Kenya: 2014 Demographic and Health Survey Key Findings
Kenya: 2014 Demographic and Health Survey Key Findings
Kenya: 2014 Demographic and Health Survey Key Findings
Additional information about the 2014 KDHS may be obtained from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics
(KNBS), P.O. Box 30266-00100 GPO Nairobi, Kenya; telephone (Nairobi): 3317586/8, 3317612/22, 3317623,
3317651; fax: 3315977; e-mail:,; website:
Additional information about The DHS Program may be obtained from ICF International, 530 Gaither Road,
Suite 500, Rockville, MD 20850, USA (telephone: 301-407-6500; fax: 301-407-6501; e-mail: info@DHSprogram.
com; Internet:
Suggested citation:
National Bureau of Statistics-Kenya and ICF International. 2015. 2014 KDHS Key Findings. Rockville,
Maryland, USA: KNBS and ICF International.
About the 2014 KDHS
The 2014 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS) is designed to provide data for monitoring the
population and health situation in Kenya. The 2014 KDHS is the sixth Demographic and Health Survey
conducted in Kenya since 1989, and the objective of the survey was to provide reliable estimates of fertility
levels, marriage, sexual activity, fertility preferences, family planning methods, breastfeeding practices,
nutrition, childhood and maternal mortality, maternal and child health, HIV/AIDS and other sexually
transmitted infections (STIs), and domestic violence that can be used by program managers and policymakers
to evaluate and improve existing programs.
Fertility decreases by education. Women with no 1977-78 1989 1993 1998 2003 2008-09 2014
education have an average of 6.5 children, while KFS KDHS KDHS KDHS KDHS KDHS KDHS
women with secondary or higher education have an *Surveys prior to 2003 excluded North Eastern region and several
northern districts in Eastern and Rift Valley regions.
average of 3.0 children.
* Wealth of families is calculated through household assets collected from DHS surveys—i.e., type of flooring; source of water;
availability of electricity; possession of durable consumer goods. These are combined into a single wealth index. They are then divided
into five groups of equal size, or quintiles, based on their relative standing on the household wealth index.
In general, women and men initiate sexual Six percent of men age 15-49 report that they have
intercourse before marriage, at a median age of more than one wife.
18.0 for women and 17.4 for men. Fifteen percent of
women and 21% of men had first sex by age 15.
20.2 20.3
Median Median age at Median
age at first marriage age at
first sex (* men age 30-49) first birth
Family planning use is even higher among sexually Trends in Contraceptive Use
active unmarried women, at 61%. The most popular Percentage of married women currently using a
contraceptive method
methods among sexually active unmarried women
2003 KDHS 2008-09 KDHS 2014 KDHS
are injectables (22%) and male condoms (21%).
Birth Intervals
Spacing children at least 36 months apart reduces
the risk of infant death. In Kenya, the median birth Under-Five Mortality by Previous Birth Interval
Deaths per 1,000 live births for the
interval is 36.3 months.
ten-year period before the survey
Infants born less than two years after a previous
birth have high under-five mortality rates. In Kenya, 83
under-five mortality is highest among children
whose previous birth interval is less than two years, 53
42 44
at 83 deaths per 1,000 live births. In comparison,
children born three years after a previous birth have
an under-five mortality rate of only 42 deaths per
1,000 live births. Eighteen percent of births in Kenya <2 years 2 years 3 years 4+ years
have a birth interval of less than two years, putting
them at additional risk of childhood death.
The quality of ANC care is inconsistent. Sixty-nine Trends in Maternal Health Care
percent of women 15-49 with live birth in last five Percent of live births in the five years before the survey
years took iron tablets or syrup, and among women 2003 KDHS 2008-09 KDHS 2014 KDHS
who received ANC, almost all had their blood 96
pressure measured, a blood sample taken, and were 88 92
weighed during ANC. But only 58% were informed
61 62
of signs of pregnancy complications. Three-quarters
of women’s most recent births were protected against 40 43 42 44
neonatal tetanus
Childhood Illnesses
Nine percent of children under age five had
symptoms of acute respiratory infections (ARI) in the
two weeks before the survey. Among these children,
two-thirds received advice or treatment from a health
provider and half received antibiotics.
56 59 54
47 49 51
6 5 4
Households Children Pregnant
owning at least under age 5 women
one ITN (%) Percent who slept under an ITN the
night before the survey
Ownership of Assets
Forty-two percent of women and 49% of men age
15-49 own a home (alone or jointly). Similarly, 39% of
women and 44% of men own land alone or jointly.
Participation in Decisionmaking
Participation in Household Decisions
Percent of married women who
The 2014 KDHS asked currently married women make decisions alone or jointly with their spouse
about their participation in four types of household
decisions: her own health care, making major Own health care 79
household purchases, visits to family or relatives, Making major 73
and what food should be cooked each day. household purchases
Visits to family or
While almost all (94%) of women participate in relatives
the decision about what food to cook, about three-
What food should be
quarters of women participate in each of the other 94
cooked each day
three decisions. In all, just over half of women
participate in all four decisions. The most educated All 4 decisions 54
women and those from the wealthiest households are
most likely to participate in these decisions.
37 39
21 24
13 9
7 4
Emotional Physical Sexual Physical Emotional,
and/or physical, or
sexual sexual
Women age 15-49
<1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Age (in years)
Page 18
Stunting by County ITN ownership by County
Page 19
Percentage of children under age 5 who are Percentage of households with at least one
stunted, or too short for their age insecticide-treated net (ITN)