Financial Calculator / Mini Goal Planner
Financial Calculator / Mini Goal Planner
Financial Calculator / Mini Goal Planner
Goal Planner
SIP Table
Growing SIP
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Risk Profiling
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Growing SIP
5 5000 10 20 598387
10 2500 16 18 1426010
15 2000 10 15 2192592
20 1500 10 18 5913526 Calculations
25 2000 15 15 20628126
30 2000 15 15 51011403
35 2000 15 15 122664360
40 2000 15 15 288996553
Detail Calculations for 5 Years Detail Calculations for 10 Years Detail Calculations
SIP Amount 5000 SIP Amount 2500
Increase In % 10 Increase In % 16
Tenure 5 Tenure 10
Expected Return 20 Expected Return 18
Years SIP Amount Value Year on Year Years SIP Amount Value Year on Year Years
1 5000 65817 1 2500 32603 1
2 5500 152656 2 2900 76800 2
3 6050 265786 3 3364 135694 3
4 6655 411701 4 3902 213129 4
5 7321 598387 5 4527 313853 5
6 5251 443726 6
7 6091 609960 7
8 7066 821423 8
9 8196 1088995 9
10 9507 1426010 10
Detail Calculations for 15 Years Detail Calculations for 20 Years Detail Calculations for 25 Years
SIP Amount 2000 SIP Amount 1500 SIP Amount
Increase In % 10 Increase In % 10 Increase In %
Tenure 15 Tenure 20 Tenure
Expected Return 15 Expected Return 18 Expected Return
SIP Amount Value Year on Year Years SIP Amount Value Year on Year Years SIP Amount
2000 25721 1 1500 19562 1 2000
2200 58148 2 1650 44906 2 2300
2420 98618 3 1815 77361 3 2645
2662 148705 4 1997 118531 4 3042
2928 210268 5 2196 170358 5 3498
3221 285493 6 2416 235188 6 4023
3543 376953 7 2657 315849 7 4626
3897 487673 8 2923 415756 8 5320
4287 621203 9 3215 539018 9 6118
4716 781712 10 3537 690585 10 7036
5187 974089 11 3891 876414 11 8091
5706 1204063 12 4280 1103669 12 9305
6277 1478344 13 4708 1380960 13 10701
6905 1804789 14 5178 1718634 14 12306
7595 2192592 15 5696 2129116 15 14151
16 6266 2627324 16 16274
17 6892 3231163 17 18715
18 7582 3962111 18 21523
19 8340 4845934 19 24751
20 9174 5913526 20 28464
21 32733
22 37643
23 43289
24 49783
25 57250
alculations for 25 Years Detail Calculations for 30 Years Detail Calculations for 35 Years
2000 SIP Amount 2000 SIP Amount 2000
15 Increase In % 15 Increase In % 15
25 Tenure 30 Tenure 35
15 Expected Return 15 Expected Return 15
Value Year on Year Years SIP Amount Value Year on Year Years SIP Amount Value Year on Year
25721 1 2000 25721 1 2000 25721
59434 2 2300 59434 2 2300 59434
103004 3 2645 103004 3 2645 103004
158681 4 3042 158681 4 3042 158681
229175 5 3498 229175 5 3498 229175
317749 6 4023 317749 6 4023 317749
428323 7 4626 428323 7 4626 428323
565595 8 5320 565595 8 5320 565595
735197 9 6118 735197 9 6118 735197
943866 10 7036 943866 10 7036 943866
1199651 11 8091 1199651 11 8091 1199651
1512164 12 9305 1512164 12 9305 1512164
1892863 13 10701 1892863 13 10701 1892863
2355404 14 12306 2355404 14 12306 2355404
2916038 15 14151 2916038 15 14151 2916038
3594095 16 16274 3594095 16 16274 3594095
4412547 17 18715 4412547 17 18715 4412547
5398671 18 21523 5398671 18 21523 5398671
6584838 19 24751 6584838 19 24751 6584838
8009431 20 28464 8009431 20 28464 8009431
9717943 21 32733 9717943 21 32733 9717943
11764249 22 37643 11764249 22 37643 11764249
14212124 23 43289 14212124 23 43289 14212124
17137013 24 49783 17137013 24 49783 17137013
20628126 25 57250 20628126 25 57250 20628126
26 65838 24790889 26 65838 24790889
27 75714 29749841 27 75714 29749841
28 87071 35652022 28 87071 35652022
29 100131 42670970 29 100131 42670970
30 115151 51011403 30 115151 51011403
31 132424 60914731
32 152287 72665516
33 175130 86599063
34 201400 103110326
35 231610 122664360
Detail Calculations for 40 Years
SIP Amount 2000
Increase In % 15
Tenure 40
Expected Return 15
Tenure - In Years 10
How Many Years Withdrawal Possible? How Much Amount Should Be Invested?
Investment Amount 100000 How Much amount want to Withdraw 7000
Rate of Return in % 10 Rate of Return in % 15
Withdrawal Amount 24121 Withdrawal Frequency Quarterly
Withdrawal Frequency Quarterly For How Many Years 10
How Many Years 1.11 What Amount Should be Invested 143857
How Much Amount Should I Withdraw? How Much Rate of Return Required?
Invested Amount 100000 Invested Amount 500000
Rate of Return in % 10 Amount want to Withdraw 30000
Withdrawal Frequency Quarterly Withdrawal Frequency Quarterly
For How Many Years 25 For How Many Years 25
How Much amount should I Withdraw 2731 Required Annual Rate of Return in % 23.93
Main Menu Delay Cost In SIP
Tenure - In Years 15
Delay In Months 5
Tenure In Years 11
EMI 32011
Future Value Calculator - Single Investment like FD/Bond/Debenture Present Value Calculator - Single Investmen
Compounding Factor
Yearly Half Yearly Quarterly Monthly
Present Value 500 500 500 500 Future Value
Tenure - In Years 10 10 10 10 Tenure - In Years
Rate of Interest - % 7.2 12.5 12 12 Rate of Interest - %
Future Value 1002 1681 1631 1650 Present Value
CAGR Calculator
Compounding Factor
Single Yearly Half Yearly Quarterly Monthly
Present Value 700 100000 15000 10000 15000
Tenure - In Years 100 10 10 10 10
Future Value 5000000 1500000 1500000 500000 5000000
CAGR 9.28% 8.73% 29.59% 4.44% 18.10%
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Present Value, XIRR, IRR, CAGR,
Weighted Average Return
10 0
11 0
12 150000
IRR 4.00%
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Risk Profiling
The risk profiling questionnaire is meant to measure the risk tolerance as well as time horizon in investing.
The questionnaire is designed to show which type of investment approach may suit you best. Each answer
would be given a point. The total score would suggest the appropriate risk profile for you.
Our Advice: There are not any right or wrong answers, please follow your instincts and answer the question.
Please answer the following questions by selecting only one response to each question.
(1) What is Your Current Age? (5) How many people depend on you
A 18 to 30 years old financially?
B 31 to 40 years old A 0
C 41 to 50 years old B 1
D 51 to 60 years old C 1, but someone who work
E Above 60 years old D 2 to 3
Select the Answer C E More than 3
(2) How many months of expenses can your Select the Answer C
emergency fund cover? (6) In order to achieve high returns I am
A I currently have no emergency fund willing to choose high risk investments.
B Less than 3 months A Strongly Agree
C 4 to 6 months B Agree
D 7 to 9 months C Neutral
E More than 9 months D Disagree
Select the Answer D E Strongly disagree
(3) What percentage of your monthly income Select the Answer D
can be invested? (7) What Is your expected rate of return from
A 0 to 10% your investments?
B 11 to 20% A Potential return of 6% per anuum
C 21 to 30% B Potential return of 10% per anuum
D More than 30% C Potential return of 12% per annum
E I currently have no income D Potential return of 15% per annum
Select the Answer C E Potential return of more than 15% per annum
Select the Answer E
(4) When do you expect to liquidate your (8) I would start to worry about my investments
investment? if my portfolio value falls
A Less than 1 year A Less than 5% per anuum
B 1 to 2 years B 5%-10% per anuum
C 3 to 5 years C 10%-20% per anuum
D 6 to 7 years D 20%-30% per annum
E More than 7 years E More than 30% per annum
Select the Answer C Select the Answer B
(9) Maximum Allocation in your current (11) What is your primary Investment objective?
Portfolio pertains to A Capital Preservation
A Savings and Fixed Deposits B Capital Appreciation
B Bonds C Retirement Planning
C Equities D Children Education
D Mutual Funds E Future Lifestyle Improvement
E Derivatives Option, swaps and futures Select the Answer D
Select the Answer D (12) What is your annual take home income?
(10) I prefer to keep capital safe rather than A Under INR 2,00,000
have high returns B INR 2,00,000 to 5,00,000
A Strongly Agree C INR 5,00,000 to 10,00,000
B Agree D INR 10,00,000 to 20,00,000
C Neutral E Over INR 20,00,000
D Disagree Select the Answer B
E Strongly disagree (13) Do you have any borrowings other than
Select the Answer B home loan?
A Yes
B No
Select the Answer A
Signature of Client
Name of Client
Disclaimer :-The results of this questionnaire are derived from information that you have provided. We accepts no responsibility or liability for the accuracy or completeness of
the information given. The information provided is used as a general guide to help you assess your risk profile. This questionnaire and the results are not to be constructed as an
offer or solicitation for the subscription, purchase or sale of any mutual fund and they should not be considered as any form of investment advice. Investment in any securities
(including mutual funds) is subject to investment risk, including the possible loss of principal amount invested. Past performance and any forecast is not necessarily indicative of
the future or likely performance of the fund. Read all scheme related documents carefully before investing.
n 15% per annum
t objective?
Main Menu Goal Planning Calculators
Retirement Planning
Current Age 57
Retirement Age 65
Life Expectancy (Living Life) 75
Monthly Expense 24642.4
Assumed Inflation in % 7
Rate of Return in % 15
Corpus Required at Retirement 3570609
Current Provision - SIP 0
Expected Rate of Return % 0
Current Provision - OneTime
Expected Rate of Return %
Required Investment - SIP 19443
Required Investment - OneTime 1167238
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Goal Planning Calculators
Generate Report
Child 3 Name
Current Age
Age at time of taking Admission
Current Cost for Particular Education
Assumed Inflation in %
Rate of Return in %
Corpus Required at Time of Admission 0
Current Provision - SIP
Expected Rate of Return %
Current Provision - OneTime
Expected Rate of Return %
Required Investment - SIP #NUM!
Required Investment - OneTime 0
Child 3 Name
Current Age
Age at time of Marriage
Current Cost of Marriage
Assumed Inflation in %
Rate of Return in %
Corpus Required at Time of Marriage 0
Current Provision - SIP
Expected Rate of Return %
Current Provision - OneTime
Expected Rate of Return %
Required Investment - SIP #NUM!
Required Investment - OneTime 0
Charity/Other Planning
After How Many Years you wish 0
Charity Amount 0
Assumed Inflation in % 8
Rate of Return in % 15
Corpus Required at Time of wish 0
Current Provision - SIP 0
Expected Rate of Return % 0
Current Provision - OneTime 0
Expected Rate of Return % 0
Required Investment - SIP #NUM!
Required Investment - OneTime 0
Generate Report
Main Menu Back to Goal Planning Goal Planning Report
Age at the
Time of Assumed Rate of Existing Existing
Current Future Return to Provision in Provision in
Goals Name Goal/Years Current Cost Inflation
Age Left for in % Cost/Corpus Achieve Monthly One Time
Future Mode Mode
Goal in %
Retirement Planning
Mr. A 57 65 24642.4 7 3570609 15 0 0
Child Education Planning
Child 1 0 0 0 0 7 0 15 0 0
Child 2 0 0 0 0 7 0 15 0 0
Child 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total For Education
Child Marriage Planning
Child 1 Navin 23 28 450000 7 631148 15 0 0
Child 2 0 0 0 0 7 0 15 0 0
Child 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total For Marriage
House/Land Planning
2.5 3000000 5 3389179 15 0 0
Car Planning
0 0 10 0 15 0 0
Foreign Tour Planning
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yearly Vacation/Domestic Tour Planning
0 0 8 0 15 0 0
Social/Gifting/Parental Planning
0 0 8 0 15 0 0
Charity Planning
0 0 8 0 15 0 0
Note : Figures are approx. and not guaranteed. Target return is assumed. They may be difference in actual return. The planning is for long term. There can also be negative return in the short term
panic in such situations. We will do regular review of the portfolio together and take appropriate decisions.
lanning Report
One Time
Needed Investment Needed
19443 1167238
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
7126 313792
0 0
0 0
7126 313792
93808 2389736
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
120377 3870767