BHS Inggris Refka Malunion Fraktur Distal Tibia Et Fibula
BHS Inggris Refka Malunion Fraktur Distal Tibia Et Fibula
BHS Inggris Refka Malunion Fraktur Distal Tibia Et Fibula
Name : Mr. MI
Age : 37 years
Gender : Male
Job : Farmer
Main Complaints: Left lower leg bent
Guided History:
1. History of current illness
The patient was hospitalized with complaints of his left lower limb
being bent less than 1 year ago due to a fall from the motorbike. The patient
also complained of pain in the left leg stretching for about 4 months before
entering the hospital.
The mechanism of trauma is that the patient is riding his own
motorcycle home from the garden, then falls due to trying to avoid people in
front of him, when the patient's left foot hit the wood, the patient is still
conscious, not dizzy, nausea, or vomiting. There was an open wound on the
left lower leg. The accident occurred 1 year ago. The patient is then helped by
people who see the incident, then the patient is taken to the puskesmas, where
the patient is treated for injury. Upon arrival at home, the patient's family
takes the patient to an alternative treatment site.
Previous medical history:
- The patient said there was a history of fracture due to trauma 1 year
- The patient has never had surgery before
Family history of illness:
There is no family history of hypertension (-), diabetes mellitus (-) or
allergic (-), no family member complains of the same thing.
History of alcohol consumption
There is no
• Inspeks : Distention (-), lesion (-)
• Auscultation : Peristalsis (+), normal appearance
• Percussion : tympani the entire abdomen
• Palpation : Pain relief (-)
Extremities Superior Inferior
Akral cold -/- -/-
Edema -/- -/-
Sensibility +/+ + /+
Motion free/ Free free/ limited
Strength 5/5 5/5
b. Sensory System
Sensory examination did not experience interference
- Malunion fracture cruris sinistra
Patients were hospitalized with complaints of inferior deformity
about 1 year ago due to a fall from a motorbike. The patient also
complained of pain in the left leg for about 4 months before entering the
Physical examination of compositional awareness, BP = 120/80
mmHg, P= 70x.minutes, T = 36.5 celcius . Examination of the localis
status of the cruris sinistra region Look: crooked deformity (+), abnormal
protrusion and angulation (+), edema (-), no cyanosis in the distal part of
the lesion. Feel: Local tenderness (-), crepitation (-), sensibility (+), feel
more prominent than cruris dextra, normal palpation temperature, NVD
(neurovascular disturbance) (-), normal capillary refill (+), dorsalis pedis
artery palpasi . Move: Free.
On Neurological examination: Motor System Upper limb muscle strength
5/5, lower extremity 5/5. Laboratory tests obtained WBC = 8.83 x 103 dL,
RBC: 5.46 x 106dL, HB: 1550 g / dL, HCT 45.1%, PLT: 259 X 103 / dL.
Malunion Fracture Distal Tibia Et Fibula Sinistra
- Meloxicam 2 X 7.5 mg
- Pro ORIF Recontruction
- Ad Vitam : Dubia ad Bonam
- Ad anationam : Dubia ad Bonam
- Ad functionam: Dubia ad Bonam
S : Deformity (+), Pain (+)
O : GS: moderate pain
Awareness: Composmentis
BP : 120/80
R : 20 x / m
P : 80 x / m
T : 36.50c
Examination of regiocruris sinistra
Look: crooked deformity (+), abnormal protrusion and angulation (+), edema
(-), no cyanosis in the distal part of the lesion.
Feel: local tenderness (+), crepitation (-), sensibility (+), feel more prominent
than cruris dextra, normal palpation temperature, NVD (neurovascular
disturbance) (-), normal capillary refill (+), dorsal artery palpation pedis.
Move: Free
A : Malunion Fracture Distal Tibia Et Fibula Sinistra
P : Pro Orif Recotruction Friday 12/20/2020
S : Deformity (+), Pain (+)
O : GS: moderate pain
Awareness : Composmentis
BP : 120/80
R : 20 x / m
P : 84x / m
T: :36.60c
Examination of the cruris sinistra region
Look: crooked deformity (+), abnormal protrusion and angulation (+), edema
(-), no cyanosis in the distal part of the lesion.
Feel: local tenderness (+), crepitation (-), sensibility (+), feel more prominent
compared to cruris dextra, normal palpation temperature, NVD
(neurovascular disturbance) (-), normal capillary refill (+), dorsal artery
palpation pedis.
Move: Free
S : Deformity (+), Pain (-)
O :GS: moderate pain
Awareness: Composmentis
BP : 130/80
R : 20 x / m
P : 90 x / m
T : 370c
Examination of the cruris sinistra region
Look: Symmetrical (+), abnormal protrusion and angulation (+), edema (-), no
cyanosis in the distal part of the lesion.
Feel: local tenderness (-), crepitation (-), sensibility (+), feel more prominent
compared to cruris dextra, normal palpation temperature, NVD
(neurovascular disturbance) (-), normal capillary refill (+), dorsal artery
palpation pedis.
Move: Free
A : Malunion Fracture Distal Tibia Et Fibula Sinistra
P : Pro Orif Recotruction
Post OP instructions
- Watch it
- X Ray control
- IVRD RL 20 tpm
- Ambacin injection 1 g / 12 hours
- Ranitidine injection 1 amp / 8 hours / iv
- Ketorolac injection 1 amp / 8 hours / iv
S : Post Op (+) pain is reduced
O : GS: moderate pain
Awareness : Composmentis
BP : 120/80
R : 20 x / m
P : 82 x / m
T : 36.8 0c
Examination of the cruris sinistra region
Look: Symmetrical (+), angulation (-), edema (+), no cyanosis in the distal
part of the lesion.
Feel: Local tenderness (+), crepitation (-), sensibility (+), NVD (neurovascular
disturbance) (-), normal capillary refill (+), dorsalis pedis artery palpation.
Move: Difficult to evaluate
A : Post OP H1 Malalunion Distal Tibia Et Fibula Sinistra Fracture
P :
- IVRD RL 20 tpm
- Ambacin injection 1 g / 12 hours
- Ranitidine injection 1 amp / 8 hours / iv
- Ketorolac injection 1 amp / 8 hours / iv
S : Post Op Pain (+)
O : GS: moderate pain
Awareness : Composmentis
BP : 120/80
R : 20 x / m
P : 86 x / m
T : 36.50c
Examination of the cruris sinistra region
Look: Symmetrical (+), angulation (-), edema (-), cyanosis is not visible
distally to the lesion.
Feel: Local (+) tenderness, crepitation (-), sensibility (+), normal palpation
temperature, NVD (neurovascular disturbance) (-), normal refill capillary (+),
dorsal pedis artery palpation.
Move: Difficult to evaluate
A : Post OP day-2 Malunion Fracture Distal Tibia Et Fibula Sinistra
P :
- IVRD RL 20 tpm
- Ambacin injection 1 g / 12 hours
- Ranitidine injection 1 amp / 8 hours / iv
- Ketorolac injection 1 amp / 8 hours / iv
- Change verban
- -Outpatient
The diagnosis of distal malunion fracture of the tibia et fibula
sinistra in this patient is made from history, physical examination, and
investigation.In the history of getting a patient in hospital with complaints
of inferior extremity deformity about 1 year ago due to a fall from the
motor. The patient also complained of pain in the left ankle for about 4
months before being admitted to the hospital.
Based on the classical symptoms of fracture theory is a history of
trauma, pain and swelling in the broken bone, deformity (angulation,
rotation, discrepancy), musculoskeletal dysfunction due to pain, broken
bone continuity, and neurovascular disorders. If these classic symptoms
are present, clinically a fracture diagnosis can be established even though
the type of configuration cannot be determined
Anamnesis is done to explore the history of the mechanism of
injury (the position of the incident) and the events associated with the
injury. history of previous injuries or fractures, socioeconomic history,
occupation, medications he consumed, smoking, history of allergies and
history of osteoporosis and other diseases.2
A fracture is a discontinuity in the arrangement of bones caused by
trauma or pathological conditions. A fracture is interrupted bone and / or
cartilage continuity which is generally caused by involuntary.4
a. Fracture Mechanism
Although most fractures are caused by a combination of forces
(twisting, bending, compression, or tension) (see Figure 2.1), the
dominant mechanism is revealed by X-rays:
Twisting causes a spiral fracture.
Compression causes short obliq fractures.
Bending produces a fracture with a 'butterfly' triangle fraction.
Tension tends to damage the bone transversely; in some cases it
may only avulse small fragments of bone at points of ligament
or tendoninsertion.
b. Classification of Fractures
Fractures are classified into two types, namely closed fractures and
open fractures. If the surface of the skin remains closed, then it is a
closed fracture (closed fracture) and if the skin or one of the body's
organs is penetrated out, then that open fracture (open fracture) which
is likely to be contaminated with microbes and infection.
Closed fractures are classified based on the degree of soft tissue
damage and the mechanism of indirect injury versus direct injury,
1) Degree 0: Injury due to indirect strength with soft tissue damage
that is not so meaningful.
2) Degree 1: Closed fracture caused by a low to moderate energy
mechanism, with superficial abrasion or bruising on the soft tissue
on the surface of the fracture site.
3) Degree 2: Closed fracture with significant bruising on the muscles,
which may be deep, contaminated skin blisters associated with
moderate to severe energy mechanisms and bone injuries; very at
risk of compartment syndrome.
4) Degree 3: Extensive soft tissue damage, or subcutaneous avulsion,
and arterial disorders or compartment syndrome formation.6
Open fracture is a condition associated with disorders of the bone
where there is damage to the skin and soft tissue under the skin caused
by bone fractures and hematomas (Kenneth et al., 2015). Based on the
severity, open fractures are grouped into three major groups according
to the classification of Gustillo and Anderson, namely:
1) Degree I: Open skin <1 cm, usually from the inside out, mild bruising
of the muscles, caused by low energy or a fracture with a short inclined
open wound.
2) Grade II: Open skin> 1 cm, without extensive soft tissue damage,
minimal to moderate destruction components, fractures with simple
transverse open injuries with minimal splitting.
3) Degree III: Broader soft tissue damage, including muscle, skin, and
neurovascular structures, injuries caused by high energy with severe
destruction of bone components
Grade IIIA: Extensive soft tissue laceration, adequate bone
coverage, segmental fracture, minimal periosteal stripping.
Degree IIIB: Extensive soft tissue injury with periosteal peeling
and bone exposure requiring soft tissue closure; usually
associated with massive contamination
Degree IIIC: Vascular injury that needs repair
d. Tibia and Fibula fractures
A tibia stem fracture, commonly called a cruris fracture, is a
fracture that often occurs compared to other long bone stem fractures. The
periosteum lining the tibia is rather thin, especially in the front area which
is covered only by the skin, so that the bone is easily broken and usually
the fracture fragments shift. Because it is located directly under the skin is
often found also open tibia fractures
Tibia and shaft fibula fractures are the most common long bone
fractures. In the average population, there are about 26 tibial diaphysis
fractures per 100,000 population per year. The highest incidence of adult
tibial diaphysis fractures seen in young men is between 15 and 19 years,
with an incidence of 109 per 100,000 population per year. The highest
incidence of adult tibial diaphysis fractures seen in women is between 90
and 99 years, with an incidence of 49 per 100,000 population per year. The
average age of patients suffering from tibia shaft fractures is 37 years, with
men experiencing an average age of 31 years and women 54 years.
Diaphysis tibia fractures have the highest level of nonunion for all long
Radiological features must meet Roentgen's photo requirements to
avoid misdiagnosis. Fractures must be stapled in advance to reduce pain
and prevent closed fractures into open fractures and avoid excessive tissue
If the fracture occurs in both the tibia and fibula, the repositioning
of the tibia is considered. Even the lightest angulation and rotation can be
easily seen and corrected. Shortening to one centimeter does not become a
problem because it will be compensated when the patient starts walking;
but it's best to avoid shortening. Closed tibia and fibula fractures with
stable transverse or inclined fracture lines are sufficiently immobilized by
a cast from the toe to the top of the thigh with the knee in the physiological
position, ie mild flexion, to overcome rotation in the fragment area.
Connection to diaphysis fractures usually takes 3-4 months. Angulation in
a cast can usually be corrected by forming a wedge incision on the cast. If
the fracture tends not to dislocate, the legs are allowed to support weight
and the patient can walk. The sooner the fracture is burdened, the faster the
healing. The cast should not be opened before the patient can walk without
Critical fractures where the fracture lines are oblique and spiral are
unstable because they tend to bend and shorten after closed repositioning,
so they should be treated with ORIF or OREF. Fractures with unstable
fragment dislocations require continuous calcaneal traction. After the
callus fibrosis is formed, a cast is placed along the leg from the finger to
the thigh
Complications of tibial and fibular fractures are vascular injury,
nerve injury especially peroneus, persistent swelling, delayed union,
pseudoarthrosis, and ankle joint stiffness. Compartment syndrome is often
found in early lower limb fractures. Signs and symptoms of five P should
be considered on the first day post-injury or after surgery. In addition,
there is an increase in intracompartment pressure that can be measured
(pressure), disturbance of two-point sensibility, finger contracture in the
flexion position due to contractor flexor muscle. Emergency facotomy of
the three lower limb compartments must be done immediately after the
diagnosis is established
e. Fracture healing
Healing of the fracture is rolled up by the process of forming new
bone by fusion of bone fragments. Bones recover either by primary means
(without callus formation) or healing secondary fractures (by callus
formation). The process of repairing a fracture depends on the type of
bone involved and the amount of movement at the fracture site.
Mechanical tension applied. Absolute stability and compression are
directed at direct (primary) healing, while relatively limited to indirect
rehabilitation (secondary bone recovery). However, excessive movement
can cause delay or non-union. Clinical and experimental studies have
proven that callus formation occurs in response to movement at the
fracture site. This can be used to stabilize possible fragments a prerequisite
needed to bridge the formation of new bone. Therefore, most fixations of
work fractures to: (1) ease pain; (2) ensuring that unity occurs in a good
position; and (3) permit the initial movement of limbs and activate
1) Primary bone healing
If the fracture site is truly stable - for example, an impact fracture
on a cancellous bone, or a fracture held by a metal plate with absolute
stability - there is no stimulus for the callus. Instead, new osteoblastic
bone formation occurs directly between fragments. If the exposed
surface of the fracture is in intimate contact and is held from the
beginning with absolute stability, the internal bridge can sometimes
occur without an intermediate stage (contact healing). The gap
between the fracture surface is attacked by new capillaries and
osteoprogenitor cells that grow from the edge, and new bone is placed
on an open surface (healing of gaps). Where the gap is very narrow
(less than 200 μm), osteogenesis produces flat bones; wider gaps are
filled first by the bone of bone, which is then renovated into flat bones.
At 3-4 weeks the fracture is solid enough to allow penetration and
bridge the area with bone remodeling units, namely osteoclastic 'cone
cutting' followed by osteoblasts (Figure 2.2). However, with rigid
metal fixation, the absence of callus means that there is a long period
in which bones depend entirely on metal implants for their integrity,
thereby increasing the risk of implant failure. In addition, implants
divert stress from bones, which may become osteoporosis and may not
recover completely until the metal is removed