Emergency Room Morning Report: March 25 26 2018
Emergency Room Morning Report: March 25 26 2018
Emergency Room Morning Report: March 25 26 2018
Morning Report
March 25th – 26th 2018
Resident on Duty
Dr. Hendy
Chief on duty
Coass on Duty:
Elly, Rugayah, Halis, Kevin, Nadia,
Ulfia, Jordan, Dyah
General Surgery :
Digestive Surgery :
Plastic Surgery :-
Neuro Surgery :
Pediatric Surgery :
Oncology Surgery : -
Orthopaedic : 1 patient
Total : patients
Patient List
Admission to
No Identity Diagnosis Treatment
Co. orthophaedic
Patient List
Admission to
No Identity Diagnosis Treatment
2 Mr. Gusti March 25st Clinical diagnosis: Inf. RL+drip tramadol
Kamarul 2018 at 10.00 Right region 1amp 20 dpm
Zaman/ 52 y.o am abdominal pain Inj. Ceftriaxone 2x1gr
Inj. Ranitidine 2x50 mg
Etiology diagnosis:
renal cyst dextra Consult to Urology :
diagnosis: -
Grade II
Other diagnosis:
Low Extremities
1. Ch. M. Raffi/ 8 yo
Chief Complain:
Pain on the right arm
History taking :
Patient came to ER with pain on his right arm since 1 day ago. The pain came
up after he fell on the field while playing football with his hand supporting his
body. His right arm was bent and hurts, but there wasn’t open wound. His
family brought him to massage, after treatment the bent angle of his arm and
the pain was decreasing. In the morning before admission, the patient fell
again while playing with his sibling, with the same position as the first
accident. After the accident he complained the pain on his arm was worsening
and the bent on his arm increased with open wound that had no active
bleeding, He couldn’t grip his hand. Nausea (-) Vomitting (-) Headache (-)
Seizure (-)
History of Trauma : (-)
History of Family Illness : (-)
Primary Survey
A : Clear, without c-spine control
B : RR 20 x/mnt, wound (-), simetris, vesicular
C : HR 95 x/mnt, wound (-) strong regular
D : GCS 15 E4 V5 M6, pupil equal (3mm/3mm) RC (+/+)
lateralization (-) BH ( -) BS ( -) BO (- ) BR ( -)
Secondary survey
A : (-)
M: (-)
P : (-)
L : 11.30 AM
E : on the field
Vital Sign
HR: 95 bpm
RR: 20 tpm
T: 37oC
SpO2 98% without O2 supply
Physical Examination
• Sclera icteric (-/-), pale conjungtiva (-/-), enlargement lymph
Head node (-)
History taking
Patient came to ER with right region abdominal pain since 5 months ago
intermittently. The pain spread to his whole body. The pain increased if he lay to
right side. Patient had intermittent fever along with the pain. When patient felt
pain, he hard to urinating .His urine is clear, without blood and sandy
He had difficulty to defecate since 1992. When he defecate, it was hard to came
out that he need to manually took it out by hand. When the defecation was very
difficult and he strained a lot, he had blood dripping from his anal and it’s very
2. Mr. Gusti Kamarul
Zaman/ 52 y.o
Consult to Urology:
2. Tn. Marlin/ 70 years old
Consult Sp. U
Consult Cardiologyst
3. Tn. Sarjani/52 years old
• DS : 0
• CRT 3”
• HR : 108 bpm
• RR : 28 tpm
• T : 37.1°C
• SpO2 : 98% without O2 supply
• Birth weight : 4000 gr
• Current weight : 3600 gr
• Abdominal circumference : 32 cm
Examination• Sclera icteric (-/-), pale conjungtiva (-/-), enlargement lymph
Head node (-)
INR 1.12
• I : distension (-)
• A : Bowel sound (+) normal
Abdomen • P : defance muscular (-) tenderness (-),mass (-) ascites (-)
• P : Tymphani at all region
Reg suprapubic
Inspeksi : flat, hypopigmentation (-), hyperpigmentation (-), mass (-),
hematom (-), edema (-)
Palpasi : Tenderness (+), Vesica urinaria and mass are not palpable.
Consult to Urology :
5. Mr. Masran/ 49 y.o
• I : distension (-)
• A : Bowel sound (+) normal
Abdomen • P : defance muscular (-) tenderness (-) ,mass (-) ascites (-)
• P : Tymphani at all region
Lymphocyte% 25.0-40.0 %
MID% 4.0-11.0 %
MID# Thousand/ul
At maxilla (d/s) : hematom (-/-), swelling (-/-) krepitasi (-/-) krepitasi (-/-) bleeding (-/-)
floating (-)
At mandibula : hematom (-), eksoriasi (-), deformitas (-/+) crepitasi (-),swelling (-)
malocclution (+)
History taking:
Patient complained that he got abdominal pain 6 hours prior to admission. Intially,
the felt was in epigastric region and moved to the right side of the abdomen. The
pain was stabbing and continuously. Bloating stomatch (+) 6 hours prior to
admission. Vomiting (+) 5 times. The vomit containing the food that he ate.
Blood (-). Defecation (+) 5 hours prior to admission. The color of the stool is dark
yellow, blood (-), liquid stool (-), separated lump appereance (-), flatus (-). History
of fever (+) 1 day prior to admission, nausea (+). He also had history of
appendectomy operation in Ulin Hospital 4 months ago.
History of past illness :
History of family illness :
Vital sign
• BP 110/70 mmHg
• HR 84 bpm
• RR 22 tpm
• T 37.9°C
• SpO2 98% without O2 supply
Examination• Sclera icteric (-/-), pale conjungtiva (-/-), enlargement lymph
Head node (-)
Chief Complain:
Bloody nose
History taking:
Patient came with bloody nose since 1 hour prior to admission. Bloody nose appear
suddenly after he got traffic accident. He got accident while riding motorcycle.
His motorcycle was bumping another motorcycle. At that time, he did not
wearing helmet while riding the motorcycle. He was riding motorcycle at the left
side of the street and said that he did not against the direction. Patient was fall
and crashed, but he did not remember the detail about how he fell. Decrease of
consciousness (-), nausea (-), vomiting (-), headache (+).
History of past illness : (-)
History of family illness : (-)
Primary survey
A: Allergy (-)
M: Alcohol
P: History of Disease (-)
L: 19:30
E: On the road
Examination• Sclera icteric (-/-), pale conjungtiva (-/-), enlargement lymph
Head node (-), deformity (+) a/r nasal
Regio maxillofacial
1. A/r orbita d/s : deformity (-/-), swelling(-/-), hematom (-)
2. A.r. temporal : deformity (-/-), swelling(-/-), hematom (-), crepitation (-)
3. A.r. frontalis : deformity (-/-) swelling(-/-), hematom (-) crepitation(-)
4. At zygoma d/s : deformity (-/-), swelling (-/-) crepitation (-/-)
5. At maxilla (d/s) : hematom (-/-), swelling (-/-) crepitation (-/-) crepitation (-/-)
bloody (-/-) floating (-) VL + 2cm (patient refused to perfomed acting)
6. At mandibula : hematom (-), eksoriasi (-), deformity (-) crepitation (-),swelling (-)
malocclution (-)
7. At nasal : deformity (+), deviation to the right, swelling (+), flattening (+) bleeding
(+/+), crepitation (-)
8. At labia oris superior : normal limit
9. At labia oris n inferior : normal limit
10. Ar intra oral: normal limit
Examination Result Normal value
Hemoglobin 15.1 11.00-16.00 g/dl
Leucocyte 14.6 4.0-10.5 Thousand /ul
Erytrocyte 4.63 4.50-6.00 milion /ul
Hematocrit 42.7 42.00-52.00 Vol%
Trombocyte 190 150-450 Thousand /ul
RDW-CV 13.0
MCV 92.4 75.0 – 96.0 fl
MCH 32.6 28.0 – 32.0 pg
MCHC 35.3 33.0 – 37.0 %
Examination Result Normal Value
Gran% 88.1 50.0-70.0 %