, the element is initialized to TRUE,

otherwise it is FALSE.
global variable list This global variable list contains the following variables:
• 1 variable STATES that contains 1 bit for each Grafcet
state. Each bit represents the present value of the
corresponding Grafcet state (%Xi object).
• 1 variable ACTIVATE_STATES that contains 1 bit for
each Grafcet state. If the bit is TRUE, the Grafcet state
is activated in the next cycle.
• 1 variable DEACTIVATE_STATES that contains 1 bit for
each Grafcet state. If the bit is TRUE, the Grafcet state
is deactivated in the next cycle.

program Grafcet This program implements the Grafcet state machine. It

contains the logic for the activation and deactivation of
Grafcet steps.

The program contains the following actions:

• Init initializes the Grafcet steps to their initial states. It
is executed when the system bit %S21 is set by the
application program.
• Reset resets the Grafcet steps to FALSE. It is
executed when the system bit %S22 is set by the
application program.

The Grafcet instructions in the application program are converted as follows:

• The beginning of each Grafcet step is marked by a label with the name of the
The first statement within the Grafcet step checks if the step is active. If not, it
jumps to the label of the next Grafcet step.
• The access to the %Xi is converted to an access to the STATES.Xi variable.

EIO0000002854.04 71
Managing Devices

• A Grafcet activation instruction #i is converted to setting the activation bit of

state i and the deactivation bit of the present state.
• A Grafcet deactivation instruction #Di is converted to setting the deactivation
bit of state i and the deactivation bit of the present state.
You can extend the converted Grafcet program if you consider the information
given in this section.
Conversion of graphical Grafcet
Graphical Grafcet is similar to the programming language SFC provided by
EcoStruxure Machine Expert. For this reason, a graphical Grafcet POU is
converted to an SFC program, as much as possible.
There are the following differences between graphical Grafcet and SFC:

Graphical Grafcet SFC Further information

Can have an arbitrary number Must have exactly one initial If the graphical Grafcet POU
of initial steps. step. has several initial steps, then
the converter creates several
initial steps in SFC. This has
the effect, that the converted
application cannot be built
without errors being detected.

Adapt the converted program.

Activation of multiple steps of Only one step of an alternative Verify that the converted
an alternative branch is branch can be activated. program is working as
allowed. expected.

The output transitions of a step The transitions of the SFC Verify that the converted
are evaluated right after the program are evaluated after program is working as
step has been executed. the execution of the active expected.

The layout of steps, transitions, The layout of steps, transitions, The graphical layout is
and branches is relatively free. and branches is more converted to SFC as far as
restricted. possible. The incompatibilities
encountered during the
conversion are reported in the
Messages view.

The step actions and transition

sections are fully converted.

Complete the created SFC as


A graphical Grafcet POU can be initialized by setting the system bit %S21. If this
bit is set in the SoMachine Basic project, the converter activates the implicit
variable SFCInit and uses it to initialize the SFC program.

Conversion of TM2 Expansion Modules to TM3 Expansion Modules

Twido controllers only use TM2 expansion modules. Even though M221 and M241
Logic Controllers can handle TM2 as well as TM3 modules, it is a good practice to
use TM3 modules. To convert the TM2 modules used in your Twido project into
TM3 modules for the EcoStruxure Machine Expert project, the option Upgrade
TM2 Modules to TM3 is by default selected.
The TM2 expansion modules are converted into TM3 expansion modules as listed
in the table:

Source TM2 expansion Target TM3 expansion Further information

module module





72 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Devices

Source TM2 expansion Target TM3 expansion Further information

module module











TM2AMI4LT TM3TI4 It is possible that the behavior

of the converted temperature
module differs from the original
module. Verify the converted

TM2ARI8HT – This TM2 module is not

converted because there is no
corresponding TM3 expansion
module. You can replace this
module by two TM3TI4
TM2AMO1HT TM3AQ2 The target TM3 expansion
module has more I/O channels
than the source TM2 module.


TM2ALM3LT It is possible that the behavior

of the converted temperature
module differs from the original
module. Verify the converted
TM2AMI2LT TM3TI4 The target TM3 expansion
module has more I/O channels
than the source TM2 module.

It is possible that the behavior

of the converted temperature
module differs from the original
module. Verify the converted

TM2ARI8LRJ – This TM2 module is not

converted because there is no
corresponding TM3 expansion
module. You can replace this
module by two TM3TI4
TM2ARI8LT – This TM2 module is not
converted because there is no
corresponding TM3 expansion
module. You can replace this
module by two TM3TI4

NOTE: If you are using TM2 as well as TM3 expansion modules in your
EcoStruxure Machine Expert project, note their position in the tree structure: If
TM3 nodes are located below TM2 nodes in the tree structure, this is detected
as a Build error in the Messages view.

EIO0000002854.04 73
Managing Devices

Conversion of Modbus Serial IOScanner

Due to the differences between controller platforms, and especially for connected
controller equipment that depend on the proper functioning of the converted
program, you must verify the results of the conversion process. Whether or not
errors or alerts are detected during the conversion, it is imperative that you
thoroughly test and validate your entire system within your machine or process.

• Verify that the program for the target controller contains the intended
configurations and provides the intended functions after you have converted
the project.
• Fully debug, verify, and validate the functionality of the converted program
before putting it into service.
• Before converting a program, verify that the source program is valid, i.e., is
downloadable to the source controller.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

The IOScanner configuration is completely converted:
• The devices are converted to the Generic Modbus Slave device. The source
device type is not preserved.
• The device configuration is completely converted. This includes initialization
requests, channel settings, and reset variable.
Function Blocks
The drive function blocks for the control of Altivar drives over the Modbus
IOScanner (MC_xxx_ATV) are not converted.
Status Handling
Since the IOScanner status handling differs for SoMachine Basic and EcoStruxure
Machine Expert, these features can only be partly converted. If your application
uses IOScanner status information, verify that this logic still works.

IOScanner Status Further information

Device Status (%IWNSx) Both SoMachine Basic and EcoStruxure Machine Expert provide
status information for a slave device, but the status values are
different. The status logic is partly converted.

Channel Status (%IWNSx.y) EcoStruxure Machine Expert does not provide status information
for single channels. The channel status is converted to the device
System words and bits:

%S110/%S111 (IOScanner They are not converted.


%S113/%S114 (IOScanner They are converted.


%SW210/%SW211 (IOScanner They are not converted.


Conversion of Modbus TCP IO Scanner

The configuration of the Modbus TCP IO Scanner is not converted.

74 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Devices

Immediate I/O Access

The instructions READ_IMM_IN and WRITE_IMM_OUT of SoMachine Basic for
immediate access to digital local I/O channels are not converted.
For M241 controllers, you can use the functions GetImmediateFastInput and
PhysicalWriteFastOutputs provided by the PLCSystem library, but consider
the following differences:

READ_IMM_IN and WRITE_IMM_OUT GetImmediateFastInput and

instructions (M221 controllers) PhysicalWriteFastOutputs functions
(M241 controllers)

Access to all local inputs and outputs. Access only to fast inputs and outputs.

WRITE_IMM_OUT writes a single bit (similar to PhysicalWriteFastOutputs writes fast

the read function). outputs at the same time.

WRITE_IMM_OUT returns an error code. PhysicalWriteFastOutputs only returns

the information on which outputs have actually
been written.
The error codes of READ_IMM_IN and GetImmediateFastInput differ.

READ_IMM_IN updates the input object (%I0. GetImmediateFastInput only returns the
x). read value but does not update the input

NOTE: For HMISCU controllers, no equivalent function exists.

Twido Communication Features

The following communication features of Twido are not converted:
• AS Interface
• CANopen
• remote link
If you use these communication features in your Twido application, you have to
adapt the EcoStruxure Machine Expert application manually.
During conversion, one variable is created for each related I/O object in order to
allow the EcoStruxure Machine Expert application to be built successfully. These
variables are collected in separate global variable lists. This helps you in
identifying the variables to be replaced.

Detected Errors and Alerts Indicated in the Messages View

If errors or alerts are detected during the conversion process, a message box is
displayed, indicating the number of errors and alerts detected. For further
information, consult the category Project Conversion of the Messages view (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help). Verify each entry
carefully to see whether you have to adapt your application.

• Verify that the program for the target controller contains the intended
configurations and provides the intended functions after you have converted
the project.
• Fully debug, verify, and validate the functionality of the converted program
before putting it into service.
• Before converting a program, verify that the source program is valid, i.e., is
downloadable to the source controller.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

EIO0000002854.04 75
Managing Devices

• A warning message indicates an advisory that the conversion process made

some adjustments that, in all likelihood, do not have impact on the functions
of your application.
• An error message indicates that some parts of the application could not be
fully converted. In this case, you have to adapt the application manually in
order to preserve the same functionality in the target application.
• If the application program makes use of functionality that cannot be
completely converted, the converter creates variables for the unsupported
language objects. This allows you to compile your application successfully.
However, verify this unsupported functionality after the conversion.
To save the information displayed in the Messages view, you can copy it to the
Clipboard (press CTRL + C) and paste it to a data file (press CTRL + V).

76 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Common Device Editor Dialogs

What’s in This Chapter
Device Configuration .....................................................................................77
I/O Mapping ................................................................................................ 124

Device Configuration
General Information About Device Editors
The device editor provides parameters for the configuration of a device, which is
managed in the Devices tree.
To open the device editor for a specific device, do the following:
• Double-click the node of the device in the Devices tree or
• Select device in the Devices tree and execute the Edit Object command via
the contextual menu or via the Project menu.
The Tools > Options > Device editor dialog box allows you to make the generic
device configuration views invisible, page 102.
This chapter describes the main device editor dialogs. Bus-specific configuration
dialogs are described separately.

Main Device Editor Dialogs

The title of the main dialog consists of the device name, for example MyPlc.
Depending on the device type, the device editor can provide the following tabs:

Tab Description

Communication Settings in Configuration of the connection between programming

Controller selection mode, page 78 system and a programmable device (controller). The tab that
is displayed depends on the mode selected with the
Communication Settings in Simple parameter Communication page in the Tools > Options >
mode, page 95 Device editor dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert,
Menu Commands, Online Help).
Communication Settings in Classic
mode, page 98

Configuration, page 102 Display or configuration of the device parameters.

Parameter, page 102 Display or configuration of the device parameters of PacDrive

Applications, page 103 List of applications running on the controller. Refer to the
description in the Program chapter, page 147.

Synchronized Files, page 104 List of files that are downloaded to the controller with an
application download.

Files, page 105 Configuration of a file transfer between host and controller.

Log, page 106 Display of the controller log file.

PLC Settings, page 107 Configuration of:

• Application for I/O handling
• I/O behavior in stop status
• Bus cycle options

Services Lets you configure the online services of the controller (RTC,
device identification).

EIO0000002854.04 77
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Tab Description

Users and Groups, page 111 User management concerning device access during runtime.

Access Rights, page 117 Configuration of the access rights on runtime objects and files
for the particular user groups.

Symbol Rights, page 121 Access rights of individual user groups to symbols (symbol
sets) on the device.

Task Deployment, page 122 Display of inputs and outputs assigned to the defined task -
used for troubleshooting.

Ethernet Services Ethernet_1 and Ethernet_2 tabs summarize the Ethernet


The IP Routing tab allows you to configure the routes and

the cross network transparency through IP Forwarding

The Ethernet Resources tab allows you to calculate the

number of connections and channels configured.

Status, page 123 Device-specific status and diagnostic messages.

Diagnostic Table Displays the errors detected by the controller. The data can
be accessed using the syntax
NameOfControllerInDeviceTree.NameofParameter. Example:

Information, page 123 General information on the device (for example: name,
provider, version).

I/O Mapping, page 124 Mapping of the input and output channels of an I/O device on
project (application) variables.

OPC UA server configuration Provides various functionalities to edit the server

configuration file ServerConfig.ini on the Compact Flash (CF)
card of the controller.

The OPC UA server configuration allows you to perform the

following actions:
• Define default properties for new server certificates.
• View and delete existing server certificates.
• View and add sampling rates.
• Import and export server certificates.
• Enable and manage various settings.
This function is not available for all supported controllers.
Consult the Programming Guide specific to your controller.

Communication Settings in Controller Selection Mode

The Communication Settings tab in controller selection mode is displayed when
the mode Controller selection mode has been selected for the parameter
Communication page in the Tools > Options > Device editor dialog box (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help). The tab provides
access to the Network Device Identification service that allows you to scan the
Ethernet network for available controllers and to display them in a list. You can
configure the parameters for the communication between the devices (referred to
as controllers in this chapter) and the programming system.
The list of controllers contains those controllers in the network that have sent a
response to the request of EcoStruxure Machine Expert. It may happen that the
controller of your choice is not included in this list. This can have several causes.
For causes and suitable solutions, refer to the chapter Accessing Controllers -
Troubleshooting and FAQ, page 674.

78 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Communication Settings tab in controller selection mode

The Communication Settings tab provides the following elements:

• Buttons in the toolbar
• List providing information on the available controllers
• Option, list, and box at the bottom of the tab

Description of the Buttons in the Toolbar

The following buttons are available in the toolbar:

Button Description

Change Communication Click this button to open the Change Communication Policy
Policy... dialog box, page 98 that allows you to select a new
communication policy for the selected controller.

Optical Click this button to cause the selected controller to indicate an

optical signal: It flashes a control LED. This can help you to
identify one controller if several controllers are used.

The function stops on a second click or automatically after

about 30 seconds.
NOTE: The optical signal is issued only by controllers that
support this function.

Optical and acoustical Click this button to cause the selected controller to indicate an
optical and an acoustical signal: It starts to beep and flashes a
control LED. This can help you to identify one controller if
several controllers are used.

The function stops on a second click or automatically after

about 30 seconds.
NOTE: The optical and acoustical signals are issued only
by controllers that support this function.

Update Click this button to refresh the list of controllers. A request is

sent to the controllers in the network. Controllers that respond
to the request are listed with the updated values.

Pre-existing entries of controllers are updated with every new


Controllers that are already in the list but do not respond to a

new request are not deleted. They are marked as inactive by a
red cross being added to the controller icon.

EIO0000002854.04 79
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Button Description

The Update button corresponds to the Refresh list command

that is provided in the contextual menu if you right-click a
controller in the list.

To refresh the information of a selected controller, the

contextual menu provides the command Refresh this
controller. This command requests more detailed information
from the selected controller.
NOTE: The Refresh this controller command can also
refresh the information of other controllers.
Remove inactive controllers Controllers that do not respond to a network scan are marked
from list. as inactive in the list. This is indicated by a red cross being
added to the controller icon. Click this button to remove the
controllers that are marked as inactive controllers from the list.
NOTE: A controller can be marked as inactive even if this
is not the case.

The contextual menu that opens if you right-click a

controller in the list provides two other commands for
removing controllers:
• The Remove selected controller from list
command allows you to remove only the selected
controller from the list.
• The Remove all controllers from list command
allows you to remove all controllers simultaneously
from the list.
New Favorite... and Favorite 0 You can use Favorites to adjust the selection of controllers to
your personal requirements. This can help you keep track of
many controllers in the network.

A Favorite describes a collection of controllers that are

recognized by a unique identifier.

Click a favorite button (such as Favorite 0) to select or

deselect it. If you have not selected a favorite, all detected
controllers are visible.

You can also access Favorites via the contextual menu. It

opens upon right-clicking a controller in the list.

Move the cursor over a favorite button in the toolbar to view the
associated controllers as a tooltip.

List of Controllers
The list of controllers in the middle of the Communication Settings tab of the
device editor lists those controllers that have sent a response to the network scan.
It provides information on each controller in several columns. You can adapt the
columns displayed in the list of controllers according to your individual

80 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

To achieve this, right-click the header of a column to open the Process columns
dialog box.

You can create your own layout of this table. Click New, and enter a name for your
layout. Shift columns from the list of Possible columns to the list of Current
columns and vice versa by clicking the horizontal arrow buttons. To change the
order of the columns in the Current columns list, click the arrow up and arrow
down buttons.

Configuring Communication Settings

To set the parameters for communication between the programming system and a
controller, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 Select the controller in the list of controllers.

2 Right-click the controller entry and execute the command Edit communication
settings... from the contextual menu.

Result: The Edit communication settings dialog box opens with the settings of the

EIO0000002854.04 81
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Step Action

NOTE: Most controllers provide a parameter (such as RemoteAccess) that

helps prevent changing communication parameters of the controller.

3 Configure the communication parameters:

• Boot Mode
◦ FIXED: A fixed IP address is used according to the values entered below
(IP address, Subnet mask, Gateway).
◦ BOOTP: The IP address is received dynamically by BOOTP (bootstrap
protocol). The values below will be ignored.
◦ DHCP: The IP address is received dynamically by DHCP (dynamic host
configuration protocol). The values below will be ignored.
NOTE: Not all devices support BOOTP and/or DHCP.
• IP address
When configuring IP addresses, refer to the hazard message below.
This box contains the IP address of the controller. It is a unique address that
consists of four numbers in the range of 0...255 separated by periods. The IP
address has to be unique in this (sub)network.
• Subnet mask
The subnet mask specifies the network segment to which the controller
belongs. It is an address that consists of four numbers in the range of 0...255
separated by periods. Generally, only the values 0 and 255 are used for
standard subnet mask numbers. However, other numeric values are possible.
The value of the subnet mask is generally the same for all controllers in the
• Gateway
The gateway address is the address of a local IP router that is located on the
same network as the controller. The IP router passes the data to destinations
outside of the local network. It is an address that consists of four numbers in the
range of 0...255 separated by periods. The value of the gateway is generally the
same for all controllers in the network.
• To save the communication settings in the controller even if it is restarted,
activate the option Save settings permanently.

4 Click OK to transfer the settings to the controller.

Carefully manage the IP addresses because each device on the network requires
a unique address. Having multiple devices with the same IP address can cause
unintended operation of your network and associated equipment.

82 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

• Verify that all devices have unique addresses.
• Obtain your IP address from your system administrator.
• Confirm that the device’s IP address is unique before placing the system into
• Do not assign the same IP address to any other equipment on the network.
• Update the IP address after cloning any application that includes Ethernet
communications to a unique address.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

Managing Favorites
To manage favorites in the list of controllers, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 Select the controller in the list of controllers.

2 Right-click the controller and select one of the commands:
• New Favorite to create a new group of favorites.
• Favorite n in order to
◦ Add the selected controller to this list of favorites
◦ Remove the selected controller from this list of favorites
◦ Remove all controllers from this list of favorites
◦ Select a favorite
◦ Rename a favorite
◦ Remove a favorite

Encrypted communication Option

When the Encrypted communication option is selected under the
Communication Settings tab, communication to the controller will be encrypted.
NOTE: The following prerequisites must be fulfilled to perform encrypted
communication with a controller:
• The controller must support TLS (Transport Layer Security).
• A certificate must be available on the controller.
Consult the Programming Guide specific to your controller for information on the
support of TLS.
The following scenarios are possible when you attempt to log into a controller
using encrypted communication:

EIO0000002854.04 83
Common Device Editor Dialogs

If... Then ... Comment

If the controller does not support TLS Then a message will be displayed when you The login is denied.
(prerequisite 1 is not fulfilled) attempt to log into the controller, indicating
that the controller does not support TLS.

If a certificate is not available on the Then a message will be displayed when you The login is denied.
controller (prerequisite 2 is not fulfilled) attempt to log into the controller, indicating
that encrypted communication could not be
initialized successfully.

If both prerequisites are fulfilled Then a message will be displayed when you If you confirm with OK:
attempt to log into the controller for the first
• The login will be successful given that
time, requesting you to install the
the user password, if required, is
(untrusted) controller certificate to the local
provided as well.
Controller Certificates store of the PC
running EcoStruxure Machine Expert. • Communication to the controller will
be encrypted.
• The message will not be displayed
If you click Cancel:
• The login will be denied.
• The message will be displayed with
every new attempt to log in.

For further information, refer to the document How To Manage Certificates on the

Confirmed online mode Option

The Confirmed online mode option causes EcoStruxure Machine Expert to
display a message requiring confirmation when one of the following online
commands is selected: Force values, Login, Multiple download, Release force
list, Single cycle, Start, Stop, Write values. To disable the Confirmed online
mode option and thereby delete the display of this message, clear this option.

Specifying Unique Device Names (NodeNames)

The term NodeName is used as a synonym for the term device name. Since
nodenames are also used to identify a controller after a network scan, manage
them as carefully as IP addresses and verify that each nodename is unique in
your network. Having multiple devices assigned the same nodename can cause
unpredictable operation of your network and associated equipment.

• Ensure that all devices have unique nodenames.
• Confirm that the device’s nodename is unique before placing the system into
• Do not assign the same nodename to any other equipment on the network.
• Update the nodename after cloning any application that includes Ethernet
communications to a unique nodename.
• Create a unique nodename for each device that does not create it
automatically, such as M241 and M251 controllers.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

Depending on the type of controller, the automatic creation of the NodeName

(device name) may differ in procedure. To create a unique name, some controllers
integrate their IP address, others use the MAC address of the Ethernet adapter. In
this case, you do not have to change the name.

84 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

You can also assign a unique device name (NodeName) as follows:

Step Action

1 Right-click the controller in the list and execute the command Change device
name... from the contextual menu.

Result: The Change device name dialog box opens.

2 In the Change device name dialog box, enter a unique device name in the box New.

3 Click the OK button to confirm.

Result: The device name you entered is assigned to the controller and is displayed in
the column NodeName of the list.
NOTE: Device name and NodeName are synonymous.

Specifying the Connection Mode

The Connection Mode list at the lower left of the Communication Settings tab
allows you to select a format for the connection address you have to enter in the
Address field.
The following formats are supported:
• Automatic, page 85
• Nodename, page 86
• IP Address, page 86
• IP Address (Fast TCP), page 86
• Nodename via NAT (Remote TCP), page 87 (NAT = network address
• IP Address via NAT (Remote TCP), page 88
• Nodename via Gateway, page 90
• IP Address via Gateway, page 92
• Nodename via MODEM, page 94
• IP Address (PacDriveM only), page 87 (only available in service tools like
Controller Assistant)
NOTE: After you have changed the Connection Mode, it may be required to
perform the login procedure twice to gain access to the selected controller.

Connection Mode Automatic

If you select the option Automatic from the Connection Mode list, you can enter
the nodename, the IP address, or the connection URL (
to specify the Address.
NOTE: Do not use spaces at the beginning or end of the Address.
If you have selected another Connection Mode and you have specified an
Address for this mode, the address you specified will still be available in the
Address box if you switch to Connection Mode > Automatic.
Connection Mode > Nodename via NAT (Remote TCP) selected and address
and nodename specified

EIO0000002854.04 85
Common Device Editor Dialogs

If you switch to Connection Mode > Automatic, the information is converted to a

URL, starting with the prefix enodename3://

If an IP address has been entered for the connection mode, the information is
converted to a URL starting with a prefix. For the Connection Mode > IP Address
, the prefix etcp3:// is used. For the Connection Mode > IP Address (Fast
TCP) , the prefix etcp4:// is used. For example, etcp4://<IpAddress>.
NOTE: In the Controller Assistant and the Diagnostics tools, an IP address
can additionally have the prefix etcp2://. This is only available for PacDrive
M controllers.
If a nodename has been entered for the connection mode (for example, when
Connection Mode > Nodename has been selected), the information is converted
to a URL starting with the prefix enodename3://. For example,

Connection Mode > Nodename

If you select the option Nodename from the Connection Mode list, you can enter
the nodename of a controller to specify the Address. The text box is filled
automatically if you double-click a controller in the list of controllers.
Example: Nodename: MyM238 (
If the controller you selected does not provide a nodename, the Connection
Mode automatically changes to IP Address, and the IP address from the list is
entered in the Address box.

Connection Mode > IP Address

If you select the option IP Address from the Connection Mode list, you can enter
the IP address of a controller to specify the Address. The box is filled
automatically if you double-click a controller in the list of controllers.
Example: IP Address:
If the controller you selected does not provide an IP address, the Connection
Mode automatically changes to Nodename, and the nodename from the list is
entered in the Address box.
NOTE: Enter the IP address according to the format <Number>.<Number>.

Connection Mode > IP Address (Fast TCP)

If you select the option IP Address (Fast TCP) from the Connection Mode list,
you can connect to a controller using the TCP protocol. Enter the Target IP
address/Port of the controller in the respective field. You can adapt the default
setting 11740 for the Port if you are using network address translation (NAT).
Example: IP Address:
NOTE: Enter the IP address according to the format <Number>.<Number>.
If the controller is not listed in the list of controllers, click the Test button. If the
controller sends a response to the network scan, an entry for this controller is
added to the list of controllers. This entry is marked by the icon TCP being
displayed in the first column.

NOTE: This function is not available for all supported controllers. Consult the
Programming Guide specific to your controller to find out whether it supports
the IP Address (Fast TCP) connection mode.

86 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Connection Mode > IP Address (PacDriveM only)

If you select the option IP Address (PacDriveM only) from the Connection Mode
list, you can enter the IP address of a controller to specify the Address. The box is
filled automatically if you double-click a PacDrive M controller in the list of
Example: IP Address:
NOTE: Enter the IP address according to the format <Number>.<Number>.

Connection Mode > Nodename via NAT (Remote TCP)

If you select the option Nodename via NAT (Remote TCP) from the Connection
Mode list, you can specify the address of a controller that resides behind a NAT
router in the network. Enter the nodename of the controller, and the IP address or
host name and port of the NAT router.

1 PC
2 NAT router
3 Target device
Example: NAT Address/Port: Target Nodename:
MyM238 (
NOTE: Enter a valid IP address (format <Number>.<Number>.<Number>.
<Number>) or a valid host name for the NAT Address.
Enter the port of the NAT router to be used. Otherwise, the default port 1105 is
The information you enter is interpreted as a URL that creates a remote TCP
bridge - using TCP block driver - and then connects by scanning for a controller
with the given nodename on the local gateway.
NOTE: The NAT router can be located on the target controller itself. You can
use it to create a TCP bridge to a controller.
You can also scan a remote network via a remote controller (bridge controller). To
achieve this, enter the NAT Address/Port, and click the refresh button right to the
NAT Address/Port text field. The controllers that send a response to the remote
network scan are listed in the list of controllers. Each of these entries is marked by
the icon REM being displayed in the first column. To fill the list with more detailed
information, right-click a controller entry and execute the command Refresh this
controller. If the controller supports this function, further information on the
controller is added to the list. Consult the Programming Guide specific to your

EIO0000002854.04 87
Common Device Editor Dialogs

1 Refresh button
2 REM icon
In the following example, the bridge controller, controller 2, and controller 3
are scanned.

1 Local subnet
2 Remote subnet
3 Bridge controller
4 Controller 3
5 Controller 2
6 NAT router
7 PC

Connection Mode > IP Address via NAT (Remote TCP)

If you select the option IP Address via NAT (Remote TCP) (NAT = network
address translation) from the Connection Mode list, you can specify the address
of a controller that resides behind a NAT router in the network. Enter the IP
address of the controller, and the IP address or host name and port of the NAT

1 PC
2 NAT router
3 Target device

88 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Example: NAT Address/Port: Target IP Address:

NOTE: Enter a valid IP address (format <Number>.<Number>.<Number>.

<Number>) or a valid host name for the NAT Address.
Enter the port of the NAT router to be used. Otherwise, the default port 1105 is
Enter a valid IP address (format <Number>.<Number>.<Number>.
<Number>) for the Target IP Address.
The information you enter is interpreted as a URL that creates a remote TCP
bridge - using TCP block driver - and then connects by scanning for a controller
with the given nodename on the local gateway. The IP address is searched in the
nodename (such as MyController (
NOTE: The NAT router can be located on the target controller itself. You can
use it to create a TCP bridge to a controller.
You can also scan a remote network via a remote controller (bridge controller). To
achieve this, enter the NAT Address/Port, and click the refresh button right to the
NAT Address/Port text field. The controllers that send a response to the remote
network scan are listed in the list of controllers. Each of these entries is marked by
the icon REM being displayed in the first column. To fill the list with more detailed
information, right-click a controller entry and execute the command Refresh this
controller. If the controller supports this function, further information on the
controller is added to the list. Consult the Programming Guide specific to your

1 Refresh button
2 REM icon

EIO0000002854.04 89
Common Device Editor Dialogs

In the following example, the bridge controller, controller 2, and controller 3

are scanned.

1 Local subnet
2 Remote subnet
3 Bridge controller
4 Controller 3
5 Controller 2
6 NAT router
7 PC

Connection Mode > Nodename via Gateway

If you select the option Nodename via Gateway from the Connection Mode list,
you can specify the address of a controller that resides behind or close to an
EcoStruxure Machine Expert gateway router in the network. Enter the nodename
of the controller, and the IP address or host name and port of the EcoStruxure
Machine Expert gateway router.

1 PC / HMI
2 PC / HMI / devices with installed EcoStruxure Machine Expert gateway
3 Target device
Example: Gateway Address/Port: Nodename:
NOTE: Enter a valid IP address (format <Number>.<Number>.<Number>.
<Number>) or a valid host name for the Gateway Address/Port:.
Enter the port of the gateway router to be used. Otherwise, the default
EcoStruxure Machine Expert gateway port 1217 is used.
Do not use spaces at the beginning or end and do not use commas in the
Target Nodename box.
The information you enter is interpreted as a URL. The gateway is scanned for a
device with the given nodename that is directly connected to this gateway. Directly
connected means in the EcoStruxure Machine Expert gateway topology it is the
root node itself or a child node of the root node.
NOTE: The EcoStruxure Machine Expert gateway can be located on an HMI,
destination PC, or the local PC, making it possible to connect to a device that
has no unique nodename but resides in a subnet behind an EcoStruxure
Machine Expert network.

90 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

The graphic shows an example that allows a connection from the PC to the target
controller 3 (item 4 in the graphic) by using the address of hop PC2 (item 5 in the
graphic) that must have an EcoStruxure Machine Expert gateway installed.

1 Hop PC 1
2 Target controller 1: MyNotUniqueNodename
3 Target controller 2: MyNotUniqueNodename
4 Target controller 3: MyNotUniqueNodename
5 Hop PC 2
6 PC / HMI
7 Router
8 Ethernet
To verify whether the connection to a specific controller can be established, enter
the Gateway Address/Port, and click the Test button. If the controller sends a
response to the network scan, an entry for this controller is added to the list of
controllers. This entry is marked by the icon GAT being displayed in the first
To scan a specific gateway for available controllers, enter the Gateway Address/
Port, and click the refresh button right to the Gateway Address/Port text field.
The controllers that send a response to the gateway scan are listed in the list of
controllers. Each of these entries is marked by the icon GAT being displayed in
the first column. To fill the list with more detailed information, right-click a controller
entry and execute the command Refresh this controller. If the controller
supports this function, further information on the controller is added to the list.
Consult the Programming Guide specific to your controller.

1 Refresh button
2 GAT icon

EIO0000002854.04 91
Common Device Editor Dialogs

The gateway that is scanned can be located on a PC or on an HMI that can reside
in the local or in a remote subnet. In the following example, the bridge target
controller 1 and target controller 2 are scanned.

1 Local subnet
2 Remote subnet
3 Target controller 1
4 Target controller 2
5 Gateway
6 PC
7 Ethernet
You can connect to the listed devices using the gateway.

Connection Mode > IP Address via Gateway

If you select the option IP Address via Gateway from the Connection Mode list,
you can specify the address of a controller that resides behind or close to an
EcoStruxure Machine Expert gateway router in the network. Enter the IP address
of the controller, and the IP address or host name and port of the EcoStruxure
Machine Expert gateway router.

1 PC / HMI
2 PC / HMI / devices with installed EcoStruxure Machine Expert gateway
3 Target device
Example: Gateway Address/Port: IP Address:

92 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

NOTE: Enter a valid IP address (format <Number>.<Number>.<Number>.

<Number>) or a valid host name for the Gateway Address/Port:.
Enter the port of the gateway router to be used. Otherwise, the default
EcoStruxure Machine Expert gateway port 1217 is used.
Enter a valid IP address (format <Number>.<Number>.<Number>.
<Number>) for the Target IP Address.
The information you enter is interpreted as a URL. The gateway is scanned for a
device with the given IP address. The IP address is searched in the nodename
(such as MyController (
NOTE: The EcoStruxure Machine Expert gateway can be located on an HMI,
destination PC, or the local PC. It is therefore possible to connect to a device
that has no unique nodename but resides in a subnet behind an EcoStruxure
Machine Expert network.
The graphic shows an example that allows a connection from hop PC2 (item 5 in
the graphic) that must have an EcoStruxure Machine Expert gateway installed to
the target controller 3 (item 4 in the graphic).

1 Hop PC 1
2 Target controller 1:
3 Target controller 2:
4 Target controller 3:
5 Hop PC 2
6 PC
7 Router
8 Ethernet
To verify whether the connection to a specific controller can be established, enter
the Gateway Address/Port, and click the Test button. If the controller sends a
response to the network scan, an entry for this controller is added to the list of
controllers. This entry is marked by the icon GAT being displayed in the first
To scan a specific gateway for available controllers, enter the Gateway Address/
Port, and click the refresh button right to the Gateway Address/Port text field.
The controllers that send a response to the gateway scan are listed in the list of
controllers. Each of these entries is marked by the icon GAT being displayed in
the first column. To fill the list with more detailed information, right-click a controller
entry and execute the command Refresh this controller. If the controller
supports this function, further information on the controller is added to the list.
Consult the Programming Guide specific to your controller.

EIO0000002854.04 93
Common Device Editor Dialogs

1 Refresh button
2 GAT icon
The gateway that is scanned can be located on a PC or on an HMI that can reside
in the local or in a remote subnet. In the following example, the bridge target
controller 1 and target controller 2 are scanned.

1 Local subnet
2 Remote subnet
3 Target controller 1
4 Target controller 2
5 Gateway
6 PC
7 Ethernet
You can connect to the listed devices using the gateway.

94 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Connection Mode > Nodename via MODEM

If you select the option Nodename via MODEM from the Connection Mode list,
you can specify a controller that resides behind a modem line.

1 PC
3 Target modem
4 Target device
5 Phone line
To establish a connection to the modem, click the MODEM > Connect button. In
the Modem Configuration dialog box, enter the Phone number of the target
modem and configure the communication settings. Click OK to confirm and to
establish a connection to the modem.
If the EcoStruxure Machine Expert gateway is stopped and restarted, any
connection of the local gateway is terminated. EcoStruxure Machine Expert
displays a message that has to be confirmed before the restart process is started.
After the connection to the modem has been established successfully, the
MODEM button changes from Connect to Disconnect. The list of controllers is
cleared and refreshed scanning the modem connection for connected controllers.
You can double-click an item from the list of controllers or enter a nodename in the
Target Nodename: box to connect to a specific controller.
Click the MODEM > Disconnect button to terminate the modem connection and
to stop and restart the EcoStruxure Machine Expert gateway. The list of controllers
is cleared and refreshed scanning the Ethernet network.

Communication Settings in Simple Mode

The Communication Settings tab in simple mode is displayed when the mode
Simple mode has been selected for the parameter Communication page in the
Tools > Options > Device editor dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert,
Menu Commands, Online Help). It provides a graphic view to configure the
parameters for the communication between device and programming system.

EIO0000002854.04 95
Common Device Editor Dialogs

The Communication Settings tab in simple mode contains an illustration of the programming device, the
present gateway, and the target device with the connection status.

Select a gateway and a target device in the selection fields. The list entries you
can select are determined by the Manage gateways and Manage favorite
devices parameters.
You can enter the target device in different ways:
• By the IP address, for example
• By the device address, for example [056D]
• By the device name, for example MyDevice
NOTE: To search for a device via the device name, unique device names are
required within the network.
A status bullet at the right bottom of the gateway symbol indicates the
communication status:

Color Description

Red Connection cannot be established.

Green Connection is established.

Black Connection state is not defined.

NOTE: Some communication protocols do not allow a periodic verification of

the gateway. Thus, the status cannot be displayed.
Click the status bullet of the target device to start a network scan for the device.
However, this is only possible if the gateway has not already started searching.

Description of the Elements

Elements of the Communication Settings tab in simple mode:

96 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Element Description

Scan network... button Opens the Select Device dialog box that lists
the configured gateways and their associated
Gateway list –

Add new gateway... Opens the Gateway dialog box for adding a
new gateway (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert,
Menu Commands, Online Help).

Manage gateways... Opens the Manage gateways dialog box

showing an overview of all gateways. In this
dialog box, you can add or remove gateways.
You can change the order of the gateway
entries by using the buttons.

Configure local Opens the Gateway Configuration dialog box

gateway... (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help). It enables you to set
up the block driver configuration for the local

Device list –

Add current device Adds the defined device to the list of favorite
to favorites devices.
Manage favorite Opens a dialog box showing the list of favorite
devices... devices. In this dialog box, you can add or
remove devices or change the order of the
entries. The device at top of the list defines the
default device.
Rename active Opens a dialog box for renaming the device.
Wink active device The connected controller flashes during login.

Send echo service EcoStruxure Machine Expert implements the

echo service that is similar to the ping tool.

In order to verify the quality of the network

connection, EcoStruxure Machine Expert sends
five echo data packets to the controller. The
amount of user data that is consecutively added
to these packets depends on the
communication buffer size of the controller.

A result message is displayed that indicates the

average round-trip delay time and the amount of
user data that has been echoed through the
Store If this option is activated, EcoStruxure Machine
communication Expert can automatically restore the
settings in project communication settings, even if you are going to
open the project on another computer.
NOTE: If you use the project on another
computer, you must reset the active path.
If this option is not selected, the settings are
stored in the local EcoStruxure Machine Expert
options on your computer. In this case, you must
reconfigure them if you are going to use the
project on another computer.
NOTE: If you use CODESYS SVN, make
sure to deactivate this option for the device
object not to be blocked.

Confirmed online If this option is activated, EcoStruxure Machine

mode Expert prompts the user for confirmation each
time one of the following online commands is to
be executed: Force values, Write values,
Multiple download, Release force list, Single
cycle, Start, Stop.

Filter network scans If this option is activated, the list is reduced to

by target ID those devices which have the same target ID as
the device configured in the project.

EIO0000002854.04 97
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Element Description

Encrypted If this option is activated, the communication to

Communication this controller is encrypted. A certificate is
required to log in to the controller. If the
certificate is not available, an error message is
displayed requesting to display and install the

This option is not available if the option Security

level > Enforce encrypted communication is
selected in the Security Screen editor (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help).

Change Opens the Change Communication Policy

Communication dialog box for modifying the controller settings
Policy for the encryption of communication.

Change Communication Policy Dialog Box

If you select a new communication policy in the Change Communication Policy
dialog box, the configuration on the controller is modified:

Element Description

Current Policy Displays the selected policy for the encryption
of communication.
New Policy Contains a list to select for the new policy for
• No encryption. The controller does not
support encrypted communication.
• Optional encryption: The controller
supports encrypted and unencrypted
• Enforced encryption: The controller
supports encrypted communication only.

Device User Management

Current Policy Displays the selected policy for user


New Policy Contains a list to select for the new policy for
user management:
• Optional user management: The user
management on the device is disabled or
can be disabled manually.
• Enforced user management: The user
management on the device is enabled
and cannot be disabled manually.

Communication Settings in Classic Mode

The Communication Settings tab in classic mode is displayed when the mode
Classic mode has been selected for the parameter Communication page in the
Tools > Options > Device editor dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert,
Menu Commands, Online Help). It allows you to configure the parameters for the
communication between device and programming system.

98 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

The Communication Settings tab in classic mode provides a tree structure to configure the parameters:

This tab is divided in 2 parts:

• The left part shows the configured gateway channels in a tree structure.
• The right part shows the corresponding data and information.

Description of the Tree Structure

When you create the first project on your local system, the local Gateway is
already available as a node in the tree. This gateway is started automatically
during system start.
The settings of this gateway are displayed when you click the Add gateway...
Device Name: Gateway-1
Port: 1217
Driver: TCP/IP
A status bullet at the bottom right of the gateway symbol indicates the status of the

Color Description

Red Connection cannot be established.

Green Connection is established.
Black Connection state is undefined.

NOTE: Some communication protocols do not allow a periodic verification of

the gateway. Thus, the status cannot be displayed.
Indented below the Gateway node (open/close via the +/- sign), you will see
entries for the devices which are reachable through this gateway. The device

EIO0000002854.04 99
Common Device Editor Dialogs

entries are preceded by a symbol. Entries with a target ID different to that of

the device configured in the project, are displayed in gray font. To obtain an up-to-
date list of the available devices, use the button Scan network.

The device nodes consist of a symbol followed by the node name and the node
address. In the right part of the window, the respective Device Name, Device
Address, Number of Channels, Target ID, Target Name, Target Type, Target
Vendor, and Target Version are shown.
In the Select the network path to the controller field, the gateway channel is
specified automatically by selecting the channel in the tree structure.
NOTE: The parameter Number of Channels displays the number of channels
that is supported by the selected controller. You cannot monitor online the
number of channels that are being used.
A channel is a connection to a client (such as Diagnostics, Logic Builder,
WebVisu, OPC, HMI). Depending on the communication service, a client may
occupy more than one channel for a short time. When all channels supported
by the controller are being used, Logic Builder displays the message
Connection denied by device: All available communication channels are
already in use.

Filter and Sorting Function

You can filter and sort the gateway and device nodes displayed in the tree by the
selection boxes in the right part of the tab:
• Filter: Allows you to reduce the entries of the tree structure to those devices
with a Target ID matching that of the device configured in the project.
• Sorting order: Allows you to sort the entries of the tree structure according to
the Name or Node Address in alphabetical or ascending order.

Description of the Buttons / Commands

For changing the communication configuration, the following buttons or
commands are available:

Button / Command Description

Set active path This command sets the selected communication channel as
the active path to the controller. See the description of the Set
Active Path command. Double-clicking the node in the tree
structure has the same effect.
Add gateway... This command opens the Gateway dialog box where you can
define a gateway to be added to the configuration.

See the description of the Add Gateway command (see

EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

Add device... This command opens the Add Device dialog box where you
can manually define a device to be added to the selected
gateway entry (Consider the Scan network functionality).

See the description for adding devices, page 54.

Edit Gateway... This command opens the Gateway dialog box for editing the
settings of the selected gateway.

See the description of the Edit Gateway... command (see

EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

Delete selected Device This command removes the selected device from the
configuration tree.

Scan for device by address This command scans the network for devices which have the
address specified here in the configuration tree. Those which

100 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Button / Command Description

are found will then be represented in the gateway with the

specified node address and their name. The scan refers to
devices below that gateway under which an entry is selected.

By default, the command is not available in the menus. Add

this command via the Tools > Customize menu (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

Scan for device by name This command scans the network for devices which have the
names specified here in the configuration tree (case-sensitive
search). Those which are found will then be represented in the
gateway with the specified name and their unique node
address. The scan refers to devices below that gateway under
which an entry is selected.

By default, the command is not available in the menus. Add

this command via the Tools > Customize menu (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

Scan for device by IP address This command scans the network for devices which have the
IP address specified here in the configuration tree. Those
which are found will then be represented in the gateway with
the specified node address and their name. The scan refers to
devices below that gateway under which an entry is selected.

By default, the command is not available in the menus. Add

this command via the Tools > Customize menu (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

Send echo service EcoStruxure Machine Expert implements the echo service that
is similar to the ping tool.

In order to verify the quality of the network connection,

EcoStruxure Machine Expert sends five echo data packets to
the controller. The amount of user data that is consecutively
added to these packets depends on the communication buffer
size of the controller.

A result message is displayed that indicates the average

round-trip delay time and the amount of user data that has
been echoed through the connection.

Configure the local gateway This command opens a dialog box for the configuration of a
local gateway and therefore provides an alternative to manual
editing the file Gateway.cfg.

See the description of the Configure the local gateway...

command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help).

Scan network This command starts a search for available devices in your
local network. The configuration tree of the concerned
gateway will be updated accordingly.

Description of the Options

Two options are available below the tree structure:

Option Description

Don't store communication Activate this option if the network path definition should not be
settings in project stored in the project, but in the local option settings on your
computer. Therefore, the path setting is restored if the project
is reopened on the same computer. It will have to be redefined
if the project is used on another system.

Confirmed online mode Activate this option if the user should be prompted for
confirmation when selecting one of the following online
commands: Force values, Multiple download, Release
force list, Single cycle, Start, Stop, Write values.

EIO0000002854.04 101
Common Device Editor Dialogs

The Configuration view is only available in the device editor if the option Show
generic device configuration views in the Tools > Options > Device editor
dialog box is activated. The Configuration view shows the device-specific
parameters, and, if allowed by the device description, provides the possibility to
edit the parameter values.
Configuration view of the device editor

The view contains the following elements:

Element Description

Parameter Parameter name, not editable

Type Data type of parameter, not editable

Value Primarily, the default value of the parameter is displayed

directly or by a symbolic name. If the parameter can be
modified (this depends on the device description, non-editable
parameters are displayed as gray-colored), click the table cell
to open an edit frame or a selection list to change the value. If
the value is a file specification, the dialog box for opening a file
opens by double-clicking the cell. It allows you to select
another file.
Default Value Default parameter value, not editable

Unit Unit of the parameter value (for example: ms for milliseconds),

not editable
Description Short description of the parameter, not editable

The Parameters view displays the controller-specific parameters in a table. You
can edit the Value of those parameters that are defined as editable in the device
description. This function is not available for all supported controllers. Consult the
Programming Guide specific to your controller for further information.
The view contains the following elements:

102 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Element Description

Parameters Indicates the parameter name, not editable.

Type Indicates the data type of the parameter, not editable.

Value The default value of the parameter is displayed directly or by a

symbolic name.

If the value can be modified, double-click the field to open an

edit frame, a selection list, or a file selection dialog box.

Parameters that are not defined as editable in the device

description are displayed as gray-colored in this list.

Default Value Indicates the default parameter value as defined in the device
description, not editable

Unit Indicates the unit of the parameter value (for example: ms for
milliseconds), not editable.

Description Indicates the short description of the parameter as defined in

the device description, not editable.

The Applications view of the device editor serves to scan and to remove
applications on the controller. Information on the content of the application can be
available as well as some details on the application properties.

Description of the Elements

The Applications view provides the following elements:

Element Description

Applications on the PLC This text box lists the names of applications which have been
found on the controller during the last scan (by clicking
Refresh List).

If no scan has been executed yet or if a scan is not possible

because no gateway is configured, page 95 for a connection, a
message is displayed.

Remove Click these buttons to remove the application currently

selected in the list or all applications from the controller.
Remove All
Details Click this button to open a dialog box showing the information
as defined in the Information tab of the Properties dialog box
of the application object.

Content If, in the View > Properties > Application build options, the
option Download Application Info is activated for the
application object (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help), then additional information on the
content of the application is loaded to the controller.

Click the Content button to view the different POUs, in a

comparison view. Upon several downloads, this information
allows you to compare the code of the new application with
that already available on the controller. This provides more
information for decisions on how to log in. For further
information, refer to the description of the Login command.

Refresh List Click this button to scan the controller for applications. The list
will be updated accordingly.

EIO0000002854.04 103
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Verifications Before Loading an Application to the Controller

The following verifications are performed before an application is loaded to the
• The list of applications on the controller is compared with those available in
the project. If inconsistencies are detected, a dialog box is displayed for either
loading the applications not yet available on the controller, or for removing
other applications from the controller.
• POUs externally implemented in the application to be loaded are verified as to
whether they are also available on the controller. If they are not available on
the controller, a message (unresolved reference(s)) will be generated in a
message box as well as in the Messages view if the option Download is
• The parameters (variables) of the POUs of the application to be loaded are
compared with those of the same-named POUs of the application already
available on the controller (validation of signatures). In case any
inconsistencies are detected, a message (signature mismatch(es)) will be
generated in a message box as well as in the Messages view if the option
Download is selected.
NOTE: If in the View > Properties > Application build options the option
Download Application Info is activated, additional information on the content
of the application will be loaded to the controller. See the description of the
Content button in the previous table.

Synchronized Files
The Synchronized Files view of the device editor lists the files that are
downloaded to the controller when the application is downloaded:
• External files, for example, that were added to an application.
• Implicit files, such as the source code archive file, are displayed only in this
view if the time of download is configured and the option Show implicit files
for application download on the editor of a PLC is selected in the Tools >
Options > Device Editor dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert,
Menu Commands, Online Help).
This function is not available for all supported controllers. Consult the
Programming Guide specific to your controller for details on this function.

Description of the Elements

The Synchronized Files view provides the following elements:

Element Description Example

File name Name of the file below the application, or direct archive.prj
name of the implicitly transferred file (for
example, archive.prj).

Double-click the file name to open the file.

Host path Storage location or original location of the file. D:\Proj1\Files

Double-click the path to open the directory in

the Windows Explorer.

Time interval Time interval for updating the file on the After download /
controller. online change of the

104 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Element Description Example

Information Additional information, depending on the Object: external file


Origin Type of origin of the file. External file objects,

Source code
download provider

The Files view of the device editor serves to transfer files between the host and
the controller. You can choose any file from a directory of the local network to copy
it to the file directory of the currently connected runtime system, or vice versa.
This view is divided in two parts:
• The left part shows the files on the Host.
• The right part shows the files on the Runtime system.

Description of the Elements

The Files view provides the following elements:

Element Description

Updates the Runtime list.

Creates a new folder in which you can copy the files.

Removes the selected files or folders from the list.

Location Specifies the folder of the respective file system that will be
used for the file transfer.

Select an entry from the list or browse in the file system tree.

<< >> File transfer between EcoStruxure Machine Expert and

controller (see paragraph below).

For the directories in the file trees there are the following variants:

Element Description

Normal file directory.

Placeholder file directory, defined in the configuration of the

runtime system of the controller.

Implicitly created placeholder file directory of the runtime

system of the controller.

EIO0000002854.04 105
Common Device Editor Dialogs

File Transfer Between EcoStruxure Machine Expert and Controller

Step Action Comment

1 Select the files to be copied in the file Multiple selection is possible. You can
system tree. even select a folder in order to copy the
files contained within.
2 Click the button >> or << to transfer the To transfer in this context means to copy.
selected files to the directory set in the So, if a file is not yet available in the
runtime system. runtime directory, it will be created there.
However, if it already exists, it will be

If a file with the given name is already

available and is write-protected, a
corresponding message is generated.

The Log view of the device editor is used to display the events which have been
logged on the runtime system of the controller.
This concerns:
• Events at system start or shutdown (loaded components and their versions)
• Application download and boot project download
• Customer-specific entries
• Log entries of I/O drivers
• Log entries of the data server

Description of the Elements

The Log view provides the following elements:

Element Description

Severity The events of the log are grouped in four categories:

• warning
• error
• exception
• information
The buttons in the bar above the listing display the
number of loggings in the respective category. Click the
buttons to switch on or off the display of the entries of
each category.

Time Stamp Date and time:

Example: 13.01.2007 09:48.

Description Description of the event:

Example: <Application> started

Component Choose a particular component in order to obtain only

displayed log entries regarding this component. The
default setting is <All components>.

Logger The selection list provides the available loggings. The

default setting is <Default Logger>, which is defined
by the runtime system.

Updates the list.

106 EIO0000002854.04
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Element Description

Exports the list to an XML file. The dialog box for

saving a file opens. The file filter is set to xml-files (*.
xml). The log file is stored with the specified file name
with extension .XML in the chosen directory.

Displays log entries stored in an XML file which may

have been exported as described above. The dialog
box for browsing for a file opens. The filter is set to
xml-files (*.xml). Choose the desired log file. The
entries of this file are displayed in a separate window.

Clears the log table by removing the displayed entries.

Offline-Logging This option is not used in EcoStruxure Machine Expert.

UTC Time Activate this option to display the time stamp of the
runtime system as it is (without conversion). If
deactivated, the time stamp of the local time of the
computer is displayed (according to the time zone of
the operating system).
NOTE: In order to display the time stamp in UTC
(Universal Time Coordinated), you must set the
time of the controller to UTC time beforehand
(also refer to the Services tab of your controller

In case an error is detected and displays the text *SOURCEPOSITION*, you can
open the function by double-clicking or by executing the command Show source
code in editor from the contextual menu. The cursor marks the relevant position.
You can also use the project archive including the Download information files
and the exported log file for diagnostics. In case of protected functions, the
message The source code is not available for <function name> is displayed.

PLC Settings
The PLC settings view of the device editor is used to configure general settings
for the controller.

Description of the Elements

The PLC settings view provides the following elements:

Element Description

Application for I/O handling Define here the application assigned to the device in the
Devices tree that will be monitored for the I/O handling. For
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, there is only one application
PLC settings area

Update IO while in stop Note for PacDrive controllers: Supported by TM5 / TM7 IOs
but not by controls or drive based IOs.

If this option is activated (default), the values of the input and

output channels are updated when the controller is stopped. In
case of expiration of the watchdog, the outputs are set to the
defined default values.
Behaviour for outputs in Stop From the selection list, choose one of the following options to
define how the values at the output channels are handled in
case of controller stop:

EIO0000002854.04 107
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Element Description

• Keep current values

The present values will not be modified.
• Set all outputs to default
The default values resulting from the mapping will be
• Execute program
You can determine the outputs behavior by a program
available within the project. Enter the name of this
program here and it will be executed when the controller
gets stopped. Click the button ... to use the Input
Assistant for this purpose.

Always update variables Global definition, if the I/O variables are updated in the bus
cycle task. This setting takes effect for the I/O variables of the
slaves and modules only if their update setting is defined as
• Disabled (update only if used in a task): The I/O
variables are only updated if they are used in a task.
• Enabled 1 (use bus cycle task if not used in any
task): The I/O variables are updated in the bus cycle
task if not used in any other task.
• Enabled 2 (always in bus cycle task): The variables
are updated in every cycle of bus cycle task, regardless
of whether they are being used or whether they are
mapped to an input or to an output channel.
You can set this option separately for each device in the I/O
Mapping dialog, page 128.

Bus cycle options area

Bus cycle task The selection list offers the tasks defined in the Task
Configuration of the active application (for example, MAST).
The default setting MAST is entered automatically.

<unspecified> means that the task is selected according to

controller-internal settings, which are therefore controller-

NOTE: Setting the bus cycle task to <unspecified> may cause unintended
behavior of your application. Consult the Programming Guide specific to your

Do not set the Bus cycle task to <unspecified>, unless you understand the
bus cycle task settings of the controller.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

108 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Additional Settings
Element Description

Generate force variables for IO This setting is only available if supported by the device.
mapping: Consult the Programming Guide specific to your controller for
further information.

If the option is activated, for each I/O channel, which is

assigned to a variable in the I/O Mapping dialog box, two
global variables will be created as soon as the application is
built. These variables can be used in an HMI visualization for
forcing the I/O value. For further information, refer to the I/O
Mapping chapter, page 124.

Enable diagnosis for device The library CAA Device Diagnosis is added to the project
automatically. For each device, a function block is generated
in the Applications tree. If the function block already exists,
an extended FB is used (for example, EtherCAT) or an
additional function block instance is added. This function block
contains the general implementation for the device
diagnostics. By use of these function block instances, the
status of the devices can be retrieved in the application.
Furthermore, detected errors can be evaluated. The library
also provides functions for the programmatical evaluation of
the Devices tree (for example, search in child devices or jump
to the parent device). For detailed information, see the PDF
document CAA Device Diagnosis which is part of the library.

Show I/O warnings as errors Warnings concerning the I/O configuration are detected as

IEC Objects
The IEC Objects view of the device editor lists objects that allow access to the
device from the application. In online mode, it serves as monitoring view.
If a function block instance has been created implicitly for a device, at least this
instance is listed as an object in the table. This instance can be used, for example,
to restart a bus or to poll information from the application. It depends on the device
whether this kind of device instance is available and which access options are
provided. Consult the Programming Guide specific to your controller for details.
The table also contains instances of function blocks that are linked to inputs or
outputs of the device. The mapping of a function block to a channel is defined in
the I/O Mapping view, page 124. This view contains the Go to Instance button
that provides a direct link to the corresponding object in this IEC Objects
You can add objects to this table that are not yet linked with a device channel.
In online mode, you can use the IEC Objects table as a monitoring view. It
indicates the value, the address and the comment for the function block variable at
the channel. It also allows you to write and force values.

EIO0000002854.04 109
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Description of the Elements

The IEC Objects view provides the following elements:

Element Description

Opens the Select Function Block dialog box

Add for creating a new instance or for editing the
instance selected in the table.

Deletes the selected entry.
Provides a direct link from the selected entry to
Go to Instance the corresponding mapping in the I/O Mapping
view, page 124.

Variable The object name consists of the device name

and the function block name, for example

Changes to the device name in the project are

indicated here. The part of the name after the
device name is editable.
Mapping Mapping type, as in the I/O Mapping view,
page 124.

Type Data type, which is the name of the function

block in this case.
Value Only available in online mode:

Prepared value Indicates the present value, the address, and

the comment for the variable at the channel.
Address You can enter a value for writing or forcing the

110 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Users and Groups

The Users and Groups view of the device editor is provided for devices
supporting device Users and Groups management. If supported by the device,
you can view and edit the Users and Groups management for the device.
Thereafter, you can assign rights to allow certain user groups to access objects on
the controller at runtime by assigning Access Rights.
For the user management at the project level, refer to the Project > User
Management > Permissions... command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert,
Menu Commands, Online Help).
The device Users and Groups management can be pre-defined in the device
As in the project user management, users have to be members of at least one
user group. Only user groups can be assigned specific access rights, page 117.
For managing Users and Groups, you have to login as a user with administrative
NOTE: It is not intended that the Users and Groups feature be used to
protect the EcoStruxure Machine Expert project against malicious access, but
rather to help prevent mistakes from trusted users.

EIO0000002854.04 111
Common Device Editor Dialogs

If you want to protect your entire project, activate the option Enable project
file encryption in the Project Settings > Security dialog box (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).
If you want to protect only a part of your code inside the project, put this code
inside a compiled library (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help).

• Do not expose controllers and controller networks to public networks and the
Internet as much as possible.
• Use additional security layers like VPN for remote access and install firewall
• Restrict access to authorized people.
• Change default passwords at start-up and modify them frequently.
• Validate the effectiveness of these measures regularly and frequently.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment

NOTE: You can use the security-related commands (see EcoStruxure

Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help) which provide a way to add,
edit, and remove a user in the online Users and Groups management of the
target device where you are logged in.
NOTE: You must establish user access-rights using EcoStruxure Machine
Expert software. If you have cloned an application from one controller to
another, you will need to enable and establish user access-rights in the
targeted controller.
NOTE: The only way to gain access to a controller that has user access-rights
enabled and for which you do not have the password(s) is by performing an
Update firmware operation using an SD card or USB memory key (refer to
the Controller Assistant User Guide for further information), depending on the
support of your particular controller, or by running a script. Since the process
of running a script is specific to each controller, refer to the chapters File
Transfer with SD Card or File Transfer with USB Memory Key in the
Programming Guide of the controller you are using. This will effectively
remove the existing application from the controller memory, but will restore the
ability to access the controller.

112 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Toolbar of the Users and Groups View

The toolbar provides the following elements:

Element Description

Synchronization Click the Synchronization button to switch on / off the

synchronization between the editor and the Users and Groups
management in the controller.

If Synchronization is not activated, then the editor contains a Users

and Groups management configuration that has been imported from
disk, or it does not contain any configuration at all.

If Synchronization is activated, the data displayed in the editor is

continuously synchronized with the Users and Groups management
configuration on the connected controller.

If you invoke Synchronization while the editor contains a Users and

Groups configuration that is not synchronized with the device, you are
prompted to decide what will be displayed in the editor:
• Upload from the device and overwrite the editor content:
The Users and Groups configuration from the controller is
loaded to the editor. The contents of the editor is overwritten.
• Download the editor content to the device and overwrite the
user management there: The configuration from the editor is
loaded to the controller. The contents of the controller is
Import from disk NOTE: EcoStruxure Machine Expert V2.0 and later versions no
longer support Device user management files of type *.dum. The
import of a file of type *.dum2 overwrites the user management
on the device. Afterwards you will be requested to log in to the
device as a user using the authentication data of the new user
When you click the Import from disk button, a dialog box opens
requesting you to select a file of type *.dum2 from your hard disk. After
you have selected the file, the Enter Password dialog box opens
requesting you to enter the password that was assigned when the file
was exported. The user management is enabled.

The Import from disk is available when you are in offline mode or
Synchronization is deactivated.

Export to disk When you click the Export to disk button, an Enter Password dialog
box opens requesting you to enter a password for the device user
management file.
NOTE: The password assigned here will be requested during the
Import from disk procedure.
After you have assigned a password, the dialog box for saving a file is
displayed. With EcoStruxure Machine Expert V2.0 and later versions,
only files of type *.dum2 are supported.

Device user Name of the user who is logged into the controller.

EIO0000002854.04 113
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Users and Groups Management

The handling of the Users and Groups is similar to that of the project user
Example of a Users and Groups view of the device editor:

This view is divided in 2 parts:

• The upper part is dedicated to access management of Users.
• The lower part is dedicated to access management of Groups.
Elements of the Users section:

Element Description

The tree structure on the left-hand side lists the defined users and indicates the user groups to
which they are assigned as sub nodes.

Add button Opens the Add User dialog box for creating a new user account.

For further information, refer to the section Setting up a New User in

the Users and Groups Management of the Controller, page 116.

Import button Opens the Import Users dialog box. It lists the user accounts defined
in the project user management.

Select the entries of your choice (by pressing the Shift key for
selecting more than one) and click OK to import them in the device
user management.
NOTE: For each user to be imported the Enter Password dialog
box is displayed requesting you to enter the password of the
project user account. This password will then also be used for the
corresponding device user account.

Edit button Opens the Edit User <user name> dialog box. It allows you to modify
the settings of the user account.

Delete button Deletes the account of the selected user.

114 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Elements of the Groups section:

Element Description

The tree structure on the left-hand side lists the defined groups and indicates the assigned users as
sub nodes.
Add button Opens the Add Group dialog box for creating a new user group.
1. Enter a name for the group.
2. From the list of users, select the users to assign to the new
3. Click the OK button to confirm and the new group will be
displayed in the tree structure.

Import button Opens the Import Groups dialog box. It displays the user groups
defined in the project user management.

As a prerequisite for importing groups, you must have imported all

users that are members of this group into the device user
management beforehand.

Select the group entries of your choice and click OK to import them in
the device user management.
NOTE: The default group Everyone cannot be imported in the
device user management.
NOTE: After you have successfully imported a group, assign
access rights either:
• By adding the new group to an existing group, or
• By explicitly assigning access rights to the new group.
For further information, refer to Access Rights, page 117.

Edit button Opens the Edit Group <group name> dialog box. It allows you to
modify the definition of the group.

Delete button Deletes the selected group.

Editing or Viewing the Users and Groups Management Before any Users
and Groups Have Been Established
If the controller supports device Users and Groups management, proceed as
follows during first login:

Step Action Comment

1 Double-click the controller node in the Devices Result: The device editor opens.
2 Select the Users and Groups view. –

3 Result: A dialog box opens

Click the Synchronization button . prompting you to decide whether
the device Users and Groups
management should be activated.

4 Click Yes to confirm the dialog box and to Result: The Device user login
activate device Users and Groups dialog box opens.

5 Enter a new user name. –

6 Enter your individual Password. –

7 Re-enter your individual Password. –

6 Click OK to confirm. Result: You are requested to enter

the new credentials for accessing
the controller. They are assigned
the highest user rights level and
allow you to manage access rights
for users or user groups.

EIO0000002854.04 115
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Setting up a New User in the Users and Groups Management of the

If the controller supports device Users and Groups management, you can add a
new user as follows:

Step Action Comment

1 Double-click the controller node in the Devices Result: The device editor opens.
2 Select the Users and Groups view. –

3 If you are not logged in to the

Click the Synchronization button to load controller yet, then the dialog box
the Users and Groups management Device User Login opens. It allows
configuration from the controller to the editor. you to enter the user name and the

Result: The Users and Groups

management configuration of the
controller is displayed in the editor.

4 Click the Add button in the Users part of the Result: The Add User dialog box
Users and Groups view. opens.

5 Enter a Name for the new user and select a You can assign the user to other
Default group for the user from the list. groups later.

6 Enter a new password, confirm the password, –

and specify whether the user can change the
password and whether the user has to change
the password at the first login.

7 Click OK to confirm and to close the Add User Result: The new user is displayed
dialog box. in the Users part as a new node
and in the Groups part as a new
subnode of the selected default

Loading a Users and Groups Management From a *.dum File, Modifying it,
and Later Downloading it to the Controller
Step Action Comment

1 Double-click the controller node in the Devices Result: The device editor opens.
2 Select the Users and Groups view. –

3 Click the Edit button, browse to the *.dum file Result: The users and groups
that contains the saved Users and Groups settings that are saved in the file are
management, and click Open to confirm. displayed in the editor.

4 Adapt the settings according to your –


5 A dialog box is displayed, prompting

Click the Synchronization button to you to select an operation.
transfer the Users and Groups management
configuration to the controller.

6 Select the option Download the editor content Result: The Device user login
to the device and overwrite the user dialog box is displayed.
management there.

7 Enter login data in order to log in to the controller. After successful login, the
modifications are transferred to the

As long as the Synchronization

button is activated,
modifications made in the editor are
automatically transferred to the

116 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Printing the Users and Groups Management Configuration

To print the settings of the Users and Groups view, execute the command Print
from the File menu or the command Document from the Project menu.

Access Rights
In the Access Rights view of the device editor, define the device access rights of
device users to objects in the controller.
In order for the Access Rights view to be available in the device editor of
controllers, activate the Show access rights page option in the Tools > Options
> Device Editor dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands,
Online Help). Furthermore, Users and Groups management must be set up in
the controller.
Example of an Access Rights view of the device editor

NOTE: Detailed information on the concept and use of device user

management is provided in Handling of Device User Management in the
Security chapter, page 142.

Modifying Access Rights to Controller Objects in the Users and Groups

Management of the Controller
If the controller supports device Users and Groups management, you can assign
access rights as follows:

Step Action Comment

1 Double-click the controller node in the Devices Result: The device editor opens.
2 Select the Access Rights view. –

3 If you are not logged in to the

Click the Synchronization button to load controller yet, then the dialog box
the Access Rights management configuration Device User Login opens. It allows
from the controller to the editor. you to enter the user name and the

Result: The Access Rights

management configuration of the
controller is displayed in the editor.

EIO0000002854.04 117
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Step Action Comment

4 In the Objects tree structure on the left-hand Result: In the Rights area on the
side, select the object. right-hand side, the access rights of
the selected object are displayed in
a table for the configured user

5 In the Rights table, double-click the access right If the selected object has child
you want to modify. objects, a dialog box is displayed,
prompting you whether you want to
modify the access rights for the
child objects at the same time.

6 Click Yes or No to modify the access rights of the Result: The access rights are
child objects and to close the dialog box. switched from allowed to not
allowed or vice versa.

The symbol in the table cell is

modified accordingly.

Rights that are set explicitly are

displayed in the table by green or
red symbols.

Rights that are inherited from a

parent object are displayed in the
table by gray symbols.

Toolbar of the Access Rights View

The toolbar provides the following elements:

Element Description

Synchronization Click the Synchronization button to switch on / off the

synchronization between the editor and the Access Rights
management in the controller.

If Synchronization is not activated, then the editor contains an

Access Rights management configuration that has been imported
from disk, or it does not contain any configuration.

If Synchronization is activated, the data displayed in the editor is

continuously synchronized with the Access Rights management
configuration on the connected controller.

If you invoke Synchronization while the editor contains an Access

Rights management configuration that is not synchronized with the
device, you are prompted to decide what will be displayed in the
• Upload from the device and overwrite the editor content:
The Access Rights configuration from the controller is loaded to
the editor. The contents of the editor is overwritten.
• Download the editor content to the device and overwrite the
user management there: The configuration from the editor is
loaded to the controller. The contents of the controller is
Load from disk When you click the Load from disk button in the Access Rights view,
the file type is by default set to Device rights management files (*.drm).
The existing configuration will be overwritten by the imported file.

Save to disk When you click the Save to disk button in the Access Rights view,
the file type is by default set to Device rights management files (*.drm).
For this file, a password does not have to be assigned before saving.

Device user Name of the user who is logged into the controller.

Objects Area
In the Objects tree structure on the left-hand side, the objects are listed that allow
actions to be executed in runtime mode. The objects are assigned by their object
source. They are partially sorted in object groups. In the Rights area on the right-
hand side, you can configure the access options of the selected object for a user

118 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

On the top level of the Objects tree structure there are two object categories
grouped in folders:
• Runtime objects
• File system objects
Indented below the object categories, there are further subnodes. The subnode
Device, for example, can, in turn, have the following subnodes:
• Logger
• PlcLogic
• Settings
• UserManagement
A description of the objects is provided in the paragraph Overview of the Objects,
page 120.

Rights Area
In general, access rights are inherited from the root node (Device or / ) to the
subnodes. If a permission of a user group is denied or explicitly granted to a
parent object, then this is also applied to the child objects.
In the Rights area on the right-hand side, the access rights of the selected object
are displayed in a table. For every user group, it displays the rights configured for
the possible actions on the selected object.
The following actions can be configured for the object:
• Add/Remove
• Modify
• View
• Execute
The symbols represent the access rights:

Icon Description

Access (action) is permitted explicitly.

Access (action) is denied explicitly.

The access right has been inherited from the parent object.

Access has not been permitted or denied explicitly, even for the parent
object. No access is possible

No icon Several objects with different access rights are selected.

To modify an access right, click the symbol.

The Logger node in the Access Rights tab is created by the logger component
and controls its access rights. It is located directly below the Runtime objects >
Device node.
For this object, you can only grant View access rights.
By default, each object is assigned read access. Thus, every user can read the
logger of a controller.

EIO0000002854.04 119
Common Device Editor Dialogs

To deny this access right for a single user group (Service, for example), set the
View right for the Logger object to .

Printing the Access Rights Definition

To print the settings of the Access Rights view, execute the command Print from
the File menu or the command Document from the Project menu.

Overview of the Objects

The following runtime objects and file system objects are available:

Object Description

Runtime objects > Device

Logger Online access to the logger is read only. Therefore, only the View
access right can be granted or denied.

PlcLogic Applications are inserted as child objects during download. If

applications are deleted, the child object subnodes are also removed
here. This allows for dedicated control of online access to the

The PlcLogic object allows you to assign access rights at a central

place for all applications:
• The Administrator and Developer user groups have full access
to the applications.
• The Service and Watch user groups have read access (for
example, for read-only monitoring of values).
Also refer to the table in the Access Rights for IEC Applications
paragraph, page 121.

RemoteConnections The RemoteConnections object allows you to configure additional

external connections to the controller, such as access to the OPC UA
Settings Online access to the configuration settings of a controller.

By default, the access right Modify is granted to the administrator


UserManagement Online access to the user management of a controller.

By default, the access right Modify is granted to the administrator


X509 Online access to the X.509 certificates:

• Read (View)
• Write (Modify)
Each operation is inserted as a child object below X509 and one of the
two access rights is assigned. This allows you to specify the access
per operation.

FTP Allows you to configure the access rights to the FTP server on the
OPC Allows you to configure the access rights to the controller via OPC UA.

USB Allows you to configure the access rights to files on a USB storage
device connected to the controller.
USBExecCmd Allows you to configure the access rights for executing scripts located
on a USB storage device connected to the controller.

WEB Allows you to configure the access rights to the webserver on the

File system objects >/

– The folders of the execution path of the controller are inserted below
the / file system object. This allows you to grant specific rights to each
folder of the file system.

120 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Access Rights for Applications

The table indicates which action is affected when a specific access right is granted
for an Application:

Operation Access rights

Add/ Remove Execute Modify View

Login – – – X

Create X – – –

Create child object X – – –

Delete X – – –

Download / online X – – –

Create boot X – – –

Read variable – – – X
Write variable – – X X
Force variable – – X X
Set and delete – X X –

Set next statement – X X –

Read call stack – – – X

Single cycle – X – –

Switch on flow control – X X –

Start / Stop – X – –

Reset – X – –

Restore retain – X – –
Save retain variables – – – X
(X) The access right must be set explicitly.

(–) The access right is not relevant.

Symbol Rights
The Symbol Rights view of the device editor is used to configure the access
rights of different user groups (clients) to the individual symbol sets, page 432
available on the controller.
The following prerequisites must be fulfilled:
• User management must be enabled and configured on the controller.
• An application has been downloaded to the controller for which symbol sets
were defined in the EcoStruxure Machine Expert project.
• You have the required login data to gain access to the controller.

Description of the Views

The following views are available:

EIO0000002854.04 121
Common Device Editor Dialogs

View Description

Symbol Sets The Application node contains the symbol sets whose
definition was downloaded with the application to the
Rights The table contains the user groups defined in the user
management of the controller.

When a symbol set is selected, the access rights of the

corresponding user group to the symbols of this set are

• : Access granted.

• : Access not granted. You can change the

access rights by double-clicking the symbol.

Click the Save to disk button to save the access configuration to an XML file of
type Device symbol management with the extension *.dsm.
Click the Load from disk button to load a *.dsm file from the hard drive.

Task Deployment
The Task deployment view of the device editor shows a table with inputs/outputs
and their assignment to the defined tasks. Before the information can be
displayed, the project has to be compiled and the code has to be generated. This
information helps in troubleshooting in case that the same input/output is updated
in different tasks with different priorities.
Task deployment of the device editor

Files Log PLC settings Users and Groups Access Rights Licenses Task deployment Statu
I/O deployment for tasks:
I/O channels Main Task (0) Bus Task (1)
usiBK5120Out AT %QB0
usiBK5120In AT %IB0
usiGenericOut1 AT %QB1
usiGenericOut2 AT %QB2
usiGenericIn1 AT %IB1
usiGenericIn2 AT %IB2
udiOsicoderIn AT %ID1
PhoenixOut1 AT %QB3
= Bus cycle task

The table shows the tasks sorted by their task priority. Click the column heading
(Main Task) to display only the variables assigned to this task. To show all
variables again, click the first column (I/O channels).
To open the I/O mapping table of a channel, double-click the input or output.
A blue arrow indicates the task of the bus cycle.
In the example above, the variable usiBK5120Out AT %QB0 is used in 2 different
tasks. In this situation, the output, set by one task, can be overwritten by the other
task: this can lead to an undefined value. Writing output references in more than
one task makes the program difficult to debug and may lead to unintended results
in the operation of your machine or process.

122 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Do not write to an output variable in more than one task.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

The Status view of the device editor shows status information (for example,
Running, Stopped) and specific diagnostic messages from the device; also on
the card and the internal bus system.

The Information view of the device editor shows some general information on the
device selected in the Devices tree: Name, Vendor, Type, Version number,
Order Number, Description, Image.

Emulation Settings
The Emulation Settings view of the device editor is available for PacDrive LMC
Pro2 controllers. It is used to configure the emulation via EcoStruxure Machine
Expert Twin and the communication between EcoStruxure Machine Expert
Twin and the controller.
For further information, refer to the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Lexium™ MC
multi carrier Configuration Guide.

EIO0000002854.04 123
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Description of the Elements

Element Description

Machine Expert Twin

Open User Interface • If this option is activated, the user interface of

EcoStruxure Machine Expert Twin opens when an
emulation is started. After the session has been
established, the track is visible both in the Emulation tab
of the Multicarrier Configuration editor and in the
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Twin user interface.
• If this option is not activated, the EcoStruxure Machine
Expert Twin opens without user interface when an
emulation is started. After the session has been
established, the track is only visible in the Emulation tab
of the Multicarrier Configuration editor.

OPCUA Server on Controller

IP Address from Controller • If this option is activated, the field IP is disabled and the
IP address of the OPC UA server is retrieved from the
controller configuration.
NOTE: To use this option, the Connection Mode >
IP Address must be selected in the
Communication Settings tab of the device editor,
page 86.
• If this option is not activated, enter the IP address of the
OPC UA server in the field IP.
Anonymous Login • If this option is activated, user name and password are
not required to establish a connection to the OPC UA
• If this option is not activated, you are requested to enter
user name and password when you start the emulation
to establish a connection to the OPC UA server.
NOTE: The credentials are retained until the
EcoStruxure Machine Expert project is closed.

I/O Mapping
I/O Mapping
The I/O Mapping view of the device editor is named <devicetype> I/O Mapping
(for example, PROFIBUS DP I/O Mapping). It serves to configure an I/O mapping
of the controller. Therefore, project variables used by the application are assigned
to the input, output, and memory addresses of the controller.
Define the application which should handle the I/Os in the PLC settings view,
page 107.
See the following chapters:
• Working with the I/O Mapping Dialog, page 127
• I/O Mapping in Online Mode, page 131
• Implicit Variables for Forcing I/Os, page 132

124 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

General Information on Mapping I/Os on Variables

Whether an I/O mapping can be configured for the present device depends on the
device. It can be that the view is only used to show the implicitly created device
instance. See description of the IEC objects, page 109.
Basically, note the following for the mapping of I/Os to variables:
• Variables requiring an input cannot be accessed by writing.
• An existing variable can only be mapped to one input.
• Instead of using the I/O Mapping view, you can also assign an address to a
variable via the AT declaration, page 471.
However, consider the following:
◦ You can use AT declarations only with local or global variables; not
however, with input and output variables of POUs.
◦ The possibility of generating force variables for I/Os (refer to Implicit
Variables for Forcing I/Os, page 132) will not be available for AT
◦ If AT declarations are used with structure or function block members, all
instances will access the same memory location. This memory location
corresponds to static variables in classic programming languages such as
• The memory layout of structures is determined by the target device.
• For each variable which is assigned to an I/O channel in the I/O Mapping
view, force variables can be created during a build run of the application (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help). You can use
them for forcing the input or output value during the commissioning of a
machine, for example, via a visualization. Refer to the chapter Implicit
Variables for Forcing I/Os, page 132.

EIO0000002854.04 125
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Automatic I/O Mapping

The automatic I/O mapping function automatically creates IEC variables as soon
as a device or module with I/O modules is added to the Devices Tree and maps
them on each input and/or output. By default, the function is activated.
You can deactivate and configure the function in the Project > Project Settings >
Automatic I/O mapping dialog box.
The dialog box provides the following elements:

Element Description

Create variable on I/Os By default, the option is activated.

Select this option to activate the automatic I/O mapping
function and to assign names of your choice to the inputs and

Mapping area

Bitwise Select this option to create variables for each bit.

Module-wise Select this option to create a variable for each module, not for
the individual bits.
Naming Rule area

text box Enter the following characters preceded by a # symbol to

specify the parts the variable name will consist of:
• Enter #X to integrate an i for inputs and a q for outputs in
the variable name.
• Enter #T to integrate the prefix code for the data type of
the variable in the variable name. The prefixes that are
used for the different data types are listed in the Best
Practices for the Naming of Identifiers chapter, page 463.
• Enter #D to integrate the name of the device in the
variable name.
• Enter #C to integrate the name as defined in the Channel
column in the variable name.

126 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Working with the I/O Mapping Dialog Box

The following is an illustration of the I/O Mapping tab of the device editor:

Description of the Elements in the Channels Area

The I/O Mapping tab provides the following elements in the Channels area if
provided by the device:

Element Description

Channel Symbolic name of the input or output channel of the device

Address Address of the channel, for example: %IW0

Type Data type of the input or output channel, for example: BOOL

If the data type is not standard, but a structure or bit field defined in the
device description, it will be listed only if it is part of the IEC 61131–3
standard. It is indicated as IEC type in the device description.
Otherwise, the entry of the table will be empty.

Default value This column is only available if the option Set all outputs to default is
selected for the parameter Behaviour for outputs in Stop in the PLC
Settings view of the device editor, page 107.

Default value that is assigned to the channel when the controller is set
to STOP mode.

You can edit this field only if you are mapping to a new created
variable or if no mapping is specified. When you are mapping to an
existing variable, the initialization value of the variable is used as the
default value.
NOTE: In case a “new” variable and an “existing” variable (by
using the AT declaration) are mapped to the same output, the
initialization value of the “existing” variable is used as default
Unit Unit of the parameter value, for example: ms for milliseconds

Description Short description of the parameter

Current Value This column is available only in online mode.

Present value of the parameter.

EIO0000002854.04 127
Common Device Editor Dialogs

NOTE: Inputs and outputs that are not used in the application are not read by
the controller in online mode. To indicate that these inputs and outputs are not
used, they are marked with a gray background. Any values that might appear
in these gray lines are invalid.

Do not map other user variables in the I/O Mapping tab if you are using libraries
for fieldbus communications that are reading/writing from/to direct addresses (%
I, %Q).
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

Consult the documentation of your fieldbus library to see if direct addresses are

Modifying and Fixing Addresses

This function is not available for all supported controllers. Consult the
Programming Guide specific to your controller for further information.
You can modify and fix the displayed address of an output or input here in this tab.
Use this to adapt the addressing to a given hardware configuration or to keep the
address value even if the order of the modules is changed. By default, this would
cause an automatic adaptation of the address values.
Consider that depending on the device description, you can only modify the
address of the input or output, however, not that of its subelements (bit channels).
Therefore, if an input or output is represented here in the mapping table with a
subtree, you can edit only the address field of the uppermost entry (see the figure
below: only the address field in the first line can be opened).
In order to fix the address value, select the entry in the Address column and press
the SPACE bar to open the edit field. Either modify the value or leave it unmodified
and close the edit field via the RETURN key. The address field is marked by an M
symbol which indicates that the value has been modified.
If the value has been modified, the subsequent addresses (up to the next address) will be adapted

If you want to revert the modification of the value, reopen the address edit field,
delete the address entry, and close with Enter. The address and the identified
succeeding addresses will be set back to the values they had before the manual
modification. The M symbol will be removed.

Configuration of the I/O Mapping

Perform the I/O mapping by assigning the corresponding project variables to the
device input and output channels each in the Variable column.
• The type of the channel is already indicated in the Variable column by a
symbol: for input, for output. In this line, enter the name or path of the
variable to which the channel should be mapped. You can either map on an
existing project variable or define a new variable, which then will
automatically be declared as a global variable.

128 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

• When mapping structured variables to outputs, the editor will prevent that
both the structure variable (for example, on %QB0) and particular structure
elements (for example, in this case on %QB0.1 and QB0.2 ) can be entered.
This means: When there is a main output entry with a subtree of bit channel
entries in the mapping table, then either in the line of the main entry a variable
can be entered or in those of the subelements (bit channels) never in both.
• For mapping on an existing variable, specify the complete path. For example:
<application name>.<pou path>.<variable name>';
Example: app1.plc_prg.ivar
For this purpose, it can be helpful to open the input assistant via the ... button.
In the Mapping column, the symbol will be displayed and the address
value will be crossed out. This does not mean that this memory address does
not exist any longer. However, it is not used directly because the value of the
existing variable is managed on another memory location, and, especially in
case of outputs, no other already existing variable should be stored to this
address (%Qxx in the I/O mapping) in order to avoid ambiguities during writing
the values.
See in the following example an output mapping on the existing variable xBool_

NOTE: When you are mapping to an existing variable, the initialization value
of the variable is used as the default value. You can edit the Default value
field only if you are mapping to a new created variable or if no mapping is
• If you want to define a new variable, enter the desired variable name.
Example: bVar1

In this case, the symbol will be inserted in the Mapping column and the
variable will be internally declared as a global variable. From here, the
variable will be available globally within the application. The mapping dialog
box is another place for the declaration of global variables.
NOTE: Alternatively, an address can also be read or written within a
program code, such as in ST (structured text).
• Considering the possibility of changes in the device configuration, do the
mappings within the device configuration dialog box.
NOTE: If a UNION is represented by I/O channels in the mapping dialog box,
it depends on the device whether the root element is mappable or not.
If a declared variable of a given data type is larger than that to which it is being
mapped, the value of the variable being mapped will be assigned a truncated to
the size of the mapped target variable.
For example, if the variable is declared as a WORD data type, and it is mapped to
a BYTE, only 8 bits of the word will be mapped to the byte.
This implies that, for the monitoring of the value in the mapping dialog box, the
value displayed at the root element of the address will be the value of the declared
variable - as currently valid in the project. In the subelements below the root, the
particular element values of the mapped variable will be monitored. However, only
part of the declared value may be displayed among the subelements.
A further implication is when you map a declared variable to physical outputs.
Likewise, if you map a data type that is larger than the output data type, the output
data type may receive a truncated value such that it may affect your application in
unintended ways.

EIO0000002854.04 129
Common Device Editor Dialogs

Verify that the declared data type that is being mapped to physical I/O is
compatible with the intended operation of your machine.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

Element Description

Reset mapping Click this button to reset the mapping settings to the
defaults defined by the device description file.

Always update variables Definition if the I/O variables are updated in the bus
cycle task, page 107. The default value is defined in
the device description.
• Use parent device settings: Update according
to the settings of the parent device.
• Enabled 1 (use bus cycle task if not used in
any task): The I/O variables are updated in the
bus cycle task if not used in another task.
• Enabled 2 (always in bus cycle task): The
variables are updated in every cycle of bus cycle
task, regardless of whether they are being used
or whether they are mapped to an input or to an
output channel.

Bus Cycle Options

This configuration option is available for devices with cyclic calls before and after
reading inputs or outputs. It allows you to set a device-specific bus cycle task,
page 107.
Per default, the parent bus cycle setting will be valid (Use parent bus cycle
setting). Therefore, the Devices Tree will be searched for the next valid bus cycle
task definition.
To assign a specific bus cycle task, select the desired one from the selection list.
The list provides the tasks currently defined in the application task configuration.

Do not write to an output variable in more than one task.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

Mapping a Device and a Function Block Instance

If supported by the device, you can map function blocks to an input or output
channel. This allows you, for example, to count the frequency of signal changes or
scale a channel value for maintenance purposes.
The following code example maps a device output channel to a function block.
The function block scales the channel output value.
The following prerequisites must apply:
• A device with an analog output of type INT that supports function block
mapping is available in the project.

130 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

• A function block Scale_Output_Int with the following implementation is

Consider the attributes of the function block itself and the attributes preceding the
output parameter for processing the channel output.
{attribute 'io_function_block'}
iInput : INT;
iNumerator : INT;
iDenominator : INT :=1;
iOffset : INT := 0;
{attribute 'io_function_block_mapping'}
iOutput : INT;
IF iDenominator <> 0 THEN
iOutput := TO_INT(TO_DINT(iInput) * TO_DINT(iNumerator)
/ TO_DINT(iDenominator)) + iOffset;

To map a device and a function block instance, proceed as follows:

Step Action Comment

1 Open the <device name> I/O Mapping tab of –

the device editor.
2 Select the output you want to map to the function –
3 Result: The Select Function Block
Click the plus button . dialog box opens. The left-hand
side displays at least the function
block Scale_Output_int below the
Application node.

Libraries available in the project that

contain the corresponding function
blocks are also displayed for
4 Select the function block Scale_Output_int and Result: The path of the function
click OK. block parameter iOutput is entered
in the column Variable of the I/O
mapping table.

5 Result: The focus switches to the

Select the channel and click the Go to <device name> IEC Objects view,
Instance button. page 109 and to the new entry.

The IEC Objects view in online

mode displays the function block.
You can write (see EcoStruxure
Machine Expert, Menu Commands,
Online Help) and force (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help) the value
in this monitoring view.

I/O Mapping in Online Mode

I/O Mapping in Online Mode
If a structure variable is mapped on the root element of the address (the
uppermost in the tree of the respective address in the mapping dialog box), then in
online mode no value will be displayed in this line. If, however, for example, a

EIO0000002854.04 131
Common Device Editor Dialogs

DWORD variable is mapped to this address, then in the root line, as well as in the
bit channel lines indented below, the respective values will be monitored.
Basically, the field in the root line stays empty if the value is composed of multiple

Implicit Variables for Forcing I/Os

During the commissioning of a plant or a machine, it may be necessary to force I/
Os. For this purpose, you can generate special force variables for each I/O
channel which is mapped on a variable in the I/O Mapping tab of the device
As a precondition the setting Generate force variables for IO mapping has to be
activated in the PLC settings tab. Then, at each build run of the application, for
each mapped I/O channel, two variables are generated according to the following
syntax. Empty spaces in the channel name are replaced by underscores.
<devicename>_<channelname>_<IECaddress>_Force of type BOOL, for
activating and deactivating the forcing
<devicename>_<channelname>_<ECaddress>_Value of datatype of the channel,
for defining the value to be forced on the channel
These variables are available in the input assistant in category Variables >
IoConfig_Globals_Force_Variables. They can be used in programming objects,
in visualizations, symbol configuration, and so on, within the programming system.
A rising edge at the force variable activates the forcing of the respective I/O with
the value defined by the value variable. A falling edge deactivates the forcing.
Deactivating by setting the force variable back to FALSE is necessary before a
new value can be forced.
Consider the restrictions listed below.

If the mapping is completed as shown in figure I/O Mapping tab of the device
editor, page 127, then at a build (F11) of the application, the following variables
are generated and available in the input assistant:
• Digitax_ST_Control_word_QW0_Force : BOOL;
• Digitax_ST_Control_word_QW0_Value : UINT;
• Digitax_ST_Target_position_QD1_Force : BOOL;
• Digitax_ST_Target_position_QD1_Value : DINT;
• Digitax_ST_Status_word_IW0_Force : BOOL;
• Digitax_ST_Status_word_IW0_Value : UINT;
• Digitax_ST_Position_actual_value_ID1_Force : BOOL;
• Digitax_ST_Position_actual_value ID1_Value : DINT;

• Only channels which are mapped on a variable in the I/O Mapping tab (i.e., a
variable has to be defined in the Variable column, no matter whether it is a
new or an existing one) can be forced by the above described implicit
• Unused inputs / outputs as well as those which are mapped via AT
declaration in an application program cannot be forced.
• The respective I/O channels have to be used in at least one task.

132 EIO0000002854.04
Common Device Editor Dialogs

• Forced I/Os are not indicated in the monitoring (watch view, I/O mapping
dialog box). The value is only used implicitly in the I/O driver for writing onto
the device.
• Forced inputs are displayed correctly by the red force symbol (F), not
however, forced inputs/outputs.

Select Function Block Dialog Box

The Select Function Block dialog box allows you to select a function block for I/O
mapping. If the function block is mapped to the I/O channel selected in the I/O
Mapping or the IEC Objects view, click the plus button to open the dialog box.
The dialog box lists the function blocks of the active application and the libraries
included in the project that meet the following requirements:
• The attribute {attribute 'io_function_block'} is assigned to the
function block.
• The attribute {attribute 'io_function_block_mapping'} is assigned
to input or output parameters of the function block that match the channel
type (input, output, data type).
When you select a function block that contains more than one matching
parameters, the first parameter is mapped to the channel. To assign further
parameters manually, open the I/O Mapping tab.
After a function block has been mapped, the parameter of the function block
instance is added to the Variable column of the mapping table. The path consists
of the following elements:
<application name>.<device channel name>_<FB name>_
<continuous FB instance number>. <FB parameter name>
App1.Out_4_Int_myScale_Output_Int_1.iOutput for the parameter
iOutput of the first inserted instance of the function block myScale_Output.
Elements of the Select Function Block dialog box:

Element Description

Find Text field for entering function block name to search for.

Type Function blocks in the tree structure that match the channel type. The
following nodes are available: application, library name(s).

Documentation Displays the documentation available for the library or the function block of the
library selected in the tree structure.

EIO0000002854.04 133
What’s in This Part
General Information...................................................................................... 135
Digital Signature Verification ......................................................................... 136
Connecting to the Controller.......................................................................... 138
Logoff Current Device User ........................................................................... 139
Security for the Project and the Application..................................................... 140
Security for the Runtime System / Controller................................................... 142
Visualization ................................................................................................ 145
FAQ ............................................................................................................ 146

Cybersecurity best practices and solutions are in constant evolution as a function
of the latest information available. As a design criteria, Schneider Electric
incorporates up-to-date knowledge and techniques to help make products more
resilient to cyberattacks. The security by design approach results in the
implementation of mechanisms to mitigate threats, reduce exploitable
weaknesses, and defend against avoidable data breaches and cyberattacks.
To help keep your Schneider Electric products secure and protected, it is in
your best interest that you implement the cybersecurity best practices as
indicated in the Cybersecurity Best Practices document provided on the
Schneider Electric website.
Due to the rapid rise of networking machines and plants, potential threats are also
quickly rising. Therefore, you must carefully consider all possible security
Security measures are necessary to help protect data and communication
channels from unauthorized access.
For general information about cybersecurity topics related to Schneider Electric
products, refer to the Cybersecurity Guidelines for Machine Solutions.
This part provides information about the cybersecurity mechanisms provided by
EcoStruxure Machine Expert and the controllers.

134 EIO0000002854.04
General Information

General Information
What’s in This Chapter
Access Protection with Device User Management ......................................... 135
Firewall Settings.......................................................................................... 135
Using Certificates ........................................................................................ 135

Access Protection with Device User Management

In order to meet constantly evolving cybersecurity requirements, EcoStruxure
Machine Expert activates the user rights management for EcoStruxure Machine
Expert controllers by default. Therefore, every EcoStruxure Machine Expert
controller equipped with the latest firmware prompts you for user credentials
whenever you attempt to gain access to it.
For general information regarding device user management, refer to the chapter
describing the Users and Groups view of the device editor, page 111.

Firewall Settings
Firewall Settings on the Controller for Communication Services
Most of the communication services like FTP or OPC UA access the controller by
using the settings of the user rights management. Therefore, make sure that the
firewall settings on the controller allow the services to access the controller file
system. For further information, refer to “How to Configure the Firewall...” for your
specific controller.

Using Certificates
A certificate is a digital representation of information which contains the following:
• Identifies the certification authority issuing it.
• Names or identifies the subscriber.
• Contains the public key of the subscriber.
• Identifies its operational period.
• Is digitally signed by the certification authority issuing it.
Optionally, a certificate can be created for a specific usage. For example, you
cannot use a controller certificate for protecting a project and vice versa.
The certificate consists of two parts / files:
• Public X.509 certificate (can be issued to anyone).
• Private key that matches the certificate or its public key only (must be kept

EIO0000002854.04 135
Digital Signature Verification

Digital Signature Verification

What’s in This Chapter
Digital Signature Verification......................................................................... 136

Digital Signature Verification

Verifying the Integrity of Your Software
When your software (such as EcoStruxure Machine Expert) is started, each
loaded dynamic-link library (DLL) is scanned to verify whether or not it is trusted.
This is a built-in security feature against cyberattacks and to increase the trust

Reporting Untrusted Components

If untrusted DLLs are detected, you will be informed depending on the verification
• Via status bar.
• Via dialog box Integrity Verification.
• Via console, such as Logic Builder Shell.
The result of the verification is documented in the log file of your software.

Verification Level
The following verification levels are defined and can be configured via command
line argument:

Verification Level Process in your software Process via console

Error (default) The dialog box Integrity Verification is The error message is written to the standard
displayed (blocking start-up of your console, such as Logic Builder Shell.
The process is terminated.
You have the choice to continue or
terminate the process.

Warning A notification is displayed via status bar and A notification is written to the standard
is documented in the log file of your console, such as Logic Builder Shell.
The process continues.
The process continues.

Silent The notification is only documented in the The notification is only documented in the
log file of your software. log file of your software.

The verification level is applied per process and is not set globally. Once the
verification level is set, it cannot be changed for a running software process.
Use the command line argument
to configure the verification level for the running process.
To specify the verification level argument, run your software from console or adapt
the Start menu shortcut.

136 EIO0000002854.04
Digital Signature Verification

Verification Log Information

The digital signature verification results are written to the Verification Log (see
dialog box Integrity Verification).
Untrusted digital signature verification results are written to:
• the Windows EventLog (Source: "Schneider Electric Software").
• the log file of your software, such as EcoStruxure Machine Expert (see the
\TEMP\ directory).

How to Proceed Depending on the Verification Level

Verification level = Error:
If the verification level Error applies, the dialog box Integrity Verification is
displayed when your software is started. It provides the following options:
• The Export Verification Log... button allows you to save the log information
to an XML file. Consult this file to get more information about the DLLs that
were detected as untrusted.
• The Exit button allows you to exit the software promptly.
• To continue using your software, select the check box indicating that you have
taken the notification about untrusted components into account and click the
button Continue. Note that the notification will re-appear with every restart of
your software.
Verification level = Warning:
If the verification level Warning applies, the startup process of your software
continues and a notification is displayed in the statusbar. Clicking this notification
opens the Integrity Verification dialog box which allows you to consult the
Verification Log for more information about the DLLs that were detected as
Analyze each notification carefully before you continue to work. As there are
multiple reasons for untrusted components there are also different ways to
• If an expected reason is reported you can continue to work.
• If an unexpected reason triggered by an installed 3rd party product on the
same PC is reported you can continue to work.
• If, however, an untrusted component is reported for an unexpected reason
and for which you do not recognize the component, analyze the Verification
Log carefully and find out why a DLL was detected as untrusted before you
continue to work with the software.

EIO0000002854.04 137
Connecting to the Controller

Connecting to the Controller

What’s in This Chapter
First Login to the Controller with User Rights Management Activated .............. 138

First Login to the Controller with User Rights Management

The following login procedure applies to controllers running firmware released with
EcoStruxure Machine Expert V2.0 and later versions. For the procedure
applicable to EcoStruxure Machine Expert V1.2.• versions, refer to the
corresponding Release Notes.
NOTE: The following procedure is only allowed for users with access rights for
Administrator and Program.

Step Action

1 Enter a new user name.

2 Enter your individual Password.

3 Re-enter your individual Password.

4 Click OK to confirm.

Result: You are requested to enter the new credentials for accessing the controller.

NOTE: For future login, the new Password will be required.

138 EIO0000002854.04
Logoff Current Device User

Logoff Current Device User

What’s in This Chapter
Logoff / Change Device User........................................................................ 139

Logoff / Change Device User

After successful login to the controller, you can perform further online actions on
the controller with EcoStruxure Machine Expert. As long as your project remains
open, you will not be prompted to enter your credentials again.
In order to log off or change the present user from the controller, execute the
Online > Security > Logoff current device user command (see EcoStruxure
Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).
After that you will be prompted for your credentials when you attempt to perform
another online command on the controller.

EIO0000002854.04 139
Security for the Project and the Application

Security for the Project and the Application

What’s in This Chapter
Protecting and Saving a Project.................................................................... 140
Protecting and Saving Applications............................................................... 141

Protecting and Saving a Project

EcoStruxure Machine Expert allows you to apply access protection to projects,
libraries, as well as individual applications. In addition to write-protecting a project,
it is a good practice to implement a user management (credentials, access rights)
and encryption using certificates.
• The user management offers protection for the end user against accidental
changes to the protected objects. The Project Settings > Users and Groups
dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help)
is used to manage user accounts and user access rights groups and the
associated access rights. This allows you to control the access on
EcoStruxure Machine Expert projects.
• The Project > User Management > Permissions... command (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help) opens the
Permissions dialog box for configuring the rights to work on objects to
execute commands in the open project or to modify the user management
• The user management does not serve as an Intellectual Property Protection
(IPP) of the function blocks. Both EcoStruxure Machine Expert itself, as well
as plug-ins and persons with knowledge of the project file format can view or
change function blocks.
NOTE: Intellectual Property Protection of libraries can be enhanced when
libraries are delivered as compiled libraries. Therefore, execute the File >
Save Project As Compiled Library command (see EcoStruxure
Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help) to save a library in
encoded format. This library no longer contains source code. Only the
compiler is able to interpret these data; other EcoStruxure Machine
Expert components are denied this information.
• Intellectual Property Protection of projects can be greatly enhanced by
encrypting the project file. To achieve this, activate the option Enable project
file encryption in the Project Settings > Security dialog box (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help), and select the
encryption option that suits your needs:
◦ Protection via Password (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help)
◦ Protection via Dongle (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help)
◦ Protection via Certificates (see How To Help Protect Your Source Code,
User Guide)
NOTE: Losing a project password leads to the project being unable to
• The option Integrity check in the Project settings > Security dialog box
(see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help) saves the
project file in a proprietary format. The integrity of the file is verified each time
the project is opened.
NOTE: The project file is not encrypted. To help protect your project from
unauthorized access, select the option Encryption in the dialog box as
indicated above.

140 EIO0000002854.04
Security for the Project and the Application

Protecting and Saving Applications

• For protection of boot applications, refer to the chapter Encrypting Boot
Applications with Certificates in the Software > Programming > CODESYS
Security Agent part of the EcoStruxure Machine Expert online help.
• For signing a boot application, refer to the chapter Security Screen (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

EIO0000002854.04 141
Security for the Runtime System / Controller

Security for the Runtime System / Controller

What’s in This Chapter
Encrypting Communication .......................................................................... 142
Handling of Device User Management .......................................................... 142

Encrypting Communication
Communication with the controller connected in the project should be protected
against unauthorized access.

Consideration for HMISCU Controllers

Encrypted communication is not available for HMISCU controllers.

Enforcing Encrypted Communication

For further information, refer to the following sections in the EcoStruxure Machine
Expert online help:
• Encrypting communication to the controller, page 83
• Changing security settings to add, edit, and remove a user in the online user
management of the target device where you are logged in (see EcoStruxure
Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).
• Managing certificates which should be used for secured TCP communication
at application level. For detailed information, refer to the user guide How To
Manage Certificates on the Controller.
• Managing certificates which are applied by the OPC UA client provided by the
controller. For detailed information, refer to the user guide How to Manage
Certificates for OPC UA Client.
• Managing certificates which are expired, page 213.
NOTE: If the CODESYS Security Agent is installed, refer to the Software >
Programming > CODESYS Security Agent part of the EcoStruxure Machine
Expert online help.

Handling of Device User Management

For general information on device user management, refer to the sections Users
and Groups, page 111 and Access Rights, page 117 in this Programming Guide.
User rights management is activated by default in the controllers.

142 EIO0000002854.04
Security for the Runtime System / Controller

Controller - HMI Communication with User Rights Management

With user rights management activated in the controllers, the connection between
an HMI programmed with Vijeo-Designer and the controller will not be established.
The following solutions are available to solve this issue:
• In Vijeo-Designer, open the Network Equipment Settings dialog box of the I/
O Manager and enter the Username and the Password to access the
• Reset the device user rights of the controller (see EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help)

Managing Device User Rights

For further information, refer to the following sections in the EcoStruxure Machine
Expert online help:
• Editing or Viewing the Users and Groups Management Before any Users and
Groups Have Been Established, page 115
• Setting up a New User in the Users and Groups Management of the
Controller, page 116
• Loading a Users and Groups Management From a *.dum File, Modifying it,
and Later Downloading it to the Controller, page 116
• Modifying Access Rights to Controller Objects in the Users and Groups
Management of the Controller, page 117
• Managing device user rights by using the Controller Assistant (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Controller Assistant, User Guide)
• Managing device user rights using the Scripting API, page 748

Resetting Device User Rights

For further information, refer to the following sections in the EcoStruxure Machine
Expert online help:
• Reset user rights management to default (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert,
Menu Commands, Online Help)
• Reset origin device (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands,
Online Help)
• Reset via controller Web server (see Modicon M251 Logic Controller,
• Reset via Controller Assistant (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Controller
Assistant, User Guide)
• Reset without credentials via Controller Assistant (see EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, Controller Assistant, User Guide)

Disabling/Deactivating Device User Rights

For further information, refer to the following sections in the EcoStruxure Machine
Expert online help:
• Disable user rights management on device (see EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help)
• Deactivating via controller web server (see the Programming Guide specific
to your controller for compatibility): MAINTENANCE > USER

EIO0000002854.04 143
Security for the Runtime System / Controller

• Deactivating user rights for the simulation device in EcoStruxure Machine

Expert Logic Builder (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands,
Online Help)

Including Device User Rights While Cloning the SD Card

The Modicon M241 Logic Controller, Modicon M251 Logic Controller, and the
Modicon M262 Logic/Motion Controller provide a clone function that allows you to
write the image of the controller to an SD card. Consult the Programming Guide
specific to your controller, such as the Cloning a Controller section for Modicon
M262 Logic/Motion Controller (see Modicon M262 Logic/Motion Controller,
Programming Guide) or the SD Card section for Modicon M251 Logic Controller
(see Modicon M251 Logic Controller, Programming Guide).
This function is also provided by the Controller Assistant (see Device User Rights
Management in the EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Controller Assistant, User

Including Device User Rights While Cloning the USB Memory Key
The Modicon M258 Logic Controller, and the Modicon LMC058 Motion Controller
provide a clone function that allows you to write the image of the controller to a
USB memory key. Consult the Programming Guide specific to your controller.

144 EIO0000002854.04

What’s in This Chapter
Visualization ............................................................................................... 145

User Management
Visualizations can be protected as described in the CODESYS Visualization –
Configuring User Management part of the EcoStruxure Machine Expert online

Encrypted Communication
For communication between an Internet browser and a Modicon M262 Logic/
Motion Controller running a WebVisu, an HTTPS connection with encryption is
available which helps to protect the integrity of the displayed data. For details,
refer to Firewall Script Commands in the Modicon M262 Logic/Motion Controller
Programming Guide.

EIO0000002854.04 145

What’s in This Chapter
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)............................................................... 146

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Disabling Encryption for Communications
NOTE: It is a good practice to enable encrypted communication, especially in
combination with user management enabled, to help protect user credentials.
To disable the encryption of communication to the controller, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 If the communication policy for encrypted communication is set to Enforced

encryption, set it back to Optional encryption in the Change Communication Policy
dialog box, page 98.

2 In the Communication Settings tab of the device editor, disable the option Encrypted
communication in the Device menu.

As an alternative, you can modify the setting in the Security Screen if the CODESYS
Security Agent is installed.

Result: EcoStruxure Machine Expert establishes unencrypted communication to the

controller. Other clients can also communicate encryption.

New Certificate While the Existing Certificate is Still Valid

It is a good practice to provide a new certificate before the existing certificate
expires to help provide seamless encrypted communication. For further
information, refer to the chapter Managing Expired Certificates, page 213.

146 EIO0000002854.04
What’s in This Part
Program Components .................................................................................. 148
Task Configuration ....................................................................................... 199
Managing Applications.................................................................................. 200

EIO0000002854.04 147
Program Components

Program Components
What’s in This Chapter
Program Organization Unit (POU) ................................................................ 148
Function Block ............................................................................................ 166
Application Objects...................................................................................... 179
Application.................................................................................................. 197

Program Organization Unit (POU)

The term Program Organizational Unit (POU) refers to the programming objects
(programs, function blocks, functions, etc.) used to create a controller application.
As defined in the IEC 61131 standard, a POU is a program, a function block, or a
function. However, in this document the term POU is used for programming
elements in general that can contain IEC code, such as methods, properties,
interfaces etc. Whenever this document refers to POUs in the more restricted
sense as defined in IEC 61131, the term POU object is used.

POU Management
POUs which are managed in the Global node of the Applications tree are not
device-specific but they can be instantiated for use on a device (application). For
this purpose, program POUs must be called by a task of the respective
But POU also is the name of a certain sub-category of these objects in the Add
Object menu. Here, it just comprises programs, function blocks, and functions.
Therefore, a POU object in general is a programming unit. It is an object which is
managed either non-device-specifically in the Global node of the Applications
tree or directly below an application in the Applications tree. It can be viewed
and edited in an editor view. A POU object can be a program, function or function
It is possible to set certain Properties (such as build conditions, etc.) for each
particular POU object.
For a description on how to create a POU object, refer to the section Adding POU
Objects to an Application, page 149.
Besides the POU objects, there are device objects used for running the program
on the target system (Resource, Application, Task Configuration etc.). They
are managed in the Applications tree.

Adding and Calling POU Objects

You can add Program Organization Unit (POU) objects to your application in the
Applications tree.
The different types of POU objects are:

148 EIO0000002854.04
Program Components

• Program: It returns one or several values during operation. All values are
retained from the last time the program was run until the next. It can be called
by another POU object.
• Function Block: It provides one or more values during the processing of a
program. As opposed to a function, the values of the output variables and the
necessary internal variables shall persist from one execution of the function
block to the next. So invocation of a function block with the same arguments
(input parameters) need not always yield the same output values.
• Function: It yields exactly one data element (which can consist of several
elements, such as fields or structures) when it is processed. The call in
textual languages can occur as an operator in expressions.

Adding POU Objects to an Application

To add a POU object to the application of the controller, proceed as follows:

Ste- Action

1 Right-click the Application node of the controller and choose Add Object > POU.
The two methods are also available in the Applications tree.

Result: The Add POU dialog box opens.

2 In the Add POU dialog box, assign a name to your POU object by typing a name in the text
field Name.
NOTE: The name must not contain any space characters. If you do not enter a name, a
name is given by default.
Assigning a meaningful name to a POU may ease the organization of your project.

3 Select the type of POU object you want:

• Program

EIO0000002854.04 149
Program Components

Ste- Action

• Function Block:
1. If you want your function block to extend an already existing function block, select
Extends and click the browser to select the function block you want in the Input
2. Click the OK button.
3. If you want your function block to implement an interface, select Implements and
click the browser to select the interface you want in the Input Assistant.
4. Click the OK button.
5. To help prevent deriving access from your function block, activate the option
Final. The function block cannot be extended by another one. Enables optimized
code generation.
6. Activate the option Abstract to indicate that the function block has a an
incomplete or no implementation and cannot be instantiated. The function block
is exclusively used as base function block and the implementation is typically
performed in a derived function block.
7. If your function block implements an interface, in the list box Method
implementation language, select the programming language you want for
editing the methods and properties defined in the implemented interface.
• Function:
1. Click the browse button to select the Return type you want in the Input
2. Click the OK button.
4 From the list box Implementation Language, select the programming language you want
for editing your POU object.

5 Click the Open button.

Assigning Programs to a Task

At least one program has to be assigned to a task. To add a program to a task,
proceed as follows:

Ste- Action

1 Under the node Task Configuration of the controller, double-click the task to which you
want to add your program. In the Configuration tab, click Add Call.

Alternatively, in the Applications tree select the task to which you want to assign your
program and click the green plus button. Execute the command Program Call... from the list.
Click the ... button.

Result: The Input Assistant dialog box is displayed.

2 In the tab Categories of the Input Assistant dialog box, select Programs.

3 Click to clear the check box Structured view.

4 In the Items panel, select the POU you want.

5 Click the OK button.

Calling POUs
POUs can call other POUs. Recursion however is not allowed (a POU that calls
When a POU assigned to an application calls another POU just by its name
(without any namespace, page 622 added), consider the following order of
browsing the project for the POU to be called:

1. current application

2. Library Manager of the current application in the Tools tree

150 EIO0000002854.04
Program Components

3. Global node of the Applications tree

4. Library Manager in the Global node of the Tools tree

If a POU with the name specified in the call is available in a library of the Library
Manager of the application as well as an object in the Global node of the
Applications tree, there is no syntax for explicitly calling the POU in the Global
node of the Applications tree, just by using its name. In this case move the
respective library from the Library Manager of the application to the Library
Manager of the Global node of the Applications tree. Then you can call the POU
from the Global node of the Applications tree just by its name (and, if needed,
that from the library by preceding the library namespace).
Also refer to the chapter POUs for Implicit Checks, page 164.

A program is a POU object which returns one or several values during operation.
All values are retained from the last time the program was run until the next.
However, there are not separate instances of programs, unlike function blocks.
When calling a function block, only the values in the given instance of the function
block are modified. The modifications are only affected when the same instance is
called again. Program value modifications will be retained until the program gets
called again even if called from another POU.

Adding a Program
To add a program to an existing application, select the application node in the
Applications tree, click the green plus button, and execute the command POU....
As an alternative, right-click the Application node, and execute the command
Add Object > POU from the contextual menu. To add an application-independent
POU, select the Global node of the Applications tree, and execute the same
In the Add POU dialog box select the Program option, enter a name for the
program, and select the desired implementation language. Click Open to confirm.
The editor view for the new program opens and you can start editing the program.

Declaring a Program
PROGRAM <program name>
This is followed by the variable declarations of input, page 475, output, page 475,
and program variables. Access variables are available as options as well.

EIO0000002854.04 151
Program Components

Example of a program

Calling a Program
A program can be called by another POU. However, a program call in a Function,
page 153 is not allowed. There are no instances of programs.
If a POU has called a program and if the values of the program have been
modified, these modifications will be retained until the program gets called again.
This applies even if it is called from within another POU. Consider that this is
different from calling a function block. When calling a function block, only the
values in the given instance of the function block are modified. The modifications
are only affected when the same instance is called again.
In order to set input and/or output parameters in the course of a program call, in
text language editors (for example, ST), assign values to the parameters after the
program name in parentheses. For input parameters, use := for this assignment,
as with the initialization of variables, page 469 at the declaration position. For
output parameters, use =>. See the following example.
If the program is inserted via the Input Assistant using the option Insert with
arguments in the implementation view of a text language editor, it will be
displayed automatically according to this syntax with all parameters, though you
do not necessarily have to assign these parameters.

Example for Program Calls

Program in IL:
CAL PRGexample (
in_var:= 33 )
LD PRGexample.out_var
ST erg
Example with assigning the parameters (Input Assistant using the option Insert
with arguments):
Program in IL with arguments:
CAL PRGexample (
in_var:= 33 ,
out_var=> erg )
Example in ST
PRGexample(in_var:= 33);
erg := PRGexample.out_var;
Example with assigning the parameters (Input Assistant using the option Insert
with arguments as described previously):

152 EIO0000002854.04
Program Components

PRGexample (in_var:=33, out_var=>erg );

Example in FBD
Program in FBD:

A function is a POU which yields exactly one data element (which can consist of
several elements, such as fields or structures) when it is processed. Its call in
textual languages can occur as an operator in expressions.

Adding a Function
To assign the function to an existing application, select the application node in the
Applications tree, click the green plus button, and execute the command POU....
As an alternative, right-click the Application node, and execute the command
Add Object > POU from the contextual menu. To add an application-independent
POU, select the Global node of the Applications tree, and execute the same
In the Add POU dialog box, select the Function option. Enter a Name (<function
name>) and a Return Data Type (<data type>) for the new function and select the
desired implementation language. To choose the return data type, click the button
... to open the Input Assistant dialog box. Click Open to confirm. The editor view
for the new function opens and you can start editing.

Declaring a Function
FUNCTION <function name> : <data type>
This is followed by the variable declarations of input and function variables.
Assign a result to the function. Therefore, the function name is used as an output
Do not declare local variables as RETAIN or PERSISTENT in a function because
this will have no effect.
Example of a function in ST: this function takes 3 input variables and returns the
product of the last 2 added to the first one.

EIO0000002854.04 153
Program Components

Calling a Function
The call of a function in ST can appear as an operand in expressions.
In IL, you can position a function call only within actions of a step or within a
Functions (in contrast to a program or function block) contain no internal state
information, that is, invocation of a function with the same arguments (input
parameters) always will yield the same values (output). For this reason, functions
may not contain global variables and addresses.

Example of Function Calls in IL

Function calls in IL;
LD 5
Fct 3 ,
ST result

Example of Function Calls in ST

result := fct1(5,3,22);

Example of Function Calls in FBD

Function calls in FBD:

fun(formal1 := actual1, actual2); // -> error message
fun(formal2 := actual2, formal1 := actual1); // same
semantics as the following:
fun(formal1 := actual1, formal2 := actual2);
According to the IEC 61131-3 standard, functions can have additional outputs.
They can be assigned in the call of the function. In ST, for example, according to
the following syntax:
out1 => <output variable 1> | out2 => <output variable 2> | ...further output

Function fun is defined with 2 input variables in1 and in2 and two output
variables out1 and out2. The output values of fun are written to the locally
declared variables loc1 and loc2.
fun(in1 := 1, in2 := 2, out1 => loc1, out2 => loc2);

A method is a language element similar to a function that can be used in a context
of a function block, page 166. It can be regarded as a function which contains an

154 EIO0000002854.04
Program Components

instance of the respective function block. Such as a function, a method has a

return value, and its own declaration part for temporary variables and parameters.
Also as a means of object-oriented programming, you can use interfaces, page
159 to organize the methods available in a project.
NOTE: When copying or moving a method or property from a POU to an
interface, the contained implementations are deleted automatically. When
copying or moving from an interface to a POU, you are requested to specify
the desired implementation language.

Inserting a Method
To assign a method to a function block or interface, select the corresponding
function block or interface node in the Applications tree, click the green plus
button and execute the command Method. Alternatively, you can right-click the
function block or interface node and execute the command Add Object > Method
from the contextual menu.
In the Add Method dialog box, enter a Name, the desired Return Type, the
Implementation Language, and the Access Specifier (see below). If the method
does not have an implementation and the implementation is provided by the
derived function block, select the option Abstract. For choosing the return data
type, click the button ... to open the Input Assistant... dialog box.
Access specifier: For compatibility reasons, access specifiers are optional. The
specifier PUBLIC is available as an equivalent for having set no specifier.
Alternatively, choose one of the options from the selection list:
• PRIVATE: The access on the method is restricted to the function block.
• PROTECTED: The access on the method is restricted to the function block
and its derivation.
• INTERNAL: The access on the method is restricted to the present
namespace (the library).
Click Open to confirm. The method editor view opens.

Input Assistance when Creating Inheriting Function Blocks

EcoStruxure Machine Expert facilitates object-oriented programming using
inheritance within function blocks: When you execute Add Object on a function
block that inherits from another function block, the Action, Method, Property,
and Transition elements used in the base function block are listed for selection:
• Action, Method, Property, and Transition elements with Access specifier
= PUBLIC, PROTECTED, and INTERNAL defined in the base function block
are available for selection. You can adapt the definition for the inherited
object. In the inherited object, the same Access specifier is assigned as to
the source elements.
• Action, Method, Property, and Transition elements with Access specifier
= PRIVATE are not available for selection because access is restricted to the
base function block.

Declaring a Method
METHOD <access specifier> <method name> : <return data type>VAR_INPUT ...
For a description on how to declare interface handling methods, refer to the
Interface chapter, page 159.

EIO0000002854.04 155
Program Components

Calling a Method
Method calls are also named virtual function calls. For further information, refer to
the chapter Method Invocation, page 174.
Note the following for calling a method:
• The data of a method is temporary and only valid during the execution of the
method (stack variables). Therefore, the variables and function blocks
declared in a method are reinitialized at each call of the method.
• Methods defined in an interface, page 159 are only allowed to have input,
output, and input/output variables, but no body (implementation part).
• Methods such as functions can have additional outputs. They must be
assigned during method invocation, page 174.
• The declared access specifier defines how the method can be called:
◦ INTERNAL: The method can be called within its own namespace.
◦ PROTECTED: The method can be called within its own POU and its
◦ PRIVATE: The method can be called within its own POU.
◦ PUBLIC: No restrictions apply for calling the method.

Implementing a Method
Note the following for implementing a method:
• In the body of a method, access to the function block instance variables is
• If necessary, use the THIS pointer, page 177 which always points on the
present instance.
• VAR_TEMP variables of the function block cannot be accessed in a method.
• A method can call itself recursively.

Calling a Method
Use the following syntax for calling a method:
<return value variable> := <POU name> . <method name> (
<method input name> := <variable name> (, <further method
input name> := <variable name> )* );
Declaration example:
iInput_1 : DWORD;
iInput_2 : DWORD;
sInput_3 : STRING(12);
Call example:
bFinishedMethod := fbInstance.DoIt(sInput_3 :='Hello World
', iInput_2 := 16#FFFF,iInput_1 := 16);
NOTE: When the method is called, the return value of the method is assigned,
for example, to variables declared locally. When you omit the names of the
input variables, make sure to obey the declaration order.
Declaration example:
iInput_1 : DWORD;
iInput_2 : DWORD;
sInput_3 : STRING(12);

156 EIO0000002854.04
Program Components

Call example:
bFinishedMethod := fbInstance.DoIt( 16, 16#FFFF,'Hello World

Recursive Method Call

Within the implementation, a method can call itself, either directly by using the
THIS pointer, or by using a local variable for the assigned function block.
• THIS^. <method name> ( <parameter transfer of all input and
output variables>)
Direct call of the relevant function block instance with the THIS pointer.
• VAR fb_Temp : <function block name>; END_VAR
Call by using a local variable of the method that temporarily instantiates the
relevant function block.
A recursive call results in a compiler message. The compiler message will not be
issued if the method is provided with the pragma {attribute 'estimated-
stackusage : '<estimated_stack_size_in_bytes>'}. Refer to the
Attribute estimated-stack-usage chapter, page 503 for an
implementation example.
Thus, specifying the method name is insufficient for recursive method calls. In this
case, the following compiler message is issued:
Program name, function or function block instance expected
instead of
NOTE: Recursive calls are inherently difficult to implement and debug, and
may lead to unwanted side effects such as memory issues and watchdog

• Only implement recursive algorithms where necessary.
• Be sure to have a solid understanding of recursive implementation
techniques, and document well the supporting code.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

Special Methods for a Function Block

Method Description

Init A method named FB_init is by default declared implicitly, but can

also be declared explicitly. It contains initialization code for the function
block as declared in the declaration part of the function block. Refer to
FB_init method, page 483.

Reinit If a method named FB_reinit is declared for a function block

instance, it is called after the instance has been copied (like during
Online Change) and will reinitialize the new instance module. Refer to
FB_init, FB_reinit methods, page 483.

Exit If an exit method named FB_exit is desired, it has to be declared

explicitly. There is no implicit declaration. The Exit method is called
for each instance of the function block before a new download, a reset
or during online change for all moved or deleted instances. Refer to
FB_exit method, page 484.

Properties, page 158 and interface properties, page 161 each consist of a Set
and/or a Get accessor method.

EIO0000002854.04 157
Program Components

Method Call Also When Application Is Stopped

In the device description file, it can be defined that a certain method should always
be called task-cyclically by a certain function block instance (of a library module).
If this method has the following input parameters, it is processed also when the
active application is not running.
The programmer can check the application status via pApplicationInfo, and
can define what should happen.
IF pApplicationInfo^.state = RUNNING THEN <instructions>

A property in extension to the IEC 61131-3 standard is available as a means of
object-oriented programming. It consists of a pair of accessor methods (Get,
Set). They allow encapsulating a read or write access to variables declared inside
of a POU or a GVL into a function call, while keeping the syntax of a variable
To insert a property as an object below a program, page 151, a function block,
page 166, a GVL, page 180, or an interface, page 159 node, select the node in the
Applications tree, click the green plus button, and execute the command
Property. As an alternative, right-click the node and execute the command Add
Object > Property from the contextual menu.
In the Add Property dialog box specify the Name, Return Type, desired
Implementation Language, and optionally an Access Specifier.
The following access specifiers are available as for methods, page 155:
NOTE: Properties can also be declared within interfaces.
EcoStruxure Machine Expert facilitates object-oriented programming using
inheritance within function blocks: When you execute Add Object on a function
block that inherits from another function block, the Action, Method, Property,
and Transition elements used in the base function block are listed for selection:
• Action, Method, Property, and Transition elements with Access specifier
= PUBLIC, PROTECTED, and INTERNAL defined in the base function block
are available for selection. You can adapt the definition for the inherited
object. In the inherited object, the same Access specifier is assigned as to
the source elements.
• Action, Method, Property, and Transition elements with Access specifier
= PRIVATE are not available for selection because access is restricted to the
base function block.

158 EIO0000002854.04
Program Components

Get and Set Accessors of a Property

Two special methods, page 154, named accessor, are inserted automatically in
the Applications tree below the property object. You can delete one of them if the
property should only be used for writing or only for reading. An accessor, like a
property (see previous paragraph), can get assigned an access modifier in the
declaration part, or via the Add Object dialog box, when explicitly adding the
• The Set accessor is called when the property is written.
• The Get accessor is called when the property is read.
Function block FB1 has a property seconds that uses a local variable milli.
This variable is determined by the properties Get and Set:
Get implementation example
seconds := milli / 1000;
Set implementation example
milli := seconds * 1000;
You can write the property of the function block (Set method), for example by
fbinst.seconds := 22;.
(fbinst is the instance of FB1).
You can read the property of the function block (Get method) for example by
testvar := fbinst.seconds;.
In the following example, property seconds is assigned to function block FB1:

A property can have additional local variables but no additional inputs and - in
contrast to a function, page 153 or method, page 154 - no additional outputs.
NOTE: When copying or moving a method or property from a POU to an
interface, the contained implementations are deleted automatically. When
copying or moving from an interface to a POU, you are requested to specify
the desired implementation language.

Monitoring a Property
A property can be monitored in online mode either with help of inline monitoring,
page 306 or with help of a watch list, page 355. The precondition for monitoring a
property is the addition of the pragma {attribute 'monitoring' :=
'variable'} (refer to the chapter Attribute Monitoring, page 512).

The use of interfaces is a means of object-oriented programming. An interface
POU defines a set of methods, page 154 and properties, page 158 without an
implementation. An interface can be described as an empty shell of a function
block, page 166. It must be implemented, page 173 in the declaration of the

EIO0000002854.04 159
Program Components

function block in order to get realized in the function block instances. A function
block can implement one or several interfaces.
The same method can be realized with identical parameters but different
implementation code by different function blocks. Therefore, an interface can be
used/called in any POU without the need that the POU identifies the particular
function block that is concerned.

Example of Interface Definition and Usage in a Function Block

An interface IFT is inserted below an application. It contains 2 methods Method1
and Method2. Neither the interface nor the methods contain any implementation
code. Just the declaration part of the methods is to be filled with the desired
variable declarations:
Interface with 2 methods:

1 or multiple function blocks can now be inserted, implementing the above defined
interface ITF.
Creating a function block implementing an interface

When function block POU is added to the Applications tree, the methods
Method1 and Method2 are automatically inserted below as defined by ITF. Here
they can be filled with function block-specific implementation code.

160 EIO0000002854.04
Program Components

Using the interface in the function block definition

An interface can extend other interfaces by using EXTENDS (see following

example Example for Extending an Interface, page 162) in the interface definition.

Interface Properties
An interface can also define an interface property, consisting of the accessor
methods Get and/or Set. For further information on properties, refer to the
chapter Property, page 158. A property in an interface like the possibly included
methods is just a prototype that means it contains no implementation code. Like
the methods, it is automatically added to the function block, which implements the
interface. There it can be filled with specific programming code.

Consider the following:
• It is not allowed to declare variables within an interface. An interface has no
body (implementation part) and no actions. Just a collection of methods is
defined within an interface and those methods are only allowed to have input
variables, output variables, and input/output variables.
• Variables declared with the type of an interface are treated as references.
• A function block implementing an interface must have assigned methods and
properties which are named exactly as they are in the interface. They must
contain identically named inputs, outputs, and inputs/outputs.
NOTE: When copying or moving a method or property from a POU to an
interface, the contained implementations are deleted automatically. When
copying or moving from an interface to a POU, you are requested to specify
the desired implementation language.

Inserting an Interface
To add an interface to an application, select the Application node in the
Applications tree, click the green plus button and select Add Other Objects... >
Interface. Alternatively, execute the command Add Object > Interface. If you
select the node Global before you execute the command, the new interface is
available for all applications.
In the Add Interface dialog box, enter a name for the new interface (<interface
name>). Optionally you can activate the option Extends: if you want the current
interface to be an extension, page 171 of another interface.

EIO0000002854.04 161
Program Components

Example for Extending an Interface

If ITF1 extends ITF_base, all methods described by ITF_base will be
automatically available in ITF1.
Extending an interface

Click Add to confirm the settings. The editor view for the new interface opens.

Declaring an Interface
INTERFACE <interface name>
For an interface extending another one:
INTERFACE <interface name> EXTENDS <base interface name>
INTERFACE interface1 EXTENDS interface_base

Adding the Desired Collection of Methods

To complete the definition of the interface, add the desired collection of methods.
For this purpose, select the interface node in the Applications tree and execute
the command Interface method.... The Add Interface Method dialog box opens
for defining a method to be part of the interface. Alternatively, select the interface
node in the Applications tree, click the green plus button and select Interface
Method. Add as many methods as desired and remember that these methods are
only allowed to have input variables, output variables, and input/output variables,
but no body (implementation part).

You can define actions and assign them to function blocks, page 166 and
programs, page 151. An action is an additional implementation. It can be created
in a different language than the basic implementation. Each action is given a
An action works with the data of the function block or program to which it belongs.
It uses the input/output variables and local variables defined and does not contain
its own declarations.

162 EIO0000002854.04
Program Components

Example of an Action of a Function Block

The following illustration shows an action in FB

In this example, each call of the function block FB1 increases or decreases the
output variable out, depending on the value of the input variable in. Calling
action Reset of the function block sets the output variable out to 0. The same
variable out is written in both cases.

Inserting an Action
To add an action, select the respective program or function block node in the
Applications Tree or in the Global node of the Applications Tree, click the
green plus button, and execute the command Action.... Alternatively, right-click
the program or function block node, and execute the command Add Object >
Action. In the Add Action dialog box, define the action Name and the desired
Implementation Language.
EcoStruxure Machine Expert facilitates object-oriented programming using
inheritance within function blocks: When you execute Add Object on a function
block that inherits from another function block, the Action, Method, Property,
and Transition elements used in the base function block are listed for selection:
• Action, Method, Property, and Transition elements with Access specifier
= PUBLIC, PROTECTED, and INTERNAL defined in the base function block
are available for selection. You can adapt the definition for the inherited
object. In the inherited object, the same Access specifier is assigned as to
the source elements.
• Action, Method, Property, and Transition elements with Access specifier
= PRIVATE are not available for selection because access is restricted to the
base function block.

Calling an Action
Consider the notation in FBD (see the following example).
If it is required to call the action within its own block, that is the program or function
block it belongs to it is sufficient to use the action name.

This section provides examples for the call of the above described action from
another POU.
Declaration for all examples:

EIO0000002854.04 163
Program Components

Inst : Counter;
Call of action Reset in another POU, which is programmed in IL:
CAL Inst.Reset(In := FALSE)
LD Inst.out
Call of action Reset in another POU, which is programmed in ST:
Inst.Reset(In := FALSE);
Erg := Inst.out;
Call of action Reset in another POU, which is programmed in FBD:
Action in FBD

NOTE: The IEC standard does not recognize actions other than actions of the
sequential function chart (SFC). These actions are an essential part
containing the instructions to be processed at the particular steps of the chart.

You can use transition objects as transition elements in a program or function
block implemented in SFC.
For further information, refer to the description of steps and transitions in the
chapter SFC Elements / ToolBox, page 288.
EcoStruxure Machine Expert facilitates object-oriented programming using
inheritance within function blocks: When you execute Add Object on a function
block that inherits from another function block, the Action, Method, Property,
and Transition elements used in the base function block are listed for selection:
• Action, Method, Property, and Transition elements with Access specifier
= PUBLIC, PROTECTED, and INTERNAL defined in the base function block
are available for selection. You can adapt the definition for the inherited
object. In the inherited object, the same Access specifier is assigned as to
the source elements.
• Action, Method, Property, and Transition elements with Access specifier
= PRIVATE are not available for selection because access is restricted to the
base function block.

POUs for Implicit Checks

You have to add special POUs below an application to provide implicitly available
check functions. They verify array and range boundaries, the validity of pointers
and verify the presence of division by zero during runtime.
NOTE: The availability of the check functions have a runtime performance
NOTE: For the check functions to verify the code of uncompiled referenced
libraries, you have to enter the Compiler defines string checks_in_libs in
the Build tab of the Properties dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert,
Menu Commands, Online Help) of the application.

164 EIO0000002854.04
Program Components

To add monitoring functions under an application, select the application node in

the Applications tree and click the green plus button or execute the command
Add Object > POU for implicit checks....
The dialog box allows you to activate the following check functions for the selected

Category Added functions

Bound Checks CheckBounds (for arrays), page 540

Division Checks • CheckDivDInt, page 567

• CheckDivLInt, page 567
• CheckDivReal, page 567
• CheckDivLreal, page 567

Range Checks • CheckRangeSigned, page 552

• CheckRangeUnsigned, page 552

LRange Checks • CheckLRangeSigned, page 552

• CheckLRangeUnsigned, page 552

Pointer Checks CheckPointer, page 538

When you insert a check POU, the option is no longer available in the dialog box
to help avoid a double insertion. If the different types of check POUs have been
added below the application, the Add Object dialog box does not provide the
POUs for implicit checks option any longer.

Do not modify the declaration part of an implicit check function in order to
maintain its functional integrity.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment

NOTE: You may, however, add local variables to the declaration part of an
implicit check function.
NOTE: After having removed implicit check function (such as CheckBounds)
from your application, no Online Change is possible, just a download. A
corresponding message is displayed.

EIO0000002854.04 165
Program Components

Function Block
General Information
A function block is a POU, page 148 which provides 1 or more values during the
processing of a controller program. As opposed to a function, the values of the
output variables and the necessary internal variables shall persist from one
execution of the function block to the next. Therefore, invocation of a function
block with the same arguments (input parameters) need not always yield the same
output values.
In addition to the functionality described by standard IEC11631-3, object-oriented
programming is supported and function blocks can be defined as extensions,
page 171 of other function blocks. They can include interface, page 173
definitions concerning Method invocation, page 174. Therefore, inheritance can
be used when programming with function blocks.
A function block always is called via an instance, page 168, which is a
reproduction (copy) of the function block.

166 EIO0000002854.04
Program Components

Adding a Function Block

To add a function block to an existing application, select the respective node in the
Applications tree, click the green plus button and select POU.... Alternatively you
can right-click the node and execute the command Add Object > POU. To create
a function block that is independent of an application, select the Global node of
the Applications tree.
In the Add Object dialog box, select the option Function Block, enter a function
block Name (<identifier>) and choose the desired Implementation Language.
Additionally, you can set the following options:

Option Description

Extends Enter the name of another function block available in the project,
which should be the base for the current one. For details, refer to
Extension of a Function Block, page 171.

Implements Enter the names of interfaces, page 159 available in the project, which
should be implemented in the current function block. You can enter
several interfaces separated by commas. For details, refer to
Implementing Interfaces, page 173.

Access specifier For compatibility reasons, access specifiers are optional. Specifier
PUBLIC is available as an equivalent for having set no specifier.

Alternatively, choose one of the options from the selection list:

• INTERNAL: The access on the function block is restricted to the
current namespace (the library).
• FINAL: Deriving access is not possible that is the function block
cannot be extended by another one. Enables optimized code
NOTE: The access specifiers are valid as of compiler
version and thus can be used as identifiers in earlier
For further information, refer to the EcoStruxure Machine Expert/
CODESYS compiler version mapping table in the EcoStruxure
Machine Expert Compatibility and Migration User Guide (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Compatibility and Migration, User

Method implementation Choose the desired programming language for all method and
language property objects created via the interface implementation,
independently from that set for the function block itself.

Click Add to confirm the settings. The editor view for the new function block opens
and you can start editing.

Declaring a Function Block

FUNCTION_BLOCK <access specifier> <function block name> | EXTENDS
<function block name> | IMPLEMENTS <comma-separated list of interface
This is followed by the declaration of the variables. You can also group the inputs
and outputs for quick fading out and in when the function block is used in an FBD
or LD editor. Also refer to the chapter Attribute Pingroup, page 520.

EIO0000002854.04 167
Program Components

FBexample shown in the following figure has 2 input variables and 2 output
variables out1 and out2.
out1 is the sum of the 2 inputs, out2 is the result of a comparison for equality.
Example of a function block in ST

Function Block Instance

Function blocks are called, page 169 through an instance which is a reproduction
(copy) of a function block, page 166.
Each instance has its own identifier (instance name), and a data structure
containing its inputs, outputs, and internal variables.
Instances like variables are declared locally or globally. The name of the function
block is indicated as the data type of an identifier.

Syntax for Declaring a Function Block Instance

<identifier>:<function block name>;

Declaration (for example, in the declaration part of a program) of instance
INSTANCE of function block FUB:
The declaration parts of function blocks and programs can contain instance

168 EIO0000002854.04
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Calling a Function Block

Function blocks, page 166 are called through a function block instance. Thus a
function block instance has to be declared locally or globally. Refer to the chapter
Function Block Instance, page 168 for information on how to declare.
Then the desired function block variable can be accessed using the following

<instance name>.<variable name>

• Only the input and output variables of a function block can be accessed from
outside of a function block instance, not its internal variables.
• Access to a function block instance is limited to the POU, page 148 in which it
was declared unless it was declared globally.
• At calling the instance, the desired values can be assigned to the function
block parameters. See the following paragraph Assigning Parameters at Call.
• The input / output variables (VAR_IN_OUT) of a function block are passed as
• In SFC, function block calls can only take place in steps.
• The instance name of a function block instance can be used as an input
parameter for a function or another function block.
• All values of a function block are retained until the next processing of the
function block. Therefore, function block calls do not always return the same
output values, even if done with identical arguments.
NOTE: If at least 1 of the function block variables is a remanent variable, the
total instance is stored in the retain data area.

Examples for Accessing Function Block Variables

Assume: Function block fb has an input variable in1 of the type INT. See here
the call of this variable from within program prog. See declaration and
implementation in ST:
inst1.in1:=22; (* fb is called and input variable in1 gets
assigned value 22 *)
inst1(); (* fb is called, this is needed for the following
access on the output variable *)
res:=inst1.outl; (* output variable of fb is read *)
Example of a function block call in FBD:

EIO0000002854.04 169
Program Components

Assigning Parameters at Call

In the text languages IL and ST, you can set input and/or output parameters
immediately when calling the function block. The values can be assigned to the
parameters in parentheses after the instance name of the function block. For input
parameters, this assignment takes place using := as with the initialization of
variables, page 469 at the declaration position. For output parameters, => is to be

Example of a Call with Assignments

In this example, a timer function block (instance CMD_TMR) is called with
assignments for the parameters IN and PT. Then the result variable Q is assigned
to the variable A. The result variable is addressed with the name of the function
block instance, a following point, and the name of the variable:
CMD_TMR(IN := %IX5, PT := T#100MS);

Example of Inserting Via Input Assistant with Arguments

If the instance is inserted via Input Assistant with the option With arguments in
the implementation view of an ST or IL POU, it is displayed automatically
according to the syntax showed in the following example with all of its parameters,
though it is not necessarily required to assign these parameters.
For the previously mentioned example, the call would be displayed as follows.
CMD_TMR(in:=, pt:=, q=>)
-> fill in, e.g.:
CMD_TMR(in:=bvar, pt:=t#200ms, q=>bres);

Configuring a Memory Reserve for the Online Change of Function

You can configure a memory reserve for the online change of function blocks.
After you have made modifications on the declaration of a function block (in
particular after you have added a new variable), and you perform an online
change, it is no longer necessary to copy the instances of the function block to a
new memory area. Thus, the online change is performed faster and fewer errors
are detected.
If the memory reserve you configured is depleted, a message is displayed before
the online change is performed.
It is a good practice to configure the memory reserve for a function block before
you download the application to the controller. If you configure the memory
reserve when the application is already located on the controller, then you have to
perform an online change that is even more time-consuming.

Procedure of Configuring a Memory Reserve for the Online Change of

Function Blocks
If you intend to perform later modifications on a function block that would require
the function block instance to be copied to other memory locations when
executing an online change, then you can use the Online Change Memory
Reserve Settings command.

170 EIO0000002854.04
Program Components

By default, the command is not available in the menus. Add this command via the
Tools > Customize menu (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands,
Online Help).

Step Action Comment

1 Execute the command View > Online Change Result: The Online Change
Memory Reserve Settings Memory Reserve view opens.

2 From the list of applications, select the suitable –


3 Execute the Build command from the Build –

4 Click the button Scan Application. –

5 From the Function Blocks area, select the entry Result: The function blocks of the
All. application are displayed in the
middle of the Online Change
Memory Reserve view.

6 Select the function block for which you want to If the application has not been
configure a memory reserve. downloaded to the controller yet,
then the input field Memory
reserve (in bytes) is editable.

If the application is already available

on the controller, then click the Edit
button in the Enable editing area.
NOTE: If you modify the
memory reserve of an
application that is already
available on the controller, then
the instances of all affected
function blocks must be

7 Enter a value for the Memory reserve (in Result: The value you entered is
bytes), and click the Apply for selection button. displayed in the Memory Reserve
cell of the table.
8 Execute the Build command from the Build –
9 Click the button Scan Application. Result: The values of the cells Size,
Instance Count, Additional
memory for all instances and
Remaining size of memory
reserve Memory Reserve are
updated in the list for the configured
function block.

When you download the application to the controller, the memory size that is
reserved for the function block is calculated by the present size of the function
block plus the memory reserve you configured in the Online Change Memory
Reserve view.
Future modifications to the function block can be downloaded to the controller with
the online change without having to copy all instances of the function block to a
new memory area.

Extension of a Function Block

Supporting object-orientated programming, a function block can be derived from
another function block. This means a function block can extend another, thus
automatically getting the methods/properties/actions/transitions and variables of
the basing function block in addition to its own.
The extension is performed by using the keyword EXTENDS in the declaration of a
function block. You can choose the EXTENDS option already during adding a
function block to the project via the Add Object dialog box.
For further information, refer to the sections describing how to add a method, page
155, a property, page 158, an action, page 163, or a transition, page 164.

EIO0000002854.04 171
Program Components

FUNCTION_BLOCK <function block name> EXTENDS <function block name>
This is followed by the declaration of the variables.

Definition of function block fbA
Definition of function block fbB
ivar: INT := 0;

Extension by EXTENDS
Extension by EXTENDS means:
• fbB contains all data and methods which are defined by fbA. An instance of
fbB can now be used in any context where a function block of type fbA is
• fbB is allowed to override the methods/properties/actions/transitions defined
in fbA. This means: fbB can declare a method with the same name and the
same inputs and output as declared by A.
• fbB is not allowed to declare function block variables with the same name as
used in fbA. In this case, the compiler will generate an error message.
• fbA variables and methods can be accessed directly within an fbB scope by
using the SUPER pointer, page 176 (SUPER^.<method>).
NOTE: A function block can implement multiple interfaces, but it can only
extend a single function block.

iCnt : INT;


iCnt := -1;

172 EIO0000002854.04
Program Components


METH_DoAlso := TRUE;
// Calls the method defined under FB_1
// Calls the method defined under FB_Base
iCnt := 1111;
Myfb_1: FB_1;
iBase: INT;
iBase := Myfb_1.iCnt_Base;
iFB := Myfb_1.iCnt_THIS;

Implementing Interfaces
In order to support object-oriented programming, a function block can implement
several interfaces, page 159 which allows you to use methods, page 154.

FUNCTION_BLOCK <function block name> IMPLEMENTS <interface_1 name>|,
<interface_2 name>, ..., <interface_n name>
A function block that implements an interface must contain all methods and
properties (interface properties, page 161) defined by this interface. This includes
name, inputs, and the output of the particular method or property which must be
exactly the same.
For this purpose - when creating a new function block implementing an interface -
automatically all methods and properties defined in this interface will be inserted
below the new function block in the Applications Tree.

EIO0000002854.04 173
Program Components

NOTE: If afterwards, methods are added to the interface definition, they will
not be added automatically in the concerned function blocks and thus produce
compiler errors. Execute the command Implement interfaces... (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help) to perform this
update explicitly.
When you use inheritance for function blocks, consider that if methods or
attributes were created by inheritance of an interface, either implement them,
or delete them if the implementation of the base function block is to be used.
Pragma attributes are automatically inserted. They are detected during
compilation and messages are generated to remind you that the inherited
methods or properties have to be verified. Delete the pragma attributes after
you have completely implemented the new function block.
For further information, refer to the description of the Implement interfaces...
command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

INTERFACE I1 includes method GetName:
Function blocks A and B each implement interface I1:
Thus in both function blocks the method GetName has to be available and will be
inserted automatically below each when the function blocks are inserted in the
Applications Tree.
Consider a declaration of a variable of type I1:
l_i : I1;
This input can receive all function blocks that implement interface I1.
Example for function calls:
DeliverName(l_i := A_instance); // call with instance of
type A
DeliverName(l_i := B_instance); // call with instance of
type B
NOTE: A variable of an interface-type must get assigned an instance of a
function block before a method can be called on it. A variable of an interface-
type always is a reference to the assigned function block instance.
Thus a call to the interface method results in a call to the function block
implementation. As soon as the reference is assigned, the corresponding address
is monitored in online mode. Otherwise, if no reference has been assigned yet, the
value 0 is displayed within monitoring in online mode.
For this example see in the implementation part of the function DeliverName:
DeliverName := l_i.GetName(); // in this case it depends on
the "real" type of l_i whether A.GetName or B.GetName is
NOTE: See also the possibility to extend a function block, page 171 by using
the keyword EXTENDS in the declaration.

Method Invocation
Object-oriented programming with function blocks is - besides of the possibility of
extension, page 171 via EXTENDS - supported by the possible use of interfaces,

174 EIO0000002854.04
Program Components

page 173 and inheritance. This requires dynamically resolved method invocations,
also called virtual function calls.
Virtual function calls need some more time than normal function calls and are
used when:
• a call is performed via a pointer to a function block (pfub^.method)
• a method of an interface variable is called (interface1.method)
• a method calls another method of the same function block
• a call is performed via a reference to a function block
• VAR_IN_OUT of a base function block type can be assigned an instance of a
derived function block type
Virtual function calls make possible that the same call in a program source code
will invoke different methods during runtime.
For more information and in-depth view, refer to:
• Method, page 154 for further information on methods.
• THIS Pointer, page 177 for using THIS pointer.
• SUPER Pointer, page 176 for using SUPER pointer.

Calling Methods
According to the IEC 61131-3 standard, methods such as normal functions, page
153 can have additional outputs. They can be assigned in the method call
according to syntax:
<method>(in1:=<value> |, further input assignments, out1 => <output variable 1> |
out2 => <output variable 2> | ...further output variables)
This has the effect that the output of the method is written to the locally declared
variables as given within the call.

Assume that function blocks fub1 and fub2 EXTEND function block fubbase
and IMPLEMENT interface1. Method method1 is contained.
Possible use of the interfaces and method calls:
b : BOOL;
pInst : POINTER TO fubbase;
instBase : fubbase;
inst1 : fub1;
inst2 : fub2;
instRef : REFERENCE to fubbase;
instRef REF= inst1; (* Reference to fub1 *)
pInst := ADR(instBase);
instRef REF= inst2; (* Reference to fub2 *)
pInst := ADR(inst1);
pInst^.method1(); (* If b is true, fubbase.
method1 is called, else fub1.method1 is called *)
instRef.method1(); (* If b is true, fub1.
method1 is called, else fub2.method1 is called *)
Assume that fubbase of the upper example contains 2 methods method1 and
method2. fub1 overrides method2 but not method1.

EIO0000002854.04 175
Program Components

method1 is called as shown in the upper example.

pInst^.method1(); (* If b is true fubbase.method1 is called,
else fub1.method1 is called *)
For calling via THIS pointer, refer to THIS Pointer, page 177.

SUPER Pointer
For each function block that extends a base function block, a pointer with name
SUPER is automatically available. It points to the base function block instances.
This provides an effective solution for the following issue:
• SUPER offers access to methods of the base function block implementation.
With the keyword SUPER, a method can be called which is valid in the base
(parent) class instance. Thus, no dynamic name binding takes place.
SUPER may only be used in methods and in the associated function block
Because SUPER is a pointer to the base function block, you have to dereference it
to get the address of the function block: SUPER^.METH_DoIt

SUPER Call in Different Implementation Languages

Implementation Language Example



NOTE: The functionality of SUPER is not yet implemented for Instruction List.

Use of SUPER and THIS pointers.
iCnt : INT;
iCnt := -1;


METH_DoAlso := TRUE;


iBase: INT;
// Calls the method defined under FB_1
// Calls the method defined under FB_Base

176 EIO0000002854.04
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iBase := SUPER^.iCnt;


iCnt := 1111;

myBase: FB_Base;
myFB_1: FB_1;
iBase: INT;
iBase := myBase.iCnt;
iTHIS := myFB_1.iCnt;

THIS Pointer
For each function block, a pointer with name THIS is automatically available. It
points to its own function block instance.
This provides an effective solution for the following issues:
• If a locally declared variable in the method hides a function block variable.
• If you want to refer a pointer to its own function block instance for using in a
THIS may only be used in methods/properties/actions/transitions and in the
associated function block implementation.
THIS must be written in capital letters. Other spellings are not accepted.
Because THIS is a pointer to the function block, you have to dereference it to
access an element of the function block: THIS^.METHDoIt.

THIS Call in Different Implementation Languages

Implementation Language Example



NOTE: The functionality of THIS is not yet implemented for Instruction List.

Example 1
Local variable iVarB shadows the function block variable iVarB.
iVarA: INT;

EIO0000002854.04 177
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iVarA := 1;


iVarB: INT := 0;
iVarA := 11;
iVarB := 2;


iVarB: INT;
iVarB := 22; // Here the local iVarB is set.
THIS^.iVarB := 222; // Here the function block variable
iVarB is set, although iVarB is overloaded.

MyfbB: fbB;

MyfbB(iVarA:=0 , iVarB:= 0);


Example 2
Function call that needs a reference to its own instance.
pFB: fbA;

iVarA: INT;


iVarB: INT := 0;
iVarA := 11;
iVarB := 2;


iVarB: INT;
iVarB := 22; //Here the local iVarB is set.
funA(pFB := THIS^); //Here funA is called with THIS^.

MyfbB: fbB;
MyfbB(iVarA:=0 , iVarB:= 0);

178 EIO0000002854.04
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Application Objects
Data Type Unit (DUT)
Along with the standard data types, you can define your own data types. You can
create structures, page 549, enumeration types, page 550, and references, page
536 as data type units (DUTs) in a DUT editor, page 325.
For a description of the particular standard and the user-defined data types, refer
to the description of the data types, page 529.

Adding a DUT Object

To add a DUT object to an existing application, select the application node in the
Applications tree, click the green plus button, and select DUT.... Or right-click the
respective node and execute the command Add Object > DUT. To create an
application-independent DUT object, select the Global node in the Applications
tree. In the Add DUT dialog box, enter a Name for the new data type unit, and
choose the desired type Structure, Enumeration, Alias, or Union.
To DUT objects of type Enumeration you can add text list support. For further
information, refer to the description of the Add text list support command (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).
In case of type Structure, you can use the principle of inheritance, thus
supporting object-oriented programming. Optionally, you can specify that the DUT
extends another DUT which is already defined within the project. Therefore, the
definitions of the extended DUT will be automatically valid within the current one.
For this purpose, activate the option Extends: and enter the name of the other
Click Add to confirm the settings. The editor view for the new DUT opens and you
can start editing.

Declaring a DUT Object

TYPE <identifier> : <DUT components declaration>END_TYPE
The DUT component declaration depends on the type of DUT, for example, a
structure, page 549, or an enumeration, page 550.

The following example contains 2 DUTS, defining structures struct1 and
struct2; struct2 extends struct1, which means that you can use struct2.
a in your implementation to access variable a.
TYPE struct1 :
TYPE struct2 EXTENDS struct1 :

EIO0000002854.04 179
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Global Variable List - GVL

A global variables list (GVL) is used to declare global variables, page 477. If a
GVL is placed in the Applications tree, the variables will be available for the
entire project. If a GVL is assigned to a certain application, the variables will be
valid within this application.
To add a GVL to an existing application, select the application node in the
Applications tree, click the green plus button and select Global Variable List....
Alternatively you can right-click the node and execute the command Add Object >
Add Global Variable List.... If you select the Global node in these views, the new
GVL object will application-independent.
Use the GVL editor, page 326 to edit a global variable list.
The variables contained in a GVL can be defined to be available as network
variables, page 682 for a broadcast data exchange with other devices in the
network. For this purpose, configure network properties (in the menu View >
Properties > Network Variables or Network Variable Sender Properties) for
the GVL.
NOTE: The maximum size of a network variable is 255 bytes. The number of
network variables is not limited.
NOTE: Variables declared in GVLs get initialized before local variables of

GVL for Configurable Constants (Parameter List) in Libraries

The value of a global constant provided via a library can be replaced by a value
defined by the application. For this purpose, the constant has to be declared in a
parameter list in the library. Then, when the library is included in the application, its
value can be edited in the Parameter List tab of the Library Manager of the
application. See the following example for a description on how to do in detail.

Parameter List Handling

A library lib1.library provides an array variable g_Array. The size of the
array variable is defined by a global constant g_c_Arraysize. The library is
included in various applications, each needing a different array size. Therefore,
you want to overwrite the global constant of the library by an application-specific
Proceed as follows: When creating lib1.library, define the global constant g_
c_Arraysize within a special type of global variable list (GVL), the so-called
parameter list. For this purpose, execute the command Add Object and add a
parameter list object, in the current example named Param. In the editor of this
object, which equals that of a standard GVL, insert the declaration of variable g_
Parameter list Param in library Lib1.library

180 EIO0000002854.04
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Edit parameter g_c_Arraysize in the Library Manager of a project

Select the library in the upper part of the Library Manager to get the module tree.
Select Param in order to open the tab Library Parameters showing the
declarations. Select the cell in column Value (editable) and use the empty space
to open an edit field. Enter the desired new value for g_c_Arraysize. It will be
applied to the current, local scope of the library after having closed the edit field.

Network Variable List (Receiver)

A network variable list (receiver) is added to the Applications tree. It defines
variables, which are specified as network variables in another device within the
NOTE: The maximum size of a network variable is 255 bytes. The number of
network variables is not limited.
Thus you can add a network variable list (receiver) object to an application if a
network variable list (sender) with special network properties (network variable
list) is available in one of the other network devices. This is independent of
whether defined in the same project or in different projects. If several of
appropriate network variable lists (sender) are found within the present project for
the present network, select the desired network variable list (sender) from a
selection list Sender when adding a network variable list (receiver) via the dialog
box Add Object > Network Variable List (Receiver). Network variable lists
(sender) from other projects must be imported as described in this chapter.
Therefore, each network variable list (receiver) corresponds exactly to one
network variable list (sender) in another device.

EIO0000002854.04 181
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Dialog box Add Network Variable List (Receiver)

Description of the Elements

When adding the network variable list (receiver), besides a Name, also define a
Task, responsible for the handling of the network variables.
Alternatively to directly choosing a network variable list (sender) from another
device, you can specify a network variable list (sender) export file *.GVL with the
option Import from file. This network variable list (sender) file has been
generated previously from the network variable list (sender) via View >
Properties > Link To File dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help). In any case this is necessary if the desired network
variable list (sender) is defined within another project. For this purpose, select the
option Import from file in the Sender selection list and enter the file path in the
Import from file text field (or click the ... button to open the dialog for browsing in
the file system).
You can modify the settings at a later time via the View > Properties > Network
Settings dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online
A network variable list (receiver) is displayed by the NVL editor, page 330, but it
cannot be modified. It displays the content of the corresponding network variable
list (sender). If you modify the basic network variable list (sender), the network
variable list (receiver) is updated accordingly.
A comment is added automatically at top of the declaration part of a network
variable list (receiver), providing information on the sender (device path), the
network variable list (sender) name, and the protocol type.

182 EIO0000002854.04
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Network Variable List Example

Network variable list

NOTE: Only arrays whose bounds are defined by a literal or a constant are
transferred to the remote application. Constant expressions in this case are
not allowed for bounds definition. Example: arrVar : ARRAY[0..g_
iArraySize-1] OF INT ; is not transferred arrVar : ARRAY[0..10] OF
INT ; is transferred
For further information, refer to the Network Communication chapter, page

Example of a Simple Network Variable Exchange

In the following example, a simple network variable exchange is established. In
the sender controller, a network variable list (sender) is created. In the receiver
controller, the corresponding network variable list (receiver) is created.
Perform the following preparations in a default project, where a sender controller
Dev_Sender and a receiver controller Dev_Receiver are available in the Devices
• Create a POU (program) prog_sender below the Application node of Dev_
• Under the Task Configuration node of this application, add the task Task_S
that calls prog_sender.
• Create a POU (program) prog_rec below the Application node of Dev_
• Under the Task Configuration node of this application, add the task Task_R
that calls prog_rec.
NOTE: The 2 controllers must be configured in the same subnet of the
Ethernet network.

EIO0000002854.04 183
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Defining the Network Variable List (Sender)

Step 1: Define a global variable list in the sender controller:

Step Action Comment

1 In the Applications tree, select the Application node of the The Properties dialog box of the network variable list
controller Dev_Sender and click the green plus button. (sender) is displayed.
Execute the command Add other objects > Network
Variable List (Sender).

2 Enter the Name GVL_Sender and click Add to create a new The GVL_Sender node appears below the Application
global variable list. node in the Applications tree and the editor opens on the
middle of the EcoStruxure Machine Expert screen.

3 In the editor, enter the following variable definitions: –


Step 2: Define the network properties of the network variable list (sender):

Step Action Comment

1 In the Applications tree, select the GVL_Sender node, The Properties - GVL_Sender dialog box is displayed.
click the green plus button, and execute the command

2 –
Open the Network properties tab and configure the
parameters as indicated in the graphic:

3 Click OK. The dialog box is closed and the network variable list
(sender) network properties are set.

184 EIO0000002854.04
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Defining the Network Variable List (Receiver)

Step 1: Define a global network variable list in the receiver controller:

Step Action Comment

1 In the Applications tree, select the Application node of the The Add Global Network Variable List dialog box is
controller Dev_Receiver, click the green plus button, and displayed.
execute the command Global Network Variable List....
2 This global network variable list is the counterpart of the
Configure the parameters as indicated in the graphic. network variable list (sender) defined for the sender

3 Click Open.
The dialog box is closed and the GNVL_Receiver appears
below the Application node of the Dev_Receiver controller:

This network variable list (receiver) automatically contains

the same variable declarations as the GVL_Sender.

Step 2: View and / or modify the network settings of the network variable list

Step Action Comment

1 In the Devices tree, right-click the GNVL_Receiver node The Properties - GNVL_Receiver dialog box is displayed.
and select the command Properties....

2 Open the Network settings tab. –

EIO0000002854.04 185
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Step 3: Test the network variable exchange in online mode:

Step Action Comment

1 Under the Application node of the controller Dev_Sender, The editor for prog_sender opens on the right-hand side.
double-click the POU prog_sender.

2 –
Enter the following code for the variable iglobvar:

3 Under the Application node of the controller Dev_ The editor for prog_rec opens on the right-hand side.
Receiver, double-click the POU prog_rec.

4 –
Enter the following code for the variable ivar_local:

5 Log on with sender and receiver applications within the The variable ivar_local in the receiver gets the values of
same network and start the applications. iglobvar as currently displayed in the sender.

Persistent Variables
This object is a global variable list (GVL), which only contains persistent variables
of an application. Thus it has to be assigned to an application. For this purpose, it
has to be inserted in the Applications tree via selecting the respective node,
clicking the green plus button, and selecting Add Other Objects > Persistent
Consult the Programming Guide specific to your controller for information on the
behavior of remanent variables.
Only those variables which are declared with VAR PERSISTENT and which are
contained in this list are persistent. The Add all Instance Paths command (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help) adds all
PERSISTENT declarations found in other POUs to the list.
Variables declared with VAR PERSISTENT are also retain variables. Retain
variables have the capacity to keep their values after executing a Reset warm
command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).
The difference is, that persistent variables are only reinitialized upon executing the
Reset origin command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands,
Online Help) or by a new application download (after the application had been
removed from the controller). An exception is made if you modified their names or
data types.

186 EIO0000002854.04
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Persistent variable list

For further information, refer to the description of remanent variables, page 479.
Also refer to the description of the special commands for handling persistent
variables (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).
Edit a persistent variable list in the persistence editor, which corresponds to the
GVL editor, page 326. The VAR_GLOBAL PERSISTENT RETAIN is already preset
in the first line.

Adding and Declaring Remanent Variables

When you add variables to an application, you can declare some of the variables
as remanent variables. Remanent variables can retain their values in the event of
power outages, reboots, resets, and application program downloads. There are
multiple types of remanent variables, declared individually as retain or persistent,
or in combination as retain-persistent.
Consult the Programming Guide specific to your controller for information on the
memory size reserved for retain and persistent variables in the different
To add a global variable list called Persistent Variables to your application,
proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 Select the respective application node in the Applications tree, click the green plus button,
and select Add Other Objects > Persistent Variables....

Alternatively, you can right-click the application node, and execute the command Add
Object > Persistent Variables....

2 In the Add Persistent Variables dialog box type a name for this list in the Name text box.

3 Click Add.

Result: A persistent variable node is created in the Applications tree. For an example,
refer to the Overview paragraph in this chapter.

External File
To add an external file to the Global node of the Applications Tree or Tools Tree,
select the Global node, click the green plus button and execute the commands
Add other objects > External File....
An external file inserted in the POUs tree is not downloaded to the controller.
Click the ... button to open the dialog box for browsing a file. The path of this file is
entered in the File path text box. In the Name text box, the name of the chosen
file is entered automatically without extension. You can edit this field to define
another name for the file under which it should be handled within the project.

EIO0000002854.04 187
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Add External File dialog box:

Description of the File Handling Section of the Dialog Box

Select one of the following options:

Option Description

Remember the link The file will be available in the project only if it is available in the
defined link path

Remember the link and A copy of the file will be stored internally in the project but also
embed into project the link to the external file will be recalled. As long as the external
file is available as defined, the defined update options will be
implemented accordingly. Otherwise just the file version stored in
the project will be available.

Embed into project Just a copy of the file will be stored in the project. There will be
no further connection to the external file.

Description of the Change Tracking Section of the Dialog Box

If the external file is linked to the project, you can additionally select one of the

Option Description

Reload the file automatically The file is updated within the project as soon as it has been
changed externally.

Prompt whether to reload the A dialog box pops up as soon as the file has been changed
file externally. You can decide whether the file is updated also within
the project.

Do nothing The file remains unchanged within the project, even when it is
changed externally.

188 EIO0000002854.04
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Description of the Buttons

Button Description

Display File Properties... This button opens the dialog box for the properties of a file. This
dialog box also appears when you select the file object in the
Applications Tree or Tools Tree and execute the command
Properties. In the tab External file of this dialog box, you can
view and modify the properties (also refer to the Menu
Commands Online Help (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert,
Menu Commands, Online Help)).

Add After you have completed the settings, click the Add button to
add the file to the Global node of the Applications Tree or Tools
Tree. It is opened in that tool which is defined as default for the
given file format.

Text List
A text list is an object managed globally in the Global node of the Applications
Tree or assigned to an application in the Applications Tree.
It serves the following purposes:
• Multi-language support for static, page 190 and dynamic, page 191 texts and
tooltips in visualizations and in the alarm handling
• Dynamic text exchange
Text lists can be exported and (re-) imported, page 193. Export is necessary, if a
language file in XML format has to be provided for a target visualization, but is
also useful for translations, page 193.
Possible formats of text lists:
• Text
You can activate support of Unicode, page 192.
Each text list is uniquely defined by its namespace. It contains text strings which
are uniquely referenced within the list by an identifier (ID, consisting of any
sequence of characters) and a language identifier. The text list to be used is
specified when configuring the text for a visualization element.
Depending on the language which is set in the visualization, the corresponding
text string is displayed in online mode. The language used in a visualization is
changed by a Change the language input. This is accomplished by a mouse
action that you have configured on the given visualization element. Each text list
must at least contain a default language, and optionally in other languages that
you choose to define. If no entry is found which matches the language currently
set in EcoStruxure Machine Expert, the default language entry of the text list is
used. Each text can contain formatting definitions, page 193.
Basic structure of a text list

Identifier Default <Language 1> <Language 2> .... <Language n>


<unique <text abc in default <text abc in <text abc in ...

string of language> language 1> language 2>
<unique <text xyz in default <text xyz in <text xyz in ...
string of language> language 1> language 2>

EIO0000002854.04 189
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Text List Types

There are two types of text usable in visualization elements and correspondingly
there are two types of list:
• GlobalTextList for static texts
• Textlist for dynamic texts

GlobalTextList for Static Texts

GlobalTextList is a special text list where the identifiers for the particular text
entries are handled implicitly and are not editable. The list can be exported, edited
externally and then reimported.
Static texts in a visualization, in contrast to dynamic texts, are not exchanged by a
variable in online mode. The only option to exchange the language of a
visualization element is via a Change the language input. A static text is
assigned to a visualization element via property Text or Tooltip in category Texts.
When the first static text is defined in a project, a text list object named
GlobalTextList is added to the Global node of the Applications Tree. It contains
the defined text string found in the column Default, and an automatically assigned
integer number as the text identifier. For each static text that is created thereafter,
the identifier number is incremented and assigned to the visualization element.
If a static text is entered into a visualization element (for example, if in a rectangle
with property category of Texts, the string Text Example is specified), this text is
looked up in the GlobalTextList.
• If the text is found (for example, ID 4711, Text Example), the element value
4711 of TextId will be assigned to an internal variable. This establishes the
relationship between the element and the corresponding line in the
• If the text is not found, a new line is inserted in the GlobalTextList (for
example, ID 4712, Text Example). In the element, the value 4712 is assigned
to the internal variable.
NOTE: If it does not yet exist - you can create a global text list explicitly by the
command Create Global Text List.
If you have exported, edited and reimported the GlobalTextList, it is validated as
to whether the identifiers are still matching those which are used in the
configuration of the respective visualization elements. If necessary, an implicit
update of the identifiers used in the configuration will be implemented.
To update the ID numbers of the texts that are defined for a visualization, you can
remove the GlobalTextList by right-clicking the node and executing the Delete
command. Then open a visualization and execute the command Visualization >
Create Global Text List. A new GlobalTextList node is created in the
Applications tree with the static texts of the visualizations available in the project.
NOTE: In case your GlobalTextList contains translated strings, they will not
be regenerated when the command Create Global Text List is executed.

Example of a GlobalTextList
Create Global Text List

190 EIO0000002854.04
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Textlist for Dynamic Texts

Dynamic texts can be modified dynamically in online mode. The text index (ID),
which is a string of characters, must be unique within the text list. In contrast to
GlobalTextLists, you have to define it. Also in contrast to the GlobalTextList,
create text lists for dynamic texts explicitly by selecting the Global node, clicking
the green plus button, and executing the command Add other objects > Text
The available dynamic text lists are offered when configuring a visualization
element via property Dynamic texts / Text list. If you specify a text list name
combined with the text index (ID) - which can be entered directly or by entering a
project variable which defines the ID string - the text can be modified in online
A dynamic text list must be exported if it is needed as a language file for language
switching in a target visualization. Specify the file path in the Visualization
Options. Such as GlobalTextList, a dynamic text list can also be exported for
external editing and reimported. In contrast to GlobalTextList, when you import
dynamic text lists, there is no automatic check and update of the identifiers.

Do not modify the identifiers when editing the exported list.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

Example of a Dynamic Text List Named ErrorList

Example ErrorList

Detailed Example
This example explains how to configure a visualization element, which displays
the corresponding message when an error is detected in an application that
processes error events identified via numeric IDs assigned to an integer variable
Provide a dynamic textlist named ErrorList where the message texts for error IDs
0 to 4 are defined in languages German, English, and Default:

Within a table cell, you can add a line break by pressing the keyboard shortcut
Ctrl + Enter.

EIO0000002854.04 191
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To use the error IDs in the visualization configuration, define a STRING variable,
for example strvar_err. To assign the integer value of ivar_err to strvar_
err, use strvar_err:=INT_TO_STRING(ivar_err);.
strvar_err can be entered as Textindex parameter in the configuration of the
Dynamic texts properties of a visualization element. This element will display the
appropriate message in online mode.
The next example is for processing the error ID using project variables and
configuration of a visualization element (Properties), which should display the
appropriate message:

Creating a Text List

• To create a text list for dynamic texts, page 191, add a Text List object to the
project in the Applications Tree. To create an application-specific text list,
select an application node. To create a global text list, select the Global node.
Then click the green plus button of the selected node, and execute the
command Add other objects > Text List.... When you have specified a list
name and confirmed the Add Textlist dialog box, the new list is inserted
below the selected node, and a text list editor view opens.
• To get a text list for static texts, page 190 (GlobalTextList), either assign a
text in property Text in category Texts of a visualization object to get the list
created automatically, or generate it explicitly by command Create Global
Text List.
• To open an existing text list for editing, select the list object in the
Applications Tree or Global node of the Applications Tree. Right-click the
text list node and execute the command Edit Object, or double-click the text
list node. Refer to the table Basic structure of a text list for how a text list is
• For adding a new default text in a text list, either use the command Insert
Text, or edit the respective field in the empty line of the list. To edit a field in a
text list, click the field to select it and then click the field again or press SPACE
to get an edit frame. Enter the desired characters and close the edit frame
with RETURN.

Support of Unicode Format

To use Unicode format, activate the respective option in the Visualization
Manager. Further on, set a special compilation directive for the application: select
the application in the Devices Tree, open the Properties dialog box, Build tab. In
the Compiler defines field, enter VISU_USEWSTRING.

192 EIO0000002854.04
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Dialog box with compiler definition

Export and Import of Text Lists

Static and dynamic text lists can be exported as files in CSV format. Exported files
can also be used for adding texts externally, for example by an external translator.
However, only files available in text format (*.csv) can be reimported.
See the description of the respective text list commands (see EcoStruxure
Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).
Specify the folder in which the export files should be saved in the dialog box File >
Project Settings > Visualization.

Formatting of Texts
The texts can contain formatting definitions (%s,%d,…), which allow to include the
present values of variables in a text. For the possible formatting strings, see the
Visualization part of the EcoStruxure Machine Expert online help.
When using text with formatting strings, the replacement is done in the following
• The actual text string to be used is searched via list name and ID.
• If the text contains formatting definitions, these are replaced by the value of
the respective variable.

Subsequent Delivery of Translated Texts

By inserting GlobalTextList.csv in the directory which is used for loading text files,
a subsequent integration of translated texts is possible. When the bootproject is
started up, the firmware detects that an additional file is available. The text is
compared with that in the existing textlist files. New and modified texts are then
applied to the textlist files. The updated textlist files will then be applied at the next

List Components for Text Input

Via the dialog box Tools > Options > Visualization, you can specify a text
template file. All texts of column Default of this file will be copied to a list, which
will be used for the List Components functionality. A template file can be used
which has been created before via the Export command.

EIO0000002854.04 193
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Multiple User Operations

By use of the source control, it is possible that multiple users work simultaneously
on the same project. If a static text is modified in visualization elements by more
than one user, it will cause modifications to the GlobalTextList (refer to
GlobalTextList, page 190). In this case, the Text-Ids may no longer be coherent
with the visualization elements. Use the following error detection and correction
• Use the command Check Visualization Text Ids, such errors may be
detected in the visualizations.
• Use the command Update Visualization Text Ids, these errors may be
resolved automatically. The affected visualizations as well as the
GlobalTextList must have write permission.

Use of Textlists for Changing Language in Visualizations

If an appropriate textlist is available, that is, a textlist defining several language
versions for a text, then the language used for the texts in a visualization can be
switched in online mode by an input on a visualization element. The Dynamic
Texts properties of the element must specify the textlist to be used, and an
OnMouse.. input action, Change the language, must be configured specifying
the language which should be used after the mouse action has been performed.
NOTE: The language must be specified with exactly this string which is
displayed in the column header of the respective textlist.

Image Pool
Image pools are tables defining the file path, a preview, and a string ID for each
image. By specifying the ID and (for unique accessing) additionally the image file
name, the image can be referenced, for example, when being inserted in a
visualization (configuration of the properties of an image element, refer to Using
Images Which are Managed in Image Pools, page 196 ).
In a library project, you can create an image pool. If you then declare the library to
be a symbol library, you can use the images it contains inside your project
visualizations. To achieve this, right-click the ImagePool node of the library
project, select Properties, and set the Symbol library settings in the Image
Pool tab (by clicking the button Mark library as symbol library and optionally
selecting a Text list for symbol translation).
After you have added the library to your project, the image pool will appear (as you
named it) in the ToolBox when a visualization editor is active.
NOTE: Reduce the size of an image file as much as possible before adding it
to an image pool. Otherwise, the project size and the loading and storing
efforts of visualization applications, including images, can become large.

Structure of an Image Pool

Example of an image pool:

194 EIO0000002854.04
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Element Description

ID String ID (for example logo, y_icon, 2);

A unique referencing of an image is achieved by the combination of

image list name and ID (for example, List1.basic_logo).

File name Path of the image file (for example, C:\programs\images\logo.bmp).

Image formats supported by EcoStruxure Machine Expert:

The controller you are using may not support all image formats.
Consult the Programming Guide specific to your controller for further

If the image file is stored in the directory for image files (as defined in
Tools > Options > Visualization, you only have to enter the file
name in this text box.
Image Preview of the image.

Link type Information on how the image file is linked to the project.

Specify the Link type when you add the image file manually in the
dialog box Select image. Refer to the description Creating and Editing
an Image Pool, page 195.

NOTE: If the target system does not support images in the vector image
format SVG, they are automatically converted to the format PNG during
download. For information on the supported image formats, refer to the device
descriptions provided by your hardware manufacturer.

Creating and Editing an Image Pool

A project can contain several image pools. The automatically generated
GlobalImagePool, as well as manually generated image pools.
Add an image, which is not yet part of an image pool of the project, to a
visualization. In doing so, enter in the element properties a static ID for the image.
This results in the automatic creation of a GlobalImagePool which contains an
entry for the respective image file. The Link type is Link to file.
Manually creating an empty image pool:
You can insert an image pool object below an application node or below the
Global node of the Applications tree by clicking the green plus button and
executing the commands Add other objects > Image Pool.... In the Add Image
Pool dialog box, define a Name for the pool.

EIO0000002854.04 195
Program Components

Adding an image file to an image pool

Adding an image file to an image pool Actions to be performed

By executing the command Insert Image 1. Put the focus into the image pool editor.
2. Execute the Insert Image command (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help) from the
contextual menu.
Result: A unique ID is entered
automatically, which is editable.
3. Double-click the field File name in the
new line to specify the path of the image
4. For this purpose, you can open the dialog

box Select Image by clicking the

button. The edit fields and options of this
dialog box are explained below this table.
NOTE: If you do not use the dialog box
Select Image, but enter the image file path
directly, then automatically the link type
setting Remember the link is used.

By directly entering the file name In the editor of the image pool, double-click the
field File name of the first empty line. Enter - as
described above for the first option (executing
the command Insert Image) - the path of the
desired image file.

Result: The file name is automatically entered

as ID.
By drag&drop from the file system In the local file system browser, select the
desired image file and drag it into the image
pool editor. Multiple selection is possible.

Result: The file name is automatically entered

as ID.

The link type setting Remember the link is

used automatically.

Elements of the Select Image dialog box:

Element Description

Image File
Enter the path of the image file or click the button for getting the
standard dialog box for browsing the local file system. Select the
desired file or files. Multiple selection is possible.

File Handling Choose a link type:

• Remember the link: The file is only available in the project if it is
available in the specified path. Files specified without path must
be stored in the project folder.
• Remember the link and embed into project: A copy of the file
is stored internally in the project. The link to the specified path is
stored as well. As long as the image file is available under the
stored path, the update action as defined below, is valid. As soon
as the image file is removed from the specified location, only the
copy of the file stored internally in the project will be used.
• Embed into project: Only a copy of the file is stored internally in
the project. The link to the external path is not stored.
If you choose the option Remember the link and embed into
project, you can select one of the following update actions in the
Change Tracking section:
• Reload the file automatically.
• Prompt whether to reload the file.
• Do nothing.

Using Images Which Are Managed in Image Pools

If the ID of the image to be used is specified in multiple image pools:

196 EIO0000002854.04
Program Components

• search order: If you choose an image managed in the GlobalImagePool, you

do not need to specify the pool name. The search order for images
corresponds to that for global variables:
1. GlobalImagePool
2. image pools assigned to the currently active application
3. image pools in Global node of the Applications tree besides
4. image pools in libraries
• unique accessing: You can directly call the desired image by adding the
image pool name before the ID according to syntax: <pool name>.<image
ID> (For an example, see imagepool1.drive_icon in the previous

Using an Image in a Visualization Element of Type Image

When inserting an image element in a visualization, you can define it to be a static
image or a dynamic image. The dynamic image can be changed in online mode
according to the value of a project variable:
Static images:
In the configuration of the element (property Static ID), enter the image ID or the
image pool name + image ID. Consider in this context the remarks on search
order and unique accessing in the previous paragraph.
Dynamic images:
In the configuration of the element (property Bitmap ID variable), enter the
variable which defines the ID, for example, PLC_PRG.imagevar.

Using an Image for the Visualization Background

In the background definition of a visualization, you can define an image to be
displayed as visualization background. The image file can be specified as
described previously for a visualization element by the name of the image pool
and the image file name.

An application is a set of objects which are needed for running a particular
instance of the controller program on a certain hardware device (controller). For
this purpose, independent objects managed in the Global node of the
Applications tree are instantiated and assigned to a device. This meets the
concept of object-orientated programming. However, you can also use purely
application-specific POUs.
An application is represented by an application object in the Applications tree.
Below an application entry, insert the objects defining the application resource set.
One application is available for each controller. It is not possible to add further
A part of each application is the Task Configuration controlling the run of a
program (POU instances or application-specific POUs). Additionally, it can have
assigned resource objects like global variable lists, libraries, and so on. These - in
contrast to those managed in the Global node of the Applications tree - can only

EIO0000002854.04 197
Program Components

be used by the particular application and children. For the rules, refer to the
description of arranging and configuring objects in the Devices tree, page 36.

When going to log in with an application on a target device (controller or simulation
target), two checks are performed: Which application is currently in the controller?
Are the application parameters in the controller matching those in the application
within EcoStruxure Machine Expert? Corresponding messages indicate
mismatches and offer some ways to continue in this case. Also you have the
possibility to delete the application in the controller. Refer to the description of the
Login command, page 202 for more details.

198 EIO0000002854.04
Task Configuration

Task Configuration
What’s in This Chapter
Task Configuration ...................................................................................... 199
Adding Tasks .............................................................................................. 199

Task Configuration
The Task Configuration defines 1 or several tasks for controlling the processing
of an application program.
It is a resource object for an application, page 197. It has to be inserted in the
Applications tree below an application node. A task can call an application-
specific program POU, which is only available in the Applications tree below the
application. It can also call a program which is managed in the Global node of the
Applications tree. In the latter case, the program that is available globally will be
instantiated by the application.
You can edit a task configuration in the Task Configuration editor, page 346.
In online mode, the Task Configuration editor provides a monitoring view that
presents information on cycles, cycle times, and task status.
As an additional functionality of the task configuration, if supported by the device,
the monitoring view allows a dynamic analysis of the POUs which are controlled
by a task. It supplies information about the cycle times, the quantity of function
block calls and the unused code lines.

Adding Tasks
You can add tasks to your application via the Applications tree.

Step Action

1 In the Applications tree, select the Task Configuration node, click the green plus button,
and execute the command Task....

Alternatively, you can right-click the Task Configuration node, and select Add Object >
Task... from the contextual menu.

Result: The Add Task dialog box opens.

2 In the Add Task dialog box, enter a name in the Name: text box.

Note: The name must neither contain any space nor exceed a length of 32 characters.

3 Click Add.

EIO0000002854.04 199
Managing Applications

Managing Applications
What’s in This Chapter
General Information..................................................................................... 200
Building and Downloading Applications ......................................................... 201
Running Applications................................................................................... 213
Maintaining Applications .............................................................................. 214

General Information
To run an application, you must first connect the PC to the controller, then
download the application to the controller.
NOTE: Due to memory size limitation, some controllers are not able to store
the application source but only a built application that is executed. Therefore,
you are not able to upload the application source from the controller to a PC.

• Confirm that you have entered the correct device designation or device
address in the Communication Settings dialog when downloading an
• Confirm that machine guards and tags are in place such that any potential
unintended machine operation will not result in personal injury or equipment
• Read and understand all user documentation of the software and related
devices, as well as the documentation concerning equipment or machine
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

Verify that your application meets the following conditions before downloading it to
the controller:
• the active path is set for the correct controller,
• the application you want to download is active,
• the application is free of compilation errors,
• the Online > Operating Mode is set to Debug. For further information, refer
to the Operating Modes chapter in the Menu Commands Online Help.

Boot Application
The boot application is the application that is launched on controller start. This
application is stored in the controller memory. To configure the download of the
boot application, right-click the Application node in the Applications tree and
select the Properties command.
At the end of a successful download of a new application, a message is displayed
asking you if you want to create the boot application.

200 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Applications

You can manually create a boot application in the following ways:

• In offline mode: Click Online > Create boot application to save the boot
application to a file.
• In online mode, with the controller being in STOP mode: Execute the Online
> Create boot application command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert,
Menu Commands, Online Help) to download the boot application to the

Building and Downloading Applications

Building Applications
EcoStruxure Machine Expert provides different build procedures in the Build menu
(see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help). These
procedures serve to handle syntactical checks, either just on the changed objects
or on all objects of the active application.
You can perform an offline code generation in order to check for compilation errors
before downloading the code to the device. For a successful login, the code
generation must have been completed without detecting any errors.

Code Generation, Compile Information

Machine code is generated in the following cases:
• When the Application, page 197 project is downloaded to the target device
(controller, simulation target).
• When the Build > Generate code command is executed.
At each download, the compile information, containing the code and a reference
ID of the loaded application, is stored in the project directory in a file
<projectname>.<devicename>.<application ID>.compileinfo. The compileinfo file
is deleted when the Clean or Clean all command is executed.
No code generation is performed when the project is compiled by the build
commands (by default in the Build menu). The build process checks the project in
order to detect programming errors. Any detected programming errors are
displayed in the Messages view (message category Build).
During code generation, additional errors can be detected and displayed. These
errors can only be detected by the code generator or they are caused by memory

Messages at Code Generation

At each code generation, additional information on the code and data size (in
Bytes), on the content of the allocated memory areas, and on the highest used
address (Byte) is displayed in the Messages > Build view.
It depends on the controller, in which memory areas the various types of data and
the code are stored. For the addresses %I, %M, %Q memory is allocated, even if no
variable is assigned to an address. After a Clean of the application, the memory is
completely reallocated.

EIO0000002854.04 201
Managing Applications

The Online > Login command connects the application to the target device
(controller or simulation target) and thus changes into the online mode.
The default shortcut is Alt + F8.

• Confirm that you have entered the correct device designation or device
address in the “Communication Settings” dialog when downloading an
• Confirm that machine guards and tags are in place such that any potential
unintended machine operation will not result in personal injury or equipment
• Read and understand all user documentation of the software and related
devices, as well as the documentation concerning equipment or machine
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

If there is an online user management (also refer to the chapter Users and
Groups, page 111) established on the target device, at login you are prompted to
enter the user name and password. For this purpose, the dialog box Device User
Logon opens.
NOTE: The layout of EcoStruxure Machine Expert views can change when
you connect to the target device because the Online perspective, page 43 is
automatically selected when you switch to online mode.
NOTE: If the communication with the controller is encrypted or secured using
user management functions, refer to the How to Manage Certificates on the
Controller User Guide for further information.

Selecting the View of the Communication Settings Tab in the Device Editor
Depending on the option selected for Communication page in the Tools >
Options > Device editor dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help), the Communication Settings tab of the device editor
is displayed in three different modes. Refer to the description of the different tabs
for details:

Mode Communication page setting Dialog of the device editor

1 Controller selection mode (default Communication Settings tab in

setting) controller selection mode, page 78

2 Simple mode Communication Settings tab in simple

mode, page 95

3 Classic mode Communication Settings tab in classic

mode, page 98

Login Procedure
The steps of the login procedure are identical. They only differ in the presentation
of the Communication Settings tab.
For a successful login, the code generation must have been completed without
detecting errors (refer to the chapter Build Process Before Login, page 203).

202 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Applications

Step Action

Execute the command Online > Login, or click the Login button from the toolbar,
or press ALT + F8.

Result: Since no target address has been set before, the Communication Settings tab
of the device editor opens in the mode you selected. A message box is displayed
indicating that a valid address has not been defined.

2 If only one controller has been detected by EcoStruxure Machine Expert, this controller
is used as target device.

If several controllers have been detected, double-click the controller you want to log in.
NOTE: In controller selection mode and in classic mode, only those controllers are
listed that have the same Target ID as the selected controller. To display all
controllers in the list, set the Filter criterion to None.

Execute the command Online > Login, or click the Login button from the toolbar,
or press ALT + F8.

Result: A message box displays to inform you of potential hazards.

4 Click Cancel to abort the login operation or press ALT + F to confirm the message and
to log in to the selected controller.

Result: If you press ALT + F the connection to the controller is established, and you can
download the application, page 203.

Unsuccessful Login
If... Then ... Comment
If an error is detected during Then the operation is aborted In the error message, you can
login to the controller, and an error message is display the error details.

If an exception has occurred Then you can execute the This command opens the
containing the text command Show source code function in the editor with the
SOURCEPOSITION in the log in editor. cursor at the position where
message, the error was detected.

Build Process at Changed Applications

Build Process Before Login
Before Login and if the current affected application project has not been compiled
since having been opened or since the last modification, it will be compiled.
Therefore, the project will be built correspondingly to a Build run in offline mode
and compilation code for the controller will be generated.
If errors are detected during compilation, a message box opens with the following
text: There are compile errors. Do you want to login without download? You
can choose to correct the detected errors first, or to login nevertheless. In the
latter case, you are logged in to that version of the application which is possibly
already available on the controller.
The detected errors are listed in the Messages view (category Build).

Downloading an Application
To run an application, first connect the PC to the controller, then download the
application to the controller.

EIO0000002854.04 203
Managing Applications

Downloading a project allows you to copy the current project from EcoStruxure
Machine Expert to the controller memory.
NOTE: Due to memory size limitation, some controllers are not able to store
the application source but only a built application that is executed. Therefore,
you are not able to upload the application source from the controller to a PC.

• Confirm that you have entered the correct device designation or device
address in the Communication Settings dialog when downloading an
• Confirm that machine guards and tags are in place such that any potential
unintended machine operation will not result in personal injury or equipment
• Read and understand all user documentation of the software and related
devices, as well as the documentation concerning equipment or machine
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

Verify that your application meets the following conditions before downloading it to
the controller:
• The active path is set for the correct controller.
• The application you want to download is active.
• The application is free of compilation errors.
• The Online > Operating Mode is set to Debug. For further information, refer
to the Operating Modes chapter in the Menu Commands Online Help.

Boot Application
The boot application is the application that is launched on controller start. This
application is stored in the controller memory. To configure the download of the
boot application, right-click the Application node in the Devices view and select
the Properties command.
At the end of a successful download of a new application, a message is displayed
asking you if you want to create the boot application.
You can manually create a boot application in the following ways:
• In offline mode: Click Online > Create boot application to save the boot
application to a file.
• In online mode, with the application being in STOP mode: Click Online >
Create boot application to download the boot application to the controller.

Operating Modes
The download method differs depending on the relationship between the loaded
application and the application you want to download. The 3 cases are:
• Case 1: The application in the controller is the same as the one you want to
load. In this case, no download occurs, you just connect EcoStruxure
Machine Expert to the controller.

204 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Applications

• Case 2: Modifications have been made to the application that is loaded in the
controller in comparison to the application in EcoStruxure Machine Expert. In
this case, you can specify if you want to download all or parts of the modified
application or keep the application in the controller as it is.
• Case 3: A different or a new version of application is already available on the
controller. In this case, you are asked whether this application should be
• Case 4: The application is not yet available on the controller. In this case, you
are asked to confirm the download.

Downloading Your Application to the Controller: Case 1

The application in the controller is the same as the one you want to load. In this
case, no download occurs, you just connect EcoStruxure Machine Expert to the

Step Action

1 To connect to the controller, select Online > Login to ’Application[YourApplicationName; Plc Logic]’.
2 You are connected to the controller.

Downloading Your Application to the Controller: Case 2

Modifications have been made to the application that is loaded in the controller in
comparison to the application in EcoStruxure Machine Expert.

Step Action

1 To connect to the controller, select Online > Login to ’Application[YourApplicationName; Plc Logic]’.
In case you modified your application, and you want to reload it into the controller, the following message appears:

Login with online change Only the modified parts of an already running project is reloaded to the controller.

Login with download The whole modified application is reloaded to the controller.

Login without any change The modifications are not loaded.

NOTE: If you select the option Login without any change, the changes you perform in the EcoStruxure Machine
Expert application are not downloaded to the controller. In this case, the information and status bar in EcoStruxure
Machine Expert will show RUNNING as operational state and will indicate Program modified (Online change). This
differs from the options Login with online change or Login with download, where the information and status bar
indicates Program unchanged.

In this case, monitoring of variables is possible, but the logic flow may be confusing because the values on function
block outputs may not match to the values on the inputs.

In LD, contact states are monitored based on the affected variables. This may have the effect that a blue animated contact
followed by a blue link (meaning true) is shown, although the coil connected to this contact shows it as false.In ST logic flow,
an IF statement or a loop seems to be executed, but it is actually not executed because the condition expression is different
in the project and on the controller.

3 Select the suitable option and click OK.

EIO0000002854.04 205
Managing Applications

NOTE: Consult the Programming Guide specific to your controller for

important safety-related information concerning the downloading of

Downloading Your Application to the Controller: Case 3

A different or a new version of application is already available on the controller.

Step Action

1 To connect to the controller, select Online > Login to ’Application[YourApplicationName; Plc Logic]’.
In case, the controller is not in RUN mode, and you want to load a different application than the one currently in the
controller, the following message appears:

Refer to the hazard messages below before you click Yes to download the new application to the controller, or No to cancel
the operation.

In case, the controller is in RUN mode, and you want to load a different application than the one currently in the controller,
the following message appears:

Refer to the build messages below before you click Yes to download the new application to the controller, or No to cancel
the operation.

Verify that you have the correct application before confirming the download.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

If you click Yes, the application running in your controller will be overwritten.

Downloading Your Application to the Controller: Case 4

The application is not yet available on the controller.

206 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Applications

Step Action

1 To connect to the controller, select Online > Login to ’Application[YourApplicationName; Plc Logic]’.
In case the application is not yet available on the controller, you are asked to confirm the download. For this purpose, a
dialog box with the following text displays:

Click Yes to download the application to the controller, or No to cancel the operation.

NOTE: Consult the Programming Guide specific to your controller for

important safety-related information concerning the downloading of

Online Change
The Online Change command modifies the running application program and
does not affect a restart process:
• The program code can behave other than after a complete initialization
because the machine keeps its state.
• Pointer variables keep their values from the last cycle. If there is a pointer on
a variable, which has changed its size due to an online change, the value will
not be correct any longer. Verify that pointer variables are reassigned in each

Thoroughly test your application code for proper operation before placing your
system into service.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

NOTE: Consult the Programming Guide specific to your controller, chapter

Controller States Description for specific information.
If the application project currently running on the controller has been changed in
the programming system since it has been downloaded last, just the modified
objects of the project will be loaded to the controller while the program keeps
In the Online Change Memory Reserve view, page 170, you configure a memory
reserve for the online change of function blocks. After you have made
modifications on a function block and you perform an online change, it is no longer
necessary to copy the instance variables of the function block to a new memory

Implicit Online Change

When you try to log in again with a modified application (checked via the
COMPILEINFO, which has been stored in the project folder during the last
download), you are asked whether you want to make an online change, a
download, or login without changing.

EIO0000002854.04 207
Managing Applications

Login dialog box:

Description of the elements:

Element Description

Login with online change This option is selected per default. If you confirm the dialog box
by clicking OK, the modifications will be loaded and
immediately displayed in the online view (monitoring) of the
respective object or objects.

Login with download Activate this option to load and initialize the application project

Login without any change Activate this option in order to keep the program running on the
controller unchanged. Afterwards, an explicit download can be
performed, thus loading the complete application project. It is
also possible that you are asked again whether an online
change should be performed at the next relogin.

Update boot project This option is by default not selected.

To select this option, activate the option Implicit boot

application on Online Change in the Boot Application tab of
the Properties dialog box of the Application node.

A boot application is then automatically created with an online


Details Click this button to obtain the Application Information dialog

box (Project name, Last modification, IDE version, Author,
Description) on the current application within the IDE
(Integrated Development Environment, i.e., EcoStruxure
Machine Expert) in comparison to that currently available on the
controller. Refer to the following figure.

208 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Applications

Application Information dialog box

For further information, refer to the Login chapter, page 202.

EIO0000002854.04 209
Managing Applications

Application Content tab of the Application Information dialog box:

If the option Download Application Info is activated in the Application Build

Options tab of the View > Properties dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help), this tab shows the following: The content
of the application read from the controller is shown in the column Uploaded code
for application <App2> and can be compared to the content of the application in
the programming system. To update the left column Last generated code for
application <App2> with the latest version of the application active in the
programming system, click the button Application not up to date. Generate
code now?. The contents of the applications are compared and different objects
are marked with colors as they are in the Project > Compare function (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help). This more granular
information can help you to evaluate the effects downloading the new application.
If the online change will affect considerable changes in download code, like for
example possible moves of pointer addresses or necessary redirections of
interface references, page 159 another message box is displayed after you have
confirmed the Online change dialog box with OK before download will be
performed. It informs you about the effects you have to consider and provides the
option to abort the online change operation.

210 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Applications

NOTE: After having removed implicit check function (such as CheckBounds)

from your application, no Online Change is possible, just a download. A
corresponding message will appear.
Click the Details button in this message box to display detailed information, such
as the number and a listing of changed interfaces, POUs, affected variables, and
so on.
Detailed Online Change Information dialog box

Explicit Online Change

Execute the command Online Change (by default in the Online menu) to
explicitly perform an online change operation on a particular application.
An Online Change of a modified project is no longer possible after a Clean
operation (Build > Clean all, Build > Clean). In this case, the information on
which objects have been changed since the last download will be deleted.
Therefore, only the complete project can be downloaded.
NOTE: Consider the following before executing the Online Change
• Verify that the changed code is free from logical errors.
• Pointer variables keep their value from the last cycle. If you point to a
variable which now has been deplaced, the value will no longer be
correct. For this reason, reassign pointer variables in each cycle.

EIO0000002854.04 211
Managing Applications

Information on the Download Process

When the project is loaded to the controller completely at Login or partially at
Online Change, then the Messages view will show information on the generated
code size, the size of global data, the needed memory space on the controller and
in case of online change also on the affected POUs.
NOTE: In online mode, it is not possible to modify the settings of devices or
modules. To change parameters of the devices, the application must be
logged out. Depending on the bus system, there can be some special
parameters which are allowed to be changed in online mode.

Boot Application (Boot Project)

At each successful download, the active application is automatically stored in a file
<application name>.app in the controller system folder, thus making it available as
a boot application. The boot application is started automatically when the
controller is started (booted). To make the download of the active application the
boot application, you must execute the command Create boot application
(available in the Online menu).
You can also create the boot application while in offline mode, page 204.
If you want to connect to the same controller from the programming system on
different PC, or, retrieve the active application from a different PC, without the
need of an online change or download, follow the steps described in the
Transferring Projects to Other Systems paragraph.

Transferring Projects to Other Systems

For transferring a project to another computer, use a project archive (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).
You can transfer a project, which is already running on a controller xy, from the
programming system on PC1 to that on PC2. To be able to reconnect from PC2 to
the same controller xy without the need of an online change or download, verify
the following project settings before creating a project archive.
Perform the following steps:
1. Verify that only libraries with definitive versions are included in the project,
except for the pure interface libraries. (Open the Library Manager and check
entries with an asterisk (*) instead of a fix version (see EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, Functions and Libraries User Guide).)
2. Ensure that a definitive compiler version is set in the Project Settings >
Compile options dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help).
3. Make sure that a definite visualization profile is set in the Project Settings >
Visualization Profile dialog box (for more information, refer to the
Visualization part of the EcoStruxure Machine Expert online help).
4. Verify that the application currently opened is the same as that already
available on the controller. That is, the boot project (refer to the Online >
Create boot application command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help)) must be identical to the project in the programming
system. If there is an asterisk behind the project title in the title bar of the
programming system window, the project has been modified but not yet
saved. In this case, it can differ from the boot project. If necessary, before
transferring the project to another PC, create a (new) bootproject - for some
controllers this is done automatically at a download - and then download and
start the project on the controller.
5. Create the project archive with the following information: Download
information files, Library profile, Referenced devices, Referenced
libraries, Visualization Profile.
6. Log out. If necessary, stop and restart controller xy before reconnecting from

212 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Applications

7. Extract the project archive on PC2 with the same information options
activated as listed in step 5.
NOTE: For login without online change, make sure that you use the
EcoStruxure Machine Expert version that was used to create and download
the application in the controller.

Managing Expired Certificates

Certificates have a limited validity and therefore need to be updated at regular
If the certificate of the controller for encrypted communication has expired (refer to
the validity information not before until not after), a message is displayed when
you attempt to access the controller. To login anyway, you can accept the expired
certificate and connect to the controller. The message will be displayed every time
you attempt to login until you install a valid certificate.
If a new certificate is available on the controller (generated or imported), it will be
presented during next login for you to accept.
NOTE: Encrypted communication with other clients (for example,
PLCHandler) will not be established as they typically do not accept an expired

Renewing a Certificate (While the Present Certificate is Still Valid)

It is a good practice to provide a new certificate before the present certificate
expires to help provide seamless encrypted communication.
As soon as you attempt to login to a controller where a new certificate is available
in parallel to the certificate that is being used, you are prompted to accept this new
certificate. After you have accepted the new certificate, it is being used for
encrypted communication with this controller.

Running Applications
Running Applications
This part defines how to start/stop an application.

RUN/STOP with EcoStruxure Machine Expert

The controller can be started and stopped using EcoStruxure Machine Expert run
on a PC connected to the controller.
Click Online > Start ‘Application [ApplicationName: Plc logic]’ or F5 key or the
Start ’Application [ApplicationName: Plc logic]’ button in the menu bar to start
the application.
Click Online > Stop ‘Application [ApplicationName: Plc logic]’ or Shift + F8
keys or the Stop ’Application [ApplicationName: Plc logic]’ button in the menu
bar to stop the application.

EIO0000002854.04 213
Managing Applications

RUN/STOP Input for Controllers

This function is not available for all supported controllers. Consult the
Programming Guide specific to your controller (for example, Run/Stop chapter
(see Modicon M251 Logic Controller, Hardware Guide)).

RUN/STOP Switch for Controllers

This function is not available for all supported controllers. Consult the
Programming Guide specific to your controller (for example, Run/Stop chapter
(see Modicon M251 Logic Controller, Hardware Guide)).

Maintaining Applications
In online mode, there are various possibilities to display the current values of the
objects in the controller:
• You can see the values of the objects in a program editor screen while online.
For details, see the description of the respective editor.
• You can view object values in the online view of the declaration editor. For
details, refer to the description of the declaration editor, page 319.
• You can view objects independently in lists through the command Watch. For
details, refer to the description of the watch view / watch list editor, page 355.
You can insert a variable in a watch view by selecting it and executing the
command Add watchlist from the contextual menu.
• You can view values via trace sampling: recording and displaying of variable
values from the controller. For details, refer to the description of the trace
object functionality, page 383.
• You can view object values that are contained in recipes: User-defined set of
variables for writing and watching these variables on the controller. Refer to
the description of the recipe manager, page 366.
For information on monitoring of properties that are inserted beneath POUs or
function blocks, refer to the chapter Property, page 158.
For information on monitoring of function calls, refer to the chapter Attribute
Monitoring, page 512.
NOTE: If a value is not valid (for example, the result of calculating the square
root of a negative number), the result may be displayed as NaN (not a number)
or INF (infinite value) depending on the operation, the object, and the
particular controller platform. Consult the Programming Guide specific to your
controller for more information.

To evaluate potential programming errors, you can use the debugging
For testing purposes, an application can also run in simulation (see EcoStruxure
Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help) without any required link to an
actual target device. While simulation avoids the need to connect to physical
hardware, there are limitations to which you may need to complete debugging

214 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Applications

Breakpoints for Forcing Execution Stops

A breakpoint that is set in an application program stops program execution. The
variable values can then be seen at the current execution point. The current
position can be determined more precisely using the Call Stack (see EcoStruxure
Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).
Only the debug task that has just reached the breakpoint is stopped. The other
tasks continue to execute. The possible breakpoint positions depend on the
respective program editor. In each case, there is a breakpoint at the end of a POU.
NOTE: The inputs / outputs handled by the debug task are not updated when
stopped at a breakpoint. This applies even if the option Update IO while in
stop is enabled in the PLC settings [GENERAL] tab of the device editor,
page 107.
Refer to the chapter Breakpoints Commands for a description of the commands
concerning breakpoints. The Breakpoints dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help) provides an overview on all breakpoints,
allowing you to add, remove, and modify breakpoints.

Conditional Breakpoints
The stop at the breakpoint can be dependent on the following conditions:
• At the time, a specific boolean expression is TRUE.
• Which cycle number is running.
• Which task is executing.
• When the value of a variable is modified (data breakpoint).
Declaring a specific debug task can help to avoid that several tasks are affected
by the error check (refer to the Breakpoints and Stepping in Applications with
Multiple Tasks paragraph, page 217).

Execution Points
In online mode, the Breakpoints dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert,
Menu Commands, Online Help) allows you to change a breakpoint and data
breakpoint in such a way that it becomes an execution point. Then the program
does not stop at the position, but the code processing is initiated.

Symbol Description

Breakpoint enabled.

Breakpoint disabled.

The breakpoint is set in another instance of the function

block that is open in the editor.

Stop at breakpoint.

Conditional breakpoint enabled.

EIO0000002854.04 215
Managing Applications

Symbol Description

Conditional breakpoint disabled.

Execution point enabled.

Execution point disabled.

Conditional execution point enabled.

Conditional execution point disabled.

Current step position.

Indicated by a yellow arrow before the respective line

and a yellow shadow behind the concerned operation.

Data breakpoint enabled.

Data breakpoint disabled.

Stop at data breakpoint.

Data execution point enabled.

Data execution point disabled.

Stop at data execution point.

Conditional data execution point enabled.

Conditional data breakpoint enabled.

Stepping Through the Program

Stepping allows a controlled execution of an application program in online mode,
for debugging purposes. Before you can use stepping commands, the program
must be stopped at a defined program step, for example by setting a breakpoint.
Basically, you step from one instruction to the next by step into an instruction, step
over the next instruction or step out of an instruction. Refer to the chapter
Breakpoint-Related Commands (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help) for a description of the stepping commands.
EcoStruxure Machine Expert provides the following stepping functions:
• Step into command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands,
Online Help): Execution of a single step; this also applies to POUs called
within a step.
• Step over command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands,
Online Help): Execution of a single step; POUs are executed completely
within a step.
• Step out command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands,
Online Help): If the application program does not contain any calls, a jump
back to the start of the application is executed.

216 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Applications

• Run to Cursor command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu

Commands, Online Help): Execution of the program up to a temporary
definable position.
• Set next statement command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help): Definition of the next instruction (statement) to be
• Show next statement command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help): Jump to the instruction (statement) to be executed
in the next step.
• Call Stack view (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online
Help): This view indicates the currently reached step position with the
complete call path.
The possible stop positions when stepping through an application program
depend on the editor type. The current position is indicated by the yellow arrow.
The Call Tree view (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online
Help) shows the location of the function block in the call structure of an application
program even before compiling the application.

Example of a Step Into Operation

Starting from the breakpoint you can execute each single command line with the
stepping command.
Step Into, example

Data Breakpoints
Data breakpoints allow you to stop program execution when the value of a
variable changes.
This function is not available for all supported controllers. Consult the
Programming Guide specific to your controller.
The number of data breakpoints you can define depends on the controller you are
using. A message is displayed when you attempt to set a data breakpoint and the
maximum number has been reached.
The following options exist for data breakpoints as for normal breakpoints:
• Linking the halt at the data breakpoint to an additional condition, refer to
Conditional Breakpoints, page 215.
• Redefining a data breakpoint to a data execution point where the program
does not halt, but processes specific code, refer to Execution Points, page

Breakpoints and Stepping in Applications with Multiple Tasks

Debugging cannot be performed on multiple tasks at the same time. While you are
working on a task with breakpoints or stepping, breakpoints are ignored in other
If a breakpoint can be hit by multiple tasks, because the POU is used by multiple
tasks, only the task that executes first will be halted. Consider this in case of single
stepping or if you continue debugging after a halt. If only one certain task should

EIO0000002854.04 217
Managing Applications

be concerned (debug task), you can specify it in the breakpoint condition

properties (Breakpoints > New Breakpoint dialog box, tab Condition).

Flow Control for Displaying Exact Values When Processing

You can activate flow control to track parts of the application that have already run.
As opposed to standard monitoring, which displays only the variable value
between two cycles, the flow control yields the value for each processing step at
the moment it is rendered. Also refer to the Flow Control description in the Menu
Commands Online Help (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands,
Online Help).

Variable Values at Execution Stop

At every execution stop, EcoStruxure Machine Expert displays the values of
variables in the current cycle (monitoring). To determine the current position, you
can display the call stack of a variable. Also refer to the Call Stack description in
the Menu Commands Online Help (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help).

Core Dump
Core Dump for Exceptions
A core dump is a memory snapshot of the application data. When supported by
the runtime system, a core dump is automatically saved to a file <application_
name>.core in the application directory on the controller when an exception is
In online mode, you can also generate a core dump explicitly if the application is
currently stopped at breakpoint or if an exception has been detected. In this case,
the core dump file is saved only in the project directory and not on the controller.
In offline mode, you can load the core dump of the application from the controller
to the EcoStruxure Machine Expert project. Then the application is displayed in its
online view with the data and values at the time when the exception was detected
and the core dump was created.
In addition, the log file of the controller can be displayed from the time the core
dump was created in the project.
NOTE: The firmware must support the functionality in order to display the
variable values in the core dump view correctly. In the online view of the
application that is created by loading the core dump into the project, menu
commands are displayed as available but do not have any effect in this status.
When choosing one of these commands, a message is displayed.
Refer to your controller programming manual to verify whether it supports the
core dump functionality.
NOTE: Exception handling in the runtime system may overwrite parts of the
variable values in the call stack. As a result, original values may be lost and
important information may no longer be displayed when monitoring for
variables in functions and methods.
Consider the following, for creating a project archive:

If... Then...
If you created a core dump explicitly by choosing then an option is automatically available in the
the command Create Core Dump, archive configuration.

If you copied the core dump from the controller, then you can add it to a project archive only by
choosing the function Additional files.

NOTE: A project archive with a core dump must include the download
information; otherwise the dump is unusable.

218 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Applications

Using the Core Dump to Analyze Exceptions

• A project is open with an application that has produced an exception on the
• The runtime system is able to create core dumps.
• The application in the project is in offline mode.

Step Action

1 Load the core dump from the controller by executing the command Debug > Load
Core Dump.

Result: An online view of the application is displayed. You see the variable values and
call stack from the time when the error has been detected. This also includes the values
of the I/O variables in the mapping dialog of the device configurator and the task
configuration. The message Core dump loaded is displayed in the status line. The core
dump file is copied as <project_name>.<device_name>.<application_name>.
<application-Guid>.core to the local project directory.

2 Execute the command Debug > Load device log from Core Dump to load the device
log from the time the error has been detected into the project.

Result: The log view opens (as in online mode of the device configurator) displaying the
events at the time the core dump was created.

3 After you have completed the core dump analysis, execute the command Debug >
Close Core Dump.

Result: The core dump view of the application closes and the project returns to its views
in normal offline mode.

Manually Creating a Core Dump of the Running Application

• An application is in online mode.
• The runtime system supports core dump functionality.

Step Action

1 Execute the command Debug > Create Core Dump.

Result: The creation of a new core dump starts. A progress bar appears in the status
line together with a cancel button.

A core dump file is saved to the local project directory as <project_name>.<device_


Programmed Error Handling for Exceptions

As an IEC 61131-3 extension, EcoStruxure Machine Expert supports specific
operators (__TRY, __CATCH, __FINALLY, __ENDTRY) to catch exceptions. You
can program statements that will be executed in case an error is detected instead
of stopping the program. For further information, refer to the description of these
operators, page 616.
This function is not available for all supported controllers. Consult the
Programming Guide specific to your controller for further information.

EIO0000002854.04 219
Managing Applications

Programming Support
EcoStruxure Machine Expert offers settings, dialogs and functionalities, which
facilitate the input of program code and indicate detected errors at an early stage.
For further information, refer to the descriptions of the following functions:
• Input Assistant, page 360
• Intelli-sense, page 527
• Auto Declare... (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online
• Smart Coding (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online
• Static Analysis Light, page 224

Generally refactoring is the process of restructuring and improving existing
software code without changing its behavior.
Refactoring in EcoStruxure Machine Expert provides functionalities for renaming
object names and variable names. It allows you to show all usage locations of
changed objects and variables and to get renamed all those at once, or only
individual ones. You can configure whether and at which locations you should get
asked for performing refactoring. Explicitly you can use the command
Refactoring > Rename.
For further information, also refer to Options, Refactoring (see EcoStruxure
Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

Command Rename
The command Refactoring > Rename is used for a global, project wide renaming
of object names, and variable names.
It is available in the contextual menu if you set the cursor on a variable name in
the declaration or if you right-click one of the following objects in a navigator:
• Functions
• POUs
• GVLs
• Methods
• Properties
• Devices
The command is also available if you select variables and unit conversions within
the editor for unit conversions.
The command is not available in online mode.

Process of Renaming
After you have executed the Refactoring > Rename command, a dialog is
displayed. It shows the locations where the concerned name is used: In the right
part of the window the particular locations, in the left part the navigation tree where
the concerned object is marked.

220 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Applications

You can select the following commands for each location individually:
• Reject/accept this change: Reject/accept single changes in the right
• Reject/accept this object: Reject/accept all changes in the concerned
• Reject/accept whole project: Reject/accept all changes in the project.
Accepted changes are displayed with a yellow background, rejected changes with
gray background.

Command Add <variable>

The command Refactoring > Add <variable> allows you to declare variables in a
POU and performs an automatic update at its different points of use.
It is available in the contextual menu or in the Edit > Refactoring menu if the
cursor is placed in a declaration editor. The Auto Declare dialog box, page 470
After you have confirmed the Auto Declare dialog box by clicking OK, the
Refactoring dialog box opens. It consists of the tree structure of the project on the
left-hand side. The POUs where the new variable is used are highlighted in the
tree. You can double-click a POU to open the detailed view on the right-hand side
of the dialog box. In this declaration section and implementation of the POU on the
right-hand side, new declarations are highlighted in yellow.
Before you decide which changes you want to accept at which location, select the
suitable option from the list above the declaration section and implementation of
the POU on the right-hand side:

Option Description

Add inputs with Select this option to insert the standard placeholder text _REFACTOR_
placeholder text whenever the new variable occurs in the implementation code. You
can search for this standard text later in order to identify the affected
Add inputs with the Select this option to insert an initialization value whenever the new
following value variable occurs in the implementation code. Enter the initialization
value in the text box on the right-hand side of the option Add inputs
with the following value.

In order to accept or reject changes, right-click the changed locations or execute

the commands in the left or right part of the dialog box, as described in the
Process of Renaming paragraph in this chapter.

Examples for Adding a Variable

Example 1:
By refactoring, the fun block receives a new input variable input3 with the
initialization value 1. The change has the following effect:
Before refactoring:
fun(a + b, 3, TRUE);
fun(input1:= a + b , input2 :=3 , inputx := TRUE);
After refactoring:
fun(a + b, 3, input3:=1, TRUE);
fun(input1:= a + b , input2 :=3 , input3:=_REFACTOR_,inputx
:= TRUE);
Example 2:
By refactoring, the fun block receives a new input variable input3 with the
placeholder text _REFACTOR_:
Before refactoring:

EIO0000002854.04 221
Managing Applications

inst(input1 := a + b, input2 := 3, inputx := TRUE);

fun(a + b, 3, TRUE);
After refactoring:
inst(input1 := a + b, input2 := 3, input3 := _REFACTOR_,
inputx := TRUE);
fun(a + b, 3, input3:=_REFACTOR_, TRUE);

Command Remove <variable>

The command Refactoring > Remove <variable> allows you to remove an input
or output variable from a POU. It is removed automatically from the POU at its
different points of use.
The command is available in the contextual menu or in the Edit > Refactoring
menu if the cursor is placed in the declaration editor on the identifier of the
variable to be removed. A dialog box opens that provides information on the
removal. If you confirm the message, the Refactoring dialog box opens.
When you accept the changes proposed in the Refactoring dialog box, the
respective input or output variables are removed automatically from the respective
POU at its different points of use.
NOTE: In CFC, only the connection is removed between the removed input or
output and the block. The input or output itself remains in the chart.

Example for Removing a Variable in ST

In a POU, refactoring removes the input4 input variable. It is automatically
removed from the respective POU at its different points of use:
Before removal:
inst(input1 := a + b, input2 := 3, input4 := 1, input5 :=
fun(a + b, 3, 1, TRUE);
After removal:
inst(input1 := a + b, input2 := 3, input5 := TRUE);
fun(a + b, 3, TRUE);

Command Update Referenced Pins

The command Refactoring > Update Referenced Pins only takes effect on the
CFC editor and the FBD/LD/IL editor. It corresponds to the commands Reset Pins
and Update parameters.
The command Refactoring > Update Referenced Pins updates the input and
output pins of the POU, at its different points of use, according to the current POU
It is available in the contextual menu or in the Edit > Refactoring menu if the
cursor is placed in the POU name, in the first line of the POU declaration or in the
device editor.

Command Reorder Variables

The command Refactoring > Reorder Variables allows you to change the order
of variable declarations within the scopes VAR_INPUT, VAR_OUTPUT, or VAR_
invar2 : INT;
invar1 : INT;

222 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Applications

in : DUT;
bvar : BOOL;
invar3 : INT;
Proceed as follows to change the order of declarations:

Step Action

1 Right-click the declaration part and execute the command Refactoring > Reorder

Result: The Reorder dialog box opens with a list of VAR_INPUT variables.

2 Drag the invar1 : INT; entry to the position before the invar2. entry.

Result: The invar1 declaration is at the top position.

3 Click OK to close the dialog box.

Result: The Refactoring dialog box opens. The affected elements are marked in

4 Click OK to accept the new order of parameters of the function block. Have in mind that
the modified order of the parameters will be reflected also at the call usages of the

Modifying a Variable Declaration and Applying Refactoring Automatically

Refactoring can help you in renaming variables (using Auto Declare) as indicated
in the following example.
As a prerequisite for this example, a function block fb_A with an input iA must be

Step Action Comment

1 Execute the command Tools > Options.... Result: The Options dialog box

2 Select the category Refactoring on the left-hand –

3 In the Auto Declare section, select the options –
On adding or removing variables, or on
changing the scope and On renaming
4 Double-click the function block fb_A. –

5 Select a variable in the declaration of fb_A, for As an alternative, you can place the
example, iA. cursor before or in the variable.

6 Execute the command Edit > Auto Declare.... As an alternative, use the shortcut
Shift + F2.

Result: The Auto Declare dialog

box opens. The settings of the
variable iA are displayed.

7 Edit the Name and change iA into iCounter_A. Result: The Refactoring -
Renaming from iA to iCounterA
dialog box opens. The POUs where
the variable is used are highlighted
in the tree structure.
8 Click OK to apply the renaming and to close the –
dialog box.

EIO0000002854.04 223
Managing Applications

Static Analysis Light

The static analysis function checks the source code of a project for deviations
from certain coding directives before the project is downloaded to the target
system. This follows the basic idea of the lint analysis tool.
You define the desired set of rules in the Project Settings > Static Analysis
Light dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online
NOTE: The check is automatically performed at each code generation.
Deviations from the rules are displayed as messages of category Build in the
Messages view. The error numbers are displayed as SA<number>.
NOTE: The analysis is only done on the application code in the current
project. Libraries are not regarded.
NOTE: For GVL variables: If there are several applications in the project, then
only objects below the currently active application are checked. If there is only
one application in the project, then also any objects in the POUs pool are

Pragma and Attribute for Static Analysis Light

With the help of pragma instructions, you can exclude parts of the code from the
Precondition: The rules must be activated in the Project Settings.
NOTE: Rule SA0004: Multiple write access on output, cannot be deactivated
via pragma.

Pragma {analysis ...}

You can use the pragma {analysis ...} to disable particular coding rules for
the subsequent code lines. For this purpose, place it in the line above the
concerned code (disabling) and in the line below the concerned code (re-
enabling); the number(s) of the rule or rules to be disabled must be specified
preceded by a minus sign (–) for disabling or by a plus sign (+) for re-enabling.
Depending on the rule, the pragma can be used in the declaration part or in the
implementation part of a programming object.
{analysis <sign><rule number>|,<other combinations of signs
and rules, comma-separated>}
• -<rule number>: Deactivate the rule SA<rule number>.
• +<rule number>: Activate the rule SA<rule number>.
Rule 24 gets disabled for two lines (that means that it is not necessary here to
write, for example, nTest:=DINT#99), and afterwards re-enabled:
{analysis -24}
nTest := 99;
iVar := INT#2;
{analysis +24}
Specifying multiple rules:
{analysis -10, -24, -18}

224 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Applications

Attribute {attribute 'analysis' := '...'}

You can use the attribute {attribute 'analysis' := '<sign><rule
number>'} in the declaration part for enabling or disabling particular rules for a
complete programming object:
{attribute 'analysis' := '<sign><rule number>|,<further rule
numbers separated by commas>'}
Rules SA0033 and SA0031 get disabled for the complete structure:
{attribute 'analysis' := '-33, -31'}
TYPE My_Structure :
iLocal : INT;
uiLocal : UINT;
udiLocal : UDINT;
Rule SA0100 is disabled for the array:
{attribute 'analysis' := '-100'}
big: ARRAY[1..10000] OF DWORD;

Creating an Archive in Your Controller on Download

Creating an archive in your controller allows you to have the complete project in
your controller which is useful for maintenance tasks. The following procedure
describes how to create a project archive automatically with the download
You can manually create a project archive be executing the File > Source
download... command as described in the Menu Commands online help (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

Creating an Archive on Your Controller

To create an archive on your controller with the download procedure, perform the
following three main tasks.
1.) Configure the sources to be downloaded.
To define the elements to add to the archive, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 Execute the command Project > Project Settings.

2 In the Project Settings dialog box, select Source Download > Additional Files...
The following options can be selected:

Option to connect with the uploaded project:

• Download information files
Options which are needed to connect with another EcoStruxure Machine Expert version:
• Download information files
• Library profile
• Referenced devices
• Referenced libraries
• Visualization Profile

EIO0000002854.04 225
Managing Applications

For further information, refer to the Project Settings - Source Download

description (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).
2.) Download the project (sources) to the controller.
To archive your project in your controller, proceed as follows:

Step Action Comment

1 Execute the command Online > Login to A message is displayed.

connect to the controller, page 202.

2 Select Online > Source download to The project is archived and

connected device. downloaded to the controller.

3.) Upload the project (sources) from the controller by executing the Online >
Source Upload... command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help).

226 EIO0000002854.04
Logic Editors
What’s in This Part
Common Features of Graphic Editors ............................................................ 228
FBD/LD/IL Editor .......................................................................................... 230
Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Editor ........................................................ 264
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor ......................................................... 281
Structured Text (ST) Editor............................................................................ 305

EIO0000002854.04 227
Common Features of Graphic Editors

Common Features of Graphic Editors

What’s in This Chapter
Common Features of Graphic Editors ........................................................... 228

Common Features of Graphic Editors

Zooming, Panning, Magnifier Tools
The following zooming, panning, magnifier tools are available in the editors of all
graphic programming languages.
The graphical editors for FBD, LD, CFC, and SFC provide a toolbar in the lower
right corner of the editor window:

Item Name Description

1 Back to standard editing mode The pointer gets the usual shape of an arrow and you get back into the normal
editing mode, in which you can select and edit elements in the editor window.

2 Panning tool The pointer gets the shape of crossed arrows. You can click somewhere in the editor
window and - while keeping the mouse-button pressed - shift the visible area of the
chart within the window.
3 Magnifier tool This function is useful when you have zoomed down the displayed chart to less than
100%. It opens a subwindow in the lower right corner of the editor window. As long as
you move the pointer over your chart, this subwindow shows the respective part of
the chart in 100% size.

If you now click the window, the subwindow closes and that segment of the chart
which was shown in the subwindow, is displayed in 100% size. So, if you want to
keep the previously set zoom factor, use the Back to standard editing mode button
to get back to the normal editing mode.

4 Zooming tool The zoom button opens a submenu where you can select one of the given zoom
factors for the chart. To specify another value, click the ... button to open an edit
dialog box. The current zoom factor is displayed to the left of the button.

To zoom by mouse wheel, press the Ctrl key while scrolling the mouse wheel. The
current zoom level is increased or decreased in steps of 10 percent.

228 EIO0000002854.04
Common Features of Graphic Editors

You can drag function block declarations from the declaration part in the FBD and
LD graphical editors to the editor view. To do this, select the full declaration
(variable name and data type) and drag it to a suitable position in the editor view.
In the ladder diagram, you can also drag Boolean declarations to the editor and
insert them as contacts.

EIO0000002854.04 229
FBD/LD/IL Editor

FBD/LD/IL Editor
What’s in This Chapter
Information on the FBD/LD/IL Editor ............................................................. 230
FBD/LD/IL Elements.................................................................................... 252
LD Elements ............................................................................................... 262

Information on the FBD/LD/IL Editor

FBD/LD/IL Editor
A combined editor is available for editing POUs in the languages FBD (function
block diagram, page 230), LD (ladder diagram, page 231), and IL (instruction list,
page 231).
Activate the IL implementation language for EcoStruxure Machine Expert in the
Tools > Options dialog box, category FBD, LD and IL editor, tab (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help) IL.
Therefore, a common set of commands and elements is used and an automatic
internal conversion between the three languages is done. In offline mode, the
programmer can switch between editor views (View).
Keep in mind that there are some special elements which cannot be converted
and thus will only be displayed in the appropriate language. Also, there are some
constructs which cannot be converted unambiguously between IL and FBD and
therefore will be normalized at a conversion back to FBD; specifically, negation of
expressions and explicit/implicit output assignments.
You can define the behavior, look, and menus of the FBD/LD/IL editor in the
Customize and Options dialog boxes. You also have options to define the display
of comments and addresses.
The editor opens in a bipartite window. When you edit an object programmed in
FBD/LD/IL, the upper part contains a declaration editor, page 319, the lower part
contains a coding area.
The programming language for a new object is specified when you create the
For further information refer to:
• Working in the FBD and LD Editor View, page 236
• Working in the IL Editor View, page 240

Function Block Diagram (FBD) Language

The Function Block Diagram is a graphically oriented programming language. It
works with a list of networks. Each network contains a graphical structure of boxes
and connection lines which represents either a logical or arithmetic expression,
the call of a function block, a jump, or a return instruction.

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FBD networks

Ladder Diagram (LD) Language

The Ladder Diagram is a graphics-oriented programming language which
resembles the structure of an electric circuit.
On the one hand, the Ladder Diagram is suitable for constructing logical switches,
on the other hand it also allows you to create networks as in FBD. Therefore, the
LD is useful for controlling the call of other POUs.
The Ladder Diagram consists of a series of networks, each being limited by a
vertical current line (power rail) on the left. A network contains a circuit diagram
made up of contacts, coils, optionally additional POUs (boxes), and connecting
On the left side, there is 1 or a series of contacts passing from left to right the
condition ON or OFF which corresponds to the boolean values TRUE and FALSE.
To each contact a boolean variable is assigned. If this variable is TRUE, the
condition will be passed from left to right along the connecting line. Otherwise,
OFF will be passed. Thus, the coil or coils, which is/are placed in the right part of
the network, receive an ON or OFF coming from left. Correspondingly the value
TRUE or FALSE will be written to an assigned boolean variable.
Ladder Diagram network.

Instruction List (IL) Language

The instruction list (IL)is an assembler-like IEC 61131-3 conformal programming
This language supports programming based on an accumulator. The IEC 61131-3
operators are supported as well as multiple inputs / multiple outputs, negations,
comments, set / reset of outputs and unconditional / conditional jumps.

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Each instruction is primarily based on the loading of values into the accumulator
by using the LD operator. After that the operation is executed with the first
parameter taken out of the accumulator. The result of the operation is available in
the accumulator, from where you should store it with the ST instruction.
In order to program conditional executions or loops, IL supports both comparing
operators such as EQ, GT, LT, GE, LE, NE and jumps. The latter can be
unconditional (JMP) or conditional (JMPC / JMPCN). For conditional jumps, the
value of the accumulator is referenced for TRUE or FALSE.

An instruction list (IL) consists of a series of instructions. Each instruction begins
in a new line and contains an operator and, depending on the type of operation, 1
or more operands separated by commas. You can extend the operator by a
In a line before an instruction, there can be an identification mark (label) followed
by a colon (:) (ml: in the example shown below). A label can be the target of a
jump instruction (JMPC m1 in the example shown below).
Place a comment as last element of a line.
You can insert empty lines between instructions.

LD BVar1
ST tonInst1.IN
CAL tonInst1(
LD toninst1.Q
JMPC mark1
ST tonInst2.IN


LD iVar2
ADD 230
For further information, refer to:
• Working in the IL Editor View, page 240
• Modifiers and operators in IL, page 232

Modifiers and Operators in IL

You can use the following modifiers in Instruction List, page 231.

C with JMP, CAL, RET: The instruction will only be executed if the result of the
preceding expression is TRUE.

N with JMPC, CALC, RETC: The instruction will only be executed if the result of the
preceding expression is FALSE.

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N with operators according to Negation of the operand (not of the accumulator).

the Operators table below (N
in Modifiers column)

( with operators according to To be used for complex operands. For details, refer to the
the Operators table below (( list of use cases for complex operands, page 234.
(left parenthesis) in Modifiers

NOTE: Generally, it is not good practice to use the statement CALC (/RETC/
JMPC) directly after an STN, S or R operator, as those instructions arbitrarily
modify the value of the accumulator and thus could lead to difficult-to-find
programming errors.

The table shows which operators can be used in combination with the specified
The accumulator stores the current value, resulting from the preceding operation.

Operator Modifiers Meaning Example

LD N Loads the (negated) value of the operand into LD iVar

the accumulator.
ST N Stores the (negated) content of the accumulator ST iErg
into the operand variable.

S – Sets the operand (type BOOL) to TRUE when S bVar1

the content of the accumulator is TRUE.
R – Sets the operand (type BOOL) to FALSE when R bVar1
the content of the accumulator is TRUE.
AND N,( Bitwise AND of the accumulator and the AND bVar2
(negated) operand.

OR N,( Bitwise OR of the accumulator and the OR xVar

(negated) operand.

XOR N,( Bitwise exclusive OR of the accumulator and the XOR N,

(negated) operand. (bVar1,

NOT – Bitwise negation of the content of the –

ADD ( Addition of accumulator and operand, result is ADD iVar1
copied to the accumulator.

SUB ( Subtraction of accumulator and operand, result SUB iVar2

is copied to the accumulator.

MUL ( Multiplication of accumulator and operand, MUL iVar2

result is copied to the accumulator.

DIV ( Division of accumulator and operand, result is DIV 44

copied to the accumulator.

GT ( Verifies if accumulator is greater than the GT 23

operand, result (BOOL) is copied into the
accumulator; >

GE ( Verifies if accumulator is greater than or equal to GE iVar2

the operand, result (BOOL) is copied into the
accumulator; >=

EQ ( Verifies if accumulator is equal to the operand, EQ iVar2

result (BOOL) is copied into the accumulator; =

NE ( Verifies if accumulator is not equal to the NE iVar1

operand, result (BOOL) is copied into the
accumulator; <>

LE ( Verifies if accumulator is less than or equal to LE 5

the operand, result (BOOL) is copied into the
accumulator; <=

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Operator Modifiers Meaning Example

LT ( Verifies if accumulator is less than operand, LT cVar1

result (BOOL) is copied into the accumulator; <

JMP C, CN Unconditional (conditional) jump to the label JMP next

• JMP = unconditional jump
• JMPC = conditional jump if accumulator is
• JMPCN = conditional jump if accumulator
CAL C, CN Unconditional (conditional) call of a PROGRAM CAL prog1
• CAL = unconditional call
• CALC = conditional call if accumulator is
• CALCN = conditional call if accumulator is
RET C, CN Unconditional (conditional) return of the POU RET
and jump back to the calling POU
• RET = unconditional return
• RETC = conditional return if accumulator
• RETCN = conditional return if accumulator
) – Evaluate deferred operation –

See also IEC operators, page 562 and Work in IL editor, page 240 for how to use
and handle multiple operands, complex operands, function / method / function
block / program / action calls and jumps.

Example IL program using some modifiers:
LD TRUE load TRUE to accumulator
ANDN bVar1 execute AND with negative value of bVar1
JMPC m1 if accum. is TRUE, jump to label “m1”
LDN bVar2 store negated value of bVar2...
ST bRes ... in bRes

LD bVar2 store value of bVar2...
ST bRes ... in bRes

Using Operands
The table lists use cases for operands:

Use case Description Examples

Several Options • Option 1:

operands for • Enter the operands into LD 2
one operator consecutive rows, ADD 3,
separated by commas in
the 2nd column. 6
• Repeat the operator in
consecutive rows. • Option 2:
LD 2
Complex For a complex operand, enter A string is rotated by one character each
operands the left parenthesis ( in the first cycle:
column. LD stRotate
RIGHT( stRotate

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Use case Description Examples

Enter the right parenthesis in SUB 1
the first column in a separate )
row followed by the operand CONCAT( stRotate,
entries in the following rows. LEFT 1
ST stRotate
Function block Row 1: CAL POUToCall(
call, program iCounter:=1,
• Column 1:
call iDecrement:=1000,
Operator CAL or CALC wError:=wResult)
• Column 2:
LD POUToCall.bError,
Name of the function ST bErr
block instance or the
program and left
parenthesis (. If no
parameters follow, the
right parenthesis ) is
entered here.
Following rows:
• Column 1:
Parameter name
followed by:
◦ := for input
◦ => for output
• Column 2:
Parameter value followed
by a comma , if followed
by further parameters.
Enter the right
parenthesis ) after the
last parameter.
According to the IEC standard
complex expressions are not
allowed here. Assign such
constructs to the function block
or the program before it is
Function call Row 1: LD X7
GeomAverage 25
• Column 1:
ST Ave
• Column 2:
Input variable
Row 2:
• Column 1:
Function name
• Column 2:
Further input parameters,
separated by commas
The return value is written to
the accumulator.

Row 3:
• Column 1:
• Column 2:
Variable to which the
return value is written

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Use case Description Examples

Action call Similar to function block call or CAL POU1.ResetAction

program call.

The name of the action is

appended to the name of the
function block instance or the

Jump • Column 1: LD BVar1

JMPC Label1
Operator JMP or JMPC
• Column 2:
Name of the jump label of
the destination network.
• Unconditional jump:
The preceding instruction
sequence must end with
one of the following
◦ ST
◦ S
◦ R
• Conditional jump:
The execution of the
jump depends on the
loaded value.

Working in the FBD and LD Editor

Networks are the basic entities in FBD and LD programming. Each network
contains a structure that displays a logical or an arithmetical expression, a POU
(function, program, function block call, and so on), a jump, a return instruction.
When you create a new object, the editor window automatically contains 1 empty
Refer to the general editor settings in the Options dialog box, category FBD/LD/IL
for potential editor display options.

Tooltips contain information on variables or box parameters.
The cursor being placed on the name of a variable or box parameter will prompt a
tooltip. It shows the respective type. In case of function block instances the scope,
name, datatype, initial value, and comment will be displayed. For IEC operators
SEL, LIMIT, and MUX a short description on the inputs will display. If defined, the
address and the symbol comment will be shown as well as the operand comment
(in quotation marks in a second line).

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Example: Tooltip on a POU output

Inserting, Arranging, and Replacing Elements

• The commands for working in the editor are by default available in the FBD/
LD/IL menu, page 247. Frequently used commands are also available in the
contextual menu. It depends on the current cursor position or the current
selection (multiselection possible, see below Selecting, page 238) which
elements can be inserted via menu command.
• You can also drag elements with the mouse from the ToolBox, page 252 to
the editor window or from one position within the editor to another (drag and
drop). For this purpose select the element to be dragged by a mouse-click,
keep the mouse-button pressed and drag the element into the respective
network in the editor view. As soon as you have reached the network, all
possible insert positions for the respective type of element will be indicated by
gray position markers. When you move the mouse-cursor on one of these
positions, the marker will change to green and you can release the mouse-
button in order to insert the element at that position.
• If you drag a function block, an operator, or a network from the ToolBox,
page 252 onto the up arrow or down arrow on the left-hand side of the editor,
a new network is automatically created above or below the existing element.
• To replace an element by another one, draw another element on the position.
• To reposition an input connection or an output connection of a box, select the
connection pin directly at the box and put it to the desired other position at the
box via drag and drop.
Insert positions in LD editor

• You can use the cut, copy, paste, and delete commands, available in the Edit
menu, to arrange elements. You can also copy an element by drag and drop:
select the element within a network by a mouse-click, press the CTRL key
and while keeping the mouse button and the key pressed, drag the element to
the target position. As soon as that is reached (green position marker), a plus-
symbol will be added to the cursor symbol. Then, release the mouse-button to
insert the element.
• For possible cursor positions, refer to Cursor Positions in FBD, LD, and IL,
page 244.
• Inserting of EN/ENO boxes is handled diversely in the FBD and LD editor.
Refer to the description of the Insert Box command for further information
(Inserting of EN/ENO boxes is not supported in the IL editor).

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Navigating in the Editor

• You can use the ARROW keys to jump to the next or previous cursor position,
page 244. This is also possible between networks. The navigation with the ←
and → key follows the signal flow which is normally from left to right and vice
versa. In case of line breaks, the following cursor position can also be left
under the currently marked position. If you press the ↑ or ↓ key the selection
jumps to the next neighbor above or below the current position if this neighbor
is in the same logical group (for example, a pin of a box). If no such group
exists, it jumps to the nearest neighbor element above or below. Navigation
through parallel connected elements is performed along the first branch.
• Press the HOME key to jump to the first element. Press the END key to jump
to the last element of the network.
• Use the TAB key to jump to the next or previous cursor position, page 244
within a network.
• Press CTRL + HOME to scroll to the begin of the document and to mark the
first network.
• Press CTRL + END to scroll to the end of the document and to mark the last
• Press PAGE UP to scroll up 1 screen and to mark the topmost rectangle.
• Press PAGE DOWN to scroll down 1 screen and to mark the topmost

• You can select an element, also a network, via taking the respective cursor
position by a mouse-click or using the arrow or tab keys. Selected elements
are indicated as red-shaded. Also refer to Cursor Positions in FBD, LD, and
IL, page 244.
• In the LD editor, you can also select the lines between elements in order to
execute commands, for example, for inserting a further element at that
Selected line in LD editor

• Multi-selection of elements or networks is possible by keeping pressed the

CTRL key while selecting the desired elements one after the other.

Open a Function Block

If a function block is added to the editor, you can open this block with a double-
click. Alternatively, you can use the command Browse - Go To Definition from
the contextual menu.

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FBD editor

LD editor

For information on the languages, refer to:

• Function Block Diagram - FBD, page 230
• Ladder Diagram - LD, page 231

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Working in the IL Editor

The IL Instruction List, page 231 editor is a table editor. The network structure of
FBD or LD programs is also represented in an IL program. Basically, one network,
page 253 is sufficient in an IL program, but considering switching between FBD,
LD and IL you also can use networks for structuring an IL program.
Activate the IL implementation language for EcoStruxure Machine Expert in the
Tools > Options dialog box, category FBD, LD and IL editor, tab (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help) IL.

Tooltips contain information on variables or box parameters.
Refer to Working in the FBD and LD Editor View, page 236.

Inserting and Arranging Elements

• The commands for working in the editor are available in the FBD/LD/IL menu.
Frequently used commands are also available in the contextual menu.
• Programming units that are elements are inserted each at the current cursor
position via the Insert commands, available in the FBD/LD/IL menu.
• You can drag a Network element from the ToolBox, page 252 onto the up
arrow or down arrow on the left-hand side of the editor. A new network is then
created above or below the existing element.
• You can use the cut, copy, paste, and delete commands, available in the Edit
menu, to arrange elements.
• See also some information on the programming language Instruction List - IL,
page 231.
• Operators with EN/ENO functionality can be inserted only within the FBD and
LD editor.
This chapter explains how the table editor is structured, how you can navigate in
the editor and how to use complex operands, calls and jumps.

Structure of the IL Table Editor

IL table editor

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Each program line is written in a table row, structured in fields by the table

Col- Contains... Description

1 operator This field contains the IL operator (LD, ST, CAL, AND, OR, and so
on) or a function name.

In case of a function block call, the respective parameters are also

specified here. Enter the prefix field := or =>.

For further information, refer to Modifiers and Operators in IL, page

2 operand This field contains exactly one operand or a jump label. If more than
one operand is needed (multiple/extensible operators AND A, B, C,
or function calls with several parameters), write them in the following
lines and leave the operator field empty. In this case, add a
parameter-separating comma.

In case of a function block, program or action call, add the opening

and/or closing brackets.

3 address This field contains the address of the operand as defined in the
declaration part. You cannot edit this field. Use the option Show
symbol address to switch it on or off.

4 symbol This field contains the comment as defined for the operand in the
comment declaration part. You cannot edit this field. Use the option Show
symbol address to switch it on or off.

5 operand This field contains the comment for the current line. It is editable and
comment can be switched on or off via option Show operand comment.

Navigating in the Table

• UP and DOWN arrow keys: Moving to the field above or below.
• TAB: Moving within a line to the field to the right.
• SHIFT + TAB: Moving within in a line to the field to the left.
• SPACE: Opens the currently selected field for editing. Alternatively, performs
a further mouse-click on the field. If applicable, the input assistant will be
available via the ... button. You can close a currently open edit field by
pressing ENTER, confirming the current entries, or by pressing ESC
canceling the made entries.
• CTRL + ENTER: Enters a new line below the current one.
• DEL: Removes the current line that is where you have currently selected any
• Cut, Copy, Paste: To copy 1 or several lines, select at least 1 field of the line
or lines and execute the Copy command. To cut a line, use the Cut
command. Paste will insert the previously copied/cut lines before the line
where currently a field is selected. If no field is selected, they will be inserted
at the end of the network.
• CTRL + HOME scrolls to the begin of the document and marks the first
• CTRL + END scrolls to the end of the document and marks the last network.
• PAGE UP scrolls up 1 screen and marks the topmost rectangle.
• PAGE DOWN scrolls down 1 screen and marks the topmost rectangle.

Multiple Operands (Extensible Operators)

If the same operator, page 232 is used with multiple operands, 2 ways of
programming are possible:

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• The operands are entered in subsequent lines, separated by commas, for

LD 7
ADD 2,
ST iVar
• The instruction is repeated in subsequent lines, for example:
LD 7
ST iVar

Complex Operands
If a complex operand is to be used, enter an opening bracket before, then use the
following lines for the particular operand components. Below them, in a separate
line, enter the closing bracket.
Example: Rotating a string by 1 character at each cycle.
Corresponding ST code:
stRotate := CONCAT(RIGHT(stRotate, (LEN(stRotate) - 1)),
(LEFT(stRotate, 1)));
LD stRotate
RIGHT( stRotate
CONCAT( stRotate
ST stRotate

Function Calls
Enter the function name in the operator field. Give the (first) input parameter as an
operand in a preceding LD operation. If there are further parameters, give the next
one in the same line as the function name. You can add further parameters in this
line, separated by commas, or in subsequent lines.
The function return value will be stored in the accumulator. The following
restriction concerning the IEC standard applies.
NOTE: A function call with multiple return values is not possible. Only 1 return
value can be used for a succeeding operation.
Example: Function GeomAverage, which has 3 input parameters, is called. The
first parameter is given by X7 in a preceding operation. The second one, 25, is
given with the function name. The third one is given by variable tvar, either in the
same line or in the subsequent one. The return value is assigned to variable Ave.
Corresponding ST code:
Ave := GeomAverage(X7, 25, tvar);
Function call in IL:
GeomAverage 25
ST Ave

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Function Block Calls and Program Calls

Use the CAL- or CALC operator, page 232. Enter the function block instance
name or the program name in the operand field (second column) followed by the
opening bracket. Enter the input parameters each in one of the following lines:
Operator field: Parameter name
Prefix field:
• := for input parameters
• => for output parameter
Operand field: Current parameter
Postfix field:
• , if further parameters follow
) after the last parameter
• () in case of parameter-less calls
Example: Call of POUToCAll with 2 input and 2 output parameters.
Corresponding ST code:
POUToCall(Counter := iCounter, iDecrement:=2, bError=>bErr,
Program call in IL with input and output parameters:

It is not necessary to use all parameters of a function block or program.

NOTE: Complex expressions cannot be used. These must be assigned to the
input of the function block or program before the call instruction.

Action Call
To be performed like a function block or program call, the action name is to be
appended to the instance name or program name.
Example: Call of action ResetAction.
Corresponding ST code:
Action call in IL:
CAL Inst.ResetAction()

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Method Call
To be performed like a function call, the instance name with appended method
name is to be entered in the first column (operator).
Example: Call of method Home.
Corresponding ST code:
Z := IHome.Home(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);
Method call in IL:
IHome.Home TRUE

A jump, page 255 is programmed by JMP in the first column (operator) and a label
name in the second column (operand). The label is to be defined in the target
network in the label, page 255 field.
The statement list preceding the unconditional jump has to end with one of the
following commands: ST, STN, S, R, CAL, RET, or another JMP.
This is not the case for a conditional jump, page 255. The execution of the jump
depends on the value loaded.
Example: Conditional jump instruction; in case bCallRestAction is TRUE, the
program should jump to the network labeled with Cont.
Conditional jump instruction in IL:
LDN bCallResetAction

Cursor Positions in FBD, LD, and IL

IL Editor
This is a text editor, structured in form of a table. Each table cell is a possible
cursor position. Also refer to Working in the IL Editor View, page 240.

FBD and LD Editor

These are graphic editors, see below examples (1) to (15) showing the possible
cursor positions: text, input, output, box, contact, coil, return, jump, line between
elements and network.
Actions such as cut, copy, paste, delete, and other editor-specific commands refer
to the current cursor position or selected element. See Working in the FBD and LD
Editor, page 236.
Basically, in FBD a dotted rectangle around the respective element indicates the
current position of the cursor. Additionally, texts and boxes become blue- or red-
In LD, coils and contacts become red-colored as soon as the cursor is positioned
The cursor position determines which elements are available in the contextual
menu for getting inserted, page 237.

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Possible Cursor Positions

(1) Every text field

In the left image, the possible cursor positions are marked by a red-frame. The
right image shows a box with the cursor being placed in the AND field. Keep in
mind the possibility to enter addresses instead of variable names if configured
appropriately in the FBD, LD and IL editor Options dialog box.
(2) Every input:

(3) Every operator, function, or function block:

(4) Outputs if an assignment or a jump comes afterward:

(5) Just before the lined cross above an assignment before a jump or a return

(6) The right-most cursor position in the network or anywhere else in the network
besides the other cursor positions. This will select the whole network:

(7) The lined cross directly in front of an assignment:

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(8) Every contact:

(9) Every coil:

(10) Every return and jump:

(11) The connecting line between the contacts and the coils:

(12) Branch or subnetwork within a network:

(13) The connection line between parallel contacts (Pos. 1...4):

(14) Before or after a network:

You can add new networks on the left-most side of the editor. The insertion of a
new network before an existing network is only possible before network 1.

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(15) Begin or end of a network:

You can add contacts and function blocks at the begin of a network on the field
Start here. You can add the elements return, jump, and coil at the end of a
network on the field Add output or jump here.

When the cursor is placed in the FBD/LD/IL Editor, page 230 window, the FBD/LD/
IL menu is available in the menu bar, providing the commands for programming in
the currently set editor view.
FBD/LD/IL menu in FBD editor view:

• For a description of the commands, refer to the chapter FBD/LD/IL Editor

• For configuration of the menu, refer to the description of the Customize

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FBD/LD/IL Editor in Online Mode

In online mode, the FBD/LD/IL editor provides views for Monitoring, page 248 and
for writing and forcing the values and expressions on the controller.
Debugging functionality (breakpoints, stepping, and so on) is available, see
Breakpoint or Halt Positions, page 251.
• For information on how to open objects in online mode, refer to the chapter
User Interface in Online Mode, page 45.
• Keep in mind that the editor window of an FBD, LD, or IL object also includes
the Declaration Editor in the upper part. Also refer to the chapter Declaration
Editor in Online Mode, page 323.

If the inline monitoring is not explicitly deactivated in the Options dialog box, it will
be supplemented in FBD or LD editor by small monitoring windows behind each
variable or by an additional monitoring column showing the actual values (inline
monitoring). This is even the case for unassigned function block inputs and
The inline monitoring window of a variable shows a little red triangle in the upper
left corner if the variable is currently forced, page 250, a blue triangle in the lower
left corner if the variable is currently prepared for writing or forcing. In LD, for
contacts and coils the currently prepared value (TRUE or FALSE) will be displayed
down right below the element.
Example for a variable which is currently forced and prepared for releasing the

Example for a contact variable which is currently prepared to get written or forced
with value TRUE

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Online view of an FBD program

Online view of an IL program

In online view, ladder networks have animated connections:

• Connections with value TRUE are displayed in bold blue.
• Connections with value FALSE are displayed in bold black.
• Connections with no known value or with an analog value are displayed in
standard outline (black and not bold).
The values of the connections are calculated from the monitoring values.

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Online view of an LD program

Open a function by double-click or execute the command Browse - Go To

Definition from the contextual menu. Refer to the description of the User Interface
in Online Mode, page 45 for further information.

Forcing/Writing of Variables
In online mode, you can prepare a value for forcing or writing a variable either in
the declaration editor, page 323 or within the editor. Double-click a variable in the
editor to open the following dialog box:
Dialog box Prepare Value

You find the name of the variable completed by its path within the device tree
(Expression), its type, and current value. By activating the corresponding item,
you can do the following:
• Preparing a new value which has to be entered in the edit field.
• Removing a prepared value.
• Releasing the forced variable.
• Releasing the forced variable and resetting it to the value it was assigned to
just before forcing.
The selected action will be carried out on executing the menu command Force
values (in the Online menu) or by pressing F7.

250 EIO0000002854.04
FBD/LD/IL Editor

For information on how the current state of a variable (forced, prepared value) is
indicated at the respective element in the network, refer to the section Monitoring,
page 248.

Breakpoint or Halt Positions

Possible positions you can define for a breakpoint (halt position) for debugging
purposes are those positions at which values of variables can change
(statements), at which the program flow branches out, or at which another POU is
These are the following positions:
• On the network as a whole such that the breakpoint will be applied to the first
possible position within the network.
• On a box, page 255, if this contains a statement. Therefore it is not possible
on operator boxes like for example ADD, DIV. See the Note below.
• On an assignment.
• At the end of a POU at the point of return to the caller; in online mode,
automatically an empty network will be displayed for this purpose. Instead of
a network number, it is identified by RET.
NOTE: You cannot set a breakpoint directly on the first box of a network. If,
however, a breakpoint is set on the complete network, the halt position will
automatically be applied to the first box.
For the currently possible positions, refer to the selection list within the View >
Breakpoints dialog box.
A network containing any active breakpoint position is marked with the breakpoint
symbol (red filled circle) right to the network number and a red-shaded rectangle
background for the first possible breakpoint position within the network.
Deactivated breakpoint positions are indicated by a non-filled red circle or a
surrounding non-filled red rectangle.
Breakpoint set and breakpoint reached

1 breakpoint set
2 breakpoint reached
As soon as a breakpoint position is reached during stepping or program
processing, a yellow arrow will be displayed in the breakpoint symbol and the red
shaded area will change to yellow.

EIO0000002854.04 251
FBD/LD/IL Editor

Halt positions shown in FBD

Halt position shown in IL

NOTE: A breakpoint will be set automatically in all methods which may be

called. If an interface-managed method is called, breakpoints will be set in all
methods of function blocks implementing that interface and in all derivative
function blocks subscribing the method. If a method is called via a pointer on a
function block, breakpoints will be set in the method of the function block and
in all derivative function blocks which are subscribing to the method.

FBD/LD/IL Elements
FBD/LD/IL Toolbox
The FBD/LD/IL Editor, page 230 provides a toolbox which offers the programming
elements for being inserted in the editor window by drag and drop. Open the
toolbox by executing the command ToolBox which is in the View menu.
It depends on the currently active editor view which elements are available for
inserting (see the respective description of the insert commands).
The elements are sorted in categories: General (general elements such as
Network, Assignment and so on), Boolean operators, Math operators, Other
operators (for example, SEL, MUX, LIMIT, and MOVE), Function blocks (for
example, R_TRIG, F_TRIG, RS, SR, TON, TOF, CTD, CTU), Ladder elements,
and POUs (user-defined).
The POUs category lists all POUs which have been defined below the same
application as the FBD/LD/IL object which is open in the editor. If a POU has been
assigned a bitmap in its properties, then this will be displayed before the POU
name. Otherwise, the standard icon for indicating the POU type will be used. The
list will be updated automatically when POUs are added or removed from the
The category Other operators contains among SEL, MUX, LIMIT, and MOVE
operators a conversion placeholder element. You can drag and drop this element
to the desired position of the network. The conversion type is set automatically,
dependent on the required type of the insert position. In some situations however
the required conversion type cannot be determined automatically. Change the
element manually in this case.
To unfold the category folders, click the button showing the respective category
name. See in the following image: The category General is unfolded, the others

252 EIO0000002854.04
FBD/LD/IL Editor

are folded. The image shows an example for inserting an Assignment element by
drag and drop from the toolbox.
Only the section General in the toolbox is unfolded:
Insert from toolbox

To insert an element in the editor, select it in the toolbox by a mouse-click and

bring it to the editor window by drag and drop. The possible insert positions will be
indicated by position markers, which appear as long as the element is drawn -
keeping the mouse button pressed - across the editor window. The nearest
possible position will light up green. When you release the mouse button, the
element will be inserted at the green position.
If you drag a box element on an existing box element, the new one replaces the
old one. If inputs and outputs already have been assigned, those will remain as
defined, but they will not be connected to the new element box.

Network in FBD/LD/IL
A network is the basic entity of an FBD, page 230 or LD, page 231 program. In the
FBD/LD editor, the networks are arranged in a vertical list. Each network is
designated on the left side by a serial network number and has a structure
consisting of either a logical or an arithmetic expression, a program, function or
function block call, and possibly jump or return instructions.
The IL Editor, page 231, due to the common editor base with the FBD and LD
editors, also uses the network element. If an object initially was programmed in
FBD or LD and then is converted to IL, the networks will be still present in the IL
program. Vice versa, if you start programming an object in IL, you need at least 1
network element which might contain all instructions, but you can also use further
networks to structure the program.
A network optionally can get assigned a title, a comment and a label, page 255.
You can switch the visibility of the title, the comment fields, and the network
separator on and off in the FBD, LD and IL editor options dialog box. If the option
is activated, click in the network directly below the upper border to open an edit
field for the title. For entering a comment, correspondingly open an edit field
directly below the title field. The comment can be multi-lined. Press ENTER to
insert line breaks. Press CTRL + ENTER to terminate the input of the comment

EIO0000002854.04 253
FBD/LD/IL Editor

Whether and how a network comment is displayed in the editor, is defined in the
FBD, LD, and IL editor options dialog box.
To add a label, page 255, which then can be addressed by a jump, page 255, use
the command Insert label . If a label is defined, it will be displayed below the title
and comment field or - if those are not available - directly below the upper border
of the network.
Comments and label in a network

You can set a network in comment state. This indicates that the network is not
processed but displayed and handled as a comment. To achieve this, use the
command Toggle network comment state.
On a currently selected network (cursor position 6, page 245), you can apply the
default commands for copying, cutting, inserting, and deleting.
NOTE: Right-clicking (cursor position 6, page 245) titles, comments, or labels
will select this entry only instead of the whole network. So the execution of the
default commands does not affect the network.
To insert a network, use command Insert Network or drag it from the toolbox,
page 252. A network with all belonging elements can also be copied or moved,
page 236 by drag and drop within the editor.
You can also create subnetworks, page 256 by inserting branches.

RET Network
In online mode, an additional empty network will be displayed below the existing
networks. Instead of a network number, it is identified by RET.
It represents the position at which the execution will return to the calling POU and
provides a possible halt position, page 248.

Assignment in FBD/LD/IL
Depending on the selected cursor position, page 244 in FBD or LD, an
assignment will be inserted directly in front of the selected input (cursor position 2,

254 EIO0000002854.04
FBD/LD/IL Editor

page 245), directly after the selected output (cursor position 4, page 245) or at the
end of the network (cursor position 6, page 245). In an LD network, an assignment
will be displayed as a coil, page 263. Alternatively, drag the assignment element
from the toolbox, page 252 or copy or move, page 236 it by drag and drop within
the editor view.
After insertion, the text string ??? can be replaced by the name of the variable that
is to be assigned. For this, use the ... button to open the Input Assistant.
In IL, page 231, an assignment is programmed via LD and ST instructions. Refer
to Modifiers and Operators in IL, page 232.

Jump in FBD/LD/IL
Depending on the selected cursor position, page 244 in FBD, page 230 or LD,
page 231, a jump will be inserted directly in front of the selected input (cursor
position 2), directly after the selected output (cursor position 4) or at the end of the
network (cursor position 6). Alternatively, drag the jump element from the toolbox,
page 252 or copy or move, page 236 it by drag and drop within the editor.
After insertion, you can replace the automatically entered ??? by the label to
which the jump should be assigned.
In IL, page 231, a jump is inserted via a JMP instruction. See in this context the
description of the operators and modifiers in IL, page 232.

Label in FBD/LD/IL
Below the network comment field each FBD, page 230, LD, page 231 or IL
network have a text input field for defining a label. The label is an optional
identifier for the network and can be addressed when defining a jump, page 255. It
can consist of any sequence of characters.
Position of a label in a network

See the Tools > Options > FBD, LD and IL editor dialog box for defining the
display of comment and title.

Boxes in FBD/LD/IL
A box, insertable in an FBD, page 230, LD, page 231, or IL, page 231 network, is
a complex element and can represent additional functions like timers, counters,
arithmetic operations, or also programs, IEC functions and IEC function blocks.
A box can have one or more inputs and outputs and can be provided by a library
or can be programmed by the user.

EIO0000002854.04 255
FBD/LD/IL Editor

You can group the inputs and outputs of a function block in its declaration via the
attribute pingroup. In the display of the function block in an FBD or LD
editor, the groups can then be faded out and in. For further information, refer to the
Attribute pingroup chapter, page 520.
If provided with the respective module and if the option Show box icon is
activated, an icon is displayed within the box.

Use in FBD, LD
You can position a box in a LD network or in an FBD network by using the
command Insert Box, Insert Empty Box. Alternatively, you can insert it from the
toolbox, page 252 or copy or move it within the editor via drag and drop. For
further information, refer to the description of the Insert Box command.

Use in IL
In an IL, page 231 program, a CAL, page 232 instruction with parameters will be
inserted in order to represent a box element.
You can update the box parameters (inputs, outputs) - in case the box interface
has been modified - with the current implementation without having to reinsert the
box by executing the Update parameters command.

RETURN Instruction in FBD/LD/IL

With a RETURN instruction, the FBD, page 230, LD, page 231 or IL, page 231 POU
can be exited.
In an FBD or LD network, you can place it in parallel or at the end of the previous
elements. If the input of a RETURN is TRUE, the processing of the POU will
immediately be exited.
Execute the command Insert Return to insert a RETURN instruction. Alternatively,
drag the element from the toolbox, page 252 or copy or move, page 236 it from
another position within the editor.
RETURN element

In IL, the RET, page 232 instruction is used for the same purpose.

Branch / Hanging Coil in FBD/LD/IL

In a Function Block Diagram, page 230 or Ladder Diagram, page 231 network, a
branch or a hanging coil splits up the processing line as from the current cursor
position. The processing line will continue in 2 subnetworks which will be executed
1 after each other from top to bottom. Each subnetwork can get a further branch,
such allowing multiple branching within a network.
Each subnetwork gets an own marker (an upright rectangle symbol). You can
select it (cursor position 11, page 245) in order to perform actions on this arm of
the branch.

256 EIO0000002854.04
FBD/LD/IL Editor

Branch markers

In FBD, insert a branch via command Insert branch. Alternatively, drag the
element from the toolbox, page 252. For the possible insert positions, refer to the
description of the Insert branch command.
NOTE: Cut and paste is not implemented for subnetworks.
A branch has been inserted at the SUB box output in the example shown below.
This created 2 subnetworks, each selectable by their subnet marker. After that, an
ADD box was added in each subnetwork.
Network in FBD with inserted branch

To delete a subnetwork, first remove all elements of the subnetwork, that is all
elements which are positioned to the right of the marker of the subnetwork. Then
select the marker and execute the standard Delete command or press the DEL
In the following image, the 3-input-OR element has to be deleted before you can
select and delete the marker of the lower subnetwork.

EIO0000002854.04 257
FBD/LD/IL Editor

Delete branch or subnetwork

Execution in Online Mode

The particular branches will be executed from left to right and then from top to

IL (Instruction List)
The IL, page 231 does not support networks with branches. They will stay in the
original representation.

Parallel Branches
You can use parallel branches for setting up parallel branch, page 258 evaluation
in ladder networks.
In contrast to the open branch (without the junction point), the parallel branches
are closed. They have common split and junction points.

Parallel Branch
A parallel branch allows you to implement a parallel evaluation of logical elements.
This is accomplished via a methodology described as Short Circuit Evaluation
(SCE). SCE allows you to by-pass the execution of a function block with a boolean
output if certain parallel conditions are evaluated to be TRUE. The condition can
be represented in the LD editor by a parallel branch to the function block branch.
The SCE condition is defined by 1 or several contacts within this branch,
connected parallel or sequentially.
The vertical connections of short circuit evaluation branches executed in parallel
are represented by a double line in order to differentiate them from OR constructs
that are represented by a single line (see the figure Parallel branch for SCE in a
ladder network).
NOTE: The term branch is also used for another element that splits off a
signal flow. This branch, page 256 as opposed to the parallel branch has no
junction point.
The parallel branch works as follows: first it will be parsed for the branches not
containing a function block. If 1 of such branches is evaluated to be TRUE, then
the function block in the parallel branch will not be called and the value at the input
of the function block branch will be passed to the output. If the SCE condition is
evaluated to be FALSE, then the function block will be called and the boolean
result of the function block execution call will be passed on.
If all branches contain function blocks, then they will be evaluated in top-to-bottom
order and the outputs of them will be combined with logical OR operations. If there

258 EIO0000002854.04
FBD/LD/IL Editor

are no branches containing a function block call, then the normal OR operation will
be performed.
To insert a parallel branch with SCE function, select the function block box and
execute the command Insert Contact Parallel above or Insert Contact Parallel
below. This is only possible if the first input and the main output of the function
block are of type BOOL.
Below is an example of the generated language model for the given network.

Example for SCE

The function block instance x1 (TON) has a boolean input and a boolean output.
Its execution can be skipped if the condition in the parallel branch is evaluated to
be TRUE. This condition value results from the OR and AND operations
connecting the contacts cond1, cond2 and cond3.
Parallel branch for SCE in a ladder network

1 The double vertical connection lines indicate a construct that is subject to an SCE.
2 The single vertical connection line indicates an OR construct.
The processing is as shown in the following, whereby P_IN and P_OUT represent
the boolean value at the input (split point) and output (junction point) of the parallel
branch, respectively.
P_IN := b1 AND b2;
IF ((P_IN AND cond1) AND (cond2 OR cond3)) THEN
P_OUT := P_IN;
x1(IN := P_IN, PT := {p 10}t#2s);
tElapsed := x1.ET;
P_OUT := x1.Q;
bRes := P_OUT AND b3;
The following images show the dataflow (blue) in case the function block is
executed (condition resulting from cond1, cond2 and cond3 is FALSE) or
bypassed (condition is TRUE).
Condition=FALSE, function block is executed:

EIO0000002854.04 259
FBD/LD/IL Editor

Condition=TRUE, function block is bypassed:

Branch Start / End

The branch start / end element is an LD element.
It allows you to define the start / end point of a branch. If there is no start point
defined, you can use the element to define it. Is the start point already defined the
element determines the end point.
For further information, refer to the chapter Parallel Branch, page 258.

Set/Reset in FBD/LD/IL
FBD and LD
A boolean output in FBD, page 230 or correspondingly an LD, page 231 coil can
be set or reset. To change between the set states, use the respective command
Set/Reset from the contextual menu when the output is selected. The output or
coil will be marked by an S or an R.

Set If value TRUE arrives at a set output or coil, this output/coil will become TRUE and
remain TRUE. This value cannot be overwritten at this position as long as the
application is running.

Reset If value TRUE arrives at a reset output or coil, this output/coil will become FALSE and
remain FALSE. This value cannot be overwritten at this position as long as the
application is running.

Set output in FBD

In the LD editor, you can insert set and reset coils by drag and drop. To perform
this action, use either the ToolBox, category Ladder elements, or the S and R
elements from the tool bar.
Set coil, reset coil

For further information, see Set/Reset Coil, page 261.

260 EIO0000002854.04
FBD/LD/IL Editor

In an Instruction List, use the S and R, page 233 operators to set or reset an

Set/Reset Coil
Coils, page 263 can also be defined as set or reset coils.
You can recognize a set coil by the S in the coil symbol: (S). A set coil will not
overwrite the value TRUE in the appropriate boolean variable. That is, the variable
once set to TRUE remains TRUE.
You can recognize a reset coil by the R in the coil symbol: (R). A reset coil will not
overwrite the value FALSE in the appropriate boolean variable. That is, the
variable once set to FALSE will remain FALSE.
In the LD editor, you can insert set coils and reset coils directly via drag and drop
from the ToolBox, category Ladder elements. In doing so, you can also replace
already inserted coil elements by others.
Set coil, reset coil

The Execute element is a block with EN/ENO that you can insert in an FBD or LD
network and that you can fill with ST code. The ST code is executed when the
block is activated for processing with a TRUE signal at the EN input.
Drag the Execute element from the toolbox, page 252 into the network or
execute the FBD/LD/IL > Execute command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert,
Menu Commands, Online Help) to insert the element.

Entering ST Code
Step Action Comment

1 Click the input field with the text Enter ST-Code The ST editor, page 305 opens
here... in the box. providing the usual functionalities.

2 Enter ST code. The necessary variable declarations

are inserted in the declaration
section of the FBD/LD/IL function
3 Complete entering code by clicking out of the –
block or pressing Ctrl + Enter.

Online Mode
In online mode, you can open the ST editor by clicking the plus sign under the EN
input on the function block. The usual online functionalities (monitoring,
debugging) are available in the editor.

EIO0000002854.04 261
FBD/LD/IL Editor

Examples for an Execute block in the FBD network.
Offline mode, ST program inserted

Online mode, ST editor open

LD Elements
This is an LD element.
In LD, page 231 in its left part, each network contains 1 or several contacts.
Contacts are represented by 2 vertical, parallel lines.

Contacts pass on condition ON (TRUE) or OFF (FALSE) from left to right. A

boolean variable is assigned to each contact. If this variable is TRUE, the
condition is passed from left to right and finally to a coil in the right part of the
network. Otherwise the right connection receives the value FALSE.
You can connect multiple contacts in series as well as in parallel. Contacts in
parallel represent a logical 'OR' condition such that only one of them need be
TRUE to have the parallel branch transmit the value TRUE. Conversely, contacts
in series represent a logical 'AND' condition whereas all the contacts must be
TRUE to have the final contact transmit TRUE.
Therefore, the contact arrangement corresponds to either an electric parallel or a
series circuit.
A contact can also be negated. This is indicated by the slash in the contact

262 EIO0000002854.04
FBD/LD/IL Editor

A negated contact passes on the incoming condition (TRUE or FALSE) only if the
assigned boolean variable is FALSE.
You can insert a contact in an LD network via one of the commands Insert
Contact or Insert Contact (right) Insert Contact Parallel (above), Insert
Contact Parallel (below), Insert Rising Edge Contact, or Insert Falling Edge
Contact which are part of the LD menu. Alternatively, you can insert the element
via drag and drop from the ToolBox, page 252 or from another position within the
editor (drag and drop).
You can replace an already inserted contact by a new contact or a negated
contact. For this purpose, drag a contact or a negated contact from the toolbox,
page 252 onto an existing contact and drop it there.

FBD and IL
If you are working in FBD, page 230 or IL, page 231 view, the command will not be
available. But contacts and coils inserted in an LD network will be represented by
corresponding FBD elements or IL instructions.

This is an LD element.
On the right side of an LD network, there can be any number of coils which are
represented by parentheses.

They can only be arranged in parallel. A coil transmits the value of the connections
from left to right and copies it to an appropriate boolean variable. At the entry line,
the value ON (TRUE) or the value OFF (FALSE) can be present.
Coils can also be negated. This is indicated by the slash in the coil symbol.

In this case the negated value of the incoming signal will be copied to the
appropriate boolean variable.
You can insert a coil in a network via one of the commands Insert Coil, Insert Set
Coil, Insert Reset Coil, or Insert Negated Coil in the LD menu. Alternatively, you
can insert the element via drag and drop from the ToolBox (Ladder elements) or
via drag and drop from another position within the editor. Also refer to Set and
Reset Coils, page 261.

FBD and IL
If you are working in FBD, page 230 or IL, page 231 view, the command will not be
available. But contacts and coils inserted in an LD network will be represented by
corresponding FBD elements or IL instructions.

EIO0000002854.04 263
Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Editor

Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Editor

What’s in This Chapter
Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Language ................................................. 264
CFC Editor.................................................................................................. 264
Cursor Positions in CFC............................................................................... 266
CFC Elements / ToolBox .............................................................................. 267
Working in the CFC Editor............................................................................ 271
Execution Order in CFC ............................................................................... 274
CFC Editor in Online Mode........................................................................... 277
CFC Editor Page-Oriented ........................................................................... 279

Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Language

The Continuous Function Chart is an extension to the IEC 61131-3 standard, and
is a graphical programming language based on the Function Block Diagram (FBD)
language, page 230. However, in contrast to the FBD language, there are no
networks. CFC allows the free positioning of graphic elements, which in turn
allows for feedback loops.
For creating CFC programming objects in EcoStruxure Machine Expert, see the
description of the CFC editor, page 264.

CFC Editor
The CFC editor is a graphical editor available for programming objects in the
continuous function chart (CFC) programming language , page 264, which is an
extension to the IEC 61131-3 programming languages. Choose the language
when you add a new program organization unit (POU) object to your project. For
large projects, consider using the page-oriented version, page 279.
The editor will be available in the lower part of the window which opens when
opening a CFC POU object. This window also includes the declaration editor,
page 319 in its upper part.

264 EIO0000002854.04
Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Editor

CFC editor

The CFC editor in contrast to the FBD / LD editor allows free positioning, page 271
of the elements, which allows direct insertion of feedback paths. The sequence of
processing is determined by a list which contains all currently inserted elements
and can be modified.
The following elements are available in a toolbox, page 267 and can be inserted
via drag and drop:
• box (operators, functions, function blocks, and programs)
• input
• output
• jump
• label
• return
• composer
• selector
• connection marks
• comments
You can connect the input and output pins of the elements by drawing a line with
the mouse. The path of the connecting line will be created automatically and will
follow the shortest possible route. The connecting lines are automatically adjusted
as soon as the elements are moved. For further information, refer to the
description of inserting and arranging elements, page 271. For complex charts,
you can use connection marks, page 268 instead of lines. You may also consider
the possibility of modifying the routing.
It may happen that elements get positioned in a way that they cover already
routed connections. These collisions are indicated by red connection lines. If there
are any collisions in the chart, the button in the upper right corner of the editor

view gets a red outline: . To edit the collisions step by step, click this button
and execute the command Show next collision. Then the next found concerned
connection will be selected.

EIO0000002854.04 265
Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Editor

For complex charts, you can use connection marks, page 268 instead of lines. You
may also wish to use the page-oriented version of the CFC editor.
A zoom function allows you to change the dimension of the editor window: Use the

button in the lower right corner of the window and choose between the listed
zoom factors. Alternatively, you can select the entry ... to open a dialog box where
you can type in any arbitrary factor.
You can call the commands for working in the CFC editor from the contextual
menu or from the CFC menu which is available as soon as the CFC editor is

Cursor Positions in CFC

Cursor positions in a CFC program are indicated by a gray background when
hovering over the programming element.
When you click one of these shadowed areas, before releasing the mouse-button,
the background color will change to red. As soon as you release the mouse-
button, this will become the current cursor position, with the respective element or
text being selected and displayed as red-colored.
There are 3 categories of cursor positions. See the possible positions indicated by
a gray shaded area as shown in the illustrations of the following paragraphs.

Cursor Positioned on a Text

If the cursor is positioned on a text and you click on the mouse-button, it is
displayed as blue-shaded and can be edited. The ... button is available for
opening the input assistant. Primarily after having inserted an element, the
characters ??? represent the name of the element. Replace these characters by a
valid identifier. After that a tool tip is displayed by positioning the cursor on the
name of a variable or a box parameter. The tool tip contains the type of the
variable or parameter and, if it exists, the associated comment in a second line.
Possible cursor positions and an example of selected text:

Cursor Positioned on the Body of an Element

If the cursor is positioned on the body of an element (box, input, output, jump,
label, return, comment, connection mark), these will be displayed as red-colored
and can be moved by moving the mouse.

266 EIO0000002854.04
Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Editor

Possible cursor positions and example of a selected body:

Cursor Positioned on the Body on Input or Output Connection of

an Element
If the cursor is positioned on an input or output connection of an element, a red
filled square will indicate that position (point of connection). It can be negated or
Possible cursor positions (gray shadows) and examples of selected output and
input positions (red squares):

CFC Elements / ToolBox

The graphical elements available for programming in the CFC editor, page 264
window are provided by a toolbox. Open the toolbox in a view window by
executing the command ToolBox in the View menu.

EIO0000002854.04 267
Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Editor

Select the desired element in the toolbox and insert, page 271 it in the editor
window via drag and drop.

Besides the programming elements, there is an entry , at the top of the

toolbox list. As long as this entry is selected, the cursor has the shape of an arrow
and you can select elements in the editor window for positioning and editing.

CFC Elements
Name Symbol Description

page The number of the page is given automatically according to its position. You
can enter the name (Overview in this example) in the orange field at the top
of the page.

control point A control point is needed to fix a manually modified connection line routing.
This helps to prevent the modification from being reverted by the command
Route all Connections. By 2 control points you can mark a definite segment
of a line for which you want to modify the routing.

input You can select the text offered by ??? and replace it by a variable or
constant. The input assistance serves to select a valid identifier.


box You can use a box to represent operators, functions, function blocks, and
programs. You can select the text offered by ??? and replace it by an
operator, function, function block, or program name. The input assistance
serves to select one of the available objects.

If you insert a function block, another ??? will be displayed above the box.
Replace the question marks by the name of the function block instance. If a
function block with constant input parameters is instantiated, then the box
element shows a field Parameters... in the bottom left corner of the box.
Click this button to open a dialog box for editing the input parameters. Refer
to the Edit Parameters... chapter (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help).

If you replace an existing box by another (by modifying the entered name)
and the new one has a different minimum or maximum number of input or
output pins, the pins will be adapted correspondingly. If pins are to be
removed, the lowest one will be removed first.

jump Use the jump element to indicate at which position the execution of the
program should continue. This position is defined by a label (see below).
Therefore, replace the text offered by ??? by the label name.

268 EIO0000002854.04
Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Editor

Name Symbol Description

label A label marks the position to which the program can jump (see the element

In online mode, a return label for marking the end of POU is automatically
return In online mode, a return element is automatically inserted in the first column
and after the last element in the editor. In stepping, it is automatically jumped
to before execution leaves the POU.
composer Use a composer to handle an input of a box which is of type of a structure.
The composer will display the structure components and thus make them
accessible in the CFC for the programmer. For this purpose name the
composer like the concerned structure (by replacing ??? by the name) and
connect it to the box instead of using an input element.

selector A selector in contrast to the composer is used to handle an output of a box

which is a type of structure. The selector will display the structure
components and thus make them accessible in the CFC for the programmer.
For this purpose, name the selector like the concerned structure (replace
??? by the name) and connect it to the box instead of using an output
comment Use this element to add any comments to the chart. Select the placeholder
text and replace it with any desired text. To obtain a new line within the
comment, press CTRL + ENTER.

connection You can use connection marks instead of a connection line, page 272
mark – between elements. This can help to clear complex charts.
For a valid connection, assign a connection mark – source element at the
connection output of an element and assign a connection mark – sink (see below) at the
mark – sink input of another element. Assign the same name to both marks (no case-


The first connection mark – source element inserted in a CFC by default is

named C-1 and can be modified manually. In its counterpart connection
mark – sink, replace the ??? by the same name string as used in the source
mark.The editor will verify that the names of the marks are unique. If the
name of a source mark is changed, the name of the connected sink mark will
automatically be renamed as well. However, if a sink mark is renamed, the
source mark will keep the old name. This allows you to reconfigure
connections. Likewise, removing a connection mark does not remove its

To use a connection mark in the chart, drag it from the toolbox to the editor
window and then connect its pin with the output or input pin of the respective
element. Alternatively you can convert an existing normal connection line by
using the command Connection Mark. This command allows you to change
connection marks back to normal connection lines as well.

For figures showing some examples of connection marks, refer to the

chapter Connection Mark.

input pin Depending on the box type, you can add an additional input. For this
purpose, select the box element in the CFC network and draw the input pin
element on the box.

You can drag an input or output connection to another position at the box
while keeping pressed the Ctrl key.

output pin – Depending on the box type, you can add an additional output. For this
purpose, select the box element in the CFC network and draw the output pin
element on the box.

You can drag an input or output connection to another position at the box
while keeping pressed the Ctrl key.

Example of a Composer
A CFC program cfc_prog handles an instance of function block fublo1, which
has an input variable struvar of type structure. Use the composer element to
access the structure components.

EIO0000002854.04 269
Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Editor

Structure definition stru1 :

TYPE stru1 :
Declaration and implementation of function block fublo1:
fbout_str:=CONCAT (struvar.strvar,fbvar);
Declaration and implementation of program cfc_prog:
PROGRAM cfc_prog
intvar: INT;
stringvar: STRING;
fbinst: fublo1;
erg1: INT;
erg2: STRING;
Composer element

1 composer
2 function block with input variable struvar of type structure stru1

Example of a Selector
A CFC program cfc_prog handles an instance of function block fublo2, which
has an output variable fbout of type structure stru1. Use the selector element
to access the structure components.
Structure definition stru1:
TYPE stru1 :
Declaration and implementation of function block fublo1:

270 EIO0000002854.04
Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Editor

fbin : INT;
fbout : stru1;
Declaration and implementation of program cfc_prog:
intvar: INT;
stringvar: STRING;
fbinst: fublo1;
erg1: INT;
erg2: STRING;
fbinst2: fublo2;
The illustration shows a selector element where the unused pins have been
removed by executing the command Remove Unused Pins.

1 function block with output variable fbout of type structure stru1

2 selector

Working in the CFC Editor

The elements available for programming in the CFC editor are provided in the
ToolBox, page 267 which by default is available in a window as soon as the CFC
editor is opened.
The Tools > Options > CFC editor defines general settings for working within the

To insert an element, select it in the ToolBox, page 267 by a mouse-click, keep
the mouse-button pressed and drag the element to the desired position in the
editor window. During dragging, the cursor will be displayed as an arrow plus a
rectangle and a plus-sign. When you release the mouse-button, the element will
be inserted.

To select an inserted element for further actions such as editing or rearranging,
click an element body to select the element. It will be displayed by default as red-

EIO0000002854.04 271
Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Editor

shaded. By additionally pressing the SHIFT key, you can click and select further
elements. You can also press the left mouse-button and draw a dotted rectangle
around all elements which you want to select. As soon as you release the button
the selection will be indicated. By command Select all , all elements are selected
at once.
By using the arrow keys you can shift the selection mark to the next possible
cursor position. The sequence depends on the execution order or the elements,
which is indicated by element numbers, page 273.
When an input pin is selected and you press CTRL + LEFT ARROW, the
corresponding output will be selected. When an output pin is selected and you
press CTRL + LEFT ARROW, the corresponding outputs will be selected.

Drag and Drop of Variables

You can directly insert variables from the GVL, page 180 or a POU, page 148 as
an input or output element of a function block. To achieve this, select the variable
in the GVL or POU, and drag it to the input or output pin of a function block. The
input or output element for this variable is automatically created and connected to
the pin of the function block.

Replacing Boxes
To replace an existing box element, replace the currently inserted identifier by that
of the desired new element. The number of input and output pins will be adapted if
necessary due to the definition of the POUs and thus some existing assignments
could be removed.

To move an element, select the element by clicking the element body (see
possible cursor positions, page 266) and drag it, while keeping the mouse-button
pressed, to the desired position. Then release the mouse-button to place the
element. You also can use the Cut and Paste commands for this purpose.

You can connect the input and output pins of 2 elements by a connection line or
via connection marks.
Connection line: You can either select a valid point of connection that is an input or
output pin of an element (refer to Cursor Positions in CFC, page 266), and then
draw a line to another point of connection with the mouse. Or you can select 2
points of connection and execute the command Select connected pins. A
selected possible point of connection is indicated by a red filled square. When you
draw a line from such a point to the target element, you can identify the possible
target point of connection. When you then position the cursor over a valid
connection point, an arrow symbol is added to the cursor when moving over that
point, indicating the possible connection.
The following figure provides an example: After a mouse-click on the input pin of
the var1 element, the red rectangle is displayed showing that this is a selected
connection point. By keeping the mouse button pressed, move the cursor to the
output pin of the ADD box until the cursor symbol appears as shown in the figure.
Now release the mouse button to establish the connection line.

272 EIO0000002854.04
Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Editor

The shortest possible connection is created taking into account the other elements
and connections.
You can drag an input or output connection to another position at the box while
keeping pressed the Ctrl key.
Connection marks: you could as well use connection marks instead of connection
lines in order to simplify complex charts. Refer to the description of connection
marks, page 268.

To copy an element, select it and use the Copy and Paste commands.

After you have inserted an element, by default the text part is represented by ???.
To replace this by the desired text (POU name, label name, instance name,
comment, and so on), click the text to obtain an edit field. Also the button ... will be
available to open the Input Assistant.

You can delete a selected element or connection line by executing the command
Delete, which is available in the contextual menu or press the DEL key.

Opening a Function Block

If a function block is added to the editor, you can open this block with a double-
click. Alternatively, use the command Browse > Go To Definition from the
contextual menu.

Execution Order, Element Numbers

The sequence in which the elements in a CFC network are executed in online
mode is indicated by numbers in the upper right corner of the box, output, jump,
return, and label elements. The processing starts at the element with the lowest
number, which is 0.
You can modify the execution order by commands which are available in the
submenu Execution Order of the CFC menu.
When adding an element, the number will automatically be given according to the
topological sequence (from left to right and from top to bottom). The new element
receives the number of its topological successor if the sequence has already been
changed, and all higher numbers are increased by 1.
Consider that the number of an element remains constant when it is moved.
Consider that the sequence influences the result and must be changed in certain

EIO0000002854.04 273
Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Editor

Changing Size of the Working Sheet

In order to get more space around an existing CFC chart in the editor window, you
can change the size of the working area (working sheet). Do this by selecting and
dragging all elements with the mouse or use the cut-and-paste commands (refer
to Moving, page 272)
Alternatively, you can use a special dimension settings dialog box. This may save
time in the case of large charts. Refer to the description of the Edit Working
Sheet dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online
Help). In case of page-oriented CFC, you can use the Edit Page Size command
(see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

Execution Order in CFC

The execution order of elements within POUs is uniquely determined in text-based
and network-based editors. In the CFC editor, however, you can position the
elements freely, so the execution order is initially not unique. Therefore,
EcoStruxure Machine Expert determines the execution order by data flow and, in
the case of multiple networks, by the topological position of the elements. The
elements are sorted from top to bottom and from left to right to achieve a unique
execution order.
The chronological order of the elements in the chart can be indicated in
EcoStruxure Machine Expert by temporarily displaying the execution order. For
networks with feedback, you can define an element as the starting point in the
feedback loop.
EcoStruxure Machine Expert V2.0 and later versions allow you to edit the
execution order in a CFC object explicitly by selecting the Explicit Execution
Order Mode in the CFC Execution Order tab of the CFC object (see EcoStruxure
Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help) Properties.

Data Flow
In general, the term data flow describes the chronological order of reading or
writing which data when and how in which programming object. A POU can
process an arbitrary number of data flows. These data flows can also be executed
independently of each other.

Displaying the Execution Order

By default, the Auto Data Flow Mode is selected in the CFC Execution Order
tab of the CFC object (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands,
Online Help) Properties and the execution order of a CFC object is determined
To temporarily display the execution order in the CFC editor, proceed as follows:

274 EIO0000002854.04
Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Editor

Step Action Comment

1 Create a new project using the Example name: Minimal

Standard project template and
specify a name.

2 Insert the function block FB_DOIt Example:

with inputs and outputs in ST FUNCTION_BLOCK FB_DoIt
implementation language. VAR_INPUT
iAlfa : INT;
iBravo: INT;
sCharlie : STRING := 'Charlie';
xItem : BOOL;
iResult : INT;
sResult : STRING;
xResult : BOOL;
iResult := iAlfa + iBravo;
xResult := TRUE;

3 Create the function block Example:

ExecuteCFC in CFC PROGRAM ExecuteCFC
implementation language. VAR
fb_DoIt_0: FB_DoIt;
fb_DoIt_1: FB_DoIt;
iFinal_1: INT;
iFinal_0: INT;
xFinal: BOOL;

Programming objects recently created in CFC have selected the option Auto Data
Flow Mode. The optimum execution order of the programming objects is defined

4 Execute the command CFC > Result: The execution order of the object is displayed: The boxes and inputs are
Execution Order > Display numbered according to the chronological processing order. This temporary display is
Execution Order. removed as soon as you click again in the CFC editor.

Manually Determining the Execution Order in Feedback Networks

To manually determine the execution order in feedback networks, proceed as

EIO0000002854.04 275
Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Editor

Step Action Comment

1 Create a CFC program with Example: The POU PrgPositiveFeedback counts.

feedback. PROGRAM PrgPositiveFeedback
iResult: INT;

2 Select an element within the Result: The selected element is highlighted red.
3 Execute the command CFC > Result: The selected element is assigned number 0 (the lowest number of the
Execution Order > Set Start of
Feedback. feedback) and is indicated by the symbol. At runtime, this POU is processed first.

To undo this numbering, proceed as follows:

1. Select the POU defined as start POU.
2. Execute the command CFC > Execution Order > Set Start of Feedback.
Result: The POU is no longer defined as start POU and the execution order is
defined internally.

To display the execution order by data flow, execute the command CFC >
Execution Order > Display Execution Order.

Manually Defining the Execution Order

The default Auto Data Flow Mode determines the order of CFC objects
automatically to achieve execution that is optimized by time and by cycle. With this
mode activated, you do not need to care for defining the execution order during
the development process.
NOTE: The Explicit Execution Order Mode allows you to define the
execution order manually. Note, that it is your responsibility to adapt the
execution order and to assess the consequences and impacts. For your
support, the execution order is permanently displayed.
To manually define the execution order, proceed as follows:

Step Action Result

1 In the Devices or POUs tree, right-click a CFC The Properties dialog box opens.
object and execute the command Properties.

2 Select the CFC Execution Order tab. The Execution order list displays
the selected mode.

276 EIO0000002854.04
Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Editor

Step Action Result

3 From the Execution order list, select the option –

Explicit Execution Order Mode.

4 Click OK to confirm and to close the dialog box. • The Explicit Execution
Order Mode is activated.
• The networks are numbered in
the CFC editor.
• The following commands are
available in the CFC >
Execution Order menu:
◦ Display Execution Order
command (see
EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, Menu Commands,
Online Help)
◦ Set Start of Feedback
command (see
EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, Menu Commands,
Online Help)

5 Open a CFC object. –

6 Select a numbered element and execute the The execution order is resorted and
command CFC > Execution Order > Send to the selected element is assigned
Front. the number 0.

CFC Editor in Online Mode

In online mode, the CFC editor provides views for monitoring, writing and forcing
the variables and expressions on the controller. The debugging functionality
(breakpoints, stepping, and so on) is available as described below.
• For information on how to open objects in online mode, refer to the
description of the user interface in online mode, page 45.
• The editor window of a CFC object also includes the declaration editor in the
upper part. Refer to the description of the declaration editor in online mode,
page 323.
• For information on how to edit parameters in the CFC editor, refer to the
description of the Edit Parameters... command (see EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

The actual values are displayed in small monitoring windows behind each variable
(inline monitoring).

EIO0000002854.04 277
Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Editor

Online view of a program object PLC_PRG:

Note for the online view of a function block POU, that monitoring is only possible in
an instance view. In the base implementation of the function block POU, no values
are displayed. The column Value contains the text Value of the expression and
the inline monitoring fields in the implementation part show three question marks
Boolean connections are monitored in the colors TRUE = blue and FALSE =

Forcing/Writing Variables
In online mode, you can prepare a value for forcing or writing a monitored variable
either in the declaration editor or - if the option Prepare values in
implementation part is activated - also in the implementation part. For working in
the declaration editor, refer to the chapter Declaration Editor in Online Mode, page
323. In the implementation part, click the monitoring box next to the respective
element or directly the element to open the Prepare Value dialog box, page 306.
For boolean variables, no dialog box opens, but clicking the value currently
displayed next to the variable directly toggles between the possible values to be
forced or written. In the monitoring box of a currently forced variable a red F is
Forced value in the implementation part

If the CFC option Prepare values in implementation part is enabled, then the
value currently prepared for writing or forcing is displayed behind the current value
in angle brackets in the monitoring field of a variable.

278 EIO0000002854.04
Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Editor

Prepared value in the implementation part

Breakpoint Positions in CFC Editor

The possible breakpoint positions basically are those positions in a POU at which
values of variables can change or at which the program flow branches out or
another POU is called. See possible positions in the following image.
Breakpoint positions in CFC editor:

NOTE: A breakpoint will be set automatically in all methods which may be

called. If an interface-managed method is called, breakpoints will be set in all
methods of function blocks implementing that interface and in all derivative
function blocks subscribing the method. If a method is called via a pointer on a
function block, breakpoints will be set in the method of the function block and
in all derivative function blocks which are subscribing to the method.

CFC Editor Page-Oriented

In addition to the CFC standard editor, EcoStruxure Machine Expert provides the
CFC editor pagination. Besides the tools, page 267 and commands of the
standard CFC editor, this editor allows you to arrange the elements on any
number of different pages.
NOTE: You cannot convert POUs created in the language CFC page-oriented
to normal CFC and vice versa. You can copy elements between these 2
editors with the copy and paste commands (via clipboard) or the drag and
drop function.

EIO0000002854.04 279
Continuous Function Chart (CFC) Editor

CFC pagination

To change the size of the page execute the command Edit Page Size.

Connections Between 2 Pages

Connections between 2 pages are realized with the elements connection mark –
source and connection mark – sink (refer to the description of connection
marks). You can place the connection mark – source by drag and drop to the
right margin - the connection mark – sink to the left margin. If you draw a
connection line from an input or output of an element to the margin, the connection
mark is placed automatically. Click the ... button to open the list of connection
marks provided by the Input Assistant.
Use the arrow keys to navigate within the diagram from one element to the next.
Insertion of connection marks

Execution Order
The execution order of the pages is from top to the bottom. Within a page, the
order follows the rules of the standard CFC editor (refer to further information of
execution order, element numbers, page 273 and to the chapter Execution Order
in CFC, page 274). You can change the execution order of elements only within
the associated page. You cannot change the execution order of elements on
different pages.

280 EIO0000002854.04
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

What’s in This Chapter
SFC Editor ................................................................................................. 281
SFC - Sequential Function Chart Language................................................... 282
Cursor Positions in SFC............................................................................... 283
Working in the SFC Editor ............................................................................ 284
SFC Element Properties ............................................................................. 286
SFC Elements / ToolBox .............................................................................. 287
Qualifier for Actions in SFC .......................................................................... 296
Implicit Variables - SFC Flags....................................................................... 297
Sequence of Processing in SFC ................................................................... 301
SFC Editor in Online Mode........................................................................... 303

SFC Editor
The SFC editor is available for programming objects in the IEC 61131-3
programming language SFC - Sequential Function Chart, page 282. Choose the
language when you add a new POU object to the project.
The SFC editor is a graphical editor. Perform general settings concerning behavior
and display in the Options > SFC editor dialog box.
The SFC editor is available in the lower part of the window which opens when you
edit an SFC POU object. This window also includes the Declaration Editor, page
319 in the upper part.
SFC editor

EIO0000002854.04 281
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

Working with the SFC Editor

The elements, page 287 used in an SFC diagram are available in the SFC menu.
The menu is available as soon as the SFC editor is active. Arrange them in a
sequence or in parallel sequences of steps which are connected by transitions.
For further information, refer to Working in the SFC Editor, page 284.
You can edit the properties of steps in a separate properties, page 286 window.
Among others, you can define the minimum and maximum time of activity for each
You can access implicit variables, page 297 for controlling the processing of an
SFC (for example, step status, timeout analyzation, reset).

SFC - Sequential Function Chart Language

The Sequential Function Chart (SFC) is a graphically oriented language which
describes the chronological order of particular actions within a program. These
actions are available as separate programming objects, written in any available
programming language. In SFC, they are assigned to step elements and the
sequence of processing is controlled by transition elements. For a detailed
description on how the steps will be processed in online mode, refer to Sequence
of Processing in SFC, page 301.
For information on how to use the SFC editor in EcoStruxure Machine Expert,
refer to the description of the SFC Editor, page 281.

Example for a sequence of steps in an SFC module:

282 EIO0000002854.04
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

Cursor Positions in SFC

Possible cursor positions in an SFC diagram in the SFC editor, page 281 are
indicated by a gray shadow when moving with the cursor over the elements.

Cursor Positions in Texts

There are 2 categories of cursor positions: texts and element bodies. See the
possible positions indicated by a gray shaded area as shown in the following
Possible cursor positions in texts:

When you click a text cursor position, the string will become editable.
Select action name for editing:

Cursor Positions in Element Bodies

Possible cursor positions in element bodies:

When you click a shadowed area, the element is selected. It gets a dotted frame
and is displayed as red-shaded (for multiple selection, refer to Working in the SFC
Editor, page 284 ).

EIO0000002854.04 283
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

Selected step element

Working in the SFC Editor

By default, a new SFC POU contains an initial step and a subsequent transition.
This chapter provides information on how to add further elements, and how to
arrange and edit the elements.

Possible Cursor Positions

For further information, refer to the chapter Cursor Positions in SFC, page 283.

Use the arrow keys to jump to the next or previous element in the chart.

Inserting Elements
To insert the particular SFC elements, page 287, execute the respective
commands from the SFC menu. For further information, refer to the description of
the SFC editor commands (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands,
Online Help). Double-click an already inserted step, transition, or action element,
which does not yet reference a programming object, to open a dialog box for
assigning one.

Selecting Elements
Select an element or text field by clicking a possible cursor position. You can also
give the selection to an adjacent element by using the arrow keys. The element
will change color to red. For example, see the chapter Cursor Positions in SFC,
page 283.
NOTE: In contrast to previous versions of EcoStruxure Machine Expert, you
can select and thus also move (cut, copy, paste) or delete steps and
transitions separately.
For multiple selection, the following possibilities are available:
• Keep the SHIFT key pressed and then click the particular elements to be
• Press the left mouse-key and draw a rectangle (dotted line) around the
elements to be selected.
• Execute the command Select All, by default from the Edit menu.

284 EIO0000002854.04
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

Editing Texts
Click a text cursor position to open the edit field, where you can edit the text. If a
text area has been selected via the arrow keys, open the edit field explicitly by
using the SPACE bar.

Editing Associated Actions

Double-click a step (entry, active, or exit) or transition action association to open
the associated action in the corresponding editor. You can, for example, double-
click the transition element or the triangle indicating an exit action in a step

Cutting, Copying, Pasting Elements

Select the elements and execute the command Cut, Copy, or Paste (from the
Edit menu) or use the corresponding keys.
• When you paste one or several cut or copied elements, the content of the
clipboard will be inserted before the currently selected position. If nothing
is selected, the elements will be appended at the end of the currently
loaded chart.
• If you paste a branch while the currently selected element is also a
branch, the pasted branch elements will be inserted to the left of the
existing elements.
• If you paste an action (list) at a currently selected step, the actions will be
added at the beginning of the action list of the step or an action list for the
step will be created.
• Incompatible elements when cutting/copying:
If you select an associated action (list) and additionally an element which
is not the step to which the action (list) belongs, a message box will
display: The current selection contains incompatible elements. No
data will be filed to the clipboard. The selection will not be stored and
you cannot paste or copy it somewhere else.
• Incompatible elements when pasting:
If you try to paste an action (list) while the currently selected element is
not a step or another association, a message box will display: The
current clipboard content cannot be pasted at the current selection.
If you try to paste an element like a step, branch, or transition when
currently an associated action (list) is selected, the same message box
will display.
• For copying step and transition elements that call action objects or
transition objects, two different duplication modes are available. Either the
references are copied only, or the referenced objects are embedded and
duplicated when copying. Select a mode in the Element Properties
dialog box with the Duplicate on copy option, page 286.

Deleting Elements
Select the elements and execute the command Delete or press the DEL key.
Consider the following:
• Deleting a step also deletes the associated action list.
• Deleting the initial step automatically sets the following step to be the initial
one. This option Initial step will be activated in the properties of this step.

EIO0000002854.04 285
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

• Deleting the horizontal line preceding a branched area will delete all
• Deleting all particular elements of a branch will delete the branch.

SFC Element Properties

You can view and edit the properties of an SFC element in the Element
Properties dialog box. Open this dialog box via the command Element
Properties, which is part of the View menu.
It depends on the currently selected element which properties are displayed.
You can configure whether the particular types of properties should be displayed
next to an element in the SFC chart from the View tab of the SFC editor options.

Common Properties
Property Description

Name Element name, by default <element><running

number> Examples: step name Step0, Step1, branch
name branch0 and so on.
Comment Element comment, text stringExample: Reset the

Press CTRL + ENTER to insert line breaks.

Symbol For each SFC element implicitly a flag is created,
named like the element.

Here you can specify whether this flag variable should

be exported to the symbol configuration and how the
symbol then should be accessible in the controller.

None: The symbol will be exported to the symbol

configuration, but it will not be accessible in the

Read: The symbol will be exported to the symbol

configuration and it will be readable in the controller.

Write: The symbol will be exported to the symbol

configuration and it will be written to the controller.

Read/Write: Combination of read and write.

By default, this field is left empty. That is that no symbol

is exported to the symbol configuration.

Specific Properties
Specific Property Description

Initial step This option is activated in the properties of the current

initial step (init step), page 287. By default, it is
activated for the first step in an SFC and deactivated
for other steps. If you activate this option for another
step, you must deactivate it in the previous init step.
Otherwise, a compiler error will be generated.

Duplicate on copy This option is available for steps that contain a step
action (entry action, main action, or exit action), and for
transitions that are linked to a transition object.

286 EIO0000002854.04
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

Specific Property Description

If the option Duplicate on copy is selected, a new

object is created for each called action, step, and
property when the step or transition is copied. The new
object contains a copy of the implementation code of
the source object.

If the option Duplicate on copy is not selected, the link

to the called object is retained for the associated
actions, steps, and properties when the step or
transition is copied. New objects are not created. The
source and the copies of the step or transition call the
same action, step, or property.

Times Defines the minimum and maximum processing times

for the step.

Minimal active Minimum length of time the processing of this step

should take, even though the following transition is
TRUE. Permissible values: time according to IEC
syntax (for example, t#8s) or TIME variable; default:

Maximal active Maximum length of time the processing of this step

should take. Time outs in steps are indicated by the
implicit variable, page 297 SFCError flag. Permissible
values: time according to IEC syntax (for example,
t#8s) or TIME variable; default: t#0s

Actions Defines the actions, page 291 to be performed when

the step is active. Refer to the description of the
Sequence of Processing in SFC, page 301 for details.

Step entry This action will be executed after the step has become
Step active This action will be executed when the step is active
and possible entry actions have already been

Step exit This action will be executed in the subsequent cycle

after a step has been deactivated (exit action).

NOTE: Use the corresponding implicit variables to determine the status of

actions and time outs via SFC flags, page 297.

SFC Elements / ToolBox

You can insert the graphic elements usable for programming in the SFC editor
window by executing the commands from the SFC menu.
For information on working in the editor, refer to the description in the chapter
Working in the SFC Editor, page 284
The following elements are available and are described in this chapter:
• step, page 288
• transition, page 288
• action, page 291
• branch (alternative), page 293
• branch (parallel), page 294
• jump, page 295
• macro, page 295

EIO0000002854.04 287
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

Step / Transition
To insert a single step or a single transition, execute the command Step or
Transition from the ToolBox. Steps and transitions can also be inserted in
combination, via command Insert step-transition ( ) or Insert step-transition
after ( ) from the toolbar.
A step is represented by a box primarily containing an automatically generated
step name. It is connected to the preceding and subsequent transition by a line.
The box frame of the first step within an SFC, the initial step, is double-lined.
The transition is represented by a small rectangle. After inserting it has a default
name, Trans<n>, whereby n is a running number.
Example for step and subsequent transition:

Example for initial step and subsequent transition:

You can edit the step and transition names inline.

Step names must be unique in the scope of the parent POU. Consider this
especially when using actions programmed in SFC. Otherwise an error will be
detected during the build process.
You can transform each step to an initial step by executing the command Init step
or by activating the respective step property. An initial step will be executed first
when the IL-POU is called.
Each step is defined by the step properties, page 286.
After you have inserted a step, associate the actions to be performed when the
step is active (processed); see below for further information on actions, page 291.

About Transitions
A transition has to provide the condition on which the subsequent step shall
become active as soon as the condition value is TRUE. Therefore, a transition
condition must have the value TRUE or FALSE.
A transition condition can be defined in the following 2 ways:

288 EIO0000002854.04
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

Type of Definition Type of Condition Description

direct inline Replace the default transition name by one of the following elements:
• boolean variable
• boolean address
• boolean constant
• instruction having a boolean result (example: (i<100) AND b).
You cannot specify programs, function blocks, or assignments here.

using a separate transition or multi-use

property object Replace the default transition name by the name of a transition ( )

or property object ( ) available in the project. (This allows multiple

use of transitions; see for example condition_xy in the figures

The object like an inline transition can contain the following elements:
• boolean variable
• address
• constant
• instruction
• multiple statements with arbitrary code

NOTE: If a transition produces multiple statements, assign the desired

expression to a transition variable.
NOTE: Transitions which consist of a transition or a property object are
indicated by a small triangle in the upper right corner of the rectangle.
Transition object (multiple use transition):

EIO0000002854.04 289
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

Examples of transitions:

1 Transition conditions entered directly

2 Transition condition_xy programmed in ST
Multiple use conditions (transitions or properties) are indicated by a triangle:

290 EIO0000002854.04
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

In contrast to previous versions of EcoStruxure Machine Expert, a transition call is

handled like a method call. It will be entered according to the following syntax:
<transition name>:=<transition condition>;
Example: trans1:= (a=100);
or just
<transition condition>;
Example: a=100;
See also an example (condition_xy) in the figure Examples of transitions.

An action can contain one or more statements written in one of the valid
programming languages. It is assigned to a step and, in online mode, it will be
processed according to the defined sequence of processing, page 301 .
Each action to be used in SFC steps must be available as a valid POU within the
SFC POU or the project ( ).

If you add IEC actions to a step as action association (see EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help), you can also specify a Boolean variable
instead of an action object. The value of these variables is toggled between
FALSE and TRUE each time the action is executed.
NOTE: When associating a boolean variable to an IEC step action, do not use
this boolean variable at another place throughout this SFC POU.
Step names must be unique in the scope of the parent POU. An action may not
contain a step having the same name as the step to which it is assigned;
otherwise, an error will be detected during the build process.
Example of an action written in ST

The IEC conforming and the IEC extending step actions are described in the
following paragraphs.

IEC Conforming Step Action (IEC Action)

This is an action according to the IEC61131-3 standard which will be processed
according to its qualifier, page 296 when the step becomes active, and then a
second time when it becomes deactivated. In case of assigning multiple actions to
a step, the action list will be executed from top to bottom.
• Different qualifiers can be used for IEC step actions in contrast to a normal
step action.

EIO0000002854.04 291
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

• A further difference to the normal step actions is that each IEC step action is
provided with a control flag. This permits that, even if the action is called also
by another step, the action is executed always only once at a time. This is not
the case with the normal step actions.
• An IEC step action is represented by a bipartite box connected to the right of
a step via a connection line. In the left part, it shows the action qualifier, in the
right part the action name. You can both edit inline.
• IEC step actions are associated to a step via the Insert action association
command. You can associate one or multiple actions with a step. The position
of the new action depends on the current cursor position and the command.
The actions have to be available in the project and be inserted with a unique
action name (for example, plc_prg.a1).
IEC conforming step action list associated to a step:

Each action box in the first column shows the qualifier and in the second the
action name.

IEC Extending Step Actions

These are actions extending the IEC standard. They have to be available as
objects below the SFC object. Select unique action names. They are defined in
the step properties.
The table lists the IEC extending step actions:

Action Type Processing Association Representation

step entry action (step activated) This type of step action will be The action is associated to a It is represented by an E in the
processed as soon as the step step via an entry in the Step lower left corner of the
has become active and before entry field of the step respective step box.
the step active action. properties, page 286.

step active action (step action) This type of step action will be The action is associated to a It is represented by a small
processed when the step has step via an entry in the Step triangle in the upper right corner
become active and after a active field of the step of the respective step box.
possible step entry action of this properties, page 286.
step has been processed.
However, in contrast to an IEC
step action (see above) it is not
executed again when it is
deactivated and cannot get
assigned qualifiers.

step exit action (step An exit action will be executed The action is associated to a It is represented by an X in the
deactivated) once when the step becomes step via an entry in the Step exit lower right corner of the
deactivated. However, this field of the step properties, page respective step box.
execution will not be done in the 286.
same, but at the beginning of
the subsequent cycle.

IEC extending step actions

292 EIO0000002854.04
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

Example: Differences Between IEC Matching / Extending Step

The main difference between step actions and IEC actions with qualifier N is that
the IEC action is at least executed twice: first time when the step is active and the
second time when the step is deactivated. See the following example.

Action Action_AS1 is associated to step AS1 as a step action (left), or as an IEC

action with qualifier N (right). Due to the fact that in both cases 2 transitions are
used, it will take 2 controller cycles each before the initial step is reached again,
assuming that a variable iCounter is incremented in Action_AS1. After a
reactivation of step Init, iCounter in the left example will have value 1. In the
right one however, it will have value 2 because the IEC action - due to the
deactivation of AS1 - has been executed twice.
For further information on qualifiers, refer to the list of available qualifiers, page
In contrast to IEC actions, step actions can be embedded in such a way that they
can only be called from the corresponding step. If you copy this step, new action
objects are automatically created and the implementation code is duplicated.
Select the duplication mode for step actions as Copy reference or Copy
implementation in the dialog box that is displayed when you insert the first action
into the step. You can select the duplication mode later by activating the Duplicate
on copy option, page 286 in the Element Properties dialog box. It is also
possible to configure the Default insertion method as a general option in the
Tools > Options > SFC Editor dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert,
Menu Commands, Online Help).

A sequential function chart (SFC) can diverge; that is the processing line can be
branched into 2 or several further lines (branches). Parallel branches, page 294
will be processed parallel (simultaneously). In the case of alternative branches,
page 293, only one will be processed depending on the preceding transition
condition. Each branching within a chart is preceded by a horizontal double
(parallel) or simple (alternative) line and also terminated by such a line or by a
jump, page 295.

EIO0000002854.04 293
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

Parallel Branch

A parallel branch has to begin and end with a step. Parallel branches can contain
alternative branches or other parallel branches.
The horizontal lines before and after the branched area are double-lines.
Processing in online mode: If the preceding transition (t2 in the example shown
on the left) is TRUE, the first steps of all parallel branches will become active
(Step11 and Step21). The particular branches will be processed in parallel to
one another before the subsequent transition (t3) will be recognized.
To insert a parallel branch, select a step and execute the command Insert branch
You can transform parallel and alternative branches to each other by executing
the commands Parallel or Alternative.
Automatically a branch label is added at the horizontal line preceding the
branching which is named Branch<n> whereby n is a running number starting
with 0. You can specify this label when defining a jump target, page 295.

Alternative Branch

The horizontal lines before and after the branched area are simple lines.
An alternative branch has to begin and end with a transition. Alternative branches
can contain parallel branches and other alternative branches.
If the step which precedes the alternative beginning line is active, then the first
transition of each alternative branch will be evaluated from left to right. The first
transition from the left whose transition condition has value TRUE, will be opened,
and the following steps will be activated.
To insert alternative branches, select a transition and execute the command
Insert branch right.

294 EIO0000002854.04
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

You can transform parallel and alternative branches from one another by
executing the commands Parallel or Alternative.


A jump is represented by a vertical connection line plus a horizontal arrow and the
name of the jump target. It defines the next step to be processed as soon as the
preceding transition is TRUE. You can use jumps to avoid that processing lines
cross or lead upward.
Besides the default jump at the end of the chart, a jump may only be used at the
end of a branch. To insert a jump, select the last transition of the branch and
execute the command Insert jump.
The target of the jump is specified by the associated text string which can be
edited. It can be a step name or the label of a parallel branch.

Main SFC editor view

EIO0000002854.04 295
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

Macro editor view for Macro1

A macro is represented by a bold-framed box containing the macro name. It

includes a part of the SFC chart, which thus is not directly visible in the main editor
view. The process flow is not influenced by using macros; it is just a way to hide
some parts of the program, for example, in order to simplify the display. To insert a
macro box, execute the command Insert macro (after). The macro name can be
To open the macro editor, double-click the macro box or execute the command
Zoom into macro. You can edit here just as in the main editor view and enter the
desired section of the SFC chart. To get out, execute the command Zoom out of
The title line of the macro editor shows the path of the macro within the current
SFC example:

Qualifier for Actions in SFC

In order to configure in which way the actions, page 291 should be associated to
the IEC steps, some qualifiers are available, which are to be inserted in the
qualifier field of an action element.

Available Qualifiers
Qualifier Long Form Description

N non-stored The action is active as long as the step is active.

R0 overriding reset The action becomes deactivated.

S0 set (stored) The action will be started when the step becomes
active and will be continued after the step is
deactivated until the action is reset.
L time limited The action will be started when the step becomes
active. It will continue until the step becomes
inactive or a set time has passed.

D time delayed A delay timer will be started when the step becomes
active. If the step is still active after the time delay,
the action will start and continue until it is

296 EIO0000002854.04
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

Qualifier Long Form Description

NOTE: When two consecutive steps have a D

(time delayed) action for setting the same
boolean variable, this variable will not be reset
during the transition from one step to the other.
In order to reset the variable, insert an
intermediate step between the two steps.

P pulse The action will be started when the step becomes

SD stored and time delayed The action will be started after the set time delay
and it will continue until it is reset.
DS delayed and stored If the step is still active after the specified time
delay, the action will start and it will continue until it
is reset.
SL stored and time limited The action will be started when the step becomes
active and it will continue for the specified time or
until a reset.

The qualifiers L, D, SD, DS, and SL need a time value in the TIME constant
format. Enter it directly after the qualifier, separated by a blank space, for example
L T#10s.
NOTE: When an IEC action has been deactivated, it will be executed one
more time. The implication is that each action will execute at least twice. This
also applies to actions with P qualifier.

Implicit Variables - SFC Flags

Each SFC step and IEC action provides implicitly generated variables for watching
the status, page 297 of steps and IEC actions during runtime. Also, you can define
variables for watching and controlling the execution of an SFC (timeouts, reset, tip
mode). These variables can also be generated implicitly by the SFC object.
Basically, for each step and each IEC action, an implicit variable is generated. A
structure instance, named for the element, for example, step1 for a step with step
name step1. You can define in the element properties, page 286 whether for this
flag a symbol definition should be exported to the symbol configuration and how
this symbol should be accessible in the controller.
The data types for those implicit variables are defined in library IecSFC.library.
This library will automatically be included in the project as soon as an SFC object
is added.

Step and Action Status and Step Time

Basically, for each step and each IEC action, an implicit structure variable of type
SFCStepType or SFCActionType is created. The structure components (flags)
describe the status of a step or action or the currently processed time of an active
The syntax for the implicitly done variable declaration is:
<stepname>: SFCStepType;
NOTE: Implicit variables for IEC actions are preceded by an underscore.
The following boolean flags for step or action states are available:

EIO0000002854.04 297
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Boolean flags for steps:

Boolean Flag Description

<stepname>.x shows the current activation status

<stepname>._x shows the activation status for the next cycle

If <stepname>.x = TRUE, the step will be executed in the current cycle.

If <stepname>._x = TRUE and <stepname>.x = FALSE, the step will be executed
in the following cycle. Therefore, <stepname>._x is copied to <stepname>.x at the
beginning of a cycle.
Boolean flags for actions:

Boolean Flag Description

_<actionname>.x is TRUE if the action is executed

_<actionname>._x is TRUE if the action is active

Symbol generation
In the element properties, page 286 of a step or an action, you can define if a
symbol definition should be added to a possibly created and downloaded symbol
configuration for the step or action name flag. For this purpose, make an entry for
the desired access right in column Symbol of the element properties view.
NOTE: If you use the boolean flag <stepname>.x to force a certain status
value for a step (for setting a step active), be aware that this will affect
uncontrolled states within the SFC.

Do not use the boolean flag <stepname>.x to force a status value for setting a
step active.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

Time via TIME variables:

The flag t gives the current time span which has passed since the step had
become active. This is only for steps, no matter whether there is a minimum time
configured in the step attributes, page 286 or not (see below: SFCError).
For steps:
<stepname>.t (<stepname>._t not usable for external purposes)
For actions:
The implicit time variables are not used.

Control of SFC Execution (Timeouts, Reset, Tip Mode)

You can use some implicitly available variables, also named SFC flags (see table
below) to control the operation of an SFC. For example, for indicating time
overflows or enabling tip mode for switching transitions.
In order to be able to access these flags you have to declare and activate them.
Do this in the SFC Settings dialog box. This is a subdialog box of the object
Properties dialog box.
Manual declaration, as it was needed in SoMachine / SoMachine Motion V3.1, is
only necessary to enable write access from another POU (refer to the paragraph
Accessing Flags).

298 EIO0000002854.04
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

In this case, consider the following:

If you declare the flag globally, you have to deactivate the Declare option in the
SFC Settings dialog box.Otherwise this leads to an implicitly declared local flag,
which then would be used instead of the global one. Keep in mind, that the SFC
settings for an SFC POU initially are determined by the definitions set in the
Options > SFC dialog box.
Consider that a declaration of a flag variable solely done via the SFC Settings
dialog box will only be visible in the online view of the SFC POU.
The following implicit variables (flags) can be used. For this purpose, you have to
declare and activate them in the SFC Settings dialog box.

Variable Type Description

SFCInit BOOL If this variable becomes TRUE, the sequential function chart
will be set back to the Init step, page 287. All steps and
actions and other SFC flags will be reset (initialization). The
initial step will remain active, but not be executed as long as
the variable is TRUE. Set back SFCInit to FALSE in order to
get back to normal processing.

SFCReset BOOL This variable behaves similarly to SFCInit. Unlike the latter
however, further processing takes place after the initialization
of the initial step. Thus, in this case, a reset to FALSE of the
SFCReset flag could be done in the initial step.

SFCError BOOL As soon as any timeout occurs at 1 of the steps in the SFC,
this variable will become TRUE. Precondition:
SFCEnableLimit must be TRUE.

Consider that any further timeout cannot be registered before

a reset of SFCError. SFCError must be defined, if you want to
use the other time-controlling flags (SFCErrorStep,
SFCErrorPOU, SFCQuitError).
NOTE: You can use the flags SFCErrorAnalyzation and
SFCErrorAnalyzationTable to determine the components
of the expression that contributes to the value TRUE of
the SFCError. In the SFC editor, the flag
SFCErrorAnalyzationTable uses this function implicitly
for the analysis of expressions in transitions.

SFCEnableLimit BOOL You can use this variable for the explicit activation (TRUE)
and deactivation (FALSE) of the time control in steps via
SFCError. Therefore, if this variable is declared and activated
(SFC Settings) then it must be set TRUE in order to get
SFCError working. Otherwise, any timeouts of the steps will
not be registered. The usage can be reasonable during start-
ups or at manual operation. If the variable is not defined,
SFCError will work automatically.

Precondition: SFCError must be defined.

SFCErrorStep STRING This variable stores the name of a step at which a timeout
was registered by SFCError.timeout.

Precondition: SFCError must be defined.

SFCErrorPOU STRING This variable stores the name of the SFC POU in which a
timeout has occurred.

Precondition: SFCError must be defined.

SFCQuitError BOOL As long as this variable is TRUE, the execution of the SFC
diagram is stopped, and variable SFCError will be reset. As
soon as the variable has been reset to FALSE, all current time
states in the active steps will be reset.

Precondition: SFCError must be defined.

SFCPause BOOL As long as this variable is TRUE, the execution of the SFC
diagram is stopped.

SFCTrans BOOL This variable becomes TRUE, as soon as a transition is

SFCCurrentStep STRING This variable stores the name of the currently active step,
independently of the time monitoring. In case of simultaneous
sequences, the name of the outer right step will be registered.

SFCTipSFCTip- BOOL These variables allow using the inching mode within the
Mode current chart. When this mode has been switched on by

EIO0000002854.04 299
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

Variable Type Description

SFCTipMode=TRUE, you can only skip to the next step by

setting SFCTip=TRUE (rising edge). As long as SFCTipMode
is set to FALSE, it is possible to skip by the transitions.

SFCErrorAnaly- – String variable that contains the variables contributing to the

zation total value TRUE of SFCError (timeout in one step). As a
prerequisite, SFCError must be activated.

SFCErrorAnalyzation implicitly uses the function of the POU

AnalyzeExpression of the Analyzation library.

SFCErrorAnaly- – Table that contains the variables contributing to the total value
zationTable TRUE of SFCError (timeout in one step). As a prerequisite,
SFCError must be activated.

SFCErrorAnalyzationTable implicitly uses the function of the

POU AnalyzeExpressionTable of the Analyzation library.

The following figure provides an example of some SFC detected error flags in
online mode of the editor.
A timeout has been detected in step s1 in SFC object POU by flag SFCError.

Accessing Flags
For enabling access on the flags for the control of SFC execution (timeouts, reset,
tip mode), declare and activate the flag variables as described above (Control of
SFC Execution, page 298).
Syntax for accessing from an action or transition within the SFC POU:
Syntax for accessing from another POU:
<SFC POU>.<stepname>.<flag>

300 EIO0000002854.04
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

<SFC POU>._<actionname>.<flag>
Consider the following in case of write access from another POU:
• The implicit variable additionally has to be declared explicitly as a VAR_
INPUT variable of the SFC POU
• or it has to be declared globally in a GVL (global variable list).
Example: Local declaration
Example: Global declaration in a GVL
Accessing the flag in PLC_PRG:
setinit: BOOL;
SFC_prog.SFCinit:=setinit; //Write access to SFCinit in

Analyzation of Expressions
The Analyzation library allows to analyze expressions. It can be used, for
example, in the SFC diagram to examine the result of the flag SFCError. This flag
is used to monitor timeouts in the SFC diagram.
You can use the flags SFCErrorAnalyzation and SFCErrorAnalyzationTable to
determine the components of the expression that contributes to the value TRUE of
the SFCError.

Sequence of Processing in SFC

In online mode, the particular action types will be processed according a defined
sequence; see the table below.

Definition of Terms
The following terms are used:

Term Description

active step A step, whose step action is being executed.

In online mode active steps are filled with blue color.

initial step In the first cycle after an SFC POU has been called, the initial
step automatically becomes active and the associated step
action, page 291 is executed.

IEC actions IEC actions are executed at least twice:

EIO0000002854.04 301
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

Term Description

• The first time when they became active.

• The second time - in the following cycle - when they have
been deactivated.
alternative branches If the step preceding the horizontal start line of alternative
branches is active, then the first transition of each particular
branch will be evaluated from left to right. The first transition
from the left whose transition condition has value TRUE will be
searched and the respective branch will be executed that is the
subsequent step within this branch will become active.

parallel branches If the double-line at the beginning line of parallel branches is

active and the preceding transition condition has the value
TRUE, then in all parallel branches each first step will become
active. The branches now will be processed in parallel to one
another. The step subsequent to the double-line at the end of
the branching will become active when all previous steps are
active and the transition condition after the double-line has the
value TRUE.

Processing Order
Processing order of elements in a sequence:

Step Description

1. Reset of the IEC Actions All action control flags of the IEC actions, page 291 get reset (not,
however, the flags of IEC actions that are called within actions).

2. Step exit actions (step All steps are checked in the order which they assume in the
deactivated) sequence chart (top to bottom and left to right) to determine
whether the requirement for execution of the step exit action is
provided.If that is the case, it will be executed. An exit action will be
executed if the step is going to become deactivated, page 288. This
means if the entry and step actions - if existing - have been
executed during the last cycle, and if the transition for the following
step is TRUE.

3. Step entry actions(step All steps are tested in the order which they assume in the sequence
activated) to determine whether the requirement for execution of the step
entry action is provided. If that is the case, it will be executed. An
entry action will be executed if the step-preceding transition
condition is TRUE and thus the step has been activated.

4. Timeout check, step active For non-IEC steps, the corresponding step active action is now
actions executed in the order in which they are positioned in the sequence
(top -> down and left -> right).

5. IEC actions IEC actions, page 291 that are used in the sequence are executed
in alphabetical order. This is done in 2 passes through the list of
actions. In the first pass, all the IEC actions that are deactivated in
the current cycle are executed. In the second pass, all the IEC
actions that are active in the current cycle are executed.

6. Transition check, Transitions, page 288 are evaluated. If the step in the current cycle
activating next steps was active and the following transition returns TRUE (and if
applicable the minimum active time has already elapsed), then the
following step is activated.

NOTE: An action may be executed multiple times in 1 cycle because it is

called from more than one other IEC actions when there are multiple steps
active. That is to say, the same IEC action is used simultaneously in different
levels of an SFC, and this could lead to undesired effects.
Example: An SFC could have 2 IEC actions A and B, which are both
implemented in SFC, and which both call IEC action C. Then in IEC actions A
and B both can be active in the same cycle and furthermore, in both actions
IEC action C can be active. In this case, C would be called twice.

302 EIO0000002854.04
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

Do not call IEC actions from multiple other IEC actions in the same cycle.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

NOTE: Use implicit variables, page 297 for determining the status of steps
and actions or the execution of the chart.

SFC Editor in Online Mode

In online mode, the SFC editor provides views for monitoring (see below) and for
writing and forcing the variables and expressions on the controller. Debugging
functionality like for the other IEC languages (breakpoints, stepping, and so on) is
not available in SFC. However, consider the following hints for debugging SFC:
• For information on how to open objects in online mode, refer to the
description of the user interface in online mode, page 45.
• The editor window of an SFC object also includes the declaration editor in the
upper part. For general information, refer to the chapter Declaration Editor in
Online Mode, page 323 . If you have declared implicit variables (SFC flags),
page 297 via the SFC Settings dialog box, they will be added here, but will
not be viewed in the offline mode of the declaration editor.
• Consider the sequence of processing, page 301 of the elements of a
Sequential Function Chart.
• See the object properties or the SFC editor options and SFC defaults for
settings concerning compilation or online display of the SFC elements and
their attributes.
• Consider the possible use of flags, page 297 for watching and controlling the
processing of an SFC.

Active steps are displayed as filled with blue color. The display of step attributes
depends on the set SFC editor options.

EIO0000002854.04 303
Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Editor

Online view of program object SFC_prog

304 EIO0000002854.04
Structured Text (ST) Editor

Structured Text (ST) Editor

What’s in This Chapter
Information on the ST Editor......................................................................... 305
Structured Text ST....................................................................................... 309

Information on the ST Editor

ST Editor
The ST editor is used to create programming objects in the IEC programming
language Structured Text (ST) or extended Structured Text which provides some
extensions to the IEC 61131-3 standard.
The ST editor is a text editor. Therefore, use the corresponding text editor settings
in the Options and Customize dialog boxes to configure behavior, appearance,
and menus. There you can define the default settings for highlight coloring, line
numbers, tabs, indenting, and many other options.
The following functions are provided to ease programming:
• List components functionality (to be activated via the Tools > Options >
Smart Coding dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help))
• Input Assistant, page 360

Further Information
To select blocks, press the ALT key and select the desired text area with the
The editor will be available in the lower part of a window which also includes the
declaration editor, page 319 in the upper part.
If syntactic errors are detected during editing, the corresponding messages will be
displayed in the Precompile Messages window. This window is updated each
time you reset the focus to the editor window (for example, place your cursor in
another window and then back to the editor window).

Searching for Strings

To perform an incremental search for strings in the editor, proceed as follows:

Step Action Results

1 Press the keys Ctrl + Shift + i. An input field at the bottom edge of
the ST editor opens.

2 Type characters. • The strings matching the

characters are highlighted in
the editor.
• The number of matches
detected is displayed on the
right-hand side of the input
3 Use the arrow keys or the keyboard shortcuts Alt –
+ Page up or Alt + Page down to navigate
through the matching locations in the editor.

EIO0000002854.04 305
Structured Text (ST) Editor

ST Editor in Online Mode

In online mode, the structured text editor (ST editor) provides views for monitoring,
page 306, and for writing, and forcing the variables and expressions on the
controller. Debugging (breakpoints, stepping, and so on) is available. See
Breakpoint positions in ST Editor, page 307.
• For information on how to open objects in online mode, refer to the
description of the user interface in online mode, page 45.
• For information on how to enter prepared values for variables in online mode,
see Forcing of variables, page 306.
• The editor window of an ST object also includes the declaration editor in the
upper part. For information on the declaration editor in online mode, see
Declaration Editor in Online Mode, page 323.

If the Enable inline monitoring option is activated in the Monitoring tab of the
Tools > Options > Text editor dialog box, small monitoring boxes will be
displayed behind each variable showing the actual value.
Online view of a program object PLC_PRG with monitoring:

Forcing of Variables
In addition to the possibility of entering a prepared value for a variable within the
declaration of any editor, the ST editor offers double-clicking the monitoring box of
a variable within the implementation part (in online mode). Enter the prepared
value in the dialog box that appears.

306 EIO0000002854.04
Structured Text (ST) Editor

• You must have a thorough understanding of how forcing will affect the
outputs relative to the tasks being executed.
• Do not attempt to force I/O that is contained in tasks that you are not certain
will be executed in a timely manner, unless your intent is for the forcing to
take affect at the next execution of the task whenever that may be.
• If you force an output and there is no apparent affect on the physical output,
do not exit the online mode without removing the forcing.
• If the online mode was interrupted while forcing was active, re-establish the
connection with the controller and remove the forcing.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

Dialog box Prepare Value

You find the name of the variable completed by its path within the Devices Tree
(Expression), its type, and current value.
By activating the corresponding item, you can choose the following options:
• preparing a new value which has to be entered in the edit field
• removing a prepared value
• releasing the variable that is being forced
• releasing the variable that is being forced and resetting it to the value it was
assigned before forcing
To carry out the selected action, execute the command Debug > Force values
(item Online) or press the F7 key.

Breakpoint Positions in ST Editor

You can set a breakpoint basically at the positions in a POU where values of
variables can change or where the program flow branches out or another POU is
called. In the following descriptions, {BP} indicates a possible breakpoint position.

EIO0000002854.04 307
Structured Text (ST) Editor

At the beginning of the line. Keep in mind that assignments as expressions, page
309 define no further breakpoint positions within a line.
1. before the initialization of the counter
2. before the test of the counter
3. before a statement
{BP} FOR i := 12 TO {BP} x {BP} BY 1 DO
{BP} [statement1]
{BP} [statementn-2]
1. before checking the condition
2. before an instruction
{BP} WHILE i < 12 DO
{BP} [statement1]
{BP} [statementn-1]
• before checking the condition
{BP} [statement1]
{BP} [statementn-1]
{BP} UNTIL i >= 12
Call of a program or a function block:
At the beginning of the line.
{{BP} POU( );
At the end of a POU:
When stepping through, this position will also be reached after a RETURN
Breakpoint display in ST

Breakpoint in Online Mode Disabled Breakpoint Program Stop at Breakpoint

NOTE: A breakpoint will be set automatically in all methods which may be

called. If an interface-managed method is called, breakpoints will be set in all
methods of function blocks implementing that interface and in all derivative
function blocks subscribing the method. If a method is called via a pointer on a
function block, breakpoints will be set in the method of the function block and
in all derivative function blocks which are subscribing to the method.

308 EIO0000002854.04
Structured Text (ST) Editor

Structured Text ST
Structured Text ST
Structured Text is a textual high-level programming language, similar to PASCAL
or C. The program code is composed of expressions, page 309 and instructions,
page 310. In contrast to IL (Instruction List), you can use numerous constructions
for programming loops, thus allowing the development of complex algorithms.

IF value < 7 THEN
WHILE value < 8 DO

An expression is a construction which after its evaluation returns a value. This
value is used in instructions.
Expressions are composed of operators, page 562, operands, page 628, and/or
assignments. An operand can be a constant, a variable, a function call, or another

33 (* Constant *)

ivar (* Variable *)

fct(a,b,c) (* Function call*)

a AND b (* Expression *)

(x*y) / z (* Expression *)

real_var2 := int_var; (* Assignment, see below *)

Order of Operations
The evaluation of an expression is performed by processing the operators
according to certain rules. The operator with the highest order of operation is
processed first, then the operator with the next operating level, and so on, until all
operators have been processed.
Below you find a table of the ST operators in the order of their ordinal operating

Operation Symbol Operating Level

placed in parentheses (expression) highest order

function call function name (parameter list) ..............

exponentiation EXPT .............

negate – ............

EIO0000002854.04 309
Structured Text (ST) Editor

Operation Symbol Operating Level

building of complements NOT ...........

multiply * ..........

divide / .........

modulo MOD ........

add + .......

subtract – ......

compare V <,>,<=,>= .....

equal to = ....

not equal to <> ...

boolean AND AND ..

boolean XOR XOR .

boolean OR OR lowest order

Assignment as Expression
As an extension to the IEC 61131-3 standard (ExST), assignments can be used
as an expression.

int_var1 := int_var2 := int_var3 + 9; (* int_var1 and int_var2 both

equal to the value of int_var3 + 9*)

real_var1 := real_var2 := int_var; (* correct assignments, real_var1

and real_var2 will get the value of
int_var *)

int_var := real_var1 := int_var; (* a message will be displayed due to

type mismatch real-int *)

IF b := (i = 1) THEN (*Expression used inside of IF

i := i + 1; condition statement: First b will be
END_IF assigned TRUE or FALSE, depending
on whether i is 1 or not, then the result
value of b will be evaluated.*)

Instructions describe what to do with the given expressions, page 309.
The following instructions can be used in ST:

Instruction Example

assignment, page 311 A:=B; CV := CV + 1; C:=SIN(X);

Calling a function block, page 312 and using the CMD_TMR(IN := %IX5, PT := 300);
function block output A:=CMD_TMR.Q

RETURN, page 312 RETURN;

IF, page 313 D:=B*B;


310 EIO0000002854.04
Structured Text (ST) Editor

Instruction Example


CASE, page 313 CASE INT1 OF

1: BOOL1 := TRUE;
2: BOOL2 := TRUE;

FOR, page 314 J:=101;

FOR I:=1 TO 100 BY 2 DO

WHILE, page 315 J:=1;

WHILE J<= 100 AND ARR[J] <> 70 DO

REPEAT, page 315 J:=-1;

UNTIL J= 101 OR ARR[J] = 70

EXIT, page 316 EXIT;


JMP, page 316 label1: i:=i+1;

IF i=10 THEN
JMP label2;
JMP label1;
empty instruction ;

Assignment Operators
Default Assignment
On the left side of an assignment, there is an operand (variable, address) to which
the value of the expression on the right side is assigned by the assignment
operator :=.
Also refer to the description of the MOVE operator, page 570 which has the same
For an example with assignment, refer to the Example of a Call with Assignments
paragraph, page 170 of the Calling a Function Block chapter.
a:= b;
a gets the value of b.
Set operator S=
The value will be set: if it is once set to TRUE, it will remain TRUE.
a S= b;
a is set to TRUE if b is TRUE while processing the assignment.
If b is FALSE while processing the assignment, the value of a will not be modified.
Reset operator R=
The value will be reset: if it is once set to FALSE, it will remain FALSE.

EIO0000002854.04 311
Structured Text (ST) Editor

a R= b;
a is set to FALSE as soon as b = TRUE.
NOTE: In case of a multiple assignment, set and reset assignments refer to
the last member of the assignment.
a S= b R= fun1(par1,par2)
In this case, b will be the reset output value of fun1. But a does not get the set
value of b, but gets the set output value of fun1.
Consider that an assignment can be used as an expression, page 309. This is an
extension to the IEC 61131-3 standard.
Assignment operator REF
This operator generates a reference to a value.
<variable name> REF= <variablename> ;
B : DUT;
C : DUT;
A REF= B; // corresponds to A := ADR(B);
A := C; // corresponds to A^ := C;

Calling Function Blocks in ST

A function block (abbreviated by FB) is called in structured text according to the
following syntax:
<name of FB instance>(FB input variable:=<value or address>|, <further FB input
variable:=<value or address>|...further FB input variables);
In the following example, a timer function block (TON) is called with assignments
for the parameters IN and PT. Then result variable Q is assigned to variable A.
The timer function block is instantiated by TMR:TON;. The result variable, as in IL,
is addressed according to syntax <FB instance name>.<FB variable>:
TMR(IN := %IX5, PT := 300);
There is also another syntax available for outputs:
fb(in1:=myvar, out1=>myvar2);

RETURN Instruction
You can use the RETURN instruction to leave a POU.
If b is TRUE, instruction a:=a+1; will not be executed. As a result, the POU will
be left immediately.

312 EIO0000002854.04
Structured Text (ST) Editor

IF Instruction
With the IF instruction you can test for a condition, and, depending upon this
condition, execute instructions.
IF <boolean_expression1> THEN
{ELSIF <boolean_expression2> THEN
ELSIF <boolean_expression n> THEN
The segment in brackets {} is optional.
If the <boolean_expression1> returns TRUE, then only the <IF_instructions> are
executed and, as a result, none of the other instructions. Otherwise, the boolean
expressions, beginning with <boolean_expression2>, are evaluated one after the
other until 1 of the expressions returns TRUE. Then only those instructions after
this boolean expression and before the next ELSE or ELSIF are evaluated. If none
of the boolean expressions produce TRUE, then only the <ELSE_instructions>
are evaluated.
IF temp<17
THEN heating_on := TRUE;
ELSE heating_on := FALSE;
Here, the heating is turned on when the temperature sinks below 17 degrees.
Otherwise, it remains off.

CASE Instruction
With the CASE instruction, you can combine several conditioned instructions with
the same condition variable in one construct.
CASE <Var1> OF
<value1>: <instruction 1>
<value2>: <instruction 2>
<value3, value4, value5>: <instruction 3>
<value6..value10>: <instruction4>
<value n>: <instruction n>
ELSE <ELSE instruction>

EIO0000002854.04 313
Structured Text (ST) Editor

A CASE instruction is processed according to the following model:
• If the variable in <Var1> has the value <Value I>, then the instruction
<Instruction I> will be executed.
• If <Var 1> has none of the indicated values, then the <ELSE Instruction> will
be executed.
• If the same instruction is to be executed for several values of the variables,
then you can write these values one after the other separated by commas
and thus condition the common execution.
• If the same instruction is to be executed for a value range of a variable, you
can write the initial value and the end value separated by 2 dots. Therefore,
you can condition the common condition.
1, 5: BOOL1 := TRUE;
2: BOOL2 := FALSE;
10..20: BOOL1 := TRUE;

FOR Loop
With the FOR loop, you can program repeated processes.
FOR <INT_Var> := <INIT_VALUE> TO <END_VALUE> {BY <step size>} DO
The segment in brackets {} is optional.
The <instructions> are executed as long as the counter <INT_Var> is not greater
than the <END_VALUE>. This is checked before executing the <instructions> so
that the <instructions> are not executed if <INIT_VALUE> is greater than <END_
When <instructions> are executed, <INT_Var> is increased by <Step size>. The
step size can have any integer value. If it is missing, then it is set to 1. The loop
will terminate when <INT_Var> is greater than the <END_VALUE>.
FOR Counter:=1 TO 5 BY 1 DO
Assuming that the default setting for Var1 is 1. Then it will have the value 32 after
the FOR loop.
NOTE: If <END_VALUE> is equal to the limit value for the data type of <INT_
Var> (Counter in the above example), you will produce an infinite, or endless,
loop. If Counter is of type SINT, for example, and the <END_VALUE> is 127
(the maximum positive value for a SINT type variable), then the loop can
never terminate because adding 1 to this maximum value would result in the
variable becoming negative and never exceeding the limits imposed by the
FOR instruction.

314 EIO0000002854.04
Structured Text (ST) Editor

Ensure that the variable type used in FOR instructions is of a sufficient capacity
to account for the <END_VALUE> + 1.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

You can use the CONTINUE instruction within a FOR loop. This is an extension to
the IEC 61131-3 standard.

An alternative to the FOR loop is the WHILE loop, which executes the loop if, and
for as long as, a boolean condition is, and remains, TRUE. If the condition is not
initially TRUE, the loop is not executed. If the condition which was initially TRUE
becomes FALSE, the loop is terminated.
WHILE <boolean expression> DO
Evidently, the initial and ongoing boolean expression must assume a value of
FALSE at some point within the instructions of the loop. Otherwise, the loop will
not terminate, resulting in an infinite, or endless, loop condition.

Ensure that the WHILE loop will be terminated within the instructions of the loop
by creating a FALSE condition of the boolean expression controlling the WHILE
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

The following is an example of instructions in the loop causing the loop to

WHILE Counter>0 DO
Var1 := Var1*2;
Counter := Counter-1;
You can use the CONTINUE instruction within a WHILE loop.

The REPEAT loop is another alternative to the FOR loop, as it is for the WHILE
loop. The REPEAT loop differs from the WHILE loop in that the exit condition is
evaluated only after the loop has been executed at least once, at the end of the
UNTIL <boolean expression>

EIO0000002854.04 315
Structured Text (ST) Editor

The <instructions> are carried out repeatedly as long as the <boolean
expression> returns TRUE. If <boolean expression> is produced already at the
first UNTIL evaluation, then <instructions> are executed only once. The <boolean
expression> must assume a value of TRUE at some point within the instructions of
the loop. Otherwise, the loop will not terminate, resulting in an infinite, or endless,
loop condition.

Ensure that the REPEAT loop will be terminated within the instructions of the
loop by creating a TRUE condition of the boolean expression.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

The following is an example of instructions in the loop causing the loop to

Var1 := Var1*2;
Counter := Counter-1;
You can use the CONTINUE instruction within a REPEAT loop. This is an extension
to the IEC 61131-3 standard.

CONTINUE Instruction
As an extension to the IEC 61131-3 standard, the CONTINUE instruction is
supported within FOR, WHILE, and REPEAT loops. CONTINUE makes the
execution proceed with the next loop cycle.
FOR Counter:=1 TO 5 BY 1 DO
CONTINUE; (* to avoid division by zero *)
Var1:=Var1/INT1; (* only executed, if INT1 is not "0" *)

EXIT Instruction
The EXIT instruction terminates the FOR, WHILE or REPEAT loop in which it
resides without regard to any condition.

JMP Instruction
You can use the JMP instruction for an unconditional jump to a code line marked
by a jump label.
JMP <label>;
The <label> is an arbitrary, but unique identifier that is placed at the beginning of a
program line. The instruction JMP has to be followed by the indication of the jump
destination that has to equal a predefined label.

316 EIO0000002854.04
Structured Text (ST) Editor

Ensure that the use of the JMP instruction is conditional.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

The following is an example of instructions in the create logical conditions that

avoid an infinite, or endless, loop between the jump and its destination:
_label1: aaa:=aaa+1;
IF (aaa < 10) THEN
JMP _label1;
As long as the variable i, being initialized with 0, has a value less than 10, the
jump instruction of the example above will affect a repeated flyback to the program
line defined by label _label1. Therefore, it will affect a repeated processing of
the instructions comprised between the label and the JMP instruction. Since these
instructions also include the increment of the variable i, the jump condition will be
infringed (at the ninth check) and program flow will proceed.
You can also achieve this functionality by using a WHILE or REPEAT loop in the
example. Generally, using jump instructions reduces the readability of the code.

Comments in ST
There are 2 possibilities to write comments in a structured text object:
• Start the comment with (* and close it with *). This allows you to insert
comments which run over several lines. Example: (*This is a comment.*)
• Single-line comments as an extension to the IEC 61131-3 standard: //
denotes the start of a comment that ends with the end of the line. Example: //
This is a comment.
You can place the comments everywhere within the declaration or implementation
part of the ST editor.
Nested comments: You can place comments within other comments.
a:=inst.out; (* to be checked *)
In this example, the comment that begins with the first bracket is not closed by the
bracket following checked, but only by the last bracket.

EIO0000002854.04 317
Object Editors
What’s in This Part
Declaration Editors ....................................................................................... 319
Device Type Manager (DTM) Editor ............................................................... 324
Data Unit Type (DUT) Editor.......................................................................... 325
Global Variables List (GVL) Editor.................................................................. 326
Motion Design Object Editor.......................................................................... 327
Network Variables List (NVL) Editor ............................................................... 330
Task Editor................................................................................................... 346
Watch List Editor .......................................................................................... 355
Tools Within Logic Editors ............................................................................. 358

318 EIO0000002854.04
Declaration Editors

Declaration Editors
What’s in This Chapter
Textual Declaration Editor ............................................................................ 319
Tabular Declaration Editor ............................................................................ 320
Declaration Editor in Online Mode ................................................................ 323

The textual declaration editor serves to create the declaration part of a POU
object. It can be supplemented by a tabular view. Any modification made in one of
the views is immediately applied to the other one.
Depending on the current settings in the declaration editor options, either only the
textual or only the tabular view will be available. You can toggle between both via
buttons (Textual / Tabular) at the right border of the editor window.
Usually, the declaration editor is used in combination with the programming
language editors. Therefore, it will be placed in the upper part of the window which
opens when you are going to edit or view (monitor) an object in offline or online
mode. The declaration header describes the POU type (for example: PROGRAM,
FUNCTION_BLOCK, FUNCTION). It can be extended by POU-global pragma
The online mode of the declaration editor, page 323 is structured like that of a
Watch view.
Variable declaration is also performed in Global Variable Lists and Data Unit
Types, which are created in separate editors.
Also refer to the Variables Declaration chapter, page 461.

Textual Declaration Editor

Textual editor view

Behavior and appearance are determined by the respective current text editor
settings in the Options and Customize dialog boxes. There you can define the
default settings for highlight coloring, line numbers, tabs, indenting, and many
more options. The usual editing functions are available such as copy and paste.
Block selection is possible by pressing the ALT key while selecting the desired text
area with the mouse.

EIO0000002854.04 319
Declaration Editors

Tabular Declaration Editor

Tabular editor view

The tabular view of the editor provides columns for the usual definitions for
variable declaration, page 461: Scope, Name, Address, Data type,
Initialization, Comment and (pragma) Attributes. The particular declarations are
inserted as numbered lines.
To add a new line of declaration above an existing one, first select this line and
execute the command Insert from the toolbar or the contextual menu.
To add a new declaration at the end of the table, click beyond the last existing
declaration line and also use the Insert command.
The newly inserted declaration by default first uses scope VAR and the recently
entered data type. The input field for the obligatory variable Name opens
automatically. Enter a valid identifier and close the field by pressing the Enter key
or by clicking another part of the view.
Double-click a table cell to open the respective possibilities to enter a value.
Double-click the Scope to open a list from which you can choose the desired
scope and scope attribute keyword (flag).
Type in the Data type directly or click the > button to use the Input Assistant or
the Array wizard.
Type in the Initialization value directly or click the ... button to open the
Initialization value dialog box, page 321. This is useful especially in case of
arrays and structured variables.
Each variable is declared in a separate line where the lines are numbered.
You can change the order of lines (line numbers) by selecting a line and move it
one up or down by the Move up or Move down command from the toolbar
or the contextual menu.
You can sort the list of declarations according to each of the columns by clicking
the header of the respective column.
To delete one or several declarations, select the respective lines and press the
Del key or execute the Delete command from the contextual menu or click the
button in the toolbar.

Declaration of Arrays
For the declaration of array variables, use the arrow button > at the right side of
the Type field and select Array Wizard. The Array dialog box opens.
Fill at least the fields marked with a red exclamation mark icon. Define the
Dimensions by entering the lower and upper limits, and the Base Type of the
variable. You can click the arrow button to open the Input Assistant dialog box or
another Array Wizard for declaring the base type.

320 EIO0000002854.04
Declaration Editors

You can define an array of variable length with [*,*,*]. Arrays of variable length
can only be used in VAR_IN_OUT declarations of function blocks, methods, and
functions. To declare an array of variable length, enter an asterisk * for each
dimension. This results in ARRAY [*..*] OF INT. After you have confirmed with
OK, adapt the dimension string to [*] (one asterisk only).
Example for a two-dimensional array of variable length:
ARRAY [*,*]
The Result area of the dialog box provides a preview of the configured array
For further information, refer to the Arrays description, page 540.
Click OK to close the declaration dialog box. The variable declaration appears in
the declaration editor in accordance to the IEC syntax.

Initialization Value
Initialization value dialog box

The Expressions of the variable are displayed with the present initialization
values. Select the desired variables and edit the initialization value in the field
below the listing. Then click the Apply value to selected lines button. To restore
the default initializations, click the Reset selected lines to default values button.
Press Ctrl + Enter to insert line breaks in the Comment entry.

Edit Declaration Header

You can edit the declaration header in the Edit Declaration Header dialog box.
Open it by clicking the header bar of the editor (PROGRAM PLC_PRG in the
figure above) or via the command Edit Declaration Header.

EIO0000002854.04 321
Declaration Editors

Edit Declaration Header dialog box

The Edit Declaration Header dialog box provides the following elements:

Element Description

Declaration Insert type (from the selection list) and name of the POU

Comment Insert a comment. Press Ctrl + Enter to insert line breaks.

Attributes Opens the Attributes dialog box (see further below in this
chapter) for inserting pragmas and attributes.

In the Edit Declaration Header dialog box, click the Attributes... button to open
the Attibutes dialog box. It allows you to enter multiple attributes and pragmas in
text format. Insert them without enclosing {} braces, use a separate line per each.
For the example shown in the following image, see the corresponding textual view
above in the graphic of the textual editor view, page 319.
Attributes dialog box

322 EIO0000002854.04
Declaration Editors

Declaration Editor in Online Mode

The online view of the declaration editor presents a table similar to that used in
watch views, page 356. The header line shows the actual object path <device
name>.<application name>.<object name>. The table for each watch expression
shows the type and present value as well as - if currently set - a prepared value for
forcing or writing. If available, a directly assigned IEC Address and / or Comment
are displayed in further columns.
To establish a prepared value for a variable, either use the Prepare Value dialog
box or click in the assigned field of the column Prepared value and directly type in
the desired value. In case of enumerations, a list showing the enumeration values
opens to select a value. In case of a boolean variable, the handling is even easier.
You can toggle boolean preparation values by use of the Return or Space key
according to the following order:
• If the value is TRUE, the preparation steps are FALSE -> TRUE -> nothing.
• If the value is FALSE, the preparation steps are TRUE -> FALSE -> nothing.
If a watch expression (variable) is a structured type, for example, an instance of a
function block or an array variable, then a plus or minus sign precedes the
expression. With a mouse-click on this sign the particular elements of the
instanced object can be additionally displayed (see fbinst in the following
image) or hidden (see aVar). Icons indicate whether the variable is an input ,
output or an ordinary variable .
If the expression is an array, you can define the range of the array indices to
monitor. To achieve this, double-click the Type column to open the Monitoring
Range dialog box. Enter the Start Index and the End Index to define the range.
By default, up to 1000 elements are monitored for an array.
When you point with the cursor on a variable in the implementation part, a tooltip
shows the declaration and comment of the variable. See the following image
showing the declaration editor in the upper part of a program object PLC_PRG in
online view:
Online view of the declaration editor

EIO0000002854.04 323
Device Type Manager (DTM) Editor

Device Type Manager (DTM) Editor

What’s in This Chapter
DTM Editor ................................................................................................. 324

DTM Editor
The DTM editor view depends on the device type manager.
For further information on DTMs, refer to the Device Type Manager (DTM) User
Guide (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Device Type Manager (DTM), User
For a list of the DTM versions currently supported by EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, refer to the Release Notes of your EcoStruxure Machine Expert

324 EIO0000002854.04
Data Unit Type (DUT) Editor

Data Unit Type (DUT) Editor

What’s in This Chapter
Data Unit Type Editor................................................................................... 325

Data Unit Type Editor

You can create user-defined data types, page 529 in the Data Unit Type editor
(DUT editor). This is a text editor and behaves according to the currently set text
editor options.
The DUT editor will be opened automatically in a window when you add a DUT
object in the Add object dialog box. In this case, it provides by default the syntax
of an extended structure declaration. You can use it as desired to enter a simple
structure declaration or to enter the declaration of another data type unit, for
example an enumeration.
The editor also opens when you open an existing DUT object currently selected in
the POUs view.
DUT editor window

EIO0000002854.04 325
Global Variables List (GVL) Editor

Global Variables List (GVL) Editor

What’s in This Chapter
GVL Editor.................................................................................................. 326

GVL Editor
The GVL editor is a Declaration Editor for editing Global Variables Lists. The
GVL editor works as does the Declaration Editor and corresponds to the options,
both offine and online, set for the text editor. The declaration starts with VAR_
GLOBAL and ends with END_VAR. These keywords are provided automatically.
Enter valid declarations of global variables between them.
GVL editor

GVL Editor Used as Persistent Variables Editor

The GVL editor can also be used to manage Persistent Variables objects. In this
case, the editor contains declarations of VAR_GLOBAL PERSISTENT variables.
For further information, refer to the chapter Persistent Variables, page 186 .

326 EIO0000002854.04
Motion Design Object Editor

Motion Design Object Editor

What’s in This Chapter
Motion Design Object Editor......................................................................... 327

Motion Design Object Editor

The motion design object editor is exclusive to the M262 Motion Controller
The motion design object editor provides a generic base for configuring different
motion design objects such as:
• A real axis as, for example, the Lexium 32S servo drive.
• A variable that implements a motion design objects interface.
To add a motion design object editor to your project, right-click the Application
node, and execute the command Add object > Motion Design Object.... The
Add Motion Design Object dialog box allows you to select the type of motion
design object to be created.

Adding a Motion Design Object of Type Virtual Axis

For the Type = Virtual Axis, the following elements are available in the Add
Motion Design Object dialog box:

Element Description

Mode section The Mode settings you specify here can be

modified in the Configuration tab of the motion
design object editor.

Target instance Click the browse button (...) to select one of the
supported function blocks or enter it directly into
the field on the left-hand side.
Device object Select a device object from the controller
configuration that implements one of the
interfaces of a motion design object, such as a
Lexium 32 S standalone servo drive.
Generate global instance A global variable of a motion design object
interface is created. It can be accessed by IEC
code by using the name of the object.

OK button Click the Add button to:

• Create a Motion Design Object node as
a subnode of the selected Application
• Open the motion design object editor for
the virtual axis.

Motion Design Object Editor of a Virtual Axis

The motion design object editor allows you to edit the parameter values. For the
Type = Virtual Axis, it provides two tabs with the following parameters.
Elements of the Parameterisation tab:

EIO0000002854.04 327
Motion Design Object Editor

Element Description

Axis configuration section The Axis configuration section allows you to

select the graphical representation of the Axis
position on the lower left side of the editor:
• The option Modulo axis displays the Axis
position as a modulo control.
The Modulo Period parameter defines
the value that is assigned to one
revolution of the circle in the diagram.
• The option Linear axis displays the Axis
position as a linear control.
Activate the Soft limits option to define a
range of values for the x axis of the graph.
If the axis is not within the defined
boundaries, the axis position is displayed
Errorstop ramp configuration section

Deceleration Enter a value for the deceleration ramp in Units/

Jerk Enter a value for the jerk ramp in Units/s2.

Axis position Graphical control of the position of the axis in

modulo or linear mode, as defined with the Axis
configuration parameter.

Axis State Present state of the axis represented a a

graphical chart.

Motion components List of the components used for the virtual axis,
indicating the Position, Velocity, and
Acceleration values.

Elements of the Configuration tab:

The Configuration tab contains the Mode and Access specifier parameters that
are similar to the Add Motion Design Object dialog box, page 327 and that can
be modified here.

Modifying the Configuration in Online Mode

You can modify the values of the parameters if you are logged in to the controller
by double-clicking an editable cell of the parameter list in the Configuration tab.
Result: The Set Online Values dialog box opens. It displays the configuration that
is present in the controller.

You can modify the configuration according to your individual requirements.

The following options are available:

328 EIO0000002854.04
Motion Design Object Editor

• Click the Write Online button to write the values to the controller. If errors are
detected during this operation, a message box is displayed. After the values
have been successfully written to the controller, the dialog box is closed.
• Click the Write Offline button to save the values to the EcoStruxure Machine
Expert project. The dialog box is closed.

EIO0000002854.04 329
Network Variables List (NVL) Editor

Network Variables List (NVL) Editor

What’s in This Chapter
Information on the NVL Editor ...................................................................... 330
General Information on Network Variables..................................................... 331

Information on the NVL Editor

Network Variables List Editor
The NVL editor is a Declaration Editor for editing Network Variables Lists. The
NVL editor works as does the Declaration Editor and corresponds to the options,
both offine and online, set for the text editor. The declaration starts with VAR_
GLOBAL and ends with END_VAR.These keywords are provided automatically.
Enter valid variable declarations, page 461 of global variables between them.
NVL editor

330 EIO0000002854.04
Network Variables List (NVL) Editor

General Information on Network Variables

Introduction to Network Variables List (NVL)
The Network Variables List (NVL) feature consists of a fixed list of variables that
can be sent or received through a communication network. This enables data
exchange within a network via network variables, if supported by the controller
(target system).
The list must be defined in the sender and in the receiver controllers (and can be
handled in a single or in multiple projects). Their values are transmitted via
broadcasting through User Datagram Protocol (UDP) datagrams. UDP is a
connectionless Internet communications protocol defined by IETF RFC 768. This
protocol facilitates the direct transmission of datagrams on Internet Protocol (IP)
networks. UDP/IP messages do not expect a response, and are therefore ideal for
applications in which dropped packets do not require retransmission (such as
streaming video and networks that demand real-time performance).
The NVL functionality is a powerful feature of EcoStruxure Machine Expert. It
allows you to share and monitor data between controllers and their applications.
However, there are no restrictions as to the purpose of the data exchanged
between controllers, including, but not limited to, attempting machine or process
interlocking or even controller state changes.
NOTE: The type of the network variable is not shared between different
controllers. You have to ensure that the used types have the same definition
on all devices; otherwise NVL communication is not possible. This applies, for
example, to the types SEC.ETH_R_STRUCT or SEC.PLC_R_STRUCT. They
are available by default in various controllers with different size or fields.
Only you, the application designer and/or programmer, can be aware of all the
conditions and factors present during operation of the machine or process and,
therefore, only you can determine the proper communication strategies, interlocks
and related safeties necessary for your purposes in exchanging data between
controllers using this feature. Strict care must be taken to monitor this type of
communication feature, and to be sure that the design of the machine or process
will not present safety risks to people or property.

• The designer of any control scheme must consider the potential failure
modes of control paths and, for certain critical control functions, provide a
means to achieve a safe state during and after a path failure. Examples of
critical control functions are emergency stop and overtravel stop, power
outage and restart.
• Separate or redundant control paths must be provided for critical control
• System control paths may include communication links. Consideration must
be given to the implications of unanticipated transmission delays or failures
of the link.
• Observe all accident prevention regulations and local safety guidelines.1
• Each implementation of this equipment must be individually and thoroughly
tested for proper operation before being placed into service.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

1For additional information, refer to NEMA ICS 1.1 (latest edition), "Safety
Guidelines for the Application, Installation, and Maintenance of Solid State
Control" and to NEMA ICS 7.1 (latest edition), "Safety Standards for Construction
and Guide for Selection, Installation and Operation of Adjustable-Speed Drive
Systems" or their equivalent governing your particular location.

EIO0000002854.04 331
Network Variables List (NVL) Editor

You can use Diagnostic (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Network Variable
Configuration, SE_NetVarUdp Library Guide) and Error Management (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Network Variable Configuration, SE_NetVarUdp
Library Guide) function blocks as well as network properties parameters to
monitor the health, status and integrity of communications using this feature. This
feature was designed for data sharing and monitoring and cannot be used for
critical control functions.

Network Variables List (NVL)

The network variables to be exchanged are defined in the following two types of
• Network Variables Lists (NVL sender) in a sending controller
• Network Variables List (NVL receiver) in a receiving controller
The corresponding NVL (sender) and NVL (receiver) contain the same variable
declarations. You can view their contents in the respective editor that opens after
double-clicking the NVL (sender) or NVL (receiver) node in the Devices tree.
An NVL (sender) contains the network variables of a sender. In the Network
properties of the sender, protocol and transmission parameters are defined.
According to these settings, the variable values are broadcasted within the
network. They can be received by the controllers that have a corresponding NVL
NOTE: For network variables exchange, the respective network libraries must
be installed. This is done automatically for the network type UDP as soon as
the network properties for an NVL (sender) are set.
Network variables are broadcasted from the NVL (sender) to one or more NVL
(receiver). For each controller, you can define NVL (sender) as well as NVL
(receiver). Thus each controller can act as sender as well as receiver.
An NVL (sender) can be provided by the same or by another project. So, when
creating an NVL (receiver), the NVL (sender) can either be chosen from a
selection list of all available NVL (sender) within the network, or it can be read
from an export file, which previously has been generated (for example, by using
the Link to File dialog box) from the NVL (sender).
NOTE: An export file is needed if the NVL (sender) to be used is defined
within another project.

332 EIO0000002854.04
Network Variables List (NVL) Editor

NVL Considerations
The following table shows the list of controllers that support the network variables
list (NVL) functionality:

Function Name M241 M262 Logic / Motion LMC Eco

M251 LMC Pro

LMC Pro2
Network Variables List Yes Yes Yes

NOTE: Since the exchange of network variables is performed via UDP, adjust
the firewall settings of your controller accordingly. For further information, refer
to the How to Configure the Firewall for PacDrive LMC Controllers User Guide
and to the Programming Guide of your controller.
The figure shows a network consisting of one sender and the maximum of seven

Controller Sender A: Sender with the NVL (sender) and receiver controller with
network variables lists (NVL (receiver))
Controller Receiver 1...7: Receivers (with NVL (receiver)) from A and sender
controller (NVL (sender)) only for A

Configuring the Network Variables Exchange

To exchange network variables between a sender and a receiver, one sender and
one receiver controller must be available in the EcoStruxure Machine Expert
Devices tree. These are the controllers that are assigned the network properties
described below.
Proceed as follows to configure the network variables list:

Step Action

1 Create a sender and a receiver controller in the Devices tree.

2 Create a program (POU) for the sender and receiver controller.

3 Add a task for the sender and receiver controller.

EIO0000002854.04 333
Network Variables List (NVL) Editor

Step Action

NOTE: In order to maintain performance transparency, you should set the task
priority of the dedicated NVL task to something greater than 25, and regulate
communications to avoid saturating the network unnecessarily.

4 Define the NVL (sender) for the sender.

5 Define the NVL (receiver) for the receiver.

An example with further information is provided in the Appendix (see EcoStruxure

Machine Expert, Network Variable Configuration, SE_NetVarUdp Library Guide).

Global Variables List

To create the NVL (sender), define the following network properties in the GVL >
Properties > Network properties dialog box:

Description of parameters

Parameter Default Value Description

Network type UDP Only the network type UDP is available.

To change the Broadcast Address and the Port, click the Settings... button.

Task MAST Select the task you configured below the Task Configuration item for executing
NVL code.

To help maintain performance transparency, it is a good practice configure a cycle

time Interval ≥50 ms for this task.
NOTE: In order to maintain performance transparency, you should set the
task priority of the dedicated NVL task to something greater than 25, and
regulate communications to avoid saturating the network unnecessarily.

List identifier 1 Enter a unique number for each NVL (sender) on the network. It is used by the
receivers for identifying the variables list (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert,
Network Variable Configuration, SE_NetVarUdp Library Guide).

Pack variables activated With this option activated, the variables are bundled in packets (datagrams) for

If this option is deactivated, one packet per variable is transmitted.

Transmit checksum deactivated Activate this option to add a checksum to each packet of variables during

Receivers will then check the checksum of each packet they receive and will reject
those with a non-matching checksum. A notification will be issued with the

334 EIO0000002854.04
Network Variables List (NVL) Editor

Parameter Default Value Description

NetVarError_CHECKSUM parameter (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Network

Variable Configuration, SE_NetVarUdp Library Guide).

Acknowledgement deactivated Activate this option to prompt the receiver to send an acknowledgement message
for each data packet it receives.

A notification will be issued with the NetVarError_ACKNOWLEDGE parameter

(see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Network Variable Configuration, SE_
NetVarUdp Library Guide) if the sender does not receive this acknowledgement
message from the receiver before it sends the next data packet.

Cyclic transmission activated Select this option for cyclic data transmission at the defined Interval.
• Interval
This Interval should be a multiple of the cycle time you defined in the task for
executing NVL code to achieve a precise transmission time of the network
Transmit on change deactivated Select this option to transmit variables whenever their values have changed.
• Minimum gap • T#20ms NOTE: After the first download or using of Reset Cold or Reset Warm
command in Online Mode the receiver controllers are not updated and keep
their last value, whereas the sender controller value becomes 0 (zero).
The Minimum gap parameter defines a minimum time span that has to elapse
between the data transfer.
Transmit on event deactivated Select this option to transmit variables as long as the specified Variable equals
• Variable • – TRUE. The variable is checked with every cycle of the task for executing NVL

Description of the button Settings...

Parameter Default Value Description

Port 1202 Enter a unique port number (≥ 1202) for each NVL (sender).

Broadcast Address Enter a specific broadcast IP address for your application.

Network Variables List (Receiver)

A global network variables list can only be added in the Devices tree. It defines
variables, which are specified as network variables in another controller within the
Thus, an NVL (receiver) object can only be added to an application if an NVL
(sender) with network properties (network variables list) has already been created
in one of the other network controllers. These controllers may be in the same or
different projects.

EIO0000002854.04 335
Network Variables List (NVL) Editor

To create the NVL (receiver), define the following parameters in the Add Object >
Global Network Variable List dialog box:

Description of parameters

Parameter Default Value Description

Name NVL Enter a name for the NVL (receiver).

Task task defined in the Select a task from the list of tasks which will receive the frames from the sender
Task Configuration that are available under the Task Configuration node of the receiver controller.
node of this

Sender 1 of the NVL (sender) Select the NVL (sender) from the list of the NVL (sender) with network properties
available in the project available in the project.

Select the entry Import from file from the list to use an NVL (sender) from another
project. This activates the Import from file: parameter below.

Import from file: – This parameter is only available after you selected the option Import from file for
the parameter Sender.

The ... opens a Windows Explorer window that allows you to browse to the export
file *.gvl you created from an NVL (sender) in another project.

For further information, refer to the How to Add an NVL (Receiver) From a Different
Project paragraph below.

How to Add an NVL (Receiver) in the Same Project

When you add an NVL (receiver) via the Add Object dialog box, the
corresponding NVL (sender) that are found within the present project for the
present network are provided for selection in the Sender list box. NVL (sender)
from other projects must be imported (see the How to Add an NVL (Receiver)
From a Different Project paragraph below).
Due to this selection, each NVL (receiver) in the present controller (sender) is
linked to one specific NVL (sender) in another controller (receiver).
Additionally, you have to define a name and a task, that is responsible for handling
the network variables, when adding the NVL (receiver).

336 EIO0000002854.04
Network Variables List (NVL) Editor

How to Add an NVL (Receiver) From a Different Project

Alternatively to directly choosing an NVL (sender) from another controller, you can
also specify an NVL (sender) export file you had generated previously from the
NVL (sender) by using the Link to file properties. This allows you to use an NVL
(sender) that is defined in another project.
To achieve this, select the option Import from file for the Sender: parameter and
specify the path in the Import from file: parameter.
You can modify the settings later on via the Properties - GVL dialog box.

NVL (Receiver) Properties

If you double-click an NVL (receiver) item in the Devices tree, its content will be
displayed on the right-hand side in an editor. But the content of the NVL (receiver)
cannot be edited, because it is only a reference to the content of the
corresponding NVL (sender). The exact name and the path of the sender that
contains the corresponding NVL (sender) is indicated at the top of the editor pane
together with the type of network protocol used. If the corresponding NVL (sender)
is changed, the content of the NVL (receiver) is updated accordingly.

Network Variables List (NVL) Rules

Rules on the Amount of Data
Due to some performance limitations, respect the following rules:

Number Rule
1 Data transmission from one NVL (sender) to one NVL (receiver) should not exceed 200 bytes.

2 Data exchange between several NVL (sender) of one controller and their associated NVL (receiver) should not exceed
1000 bytes of variables.

Rules on the Number of Datagrams

To limit the maximum cycle time of NVL tasks, respect the following rules:

Number Rule Description

1 Limit the number of received datagrams per When the limit is exceeded, the remaining datagrams are treated in the
cycle to 20. next cycle. A notification Received overflow is raised in the diagnostics
data (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Network Variable Configuration,
SE_NetVarUdp Library Guide) when the limit is reached.

One datagram can contain up to 256 bytes. That means that you should
not exceed the limit of 5120 bytes of data transmitted to one receiver.

2 Limit the number of transmitted datagrams per When the limit is exceeded, the remaining datagrams are treated in the
cycle to 20. next cycle. A notification Transmit overflow is raised in the diagnostics
data (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Network Variable Configuration,
SE_NetVarUdp Library Guide) when the limit is reached.

One datagram can contain up to 256 bytes. That means that you should
not exceed the limit of 5120 bytes of data transmitted by one sender

If the number of received / transmitted datagrams per cycle exceeds the limit
several times, the following may happen:
• Loss of UDP (user datagram protocol) datagrams
• Incoherent or inconsistent exchange of variables
Adapt the following parameters according to your needs:
• Cycle time of sender controller

EIO0000002854.04 337
Network Variables List (NVL) Editor

• Cycle time of receiver controller

• Number of senders in the network

Thoroughly test your application for proper transmission and reception of UDP
datagrams prior to placing your system into service.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

Maximum Number of NVL (Sender)

Define a maximum of seven NVL (sender) per controller (sender) to help maintain
performance transparency.

Rules on Task Cycle Times of NVL (Sender) and NVL (Receiver)

To help avoid reception overflow, you must define a cycle time for the task that
manages the NVL (sender) transmission that is at least two times greater than the
cycle time of the task that manages the NVL (receiver) reception.

Rules on the List Identifier Protection

The NVL function includes a list identifier checking:
The list identifier helps to avoid that an NVL (sender) from two separate controllers
with the same list identifier (see dialog box GVL > Properties > List identifier:)
sends datagrams to the same NVL (receiver) of any controller. If the List
Identifier is not unique, this can cause an interruption in the exchange of

Ensure that the list identifier in the network is only used by one IP address.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

The list identifier checking function is implemented in the receiver controller.

If an NVL (receiver) detects that two different IP addresses are using the same list
identifier, the receiver immediately stops to receive datagrams.
Furthermore, a notification is issued in the NETVARGETDIAGINFO function block.
The IP addresses of the two senders are provided in the output parameters
dwDuplicateListIdIp1 and dwDuplicateListIdIp2 of this function block
(see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Network Variable Configuration, SE_
NetVarUdp Library Guide).
With the function block NETVARRESETERROR, the detected NVL errors are reset
and the communication is restarted.

Consistency in the Type of Network Variables

NOTE: The type of the network variable is not shared between different
controllers. You have to ensure that the used types have the same definition
on all devices; otherwise NVL communication is not possible.

338 EIO0000002854.04
Network Variables List (NVL) Editor

This applies, for example, to the types SEC.ETH_R_STRUCT or SEC.PLC_R_

STRUCT. They are available by default in various controllers with different size or

Operating State of the Sender and the Receiver

Operating State
Operating State of the... Network Variables Behavior

Sender Receiver
RUN RUN Network variables are exchanged between the sender and
the receiver.
STOP RUN The sender is no longer sending variables to the receiver.
The network variables are not exchanged between sender
and receivers.
RUN STOP The receiver is not processing network variables from the

When the receiver returns to RUN state, the network

variables are again processed by the receiver.

STOP STOP No variables are exchanged.

NOTE: Several communication initialization errors (NetVarError_

INITCOMM) are detected, when you change the operating state of the sender
from STOP to RUN.

Events in the Task that Manages NVL

If the following events occur in the task that manages NVL, the behavior expected
for the NVL is the same as if the controller was in STOP state in the array above:
• an exception occurs in the application which suspends the task
• a breakpoint is hit or a single cycle is processed on the task

In the following example, a simple network variables exchange is established. In
the sender controller, an NVL (sender) is created. In the receiver controller, the
corresponding NVL (receiver) is created.
Perform the following preparations in a standard project, where a sender controller
Dev_Sender and a receiver controller Dev_Receiver are available in the Devices
• Create a POU (program) prog_sender below the Application node of Dev_
• Under the Task Configuration node of this application, add the task Task_S
that calls prog_sender.
• Create a POU (program) prog_rec below the Application node of Dev_
• Under the Task Configuration node of this application, add the task Task_R
that calls prog_rec.
NOTE: The two controllers must be configured in the same subnet of the
Ethernet network.

EIO0000002854.04 339
Network Variables List (NVL) Editor

Defining the NVL (Sender)

Step 1: Define a global variable list in the sender controller:

Step Action Comment

1 In the Devices tree, right-click the Application node of the The Add Global Variable List dialog box is displayed.
controller Dev_Sender and execute the command Add
Object > Global Variable List....

2 Enter the Name NVL_Sender and click Open to create a The NVL_Sender node appears below the Application
new global variable list. node in the Devices tree and the editor is opened on the
right-hand side.

3 In the editor on the right-hand side, enter the following –

variable definitions:

Step 2: Define the network properties of the NVL (sender):

Step Action Comment

1 In the Devices tree, right-click the NVL_Sender node and The Properties - NVL_Sender dialog box is displayed.
execute the command Properties....

2 –
Open the Network properties tab and configure the
parameters as shown in the graphic:

3 Click OK. The dialog box is closed and the NVL (sender) network
properties are set.

340 EIO0000002854.04
Network Variables List (NVL) Editor

Defining the NVL (Receiver)

Step 1: Define a global network variable list in the receiver controller:

Step Action Comment

1 In the Devices tree, right-click the Application node of the The Add Global Network Variable List dialog box is
controller Dev_Receiver and execute the command Add displayed.
Object > Global Network Variable List....

2 This global network variable list is the counterpart of the NVL

Configure the parameters as shown in the graphic. (sender) defined for the sender controller.

3 Click Open.
The dialog box is closed and the GNVL_Receiver appears
below the Application node of the Dev_Receiver controller:

This NVL (receiver) automatically contains the same

variable declarations as the GVL_Sender.

Step 2: View and / or modify the network settings of the NVL (receiver):

Step Action Comment

1 In the Devices tree, right-click the GNVL_Receiver node The Properties - GNVL_Receiver dialog box is displayed.
and execute the command Properties....

2 Open the Network settings tab. –

Step 3: Test the network variables exchange in online mode:

EIO0000002854.04 341
Network Variables List (NVL) Editor

Step Action Comment

1 Under the Application node of the controller Dev_Sender, The editor for prog_sender is opened on the right-hand
double-click the POU prog_sender. side.

2 –
Enter the following code for the variable iglobvar:

3 Under the Application node of the controller Dev_ The editor for prog_rec is opened on the right-hand side.
Receiver, double-click the POU prog_rec.

4 –
Enter the following code for the variable ivar_local:

5 Log on with sender and receiver applications within the The variable ivar_local in the receiver gets the values of
same network and start the applications. iglobvar as currently shown in the sender.

Even if the controllers work with applications of different versions of the
programming system (for example, V2.3 and V3.x), communication via network
variables is possible.
However, the file formats of the different export files between versions (*.exp
versus *.gvl) makes it impossible to simply import and export these files between
If an NVL (receiver) is set up in the latest version (for example, V3.x), the required
network parameters configuration must be provided by a sender of the latest
version (for example, V3.x). An export file *.exp created from a sender by an
earlier version (for example, V2.3) does not contain this information.
A solution for exchanging network variables between applications of different
programming system versions is provided in the following paragraphs.

Updating the Global Network Variables List

To exchange network variables between applications of different programming
system versions (for example, V2.3 and V3.x), update the global network
variables list by performing the following steps:

342 EIO0000002854.04
Network Variables List (NVL) Editor

Step Action Comment

1 Re-create the network variables list To achieve this, add an NVL (sender) with
(NVL) that is already available in the network properties, containing the same
earlier version (V2.3) in the latest variables declarations as in the NVL of the
version (V3.x). earlier version (V2.3).

2 Export the new NVL (sender) to an *.

NOTE: Activate the option Exclude from
exp file by using the Link to File tab.
build in the Build tab to keep the NVL
(sender) in the project to help prevent
precompile events and ambiguous
names. Deactivate the option to re-create
the *.exp file again in case any
modifications on the NVL (sender) are

3 Re-import the list. To achieve this, create a new NVL (receiver)

by using the previously generated *.exp file in
order to create an appropriately configured
receiver list.

These steps are illustrated by the following example.

In this example, the variable trans23, that is defined in a V2.3 application, is
made available for a later version (V3.x).
The following conditions are defined:

EIO0000002854.04 343
Network Variables List (NVL) Editor

Condition Description

1 In the earlier programming system version (V2.3) the project contains a global variables list GVL_23 with the
following declaration:

The network properties of GVL_23 are configured as follows:

NOTE: The export of this GVL_23 creates a *.exp file, that only contains the following variable declaration:
The *.exp file does not contain any configuration settings.

The following table shows the next steps to be executed for re-creating GVL_23 in
the latest version (V3.x):

Step Action Comment

1 Add an NVL (sender) object named GVL_23 –

to an application.

2 Set the network properties as defined within

the project.

344 EIO0000002854.04
Network Variables List (NVL) Editor

Step Action Comment

3 In the Link to File tab, configure a target

export file 23.gvl.

4 In the Build tab, set the Exclude from

Build option. This setting allows you to keep the file on disk for later modifications.

5 Compile the project.

The 23.gvl file is generated and contains variable and configuration settings:

6 Add an NVL (receiver) object in the V3.x This serves to read the variable trans23 from the controller of the earlier
project from the 23.gvl export file (with the programming system (V.2.3).
Import from file: command).
If both, the project from the earlier version (V2.3) as well as the application
from the latest version (V3.x), are running within the network, the application
from the latest version (V3.x) can read variable trans23 from project 23.

EIO0000002854.04 345
Task Editor

Task Editor
What’s in This Chapter
Information on the Task Configuration ........................................................... 346
Properties Tab ........................................................................................... 347
System Events Tab .................................................................................... 347
Monitor Tab................................................................................................ 349
Variable Usage Tab .................................................................................... 350
Configuration of a Specific Task.................................................................... 351
Task Processing in Online Mode................................................................... 353

Information on the Task Configuration

The task configuration defines one or several tasks for controlling the processing
of an application program. Thus, task configuration is an essential object for an
application and must be available in the Applications Tree.

Description of the Task Configuration Tree

At the topmost position of a task configuration tree, there is the entry Task
Configuration . Below there are the defined tasks, each represented by the
task name. The POU calls of the particular tasks are displayed in the task
configuration tree.
You can edit the task tree (add, copy, paste, or remove tasks) by the
corresponding commands usable for the Applications tree. For example, for
adding a new task, select the Task Configuration node, click the green plus
button, and execute the command Task.... Alternatively, you can right-click the
Task Configuration node, and execute the command Add Object > Task....
Configure the particular tasks in the task editor, page 351 which additionally
provides a monitoring view in online mode. The options available for task
configuration depend on the controller platform.
Task configuration in Applications tree

A task, page 351 is used to control the processing of an IEC program. It is defined
by a name, a priority and by a type determining which condition will trigger the
start of the task. You can define this condition by a time (cyclic, freewheeling) or by
an internal or external event which will trigger the task; for example, the rising
edge of a global project variable or an interrupt event of the controller.
For each task, you can specify a series of program POUs that will be started by
the task. If the task is executed in the present cycle, these programs will be
processed for the length of 1 cycle.
The combination of priority and condition will determine in which chronological
order, page 353 the tasks will be executed.

346 EIO0000002854.04
Task Editor

For each task, you can configure a time control (watchdog). The possible settings
depend on the specific controller platform.

Properties Tab
When the Task Configuration, page 346 node is selected, the Properties tab will
be opened in the Task Configuration editor.
Task configuration, Properties tab, example

Information on the current task configuration as provided by the controller will be

displayed, for example, the maximum allowed numbers of tasks per task type.

System Events Tab

Use the System Events tab of the Task Configuration editor to call a project
function by a system event (not by a task). You can define the functions that are
called per event, and you can activate or deactivate each system event
This function is not available for all supported controllers. Consult the
Programming Guide specific to your controller for further information.

Description of the Buttons

Button Description

Add Event Handler... Opens the Add Event Handler dialog box that
allows you to define an assignment between an
event and the function it calls.
Remove Event Handler Deletes the selected list assignment.

Event Info Displays information of the corresponding event


Open Event Function Opens the editor of the new function for the
selected assignment.

The implementation language of the new

function is selected in the Add Event Handler
dialog box.

EIO0000002854.04 347
Task Editor

Add Event Handler Dialog Box

Element Description

Event Displays a list of system events for selection.

The available events depend on the target

controller. Unavailable events are marked with a
red symbol.

Function to call Enter a name for the function.

A new POU, type Function is created with this

name and added to the Applications tree when
you confirm the Add Event Handler dialog box
with OK.
Scope • Select the option Application to make the
new function available for the application.
• Select the option POUs to make the new
function available for the entire project.

Implementation language Select the programming language for the new

Description Provides a short description of the selected

List of System Events

The system events you define with the Add Event Handler dialog box are
displayed in the list of the System Events tab:

Column Description

Name Indicates the name of the Event you defined in

the Add Event Handler dialog box.

Description Indicates a short description of the selected

Function to call Indicates the name of the function you defined
with the parameter Function to call in the Add
Event Handler dialog box.

Active The option is by default selected and the

function is activated.

To deactivate the function, deselect the option


The list of the System Events tab displays additional information in online mode.
Consult the Programming Guide specific to your controller for controller-specific
information on the supported system events.

Column Description

Event Status 0 indicates that no error has been detected.

If the value is not 0, then an error has been

Number of Calls Indicates the number of times the event has
occurred and the associated function has been

Button Description

Online Reset Click the Online Reset button to reinitialize the

event lists, and to reset the counter for the
events / function calls. Events that are not
correctly initialized are displayed with a red
Event Status cell.

348 EIO0000002854.04
Task Editor

System Events
The table lists the system events that can be displayed:

Event Description Task Debugging

AfterWritingOutputs Called after writing outputs. IEC task Yes

BeforeReadingInputs Called before reading inputs. IEC task Yes

CodeInitDone The event is sent after new Communication task No

application code is initialized
during online-change.

Exception The event is sent if an During an IEC exception, the Depends on the task.
exception has been detected in event is called from the system
the context of an application. exception task or the task with
the exception itself.

Login Login of a client in this Communication task No


Logout Logout of a client from this Communication task No


OnlineChangeDone Called after application online Communication task No


PrepareOnlineChange Called before application online Communication task No


sercos_BeforeChangeToPhase0 Called before change to phase TskSercos3App No

sercos_BeforeConnectSlaves Called before real slaves are TskSercos3App No
mapped to logical slaves in the
Devices tree.
sercos_TasksPhase0 Called during change to phase TskSercos3App No
sercos_TasksPhase1 Called during change to phase TskSercos3App No
sercos_TasksPhase2PostFW Called after change to phase 2 TskSercos3App No

sercos_TasksPhase2PreFW Called before change to phase TskSercos3App No

sercos_TasksPhase3PostFW Called after change to phase 3 TskSercos3App No

sercos_TasksPhase3PreFW Called before change to phase TskSercos3App No

sercos_TasksPhase4 Called during change to phase TskSercos3App No

Monitor Tab
If it is supported by the target system, the monitoring functionality is allowed. This
is a dynamic analysis of the execution time and the number of the calls which are
controlled by a task. In online mode, the task processing can be monitored.

Online View of the Task Configuration Editor

When you select the top node in the Task Configuration tree, besides the
Properties tab, page 347, the Monitor tab is available. In online mode, it shows
the status and some current statistics on the cycles and cycle times in a table
view. The update interval for the values is the same as used for the monitoring of
controller values.

EIO0000002854.04 349
Task Editor

Description of the Elements

When the top node in the Task Configuration tree is selected, besides the
Properties dialog, page 347 on a further tab the Monitoring dialog is available. In
online mode, it shows the status and some current statistics on the cycles and
cycle times are displayed in a table view. The update interval for the values is the
same as used for the monitoring of controller values.
Task Configuration, Monitoring

For each task the following information is displayed in a line:

Task Task name as defined in the Task configuration.

State Possible entries:

• Not created: has not been started since last update;
especially used for event tasks
• Created: task is known in the runtime system, but is not
yet set up for operation
• Valid: task is in normal operation
• Exception: task has got an exception

IEC-Cycle Count Number of run cycles since having started the application; 0 if
the function is not supported by the target system.

Cycle Count Number of already run cycles (depending on the target system,
this can be equal to the IEC Cycle Count, or bigger if cycles are
even counted when the application is not running.)

Last Cycle Time (µs) Last measured runtime in µs

Average Cycle Time (µs) Average runtime of all cycles in µs

Max. Cycle Time (µs) Maximum measured runtime of all cycles in µs

Min. Cycle Time (µs) Minimum measured runtime of all cycles in µs

Jitter (µs) Present value of the periodic jitter* in µs

Min. Jitter (µs) Minimum measured periodic jitter* in µs

Max. Jitter (µs) Maximum measured periodic jitter* in µs

* jitter: Time that passes after the task has been started until the operating system indicates that it is

To reset the values to 0 for a task, place the cursor on the task name field and
execute the Reset command available in the contextual menu.

Variable Usage Tab

The Variable Usage tab of the Task Configuration provides an overview of the
variables and their usage in the tasks.

Variable Usage List

The list of the Variable Usage tab provides the following information:

350 EIO0000002854.04
Task Editor

Column Description

Variables Indicates the name of the variable.

Type Indicates the data type of the variable.

Count Indicates the number of tasks that access the

<task name> Indicates the access to the variable:
• r = read
• w = write
• rw = read/write

Commands of the Contextual Menu

Right-click an entry in the list to display the contextual menu that allows you to:
• Hide tasks from the list by deselecting the task.
• Display the cross-reference list to variables by executing the command
Browse Cross References.

Configuration of a Specific Task

When you insert a task in the Task Configuration node of the Applications tree,
the task editor view for setting the task configuration opens with the
Configuration tab.
It also opens if you double-click an available task (for example, MAST) in order to
modify the configuration of the task.
NOTE: You can modify the task name by editing the respective entry in the
Applications tree.
Insert the desired attributes.


Priority (0...31) A number from 0...31; 0 is the highest priority, 31 is the lowest

The default value for new tasks is defined by your controller.

NOTE: Consider the controller-specific task settings to find the
settings for your application tasks. This may be important when
assigning priority to tasks dedicated to communications, and its
relation to topics such as cyber security. You can increase system
robustness by setting application tasks to a higher priority than
communication tasks.


The target device defines which task types are supported. Not all types are available for some target
devices. Consult the Programming Guide specific to your controller for more information.

Cyclic The task will be processed cyclic according to the time definition (task
cycle time) given in the field Interval (see below).

Event The task will be started as soon as the variable defined in the Event field
gets a rising edge.

Freewheeling The task will be processed as soon as the program is started and at the
end of one run it will automatically be restarted in a continuous loop.
There is no cycle time defined.

EIO0000002854.04 351
Task Editor


External The task will be started as soon as the system event, which is defined in
the External Event field, occurs. It depends on the target, which events
will be supported and offered in the selection list. (Not to be mixed up
with system events.)

Status The task will be started if the variable defined in the Event field is TRUE.

Obligatory Entries Depending on Task Type

Entry Description

Interval (for Obligatory for task type Cyclic.

t#200ms) The time (in milliseconds [ms]]) after which the task should be restarted.

When you set the task cycle time, consider the bus system used by the application.
For example, on a CAN bus system, you can set the Bus cycle task in the
CANopen I/O Mapping tab. The task cycle time must match the transmission rate
and the number of frames used on the bus. Additionally, the times set for heartbeat,
nodeguarding and sync always should be a multiple of the task cycle time.
Otherwise, CAN frames may go unrecognized. For further information, refer to the
Device Editor part of the EcoStruxure Machine Expert online help.

Deviations of the task from the configured task cycle time are displayed at runtime
as periodic jitter in the Monitor tab, page 349

Event Obligatory for type Event or triggered by an External event.

A global boolean variable which will trigger the start of the task as soon as a rising
edge is detected. Use button ... or the Input Assistant to get a list of all available
global event variables.
NOTE: If the event that is driving a task stems from an entry, there must be at
least one task which is not driven by events. Otherwise, the I/Os will never get
updated and the task will never get started.
NOTE: Only internal IEC variables and values of onboard touchprobes and
digital inputs (controller) are permitted. Referencing a property (including
system parameter) in an event task will lead to a watchdog exception error,
page 353 being detected during download.

Difference Between Status and Event

The specified event being TRUE fulfills the start condition of a status driven task,
whereas an event driven task requires the change of the event from FALSE to
TRUE. If the event changes too fast from TRUE to FALSE and back to TRUE,
then this event may be left undetected and thus the Event task will not be started.
The following example illustrates the resulting behavior of the task in reaction to an event (green line):

At sampling points 1...4 tasks of different types show a different reaction:

Behavior at Point: 1 2 3 4
Status No start Start Start Start
Event No start Start No start No start
because the
changed too
fast from
back to TRUE

352 EIO0000002854.04
Task Editor

Watchdog Settings
For each task, you can configure a timeout control (watchdog).
The default watchdog settings depend on your controller.
When the Enable option is activated (check mark is set), the watchdog is enabled.
When the task watchdog is enabled, an Exception error is raised if the execution
time of the task exceeds the defined task time limit (Time) given in the defined
When the exception is detected, the application is stopped. If option Update IO
while in stop is enabled in the controller settings dialog box, the outputs are set to
the pre-defined default values depending upon the particular controller platform.
NOTE: This function is not available for all supported controllers. Consult the
Programming Guide specific to your controller.
The defined Sensitivity is taken into account when determining when to raise an
exception error. The Sensitivity allows you to adjust for variations in cycle times
in the execution of the task. The Sensitivity can be defined as follows:
• After consecutive timeouts:
◦ Sensitivity set to 0 or 1: exception in the first cycle after time expires
◦ Sensitivity set to 2: exception in the second cycle after time expires
◦ Sensitivity set to n: exception in the nth cycle after time expires
• After a single timeout: exception if the cycle time of the present cycle is longer
than (task time limit * sensitivity).
NOTE: The watchdog function is not available in simulation mode.
Consult the Programming Guide specific to your controller, chapter System and
Task Watchdog, for information on task time, sensitivity and other possible
watchdog parameters.

The POUs which are controlled by the task are listed here in a table with the POU
name and an optional Comment. Above the table there are commands for editing:
• In order to define a new POU, open the Input Assistant dialog box via the
command Add Call. Choose 1 of the programs available in the project. You
can also add POUs of type program to the list by drag and drop from the
Applications tree.
• In order to replace a program call by another 1, select the entry in the table,
open the Input Assistant via command Change Call.. and choose another
• In order to delete a call, select it in the table and use the command Remove
• The command Open POU opens the selected program in the corresponding
The sequence of the listed POU calls from top to bottom determines the sequence
of execution in online mode. You can shift the selected entry within the list via the
commands Move up and Move down.

Task Processing in Online Mode

Task Scheduling
The processing of the POU (of type program) calls will be done according to their
order (top down) in the Task Editor. If a POU is called which is available with the
same name both in the Applications tree assigned to the application, as well as

EIO0000002854.04 353
Task Editor

in a library or project-globally in the Global node of the Applications tree, the one
will be executed that is directly declared below in the Applications tree.
Consult the Programming Guide specific to your controller for more information on
task scheduling.

354 EIO0000002854.04
Watch List Editor

Watch List Editor

What’s in This Chapter
Watch View / Watch List Editor ..................................................................... 355
Creating a Watch List................................................................................... 355
Watch List in Online Mode............................................................................ 356

Watch View / Watch List Editor

A watch list is a user-defined set of project variables. They are displayed in the
watch view for monitoring, page 356 the values in a table. Also, writing and forcing
of the variables is possible within the watch view.
Open a watch view via the Watch command submenu (by default in the View
menu). It provides an editor for creating watch lists, page 355.
By default, you can set up 4 individual watch lists in the watch views Watch 1,
Watch 2, Watch 3, Watch 4. View Watch all Forces in online mode gets filled,
page 356 automatically with all currently forced values of the active application.

Creating a Watch List

Create a watch list by executing the following actions:

Step Action Comment

1 Execute the command View > Watch > –

Watch<n> to open a Watch view.

2 Double-click the field in the column

NOTE: If you enter the name of a
Expression and enter the variable to be structured variable, then in online
watched either manually or via the Input mode the particular structure
components are entered in further
lines automatically.
Syntax: <device name>.
<application name>.<object
name>.<variable name>
3 Subsequently define all variables which The fields Execution point, Type,
you want monitored in the current watch Address, Comment are filled
list. You can modify the order of the entries automatically corresponding to the
via drag and drop. declaration of the variables. The symbol
preceding the expression indicates
whether it is an input variable , an

output variable , or a normal variable


Online Mode
In online mode, the current variable value is shown in the column Value. Like at
other monitoring positions, you can define Prepared Values and force or write
them. For further information, refer to the chapters Force Values, Prepare Value
Dialog Box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help)
and Monitoring, page 214.

EIO0000002854.04 355
Watch List Editor

In online mode, you can add a currently focused expression to the watch list by
executing the command Add Watch.

Watch List in Online Mode

A watch list, page 355 (Watch<n>) in online mode displays the current value of a
variable in the Value column. This is the value the variable has between two task
Also any assigned direct IEC address and/or comment are displayed. The
components of the view correspond to those of the online view of the declaration
editor, page 323.
See chapter Creating a Watch List, page 355 for a description on how to set up
such a watch list and how to handle folds in case of structured variables.
Watch view in online mode

NOTE: In online mode you can add expressions to the watch list by use of the
command Add Watch.

Write and Force Values

In column Prepared value, you can enter a desired value which will be written or
forced to the respective expression on the controller by command Write values or
Force values. Refer to the descriptions of the commands Write and Force,
usable also in other monitoring views (for example, declaration editor).

Watch All Forces

This is a special watch list view, which in online mode is automatically filled with all
currently forced values of the active application. Each Expression, Type, Value,
and Prepared value will be shown, as in the online view of a Watch<n> list.
You can unforce values by one of the following commands available via the button
• Unforce all selected Expressions, without modifying the value.
• Unforce all selected Expressions and restore the variable to the value it
had before forcing it.

356 EIO0000002854.04
Watch List Editor

Watch all Forces dialog box

EIO0000002854.04 357
Tools Within Logic Editors

Tools Within Logic Editors

What’s in This Chapter
Function and Function Block Finder .............................................................. 358
Input Assistant ............................................................................................ 360

Function and Function Block Finder

EcoStruxure Machine Expert provides the FFB (function and function block) finder
that assists you in finding a specific function or function block even if you do not
know its exact name.
You can use the function and function block finder in the following programming
languages that allow to insert function blocks:
• LD
• IL
• ST

How to Find a Function or Function Block with the FFB Finder

When you are about to create programming code in the EcoStruxure Machine
Expert Logic Builder, go to the place where you want to insert the function block
and open the FFB finder as follows:
• select the menu Edit > FFB Finder
• right-click at the respective place in the editor and select the command FFB
Finder... from the contextual menu

358 EIO0000002854.04
Tools Within Logic Editors

The FFB Finder dialog box opens:

The FFB Finder dialog box contains the following elements for finding a function
or function block:

Element Description

Find what In the Find what textbox, enter the name of the function or function block you want to insert
into your programming code.

As wildcards you can use a question mark (?), which replaces exactly one character, or an
asterisk (*), which can replace several characters or no character at all.

Company If you know the company that created the library which includes the function block you are
searching for, you can select the companies from the Company list.

This parameter is by default set to All companies.

Match case Check the Match case check box to perform a case-sensitive search.

By default, this check box is not selected.

Include comments in search Check the Include comments in search check box to search for the entered string not
only in the names of functions and function blocks but also in the comments that are saved
with them.

By default, this check box is not selected.

Search in project Libraries only Check the Search in project libraries only check box to limit the search to those libraries
that are used in the current application.

By default, this check box is not selected and the find operation includes all libraries that
are installed on the EcoStruxure Machine Expert PC.

Find Click the Find button or press the ENTER key to start searching for the function or function

EIO0000002854.04 359
Tools Within Logic Editors

Results Returned by the FFB Finder

Any function or function block that matches the entered search criteria will be
listed in the Results list with the following information:
• Name of the function or function block
• the Library the function or function block is saved in
• the Version of the library
• the Company that created the library
• A comment, if available, will be displayed in the column on the right side.
• The column Loaded on the left side indicates whether the library, the function
or function block is saved in, is already used in the current project.
To display further information on one of the functions or function blocks, select it
from the list. In the field below, a graphic of the function / function block with its
inputs and outputs will be displayed, as well as a description or any further
information, if available.

Integrating a Function / Function Block into the Programming

To integrate a function / function block that was found by the FFB Finder in your
programming code, select it in the Results list, and
• either double-click the selected entry in the Results list,
• or click the OK button.
The selected function / function block will be inserted at the place where your
cursor is positioned in your programming code and the respective library will be
loaded automatically.
Repeat this operation whenever you need assistance in finding a specific function
/ function block.

Input Assistant
The Input Assistant dialog box and the corresponding command Input
Assistant (by default in the Edit > Smart Coding menu) are only available if the
cursor is placed in a text editor window. The dialog box offers the available project
items for being inserted at the current cursor position.
Default shortcut: F2

360 EIO0000002854.04
Tools Within Logic Editors

Input Assistant dialog box

Description of the Elements

The Input Assistant dialog box provides the following elements:

Element Description

Categories In this area, the project items are sorted by Categories.

Filter You can set a Filter for the category Variables. To display a
certain type of variable, select an entry from the list, such as
Local variables, Global variables, Constants.

Items area
Name, Type, Address, Origin The Items area shows the available items and - depending on
the category - also their data Type, Address, and Origin for
the category selected in the Categories area.

The Origin is shown for I/O variables (path within the Devices
Tree) and library-defined variables (library name and

You can sort the items by Name, Type, Address, Origin in

ascending or descending alphabetic order. To achieve this,
click in the respective column header (arrow-up or arrow-down

To hide or display the columns Type, Address or Origin, right-

click the headline of the respective column.

Structured view If the option Structured view is selected, the project items are
displayed in a structure tree supplemented with icons.

If the option is not selected, the project items are arranged flat.
Each project item is displayed with the POU it belongs to
(example: GVL1.gvar1).

NOTE: If there are objects with the same name available in the Global node
of the Applications Tree as well as below an application (Applications Tree),
only 1 entry is offered in the Input Assistant because the usage of the object
is determined by the usual call priorities (first the application-assigned object,
then the global one).

EIO0000002854.04 361
Tools Within Logic Editors

Element Description

Show documentation If the option Show documentation is selected, the Input

Assistant dialog box is extended by the Documentation field.

If the selected element is a variable and an address is

assigned to this variable or a comment has been added at its
declaration, these are displayed here.

Insert with arguments If this option is selected, items which include arguments, for
example functions, are inserted with those arguments.


If function block FB1, which contains an input variable fb1_in

and an output variable fb1_out, is inserted with arguments, the
following will be written to the editor:
fb1(fb1_in:= , fb1_out=> )

Insert with namespace prefix If this option is selected, the item is inserted with the prefixed

This option has to be selected when inserting objects into

libraries which have defined in their Properties that the use of
the namespace prefix is obligatory (option Only allow
qualified access to all identifiers (see EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, Functions and Libraries User Guide) is selected).

362 EIO0000002854.04
What’s in This Part
Data Logging ............................................................................................... 364
Recipe Manager........................................................................................... 366
Trace Editor ................................................................................................. 383
Trend Recording .......................................................................................... 398
Alarm Configuration...................................................................................... 407
Unit Conversion ........................................................................................... 421
Symbol Configuration Editor.......................................................................... 425
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Controller - HMI Data Exchange ......................... 434
Cam Motion Editor........................................................................................ 444
Script Hook Manager.................................................................................. 457

EIO0000002854.04 363
Data Logging

Data Logging
What’s in This Chapter
Introduction to Data Logging ........................................................................ 364

Introduction to Data Logging

You can monitor and analyze application data by examining the data log file (.log).

The figure shows an application that includes the 2 function blocks, LogRecord
and Dump. The LogRecord function block writes data to the buffer, which empties
into the data log file (.log) located into the controller memory. The buffer dumping
is automatic when 80% full or it can be forced by the Dump function. As a standard
FTP client, a PC can access this data log file when the controller acts as an FTP
server. It is also possible to upload the file with EcoStruxure Machine Expert.
NOTE: Only controllers with file management functionality can support data
logging. Refer to your controller programming manual to see if it supports file

Sample Data Log File (.log)

Entries in File: 8; Last Entry: 8;
18/06/2009;14:12:33;cycle: 1182;
18/06/2009;14:12:35;cycle: 1292;
18/06/2009;14:12:38;cycle: 1450;
18/06/2009;14:12:40;cycle: 1514;
18/06/2009;14:12:41;cycle: 1585;
18/06/2009;14:12:43;cycle: 1656;
18/06/2009;14:14:20;cycle: 6346;
18/06/2009;14:14:26;cycle: 6636;

364 EIO0000002854.04
Data Logging

Implementation Procedure
First declare and configure the data log files in your application before starting to
write your program.

EIO0000002854.04 365
Recipe Manager

Recipe Manager
What’s in This Chapter
Recipe Manager ......................................................................................... 366
Recipe Definition ......................................................................................... 369
RecipeManCommands ................................................................................ 373
Loading Recipe Values from the Controller .................................................... 381
Memory Usage by Recipes .......................................................................... 382

Recipe Manager
The Recipe Manager provides the functionality for handling user-defined lists of
project variables, named recipe definitions, and definite value sets for these
variables within a recipe definition, named recipes.
You can use recipes to modify or read recipe values for a specific set of variables
(recipe definition) on the controller. They can also be loaded from and saved to
files. These interactions are possible by using visualization elements which you
have to configure appropriately (input configuration execute command). You can
also use certain recipe commands in the application, page 373.
When you have selected a recipe, validate that the recipe is appropriate for the
process that will be controlled.

• Conduct a safety analysis for the application and equipment installed.
• Verify that recipe is appropriate for the process and equipment or function in
the installation.
• Supply appropriate parameters, particularly for limits and other safety-
related elements.
• Verify that all sensors and actuators are compatible with the recipe selected.
• Thoroughly test all functions during verification and commissioning.
• Provide independent paths for critical control functions (emergency stop,
over-limit conditions etc.) according to the safety analysis and applicable
codes and regulations.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

By default, the recipe manager is loaded to the controller during download. It

handles the writing and reading of recipes when the application is running on the
controller. However, it is not necessary to load the recipe manager to the controller
to use recipes only for exchanging parameters during startup of the system (that is
when EcoStruxure Machine Expert is still connected to the controller). You can
deactivate its download for this purpose using the option Recipe Management in
the PLC. The writing and reading of recipe values will then be handled by the
standard online commands and services. If the recipe management has to run on
the controller, because it is needed by the application program during run time,
then the RecipeCommands function block is responsible for handling the recipe
For a description of the behavior of recipes in the various online modes, refer to
the chapter Recipe Definition, page 369.
If the recipe manager is located on another controller other than the application
being affected by the recipes, the data server will be used to read/write the

366 EIO0000002854.04
Recipe Manager

variables contained in the recipes. Reading and writing of the variables is done
synchronously. By calling g_RecipeManager.LastError after reading/writing, you
may verify if the transmission has been carried out successfully (g_
RecipeManager.LastError=0 in this case).

Recipe Management Objects in the Tools Tree

To add a Recipe Manager object to the Tools tree, select the Application node,
click the green plus button, and execute the command Add other objects... >
Recipe Manager.... Confirm the Add Recipe Manager dialog box by clicking Add
and the Recipe Manager node is inserted below the Application node.
You can add one or several Recipe Definition objects to a Recipe Manager
node. To achieve this, click the green plus button of the Recipe Manager node
and execute the command Recipe Definition.... Enter a Name in the Add Recipe
Definition dialog box, and click Add. Double-click the node to view and edit
recipe definitions including the particular recipes in a separate editor window. For
a description of the behavior of recipes in the various online modes, refer to the
chapter Recipe Definition, page 369.

Recipe Manager Editor, Storage Tab

By default, the recipes will be stored automatically to files according to the settings
in the Storage tab of the Recipe Manager editor.

Parameter Description

Storage Type Select Textual or Binary storage type.

File Path Specify the location where the recipe is to be saved in the controller or
in the local file system.
NOTE: For recipe managers that work in simulations, the file path
must start with a dot (.), for example, ./Rcp.

File Extension Specify the file extension of the recipe file.

NOTE: A storage file can also be defined by the input on a visualization

element (input configuration - execute command - save/load a recipe from a
file). However, when defining the name of such a file in the visualization
configuration, do not overwrite the * .txtrecipe / * .rcp file defined here in the
recipe manager.

Parameter Description

Separator In case of textual storage, the columns selected for storage will be
separated by a separator. Select 1 of the 6 options proposed.

Available Columns All columns of the recipe definition, represented by the respective
Selected Columns Selected columns of the recipe definition, that is, the columns to be

At least the column containing the Current Value is included in this

part. It cannot be deselected.

arrow buttons The other columns can be shifted to the right or to the left by selecting
the respective entry and clicking the arrow buttons. You can also shift
all entries from one side to the other at once by using the double arrow

EIO0000002854.04 367
Recipe Manager

Parameter Description

Up and Down buttons Click these buttons to adjust the order of the selected columns, which
represents the order of the columns in the storage file.

For each recipe, a file <recipe name>.<recipe definition>.<file

extension> will be created in the specified folder. This file will be
reloaded to the recipe manager at each restart of the application. For
the update configuration of the recipe storage files, refer to the
description of the General tab, page 368.

Save as default Click the Save as default button to use the settings made within this
dialog box as default settings for each further recipe manager inserted.

NOTE: Floating point values (type REAL/LREAL) are stored in the textual
recipe files in decimal format as well as in hexadecimal format. (Because the
hexadecimal value represents the exact value whereas the decimal REAL
value represents the value to the seventh decimal place.)
Example: PLC_PRG.realVar:=22.0F16#1600000H-5
For manually modifying a value in the recipe file, edit the decimal value and
remove the subsequent hexadecimal entry. (If both values are available, the
hexadecimal value is loaded.)

Recipe Manager Editor, General Tab

Parameter Description

Recipe Management in If the recipe manager is not needed on the controller because no
the PLC recipes are to be handled during run time of the application, you can
deactivate this option so that the manager is not downloaded.

An automatic update of the recipe file is only possible after the

download has been performed. To download the recipe management
to the controller, select this option.

Save recipe

Save recipe changes to This option is available only if the option Recipe Management in the
recipe files PLC is selected.
Select the Save recipe changes to recipe files automatically option
to update recipe files automatically in runtime mode whenever a recipe
is changed.

Load recipe If the option Recipe Management in the PLC is activated, the
following two options are available to configure the download from the
Load only by exact Select the option to load recipe files only if the file contains all variables
match of the variable available in the variable list of the recipe definition of the application.
list The variables in the file must be in the same order as in the variable
list. Additional entries at the end are ignored. Otherwise, the recipe
cannot be loaded and the return value, page 375 ERR_RECIPE_
MISMATCH is set (RecipeManCommands.GetLastError).

Load matching Select the option to load only variables with matching variable names
variables by variable from the recipe file. No error status is set when the variable list in the
name file is different from the list in the recipe definition of the application.
Thus, recipe files can also be loaded if variables in the file or in the
recipe definition have been deleted.

Write recipe

Limit the variable to Select the option to write the defined minimum or maximum value to
min/max when recipe the controller if the recipe contains a value that is beyond the value
value is out of the range range.

Do not write to a Select the option to prevent a value from being written to the controller
variable when the if the recipe contains a value that is beyond the value range. The value
recipe value is out of that is present in the controller will be retained.
the min/max range

368 EIO0000002854.04
Recipe Manager

Parameter Description

Read recipe

Check recipe for Use the function block RecipeManCommands of the

changes RecipeManagement library to read recipes. Do not call the method
cyclically as this is time and controller capacity-consuming.

Select the option to read the variable values present in the controller
into the recipe with each method call. Only if the values have changed,
the recipe file is overwritten with the present values. As this procedure
generates additional code for comparing the old and the present
values, consider that it has an impact on the performance.

If the option is not selected, the variable values present in the

controller are read into the recipe with each method call. The recipe is
then written to the recipe file in the local file system.
NOTE: This write process to the local file system with each
method call may have a considerable impact on the controller

Recipe Definition
The recipe manager, page 366 handles 1 or several recipe definitions. A recipe
definition contains a list of variables and 1 or several recipes (value sets) for these
variables. You can save a recipe to a file or write recipe files to the controller. By
using different recipes, you can assign another set of values to a set of variables
on the controller in one stroke. There is no limitation of the number of recipe
definitions, recipes, and variables per recipe.
NOTE: The recipe management reads the values of the variables that are
defined in the recipe definition at the end of the initialization phase of the
application. Since the initial values of the application variables have all been
set at this point, missing values from recipe files can be correctly initialized.

Recipe Definition
You can add one or several Recipe Definition objects to a Recipe Manager node
in the Tools tree. To achieve this, click the green plus button of the Recipe
Manager node and execute the command Recipe Definition....
Double-click the node to view and edit recipe definitions including the particular
recipes in a separate editor view.
Recipe definition editor view

1 Recipe definition name

2 Recipe names
The editor window is titled with the name of the recipe definition.

EIO0000002854.04 369
Recipe Manager

Parameter Description

Variable In the table, you can enter several project variables for which you want
to define 1 or several recipes. For this purpose, you can use the
command Insert Variable when the cursor is in any field of any line.
Alternatively, you can double-click a Variable field, or you can select it
and press the spacebar to get into editor mode. Enter the valid name
of a project variable, for example plc_prg.ivar. You can click the ...
button to open the Input Assistant.

You can also specify a POU, for example, a program like PLC_PRG
shown in the figure above. In this case, all variables defined within the
POU are added to the recipe definition automatically when you close
the input field. The same applies to data types or function blocks.

You can toggle between the normal and the structured view using the
buttons on the right side.

After you have modified the declaration of structured data types or

POUs, the recipe definition can be reduced or extended by the
concerned variables automatically. For further information, refer to the
Update structured variables command (see EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

Type The Type field is filled automatically. Optionally, you can define a
symbolic Name.

Name You can define a symbolic Name.

Comment Enter additional information, such as the unit of the value recorded in
the variable.
Minimal Value and You can optionally specify these values which should be permissible
Maximal Value for being written on this variable.

Current Value This value is monitored in online mode.

Save recipe changes to It is a good practice to activate this option in the General tab of the
recipe files Recipe manager editor because it affects the usual behavior of a
automatically recipe management: the storage files are updated immediately at any
modification of a recipe during run time. Consider that the option can
only be effective as long as the recipe manager is available on the

You can remove a variable (line) from the table by pressing the DEL key when one
of its cells is selected. You can select multiple lines by keeping the CTRL key
pressed while selecting cells. You can copy the selected lines by copy and paste.
The paste command inserts the copied lines above the selected line. In doing so,
recipe values are inserted in the matching recipe column, if available.
To add a recipe to the recipe definition, execute the Add a new recipe command
(see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help) when the
focus is in the editor view. For each recipe, an own column is created, titled with
the recipe name (example: R1 and R2 in the figure above).
In online mode, a recipe can be changed either by an appropriately configured
visualization element (input configuration execute command) or by using the
appropriate methods of the function block RecipeManCommands of the Recipe_
For a list of methods available in the contextual menu of a recipe column in the
recipe definition editor view, refer to Using Recipes in Online Mode, page 371.
See in the following paragraphs how the recipes behave in the particular online
states. It is a good practice to set the option Save recipe changes to recipe files
automatically (in order to get the usual behavior of a recipe management).

You can add or remove a recipe offline or online. In offline mode, use the
commands Add a new recipe (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help) and Remove recipes (see EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help) within the recipe manager editor. In online
mode, either configure an input on an appropriately configured visualization

370 EIO0000002854.04
Recipe Manager

element, or use the appropriate methods of function block RecipeManCommands

of the Recipe_Management.library.
When adding a recipe, a further column is added behind the right-most column,
titled with the name of the recipe (see the figure of the recipe definition editor
view). The fields of a recipe column can be filled with appropriate values. Thus, for
the same set of variables, different sets of values can be prepared in the particular

Using Recipes in Online Mode

The recipes can be handled (created, read, written, saved, loaded, deleted) by
using the methods of the function block RecipeManCommands, provided by the
library Recipe_Management.libray, in the application code, or via inputs on
visualization elements.
Recipe handling in online mode if Save recipe changes to recipe files
automatically is activated:

Actions Recipes Defined Within the Recipes Created During Run

Project Time

Online Reset Warm The recipes of all recipe Dynamically created recipes
definitions get set with the remain unchanged.
Online Reset Cold values out of the open project.
Online Reset Origin The application is removed from the controller. If a new download
is done afterwards, the recipes will be restored like on an Online
Reset Warm.
Shut down and restart the After the restart, the recipes are reloaded from the automatically
controller created files. So the status before shutdown will be restored.
Online Change The recipe values remain unchanged. During run time, a recipe
can only be modified by the commands of the
RecipeManCommands function block.

Stop At a stop/start of the controller, the recipes remain unchanged.

NOTE: Floating point values (type REAL/LREAL) are stored in the textual
recipe files in decimal format as well as in hexadecimal format. (Because the
hexadecimal value represents the exact value whereas the decimal REAL
value represents the value to the seventh decimal place.)
Example: PLC_PRG.realVar:=22.0F16#1600000H-5
For manually modifying a value in the recipe file, edit the decimal value and
remove the subsequent hexadecimal entry. (If both values are available, the
hexadecimal value is loaded.)
Recipe handling in online mode if Save recipe changes to recipe files
automatically is NOT activated:

Actions Recipes Defined Within the Recipes Created During Run

Project Time

Online Reset Warm The recipes of all recipe Dynamically created recipes
definitions get set with the get lost.
Online Reset Cold values out of the open project.
However, these are only set in
Download the memory. In order to store
the recipe in a file, the save
command must be used

Online Reset Origin The application is removed Dynamically created recipes

from the controller. If a new get lost.
download is done afterwards,
the recipes will be restored.

Shut down and restart the After the restart the recipes are reloaded from the initial values
controller which had been created at download from the values out of the
project. So the status as it was before shutdown will not be

EIO0000002854.04 371
Recipe Manager

Actions Recipes Defined Within the Recipes Created During Run

Project Time

Online Change The recipe values remain unchanged. During run time, a recipe
can only be modified by the commands of the
RecipeManCommands function block.

Stop At a stop/start of the controller, the recipes remain unchanged.

Further information:
• Concerning the storage of recipes in files, which are reloaded at a restart of
the application, refer to the description of the Recipe Manager Editor, Storage
Tab, page 367.
• For a description of the particular RecipeManCommands methods, page 373,
refer to the documentation within the library.
• For the input configuration of a visualization element, refer to the help page
(category Input > execute command).
The following actions on recipes are possible:

Actions Description

Create recipe (= Add a A new recipe is created in the specified recipe definition.
new recipe)

Read recipe The values of the variables of the specified recipe definition are read
from the controller and are written to the specified recipe. Therefore,
the values will be stored implicitly (in a file on the controller). They will
also be monitored immediately in the recipe definition table in the
Recipe Manager. In other words, the recipe managed in the Recipe
Manager gets updated with the actual values from the controller.

Write recipe The values of the given recipe, as visible in the recipe manager, are
written to the variables on the controller.
Save Recipe The values of the specified recipe are written to a file with extension *.
txtrecipe or * .rcp, the name of which you have to define. For this
purpose, the dialog box for saving a file in the local file system opens.
NOTE: The implicitly used recipe files, necessary as a buffer for
reading and writing of the recipe values, may not get overwritten.
Therefore, the name for the new recipe file must be different from
<recipe name>.<recipe definition name>.txtrecipe / .rcp.

Load Recipe The recipe which has been stored in a file (see the Save Recipe
description) can be reloaded from this file. The dialog box for browsing
for a file opens for this purpose. The filter is automatically set to
extension *.txtrecipe / * .rcp. After reloading the file, the recipe values
will be updated accordingly in the recipe manager. For further
information, refer to the description of the Load Recipe command in
the Menu Commands Online Help (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert,
Menu Commands, Online Help).

Delete recipe (= Remove The specified recipe is removed from the recipe definition.

Change recipe The value of the project variables can be changed. With a following
write recipe action, the project variables are written with the new

When using recipe files (create, read, write, delete), create specific tasks,
page 351 with low priority and with the Watchdog function disabled.

372 EIO0000002854.04
Recipe Manager

When calling a recipe command, internal data access is performed. Depending on
the device type, this takes a few milliseconds. Verify that these calls are not
performed by the MAST task or by a task with a configured watchdog or a real-
time task. This may lead to an application error and the controller will enter the
HALT state.
Consider that the option Save recipe changes to recipe files automatically also
performs a file access with each modification of the recipe. Deactivate this option
if the storage of the recipe is triggered by the application.

Return Values
For possible return values for recipe commands, refer to the Recipe Management
Library Documentation of the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Online Help.

This method creates a new recipe in the specified recipe definition and afterwards
reads the controller values into the new recipe. At the end, the new recipe is
stored in the default file.

Parameter Data type Description

RecipeDefinitionName: STRING Name of the recipe definition.

RecipeName: STRING Name of the recipe.

Return values, page 373: ERR_NO_RECIPE_MANAGER_SET, ERR_RECIPE_


This method creates a new recipe in the specified recipe definition and afterwards
reads the controller values into the new recipe.

Parameter Data type Description

RecipeDefinitionName: STRING Name of the recipe definition.

RecipeName: STRING Name of the recipe.

Return values, page 373: ERR_NO_RECIPE_MANAGER_SET, ERR_RECIPE_


EIO0000002854.04 373
Recipe Manager

This method deletes a recipe from a recipe definition.

Parameter Data type Description

RecipeDefinitionName: STRING Name of the recipe definition.

RecipeName: STRING Name of the recipe.

Return values, page 373: ERR_NO_RECIPE_MANAGER_SET, ERR_RECIPE_


This method deletes the default recipe file from a recipe.

Parameter Data type Description

RecipeDefinitionName: STRING Name of the recipe definition.

RecipeName: STRING Name of the recipe.

Return values, page 373: ERR_NO_RECIPE_MANAGER_SET, ERR_RECIPE_


This method loads a recipe from the default recipe file and afterwards writes the
recipe into the controller variables.

Parameter Data type Description

RecipeDefinitionName: STRING Name of the recipe definition.

RecipeName: STRING Name of the recipe.

Return values, page 373: ERR_NO_RECIPE_MANAGER_SET, ERR_RECIPE_


This method loads a recipe from the specified recipe file and afterwards writes the
recipe into the controller variables.

Parameter Data type Description

RecipeDefinitionName: STRING Name of the recipe definition.

RecipeName: STRING Name of the recipe.

FileName: STRING [255] Name of the file.

Return values, page 373: ERR_NO_RECIPE_MANAGER_SET, ERR_RECIPE_


374 EIO0000002854.04
Recipe Manager

This method loads a recipe from the default recipe file. The default recipe file
name is <recipe>.<recipe definition>.<recipeextension>.

Parameter Data type Description

RecipeDefinitionName: STRING Name of the recipe definition.

RecipeName: STRING Name of the recipe.

Return values, page 373: ERR_NO_RECIPE_MANAGER_SET, ERR_RECIPE_


This method reads the controller values from the variables of the recipe definitions
and afterwards stores the data set to a file recipe without modifying the default
recipe file <recipe.recipe definition.extension>.

Parameter Data type Description

RecipeDefinitionName: STRING Name of the recipe definition. The variables defined in the recipe
definition are read.
FileName: STRING[255] Name of the file in which the read data set is saved as a recipe.

Return values, page 373: ERR_NO_RECIPE_MANAGER_SET, ERR_RECIPE_


This method reads the controller values into the recipe and afterwards stores the
recipe into the default recipe file.

Parameter Data type Description

RecipeDefinitionName: STRING Name of the recipe definition.

RecipeName: STRING Name of the recipe.

Return values, page 373: ERR_NO_RECIPE_MANAGER_SET, ERR_RECIPE_


This method reads the controller values into the recipe and afterwards stores the
recipe into the specified recipe file. The content of an existing file would be

Parameter Data type Description

RecipeDefinitionName: STRING Name of the recipe definition.

RecipeName: STRING Name of the recipe.

FileName: STRING [255] Name of the file.

Return values, page 373: ERR_NO_RECIPE_MANAGER_SET, ERR_RECIPE_


EIO0000002854.04 375
Recipe Manager

This method stores the recipe into the default recipe file. The content of an
existing file would be overridden. The default recipe file name is <recipe>.

Parameter Data type Description

RecipeDefinitionName: STRING Name of the recipe definition.

RecipeName: STRING Name of the recipe.

Return values, page 373: ERR_NO_RECIPE_MANAGER_SET, ERR_RECIPE_


This method reads the controller values into the recipe.

Parameter Data type Description

RecipeDefinitionName: STRING Name of the recipe definition.

RecipeName: STRING Name of the recipe.

Return values, page 373: ERR_NO_RECIPE_MANAGER_SET, ERR_RECIPE_


This method writes the recipe into the controller variables.

Parameter Data type Description

RecipeDefinitionName: STRING Name of the recipe definition.

RecipeName: STRING Name of the recipe.

Return values, page 373: ERR_NO_RECIPE_MANAGER_SET, ERR_RECIPE_


This method reloads the list of recipes from the file system.

Parameter Data type Description

RecipeDefinitionName: STRING Name of the recipe definition.

Return values, page 373: ERR_NO_RECIPE_MANAGER_SET, ERR_RECIPE_


376 EIO0000002854.04
Recipe Manager

This method returns the number of recipes from the corresponding recipe

Parameter Data type Description

RecipeDefinitionName: STRING Name of the recipe definition.

Return values: -1 : if the recipe definition is not found.

This method returns the recipe names from the corresponding recipe definition.

Parameter Data type Description

RecipeDefinitionName: STRING Name of the recipe definition.

pStrings : POINTER TO ARRAY [] OF The strings where the recipe values should be stored.
iSize : INT The size of an array of strings.

iStartIndex : INT The start index; can be used for a scrolling function.

Return values, page 373: ERR_NO_RECIPE_MANAGER_SET, ERR_RECIPE_

There are 50 recipes. To create a table which shows 10 recipe names at a time,
define an array of strings:
strArr: ARRAY[0..9] OF STRING;
Corresponding to the iStartIndex, the recipe names can be read from a specific
iStartIndex := 0;
The names 0...9 are returned.
iStartIndex := 20;
The names 20...29 are returned. In this example:
iSize := 10;

EIO0000002854.04 377
Recipe Manager

This method returns the recipe variable values from the corresponding recipe.

Parameter Data type Description

RecipeDefinitionName: STRING Name of the recipe definition.

RecipeName : STRING Name of the recipe.

pStrings : POINTER TO ARRAY [] OF The strings where the recipe values are to be stored.
iSize : INT The size of an array of strings.

iStartIndex : INT The start index; can be used for a scrolling function.

iStringLength : INT The length of the string in the array.

Return values, page 373: ERR_NO_RECIPE_MANAGER_SET, ERR_RECIPE_

There are 50 recipes. To create a table which shows 10 recipe names at a time,
define an array of strings:
strArr: ARRAY[0..9] OF STRING;
Corresponding to the iStartIndex, the recipe names can be read from a specific
iStartIndex := 0;
The values 0...9 are returned.
iStartIndex := 20;
The values 20...29 are returned. In this example:
iStringLength := 80;
iSize := 10;

378 EIO0000002854.04
Recipe Manager

This method returns the variable name of the corresponding recipe.

Parameter Data type Description

RecipeDefinitionName: STRING Name of the recipe definition.

RecipeName : STRING Name of the recipe.

pStrings : POINTER TO ARRAY [] OF The strings where the recipe values should be stored.
iSize : INT The size of an array of strings.

iStartIndex : INT The start index; can be used for a scrolling function.

Return values, page 373: ERR_NO_RECIPE_MANAGER_SET, ERR_RECIPE_

There are 50 recipes. To create a table which shows 10 recipe names at a time,
define an array of strings:
strArr: ARRAY[0..9] OF STRING;
Corresponding to the iStartIndex, the recipe names can be read from a specific
iStartIndex := 0;
The names 0...9 are returned.
iStartIndex := 20;
The names 20...29 are returned. In this example:
iSize := 10;

EIO0000002854.04 379
Recipe Manager

This method sets the recipe values into the corresponding recipe.

Parameter Data type Description

RecipeDefinitionName: STRING Name of the recipe definition.

RecipeName : STRING Name of the recipe.

pStrings : POINTER TO ARRAY [] OF The strings where the recipe values should be stored.
iSize : INT The size of an array of strings.

iStartIndex : INT The start index; can be used for a scrolling function.

Return values, page 373: ERR_NO_RECIPE_MANAGER_SET, ERR_RECIPE_

There are 50 recipes. To create a table which shows 10 recipe names at a time,
define an array of strings:
strArr: ARRAY[0..9] OF STRING;
Corresponding to the iStartIndex, the recipe names can be read from a specific
iStartIndex := 0;
The values 0...9 are set.
iStartIndex := 20;
The values 20...29 are set. In this example:
iStringLength := 80;
iSize := 10;

This method of data type DWORD returns the last detected error of the previous
Return values, page 373: ERR_NO_RECIPE_MANAGER_SET, ERR_OK

This method of data type DWORD resets the last detected error.
Return values, page 373: ERR_NO_RECIPE_MANAGER_SET, ERR_OK

380 EIO0000002854.04
Recipe Manager

This method allows you to set the storage path for the recipe file. It overwrites the
File Path configured in the Recipe Manager dialog box, page 366.

Parameter Data type Description

stPath STRING The method returns TRUE if the path is set, as for example: D:/

The method returns FALSE:

• If there is no Recipe Manager available in the application.
• If there is no recipe definition, page 369 available below the
Recipe Manager node.

Return values, page 373: ERR_NO_RECIPE_MANAGER_SET, ERR_OK

Loading Recipe Values from the Controller

You can apply recipe values from the controller to recipe definitions in the project,
even if these definitions have been modified in the project.
As a prerequisite, the option Recipe Management in the PLC has to be activated
in the General tab of the Recipe Manager editor and File Path has to be set to

Loading Recipe Values from the Controller

To load recipe values from the controller, proceed as follows:

Step Action Comment

1 Create a recipe definition RecDef1 in the project, –

containing the variables PLC_PRG.ivar and

2 Insert a recipe R1: –

Value for PLC_PRG.ivar: 33

Value for PLC_PRG.bvar: TRUE

3 Log in to the controller and download the Result: The recipe file R1.RecDef1.
application. txtrecipe is saved to the directory
Recipes of the controller.

4 Log out from controller. –

5 Add another variable PLC_PRG.dwvar to the –

recipe definition in the project.

6 Edit the recipe definition file R1.RecDef1. –

txtrecipe on the controller by changing the value
for PLC_PRG:ivar from 33 to 34.

7 Add another recipe on the controller by copying –

the R1.RecDef1.txtrecipe file and renaming it to

8 Edit the R2.RecDef1.txtrecipe file and modify the Result: On the controller, there are
recipe values: now two recipes, R1 and R2.

PLC_PRG:ivar: 1 In the project, there is only R1

available. This recipe R1 contains
PLC_PRG.bvar: FALSE other values than R1 on the
9 Log in to the controller. Result: A dialog box opens.

EIO0000002854.04 381
Recipe Manager

Step Action Comment

10 From the dialog box, select the option Login –

with online change or Login with download,
and click OK
11 While the recipe definition editor view is open, Result: A dialog box indicates that
execute the command Upload recipes from the recipe for PLC_PRG.dwvar
device from the contextual menu of the Recipe loaded from the controller cannot
definition editor view. provide a value from the controller.

12 Confirm the dialog box to continue. Result: The value of PLC:_PRG.

ivar in recipe R1 of the recipe
definition in the project changes to

PLC_PRG.dwvar remains in the

recipe definition.

Memory Usage by Recipes

Memory Usage
If the option Recipe Management in the PLC is activated in the General tab of
the recipe manager editor, then code is generated for the recipe manager and the
recipe definitions. This code is saved in the controller. The size of the memory
used depends on the number of recipes and their variables, as well as the data
type of the variables. If the fields of the recipe definition are filled, this also
requires memory space.
You can use the values provided in the table as a guideline for determining the
memory space:

– Code size Data size (bytes) Total (bytes)


Recipe definition with 100 INT 194406 79400 267352

Recipe definition with 200 INT 238318 121284 459344
Recipe definition with 300 INT 282230 163084 543856
Recipe definition with 100 BOOL 192742 69884 343168
Recipe definition with 200 BOOL 235446 101568 436872
Recipe definition with 300 BOOL 278146 133284 510072
Recipe definition with 100 STRING 203278 870084 1154000
Recipe definition with 200 STRING 255570 1709784 2973296
Recipe definition with 300 STRING 307886 2549484 2964112

382 EIO0000002854.04
Trace Editor

Trace Editor
What’s in This Chapter
Trace Object ............................................................................................... 383
Trace Configuration ..................................................................................... 387
Trace Editor in Online Mode ......................................................................... 395
Keyboard Operations for Trace Diagrams...................................................... 396

Trace Object
Trace Basics
Trace Functionality
The trace functionality allows you to capture the progression of the values of
variables on the controller over a certain time, similar to a digital sampling
oscilloscope. Additionally, you can set a trigger to control the data capturing with
input (trigger) signals. The values of trace variables are steadily written to an
EcoStruxure Machine Expert buffer of a specified size. They can be observed in
the form of a two-dimensional graph plotted as a function of time.
NOTE: The tracing of data is continued when you log off the controller.
If PC processor-consuming tasks are executed in EcoStruxure Machine Expert or
on the PC running EcoStruxure Machine Expert while a trace is running, it may
happen that variable values are not captured by the trace.

Avoid executing actions and/or PC applications that lead to a high processor
load while running a trace.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

Way of Tracing Data

The tracing of data on the control is performed in two different ways:
• Either from IEC code generated by the trace object and downloaded to the
controller by a trace child application.
• Or within the CmpTraceMgr component (also named Trace Manager).
NOTE: The tracing of data can significantly increase the cycle time of the IEC
What data is captured is determined by an entry in the target settings (trace >
trace manager).
The trace manager has advanced functionality. It allows you to:
• Configure and trace parameters of the control system, such as the
temperature curve of the processor or the battery. For more information, refer
to the variable settings, page 389 and to the record (trigger) settings, page
• Read out device traces, such as the trace of the electric current of a drive. For
more information, refer to the description of the Upload Trace command (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).
• Trace system variables of other system components.

EIO0000002854.04 383
Trace Editor

Furthermore, the additional command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu

Commands, Online Help) Online List is available.
• If a trace is used in the visualization, device parameters cannot be traced
or used for the trigger.
• The trigger level cannot be set to an IEC expression, only literals and
constants are supported.
• The record condition cannot be set to an IEC expression of type BOOL,
only variables are supported.
• If a property is traced or used for the trigger, it must be annotated with the
attribute monitoring, page 512 in IEC declaration.

Configure the trace data as well as the display settings of the trace data in the
Configuration. It provides commands for accessing the configuration dialog
boxes. Several variables can be traced and displayed at the same time, in
different views such as multi-channel mode. Record traces of variables with
different trigger settings in their own trace object. You can create any number of
trace objects.
Tools tree with several trace objects

Commands for modifying the settings of the display are described in the Features
paragraph, page 385. Zooming functionalities and a cursor are available as well
as commands for running the trace so that the graph can be compressed or
To integrate the readout of a trace within a visualization, use the visualization
element Trace.
For further information on trace configuration for data recording, refer to the
Record Settings, page 391.

Creating a Trace or a Device Trace Object

To insert a trace object in the Tools tree, select the Application node, click the
green plus button, and execute the command Trace.... Double-click the Trace
node in the Tools tree to open the trace editor. Trace and DeviceTrace objects
display trace data in one or more diagrams.
A DeviceTrace node, in particular, is inserted below the device in the Devices
tree and does not immediately depend on the applications of the project. It directly
accesses traces that are running on the controller.

384 EIO0000002854.04
Trace Editor

Newly created trace with contextual menu:

A trace contains at least one variable which is sampled.

In the trace tree area in the right part of the window, the configured trace variables
are displayed. By default, the trace variables are displayed with their complete
instance path.
Select the Hide instance paths check box to hide the instance path. To display
this check box, click the arrow button in the upper right corner of the trace tree
To configure or modify the trace settings, use the commands of the contextual
menu in the trace tree area:
• Add Variable...: Opens the Trace Configuration dialog box with Variable
Settings, page 389.
• Delete: Deletes the selected variable. Only available if at least one trace
variable exists.
• Visible: This command makes the selected variable visible. Only available if
at least one trace variable exists.
• Configuration...: Opens the Trace Configuration dialog box with Record
Settings, page 391.
• Display Settings...: Opens the Display Mode view, page 392. It allows you
to configure the appearance of the graph and the coordinate system. This
command is unavailable until a configuration is loaded.

For running the trace, use the following commands:
• Add variable (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online
• Download Trace (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands,
Online Help)
• Start/Stop Trace (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands,
Online Help)
• Reset Trigger (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online
For customizing the view of the graphs, use the following commands:
• Cursor (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help)
• Mouse Zooming (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands,
Online Help)

EIO0000002854.04 385
Trace Editor

• Reset View (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online

• Auto Fit (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help)
• Compress (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online
• Stretch (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help)
• Convert to Multi-channel (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help)
• Convert to Single-channel (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help)
• For further information, refer to the chapter, page 396 Keyboard Operations
for Trace Diagrams.
For access to traces stored on the runtime system, use the following commands:
• Online List (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online
• Upload Trace (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online
For access to traces stored on the disc, use the following commands:
• Save Trace... (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online
• Load Trace... (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online
• Export symbolic trace config (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help)

Getting Started
In order to start the trace in online mode, download the trace configuration to the
controller by executing the Download Trace command. The graphs of the trace
variables are displayed in the trace editor window where you can store them to an
external file. This file can be reloaded to the editor. Also refer to the chapter Trace
Editor in Online Mode, page 395.

Step Action

1 Login and run the associated application.

Result: The application runs on the controller.

2 Download trace

Result: The trace graphs are immediately displayed according to the trace

3 Arrange the trace graphs, store the trace data, stop/start tracing.

The trace editor shows an example of tracing in online mode. Four variables have
been selected for display in the variables tree in the right part of the dialog.

386 EIO0000002854.04
Trace Editor

Trace in online mode

Trace Configuration
Trace Configuration - Tree Views
The Trace Configuration dialog box provides two different tree views on the left-
hand side:
• Trace Record tree view
• Presentation (diagrams) tree view

Trace Record Tree View

The Trace Record tree view lists the variables that are traced and provides
access to the variable settings.
The view that is displayed on the right-hand side of the Trace Configuration
dialog box depends on the element that is selected in the tree view:

If... Then ...

A trace name is selected The Record Settings view is displayed on the
right-hand side.

A trace variable is selected The Variable Settings view is displayed on the

right-hand side.

Commands of the Contextual Menu of the Trace Record Tree View

The contextual menu of the Trace Record tree view provides the following

EIO0000002854.04 387
Trace Editor

Command Description

Add variable Opens the Variable Settings view, page 389 on

the right-hand side.

To add a new variable, click the browse button

(...), and select a variable for tracing.

Assign to diagram Right-click a variable and execute the Assign

to diagram command to list the diagrams that
do not include the selected variable. Select a
diagram to display the selected variable in this

This command is deactivated if the selected

variable is already assigned to all diagrams.

Enabled The variables are by default enabled.

Deactivated variables are displayed as

disabled. They are not displayed or recorded.

Presentation (diagrams) Tree View

The Presentation (diagrams) tree view lists the diagrams that are displayed in
the trace editor and provides access to the display mode.
The view that is displayed on the right-hand side of the Trace Configuration
dialog box depends on the element that is selected in tree view:

If... Then ...

The node Time axis is selected. The Display mode view, page 392 is displayed
on the right-hand side. It allows you to specify
the time axis display.

A diagram name is selected The settings for the coordinate system of the
diagram and a preview are displayed.

The node Y axis is selected. The Display mode view, page 392 is displayed
on the right-hand side. It allows you to specify
the axis display.

A trace variable is selected below the Shown The Variable Settings view, page 389 on the
variables node. right-hand side that allows you to configure the
trace variables.

Commands of the Contextual Menu of the Presentation (diagrams) Tree

The contextual menu of the Presentation (diagrams) tree view provides the
following commands:

Command Description

Add diagram Adds a new diagram and displays it in the

Presentation (diagrams) tree view.

Add new variable Adds a new trace variable and opens the
Variable Settings view, page 389 on the right-
hand side.

Select a variable in the input field to trace the

value graph. Specify the display. The variable is
assigned to the selected diagram.

Add existing variable Right-click a diagram and execute the Add

existing variable command to list the trace
variables where the selected diagram is not
displayed. Select a variable to display it in the
selected diagram.

This command is not available if all trace

variables are already displayed in the selected

388 EIO0000002854.04
Trace Editor

Variable Settings
The Trace Configuration dialog box with Variable Settings opens when you
select a trace variable in the trace tree. It allows you to configure which variables
should be traced and how they are displayed.
Trace Configuration dialog box with Variable Settings

The trace variables are displayed in the left part of the window in a tree structure.
The top node is titled with the trace name.

Adding and Deleting a Trace Variable

For adding a variable to the trace tree or deleting one, use the commands below
the trace tree:

Command Description

Add Variable Creates an anonymous entry in the trace tree.

In the right part of the dialog box, the settings of the new
variable are ready for configuration.

Delete Deletes the selected variable with the associated


Setting and Modifying the Variable Settings

To choose the variable settings, select the desired variable in the trace tree. The
present settings will be displayed in the right part of the trace configuration
window. To modify the variable settings later, select the variable entry in the trace
tree and use the Variable Settings dialog box again.

EIO0000002854.04 389
Trace Editor

Parameter Description

Variable Enter the name (path) of the signal to specify the signal that is

A valid signal is an IEC variable, a property, a reference, the

contents of a pointer, or an array element of the application.
Allowed types are all IEC basic types, except STRING,
WSTRING or ARRAY. Enumerations are also allowed, whose
basic type is not a STRING, a WSTRING or an ARRAY. Click
the ... button to open the input assistant that allows you to
obtain a valid entry.

Controllers that support parameter tracing provide a list if you

click the Variable: parameter. If you want to trace a device
parameter, select the item Parameter from this list. Then you
can find one with the help of the input assistant. Edit or verify
the variable settings. Device parameters are only supported if
the CmpTraceMgr component is used. If device parameters
are used for trace (or for trigger) variables, it is not possible to
activate the option Generate Trace POU for visualization.
NOTE: If CmpTraceMgr is used for tracing, a Property,
page 158 that is used as a trace (or trigger) variable
must get the compiler attribute Attribute Monitoring, page
NOTE: Do not use Sercos parameters of type AS for
tracing as this can reduce the performance of your

Graph color Select a color from the color selection list in which the trace
curve for the variable is displayed.

Line type Specify the way samples are connected in the graph. Use
Line for large volumes of data. It is also the default value.

Line The samples are connected to a line (default).

Step The samples are connected in the shape of a staircase. Thus,

a horizontal line to the time stamp of the next sample followed
by a vertical line to the value of the next sample.

None The samples are not connected.

Point type Specify how the values themselves are drawn in the graph.

Dot The samples are drawn as dots (default).

Cross The samples are drawn as crosses.

None The samples are not displayed.

Activate Minimum Warning If this option is activated, the trace graph is displayed in the
color defined in Warning minimum color as soon as the
variable exceeds the value defined in Critical lower limit.
Critical lower limit If the value of the variable entered here has fallen below and
Activate minimum warning is active, the values of the curve
changes in the following specified color.

Warning minimum color Color value for the activated lower limit.

Activate Maximum Warning If this option is activated, the trace graph is displayed in the
color defined in Warning maximum color as soon as the
variable exceeds the value defined in Critical upper limit.

Critical upper limit If the value of the variable entered here is exceeded and
Activate maximum warning is active, the values of the
curve changes in the following specified color.

Warning maximum color Color value for the activated upper limit.

Multi-Selection of Variables
By using the keyboard shortcuts Shift + mouse-click or Ctrl + mouse-click, you
can select several variables for editing. Then the modifications made in the dialog
box Variable Settings are applied to all selected variables. The same can be
achieved with Shift + Up Arrow/Down Arrow or Ctrl + Up Arrow/Down Arrow.

390 EIO0000002854.04
Trace Editor

Record Settings
The Trace Configuration dialog box with Record Settings opens if you execute
the command Configuration or if you double-click a trace variable in the trace
tree. The configuration command is also available in the contextual menu of the
trace tree on the right part of the main trace editor window.
NOTE: The settings completed in the dialog box Trace Configuration dialog
box with Record Settings are valid for all variables of the trace graph.

Trigger Basics
In most situations, it is not desired that tracing and displaying the input signals
starts at random moments, such as immediately after the previous measurement,
or when the user presses the start button. Most of the time it is preferred that the
tracing is done when a trigger is fired for the configured number of records (post
trigger). This is called triggering and has to be defined here.
The following ways are used for triggering input signals:
• by configuring a trigger variable
• by configuring a record condition
• or both

Setting and Modifying the Record (Trigger) Settings

Parameter Description

Enable Trigger Select the checkbox to enable the trigger system. It can be
turned on or off independently of the lower settings. If the
trigger system is disabled, the trace is free-running.

Trigger Variable Assign a variable. Specify which signal will be used as trigger
by entering the name (and path) of the signal.

A valid trigger signal is an IEC variable, a property, a

reference, a pointer, an array element of the application or an
expression. Allowed types are all IEC basic types, except
STRING, WSTRING, or ARRAY. Enumerations are also
allowed, whose basic type is not a STRING, a WSTRING or
an ARRAY. The content of a pointer is not a valid signal. Click
the ... button to open the input assistant that allows you to
obtain a valid entry.

Controllers that support using device parameters as triggers

provide a list if you click the Trigger Variable: parameter. If
you want to use a device parameter as trigger, select the item
Trigger Parameter from this list. Open the Input Assistant
with the ... button and select traceable parameters. Under
Elements, the parameters available in the system are listed.
You can also type the parameter names directly or by copy
and paste (from another configuration) into the text field.
Device parameters are only supported if the trace manager is
NOTE: If CmpTraceMgr is used for tracing, a Property,
page 158 that is used as a trace (or trigger) variable
must get the compiler attribute Attribute Monitoring, page
Trigger edge –

positive Trigger event on rising edge of the boolean trigger variable.

Or as soon as the value defined by Trigger Level for an
analog trigger variable is reached by an ascending run.

negative Trigger event on falling edge of the boolean trigger variable.

Or as soon as the value defined by Trigger Level for an
analog trigger variable is reached by a descending run.

both Trigger event on the conditions described for positive and


EIO0000002854.04 391
Trace Editor

Parameter Description

Post Trigger Enter a number of records per trace signal, which are
recorded after the trigger is fired.

Default value: 50

Range: 0...4,294,967,295

Trigger Level Enter a value at which point the trigger fires.

With Trigger edge, you can specify whether it fires on a rising

or a falling edge of the trigger variable. It must be set if and
only if an analog variable (variable with numeric type, such as
LREAL or INT) is used as trigger variable.

Directly enter a value. A GVL constant or an ENUM value is

allowed if their type is convertible to the trigger variable.

If IEC code is used, then you can also enter an arbitrary IEC
expression of a type that is convertible to that of the trigger

Default value: – (empty)

Task From the list of available tasks, select the one where
capturing of the input signals takes place.

Record condition If you want to start the record by a condition, enter here a
variable. If the trace is started before, for example by pressing
the start button, and the variable assigned here becomes
TRUE, the data capturing is started and the traced graph will
be displayed.

If CmpTraceMgr is used, the record condition has to be a

variable of type BOOL or of a bit-access. A content of a
pointer is not a valid entry. Properties are also supported.

If IEC code is used, an arbitrary IEC expression of type BOOL

can also be entered.
Comment Enter a comment text concerning the present record.

Resolution Enter a resolution of the trace time stamp in ms or μs.

For each captured signal, pairs of value and time stamp are
stored and transmitted to the programming system. The
transmitted time stamps are relative and refer to the start of
the tracing.

If the trace task has a cycle time of 1 ms or less, use a time

stamp with resolution in μs. This option is only possible when
a trace manager is available in the controller.

Automatic restart Set this option if the trace configuration and the last content of
the RTS trace buffers is to be stored persistently on the target

This option is only possible when a trace manager is tracing

in the controller.
Advanced... Click this button to open the Advanced Trace Settings
dialog box, page 394. It allows you to set some additional
settings for the trace trigger.

NOTE: If you want to capture and display a trace signal with a different time
base, you have to do a record configuration in a separate trace object.

Display Mode
The Display mode view opens on the right-hand side when you select an axis
(time or Y axis) in the Presentation (diagrams) tree view.
The parameters displayed depend on the axis that is selected:

392 EIO0000002854.04
Trace Editor

Parameter Description

Display mode Select the following scaling options:

• Auto
If this option is selected, EcoStruxure
Machine Expert scales the axis
• Fixed length
Only available for time axis: If this option
is selected, EcoStruxure Machine Expert
displays a segment of constant length.
• Fixed
If this option is selected, EcoStruxure
Machine Expert displays a time or Y axis
defined by the Minimum and Maximum

Minimum When the Display mode > Fixed is selected,

enter a start value for the axis.
Maximum When the Display mode > Fixed is selected,
enter an end value for the axis.
Length Only available for a time axis when the Display
mode > Fixed length is selected. Enter a
value to define a constant length for the axis.
The start value is adapted accordingly.

Grid Select the option Grid to create a diagram with

grid lines in x- or y-direction.

Select the color of the grid lines from the list

next to the Grid parameter.

Description Only available for Y axis. Select the option

Description and enter a describing text in the
box that will be displayed in the upper left corner
of the diagram.

Tick marks section

Fixed spacing If the option Fixed spacing is selected,
EcoStruxure Machine Expert draws tick marks
with Distance and Subdivisions.
Distance Enter a value to define the distance between
the tick marks.
Subdivisions Enter a value to define the number of
subdivisions between two tick marks.

The following elements are available:

Element Description

Font button Click the Font button to open the Font dialog
box and configure the font for the selected axis.

Reset button Click the Reset button to reset the settings to

the default values.
Use as default button Click the Use as default button to save the
settings as default values.

Preview link Click the Preview link to see a preview of the

diagram you defined in the Display mode view.

If a trace is selected in the Trace Record tree view, the following elements are

Element Description

Add variable link Click the link to add a new trace variable to the
Trace Record tree view.
Delete variable link Click the Delete variable link to delete the
selected trace variable from the Trace Record
tree view.

EIO0000002854.04 393
Trace Editor

The preview of the diagram you defined in the Display mode view is displayed
when you click the Preview link in the Display mode view.
Underneath the preview of the diagram, the following elements are available:

Element Description

Backcolor parameter Select a color for the background of the diagram

from the list next to the Backcolor parameter.

Backcolor on Selection parameter Select a color for the background of the

selected diagram from the list next to the
Backcolor on selection parameter.

Add diagram link If a diagram is selected, click the Add diagram

link to add a new diagram to the Display mode
Delete diagram link If a diagram is selected, click the Delete
diagram link to delete the selected diagram
from the Display mode view.

Reset display settings link Click the Reset display settings link to reset
the display settings of the selected diagram or
the selected y-axis to the default values.

OK button Click the OK button to confirm the configuration

settings and to save the trace configuration.

Advanced Trace Settings

The Advanced Trace Settings dialog box opens if you click the Advanced...
button in the Trace Configuration dialog box, page 391 with Record Settings. It
includes settings for the data recording, such as buffer size on the runtime or
development system that the trace editor reads. The interval that the application
uses to record data is derived from the task configuration.
Advanced Trace Settings dialog box

You configure the buffer size by defining a number of samples. Using settings from
the task configuration, EcoStruxure Machine Expert calculates time intervals
according to the number of samples. The calculation is possible only if the task
cycle time is determinable. The result is displayed on the right, outside the table in
a standardized style, for example, 1h1m1s1ms .

Description of the Parameters

394 EIO0000002854.04
Trace Editor

Parameter Description Comment

Measure in every n- Defines how often a data record is For example, the scanning interval
th cycle taken (every cycle, every second of the data recording is every 10
cycle,...). This is the scanning rate. ms.

Default: 1 Therefore, one data set

is recorded each cycle.

Recommended The maximum number of samples Maximum length of the time interval
runtime buffer size that EcoStruxure Machine Expert during which the runtime system
(samples) calculates and that the runtime collects data, for example, 2 s (if
system can store per trace variable. Refresh interval = 500 ms and
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Measure in every n-th cycle = 1).
calculates the number in the task
cycle time from the value in
Refresh interval and the value in
Measure in every n-th cycle.

The Recommended runtime

buffer size (samples) is only used
if the option Override runtime
buffer size is not activated.
Override runtime When this option is selected, the Maximum length of the time interval
buffer size application does not use value set during which the runtime system
for Recommended runtime buffer collects data, for example, 6 s.
size (samples).

The number of samples per trace

variable that the application
records. This is the size of the
runtime buffer.

Range: From 10 on, but not larger

than the value set for the trace
editor buffer.

Default value: 100

Trace editor buffer Limits the trace buffer provided by –
size per variables EcoStruxure Machine Expert for
(samples) internal use.

Trace Editor in Online Mode

Trace Editor in Online Mode
If a trace is running on the device, it is indicated in the trace dialog box Online List
(see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

Download Trace
In order to start the trace in online mode, download explicitly the trace to the
controller with the Trace > Download Trace menu command (see EcoStruxure
Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help) while the application is logged in.
The graphs of the trace signals will be displayed in the trace editor window.
While doing logins and logouts on the application without changing it, the traces
are running without a new download.
If the application code is changed, then it depends on the login mode, in what
happens with the traces:
• Login with online change or Login without any change: The traces are
still running.
• Login with download: The traces in the controller are deleted and a new
download of them is necessary.

EIO0000002854.04 395
Trace Editor

Online Change of the Trace Graph Configuration

The Trace Configuration dialog box with Record Settings and the Trace
Configuration dialog box with Variable Settings are available in online mode
and quite a few changes on the trace configuration can be performed while the
trace is running. If this is not possible, when the name of the trace signal is
changed; for example, the trace is stopped and a new download is required.

Online Navigation of the Trace Graph

The displayed range of the captured trace variable values depends not only on the
trace configuration. It can also be rearranged by scroll and zoom functionalities
available in the Trace menu, the toolbar or by using shortcuts. For information on
how to navigate in the trace diagram, refer to the Keyboard Shortcuts chapter,
page 396.

Keyboard Operations for Trace Diagrams

Keyboard Shortcuts
The following table desicribes keyboard and mouse actions:

Actions By Keyboard Operation By Mouse Operation

Scroll the trace graph No trace cursor: Scroll the graph by drag and
horizontally along the time • ARROW LEFT/RIGHT drop. This is indicated by a
axis. different view of the mouse
• With greater distances: cursor.
1 or 2 trace cursors:
• With greater distances:
Scroll the trace graph vertically ARROW UP/DOWN Use CTRL + drag and drop.
along the Y-axis.
With greater distances: CTRL
Zoom to a rectangle (window) – Use the command Mouse
that is selected with the Zooming (see EcoStruxure
mouse. Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help).

Shift the black trace cursor. ARROW LEFT/RIGHT Click the black triangle of the
trace cursor, drag it along the
With greater distances: CTRL X-axis until you drop it.
Shift the gray trace cursor. SHIFT + ARROW LEFT/ Click the gray triangle of the
RIGHT trace cursor, drag it along the
X-axis until you drop it.
With greater distances: CTRL
Compress the time axis. – Use the mouse wheel.

In multi-channel mode, the Or use the command

time axes for all diagrams are Compress (see EcoStruxure
compressed. Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help).

Stretch the time axis. + Use the mouse wheel.

396 EIO0000002854.04
Trace Editor

Actions By Keyboard Operation By Mouse Operation

In multi-channel mode, the Or use the command Stretch

time axes for all diagrams are (see EcoStruxure Machine
stretched. Expert, Menu Commands,
Online Help).

Compress the Y-axis. CTRL + – CTRL + mouse wheel

In multi-channel mode, the Y-

axis for the selected diagrams
is compressed.

Stretch the Y-axis. CTRL + + CTRL + mouse wheel

In multi-channel mode, the Y-

axis for the selected diagrams
is stretched.
Selection of the next diagram TAB Click an unselected diagram to
below in multi-channel mode. select this one.

EIO0000002854.04 397
Trend Recording

Trend Recording
What’s in This Chapter
Trend Recording Objects ............................................................................. 398
Trend Recording Configuration..................................................................... 399
Recording Trend Data.................................................................................. 405

Trend Recording Objects

Trend Recording Overview
Trend Recording Functionality
Trend recording offers a long-term acquisition of data. With the help of a trend
recording, values of IEC variables are acquired and saved in a database.
Historical data are retained so that a trend can be read from the data. The
database is located on the controller and records are written during runtime. Trend
data can be displayed by a visualization, which reads out the database and
visualizes the records.
Depending on the amount of data that is recorded and the performance of the
controller, it may happen that a timeout expires during trend recording operations.
This is detected as an exception error.
Before you stop the controller or perform a download (execute the Online change
command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help)),
stop the trend recording process to save the cached trend data to the database.

Stop the trend function and save the trend data before changing state of the
controller from the run state.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

This function is not available for all supported controllers. Consult the
Programming Guide specific to your controller as to whether it supports trend

Trend Recording Objects

To insert a trend recording object in the Tools tree, select the Application node.
Add a visualization and a trend visualization element. This function is not available
for all supported controllers. Consult the Programming Guide specific to your
controller for further information. In this example, a Trend Recording Manager
and an object of the type a Trend Recording are added as subnodes to the
Application node.

398 EIO0000002854.04
Trend Recording

Tools tree with trend recording objects:

1TrendRecordingTask of the type Task

2 Trend Recording Manager
3 Object <name of the trend recording> of the type Trend Recording

Trend Recording Task Object

The Trend Recording Task object extends an application by a task in which the
Trend Recording Manager is executed. In the Tools tree, only one Trend
Recording Manager subnode is available per Application node. The task calls
the following program: VisuTrendStorageAccess.GlobalInstances.g_
If you add a trend in a visualization, then the Task configuration node is
extended by a Trend Recording Task object.

Trend Recording Manager Object

The Trend Recording Manager object extends an application by the long-term
data storage function with the help of a database. In the Tools tree, only one
Trend Recording Manager subnode is available per Application node.

Object of the Type Trend Recording

An object of the type Trend Recording extends an application by the function
Place data in a database. The data is acquired with the trace function. Below an
Application node, any number of trend recording objects is allowed. Configure
trend recording in the Trend Recording Editor.

Trend Recording Configuration

Trend Recording Editor
Double-click a trend recording object in the Tools tree or execute the command
Visualization > Edit trend recording to open the Trend Recording Editor.
The editor contains a tree view of the configuration and displays the Record
Settings or the Variable Settings, depending on the selection in the tree view.

EIO0000002854.04 399
Trend Recording

Tree View of the Configuration

The tree view of the trend shows the trend variables that are configured and
enables navigation to the settings. The top node contains the name of the trend
recording. Clicking this entry opens the associated Record Settings. Under the
top node, there are nodes for each trend variable whose values are acquired.
Clicking an entry opens the associated Variable Settings.

Record Settings
The Trend Recording dialog box with Record Settings opens when you select
the top node in the tree view of the Trend Recording Editor.
The recording of data is performed using the function of the runtime component
that is also used for tracing, page 391. The settings that appear here are the
same. The parameters that are related to trigger settings are not required during
trend recording and are therefore grayed out.

Setting and Modifying the Recording Settings

The Trend Recording Configuration dialog box with Record Settings contains
the following configuration elements:

Element Description

Task parameter From the list, select the task in which data acquisition is
executed. In general, the trend recording runs in the same
task as the main program, for example, PLC_PRG.

Record condition parameter Refers to a variable of the type BOOL, to a bit or to a property.
The data acquisition is executed if the value is TRUE. The
setting is optional.

Comment parameter Enter a comment text.

Resolution parameter Resolution with which the time stamp is acquired.

Set the resolution of the time stamp to 1 μs if the trend task

has a cycle time of 1 ms or less.

Trend storage... button Click this button to open the Trend storage dialog box. It
allows you to configure further parameters that concern the
behavior of the trend recording at runtime.

Advanced... button Click this button to open the Advanced Trend Settings
dialog box, page 401. It allows you to configure parameters
that concern the acquisition and storage of data.

Trend Storage Dialog Box

Click the Trend Storage... button in the Record Settings dialog box to open the
Trend Storage dialog box.
The Trend Storage dialog box contains the configuration for buffering data during
trend recording.

400 EIO0000002854.04
Trend Recording

Parameter Description

Maximum number of variables Defines the maximum number of trend variables that are
managed in the database. If you modify this value,
EcoStruxure Machine Expert updates the database on the
controller by forcing a download during next login to the
controller. The database will then be uploaded from the
controller, the variables of the database will be increased or
decreased according to this new setting, and will be
downloaded to the controller.
Store every N milliseconds Number of ms defining the time interval at which the recorded
data is temporarily stored in a local buffer before being stored
persistently in the database. The time interval is converted
internally to the number of task cycles. The duration of a task
cycle is defined in the task configuration.

A high value results in a better runtime performance. The

disadvantage of this is that the greater the value, the amount
of data subject to be lost in the case of a controller change of
state is likewise increased.

A low value reduces this risk. The disadvantage of this is that

the control of a trend visualization is degraded with large
amounts of data.
Limit Activate an option to limit the recording.

No Limit The amount of trend recording data that is stored is not


Use this option only for testing purposes, as using this setting
will eventually exhaust the file space in the controller if not
regularly maintained.

Maximum This option defines the maximum number of data records that
number of are stored in the database. Each data record consists of time
records stamp and the values of the trend variables.
NOTE: If this limit is reached, trend recording is stopped.

Maximum This option defines the maximum memory size reserved for
storage size trend storage. The number of records that can be stored
within this memory depends on the size of the individual

Select the suitable unit from the list (kilobytes (Kb),

megabytes (Mb), or gigabytes (GB)).
NOTE: If the memory reserved for trend storage is full,
trend recording continues, overwriting the oldest

Advanced Trend Settings Dialog Box

Click the Advanced... button in the Record Settings dialog box to open the
Advanced Trend Settings dialog box.
The Advanced Trend Settings dialog box enables the configuration of further
parameters that concern the behavior of the trend recording at runtime.

Parameter Description

Measure in every n-th cycle Defines how often data is acquired by the runtime system,
depending on the number of cycles completed.

The time interval is calculated according to the frequency by

using the settings from the task configuration. Thus, the
calculation can only be performed if at least the task cycle
time is set. The result is shown on the right of the input field,
for example, 1h1m1s1ms.

The default setting is 1. Therefore, data is acquired every


Additional Runtime Buffer for Defines the time, in ms, that the runtime system can use an
additional “overflow” buffer for recording data.

Example: 1000 ms
NOTE: This additional buffer can help to avoid loss of
data if a delay occurs during storage of the trend data.

EIO0000002854.04 401
Trend Recording

Variable Settings
The Trend Recording dialog box with Variable Settings opens when you select a
trend variable in the tree view of the Trend Recording Editor. It allows you to
configure which variables and parameters should be recorded and how they are
The Trend Configuration dialog box with Variable Settings corresponds to the
dialog box for tracing, page 389. The trend variables are displayed in the left part
of the window in a tree structure. The top node is titled with the trend name.

Setting and Modifying the Variable Settings

To choose the variable settings, select the desired variable in the tree view on the
left-hand side. The present settings are displayed in the right part of the dialog
box. To modify the variable settings later, select the variable entry in the tree view
and use the Variable Settings dialog box again.

Parameter Description

Variable / Parameter Enter the IEC variable from which values shall be acquired. The
variable / parameter must have a valid type.

A valid type is an IEC variable, a property, a reference, the contents of

a pointer, or an array element of the application. Allowed types are all
IEC basic types, except STRING, WSTRING or ARRAY. Enumerations
are also allowed, whose basic type is not a STRING, a WSTRING or
an ARRAY. Click the ... button to open the Input Assistant that allows
you to obtain a valid entry.

Controllers that support trend recording provide a list if you click the
Variable: parameter. If you want to create the trend of a device
parameter, select the item Parameter from this list. Then you can find
one with the help of the Input Assistant. Edit or verify the variable

Attached y axis Y-axis of the trend diagram that displays the Variable. The list provides
the default Y-axis and the configured Y-axes.

To configure already available y-axes, right-click the trend visualization

element and execute the command Configure Trend Display
Settings... from the contextual menu (or click the Display settings
property from the Properties view).

Display variable name If the option is selected, the name of the IEC variable is displayed by
the visualization in the trend diagram in runtime mode.

If the option is not selected, the Description is displayed.

Description Enter text that is displayed instead of the variable name in the Legend
assigned to the trend visualization element by having selected a
Legend in the Properties view. This text is inserted in the
GlobalTextList object where it can be localized.

Example: Sensor A (PLC_PRG.iSensor_A)

If you do not enter text in this Description box, the option Display
variable name is selected by default, and only the name of the
variable is displayed.

Example: PLC_PRG.iSensor_A

This is only applicable if a legend is assigned to the trend element.

Curve type • Line

• Area
Graph color Color with which the variable is displayed in the trend diagram. Click
to open the color selection dialog box.

Line type Defines how the acquired values are displayed as a line chart. Use the
option Line for large amounts of data. As a prerequisite, the Curve
type must be set to Line.

402 EIO0000002854.04
Trend Recording

Parameter Description

Defines how the acquired values are displayed as a line chart:

• Line:The values are linked to form a line - use this setting for
large amounts of data.
• Step:The values are linked in the form of steps.
• None:The values are not linked.
Line width Width of the line in pixels.

Example: 1

Line style Select the display of the line:

• Solid
• Dashes
• Dots
• Dash dot
• Dash dot dot
Point type Defines how the acquired values are displayed as a dot chart:
• None: No dot chart - use this setting for large amounts of data.
• Dot
• Cross
• Small circle
• Big circle

Filling type As a prerequisite, the Curve type must be set to Area.

Select the filling of the area:

• No filling
• Plain color
• Gradient
Filling color If selected, the area is filled with the selected color. As a prerequisite,
the Curve type must be set to Area.

Transparency Enter a value between 0...255 for defining the transparency of the
selected color.

Examples: 255 = the color is opaque; 0 = The color is transparent.

As a prerequisite, the Curve type must be set to Area.

Activate minimum If this option is activated, a message is displayed when the variable
warning value is under the lower limit.

Critical lower limit If the value of the trend variable falls below the limit, the variable is
displayed in the Color defined for values below the limit.

Warning minimum color Color in which the variable is displayed when under the lower limit.

Activate maximum If this option is activated, a message is displayed when the variable
warning value is above the upper limit.

Critical upper limit If the value of the trend variable exceeds the limit, the variable is
displayed in the Color defined for values above the limit.

Warning maximum Color in which the variable is displayed when above the upper limit.

A valid trend variable can be an IEC variable, a property, a reference, the contents
of a pointer, an ARRAY element, or an enumeration, as long as the type is not

Steps for Trend Recording Configuration

Configure trend recording by performing the following steps:
• Assigning task.

EIO0000002854.04 403
Trend Recording

• Inserting trend variable.

• Deleting trend variable.
• Configuring trend memory.
• Configuring advanced trend settings.

Assigning Task
Define the task in which the trend recording is to be executed. In general, the
trend recording runs in the same task as the main program, for example, PLC_

Step Action

1 Double-click a trend recording object in the Tools tree.

Result: The Trend Recording Editor opens.

2 Select the top node in the tree view.

Result: The Record Settings are displayed on the right-hand side of the dialog box.

3 Open the Task list and select the task in which the associated application runs.

Inserting Trend Variables

The number of trend variables is limited and is set in the Trend storage dialog

Step Action

1 Double-click a trend object in the Tools tree.

Result: The Trend Recording Editor opens.

2 Execute the Add variable command, which is located below the tree view.

Result: A new variable is inserted and the corresponding variable settings are

3 Enter a valid IEC variable from the Variable list, or select the entry Parameters and
enter a valid parameter.

Result: A signal has been assigned to the trend variable.

4 Configure the display of the trend variable.

5 Configure the color of the trend variable.

Also refer to the Variable Settings of the Trace Configuration, page 389.

Deleting Trend Variables

Step Action

1 Double-click a trend object in the Tools tree.

Result: The Trend Recording Editor opens.

2 Click a trend variable in the tree view.

Result: The variable is selected.

3 Execute the Delete variable command, which is located below the tree view or press
the Delete key.

404 EIO0000002854.04
Trend Recording

Configuring Trend Memory

Step Action

1 Double-click a trend object in the Tools tree.

Result: The Trend Recording Editor opens.

2 Select the top node in the tree view.

Result: The Record Settings are displayed on the right-hand side of the dialog box.

3 Click the Trend storage... button.

Result: The Trend Storage dialog box opens, page 400.

4 Adapt the settings.

Configuring Advanced Trend Settings

Step Action

1 Double-click a trend object in the Tools tree.

Result: The Trend Recording Editor opens.

2 Select the top node in the tree view.

Result: The Record Settings are displayed on the right-hand side of the dialog box.

3 Click the Advanced... button.

Result: The Advanced Trend Settings dialog box opens.

4 Adapt the settings.

Recording Trend Data

Start the Recording Process
To start the recording process, a configured object of the type Trend recording is

Start Trend Recording

Step Action

1 Start the controller.

2 Select the application that contains the trend recording and execute the command
Application > Login.

3 Start the application.

Before you stop the controller or perform a download (execute the Online change
command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help)),
stop the trend recording process to save the trend data to the database.

EIO0000002854.04 405
Trend Recording

Stop the trend function and save the trend data before changing state of the
controller from the run state.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

Conditionally Start Trend Recording

Precondition: Trend configuration has been carried out.

Step Action

1 Double-click a trend object.

Result: The Trend Recording Editor opens.

2 Select the top node in the tree view of the configuration.

Result: The Record settings are displayed on the right-hand side of the dialog box.

3 Assign a boolean variable to the Record Condition field.

The boolean variable controls the recording of the data.

4 Select the application that contains the trend recording and execute the command
Application > Login.

5 Start the application.

406 EIO0000002854.04
Alarm Configuration

Alarm Configuration
What’s in This Chapter
General Information..................................................................................... 407
Configuration of the Alarm Management ....................................................... 409
Calling Event Alarms in the Program............................................................. 411
Alarm Management Objects ......................................................................... 412

General Information
Alarm Management
You can configure an alarm management system in an application to monitor
critical conditions of your machine by triggering alarms.
Alarms are defined as part of alarm groups. For each alarm, configure the
following parameters:
• The monitoring criteria
• An optional user-defined deactivation variable
• An alarm class
• A message
• An optional pending time
Moreover, you can assign latch variables to lock (or mark) an alarm so that it can
be filtered according to the latch values.

Visualization of Elements to Program a User Interface

You can use the Alarm Table and Alarm Banner visualization elements to
program a user interface for the alarm management. Alarms are visualized by the
user and can be acknowledged. As an alternative, you can use the AlarmManager
library to manage alarms within your application code.
For details regarding the configuration of visualization alarm management, refer to
the CODESYS Online Help: Visualizing Alarm Management.

EIO0000002854.04 407
Alarm Configuration

Alarm Management Objects

The following alarm management objects are available in the Tools tree of the
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder:
• The Alarm Configuration object is the root object of the alarm management
that is inserted below an Application node. By default, subnodes for Error,
Warning and Info alarm classes and Alarm Storage are also created. You
can insert more alarm objects according to your individual requirements.
• The Alarm Class object allows you to group general alarm criteria into a
class. The number of Alarm Class objects is not restricted. The classes you
define are available for selection in the Class column of the alarm groups
editor and serve as a core configuration of an alarm.
Examples of alarm criteria:
◦ A specific acknowledgment method for this alarm class.
◦ An action that is executed automatically when a specific alarm condition
◦ Display options for the Alarm Table and the Alarm Banner in the
• The Alarm Group object allows you to create alarm definitions for individual
alarms which are grouped according to a shared deactivation variable and
archiving parameters. The number of Alarm Group objects per Alarm
Configuration is not restricted. You can insert folder objects to create a
hierarchical structure of alarm groups. For each Alarm Group object, a Text
List object is created with the same name. It allows you to localize the alarm
• The Alarm Storage object is available once per application. It allows you to
configure the archiving of alarms.
For further information, refer to Configuration of the Alarm Management, page

Defining Alarms
An alarm definition consists of the following components:
• General description (such as ID, message text)
• Description of the cause of the alarm (such as expression to be monitored,
limits, minimum pending time)
• Description of the effects of the alarm (such as actions, display properties,
confirmation method) as part of the associated alarm class

Acknowledging Alarms
The main reason for the use of alarms is to inform the user about an alarm
situation. To help ensure that the user has taken the alarm information into
account, EcoStruxure Machine Expert allows you to configure different actions in
the alarm class. The user must acknowledge the alarm to delete it from the alarm
list. The different types of alarm acknowledgment are described in the status
diagrams as status transitions, page 413.

408 EIO0000002854.04
Alarm Configuration

Alarm Events - Alarm Conditions

An alarm event is linked to an alarm condition. The alarm condition can exist for a
period of time, whereas the alarm event indicates a change, for example the
change from the normal operating state to the alarm state.
The following names are used for the three types of events and the associated
alarm states in the alarm configuration:
• Active
• Inactive

Configuration of the Alarm Management

Creating an Alarm Configuration
Steps for Creating an Alarm Configuration
Step Action

1 In the Tools tree, right-click the Applications node and execute the command Add Object > Alarm Configuration....
Result: The Add Alarm Configuration dialog box opens.

2 Click the Add button.

Result: The alarm management is created for your application. By default, it consists of the root node Alarm
Configuration and the subnodes for Error, Warning and Info alarm classes and Alarm Storage.

Configuring an Alarm Class

The following variables must be declared in a global variable list (GVL):
bPartsShortage : BOOL;
iFillLevel : INT;
bPart1Empty : BOOL;

Steps for Configuring an Alarm Class

Step Action

1 In the Tools tree, right-click the Alarm Configuration node and execute the command Add Object > Alarm Class....
Result: The Add Alarm Class dialog box opens.

2 Enter a Name (for example, PartsShortage) and click the Add button.

Result: The alarm class PartsShortage is added as new subnode of the Alarm Configuration node and the
PartsShortage alarm class editor opens on the right-hand side.

3 In the PartsShortage alarm class editor, configure the following parameters that belong to this class group:
• Set Priority to 10.
• Select the Archiving option.
• For Acknowledgment method select REP_ACK.
• Select the Acknowledge separately option.

In the next steps, configure that the variable bPartsShortage gets the value TRUE when alarm messages are generated:

EIO0000002854.04 409
Alarm Configuration

Step Action

4 In the Notification Actions section of the editor, double-click the Action column, select the option Variable from the list
and press Enter.

Result: The action is added and the options are activated.

5 Deselect the options Confirm and Deactivate. (Keep the Activate option selected.)

6 In the Variable section of the editor:

• Click in the Variable input field and type bPartsShortage or use the Input Assistant to select the variable.
• Type the value TRUE in the field on the right-hand side.
Result: The statement bPartsShortage := TRUE is displayed in the Details column of the Notification Actions section
of the editor.
7 In the Display Options for Alarm Table / Alarm Banner section of the editor:

In the Active row select from the Background Color the entry Red.

8 In the Display Options for Alarm Table / Alarm Banner section of the editor:

In the Waiting for confirmation row select from the Background Color the entry Yellow.

Result: All messages in the PartsShortage class will now set the variable bPartsShortage to TRUE. Active messages
are highlighted in red in the Alarm Table visualization element. Deactivated messages that are not acknowledged are
highlighted in yellow.

Configuring an Alarm Storage

Steps for Configuring an Alarm Storage
Step Action

1 In the Tools tree, right-click the AlarmStorage node and execute the command Properties....

2 In the Properties dialog box, change the name from AlarmStorage to, for example, DatabaseFileAlarmStorage
and click the OK button.
3 Double-click the node DatabaseFileAlarmStorage from the Tools tree.

4 In the DatabaseFileAlarmStorage alarm storage editor on the right-hand side, configure the following parameters:
• The Subdirectory field is by default empty and the default directory /usr/Alarms is set on the controller for the alarm
SQLite files. If you enter a name, a subfolder of this name is created in the default directory.
• In the Limit section, select the option Maximum number of records and enter a value, for example, 1000.

After you have performed these alarm storage configurations, EcoStruxure

Machine Expert saves the alarms internally at application runtime in an SQLite
database in the directory /usr/Alarms on the Modicon M262 Logic/Motion
Controllers. The database contents can be displayed as historic alarms as part of
an alarm table in a visualization. As a prerequisite, the History control variable of
the alarm table must be set to TRUE. For further information, refer to the
CODESYS Online Help: Visualization Element 'Alarm Table'.

Configuring an Alarm Group

Steps for Configuring an Alarm Group
After you have created an alarm class as described in Configuring an Alarm
Class, page 409, create an alarm group with an alarm for monitoring the

410 EIO0000002854.04
Alarm Configuration

Step Action

1 In the Tools tree, right-click the Alarm Configuration node and execute the command Add Object > Alarm Group....
Result: The Add Alarm Group dialog box opens.

2 Enter the Name PartsShortage and click the Add button.

• The alarm group PartsShortage is added as new subnode of the Alarm Configuration node and the
PartsShortage alarm group editor opens on the right-hand side.
• A PartsShortage text list is automatically created.

3 In the PartsShortage alarm group editor, set the parameter Archiving to (none).

4 Double-click the Observation Type column and select the option Digital from the list.

5 Configure the following parameters for the alarm:

• Set Class to PartsShortage.
• For Message enter Parts shortage at Station 1 - Fill level: <LATCH1>.
(<LATCH1> is a placeholder for the latch variable 1.)
• For Min. Pend. Time enter T#5s.
• For Latch Var 1 enter iFillLevel or select from the Input Assistant.

6 In the Digital section of the editor:

• Click in the Expression input field and type bPart1Empty or use the Input Assistant to select the variable.
• Type the value TRUE in the field on the right-hand side.
Result: The statement bPart1Empty = TRUE is displayed in the Details column of the editor.

7 From the Archiving list, select DatabaseFileAlarmStorage which you have configured with the alarm storage, page 410.

If the variable bPart1Empty switches to TRUE, EcoStruxure Machine Expert
triggers a message. The value of the variable iFillLevel is issued with the
message. The acknowledgment response and the display are executed according
to the PartsShortage alarm class. The alarm will be archived.

Using Latch Variables to Extend Alarm Messages

When you define one or more alarm messages as Message <n> for an alarm in
the alarm group editor, you can also indicate that the value of latch variables is
taken over to these messages. To achieve this, insert one or more corresponding
placeholders <LATCH1>, <LATCH2> in the message text. As a result, the alarm
message will also contain the value of the latch variables when the alarm
becomes active (for example, an error ID or a measurement value).
For further information, refer to Filter alarm events by the contents of the latch
variable in the CODESYS Online Help.
NOTE: You can configure the alarm visualization so that in online mode the
user can filter the alarms by the contents of a latch variable value.

Calling Event Alarms in the Program

Defining an Event Alarm in the Alarm Group
Select the Observation Type = Event to configure an Event alarm in an Alarm
Group. In contrast to the other observation types which trigger the alarm
depending on a condition, the Event alarm is triggered via a function block call
from the application code.

EIO0000002854.04 411
Alarm Configuration

Steps for Defining the Event Alarm in the Alarm Group

Step Action

1 Create an Alarm Group named AlarmGroup1 as described in Configuring an Alarm Group, page 410.

2 Define an alarm with Observation Type = Event in the alarm group.

3 In the column Class, select an alarm class with the acknowledgment method ACK or create a new alarm class. For details
refer to Configuring an Alarm Class, page 409.

Program Call for Triggering the Event Alarm

Steps for Program Call for Triggering the Event Alarm
Step Action

1 Place the cursor at the position in the POU where the function block for triggering the alarm is to be called.

2 Type AlarmManager followed by a period to use the RaiseEvent function from the AlarmManager library.

Result: A smart coding window opens providing a list of elements.

3 Select AlarmGlobals and enter a period. Insert the elements g_AlarmHandler and RaiseEvent accordingly.

Result: The following line is displayed:


4 Connect the transfer variables for the parameters AlarmGroup_ID and Alarm_ID by entering a left parenthesis.

Result: A tooltip is displayed providing information about the transfer variables.

5 Press the F2 key.

Result: The Input Assistant opens.

6 Select the Categories tab and select the category Variables from the list on the left-hand side.

7 Select the group ID variable ID_AlarmGroup1 in this example.

8 Enter a comma and insert the alarm ID variable ('Alm_AlarmGroup1_Alarm_IDs.ID_0' in this example) and enter a right
parenthesis and a semicolon.

Result: The following function call is added:

IDs.ID_AlarmGroup1, Alm_AlarmGroup1_Alarm_IDs.ID_0);

Alarm Management Objects

Alarm Configuration
The Alarm Configuration object is the root object of the alarm management that
is inserted below an Application node and cannot be configured. By default, the
following subnodes are inserted:
• Alarm class Error
• Alarm class Info

412 EIO0000002854.04
Alarm Configuration

• Alarm class Warning

• Alarm storage Alarm Storage
You can customize this structure by removing objects or inserting more alarm
objects according to your individual requirements. For further information, refer to
Configuration of the Alarm Management, page 409.

Alarm Class
An alarm class describes the general properties of an alarm. The configured alarm
classes are available for selection in the Class column of the editor of the alarm
group. They serve as a core configuration of an alarm and define the following:
• Specific acknowledgment method (how the user must confirm the alarm).
• Action execution (what happens automatically if an alarm conditions occurs).
• Display options for the Alarm Table or the Alarm Banner (how the alarms
are visualized).
For further information, refer to Configuration of the Alarm Management, page

Elements of the Alarm Class Editor — General Section

Element Description

Priority Specifies the priority of the alarm condition in this class (0...255).

0 represents the highest priority, 255 the lowest priority.

Archiving If selected, the alarms of this class are recorded.

Create an Alarm Storage node to configure the archiving parameters.

Acknowledgment section

Acknowledgment Defines how an alarm is acknowledged:

• REP: Alarm is set to inactive after the cause has been resolved.
• ACK: Alarm is set to inactive after it has been acknowledged; acknowledgment method for Event alarms.
• REP_ACK: Alarm is set to inactive after the cause has been resolved and the alarm has been
• ACK_REP: Alarm is set to inactive after the alarm has been acknowledged and the cause has been
• ACK_REP_ACK: Alarm is set to inactive after optional acknowledgment that the alarm was received, the
cause has been resolved and acknowledgment that the alarm situation was ended.
NOTE: You have to ensure that the user notices the alarm during operation. To achieve this, use the
actions that are available in the Alarm Class. The user must confirm (acknowledge) the alarm in order to
remove the alarm from the alarm list.
Also refer to Acknowledgment Methods — Detailed Information, page 413.

Acknowledge If selected, the user cannot acknowledge the alarm together with other alarms during operation but must
separately acknowledge it separately. This helps to prevent the user from inadvertently acknowledging an alarm with other
NOTE: If this option is selected, the Acknowledge all visible button of the Alarm Table element in the
visualization does not acknowledge all alarms.

Acknowledgment Methods — Detailed Information

The table provides the acknowledgment methods as diagrams depending on the
alarm states and status transitions:

EIO0000002854.04 413
Alarm Configuration

Element Description






Alarm status:
• 1 - Normal No alarm situation.
• 2 - Active An alarm situation has been detected.
• 3 - Waiting for confirmation The alarm situation no longer applies, an acknowledgment has not been performed.
• 4 - Active, Acknowledged The alarm situation still applies, the alarm has been acknowledged.
Status transitions:
• 5 - Activate An alarm situation is detected (“alarm coming”).
• 6 - Deactivate The alarm situation no longer applies (“alarm going”).
• 7 - Confirm Acknowledgment of an alarm that no longer applies.
• 8 - ACK Acknowledgment of an alarm that still applies.

NOTE: The status transition Confirm and ACK can be also managed by the
Acknowledge selected and Acknowledge all visible buttons of the Alarm
Table element in the visualization. However, with the ACK status transition the
alarm is still active.
For details, refer to:
• CODESYS Online Help: Visualization Element “Alarm Table” - Element
property “Control variables”
• CODESYS Online Help: Visualizing Alarm Management

Elements of the Alarm Class Editor — Notifications Actions Section

You can assign a list of actions to each alarm class to be executed as soon as the
alarm is subject to a status transition.

Element Description

Action Click the Action column and select one of the following actions:
• Variable: A value is assigned to a variable.
• Execute: A program is executed.
• Call: A function block instance is called.
Activate If selected, the action is executed with the status transition.

Deactivate The available status transitions depend on the Acknowledgment method that has been selected.



414 EIO0000002854.04
Alarm Configuration

Element Description

Details Displays a summary of the action. Define the action in the section below the table (the Details section of the
selected Variable, Execute or Call) or edit the action directly in this row.

Deactivation Defines a variable that allows an application to deactivate the action.

Elements of the Alarm Class Editor — Variable, Execute or Call Section

The Details section changes to Variable, Execute or Call depending on the
Action selected in the Notifications Actions section.

Action Elements
Variable Contains the variable to which you assign a value or an expression on the left-hand side and the assigned
variable or expression on the right-hand side.

You can use the following placeholders:

• For Boolean values use ALARM: Status (TRUE or FALSE) of the alarm of this alarm class that was last
• For integer variables use STATE: Status of the alarm of this alarm class that last changed its status. (0:
Normal, 2: Active, 3: WaitingForConfirmation, 4: ActiveAcknowledged)
For string variables you can enter any IEC literal (for example, ‘too high!’).

Execute The Action > Execute is unsupported.

Call • Function block instance: Enter the function block that is called. The function block must implement the
interface IAlarmNotifiable (AlarmManager.library). The action to be executed on a change of
state is implemented in the method Execute.
• Additional parameter structure: If the function block requires an additional parameter structure, this
table lists the members of the structure and allows you to enter data. An additional parameter structure is
defined in the function block with the attribute AlarmManagerAdditionalData.

The function block has the attribute:

{attribute 'AlarmManagerAdditionalData' := 'StructEmailParams'}

The structure must consist of scalar components or components of the type POINTER TO. User-defined data
types or ARRAY data types are unsupported.
NOTE: You can mark structure members as mandatory parameters by using the attribute {attribute

Elements of the Alarm Class Editor — Display Options for Alarm Table /
Alarm Banner Section
Defines how the individual alarm state is displayed in the alarm visualization
element Alarm Table or Alarm Banner.

Element Description

State The available alarm states depend on the Acknowledgment method that has been selected.

Font Click the browse ... button to open the default dialog box for selecting the text font and color.

Background Color Select the background color for the alarm message from the list.

Bitmap You can add a bitmap by entering the bitmap ID.

If no image file is assigned to this ID yet, the default file open dialog box is displayed. After you have selected a
file, the bitmap is added to the GlobalImagePool.

Transparent Activate this option if the bitmap has a transparent color.

Transparent color This parameter only applies if the option Transparent is selected: Select the color that shall be displayed

EIO0000002854.04 415
Alarm Configuration

Alarm Group
Use alarm groups for organizing individual alarms in the alarm management of an
application. Assign each alarm to only one alarm group. To configure an alarm
group, insert an Alarm Group object below an Alarm Configuration object in the
Tools tree. The alarm group editor allows you to define settings for an entire
group of alarms (such as the archiving type, a shared deactivation variable, and a
shared text list). You can create a hierarchical structure of alarm groups in the
Tools tree by using folder elements.
The alarm group editor provides a table listing the alarms of the group and the
properties of each alarm. You can edit the values in the list. An export and import
function to and from a CSV file is also available, page 418.
For further information, refer to Configuration of the Alarm Management, page

Elements of the Alarm Group Editor - General Section

Element Description

Text list Name of the text list where the alarm message text is saved (also refer to the parameter Message in the next
paragraph). It is created automatically when an alarm group is added. The text list can be used for the
localization of the messages. You can also select another text list from the list.

Archiving If you select an alarm storage object from this list, alarm storage is automatically activated.

Deactivation Enter or select a Boolean variable that deactivates all alarms in this group. When this variable is applied, the
alarms will no longer be triggered even if the alarm condition is fulfilled. Alarms that are already active are not

Elements of the Alarm Group Editor - Table of Alarms

Enter the properties of the individual alarms in the table columns. Depending on
the selected Observation Type, additional parameters are provided in the input
fields below the table.

Column Description

ID This unique ID corresponds to the ID in the associated text list. You can change the ID in the ID field of the
table. The ID must always be unique within the alarm group. A change of the ID in the alarm table directly
changes the ID in the text list and vice versa.

Observation Type Select an observation type from the list. Depending on the type, different editing fields are available below the
table that define the condition for the alarm. The fields define an expression that triggers the alarm. Refer to the
table describing the observation types, page 417.

Details Displays the configuration settings for the selected alarm type. Define the settings in the section below the table
for the selected Observation Type: Digital, Upper limit, Lower limit, Outside range, Inside the range,
Change or Event or edit the action directly in this Details field. If you enter an expression that does not match
the selected Observation Type, the expression is automatically adapted.

Deactivation Enter an optional Boolean variable for deactivating the alarm.

Class Select an alarm class from the list.

Message Enter text for the alarm message that is displayed in an Alarm Table visualization element when the alarm
occurs. This text is automatically transferred to the text list associated with the alarm group. You can insert line
breaks by pressing Ctrl+Enter. For a list of supported placeholders that are replaced by the present value at
runtime, refer to the separate table in this chapter, page 418.
NOTE: By default, only one column is available for message text. You can add more columns from the
contextual menu which is available in the Type of data property for Column configuration of the Alarm
table and Alarm banner visualization elements.
Min. Pend. Time Enter the minimum time the alarm condition must apply before the alarm is triggered. This allows you to inhibit
alarms for conditions that occur only for a short time.

Use an IEC 61131-compliant format, for example, t#2ms.

416 EIO0000002854.04
Alarm Configuration

Column Description

Latch Var 1 The latch variables are used to record additional values when the alarm becomes active. A latch variable must
be a scalar type (8-byte) or a STRING or WSTRING type. A latch variable or a latch expression is recorded
Latch Var 2 when the alarm becomes active. This allows you to provide additional information about the alarm.
NOTE: The Alarm table or Alarm banner elements allow you to filter the alarms in the visualization by the
contents of the latch variable. See how to include latch variables in the alarm Message in the list of
supported placeholders, page 418.
Example: When monitoring a motor speed, the temperature and the current are additionally recorded.

By default, columns are available for two latch variables. You can add more columns from the contextual menu
which is available in the Data type property for column configuration of the Alarm table and Alarm banner
visualization elements if configured via the Tools > Customize dialog box.

Higher Prio. Alarm When the alarm is triggered, it can be acknowledged by triggering another alarm.

Example: When monitoring a temperature, an alarm of class Warning should be triggered at a temperature >
60 °C and an alarm of type Error at a temperature > 90 °C.

If the temperature rises, the alarm of class Warning is displayed starting at 60 °C. At 90 °C and higher, the
alarm of type Error is triggered which automatically acknowledges the 60 °C alarm.

Observation Type Values

The Details section changes to Digital, Upper limit, Lower limit, Outside range,
Inside the range, Change or Event depending on the Observation Type

Observation Type Elements

Digital Enter the Expression to be monitored on the left-hand side and the expression for the comparison on the right-
hand side. In the middle, select the comparison operator = or <>.

Upper limit(1) Enter the (left and right) Expression as described for the Digital type and select the comparison operator > or

Optionally, enter a Hysteresis in %.

Lower limit(1) Enter the (left and right) Expression as described for the Digital type and select the comparison operator < or

Optionally, enter a Hysteresis in %.

Outside range(1) Enter the Expression to be monitored.

Area: The alarm is triggered when the monitored expression is outside the range defined here. The left field
defines an expression for the lower limit of this range. The right field defines an expression for the upper limit.
The expression to be monitored is displayed in the field in the middle. Set the comparison operators < or

Optionally, enter a Hysteresis in %.

Inside the range(1) Enter the Expression to be monitored.

Area: The alarm is triggered when the monitored expression is within the range defined here. The left field
defines an expression for the lower limit of this range. The right field defines an expression for the upper limit.
The expression to be monitored is displayed in the field in the middle. Set the comparison operators < or

Optionally, enter a Hysteresis in %.

Change Enter the Expression to be monitored. An alarm is triggered when the value changes.

Event The Event alarm is triggered via a function block call from the library AlarmManager.library. For further
information, refer to Calling Event Alarms in the Program, page 411.

(1) For these Observation Types, you can monitor the specified expression as absolute or relative. Absolute means that the limit value is
defined by a fixed value or a variable that returns a fixed value. Relative means that the limit value depends on an expression.

Example: Upper limit: Variable x >= 0.9 * y.

Hysteresis in %: When you specify a hysteresis, the alarm condition is fulfilled until a certain deviation from the specified limit value is
reached. The size of the deviation is specified as a percentage [%] of the limit value.

Example: Upper limit: i_temp >= 30 Hysteresis: 10% The alarm is active when the variable i_temp reaches or exceeds the value 30.
The alarm becomes inactive when the value falls below 27.

EIO0000002854.04 417
Alarm Configuration

Placeholders Supported for Alarm Messages

The following placeholders are supported for alarm messages and will be
replaced by the present value at runtime.

Placeholder Description

<DATE> Date of the change to the present status.

<TIME> Time of the last status change.

<EXPRESSION> Expression (defined within the alarm) that triggered the alarm.

<PRIORITY> Priority of the alarm (defined in the alarm class).

<TRIGGERVALUE>(1) Value that caused the alarm condition to become true.

<ALARMID> Alarm ID as displayed in the first column of an alarm table.

<CLASS> Name of the alarm class (defined in the alarm).

<ALLDEFAULT> The complete information about the alarm is displayed.

<CURRENTVALUE>(1) Present value of the monitored variable.

<LATCH1>(1) Value of the first latch variable at the time when the alarm was triggered.

<LATCH2>(1) Value of the second latch variable at the time when the alarm was triggered.

<ALARM> TRUE in the case of the alarm status Active.

FALSE with every other alarm status.

<STATE> Alarm status: 0 = Normal, 1 = Active, 2 = WaitingForConfirmation, 3 = ActiveAcknowledged (still active and
already acknowledged)

(1) For <TRIGGERVALUE>, <CURRENTVALUE> and <LATCHn> you can also use formatting specifications, such as those that are valid for
the C function printf (for example: The value is <CURRENTVALUE %d>).

Commands of the Contextual Menu

You can make the following commands for adding and removing additional
columns for messages and latch variables available in the contextual menu via the
Tools > Customize command:
• Add message column
• Remove message column
• Add latch var column
• Remove latch var column

Export / Import of Alarms

You can make the following commands for exporting and importing alarms to and
from a CSV file available in the contextual menu via the Tools > Customize
• Export Alarms
The command opens the default dialog box for saving a file in the file system.
Select the default file type Alarm Group Export File (*.csv) and click OK to
export the present alarm list to a CSV file.
• Import Alarms
The command opens the default dialog box for searching for a file in the file
system. Select a file of type Alarm Group Export File (*.csv) that describes
alarm definitions and click OK to import the alarms.

418 EIO0000002854.04
Alarm Configuration

Alarm Storage
The Alarm Storage object allows you to configure the settings for the database
file where EcoStruxure Machine Expert saves the alarms that are detected. You
can insert the object only once below an Alarm Configuration node.
There is exactly one storage file located in a database. The default directory for
the alarm SQLite files is: /usr/Alarms. You cannot change the name of this file as it
is derived from the application name according to the following convention:
<application name>.alarmstorage.sqlite. The alarm classes and alarm
groups define whether or not the storage file should be used.
For further information, refer to Configuration of the Alarm Management, page

Backup the alarm storage file before executing the Reset origin command as
this command clears the contents of the file.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

Elements of the Alarm Storage Editor

Element Description

Subdirectory Optionally, enter a name of a subdirectory on the controller where the storage file can be stored.

No limit Unsupported option: A build error is generated if this option is selected.

Maximum number of When selected, enter a number of recorded entries that are stored. When this number is reached and a new
records entry is queued in the circular buffer, the oldest entry is deleted.

Value range: 1147...10000 for Modicon M262 Logic/Motion Controllers

Maximum storage size When selected, enter the maximum size of the storage file and select the corresponding unit (B...MB) from the
list. Internally the size is implicitly converted into an approximate maximum number of entries that can be saved
in the file (circular buffer).

Value range: 224 KB...1 MB for Modicon M262 Logic/Motion Controllers

Circular buffer This option is unavailable as it is selected by the No limit option which is not supported.

The records that are stored in the database can be displayed in the Alarm Table
visualization element.

Command CSV Export of Alarm Storage

If the application is in online mode and an alarm storage is configured, execute
this command via the contextual menu of the Alarm Storage node to open the
Alarm Storage Export Configuration dialog box.

Elements of the Alarm Storage Export Configuration Dialog Box - Basic

In the Export file text box enter a path to the generated CSV file in the file system.

Element Description

Alarms to Export

Export all All listed alarms are exported.

EIO0000002854.04 419
Alarm Configuration

Element Description

Export alarms of Define a time range for the export of the listed alarms. This refers to the time stamp when the alarm was
timestamp range activated. The From and To parameters indicate the minimum/maximum time stamps that are available in the
(timestamp activate) alarm storage or that were the last time stamps that were used in an export.

When selecting the time range, the smallest unit is one second.

Language Select a language from the list. It provides all languages that are available in text lists for alarm messages in
addition to the default language (default).

Elements of the Alarm Storage Export Configuration - Advanced Settings

Dialog Box
Element Description

Sorting by Timestamp Activate

Ascending Select the sort order by the time stamp when the alarm was activated.

File Format
Formatted values and When selected, the time stamps are formatted with the date and time format as defined below. REAL and
timestamps LREAL values are formatted in numerical format.

Raw data of alarm When selected, the time stamps and values are written as unformatted text to the CSV file as they appear in the
storage file alarm storage. Alarms, alarm groups, and alarm classes are written to the CSV file as internal IDs.

Formatting Options

Defines the formatting of the entries in the CSV file. The variables are only available if the option Formatted values and timestamps is
REAL format (printf Default value: %.1f
Use possible formats according to the printf syntax for floating point values.

Date format When selected, the settings from the control panel (regional settings) are applied.

Time format When selected, the settings from the control panel (regional settings) are applied.

Separator Character

Semicolon When selected, the entries in the CSV file are separated by a semicolon.

Comma When selected, the entries in the CSV file are separated by a comma.

TAB When selected, the entries in the CSV file are separated by a tab character.

Local time This option is only available if the option Formatted values and timestamps is selected.

When selected, the time stamps are written to the CSV file using local time.

When not selected, the time stamps are written to the CSV file using universal time coordinated (UTC).

420 EIO0000002854.04
Unit Conversion

Unit Conversion
What’s in This Chapter
Unit Conversion Configuration...................................................................... 421
Usage in IEC Editors ................................................................................... 423

Unit Conversion Configuration

In the configuration editor UnitConversion, you define conversions which can be
used for variables in visualization elements and in the IEC editors. Add the editor
as an object UnitConversion in the Applications tree. You can rename it there.
UnitConversion editor

You can define various conversions for your project. Enter a Name and choose
the Type for each. The respective conversion formula is automatically displayed in
the Setting column. Enter a Condition to determine when the conversion should
be executed. Depending on the selected Type, define specific parameters in the
area below the table.
The editor provides the following conversion types:
• Calculation with an offset: Single shifting (offset), page 422
• Calculation with a factor: Single scaling (factor), page 422
• Calculation with a factor and an offset: Linear scaling 1 (factor and offset),
page 422
• Calculation with the base range and target range: Linear scaling 2 (base
and target range), page 423

EIO0000002854.04 421
Unit Conversion

• Calculation with a user-defined expression: User-defined conversion, page

• Different calculations depending on a variable value: Switchable
conversion, page 423
For usage of unit conversions in IEC editors, refer to the chapter Usage in IEC
Editors, page 423.
For usage of unit conversions in visualizations, refer to the chapter Using Unit
Conversion in the Visualization part of the EcoStruxure Machine Expert online

You can select 3 conditions to define when the calculation is executed:

Condition Description

TRUE The conversion is always performed.

Language Language of the visualization (value of variable


Variable The conversion is performed depending on a

variable value. The compare value can be a
constant, a variable or an IEC expression.

Single Shifting (Offset)

Use this conversion if you want to add an offset to the input value.
(output value = input value + offset)

Parameter Description

Offset Value or variable

Single Scaling (Factor)

Use this conversion if you want to multiply the input value by a factor.
(output value = input value * factor)

Parameter Description

Factor Value or variable

Linear Scaling 1 (Factor and Offset)

Use this conversion if you want to multiply the input value by a factor and to add
an offset.
(output value = (input value * factor) + offset)

Parameter Description

Factor Value or variable

Offset Value or variable

422 EIO0000002854.04
Unit Conversion

Linear Scaling 2 (Base and Target Range)

Use this conversion if you want to calculate the value by defining the input and
output range. A factor and an offset are calculated internally.

Parameter Description

Base start value Lower value of the input range

Base end value Upper value of the input range

Target start value Lower value of the output range

Target end value Upper value of the output range

Base start value: 0
Base end value: 1024
Target start value: 4.0
Target end value: 20.0

User-Defined Conversion
Use this conversion if you want to calculate the input value by a user-defined
expression. Use the variable rValue as input value. In this expression, all IEC
operands can be used.

Parameter Description

Convert Expression to convert the input value

Reverse Expression to revert the calculated value

Switchable Conversion
Use this conversion if you want to use different conversions, depending on the
language or a variable value. All defined conversions can be used.

Usage in IEC Editors

You can use unit conversions in all IEC editors. If you create a conversion for each
new conversion, a function block is created automatically.
The function block includes 2 methods:

Method Description

Convert Calculation of the input value according to the

conversion formula.
Reverse Reverse calculation back to the input value.

You can call these methods in all IEC editors.

Example in ST
In this example, Conv_4_20 is the name of the conversion.

EIO0000002854.04 423
Unit Conversion

rValue : REAL;
rConvertedValue : REAL;
rConvertedValue := Conv_4_20.convert(rValue);
Reverse calculation back to the input value.
rValue := Conv_4_20.reverse(rConvertedValue);

Example in CFC
In the CFC editor, enter the instance name of the conversion above the element.
In the element, the method is defined.
Example in CFC method Convert:

Example in CFC method Reverse:

424 EIO0000002854.04
Symbol Configuration Editor

Symbol Configuration Editor

What’s in This Chapter
Symbol Configuration Editor......................................................................... 425
Symbol Configuration ................................................................................. 430
Adding a Symbol Configuration .................................................................... 431

Symbol Configuration Editor

The symbol configuration functionality allows you to create symbol descriptions.
The symbols and the variables they represent can then be accessed by external
applications, such as Vijeo Designer, EcoStruxure Operator Terminal Expert, or
OPC server.
To configure symbols for an application, double-click the Symbol Configuration
node in the Tools tree. The Symbol configuration editor view opens.
The editor contains a table. Depending on the set filter, it shows the available
variables, or just those already selected for the symbol configuration. For this
purpose, the concerned POUs or libraries are listed in the Symbols column. You
can expand them in order to show the particular variables.

Elements of the Toolbar

Element Description

View button The View button allows you to set the following filters to reduce the number
of displayed variables:

Unconfigured from Even variables not yet added to the symbol

Project configuration, but available for this purpose in the
project, are displayed.

Unconfigured from Also variables from libraries, not yet added to the
Libraries symbol configuration, but available for this purpose
in the project, are displayed.

Symbols exported This setting is effective only when the unconfigured

via attribute variables are displayed (see the two filters described

It has the effect that also those variables are listed,

which are already selected for getting symbols by
{attribute 'symbol' := 'read'} within their
declaration. Such symbols are displayed grayed.
The Attribute column shows which access right is
set for the variable by the pragma. Refer to the
following description of the Access Rights column,
page 427.

Build button The Build button allows you to build the project. The build run refreshes the
variables view in the configuration editor.

Settings button The Settings button allows you to activate the following options:

Support OPC UA This function is not supported.

Include comments This has the effect that comments assigned to
in XML variables are also exported to the symbol file.

Include node flags This has the effect that the flags that contain the
in XML namespace are also exported to the symbol file.
They provide additional information on the origin of
the node in the namespace when OPC UA is active.

EIO0000002854.04 425
Symbol Configuration Editor

Element Description

Configure Opens the Comments and Attributes dialog box

comments and that allows you to configure the contents of the
attributes... symbol configuration and the XML file.

Configure Opens the Options tab of the Properties dialog box

synchronisation of the selected controller. Refer to the description of
with IEC tasks... the Access variables in sync with IEC tasks
option in the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Menu
Commands Online Help (see EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).
NOTE: Do not activate the option Configure
synchronisation with IEC tasks... for motion
and real time-critical application because the
delayed start of IEC tasks leads to a higher
For further information, refer to the paragraph
Additional Information on the Option Configure
synchronisation with IEC tasks..., page 429.

Compatibility Select this option to calculate the data output in the

Layout same way as in SoMachine / SoMachine Motion
versions prior to V4.3.

Do not use this layout together with exported

STRUCTs that use the attributes pack_mode or

The data layout created for the client is adapted as

far as possible to the layout created by the compiler.

Optimized Layout Select this option to calculate the data output in an

optimized form, independent of the internal compiler

The optimization impacts only variables of a

structured type and function blocks. No gaps with
padding bytes are generated for members that are
not published, for example, because they are
deactivated in the Symbol Configuration. For
internal members, for example, function blocks
implementing interfaces, no gaps are created either.

This option is by default selected for projects created

with SoMachine / SoMachine Motion versions V4.3
or later, or with EcoStruxure Machine Expert. The
setting is preserved after a Project update.

This option requires SoMachine / SoMachine Motion

versions V4.3 or later, or EcoStruxure Machine
Expert. It is the default setting when creating a new
Symbol Configuration.

Use empty By default, this option is not selected, as

namespaces by EcoStruxure Machine Expert V2.0 and later versions
default (V2 are delivered with an OPC server V3.5 and later.
Select this option for the exchange of variables with
an OPC server V2.0 to achieve the following
• Program variables are exported without an
application name (Application.PLC_PRG.
MyVar –> PLC_PRG.MyVar).
• Global variables are additionally exported
without the GVL name (Application.GVL.
MyGlobVar –> .MyGlobVar).

Support Calls of This option is only available if the function is

Functions, FBs, supported by the controller. Consult the
Methods and Programming Guide specific to your controller for
Programs further information.

If the option is selected, the action Execute can be

set in the symbol table for symbols of POUs of type
function, function block, method, or program.

As a prerequisite, the Support OPC UA features

option must be selected.

Include call This option is available if the option Support Calls

information in XML of Functions, FBs, Methods and Programs is
supported by the controller.

426 EIO0000002854.04
Symbol Configuration Editor

Element Description

Select this option to export information about called

functions, function blocks, methods, or programs to
the symbol file.

Enable Symbol Select this option to display a toolbar above the

Sets Symbol configuration table. Also refer to the
Toolbar for Symbol Set Configuration paragraph,
page 428.

Tools button Save XML Scheme Opens the dialog box for saving a file in the file
File... system. Allows you to create an XSD (XML Schema
Definition) format of the symbol file, for use in
external programs.

Description of the Table

Columns of the Symbol configuration table:

Column Description

Symbols The column shows a list of POUs. You can select variables to be
exported. If you select variables of a structured data type, all members
of the structure will be exported.

You may also select only particular member variables in the dialog box
Symbol Configuration for Data Type. Click the browse ... button in
the Members column to open this dialog box. For further information,
refer to the description of the Members column.

Access Rights To modify the access rights for a selected item, click the Access
Rights column.

Each mouse-click switches the symbol within the following definitions:

• : read and write

• : write-only

• : read-only
• none
Maximal Shows the maximum access rights.

Attribute An icon is displayed if the access right was assigned by attribute.

Type Shows the data type of the variable.

Variables of an alias data type are displayed as shown in the following

example of a variable:

myVar : MY_INT,, where MY_INT is an alias declared as: TYPE MY_


In this case, the Type column shows MY_INT : INT.

Members Click the ... button in the Members column to open the Symbol
Configuration for Data Type dialog box. It allows you to select only
particular member variables. In case of nested types, this dialog box
again provides a button to open another Symbol Configuration for
Data Type dialog box.

This selection applies to all instances of this data type for which
symbols are exported. If not all members of a structured type are
exported, then an asterisk (*) is displayed in the check boxes of the
members to indicate that all exportable members of that type are

Comment Shows any comments which have been added in the declaration of the

EIO0000002854.04 427
Symbol Configuration Editor

NOTE: With the POU property Link Always, an uncompiled POU can be
forced to be downloaded to the controller. If this property is set in the Build tab
of the Properties dialog box of the selected POU, then all variables declared
in this POU are available, even if those variables are not referenced by other
code. Alternatively, you can use the pragma {attribute linkalways}, page 511 to
make not compiled variables available in the symbol configuration.
Variables which are configured to be exported but which are not valid in the
application, for example because their declaration has been removed, are shown
in red. This also applies to the concerned POU or library name.
By default, a symbol file is created with a code generation run. This file is
transferred to the device with the next download. If you want to create the file
without performing a download, use the command Generate code, by default
available in the Build menu.
NOTE: Variables of a global variable list (GVL) will only be available in the
symbol configuration if at least one of them is used in the programming code.

Toolbar for Symbol Set Configuration

If the option Enable symbol sets is selected in the settings of the symbol
configuration, the toolbar for symbol set configuration is available with the
following elements:

Element Description

List The list contains already defined symbol sets.

Opens the Add a New Symbol Set dialog box for specifying a
name for this set.

Opens the Add a Duplicate from Selected Symbol Set dialog

box. It allows you to create a copy of the set selected in the list.
You can adapt the default name (<group name>_duplicate) to
your individual requirements.

Opens the Rename the Selected New Symbol Set dialog box
for specifying another name for the set selected in the list.

Opens a dialog box prompting whether the set selected in the list
should be deleted.

Configure Symbol Rights Opens the Symbol Rights view of the device editor, page 121.

Comments and Attributes Dialog Box

The Comments and Attributes dialog box opens upon clicking Settings >
Configure comments and attributes. It contains the following elements:

Element Description

Symbol table contents

Enable extended OPC UA information This function is not supported.

Include comments
Include attributes
Also include comments and attributes for
type nodes

XML symbol file contents

Include namespace node flags Namespace node flags provide additional

information about the origin of a node in the
namespace. Node flags are available in the
symbol table when OPC UA is activated.

428 EIO0000002854.04
Symbol Configuration Editor

Element Description

Deselect this option to prevent namespace

node flags from being inserted in the XML file if
your parser cannot process them.

Include comments Select this option to save comments in the XML


In SoMachine / SoMachine Motion versions

prior to V4.4, this includes the setting Prefer
docu comments.
Include attributes Select this option to save attributes in the XML
Also include comments and attributes for This option is only available if the option
type nodes Include comments or the option Include
attributes is activated.

If this option is selected, the information for type

nodes is also included (user-defined types,
such as STRUCT and ENUM elements).

If this option is not selected, comments and

attributes are only available for directly exported
Select comments

These parameters are only available if one of the Include comments options is activated.

Include docu comments: Select the options to determine the kind of

comments that are saved in the symbol
///They start with triple slash and are usually configuration.
/// formatted in ReST (library documentation)

Include normal comments:

(*IEC/ Pascal style comments *) // C++-Style

comments with double-slash
Always include both types of comments

Prefer docu comments, fallback to normal

Prefer normal comments, fallback to docu
Filter Attributes (case insensitive)

These parameters are only available if one of the Include attributes options is activated.

Include all attributes (“foo”, “bar”, “”) Select the options to determine the attributes
that are saved in the symbol configuration.
Match simple identifiers (“foo”, “bar”)

Include attributes starting with:

Filter Attributes with regular expression

Additional Information on Configure synchronisation with IEC

To achieve synchronous, consistent access, the runtime system postpones the
processing of read or write request of the symbolic client until no IEC task is
executed. As soon as this gap is found, the restart of IEC tasks is postponed until
the requested values have been copied to the variables list.
This option is useful for permanently running systems without production clocking,
for example, if process values are to be written cyclically in fixed time intervals
(such as 60 s).
NOTE: Do not activate the option Configure synchronisation with IEC
tasks... for motion and real time-critical application because the delayed start
of IEC tasks leads to a higher jitter.

EIO0000002854.04 429
Symbol Configuration Editor

If you intend to use the Configure synchronisation with IEC tasks... option,
consider the following points when you define the variable lists that are read and
• Configure synchronous and consistent access only for those variables for
which it is necessary.
• Create separate lists for consistent variables and for variables that may be
• Create several small lists containing consistent variables instead of one large
• Define the time intervals for cyclically reading values as large as possible.
The option Configure synchronisation with IEC tasks... is available at two
different locations in EcoStruxure Machine Expert:
• In the Symbol configuration editor, as an option of the Settings button. (If a
symbol configuration is available in the application.)
• In the Options tab of the Properties dialog box of the selected controller.
NOTE: In order for the setting to take effect, perform a Download or Online
Change of the applications on the controller and update the boot applications.

Symbol Configuration
The symbol configuration is used to create symbols, provided with specific access
rights. They allow project variables to be accessed externally, for example by
Vijeo-Designer, EcoStruxure Operator Terminal Expert, or OPC server. The
description of the symbols will be available in an XML file (symbol file) in the
project directory. It will be downloaded to the controller together with the

Symbol Information
The symbols defined for an application are exported to an XML file in the project
directory (symbol file) when the application is downloaded to the controller. This
file is named according to the following syntax:
<project name>.<device name>.<application name>.xml
Example: proj_xy.PLC1.application.xml
Symbols for input addresses and variables that are mapped to input channels
allow read-only access. Write access is only allowed for testing purposes in
simulation mode.
NOTE: In case a download to the controller is not possible, you can create the
symbol configuration file by executing the command Generate code.
Further on the symbol information is downloaded to the controller with the
application. Depending on the device description, it will be included in the
application or a separate child application will be generated. This will also be listed
with the name <application name>._symbols in the Applications view of the device
editor, page 103.
If the symbol configuration has been modified in online mode, you can reload it to
the controller by clicking the button Download in the editor window, page 427.
For example, concerning the maximum number of applications on a controller, the
symbol application has to be handled as a normal application.
If your controller has user management active, you can grant individual access
rights to a symbol for different user groups (clients). To achieve this, place the

430 EIO0000002854.04
Symbol Configuration Editor

same symbol in different symbol sets and allow or deny access to this symbol set
for the individual user groups (clients).

Adding a Symbol Configuration

Variables that will be exchanged between the controller and (multiple) HMI
devices using the transparent Machine Expert protocol (see EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, Introduction) must be published in the controller using the Symbol
configuration. They will then be available as EcoStruxure Machine Expert
variables in Vijeo-Designer, EcoStruxure Operator Terminal Expert, or OPC

Defining a Symbol Configuration

In order to get the symbol configuration functionality available, add the symbol
configuration object to the application in the Tools tree as described in the
Opening the Symbol Configuration paragraph. This IECVarAccess.library is
automatically added to the Library Manager.
You can define the variables to be exported as symbols in the symbol
configuration editor, page 425 or via pragmas (attribute symbol, page 525), which
are to be added at the declaration of the variables.
NOTE: Variables of a global variable list (GVL) will only be available in the
symbol configuration if at least one of them is used in the programming code.
NOTE: Constants are available in the Symbol configuration if the option
Replace constants in the Project Settings > Compile options dialog box
(see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help) is
deactivated. For particular constants, you can configure the option explicitly by
using the attributes {attribute 'const_replaced'} and {attribute
However, in any case the following is true: Constants in a global variable list
(GVL) or in another POU are only available in the Symbol configuration, if
the GVL or POU is used in the program code, or if the compiler option Link
always is activated in the View > Properties > Build dialog box (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help) of the GVL or
Another possibility is provided by the SFC editor: You can define the implicitly
created element flags in the element properties, page 286 for export to the symbol
The name of a symbol created by the symbol configuration is composed according
to the following syntax:
<application name>.<POU name>.<variable name>
For accessing the variable, define the symbol name completely.

Opening the Symbol Configuration

To open the Symbol configuration, proceed as follows:

EIO0000002854.04 431
Symbol Configuration Editor

Step Action

1 Select the Application node in the Tools tree, click the green plus button, and select
the command Add other objects > Symbol configuration....

Result: The Add Symbol configuration dialog box will be displayed.

2 In the Add Symbol configuration dialog box, optionally configure settings like
whether to include comments or not. The settings can be modified later in the Symbol
configuration editor, page 425.

3 Click the Add button.

Result: A Symbol configuration node is created under the Application node in the
Tools tree. The Symbol configuration is displayed on the right-hand side.

NOTE: Only one symbol configuration node can be created per device.
For details on the variables interchange between the controller and HMI part, refer
to the chapter EcoStruxure Machine Expert Controller-HMI Data Exchange, page

Creating Symbol Sets Allowing Different Access Rights for

Different Control Clients
A symbol set is a defined set of symbols. If supported by the target device, you
can combine different symbols of the application to form symbol sets in the symbol
configuration editor. The symbol sets information transferred to the controller with
the software download. You can grant access to each symbol set for the individual
user groups. The access rights are assigned in the Symbol Rights view of the
device editor, page 121.
Prerequisites for using symbol sets:
• A Symbol Configuration is available in the application.
• The Enable symbol sets option is enabled in the settings of the symbol
• The controller has a user management enabled.
In the following example, a user group must be available that is granted the
rights required for servicing the plant. The user group Service is by default
available for this purpose.
To create a symbol set and assign access rights, proceed as follows:

Step Action Comment

1 Open the Communication Settings tab of the –

device editor, page 78 to configure the
connection to the controller.
2 Open the Symbol Configuration editor, and Result: The Add a New Symbol
Set dialog box opens.
click the button from the toolbar for symbol
set configuration, page 428.

3 Enter a name for the set: startup. –

4 In the toolbar of the Add a New Symbol Set Result: The symbols available in
the project are displayed.
dialog box, click the button.

5 Select the symbols you want to add to this set –

and save the project.

6 Click the Configure Symbol Rights button. Result: The Symbol Rights view of
the device editor, page 121 opens.

7 Result: The display of symbol sets

Click the Synchronization button. is synchronized with the device.
NOTE: If the user management
is not yet enabled on the
controller, a dialog box will be
displayed, prompting you to do

432 EIO0000002854.04
Symbol Configuration Editor

Step Action Comment

8 Click OK to close the Add a New Symbol Set –

dialog box.

9 Select the Users and Groups view of the device Result: The Device User Login
editor, page 111, click the Synchronization dialog box opens.

button, and click Yes to enable the user


10 Log in. If you log in for the first time, execute the Result: After successful login, the
steps as described in the Users and Groups configuration of the device user
chapter, page 115. management is displayed in the
Users and Groups and Access
Rights views, page 117.

11 Log in to the controller by executing the –

command Online > Login and click Yes to
confirm that the application is downloaded to the
12 After successful login, select the Symbol Rights Results:
• The Symbol sets section
view, and click the Synchronization displays the symbol sets that
button. have been downloaded to the
controller for the application
(startup in this example).
• The Rights table lists the user
groups that are created in the
user management of the
controller (Administrator and
Service in this example).
• When a symbol set is selected
on the left-hand side, the
access rights of the individual
user groups are displayed on
the right-hand side:

◦ : access is granted

◦ : access is not granted

The access allowed for each
symbol is defined in the Symbol
Configuration editor, page 425
(read, write, execute).

13 On the left-hand side, select the symbol set Results:

• The icons change into plus
startup, and double-click the minus signs
for Administrator and Service. signs .
• The Administrator and
Service groups have access
to the symbols in the
startup symbol set.

You can download modifications performed on a symbol set definition to the

controller by executing an online change, page 207. When the application is
deleted on the controller, the symbol sets are also deleted. When building the
application, you can create and save a symbol file in XML format for each symbol

EIO0000002854.04 433
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Controller - HMI Data Exchange

EcoStruxure Machine Expert Controller - HMI Data

What’s in This Chapter
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Single Variable Definition .................................. 434
Publishing Variables in the Controller ............................................................ 437
Selecting Variables in the HMI ...................................................................... 438
Publishing Variables in the HMI of Vijeo-Designer .......................................... 438
Parameterization of the Physical Media......................................................... 440
Data Exchange Performance Between Controller and HMI Configured with
Vijeo-Designer ............................................................................................ 441
Indications for HMI Connections with Vijeo-Designer...................................... 443

NOTE: EcoStruxure Operator Terminal Expert can exchange data by using
system projects. For further information, refer to the document How To
Exchange Data Between Tools (see How To Exchange Data Between Tools,
User Guide).

EcoStruxure Machine Expert Single Variable Definition

By publishing the variables in EcoStruxure Machine Expert, they will automatically
be available for use in the Vijeo-Designer HMI application.
For variable exchange with the Machine Expert protocol, perform the following
• Create variables in the controller part.
• Publish the variables by defining them as Symbols in the controller part.
They are now available in the HMI part as EcoStruxure Machine Expert
• Configure the physical connection (automatically setup by EcoStruxure
Machine Expert).
NOTE: The last step is not necessary for XBTGC controllers because they
may communicate with their own control variables.

Disabling Automatic Symbol Export to Vijeo-Designer

By default, EcoStruxure Machine Expert automatically exports those variables
defined as Symbols to the Vijeo-Designer HMI application.
Once symbols have been transferred to Vijeo-Designer, it is usually not necessary
to make the transfer every time you call Vijeo-Designer. If you later add or modify
symbols in your EcoStruxure Machine Expert application after having initially
transferred the symbols, you can transfer symbols to Vijeo-Designer manually at
will. To save time when you open Vijeo-Designer, you can disable the automatic
transfer of symbols as follows:

Step Action

1 Select the Options... command from the Tools menu.

Result: The Options dialog box is displayed.

2 Select the entry Vijeo-Designer from the list on the left-hand side.

434 EIO0000002854.04
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Controller - HMI Data Exchange

Step Action

On the right-hand side, enable the check box Disable automatic symbol export.

4 Click OK to close the dialog box.

NOTE: Activating the Disable automatic symbol export function inhibits the
automatic export of EcoStruxure Machine Expert variables defined as
Symbols to Vijeo-Designer. In order to perform this transfer manually, right-
click the Symbol configuration node in the Devices window and execute the
Export Symbols to Vijeo-Designer command. If you do not perform this
manual transfer, Vijeo-Designer may not show the correct symbols which, in
turn, may lead to errors being detected in the project.

Execute the Export Symbols to Vijeo-Designer command if you have activated
the Disable automatic symbol export before you start working in Vijeo-Designer.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

Variable Types for EcoStruxure Machine Expert - HMI Data

The following table lists the variable types for EcoStruxure Machine Expert - HMI
data exchange:

Variable type EcoStruxure Variable type Vijeo- Variable type EcoStruxure Comment
Machine Expert Designer Operator Terminal Expert


BYTE Integer BYTE –


EIO0000002854.04 435
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Controller - HMI Data Exchange

Variable type EcoStruxure Variable type Vijeo- Variable type EcoStruxure Comment
Machine Expert Designer Operator Terminal Expert


SINT Integer SINT –












a general STRING type. Therefore, you
can either exchange only STRINGS or
only WSTRINGS with the HMI. A
mixture of these two variable types is
not allowed. If you use WSTRINGs, all
your strings must be WSTRINGs.

Indicate to the Vijeo-Designer driver

that all strings should be managed as
UNICODE WSTRINGs as follows:

Select the node SoMachineNetwork

or SoMachineCombo in the Navigator
tree of Vijeo-Designer and set the
parameter String Encoding to the
value Unicode.

EcoStruxure Operator Terminal Expert

can use STRING and WSTRING

ARRAY – – In Vijeo-Designer and EcoStruxure

Operator Terminal Expert, you can only
reference the elements of an array, not
the whole array.

Example: Your array consists of SINTs

called myValues. You can reference
myValues[0] or myValues[5] and
put this into a control on the HMI

Arrays must not contain more than

2,048 elements. If you try to use arrays
with more than 2,048 elements in Vijeo-
Designer, a message is issued.

Non-zero based array – Non-zero based array In Vijeo-Designer, you cannot import
an array that is defined, example:

ARRAY OF ARRAY – – You cannot export to Vijeo-Designer an

array that has an array as its element
type, such as ARRAY [0..9] OF
ARRAY [0..9] OF INT. Nevertheless,
you can use multi-dimensional arrays,
such as ARRAY [0..9, 0..9] OF
DUT – – In Vijeo-Designer and EcoStruxure
Operator Terminal Expert, you can only
reference the elements of a DUT, not
the whole DUT. This behavior is similar
to the behavior of arrays.




436 EIO0000002854.04
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Controller - HMI Data Exchange

Variable type EcoStruxure Variable type Vijeo- Variable type EcoStruxure Comment
Machine Expert Designer Operator Terminal Expert

DT – DT –

REFERENCE TO <Type> <Type> (<Type> being one of <Type> (<Type> being one of Do not share references to ARRAYs or
the supported types in this the supported types in this structured variables containing an
list)] list)] ARRAY in the symbol configuration
editor, as their values will not be
displayed correctly on the HMI.

NOTE: The variables from the PLC_R structures of the PLCSystem library
cannot be shared via the Symbol Configuration with the Vijeo-Designer and
EcoStruxure Operator Terminal Expert application of HMI targets (including
HMI controllers).
For further information on variable types for EcoStruxure Machine Expert - HMI
data exchange, see the Vijeo-Designer and EcoStruxure Operator Terminal
Expert online help.

Identifier Length
In Vijeo-Designer, the maximum length of the Symbol name is limited to 32
Variable names longer than 32 characters produce an error message and are not

Publishing Variables in the Controller

Publish variables in the controller part of the EcoStruxure Machine Expert
application within the Symbol configuration editor.

Publishing Variables in the Symbol Configuration Editor

To publish variables within the Symbol configuration editor, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 Create a Symbol Configuration node under the Application node in the Tools tree as described in the Adding a Symbol
Configuration chapter, page 431.

2 Double-click the Symbol Configuration node to open the Symbol configuration editor.

EIO0000002854.04 437
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Controller - HMI Data Exchange

Step Action

In the Symbol configuration editor, select those elementary variables that you wish to publish for communication with 1 or
several HMI terminals by selecting or deselecting the check box in the Symbols column:

You can also assign read/write access rights to each variable individually in the Access Rights column. For further
information, refer to the description of the Symbol configuration editor, page 425.

For using symbol sets, refer to Creating Symbol Sets Allowing Different Access Rights for Different Control Clients, page

Note: Only variables on elementary data types are available for interchange with HMI terminals.

4 For your settings to become valid, click the Download link in the Symbol configuration editor.

NOTE: The publishing mechanism consumes an overhead of about 50 Kbyte

in the controller. Each published variable consumes 11 bytes within the
controller application.

Selecting Variables in the HMI

Selecting Variables
Those variables that have been published in the controller are directly available in
the HMI. For further information, refer to the document How To Exchange Data
Between Tools (see How To Exchange Data Between Tools, User Guide).
EcoStruxure Operator Terminal Expert: For information, refer to the EcoStruxure
Operator Terminal Expert online help.
In the Expression Editor Pad of Vijeo-Designer, select the corresponding tab to
have direct access to the variables published in EcoStruxure Machine Expert.
For further information, refer to the Vijeo-Designer online help.

Publishing Variables in the HMI of Vijeo-Designer

Supported Variable Types
The following variable types can be published in Vijeo-Designer to make them
available for the entire EcoStruxure Machine Expert project:

438 EIO0000002854.04
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Controller - HMI Data Exchange

• Integer

To publish the above mentioned variable types, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 In the Vijeo-Designer Variable Editor, select those variables you want to publish.

Right-click the selected variable(s) and execute the command Move to SoMachine from the contextual menu.

Result: The Move to SoMachine dialog box will be displayed.

EIO0000002854.04 439
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Controller - HMI Data Exchange

Step Action

3 In the Move to SoMachine dialog box open the subfolders of the devices defined in EcoStruxure Machine Expert to see the
levels where variables are defined (POU or GVL).

Select the POU or GVL to which you want to add the selected Vijeo-Designer variable(s) and click OK.

Result: The selected variable(s) has / have been moved to the selected EcoStruxure Machine Expert POU or GVL and is /
are available throughout the EcoStruxure Machine Expert project.

Parameterization of the Physical Media

The runtime data exchange between the controller and the HMI is executed on
different media, depending on the selected hardware.

Configuration Example for Vijeo-Designer

The default settings below are valid for communications between M241 and an
HMI panel via serial line RS-485 using an XBTZ9008 cable (serial line SubD-
Configuration of M241 with HMI panel:
M241 controller serial line configuration

Parameter Value
Physical Medium RS485

Baud rate 115200

440 EIO0000002854.04
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Controller - HMI Data Exchange

Parameter Value
Parity none

Data bits 8
Stop bits 1

HMI panel IO-Manager configuration using a driver: EcoStruxure Machine Expert -

network with at least one Scan-Group (for further information, refer to the Vijeo-
Designer online help).

Parameter Value
Physical Medium RS485

Baud rate 115200

Parity none

Data bits 8
Stop bits 1

Equipment Name Controller device name (available in the

Communication Settings tab, page 78).

Configuration of XBTGC:

Device Configuration

XBTGC controller No configuration required.

HMI panel IO-Manager

Driver EcoStruxure Machine Expert - Combo with at least one


Data Exchange Performance Between Controller and HMI

Configured with Vijeo-Designer
The communication speed between controller and HMI depends largely on the
number of variables that are exchanged. Therefore, the time that is required to
display the values on the HMI panels when a controller-HMI-connection is
established, as well as to the refresh time of the variables, are affected
This chapter provides reference values that have been achieved under optimum
conditions. Actual values depend on the total performance of your controller
application (for example, the communication task responsible for data exchange is
executed with a low priority).
For data exchange using the Machine Expert protocol via Ethernet, this chapter
indicates the number of variables allowed to achieve a good data transmission
performance. If you are using serial line, consider to change to Ethernet for
increasing the performance.

General Measures for Improving Communication Performance

To improve the communication performance, you can take the following
• In the equipment or scan group properties of your HMI, set the Vijeo-Designer
parameter ScanRate to Fast.

EIO0000002854.04 441
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Controller - HMI Data Exchange

• Reduce the number of variables per HMI panel because only the variables on
the active panel are refreshed. It is a good practice to create several HMI
panels with reduced number of variables in Vijeo-Designer instead of creating
one HMI panel that shows many variables.
• Add only those variables to the Symbol configuration that are used in the

Variable-to-Time Ratio for Refreshing Variables on the HMI Panel

The graph indicates reference values that have been measured for the time that is
required to refresh variables over the Machine Expert protocol via Ethernet
between XBTGT HMI and M••• controllers with different numbers of variables
under non-industrial conditions.
Typical delay to refresh variables on the HMI:

1 Time in seconds
2 Number of variables
3 XBTGT2330 + M••• controller
4 XBTGT4330 + M••• controller

Vijeo-Designer Suggestions on Variables

Vijeo-Designer provides the following suggested guidance for using variables in
the Vijeo-Designer online help:
Chapter Creating Variables → About Variables and Device Addresses → Source:
Internal Versus External:
• One target can have a maximum of 8000 or 12000 variables depending on
the target type. Array and structure holders (the group node) also count as
variables. A block variable counts as one variable.
• You can use a maximum of 800 variables on a single panel.
Chapter Appendix → Run-Time Specifications:
Number of variables per panel (limit):

Controller Maximum number of variables per panel

iPC series 2500

Other target types, except iPC 800

442 EIO0000002854.04
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Controller - HMI Data Exchange

Number of variables per target (limit):

Controller Maximum number of variables

• iPC*
• XBTGTW series
• HMISCU series
XBTGK series 8000

* For iPC: If persistent variables, such as alarm variables and data

logging variables, are used, a maximum of 8000 variables can be
supported for each iPC target.

Chapter Errors → Message List → Editor Error Messages→ 1300 - 1999→ Error
Error 1301: [Target] [target name] too many variables. Variable limit is [8000 or
NOTE: The Vijeo-Designer online help indicates that the total number of
elements in an array must not exceed 2048 (refer to the chapter Creating
Variables → Array Variables). This limits the size of (single or
multidimensional) array variables that are shared via the EcoStruxure
Machine Expert Symbol Configuration. To overcome this limit, consider
sharing an array of DUT (for example, ARRAY[0..99] OF DUT_30, where
DUT_30 is a user-defined type containing 30 distinct INT variables, resulting
in 3000 variables). In any case, the Error 1301 will be issued if the maximum
number of variables per target (8000 or 12000) is exceeded.

Indications for HMI Connections with Vijeo-Designer

Indications Regarding Communication Settings View
When you connect controllers to HMIs, select the option Nodename from the
Connection Mode list in the Communication Settings view, page 86 to specify
the address. Otherwise, a corresponding message will be generated as soon as
you intend to download a project to the HMI.

Indications for Windows Embedded HMIs

For Windows embedded HMIs, verify the following:
• Make sure that the Windows service CODESYS Control is running on the
Windows Embedded HMI.
• Start the Vijeo-Designer Runtime to be able to download the application (for
further information, refer to the Vijeo-Designer online help, chapter 25.7 Run
the User Application).

EIO0000002854.04 443
Cam Motion Editor

Cam Motion Editor

What’s in This Chapter
Cam Motion Editor - General Information ...................................................... 444
Generating IEC Program Code from Cam Data ............................................. 445
Online View and Functions of the Cam Motion Editor ..................................... 446
Discontinuous Courses of the Positions ........................................................ 447
Dialog Boxes .............................................................................................. 448

Cam Motion Editor - General Information

General Information
The cam motion editor is used to create and parameterize cam diagrams and
assign them to FB_MultiCam / MC_Cam_ID function blocks. In turn, these
diagrams can then be used by the Motion Sizer, for example, for drive sizing.
The cam diagrams are based on the motion laws defined in VDI 2143. They allow
you to design the motion of your axis in relation to the position of a master axis φ.
Cam diagrams are used to model the movement of a servo axis, which follows the
motion of a virtual line shaft. The angle of this line shaft is described by φ.
You can define segments for each cam diagram that correspond to the different
sequences of motion that your axis performs.

Adding a Cam Object

To add a cam object to your project, right-click the Application node in the Tools
tree, and execute the command Add Object > CamDiagram... from the
contextual menu.
Result: A Camdiagram node is inserted. By default, it contains a Segment
subnode that is a child object of the diagram object.

Opening the Motion Editor of a Cam Object

To open the motion editor of a cam diagram or a cam segment, double-click the
node in the Tools tree:

If... Then ...

You double-click the The Motion Editor tab opens in the multi-tabbed editor view.
CamDiagram node

You double-click the The Motion Editor tab opens in the multi-tabbed editor view and
Segment node highlights the selected segment with a green background in the

444 EIO0000002854.04
Cam Motion Editor

Displaying More than one Motion Editor

To compare interdependent motions with each other, you can display several
motion editor views simultaneously. To achieve this, execute the command
Window > New Horizontal Tab Group or Window > New Vertical Tab Group.

Generating IEC Program Code from Cam Data

Using Cam Data for Function Blocks
Cam diagrams are used as a basis to generate cam data structures with a
corresponding number of cam points.
These data structures can be used to parameterize the FB_MultiCam / MC_Cam_
ID function blocks or a POU with equivalent functionality.
Cam data is used to initialize function blocks/modules that are processing cam
data structures in the application program.

Specifying the Target Function Block

The Configuration tab of the cam motion editor provides an input field that allows
you to specify an existing cam data structure as target. If a target is defined, cam
data will automatically be written to this target structure when the program is
initialized. If the expression is indeterminable, a diagnostic message will be
From the target defined, EcoStruxure Machine Expert detects whether the data
structures are CommonMotionType or PacDriveLib structures and
parameterization is performed accordingly.

Data Structure Library

ST_Multicam PacDriveLib

FB_MultiCam / MC_Cam_ID CommonMotionType

Generating Data for Cam Data Structures

When the project is built (via the Build command from the Build menu or shortcut
F11), IEC source code is generated and written into the specified cam data
The parameterization statements for the cam data structure are generated in the
following format:
MyMultiCam.MultiCamData.diNumberOfCamPoints := 3;
MyMultiCam.MultiCamData.lrYPeriod := 0;
MyMultiCam.MultiCamData.astCamPoint[0].lrX := 0;
MyMultiCam.MultiCamData.astCamPoint[0].lrY := 100;
MyMultiCam.MultiCamData.astCamPoint[0].lrM := 0;
MyMultiCam.MultiCamData.astCamPoint[0].lrK := 0;
MyMultiCam.MultiCamData.astCamPoint[0].lrLambda := 0.5;
MyMultiCam.MultiCamData.astCamPoint[0].lrC := 1;
MyMultiCam.MultiCamData.astCamPoint[0].etCamType := ET_
MyMultiCam.MultiCamData.astCamPoint[1].lrX := 100;
MyMultiCam.MultiCamData.astCamPoint[1].lrY := 0;
MyMultiCam.MultiCamData.astCamPoint[1].lrM := 0;
MyMultiCam.MultiCamData.astCamPoint[1].lrK := 0;

EIO0000002854.04 445
Cam Motion Editor

MyMultiCam.MultiCamData.astCamPoint[1].lrLambda := 0.5;
MyMultiCam.MultiCamData.astCamPoint[1].lrC := 1;
MyMultiCam.MultiCamData.astCamPoint[1].etCamType := ET_
In this example, MyMultiCam.MultiCamData is configured as target data
The generated data is based on cam diagrams that were edited in offline mode.
They are not updated in online mode.

Maximum Number of CamPoints

Each cam segment is defined by a CamPoint that specifies the data located on the
left margin of the segment. The right CamPoint of a cam segment corresponds to
the left CamPoint of the next cam segment. To identify the end point of the cam
diagram, the last cam segment is defined by an own right CamPoint.
There is a maximum of 32 CamPoints available for a cam data structure. When a
target structure has been selected with a cam diagram having more than 31
segments, a diagnostic message will be generated. In order to design the motion
of an axis with more than 31 segments, you must divide it into several cam
NOTE: If several cam diagrams are incorporated for drive sizing with Motion
Sizer, Motion Sizer ensure that the total cam curve including all sub cam
diagrams is used.

Initializing the Function Block

In order to provide the configured cam data to the target structure, an initialization
code is executed once during start-up. This initialization task is executed by a
program POU that is called up as initialization code after the user initialization
processes have been completed.

Copying the Source Code of the Cam Diagram

The Generated IEC source code tab of the cam motion editor provides the
source code that has been generated for the cam diagram in a read-only format.
Whenever the cam diagram is modified, the code is regenerated.
You can copy the IEC code for further usage in your program.

Online View and Functions of the Cam Motion Editor

Online View and Functions of the Cam Motion Editor
Cam Motion Editor in Online Mode
If you enable the online mode in EcoStruxure Machine Expert while the cam
motion editor is active/visible, then the cam motion editor is also switched to online
mode if a cam data structure is configured as target, page 455. If no target
structure is configured, the online mode is not available and the originally
configured diagram is displayed.

446 EIO0000002854.04
Cam Motion Editor

As long as the online mode is enabled and a cam data structure is defined as
target, the values and graphs displayed in the Motion Editor tab represent the
online values of the selected target structure.
You can select a segment, but you cannot modify anything:
• You cannot modify the segment data.
• You cannot specify a variable as target.
• You cannot modify the axis-diagram allocation.
NOTE: Some, especially user-defined, profiles are not supported by the editor.
This is indicated by segments being grayed and position, velocity,
acceleration, jerk lines not being displayed.

Online Change
The cam motion editor supports the Online change function, page 207.
After a cam data structure has been downloaded to the controller, the individual
segments will be editable as soon as you have switched to offline mode.
When switching back to online mode, the modifications are detected and you will
be prompted to decide whether you want to log in and perform the online change,
page 205. If you confirm this message with OK, the cam data structure will be
For the modifications to become effective, the FB_MultiCam / MC_Cam_ID
function blocks must be switched to the adequate mode to take into account the
modified cam data structure.
You can achieve this by setting the input parameter (for example, iq_xNewCam...)
via the Debug > Force values command. For further information, refer to the
description of FB_MultiCam in the PD_PacDriveLib or FB_MultiCam / MC_Cam_
ID in the CommonMotionType library guide.

Discontinuous Courses of the Positions

Discontinuous Courses of the Positions
The cam data structure is used to parameterize the FB_MultiCam / MC_Cam_ID
function blocks. The data structure cannot map any discontinuous courses of the
positions. Therefore, the FB_MultiCam / MC_Cam_ID function blocks do not move
along inconsistently parameterized cam courses.
In order to help avoid invalid parameterization, the positions are verified for
For this purpose, the start point of a cam segment is compared to the end point of
the preceding segment. For each invalid parameterization, a compile error is

EIO0000002854.04 447
Cam Motion Editor

Dialog Boxes
Motion Editor
Motion Editor Tab
The graphic displays the Motion Editor tab.

Element Description Value range

Cam diagram The view on the left-hand side of this tab –

displays the individual segments of the cam
diagram that have been double-clicked in the
Tools tree.

The selected cam segment is highlighted green.

To select a cam segment, double-click the
segment in the Tools tree view or click the
segment in the Motion Editor tab.

Start condition The condition that applies at the start point of • Dwell
the selected cam segment. • Velocity
• Return
• Motion
End condition The condition that applies at the end point of the • Dwell
selected cam segment. • Velocity
• Return
• Motion

448 EIO0000002854.04
Cam Motion Editor

Element Description Value range

Motionprofile The motion law describes the profile of the • Straight line
segment. The available motion profile depends • Quadratic parabola
on the Start condition and End condition
selected. Refer to the table Motion Profiles • Polynomial of 5th degree
Available for Combinations of Start and End • Simple sinus
Conditions, page 451.
• Modified sinus
• Modified acceleration trapezoid
• General polynomial of the 5th degree
• Sinus-straight line combination
• The user-defined motion profiles

Spline interpolation mode This parameter is only available for user-defined • Natural spline
motion profiles. It defines how the edge • Spline on base of the slope of the
condition at the start point and end point of the borders
profile is resolved.
• Periodic spline

Input parameters Select from the list the parameters which you The values listed in the table depend on the
will configure. Result: The corresponding text Motionprofile you selected. Refer to the
fields will become editable. The remaining following tables that list the parameters that are
parameter will be calculated by EcoStruxure available per motion law.
Machine Expert.

Left segment edge - Start section

X The x coordinate of the start point of the Decimal number

selected cam segment.
Unit: φ
Represents the angle of the virtual line shaft
where the segment starts.

Y The y coordinate of the start point of the Decimal number

selected cam segment.
Unit: Position
Represents the position of the axis at the
segment start. This is the value of s at the
position x.

Slope The slope of the position curve at the start point Decimal number
of the selected cam segment. This is the value
of s’. Unit: Position / φ

Curvature The curvature of the position curve at the start Decimal number
point of the selected cam segment. This is the
value of s’’. Unit: Position / φ2

Right segment edge - end section

X The x coordinate of the end point of the selected Decimal number

cam segment.
Unit: φ
Represents the angle of the virtual line shaft
where the segment ends.

Y The y coordinate of the end point of the selected Decimal number

cam segment.
Unit: Position
Represents the position of the axis at the
segment end. This is the value of s at the
position x.

Slope The slope of the position curve at the end point Decimal number
of the selected cam segment. This is the value
of s’. Unit: Position / φ

Curvature The curvature of the position curve at the end Decimal number
point of the selected cam segment. This is the
value of s’’. Unit: Position / φ2

EIO0000002854.04 449
Cam Motion Editor

Element Description Value range

C Defines the fraction of the selected cam 0...1

segment that is spent for changing the velocity.

The value 1 indicates that there is no constant

velocity phase within the segment. Acceleration
and deceleration procedures are performed
throughout the segment.

The value 0.5, for example, indicates that

acceleration and deceleration procedures are
performed during the half of the segment time.
The other half of the segment, the inflexion point
between acceleration and deceleration, is
reserved for constant velocity.

Lambda Defines the position of the inflexion point (when 0...1

C=1) or of the phase within constant velocity
(when C<1) on the x axis (φ) within the selected
cam segment.

Lambda describes the proportion between

acceleration and deceleration on the virtual line
shaft angle within the segment.

In a segment that only consists of an

acceleration phase (Start condition = Dwell,
End condition = Velocity, the Lambda value is
fixed to 1. Therefore, 100% of the time of
changing the velocity is used for acceleration,
0% is used for deceleration.

In a segment that only consists of a deceleration

phase (Start condition = Velocity, End
condition = Dwell, the Lambda value is fixed
to 0. Therefore, 0% of the time of changing the
velocity is used for acceleration, 100% is used
for deceleration.

In a segment that only consists of acceleration

and deceleration phases (Start condition =
Dwell, End condition = Dwell, the Lambda
value is greater than 0 and less than 1. A value
of 0.5 means that acceleration and deceleration
phases have the same length on the x axis (φ).
50% of the total length is spent with changing
the velocity. A value of 0.1 means that 10% of
the acceleration and deceleration length on the
x axis (φ) are used for deceleration. 90% are
used for acceleration.

Additional information for certain motion laws:

450 EIO0000002854.04
Cam Motion Editor

Designation Description

C Cam percentage of a motion curve.

Valid interval: The value of the input field must

be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1.


C = 1: The course is bent or a cam.

C = 0.001: The course almost matches a

straight line completely.

C = 0.4: The course has a straight line

percentage of 60% and a cam percentage of
Lambda Position of the inflexion point.

For dwell/dwell laws the inflexion point is within

the valid interval: The value of the input field
must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than
or equal to 1.

For Lambda = 0.5, the inflexion point is

precisely in the center of the cam segment.

For Lambda = 0.00001, the inflexion point is

almost at the left edge.

For the most dwell/velocity or velocity/dwell

motion laws, Lambda is exactly 1 or 0 and is
precisely at the left or right edge.

Motion Profiles Available for Combinations of Start and End Conditions

Depending on the combination of the boundary conditions (start condition, end
condition) you can select the following Motionprofiles.

From/to Dwell Velocity Return Motion

(v=0, a=0) (v<>0, a=0) (v=0, a<>0) (v<>0, a<>0)

Dwell Straight line Quadratic parabola General polynomial of the General polynomial of the
5th degree 5th degree
(v=0, a=0) Quadratic parabola Polynomial of 5th degree

Polynomial of 5th degree Simple sinus

Simple sinus Modified sinus

Modified sinus Modified acceleration

Modified acceleration
trapezoid General polynomial of the
5th degree
General polynomial of the
5th degree (Lambda = 1)

Velocity Quadratic parabola Straight line General polynomial of the General polynomial of the
5th degree 5th degree
(v<>0, a=0) Polynomial of 5th degree General polynomial of the
5th degree
Simple sinus

Modified sinus

Modified acceleration

General polynomial of the

5th degree

(Lambda = 0)

EIO0000002854.04 451
Cam Motion Editor

From/to Dwell Velocity Return Motion

(v=0, a=0) (v<>0, a=0) (v=0, a<>0) (v<>0, a<>0)

Return General polynomial of the 5th degree Sinus straight combination General polynomial of the
5th degree
(v=0, a<>0) General polynomial of the
5th degree

Motion General polynomial of the 5th degree

(v<>0, a<>0)

Parameters for Motion Laws Quadratic parabola, Polynomial of 5th degree,

Simple sinus, Modified sinus, Modified acceleration trapezoid
The table lists the parameters that are available for the motion laws Quadratic
parabola, Polynomial of 5th degree, Simple sinus, Modified sinus, Modified
acceleration trapezoid, and the values they can have in accordance with the
selected Start condition and End condition:

Parameter Start condition - End condition

Dwell - Dwell Dwell - Velocity Velocity - Dwell

X start User input User input User input

Y start User input User input* or User input* or

calculated by calculated by
EcoStruxure Machine EcoStruxure Machine
Expert Expert

Slope start Fixed to 0 Fixed to 0 User input or

calculated by
EcoStruxure Machine

Curvature start Fixed to 0 Fixed to 0 Fixed to 0

X end User input User input User input

Y end User input User input* or User input* or

calculated by calculated by
EcoStruxure Machine EcoStruxure Machine
Expert Expert.

Slope end Fixed to 0 User input or Fixed to 0

calculated* by
EcoStruxure Machine

Curvature end Fixed to 0 Fixed to 0 Fixed to 0

C User input(0...1) User input* (0...1) or User input* (0...1) or
calculated by calculated by
EcoStruxure Machine EcoStruxure Machine
Expert. Expert.

Lambda User input(0...1) Fixed to 1 Fixed to 0

* By default, one out of four parameters is calculated by EcoStruxure

Machine Expert, whereas the other three parameters are editable.You
can change this by clicking the option next to the parameter.

Parameters for Motion Law Straight line

The table lists the parameters that are available for the motion law Straight line
and the values they can have in accordance with the selected Start condition
and End condition:

452 EIO0000002854.04
Cam Motion Editor

Parameter Start condition - End condition

Dwell - Dwell Velocity - Velocity

X start User input User input

Y start User input User input* or calculated by

EcoStruxure Machine Expert

Slope start Fixed to 0 User input or calculated* by

EcoStruxure Machine Expert

Curvature start Fixed to 0 Fixed to 0

X end User input User input

Y end User input User input* or calculated by

EcoStruxure Machine Expert

Slope end Fixed to 0 The same value is used as for the

parameter Slope start.

Curvature end Fixed to 0 Fixed to 0

* By default, the Slope start parameter is calculated by EcoStruxure

Machine Expert, whereas the parameters Y start and Y end are
editable.You can change this by clicking the option next to the

Parameters for Motion Law Sinus-straight line combination

The motion law Sinus-straight line combination is only available for Start
condition > Return and End condition > Return. The table lists the available

Parameter Start condition - End condition

Return - Return
X start User input

Y start User input

Slope start User input* or calculated by EcoStruxure Machine Expert

Curvature start User input* or calculated by EcoStruxure Machine Expert

X end User input

Y end User input

Slope end User input* or calculated by EcoStruxure Machine Expert

Curvature end User input* or calculated by EcoStruxure Machine Expert

C User input* or calculated by EcoStruxure Machine Expert

Lambda User input* or calculated by EcoStruxure Machine Expert

* Use the Input parameters list to select two out of six parameters as
editable. The remaining four parameters are calculated by EcoStruxure
Machine Expert.

Parameters for Motion Law General polynomial of the 5th degree

Since the motion law General polynomial of the 5th degree is available for 15
combinations of Start condition - End condition values, 4 different parameter
tables are provided for this motion law.
The table lists the parameters that are available for the motion law General
polynomial of the 5th degree and the values they can have in accordance with
the selected Start condition=Dwell together with several End condition values:

EIO0000002854.04 453
Cam Motion Editor

Parameter Start condition - End condition

Dwell - Dwell Dwell - Velocity Dwell - Motion Dwell - Return

X start User input User input User input User input

Y start User input User input User input User input

Slope start Fixed to 0 Fixed to 0 Fixed to 0 Fixed to 0

Curvature start Fixed to 0 Fixed to 0 Fixed to 0 Fixed to 0

X end User input User input User input User input

Y end User input User input User input User input

Slope end Fixed to 0 User input User input Fixed to 0

Curvature end Fixed to 0 Fixed to 0 User input User input

The table lists the parameters that are available for the motion law General
polynomial of the 5th degree and the values they can have in accordance with
the selected Start condition=Motion together with several End condition

Parameter Start condition - End condition

Motion - Dwell Motion - Motion Motion - Return Motion - Velocity

X start User input User input User input User input

Y start User input User input User input User input

Slope start User input User input User input User input

Curvature start User input User input User input User input

X end User input User input User input User input

Y end User input User input User input User input

Slope end Fixed to 0 User input Fixed to 0 User input

Curvature end Fixed to 0 User input User input Fixed to 0

The table lists the parameters that are available for the motion law General
polynomial of the 5th degree and the values they can have in accordance with
the selected Start condition=Return together with several End condition

Parameter Start condition - End condition

Return - Dwell Return - Motion Return - Return Return - Velocity

X start User input User input User input User input

Y start User input User input User input User input

Slope start Fixed to 0 Fixed to 0 Fixed to 0 Fixed to 0

Curvature start User input User input User input User input

X end User input User input User input User input

Y end User input User input User input User input

Slope end Fixed to 0 User input Fixed to 0 User input

Curvature end Fixed to 0 User input User input Fixed to 0

The table lists the parameters that are available for the motion law General
polynomial of the 5th degree and the values they can have in accordance with
the selected Start condition=Velocity together with several End condition

454 EIO0000002854.04
Cam Motion Editor

Parameter Start condition - End condition

Velocity - Dwell Velocity - Motion Velocity - Return Velocity - Velocity

X start User input User input User input User input

Y start User input User input User input User input

Slope start User input User input User input User input

Curvature start Fixed to 0 Fixed to 0 Fixed to 0 Fixed to 0

X end User input User input User input User input

Y end User input User input User input User input

Slope end Fixed to 0 User input Fixed to 0 User input

Curvature end Fixed to 0 User input User input Fixed to 0

Generating IEC Source Code

Generated IEC Source Code Tab
The Generated IEC Source Code tab provides the program code that was
generated automatically based on the cam diagram and the target specified in the
Configuration tab.
If you define a target structure (cam data structure), the cam data is automatically
written into this target structure during program initialization.
You can also configure a target structure manually by copying this code and
replacing ### by the name of your variable if no target has been defined.
The program code displayed in this tab is read-only. When the cam diagram is
modified, the code is regenerated.

Configuration Tab
The Configuration tab allows you to select a target structure for its generation
and to define the properties.
The Configuration tab allows you to do the following:
• Select a target structure for source code generation.
• Define properties for this structure.

EIO0000002854.04 455
Cam Motion Editor

Element Description

Target technology The Target technology section allows you to select a target structure
(cam data structure) for source code generation.

Select a structure or click the browse button (...) to open the Input
Assistant dialog box.

After a target structure has been defined, cam data is written into this
target structure whenever the application program is started.

If the expression is undeterminable, a diagnostic message will be


From the target defined, it is detected whether the data structures are
CommonMotionType or PacDriveLib structures and configuration is
performed accordingly.

MultiCam The MultiCam configuration section allows you to configure the

configuration values of the following parameters:
• User table Id: Can be a positive integer (including 0).
• Y - Period: Can be a positive floating-point number (including 0).
The default value for both parameters is 0.

456 EIO0000002854.04
Script Hook Manager

Script Hook Manager

What’s in This Chapter
Script Hook Manager ................................................................................. 457

Script Hook Manager

The Script Hook Manager provides an interface to several commands and
events that can be executed while running EcoStruxure Machine Expert. The
execution of the command or detection of the event can trigger the execution of a
specific Python script. You can program your own Python script or you can use
one of the Python templates that is delivered with EcoStruxure Machine Expert.
The template, for example, provides a
Python script for creating a project archive. If different users are working on the
same project, this helps to ensure that a project archive is created whenever the
project has been changed by whichever person. Thus, each user is supplied with
the latest state of the project if the latest project archive is used.
For further information, refer to the following Script Engine User Guides provided
in the Software - Programming part of the EcoStruxure Machine Expert online
• CODESYS Script Engine - User Guide
• EcoStruxure Machine Expert Script Engine - User Guide

Creating a Script Hook Manager Object

To create a Script Hook Manager object, proceed as follows:

Step Action Comment

1 Right-click the Global node of the Applications tree and Result: The Add Script Hook Manager dialog box
execute the command Add Object > Script Hook Manager. opens.

2 Select the suitable option for creating a Python script. • Select the New Script option to create a new
Python script from scratch in Logic Builder.
• Select the From Template option and select a
Python template that is delivered with EcoStruxure
Machine Expert as a basis for creating your Python
script. The use cases that are covered by the
different templates are described by the comments
in the scripts themselves.
• Select the From Existing Script option to open a
Python script file that you programmed in another
tool. Click the Select button to open a File open
dialog box to browse for the .py file.

3 Click the Add button. Results:

• A Script Hook Manager node and a Python
Script node are added as subnodes of the Global
node of the Applications tree.
• The Script Hook Manager editor opens.

EIO0000002854.04 457
Script Hook Manager

Script Hook Manager Editor

The Script Hook Manager editor lists the Commands and Events that are
available for triggering the execution of Python scripts on the left-hand side.
• To activate a command or event, select the respective item, and click the
Enable Hook button .
• To deactivate a command or event, select the respective item, and click the
Disable Hook button .
These status settings are saved to the project. For example, if you open a project
that was previously saved with a BeforeProjectSave hook enabled, this hook
remains active and is triggered as soon as the event / command becomes valid.
On the right-hand side, further information is presented for the selected command or event:

The Declaration Syntax section provides the signature of the method that is
called by the system after the event or command has been executed by
EcoStruxure Machine Expert. Click the Copy Code button to insert the code into
your Python code in the Python Script editor and extend this method by the
Python commands you want to execute.
The Rename Function button allows you to modify the name of the Python
function in a separate dialog box. After you have saved a different name, make
sure that you use the exact string of the modified name in your Python code.
The Parameters section lists the parameters that are available inside the Python
method when it is executed.

458 EIO0000002854.04
Script Hook Manager

Python Script Editor

The Python Script editor allows you to program your Python script directly in
Logic Builder. The editor supports all Python programming features, even though
the Autocomplete (IntelliSense) function does not provide all available Python
keywords for selection.
According to the selection you made in the Add Script Hook Manager dialog box,
you have the following options for creating your Python script in the Python Script
• From scratch, starting with an empty Python Script editor, by entering your
code and using the code snippets you copy from the Declaration Syntax
section of the Script Hook Manager editor.
• From template, by using the script provided by the selected template as a
basis and extending it by your specific Python code.
• By importing the Python script you programmed in another tool.
NOTE: After you have programmed your Python script, click the Update

Script Scope button to synchronize the script and to apply the

modifications. If you exit the Python Script editor without synchronization,
modifications are saved and are thus still available in the editor but they are
not applied. The previous script without modification is still executed instead. If
you load another project or create a new project, a different script - or no script
at all - will be available.
With the Update Script Scope procedure, the Python code is validated. If errors
are detected, they are indicated in the Messages view (see EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help) and the code will not be executed.
Ignoring Multiple Events During Login/Logout
NOTE: Due to technical limitations the AfterDeviceLogin and/or the
AfterDeviceLogout event can be triggered several times.
For example, ignore the multiple execution of the AfterDeviceLogin event with the
help of a flag in the script:
def after_device_login():
if session_store.get("loginHandled", False) == False:
session_store.set("loginHandled", True)

def after_device_logout():
session_store.set("loginHandled", False)

Script Hook Messages in the Messages View

The texts you program in your Python code with the print command are
displayed in the Scripthooks area of the Messages view (see EcoStruxure
Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

EIO0000002854.04 459
Programming Reference
What’s in This Part
Variables Declaration.................................................................................... 461
Data Types .................................................................................................. 529
Programming Guidelines .............................................................................. 555
Operators .................................................................................................... 562
Operands .................................................................................................... 628

460 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

Variables Declaration
What’s in This Chapter
Declaration ................................................................................................. 461
Variable Types ............................................................................................ 475
Method Types ............................................................................................. 483
Pragma Instructions .................................................................................... 487
Attribute Pragmas ....................................................................................... 495
The Smart Coding Functionality.................................................................... 527

General Information
You can declare variables:
• in the Declaration Editor of a POU, page 319
• via the Auto Declare dialog box, page 470
• in a GVL editor
• in the PersistentVars editor, page 186
The kind (in the tabular declaration editor it is named Scope) of the variables to be
declared is specified by the keywords embracing the declaration of one or several
variables. In the textual declaration editor, page 319, the common variable
declaration is embraced by VAR and END_VAR.
For further variable declaration scopes, refer to:
The variable type keywords may be supplemented by attribute keywords, page

Syntax for variable declaration:
<Identifier> {AT <address>}:<data type> {:=<initialization>};
The parts in braces {} are optional.

The identifier is the name of a variable.

EIO0000002854.04 461
Variables Declaration

Consider the following facts when defining an identifier.

• no spaces or special characters allowed
• no case-sensitivity: VAR1, Var1 and var1 are all the same variable
• recognizing the underscore character: A_BCD and AB_CD are considered two
different identifiers. Do not use more than one underscore character in a row.
• unlimited length
• no keyword name allowed, such as VAR_GLOBAL
• multiple use (see next paragraph)
Also, consider the chapter Best Practices for the Naming of Identifiers, page 463.

Multiple Use of Identifiers (Namespaces)

The following outlines the regulations concerning the multiple use of identifiers:
• Duplicate use of identifiers is not allowed locally.
• Multiple use of an identifier is allowed globally: a local variable can have the
same name as a global one. In this case, the local variable within the POU
will have priority.
• A variable defined in a global variable list (GVL) can have the same name as
a variable defined in another global variable list (GVL). In this context,
consider the following IEC 61131-3 extending features:
◦ Global scope operator: an instance path starting with a dot (.) opens a
global scope. So, if there is a local variable, for example ivar, with the
same name as a global variable, .ivar refers to the global variable.
◦ You can use the name of a global variable list (GVL) as a namespace for
the included variables. You can declare variables with the same name in
different global variable lists (GVL). They can be accessed specifically by
preceding the variable name with the list name.
globlist1.ivar := globlist2.ivar;
(* ivar from globlist2 is copied to ivar in GVL globlist1 *)
◦ Variables defined in a global variable list of an included library can be
accessed according to syntax <library namespace>.<name of GVL>.
globlist1.ivar := lib1.globlist1.ivar
(* ivar from globlist1 in library lib1 is copied to ivar in GVL globlist1 *)
• For a library also, a namespace is defined when it gets included via the
Library Manager. So you can access a library module or variable by <library
namespace>.<modulename|variablename>. Consider that, in case of nested
libraries, the namespaces of all libraries concerned have to be stated
Example: If Lib1 is referenced by Lib0, the module fun being part of Lib1
is accessed by
ivar :=, 5); (* return value of fun is copied to variable
ivar in the project *)
NOTE: Once the checkbox Publish all IEC symbols to that project as if
this reference would have been included there directly. has been
activated within the Properties dialog box of the referenced library Lib,
the module fun may also be accessed directly via
• Variables declared in GVLs or POUs of the Global node of the Applications
tree can be accessed by prefixing them with the operator "__POOL.".

462 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

AT <address>
You can link the variable directly to a definite address, page 471 using the
keyword AT.
In function blocks, you can also specify variables with incomplete address
statements. In order that such a variable can be used in a local instance, an entry
has to exist for it in the variable configuration.

Valid data type, page 529, optionally extended by an :=< initialization>, page 469.

Pragma Instructions
Optionally, you can add pragma instructions, page 487 in the declaration part of
an object in order to affect the code generation for various purposes.

Automatic declaration, page 470 of variables is also possible.
For faster input of the declarations, use the shortcut mode, page 471.

Best Practices for the Naming of Identifiers

Identifiers are defined:
• at the declaration of variables (variable name)
• at the declaration of user-defined data types
• at the creation of POUs (functions, function blocks, programs)
In addition to the general items to be considered when defining an identifier (refer
to chapter General Information on variables declaration, page 461), consider the
following in order to make the naming as unique as possible:
• Variable names, page 463
• Variable names in Libraries, page 466
• User-defined data types (DUTs) in Libraries , page 466
• Functions, Function blocks, Programs (POU), Actions , page 466
• POUs in Libraries , page 467
NOTE: The naming conventions and examples provided in the following
paragraphs are based on good practices applied throughout the development
of Schneider Electric libraries and correspond to the default convention
queries that are used within EcoStruxure Machine Expert Code Analysis.
Alternative naming conventions from other organizations are provided in
parentheses in the following sections.

Variable Names
For naming variables in applications and libraries, follow the Hungarian notation
as far as possible.
Find for each variable a meaningful, short description. This is used as the base
name. Use a capital letter for each word of the base name. Use small letters for
the rest (example: FileSize).

EIO0000002854.04 463
Variables Declaration

Data Type Lower Limit Upper Limit Information Prefix Comment

BOOL FALSE TRUE 1 bit x* –
b reserved
BYTE – – 8 bit by bit string, not for
arithmetic operations

WORD – – 16 bit w bit string, not for

arithmetic operations

DWORD – – 32 bit dw bit string, not for

arithmetic operations

LWORD – – 64 bit lw bit string, not for

arithmetic operations

SINT –128 127 8 bit si arithmetic integer data

type, 8-bit

USINT 0 255 8 bit usi arithmetic integer data

type, 8-bit

INT –32,768 32,767 16 bit i arithmetic integer data

type, 16-bit

UINT 0 65,535 16 bit ui arithmetic integer data

type, 16-bit

DINT –2,147,483,648 2,147,483,647 32 bit di arithmetic integer data

type, 32-bit

UDINT 0 4,294,967,295 32 bit udi arithmetic integer data

type, 32-bit

LINT –263 263-1 64 bit li arithmetic integer data

type, 64-bit

ULINT 0 264-1 64 bit uli arithmetic integer data

type, 64-bit

REAL – – 32 bit r arithmetic floating-

point data type, 32-bit

LREAL – – 64 bit lr arithmetic floating-

point data type, 64-bit

STRING – – – s Single-byte character

string of variable
length (default setting:
80 characters)

WSTRING – – – ws Double-byte character

string of variable
length (default setting:
80 characters)

TIME – – – tim time duration, 32-bit

LTIME – – – ltim time duration, 64-bit

– – – tod time of day, 32-bit

– – – ltod time of day, 64-bit
– – – dt date and time
• DT
– – – ldt –
DATE – – – • dat calendar date
• d
LDATE – – – • ldat calendar date
• ld

464 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

Data Type Lower Limit Upper Limit Information Prefix Comment

Enumeration – – – et (e) –

POINTER – – – p –

ARRAY – – – a –

Structure – – – st –

Function block – – – fb –

Interface – – – if (itf) –

Union – – – ut –

* intentionally for boolean variables x is chosen as a prefix in order to differentiate from BYTE and also in order to accommodate the
perception of an IEC programmer (see addressing %IX0.0).

Simple declaration
Examples for simple declarations:
bySubIndex: BYTE;
sFileName: STRING;
udiCounter: UDINT;
Nested declaration
Example for a nested declaration where the prefixes are attached to each other in
the order of the declarations:
pabyTelegramData: POINTER TO ARRAY [0..7] OF BYTE;
Function block instances and variables of user-defined data types
Function block instances and variables of user-defined data types get a shortcut
for the function block or the data type name as a prefix (for example: stSDO).
stSDOReceivedTelegram: ST_SDOTelegram;
TYPE ST_SDOTelegram :
aby: ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE;
Local constants
Local constants (c) start with prefix c and an attached underscore, followed by the
type prefix and the variable name.
c_uiSyncID: UINT := 16#80;
Global variables and global constants
Global variables are prefixed by G_ (g_) and global constants are prefixed by Gc_
G_iTest: INT;
Gc_dwExample: DWORD;

EIO0000002854.04 465
Variables Declaration

Variable Names in Libraries

Basically, refer to the above description for variable names. Use the library
namespace as prefix, when accessing a variable in your application code.
G_iTest: INT; (declaration)
CAN.G_iTest (implementation, call in an application program

User-Defined Data Types (DUT) in Libraries

The name of each structure data type consists of the corresponding type prefix
(also refer to POU Prefix, page 559) and a short, meaningful name (for example,
ET_Day) of the structure.
Example (in library with namespace CAL):
TYPE ET_Day :(
etToday: CAL.ET_Day;
Use in application:
NOTE: Consider the usage of the namespace when using DUTs or
enumerations declared in libraries.

Functions, Function Blocks, Programs (POU), Actions

The names of functions, function blocks, and programs consist of the
corresponding type prefix (also refer to POU Prefix, page 559) and a short,
meaningful name of the POU (for example, FB_SendTelegram). As with
variables, the first letter of a word of the POU name should be an uppercase letter
whereas the others should be lowercase letters. For example, compose the name
of the POU of a verb and a substantive to clearly indicate the operation of the
function block.
In the declaration part, provide a short description of the POU as a comment.
Further on, the inputs and outputs should be provided with comments. In case of
function blocks, insert the associated prefix for set-up instances directly after the
Actions do not get a prefix. Only those actions that are to be called only internally
that is by the POU itself, start with prv_.

466 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

POUs in Libraries
For creating method names, the same rules apply as for actions. Enter comments
for possible inputs of a method. Add a short description of a method to its
declaration. Start interface names with prefix IF_ (I); for example, IF_
NOTE: Consider the usage of the namespace when using POUs declared in

Shadowing Rules
In general, there are no restrictions in EcoStruxure Machine Expert that prevent
you from using the same identifier for different elements. You can, for example,
assign the same name to a local function block instance and to a function.
In the following “bad practice” example, it is unclear whether the instance or the
function is called in the program:


To help prevent creating ambiguous code, make frequent use of the following
good practices:
• Follow naming conventions, for example, by using certain prefixes for
variables. For further information, refer to the Best Practices for the Naming of
Identifiers, page 463.
• Use the Machine Code Analysis component provided with EcoStruxure
Machine Expert for verifying the naming of variables.
• Make consistent use of the qualified_only attribute, page 524 for
enumerations and global variable lists.
• Use the library namespace prefix, page 560 to access elements of the library.

Compiler Shadowing Multiple Declarations

The EcoStruxure Machine Expert compiler does not report errors if the same
identifier is used for different elements but it searches the code for the declaration
of the identifier in a specific order. As soon as a declaration is found, the search is
stopped. Other declarations that might exist in the code cannot be detected, they
are “shadowed” for the compiler. The following paragraph describes the
shadowing rules of the compiler, i.e. the order that is applied when searching for
declarations of identifiers. The paragraph Ambiguous access and qualified
access, page 468 provides ways to help prevent ambiguous access and to bypass
shadowing rules.

EIO0000002854.04 467
Variables Declaration

Search Order in the Application

When the compiler detects a single identifier in the code of an application, it
searches for the corresponding declaration in the following order:

Stage Description

1 Local variables of a method.

2 Local variables in the function block, program, or function, and in base function blocks.

3 Local methods of the POU.

4 Global variables in the application if the qualified_only attribute is not set in the variable
list where the global variables are declared.

5 Global variables in a parent application if the qualified_only attribute is not set in the
variable list where the global variables are declared.

6 Global variables in referenced libraries when neither the library nor the variable list
requires qualified access.

7 POU or type names from the application (such as names of global variable lists,
function blocks).

8 POU or type names from a parent application.

9 POU or type names from a library.

10 Namespaces of locally referenced libraries and libraries that are published by libraries.

11 Global variables in the Applications tree if the qualified_only attribute is not set in the
variable list where they are declared.

12 POU or type names from the Applications tree (such as names of global variable lists,
function blocks).

NOTE: Libraries that are inserted in the Library Manager that is a subnode of
the Global node of the Tools tree are available in all applications in the
project with the placeholder resolution. These libraries then form a common
namespace with the libraries in the application. Therefore, there is no
shadowing of libraries in the pool by libraries in the application.

Search Order in the Library

When the compiler detects a single identifier in the code of a library, it searches for
the corresponding declaration in the following order:

Stage Description

1 Local variables of a method.

2 Local variables in the function block, program, or function, and in base function blocks.

3 Local methods of the POU.

4 Global variables in the local library if the qualified_only attribute is not set in the variable
list where the global variables are declared.

5 Global variables in referenced libraries when neither the library nor the variable list
requires qualified access.

6 POU or type names from the local library (such as names of global variable lists,
function blocks).

7 POU or type names from a referenced library.

8 Namespaces of locally referenced libraries and libraries that are published by locally
referenced libraries.

Ambiguous Access and Qualified Access

These search orders cannot completely eliminate ambiguous access. Ambiguous
access still exists, for example, if a variable with the same name exists in two

468 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

global variable lists that do not require qualified access. If such a case is detected,
the compiler reports the error: ambiguous use of the name XXX. To help avoid
this, use qualified access, for example by adding the name of the global variable
list (example: GVL.XXX).
Use qualified access to help avoid shadowing:
• Use the name of the global variable list to provide unique access to a variable
in the list.
• Use the name of a library to provide unique access to elements in the library.
• Use the THIS pointer to provide unique access to variables in a function block
even if a local variable with the same name exists in a method of the function
To find the declaration location of an identifier, execute the Edit > Browse > Go to
Definition command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands,
Online Help).

Searching in Instance Paths

The search orders described in the previous paragraphs do not apply to:
• Identifiers that exist as components of an instance path.
• Identifiers that are used as inputs in calls.
When attempting to access yy.component, the entity yy determines the location
that is searched for detecting the declaration of component.

If... Then ...

If yy denotes a variable with a structured data Then component is searched in the following
type (STRUCT or UNION), order:
1. Local variables of the function block
2. Local variables of the base function block
3. Methods of the function block
4. Methods of the base function block
If yy denotes a global variable list or a program, Then component is searched in this list only.

If yy denotes a namespace of a library, Then component is searched in this library

using the order as described in the paragraph
Search Order in the Library, page 468.

In the second instance, the compiler evaluates whether access to the element is
allowed (the variable may only be locally accessible, or a method may be private).
If access is not allowed, an error message is generated.

Variables Initialization
Default Initialization Value
The default initialization value is 0 for all declarations, but you can add user-
defined initialization values in the declaration of each variable and data type.

User-Defined Initialization Values

The user-defined initialization is brought about by the assignment operator := and
can be any valid ST expression. Thus, constant values as well as other variables
or functions can be used to define the initialization value. Verify that a variable
used for the initialization of another variable is already initialized itself.
Example of valid variable initializations:

EIO0000002854.04 469
Variables Declaration

var1:INT := 12; * Integer variable with

initial value of 12. *
x : INT := 13 + 8; * Integer value defined an
expression with literal values.*
y : INT := x + fun(4); * Integer value defined by an
expression containing a function call. NOTE: Be sure that
any variables used in the variable initialization have
already been defined. *
z : POINTER TO INT := ADR(y); * POINTER is not described by
the IEC61131-3: Integer value defined by an address
function; NOTE: The pointer will not be initialized if the
declaration is modified online. *

Further Information
For further information, refer to the following descriptions:
• initializing arrays, page 540
• initialization of structures, page 549
• initialization of a variable with a subrange type, page 552
NOTE: Variables of global variables lists (GVL) are initialized before local
variables of a POU.
NOTE: As from SoMachine version 4.0, variables in a function block are
initialized in the following order: First, the constants in accordance with the
order of their declarations, then the other variables in accordance with the
order of their declarations.
For further information regarding initialization order, refer to the Attribute global_
init_slot, page 505.

Declaration Types
You can declare variables manually by using the textual or tabular declaration
editor, page 319 or automatically like explained in this chapter.

Automatic Autodeclaration
You can define in the Options dialog box, category Text editor > Editing, that the
Auto Declare dialog box should open as soon as a not yet declared string is
entered in the implementation part of an editor and the ENTER key is pressed.
This dialog box supports the declaration of the variable, page 461.

Manual Autodeclaration
To open the Auto Declare dialog box manually:
• execute the command Auto Declare, which by default is available in the Edit
menu or
• press the keys SHIFT+F2
If you select an already declared variable before opening the Auto Declare dialog
box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help), you can
edit the declaration of this variable.

470 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

Shortcut Mode
The declaration editor, page 319 and the other text editors where declarations are
performed support the shortcut mode.
Activate this mode by pressing CTRL+ENTER when you end a line of declaration.
It allows you to use shortcuts instead of completely typing the declaration.

Supported Shortcuts
The following shortcuts are supported:
• All identifiers up to the last identifier of a line will become declaration variable
• The type of declaration is determined by the last identifier of the line.
In this context, the following replacements are performed:

B or BOOL is replaced by BOOL

S or string STRING

• If no type has been established through these rules, automatically BOOL is

the type and the last identifier will not be used as a type (see example 1).
• Every constant, depending on the type of declaration, will turn into an
initialization or a string (see examples 2 and 3).
• An address (as in %MD12) is extended by the AT keyword (see example 4).
• A text after a semicolon (;) becomes a comment (see example 4).
• All other characters in the line are ignored (see, for example, the exclamation
point in example 5).

Example Shortcut Resulting Declaration
1 A A: BOOL;

2 ABI2 A, B: INT := 2;

3 sX S 2; A string sX:STRING(2); // A string

4 X %MD12 R 5; Real Number X %MD12 R 5 Real Number

5 B! B: BOOL;

AT Declaration
In order to link a project variable with a definite address, you can assign variables
to an address in the I/O Mapping view of a device in the controller configuration
(device editor). Alternatively you can enter this address directly in the declaration
of the variable.

EIO0000002854.04 471
Variables Declaration

<variable name> AT <address> : <data type>;
<address> : %<memory area prefix> ( <size prefix> )? <memory
A valid address has to follow the keyword AT. For further information, refer to the
Address description, page 637. Consider possible overlaps in case of byte
addressing mode.
This declaration allows assigning a meaningful name to an address. Any changes
concerning an incoming or outgoing signal may only be done in a single place (for
example, in the declaration).
Consider the following when choosing a variable to be assigned to an address:
• Variables requiring an input cannot be accessed by writing. The compiler
intercepts this detecting an error.
• AT declarations only can be used with local or global variables. They cannot
be used with input and output variables of POUs.
• AT declarations are not allowed in persistent variable lists.
• If AT declarations are used with structure or function block members, all
instances will access the same memory location of this structure / function
block. This corresponds to static variables in classic programming languages
such as C.
• The memory layout of structures is determined by the target as well.

xCounterHeat7 AT %QX0.0: BOOL;
xLightCabinetImpulse AT %IX7.2: BOOL;
xDownload AT %MX2.2: BOOL;

If boolean variables are assigned to a BYTE, WORD or DWORD address, they
occupy 1 byte with TRUE or FALSE, not just the first bit after the offset.
The memory size for input, output, and memory data (declarations with AT %I, %Q
and %M) is predefined by the target device and can be overwritten in the properties
of an application object (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands,
Online Help) for PacDrive controllers (PacDrive LMC Eco, PacDrive LMC Pro/

Write keywords in uppercase letters in the editors.
The following strings are reserved as keywords. They cannot be used as
identifiers for variables or POUs:
• -
• &
• (
• )
• *
• ,
• .

472 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

• ..
• /
• :
• :=
• ;
• [
• ]
• ^
• __NEW
• __TRY
• __XADO
• Ι
• +
• <
• <=
• <>
• =
• >=
• >
• =>
• BY
• DO

EIO0000002854.04 473
Variables Declaration

• IF
• LN
• OR
• R=
• REF=
• S=
• TO

474 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

Additionally, the conversion operators as listed in the Input Assistant are handled
as keywords.

Variable Types
Variable Types
This chapter provides further information on the following variable types:
• VAR local variables, page 475
• VAR_INPUT input variables, page 475
• VAR_OUTPUT output variables, page 475
• VAR_IN_OUT input and output variables, page 476
• VAR_IN_OUT CONSTANT transfer variable, page 476
• VAR_GLOBAL global variables, page 477
• VAR_TEMP temporary variables, page 477
• VAR_STAT static variables, page 478
• VAR_EXTERNAL external variables, page 478
• VAR_INST instance variables, page 478

Local Variables - VAR

Between the keywords VAR and END_VAR, all local variables of a POU are
declared, page 461. These have no external connection; in other words, they
cannot be written from the outside.
Consider the possibility of adding an attribute, page 479 to VAR.
iLoc1:INT; (* 1. Local Variable*)

Input Variables - VAR_INPUT

Between the keywords VAR_INPUT and END_VAR, all variables are declared,
page 461 that serve as input variables for a POU. Therefore, at the call position,
the value of the variables can be provided along with a call.
Consider the possibility of adding an attribute, page 479.
iIn1:INT (* 1. Inputvariable*)

Output Variables - VAR_OUTPUT

Between the keywords VAR_OUTPUT and END_VAR, all variables are declared that
serve as output variables of a POU. Therefore, these values are carried back to
the POU that makes the call.
Consider the possibility of adding an attribute, page 479 to VAR_OUTPUT.

EIO0000002854.04 475
Variables Declaration

iOut1:INT; (* 1. Outputvariable*)
Output variables in functions and methods:
According to IEC 61131-3 draft 2, functions (and methods) can have additional
outputs.You can assign them in the call of the function as shown in the following
fun(iIn1 := 1, iIn2 := 2, iOut1 => iLoc1, iOut2 => iLoc2);

Input and Output Variables - VAR_IN_OUT

Between the keywords VAR_IN_OUT and END_VAR, all variables are declared,
page 461 that serve as input and output variables for a POU.
NOTE: With variables of IN_OUT type, the value of the transferred variable is
changed (transferred as a pointer, Call-by-Reference). Therefore, the input
value for such variables cannot be a constant. For this reason, even the VAR_
IN_OUT variables of a function block cannot be read or written directly from
outside via <FBinstance>.<InOutVariable>.
NOTE: Do not assign bit-type symbols (such as %MXaa.b or BOOL variables
that are located on such a bit-type address) to BOOL-type VAR_IN_OUT
parameters of function blocks. If any such assignments are detected, they are
reported as a detected Build error in the Messages view (see EcoStruxure
Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).
iInOut1:INT; (* 1. Inputoutputvariable *)

Transfer Variable - VAR_IN_OUT CONSTANT

A VAR_IN_OUT CONSTANT variable serves as a constant pass-by-reference
parameter. A variable or a constant (literal) of type STRING or WSTRING can be
passed to this parameter. The parameter is read-only. Passing of properties is not
<variable name> : <data type>; // formal parameter
VAR_IN_OUT CONSTANT variables are declared without assigning an initialization
• When calling the POU, a constant variable or literal of type STRING or
WSTRING can be passed. Write access is not permitted.
• When passing parameters of a STRING constant, the length of string is not
restricted. The string length does not depend on the string length of the VAR_
IN_OUT CONSTANT variables.
NOTE: If the Replace constants option is selected in the Project Settings >
Compile options dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help), the compiler generates an error message when
parameters of a constant with basic data type or a constant variable with basic
data type are passed.
The variable is supported by EcoStruxure Machine Expert V2.0 and later versions.
Example: Passing parameters of STRING constants and STRING variables
FUNCTION funManipulate : BOOL

476 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

sReadWrite : STRING(16); (* Can be read or written here
in POU *)
dwVarReadWrite : DWORD; (* Can be read or written here
in POU *)
c_sReadOnly : STRING(16); (* Constant string variable
can only be read here in POU *)
sReadWrite := 'String_from_POU';
dwVarReadWrite := STRING_TO_DWORD(c_sReadOnly);
sVarFits : STRING(16);
sValFits : STRING(16) :='1234567890123456';
dwVar: DWORD;
// The following line of code causes the compiler error
// C0417: VAR_IN_OUT parameter 'sReadWrite' needs a variable
with write access as input.
funManipulate(sReadWrite:='1234567890123456', c_sReadOnly:
='1234567890123456', dwVarReadWrite := dwVar);
// Correct code
funManipulate(sReadWrite := sValFits, c_sReadOnly := '23',
dwVarReadWrite := dwVar);
funManipulate(sReadWrite := sVarFits, c_sReadOnly :=
sValFits, dwVarReadWrite :=dwVar);
In the code example, strings are passed to the funManipulate function via different
VAR_IN_OUT variables:
• When passing a string literal to a VAR_IN_OUT variable, a compiler error is
• When passing a constant variable to a VAR_IN_OUT CONSTANT variable,
correct code is generated. This even applies for passing string variables.

Global Variables - VAR_GLOBAL

You can declare normal variables, constants, external, or remanent variables that
are known throughout the project as global variables. To declare global variables,
use the global variable lists (GVL). You can add a GVL by executing the Add
Object command (by default in the Project menu).
Declare the variables locally between the keywords VAR_GLOBAL and END_VAR.
Consider the possibility of adding an attribute, page 479 to VAR_GLOBAL.
A variable is recognized as a global variable by a preceding dot, for example, .
For detailed information on multiple use of variable names, the global scope
operator dot (.) and name spaces refer to the chapter Global Scope Operator,
page 621.
Global variables can only be declared in global variable lists (GVLs). They serve
to manage global variables within a project. You can add a GVL by executing the
Add Object command (by default in the Project menu).
NOTE: A variable defined locally in a POU with the same name as a global
variable will have priority within the POU.
NOTE: Global variables are initialized before local variables of POUs.

Temporary Variables - VAR_TEMP

This feature is an extension to the IEC 61131-3 standard.

EIO0000002854.04 477
Variables Declaration

Temporary variables get (re)initialized at each call of the POU. VAR_TEMP

declarations are only possible within programs and function blocks. These
variables are also only accessible within the body of the program POU or function
Declare the variables locally between the keywords VAR_TEMP and END_VAR.
NOTE: You can use VAR_TEMP instead of VAR to reduce the memory space
needed by a POU (for example inside a function block if the variable is only
used temporarily).

Static Variables - VAR_STAT

This feature is an extension to the IEC 61131-3 standard.
Static variables can be used in function blocks, methods, and functions. Declare
them locally between the keywords VAR_STAT and END_VAR. They are initialized
at the first call of the respective POU.
Such as global variables, static variables do not lose their value after the POU in
which they are declared is left. They are shared between the POUs they are
declared in (for example, several function block instances, functions or methods
share the same static variable). They can be used, for example, in a function as a
counter for the number of function calls.
Consider the possibility of adding an attribute, page 479 to VAR_STAT.

External Variables - VAR_EXTERNAL

These are global variables which are imported into the POU.
Declare them locally between the keywords VAR_EXTERNAL and END_VAR and in
the global variable list (GVL). The declaration and the global declaration have to
be identical. If the global variable does not exist, a message will display.
NOTE: It is not necessary to define variables as external. These keywords are
provided in order to maintain compatibility to IEC 61131-3.
iVarExt1:INT; (* 1st external variable *)

Instance Variables - VAR_INST

If you declare a variable of a method as an instance variable by using the VAR_
INST attribute, then this variable is not stored on the method stack but on the
stack of the function block instance. It therefore behaves like other variables of the
function block instance and is not reinitialized when the method is called.
VAR_INST variables are only allowed in methods. You can access such variables
within the method only. Attributes such as CONST, RETAIN are not allowed in the
declaration. The values of the variables can be monitored in the declaration part of
the method.
METHOD meth_last : INT
iVar : INT;
iLast : INT := 0;
meth_last := iLast;
iLast := iVar;

478 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

Attribute Keywords for Variable Types

You can add the following attribute keywords to the declaration, page 461 of the
variable type in order to specify the scope:
• RETAIN: refer to Retain Variables, page 479
• PERSISTENT: refer to Persistent Variables, page 480
• CONSTANT: refer to Constants - CONSTANT, page 481, Typed Literals, page

Remanent Variables - RETAIN, PERSISTENT

Remanent variables can retain their value throughout the usual program run
period. Declare them as retain variables or even more stringent as persistent
The declaration determines the degree of resistance of a remanent variable in the
case of resets, downloads, or a reboot of the controller. In applications mainly the
combination of both remanent flags is used (refer to Persistent Variables, page
NOTE: A VAR PERSISTENT declaration is interpreted in the same way as a
NOTE: Use the command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help) Add all instance paths to take variables declared
as persistent into the Persistent list object.
Persistence is achieved by the following procedures:
• Determining the cyclic tasks that access the variable.
• Copying the variable to the persistent global variable list at the end of the first
cyclic task (in each cycle).
• Copying the value of the persistent variable to the normal variable at
controller restart.
As memory is allocated both at the declaration and at the instance path, this
persistent variable requires double memory allocation in each cycle. This can lead
to extended processing times, especially with large, structured values.

Retain Variables
Variables declared as retain variables are stored in a nonvolatile memory area. To
declare this kind of variable, use the keyword RETAIN in the declaration part of a
POU or in a global variable list.
iRem1 : INT; (* 1. Retain variable*)
Retain variables maintain their value even after an unanticipated shutdown of the
controller as well as after a normal power cycle of the controller (or when
executing the Online command Reset Warm). At restart of the program, the
retained values will be processed further on. The other (non-retain) variables are
newly initialized, either with their initialization values or with their default
initialization values (in case no initialization value was declared).
For example, you may want to use a retained value when an operation, such as
piece counting in a production machine, should continue after a power outage.
Retain variables, however, are reinitialized when executing the Online command
Reset origin and, in contrast to persistent variables, when executing the Online
command Reset cold or in the course of an application download.

EIO0000002854.04 479
Variables Declaration

NOTE: Only the specific variables defined as VAR RETAIN are stored in
nonvolatile memory. However, local variables defined as VAR RETAIN in
functions are NOT stored in nonvolatile memory. Defining VAR RETAIN locally
in functions is of no effect.
Using interfaces or function blocks out of System Configuration libraries in the
retain program section (VAR_RETAIN) will cause system exceptions, which may
make the controller inoperable, requiring a re-start.

• Do not use interfaces out of the SystemConfigurationItf library in the retain
program section (VAR_RETAIN).
• Do not use function blocks out of the SystemConfiguration library in the
retain program section (VAR_RETAIN).
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

NOTE: The libraries SystemConfigurationItf and SystemConfiguration are

only available for PacDrive controllers (PacDrive LMC Eco, PacDrive LMC
NOTE: If one variable in a function block is marked with RETAIN, then the
function block instance with its variables is stored in remanent memory. This
function is not available for all supported controllers. Consult the Programming
Guide specific to your controller for detailed information.

Persistent Variables
Persistent variables are identified by keyword PERSISTENT (VAR_GLOBAL
PERSISTENT). They are only reinitialized when executing the Online command
Reset origin. In contrast to retain variables, they maintain their values after a
NOTE: Do not use the AT declaration in combination with VAR PERSISTENT.
Application example:
A counter for operating hours, which should continue counting even after a power
outage or a download. Refer to the synoptic table on the behavior of remanent
variables, page 481.
You can only declare persistent variables in a special global variable list of object
type persistent variables, which is assigned to an application. You can add only
one such list to an application.
NOTE: A declaration with VAR_GLOBAL PERSISTENT has the same effect as
NOTE: Instant paths are added for variables that are marked with the
PERSISTENT keyword outside the persistent list editor. For further
information, refer to the Add all instance paths command (see EcoStruxure
Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).
Like retain variables, the persistent variables are stored in a separate memory
iVarPers1 : DINT; (* 1. Persistent+Retain Variable App1 *)
bVarPers : BOOL; (* 2. Persistent+Retain Variable App1 *)
NOTE: Persistent variables can only be declared inside the Persistent list
object. If they are declared elsewhere, they will behave like retain variables
and they will be reported as a detected Build error in the Messages view.
(Retain variables can be declared in the global variable lists or in POUs.)

480 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

At each reload of the application, the persistent variable list on the controller will
be checked against that of the project. The list on the controller is identified by the
application. In case of inconsistencies, you will be prompted to reinitialize all
persistent variables (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online
Help) of the application. Inconsistency can result from renaming or removing or
other modifications of the existing declarations in the list.
NOTE: Carefully consider any modifications in the declaration part of the
persistent variable list and the effect of the results regarding reinitialization.
You can add new declarations only at the end of the list. During a download, these
are detected as new and will not demand a reinitialization of the complete list. If
you modify the name or data type of a variable, this is handled as a new
declaration and provokes a reinitialization of the variable at the next online change
or download.
NOTE: If one variable in a function block is marked with PERSISTENT, then
the function block instance with its variables is stored in remanent memory,
but only the one variable is treated as persistent.

Behavior of Remanent Variables

Consult the Programming Guide specific to your controller for further information
on the behavior of remanent variables.

Constants - CONSTANT
Constants are identified by the keyword CONSTANT. You can declare them locally
(programming object unit) or globally (global variable list). Constant variables can
be accessed read-only in the implementation part of a POU.
<scope> CONSTANT <identifier>:<type> := <initialization>;
Make sure to assign an initialization value when declaring a constant variable.
c_iCon1:INT:=12; (* 1. Constant*)
Refer to the Operands chapter, page 628 for a list of possible constants.

Typed Literals
Basically, in using IEC constants, the smallest possible data type will be used. If
another data type has to be used, this can be achieved with the help of typed
literals without the necessity of explicitly declaring the constants. For this, the
constant will be provided with a prefix which determines the type.

<type> specifies the desired data type

possible entries: BOOL, SINT, USINT, BYTE, INT, UINT, WORD, DINT,

Write the type in uppercase letters.

<literal> specifies the constant

Enter data that fits within the data type specified under <type>.

EIO0000002854.04 481
Variables Declaration

If the constant cannot be converted to the target type without data loss, a
message is issued.
You can use typed literals wherever normal constants can be used.

Constants in Online Mode

As long as the default setting Replace constants (File > Project Settings >
Compile options) is activated, constants in online mode have a symbol
preceding the value in the Value column in the declaration or watch view. In this
case, they cannot be accessed by, for example, forcing or writing.

VAR_CONFIG - Configuration Variables

You can use the variable configuration to map function block variables on the
process image that is on the device I/Os. This avoids the need of specifying the
definite address already in the declaration of the function block variable. The
assignment of the definite address, page 637 in this case is done centrally for all
function block instances in a global VAR_CONFIG list.
For this purpose, you can assign incomplete addresses to the function block
variables declared between the keywords VAR and END_VAR. Use an asterisk to
identify these addresses.

Identifier Syntax
<identifier> AT %<I|Q>* : <data type>
Example of the use of incompletely defined addresses:
xLocIn AT %I*: BOOL := TRUE;
xLocOut AT %Q*: BOOL;
In this example, 2 local I/O variables are defined: a local input (%I*) and a local
output variable (%Q*).
Define the addresses in the variable configuration in a global variable list (GVL) as

Step Action

1 Execute the Add Object command.

2 Add a Global Variable List (GVL) object to the Devices Tree.

3 Enter the declarations of the instance variables with the definite addresses between the
keywords VAR_CONFIG and END_VAR.

When defining the addresses, note the following:

• Specify the instance variables by the complete instance path and separate
the individual POUs and instance names from one another by periods.
• In the declaration, enter an address whose class (input/output) corresponds
to that of the incomplete specified address (%I*, %Q*) in the function block.
• Verify that the data type agrees with the declaration in the function block.

482 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

Instance Variable Path Syntax

<instance variable path> AT %<I|Q><location> : <data type>;
Configuration variables whose instance path is invalid because the instance does
not exist are denoted as detected errors. An error is also detected if no definite
address configuration exists for an instance variable assigned to an incomplete
Example for a variable configuration
Assume that the following definition for function block locio - see the previous
example - is given in a program:
locioVar1: locio;
locioVar2: locio;
Then a corrected variable configuration (in a global variable list) will be:
PLC_PRG.locioVar1.xLocIn AT %IX1.0 : BOOL;
PLC_PRG.locioVar1.xLocOut AT %QX0.0 : BOOL;
PLC_PRG.locioVar2.xLocIn AT %IX1.0 : BOOL;
PLC_PRG.locioVar2.xLocOut AT %QX0.3 : BOOL;
NOTE: Changes on directly mapped I/Os are immediately shown in the
process image, whereas changes on variables mapped via VAR_CONFIG are
not shown before the end of the responsible task.
NOTE: In a global variable list, the keywords VAR_GLOBAL and VAR_CONFIG
can only be used exclusively.

Method Types
FB_Init, FB_Reinit, and FB_Exit Methods
General Purpose of the Methods
You can explicitly use the methods FB_Init and FB_Reinit to influence the
initialization of function block variables as well as the behavior when exiting
function blocks.
This chapter describes the methods, and the applications and effects of the
methods in different conditions that require variable initialization.

By default, the FB_Init method is available implicitly. It is used by EcoStruxure
Machine Expert to initialize a function block or a structure.
In order to influence the initialization, you can explicitly declare the FB_Init
method by extending the given default initialization code. This allows you to
evaluate the return value.

The FB_Reinit method must be declared explicitly.
If the FB_Reinit method is available, it is called after the instance of the
corresponding function block has been copied (during an online change, page 484
after modifications in the function block declaration). It reinitializes the new

EIO0000002854.04 483
Variables Declaration

instance module. The return value is not evaluated. In order to achieve that the
base function block is reinitialized, call FB_Reinit explicitly for that function block.
This allows you to evaluate the return value.

The FB_Exit method must be declared explicitly.
If there is an implementation, then the method is called before the controller
removes the code of the function block instance (implicit call). The return value is
not evaluated.
The following paragraphs provide use cases of these methods for different
operating conditions.

First Download
When you download an application to a controller that is in default state, the
memory locations of the variables are set to the desired initial state. The data
areas of function blocks are set to the desired values. You can influence this
process by explicitly implementing FB_Init for function blocks in the program code
of the application.
The method parameters bInCopyCode set to FALSE and bInitRetains set to TRUE
indicate that a first download is being executed.

Online Change
When an Online Change command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help) is executed, the methods FB_Exit, FB_Init, and FB_
Reinit can be used to influence the initialization of function blocks.
During online change, the modifications made to the application in offline mode
are downloaded to the controller. The instances of function blocks are updated by
the new instances as follows:
If you have only made changes in the implementation part of the function block
and not in the declaration part, the data areas are not replaced. The methods FB_
Init, FB_Reinit, and FB_Exit are not called.
If you have made changes in the declaration part of a function block, the copy
process described in the FB_Reinit paragraph, page 483 is performed when the
Online Change command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands,
Online Help) is executed. A list of the objects that have been changed since the
last download is provided in the Application Information dialog box, page 207.
Open this dialog box by clicking the Details... button in the dialog box where you
select the option Login with online change.
The FB_Init and FB_Reinit method parameters bInCopyCode set to TRUE and
bInitRetains set to FALSE indicate that an online change is being executed.

Calls Executed During an Online Change

Executing the Online Change command can change the contents of addresses.

Verify the validity of the pointers when using pointers on addresses and
executing the Online Change command.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment

484 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

During an online change, the following calls are executed consecutively:

Step Action Comment

1 FB_Exit old_inst.FB_Exit(bInCopyCode := TRUE);

FB_Exit is called to initiate a cleanup process before the copy
process is started.

It prepares the data for the next copy process and influences the
state of the new instance.

Other parts of the application are informed about the position

changes that are performed in the memory.

Keep in mind that variables of type POINTER or REFERENCE

keep their values during an online change and may no longer refer
to the desired memory locations after the process has been
completed. Variables of type INTERFACE are adapted during
online change. External resources, such as socket, file, or other
handles possibly can be adopted by the new instance, and often
need no separate treatment during online change when the
system resource is not affected by the online change copy
process. If needed, this must be treated in Init or Reinit

2 FB_Init new_inst.FB_Init(bInitRetains := FALSE,

bInCopyCode := TRUE);
FB_Init can be used to perform specific operations during the
online change process.

These are, for example, appropriately initializing variables at the

new memory locations, or providing information on the new
position of certain variables to other parts of the application.

3 Copy operation copy(&old_inst, &new_inst);

copy Existing values remain unchanged. For this purpose, they are
copied from the old instance into the new instance.

4 FB_Reinit new_inst.FB_Reinit();
The FB_Reinit method is called after the copy operation. It sets
the variables of the function block instance to defined values.

For example, you can appropriately initialize variables at the new

memory locations, or provide information on the new position of
certain variables to other parts of the application.

Implement the FB_Reinit method independent of online change

because the method can be called by the application anytime,
whenever a function block is to be reset to the original state.

NOTE: If you add the pragma, page 517 {attribute no_copy} to a variable of a
function block, this variable will not be copied during online change; it will only
be initialized.

Downloading an Updated Application

When you download an application to a controller that is already running an
application, the existing application will be replaced. You can use the FB_Exit
method, for example, to assign a defined state to external resources (such as
socket or file handles).
The method parameters bInCopyCode set to FALSE and bInitRetains set to
FALSE indicate that a download of an updated application is being executed.

Starting an Application
Before the first cycle of the tasks of an application is executed, the initial
assignments are processed.
T1 : TON := (PT:=t#500ms);
The assignments are executed after FB_Init has been called. To be able to verify
the impacts of these assignments, attach the {attribute call_after_init} pragma,
page 498 to a function block and a method of a function block (for example, called

EIO0000002854.04 485
Variables Declaration

MyInit). Insert this attribute above the declaration part of the function block and
above the declaration part of the corresponding method. Attach this pragma also
to function blocks that extend other function blocks which are using the {attribute
call_after_init} pragma. It is a good practice to assign the same name, the same
signature, and the same attribute to the corresponding method. To achieve this,
call SUPER^.MyInit. Select a method name of your choice (except FB_Init, FB_
Reinit, and FB_Exit). The method is called after the initial assignments have been
processed and before the tasks of an application are started.
NOTE: When the explicitly defined initialization code is executed, then the
function block has already been initialized completely via the implicit
initialization code. Due to this, calling SUPER^.FB_Init is not allowed.

Interface of the FB_Init Method

bInitRetains : BOOL; // TRUE: the retain variables are
initialized (reset warm /reset cold)
bInCopyCode : BOOL; // TRUE the instance will be copied to
the copy-code afterward (online change)
The return value is not used.
In an FB_Init method, you can declare additional function block inputs. Assign the
inputs in the declaration of a function block instance.
Example: Method FB_Init for a function block serialdevice:
bInitRetains : BOOL; // Initialization of the retain
bInCopyCode : BOOL; // Instance is copied to copy-code
iCOMnum : INT; // additional input: number of the COM
interface that is to be observed
Instantiation of function block serialdevice:
com1: serialdevice (iCOMnum:=1);
com0: serialdevice (iCOMnum:=0);

Interface of the FB_Reinit Method


Interface of the FB_Exit Method

The parameter bInCopyCode. is mandatory.
bInCopyCode : BOOL; // TRUE: the exit method is called in
order to leave the instance which will be copied afterwards
(online change).

Derived Function Blocks

If a function block is derived from another function block, then the FB_Init
method of the derived function block must define the same parameters as the FB_
Init method of the base function block. However, you can add further
parameters in order to implement a special initialization for the instance.

486 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

Example for the Call Order of Derived Function Blocks for FB_Exit and
The following is assumed for the POUs named in this list: SubFB EXTENDS
MainFB and SubSubFB EXTENDS SubFB:

Step Action

1 fbSubSubFb.FB_Exit(...);

2 fbSubFb.FB_Exit(...);

3 fbMainFb.FB_Exit(...);

4 fbMainFb.FB_Init(...);

5 fbSubFb.FB_Init(...);

6 fbSubSubFb.FB_Init(...);

Pragma Instructions
Pragma Instructions
A pragma instruction is used to affect the properties of one or several variables
concerning the compilation or precompilation (preprocessor) process. Therefore,
a pragma influences the code generation.
NOTE: Consider that the available pragmas are not 1:1 implementations of C
preprocessor directives. They are handled as normal statements and
therefore can only be used at statement positions. They must not be used
within an expression and not in the declaration part of editors.
A pragma can determine whether a variable will be initialized, monitored, added to
a parameter list, added to the symbol list, page 525, or made invisible in the
Library Manager. It can force message outputs during the build process. You can
use conditional pragmas to define how the variable should be treated depending
on certain conditions. You can also enter these pragmas as definitions in the
compile properties of a particular object.
You can use a pragma in a separate line, or with supplementary text in an
implementation or declaration editor line. Within the FBD/LD/IL editor, execute the
command Insert Label and replace the default text Label: in the arising text field
by the pragma. In case you want to set a label as well as a pragma, insert the
pragma first and the label afterwards.
The pragma instruction is enclosed in curly brackets.

{ <instruction text> }
The opening bracket can immediately come after a variable name. Opening and
closing brackets have to be in the same line.

Correct Positions for a Conditional Pragma

{IF defined(abc)}
IF x =abc THEN
{IF defined(cde)}
y := 12;

EIO0000002854.04 487
Variables Declaration

y :=13;
IF x = 12 THEN
{IF defined(cde)}
y := 12;
y :=13;

Incorrect Positions for a Conditional Pragma

NOTE: Do not use conditional pragmas at positions indicated in this “bad
practice” example.

Further Information
Depending on the type and contents of a pragma, the pragma operates on the
subsequent statement, respectively all subsequent statements, until one of the
following conditions is met:
• It is ended by an appropriate pragma.
• The same pragma is executed with different parameters.
• The end of the code is reached.
The term code in this context refers to a declaration part, implementation part,
global variable list, or type declaration.
NOTE: Pragma instructions are case-sensitive.
If the compiler cannot meaningfully interpret the instruction text, the entire pragma
is handled as a comment and is skipped.
Refer to the following pragma types:
• Message Pragmas, page 488
• Attribute Obsolete, page 522
• Attribute Pragmas, page 495
• Conditional Pragmas, page 490
• Region Pragmas, page 495
• Attribute Symbol, page 525

Message Pragmas
You can use message pragmas to force the output of messages in the Messages
view (by default in the Edit menu) during the compilation (build) of the project.
You can insert the pragma instruction in an existing line or in a separate line in the
text editor of a POU. Message pragmas positioned within currently not defined

488 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

sections of the implementation code will not be considered when the project is
compiled. For further information, refer to the example provided with the
description of the defined (identifier) in the chapter Conditional Pragmas, page

Types of Message Pragmas

There are 4 types of message pragmas:

Pragma Icon Message Type

{text ’text string’} – text type

The specified text string will be displayed.

{info ’text string’} information

The specified text string will be displayed.

{warning digit ’text string’} alert type

The specified text string will be displayed.

In contrast to the global obsolete pragma, page

522, this alert is explicitly defined for the local

{error ’text string’} error type

The specified text string will be displayed.

NOTE: For messages of types information, alert, and detected error, you can
reach the source position of the message - that is where the pragma is placed
in a POU - by executing the command Next Message. This is not possible for
the text type.

Example of Declaration and Implementation in ST Editor

ivar : INT; {info 'TODO: should get another name'}
bvar : BOOL;
arrTest : ARRAY [0..10] OF INT;
arrTest[i] := arrTest[i]+1;
{warning 'This is an alert'}
{text 'Part xy has been compiled completely'}
Output in Messages view:

EIO0000002854.04 489
Variables Declaration

Conditional Pragmas
The ExST (Extended ST) language supports several conditional Pragma
Instructions, page 487, which affect the code generation in the precompile or
compile process.
NOTE: Do not use any conditional pragmas in the declaration part. They are
not regarded.
The implementation code which will be regarded for compilation can depend on
the following conditions:
• Is a certain data type or variable declared?
• Does a type or variable have a certain attribute?
• Does a variable have a certain data type?
• Is a certain POU or task available or is it part of the call tree, etc...
NOTE: It is not possible for a POU or GVL declared in the POUs Tree to use a
{define...} declared in an application. Definitions in applications will only
affect interfaces inserted below the respective application.

{define identifier string} During preprocessing, all subsequent instances of

the identifier will be replaced with the given
sequence of tokens if the token string is not empty
(which is allowed and well-defined). The identifier
remains defined and in scope until the end of the
object or until it is undefined in an {undefine}
directive. Used for conditional compilation, page
{undefine identifier} The preprocessor definition of the identifier (by
{define}, see first row of this table) will be
removed and the identifier hence is undefined. If the
specified identifier is not currently defined, this
pragma will be ignored.

{IF expr} These are pragmas for conditional compilation. The

specified expressions exprs are required to be
... constant at compile time; they are evaluated in the
order in which they appear until one of the
{ELSIF expr} expressions evaluates to a non-zero value. The text
associated with the successful directive is
... preprocessed and compiled normally; the others are
ignored. The order of the sections is determinate;
{ELSE} however, the elsif and else sections are
optional, and elsif sections may appear arbitrarily
more often.
Within the constant expr, you can use several
conditional compilation operators, page 490.

<expr> Within the constant expression expr of a

conditional compilation pragma ({if} or {elsif})
(see previous table), you can use several operators.
These operators may not be undefined or redefined
via {undefine} or {define}, respectively.

You can also use these expressions as well as the definition completed by
{define} in the Compiler defines: text field in the Properties dialog box of an
object (View > Properties > Build).

Conditional Compilation Operators

The following operators are supported:
• defined (identifier), page 491
• defined (variable:variable), page 491
• defined (type:identifier), page 491
• defined (pou:pou-name), page 492

490 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

• hasattribute (pou: pou-name, attribute), page 492

• hasattribute (variable: variable, attribute), page 492
• hastype (variable:variable, type-spec), page 493
• hasvalue (define-ident, char-string), page 494
• hasconstantvalue (variable, literal expression), page 494
• NOT operator , page 494
• operator AND operator , page 494
• operator OR operator , page 495
• operator , page 495

defined (identifier)
This operator affects that the expression gets value TRUE, as soon as the
identifier has been defined with a {define} instruction and has not been
undefined later by an {undefine} instruction. Otherwise its value is FALSE.
Example on defined (identifier):
Precondition: There are 2 applications App1 and App2. Identifier pdef1 is defined
in App2, but not in App1.
{IF defined (pdef1)}
(* this code is processed in App1 *)
{info 'pdef1 defined'}
hugo := hugo + SINT#1;
(* the following code is only processed in application
App2 *)
{info 'pdef1 not defined'}
hugo := hugo - SINT#1;
Additionally, an example for a message pragma, page 488 is included:
Only information pdef1 defined will be displayed in the Messages view when
the application is compiled because pdef1 is defined. The message pdef1 not
defined will be displayed when pdef1 is not defined.

defined (variable:variable)
When applied to a variable, its value is TRUE if this particular variable is declared
within the current scope. Otherwise it is FALSE.
Example on defined (variable:variable):
Precondition: There are 2 applications App1 and App2. Variable g_bTest is
declared in App2, but not in App1.
{IF defined (variable:g_bTest)}
(* the following code is only processed in application App2
g bTest := x > 300;

defined (type:identifier)
When applied to a type identifier, its value is TRUE if a type with that particular
name is declared. Otherwise it is FALSE.
Example on defined (type:identifier) :
Precondition: There are 2 applications App1 and App2. Data type DUT is defined
in App2, but not in App1.
{IF defined (type:DUT)}

EIO0000002854.04 491
Variables Declaration

(* the following code is only processed in application App1

bDutDefined := TRUE;

defined (pou:pou-name)
When applied to a POU name, its value is TRUE if a POU or an action with that
particular POU name is defined. Otherwise it is FALSE.
Example on defined (pou: pou-name):
Precondition: There are 2 applications App1 and App2. POU CheckBounds is
available in App2, but not in App1.
{IF defined (pou:CheckBounds)}
(* the following code is only processed in application App1
arrTest[CheckBounds(0,i,10)] := arrTest[CheckBounds(0,i,10)]
+ 1;
(* the following code is only processed in application App2
arrTest[i] := arrTest[i]+1;

hasattribute (pou: pou-name, attribute)

When applied to a POU, its value is TRUE if this particular attribute is
specified in the first line of the POUs declaration part.
Example on hasattribute (pou: pou-name, attribute):
Precondition: There are 2 applications App1 and App2. Function fun1 is defined in
App1 and App2, but in App1 has an attribute vision:
Definition of fun1 in App1:
{attribute 'vision'}
i : INT;
Definition of fun1 in App2:
i : INT;
Pragma instruction
{IF hasattribute (pou: fun1, 'vision')}
(* the following code is only processed in application App1
ergvar := fun1 ivar);

hasattribute (variable: variable, attribute)

When applied to a variable, its value is TRUE if this particular attribute is
specified via the {attribute} instruction in a line before the declaration of the

492 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

Example on hasattribute (variable: variable, attribute):

Precondition: There are 2 applications App1 and App2. Variable g_globalInt is
used in App1 and App2, but in App1 has an attribute DoCount :
Declaration of g_globalInt in App1
{attribute 'DoCount'}
g_globalInt : INT;
g_multiType : STRING;
Declaration of g_globalInt in App2
g_globalInt : INT;
g_multiType : STRING;
Pragma instruction
{IF hasattribute (variable: g_globalInt, 'DoCount')}
(* the following code line will only be processed in App1,
because there variable g_globalInt has got the attribute
'DoCount' *)
g_globalInt := g_globalInt + 1;

hastype (variable:variable, type-spec)

When applied to a variable, its value is TRUE if this particular variable has the
specified type-spec. Otherwise it is FALSE.
Available data types of type-spec

EIO0000002854.04 493
Variables Declaration

Example on operator hastype (variable: variable, type-spec):

Precondition: There are 2 applications App1 and App2. Variable g_multitype is
declared in App1 with type LREAL and in application App2 with type STRING:
{IF (hastype (variable: g_multitype, LREAL))}
(* the following code line will be processed only in App1 *)
g_multitype := (0.9 + g_multitype) * 1.1;
{ELSIF (hastype (variable: g_multitype, STRING))}
(* the following code line will be processed only in App2 *)
g_multitype := 'this is a multitalent';

hasvalue (define-ident, char-string)

If the define (define-ident) is defined and it has the specified value (char-string),
then its value is TRUE. Otherwise it is FALSE.
Example on hasvalue (define-ident, char-string):
Precondition: Variable test is used in applications App1 and App2. It gets value 1
in App1 and value 2 in App2:
{IF hasvalue(test,'1')}
(* the following code line will be processed in App1,
because there variable test has value 1 *)
x := x + 1;
{ELSIF hasvalue(test,'2')}
(* the following code line will be processed in App1,
because there variable test has value 2 *)
x := x + 2;

hasconstantvalue(<variable>, <literal expression>)

Use this operator to request the declared value of a constant.
{IF hasconstantvalue(test,1)}
(* the following code is only processed in App1 *)
x := x + 1;
{ELSIF hasconstantvalue(test,2)}
(* the following code is only processed in App2 *)
x := x + 2;

NOT operator
The expression gets value TRUE when the inverted value of operator is TRUE.
operator can be one of the operators described in this chapter.
Example on NOT operator:
Precondition: There are 2 applications App1 and App2. POU PLC_PRG1 is used
in App1 and App2. POU CheckBounds is only available in App1:
{IF defined (pou: PLC_PRG1) AND NOT (defined (pou:
(* the following code line is only executed in App2 *)
bANDNotTest := TRUE;

AND operator
The expression gets value TRUE if both operators are TRUE. operator can be
one of the operators listed in this table.

494 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

Example on AND operator:

Precondition: There are 2 applications App1 and App2. POU PLC_PRG1 is used in
applications App1 and App2. POU CheckBounds is only available in App1:
{IF defined (pou: PLC_PRG1) AND (defined (pou:
(* the following code line will be processed only in
applications App1, because only there "PLC_PRG1" and
"CheckBounds" are defined *)
bORTest := TRUE;

OR operator
The expression is TRUE if one of the operators is TRUE. operator can be one of
the operators described in this chapter.
Example on OR operator:
Precondition: POU PLC_PRG1 is used in applications App1 and App2. POU
CheckBounds is only available in App1:
{IF defined (pou: PLC_PRG1) OR (defined (pou: CheckBounds))}
(* the following code line will be processed in applications
App1 and App2, because both contain at least one of the POUs
"PLC_PRG1" and "CheckBounds" *)
bORTest := TRUE;

(operator) braces the operator.

Region Pragmas
Use region pragmas to group several lines into one block in a text editor. You can
assign a name to the block. Region pragmas can be nested.
The figure shows a program code that contains a region pragma in the extended and in the collapsed view.

Region pragmas can be used in the ST editor and in the declaration editors.

Attribute Pragmas
Attribute Pragmas
You can assign attribute pragmas, page 487 to a signature in order to influence
the compilation or pre-compilation that is the code generation.

EIO0000002854.04 495
Variables Declaration

There are user-defined attributes, page 496, which you can use in combination
with conditional pragmas, page 490.
Attributes are defined within the declaration part. An exception is made for the
action and transition objects which do not have a declaration part. You can define
the attributes at the beginning of the implementation part.
There are also the following predefined standard attribute pragmas:
• attribute displaymode, page 503
• attribute ExpandFully, page 504
• attribute global_init_slot, page 505
• attribute hide, page 506
• attribute hide_all_locals, page 507
• attribute initialize_on_call, page 508
• attribute init_namespace, page 508
• attribute init_On_Onlchange, page 508
• attribute instance-path, page 509
• attribute linkalways, page 511
• attribute monitoring, page 512
• attribute no_check, page 516
• attribute no_copy, page 517
• attribute no-exit, page 517
• attribute noinit, page 518
• attribute no_virtual_actions, page 518
• attribute obsolete, page 522
• attribute pack_mode, page 523
• attribute qualified_only, page 524
• attribute reflection, page 524
• attribute subsequent, page 525
• attribute symbol, page 525
• attribute warning disable, page 527

User-Defined Attributes
You can assign arbitrary user-defined or application-defined attribute pragmas to
POUs, type declarations, or variables. This attribute can be queried before
compilation by conditional pragmas, page 490.

{attribute 'attribute'}
This pragma instruction is valid for the subsequent POU declaration or variable
You can assign a user-defined attribute to:
• a POU or action
• a variable
• a data type

496 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

Example on POUs and Actions

Attribute vision for function fun1:
{attribute 'vision'}
i : INT;

Example on Variables
Attribute DoCount for variable ivar :
{attribute 'DoCount'};

Example on Types
Attribute aType for data type DUT_1:
{attribute 'aType'}
For the usage of conditional pragmas, refer to the chapter Conditional Pragmas,
page 490.

Attribute call_after_global_init_slot
All functions and programs containing this attribute in an own line above their
declaration part are called after the global initialization (GlobalInit). The calling
sequence is determined by the attribute value.
NOTE: Compile errors will be detected (during code generation) if VAR_
INPUT declarations are used in functions or methods that contain this
attribute. The reason is that the input variables are unknown when the function
is called implicitly during online change.

{attribute 'call_after_global_init_slot' := '<slot>'}
Replace <slot> by an integer value defining the priority within the calling
sequence: The lower the value, the earlier the call. In case of several signatures
carrying the same value for the attribute, the sequence of their initialization
remains undefined.
If a method is provided with the attribute, then it is called for all instances of the
concerned function block. All instances are called within the specified slot;
however, you cannot control the order among the instances themselves.

EIO0000002854.04 497
Variables Declaration

Attribute call_after_init
Use the pragma {attribute call_after_init} to define a method that is
called implicitly after the initialization of a function block instance. For performance
reasons, attach the attribute both to the function block itself and to the instance
method to be called. The method has to be called after FB_Init, page 486 and
after having applied the variable values of an initialization expression in the
instance declaration.
NOTE: Compile errors will be detected if VAR_INPUT declarations are used in
methods that contain this attribute. The reason is that the input variables are
unknown when the method is called implicitly during online change.

{attribute 'call_after_init'}

With the following definition:
{attribute 'call_after_init'}
... <functionblock definition>
{attribute 'call_after_init'}
... <method definition>
... declaration like the following:
inst : FB := (in1 := 99);
... will result in the following order of code processing:
inst.in1 := 99;
So, in FB_Afterinit, you can react on the user-defined initialization.

Attribute call_after_online_change_slot
All functions and programs containing this attribute in an own line above their
declaration part are called after an online change. The calling sequence is
determined by the attribute value.
NOTE: Compile errors will be detected (during code generation) if VAR_
INPUT declarations are used in functions or methods that contain this
attribute. The reason is that the input variables are unknown when the function
is called implicitly during online change.

{attribute 'call_after_online_change_slot' := '<slot>'}
Replace <slot> by an integer value defining the priority within the calling
sequence: The lower the value, the earlier the call. If several modules have the
same priority value for the attribute, then the order in which they are called
remains undefined.

498 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

If a method is provided with the attribute, then it is called for all instances of the
concerned function block. All instances are called within the specified slot;
however, you cannot control the order among the instances themselves.
NOTE: As the application cannot run during an online change, each code
executed in this situation can effect jitter. For this reason, minimize the code to
be executed.

Attribute call_before_global_exit_slot
All functions and programs containing this attribute in an own line above their
declaration part are called after the GlobalExit. The GlobalExit is executed
before a new download, at a reset, or during an online change and affects
modules which are provided with an FB_exit method. The calling sequence is
determined by the attribute value.
NOTE: Compile errors will be detected (during code generation) if VAR_
INPUT declarations are used in functions or methods that contain this
attribute. The reason is that the input variables are unknown when the function
is called implicitly during online change.

{attribute 'call_before_global_exit_slot' := '<slot>'}
Replace <slot> by an integer value defining the priority within the calling
sequence: The lower the value, the earlier the call. If several modules have the
same priority value for the attribute, then the order in which they are called
remains undefined.
If a method is provided with the attribute, then it is called for all instances of the
concerned function block. All instances are called within the specified slot;
however, you cannot control the order among the instances themselves.

Attribute call_on_type_change
Attach the Attribute call_on_type_change pragma to methods of a function block A
in order to achieve that this method is called when the data type is changed for
one or more function blocks B, C, etc. that are referenced by A. The function
blocks can be referenced by pointers, page 537 or references, page 536.

{attribute 'call_on_type_change':= '<name of the first referenced function block>|
<name of the second referenced function block>|<name of the nth referenced
function block>'}
Insert the Attribute call_on_type_change above the first line in the method

Example of a function block with references:

EIO0000002854.04 499
Variables Declaration

var_pt: POINTER TO FB_B;
Example of a method that is called when data types are changed in the referenced
function blocks FB_B and FB_C:
{attribute 'call_on_type_change' := 'FB_B,
METHOD METH_react_on_type_change : INT

Attribute conditionalshow
The function block that contains this attribute is not displayed in the user interface
if the integrated library is installed as *.compiled-library.
If the integrated library is available as *.library in the repository, the function block
is visible in the user interface.
If you use conditionalshow as a command-line option, such as
LogicBuilder.exe --conditionalshow="libdeveloper", the function
blocks are visible in the user interface. This option may be useful for library
developers when testing libraries.

{attribute 'conditionalshow' := 'SomeText'}
{attribute 'conditionalshow'}

Insert Location
Insert this pragma in the first line of the declaration part of the function block.

{attribute 'conditionalshow' := 'SomeText'}
//{attribute 'conditionalshow'}

Attribute conditionalshow_all_locals
The local variables are not displayed in the user interface if the integrated library is
installed as *.compiled-library.
If the integrated library is available as *.library in the repository, the local variables
of the function block are visible in the user interface.

500 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

If you use conditionalshow_all_locals as a command-line option, such as

LogicBuilder.exe --conditionalshow_all_locals=
"libdeveloper"."--conditionalshow="libdeveloper", the local
variables of the function blocks are visible in the user interface. This option may be
useful for library developers when testing libraries.

{attribute 'conditionalshow_all_locals' :='SomeText'}
{attribute 'conditionalshow_all_locals'}

Insert Location
Insert this pragma in the first line of the declaration part of the function block.

{attribute 'conditionalshow_all_locals' := 'SomeText'}
//{attribute 'conditionalshow_all_locals'}
eErrorID : ERROR;
iLocal : INT;

Attribute const_replaced, Attribute const_non_

Insert the pragma {attribute 'const_replaced'} in the declaration of a global
constant if you explicitly want to activate the compiler option Replace constants
for this constant. This has the effect that the constant becomes available in the
Symbol Configuration.
Correspondingly, you can insert the pragma {attribute 'const_non_
replaced'} in order to deactivate the compiler option Replace constants.
The option Replace constants is pre-defined for the whole project in the Project
Settings > Compile options dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help).

{attribute 'const_replaced'}
{attribute 'const_non_replaced'}

The constants iTestCon and bTestCon are available in the Symbol
Configuration because Replace constants is deactivated by pragmas.

EIO0000002854.04 501
Variables Declaration

{attribute 'const_non_replaced'}
iTestCon : INT := 12;
{attribute 'const_non_replaced'}
bTestCon : BOOL := TRUE;
rTestCon : REAL := 1.5;
iTestVar : INT := 12;
bTestVar : BOOL := TRUE;

Attribute 'dataflow'
The pragma {attribute 'dataflow'} enables you to control the dataflow when
processing function blocks in the FBD/LD/IL editor. The attribute defines the input
or output of a function block that is used as the connection to the next or previous
function block.
You can assign this attribute to only one input and one output in the declaration of
the function block.
For function blocks without the {attribute 'dataflow'}, the dataflow is determined
automatically as follows:
The connection is established between an output and an input of the same type.
The uppermost input and output variables of the function block are used first. If
there are no variables with the same data type, then the uppermost output is
connected to the uppermost input of the next function block.
You can also change the control flow in the editor by using the pointer to connect
the connector pins of the function block to other positions. For further information,
refer to the description of Inserting, Arranging, and Replacing Elements, page

{attribute 'dataflow'}

The FB and the previous function block are connected using the input variable i1.
The FB and the next function block are connected using the output variable
r1 : REAL;
{attribute 'dataflow'}
i1 : INT;
i2 : INT;
r2 : REAL;
{attribute 'dataflow'}
outRes1 : REAL;
out1 : INT;
g1 : INT;
g2 : REAL;

502 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

Attribute displaymode
Use the pragma {attribute displaymode} to define the display mode of a single
variable. This setting will overwrite the global setting for the display mode of all
monitoring variables done via the commands of the submenu Display Mode (by
default in the Online menu).
Position the pragma in the line above the line containing the variable declaration.

{attribute 'displaymode':=<displaymode>}
The following definitions are possible:
- to display in binary format
{attribute 'displaymode':='bin'}
{attribute 'displaymode':='binary'}
- to display in decimal format
{attribute 'displaymode':='dec'}
{attribute 'displaymode':='decimal'}
- to display in hexadecimal format
{attribute 'displaymode':='hex'}
{attribute 'displaymode':='hexadecimal'}

{attribute 'displaymode':='hex'}
dwVar1: DWORD;

Attribute enable_dynamic_creation
The pragma enable_dynamic_creation is required for using the __NEW
operator, page 611 for function blocks.

{attribute 'enable_dynamic_creation'}
Insert the pragma in the first line in the declaration of the function block.

Attribute estimated-stack-usage
The pragma {attribute 'estimated-stack-usage' := '<estimated stack size in bytes>'}
helps to prevent runtime systems with an active stack check from issuing a
message (C0298: Calculation of stack usage incomplete because of
recursive calls) indicating that there is insufficient space in the stack. This

EIO0000002854.04 503
Variables Declaration

check is performed during the code generation. For recursive methods, you may
want to reduce the number of messages.

{attribute 'estimated-stack-usage' := '<estimated stack size
in bytes>'}

Insert Location
Insert this pragma in the line above the METHOD declaration in the declaration
section of the relevant method.

{attribute 'estimated-stack-usage' := '99'}
uiN : UINT;

m_Temp := 1;
IF uiN > 1 THEN
m_Temp := uiN * THIS^.m_Temp(uiN := (uiN- 1));

Attribute ExpandFully
Use the pragma {attribute 'ExpandFully'} to make all members of arrays
used as input variables for referenced visualizations accessible within the
Visualization Properties dialog box.

{attribute 'ExpandFully'}

Visualization visu is intended to be inserted in a frame within visualization visu_
As input variable arr is defined in the interface editor of visu and will later be
available for assignments in the Properties dialog box of the frame in visu_
In order to get the available particular components of the array in the Properties
dialog box, insert the attribute ExpandFully in the interface editor of visu directly
before arr.
Declaration in the interface editor of visu:
{attribute 'ExpandFully'}
arr : ARRAY[0..5] OF INT;

504 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

Resulting Properties dialog box of frame in visu_main:

Attribute global_init_slot
The pragma {attribute 'global_init_slot'} defines the sequence of
initialization of POUs or global variable lists.
Variables in a list (GVL or POU) are initialized from top to bottom.
If there are several global variable lists available, then the sequence of
initialization is not defined.
The sequence of initialization is irrelevant for literal values, such as 1, ‘hello’,
3.6, or for constants of base data types. However, if there are dependencies
between the different lists, you must define the sequence of initialization by
yourself. To achieve this, you can assign a defined initialization slot to a GVL or a
POU using the attribute global_init_slot.
Constants are initialized before the variables and in the same order as the
variables. During initialization, the POUs are sorted according to the value for
<slot>. Then the code for initializing the constants is generated. After that, the
code for initializing the variables is generated.

{attribute 'global_init_slot' := '<slot>'}
Replace <slot> by an integer value that defines the position in the initialization
order. The default value for a POU (program, function block) is 50,000. The default
value for a GVL is 49,990. A lower value provokes an earlier initialization. In case
of several POUs or GVLs carrying the same value for the attribute global_
init_slot, the sequence of their initialization remains undefined. This will be
indicated as a detected programming error in the Build category of the Messages
view (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).
The pragma {attribute 'global_init_slot'} is valid for the entire GVL or
POU and must therefore be located above the VAR_GLOBAL or POU declaration.

EIO0000002854.04 505
Variables Declaration

The example includes 2 global variable lists GVL_1 and GVL_2 and a program
PLC_PRG that uses variables from both lists.
GVL_1 uses the variable B for initializing a variable A which is initialized in the
GVL_2 with a value of 1000.
VAR_GLOBAL //49990
A : INT := GVL_2.B*100;
VAR_GLOBAL //49990
B : INT := 1000;
C : INT := 10;
ivar: INT := GVL_1.A;
ivar2: INT;
When building this example, a programming error is issued in the Build category
of the Messages view (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands,
Online Help) because GVL_2.B is used for initializing GVL_1.A before GVL_2 has
been initialized. To avoid this, use the attribute global_init_slot in order
to position GVL_2 before GVL_1 in the sequence of initialization.
GVL_2 must have a slot value of 49989 or lower to achieve the earliest
initialization within the program.
{attribute 'global_init_slot' := '100'}
B : INT := 1000;
C : INT := 10;
You can even use GVL_2.C in the implementation part of PLC_PRG without a
pragma because both GVLs are initialized before the program in either case.

Attribute hide
The pragma {attribute hide} helps you to prevent variables or even whole
signatures from being displayed within the functionality of listing components,
page 527 or the input assistant or the declaration part in online mode. Only the
variable subsequent to the pragma will be hidden.
If you know the instance path to a variable, you can address it in the code even if
the {attribute hide} is assigned.

{attribute 'hide'}
To hide all local variables of a signature, use the attribute hide_all_locals, page

506 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

The function block myPOU is implemented using the attribute:
{attribute 'hide'}
a_invisible: BOOL;
a_visible: BOOL;
In the main program 2 instances of function block myPOU are defined:
POU1, POU2: myPOU;
When assigning an input value to POU1, the functionality of listing components,
page 527 that works on typing POU1 in the implementation part of PLC_PRG will
display the input variables a and a_visible (and the output variable b). The
hidden input variable a_invisible will not be displayed.

Attribute hide_all_locals
The pragma {attribute 'hide_all_locals'} helps you to prevent all local variables of a
signature from being displayed within the functionality of listing components, page
527 or the input assistant. This attribute is identical to assigning the attribute hide,
page 506 to each particular of the local variables.

{attribute 'hide_all_locals'}

The function block myPOU is implemented using the attribute:
{attribute 'hide_all_locals'}
In the main program 2 instances of function block myPOU are defined:
POU1, POU2: myPOU;
When assigning an input value to POU1, the functionality of listing components,
page 527 that works on typing POU1 in the implementation part of PLC_PRG will
display the variables a and b. The hidden local variables c or d will not be

EIO0000002854.04 507
Variables Declaration

Attribute initialize_on_call
You can add the pragma {attribute initialize_on_call} to input variables. An input of
a function block with this attribute will be initialized at any call of the function block.
If an input expects a pointer and if this pointer has been removed due to an online
change, then the input will be set to NULL.

{attribute 'initialize_on_call'}

Attribute init_namespace
A variable of type STRING or WSTRING, which is declared with the pragma
{attribute init_namespace} in a library, will be initialized with the current
namespace of that library. For further information, refer to the description of the
library management (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Functions and Libraries
User Guide).

{attribute 'init_namespace'}

The function block POU is provided with all necessary attributes:
{attribute 'init_namespace'}
myStr: STRING;
Within the main program PLC_PRG an instance fb of the function block POU is
newString: STRING;
The variable myStr will be initialized with the current namespace, for example
MyLib.XY. This value will be assigned to newString within the main program.

Attribute init_On_Onlchange
To initialize variables on online change, proceed as follows:

508 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

Step Action

1 Attach the pragma {attribute 'init_on_onlchange'} to a variable to initialize this variable

with each online change, page 207.

2 Open the Build tab of the Properties dialog box of the application (see EcoStruxure
Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help) and enter the string no_fast_
online_change in the Compiler defines box.

{attribute 'init_on_onlchange' }

Insert Location
Insert this pragma in the line above the declaration of the variables.

Attribute instance-path
You can add the pragma {attribute instance-path} to a local string
variable. This local string variable will be initialized with the Applications tree
path of the POU to which this string variable belongs. Applying this pragma
presumes the use of the attribute reflection, page 524 for the corresponding POU
and the additional attribute noinit, page 518 for the string variable.

{attribute 'instance-path'}

Assume the following function block POU being equipped with the attribute
{attribute 'reflection'}
{attribute 'instance-path'}
{attribute 'noinit'}
str: STRING;
In the main program PLC_PRG an instance myPOU of function block POU is called:
myString: STRING;
After initialization of instance myPOU, the string variable str gets assigned the
path of instance myPOU, for example: PLC.Application.PLC_PRG.myPOU. This
path will be assigned to variable myString within the main program.
NOTE: The length of a string variable may be arbitrarily defined (even >255).
However, the string will be cut (from its back end) if it gets assigned to a string
variable of a shorter length.

EIO0000002854.04 509
Variables Declaration

Attributes io_function_block, io_function_block_

The io_function_block attribute marks a function block to allow the
assignment to a channel in the I/O mapping of the device configuration. The
function block is displayed in the Select function block dialog box.
The io_function_block_mapping attribute marks a parameter of the function
block for usage when mapping the function block to a device channel. You can
assign this attribute to multiple parameters of the function block. Automatic I/O
mapping assigns the first parameter that matches the channel type (input, output,
data type).

{attribute 'io_function_block'}
{attribute 'io_function_block_mapping'}

Insert Location
Insert these parameters in the line above the first line in the declaration part of the
function block, or in the line above the parameter declaration.

{attribute 'io_function_block'}
iInput : INT;
iNumerator : INT;
iDenominator : INT :=1;
iOffset : INT := 0;
{attribute 'io_function_block_mapping'}
iOutput : INT;

Attribute is_connected
The is_connected attribute marks a Boolean variable of a function block to
provide the information when the function block instance is called about whether
the associated input of the POU has an assignment.
As a prerequisite, the reflection attribute, page 524 must be assigned to the
respective function block.

{attribute 'is_connected' := '<input variable>'}

510 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

In the function block FB, a local variable is declared for each input variable (in1
and in2). Each input variable is prefixed by the attribute is connected and the
name of the input variable. The function block is assigned the pragma attribute
If an instance of the function block is called, the local variable is set to TRUE
provided that the assigned input receives an assignment.
{attribute 'reflection'}
in1: INT;
in2: INT;
{attribute 'is_connected' := 'in1'}
in1_connection_info: BOOL;
{attribute 'is_connected' := 'in2'}
in2_connection_info: BOOL;
Assumption: When the function block instance is called, in1 receives an external
assignment and in2 does not receive an assignment. This results in the following
in1_connection_info := TRUE;
in2_connection_info := FALSE;

Attribute linkalways
Use the pragma {attribute 'linkalways'} to mark a POU or a library POU for the
compiler in a way so that they are always included into the compile information.
During the build, objects with this option are compiled and become part of the
application code. With a download, the POUs are downloaded to the controller.
The POU can be valid for the project (if located in the POUs tree) or for the
application (if located in the Devices tree).
The compiler option Link always has the same effect.

{attribute 'linkalways'}
Insert the pragma in the fist line of the declaration part of a POU or a library POU.
When you use the symbol configuration editor, the marked POUs are used as a
basis for the selectable variables for the symbol configuration.

The global variable list MoreSymbols GVL is implemented making use of the
attribute 'linkalways'. The variables declared are included in the application code,
no matter whether they are accessed or not.
MoreSymbols GVL
{attribute 'linkalways'}
g_iAlpha: INT;
g_iBravo: INT;
g_iCharlie: INT;

EIO0000002854.04 511
Variables Declaration

As a result, the symbols of MoreSymbols GVL are available in the Symbol


Attribute monitoring
This attribute pragma allows you to get properties and function call results
monitored in the online view of the IEC editor or in a watch list.

Monitoring of Properties
Add the pragma in the line above the property definition. Then the name, type, and
value of the variables of the property will be displayed in the online view of the
POU using the property or in a watch list. Therein, you can also enter prepared
values to force variables belonging to the property.
Example of property prepared for variable monitoring

Example of monitoring view

Monitoring the Current Value of the Property Variables

There are two different ways to monitor the current value of the property variables.
For the particular use case, consider carefully which attribute is suitable to actually
get the desired value. This will depend on whether operations on the variables are
implemented within the property:
1. Pragma {attribute 'monitoring':='variable'}
An implicit variable is created for the property, which will get the current property
value whenever the application calls the set or get method. The latest value stored
in this implicit variable will be monitored.
{attribute 'monitoring':='variable'}
2. Pragma {attribute 'monitoring':='call'}
You can only use this attribute for properties returning simple data types or
pointers, not for structured types.

512 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

The value to be monitored is read or written by a direct call of property: the

monitoring service of the runtime system executes the Get or Set method of the
property function including the implementation part of the property.
NOTE: When choosing this monitoring type instead of using an intermediate
variable (see 1. Pragma), consider possible side effects due to any operations
implemented within the property.
NOTE: The monitoring pragma is also evaluated by the symbol configuration,
page 427. If the value variable was specified, only a read-access on the
property is available in the symbol configuration.
{attribute 'monitoring':='call'}

Monitoring of Function Call Results

You can use function call monitoring for any constant value that can be interpreted
as 4 byte numerical value (for example, INT, SHORT, LONG). For the other input
parameters (for example, BOOL), use a variable instead of a constant parameter.
Add the pragma {attribute 'monitoring':='call'} in the line above the
function declaration. You can then monitor this variable in the text editor view in
online view of the POU in which a variable gets assigned the result of a function
call. You can also add the variable to a watch list for the same purpose. To get the
variable immediately provided within a watch view, execute the command Add
Example 1: Functions FUN2 and FUN_BOOL2 with attribute 'monitoring'

Example 2: Call of functions FUN2 and FUN_BOOL2 in a program POU

EIO0000002854.04 513
Variables Declaration

Example 3: Function calls in online mode:

Monitoring of Variables with an Implicit Call of an External Function

For monitoring variables with an implicit call of an external function, the following
conditions have to be fulfilled:
• The function is marked with {attribute 'monitoring' := 'call'}.
• The function is marked as Link Always.
• The variable is marked with {attribute 'monitoring_instead' :=
• The values a,b,c are integer values and match the input parameters of the
function to call.
NOTE: Forcing or writing of functions is not supported. You can implicitly
implement forcing by adding an additional input parameter for the particular
function that serves as an internal force flag.
NOTE: Function monitoring is not possible on the compact runtime system.

Attribute namespace
In combination with the attribute symbol, page 525, the pragma {attribute
namespace} allows you to redefine the namespace of project variables. You can
apply it on complete POUs, like GVLs or programs, but not on particular variables.
The concerned variables will be exported with the new namespace definition to a
symbol file and after a download of this file be available on the controller.
This also allows you to access variables from POUs or visualizations which
originally have got different namespaces. For example, it allows you to run a
previous EcoStruxure Machine Expert visualization also in a later EcoStruxure
Machine Expert environment.
For further information, refer to the description of the symbol configuration. A new
symbol file will be created at a download or online change of the project. It is
downloaded to the controller together with the application.

{attribute 'namespace' := '<namespace>'}

514 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

Example of a Namespace Replacement for the Variables of a Program

{attribute 'namespace':='prog'}
{attribute 'symbol' := 'readwrite'}
If iVar, for example, was accessed by App1.PLC_PRG.ivar before, now it is
accessible via prog.ivar.

Further Replacement Examples

Original Namespace Variable Namespace Replacement Access on the Variable
Within the Current

App1.Lib2.GVL2 Var07 {attribute 'namespace':=''} .Var07

App1.GVL2 Var02 {attribute 'namespace':='Ext''} Ext.Var02

App1.GVL2.FB1 Var02 {attribute 'namespace':='App1.GVL2''} App1.GVL2.Var02

The replacements shown in the table result in the following entries in the symbol
<Node name="">
<Node name="Var07" type="T_INT" access="ReadWrite">
<Node name="Ext">
<Node name="Var02 " type="T_INT" access="ReadWrite"></
<Node name="App1">
<Node name="GVL2">
<Node name="Var02 " type="T_INT" access="ReadWrite"></

Attributes no_assign, no_assign_warning

Insert the pragma {attribute 'no assign'} as first line of the declaration part of a
function block. This has the effect that compile errors in the Messages view
(see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help) are generated
if an instance of the function block is assigned to another instance of the same
function block. For example, you might want to avoid such assignments if the
function block contains pointers. This could cause issues because they are copied
when values are assigned.
NOTE: Use the {attribute 'no assign'} in function blocks with internal pointers
to help to avoid assigning an instance of the function block to another instance
of the same function block.

EIO0000002854.04 515
Variables Declaration

The pragma 'no_assign_warning' has the same functions as the pragma 'no
assign' but issues detected alerts as category warnings in the Messages view
(see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

Assignment of Function Block Instances Containing Pointers

In this example, the value assignment of function block instances causes issues
when fb_exit is executed:
inst1 : TestFB;
awsBufferLogFile : ARRAY [0..9] OF WSTRING(66);(* Area:
0, Offset: 0x1304 (4868)*)
LogFile : SEDL.LogRecord := (sFileName := 'LogFile.log',
pBuffer := ADR(awsBufferLogFile), udiMaxEntriesFile :=
UDINT#10000, udiMaxBuffered := UDINT#10, uiLineSize :=
UINT#64, wsSep := " ", xCircular := TRUE, siDateFormat :=
SINT#0, siTimeFormat := SINT#0);
inst2 : TestFB := inst1;
LogFileNew : LogRecord := LogFile;
In this case, LogRecord manages a list of pointers. Different actions are
executed for them if fb_exit applies. When assigning function block instances,
fb_exit will be executed twice which causes an issue. Prevent this by adding
the no_assign attribute to the declaration of function block TestFB:
{attribute 'no_assign'}
The following compile errors are reported when the pragma {attribute 'no assign'}
is used:
C0328: Assignment not allowed for type TestFB
C0328: Assignment not allowed for type LogRecord
If the pragma no assign_warning is used for the function block TestFB, the
C0328 messages are also issued, but as category warning in the Messages
view (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

Attribute no_check
You can add the pragma {attribute 'no_check'} to the declaration of a POU in order
to suppress the call of any POUs for implicit checks. As checking functions may
influence the performance, apply this attribute to POUs that are frequently called
or already approved.
NOTE: This attribute has an automatic effect also on the child objects of a
Example: In programs with this attribute, no check functions are executed. Not
even for actions that are assigned to this program.

{attribute 'no_check'}

516 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

Attribute no_copy
Generally, an online change will require a reallocation of instances, for example of
POUs. The value of the variables within this instance will get copied.
If, however, the pragma {attribute no_copy} is added to a variable, an online
change copy of this variable will not be performed; this variable will be initialized
instead. This can be reasonable in case of local pointer variable, pointing on a
variable actually shifted by the online change (and thus having a modified

{attribute 'no_copy'}

Attribute no-exit
If a function block provides an FB_exit method, page 484 , you can suppress its
call for a special instance with the help of assigning the pragma {attribute no-exit}
to the function block instance.

{attribute 'no-exit'}

Assume the method FB_Exit being added to a function block named POU:

In the main program PLC_PRG, 2 variables of type POU are instantiated:

{attribute 'no-exit'}
When variable bInCopyCode becomes TRUE within POU1, the method FB_Exit is
called exiting an instance that will get copied afterwards (online change). The
method FB_Exit is not called in context of the function block instance POU2.

EIO0000002854.04 517
Variables Declaration

Attribute no_init
Variables provided with the pragma {attribute no_init} will not be initialized
implicitly. The pragma belongs to the variable declared subsequently.

{attribute 'no_init'}
also possible
{attribute 'no-init'}
{attribute 'noinit'}

A : INT;
{attribute 'no_init'}
B : INT;
If a reset is performed on the associated application, the integer variable A will be
again initialized implicitly with 0, whereas variable B maintains the value it is
currently assigned to.

Attribute no_instance_in_retain
The pragma {attribute 'no_instance_in_retain'} helps to avoid that the instance of a
certain function block instance is stored in the retain memory area.
Insert it as first line of the declaration of the function block. This has the effect that
a message is created in case any instance of the POU is declared as a RETAIN

{attribute 'no_instance_in_retain'}

Attribute no_virtual_actions
This attribute is valid for function blocks, which are derived from a base function
block implemented in SFC, and which are using the main SFC workflow of the
base class. The actions called therein show the same virtual behavior as methods.
Therefore, the base class actions may be overridden by specific implementations
related to the derived classes.
In order to help to prevent the action of the base class from being overridden, you
can assign the pragma {attribute 'no_virtual_actions'} to the base

518 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

{attribute 'no_virtual_actions'}

In the following example, the function block POU_SFC provides the base class to
be extended by the function block POU_child.

By use of the keyword SUPER, the derived class POU_child calls the workflow of
the base class that is implemented in SFC.

The exemplary implementation of this workflow is restricted to the initial step. This
is followed by 1 single step with associated step action ActiveAction concerned
with the assignment of the output variables:
an_int:=an_int+1; // counting the action calls
test_act:='father_action'; // writing string variable test_
METH(); // Calling method METH for writing
string variable test_meth
In case of the derived class POU_child, the step action will be overwritten by a
specific implementation of ActiveAction. It differs from the original one by
assigning the string 'child_action' instead of 'father_action' to variable
Likewise, the method METH, assigning the string 'father_method' to variable
test_meth within the base class, will be overwritten such that test_meth will
be assigned to 'child_method' instead.

EIO0000002854.04 519
Variables Declaration

The main program PLC_PRG will execute repeated calls to Child (an instance of
POU_child). As expected, the actual value of the output string report the call to
action and method of the derived class:

You can observe a different behavior if the base class is preceded by the attribute
{attribute 'no_virtual_actions'}
Whereas method METH will still be overwritten by its implementation within the
derived class, a call of the step action will now result in a call of action
ActiveAction of the base class. Therefore, test_act will be assigned to string

Attribute pingroup
Insert the pragma {attribute 'pingroup' := '<groupname>'} in the declaration of a
function block, for grouping the input pins or output pins (parameters). Then, in the
respective box of the FBD and LD editor, each pin group can be displayed, folded,
or unfolded. Multiple groups are possible and are differentiated by their names.
The particular state (folded/unfolded) per box is saved in the project options.
Inputs and outputs without attribute pingroup are always displayed above any
possible group or groups.

{attribute 'pingroup' := '<groupname>'}

Two groups are defined:
• general (i1, out1)
• group1 (i2, g1)
r1, r2, outRes1 and g2 are always displayed.
r1 : REAL;
{attribute 'pingroup' := 'general'}
i1 : INT;
{attribute 'pingroup' := 'group1'}

520 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

i2 : INT;
r2 : REAL;
outRes1 : REAL;
{attribute 'pingroup' := 'general'}
out1 : INT;
{attribute 'pingroup' := 'group1'}
g1 : INT;
g2 : REAL;
Pingroups in FBD editor

Attribute pin_presentation_order_inputs/outputs
The pragmas define the order in which the inputs and outputs of a function block
are displayed in graphical language editors.

{attribute 'pin_presentation_order_inputs' :=
{attribute 'pin_presentation_order_outputs' :=
The * character is the separator between the beginning and the end of the sorted
list of input or output parameters. The separator is replaced by undefined input or
output parameters. If the separator is not available, then the input or output
parameters that are not defined explicitly in the pragma will be added to the end of
the sorted list.
The pragmas are inserted in the first line in the declaration part of a function block.
NOTE: The pragmas attribute 'pin_presentation_order_inputs and attribute
'pin_presentation_order_outputs are not evaluated when the pragma pingroup
is used.

{attribute 'pin_presentation_order_inputs' :=
{attribute 'pin_presentation_order_outputs' :=
'output_2, output_1}
input_1 : BOOL;

EIO0000002854.04 521
Variables Declaration

input_2 : INT;
input_3 : INT;
input_4 : INT;
output_1 : BOOL;
output_2 : INT;
output_3 : INT;
output_4 : BOOL;
This sample pragma definition leads to the following order of the input and output
pins of the POU_Base function block:

Attribute obsolete
You can add an obsolete pragma to a data type definition in order to cause a user-
defined alert during a build, if the respective data type (structure, function block,
and so on) is used within the project. Thus, you can announce that the data type is
not used any longer.
Unlike a locally used message pragma, page 488, this alert is defined within the
definition and thus global for all instances of the data type.
This pragma instruction is valid for the current line or - if placed in a separate line -
for the subsequent line.

{attribute 'obsolete' := 'user-defined text'}

The obsolete pragma is inserted in the definition of function block fb1:
{attribute 'obsolete' := 'datatype fb1 not valid!'}
If fb1 is used as a data type in a declaration, for example, fbinst: fb1; the
following alert will be dumped when the project is built:
'datatype fb1 not valid'

522 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

Attribute pack_mode
The pragma {attribute 'pack_mode'} defines the mode a data structure is
packed while being allocated. Set the attribute on top of a data structure. It
influences the packing of the whole structure.

{attribute 'pack_mode' := '<value>'}
The placeholder <value> can have the following values:

pack_mode Associated packing method

0 Aligned

1 1-byte-aligned

2 2-byte-aligned

4 4-byte-aligned

8 8-byte-aligned

Depending on the structure, there may be no difference in the memory mapping of

the individual modes. For example, the memory allocation of a structure with
pack_mode = 4 can correspond to that of pack_mode = 8.
If structures are combined to arrays, bytes are added at the end of each structure
to achieve that the next structure is aligned.

{attribute 'pack_mode' := '1'}
TYPE myStruct:
Enable: BOOL;
Counter: INT;
MaxSize: BOOL;
MaxSizeReached: BOOL;
A variable of data type myStruct is instantiated aligned.
If the address of its component Enable is 0x0100, then the component Counter
will follow on address 0x0101, MaxSize on 0x0103 and MaxSizeReached on
With pack_mode=2, Counter would be found on 0x0102, MaxSize on 0x0104
and MaxSizeReached on 0x0106.

Attribute ProcessValue
The ProcessValue attribute marks a component of a structure. In the CFC
editor, you can execute the Use attributed member as input command (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help) to connect this
structure to a scalar type input.

EIO0000002854.04 523
Variables Declaration

{attribute 'ProcessValue'}

Insert Location
Insert the ProcessValue attribute in the line above the structure variable.

Status : STRING;
{attribute 'ProcessValue'}
Value1 : INT;
Value2 : INT;

Attribute qualified_only
When the pragma {attribute 'qualified_only'} is assigned on top of a
global variable list, the variables of this list can only be accessed by using the
global variable name, for example gvl.g_var. This works even for variables of
enumeration type. It can be useful to avoid name mismatch with local variables.

{attribute 'qualified_only'}

Assume the following global variable list (GVL) is provided with attribute
{attribute 'qualified_only'}
Within POU PLC_PRG, the global variable has to be called with the prefix GVL, as
shown in this example:
The following incomplete call of the variable will be detected as an error:

Attribute reflection
Attach the pragma {attribute 'reflection'} to POUs containing variables
that are tagged with the instance-path attribute, page 509 or the is-connected
attribute, page 510.

524 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

{attribute 'reflection'}

Refer to the attribute instance-path example, page 509 and to the attribute
is-connected example, page 511.

Attribute subsequent
The pragma {attribute 'subsequent'} forces variables to be allocated in a
row at one location in memory. If the list changes, the whole list will be allocated at
a new location. This pragma is used in programs and global variable lists (GVL).

{attribute 'subsequent'}
NOTE: If one variable in the list is RETAIN, the whole list will be located in
retain memory.
NOTE: VAR_TEMP in a program with attribute subsequent will be detected
as a compiler error.

Attribute symbol
The pragma {attribute 'symbol'} defines which variables are to be handled
in the symbol configuration.
The following export operations are performed on the variables:
• Variables are exposed as symbols in the symbol configuration.
• Variables are exported to an XML file in the project directory.
• Variables are exported to a file not visible and available on the target system
for external access, for example, by an OPC server.
Variables provided with that attribute will be downloaded to the controller even if
they have not been configured or are not visible within the symbol configuration
NOTE: The symbol configuration has to be available as an object below the
respective application in the Tools Tree.

{attribute 'symbol' := 'none' | 'read' | 'write' | 'readwrite'}
Access is only allowed on symbols coming from programs or global variable lists.
For accessing a symbol, specify the symbol name completely.
You can assign the pragma definition to particular variables or collectively to all
variables declared in a program.
• To be valid for a single variable, place the pragma in the line before the
variable declaration.

EIO0000002854.04 525
Variables Declaration

• To be valid for all variables contained in the declaration part of a program,

place the pragma in the first line of the declaration editor. In this case, you can
also modify the settings for particular variables by explicitly adding a pragma.
The possible access on a symbol is defined by the following pragma parameters:
• 'none'
• 'read'
• 'write'
• 'readwrite'
If no parameter is defined, the default 'readwrite' will be valid.

With the following configuration, the variables A and B will be exported with read
and write access. Variable D will be exported with read access.
{attribute 'symbol' := 'readwrite'}
A : INT;
B : INT;
{attribute 'symbol' := 'none'}
C : INT;
{attribute 'symbol' := 'read'}
D : INT;

Attribute to_string
The to_string attribute determines the output type of the result of an
enumeration component conversion with the TO_STRING operator. If the
enumeration declaration contains the pragma, the name of the enumeration
component is displayed as string instead of the numeric value.

{attribute 'to_string'}

Insert Location
Insert the to_string attribute in the first line above the declaration part of the

Declaration of the enumeration color:
{attribute 'to_string'}
TYPE color :
red := 0,
blue := 1,
green := 2
Conversion with TO_STRING:

526 EIO0000002854.04
Variables Declaration

i_color: color;
s_show_color: STRING;
i_color := 1;
s_show_color := TO_STRING(i_color);
In this case, s_show_color displays the value ‘blue’ instead of 1 as the
conversion result.

Attribute warning disable

You can use the pragma warning disable to suppress advisories. To enable
the display of the advisory, use the pragma warning restore.

{warning disable <compiler ID>}
Compiler ID: Every advisory and every error detected by the compiler has a
unique ID, which is displayed at the beginning of the description.

Example Compiler Messages

------ Build started: Application: Device.Application ------
typify code ...
C0196: Implicit conversion from unsigned Type 'UINT' to
signed Type 'INT' : possible change of sign
Compile complete -- 0 errors

{warning disable C0195}
test1 : UINT := -1;
{warning restore C0195}
test2 : UINT := -1;
In this example, an advisory will be detected for test2. But no advisory will be
detected for test1.

The Smart Coding Functionality

Smart Coding
Wherever identifiers (like variables or function block instances) can be entered
(this can be inside of the IEC 61131-3 language editors or inside Watch, Trace,
Visualization windows), the smart coding functionality is available. You can
customize this feature in the SmartCoding section of the Tools > Options dialog

EIO0000002854.04 527
Variables Declaration

Support in Identifier Insertion

The smart coding functionality helps to insert a correct identifier:
• If you - at any place, where a global identifier can be inserted - insert a dot (.)
instead of the identifier, a selection box will display. It lists the currently
available global variables. You can choose one of these elements and press
the RETURN key to insert it behind the dot. You can also insert the element
by double-clicking the list entry.
• If you enter a function block instance or a structure variable followed by a dot
(.), then a selection box will appear. It lists the input and output variables of
the corresponding function block or the structure components. You can
choose the desired element by pressing the RETURN key or by double-
clicking the list entry to insert it.
• In the ST editor, if you enter any string and press CTRL+SPACE, a selection
box will display. It lists the POUs and global variables available in the project.
The first list entry, which is starting with the given string, will be selected.
Press the RETURN key to insert it into the program.

The smart coding functionality offers components of structure:

The smart coding functionality offers components of a function block:

528 EIO0000002854.04
Data Types

Data Types
What’s in This Chapter
General Information..................................................................................... 529
Standard Data Types ................................................................................... 529
Extensions to IEC Standard ......................................................................... 535
User-Defined Data Types............................................................................. 539

General Information
Data Types
You can use standard data types, page 529, user-defined data types, page 539, or
instances of function blocks when programming in EcoStruxure Machine Expert.
Each identifier is assigned to a data type. This data type dictates how much
memory space will be reserved and what type of values it stores.

Standard Data Types

Standard Data Types
EcoStruxure Machine Expert supports all data types, page 529 described by
standard IEC61131-3.
The following data types are described in this chapter:
• BOOL, page 529
• Integer, page 530
• REAL / LREAL, page 531
• STRING, page 532
• WSTRING, page 532
• Date and time data types, page 533
• ANY and ANY_<type>, page 534
Additionally, some standard-extending data types, page 535 are supported and
you can define your own user-defined data types, page 539.

BOOL type variables can have the values TRUE (1) and FALSE (0). 8 bits of
memory space are reserved.
For further information, refer to the chapter BOOL constants, page 628.
NOTE: You can use implicit checks to validate the conversion of variable
types (refer to the chapter POUs for Implicit Checks, page 164).

EIO0000002854.04 529
Data Types

The table lists the available integer data types. Each of the types covers a different
range of values. The following range limitations apply.

Data Type Lower Limit Upper Limit Memory Space

BYTE 0 255 8 bit

WORD 0 65,535 16 bit

DWORD 0 4,294,967,295 32 bit

LWORD 0 264-1 64 bit

SINT –128 127 8 bit
USINT 0 255 8 bit
INT –32,768 32,767 16 bit

UINT 0 65,535 16 bit

DINT –2,147,483,648 2,147,483,647 32 bit

UDINT 0 4,294,967,295 32 bit

LINT –263 263-1 64 bit

ULINT 0 264-1 64 bit

NOTE: Conversions from larger types to smaller types may result in loss of
For further information, refer to the description of number constants, page 632.
NOTE: You can use implicit checks to validate the conversion of variable
types (refer to the chapter POUs for Implicit Checks, page 164).

530 EIO0000002854.04
Data Types

The data types REAL and LREAL are floating-point types. They represent rational
Characteristics of REAL and LREAL data types:

Data type Lower limit Upper limit Memory Space

REAL -3.402823e+38 3.402823e+38 32 bit

LREAL -1.7976931348623158e+308 1.7976931348623158e+308 64 bit

rMax: REAL := 3.402823E+38; // Largest number
rPosMin : REAL := 1.0E-44; // Smallest positive number
rNegMax: REAL := -1.0E-44; // Largest negative number
rMin: REAL := -3.402823E+38; // Smallest number
lrMax: LREAL := 1.7976931348623158E+308; // Largest
lrPosMin : LREAL := 4.94065645841247E-324; // Smallest
positve number
lNegMax: LREAL := -4.94065645841247E-324; // Largest
negative number
lrMin: LREAL := -1.7976931348623158E+308; // Smallest
NOTE: The support of data type LREAL depends on the target device. See in
the corresponding documentation whether the 64-bit type LREAL gets
converted to REAL during compilation (possibly with a loss of information) or
NOTE: If a REAL or LREAL is converted to SINT, USINT, INT, UINT, DINT,
UDINT, LINT, or ULINT and the value of the real number is out of the value
range of that integer, the result will be undefined and will depend on the target
system. Even an exception is possible in this case. In order to get target-
independant code, handle any range exceedance by the application. If the
REAL/LREAL number is within the integer value range, the conversion will
work on all systems in the same way.
When assigning i1 := r1; an error is detected. Therefore, the previous note
applies when using conversion operators, page 588 such as the following:
i1 := REAL_TO_INT(r1);
For further information, refer to REAL/LREAL constants (operands), page 633.
NOTE: You can use implicit checks to validate the conversion of variable
types (refer to the chapter POUs for Implicit Checks, page 164).

EIO0000002854.04 531
Data Types

A STRING data type variable can contain any string of characters. The size entry
in the declaration determines the memory space to be reserved for the variable. It
refers to the number of characters in the string and can be placed in parentheses
or square brackets. If no size specification is given, the default size of 80
characters will be used.
In general, the length of a string is not limited. But string functions can only
process strings with a length of 1...255 characters. If a variable is initialized with a
string too long for the variable data type, the string will be correspondingly cut from
right to left.
NOTE: The memory space needed for a variable of type STRING is 1 byte per
character + 1 additional byte. This means, the “STRING[80]” declaration
needs 81 bytes.
Example of a string declaration with 35 characters:
str:STRING(35):='This is a String';
For further information, refer to WSTRING and STRING Constants (Operands),
page 633.
NOTE: You can use implicit checks to validate the conversion of variable
types (refer to the chapter POUs for Implicit Checks, page 164).

The WSTRING data type differs from the STRING type (ASCII) by interpretation in
Unicode format, and needing two bytes for each character and two bytes extra
memory space (each only one in case of a STRING).
The library standard64.lib provides functions for WSTRING strings.
The number of characters for WSTRING depends on the contained characters. A
size of 10 for WSTRING means that the length of the WSTRING can take a
maximum of 10 WORDS. For some characters in Unicode, multiple WORDS are
required for coding a character so that the number of characters does not have to
correspond to the length of the WSTRING (10 in this case). The data type requires
one WORD of extra memory as it is terminated with a 0.
If a size is not defined, then 80 WORDS plus one for the terminating character 0
are allocated.
wstr:WSTRING:="This is a WString";
wstr10 : WSTRING(10) := "1234567890";
For further information, refer to the following descriptions:
• STRING, page 532
• STRING constants, page 633 (operands)

532 EIO0000002854.04
Data Types

Date and Time Data Types

The data types TIME, TIME_OF_DAY (shortened TOD), DATE, and DATE_AND_
TIME (shortened DT) are handled internally like DWORD. The data types LDATE,
LDATE_AND_TIME (LDT) and LTIME_OF_DAY (LTOD) are handled internally like
LWORD.Time is given in milliseconds in TIME and TOD. Time in TOD begins at
12:00 A.M. Time is given in seconds in DATE and DT beginning with January 1,
1970 at 12:00 A.M.
LTIME is supported as time base for high resolution timers. LTIME is of size 64 bit
and resolution nanoseconds.
Syntax of LTIME:
LTIME#<time declaration>
The time declaration can include the time units as used with the TIME constant
and as:
• us : microseconds
• ns : nanoseconds
Example of LTIME:
LTIME1 := LTIME#1000d15h23m12s34ms2us44ns
For further information, refer to the following descriptions:
• Data Types, page 529
• TIME constants, page 628
• DATE constants, page 629
• DATE_AND_TIME constants, page 630
• TIME_OF_DAY constants, page 631
• LDATE constants, page 629
• LDATE_AND_TIME constants, page 630
• LTIME_OF_DAY constants, page 632
NOTE: You can use implicit checks to validate the conversion of variable
types (refer to the chapter POUs for Implicit Checks, page 164).

EIO0000002854.04 533
Data Types

ANY / ANY_<type>
When you implement a function, and one of the function inputs (VAR_INPUT) has
a generic IEC data type (ANY or ANY_<type>), then the data type of the call
parameter is not defined as unique. Variables of different data types can be
passed to this function. The value passed and its type can be requested within the
function via a predefined structure.
Generic IEC data types that allow the use of elementary data types for function

Hierarchy of generic data types Elementary data types








value : ANY_BIT;
If the function ANYBIT_TO_BCD is called, then a variable of data type BYTE,
WORD, DWORD, or LWORD can be passed to the function as a parameter.
Predefined structure:
When compiling the code, an ANY data type is replaced internally with the
following structure:
TYPE AnyType :
// the type of the actual parameter
typeclass : __SYSTEM.TYPE_CLASS ;
// the pointer to the actual parameter
// the size of the data, to which the pointer points
diSize : DINT;
The actual call parameter assigns the structure elements at runtime.
This code example compares whether the two passed variables have the same
type and the same value.
FUNCTION Generic_Compare : BOOL
any1 : ANY;
any2 : ANY;
icount: DINT;

Generic_Compare := FALSE;
IF any1.typeclass <> any2.typeclass THEN
IF any1.diSize <> any2.diSize THEN

534 EIO0000002854.04
Data Types

// Byte comparison
FOR icount := 0 TO any1.diSize-1 DO
IF any1.pvalue[iCount] <> any2.pvalue[iCount] THEN
Generic_Compare := TRUE;
Also refer to the description of the __VARINFO operator, page 618.

Extensions to IEC Standard

This chapter lists the data types that are supported by EcoStruxure Machine
Expert in addition to the standard IEC 61131-3.

As an extension to the IEC 61131-3 standard, you can declare unions in user-
defined types.
The components of a union have the same offset. Therefore, they occupy the
same storage location. Thus, assuming a union definition as shown in the
following example, an assignment to name.a also manipulates name.b.

a : LREAL;
b : LINT;

You can use the BIT data type only for particular variables within structures, page
549 or in a function block, page 166. The possible values are TRUE (1) and
FALSE (0).
A BIT element consumes 1 bit of memory space and allows you to address single
bits of a structure by name (for further information, refer to the paragraph Bit
Access in Structures, page 550). Bit elements which are declared one after
another will be combined in bytes. In contrast to BOOL types, page 529, where 8
bits are reserved in any case, the use of memory space can get optimized. On the
other hand, the access to bits takes definitely more time. For that reason, use the
BIT data type if you want to store several boolean pieces of information in a
compact format.

EIO0000002854.04 535
Data Types

This data type is available in extension to the IEC 61131-3 standard.
A reference stores the address of an object (a variable) that is located elsewhere
in memory; in this respect, the behavior is identical to a pointer.
In contrast to a pointer, a variable behaves like an object when the syntax is
concerned. Additionally, variables declared as REFERENCE provide the following
advantages compared to POINTERS:
• A reference does not have to be dereferenced explicitly (with ^) to access the
contents of the referenced object.
• When passing values to input parameters of functions/function blocks/
methods, the following applies: If an input is declared as REFERENCE TO
<data type>, a variable of the corresponding <data type> can be passed
(refInput := variable instead of ptrInput :=ADR(variable)).
• The compiler verifies that references of the same data type are assigned to
each other.
For further information, refer to the Assignment operator REF description, page
You can also use an implicit pointer monitoring function as described in the
paragraph CheckPointer function, page 538.

<identifier> : REFERENCE TO <data type>

Example Declaration
B : DUT;
C : DUT;
A REF= B; // corresponds to A := ADR(B);
A := C; // corresponds to A^ := C;
NOTE: It is not possible to declare references like REFERENCE TO

Check for Valid References

You can use the operator __ISVALIDREF to check whether a reference points to
a valid value that is a value unequal to 0.
<Boolean variable name> := __ISVALIDREF( <reference name> );
<reference name>: Identifier declared with type REFERENCE TO <data type>.
The boolean variable is TRUE, if the reference points to a valid value. Otherwise it
ivar : INT;
testref: BOOL := FALSE;

536 EIO0000002854.04
Data Types

ivar := ivar +1;

ref_int REF= ivar;
ref_int0 REF= 0;
testref := __ISVALIDREF(ref_int); (* will be TRUE, because
ref_int points to ivar, which is unequal 0 *)
testref := __ISVALIDREF(ref_int0); (* will be FALSE, because
ref_int is set to 0 *)

As an extension to the IEC 61131-3 standard, you can use pointers.
Pointers save addresses while an application program is running. A pointer can
point to a variable of any data type, page 529 or to a function block instance. The
possibility of using an implicit pointer monitoring function is described further
below in the paragraph CheckPointer function, page 538.

Syntax of a Pointer Declaration

<identifier>: POINTER TO <data type>;
Dereferencing a pointer means to obtain the value currently stored at the address
to which it is pointing. You can dereference a pointer by adding the content
operator ^ (ASCII caret or circumflex symbol), page 587 after the pointer identifier.
See pt^ in the example below.
You can use the ADR address operator, page 586 to assign the address of a
variable to a pointer.
NOTE: Pointers pointing to an I/O input require write access. This leads to the
compiler message '<pointer name >' is not a valid assignment
target when the code is generated.
Example: pwInput := ADR(wInput);
To help avoid the compiler detecting such an error, copy the input value
(wInput) to a variable with write access.

pt:POINTER TO INT; (* of pointer pt *)
var_int1:INT := 5; (* declaration of variables var_int1 and
var_int2 *)
pt := ADR(var_int1); (* address of var_int1 is assigned to
pointer pt *)
var_int2:= pt^; (* value 5 of var_int1 gets assigned to
var_int2 via dereferencing of pointer pt; *)
In online mode, you can jump from a pointer to the declaration location of the
referenced variable by executing the Go To Reference command (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

Function Pointers
EcoStruxure Machine Expert also supports function pointers. These pointers can
be passed to external libraries, but it is not possible to call a function pointer within
an application in the programming system. The runtime function for registration of

EIO0000002854.04 537
Data Types

callback functions (system library function) expects the function pointer, and,
depending on the callback for which the registration was requested, the respective
function will be called implicitly by the runtime system (for example, at STOP). In
order to enable such a system call (runtime system), set the respective properties
(by default under View > Properties... > Build) for the function object.
You can use the ADR operator, page 586 on function names, program names,
function block names, and method names. Since functions can move after online
change, the result is not the address of the function, but the address of a pointer to
the function. This address is valid as long as the function exists on the target.
Executing the Online Change command can change the contents of addresses.

Verify the validity of the pointers when using pointers on addresses and
executing the Online Change command.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment

Index Access to Pointers

As an extension to the IEC 61131-3 standard, index access [] to variables of type
POINTER, STRING, page 532 and WSTRING, page 532 is allowed.
• [i] returns the base data type.
• Index access on pointers is arithmetic:
If the index access is used on a variable of type pointer, the offset pint[i]
equates to (pint + i * SIZEOF(base type))^. The index access also
performs an implicit dereferencing on the pointer. The result type is the base
type of the pointer.
Note that pint[7] does not equate to (pint + 7)^.
• If the index access is used on a variable of type STRING, the result is the
character at offset index-expr. The result is of type BYTE. [i] will return
the i-th character of the string as a SINT (ASCII).
• If the index access is used on a variable of type WSTRING, the result is the
character at offset index-expr. The result is of type WORD. [i] will return
the i-th character of the string as INT (Unicode).
NOTE: You can also use References, page 536. In contrast to a pointer,
references directly affect a value.

Subtracting Pointers
The result of the difference between two pointers is a value of type DWORD.

CheckPointer Function
To monitor pointer access during runtime, you can use the implicit monitoring
function CheckPointer. You can adapt it, if required. To achieve this, add the
POUs for implicit checks object, page 164 to the application. Activate the check
box related to the category Pointer Checks.
NOTE: You have to implement the CheckPointer function during machine
commissioning to verify whether the passed pointer refers to a valid memory
address and whether the alignment of the referenced memory area fits to the
data type of the variable that the pointer points to.
CheckPointer monitors variables of type REFERENCE TO in a similar way.
NOTE: There is no implicit call of the check function for the THIS pointer.

538 EIO0000002854.04
Data Types

Declaration part:
// Implicitly generated code : DO NOT EDIT
iSize : DINT;
iGran : DINT;
bWrite: BOOL;
When called, the following input parameters are provided to the function:
• ptToTest: Target address of the pointer
• iSize: Size of referenced variable; the data type of iSize has to be integer-
compatible and has to cover the maximum potential data size stored at the
pointer address.
• iGran: Granularity of the access that is the largest non-structured data type
used in the referenced variable; the data type of iGran has to be integer-
• bWrite: Type of access (TRUE= write access, FALSE= read access); the
data type of bWrite has to be BOOL.

Implementation of the CheckPointer Function for PacDrive Controllers

The implementation of the CheckPointer function for PacDrive controllers
(PacDrive LMC Eco / PacDrive LMC Pro/Pro2) is to generate a system runtime
exception and to write a call stack to the message logger when the memory
address or the alignment is invalid.
Implementation part:
CheckPointer := ptToTest;
IF ptToTest = 0 THEN
FC_DiagMsgWrite(4, 'CP = 0');
CheckPointer := ptToTest;

Implementation of the CheckPointer Function for Optimized Controllers

The implementation of the CheckPointer function for Optimized Controllers (for
example, Modicon M241 Logic Controller) is to return the passed pointer.
Implementation part (incomplete):
// No standard way of implementation. Fill your own code
CheckPointer := ptToTest;
In case of a positive result of the check, the unmodified input pointer will be
returned (ptToTest).

User-Defined Data Types

Defined Data Types
Additionally, to the standard data types, you can define special data types within a

EIO0000002854.04 539
Data Types

You can define them via creating DUT (Data Unit Type) objects in the POUs tree
or Devices tree or within the declaration part of a POU.
See the Best practices for the Naming of Identifiers, page 463 in order to make it
as unique as possible.
See the following user-defined data types:
• arrays, page 540
• structures, page 549
• enumerations, page 550
• subrange types, page 552
• references, page 536
• pointers, page 537

An array is a collection of data elements of the same data type. One- and multi-
dimensional arrays of fixed or variable length are supported. You can define
arrays both in the declaration part of a POU and in the global variable lists. You
can also use implicit boundary checks, page 542.
The data type ARRAY with variable length can only be declared for VAR_IN_OUT
variables of function blocks, methods, and functions. Use the operators LOWER_
BOUND(<array name>,<dim>) and UPPER_BOUND(<array name>,<dim>)
to get the lower and upper limits of this array.

Syntax for the Declaration of an Array with Defined Length

<Array_Name> : ARRAY [<ll1>..<ul1>,<ll2>..<ul2>,..,<lln>..<uln>] OF <elem.
ll1, ll2, lln identify the lower limit of the field range.
ul1, ul2, and uln identify the upper limit of the field range.
The range values have to be of type integer.

Example for the Declaration of an Array with Defined Length

Card_game: ARRAY [1..13, 1..4] OF INT;

Syntax for the Declaration of an Array with Variable Length

<Array name> :ARRAY[* ( , * )+ ] OF <data type>;
// (...)+: One or more further dimensions

Example for the Declaration of an Array with Variable Length

FUNCTION SUM: INT; // Onedimensional
arrays of variable lengths can be
passed to this addition function.

540 EIO0000002854.04
Data Types

i, sum2 : DINT;
sum2:= 0;
length of the respective array is determined.
sum2:= sum2 + A[i];
SUM:= sum2;

Initializing Arrays
Example for complete initialization of an array
arr1 : ARRAY [1..5] OF INT := [1,2,3,4,5];
arr2 : ARRAY [1..2,3..4] OF INT := [1,3(7)]; (* short for
1,7,7,7 *)
arr3 : ARRAY [1..2,2..3,3..4] OF INT := [2(0),4(4),2,3];
(* short for 0,0,4,4,4,4,2,3 *)
Example of the initialization of an array of a structure
Structure definition
Array initialization
ARRAY[1..3] OF STRUCT1:= [(p1:=1,p2:=10,p3:=4723),(p1:=2,p2:
Example of the partial initialization of an array
arr1 : ARRAY [1..10] OF INT := [1,2];
Elements where no value is pre-assigned are initialized with the default initial
value of the basic type. In the previous example, the elements arr1[3]...arr1
[10] are therefore initialized with 0.

Example of the Initialization of an Array of Function Blocks with Additional

Parameters in FB_Init
Example of a function block FB and method FB_Init with two parameters:
_nId : INT;
_lrIn : LREAL;
bInitRetains : BOOL;
bInCopyCode : BOOL;
nId : INT;
lrIn : LREAL;
_nId := nId;
_lrIn := lrIN;
Example of array declaration with initialization:
inst : FB(nId := 11, lrIn := 33.44);
ainst : ARRAY [0..1, 0..1] OF FB[(nId :=
12, lrIn := 11.22), (nId := 13, lrIn :=
22.33), (nId := 14, lrIn := 33.55),(nId := 15,

EIO0000002854.04 541
Data Types

lrIn := 11.22)];

Accessing Array Elements

In a two-dimensional array, access the elements as follows:
<Array name>[Index1,Index2]
Card_game [9,2]

Check Functions on Array Bounds

In order to access an array element properly during runtime, the function
CheckBounds has to be available to the application. For information on inserting
the function, refer to the description of the POUs for implicit checks function,
page 164.
This check function has to treat boundary violations by an appropriate method (for
example, by setting a detected error flag or adjusting the index). The function is
called implicitly as soon as a variable of type ARRAY is assigned.

Example for the Use of Function CheckBounds

The default implementation of the check function is the following:
Declaration part:
// Implicitly generated code : DO NOT EDIT
index, lower, upper: DINT;
Implementation part:
// Implicitly generated code : Only an Implementation
IF index < lower THEN
CheckBounds := lower;
ELSIF index > upper THEN
CheckBounds := upper;
CheckBounds := index;
When called, the function gets the following input parameters:
• index: field element index
• lower: the lower limit of the field range
• upper: the upper limit of the field range
As long as the index is within the range, the return value is the index itself.
Otherwise, in correspondence to the range violation either the upper or the lower
limit of the field range will be returned.

Exceeding the Upper Limit of the Array a

The upper limit of the array a is exceeded in the following example:
a: ARRAY[0..7] OF BOOL;
b: INT:=10;

542 EIO0000002854.04
Data Types

In this example, the implicit call to the CheckBounds function preceding the
assignment affects that the value of the index is changed from 10 into the upper
limit 7. Therefore, the value TRUE is assigned to the element a[7] of the array.
This is how you can correct attempted access outside the array range via the
function CheckBounds.

Vector operations are supported natively only on 64-bit processors and offer a
performance advantage only on these processors. Consult the data sheet of your
controller for information on the processor.
Vector operations on the x86/64-bit platforms with SSE2 and ARM64 with NEON
are supported natively. On other platforms, vector operations are divided into
individual statements. For example, vector addition is performed by executing
multiple single addition operations.
The command set extensions of the processors are SIMD (Single Instruction,
Multiple Data) extensions. SIMD describes a computer architecture in which
multiple data sets of the same type are processed simultaneously with one
command call. In vector operations, for example, it is possible to add four pairs of
numbers at the same time.

<variable name> : __VECTOR[ <vector size> ] OF <element
type> ( := <initialization> )? ;

<vector size> : 1 |2 | 3 | 4 | 5| 6 | 7| 8
<element type> : REAL | LREAL
// (...)? : Optional
A vector data type is an array of floating-point numbers with a maximum of 8
elements. The operators __vc<operator name> are available for this data type.
They allow you to implement vector operations without additional function calls.

Syntax for Index Access

<variable name>[ <index> ]
<index> : 0 | 1 | 2| 3 | 4 | 5| 6 | 7
When indexing a vector variable, you can access a single element of the vector.
The index range is from 0...<vector size> - 1.
vcA : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL;

vcA[0] := 1.1;
vcA[1] := 2.2;
vcA[2] := 3.3;

Determining the Optimal Vector Size for Your System

For programming efficient code, determine and use the vector size that suits your
target system.

EIO0000002854.04 543
Data Types

For target systems with computer architecture that is generally suitable for vector
processing, it is not a good practice to use vectors of arbitrary size. An optimal
vector size is available for each processor depending on the type of data
processing. The processing time of vectors of this size is optimized. There is no
advantage in speed for vectors that are declared as a larger array. Vectors that are
declared as smaller arrays do not fully exploit the capabilities of the processor.
You can query the optimal size at runtime by using the following constants of data
type INT:
• Constants.vcOptimalREAL: For vectors with REAL elements.
• Constants.vcOptimalLREAL: For vectors with LREAL elements.
A return value 1 means that the accelerated vector processing is not available for
the target system.
iOVS_REAL : INT; // Optimal vector size for REAL
iOVS_LREAL : INT; // Optimal vector size for LREAL

iOVS_REAL := Constants.vcOptimalREAL;
iOVS_LREAL := Constants.vcOptimalLREAL;

Operator __VCADD
The operator calculates the sum of two vectors.
<vector variable> := <1st vector operand> __VCADD <2nd
vector operand>;
Example of an add operation:
vcA : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL := __VCSET_REAL(3, 3, 3);
vcB : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL := __VCSET_REAL(1, 2, 3);
vcResult : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL;

vcResult := vcA __VCADD vcB;

Operator __VCSUB
The operator calculates the difference between two vectors.
<vector variable> := <vector minuend> __VCSUB <vector
Example of a subtract operation:
vcA : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL := __VCSET_REAL(3, 3, 3);
vcB : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL := __VCSET_REAL(1, 2, 3);
vcResult0 : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL;
vcResult1 : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL;

vcResult0 := vcA __VCSUB vcB;

vcResult1 := vcB __VCSUB vcA;

544 EIO0000002854.04
Data Types

Operator __VCMUL
The operator calculates the product of two vectors or of a scalar (floating-point
number) and a vector.
<vector variable> := <1st vector operand> __VCMUL <2nd
vector operand> | <scalar operand> __VCMUL <vector operand>
| <vector operand> __VCMUL <scalar operand>;
Example of a multiplication operation:
rScalar : REAL := 1.1;
vcA : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL;
vcB : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL;
vcResult0 : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL;
vcResult1 : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL;
vcResult2 : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL;

vcResult0 := vcA __VCMUL vcB;

vcResult1 := rScalar __VCMUL vcB;
vcResult2 := vcA __VCMUL 3.3;

Operator __VCDIV
The operator calculates the quotient of two vectors or of a vector and a scalar.
<vector variable> := <vector dividend> __VCDIV <vector
divisor> | <vector dividend> __VCMUL <scalar divisor>;
Example of a division operation:
iScalar : INT := 3;
rScalar : REAL := 1.5;
vcA : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL := __VCSET_REAL(3, 3, 3);
vcB : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL := __VCSET_REAL(1, 2, 3);
vcResult0 : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL;
vcResult1 : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL;
vcResult2 : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL;

vcResult0 := vcA __VCDIV vcB;

// ERROR CODE vcResult1 := rScalar __VCDIV vcB;
// ERROR CODE vcResult1 := iScalar __VCDIV vcB;
// ERROR CODE vcResult1 := 3.3 __VCDIV vcB;
vcResult2 := vcA __VCDIV 1.5;
vcResult2 := vcA __VCDIV iScalar;
vcResult2 := vcA __VCDIV rScalar;

Operator __VCDOT
The operator calculates the dot product (scalar product) of two vectors.
<scalar variable> := <1st vector operand> __VCDOT <2nd
vector operand>;
Example of a dot product:
rResult : REAL;
vcA : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL := __VCSET_REAL(3, 3, 3);

EIO0000002854.04 545
Data Types

vcB : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL := __VCSET_REAL(1, 2, 3);


rResult := vcA __VCDOT vcB; // = 18

Operator __VCSQRT
The operator calculates the square root of each element in the vector.
<vector variable> := __VCSQRT <vector operand>;
Example of a square root:
vcA : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL := __VCSET_REAL(4, 9, 16);
vcResult0 : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL;

vcResult0 := __VCSQRT(vcA);

Operator __VCMAX
The operator calculates the maximum vector of two vectors. The maximum is
determined element by element.
<vector variable> := __VCMAX <1st vector operand>, <2nd
vector operand>;
Example of a maximum vector:
vcA : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL := __VCSET_REAL(3, 3, 3);
vcB : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL := __VCSET_REAL(1, 2, 6);
vcResult0 : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL;

vcResult0 := __VCMAX(vcA, vcB);

Operator __VCMIN
The operator calculates the minimum vector of two vectors. The minimum is
determined element by element.
<vector variable> := __VCMIN <1st vector operand>, <2nd
vector operand>;
Example of a minimum vector:
vcA : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL := __VCSET_REAL(3, 3, 3);
vcB : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL := __VCSET_REAL(1, 2, 6);
vcResult0 : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL;

vcResult0 := __VCMIN(vcA, vcB);

Operator __VCSET_REAL
The operator sets the elements of a vector in a statement. The elements are of
data type REAL.

546 EIO0000002854.04
Data Types

<vector variable> __VCSET_REAL( <first literal>, ( < next
literal> )+ ) ;
( ... )+ // number of elements have to match
vcA : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL := __VCSET_REAL(3, 3, 3);
vcB : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL := __VCSET_REAL(1, 2, 3);

vcA := __VCSET_REAL(4, 4, 4);

vcB := __VCSET_REAL(1.1, 2.2, 3.3);

Operator __VCSET_LREAL
The operator sets the elements of a vector in a statement. The elements are of
data type LREAL.
You can use the operator wherever variables are valid, such as in assignments,
implementations or as parameters in function calls.
<vector variable> __VCSET_LREAL( <first literal>, ( < next
literal> )+ ) ;
( ... )+ // number of elements have to match
vclA : __VECTOR[3] OF LREAL := __VCSET_LREAL(3, 3,
vclB : __VECTOR[3] OF LREAL := __VCSET_LREAL(1, 2,

vclA := __VCSET_LREAL(-1.7976931348623158E+308, 0.0,

vclB := __VCSET_LREAL(-1.7976931348623158E+308, 0.0,

Operator __VCLOAD_REAL
The operator interprets each arbitrary memory area as a vector. This is useful for
connecting vector variables to existing code.
The operator requires two parameters:
• The first parameter indicates the number of vector elements.
• The second parameter is a pointer to the REAL data.
<vector variable> __VCLOAD_REAL( <vector size>, ( < pointer
to data of type REAL> ) ;
<vector size> : 2 | 3 | 4 | 5| 6 | 7| 8
Example of interpretation as vector:
rData0 : REAL := 1.234;
rData1: REAL := 5.678;
rData2 : REAL := 9.123;

EIO0000002854.04 547
Data Types

pData: POINTER TO REAL := ADR(rData0);

vcA : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL := __VCSET_REAL(3, 3, 3);


vcA := __VCLOAD_REAL(3, pData);

The operator interprets each arbitrary memory area as a vector. This is useful for
connecting vector variables to existing code.
The operator requires two parameters:
• The first parameter indicates the number of vector elements.
• The second parameter is a pointer to the LREAL data.
<vector variable> __VCLOAD_LREAL( <vector size>, ( < pointer
to data of type LREAL> ) ;
<number of vector elements> : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5| 6 | 7| 8
Example of interpretation as vector:
lrData0 : LREAL := -1.7976931348623158E+308;
lrData1: LREAL := 1.6E+308;
lrData2 : LREAL := 1.7E+308;
lrData3 : LREAL := -1.6E+308;
plData: POINTER TO LREAL := ADR(lrData0);

vclA : __VECTOR[4] OF LREAL := __VCSET_LREAL(4, 4,

4, 4);
vclA := __VCLOAD_LREAL(4, plData);

Operator __VCSTORE
The operator saves/copies the contents of the vector to the specified memory
address. The number and the types of elements from the vector variables are
__VCSTORE( <pointer to data>, <vector variable> );
Example of storage:
rData0 : REAL := 3;
rData1: REAL := 3;
rData2 : REAL := 3;
pData: POINTER TO REAL := ADR(rData0);

lrData0 : LREAL := 4;
lrData1: LREAL := 4;
lrData2 : LREAL := 4;
lrData3 : LREAL := 4;
plData: POINTER TO LREAL := ADR(lrData0);

548 EIO0000002854.04
Data Types

vcA : __VECTOR[3] OF REAL := __VCSET_REAL( 1.234,

5.678, 9.123);
(-1.7976931348623158E+308, 1.6E+308, 1.7E+308, -1.6E+308);

__VCSTORE(pData, vcA);
__VCSTORE(plData, vclA);

Create structures in a project as DUT (Data Type Unit) objects via the Add Object
dialog box.
They begin with the keywords TYPE and STRUCT and end with END_STRUCT and

TYPE <structurename>:
<declaration of variables 1>
<declaration of variables n>
<structurename> is a type that is recognized throughout the project and can be
used like a standard data type.
Nested structures are allowed. The only restriction is that variables may not be
assigned to addresses (the AT declaration is not allowed).

Example for a structure definition named Polygonline:
TYPE Polygonline:
Start:ARRAY [1..2] OF INT;
Point1:ARRAY [1..2] OF INT;
Point2:ARRAY [1..2] OF INT;
Point3:ARRAY [1..2] OF INT;
Point4:ARRAY [1..2] OF INT;
End:ARRAY [1..2] OF INT;

Initialization of Structures
Poly_1:polygonline := ( Start:=[3,3], Point1:=[5,2], Point2:
=[7,3], Point3:=[8,5], Point4:=[5,7], End:= [3,5]);
Initializations with variables are not possible. For an example of the initialization of
an array of a structure, refer to Arrays, page 540.

EIO0000002854.04 549
Data Types

Access on Structure Components

You can gain access to structure components using the following syntax:
For the previous example of the structure Polygonline, you can access the
component Start by Poly_1.Start.

Bit Access in Structures

The data type BIT, page 535 is a special data type which can only be defined in
structures. It consumes memory space of 1 bit and allows you to address single
bits of a structure by name.
TYPE <structurename>:
<bitname bit1> : BIT;
<bitname bit2> : BIT;
<bitname bit3> : BIT;
<bitname bitn> : BIT;
You can gain access to the structure component BIT by using the following
NOTE: The usage of references and pointer on BIT variables is not possible.
Furthermore, BIT variables are not allowed in arrays.

An enumeration is a user-defined type that is made up of a number of comma-
delimited string constants. These constants are referred to as enumeration values.
Enumeration values are identifiers for global constants in the project.
Enumeration values are recognized globally in all areas of the project even if they
are declared within a POU.
An enumeration is created in a project as a DUT object via the Add Object dialog
NOTE: Local enumeration declaration is only possible within TYPE.

Syntax for Declaring Enumerations

TYPE <enum identifier>: (<enum_0>|:=<value>,<enum_1>|:
=<value>, ...,<enum _n>|:=<value>)|<base data type>|:
=<default value>;
The following elements can additionally be used:
• Initialization of single enumeration values
• Definition of a <base data type> (refer to the paragraph Second Extension
to the IEC 61131-3 Standard, page 552)
• Definitions of a default value for initializing all components

550 EIO0000002854.04
Data Types

Syntax for Declaring Variables with the Enumeration Type

<variable identifier> : <enum identifier>| :=
<initialization value>
A variable of type <enum identifier> can take the enumeration values

If... Then ...

• If you have not defined a <default The variable is initialized with the value of the
first enumeration component. This applies
value> in the declaration of the
enumeration (see following example), and unless a component is initialized with the value
0 in the enumeration declaration. In this case,
• If you have neither defined an explicit the variable is also initialized with the value 0.
initialization value for the declaration of
variables of the type <enum

Example of an Enumeration with an Explicit Initialization Value for a

Declaration of the Enumeration
TYPE TRAFFIC_SIGNAL: (red, yellow, green:=10);
(* The initial value for each of the colors is red 0,
yellow 1, green 10 *)
In this declaration, the first two components get default initialization values:
red = 0, yellow = 1
The initialization value of the third component is explicitly defined:
green = 10
Use in the Implementation
TRAFFIC_SIGNAL1:=10; (* The value of the TRAFFIC_SIGNAL1 is
"green" *)
FOR i:= red TO green DO
i := i + 1;

Example of an Enumeration with a Defined Default Value

Declaration of the Enumeration
) := green;
Use in the Implementation
c1 : COLOR;
c2 : COLOR := yellow;
In this case, the variable c1 is initialized with the value green. The initialization
value yellow is defined for c2.

EIO0000002854.04 551
Data Types

First Extension to the IEC 61131-3 Standard

You can use the type name of enumerations (as a scope operator, page 622) to
disambiguate the access to an enumeration constant.
Therefore, it is possible to use the same constant in different enumerations.
Definition of two enumerations with same-named components
TYPE COLORS_1: (red, blue);
TYPE COLORS_2: (green, blue, yellow);
Use of same-named components from different enumerations in one block
colorvar1 : COLORS_1;
colorvar2 : COLORS_2;
(* valid: *)
colorvar1 :=;
colorvar2 :=;
(* invalid: *)
colorvar1 := blue;
colorvar2 := blue;

Second Extension to the IEC 61131-3 Standard

You can specify explicitly the base data type of the enumeration, which by default
is INT.
Example of an Explicit Other Base Data Type for an Enumeration
TYPE COLORS_2 : (yellow, blue, green:=16#8000)DINT;
NOTE: The strict attribute is automatically assigned to each enumeration
that you add to a project in the line above the TYPE declaration. This leads to
errors that are detected during the compile process in the following cases:
• Arithmetic operation with variables of the enumeration type
• Assignment of a constant value to a variable of the enumeration type, in
which the constant does not correspond to an enumeration value
• Assignment of a non-constant value to a variable of the enumeration type,
in which the non-constant has another data type than the enumeration
You can explicitly add or remove the attribute.
Syntax: {attribute 'strict'}

Subrange Types
A subrange type is a user-defined type, page 539 whose range of values is only a
subset of that of the basic data type. You can also use implicit range boundary
checks, page 553.
You can do the declaration in a DUT object but you can also declare a variable
directly with a subrange type.

Syntax for the declaration as a DUT object:

552 EIO0000002854.04
Data Types

TYPE <name>: <Inttype> (<ug>..<og>) END_TYPE;

<name> a valid IEC identifier

<inttype> one of the data types SINT, USINT, INT, UINT, DINT, UDINT, BYTE, WORD,

<ug> a constant compatible with the basic type, setting the lower boundary of the
range types

The lower boundary itself is included in this range.

<og> a constant compatible with the basic type, setting the upper boundary of the
range types.

The upper boundary itself is included in this basic type.

SubInt : INT (-4095..4095);

Direct Declaration of a Variable with a Subrange Type

i : INT (-4095..4095);
ui : UINT (0..10000);
If a value is assigned to a subrange type (in the declaration or in the
implementation) but does not match this range (for example, i:=5000 in the
upper shown declaration example), a message will be issued.

Check Functions for Range Bounds

In order to observe the range bounds of subrange types during runtime, the
functions CheckRangeSigned, CheckLRangeSigned or
CheckRangeUnsigned, CheckLRangeUnsigned have to be added to the
application. For information on inserting the function, refer to the description of the
POUs for implicit checks function, page 164.
The purpose of this check function is the proper treatment of violations of the
subrange (for example, by setting an error flag or changing the value). The
function is called implicitly as soon as a variable of subrange type is assigned.

Do not change the declaration part of an implicit check function.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

The assignment of a variable belonging to a signed subrange type entails an
implicit call to CheckRangeSigned. The default implementation of that function
trimming a value to the permissible range is provided as follows:
Declaration part:
// Implicitly generated code : DO NOT EDIT
FUNCTION CheckRangeSigned : DINT

EIO0000002854.04 553
Data Types

value, lower, upper: DINT;
Implementation part:
// Implicitly generated code : Only an Implementation
IF (value < lower) THEN
CheckRangeSigned := lower;
ELSIF(value > upper) THEN
CheckRangeSigned := upper;
CheckRangeSigned := value;
When called, the function gets the following input parameters:
• value: the value to be assigned to the range type
• lower: the lower boundary of the range
• upper: the upper boundary of the range
As long as the assigned value is within the valid range, it will be used as return
value of the function. Otherwise, in correspondence to the range violation, either
the upper or the lower boundary of the range will be returned.
The assignment i:=10*y will now be replaced implicitly by
i := CheckRangeSigned(10*y, -4095, 4095);
If y, for example, has the value 1000, the variable i will not be assigned to
10*1000=10000 (as provided by the original implementation), but to the upper
boundary of the range that is 4095.
The same applies to function CheckRangeUnsigned.
NOTE: If neither of the functions is available, no type checking of subrange
types occurs during runtime. In this case, you can assign any DINT/UDINT
value to a variable of subrange type DINT/UDINT. You can assign any LINT/
ULINT value to a variable of a subrange type LINT/ULINT.

554 EIO0000002854.04
Programming Guidelines

Programming Guidelines
What’s in This Chapter
Naming Conventions ................................................................................... 555
Prefixes ...................................................................................................... 556
SmartTag Functions .................................................................................... 561

Naming Conventions
General Information
Creating Designator Names
Choose a relevant, short, description in English for each designator: the basis
name. The basis name should be self-explanatory. Capitalize the first letter of
each word in the basis name. Write the rest in lower case letters (example:
FileSize). This basis name receives prefixes to indicate scope and properties.
Whenever possible, the designator should not contain more than 20 characters.
This value is a guideline. You can adjust the number upward or downward if
If abbreviations of standard terms (TP, JK-FlipFlop, ...) are used, the name should
not contain more than 3 capital letters in sequence.

Consider case-sensitivity, especially for prefixes, to improve readability when
using designators in the IEC program.
NOTE: The compiler is not case-sensitive.

Valid Characters
Use only the following letters, numbers and special characters in designators:
0...9, A...Z, a...z,
In order to be able to display the prefixes clearly, an underline is used as the
separator. The syntax is explained in the respective prefix section.
Do not use underscores in the basis name.

Correct Designator Incorrect Designators

diState diSTATE
xInit x_Init

diCycleCounter diCyclecounter

lrRefVelocity lrRef_Velocity

c_lrMaxPosition clrMaxPosition

FC_PidController FC_PIDController

EIO0000002854.04 555
Programming Guidelines

Prefix Parts
Prefixes are used to assign names by function.
The following parts of prefixes are available:

Prefix part Use Syntax Example

scope prefix, page 557 scope of variables and [scope]_[designator] G_diFirstUserFault

data type prefix, page 557 identifying the data type of [type][designator] xEnable
variables and constants
property prefix, page 559 identifying the properties of [property]_[designator] c_iNumberOfAxes
variables and constants
POU prefix, page 559 identifying if POU was [POU]_[designator] FB_VisuController
implemented as a function,
function block, or program

namespace prefix, page 560 for POUs, data types, variables, [namespace].[identifier] TPL.G_dwErrorCode
and constants declared within a

Order of Prefixes
Designators contain the scope prefix and the type prefix. Use the property prefix
according to the property of the variables (for example, for constants). An
additional namespace prefix is used for libraries.

Obligatory Order
The following order is obligatory:
Scope prefixes and property prefixes are separated from type prefixes by an
underscore (_).
Gc_dwErrorCode : DWORD;
diCycleCounter : DINT;
The additional namespace prefix is used for libraries:

Independent Program Organization Units (POUs)

Insert an underscore to separate program organization units (functions, function
blocks, and programs) prefixes from identifiers:

556 EIO0000002854.04
Programming Guidelines

Use the additional namespace prefix for libraries:
Namespace prefixes are separated from POU prefixes by a dot (.).

Dependent Program Organization Units (POUs)

Methods, actions, and properties are considered to be dependent POUs. These
are used on a level below an independent POU.
Methods and actions do not have any prefixes.
Properties receive the type prefix of their return value.

Scope Prefix
The scope prefix indicates the scope of variables and constants. It indicates
whether it is a local or global variable, or a constant.
Global variables are indicated by a capital G_ and a property prefix c is added to
global constants (followed by an underscore in each case).
NOTE: Additionally identify the global variables and constants of libraries with
the namespace of the library.

Scope Prefix Type Use Example

no prefix VAR local variable xEnable

G_ VAR_GLOBAL global variable G_diFirstUserFault

Gc_ VAR_GLOBAL CONSTANT global constant Gc_dwErrorCode

Gc_dwExample : DWORD := 16#0000001A;
Access to the global variable of a library with the namespace INF:
INF.G_dwExample := 16#0000001A;

Data Type Prefix

Standard Data Types
The data type prefix identifies the data type of variables and constants.
NOTE: The data type prefix can also be composite, for example, for pointers,
references and arrays. The pointer or array is listed first, followed by the prefix
of the pointer type or array type.

EIO0000002854.04 557
Programming Guidelines

The IEC 61131-3 standard data type prefixes as well as the prefixes for the
extensions to the standard are listed in the table.

Data type prefix Type Use (memory location) Example

x BOOL boolean (8 bit) xName

by BYTE bit sequence (8 bit) byName

w WORD bit sequence (16 bit) wName

dw DWORD bit sequence (32 bit) dwName

lw LWORD bit sequence (64 bit) lwName

si SINT short integer (8 bit) siName

i INT integer (16 bit) iName

di DINT doubled integer (32 bit) diName

li LINT long integer (64 bit) liName

uli ULINT long integer (64 bit) uliName

usi USINT short integer (8 bit) usiName

ui UINT integer (16 bit) uiName

udi UDINT doubled integer (32 bit) udiName

r REAL floating-point number (32 bit) rName

lr LREAL doubled floating-point number lrName

(64 bit)

dat DATE date (32 bit) datName

t TOD time (32 bit) tName

dt DT date and time (32 bit) dtName

tim TIME duration (32 bit) timName

ltim LTIME duration (64 bit) ltimName

s STRING character string ASCII sName

ws WSTRING character string unicode wsName

p pointers pointer pxName

r reference reference rxName

a array field axName

e enumeration list type eName

st struct structure stName

if interface interface ifMotion
ut union union uName
fb function block function block fbName

piCounter: POINTER TO INT;
aiCounters: ARRAY [1..22] OF INT;
paiRefCounter: POINTER TO ARRAY [1..22] OF INT;
apstTest : ARRAY[1..2] OF POINTER TO ST_MotionStructure;
ifMotion : IF_Motion;

558 EIO0000002854.04
Programming Guidelines

Property Prefix
The property prefix identifies the properties of variables and constants.

Prefix Type Use Syntax Example

c_ VAR CONSTANT local constant c_xName

r_ VAR RETAIN remanent variable type retain r_xName

p_ VAR PERSISTENT remanent variable type p_xName


rp_ VAR PERSISTENT remanent variable of type retain rp_xName


i_ VAR_INPUT input parameter of a POU i_xName

q_ VAR_OUTPUT output parameter of a POU q_xName

iq_ VAR_IN_OUT in-/output parameter of a POU iq_xName

ati_ AT %IX x.y AT %IB z AT %IW k input variable that should write ati_x0_0MasterEncoderInitOK
on the IEC input area

atq_ AT %QX x.y AT %QB z AT %QW k output variable that should write atq_w18AxisNotDone
on the IEC input area

atm_ AT %MX x.y AT %MB z AT %MW k marker variable that should write atm_w19ModuleNotReady
on the IEC marker area

• Do not declare constants as RETAIN or PERSISTENT.
• Do not declare any RETAIN variables within POUs. This administers the
complete POU in the retain memory area.

Example of AT-Declared Variables

The name of the AT-declared variable also contains the type of the target variable.
It is used like the type prefix.
ati_xEncoderInit AT %IX0.0 : BOOL;
atq_wAxisNotDone AT %QW18 : WORD;
atm_wModuleNotReady AT %MW19 : WORD;
NOTE: A variable can also be allocated to an address in the mapping dialog of
a device in the controller configuration (device editor). Whether a device offers
this dialog is described in its documentation.

POU Prefix
The following program organization units (POU) are defined in IEC 61131-3:
• function
• function block
• program
• data structure
• list type
• union
• interface

EIO0000002854.04 559
Programming Guidelines

EcoStruxure Machine Expert offers additional POUs for the creation and
management of test cases:
• test case
• test series
• test resources
The designator is composed of a POU prefix and as short a name as possible (for
example, FB_GetResult). Just like a variable, use uppercase for the first letter of
each word in the name. Write the rest in lower case letters. Form a composite
POU name from a verb and a noun.
The prefix is written with an underscore before the name and identifies the type of
POU based on the table:

POU prefix Type Use Example

SR_ PROGRAM program SR_FlowPackerMachine

FB_ FUNCTION_BLOCK function blocks FB_VisuController

FC_ FUNCTION functions FC_SetUserFault

ST_ STRUCT data structure ST_StandardModuleInterface

ET_ Enumeration list type ST_StandardModuleInterface

UT_ UNION union UT_Values

IF_ INTERFACE interface IF_CamProfile

TC_ Testcase* test case TC_MultiCam

TS_ TestSeries* test series TS_Robotic

TR_ Test resources* test resources TR_Axes

*IEC identifier enhancements introduced by Schneider Electric ETest plugin

Namespace Prefix
You can view the namespace of a library in the Library Manager. Use a short
acronym (PacDriveLib -> PDL) as namespace. Do not change the default
namespace of a library.
To reserve an unambiguous namespace for your own, self-developed libraries,
contact your Schneider Electric responsible.

A function FC_DoSomething() is located within the library TestlibraryA
(namespace TLA) as well as in TestlibraryB (namespace TLB). The respective
function is accessed by prefixing the namespace.
If both libraries are located within a project, the following call-up results in an error
detected during compilation:
In this case, it is necessary to define clearly which POU is to be called up.

560 EIO0000002854.04
Programming Guidelines

SmartTag Functions
SmartTag Function
The SmartTag function provides support in writing program code by suggesting
commands suitable at the programming element. If the cursor is placed on a

programming element with SmartTag function, the light bulb icon is displayed.

Click the icon to display a list of commands available for this programming
Available smart tags:
• The declare variable command (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu
Commands, Online Help) is available for undeclared variables in the
implementation part of the ST editor.

EIO0000002854.04 561

What’s in This Chapter
Arithmetic Operators.................................................................................... 562
Bitstring Operators ...................................................................................... 571
Bit-Shift Operators....................................................................................... 574
Selection Operators..................................................................................... 578
Comparison Operators ................................................................................ 582
Address Operators ...................................................................................... 586
Calling Operator .......................................................................................... 588
Type Conversion Operators ......................................................................... 588
Numeric Functions ...................................................................................... 602
IEC Extending Operators ............................................................................. 608
Initialization Operator................................................................................... 623
Multicore Operators ..................................................................................... 623

EcoStruxure Machine Expert supports all IEC operators. In contrast to the
standard functions, these operators are recognized implicitly throughout the
Besides the IEC operators, the following operators are supported which are not
specified by the standard:
• SIZEOF (refer to arithmetic operators, page 562)
• content operator (refer to address operators, page 586
• some scope operators, page 621
• __XADD

Arithmetic Operators
The following operators, specified by the IEC1131-3 standard, are available:
Additionally, there is the following standard-extending operator:

562 EIO0000002854.04

Consider possible overflows of arithmetic operations in case the resulting value

exceeds the range of the data type used for the result variable. This may result in
low values being written to the machine instead of high values or vice versa.

Always verify the operands and results used in mathematical operations to
avoid arithmetic overflow.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

IEC operator for the addition of variables
Allowed types
• __XINT
• DT
For time data types, the following combinations are possible:

EIO0000002854.04 563

For date and time data types, the following combinations are possible:
In the FBD/LD editor, the ADD operator is an extensible box. This means, instead
of a series of concatenated ADD boxes, you can use 1 box with multiple inputs.
Use the command Insert Input for adding further inputs. The number is unlimited.

Example in IL
LD 7
ST iVar

Example in ST
var1 := 7+2+4+7;

Examples in FBD

1. series of ADD boxes

2. extended ADD box
3. ADD box with EN/ENO parameters

564 EIO0000002854.04

IEC operator for the multiplication of variables
Allowed types
TIME variables can be multiplied with integer variables.
In the FBD/LD editor, the MUL operator is an extensible box. This means, instead
of a series of concatenated MUL boxes, you can use 1 box with multiple inputs.
Use the command Insert Input for adding further inputs. The number is unlimited.

Example in IL
LD 7
MUL 2 ,
4 ,
ST Var1

Example in ST
var1 := 7*2*4*7;

EIO0000002854.04 565

Examples in FBD

1. series of MUL boxes

2. extended MUL box
3. MUL box with EN/ENO parameters

IEC operator for the subtraction of one variable from another one.
Allowed types:
For time data types, the following combinations are possible:

566 EIO0000002854.04

For date and time data types, the following combinations are possible:
Consider that negative TIME / LTIME values are undefined.

Example in IL
LD 7
ST Var1

Example in ST
var1 := 7-2;

Example in FBD

IEC operator for the division of one variable by another one:
Allowed types:

EIO0000002854.04 567

TIME variables can be divided by integer variables.

Example in IL
(Result in Var1 is 4.)
LD 8
ST Var1

Example in ST
var1 := 8/2;

Examples in FBD

1. series of DIV boxes

2. single DIV box
3. DIV box with EN/ENO parameters
Different target systems may behave differently concerning a division by zero
error. It can lead to a controller HALT, or may go undetected.

Use the check functions described in this document, or write your own checks to
avoid division by zero in the programming code.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

NOTE: For more information about the implicit check functions, refer to the
chapter POUs for Implicit Checks, page 164.

Check Functions
You can use the following check functions to verify the value of the divisor in order
to avoid a division by 0 and adapt them, if necessary:

568 EIO0000002854.04

• CheckDivDInt
• CheckDivLint
• CheckDivReal
• CheckDivLReal
For information on inserting the function, refer to the description of the POUs for
implicit checks function, page 164.
The check functions are called automatically before each division found in the
application code.
See the following example for an implementation of the function CheckDivReal.

Default Implementation of the Function CheckDivReal

Declaration part
// Implicitly generated code : DO NOT EDIT
Implementation part:
// Implicitly generated code : only an suggestion for
IF divisor = 0 THEN
The operator DIV uses the output of function CheckDivReal as a divisor. In the
following example, a division by 0 is prohibited as with the 0 initialized value of the
divisor d is changed to 1 by CheckDivReal before the division is executed.
Therefore, the result of the division is 799.
erg:= v1 / d;

IEC operator for the modulo division of one variable by another one.
Allowed types:

EIO0000002854.04 569

The result of this function is the integer remainder of the division.
Different target systems may behave differently concerning a division by zero
error. It can lead to a controller HALT, or may go undetected.

Use the check functions described in this document, or write your own checks to
avoid division by zero in the programming code.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

NOTE: For more information about the implicit check functions, refer to the
chapter POUs for Implicit Checks, page 164.

Example in IL
Result in Var1 is 1.
LD 9
ST Var1

Example in ST
var1 := 9 MOD 2;

Examples in FBD

IEC operator for the assignment of a variable to another variable of an appropriate
data type.
The MOVE operator is possible for all data types.
As MOVE is available as a box in the graphic editors FBD, LD, CFC, there the
(unlocking) EN/ENO functionality can also be applied on a variable assignment.

Example in CFC in Conjunction with the EN/ENO Function

Only if en_i is TRUE, var1 will be assigned to var2.

570 EIO0000002854.04

Example in IL
Result: var2 gets value of var1
LD var1
ST var2
You get the same result with
LD var1
ST var2

Example in ST
ivar2 := MOVE(ivar1);
You get the same result with
ivar2 := ivar1;

This arithmetic operator is not specified by the standard IEC 61131-3.
You can use it to determine the number of bytes required by the given variable x.
The SIZEOF operator returns an unsigned value. The type of the return value will
be adapted to the found size of variable x.

Return Value of SIZEOF(x) Data Type of the Constant Implicitly Used for
the Found Size
0 ≤ size of x < 256 USINT
256 ≤ size of x < 65,536 UINT

65,536 ≤ size of x < 4,294,967,296 UDINT

4,294,967,296 ≤ size of x ULINT

Example in ST
var1 := SIZEOF(arr1); (* d.h.: var1:=USINT#10; *)

Example in IL
Result is 10
arr1:ARRAY[0..4] OF INT;
LD arr1
ST Var1

Bitstring Operators
The following bitstring operators are available, matching the IEC1131-3 standard:

EIO0000002854.04 571

• AND, page 572

• OR, page 572
• XOR, page 573
• NOT, page 574
The following operators are not specified by the standard and are not available:
Bitstring operators compare the corresponding bits of 2 or several operands.

IEC bitstring operator for bitwise AND of bit operands.
If the input bits each are 1, then the resulting bit will be 1, otherwise 0.
Allowed types:

Example in IL
Result in Var1 is 2#1000_0010.
LD 2#1001_0011
AND 2#1000_1010
ST var1

Example in ST
var1 := 2#1001_0011 AND 2#1000_1010

Example in FBD

IEC bitstring operator for bitwise OR of bit operands.
If at least 1 of the input bits is 1, the resulting bit will be 1, otherwise 0.

572 EIO0000002854.04

Allowed types:

Example in IL
Result in var1 is 2#1001_1011.
LD 2#1001_0011
OR 2#1000_1010
ST Var1

Example in ST
Var1 := 2#1001_0011 OR 2#1000_1010

Example in FBD

IEC bitstring operator for bitwise XOR of bit operands.
If only 1 of the input bits is 1, then the resulting bit will be 1; if both or none are 1,
the resulting bit will be 0.
Allowed types:
NOTE: XOR allows adding additional inputs. If more than 2 inputs are
available, then an XOR operation is performed on the first 2 inputs. The result,
in turn, will be XOR combined with input 3, and so on. This has the effect that
an odd number of inputs will lead to a resulting bit = 1.

Example in IL
Result is 2#0001_1001.
LD 2#1001_0011
XOR 2#1000_1010
ST var1

EIO0000002854.04 573

Example in ST
Var1 := 2#1001_0011 XOR 2#1000_1010

Example in FBD

IEC bitstring operator for bitwise NOT operation of a bit operand.
The resulting bit will be 1 if the corresponding input bit is 0 and vice versa.
Allowed types

Example in IL
Result in Var1 is 2#0110_1100.
LD 2#1001_0011
ST var1

Example in ST
Var1 := NOT 2#1001_0011

Example in FBD

Bit-Shift Operators
IEC operator for bitwise left-shift of an operand.

574 EIO0000002854.04

erg:= SHL (in, n)

in: operand to be shifted to the left
n: number of bits, by which in gets shifted to the left
NOTE: If n exceeds the data type width, it depends on the target system how
BYTE, WORD, DWORD and LWORD operands will be filled. Some cause
filling with zeros (0), others with n MOD <register width>.
NOTE: The amount of bits which is considered for the arithmetic operation
depends on the data type of the input variable. If the input variable is a
constant, the smallest possible data type is considered. The data type of the
output variable has no effect at all on the arithmetic operation.

See in the following example in hexadecimal notation the different results for erg_
byte and erg_word. The result depends on the data type of the input variable
(BYTE or WORD), although the values of the input variables in_byte and in_
word are the same.

Example in ST
PROGRAM shl_st
in_byte : BYTE:=16#45; (* 2#01000101 )
in_word : WORD:=16#0045; (* 2#0000000001000101 )
erg_byte : BYTE;
erg_word : WORD;
n: BYTE :=2;
erg_byte:=SHL(in_byte,n); (* Result is 16#14, 2#00010100 *)
erg_word:=SHL(in_word,n); (* Result is 16#0114,
2#0000000100010100 *)

Example in FBD

Example in IL
LD in_byte
ST erg_byte

IEC operator for bitwise right-shift of an operand.
erg:= SHR (in, n)
in: operand to be shifted to the right
n: number of bits, by which in gets shifted to the right

EIO0000002854.04 575

NOTE: If n exceeds the data type width, it depends on the target system how
BYTE, WORD, DWORD and LWORD operands will be filled. Some cause
filling with zeros (0), others with n MOD <register width>.

The following example in hexadecimal notation shows the results of the arithmetic
operation depending on the type of the input variable (BYTE or WORD).

Example in ST
PROGRAM shr_st
in_byte : BYTE:=16#45; (* 2#01000101 )
in_word : WORD:=16#0045; (* 2#0000000001000101 )
erg_byte : BYTE;
erg_word : WORD;
n: BYTE :=2;
erg_byte:=SHR(in_byte,n); (* Result is 16#11, 2#00010001 *)
erg_word:=SHR(in_word,n); (* Result is 16#0011,
2#0000000000010001 *)

Example in FBD

Example in IL
LD in_byte
ST erg_byte

IEC operator for bitwise rotation of an operand to the left.
erg:= ROL (in, n)
Allowed data types
in will be shifted 1 bit position to the left n times while the bit that is furthest to the
left will be reinserted from the right
NOTE: The amount of bits which is considered for the arithmetic operation
depends on the data type of the input variable. If the input variable is a
constant, the smallest possible data type is considered. The data type of the
output variable has no effect at all on the arithmetic operation.

576 EIO0000002854.04

See in the following example in hexadecimal notation the different results for erg_
byte and erg_word. The result depends on the data type of the input variable
(BYTE or WORD), although the values of the input variables in_byte and in_
word are the same.

Example in ST
PROGRAM rol_st
in_byte : BYTE:=16#45;
in_word : WORD:=16#45;
erg_byte : BYTE;
erg_word : WORD;
n: BYTE :=2;
erg_byte:=ROL(in_byte,n); (* Result is 16#15 *)
erg_word:=ROL(in_word,n); (* Result is 16#0114 *)

Example in FBD

Example in IL
LD in_byte
ST erg_byte

IEC operator for bitwise rotation of an operand to the right.
erg:= ROR (in, n)
Allowed data types
in will be shifted 1 bit position to the right n times while the bit that is furthest to
the left will be reinserted from the left.
NOTE: The amount of bits which are taken into account for the arithmetic
operation depends on the data type of the input variable. If the input variable is
a constant, the smallest possible data type is taken into account. The data
type of the output variable has no effect at all on the arithmetic operation.

EIO0000002854.04 577

See in the following example in hexadecimal notation the different results for erg_
byte and erg_word. The result depends on the data type of the input variable
(BYTE or WORD), although the values of the input variables in_byte and in_
word are the same.

Example in ST
PROGRAM ror_st
in_byte : BYTE:=16#45;
in_word : WORD:=16#45;
erg_byte : BYTE;
erg_word : WORD;
n: BYTE :=2;
erg_byte:=ROR(in_byte,n); (* Result is 16#51 *)
erg_word:=ROR(in_word,n); (* Result is 16#4011 *)

Example in FBD

Example in IL
LD in_byte
ST erg_byte

Selection Operators
Selection operations can also be performed with variables.
For purposes of clarity the examples provided in this document are limited to the
following which use constants as operators:
• SEL, page 578
• MAX, page 580
• MIN, page 580
• LIMIT, page 581
• MUX, page 581

IEC selection operator for binary selection.
G determines whether IN0 or IN1 is assigned to OUT.

578 EIO0000002854.04

OUT := SEL(G, IN0, IN1) means:

OUT := IN0; if G=FALSE
OUT := IN1; if G=TRUE
Allowed data types:
IN0, IN1, and OUT can be any identical data type. Make sure that variables of the
identical data type are used at these positions, especially when using user-defined
data types. The compiler verifies the identity of the types and returns compiler
errors. Assigning function block instances to interface variables is not supported.

Example in IL
SEL 3,4 (* IN0 = 3, IN1 =4 *)
ST Var1 (* result is 4 *)
SEL 3,4
ST Var1 (* result is 3 *)

Example in ST
Var1:=SEL(TRUE,3,4); (* result is 4 *)

Example in FBD

NOTE: When G is TRUE, EcoStruxure Machine Expert does not compute a
textual expression that precedes IN0.
When G is FALSE, EcoStruxure Machine Expert does not compute a textual
expression that precedes IN1.
In graphical programming languages, where a Box, Jump, Return, Line
Branch, or Edge Detection is connected to IN0 or IN1, these statements will
always be computed, independently of the input G. This may have an impact
on the amount of executed code and thus on the performance. Verify your
code carefully to see whether the expressions connected to the inputs IN0
and IN1 should always be executed or only depending on the input G.
Example 1: MyFunc is directly connected to the input IN1. MyFunc is only
executed if bSelect at the input G is FALSE:

EIO0000002854.04 579

Example 2: MyFunc is connected via a link to the input IN1. MyFunc is always executed (regardless whether
bSelect at the input G is FALSE or TRUE):

IEC selection operator performing a maximum function.
The MAX operator returns the greater of the 2 values.
OUT := MAX(IN0, IN1)
IN0, IN1 and OUT can be any type of variable.

Example in IL
Result is 90
LD 90
MAX 30
MAX 40
MAX 77
ST Var1

Example in ST
Var1:=MAX(30,40); (* Result is 40 *)
Var1:=MAX(40,MAX(90,30)); (* Result is 90 *)

Example in FBD

IEC selection operator performing a minimum function.
The MIN operator returns the lesser of the 2 values.
OUT := MIN(IN0, IN1)
IN0, IN1 and OUT can be any type of variable.

Example in IL
Result is 30

580 EIO0000002854.04

LD 90
MIN 30
MIN 40
MIN 77
ST Var1

Example in ST
Var1:=MIN(90,30); (* Result is 30 *);
Var1:=MIN(MIN(90,30),40); (* Result is 30 *);

Example in FBD

IEC selection operator performing a limiting function.
OUT := LIMIT(Min, IN, Max) means:
OUT := MIN (MAX (IN, Min), Max)
Max is the upper and Min the lower limit for the result. Should the value IN exceed
the upper limit Max, LIMIT will return Max. Should IN fall below Min, the result
will be Min.
IN and OUT can be any type of variable.

Example in IL
Result is 80
LD 90
LIMIT 30 ,
ST Var1

Example in ST
Var1:=LIMIT(30,90,80); (* Result is 80 *);

IEC selection operator for multiplexing operation.
OUT := MUX(K, IN0,...,INn)) means:
OUT := INk
IN0, ...,INn and OUT can be any identical data type. Make sure that variables
of the identical data type are used at these positions, especially when using user-
defined data types. The compiler verifies the identity of the types and returns

EIO0000002854.04 581

compiler errors. Assigning function block instances to interface variables is not

MUX selects the Kth value from among a group of values.

Example in IL
Result is 30
LD 0
MUX 30 ,
40 ,
50 ,
60 ,
70 ,
ST Var1

Example in ST
Var1:=MUX(0,30,40,50,60,70,80); (* Result is 30 *);
NOTE: A textual expression occurring ahead of an input other than INk will
not be processed.
In graphical programming languages, where a Box, Jump, Return, Line
Branch, or Edge Detection is connected to IN0 or INn, these statements will
always be computed, independently of the input K. This may have an impact
on the amount of executed code and thus on the performance. Verify your
code carefully to see whether the expressions connected to the inputs IN0,
INn should always be executed or only depending on the input K.
For an example illustrating this issue, refer to the SEL operator, page 579.

Comparison Operators
The following operators matching the IEC1131-3 standard are available:
• GT, page 582
• LT, page 583
• LE, page 583
• GE, page 584
• EQ, page 585
• NE, page 585

Comparison operator performing a Greater Than function.
The GT operator is a boolean operator which returns the value TRUE when the
value of the first operand is greater than that of the second.
The operands can be of any basic data type.

582 EIO0000002854.04

Example in IL
Result is FALSE
LD 20
GT 30
ST Var1

Example in ST
VAR1 := 20 > 30;

Example in FBD

Comparison operator performing a Less Than function.
The LT operator is a boolean operator which returns the value TRUE when the
value of the first operand is less than that of the second.
The operands can be of any basic data type.

Example in IL
Result is TRUE
LD 20
LT 30
ST Var1

Example in ST
VAR1 := 20 < 30;

Example in FBD

Comparison operator performing a Less Than Or Equal To function.

EIO0000002854.04 583

The LE operator is a boolean operator which returns the value TRUE when the
value of the first operand is less than or equal to that of the second.
The operands can be of any basic data type.

Example in IL
Result is TRUE
LD 20
LE 30
ST Var1

Example in ST
VAR1 := 20 <= 30;

Example in FBD

Comparison operator performing a Greater Than Or Equal To function.
The GE operator is a boolean operator which returns the value TRUE when the
value of the first operand is greater than or equal to that of the second.
The operands can be of any basic data type.

Example in IL
Result is TRUE
LD 60
GE 40
ST Var1

Example in ST
VAR1 := 60 >= 40;

Example in FBD

584 EIO0000002854.04

Comparison operator performing an Equal To function.
The EQ operator is a boolean operator which returns the value TRUE when the
operands are equal.
The operands can be of any basic data type.

Example in IL
Result is TRUE
LD 40
EQ 40
ST Var1

Example in ST
VAR1 := 40 = 40;

Example in FBD

Comparison operator performing a Not Equal To function.
The NE operator is a boolean operator which returns the value TRUE when the
operands are not equal.
The operands can be of any basic data type.

Example in IL
LD 40
NE 40
ST Var1

Example in ST
VAR1 := 40 <> 40;

EIO0000002854.04 585

Example in FBD

Address Operators
This address operator is not specified by the standard IEC 61131-3.
ADR returns the address, page 637 of its argument in a DWORD. This address
can be assigned to a pointer, page 537 within the project.
NOTE: EcoStruxure Machine Expert allows you to use the ADR operator with
function names, program names, function block names, and method names.
Refer to the chapter Pointers, page 537 and consider that function pointers can be
passed to external libraries. Nevertheless, there is no possibility to call a function
pointer within EcoStruxure Machine Expert. In order to enable a system call
(runtime system), set the respective object property (in the menu View >
Properties... > Build) for the function object.

Example in ST

Example in IL
LD bVar
ST dwVar

Considerations for Online Changes

Executing the command Online Change can move variables to another place in
the memory. There is an indication during online change if copying is necessary.
The shift of variables may have the effect that POINTER TO variables point to
invalid memory.

Assign the value of any POINTER TO type variable(s) prior to the first use of it
within a POU, and at every subsequent cycle.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

NOTE: POINTER TO variables of functions and methods should not be

returned to the caller of this function or passed to global variables.

586 EIO0000002854.04

Content Operator
This address operator is not specified by the standard IEC 61131-3. You can
dereference a pointer by adding the content operator ^ (ASCII caret or circumflex
symbol) after the pointer identifier.

Example in ST
pt := ADR(var_int1);

Considerations for Online Changes

Executing the Online Change command can change the contents of addresses.

Verify the validity of the pointers when using pointers on addresses and
executing the Online Change command.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment

This address operator is not specified by the standard IEC 61131-3.
BITADR returns the bit offset within the segment in a DWORD. The offset value
depends on whether the option Byte addressing in the target settings is activated
or not.
The highest nibble in that DWORD indicates the memory area:
Memory: 16#40000000
Input: 16#80000000
Output: 16#C0000000

Example in ST
xVar AT %IX2.3:BOOL;
dwBitoffset: DWORD;
dwBitoffset:=BITADR(xVar); (* Result if byte addressing=
TRUE: 16#80000013, if byte addressing=FALSE: 16#80000023 *)

EIO0000002854.04 587

Example in IL
LD xVar
ST dwBitoffset

Considerations for Online Changes

Executing the Online Change command can change the contents of addresses.

Verify the validity of the pointers when using pointers on addresses and
executing the Online Change command.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment

Calling Operator
IEC operator for calling a function block or a program.
Use CAL in IL to call up a function block instance. Place the variables that will
serve as the input variables in parentheses right after the name of the function
block instance.

Calling up the instance Inst of a function block where input variables Par1 and
Par2 are 0 and TRUE, respectively.

Type Conversion Operators

Type Conversion Functions
It is not allowed to convert implicitly from a larger type to a smaller type (for
example, from INT to BYTE or from DINT to WORD). To achieve this, you have to
perform special type conversions. You can basically convert from any elementary
type to any other elementary type.

Typed conversion: <elem.type1>_TO_<elem.type2>
Overloaded conversion: TO_<elem.type2>

588 EIO0000002854.04

If the operand value for a type conversion operator is outside the value range of
the target data type, the result output depends on the controller processor type
and is therefore undefined. This is the case, for example, when a negative
operand value is converted from LREAL to the target data type UINT.

Verify that the values of the target data type are within the expected range after
type conversion.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

When converting the data type to STRING or WSTRING, the typed value is left-
aligned as a character string and truncated if it exceeds the length of the target
string variable.

Declare a return variable of sufficient size for the type conversion operators
Failure to follow these instructions can result in equipment damage.

The following type conversions are supported:

• Overloaded conversions, page 589
• BOOL_TO conversions, page 590
• TO_BOOL conversions, page 592
• conversion between integral number types, page 593
• REAL_TO-/ LREAL_TO conversions, page 594
• TIME_TO/TIME_OF_DAY conversions, page 595
• DATE_TO/DT_TO conversions, page 597
• STRING_TO conversions, page 598
• TRUNC, page 599 (conversion to DINT)
• TRUNC_INT, page 600
• ANY_NUM_TO_<numeric data type>

Overloaded Conversions
General Information
For general hints to be considered during type conversion, refer to the chapter
Type Conversion Functions, page 588.
NOTE: Conversions from larger data types to smaller types may result in loss
of information.
Overloaded conversions are not specified by the standard {(notrans) IEC 61131-
3}. To comply with the standard, use the operators of the syntax <type> _TO_
<another type> as described in this chapter.
The rules for typed conversions also apply to overloaded conversions.

EIO0000002854.04 589

In overloaded conversions, the operators convert values into other data types,
explicitly specifying only a target data type and no source data type (data type of
the operands).

<variable name> := <TO operator> ( <operand> );
<operand> = <variable name> | <literal>

Examples in ST
iNumber_1 : INT;
rNumber_2 : REAL := 123.456;
iNumber_2 : INT;
xIsTrue : BOOL;
sOutputText : STRING;
sText : STRING := 'Hello World!';
wsText: WSTRING;
dateEvent : DATE := D#2019-9-3;
uiEvent : UINT;
uxiData : __UXINT;
Examples in ST with conversion results:

Example Result

iNumber_1 := TO_INT(4.22); 4

iNumber_2 := TO_INT(rNumber_2); 123

xIsTrue := TO_BOOL(1); TRUE

sOutputText := TO_STRING(342); '342’

wsText := TO_WSTRING(sText); "Hello World!"

uiEvent := TO_UINT(dateEvent); 44288

uxiData := TO___UXINT(iNumber_2); 123

BOOL_TO Conversions
General Information
For general hints to be considered during type conversion, refer to the chapter
Type Conversion Functions, page 588.

IEC operator for conversions from type BOOL to any other type.

BOOL_TO_<data type>

590 EIO0000002854.04

Conversion Results
The conversion results for number types and for string types depend on the state
of the operand:

Operand State Result for Number Types Result for String Types


NOTE: The operators that convert a value into a character string of type
STRING or WSTRING require an operand that matches the target data type.

Examples in ST
Examples in ST with conversion results:

Example Result




tof:=BOOL_TO_TOD(TRUE); TOD#00:00:00.001

dat:=BOOL_TO_DATE(FALSE); D#1970

dandt:=BOOL_TO_DT(TRUE); DT#1970-01-01-00:00:01

Examples in IL
Examples in IL with conversion results:

Example Result

ST i
ST str
ST t
LD TRUE TOD#00:00:00.001
ST tof
LD FALSE D#1970-01-01
ST dandt
LD TRUE DT#1970-01-01-00:00:01
ST dandt

Examples in FBD
Examples in FBD with conversion results:

EIO0000002854.04 591

Example Result






TO_BOOL Conversions
General Information
For general hints to be considered during type conversion, refer to the chapter
Type Conversion Functions, page 588.

IEC operator for conversions from another variable type to BOOL.

<data type>_TO_BOOL

Conversion Results
The result is TRUE when the operand is not equal to 0. The result is FALSE when
the operand is equal to 0.
The result is TRUE for STRING type variables when the operand is TRUE.
Otherwise the result is FALSE.

Examples in ST
Examples in ST with conversion results:

592 EIO0000002854.04

Example Result

b := BYTE_TO_BOOL(2#11010101); TRUE


b := TIME_TO_BOOL(T#5ms); TRUE


Examples in IL
Examples in IL with conversion results:

Example Result

ST b
ST b
ST b
ST b

Examples in FBD
Examples in FBD with conversion results:

Example Result





Conversion Between Integral Number Types

General Information
For general hints to be considered during type conversion, refer to the chapter
Type Conversion Functions, page 588.

EIO0000002854.04 593

Conversion from an integral number type to another number type.

<INT data type>_TO_<INT data type>
For information on the integer data type, refer to the chapter Standard Data Types,
page 530.

Conversion Results
If the number you are converting exceeds the range limit, the first bytes for the
number will be ignored.

Example in ST
si := INT_TO_SINT(4223); (* Result is 127 *)
If you save the integer 4223 (16#107f represented hexadecimally) as a SINT
variable, it will appear as 127 (16#7f represented hexadecimally).

Example in IL
LD 4223
ST si

Example in FBD

REAL_TO / LREAL_TO Conversions

General Information
For general hints to be considered during type conversion, refer to the chapter
Type Conversion Functions, page 588.

IEC operator for conversions from the variable type REAL or LREAL to a different
The value will be rounded up or down to the nearest whole number and converted
into the new variable type.
Exceptions to this are the following variable types:

594 EIO0000002854.04

NOTE: The rounding logic that is applied depends on the target system or the
FPU (Floating Point unit) of the target system. A value of -1.5 can thus be
converted differently on different controllers.

Conversion Results
or ULINT and the value of the real number is out of the value range of that integer,
the result will be undefined, and may lead to a controller exception.
NOTE: Validate any range overflows by your application and verify that the
value of the REAL or LREAL is within the bounds of the target integer before
performing the conversion.
When converting to type STRING, consider that the total number of digits is
limited to six. If the (L)REAL number has more digits, then the sixth will be
rounded. If the length of the STRING is defined too short, it will be cut from the
right end.

Example in ST
Examples in ST with conversion results:

Example Result

i := REAL_TO_INT(1.5); 2

j := REAL_TO_INT(1.4); 1

i := REAL_TO_INT(-1.5); –2

j := REAL_TO_INT(-1.4); –1

Example in IL
LD 2.75
ST i

Example in FBD

General Information
For general hints to be considered during type conversion, refer to the chapter
Type Conversion Functions, page 588.

IEC operator for conversions from the variable type TIME or TIME_OF_DAY to a
different type.

EIO0000002854.04 595

TIME_TO_<data type>
TOD_TO_<data type>

Conversion Results
The time will be stored internally in a DWORD in milliseconds (beginning with
12:00 A.M. for the TIME_OF_DAY variable). This value will then be converted.
In case of type STRING the result is a time constant.
NOTE: The operators that convert a value into a character string of type
STRING or WSTRING require an operand that matches the target data type.

Examples in ST
Examples in ST with conversion results:

Example Result

str := TIME_TO_STRING(T#12ms); 'T#12ms'

dw := TIME_TO_DWORD(T#5m); 300000

si := TOD_TO_SINT(TOD#00:00:00.012); 12

Examples in IL
Examples in IL with conversion results:

Example Result

LD T#12ms 'T#12ms'
ST str
LD T#300000ms 300000
ST dw
LD TOD#00:00:00.012 12
ST si

Examples in FBD

596 EIO0000002854.04

DATE_TO/DT_TO Conversions
General Information
For general hints to be considered during type conversion, refer to the chapter
Type Conversion Functions, page 588.

IEC operator for conversions from the variable type DATE or DATE_AND_TIME to
a different type.

DATE_TO_<data type>
DT_TO_<data type>

Conversion Results
The date will be stored internally in a DWORD in seconds since Jan. 1, 1970. This
value will then be converted.
For STRING type variables, the result is the date constant.
NOTE: The operators that convert a value into a character string of type
STRING or WSTRING require an operand that matches the target data type.

Examples in ST
Examples in ST with conversion results:

Example Result

b := DATE_TO_BOOL(D#1970-01-01); FALSE

i := DATE_TO_INT(D#1970-01-15); 29952

byt := DT_TO_BYTE(DT#1970-01-15-05:05:05); 129

str := DT_TO_STRING(DT#1998-02-13-14:20); 'DT#1998-02-13-14:20'

Examples in IL
Examples in IL with conversion results:

Example Result

LD D#1970-01-01 FALSE
ST b
LD D#1970-01-01 29952
ST i
LD D#1970-01-15-05:05: 129
ST byt

LD D#1998-02-13-14:20 'DT#1998-02-13-14:20'
ST str

EIO0000002854.04 597

Examples in FBD

STRING_TO Conversions
General Information
For general hints to be considered during type conversion, refer to the chapter
Type Conversion Functions, page 588.

IEC operator for conversions from the variable type STRING to a different type.

STRING_TO_<data type>

Specifying Values
Specify the operand of type STRING matching the IEC61131-3 standard. The
value must correspond to a valid constant (literal), page 481 of the target type.
Convertible strings can contain:
• Number with type prefix (example: '16#FFFFFFFF')
• Number with grouping characters (example: '2#1111_1111')
NOTE: Use the underscore, as the international weight and measure
grouping character (thin space) is not permitted.
• Floating-point number, also in exponential notation (example: '9.876' or
NOTE: Floating-point numbers are not convertible. The comma is treated
as a following character and therefore truncated.
• Time, time of day, and date specification with prefix and size (example:
'T#2h', 'DT#2019-9-9-12:30:30.9')
• Infinite values (example: '1.7E+400')
• Additional character after a number (example: '2m' or '3.14') are
truncated. Additional characters before a number are not permitted.
• Spaces before (example: ' 3.14')
The operand must represent a valid value of the target data type.

598 EIO0000002854.04

NOTE: If the data type of the operand does not match the target type, or if the
value exceeds the range of the target data type, then the result depends on
the processor type and is therefore undefined.
Conversions from larger types to smaller types may result in loss of

When converting mismatched data types or when the value being converted is
larger than the target data type, be sure that the result is validated within your
Failure to follow these instructions can result in injury or equipment

Example in IL
Example Conversion result

ST b

Examples in ST
Example Conversion result


w := STRING_TO_WORD('abc34'); 0

w := STRING_TO_WORD('34abc'); 34

t := STRING_TO_TIME('T#127ms'); T#127ms

r := STRING_TO_REAL('1.234'); 1.234

bv := STRING_TO_BYTE('500'); 244

Example in FBD
Example Conversion result


General Information
For general hints to be considered during type conversion, refer to the chapter
Type Conversion Functions, page 588.

EIO0000002854.04 599

IEC operator for conversions from REAL to DINT. The whole number portion of
the value will be used.
The result of these functions is not defined if the input value cannot be
represented with a DINT or INT. The behavior for such input values is platform-

Examples in ST
Examples in ST with conversion results:

Example Result

diVar:=TRUNC(1.9); 1

diVar:=TRUNC(–1.4); –1

Example in IL
LD 1.9
ST diVar

General Information
For general hints to be considered during type conversion, refer to the chapter
Type Conversion Functions, page 588.

IEC operator for conversions from REAL to INT. The whole number portion of the
value will be used.
The result of these functions is not defined if the input value cannot be
represented with an INT. The behavior for such input values is platform-

Examples in ST
Examples in ST with conversion results:

Example Result

iVar:=TRUNC_INT(1.9); 1

iVar:=TRUNC_INT(-1.4); –1

Example in IL
LD 1.9
ST iVar

600 EIO0000002854.04

ANY_..._TO Conversions
General Information
For general hints to be considered during type conversion, refer to the chapter
Type Conversion Functions, page 588.

Conversion from any data type, or more specifically from any numeric data type to
another data type. As with any type of conversion, the size of the operands must
be taken into account in order to have a successful conversion.

ANY_NUM_TO_<numeric data type>
ANY_TO_<any data type>

Conversion from a variable of data type REAL to INT:
re : REAL := 1.234;
i : INT := ANY_TO_INT(re)

TO_<xxx> Conversions
General Information
For general hints to be considered during type conversion, refer to the chapter
Type Conversion Functions, page 588.
This operator is not specified by the standard IEC 61131-3.

Conversion of variables from one type to another type. The input type must not be
specified explicitly (overloaded conversion).
Also refer to the description of type conversion functions, page 588.

TO_<data type>

Example in ST
Conversion from a variable of data type REAL to INT:
iVar: INT;
bVar: BOOL;
strVar: STRING;
rVar: REAL;
iVar := TO_INT(4.22); (* Result: 4 *)

EIO0000002854.04 601

bVar := TO_BOOL(1); (* Result: TRUE *)

sVar := TO_STRING(342); (* Result: '342' *)
rVar := TO_WORD('123'); (* Result: 123 *)

Numeric Functions
This chapter describes the available numeric IEC operators specified by the
standard IEC 61131-3.

Numeric IEC operator for returning the absolute value of a number.
In- and output can be of any numeric basic data type.

Example in IL
The result in i is 2.
LD –2
ST i

Example in ST

Example in FBD

Numeric IEC operator for returning the square root of a number.
The input variable can be of any numeric basic data type, the output variable has
to be type REAL or LREAL.

Example in IL
The result in q is 4.
LD 16
ST q

602 EIO0000002854.04

Example in ST

Example in FBD

Numeric IEC operator for returning the natural logarithm of a number.
The input variable can be of any numeric basic data type, the output variable has
to be type REAL or LREAL.

Example in IL
The result in q is 3.80666.
LD 45
ST q

Example in ST

Example in FBD

Numeric IEC operator for returning the logarithm of a number in base 10.
The input variable can be of any numeric basic data type, the output variable has
to be type REAL or LREAL.

Example in IL
The result in q is 2.49762.
LD 314.5
ST q

EIO0000002854.04 603

Example in ST

Example in FBD

Numeric IEC operator for returning the exponential function.
The input variable can be of any numeric basic data type, the output variable has
to be type REAL or LREAL.

Example in IL
The result in q is 7.389056099.
LD 2
ST q

Example in ST

Example in FBD

Numeric IEC operator for returning the sine of an angle.
The input defining the angle in radians can be of any numeric basic data type, the
output variable has to be of type REAL or LREAL.

Example in IL
The result in q is 0.479426.
LD 0.5
ST q

604 EIO0000002854.04

Example in ST

Example in FBD

Numeric IEC operator for returning the cosine of an angle.
The input defining the angle in arch minutes can be of any numeric basic data type
where the output variable has to be of type REAL or LREAL.

Example in IL
The result in q is 0.877583.
LD 0.5
ST q

Example in ST

Example in FBD

Numeric IEC operator for returning the tangent of a number. The value is
calculated in arch minutes.
The input variable can be of any numeric basic data type where the output
variable has to be type REAL or LREAL.

Example in IL
The result in q is 0.546302.
LD 0.5
ST q

EIO0000002854.04 605

Example in ST

Example in FBD

Numeric IEC operator for returning the arc sine (inverse function of sine) of a
number. The value is calculated in arch minutes.
The input variable can be of any numeric basic data type where the output
variable has to be type REAL or LREAL.

Example in IL
The result in q is 0.523599.
LD 0.5
ST q

Example in ST

Example in FBD

Numeric IEC operator for returning the arc cosine (inverse function of cosine) of a
number. The value is calculated in arch minutes.
The input variable can be of any numeric basic data type where the output
variable has to be type REAL or LREAL.

Example in IL
The result in q is 1.0472.
LD 0.5
ST q

606 EIO0000002854.04

Example in ST

Example in FBD

Numeric IEC operator for returning the arc tangent (inverse function of tangent) of
a number. The value is calculated in arch minutes.
The input variable can be of any numeric basic data type where the output
variable has to be type REAL or LREAL.

Example in IL
The result in q is 0.463648.
LD 0.5
ST q

Example in ST

Example in FBD

Numeric IEC operator for exponentiation of a variable with another variable:
OUT = IN1 to the IN2
The input variable can be of numeric basic data types (SINT, USINT, INT, UINT,
where the output variable has to be type REAL or LREAL.
The result of this function is not defined if the following applies:
• The base is negative.
• The base is zero and the exponent is ≤ 0.
The behavior for such input values is platform-dependent.

EIO0000002854.04 607

Example in IL
The result is 49.
LD 7
ST Var1

Example in ST

Example in FBD

IEC Extending Operators

IEC Extending Operators
In addition to the IEC operators, EcoStruxure Machine Expert supports following
IEC extending operators:
• ADR, page 586
• BITADR, page 587
• SIZEOF, page 571
• __DELETE, page 609
• __ISVALIDREF, page 610
• __NEW, page 611
• __QUERYINTERFACE, page 613
• __QUERYPOINTER, page 614
• ‘__POSITION’, page 620
• ‘‘__POUNAME’’, page 620
• scope operators, page 621

608 EIO0000002854.04

This operator is not specified by the IEC 61131-3 standard.
For compatibility information, refer to the EcoStruxure Machine Expert/CODESYS
compiler version mapping table in the Compatibility and Migration User Guide
(see EcoStruxure Machine Expert Compatibility and Migration, User Guide).
The __DELETE operator deallocates the memory for objects allocated before via
the __NEW operator, page 611.
__DELETE has no return value and its operand will be set to 0 after the operation.
Activate the option Use dynamic memory allocation in the Application build
options view (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help)
(View > Properties... > Application build options). Consult the Programming
Guide specific to your controller for whether the options are available on your

__DELETE (<pointer>)
If pointer is a pointer to a function block, the dedicated method FB_Exit will be
called before the pointer is set to NULL.
NOTE: Use the exact data type of the derived function block and not that of
the base function block. Do not use a variable of type POINTER TO BaseFB.
This is necessary because if the base function block implements no FB_Exit
function, then at the later usage of __DELETE(pBaseFB), no FB_Exit is
NOTE: Make sure that __DELETE is not called by two tasks simultaneously. It
is a good practice to use __DELETE in only one task. If this is not feasible, use
a semaphore (SysSemEnter) or a comparable method, to help avoid
concurrent calls of __DELETE.
You can use a semaphore (SysSemEnter) to help prevent two tasks from
deallocating memory at the same time. In this case, the extensive use of
__DELETE causes higher jitter.

EIO0000002854.04 609

In the following example, the function block FBDynamic is allocated dynamically
via _NEW from the POU PLC_PRG. By doing so, FB_Init method will be called, in
which a type DUT is allocated. When __DELETE is called on, the function block
pointer from PLC_PRG, FB_Exit will be called, which in turn frees the allocated
internal type.
in1, in2 : INT;
out : INT;
test1 : INT := 1234;
_inc : INT := 0;
out := in1 + in2;


bInCopyCode : BOOL;


bInitRetains : BOOL;
bInCopyCode : BOOL;
_dut := __NEW(DUT);


_inc := _inc + 1;
INC := _inc;

bInit: BOOL := TRUE;
bDelete: BOOL;
loc : INT;
IF (bInit) THEN
pFB := __NEW(FBDynamic);
bInit := FALSE;
IF (pFB <> 0) THEN
pFB^(in1 := 1, in2 := loc, out => loc);
IF (bDelete) THEN

This operator is not specified by the IEC 61131-3 standard.

610 EIO0000002854.04

It allows you to check whether a reference points to a valid value.

For how to use and an example, see the description of the reference, page 536
data type.

This operator is not specified by the IEC 61131-3 standard.
The operator __NEW allocates dynamic memory for function block instances, user-
defined data types or arrays of standard data types. The operator returns a
suitably typed pointer to the object. If the operator is not used within an
assignment, a message is displayed.
Activate the option Use dynamic memory allocation in the Application build
options view (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help)
(View > Properties... > Application build options) to use the __NEW operator.
Consult the Programming Guide specific to your controller for whether the options
are available on your controller.
If no memory could be allocated, by __NEW will return 0.
For deallocating, use __DELETE.

<pointer name> := __NEW (<type>[,<size>]);
The operator creates a new object of the specified type <type> and returns a
pointer to that <type>. The initialization of the object is called after creation. If 0 is
returned, the operation has not been completed successfully.
NOTE: Use the exact data type of the derived function block and not that of
the base function block. Do not use a variable of type POINTER TO BaseFB.
This is necessary because if the base function block implements no FB_Exit
function, then at the later usage of __DELETE(pBaseFB), no FB_Exit is
If <type> is scalar, the optional operand <size> has to be set additionally and
the operator creates an array of scalar types with the size length.

pScalarType := __New(ScalarType, length);
NOTE: A function block or a user-defined data type created dynamically with
__NEW has a fixed memory area. The data layout cannot be modified by an
online change. Therefore, new variables cannot be added to or deleted from
the type, and types cannot be modified.
Therefore, only function blocks out of libraries (because they cannot change) and
function blocks with attribute enable_dynamic_creation are allowed for the
__NEW operator. If a function block changes with this flag so that copy code will be
necessary, a message is produced.
NOTE: The code for memory allocation needs to be non-re-entrant.
A semaphore (SysSemEnter) is used to avoid 2 tasks try to allocate memory at
the same time. Thus, extensive usage of __New may produce higher jitter.
Example with a scalar type:
{attribute 'enable_dynamic_creation'}
a,b,c,d,e,f : INT;

EIO0000002854.04 611

bInit: BOOL := TRUE;
bDelete: BOOL;
IF (bInit) THEN
pDut := __NEW(DUT);
bInit := FALSE;
IF (bDelete) THEN
Example with a function block:
{attribute 'enable_dynamic_creation'}
in1, in2 : INT;
out : INT;
out := in1 + in2;
loc : INT;
bInit: BOOL := TRUE;
bDelete: BOOL;
IF (bInit) THEN
pFB := __NEW(FBDynamic);
bInit := FALSE;
IF (pFB <> 0) THEN
pFB^(in1 := 1, in2 := loc, out => loc);
IF (bDelete) THEN
Example with an array:
bInit: BOOL := TRUE;
bDelete: BOOL;
pArrayBytes : POINTER TO BYTE;
test: INT;
IF (bInit) THEN
pArrayBytes := __NEW(BYTE, 25);
bInit := FALSE;
IF (pArrayBytes <> 0) THEN
pArrayBytes[24] := 125;
test := pArrayBytes[24];
IF (bDelete) THEN

612 EIO0000002854.04

This operator is not specified by the IEC 61131-3 standard.
At runtime, __QUERYINTERFACE is enabling a type conversion of an interface
reference to another. The operator returns a result with type BOOL. TRUE implies,
that the conversion is successfully executed.

The operator needs as the first operand an interface reference or a function block
instance of the intended type and as second operand an interface reference. After
execution of __QUERYINTERFACE, the ITF_Dest holds a reference to the
intended interface if the object referenced from ITF_Source implements the
interface. In this case, the conversion is successful and the result of the operator
returns TRUE. In all other cases, the operator returns FALSE.
A precondition for an explicit conversion is that not only the ITF_Source but also
ITF_Dest is an extension of the interface __System.IQueryInterface. This
interface is provided implicitly and needs no library.

Example in ST:
INTERFACE ItfBase EXTENDS __System.IQueryInterface
METHOD mderived1 : BOOL
METHOD mderived2 : BOOL
mbase := TRUE;
METHOD mderived1 : BOOL
mderived1 := TRUE;
mbase := FALSE;
METHOD mderived2 : BOOL
mderived2 := TRUE;
inst1 : FB1;
inst2 : FB2;
itfbase1 : ItfBase := inst1;
itfbase2 : ItfBase := inst2;
itfderived1 : ItfDerived1 := 0;
itfderived2 : ItfDerived2 := 0;
bTest1, bTest2, xResult1, xResult2: BOOL;
xResult1 := __QUERYINTERFACE(itfbase1, itfderived1); //
xResult = TRUE, itfderived1 <> 0

EIO0000002854.04 613

// references the
instance inst1
xResult2 := __QUERYINTERFACE(itfbase1, itfderived2); //
xResult = FALSE, itfderived2 = 0
xResult3 := __QUERYINTERFACE(itfbase2, itfderived1); //
xResult = FALSE, itfderived1 = 0
xResult4 := __QUERYINTERFACE(itfbase2, itfderived2); //
xResult = TRUE, itfderived2 <> 0
// references the
instance inst2

This operator is not specified by the IEC 61131-3 standard.
At runtime, __QUERYPOINTER is assigning an interface reference to an untyped
pointer. The operator returns a result with type BOOL. TRUE implies, that the
conversion has been successfully executed.

__QUERYPOINTER (<ITF_Source>, < Pointer_Dest>
For the first operand, the operator requires an interface reference or a function
block instance of the intended type and for the second operand an untyped
pointer. After execution of __QUERYPOINTER, the Pointer_Dest holds the address
of the reference to the intended interface. In this case, the conversion is
successful and the result of the operator returns TRUE. In all other cases, the
operator returns FALSE. Pointer_Dest is untyped and can be cast to any type. The
programmer has to ensure the actual type. For example, the interface could
provide a method returning a type code.
A precondition for an explicit conversion is that the ITF_Source is an extension of
the interface __System.IQueryInterface. This interface is provided implicitly and
needs no library.

(FB1 := 1, FB2 := 2, UNKOWN := -1);
INTERFACE Itf EXTENDS __System.IQueryInterface
METHOD KindOf : KindOfFB
METHOD KindOf : KindOfFB
KindOf := KindOfFB.FB1;
METHOD KindOf : KindOfFB
KindOf := KindOfFB.FB2;
itf_in : Itf;
pfb_1: POINTER TO F_BLOCK_1 := 0;
pfb_2: POINTER TO F_BLOCK_2 := 0;

614 EIO0000002854.04

xResult1, xResult2 : BOOL;

IF itf_in <> 0
CASE itf_in.KindOf OF
xResult1 := __QUERYPOINTER(itf_in, pfb_1);
xResult2 := __QUERYPOINTER(itf_in, pfb_2);
CAST_TO_ANY_FB := xResult1 OR xResult2;

This operator is not specified by the IEC 61131-3 standard. It is only allowed for
programming in structured text (ST).
The AND_THEN performs an AND-operation of operands of type BOOL and BIT
with short-circuiting mode. This has the following effect:
If all operands are TRUE, then the result of the operation is TRUE, otherwise it is
When one operand is FALSE, then the expressions at the other operands are not
evaluated (lazy evaluation). In this regard, the AND_THEN operator differs from the
AND operator as defined in the standard IEC-61131-3. AND always evaluates all
expressions, page 572.
In contrast to this, when using the standard IEC-operator AND, always all
operands are evaluated, page 572.

This operator is not specified by the IEC 61131-3 standard. It is only allowed for
programming in structured text (ST).
The OR_ELSE performs an OR-operation of operands of type BOOL and BIT with
short-circuiting mode. This has the following effect:
If at least one of the operands is TRUE, then the result of the operation is TRUE,
otherwise it is FALSE.
When one operand is TRUE, then the expressions at the other operands are not
evaluated (lazy evaluation). In this regard, the OR_ELSE operator differs from the
OR operator as defined in the standard IEC-61131-3. OR always evaluates all
expressions, page 572.

bEver: BOOL;
bX1: BOOL;
dw: DWORD := 16#000000FF;
bEver := FALSE;
bX := dw.8 OR_ELSE dw.1 OR_ELSE dw.1 OR_ELSE (bEver :=

EIO0000002854.04 615

dw.8 is FALSE and dw.1 is TRUE, thus the result of the operation (bX) is TRUE.
However, the expression at the third input is not executed, bEver remains
FALSE. If you used the standard OR operation instead, page 572, bEver were set
to TRUE.


These operators are not specified by the IEC 61131-3 standard.
The __TRY, __CATCH, __FINALLY, __ENDTRY operators are used for specific
handling of exceptions in IEC code. With these operators, you can execute
specific statements in case an error is detected. Furthermore, the program is not
stopped (as usual) when an exception is detected.


If an exception is detected while <statements_try> is executed (even in
functions called from there), then <statements_catch> is executed. In that
way, execution does not stop as it is the case when other exceptions are detected.
However, there is a log message in the runtime system with information about the
range offset and the type of exception that has been detected.
After executing <statements_catch>, <statements_finally> is
automatically executed (if programmed), and then <statements_next> is
The variable <exception> must be of type __SystemExceptionCode.

If the statement in __TRY produces an exception, then program execution is not
stopped, and then the statements in __CATCH are executed. Therefore, the
function exc is executed. Then the statement in __ENDTRY is executed.
count : UDINT;
strExceptionText : STRING;
exc : __SYSTEM.ExceptionCode;
Tester := tryFun(count := count, testcase := g_testcase);
//This statement is tested. If it produces an exception,
then the statement in __CATCH is executed first, and then
the statement in __FINALLY.

616 EIO0000002854.04

HandleException(exc, strExceptionText => strExceptionText);
GVL.g_count := GVL.g_count + 2;
Use the Stop execution on handled exceptions command (see EcoStruxure
Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help) to stop execution at the error
location despite the programmed exception handling.

Type __System.Exception
TYPE ExceptionCode:

EIO0000002854.04 617

=16#00010000 )

This operator is not specified by the IEC 61131-3 standard.

Syntax in the Declaration

<name of the info variable> : __SYSTEM.VAR_INFO; // Data
structure for info variable

Syntax for the Call

<name of the info variable> := __VARINFO( <variable name> );
// Call of the operator

618 EIO0000002854.04

The __VARINFO operator provides information about a variable of the project at
runtime. The information is stored as a data structure in a variable of data type

At runtime, the variable MyVarInfo contains the information about the variable

//Program code
MyVarInfo:= __VARINFO (MyVar);

A variable with data type __SYSTEM.VAR_INFO contains the following elements:

Element Data type Initialization Description

ByteAddress DWORD 0 Address of the variable.

NOTE: For bit access of a
variable <variable name>.
<bit index>, the address of
the variable that contains the
bit is given.

ByteOffset DWORD 0 Offset of the variable address (in


Area DINT 0 Number of the memory area (in the

runtime system).

BitNr INT 0 Number of bits (in bytes).

NOTE: If the variable is not an
integer data type, then BitNr
= -1.
BitSize INT 0 Size of the variable (in bits).

BitAddress UDINT 0 Bit address of the variable.

Only valid if the variable is located in

a %I, %Q, or %M area.

TypeClass TYPE_ TYPE_BOOL Data type class of the variable.

Example: TYPE_INT, TYPE_
NOTE: For user-defined data
types or function block
instances, TYPE_USERDEF is
delivered as the data type
TypeName STRING[79] ‘’ Data type of the variable.

NumElements UDINT 0 For arrays: Number of array

BaseTypeClass TYPE_ TYPE_BOOL For arrays: Data type class of the
CLASS elements in the array.

ElemBitSize UDINT 0 For arrays: Bit size of an array

MemoryArea MEMORY_ MEM_ Information about the memory area:
• MEM_GLOBAL: Global
memory area

EIO0000002854.04 619

Element Data type Initialization Description

• MEM_LOCAL: Local memory

• MEM_RETAIN: Retain
memory area

Symbol STRING[39] ‘’ Variable name.

Comment STRING[79] ‘’ Comment of the variable


This operator is not specified by the IEC 61131-3 standard.
At runtime, the ‘__POSITION’ operator retrieves the position of a variable in the
declaration part or in the implementation part of a POU. The operator has to be
assigned variables of type STRING in the declaration part of in the implementation
Result of ‘__POSITION’:
• Declaration part: 'Line <line number> (Decl)'
• Implementation part: 'Line <line number>, Column <column number>

strPOS : STRING := __POSITION(); //Yields the line
number of this declaration
strlocalPOS : STRING;
strlocalPOS := __POSITION(); //Yields the line and
column number of this assignment

This operator is not specified by the IEC 61131-3 standard.
At runtime, the ‘__POUNAME’ operator retrieves the name of the POU that calls
the operator ‘__POUNAME’. The result is of type STRING.
The result of the operator ‘__POUNAME’ depends on the location where it is

Location of ‘__POUNAME’ Result

Program Program name

Function Function name

Function block Function block name
Method Method name qualified with the function block

620 EIO0000002854.04

Location of ‘__POUNAME’ Result

Get/Set accessor of a property The property name + Get/Set qualified with the
function block name
GVL GVL name
Structure Structure name
Data structure UNION Union name

strPOU : STRING := __POUNAME(); //Yields 'PROG1'
strlocalPOU : STRING;

strlocalPOU := __POUNAME(); //Yields 'PROG1'

Scope Operators
In extension to the IEC operators, there are several possibilities to disambiguate
the access to variables or modules if the variables or module name is used
multiple times within the scope of a project.
The following scope operators can be used:
• global scope operator
• global variable list name
• enumeration name
• library namespace
• global node operator

Global Scope Operator

An instance path starting with dot (.) opens a global scope (namespace).
Therefore, if there is a local variable with the same name <varname> as a global
variable, then .<varname> refers to the global variable.

Global Variable List Name

You can use the name of a global variable list as a namespace for the variables
enclosed in this list. Thus, it is possible to declare variables with identical names in
different global variable lists and, by preceding the variable name by <global
variable list name>., it is possible to access the desired one.
<global variable list name>.<variable>
The global variable lists globlist1 and globlist2 each contain a variable named
varx. In the following line, varx out of globlist2 is copied to varx in globlist1:
globlist1.varx := globlist2.varx;

EIO0000002854.04 621

If a variable name declared in more than one global variable lists is referenced
without the global variable list name as a preceding operator, a message will be

Library Namespace
You can add the library namespace to a POU as a prefix separated by a dot to
make the access to the POU unique. By default, the namespace of a library is
identical to the library name.
Example: LIB_A.FB_A
<library namespace>.<library POU>
If a library which is included in a project contains the POU FB_A and there is also
a POU FB_A defined locally in the project, then you can assign the name LIB_A.
FB_A to the function block of the library in order to differentiate from the POU.
var1 := FB_A(in := 12); // Call of the project function
block FB_A
var2 := LIB_A.FB_A(in := 22); // Call of the library
function block FB_A
You can define another name for the namespace either in the Project
Information when creating a library project in the Project Information (by default
in the Project menu), or later in the Properties dialog box of an included library in
the Library Manager.

Enumeration Name
You can use the type name of an enumeration to disambiguate the access to an
enumeration constant. Therefore, it is possible to use the same constant in
different enumerations.
The enumeration name has to precede the constant name, separated by a dot (.).
<enumeration name>.<constant name>
The constant Blue is a component of enumeration Colors as well as of
enumeration Feelings.
color := Colors.Blue; // Access to enum value Blue in type
feeling := Feelings.Blue; // Access to enum value Blue in
type Feelings

Global Node Operator

Variables declared in GVLs or POUs of the Global node of the Applications tree
can be accessed by prefixing them with the operator "__POOL.".

622 EIO0000002854.04

Initialization Operator
INI Operator
NOTE: The INI operator is obsolete. The method FB_init replaces the INI
operator. For further information about the FB_init method, refer to the
chapter FB_init, FB_reinit Methods, page 486. However, the operator can still
be used for keeping compatibility with projects imported from earlier
EcoStruxure Machine Expert versions.
You can use the INI operator to initialize retain variables which are provided by a
function block instance used in the POU.
Assign the operator to a boolean variable.

<bool-variable> := INI(<FB-instance, TRUE|FALSE)
If the second parameter of the operator is set to TRUE, all retain variables defined
in the function block FB will be initialized.

Example in ST
fbinst is the instance of function block fb, in which a retain variable retvar is
Declaration in POU
Implementation part
b := INI(fbinst, TRUE);
ivar:=fbinst.retvar (* => retvar gets initialized *)

Example of Operator Call in FBD

Multicore Operators
Multicore operators are not specified by the standard IEC 61131-3.
They are used for task synchronization, especially when working on multicore
platforms. The operators TEST_AND_SET and __COMPARE_AND_SWAP are
used for similar tasks.

EIO0000002854.04 623

This operator is not specified by the standard IEC 61131-3.
In runtime mode, the operator provides information about the IEC task that is
This function is not available for all supported controllers. Consult the
Programming Guide specific to your controller for further information.
The __CURRENTTASK operator allows for access to a structure with two variables:
• TaskIndex: Zero-based index that identifies the task.
• pTaskInfo: Detailed information about the running task. It can be assigned to
a POINTER TO Task_Info2 from the library CmpIecTask.
The operator cannot be used in the declaration of a POU. This would result in a
detected compiler error. If the running task cannot be determined, then the
TaskIndex -1 and the pTaskInfo are zero.

idx : INT;
pInfo : POINTER TO Task_Info2;

//Program code

idx := __CURRENTTASK.TaskIndex;
pInfo := __CURRENTTASK.pTaskInfo;

This operator is not specified by the standard IEC 61131-3.
It can be used for implementing a semaphore, for example, to help ensure
exclusive access to a variable that is written by different tasks.
The following elements are assigned to __COMPARE_AND_SWAP:
• Pointer to a data type __XWORD variable
• Old value as input, can also be data type __XWORD variable
• New value as input, can also be data type __XWORD variable
Example: bMutex := __COMPARE_AND_SWAP(ADR(dwSynch), dwOld,
The referenced __XWORD variable is compared with the old value. If both are
equal, the new value is written. The result of the function is TRUE if the new value
is written.
NOTE: The data type __XWORD is replaced by DWORD on 32-bit systems
and by LWORD on 64-bit systems by the compiler.
This atomic operation cannot be interrupted by another task, even on multicore

624 EIO0000002854.04

The following example illustrates a typical use case: Implementing exclusive
access to a variable of type STRING which is addressed via the pstrOutput
As the access to a variable of type STRING is not atomic, the contents may be
inconsistent if multiple tasks write to the same string at the same time.
Using the __COMPARE_AND_SWAP operator function allows you to write the same
STRING variable in different tasks.
FUNCTION ExclusiveStringWrite : BOOL
strToWrite : STRING;
dwSynch : __XWORD;
bMutex: BOOL;

bMutex:= __COMPARE_AND_SWAP(ADR(dwSynch), 0, 1);

(* compare with 0 and write 1 as atomic operation *)
IF bMutex THEN // bMutex is TRUE if
write could be done
pstrOutput^ := strToWrite; // Now you can write
safely on the string
dwSynch := 0; // The __XWORD variable
must be reset.
ExclusiveStringWrite := TRUE; // Writing was successful
ExclusiveStringWrite := FALSE; // Writing was not

This operator is not specified by the standard IEC 61131-3.
It can be used for implementing an atomic counter. Simple addition operations
executed on integer variables, for example iTest := iTest + 1;, are not
executed atomically. This implies the risk that another process may access the
variable between the read and write operation.
If the counter is incremented in multiple tasks, the result of the counter can be less
than the number of counting cycles.
Example: The initial value of the variable is 0. Two tasks execute the above code
one time each. After that, the variable can have the value 1. This may cause
issues if arrays are being processed in multiple tasks, but nevertheless each
processing cycle requires a unique index for the array.
When the __XADD operator is called, the following procedure applies:
1. __XADD retrieves a pointer to a type DINT variable as the first summand.
2. __XADD retrieves a type DINT value as the second summand.
3. __XADD returns the old value of the first summand and in the same step adds
the second summand to the first summand.
Function call example: diOld := __XADD(ADR(diVar), deAdd);

EIO0000002854.04 625

The following example illustrates a typical use case: An array is to be populated
from two tasks in such a way that all positions in the array are used and no
position is overwritten.
Using the __XADD operator function allows multiple tasks to populate a Boolean
FUNCTION WriteToNextArrayPosition : BOOL
g_diIndex : DINT; // Index and array are
globally defined and used by multiple tasks
g_boolArray : ARRAY [0..1000] OF BOOL;
bToWrite : BOOL;
diIndex : DWORD;

diIndex := __XADD(ADR(g_diIndex), 1); // Returns a unique

WriteToNextArrayPosition := FALSE;
IF (diIndex >= 0 AND diIndex <= 1000) THEN
g_boolArray[diIndex] := bToWrite; //Writes to unique
WriteToNextArrayPosition := TRUE; // TRUE: Array was
not full yet

TEST_AND_SET can be used for implementing a semaphore, for example, to help
ensure exclusive access to a variable that is written by different tasks.
NOTE: TEST_AND_SET is not supported by Modicon M262 Logic/Motion
Controllers. Further, it is not specified by the standard IEC 61131-3.
The following procedure is applied to TEST_AND_SET:
1. A variable of type DWORD is assigned as input. Write access to this variable
must be possible.
2. The variable is set to 1.
3. The previous value is returned as the result.
This operation cannot be interrupted by another task; this also applies to multicore
Example: The call in the program is dwOldValue := TEST_AND_SET(dw);. The
variables dwOldValue and dw must be of data type DWORD.

The following example illustrates a typical use case: Implementing exclusive
access to a variable of type STRING which is addressed via the pstrOutput
As the access to a variable of type STRING is not atomic, the contents may be
inconsistent if multiple tasks write to the same string at the same time.
Using the TEST_AND_SET operator function allows you to write the same STRING
variable in different tasks.
FUNCTION ExclusiveStringWrite : BOOL

626 EIO0000002854.04

strToWrite : STRING;
dwSynch : DWORD;
dwOldValue: DWORD;

dwOldValue := TEST_AND_SET(dwSynch); // Write the 1 and

read the old value at the same time
IF dwOldValue = 0 THEN // 0 means: no other
task is currently writing
pstrOutput^ := strToWrite; // Now you can write
on the string
dwSynch := 0; // The DWORD must be
ExclusiveStringWrite := TRUE; // Writing was
ExclusiveStringWrite := FALSE; // Writing was not

EIO0000002854.04 627

What’s in This Chapter
Constants ................................................................................................... 628
Variables .................................................................................................... 635
Addresses .................................................................................................. 637
Functions.................................................................................................... 639

BOOL Constants
BOOL constants are the logical values TRUE and FALSE.
Refer to the description of the data type BOOL, page 529.

TIME/LTIME Constants
TIME constants are used to operate the standard timer modules. The time
constant TIME is of size 32 bit, resolution in milliseconds as specified by the IEC
61131-3 standard. Additionally, LTIME is supported as an extension to the
standard as time base for high-resolution timers. LTIME is of size 64 bit and
provides a resolution in nanoseconds.
The library standard64.lib provides functions for WSTRING strings.

Syntax for TIME Constant

t#<time declaration>
Instead of t#, you can also use the following:
• T#
• time#
The time declaration can include the following time units. They have to be used in
the following sequence, but it is not required to use all of them.
• D | d: days
• H | h: hours
• M | m: minutes
• S | s: seconds
• MS | ms: milliseconds
Examples of correct TIME constants in an ST assignment

Example Description

TIME1 := T#14ms; –

TIME1 := T#100S12ms; (* The highest component may be allowed to

exceed its limit *)

TIME1 := t#12h34m15s; –

628 EIO0000002854.04

Examples of incorrect usage

Example Description

TIME1 := t#5m68s; (* limit exceeded in a lower component *)

TIME1 := 15ms; (* T# is missing *)

TIME1 := t#4ms13d; (* incorrect order of entries *)

Syntax for LTIME Constant

LTIME#<time declaration>
The time declaration can include the time units as used with the TIME constant
and additionally:
• us: microseconds
• ns: nanoseconds
Examples of correct LTIME constants in an ST assignment:
LTIME1 := LTIME#1000d15h23m12s34ms2us44ns
LTIME1 := LTIME#3445343m3424732874823ns
For further information, refer to the description of the Date and Time Data Types,
page 533.

DATE Constants
Use these constants to enter dates.

d#<date declaration>
Instead of d# you can also use the following:
• D#
• date#
Enter the date declaration in format <date keyword>#<year>-<month>-
DATE values are internally handled as DWORD values, containing the time span
in seconds since 01.01.1970, 00:00 clock, with an upper limit of DATE#2106-2-7.
For further information, refer to the description of the Date and Time Data Types,
page 533.

LDATE Constants
Use the LDATE constant to specify a date.

EIO0000002854.04 629

ld#<date declaration>
Instead of ld# you can also use the following:
• LD#
• ldate#
Enter the date declaration in format <date keyword>#<year>-<month>-
LDATE values are internally handled as LWORD values, containing the time span
in seconds since 01.01.1970, 00:00 clock, with an upper limit of DATE#2554-7-21.
For further information, refer to the description of the Date and Time Data Types,
page 533.

DATE constants and TIME constants can also be combined to form so-called
DATE_AND_TIME constants.

dt#<date and time declaration>
Instead of dt# you can use the following:
• DT#
• date_and_time#
Enter the date and time declaration in format <year-month-day-hour:minute:
You can enter seconds as real numbers. This allows you to specify fractions of a
DATE_AND_TIME values are internally handled as DWORD values, containing
the time span in seconds since 01.01.1970, 00:00 clock until February 7, 2106
For further information, refer to the description of the Date and Time Data Types,
page 533.

Use the LDATE_AND_TIME (LDT) constant to specify a 64-bit date and time.

630 EIO0000002854.04

ldt#<date and time declaration>
Instead of ldt# you can use the following:
• LDT#
• ldate_and_time#
Enter the date and time declaration in format <year-month-day-hour:minute:
You can enter seconds as real numbers. This allows you to specify fractions of a
LDATE_AND_TIME values are internally handled as LWORD values, containing
the time span in seconds since 01.01.1970, 00:00 clock until July 21, 2554
For further information, refer to the description of the Date and Time Data Types,
page 533.

TIME_OF_DAY Constants
Use this type of constant to store times of the day.

tod#<time declaration>
Instead of tod# you can also use the following:
• TOD#
• time_of_day#
Enter the time declaration in format <hour:minute:second>.
You can enter seconds as real numbers. This allows you to specify fractions of a
TIME_OF_DAY values are internally handled as DWORD values, containing the
time span in milliseconds since 00:00 clock.
For further information, refer to the description of the Date and Time Data Types,
page 533.

EIO0000002854.04 631

LTIME_OF_DAY Constants
Use this type of constant to store times of the day in 64 bit format.

ltod#<time declaration>
Instead of ltod# you can also use the following:
• ltime_of_day#
Enter the time declaration in format <hour:minute:second>.
You can enter seconds as real numbers. This allows you to specify fractions of a
LTIME_OF_DAY values are internally handled as LWORD values, containing the
time span in nanoseconds since 00:00 clock.
For further information, refer to the description of the Date and Time Data Types,
page 533.

Number Constants
Number values can appear as binary numbers, octal numbers, decimal numbers,
and hexadecimal numbers. Integer values that are not decimal numbers are
represented by the base followed by the number sign (#) in front of the integer
constant. The values for the numbers 10...15 in hexadecimal numbers are
represented by the letters A...F.
You can include the underscore character within the number.

14 (decimal number)

2#1001_0011 (dual number)

8#67 (octal number)

16#A (hexadecimal number)

These number values can be of type:


632 EIO0000002854.04

Implicit conversions from larger to smaller variable types are not permitted.
Therefore, a DINT variable cannot simply be used as an INT variable. Use the
type conversion functions, page 588.

REAL/LREAL Constants
REAL and LREAL constants can be given as decimal fractions and represented
exponentially. Use the decimal point as decimal separator according to the
International System of Units (SI).

REAL/LREAL Constant Description

7.4 Do not use 7,4 because the comma will result in a

compiler error.

1/3.0 Decimal fraction for 0.333333343.

NOTE: In the case of division of integer types, the
result remains an integer type. The value is
For example, 1/3 yields 0 as the result.

1.64e+009 Do not use 1,64e+009 for exponential notations

because the comma will result in a compiler error.

For limits of the REAL and LREAL data types, refer to the description of the
Standard Data Types, page 531.

String Constants
A string constant is an arbitrary sequence of characters. STRING, page 532
constants are preceded and followed by single quotation marks. WSTRING, page
532 constants are preceded and followed by double quotation marks. The
characters are coded according to the character set specified in ISO/IEC 8859-1.
You may also enter blank spaces and special characters (special characters for
different languages, like accents or umlauts).
In strings, the combination of the dollar sign ($) followed by 2 hexadecimal
numbers is interpreted as a hexadecimal code according to the coding in ISO/IEC
8859-1. The code corresponds to ASCII code. In addition, note the special cases
presented in the table.

Hexadecimal Code
Combinations of characters starting with a dollar sign which are interpreted as
hexadecimal code:

EIO0000002854.04 633

String with $ code Interpretation

'$<8-bit code>' 8-bit code: Two-digit hexadecimal number that is

interpreted according to ISO/IEC 8859-1.

'$41' A
'$9A' ©
'$40' @

'$0D' Control character: Line break (corresponds to '$R')

'$0A' Control character: New line (corresponds to '$L' and


Special Cases of a STRING

Combinations of characters starting with a dollar sign which have a specific

String with $ code Interpretation

'$L', '$l' Control character: Line feed (corresponds to '$0A')

'$N', '$n' Control character: New line (corresponds to '$0A')

'$P' '$p' Control character: Form feed

'$R', '$r' Control character: Line break (corresponds to '$0D')

'$T', '$t' Control character: Tab

'$$' Dollar sign $

'$'' Single straight quotation mark: '

Constant declaration of a STRING:
constA : STRING := 'Hello world';
constB : STRING := 'Hello world $21'; // Hello world!
Examples of WSTRING declarations:
wstr:WSTRING:="This is a WString";
wstr10 : WSTRING(10) := "1234567890";

Typed Constants / Typed Literals

Basically, in using IEC constants, the smallest possible data type will be used. An
exception is REAL/LREAL constants where LREAL is always used. If another data
type has to be used, use typed literals (typed constants) without the necessity of
explicitly declaring the constants. For this purpose, the constant will be provided
with a prefix which determines the type.

<Type> is the desired data type. Possible entries are:

634 EIO0000002854.04

Write the type in uppercase letters.
<Literal> specifies the constant. The data entered has to fit within the data type
specified in <Type>.
If the constant cannot be converted to the target type without data loss, a
message will be generated.
You can use typed literals wherever normal constants can be used.

You can declare variables either locally in the declaration part of a POU or in a
global variable list (GVL) or in a persistent variables list or in the I/O mapping of
Refer to the chapter Variables Declaration, page 461 for information on the
declaration of a variable, including the rules concerning the variable identifier and
multiple use.
It depends on the data type, page 529 where a variable can be used.
You can access available variables through the Input Assistant.

Accessing Variables for Arrays, Structures, and POUs

The table lists the respective syntax for accessing arrays, structures, and POUs:

Syntax Access to

<array name>[Index1, Index2] 2-dimensional array, page 540 components

<structure name>.<variable name> structure, page 549 variables

<function block name>|<program name>. function block and program variables

<variable name>

EIO0000002854.04 635

Addressing Bits in Variables

In integer variables, individual bits can be accessed. For this purpose, append the
index of the bit to be addressed to the variable and separate it by a dot. You can
give any constant to the bit index. Indexing is 0-based.
If your processor does not support direct bit access, you can use a semaphore
(SysSemEnter) or a similar technique to help prevent competing bit access.
However, to avoid access by two tasks, it is a good practice to execute the bit
access within one task only.


a : INT;
b : BOOL;
a.2 := b;
The third bit of the variable a will be set to the value of the variable b, therefore
variable a will equal 3.
If the index is greater than the bit width of the variable, the following message will
be generated:
'Index '<n>' outside the valid range for variable '<var>'!'
Bit addressing is possible with variables of the following data types:
If the data type does not allow bit accessing, the following message will be
'Invalid data type '<type>' for direct indexing'.
Do not assign bit access to a VAR_IN_OUT variable.

Bit Access Via a Global Constant

If you have declared a global constant defining the bit index, you can use this
constant for a bit access.
Example for a bit access via a global constant and on a variable:
1. Declaration of the global constant in a global variable list
The variable enable defines the bit that is accessed:

636 EIO0000002854.04

2. Bit access on an integer variable
Declaration in POU:
Bit access:
xxx.enable := true; (* -> the third bit in variable xxx will
be set TRUE *)

Bit Access on BIT Data Types

The BIT data type is a special data type which is only allowed in structures. You
can then access each bit individually by using the component name. For further
information, refer to Bit Access in Structures, page 550.
Example: Bit access on BIT data types
Declaration of structure
TYPE ControllerData :
Status_OperationEnabled : BIT;
Status_SwitchOnActive : BIT;
Status_EnableOperation : BIT;
Status_Error : BIT;
Status_VoltageEnabled : BIT;
Status_QuickStop : BIT;
Status_SwitchOnLocked : BIT;
Status_Warning : BIT;
Declaration in POU
Bit access
ControllerDrive1.Status_OperationEnabled := TRUE;

Direct Addresses
A direct address specified in EcoStruxure Machine Expert contains the following
• Information on the memory location.
• Memory format (size)
• Offset of the memory location. The offset is specified by an integer number,
which in case of a bit address is followed by a dot and a number for the
position of the bit.

%<memory area prefix><size prefix><number|.number|.number....>

EIO0000002854.04 637

The following memory area prefixes are supported:

I input (physical inputs via input driver, sensors)

Q output (physical outputs via output driver, actors)

M memory location

The following size prefixes are supported:

X single bit

B byte (8 bits)

W word (16 bits)

D double word (32 bits)

Example address Description

%QX7.5 output bit 7.5


%IW215 input word 215

%QB7 output byte 7

%MD48 double word in memory position 48 in the memory

ivar AT %IW0: WORD; example of a variable declaration including an address

For further information, refer to the AT Declaration

chapter, page 471.

NOTE: The memory size for input, output, and memory data (declarations with
AT %I, %Q and %M) is predefined by the target device and can be overwritten in
the properties of an application object (see EcoStruxure Machine Expert,
Menu Commands, Online Help) for PacDrive controllers (PacDrive LMC Eco,
PacDrive LMC Pro/Pro2).

Byte Addressing Mode and Word Addressing Mode

Devices either use byte addressing mode or word addressing mode.

Mode Example

Byte addressing ADR(%IW1) = ADR(%IB1)

Word addressing ADR(%IW1) = ADR(%IB2)

The range for the second element of the bit address that is the number following
the dot, is as follows:
• byte addressing mode: 0...7
• word addressing mode: 0...15
Also for the handling of bit addresses, you can configure the devices differently.
They are then interpreted correspondingly by the EcoStruxure Machine Expert
Example: In a byte-addressing device, the bit address %IX2.5 addresses byte 2
(IB2). In a word-addressing device, however, it addresses word 2, which refers to
a different location within the memory.

638 EIO0000002854.04

NOTE: Boolean values are allocated bytewise if no explicit single-bit address

is specified. Example: A change in the value of varbool1 AT %QB7 affects
the range from QX0.0 to QX0.7.

In ST, a function call can be used as an operand.

Result := Fct(7) + 3;
For a general description of functions and their declarations, refer to the Function
description in the Program Organization Unit (POU) section of this Programming
Guide, page 153.

TIME() Function
This function returns the time (based on milliseconds) which has been passed
since the system was started.
The data type is TIME.
Example in IL
ST systime (* Result for example: T#35m11s342ms *)
Example in ST

EIO0000002854.04 639
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Templates
What’s in This Part
General Information about Templates ............................................................ 641
Managing Device Templates ......................................................................... 648
Managing Function Templates....................................................................... 657

640 EIO0000002854.04
General Information about Templates

General Information about Templates

What’s in This Chapter
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Templates........................................................ 641

EcoStruxure Machine Expert Templates

General Information About EcoStruxure Machine Expert
EcoStruxure Machine Expert provides templates in order to make dedicated
control and visualization functionality that has been developed in one EcoStruxure
Machine Expert project easily available to other EcoStruxure Machine Expert
projects. They help to standardize the usage of field devices and application
functions throughout different EcoStruxure Machine Expert projects.
The following types of templates are available:
• Device templates that are associated with a single field device or I/O module
• Function templates that are associated with a high-level application function
EcoStruxure Machine Expert provides various templates, but you can also create
your own templates for functionalities you want to make available in other projects.

Creating Your Own Templates

The following steps are required for EcoStruxure Machine Expert templates:

Step Action

1 Create your functionality within an EcoStruxure Machine Expert project and test it with
the corresponding hardware or in the simulation.

2 Save the functionality in a template library.

3 Open another EcoStruxure Machine Expert project and select the template from the
template library in order to make the functionality available to this project.

General Notes
When using EcoStruxure Machine Expert templates, note the following:
• Templates are not controller-specific and can therefore be made available for
any controller. Verify that the controller to which you add the template is
capable of executing the functionality contained in the template.
• After the template has been installed, you can freely adapt the created
objects to your individual requirements.
• It is possible to install one template several times on the same controller
device. In order to avoid naming conflicts when creating the objects, they are
renamed automatically during installation. For further information, refer to the
Naming of Objects section of the Adding Devices from Template chapter,
page 650.

EIO0000002854.04 641
General Information about Templates

• Templates do not support the use of direct representations of variables (for

example %IX2.0).
However, you can use direct representations with an incomplete address
specification (for example %I*). For further information, refer to the chapter
Variables configuration - VAR_CONFIG, page 482.
NOTE: Although this form of placeholder for direct addresses is available,
avoid direct addressing in your programs, and use symbolic addressing
wherever and whenever possible.

Supported I/O Modules

EcoStruxure Machine Expert templates can include the following I/O modules:
• TM2
• TM3
• TM5

Supported Fieldbusses
EcoStruxure Machine Expert templates can include field devices that are linked to
the following fieldbusses:
• CANopen
• Modbus serial line (Modbus IOScanner)
• Modbus TCP IO Scanner
• SoftMotion General Drive Pool
• CANmotion
• Ethernet IP Scanner
• Sercos3

Administration of EcoStruxure Machine Expert Templates

The following paragraphs provide an overview of how to create new or change
existing device or function templates and to save them as files for transferring
them to other PCs.

Template Libraries
Template libraries contain the definition of several device or function templates.

Write Protection
The standard template libraries included in the EcoStruxure Machine Expert
scope of delivery are write-protected, which means that they cannot be deleted or
NOTE: You cannot change write-protected libraries (uninstalling individual
templates or changing names), but you can completely uninstall them.

642 EIO0000002854.04
General Information about Templates

Template Administration
For administration of the available device and function templates in EcoStruxure
Machine Expert, select Tools > Template Repository in the EcoStruxure
Machine Expert Logic Builder.
The Template Repository dialog box opens:

From the Location list, select the type of templates to be displayed in the
Installed Templates box:
• <All locations> is selected by default: all available device and function
templates are displayed
• Legacy displays the device and function templates of EcoStruxure Machine
Expert V3.1 (if installed)
• User: displays only those device and function templates that you have
created or installed
• System: displays the standard device and function templates delivered by
EcoStruxure Machine Expert
The path to the directory where the template libraries are stored is displayed
below the Location field.
The Installed Templates box lists the installed templates in 2 groups: Device
Templates and Function Templates. Each template library can either contain
device templates or function templates.

Installing Additional Template Libraries

To add additional template libraries to this list, proceed as follows:

EIO0000002854.04 643
General Information about Templates

Step Action

1 Click the Install button in the Template Repository dialog box.

Result: A File open dialog box opens.

2 Browse to the folder where the template library file you want to install is saved.

3 Select the library file you want to install and click OK.

Result: The selected template library is installed and is indicated in the Template
Repository dialog box, including the device or function templates it contains.

Removing Template Libraries

To remove a template library, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 In the Installed Templates list of the Template Repository dialog box, select the
template library you want to remove.

2 To remove the selected template library, click the Uninstall button.

Result: The selected template library is removed from the installation.

Renaming Template Libraries

To rename a template library, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 In the Installed Templates list of the Template Repository dialog box, select the
template library you want to rename.

2 Click the name of the template library you want to change.

Result: A box opens.

3 Enter the new name in the box and press Enter or leave the box.

Result: The template library is now assigned to the new name.

Creating a New Template Library

To create a new template library, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 To create a new template library, select the option User or <All locations> from the
Location list.
2 To create a new template library for device templates, select the Device Templates
node in the Installed Templates list and click the Create Library button.

Result: A new template library with a default name is added at the bottom of the Device
Templates section of the Installed Templates list.

To create a new template library for function templates, select the Function Templates
node in the Installed Templates list and click the Create Library button.

Result: A new template library with a default name is added at the bottom of the
Function Templates section of the Installed Templates list.

3 Rename the new template library as stated above and fill it with device or function
templates by using for example the copy and paste operations described below.

644 EIO0000002854.04
General Information about Templates

Saving Template Libraries as File

The template libraries that contain device or function templates are EcoStruxure
Machine Expert-specific XML files.
To provide them for use on other PCs, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 Select the template library you want to export in the Installed Templates list.

2 Click the Save As File... button.

3 In the Save File dialog box, navigate to the folder where you want to save the template
library file.

4 Transfer the template library file to the other PC and install it by using the Template

Copy and Paste Operations for Template Libraries

The Template Repository dialog box also supports the copy and paste operation
for template libraries.
To copy a template library with the device or function template it contains, select
the respective item in the Installed Templates list and click the Copy button.
Now select the Device Templates or Function Templates node, and click the
Paste button to insert a copy of this template library with a default name in the
Installed Templates list.
Replace the default name by a name of your choice.

Copy and Paste Operations for Templates

The Template Repository dialog box supports the copy and paste operation for
device or function templates.
To copy a device or function template, select the respective item from below a
template library node in the Installed Templates list and click the Copy button.
You can now paste the template into a template library if the library is not write-
A library can only be pasted into a library of the same kind.
Replace the default name, if you wish, by a name of your choice.

Adding Further Information for Templates or Template Libraries

The Template Repository dialog box allows you to enter further information for
templates or template libraries.
To add further information, select a library or template library in the Installed
Templates list and click the Properties... button.

EIO0000002854.04 645
General Information about Templates

The Properties dialog box for the selected library or template library is displayed.

If the selected library or template library is not write-protected, the Properties

dialog box contains the following parameters that you can edit, along with their
corresponding buttons:

Element Description

Template Name / Library Name box Indicates the name of the library or template library these properties apply to. To
change the name, click this box and adapt the name according to your

Help ID box For Schneider Electric templates or template libraries, contains the reference to
the respective description in the online help.

If there is an online help document available for your templates, you can enter a
full reference to its location in the online help or a keyword corresponding to an
index in the online help.

Show Help button Opens the online help document specified in the Help ID box or the index of the
online help searching for the keyword specified in the Help ID box.

Info section –

Language list Contains the languages that are available for the graphical user interface of
EcoStruxure Machine Expert. If you select a language, the content of the
language-dependent elements Comment, Description, and Picture is displayed
in the selected language.

If no language-specific content is available, the default language English is


Import From File button Displays a standard Open dialog box. It allows you to browse for an XML file that
contains the localized content of the language-dependent elements Comment,
Description, and Picture. The structure of this XML file must follow the structure
indicated in the example, page 647.

Comment box Allows you to enter a short text (for example to provide an overview of the contents
and purpose of the selected library or template library). This text is indicated as a
tooltip when you select template libraries in EcoStruxure Machine Expert.

646 EIO0000002854.04
General Information about Templates

Element Description

Description box Allows you to enter a long text (for example to provide a detailed description of the
contents and purpose of the selected library or template library.

Picture parameter Allows you to enter a path to a language-specific picture.

... button You can also click the ... button to browse for the graphic file.

Supported graphic formats:

• Bitmap: *.bmp
• JPEG: *.jpg
• Graphics interchange format: *.gif
• Icon: *.ico
After the picture has been specified, it will be displayed in the Properties dialog

If you click the OK button, the picture is embedded in the template.

The check box Read-Only is only available for template libraries to indicate
whether the selected template library is in read-only status. It is not possible to
change the status of the template library here.

Localization of Language-Dependent Elements

You can localize the content of the language-dependent elements Comment,
Description, and Picture by importing an XML file with the following structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PropertySet languageId = "en">
<Comment>This is a short description</Comment>
<Description>This is a long description</Description>
<PropertySet languageId = "de">
<Comment>Kurze Beschreibung</Comment>
<Description>Lange Beschreibung</Description>

EIO0000002854.04 647
Managing Device Templates

Managing Device Templates

What’s in This Chapter
Managing Device Templates ........................................................................ 648

Managing Device Templates

Facts of Device Templates
General Information on the Usage of Terms
The following description applies to field devices as well as to I/O modules even
though only the term field device is used to increase readability.

Content of Device Templates

Device templates are related to a specific field device or I/O module. They contain
the following information:
• Fieldbus configuration
• Control logic (controller programming) (optional)
• Visualization elements (visualization programming) (optional)

Using Device Templates

Device templates are stored in template libraries. Each template library contains
the definition for several device templates that have a common base (are related
to motor control, for example).
You can select them and adapt them to the requirements of your individual
EcoStruxure Machine Expert projects in order to create new pre-configured and
ready to use field devices.

Creating New Device Templates

To make your already configured field devices reusable for any EcoStruxure
Machine Expert project, save them as device templates. This also includes the
controller programming and visualization linked to this field device.

Versions of Device Templates

During the creation of a device template, a verification is performed whether the
device description for the device to be created actually exists. If it does not, the
device is automatically updated to the latest version if a later version exists.

Adding Devices from Template

Device templates are related to a specific fieldbus device. They contain the
following information:
• Fieldbus device configuration

648 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Device Templates

• Control logic (controller programming) (optional)

• Visualization elements (visualization programming) (optional)
You can create your own device templates from your project. For details, refer to
the Steps to Create a Device Template chapter, page 654.

Add Device from Template

EcoStruxure Machine Expert provides 2 ways to add a device from a device
• Creating a device using a device template by drag-and-drop:

Step Action

1 Open the Devices & Modules view of the hardware catalog.

2 At the bottom of the Devices & Modules view, activate the option Device Template.

Result: The templates of field devices available in EcoStruxure Machine Expert are displayed in the Devices & Modules
3 Select an entry in the Devices & Modules view, drag it to the Devices tree, and drop it at a suitable subnode of a controller.

Remark: Suitable subnodes are highlighted by EcoStruxure Machine Expert.

Result: The Add Device From Template dialog box displays.

4 In the Add Device From Template dialog box, set the Device Name as well as the Device Address if the fieldbus requires
numerical addresses. In case the device templates includes control logic, select the program (POU) in which the control
logic is inserted.

5 Click the OK button.

Result: The device is created and parameterized according to the selected device template including the optional
visualization screens and control logic.

• Creating a device using a device template via contextual menu:

Step Action

1 Open the Devices tree.

2 Right-click field device manager, and execute the command Add Device From Template from the contextual menu.

Result: The Add Device From Template dialog box displays.

EIO0000002854.04 649
Managing Device Templates

Step Action

3 In the Add Device From Template dialog box, select the Device Template to be used, and set the Device Name as well as
the Device Address if the fieldbus requires numerical addresses. In case the device templates includes control logic, select
the program (POU) in which the control logic is inserted.

4 Click the OK button.

Result: The device is created and parameterized according to the selected device template including the optional
visualization screens and control logic.

NOTE: The undo / redo function is not available for the process of creating
field devices.

Naming of Objects
In order to avoid naming conflicts if the same device template is used as a basis
for creating different field devices, the following naming conventions are applied to
the field devices and the associated objects (FB, visualization, and variables):

If the name of the original object... Then ...

Case 1:
contains the name of the original field this part of the object is replaced by the name of the
device, new field device that is created.


The device template for the field device For a new device Axis1 being created with this device
ATV1 contains a variable Var_ATV1_ template, the new variable is correspondingly named
Input. Var_Axis1_Input.

Case 2:
does not contain the name of the original the name of the new device plus an underscore are
device, inserted in the original name to form a unique new

The device template for the field device For a new device Axis1 being created with this device
ATV1 contains a variable Var_Input1. template, the new variable is correspondingly named

650 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Device Templates

Creating a Device Template on the Basis of Field Devices or I/O

You can create device templates based on field devices or I/O modules. The
following description applies to field devices as well as to I/O modules even
though only the term field device is used to increase readability.
The following paragraphs list:
• The criteria that must be fulfilled in order to save a field device or I/O module,
including logic and visualization, as device template;
• The information that is saved in the device template.

Prerequisites for Field Devices

The field devices must meet the following criteria in order to be saved as device
• Field devices must be linked to the fieldbusses listed in the Supported
Fieldbusses list, page 642;
• The device type must be installed in the Device Repository.

Prerequisites for I/O Modules

Only the supported I/O modules can be saved as device templates, page 642.

Prerequisites for the Application

You can only create templates from correct applications. Correct means that no
errors are detected during the Build process.

Prerequisites for Including Control Logic into a Template

In order to include control logic into a template, the control logic must contain one
or more code sections that exchange data with the field device. This control logic
must be executed (added to a task or called by another program). Otherwise, it is
not taken into account when executing the Build command.

Device Information Saved in Device Templates

The following information of field devices is saved in device templates:
• Device configuration
• I/O mapping of the field device
• Visualizations that are suitable for the field device
• Control logic exchanging data with the field device

Visualizations Suitable for Creating Device Templates

Each device template can be associated with 1 or more Logic Builder
visualizations. The supported types of visualizations are described as follows.

EIO0000002854.04 651
Managing Device Templates

Supported Visualizations
EcoStruxure Machine Expert supports both types of visualizations:
• Plain visualizations
• Modular visualizations using frames
Visualizations using frames have a better flexibility and modularity.

Plain Visualizations
Visualizations without frames are based on a single visualization object, created
for the I/O device.
EcoStruxure Machine Expert references the data of the I/O device within the
properties of the visual elements. When you create a new device based on this
device template, EcoStruxure Machine Expert directly replaces the variables in
the properties of the visual elements.

Visualizations Using Frames

A visualization using frames is built from a main screen that can be embedded
with other visualizations, using a number of smaller visualizations to be combined
like modules in predefined areas of the main screen (frames).
In the main screen, a frame-object is placed like a rectangular object as the
container. You can assign another visualization to such a container.
The embedded visualization can then be used with an interface to access visual
elements internally.
For more information, refer to the part Software > CODESYS Visualization of the
EcoStruxure Machine Expert online help.
To use embedded visualizations for device templates, define an interface that
includes definitions of all variables related to the connection to the I/O device or
function block for each visualization module. When you create a new device
based on this device template, EcoStruxure Machine Expert adapts all
placeholders of the embedded visualizations according to the created I/O device
NOTE: All the visualizations using frames and the function blocks linked to the
specific I/O device must be defined in a library so that EcoStruxure Machine
Expert can find them.

Further Information on Integrating Control Logic into Device

You can include control logic into a device template if the logic contains one or
more code sections that exchange data with the field device in one of the following
• A code section uses a new variable that is defined in the I/O mapping of the
field device.
• A code section and the I/O mapping of the field device use a common
variable that is defined in a GVL or a controller program contained by the
application to which the code section belongs.
NOTE: If you use structures or arrays, verify that they are only related to a
single field device.
• A code section and the field device use a fix device-specific variable (for
example the axis-ref variables used with the Altivar or Lexium drives).

652 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Device Templates

Interconnected Calls of Code Sections

Code sections consist of a sequence of interconnected calls of function blocks,
functions, and operators.
If one of the following relationships exists between the individual calls, they are
considered as being connected:
• a graphical connection exists between the individual calls in CFC, FBD, and
• a variable is connected to the output of the one call and the input of the other
• One call uses the parameter of the other call

Individually Selecting Function Blocks

You can individually select the function blocks that are included in those code
sections that exchange data with the field device to be included in the device
template. This allows you to create different device templates providing different
functions for the same field device.
NOTE: The function block type must be defined in a library.

Including Expressions into Device Templates

The expressions, as well as the variables used in these expressions that are
connected to the parameters of a function block, function or operator are
automatically saved in the device template.

General Practices for the Creation of Control Logic

If you create a device template in one IEC language, but instantiate it within a
different IEC language, the result may be a difference in execution. Therefore, it is
best to keep such control logic as simple as possible.
By keeping the logic as simple as possible, the code sections will likely work
identically even if they are created in different IEC languages.
NOTE: For complex control logic, you should rather create a function

Practices for the Creation of Control Logic in FBD / LD

Avoid edge detection elements because they do not exist in other IEC languages.
If possible, use R_TRIG or F_TRIG function blocks instead.

Practices for the Creation of Control Logic in CFC

Use the command Execution Order > Order By Data Flow to order the CFC
elements belonging to the same code section according to their position in the
data flow. This provides a better compatibility with other IEC languages.
Provide space (in horizontal direction) between the individual CFC elements
because, due to renaming, the names of variables are extended when a new
device is created from a template.

EIO0000002854.04 653
Managing Device Templates

Control Logic Example

The following figure shows a typical example of a code section for an Advantys OTB distributed I/O device in a
conveying application:

The code section consists of the following function blocks:

Name Type Function

InOTB_Conv20 Input block Converting data coming from the OTB into
the format required by the control block

Conv20 Control block Processing data

OutOTB_Conv20 Output block Converting data coming from the control

block into the format required by the OTB

The variables InByte1_Conv20, InByte2_Conv20 and OutByte_Conv20 are

defined in the I/O mapping of the OTB. Therefore, the code section exchanges
data with the OTB device. It can thus become part of the device template.

Steps to Create a Device Template

The following paragraphs list the steps that have to be performed in order to save
field devices meeting the criteria stated in Creating a Device Template on the
Basis of Field Devices, page 651.

Steps for Saving a Field Device as Template

To save an already existing field device as device template, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 Right-click the field device you want to save as device template in the Devices tree.

2 Select the command Save As Device Template from the contextual menu.

Result: EcoStruxure Machine Expert automatically builds the application. After the built
process has been successfully completed, the Save as Device Template dialog box will
be displayed.

3 Define the new device template in the Save as Device Template dialog box as stated
4 Click OK to close the Save as Device Template dialog box and to create your new
device template.

654 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Device Templates

Save As Device Template Dialog Box

The Save As Device Template dialog box contains the following parameters:

1 indicates the type of the field device on which the device template is based
2 indicates the fieldbus type of the field device
3 the name of the device template that will be created (initially the name of the
original field device)
4 select the template library the device template will be added to
5 select function blocks and visualizations that should be saved with the device
6 Properties button to add further information to the device template

Defining a Name for the New Device Template

Use the text box Template Name to define a name for your device template.
By default, this text box includes the name of the selected field device.
You can either type the name of your choice directly into this text box, or you can
click the ... button to select an existing device template from the lists if you want to
overwrite this device template.

Selecting the Template Library

To select one of the previously installed or created template libraries in which the
device template should be stored, proceed as follows:

EIO0000002854.04 655
Managing Device Templates

Step Action

1 In the Save as Device Template dialog box, click the ... button right to the Template
Library text box.

Result: The Select Template Library dialog box will be displayed.

2 The Select Template Library dialog box displays all template libraries that have been
installed for the current project or have been created. Write-protected template libraries
are not displayed.

To add the new device template to 1 of these template libraries, select the suitable entry
and click OK.

Selecting the Function Blocks

To select the function block instances to be included into the device template,
proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 In the Save as Device Template dialog box, click the ... button to the right of the
Function Blocks text box.

Result: The Select Function Block dialog box will be displayed.

The Select Function Block dialog box displays all function block instances contained
by the control logic of the field device, page 652.

2 Select the check box of an individual function block to select it for the device template.

Or select the check box of a root node to select all elements below this node.
3 Click the OK button.

Selecting the Visualizations

To select the visualizations to be included into the field device, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 In the Save as Device Template dialog box, click the ... button to the right of the
Visualizations text box.

Result: The Select Visualizations dialog box will be displayed.

The Select Visualizations dialog box displays those visualizations that are linked with
the field device or with one of the selected function blocks.
2 Select the check box of an individual visualization to select it for the device template.

Or select the check box of a root node to select all elements below this node.
3 Click the OK button.

Adding Further Information to the New Device Template

To add further information to the new device template, click the Properties...
button. The Properties dialog box opens. It allows you to enter further information
for the device template. Since the dialog box is identical for device templates and
template libraries, see the description in the Adding Further Information for
Templates or Template Libraries chapter, page 645.

656 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Function Templates

Managing Function Templates

What’s in This Chapter
Managing Function Templates...................................................................... 657

Managing Function Templates

Facts of Function Templates
Content of Function Templates
Function templates represent dedicated control and visualization functionality that
are associated with an application function.
A function template may include the following elements:
• One or several IEC programs, functions, or function blocks
• One or several user-defined data types (DUT)
• One or several field devices or I/O modules that are being used by the
application function
• One or several visualizations that are being used to visualize the application
• One or several global variable lists
• One or several global variables that may be shared with other application
• One or several text lists and image pools
• One or several traces
• One or several CAM tables (for CANmotion)
• One or several I/O variables to be mapped on an I/O channel
• One or several template parameters

Using Function Templates

Already available function templates are saved in template libraries. Each
template library contains the definition for several function templates that have a
common base (for example, all are related to packaging applications).
You can easily select them and adapt them to the requirements of your individual
EcoStruxure Machine Expert projects in order to create new ready to use
application functions.

Creating New Function Templates

To make your already created application function reusable for any EcoStruxure
Machine Expert project, you can save it as function template.
When you save the function template, decide in which template library it should be

Versions of Function Templates

During the creation of a function template, a verification is performed whether the
device description for the device to be created actually exists. If it does not, the
device is automatically updated to the latest version if a later version exists.

EIO0000002854.04 657
Managing Function Templates

Adding Functions from Template

You can add an application function from a function template by right-clicking a
suitable node in a navigator and executing the command Add Function From
Template from the contextual menu.
Suitable nodes are:
• An application node in the Applications tree
• A folder node below an application node in the Applications tree
• A controller node in the Functional tree
• A functional module node in the Functional tree
As a result, the Add Function From Template dialog box opens.

Add Function From Template Dialog Box

The Add Function From Template dialog box provides the following elements to
configure your function:

Element Description

Function Name text box Enter a name that is used for the new folder of this application and for the naming
of the elements it contains.
Function Template Click the ... button and select a function template from the Select Function
Template dialog box.

I/O Devices table –

Device Name Contains the name of the future field device. You cannot change this name.

658 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Function Templates

Element Description

Device Type Indicates the type of the field device. You cannot edit this cell.

Fieldbus Type Indicates the fieldbus type of the field device. You cannot edit this cell.

Master Contains the fieldbus master to which the field device is connected. If there are
several masters, you can select the master of your choice from the list.

Address Initially empty. For field devices on fieldbusses that require numerical addresses
(Modbus serial line and CANopen), click the ... button right to the field and assign
the address of your choice.

I/O Mapping table Lists the I/O variables that are part of the function template. It allows you to map
them to the I/O channels of existing devices and modules.

Name Contains the name of the I/O variable that has to be mapped on an I/O channel.

Data Type Indicates the data type of the I/O channel to which the I/O variable was originally

Mapping Click the ... button to open the Select I/O Mapping dialog box. It allows you to
select an I/O channel on which you can map the selected variable.

After the variable has been mapped to an I/O channel, this Mapping field contains
the input or output address of the I/O channel on which the variable is mapped.

Description Contains a description of the I/O variable.

Parameters table Lists the template parameters included in the function template.

Object Indicates the name of the GVL or program in which the variable is defined. You
cannot edit this field.
Name Contains the name of the variable. You cannot edit this cell.
Data Type Indicates the data type of the variable. You cannot edit this cell.

Default Indicates the default value of the variable. This is the initial value of the variable
when the template was created. You cannot edit this cell.

New Value Edit this cell if you want to assign a new value to the variable. If you leave this cell
empty, the Default value is used for this variable.

Enter a value that is valid for the given data type.

Description Contains a description of the variable.

OK button Confirm your settings by clicking the OK button.

Result: EcoStruxure Machine Expert verifies whether the settings are correct and
inserts the new application function as separate node below the Application node
or displays an error detection message.

Select I/O Mapping Dialog Box

The Select I/O Mapping dialog box is used to map a variable selected in the Add
Function From Template dialog box to an I/O channel.
It displays the available I/O channels in a tree structure, similar to the Devices
tree. The root node is the controller. Only those I/O channels are displayed whose
data type fits to the data type of the new variable.
Two data types are compatible if they have identical type names or if they are
elementary IEC data types of the same size.
UINT --> INT allowed
UDINT --> INT not allowed

EIO0000002854.04 659
Managing Function Templates

Display the subnodes by clicking the plus signs.

The Select I/O Mapping dialog box contains the following columns:

Column Description

Channel Contains the tree structure. Each device is represented by the device
name and the device icon. Each I/O channel is represented by the channel
Address Contains the input / output address that corresponds to the I/O channel.

Mapping Contains the I/O variable that is currently mapped on the I/O channel.

Description Contains the description of the I/O channel.

Consider the following practices for mapping variables to I/O channels:

• Map all variables provided by the function template to I/O channels.
• You can map an I/O variable of a function template to an I/O channel that
already has a mapping. The existing mapping is overwritten.
• Any mappings that lead to multiple assignments of variables on the same I/O
channel are not allowed.

Objects Created
The function template creates the following objects in your project:

Object Description

Root folder A new folder is created under the Application node in the Devices tree that is
named as defined in the Function Name text box.
Field devices The field devices that are included in the function template are created using
names that apply to the naming rules and are connected to the fieldbus master.
The I/O mapping is automatically adjusted, if necessary.

Objects The objects that are included in the function template are created below the root
available as folder in the respective navigator (Devices tree, Applications tree, Tools tree)
subnodes of the using names that apply to the naming rules. The properties of the objects are
automatically adjusted.

660 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Function Templates

Object Description

root folder in the


Task The task configuration is adjusted as required by the function template.


Global variable The global variable lists that are included in the function template are created
lists below the root folder using names that apply to the naming rules.

External Global variables whose global variable lists do not belong to the function
variables template are restored in their original global variable list as follows:
• If a global variable list with the original name does not already exist below
the application, it is created automatically.
• If a global variable with the original name does not already exist in this
global variable list, it is created automatically.
If the type of global variable is not correct, EcoStruxure Machine Expert issues
an error detection message.

Persistent Persistent variables are restored in the respective variable list of the application
variables as follows:
• If a persistent variable list does not already exist below the application, it is
created automatically with its original name.
• If a variable with the original name does not already exist in the persistent
variable list, it is created automatically.
If the type of persistent variable is not correct, EcoStruxure Machine Expert
issues a message.

External objects Objects that are not included in the function template but are referenced by the
function template (such as function blocks and DUTs) are handled as follows:
• If the object does not exist, it is created
• If the object already exists and has not been modified, it remains
• If the object already exists and modifications are detected, an error is
reported in the Messages view. To display further information on the
detected modifications, click the entry in the Messages view.

Any objects that are created with the instantiation of the function template are
listed in the Messages pane.

Naming of Objects
In order to avoid naming conflicts, if you instantiate the same function template
several times on the same controller device, the following naming conventions are
applied to the application functions and the associated objects:

If the name of the original object... Then ...

Case 1:
contains the name of the application function, this part of the object is replaced by the name of
the new application function that is created.


The template original application function Axis For a new application function Axis1 being
contains a program Axis_Init. created with this template, the new program is
correspondingly named Axis1_Init.

Case 2:
does not contain the name of the application the name of the new application function plus
function, an underscore are inserted in the original name
to form a unique new name.


The original application function Axis contains a For a new application function Axis1 being
program InitProg. created with this function template, the new
program is correspondingly named Axis1_

EIO0000002854.04 661
Managing Function Templates

NOTE: Use rather short names for your application functions so that they are
completely displayed.

Application Functions as Basis for Function Templates

The following paragraphs list:
• The criteria that must be fulfilled in order to save an application function with
its associated field devices, I/O modules, and visualizations as function
• The information that is saved in the function template.

Prerequisites for the Application

You can only create templates from correct applications. Correct means that no
errors are detected during the build process.

Prerequisites for Saving an Application Function as Function Template

In order to save an application function as function template, it is a prerequisite
that all programs of the application function are executed.
This means they must meet one of the following criteria:
• They must be added to a task.
• They must be called by another program.
Otherwise, they will not be considered when executing the Build command.

I/O Variables in Function Templates

An I/O variable is a variable that is mapped on an I/O channel of a field device. It is
saved in the function template if the following conditions apply:
• The I/O variable is used by any program or visualization that is included in the
function template.
• The field device or I/O module to which the I/O variable is mapped cannot be
included in the function template.
You can map an I/O variable that is saved in the function template on an existing I/
O channel when an application function is created from the function template,
page 658.
The I/O variable has a description that is displayed in the Add Function From
Template dialog box.
This description is created as follows:
• If the I/O variable was newly created in the I/O Mapping tab of the device
editor, page 127, the description is taken from the description of the I/O
channel (this only applies if the original description has been changed).
• If the I/O variable is a reference to an existing variable, the description is
taken from the comment of this variable.

Template Parameters
A template parameter is a variable with an adjustable initial value.

662 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Function Templates

Example:When a device is used via a communication function block, then you

have to assign the address of the device to this function block as an input
parameter. To be able to set this address, connect a variable to the function block
and define the variable as a template parameter.
A variable can become a template parameter if the following conditions apply:
• The variable is defined in a program or global variable list that is included in
the function template.
• The variable has a simple data type (BOOL, any numeric data type, any
STRING, alias types based on a simple data type).
• The initial value of the variable is explicitly defined as a literal value.
All variables that meet these conditions can be selected as template parameter
when the function template is saved, page 666.
If a variable was selected as a template parameter, the initial value of this variable
can be adjusted when a new application function is created from the function
template, page 658.

Objects Saved in Function Templates

The following objects are saved in function templates:
• The objects that are available in the tree structure as subnodes below the
Application node or below the Functional Model node.
• The field devices and I/O modules that are used.
• The function blocks, functions, or DUTs that are referenced by an object.

Steps to Create a Function Template

EcoStruxure Machine Expert provides 2 ways to create a function template:
• From the Macros view using the Create New Template dialog box.
• From the Applications tree or Functional tree using the Save as Function
Template dialog box.
The following paragraphs list the steps that have to be performed in order to save
already available application functions that meet the criteria stated in Application
Functions as Basis for Function Templates, page 662 as function templates.

Procedure via Macros View

The procedure via Macros view allows you to create your own function template
by dragging and dropping elements:

Step Action

1 In the Macros view, expand the section My Template.

2 Select the My Template node, and click the green plus button.

Result: A new node with the default name LIB1 is inserted below the MyTemplate node.

3 Select the LIB1 node and click the green plus button.

Result: The Create New Template dialog box displays.

EIO0000002854.04 663
Managing Function Templates

Step Action

4 In the Function Template tab of the Create New Template dialog box, enter a Name for your function template.

Drag the elements you want to include in the function template from the Applications tree to the Elements box of the
Function Template tab. The elements listed in this box is inserted in your function template.
NOTE: The elements must belong to the same application.

5 The Parameters tab of the Create New Template dialog box displays those variables that are included in the elements you
selected in the Function Template tab.

664 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Function Templates

Step Action

From the list of variables, select those you want to declare as template parameters by selecting the check box of the
variable or of a node.
6 The Properties tab of the Create New Template dialog box allows you to add further information to the function template.

You can insert a link to the online help of this function template. The dialog box allows you to add further textual information
that can be localized, and you can add a graphic illustrating this function template. For a description of these parameters,
refer to the chapter Adding Further Information for Templates or Template Libraries, page 645.

7 Click the Save Template button.

Procedure via Applications tree or Functional tree

To save an already available application function as function template, proceed as

Step Action

1 Right-click a subfolder of an application node in the Applications tree or a functional model node in the Functional tree.

2 Execute the command Save As Function Template from the contextual menu.

EIO0000002854.04 665
Managing Function Templates

Step Action

Result: EcoStruxure Machine Expert automatically builds the application. After the built process has been successfully
completed, the Save As Function Template dialog box is displayed.

3 Define the new function template as stated below.

4 Click OK to close the Save as Function Template dialog box and to create your new function template.

Result: EcoStruxure Machine Expert verifies that the function template can be created and displays a message that the
function template has been created successfully or indicates the errors detected.

Assigning a Template Name

In the Template Name text box of the Save as Function Template dialog box,
define the name under which the function template is stored in the template
library. By default, this text box contains the name of the folder that contains your
application function in the Applications tree but you can adapt the name to your
individual requirements.

Selecting the Template Library

To select one of the previously installed or created template libraries in which your
new function template should be stored, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 In the Save as Function Template dialog box, click the ... button next to the Template Library text box.

Result: The Select Template Library dialog box is displayed.

2 The Select Template Library dialog box displays the template libraries that have been installed for the open project or have
been created. Write-protected libraries are not displayed.

To add your new function template to one of these template libraries, select the suitable entry and click OK.

Selecting Variables as Parameters

You can define variables of the function template as template parameters, page
To define variables of the function template as template parameters, proceed as

666 EIO0000002854.04
Managing Function Templates

Step Action

1 In the Save as Function Template dialog box, click the ... button to the right of the Parameters text box.

Result: The Select Variables as Parameters dialog box is displayed.

It displays the variables that are defined in the selected application.

2 Select the check box of an individual variable to select it as template parameter for the function template.

Or select the check box of a root node to select all elements below this node.
3 Click the OK button.

Result: The selected variables are displayed in the Parameters text box of the Save as Function Template dialog box.

They are displayed in the Parameters table of the Add Function From Template dialog box where you can assign New
Values for these parameters.

Overwriting an Existing Function Template

To overwrite an existing function template with the selected application function,
proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 In the Save as Function Template dialog box, click the ... button right to the Template Name text box.

2 Browse to the already available function template you want to replace.

3 Select the function template you want to replace.

Result: The name of this function template is inserted in the Template Name text box and the name of the template library
where it is stored in is inserted in the Template Library text box.

4 Click OK to close the Save as Function Template dialog box and to replace the selected function template with the new
application function.

Adding Further Information to the New Function Template

To add further information to the new function template, click the Properties...
button. The Properties dialog box opens. It allows you to enter further information
for the function template. Since the dialog box is identical for device templates and
template libraries, see the description in the Adding Further Information for
Templates or Template Libraries chapter, page 645.

EIO0000002854.04 667
Troubleshooting and FAQ
What’s in This Part
Generic - Troubleshooting and FAQ............................................................... 669
Accessing Controllers - Troubleshooting and FAQ .......................................... 674

668 EIO0000002854.04
Generic - Troubleshooting and FAQ

Generic - Troubleshooting and FAQ

What’s in This Chapter
Troubleshooting .......................................................................................... 669
Frequently Asked Questions ........................................................................ 669

Log File
EcoStruxure Machine Expert automatically creates a log file. It provides
information that is useful for debugging purposes. The size of the file is not
restricted and there is no automatic removal or overwriting procedure.
The file is deleted only when EcoStruxure Machine Expert is uninstalled.
NOTE: Delete the file manually in suitable time intervals so that it does not use
a large amount of disk space on your PC. The file is found in the temporary
folder of Windows, defined by the variable %TEMP%.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Enable and Configure Analog Inputs on CANopen?
This section provides instructions on enabling analog inputs according to the
CANopen standard by setting the SDO (Service Data Object) 6423 to the value 1.

Step Action

1 Double-click the node of your analog CANopen device in the Devices tree.

2 In the CANopen Remote Device tab of the editor, enable the option Enable Expert Settings.

Result: Additional tabs are displayed and the Service Data Object tab is populated with information.

EIO0000002854.04 669
Generic - Troubleshooting and FAQ

Step Action

3 Open the Service Data Object tab and click the New... button.

Result: The Select item from object directory dialog box is displayed.

4 From the list of objects, select object 6423, enter 1 as Value, and click OK.

Result: Analog input transmission on the CANopen bus is activated. You can now configure parameters of the analog
values as described in the hardware manual of your device.

Why is EcoStruxure Machine Expert Startup Performance

Sometimes Slower?
Beside the PC configuration there are several other conditions which can increase
the time EcoStruxure Machine Expert is consuming during startup:

Boot Phase Startup Performance

first start after On first start after EcoStruxure Machine Expert has been installed, the
EcoStruxure Machine software will generate its working environment on the PC. This is done
Expert installation only one time but has significant impact on the duration of the first

first start after reboot After rebooting the PC, the startup time of EcoStruxure Machine
Expert can be longer than usual because Microsoft Windows
consumes some time in the background to launch services that are
needed to run EcoStruxure Machine Expert. This can have impact on
the startup duration and cannot be avoided.

subsequent starts Users experience better performance of the startup when the system
has been started previously on the PC.

670 EIO0000002854.04
Generic - Troubleshooting and FAQ

How Can I Manage Shortcuts and Menus?

The menus and shortcuts of the EcoStruxure Machine Expert software differ
depending on the current state, that is, the window or editor that is currently open.
You can adapt the shortcuts and menus to your individual preferences or you can
load the EcoStruxure Machine Expert or CODESYS standard shortcuts and
menus as described in the following sections.

Customizing Shortcuts and Menus

You can adapt the shortcuts and menus to your individual preferences by using
the Tools > Customize menu.

Restoring the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Standard Shortcuts and Menus

To restore the EcoStruxure Machine Expert standard shortcuts and menus (after
you have customized them), proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 Execute the Customize command from the Tools menu.

Result: The Customize dialog box will be displayed.

2 In the Customize dialog box, click the Load... button.

Result: The Load Menu dialog box will be displayed.

3 In the Load Menu dialog box, navigate to the folder ...\Program Files\Schneider Electric
\EcoStruxure Machine Expert\Vx.x\LogicBuilder\Settings, select the file Standard.opt.
menu, and click Open.

Result: The Customize dialog box now shows the standard EcoStruxure Machine
Expert settings.

4 To load these standard settings to the EcoStruxure Machine Expert graphical user
interface, click OK.

Setting the Shortcuts and Menus to CODESYS Standard

To import the CODESYS shortcuts and menus to your EcoStruxure Machine
Expert graphical user interface, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 Execute the Customize command from the Tools menu.

Result: The Customize dialog box will be displayed.

2 In the Customize dialog box, click the Load button.

Result: The Load Menu dialog box will be displayed.

3 In the Load Menu dialog box, navigate to the folder ...\Program Files\Schneider Electric
\SoMachine Software\Vx.x\LogicBuilder\Settings\OriginalCoDeSys, select the file, and click Open.

Result: The Customize dialog box now shows the CODESYS settings.

4 To load these CODESYS settings to the EcoStruxure Machine Expert graphical user
interface, click OK.

NOTE: The menus and shortcuts of the EcoStruxure Machine Expert software
differ, depending on the window or editor that is currently open.

EIO0000002854.04 671
Generic - Troubleshooting and FAQ

Expanding Menus
EcoStruxure Machine Expert main menus and contextual menus can be displayed
in a collapsed or full view. In the collapsed mode seldom used or disabled
commands are hidden. After clicking the arrow menu item at the bottom of a
menu, the corresponding menu expands, showing all its menu items.
For always showing the menus in the full viewing mode, activate the option
Always show full menus in the Tools > Options > Features dialog box.

How Can I Increase the Build-Time Performance of EcoStruxure

Machine Expert?
Good Practices
The list of good practices may help you to avoid a slow performance when working
with EcoStruxure Machine Expert:
• Verify that the hardware of the PC meets the system requirements (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Introduction).
• Use a Solid State Drive (SSD) and verify that sufficient memory space is
available. Contact your IT administration for further details.
• Consider uninstalling components that you do not need via the EcoStruxure
Machine Expert Configuration Manager.
• If you are using Vijeo-Designer integrated in EcoStruxure Machine Expert,
consider to disable the automatic symbol export function. To achieve this,
activate the option Disable automatic symbol export in the EcoStruxure
Machine Expert Logic Builder Options > Vijeo-Designer dialog box (see
EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).
• Consider activating the option Disable undo after deleting a DTM
(performance optimization) in the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic
Builder Options > FDT Options dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help) if this function is not frequently used.
• Avoid large POUs. EcoStruxure Machine Expert has no limit for the size of
POUs programmed in graphical languages like LD. Nevertheless, it is a good
practice to call POUs in sequences instead of creating one large POU.

What Can I Do in Case of Issues with Modbus IOScanner on Serial

This section provides instructions that may help you to solve issues that were
detected when using Modbus IOScanner on a Serial Line.

Exception State of the Application

A Modbus IOScanner on a Serial Line is configured on your controller and one of
the Modbus slave devices is disconnected.
If the application goes to exception state after the download or after a reset of the
controller, proceed as follows:

672 EIO0000002854.04
Generic - Troubleshooting and FAQ

Step Action

1 Verify the integrity of your cable.

2 Verify that your cable is correctly connected between the controller and the Modbus
Serial slave.
3 Reset your controller.

Error Detected While Using Modbus IOScanner on a Serial Line

If... Then ...
an error is detected while using Modbus the xError flag associated to the slave that has
IOScanner on a Serial Line been detected as generating or causing the
error is set to TRUE.
the communication is NOT stopped (the
controller still tries to connect the slave).

the parameter
uiNumberOfCommunicatingSlaves is decreased
and xAllSlavesOK is set to FALSE.

After the communication to the slave has been re-established, a rising edge on the
xReset entry of the slave is required:
• To reset xError.
• To update the values of uiNumberOfCommunicatingSlaves.
• To update the values of xAllSlavesOK.

What Can I Do If My Network Variables List (NVL) Communication

Has Been Suspended?
The NVL communication has been suspended after an online change.

Restart the target controller.

EIO0000002854.04 673
Accessing Controllers - Troubleshooting and FAQ

Accessing Controllers - Troubleshooting and FAQ

What’s in This Chapter
Troubleshooting: Accessing New Controllers................................................. 674
FAQ - What Can I Do in Case of Connection Problems With the
Controller?.................................................................................................. 677

Troubleshooting: Accessing New Controllers

Accessing New Controllers
To access a new controller, adapt the network settings of the controller to the
network of your EcoStruxure Machine Expert PC. This chapter provides a step-by-
step example.

This example shows the steps to access an M262 with IP address
from a PC with IP address residing in subnet

Step Action

1 Connect the controller directly to the PC running EcoStruxure Machine Expert or to the network of the PC using an Ethernet
2 In EcoStruxure Machine Expert, open the Communication Settings view of the device editor, page 78.

Result: The M262 controller will be included in the list.

3 To adapt the communication settings of the controller, right-click the controller in the Communication Settings list, and
execute the command Edit communication settings... from the contextual menu.

Result: The Edit communication settings dialog box opens.

4 In the Edit communication settings dialog box, enter a free IP address available in your network.

When configuring IP addresses, refer to the hazard message below.

5 Click OK to confirm the Edit communication settings dialog box.

6 In the Communication Settings view, connect to the controller.

674 EIO0000002854.04
Accessing Controllers - Troubleshooting and FAQ

Carefully manage the IP addresses because each device on the network requires
a unique address. Having multiple devices with the same IP address can cause
unintended operation of your network and associated equipment.

• Verify that all devices have unique addresses.
• Obtain your IP address from your system administrator.
• Confirm that the device’s IP address is unique before placing the system into
• Do not assign the same IP address to any other equipment on the network.
• Update the IP address after cloning any application that includes Ethernet
communications to a unique address.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

NOTE: Some controllers support a parameter that helps to prevent them from
being remotely accessed (RemoteCommunicationAccess parameter of the
LMC •0•C controllers.

Connecting via IP Address and Address Information

The used communication protocol offers a mechanism to connect to a controller
independent of the type of connection. For example, this allows access to a target
controller that is connected via Ethernet to another hop controller that is
connected via USB to the PC itself.

1 PC
2 hop controller
3 target controller
5 Ethernet

Address Information
In the example, USB uses a different protocol. It is therefore normally not possible
to use the IP address to address the target controller. Instead, the routing
information is used that describes the way to connect to the target controller over
1 or more hops.

EIO0000002854.04 675
Accessing Controllers - Troubleshooting and FAQ

This routing information is displayed as a tooltip of an entry of the controller list (in
the following example [Address] 0000.2001):

NOTE: Since this address only describes the way the controller is connected,
it can change upon each modification of the local PCs or the network adapter
settings of the hop controller. For example, upon activating or deactivating
network adapters or upon starting/stopping services that use network
adapters. The address to a specific target can differ from different sending

Since the Nodename of the controller is a stable identifier in the system, it is used
to identify the target.
If IP Address is selected as Connection Mode, it is tried to get the information
from the Nodename itself. Some controllers (such as LMC •0•C) create the
Nodename automatically including the IP address. You can also configure the
Nodename by yourself (as described in the FAQ Why is the Controller not Listed
in the Communication Settings View?, page 679) to enable the system to find a
controller by its IP address. If the IP address is missing in the nodename, it is tried
to get the IP address from a controller. But not all devices or their current firmware
version support the service. In this case, use the Connection Mode Nodename
to connect or set a device name that includes the IP address in brackets. For
example MyDevice (

676 EIO0000002854.04
Accessing Controllers - Troubleshooting and FAQ

FAQ - What Can I Do in Case of Connection Problems With

the Controller?
FAQ - Why is a Connection to the Controller not Possible?
Why is a Connection to the Controller not Possible Even Though the IP
Address Seems to Fit?
If you have set the IP address of the controller as described in the Accessing New
Controllers chapter, page 674, and you still cannot connect to the controller, the
reason can be the subnet mask. Since the communication protocol requires an
identical subnet mask on both the sender and the receiver site, it may be possible
that a ping to the controller is successful, but a connection cannot be established.
In order to solve this issue, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 In EcoStruxure Machine Expert, open the Communication Settings view of the device
editor, page 78.

2 To adapt the communication settings of the controller, right-click the controller in the
Communication Settings list, and execute the command Edit communication
settings... from the contextual menu.

Result: The Edit communication settings dialog box opens.

3 Adapt the Subnet mask configured for the controller exactly to the subnet mask of your
EcoStruxure Machine Expert PC.


Change to

NOTE: After you have changed the Connection Mode in the

Communication Settings dialog box, it may be required to perform the login
procedure twice to gain access to the selected controller.

Why is a Login to a Controller not Possible?

For communications between an application (such as EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, Controller Assistant) and a controller, a running EcoStruxure Machine
Expert gateway is required. If you attempt to login to a controller, the application
automatically starts the active EcoStruxure Machine Expert gateway. If
EcoStruxure Machine Expert has not been started with (Windows) administrator
rights, the start of the gateway cannot be executed.
In order to solve this issue, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 In the Windows notification area, verify whether the Gateway Management Console icon

is displayed in red to indicate that the selected gateway is stopped:

2 Right-click the Gateway Management Console icon, and execute the command Start
Gateway from the contextual menu.

Result: The selected gateway service is started.

3 In the Windows notification area, verify whether the Gateway Management Console icon

is displayed in green to indicate that the selected gateway is running:

4 Start another attempt to log in to the controller.

EIO0000002854.04 677
Accessing Controllers - Troubleshooting and FAQ

Why is the Controller not Listed in the Communication Settings Tab?

If you establish a connection between the controller and the EcoStruxure Machine
Expert PC by using the classic mode, then the Communication Settings tab is
displayed in classic mode, page 98.
If the controller of your choice is not displayed in the Communication Settings
tab in classic mode, you can temporarily switch to the Communication Settings
tab in controller selection mode, page 78 as follows:

Step Action

1 Open the Tools > Options > Device editor dialog box (see EcoStruxure Machine
Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

2 Select the Communication page > Controller selection mode setting and confirm by
clicking OK.

678 EIO0000002854.04
Accessing Controllers - Troubleshooting and FAQ

Why is the Controller not Listed in the Communication Settings View?

If you do not find your controller in the list of the Communication Settings view in
controller selection mode, page 78, the reason can be that the same Nodename
is assigned to multiple devices. If the same Nodename is assigned to multiple
devices, only one of these devices is listed in the list.
You must carefully manage the Nodename because each device on the network
requires a unique Nodename. Having multiple devices with the same Nodename
can cause unpredictable operation of your network and associated equipment.

• Verify that all devices have unique Nodenames before placing the system
into service.
• Update the Nodename after cloning any application that includes Ethernet
communications to a unique Nodename.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death, serious injury, or
equipment damage.

To change the Nodename of a device, proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 In EcoStruxure Machine Expert, open the Communication Settings in classic mode,

page 98.

2 Right-click the device with a duplicate Nodename in the list and execute the commands
Set active path and Change device name from the contextual menu.

Result: The Change device name dialog box is displayed.

3 In the Change device name dialog box, enter a unique Nodename in the New text box.

4 Click OK to confirm and to close the Change device name dialog box.

5 In the Communication Settings view, click the Scan network button to refresh the list
of devices.

Result: The second device with the same Nodename of the device you just have
changed will now be displayed in the list.

6 Repeat steps 1...4 until you have eliminated duplicates.

NOTE: PacDrive LMC controllers automatically create a Nodename that is

derived from the device name of the project and the IP address (for example,
MyLMC ( after a project download. It is not possible to modify
the Nodename directly, but by changing the IP address.

EIO0000002854.04 679
Accessing Controllers - Troubleshooting and FAQ

FAQ - Why has the Communication Between PC and Controller

been Interrupted?
Why has the Communication Between PC and Controller been Interrupted?
It may be necessary to restart the gateway as follows:

Step Action

Right-click the Gateway Tray Application icon in the Windows task bar .

2 Execute the command Restart Gateway from the contextual menu.

680 EIO0000002854.04
What’s in This Part
Network Communication............................................................................... 682
Python Script Language................................................................................ 687
Controller Feature Sets for Migration ............................................................. 750

EIO0000002854.04 681
Network Communication

Network Communication
What’s in This Chapter
Network Topology........................................................................................ 682
Addressing and Routing............................................................................... 682
Structure of Addresses ................................................................................ 684

Network Topology
The EcoStruxure Machine Expert control network is a system programmed to
configure itself (address assignment) to support transparent communication
media and to route packets between different networks. The routing mechanism
lets any node in the network, that is, even nodes with low resources, reroute
packets. So, large routing tables, complex calculations, or requests during runtime
are avoided.
The control network is configured hierarchically, that is, each node has one parent
node and an arbitrary number of children. A node without a parent is referred to as
top-level node. Cycles are not permitted, that is, a control network has a tree
Parent-child relationships arise from the specification of network segments. A
network segment corresponds, for example, to a local Ethernet or a serial point-to-
point connection. It distinguishes between the main network (mainnet) and the
subnetworks (subnet). Each node has, at most, one main network, wherein it
expects its parent. For each node, an arbitrary number of subnets can be
configured. The node acts as parent for all of them.
If a network segment had been defined simultaneously as subnet of several
nodes, the network would have several parents. However, the resulting
configuration will be invalid, as each network segment is allowed to have one
parent only.

Addressing and Routing

Addressing maps the topology of the control network to unique addresses. A node
address, page 685 is built up hierarchically.
For each network connection, a local address identifying the node uniquely within
its respective local network is allocated by the relevant block driver. For the entire
node address, this local address is preceded by the subnet index the local
network is assigned to by the parent. Furthermore, it must be preceded by the
node address of its parent.
The length of the subnet index (in bit) is determined by the device, whereas the
length of the local address is determined by the network type.
A node without a main network is a top-level node with address 0. A node with a
main network that does not contain a parent is also a top-level node and will be
assigned to its local address in the main network.

682 EIO0000002854.04
Network Communication

Example: Main net and sub nets

In the example, the addresses of the child nodes are given in hexadecimal
representation. The first 4 digits represent the address of the particular parent
within the main net. For example, 0x007A=122 for PLC1. The next byte (displayed
in blue) is reserved for the subnet index and this is followed by the local address,
for example, C=12 for node ID 12.
Due to the structuring of the address, the routing algorithm can be kept relatively
lean. For example, no routing tables are necessary. Information is required locally:
on the own address and on the address of the parent node.
Thereon, a node may properly handle data packets.
• If the target address equals the address of the current node, it is determined
as receiver.
• If the target address starts with the address of the current node, the packet is
intended for a child or descendant of the node and has to be forwarded.
• Else, the receiver is not a descendant of the current node. The packet has to
be forwarded to the own parent.

Relative Addressing
Relative addressing is a special feature. Relative addresses, page 685 do not
contain the node number of the receiver node, but directly describe the path from
the sender to the receiver. The principle is similar to a relative path in the file
system: The address consists of the number of steps the packet has to move up,
that is, to the next respective parent, and the subsequent path down to the target
The advantage of relative addressing is that 2 nodes within the same subtree are
able to continue the communication when the entire subtree is moved to another
position within the overall control network. While the absolute node addresses will
change due to such a relocation, the relative addresses are still valid.

Determination of Addresses
A node attempts to determine its own address as that coming from its parent or
whether itself is a top-level node. For this purpose, a node will send an address
determination via a broadcast message to its main network during boot-up. As
long as this message is not responded to, the node considers itself to be a top-

EIO0000002854.04 683
Network Communication

level node, although it will continue to try to detect a parent node. A parent node
will respond by an address notification. Thereon, the node will complete its own
address and pass it to the subnets.
Address determination can be executed at bootup or on request of the
programming PC.

Structure of Addresses
Below is a detailed description on the structure of the following address types:
• Network Addresses, page 684
• Node Addresses, page 685
• Absolute and Relative Addresses, page 685
• Broadcast Addresses, page 686

Network Addresses
Network addresses represent a mapping of addresses of a network type (for
example, IP addresses) to logical addresses within a control network. This
mapping is handled by the respective block driver. Within an Ethernet with class C
IP addresses, the first 3 bytes of the IP address are the same for all network
devices. Therefore, the last 8 bits of the IP address suffice as a network address
since they allow unambiguous mapping between the 2 addresses at the block
A node has separate network addresses for each network connection. Different
network connections may have the same network address since this address has
to be unique only locally for each network connection.
Terminology: In general, the network address of a node without a statement of the
network connection refers to the network address in the main network.
The length of a network address is specified in bits and can be chosen by the
block driver as required. Within a network segment, the same length must be used
for all nodes.
A network address is represented as an array of bytes with the following coding:
• Length of the network address: n bits
• Required bytes: b = (n + 7) DIV 8
• The (n MOD 8) lowest-order bits of the first byte and all remaining (n DIV 8)
bytes are used for the network address.

Example - Network Address

Length: 11 bit
Address: 111 1000 1100
Example for network address coding

684 EIO0000002854.04
Network Communication

Node Addresses
The node address indicates the absolute address of a node within a control
network, and therefore, is unique within the whole tree. The address consists of up
to 15 address components, each consisting of 2 bytes. The lower a node is
located within the network hierarchy, the longer its address.
The node address consists of the partial addresses of all predecessors of the
node and the node itself. Each partial address consists of one or several address
components. The length is therefore always a multiple of 2. The partial address of
a node is formed from the network address of the node in its main network and the
subnet index of the main network in the parent node. The bits required for the
subnet index are determined by the router of the parent node. Filler bits are
inserted between the subnet index and the network address in order to ensure
that the length of the partial address is a multiple of 2 bytes.
Special cases:
• Node has no main network: There is no subnet index nor a network address
in the main network. In this case, the address is set to 0x0000.
• Node with main network but without parent: In this case, a subnet index with
0-bit length is assumed. The partial address corresponds to the network
address, supplemented by filler bits if required.
Example - node address

The node address representation is always hexadecimal. The individual address

components (2 bytes in each case) are separated by a colon (:). The bytes within
a component display sequentially without a separator (see example above). Since
this represents a byte array and not a 16-bit value, the components are not
displayed in little-endian format. For manually entered addresses missing digits in
an address component are filled with leading zeros from the left: 274 = 0274. To
improve readability, the output should always include the leading zeros.

Absolute and Relative Addresses

Communication between 2 nodes can be based on relative or absolute addresses.
Absolute addresses are identical to node addresses. Relative addresses specify a
path from the sender to the receiver. They consist of an address offset and a
descending path to the receiver.
The (negative) address offset describes the number of address components that a
packet has to be handed upwards in the tree before it can be handed down again
from a common parent. Since nodes can use partial addresses consisting of more
than one address component, the number of parent nodes to be passed is always
= the address offset. Therefore, the demarcation between parent nodes is no
longer unambiguous. This is why the common initial part of the addresses of the
communication partners is used as parent address. Each address component is
counted as an upward step, irrespective of the actual parent nodes. Any error
introduced by these assumptions can be detected by the respective parent node
and must be handled correctly by the node.

EIO0000002854.04 685
Network Communication

On arrival at the common parent, the relative path (an array of address
components) is then followed downwards in the normal way.
Formal: The node address of the receiver is formed by removing the last address
offset components from the node address of the sender and appending the
relative path to the remaining address.

Within the example, a letter will represent an address component, whereas a point
will separate the particular nodes. Since a node is allowed to have multiple
address components, it is allowed to have multiple letters within the example.
Node A: a.bc.d.ef.g
Node B: a.bc.i.j.kl.m
• Address of the lowest common parent: a.bc
• Relative address from A to B: -4/i.j.kl.m (The number -4 results from the 4
components d, e, f, and g. Therefore the packet has to be raised).
The relative address has to be adjusted with each pass through an intermediate
node. It is sufficient to adjust the address offset. This is always done by the parent
node: If a node receives a packet from one of its subnets, the address offset is
increased by the length of the address component of this subnet.
• If the new address offset is < 0, the packet must be forwarded to the parent
• If the address offset 1 ≥ 0, the packet must be forwarded to the child node of
the local address of which is located at the position described by the address
offset within the relative address. First, the address offset must be increased
by the length of the local address of the child node to ensure that the node
sees a correct address.
A special situation arises when the error described above occurs while
determining the common parent. In this case, the address offset at the “real”
common parent is negative, but the magnitude is greater than the length of the
partial address of the subnet the packet originates from. The node must detect this
case, calculate the local address of the next child node based on the address of
the previous node and the length difference, and adapt the address offset such
that the next node will see a correct relative address. Also, the address
components themselves remain unchanged and only the address offset will be

Broadcast Addresses
There are 2 types of broadcasts - global and local ones. A global broadcast is sent
to all nodes within a control network. The empty node address (length 0) is
reserved for this purpose.
Local broadcasts are sent to all devices of a network segment. For this purpose,
all bits of the network address are set to 1. This is possible both in relative and in
absolute addresses.
A block driver must be able to handle both broadcast addresses, that is, empty
network addresses and network addresses with all bits set to 1, must be
interpreted and sent as broadcast.

686 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

Python Script Language

What’s in This Chapter
General Information..................................................................................... 687
Schneider Electric Script Engine Examples ................................................... 713
CODESYS Script Engine Examples.............................................................. 726
Managing Device User Rights Using the Scripting API ................................... 748

General Information
Python Scripting in EcoStruxure Machine Expert
EcoStruxure Machine Expert includes a Python interpreter which can be used as a
powerful tool to automate the development environment.
You can execute Python script files via the menu command Tools > Scripting >
Execute Script File... in the main menu of the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic
The documentation for Python scripting in EcoStruxure Machine Expert consists
of several parts:
The chapter Accessing the Python Interpreter in EcoStruxure Machine Expert,
page 689 describes how you can open the Python interpreter of EcoStruxure
Machine Expert and how you can execute script files with it and how you can
otherwise interact with it. The chapters Using the Logic Builder Shell, page 691,
Using the Logic Builder Scripting Immediate View, page 697, and Keyboard
Commands in the Logic Builder Shell and the Scripting Immediate View, page 699
provide more details on individual parts.
The sections Schneider Electric Script Engine Examples, page 713 and
CODESYS Script Engine Examples, page 726 provide various examples for how
to automate EcoStruxure Machine Expert with Python scripts. These examples
are given to provide a common thread that shows the capabilities of the
EcoStruxure Machine Expert-specific API (Application Programming Interface)
available to Python scripts.
The chapters Explore EcoStruxure Machine Expert Python API (with dir() and
inspectapi), page 700, Best Practices, page 704, and EcoStruxure Machine
Expert Scripting - Python API, page 707 provide general hints on how to get
started with Python scripting and how to explore the API provided.
The sections Schneider Electric - Script Engine Class Library and Script Engine
Plugin API Reference provided in the Programming with EcoStruxure Machine
Expert part of the EcoStruxure Machine Expert online help provide the reference
of the EcoStruxure Machine Expert-specific API available to Python scripts. You
can use these members in the same manner as described in the aforementioned

EIO0000002854.04 687
Python Script Language

Compatibility Between Python V2.x and Python V3.x

The Python interpreter delivered with EcoStruxure Machine Expert is an
implementation of IronPython based on Python version 2.7.
NOTE: There are some major changes in the Python language definition
between version 2.x and version 3.x. While the Python interpreter delivered
with EcoStruxure Machine Expert is based on Python V2.x, it is possible that
you can write code compatible with the version 3.x implementation. This
involves, for example, using the from __future__ import print_
function statement.
For more information, refer to the websites
Examples of new functions:
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
# New Python print syntax
print('Hello World!')
# Division
# Python 2 return an integer and rounds off
# Python 3 returns a float

Coding Conventions
In order to harmonize and facilitate the work of different programmers on the same
programming project, it makes sense to agree on a common programming style.
EcoStruxure Machine Expert adheres to the Style Guide for Python Code. The
scripts and examples delivered with EcoStruxure Machine Expert adhere to these
conventions. For improved readability of code, it is a best practice that your own
code adheres to the same conventions.
For further information, refer to the Style Guide for Python Code at http://www.

Useful Links
For further information, refer to the following websites:
• Official Python webpage providing a tutorial and language references at
• Official Python blog at
• Beginner’s Guide to Python at
• Official CODESYS forum providing examples and helpful information at http://
• IronPython interpreter at
• Free Galileo Openbook (only available in German) at http://openbook.

688 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

Accessing the Python Interpreter in EcoStruxure Machine Expert

EcoStruxure Machine Expert can be automated with the Python script language.
The Python scripting capabilities in EcoStruxure Machine Expert are exposed in
various ways. The table lists different entry points:

Where Input type Description / Use case How to open

Logic Builder user interface Interactive (REPL) Interactive Python shell with a Menu command View >
command-line interface, Scripting > Scripting
embedded in the user interface Immediate in the Logic Builder
of EcoStruxure Machine Expert. (also refer to the chapter Using
the Logic Builder Scripting
Immediate View, page 698).

Python file (*.py) Select a script file to be Menu command Tools >
executed from within the user Scripting > Execute Script
interface of EcoStruxure File... command in the Logic
Machine Expert. Builder (also refer to the chapter
Using the Logic Builder Scripting
Immediate View, page 697.

Stand-alone shell REPL Interactive Python shell with a Open LogicBuilderShell.exe

command-line interface, running without command-line
stand-alone (without the arguments (refer to the chapter
graphical user interface of Using the Logic Builder Shell,
EcoStruxure Machine Expert). page 691).

Python file (*.py) Executes a Python script from Open LogicBuilderShell.exe with
the Windows command-line, a script file as a command-line
from a batch file, or similar argument (refer to the chapter
ways. Using the Logic Builder Shell,
page 691).

The following sections provide an overview of how Python scripting integrates in

EcoStruxure Machine Expert for different use cases.

EIO0000002854.04 689
Python Script Language

Logic Builder User Interface

The Logic Builder user interface allows you to execute script files via the Tools >
Scripting > Execute Script File... command or executes scripting statements via
the Scripting Immediate view
The Scripting Immediate view is a (Python) interpreter integrated in EcoStruxure
Machine Expert allowing you, for example, to start functions.
The Scripting Immediate view hosts an interpreter and is based on REPL
The block diagram shows how the EcoStruxure Machine Expert user interface is using the script engine to
execute Python commands:

Execute Statements Via Interactive Shell

The block diagram shows how the interactive interpreter in a REPL-based shell is
using the script engine to execute Python statements:

690 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

Script Execution Via Non-Interactive Shell

The block diagram shows how the (non-interactive) shell is using the script engine
to execute scripts:

Using the Logic Builder Shell

Starting the Logic Builder Shell
The LogicBuilderShell.exe is located in the installation directory of EcoStruxure
Machine Expert.
The Logic Builder Shell provides the EcoStruxure Machine Expert REPL that is
based on the IronPython ipy.exe. This is the REPL of the standard IronPython
package when installed on a PC. Hence, it provides the same functionalities, such
as tab completion, Python script debugging support, and so on. Plus in addition, it
allows access to the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Python API.
Double-click the LogicBuilderShell.exe to start the Logic Builder Shell (without
arguments) in a console.
Result: The input prompt (>>>) is displayed:

EIO0000002854.04 691
Python Script Language

At the input prompt (>>>), type your Python statements and press Enter to
execute them.
The following sequence of commands provides an example on how to open a
project, search a device node and print the name:
IronPython 2.7.4 ( on .NET 4.0.30319.18444 (32-bit)
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> projectName = "C:\\temp\\MyProject.project"
>>> proj =
>>> sercosNode = proj.find("SERCOSIII", True)[0]
>>> print(sercosNode.get_name(False))
LogicBuilderShell.exe [options] [|- [arguments]]
The [options] are defined in the list of command-line arguments below.
[arguments] is a placeholder for arguments that are passed to the script file.
Command-line arguments of the Logic Builder Shell:

Command-line Description Example


-h / --help Prints the IronPython command-line help. LogicBuilderShell.exe --help

LogicBuilderShell.exe -h

-m <module> Run library module as script. LogicBuilderShell.exe -m pdb

-i Inspect interactively after running script. LogicBuilderShell.exe -i

<Script File> Runs the specified Python script file. LogicBuilderShell.exe

--nologo Skips the display of the informational text of the Logic Builder LogicBuilderShell.exe --nologo
during startup.

Skips the display of the …terminated message during shutdown.

You can combine different command-line arguments. For example, the -i

argument can be combined with a specified Python script file and -nologo.
The list shows only a selection of IronPython command-line arguments. For a
complete list, refer to the IronPython website and documentation.

Use Cases for the Logic Builder Shell

You can use the Logic Builder Shell in different scenarios. The following use cases
show how it helps to improve the usability of working with EcoStruxure Machine
Expert and the Python scripting language.

Use Case 1
When executing scripts in Continuous Integration (CI) systems - for example, to
Checkout an EcoStruxure Machine Expert project from Subversion (SVN),
compile the project and save as library - you need the script output printed to a
console. With the LogicBuilderShell.exe as real console application, you can
redirect the output or call it in a CI system (for example, Jenkins) where the output
is fetched and added to a build log.
LogicBuilderShell.exe > output.txt

692 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

Use Case 2
LogicBuilderShell.exe allows you to use the built-in command-line debugging
feature called pdb module.
LogicBuilderShell.exe -m pdb

Use Case 3
Test your Python scripts in no UI mode to verify that it is working. In console mode,
you can enter input via the console. Keep in mind that reading input from the
console is only possible in the LogicBuilderShell.exe. In the Scripting Immediate
view, that is available in the Logic Builder user interface, no console input is
possible. This has the effect that the statement readline() is ignored.
import sys
print("Please enter a text: ")
text = sys.stdin.readline()
print("Your entered text: " + text)

Use Case 4
Explore the Python and EcoStruxure Machine Expert API and documentation.
• Use the built-in help() feature to access the Python help via the IronPython
shell. To achieve this, make sure that an Internet connection is available.
help() # start the built-in help module
topics # list all available topics
##### here you'll get the list of available topics #####
LIST # dumps the help to work with lists.
##### here you'll get the help working with lists #####
quit # leaf build-in help feature
• Use the built-in dir() feature to print available api functions.
dir() # prints the list of defined variables and functions in current script
##### here you'll get the list of defined variables or functions in current script
scope #####
import sys
dir(sys) # prints the available functions defined in sys module
##### here you'll get the list of defined variables or functions in sys module
• Use the inspectapi module to explore the EcoStruxure Machine Expert
Python API. Due do technical restrictions, the built-in dir() feature of
Python cannot print the API help for the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Python
API. To achieve this, use the inspectapi.
inspectapi.dir(projects) # prints the available API functions of "projects" which
provides access e.g. to open a Machine Expert project
##### here you'll get the Machine Expert API provided via "projects" variable

Use Case 5
Use -i switch as argument passed to the LogicBuilderShell.exe in combination
with a specified script to get the shell prompt at the end of the script run. This can
help to inspect interactively after running a script, for example, to see the content
of variables.

EIO0000002854.04 693
Python Script Language

Benefits of the Logic Builder Shell

It is a best practice to use the LogicBuilderShell.exe to execute scripts instead of
using LogicBuilder.exe to run scripts in no UI mode. Both ways are still possible
but the command line of the LogicBuilderShell.exe provides a better usability and
the Logic Builder Shell prints the output to the console.
Example of using the LogicBuilder.exe to run scripts in no UI mode:
LogicBuilder.exe -noui --runscript="<script file>"
Example of using the LogicBuilderShell.exe:
LogicBuilderShell.exe "<script file>"

Debugging EcoStruxure Machine Expert Python Scripts with Command-

Line Debugger Module pdb
The LogicBuilderShell.exe provides the built-in command line debugging feature
pdb module (for more documentation, refer to
pdb.html). This is a feature for experts and used to debug Python scripts or to find
an issue. IronPython itself provides a module that can be loaded into a shell.
When you start your own script via the pdb function run(…), you can debug the
Python code in the console. The console application only provides text-based UI
The module pdb defines an interactive source code debugger for Python
programs. It provides the following features:
• Setting (conditional) breakpoints and single stepping at the source line level
• Inspection of stack frames
• Source code listing
• Evaluation of arbitrary Python code in the context of any stack frame
To start a Python script directly in pdb, use the following command-line syntax:
LogicBuilderShell.exe -m pdb

694 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

Selection of pdb debugger commands (refer to the Python help on the Internet for
more details):

Debugger command Command description

h(elp) [command] Without argument, print the list of available commands.

With a command as argument, print help about that command.

help pdb displays the documentation file.

r(un) Restart the debugged Python program.

b(reak) With a line number argument, set a break at this position in the file.

With a function argument, set a break at the first executable statement within that function. The line
number may be prefixed with a file name and a colon to specify a breakpoint in another file
(probably one that has not been loaded yet). The file is searched on sys.path. Each breakpoint is
assigned a number to which the other breakpoint commands refer.

If a second argument is present, it is an expression which must evaluate to TRUE before the
breakpoint is honored.

Without argument, list all breaks. For each breakpoint listed, the number of times that the
breakpoint has been hit, the ignore count, and the associated condition, if any, are included.

l(ist) [first[, last]] List source code for the file.

Without arguments, list 11 lines around the current line or continue the previous listing.

With one argument, list 11 lines around at that line.

With two arguments, list the given range; if the second argument is less than the first, it is
interpreted as a count.

c(ontinue) Continue execution, only stop when a breakpoint is encountered.

n(ext) Continue execution until the next line in the current function is reached or it returns. (The difference
between next and step is that step stops inside a called function while next executes called
functions at (nearly) full speed, only stopping at the next line in the current function.)

s(tep) Execute the current line, stop at the first possible occasion (either in a function that is called or on
the next line in the current function).

u(ntil) Continue execution until the line with the line number greater than the current one is reached or
when returning from the current frame.

r(eturn) Continue execution until the current function returns.

w(here) Print a stack trace, with the most recent frame at the bottom. An arrow indicates the current frame,
which determines the context of most commands.
q(uit) Quit from the debugger. The program being executed is aborted.

Debugging Example with pdb

Example Python script to be debugged:
print("Demonstration how to use Python pdb module to debug Machine Expert Python
# close open project
if projects.primary:
print("Close project")
print("Open project")"c:\\Temp\\MyProject.project")
sercosDevice = projects.primary.find("SERCOSIII", True)[0]
sercosDeviceName = sercosDevice.get_name(False)
print("Sercos device name: " + sercosDeviceName)
print("Close project")

EIO0000002854.04 695
Python Script Language

In each line in the following listing starting with (pdb), a debugger command is
executed, such as list (l) or help or next (n) or quit (q). In between you
can see the statement or its output which was executed.
LogicBuilderShell.exe -m pdb
Machine Expert Logic Builder Shell version
Copyright (C) Schneider Electric Automation GmbH 2014-2015
Demonstration how to use Python pdb module to debug Machine Expert Python scripts
> C:\temp\<module>()
-> if projects.primary:
(Pdb) help
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF bt cont enable jump pp run unt
a c continue exit l q s until
alias cl d h list quit step up
args clear debug help n r tbreak w
b commands disable ignore next restart u whatis
break condition down j p return unalias where
Miscellaneous help topics:
exec pdb
Undocumented commands:
retval rv
(Pdb) l
2 print("Demonstration how to use Python pdb module to debug Machine Expert
Python scripts")
4 # close open project
5 -> if projects.primary:
6 print("Close project")
7 projects.primary.close()
9 print("Open project")
(Pdb) n
> C:\temp\<module>()
-> print("Open project")
(Pdb) n
Open project
> C:\temp\<module>()
(Pdb) l
5 if projects.primary:
6 print("Close project")
7 projects.primary.close()
9 print("Open project")
10 ->"c:\\Temp\\MyProject.project")
12 sercosDevice = projects.primary.find("SERCOSIII", True)[0]
14 sercosDeviceName = sercosDevice.get_name(False)
(Pdb) n
IOError: IOError(...oject'.")
> C:\temp\<module>()
(Pdb) q
Machine Expert Logic Builder Shell terminated.

696 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

Using the Logic Builder Scripting Immediate View

When you start the Logic Builder with user interface via LogicBuilder.exe, then the
following two commands are available to open two views dedicated to scripting
• View > Scripting > Scripting Immediate
• View > Scripting > Scripting Watch
Script execution in the EcoStruxure Machine Expert user interface via the Execute Script File... command or via
the Scripting Immediate view:

EIO0000002854.04 697
Python Script Language

Scripting Immediate View

The Scripting Immediate view is a host for the same REPL as you can use in the
Logic Builder Shell. It allows you to interact with EcoStruxure Machine Expert in a
textual based interface in parallel to the user interface.
Execute the command View > Scripting > Scripting Immediate to open the
Scripting Immediate view.
The figure provides an example of how to open a project, find a device object and
print its name in the Scripting Immediate view.

The Scripting Immediate view allows you to enter Python statements and to
execute them (using the REPL).
To run a Python script file, click the ... button or enter the script name into the
prompt textbox and click the Go! button.

Click the Reset button to reset the Scripting Immediate view and to clear the
current scope.

Scripting Watch View

The Scripting Watch view shows the content of the Python variables you have
Execute the command View > Scripting > Scripting Watch to open the
Scripting Watch view.

698 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

Elements of the Scripting Watch view:

Element Description

Add to watch button To add a watch expression, type the expression

into the Scripting Immediate view prompt, and
click the Add to watch button.
Remove watch button To remove a watch expression, select an entry
in the Scripting Watch view, and click the
Remove watch button.
Auto update option Select the Auto update option to enable the
auto update function for expressions in the
Scripting Watch view.
NOTE: The process of refreshing values
can lead to additional PC processor load.

Update values button The Scripting Watch view list is updated

automatically each time a statement is executed
in the Scripting Immediate view. To update the
list manually, click the Update values button.

Enter and execute the following statement in the Scripting Immediate view.
projectName = "C:\\temp\\MyProject.project"
Proceed as follows:

Step Action

1 Enter projectName in the Scripting Immediate view.

2 Click the Add to watch button in the Scripting Watch view.

Result: The variable projectName is displayed in the Scripting Watch list.

When you assign a different value to the variable projectName, the changed
content is displayed.

Keyboard Commands in the Logic Builder Shell and the Scripting

Immediate View
This chapter provides information on using the Logic Builder Shell started via the
LogicBuilderShell.exe or the Logic Builder Scripting Immediate view.

Tab Completion / Intellisense

When you type Python statements, you can use the tab key on your keyboard to
complete the entered statement or to iterate through the options.
Type the text ins and press the tab key. Result: The expression is competed to
Type the text inspectapi.d and press the tab key multiple times. The different
functions of inspectapi starting with d are displayed.

EIO0000002854.04 699
Python Script Language

Clear Current Entered Prompt Text

Type a Python statement and press the ESC key on your keyboard. The line is

Python Statement History

Press the up or down key on your keyboard to use the history of entered Python

List Variables of Current Scope

Use the dir() function to display variables of the current scope.

exit() / exit(…) Function

Use the exit() / exit(…) function to leave the script and (if specified) to return
the exit code for later usage.
Python script (
# …
# Python statements
Running the script in the Windows command prompt (or batch file) and using the
exit code:
5 is printed to the command prompt. You can use this %ERRORLEVEL% to control
your batch flow.

Explore EcoStruxure Machine Expert Python API (with dir() and

EcoStruxure Machine Expert provides a Python API that you can use for
EcoStruxure Machine Expert scripting. When you write Python scripts, most times
you only need names of functions or the list of required parameters and its names.
You often also need the available functions of an object returned by an API
function you have called. The following functions allow you to explore the
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Python API to support you in developing Python

Built-in dir(…) function of Python

Without arguments, this function returns the list of names in the current local
scope. With an argument, this function attempts to return a list of valid attributes
for that object.
The default dir() mechanism of Python behaves differently with different types
of objects, as it attempts to produce the most relevant, rather than complete

700 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

• If the object is a module object, the list contains the names of the attributes of
the module.
• If the object is a type or class object, the list contains the names of its
attributes, and recursively of the attributes of its bases.
• Otherwise, the list contains the names of the attributes of the object, the
names of the attributes of its class, and recursively of the attributes of the
base classes.
Example (in LogicBuilderShell.exe):
>>> import struct
>>> dir() # show the names in the module namespace
['__builtins__', '__doc__', '__name__', 'struct']
>>> dir(struct) # show the names in the struct module
['Struct', '__builtins__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__
'__package__', '_clearcache', 'calcsize', 'error', 'pack',
'unpack', 'unpack_from']
>>> class Shape(object):
def __dir__(self):
return ['area', 'perimeter', 'location']
>>> s = Shape()
>>> dir(s)
['area', 'perimeter', 'location']

inspectapi Functions
Since the dir() function does not list all EcoStruxure Machine Expert Python API
elements, additional functions are provided to display them for Python script
inspectapi is a Python module loaded automatically while starting the
LogicBuilderShell.exe or the Scripting Immediate view. As a result, a variable/
module inspectapi is available in the current scope. This variable is also listed
by executing the dir() function.
The inspectapi variable/module provides the following functions:

Function name Parameters Description

inspectapi.dir obj: Specify an object (for This function provides a list of

example, a variable) for which available EcoStruxure Machine
you get more information. Expert Python API members
you can call. The fields,
(optional) verbose: The properties, events, and
default value is FALSE. Set the methods are listed.
parameter to TRUE to get
inspectapi.dir_events verbose output. This function provides a list of
available EcoStruxure Machine
inspectapi.dir_fields Expert Python API events you
can call.


# To see the API of the inspect api itself
Members of type 'InspectAPI'
dir (obj, verbose = False)
dir_events (obj, verbose = False)
dir_fields (obj, verbose = False)
dir_methods (obj, verbose = False)
dir_properties (obj, verbose = False)
# To see the API of projects variable

EIO0000002854.04 701
Python Script Language

Members of type 'ScriptProjects'
[get] all
[get] primary
convert (stPath, stOutputPath, converter, bPrimary)
convert (stPath, stOutputPath, converterGuid, bPrimary)
create (stPath, bPrimary)
get_all ()
get_by_path (stPath)
get_primary ()
open (stPath, stPassword, bPrimary)
open (stPath, encryption_password, session_user, session_
password, bPrimary)
open_archive (stArchiveFile, stProjectPath, bOverwrite,
open_archive (stArchiveFile, stProjectPath, bOverwrite,
encryption_password, session_user, session_password)
# open a project
proj ="c:\\temp\\ ”)
# To see API of primary project
Output (truncated):
Members of type 'ScriptProject'
[set] active_application
[get] dirty
[get] handle
[get] has_library_manager
[get] has_project_info
[get] is_root
[get] library
[get] path
[get] primary
[get] project
[get] svn
[get] user_management
add (stName, id, stModuleId)
add (stName, iType, stId, stVersion, stModuleId)
check_all_pool_objects ()
clean_all ()
close ()
compare_to (projectFile)
compare_to (projectFile, ignoreWhiteSpace, ignoreComments,
logout ()
save ()
save_archive (stArchiveFile)
save_archive (stPath, additional_categories)
save_archive (stPath, comment, additional_categories)
save_archive (stPath, additional_files, additional_
save_as (stPath, stPassword)
save_as_compiled_library (destination_name)
set_active_application (value)
update ()
# search objects by name (e.g. a device with name SERCOSIII)
objs = projects.primary.find("SERCOSIII", True)
# extract object at index 0 from returned list (if found).
theObj = obj[0]
# see the available API of the found object SERCOSIII

702 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

Output (truncated):
Members of type 'ScriptObject'
[get] connectors
[get] device_parameters
[get] embedded_object_types
[get] guid
[get] handle
[get] has_textual_declaration
[get] has_textual_implementation
[get] index
[get] is_application
[get] is_device
[get] is_explicit_connector
[get] is_folder
[get] is_libman
[get] is_project_info
[get] is_root
[get] is_task
[get] parent
[get] project
[get] svn
[get] type
add (stName, id, stModuleId)
add (stName, iType, stId, stVersion, stModuleId)
allowed_interfaces_at (index)
can_convert (targetDeviceId, targetModuleId = null)
can_convert (targetType, targetId, targetVersion,
targetModuleId = null)
convert (targetDeviceId, targetModuleId = null)
convert (targetType, targetId, targetVersion,
targetModuleId = null)
create_folder (stFolderName)
disable ()
enable ()
export_native (destination, includeChildren, profileName,
export_xml (reporter, stPath, bRecursive)
export_xml (reporter, stPath, bRecursive,
export_xml (reporter, stPath, bRecursive,
bExportFolderStructure, bPlainText)
export_xml (stPath, bRecursive, bExportFolderStructure,
find (namePath)
find (stName, recursive)
get_address ()
get_all_parameters ()
move (newParent, nNewIndex)
plug (stName, id, stModuleId)
plug (stName, iType, stId, stVersion, stModuleId)
reboot_plc ()
remove ()
rename (stNewName)
reset_diagnosis_messages ()
set_communication_address (address)
set_gateway_and_address (stGateway, stAddress)
set_gateway_and_address (gateway, stAddress)
set_parameter (parameter, value)
set_parameter_iec_address (identifier, connectorId,
set_parameter_io_variable_mapping (identifier,
connectorId, variable, createVariable = False)
set_parameter_io_variable_mapping (identifier,
connectorId, subElementIndex, variable, createVariable =

EIO0000002854.04 703
Python Script Language

set_simulation_mode (bSimulation)
unplug ()
update (id, stModuleId)
update (iType, stId, stVersion, stModuleId)

Executing Scripts
You can execute script files (, containing a sequence of script
commands, from the EcoStruxure Machine Expert user interface.
For further information on running scripts form the EcoStruxure Machine Expert
user interface, refer to the chapter Script-Related Commands (see EcoStruxure
Machine Expert, Menu Commands, Online Help).

Batch Files
Frequently used commands

Command Description

- REM or :: The line is a comment and will be ignored.

cd Changes to another directory.

echo off The commands will not be displayed.

In order to prevent single commands from being displayed,

insert an @ character in front of the command.
echo Displays a string or a variable on the programming console.

set Declares a variable and assigns a value to this variable.

> Writes the output to a file. If the file already exists, it will be
>> Appends the output to a file. If the file does not already exist, it
will be created.

Application example:
@echo off
REM Go to the directory where EcoStruxure Machine Expert is
cd "<Replace this with the path to the LogicBuilderShell.
exe, for example, C:\Program Files\Schneider Electric
\EcoStruxure Machine Expert\V2.0>"
REM Run LogicBuilderShell.exe with no graphical user
interface and the full path to the script
LogicBuilderShell.exe "<Replace this with the full file path
where the script is stored, for example, D:\MyScripts

Best Practices
Indentation (Tabs and Spaces)
Blocks in Python are created by indentation of codes of block (unlike, for example,
END_IF statements in structured text, or curly brackets {" "} in the C
programming language).

704 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

C Programming language Python programming language

int factorial(int x) def factorial(x):

{ if x > 1:
if (x > 1) return x * factorial(x - 1)
return x* factorial(x - else:
1); return 1
return 1;

Note that when mixing tabs and spaces for indentation: In Python, tab characters
are internally replaced by 8 spaces. Since numerous editors by default use 4
spaces, this can lead to code errors that are difficult to find. Source code blocks
appear to have the same size of the indent but actually the indentation is different.
Therefore, care should be taken when using copy and paste commands.
To help to avoid this, configure your editor in such a way that it automatically
replaces tab characters by spaces.

Case Sensitivity
Python is a case-sensitive language (in contrast to, for example, structured text).
Therefore, MyVar and MYVAR refer to two different variables.

Encoding Path Names

Python uses the backslash \ character to encode special characters, for example,
the sequence \n encodes the newline character.
Backslash characters are also commonly used to encode path names in a
Windows file system (for example, D:\PythonProjects\SetParameter.project).
This can lead to issues when encoding path names in a Python script.
There are two possible solutions:
• Either encode all backslashes with the \\ sequence (for example, project_
path = "D:\\PythonProjects\\SetParameter.project").
• Or disable the default behavior by prefixing an r in front of the opening
quotation mark (for example, sequence (for example, project_path =

Colons (:)
Loop declarations and conditions end with a colon.
if len(messages) == 0:
print("--- Build successful ---")

EIO0000002854.04 705
Python Script Language

EcoStruxure Machine Expert Python API

Detailed Information About Entry Points
Driver Name (Type) Description

System system (ISystem) basic functionality for integration in the

EcoStruxure Machine Expert system

Severity ENUM for news priority

Guid data type for Globally unique identifier

PromptResult ENUM for return values for user request

MultipleChoiceSelector delegate type for the selection of multiple

choice prompts

Projects projects (IScriptProjects) basic functionality for project management

ExportReporter interface for event handling during export

ImportReporter interface for event handling during import

ConflictResolve ENUM for conflict resolve during import

Online online (IScriptOnline) basic functionality for online connection to

OnlineChangeOption ENUM for download types during login to
ApplicationState ENUM for application state

OperatingState ENUM for operation state

ValuesFailedException exception due to errors detected with online


TimeoutException exception on timeout during online operations

DeviceObject DeviceID type encapsulation for device identification

For further information, refer to the chapter Schneider Electric Script Engine
Examples in this document, page 713 or to the chapter Explore EcoStruxure
Machine Expert Python API (with dir() and inspectapi), page 700 to explore
the API directly.

706 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

EcoStruxure Machine Expert Scripting - Python API

EcoStruxure Machine Expert provides a Python API that you can use in
EcoStruxure Machine Expert scripts.
The Python API consists of two categories:
• Standard Python API and Python modules / packages
• EcoStruxure Machine Expert Python API
The standard Python API (for dealing with strings, arrays, files, and so on) is part
of the EcoStruxure Machine Expert installation. For detailed help, consult the
Internet (for example, You can extend your
EcoStruxure Machine Expert installation by Python modules and packages
available on the Internet.
To automate EcoStruxure Machine Expert, an EcoStruxure Machine Expert
Python API is also included in the EcoStruxure Machine Expert installation. It is
used, for example, to open or close a project, to change the project content or to
compile a project and download it to a controller.
The EcoStruxure Machine Expert Python API concept is described in this chapter.
Also refer to the script engine examples, page 713. To explore the EcoStruxure
Machine Expert Python API, refer to the chapter Explore EcoStruxure Machine
Expert API, page 700.
For details of method / function descriptions or their parameter descriptions, refer
to the section Scripting Engine in the Software part of the EcoStruxure Machine
Expert online help.

EcoStruxure Machine Expert Python API Concept Based on Object-

Oriented Programming
To find the API methods suitable to your Python scripts, you must become familiar
with the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Python API concept and how the API is
integrated into the script engine (script execution). The main concept behind the
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Python API is an object-oriented API approach.
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm based on two
concepts: objects and code. Objects are data structures that contain data, in the
form of fields, also called attributes. Code is available in the form of procedures,
also called methods. The procedures of an object can access and modify the data
fields of the object with which they are associated. Computer programs that are
designed according to OOP consist of objects that interact with one another.
The challenge while writing scripts is to map the detailed EcoStruxure Machine
Expert Python API documentation on the right objects to call the procedures.

Predefined Variables and Types

When you run a script or use the REPL (in LogicBuilderShell.exe or Scripting
Immediate view,) you have a main script scope with predefined variables (and
types). You can use them in your script as an entry to the EcoStruxure Machine
Expert Python API. To list the available predefined variables in the main script
scope, start the LogicBuilderShell.exe and execute dir().

EIO0000002854.04 707
Python Script Language

List of predefined variables by running dir():

>>> dir()
['AccessRight', 'ApplicationState', 'ArchiveCategories',
'ChannelType', 'Compile
rMessage', 'ConflictResolve', 'ConnectorRole',
'CredentialSourceKind', 'DeviceID
', 'DeviceUserManagementFlags', 'DiagType',
'ExportReporter', 'Guid', ’Implement
ationLanguage', 'ImportReporter', 'MultipleChoiceSelector',
r', 'NativeImportFilter', 'NativeImportHandler',
'NativeImportResolve', 'NativeI
mportResult', 'ObjectPermissionKind', 'OnlineChangeOption',
’OperatingState', 'P
ermissionState', 'ProjectType', 'PromptChoice',
'PromptChoiceFilter', ’PromptHan
dling', 'PromptResult', 'ResetOption', 'SV_DEV', 'SV_POU',
'Severity', ’TimeoutE
xception', 'ValuesFailedException', 'Version',
'__SoMachine__', ’__builtins__',
'__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', 'communication_settings',
, 'etest_test_provider', 'feature_settings_manager',
'librarymanager', ’libraryp
ackage_service', 'new_project', 'online', 'projects',
'system', ’visualization_s
The predefined entries from this list written in lower case letters are variables
which reference to an object that provides methods or fields. This is a kind of
global API that works with or without a loaded EcoStruxure Machine Expert
For example, system, or projects or online.
• system: Functionality for integrating in EcoStruxure Machine Expert. This
object provides the functions that are documented in ISystemInterface,
such as accessing the Messages view from EcoStruxure Machine Expert, or
using ui_present to verify whether the program is running in –noUI mode.
• projects: Functionality for project management. This object provides the
functions that are documented in IScriptProjects Interface, such as
loading projects and project archives. Furthermore, this is the entry point to
individual projects.
• online: Functionality for online access to the controller. You can use the
create_online_application method to retrieve a specific online object
(documented in IScriptOnlineApplication) for an application object.
This object allows you to log in to a controller, start the application, and read
variable values.
For more information, refer to the Script Engine Plugin API Reference part of the
EcoStruxure Machine Expert online help.
The predefined entries from this list starting with an upper case letter are
enumerations or types/classes which can be used or instantiated in your Python
script. For example, DeviceID (class) or Guid (class) or PromptChoice

708 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

Searching and Navigating Within the EcoStruxure Machine Expert Tree

An EcoStruxure Machine Expert project consists of devices, POUs, DUTs, GVLs,
and so on, which are organized in a tree of objects (see, for example, the Devices
tree in the Logic Builder). This tree of objects (the project tree) is attached to
projects.primary. In projects.primary, the API allows you to search
objects by using the find(…) method. You can navigate within the project tree,
for example, by using the get_children() method to get the immediate child
objects (for example, the controller devices). On each child object, you can call
get_children() again to get their immediate child objects, and so on.
NOTE: The methods available on the project tree objects can vary from object
to object depending on its type (POU, DUT, GVL, device). It is a best practice
to use inspectapi.dir(…) to see the list of available API methods on an

EIO0000002854.04 709
Python Script Language

Example of using a global API function to open a project:"MyProject.project")
Example to find and rename a project tree object (after a project was loaded):
myObject = projects.primary.find("SERCOSIII")[0]
The figure shows the project tree object in the user interface and the traversed
project tree printed by a script:

LMC_PacDrive (PacDrive LMC 300/400/402/600/...
Device Addressing

Message logger
PLC Logic


Library Manager

SR_Main (PRG)
Task Configuration

Sercos_Master (Sercos Master)
DQG_DigitalOut (Digital Outputs)
DIG_DigitalIn (Digital Inputs)
TPG_TPIn (Touch Probe Inputs)
AI_0 (Analog Input)
AI_1 (Analog Input)
AQ_0 (Analog Output)
AQ_1 (Analog Output)

Project Information
Project Information
Project Settings

Example script to traverse the project tree (as printed above):

def print_tree_of_obj(treeobj, depth=0, verbose=False):
name = treeobj.get_name(False)
if treeobj.is_device:
deviceid = treeobj.get_device_identification()
details = ""
if verbose == True:
details = " [Device {0}/{1}/{2}]".format
(deviceid.type,, deviceid.version)

710 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

print("{0} * {1}{2}".format(" "*depth, name,

print("{0} * {1}".format(" "*depth, name))

for child in treeobj.get_children(False):

print_tree_of_obj(child, depth+1, verbose)
def print_tree_of_project(pro, verbose=False):
if pro == None:
print("No project open.")
for obj in pro.get_children():
print_tree_of_obj(obj, 0, verbose)
def print_tree(verbose=False):
if projects.primary != None:
print_tree_of_project(projects.primary, verbose)
print("No project open.")

Calling Scripts Via Toolbar Icons

You can configure up to 32 icons that will be displayed in a toolbar to access
Python script files with one click.
Components required:
• An .ico file defining the icon.
• A .py file storing the Python script.
• A config.json file specifying the call information outline for each icon. A
maximum of 16 icons can be configured per file.
To configure more than 16 icons, create two config.json files and store each file at
one of the following locations:
• C:\Program Files\Schneider Electric\EcoStruxure Machine Expert\Script
• <ESME_Installation_Directory\LogicBuilder\Script Commands, for example,
C:\Program Files\Schneider Electric\EcoStruxure Machine Expert\V2.0
\LogicBuilder\Script Commands
When you start EcoStruxure Machine Expert, the script calls and the related icons
are added to the dialog box Tools > Customize in the tab Command Icons,
category ScriptEngine Commands. You can add them to a new or to an existing
toolbar in the Toolbars tab of the Tools > Customize dialog box.

Elements of the config.json Configuration File

Each config.json configuration file contains the following required and optional

Element Required Description

"Name" Yes This text is displayed as a tooltip for the icon in the


"Name": "Pause"
"Desc" No This element is not used in EcoStruxure Machine

"Icon" Yes This element contains the name of the image file (in .ico
format) if the image file is located in the same folder
(Script Commands) as the config.json file.

EIO0000002854.04 711
Python Script Language

Element Required Description


"Icon": "pause.ico"

If the image file is not located in the (Script Commands)

folder, you can add the path information here, such as
<directory path>\\<icon name>.ico.

"Path" Yes This element contains the name of the Python script file
in .py format if the script file is located in the same folder
(Script Commands) as the config.json file.


"Path": ""

If the script file is not located in the (Script Commands)

folder, you can add the path information here, such as
<directory path>\\<script name>.py.

"Params" No Use this element only if the script requires parameters.


"Params": [ "file1", "file2" ]

Example of a config.json File

A config.json file can have the following content:
"Name": "Start Process1",
"Desc": "Processing1",
"Icon": "process1.ico",
"Path": "",
"Name": "Start Process2",
"Desc": "Processing2",
"Icon": "process2.ico",
"Path": "",
The folder Script Commands thus contains the following files:
• config.json
• process1.ico
• process2.ico
The ScriptEngine Commands list of the Tools > Customize dialog box contains
the following entries that you can add to a toolbar:
• Start Process1
• Start Process2
Click an icon in the toolbar to execute the respective script file.

712 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

Schneider Electric Script Engine Examples

New Projects
This chapter shows how to create a new project with the Schneider Electric Script
Even though there are 4 different project types available, the code for creating
them is identical. In these 4 cases, the create_project method of the global object
new_project is called.
This instantiates 2 data containers that consist of the following elements:
• common project settings
• controller settings

Common Project Settings

The common project settings consist of the following elements:
• machine name
• author
• customer
• description
• picture (the path to an image)
• project name (the name of the project including the file extension .project)
• project type
The project type property allows you to select one of the 3 project types:

Property Value Description

StandardProject standard project

Library library

EmptyProject empty project

Controller Settings
The controller settings consist of the following elements

Element Description

type type of the controller, can be retrieved from the

device identification of the controller
id ID of the controller, can be retrieved from the
device identification of the controller
version firmware version
device_name name of the device that you can assign

implementation_language 6 implementation languages are available

Creating a Standard Project

To create a standard project, the create_project method is called. It consists of the
data containers CommonProjectSettings and ControllerSettings.

EIO0000002854.04 713
Python Script Language

# Clean up any open project

if projects.primary:

# Create a new instance of the common project settings

common_settings_DTO = new_project.create_common_project_
common_settings_DTO.machine_name = "Machine Name" = "Author"
common_settings_DTO.customer = "Customer"
common_settings_DTO.description = "Description"
common_settings_DTO.picture = None
common_settings_DTO.project_name = "Example.project"
common_settings_DTO.project_path = r"D:\PythonProjects"
common_settings_DTO.project_type = ProjectType.

# Create a new instance of the controller settings object

controller_settings_DTO = new_project.create_controller_
controller_settings_DTO.type = 4096 = "1003 0082"
controller_settings_DTO.version = ""
controller_settings_DTO.device_name = "LMC_PacDrive"
controller_settings_DTO.implementation_language =

# Create new standard project

new_project.create_project(common_settings_DTO, controller_

# Save the project

Device Parameters
To change a parameter, the parameter ID and the ParameterSet are required.
In order to find the required device and list the respective parameters, use the find
method that finds objects by a given name or path in the project.

Script Engine Example

from __future__ import print_function

# Example-Device Lexium62
moduleName = 'DRV_Lexium62'

# find module/device in Project (you also can do this

generic e.g. with get_children()...)
module = projects.primary.find(moduleName, True)[0]

# get all possible connectors for this device

connectors = module.connectors
print("Number of Connectors: ", connectors.Count)
print(" - ")

cnt = 1
for c in connectors:
print("Connector " +str(cnt) +" for "+moduleName +":

714 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

params = c.host_parameters
count = params.Count
print("Number of available Parameters for this
connector: ", count)

if count > 0:
for p in params:
print(p.visible_name + " - ID: %s " % + " - Value: %s" % p.value)

# example to get the value of a parameter by id:

print(" - ")
print(" - Example for a single Parameter
(ObjectType) - ")
objectType = params.by_id(268435457)
print("ObjectType: ", objectType.value)

cnt = cnt+1


Compiler Version
With the compiler version extension, you can display the mapped compiler
versions and you can set a new compiler version by executing the script.

Script Engine Example

# Enable the new python 3 print syntax
from __future__ import print_function

# The path to the project

project_path = r"D:\PythonProjects\GetCompilerVersion.

# Clean up any open Project:

if projects.primary:

# Load the project

proj =;

print("All compiler versions")

# Get all compiler versions (filtered)
compiler_versions = compiler_settings.get_all_compiler_

# Print all compiler versions (filtered)

for version in compiler_versions:
print (" - OEM mapped version: " + version)

# Get active compiler version

compiler_version = compiler_settings.active_compiler_version
print("Current compiler version:" + compiler_version)

# Set new compiler version

compiler_settings.active_compiler_version = ""
print("New compiler version: " +

EIO0000002854.04 715
Python Script Language

# Save project

Visualization Profile
With the visualization profile extension, you can display the visualization profiles
and you can set the active visualization profile of the project.

Script Engine Example

# Enable the new python 3 print syntax
from __future__ import print_function

#The path to the project

project_path = r"D:\PythonProjects\GetVisualizationProfile.

# Clean up any open Project:

if projects.primary:

# Load the project

proj =;

# Set the project as primary project

proj = projects.primary

# Print the active profile

print("Current visual profile: " +

# Get all available visualization profiles

profile_names = visualization_settings.get_all_visual_

# Print the profiles

for visual_profile in profile_names:
print (" - " + visual_profile)

# Set the profile to "SoMachine Motion V4.2"

visualization_settings.active_profile_name = "SoMachine
Motion V4.2"

# Get the active profile

profile_name = visualization_settings.active_profile_name

# Print the active profile

print("New visual profile: " + profile_name)

# Save project

Update Project
With the update project extension, you can update your project. This is the same
function as provided by the Project Update dialog box that is displayed when you

716 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

open the project in the graphical user interface of EcoStruxure Machine Expert
and click OK.

Script Engine Example

# Enable the new python 3 print syntax
from __future__ import print_function

# The path to the project

project_path = r"D:\PythonProjects\Example.project"

# Clean up any open project:

if projects.primary:

# Load the project

proj =
# Set the project as primary project
proj = projects.primary

# Update the project (devices, libraries, compiler version,

visualization style)

Update Libraries
With the update libraries extension, you can update the libraries of the project
automatically. This is the same function as provided by the Libraries > Automatic
version mapping (all libraries) command in the graphical user interface of
EcoStruxure Machine Expert.

Script Engine Example

# Enable the new python 3 print syntax
from __future__ import print_function

# The path to the project

project_path = r"D:\PythonProjects\Example.project"

# Clean up any open project:

if projects.primary:

# Load the project

proj =;

# Search for the library manager objects in the project

lib_managers = [i for i in proj.get_children(True) if i.is_

# Make the auto mapping for each library manager found

for lib_manager in lib_managers:

EIO0000002854.04 717
Python Script Language

Clean and Build Application

With the clean and build application extension, you can clean a project or build a
new project.

Script Engine Example

# Enable the new python 3 print syntax
from __future__ import print_function

# The path to the project

project_path = r"D:\PythonProjects\Example.project"

# Clean up any open project:

if projects.primary:

# Load the project

proj =;

# Fetch the active application.

app = proj.active_application

# Clean application

# Compile application and store compiler messages in a list
for msg_cat in system.get_message_categories():
if system.get_message_category_description(msg_cat) == "Build":
messages = system.get_message_objects(msg_cat, Severity.Warning |
Severity.Error | Severity.FatalError)
# If length of messages list is 0, the build was successful
print("--- Build successful ---")

# Otherwise print results

for msg in messages:
if hasattr(msg, 'object'):
texts = [str(msg.severity), msg.text, msg.object.get_name()]
texts = [str(msg.severity), msg.text]

print("; ".join(texts))

Communication Settings
This example shows how to load or set the IP address of a controller of your
choice by executing the script.

Script Engine Example

from __future__ import print_function

def main():
if not projects.primary:

718 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

system.ui.error("No active project.")

project = projects.primary

#find the controller by the object name where address

should be set and read.
controller = project.find('LMC_PacDrive', True)[0]

#reboot the controller


#read address back and show it.

print('get_communication_address := ' + controller.get_


In software programming, the module ETEST is used to verify the correct
functionality of individual methods or algorithms of a program. ETEST is a white-
box testing method, meaning that the source code to be verified is known when
designing test cases and determining the expected results.
The procedure typically consists of 3 steps:
• initializing the initial state
• executing the operation that is to be tested
• comparing the actual results with the expected results
The ETEST script driver performs the following tasks:
• displaying test elements
• searching particular tests
• executing particular tests
Refer to the following example.

Script Engine Example

# Enable the new python 3 print syntax
from __future__ import print_function

# The path to the project

project_path = r"D:\PythonProjects\Example.project"

# Clean up any open project:

if projects.primary:

# Load the project

proj =

# Fetch the active application.

app = proj.active_application

# Create the online application for it.

onlineapp = online.create_online_application(app)

# Log in to the device.

onlineapp.login(OnlineChangeOption.Try, True)

EIO0000002854.04 719
Python Script Language

# Start the application, if necessary.

if not onlineapp.application_state ==

# Let the app do its work for some time...


# This function runs the specified test/test series

def func_run_test(test_name):
while etest_test_provider.is_test_running:

# Get all test series from the project

test_series = etest_test_provider.get_all_testseries()

# Run all test series

for test_object in test_series:

# Get all test elements from test series "TS_MySeries"

test_elements = etest_test_provider.get_all_testelements

if test_elements == None:
print ("No test series 'TS_MySeries' found")
# Print all testelements
for test_element in test_elements:
print ("Found test element in Series TS_MySeries: "
+ test_element.Name)

# Run only "TS_Crank" test object




Reset Diagnostic Messages

Once logged in to the application, you can reset the diagnostic messages of the
controller. This is an extension method of the controller object.
The following example shows how to reset diagnostic messages. You have to get
the primary project and log in to the application, as shown in the other examples
(building an application, page 718).

Script Engine Example

# get the project instance and log in to the application

# find the controller which messages shall be reset

controller = project.find("LMC", True)[0]

# "reset diagnosis messages on controller"


720 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

Reboot the Controller

Once there is an instance of the controller object in the script, you can reboot the
controller by using a method on that object.

Script Engine Example

from __future__ import print_function

def perform_application_login(project):
app = project.active_application
onlineapp = online.create_online_application(app)
onlineapp.login(OnlineChangeOption.Try, True)

def main():
if not projects.primary:
system.ui.error("No active project.")


#find the controller named 'LMC_PacDrive' which shall be

controller = projects.primary.find('LMC_PacDrive', True)

#reboot the controller

controller.reboot_plc()"Download or OnlineChange complete")


Convert Device
Converting devices within the project can become a complex procedure. This API
simplifies the conversion process and helps to avoid errors.

Using the DeviceID Object

The conversion API uses the DeviceID object which identifies a device or a device
module by a specific version. The DeviceID is created as follows:
<device type> <device model> <device version> <module name>

Element Example Description

device type 4096 identifies a controller

device model 1003 0082 or 1003 009D for LMCx00C or LMCx01C,


device version firmware version of the

module name LXM52 target device module

EIO0000002854.04 721
Python Script Language

The conversion API accepts the DeviceID as object instance or as single

parameter. This allows using a DeviceID containing all elements mentioned in
the above table or passing each element as a single parameter.
The following example shows how to create a DeviceID for an LMCx00C controller
with firmware version
Lmcx00c = DeviceID(4096, "1003 0082", "")

Testing Whether a Device Can be Converted

The following script allows you to verify whether a conversion to a given version is
possible before converting a device.
from __future__ import print_function

def main():
# Set the project as primary project
proj = projects.primary
controller = proj.find('LMC_PacDrive', True)[0]
drives = controller.find('DRV_Lexium62', True)

if len(drives) == 0:
print("Expected drive object not found")

drive = drives[0]

# test if controller can be converted using DeviceID

x01c = DeviceID(4096, "1003 009D", "")
if controller.can_convert(x01c):
print("Conversion to LMCx01C possible")

# test if drive can be converted using Parameters and

module id
if drive.can_convert(4096, "1003 0082", "",
print("Conversion to LXM52 possible")

if not projects.primary:
print("No project open.")

Getting Alternative Conversion Targets

The API provides a call that retrieves the possible conversion targets for a certain
device. It returns the DeviceID for each target.
from __future__ import print_function

#help function to print the delivered device ids

def deviceid_to_string(devId):
mystr = "ID: {} Type: {0.type} Version: {0.

if hasattr(devId, 'module_id') and devId.module_id is

not None:
mystr += " ModuleID: {0.module_id}".format(devId)
return mystr

def main():

# Set the project as primary project

proj = projects.primary

722 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

controller = proj.find('LMC_PacDrive', True)[0]

alternativeControllers = controller.get_alternative_


for id in alternativeControllers:

drive = proj.find('DRV_Lexium62', True)[0]

alternativeDrives = drive.get_alternative_devices()


for id in alternativeDrives:

print("Test complete. Please check the script output


if not projects.primary:
print("No project open.")

Converting the Device

The process of converting the device is straightforward because the only required
action is calling the conversion method.
from __future__ import print_function

def main():
proj = projects.primary
controller = proj.find('LMC_PacDrive', True)[0]
drive = proj.find('DRV_Lexium62', True)[0]

# converting the controller

controller.convert(4096, "1003 009D", "")
# converting the drive
drive.convert(DeviceID(4096, "1003 0082", ""),

if not projects.primary:
print("No project open.")

Comparing Projects
There are several use cases where it is useful to have a script automatically
comparing the contents of two projects. The Python project comparison function
allows you to compare two projects. As a result it provides the information if the
projects are different.

Script Engine Example

from __future__ import print_function

def main():

EIO0000002854.04 723
Python Script Language

proj = projects.primary

# compare the Primary Project to another Project on disk

proj2 ="D:\PythonProjects\CompTest_Right.project", primary=
diff = proj.compare_to(proj2)
write_diff(diff, r"D:\PythonProjects\Diff1.txt")

# compare, but ignore whitespaces, comments and properties

diff = proj.compare_to(proj2, ComparisonFlags.IGNORE_WHITESPACE |
ComparisonFlags.IGNORE_COMMENTS | ComparisonFlags.IGNORE_PROPERTIES)
write_diff(diff, r"D:\PythonProjects\Diff2.txt")

def write_diff(differences, filename):

content = []
sep = "; "
objects = differences.get_changed_objects()
for obj in objects:
if obj.differences != ObjectDifferences.EQUAL:
right_obj = "no_object"
left_obj = "no_object"
if obj.right_object is not None:
right_obj = obj.right_object.get_name()
if obj.left_object is not None:
left_obj = obj.left_object.get_name()
content.append(sep.join([left_obj, right_obj, str(obj.differences)]) +

if len(content) != 0:
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
print("Projects are equal.")

if not projects.primary:
print("No project open.")

Advanced Library Management Functions

EcoStruxure Machine Expert Logic Builder offers advanced functions for
managing libraries, the so-called forward compatible libraries (see EcoStruxure
Machine Expert, Functions and Libraries User Guide). They provide a convenient
way to manage references and dependencies among libraries.
This functionality is also available via scripts and can be used on the Library
Manager of the entire project or on a single application within the project. The
following script shows how to check the libraries for forward compatibility and valid
references. It automatically maps the references and explicitly sets library

Script Engine Example

proj = projects.primary
app = proj.active_application

libmgr = app.get_library_manager()
print("# Checking all libraries:")
for lib in libmgr.get_libraries():

724 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

print("- " + lib + " Is Forward Compatible Library? " +


if not libmgr.is_current_mapping_valid():
for lib in libmgr.get_invalid_library_mappings():
print("Library reference cannot be satisfied for: "
+ lib)
print("Trying to auto-map libraries to valid versions")
print("All mappings valid")

# set version using individual parameters

"Schneider Electric", "")

# set version using the library full name

(Schneider Electric)", "")

# set version to Legacy

libmgr.set_new_library_version("PD_Template", "Schneider
Electric", None)

Accessing POUs
The following examples show how to print and manipulate the code of a POU.
They are only available for textual programming languages.

Script Engine Example

if not projects.primary:
print('No primary project set')

proj = projects.primary
pou = proj.find('SR_Main', True)[0]

# read and print the declaration of the program

decl = pou.textual_declaration

# read and print the implementation of the program

code = pou.textual_implementation

decl_text = "PROGRAM SR_Main\n" + \

"VAR\n" + \
" iTest: INT;\n" + \

code_text = "iTest := iTest + 1;"

# write new code to the declaration and implementation


Script Engine Example for Obsolete set_interface_text() API

if not projects.primary:
print("No primary project set")

EIO0000002854.04 725
Python Script Language

proj = projects.primary
pou = proj.find('SR_Main', True)[0]

# read and print the declaration of the program

decl = pou.get_interface_text()

# read and print the implementation of the program

code = pou.get_implementation_text()

decl = "PROGRAM SR_Main\n" + \

"VAR\n" + \
" iTest: INT;\n" + \
code = "iTest := iTest + 1;"

# write new code to the declaration and implementation


CODESYS Script Engine Examples

This chapter provides examples of frequently used members of the CODESYS
Script Engine. For a complete description of the members of each namespace,
refer to the CODESYS API description.

Since the examples for this namespace are relatively short and self-explanatory,
their meaning is not explained in detail. Complete examples are provided, where

New Project
This method creates a new project.
It consists of 2 parameters:
• a string specifying the location where the project will be stored
• a boolean parameter: If TRUE, the project will be the new primary project.
This parameter is optional, the default value is TRUE.
The method returns the IProject instance (refer to the specification in the
document Automation Platform SDK) which can be used for further steps.
import os

# Clean up any open project
if projects.primary:

# Define the new file name for the project

project_name = "Example.project"

726 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

# Define the new path where the new project should be

project_path = r"C:\Python"

# Create the new project

proj = projects.create(os.path.join(project_path,
project_name), True)

# Save the project to the specified path
except Exception as exception:
print("Error: " + str(exception))
if not system.trace:
print("Please turn on the 'Script Tracing' function
to get detailed information about the script execution.")

Load Project
This method loads a project. Any open projects will not be closed.
The first parameter specifies the path of the project that will be loaded.
import os

# Clean up any open project
if projects.primary:

# Define the file name for the project

project_name = "Example.project"

# Define the path where the project is stored

project_path = r"C:\Python"

# Load the existing project

proj =, project_
except Exception as exception:
print("Error: " + str(exception))
if not system.trace:
print("Please turn on the 'Script Tracing' function
to get detailed information about the script execution.")

Save Project
This method saves the project at its physical location.
# Save project

Save Archive
This method saves the project as an archive. The additional categories which are
selected by default are included, but no extra files.
The first parameter specifies the path where the archive will be saved.
import os

# Define the new file name for the archive

archive_name = "Example.archive"

# Define the new path where the archive should be stored

archive_path = r"C:\Python"

# Save archive with the default values

EIO0000002854.04 727
Python Script Language


Close Project
This method closes the project. If there are unsaved changes in this project, these
changes will be discarded.
# Clean up any open project:
if projects.primary:

Find Objects
This method finds objects matching the given name.
It consists of 2 parameters:
• The first parameter is the name of the object that is searched.
• The second parameter specifies whether a recursive search is performed.
This parameter is optional, the default value is FALSE. This method returns a
collection of objects.
# Search for
result_list = projects.primary.find('MyController', True)

for result in result_list:

print("Object " + result.get_name() + " found with Guid
" + str(result.guid))
Names are not unique in the tree. This has the effect that several objects can be
found. The search is against the nonlocalized name.

Native Import
This method imports the specified files in the native XML format in the top level of
this project.
import os

# Specify the project file name

project_name = "NativeImport.project"

# Define the path where the project should be/is stored

project_path = r"C:\Python"

# Define the path where the exported objects are be stored

object_path = os.path.join(project_path, "Objects")

# Create the import reporter

class Handler(NativeImportHandler):
def conflict(self, name, obj, guid):
print("Object already exists: " + name)
return NativeImportResolve.skip

def progress(self, name, obj, exception):

print("in progess: " + name)

def skipped(self, list):


def import_filter(name, guid, type, path):

# Workaround, skip the project settings object because
we cant import it
if(type == "_3S.CoDeSys.Engine.WorkspaceObject"):
return False
return True

728 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

# Clean up any open project
if projects.primary:

# Create the new project

project_reference = projects.create(os.path.join
(project_path, project_name), True)

files = os.listdir(object_path)

# Create the importer instance.

handler = Handler()

for file in files:

file_path = os.path.join(object_path, file)
project_reference.import_native(file_path, import_
filter, handler)

except Exception as exception:

print("Error: " + str(exception))
if not system.trace:
print("Please turn on the 'Script Tracing' function
to get detailed information about the script execution.")

PLCOpenXML Import
This method imports the contents of the specified PLCopenXML file into the top
level of the project.
import os

# Specify the project file name

project_name = "PLCOpenXMLImport.project"

# Define the path where the project should be/is

storedproject_path = r"C:\Python"

# Define the file where the exported object is stored

file_name = os.path.join(project_path, r"Objects

# Create the import reporter

class Reporter(ImportReporter):
def error(self, message):
system.write_message(Severity.Error, message)
def warning(self, message):
system.write_message(Severity.Warning, message)
def resolve_conflict(self, obj):
return ConflictResolve.Copy
def added(self, obj):
print("added: ", obj)
def replaced(self, obj):
print("replaced: ", obj)
def skipped(self, obj):
print("skipped: ", obj)
def aborting(self):
return False

# Clean up any open project
if projects.primary:

EIO0000002854.04 729
Python Script Language

# Create the reporter instance

reporter = Reporter()

# Create the new project

project_reference = projects.create(os.path.join
(project_path, project_name), True)

# Import the data into the project

project_reference.import_xml(reporter, file_name)

# Save the project to the specified path
except Exception as exception:
print("Error: " + str(exception))
if not system.trace:
print("Please turn on the 'Script Tracing' function
to get detailed information about the script execution.")

Native Export
This method exports the given objects in native format into a string, or a file at the
given path. The non-exportable objects are detected as an error, but the export
import sys,io,os

# Specify the project file name

project_name = "Example.project"

# Define the path where the project should be/is stored

project_path = r"C:\Python"

# Define the path where the exported objects should be

object_path = os.path.join(project_path, "Objects")

def collect_objects(project_reference):
# List that stores all POU nodes
project_objects = []

# Collect all the leaf nodes.

for node in project_reference.get_children(True):

for i in project_objects:
print("Found: ", i.type, i.guid, i.get_name())
return project_objects

def export_objects(collected_objects, project_reference):

if not os.path.exists(object_path):

# Export the files.

for candidate in collected_objects:
# Create a list of objects to export:
# The object itself
objects = [candidate]

# And sub-objects (POUs can have actions,

properties, ...)

# And the parent folders.

parent = candidate.parent
while ((not parent.is_root) and parent.is_folder):
parent = parent.parent

730 EIO0000002854.04
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# Create a unique file name

filename = os.path.join(object_path, "%s__%s.export"
% (candidate.get_name(), candidate.guid))

# Print some user information

print("Exporting " + str(len(objects)) + " objects
to: " + filename)

# And actually export the project

project_reference.export_native(objects, filename)

# Clean up any open project
if projects.primary:

# Open a project first

project_reference =
path, project_name))

# Collect the objects

collected_objects = collect_objects(project_reference)

export_objects(collected_objects, project_reference)
except Exception as exception:
print("Error: " + str(exception))
if not system.trace:
print("Please turn on the 'Script Tracing' function
to get detailed information about the script execution.")

PLCOpenXML Export
This method exports the given objects in PLCopenXML format into a string, or a
file at the given path. The non-exportable objects are detected as an error, but the
export continues.
import os

# Specify the object which should be exported

object_name = "MyController"

# Define the path where the exported objects should be

object_path = r"C:\Python\Objects"

# Define the printing function

def print_tree(treeobj, depth=0):
name = treeobj.get_name(False)
if treeobj.is_device:
deviceid = treeobj.get_device_identification()
print("{0} - {1} {2}".format(" "*depth, name,

for child in treeobj.get_children(False):

print_tree(child, depth+1)

# Create the export reporter

class Reporter(ExportReporter):
def error(self, message):
system.write_message(Severity.Error, message)
def warning(self, message):
system.write_message(Severity.Warning, message)
def nonexportable(self, message):
def aborting(self):
return False

EIO0000002854.04 731
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# Get the project reference of the currently opened
project_reference = projects.primary

# Get a reporter instance

reporter = Reporter()

# Print all devices in the project

for obj in project_reference.get_children():

# Finds the object in the project, and return the first

device = project_reference.find(object_name, True)

if device != None:
filename = os.path.join(object_path, device[0].get_
name() + ".xml")

# Exports the object to the hard drive

project_reference.export_xml(reporter, device,
filename, True, True)

except Exception as exception:

print("Error: " + str(exception))
if not system.trace:
print("Please turn on the 'Script Tracing' function
to get detailed information about the script execution.")

Online Application
NOTE: Some of the online application commands can temporarily change the
active application.
This interface is exported to Python, and thus complies to Python naming

Create Online Application

This method creates an online application.
# Create online application
online_application = online.create_online_application()

Prepared Values
This example shows how to write prepared values.
# Trying to create online application
online_application = online.create_online_application()

print("app:" + str(online_application.application_state)
+ "op:" + online_application.operation_state.ToString("f"))

for expression in online_application.get_prepared_


732 EIO0000002854.04
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print "%s: '%s' '%s'" % (expression, online_

application.read_value(expression), online_application.get_

for expression in online_application.get_forced_

print "%s: '%s' '%s'" % (expression, online_
application.read_value(expression), online_application.get_

assert len(online_application.get_prepared_expressions
()) == 0, "Still some prepared values remain."
assert len(online_application.get_forced_expressions())
== 0, "Still some prepared values remain."

# Preparing a value and forcing it


# Preparing a value and writing it online_

application.set_prepared_value("POU.testint", "INT#1147")

except Exception as exception:

print("Error: " + str(exception))
if not system.trace:
print("Please turn on the 'Script Tracing' function
to get detailed information about the script execution.")

Perform Application Login

This method performs the application login. If the application was logged in before,
it will be logged out and a fresh login will be performed.
It consists of 2 parameters:
• The first parameter is the change option.
• The second parameter will delete previous applications, if set to True.
# Get the project reference
project_reference = projects.primary

# Fetch the active application

active_application = project_reference.active_application

# Create the online application for it

online_application = online.create_online_application

# Log in to the device.

online_application.login(OnlineChangeOption.Try, True)

Logout Application
This method logs out the application. If the application is not logged in, nothing
# Get the project reference
project_reference = projects.primary

# Fetch the active application

active_application = project_reference.active_application

# Create the online application for it

EIO0000002854.04 733
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online_application = online.create_online_application

# Log in to the device.


Start Application
This method starts the application.
# Get the project reference
project_reference = projects.primary

# Fetch the active application

active_application = project_reference.active_application

# Create the online application for it

online_application = online.create_online_application

# Log in to the device.

online_application.login(OnlineChangeOption.Try, True)

# Start the application, if necessary

if not online_application.application_state ==

# Let the app do its work for some time


Stop Application
This method stops the application.
# Get the project reference
project_reference = projects.primary

# Fetch the active application

active_application = project_reference.active_application

# Create the online application for it

online_application = online.create_online_application

# Log in to the device.

online_application.login(OnlineChangeOption.Try, True)

# Stop the application, if necessary

if online_application.application_state == ApplicationState.

This method finds objects matching the given name.
It consists of 2 parameters:
• The first parameter is the name of the object that is searched.

734 EIO0000002854.04
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• The second parameter specifies whether a recursive search is performed.

This parameter is optional, the default value is FALSE. This method returns a
collection of objects.
# Search for the specified object
results = projects.primary.find('MyController', True)

for result in results:

print("Object " + result.get_name() + " found with Guid
" + str(result.guid))

This method removes the object.
# Finds the MyController object in the project
results = projects.primary.find("MyController", True)

for result in results:

# Removes all objects with the name MyController

This method renames the object to the new name.
# Finds the MyController object in the project
results = projects.primary.find("MyController", True)

for result in results:

# Rename all MyController objects to MyController_2

Refer to the description of imports/exports for projects, page 729. The only
difference is that the object is called for import / export, instead of the project.

This chapter describes methods for manipulating device objects.

This method adds the specified device.
It consists of 3 parameters:
• A string specifying the name of the device.
• DeviceID specifying the ID of the device. For the DeviceID value, refer to the
device description of the device you want to add.
• A string specifying the module ID.
# We want to add a TM5C12D6T6L Module to the TM5_Manager
# Search for the TM5_Manager. The new Module will be
inserted below this object.
parent_device = projects.primary.find('TM5_Manager', True)

if not(parent_device == None):

EIO0000002854.04 735
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parent_device.add("Module_TM5C12D6T6L", DeviceID(51063,
"101a 0363", ""))

This method marks this device as disabled during download.
# Finds the MyController object in the project
device = projects.primary.find("MyController", True)[0]

if not(device == None):

This method marks this device as enabled during download.
# Finds the MyController object in the project
device = projects.primary.find("MyController", True)[0]

if not(device == None):

Get Address
This method gets the address of the device. It returns a string.
# Finds the MyController object in the project
device = projects.primary.find("MyController", True)[0]

if not(device == None):
print("Address: " + device.get_address())

Get Device Identification

This method gets the device identification.
# Finds the MyController object in the project
device = projects.primary.find("MyController", True)[0]

if not(device == None):

Get Gateway
This method returns the GUID of the gateway.
# Finds the MyController object in the project
device = projects.primary.find("MyController", True)[0]

if not(device == None):
print("Gateway: " + str(device.get_gateway()))

This method inserts the specified device at the specified index.
It consists of 4 parameters:
• A string specifying the name of the device.
• Int32 specifying the index where to insert the device.
• DeviceID specifying the ID of the device. For the DeviceID value, refer to the
device description of the device you want to add.

736 EIO0000002854.04
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• A string specifying the module ID.

# Finds the MyController object in the project
parent_device = projects.primary.find("TM5_Manager", True)

if not(parent_device == None):
# We need the amount of children to add the new device
at the end
child_count = len(parent_device.get_children())

# Use a unique name for the inserted device

parent_device.insert("Module_TM5C12D6T6L_" + str(child_
count), child_count, DeviceID(51063, "101a 0363",

Set Gateway and Address

This method sets the gateway and the address. If you pass the empty GUID and
an empty address, the gateway address will be cleared.
# Finds the MyController object in the project
device = projects.primary.find("MyController", True)[0]

if not(device == None):
device.set_gateway_and_address(gateway, address)

Set Simulation Mode

This method sets the simulation mode. If set to True, simulation is enabled.
# Finds the MyController object in the project
device = projects.primary.find("MyController", True)[0]

if not(device == None):
device.set_simulation_mode (True)

This method updates the specified device.
# This is a more generic approach to find and update a
device by its device description
import os

def find_device_repository(head_dir, sub_dir):

for root, dirs, files in os.walk(head_dir):
for d in dirs:
current_dir = os.path.join(root, d)
if current_dir.endswith(sub_dir):
return current_dir

# This function is used to find the newest version

def version_tuple(v):
return tuple(map(int, (v.split("."))))

def get_newest_version(directory, current_version):

newest_version = None
available_versions = os.listdir(directory)
for version in available_versions:
if version_tuple(version ) > version_tuple(current_
newest_version = version

return newest_version

# Finds the MyController object in the project

EIO0000002854.04 737
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device = projects.primary.find("MyController", True)[0]

if not(device == None):
device_identification = device.get_device_identification

# Device Repository subdirectory

sub_dir = os.path.join(str(device_identification.type),

# Find the path where the device description is stored

result_directory= find_device_repository(r"c:/", sub_

if not result_directory == None:

newest_version = get_newest_version(result_
directory, device_identification.version)

if not newest_version == None:

device.update(device_identification.type,, newest_version)

System / User Interface (UI)

Browse Directory Dialog Box
Opens a dialog box for browsing a directory. In --noUI mode, you can enter a path
# Import the .NET class System.Environment from mscorlib.dll
# Otherwise the Environment.SpecialFolder Enumeration is not
from System import Environment
import os

# Set the necessary fields

dialog_message = "Select Python Example Directory"
preselected_path = r"c:\Python"

# Store the selected path

selected_path = system.ui.browse_directory_dialog(dialog_
message, preselected_path, Environment.SpecialFolder.
Desktop, True)

# Remember to check if the user canceled the dialog

if(selected_path != None):
# List files in the specified directory
It consists of 4 parameters:
• a string containing the message
• a string containing the path that will be preselected when the dialog box
• the Environment.SpecialFolder contains the root folder for the browse dialog
• a boolean parameter: If True, a button allowing you to create new folders is
displayed in the dialog box.
This method returns the selected path. If you cancel the dialog box, nothing is

738 EIO0000002854.04
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This method allows you to choose between one of several listed items.
# Set the necessary fields
option_list = ["TM241C24R", "TM262M25MESS8T"]

dialog_message = "Select the controller which should be

added to the project:"

# A python tuple will be returned with the index of the

selected item or -1 if canceled
selected_item = system.ui.choose(dialog_message, option_
list, True)

# Remember to check if the user canceled the dialog

if(selected_item[0] != -1):
print(option_list[selected_item[0]] + " will be added to
the project.")
It consists of 3 parameters:
• a string containing the message
• a list of options to be displayed: The objects are converted to string in order to
display them.
• a boolean parameter: If True, a button allowing you to create new folders is
displayed in the dialog box.
This method returns a Python tuple containing 2 items:
• the index of the selected item, or
-1 if cancelable was set to True and you canceled the dialog box
• the selected item or None

Error Detection
This method indicates an error detection message. It inhibits any further actions
until the message has been acknowledged.

This method indicates an information message. It inhibits any further actions until
the message has been acknowledged.
# Set the necessary fields
dialog_message = "Project update has been completed

# This method is used to display a simple message to the


Open File Dialog Box

This method displays an Open File dialog box. In --noUI mode, you can enter a
path here.
# Set the necessary fields
dialog_title = "Select a Project"
dialog_filename = None
initial_directory = None
file_filter = "(*.project)|*.project"

# Open a select file dialog which only accepts *.project


EIO0000002854.04 739
Python Script Language

selected_file = system.ui.open_file_dialog(dialog_title,
dialog_filename, initial_directory, file_filter)

# Remember to check if the user canceled the dialog

if(selected_file != None):
# Open the specified project
if projects.primary:

Query String
This method queries the input or edit of a text string.
# Set the necessary fields
dialog_message = "Please enter a filename for your project:"
dialog_prefilled_text = "c:\Python\QueryStringExample.

# This functions queries a string from the user

project_name = system.ui.query_string(dialog_message,

# If a project is opened, the project will be saved under

the new nameif(projects.primary):
It returns a string with the entered text.

Save File Dialog

This method displays a Save File dialog box. In --noUI mode, you can enter a
path here.
import os

# Set the necessary fields

dialog_title = "Select a Filename"
initial_directory, dialog_filename = os.path.split(projects.
file_filter = "(*.project)|*.project"

# Open a select file dialog which only accepts *.project

selected_file = system.ui.save_file_dialog(dialog_title,
dialog_filename, initial_directory, file_filter)

# Remember to check if the user canceled the dialog

if(selected_file != None):
# File was saved under the specified name, lets close
the project

This method indicates an advisory message. It inhibits any further actions until the
message has been acknowledged.
# Set the necessary fields
dialog_message = "Project update failed. Please check the
log for detailed errors."

# This method is used to display a simple warning to the


740 EIO0000002854.04
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Reading Values
The script opens an application in EcoStruxure Machine Expert and logs in to the
device. If the controller is not in RUNNING state, it will be set to RUNNING. Then
the variable iVar1 is read and displayed in the Messages view or command line.
At the end, the application is closed.

# Script Example

import os

# Define the necessary fields for this example

project_name = "Ohne Titel.project"
project_path = r"C:\Python"
value_name = "POU.testoutput"

# Clean up any open project
if projects.primary:

# Create the new project

proj =, project_

# Set the active application

app = proj.active_application

# Create the online application

onlineapp = online.create_online_application(app)

# Login to device
onlineapp.login(OnlineChangeOption.Try, True)

# Set status of application to "run" if not in "run"

if not onlineapp.application_state == ApplicationState.

# Wait 1 second

# Read value of iVar1

value = onlineapp.read_value(value_name)

# Display value in message view or command line

print (value_name + ": " + str(value))

# Log out from device and close the project

except Exception as exception:
print("Error: " + str(exception))
print("Please turn on the 'Script Tracing' function to
get detailed information about the script execution.")

EIO0000002854.04 741
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Reading Values From Recipe and Send an Email

The script opens an application in EcoStruxure Machine Expert and logs in to the
device. If the controller is not in mode RUNNING, it will be set to RUNNING. Then
the variable iVar1 is read and displayed in the Messages view or command line.
At the end, the application is closed.

# Script Example

# Get the primary project reference
project = projects.primary
# Retrieve active application
active_application = project.active_application

# Create online application

online_application = online.create_online_application

# Login to application
online_application.login(OnlineChangeOption.Try, True)

# Start PLC if necessary

if not online_application.application_state ==

# Wait 2 seconds

# Define read values

watch_expressions = ["POU.value_1", "POU.value_2", "POU.

# Read values from the controller

watch_values = online_application.read_values(watch_

# Open output file to write values

recipe_output_file = open(r"C:\Python\Objects\Output.txt",

for i in range(len(watch_expressions)):
recipe_output_file.write(" = ")

# Close files

# Send Email
# Import respective libraries
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
#open output file
recipe_output_file = open("C:\Python\Objects\Output.txt",
mail = MIMEText(

# Email address sender and recipient

sender = ""
to = ""

742 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

# Set sender and recipient

mail["Subject"] = "Attention value has changed"
mail["From"] = sender
mail["To"] = to

# Send email
smtp = smtplib.SMTP("Name of the SMTP Server")
smtp.sendmail(sender, [to], mail.as_string())

# Logout and close application


Determine Device Tree of the Open Project

This example determines the objects in the Devices tree of the open project and
prints them out in the command line or Messages view. It can be started from the
EcoStruxure Machine Expert user interface or from the command line.

# Script Example

# We enable the new python 3 print syntax
import sys

# Define the printing function

def printtree(treeobj, depth=0):
if treeobj.is_root:
name = treeobj.path
deviceid = ""
name = treeobj.get_name(False)
if treeobj.is_device:
deviceid = treeobj.get_device_identification()
deviceid = ""
print("{0} - {1} {2}".format(" "*depth, name, deviceid))
for child in treeobj.get_children(False):
printtree(child, depth+1)

# Now see whether a primary project is open.

if not projects.primary:
print("Error: Please open a project file first!")

# And the actual output

print("Print the current tree of: ")

Script Example 4: Import a Device in PLCOpenXML From

This example imports a device in PLCOpenXML from Subversion via command
line svn client. It can be started from the EcoStruxure Machine Expert user
interface or from the command line.

EIO0000002854.04 743
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# Script Example

# Imports a Device in PLCOpenXML from Subversion via command
line svn client
import os

# Some variable definitions

svn_executable = r"C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\svn.exe"
project_file = r"C:\Python\test.project"

# !!! Important: File must be under version control !!!

export_file = r"C:\Python\SVN\MyController.xml"

# Clean up any open project:

if projects.primary:

# Fetch the PLCOpenXML data from subversion

# The with construct automatically closes the open pipe for
with os.popen('"' + svn_executable + '" cat ' + export_file,
"r") as pipe:
xmldata =

# Create a new project

project_reference = projects.create(project_file)

# Create the import reporter

class Reporter(ImportReporter):
def error(self, message):
system.write_message(Severity.Error, message)
def warning(self, message):
system.write_message(Severity.Warning, message)
def resolve_conflict(self, obj):
return ConflictResolve.Copy
def added(self, obj):
print("added: ", obj)
def replaced(self, obj):
print("replaced: ", obj)
def skipped(self, obj):
print("skipped: ", obj)
def aborting(self):
return False

# Create the importer instance

reporter = Reporter()

# Import the data into the project

project_reference.import_xml(reporter, xmldata)

# And finally save

Script Example 5: Creating and Editing POUs

The script creates the objects MyStruct, MyAlias, and MyUnion in
the EcoStruxure Machine Expert project. The folder DataTypes must be available.

744 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language
# encoding:utf-8
from __future__ import print_function
a : BOOL;
b : BIT;
c : BIT;
TYPE MyUnion :
Zahl : INT;
Prozent : MyAlias;
Bits : MyStruct;
proj = projects.primary
folder = proj.find('DataTypes', recursive = True)[0]
# Create a struct DUT and insert the list of variables just
into the right
# place in line two, row 0 (line numbering starts with line
struktur = folder.create_dut('MyStruct') # DutType.Structure
is the default
struktur.textual_declaration.insert(2, 0, STRUCT_CONTENT)
# Alias types get their "content" via the base type, which
will just end up
# as one line in the declaration part:
# TYPE MyAlias : INT (0..100); END_TYPE
bereich = folder.create_dut('MyAlias', DutType.Alias, "INT
# Instead of injecting the variables into the existing
# one can also just replace the complete declaration part,
including the
# boilerplate code.
union = folder.create_dut('MyUnion', DutType.Union)

Script Example 6: User Interface / Interaction with the User

In some cases, scripts have to interact with the user. Simple APIs are provided for
common interactions. The sample script shows the possible
# encoding:utf-8
from __future__ import print_function

"""Performs some tests on the messagestore and UI."""

print("Some Error, Warning and Information popups:")

system.ui.error("Fatal error: Everything is OK. :-)")
system.ui.warning("Your bank account is surprisingly low")"Just for your information: 42")

print("Now, we ask the user something.")

EIO0000002854.04 745
Python Script Language

res = system.ui.prompt("Do you like this?", PromptChoice.

YesNo, PromptResult.Yes);
print("The user selected '%s'" % res)

print("Now, the user can choose between custom options:")

res = system.ui.choose("Please choose:", ("First", 2, 7.5,
"Something else"))
print("The user selected option '%s'" % str(res)) # res is a

print("Now, the user can choose several options:")

res = system.ui.select_many("Please select one or more
options", PromptChoice.OKCancel, PromptResult.OK, ("La
Premiere", "The Second", "Das Dritte"))
print("The returned result is: '%s'" % str(res)) # res is a

print("Now, the user can select files and directories")

res = system.ui.open_file_dialog("Choose multiple files:",
filter="Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|Image Files(*.BMP;*.JPG;*.
GIF)|*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF|All files (*.*)|*.*", filter_index =
0, multiselect=True)
print("The user did choose: '%s'" % str(res)) # res is a
tuple as multiselect is true.

res = system.ui.save_file_dialog("Choose a file to save:",

filter="Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|Image Files(*.BMP;*.JPG;*.
GIF)|*.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF|All files (*.*)|*.*", filter_index =
print("The user did choose: '%s'" % res)

res = system.ui.browse_directory_dialog("Choose a
directory", path="C:\\")
print("The user did choose: '%s'" % res)

print("Now we query a single line string")

res = system.ui.query_string("What's your name?")
print("Nice to meet you, dear %s." % res)

print("Now we query a multi line string")

res = system.ui.query_string("Please tell me a nice story
about your life!", multi_line=True)
if (res):
print("Huh, that has been a long text, at least %s
characters!" % len(res))
print("Hey, don't be lazy!")

print("Username and passwort prompts...")

res = system.ui.query_password("Please enter your favourite
password!", cancellable=True)
if res:
print("Huh, it's very careless to tell me your favourite
password '%s'!" % res)
print("Ok, if you don't want...")

res = system.ui.query_credentials("Now, for real...")

if res:
print("Username '%s' and password '%s'" % res) # res is
a 2-tuple

746 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

Script Example 7: Manipulation of the Project information Object

The script, provides information in the Project
information object. Important information items, such as Title and Version, have
explicit properties. However, you can read and write the other information fields by
using the dictionary syntax, for example, those for the properties of a library
The example below may seem unrealistic, but similar code is used in build servers
that create, test, and possibly release automatic library projects and other
projects. The ScriptEngine is one of the key elements for creating CI (Continuous
Integration) and CD (Continuous Delivery) systems.
# encoding:utf-8
from __future__ import print_function

proj = projects.load("D:\Some.library")

info = proj.get_project_info()

# Set some values = "Test Library Ltd"
info.title = "Script Test Project"
info.version = (0, 8, 15, 4711)
info.default_namespace = "testlibrary" = "Python von Scriptinger"

# some values recommended in the library toolchain

info.values["DefaultNamespace"] = "testlibrary"
info.values["Placeholder"] = "testlibrary"
info.values["DocFormat"] = "reStructuredText"

# now we set a custom / vendor specific value.

info.values["SpecialDeviceId"] = "PLC0815_4711"

# Enable generation of Accessor functions, so the IEC

# application can display the version in an info screen.

# And set the library to released

info.released = True;

Advanced Example: Checkout a Library from SVN and Installation

in EcoStruxure Machine Expert
The following sample script can perform the checkout and installation of a library
as part of a CT (Continuous Testing) environment so that they can be tested. The
SVN Add-on must be installed on the PC and the SVN Add-on license must be

EIO0000002854.04 747
Python Script Language

Sample Script
import tempfile

if projects.primary:

tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
URL = "svn://localhost/testrepo/trunk/SvnTestLibrary/"

proj = svn.checkout(URL, tempdir, "testlibrary", as_library=


repo = librarymanager.repositories[0]
librarymanager.install_library(proj.path, repo, True)


Managing Device User Rights Using the Scripting API

Managing Device User Rights Using the Scripting API
Scripting for Using Online Services
EcoStruxure Machine Expert provides access to many of its online services via
the scripting API. In order to establish a connection or to use an online service at a
later time, valid credentials must be stored in the system.

Providing Specific Credentials for Online Services

You can store credentials via online device or online application in case of multi-
controller projects. If there are specific credentials provided for the connection,
they will be used by the system.
# create an "online device" to use online services
root_device = projects.primary.find("LMC_PacDrive", False)
online_device = online.create_online_device(root_device)

# store credentials specific to this "online device"

online.set_specific_credentials(online_device, "my_user",

# use of any online service


Providing Default Credentials for Online Services

If no specific credentials are provided for the connection, the system uses the
default credentials.
# create an "online device" to use online services
root_device = projects.primary.find("LMC_PacDrive", False)
online_device = online.create_online_device(root_device)

# store default credentials

748 EIO0000002854.04
Python Script Language

online.set_default_credentials("my_user", "my_password")

# use of any online service


Scripting for Enforced Password Renewal

The following scenarios require the password to be changed by the user after
• First login to a new controller.
• First connection after the user rights management has been reset to default.
• A password renewal is enforced for a specific user by an administrator of the
EcoStruxure Machine Expert does not support the renewal of passwords using the
scripting API. Perform this by using the service tool Controller Assistant.
You can call the latest version of Controller Assistant from command line as
indicated in the following example:
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Schneider Electric
\EcoStruxureMachine Expert\Tools\ControllerAssistant
\ControllerAssistant.exe" -username Administrator -password
Administrator -renewalpassword MyNewPassword
-getcontrollerinfo etcp4://
For further information, refer to the EcoStruxure Machine Expert, Controller
Assistant User Guide.

EIO0000002854.04 749
Controller Feature Sets for Migration

Controller Feature Sets for Migration

What’s in This Chapter
Controller Feature Sets for Migration ............................................................ 750

Controller Feature Sets for Migration

Twido Controllers
Controller Dig In Dig Out MOD FC HSC PWM Serial ETH

TWDLCAA10DRF 6 4 No 3 1 0 1 No
TWDLCDA10DRF 6 4 No 3 1 0 1 No
TWDLCAA16DRF 9 7 No 3 1 0 1+1 No
TWDLCDA16DRF 9 7 No 3 1 0 1+1 No
TWDLCAA24DRF 14 10 No 3 1 0 1+1 No
TWDLCDA24DRF 14 10 No 3 1 0 1+1 No
TWDLCAA40DRF 24 16 No 4 2 2 1+1 No
TWDLCDA40DRF 24 16 No 4 2 2 1+1 No
TWDLCAE40DRF 24 16 No 4 2 2 1+1 Yes
TWDLCDE40DRF 24 16 No 4 2 2 1+1 Yes
TWDLMDA20DTK 12 8 Yes 2 2 2 1+1 No
TWDLMDA20DUK 12 8 Yes 2 2 2 1+1 No
TWDLMDA20DRT 12 8 Yes 2 2 2 1+1 No
TWDLMDA40DTK 24 16 Yes 2 2 2 1+1 No
TWDLMDA40DUK 24 16 Yes 2 2 2 1+1 No
Dig In = number of digital inputs

Dig Out = number of digital outputs

MOD = expansion modules

FC = number of fast counters

HSC = number of high-speed counters

PWM = number of pulse generators

Serial = number of serial ports

ETH = Ethernet ports

M221 Controllers
Controller Dig In Dig Out Ana In MOD FC HSC PWM Serial ETH CART

TM221C16R 9 7 2 TM2/ 4 2 0 1 No 1
TM221C16T 9 7 2 TM2/ 4 2 2 1 No 1
TM221C24R 14 10 2 TM2/ 4 2 0 1 No 1
TM221C24T 14 10 2 TM2/ 4 2 2 1 No 1
TM221C40R 24 16 2 TM2/ 4 2 0 1 No 2

750 EIO0000002854.04
Controller Feature Sets for Migration

Controller Dig In Dig Out Ana In MOD FC HSC PWM Serial ETH CART

TM221C40T 24 16 2 TM2/ 4 2 2 1 No 2
TM221CE16R 9 7 2 TM2/ 4 2 0 1 Yes 1
TM221CE16T 9 7 2 TM2/ 4 2 2 1 Yes 1
TM221CE24R 14 10 2 TM2/ 4 2 0 1 Yes 1
TM221CE24T 14 10 2 TM2/ 4 2 2 1 Yes 1
TM221CE40R 24 16 2 TM2/ 4 2 0 1 Yes 2
TM221CE40T 24 16 2 TM2/ 4 2 2 1 Yes 2
TM221M16R/G 8 8 2 TM2/ 4 2 0 2 No 0
TM221M16T/G 8 8 2 TM2/ 4 2 2 2 No 0
TM221M32TK 16 16 2 TM2/ 4 2 2 2 No 0
TM221ME16R/G 8 8 2 TM2/ 4 2 0 1 Yes 0
TM221ME16T/G 8 8 2 TM2/ 4 2 2 1 Yes 0
TM221ME32TK 16 16 2 TM2/ 4 2 2 1 Yes 0
Dig In = number of digital inputs

Dig Out = number of digital outputs

Ana In = number of analog inputs

MOD = expansion modules

FC = number of fast counters

HSC = number of high-speed counters

PWM = number of pulse generators

Serial = number of serial ports

ETH = Ethernet ports

CART = number of cartridges

EcoStruxure Machine Expert Controllers

Controller Dig In Dig Out Ana In MOD FC HSC PWM Serial ETH CART

TM241C24R 14 10 0 TM2/ 8 2 4 2 No 1
TM241C24T/U 14 10 0 TM2/ 8 2 4 2 No 1
TM241C40R 24 16 0 TM2/ 8 2 4 2 No 2
TM241C40T/U 24 16 0 TM2/ 8 2 4 2 No 2
TM241CE24R 14 10 0 TM2/ 8 2 4 2 Yes 1
TM241CE24T/U 14 10 0 TM2/ 8 2 4 2 Yes 1
TM241CE40R 24 16 0 TM2/ 8 2 4 2 Yes 2

EIO0000002854.04 751
Controller Feature Sets for Migration

Controller Dig In Dig Out Ana In MOD FC HSC PWM Serial ETH CART

TM241CE40T/U 24 16 0 TM2/ 8 2 4 2 Yes 2

TM241CEC24R 14 10 0 TM2/ 8 2 4 2 Yes 1
TM241CEC24T/U 14 10 0 TM2/ 8 2 4 2 Yes 1
HMISCU•A5 16 10 0 No 2 1 2 1 Yes 0
HMISCU•B5 8 8 2 No 2 1 2 1 Yes 0
Dig In = number of digital inputs

Dig Out = number of digital outputs

Ana In = number of analog inputs

MOD = expansion modules

FC = number of fast counters

HSC = number of high-speed counters

PWM = number of pulse generators

Serial = number of serial ports

ETH = Ethernet ports

CART = number of cartridges

752 EIO0000002854.04
(continuous function chart) A graphical programming language (an extension of
the IEC 61131-3 standard) based on the function block diagram language that
works like a flowchart. However, no networks are used and free positioning of
graphic elements is possible, which allows feedback loops. For each block, the
inputs are on the left and the outputs on the right. You can link the block outputs to
the inputs of other blocks to create complex expressions.

(device type manager) Classified into 2 categories:
• Device DTMs connect to the field device configuration components.
• CommDTMs connect to the software communication components.
The DTM provides a unified structure for accessing device parameters and
configuring, operating, and diagnosing the devices. DTMs can range from a
simple graphical user interface for setting device parameters to a highly
sophisticated application capable of performing complex real-time calculations for
diagnosis and maintenance purposes.

(data unit type) Along with the standard data types the user can define own data
type structures, enumerationen types, and references as data type units in a DUT

The short name of the ARRAY element.

(function block diagram) One of 5 languages for logic or control supported by the
standard IEC 61131-3 for control systems. Function block diagram is a graphically
oriented programming language. It works with a list of networks, where each
network contains a graphical structure of boxes and connection lines, which
represents either a logical or arithmetic expression, the call of a function block, a
jump, or a return instruction.

The functioning of a sequential operation in a structured and graphic form.
This is an analytical method that divides any sequential control system into a
series of steps, with which actions, transitions, and conditions are associated.

(global variable list) Manages global variables within an EcoStruxure Machine
Expert project.

EIO0000002854.04 753
(instruction list) A program written in the language that is composed of a series of
text-based instructions executed sequentially by the controller. Each instruction
includes a line number, an instruction code, and an operand (refer to IEC 61131-

(ladder diagram) A graphical representation of the instructions of a controller
program with symbols for contacts, coils, and blocks in a series of rungs executed
sequentially by a controller (refer to IEC 61131-3).

MAC address:
(media access control address) A unique 48-bit number associated with a specific
piece of hardware. The MAC address is programmed into each network card or
device when it is manufactured.

OPC Unified Architecture: OPC UA is an interoperability standard for the secured
and reliable exchange of data in the industrial automation space. It is a platform
independent communication protocol using the server/client model. The
connection between client and server is commonly based on the reliable transport
layer protocol (TCP, Transmission Control Protocol).
For more information about the OPC especially OPC UA refer to the official
webpage of the OPC Foundation at

(program organization unit) A variable declaration in source code and a
corresponding instruction set. POUs facilitate the modular re-use of software
programs, functions, and function blocks. Once declared, POUs are available to
one another.

Python interpreter:
A program that directly executes instructions that have been entered.

(read-eval-print-loop) A simple, interactive computer programming environment. It
takes single user inputs, evaluates them, and returns the result.

(request to send) A data transmission signal and CTS signal that acknowledges
the RTS from the destination node.

754 EIO0000002854.04
(serial real-time communications system) A digital control bus that interconnects,
motion controls, drives, I/Os, sensors, and actuators for numerically controlled
machines and systems. It is a standardized and open controller-to-intelligent
digital device interface, designed for high-speed serial communication of
standardized closed-loop real-time data.

(sequential function chart) A language that is composed of steps with associated
actions, transitions with associated logic condition, and directed links between
steps and transitions. (The SFC standard is defined in IEC 848. It is IEC 61131-3

A shell is a (console) program that allows the user to interact with a program with
a textual based interface.

(transport layer security) A protocol for encrypted data transfer. Successor of

(user datagram protocol) A connectionless mode protocol (defined by IETF RFC
768) in which messages are delivered in a datagram (data telegram) to a
destination computer on an IP network. The UDP protocol is typically bundled
with the Internet protocol. UDP/IP messages do not expect a response, and are
therefore ideal for applications in which dropped packets do not require
retransmission (such as streaming video and networks that demand real-time

(universal time coordinated) The primary time standard by which the world
regulates clocks and time.

EIO0000002854.04 755
Index cam data structure ........................................... 445
cam data structures
generate data .................................................. 445
generation ....................................................... 444
A cam diagram
ABS add ................................................................. 444
IEC operator .................................................... 602 cam motion editor
access protection ................................................ 135 generating cam data structures ......................... 444
Acknowledge diagnosis command.......................33 parameterizing cam diagrams ........................... 444
Acknowledge Diagnosis for Subtrees cam segment ...................................................... 444
command............................................................33 CANopen analog inputs ....................................... 669
ACOS CANopen devices .................................................55
IEC operator .................................................... 606 CASE
ADD instruction........................................................ 313
IEC operator .................................................... 563 Catalog view ........................................................40
adding controllers..................................................54 certificates
adding controllers by drag and drop ........................52 expired............................................................ 213
adding devices and modules by drag and drop ........53 CFC execution order ........................................... 274
adding devices from device template by drag and command
drop....................................................................53 Convert Device.................................................60
adding expansion devices by drag and drop ............52 Convert SoMachine Basic Project .......................61
addressing.......................................................... 682 Convert Twido Project ........................................61
ADR communication manager configuration....................55
operator .......................................................... 586 communication settings .........................................81
alarm class editor ................................................ 413 __COMPARE_AND_SWAP
Alarm Configuration object ................................ 412 operator .......................................................... 624
alarm group editor ............................................... 416 configuration diagnostic .........................................57
analog inputs constants............................................................ 481
CANopen ........................................................ 669 Content
Analyzation library ............................................... 301 operator .......................................................... 587
analyzing expressions ......................................... 301 CONTINUE
AND instruction........................................................ 316
IEC operator .................................................... 572 controller - HMI variable exchange........................ 441
ANY ................................................................... 534 conversions
ANY_<type> ....................................................... 534 overloaded ...................................................... 589
ANY_NUM_TO Convert Device command ....................................60
IEC operator .................................................... 601 convert SoMachine Basic project............................61
ANY_TO convert Twido project.............................................61
IEC operator .................................................... 601 core dump .......................................................... 218
array .................................................................. 557 COS
array declaration ................................................. 320 IEC operator .................................................... 605
IEC operator .................................................... 606 operator .......................................................... 624
IEC operator .................................................... 607
automatic I/O mapping......................................... 126 D
axis allocation data types........................................................... 529
cam motion editor .....................................446, 448 DATE ................................................................. 533
date and time data types ...................................... 533
DATE_AND_TIME............................................... 533
BIT ..................................................................... 535 IEC operator .................................................... 597
BITADR declaring
operator .......................................................... 587 arrays ............................................................. 320
BOOL................................................................. 529 __DELETE
BOOL_TO operator .......................................................... 609
IEC operator .................................................... 590 device templates ................................................. 648
boot application................................................... 204 device user management
Boot Application .................................................. 200 access protection ............................................. 135
build-time performance ........................................ 672 device user rights
disabling.......................................................... 142
resetting .......................................................... 142
C device user rights management............................ 142
CAL adding...............................................................57
IEC operator .................................................... 588 diagnostic messages for devices ............................33
calculate value automatically dialog box
cam motion editor ............................................ 446 Select Function Block .................................... 133
cam data dir(…)

EIO0000002854.04 757
Python function................................................ 700 G
disabling encryption............................................. 146
discontinuous courses of the positions .................. 447 GE
DIV IEC operator .................................................... 584
IEC operator .................................................... 567 Generated IEC source code tab of the cam
double Nodenames ............................................. 679 motion editor ..................................................... 446
download.....................................................200, 203 global node operator............................................ 622
boot application ............................................... 204 global variables - VAR_GLOBAL ............................ 477
Boot Application............................................... 200 GT
DT...................................................................... 533 IEC operator .................................................... 582
IEC operator .................................................... 597
DTM.....................................................................33 H
health information
fieldbus .............................................................57
E HMI - controller variable exchange........................ 441
EcoStruxure Machine Expert Twin..................... 123 HMI connection indications .................................. 443
Edit communication settings dialog box...............81
Emulation Settings ............................................ 123
encryption I
disabling.......................................................... 146 IEC code
END_IF generating from cam data ................................. 445
instruction........................................................ 313 IEC objects
END_VAR ............................................................ 475 fieldbus Diagnostic/O mapping............................57
END_WHILE IEC Objects view ................................................ 109
instruction........................................................ 315 IEC source code
EQ generating ....................................................... 455
IEC operator .................................................... 585 IEC source code of the cam diagram .................... 446
executing Python scripts ...................................... 457 IF
execution order instruction........................................................ 313
CFC ................................................................ 274 importing alarms ................................................. 418
EXIT increasing build-time performance ........................ 672
instruction........................................................ 316 indications
EXP HMI connection................................................ 443
IEC operator .................................................... 604 INI
expansion devices.................................................55 IEC operator .................................................... 623
expansions ...........................................................54 input and output variables - VAR_IN_OUT ............. 476
expired certificates .............................................. 213 input data structure
exporting alarms ................................................. 418 FB_MultiCam................................................... 445
EXPT MC_Cam_ID ................................................... 445
IEC operator .................................................... 607 input variables - VAR_INPUT ................................ 475
external variables - VAR_EXTERNAL ..................... 478 inspectapi.dir
Python function................................................ 700
F third-party Sercos devices ..................................50
FAQ instance variables - VAR_INST............................. 478
login to controller not successful........................ 677 instructions
FB_Exit .............................................................. 483 ST editor.......................................................... 310
FB_init INT..................................................................... 530
IEC operator .................................................... 623 INT_TO
FB_Init ............................................................... 483 IEC operator .................................................... 593
FB_MultiCam ...................................................... 445 integer ................................................................ 530
FB_Reinit ........................................................... 483 IronPython .......................................................... 687
FdtConnections node ..........................................33 __ISVALIDREF
FFB Finder ......................................................... 358 operator .......................................................... 610
field device configuration........................................55
fieldbus health information .....................................57
fieldbusses supported by templates ...................... 642 J
firewall settings ................................................... 135 JMP
first login to controller........................................... 138 instruction........................................................ 316
instruction........................................................ 314
Function and Function Block Finder ...................... 358 L
function templates ............................................... 657
Functional Model node ........................................37 lambda
Functional tree ....................................................37 law of motion ................................................... 451
law of motion....................................................... 451

758 EIO0000002854.04
IEC operator .................................................... 583 NOT
LIMIT IEC operator .................................................... 574
IEC operator .................................................... 581 NVL
literals configuration example ...................................... 339
typed............................................................... 481 considerations ................................................. 333
LN controllers supporting NVL................................ 333
IEC operator .................................................... 603 network variables list ........................................ 331
local variables - END_VAR .................................... 475 rules ............................................................... 337
local variables - VAR ............................................ 475 NVL communication suspended ........................... 673
IEC operator .................................................... 603
login ............................................................200, 203 O
login to controller................................................. 138
login to controller not successful ........................... 677 online mode
Logoff current device user command................. 139 cam motion editor ............................................ 446
logoff procedure .................................................. 139 OR
LREAL ............................................................... 531 IEC operator .................................................... 572
LREAL_TO output variables - VAR_OUTPUT............................ 475
IEC operator .................................................... 594 overloaded conversions ....................................... 589
IEC operator .................................................... 583
LTIME ................................................................ 533 P
parameterizing cam diagrams .............................. 444
persistent variables ............................................. 480
M "__POOL." operator........................................... 622
managing tags ......................................................40 pragmas
MAX region ............................................................. 495
IEC operator .................................................... 580 PROGRAM......................................................... 151
MC_Cam_ID....................................................... 445 programming environments for Python.................. 687
memory usage by recipes .................................... 382 project archives................................................... 225
menus ................................................................ 671 protecting applications ......................................... 141
MIN publishing variables ............................................. 437
IEC operator .................................................... 580 publishing variables (HMI).................................... 438
MOD Python................................................................ 687
IEC operator .................................................... 569 Python script execution........................................ 457
Modbus IOScanner on a Serial Line...................... 672
Modbus Serial IOScanner
error detected .................................................. 672 Q
Modbus SL devices ...............................................55 __QUERYINTERFACE
Modbus slave disconnected ................................. 672 operator .......................................................... 613
motion design object editor .................................. 327 __QUERYPOINTER
Motion Design Object... command...................... 327 operator .......................................................... 614
Motion Editor
displaying several Motion Editor views ............. 445
Motion Editor tab ............................................... 448 R
IEC operator .................................................... 570 REAL ................................................................. 531
IEC operator .................................................... 565 IEC operator .................................................... 594
MUX recipes
IEC operator .................................................... 581 memory usage................................................. 382
refreshing variables ............................................. 441
region pragmas ................................................... 495
N remanent variables.............................................. 479
NE instruction........................................................ 315
IEC operator .................................................... 585 retain variables.................................................... 479
Network Device Identification RETURN
accessing new controllers................................. 674 instruction........................................................ 312
connecting via IP address and address ROL
information..................................................... 675 IEC operator .................................................... 576
FAQs .............................................................. 677 ROR
in Communication Settings tab.........................78 IEC operator .................................................... 577
network variables list (receiver) ............................ 335 routing ................................................................ 682
__NEW run ..................................................................... 213
operator .......................................................... 611
double............................................................. 679

EIO0000002854.04 759
Script Engine ...................................................... 687 UNION ............................................................... 535
Script Hook Manager ......................................... 457 updating devices ...................................................59
scripting for managing user rights ......................... 748 Use DTM Connection checkbox............................33
searching within catalogs .......................................40
IEC operator .................................................... 578 V
Select Function Block dialog box ....................... 133
selecting variables............................................... 438 VAR .................................................................... 475
Sercos VAR_EXTERNAL .................................................. 478
installation of third-party devices .........................50 VAR_GLOBAL ...................................................... 477
SHL VAR_IN_OUT ...................................................... 476
IEC operator .................................................... 574 VAR_IN_OUT CONSTANT ..................................... 476
shortcuts............................................................. 671 VAR_INPUT ........................................................ 475
SHR VAR_INST .......................................................... 478
IEC operator .................................................... 575 VAR_OUTPUT ...................................................... 475
SIN VAR_STAT .......................................................... 478
IEC operator .................................................... 604 VAR_TEMP .......................................................... 477
SIZEOF variable definition ................................................ 434
IEC operator .................................................... 571 variable exchange
smart coding ....................................................... 527 communication speed ...................................... 441
SmartTag functions.............................................. 561 variable types...................................................... 434
SQRT variables............................................................. 475
IEC operator .................................................... 602 persistent ........................................................ 186
ST editor publishing........................................................ 437
instructions ...................................................... 310 publishing Vijeo-Designer ................................. 438
startup performance ............................................ 670 remanent......................................................... 186
static variables - VAR_STAT ................................. 478 Vijeo-Designer
stop.................................................................... 213 publishing variables.......................................... 438
STRING ............................................................. 532 visualizations ...................................................... 651
IEC operator .................................................... 598
IEC operator .................................................... 566 WHILE
symbol configuration............................................ 431 instruction........................................................ 315
WSTRING .......................................................... 532

tagging catalog items.............................................40 X
IEC operator .................................................... 605 operator .......................................................... 625
tasks XOR
adding............................................................. 199 IEC operator .................................................... 573
template libraries................................................. 648
templates............................................................ 641
temporary variables - VAR_TEMP .......................... 477
operator .......................................................... 626
TIME .................................................................. 533
time data types.................................................... 533
TIME_OF_DAY ................................................... 533
IEC operator .................................................... 595
IEC operator .................................................... 595
IEC operator .................................................... 592
TOD ................................................................... 533
transfer variable - VAR_IN_OUT CONSTANT........... 476
transition............................................................. 164
Troubleshooting .................................................. 669
IEC operator .................................................... 599
IEC operator .................................................... 600
typed literals ....................................................... 481

760 EIO0000002854.04
Schneider Electric
35 rue Joseph Monier
92500 Rueil Malmaison
+ 33 (0) 1 41 29 70 00

As standards, specifications, and design change from time to time,

please ask for confirmation of the information given in this publication.

© 2022 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved.


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