G1000 / GFC 700 System Maintenance Manual Hawker Beechcraft Model 200/B200 Series King Air
G1000 / GFC 700 System Maintenance Manual Hawker Beechcraft Model 200/B200 Series King Air
G1000 / GFC 700 System Maintenance Manual Hawker Beechcraft Model 200/B200 Series King Air
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Section Pagination
Table of Contents i – viiii
Section 1 1-1 – 1-6
Section 2 2-1 – 2-16
Section 3 3-1 – 3-52
Section 4 4-1 – 4-36
Section 5 5-1 – 5-90
Section 6 6-1 – 6-20
Section 7 7-1 – 7-66
Section 8 8-1 – 8-16
Page A G1000 / GFC 700 System Maintenance Manual - 200/B200 Series King Air
Revision 6 190-00915-01
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The GDU lens is coated with a special anti-reflective coating that is very sensitive to skin oils, waxes and
COATING. It is very important to clean the lens using a clean, lint-free cloth and an eyeglass lens
cleaner that is specified as safe for anti-reflective coatings.
All G1000 screen shots used in this document are current at the time of publication. Screen shots are
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Page B G1000 / GFC 700 System Maintenance Manual - 200/B200 Series King Air
Revision 6 190-00915-01
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.1 CONTENT, SCOPE, PURPOSE ........................................................................................................ 1-1
1.2 ORGANIZATION............................................................................................................................ 1-3
1.3 DEFINITIONS/ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................... 1-4
1.4 PUBLICATIONS ............................................................................................................................. 1-5
1.5 REVISON AND DISTRIBUTION ...................................................................................................... 1-6
2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTIONS ......................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 G1000 OPTIONAL INTERFACES .................................................................................................. 2-11
2.3 ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION .......................................................................................... 2-12
2.4 PITOT/STATIC SYSTEM .............................................................................................................. 2-15
2.5 SHIELD BLOCK GROUNDS ......................................................................................................... 2-16
2.6 G1000 /GFC700 BLOCK DIAGRAM ........................................................................................... 2-16
3 G1000 CONTROL & OPERATION............................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 GDU 1040A AND GDU 1500 DISPLAYS...................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 GCU 477 - MFD CONTROLLER ................................................................................................... 3-3
3.3 GMC 710 - AFCS CONTROLS...................................................................................................... 3-3
3.4 GMA 1347D AUDIO PANEL ........................................................................................................ 3-4
3.5 G1000 NORMAL MODE................................................................................................................ 3-5
3.6 REVERSIONARY MODE ................................................................................................................ 3-6
3.7 CONFIGURATION MODE OVERVIEW ............................................................................................ 3-7
3.8 G1000 / GFC 700 SOFTWARE INFORMATION ............................................................................ 3-11
3.9 G1000 SOFTWARE/CONFIGURATION PROCEDURE .................................................................... 3-18
3.10 TAWS-A SUPPORT CONFIGURATION .................................................................................... 3-24
3.11 TAWS-A VOICE NO CALLOUT OPTION CONFIGURATION..................................................... 3-25
3.12 TAWS-A VOICE CALLOUT OPTION CONFIGURATION........................................................... 3-26
3.13 ADF OPTION CONFIGURATION .............................................................................................. 3-27
3.14 DME OPTION CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................. 3-28
3.15 RAD ALT OPTION CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................... 3-29
3.16 NON-GARMIN TRAFFIC SYSTEM OPTION CONFIGURATION .................................................. 3-30
3.17 GTS 8XX TRAFFIC SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ...................................................................... 3-31
3.18 STORMSCOPE (WX-500) OPTION CONFIGURATION .............................................................. 3-32
3.19 STORMSCOPE (WX-500) CONFIGURATION LOAD CONFIRMATION. ...................................... 3-33
3.20 ESP SUPPORT (WITH AOA) OPTION CONFIGURATION .......................................................... 3-34
3.21 ESP SUPPORT (NO AOA) OPTION CONFIGURATION .............................................................. 3-35
3.22 GDL 59 WI-FI DATA LINK OPTION CONFIGURATION ........................................................... 3-36
3.23 GSR 56 SATELLITE RECIEVER OPTION CONFIGURATION ...................................................... 3-37
3.24 POTS HANDSET CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................... 3-38
3.25 GSM 85A SERVO MOUNT CONFIGURATION.......................................................................... 3-38
3.26 GSM 86 SERVO MOUNT CONFIGURATION ............................................................................ 3-39
3.27 VERIFICATION OF SERVO MOUNT CONFIGURATION.............................................................. 3-40
3.28 FLITECHARTS CONFIGURATION............................................................................................. 3-41
3.29 CHARTVIEW ENABLE............................................................................................................. 3-41
3.30 TAWS-B ENABLE .................................................................................................................. 3-42
3.31 TAWS-A ENABLE .................................................................................................................. 3-43
3.32 SUPPLEMENTAL DATABASE LOADING ................................................................................... 3-44
3.33 SVS/PATHWAYS ENABLE ...................................................................................................... 3-45
3.34 ESP ENABLE .......................................................................................................................... 3-46
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3.35 AIRCRAFT REGISTRATION NUMBER ENTRY .......................................................................... 3-47
3.36 SPLASH SCREEN LOADING ..................................................................................................... 3-48
3.37 NAVIGATION DATABASE LOADING ....................................................................................... 3-49
3.38 CONFIGURATION OF NAVIGATION MAP FOR TRAFFIC SYSTEM............................................. 3-51
3.39 CLEARING DEFAULT USER SETTINGS .................................................................................... 3-51
4 INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTINUED AIRWORTHINESS........................................................ 4-1
4.1 AIRWORTHINESS LIMITATIONS ................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 SERVICING INFORMATION ........................................................................................................... 4-2
4.3 MAINTENANCE INTERVALS ......................................................................................................... 4-4
4.4 VISUAL INSPECTION .................................................................................................................. 4-10
4.5 ELECTRICAL BONDING TEST ..................................................................................................... 4-15
4.6 GRS 77 EARTH MAGNETIC FIELD UPDATES ............................................................................. 4-18
4.7 GSA 80 GREASING PROCEDURE ................................................................................................ 4-18
4.8 FLAPS-IN-MOTION DISCRETE INPUT CHECK .............................................................................. 4-19
4.9 GSM 85A/GSM 86 SLIP CLUTCH TORQUE CHECK PROCEDURE .............................................. 4-20
4.10 G1000 REDUNDANT CONNECTION CHECK ............................................................................ 4-24
4.11 ENGINE DATA CHECK (GIA 1 OR GIA 2 INOPERATIVE) ........................................................ 4-27
4.12 TRIM ANNUNCIATOR CHECK ................................................................................................. 4-27
4.13 G1000 MISCOMPARE CHECKS ............................................................................................... 4-28
4.14 NOSE AVIONICS COMPARTMENT FANS OPERATIONAL CHECK ............................................. 4-30
4.15 INSTRUMENT PANEL FANS OPERATIONAL CHECK ................................................................ 4-30
4.16 STANDBY BATTERY PERIODIC CHECKS ................................................................................. 4-31
4.17 POWER BUS CHECK ............................................................................................................... 4-34
5 TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1 G1000 ALERTING SYSTEM .......................................................................................................... 5-2
5.2 SYSTEM ANNUNCIATIONS ........................................................................................................... 5-4
5.3 200/B200 SPECIFIC ALERTS ...................................................................................................... 5-25
5.4 TAWS TROUBLESHOOTING ....................................................................................................... 5-26
5.5 SYNTHETIC VISION AND PATHWAYS TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................ 5-27
5.6 GFC 700 AFCS TROUBLESHOOTING ......................................................................................... 5-30
5.7 BACKUP COMMUNICATIONS PATH CHECKS .............................................................................. 5-43
5.8 GDU 104X TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................ 5-44
5.9 GDU 104X ALERTS ................................................................................................................... 5-46
5.10 GIA 63 TROUBLESHOOTING .................................................................................................. 5-54
5.11 GIA ALERT MESSAGES .......................................................................................................... 5-56
5.12 GEA TROUBLESHOOTING ...................................................................................................... 5-63
5.13 GTX TROUBLESHOOTING ...................................................................................................... 5-64
5.14 GDL 69A TROUBLESHOOTING .............................................................................................. 5-65
5.15 GRS 77/GMU 44 TROUBLESHOOTING................................................................................... 5-67
5.16 GDC 74B TROUBLESHOOTING .............................................................................................. 5-74
5.17 GWX 68 TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................ 5-75
5.18 GMC 710 TROUBLESHOOTING .............................................................................................. 5-76
5.19 GCU 477 TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................................................... 5-77
5.20 SOFTWARE/CONFIGURATION TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................ 5-78
5.21 BACKSHELL/BACKPLATE CONNECTORS ................................................................................ 5-80
5.22 STANDBY ATTITUDE INDICATOR TROUBLESHOOTING .......................................................... 5-85
5.23 STANDBY AIRSPEED INDICATOR TROUBLESHOOTING........................................................... 5-85
5.24 STANDBY ALTIMETER TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................................... 5-86
5.25 SAFE FLIGHT LIFT COMPUTER TROUBLESHOOTING .............................................................. 5-86
5.26 GDL 59 TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................. 5-88
5.27 GSR 56 TROUBLESHOOTING .................................................................................................. 5-89
5.28 GTS 820/850 TROUBLESHOOTING ......................................................................................... 5-89
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Revision 6 190-00915-01
6 EQUIPMENT REMOVAL & INSTALLATION .......................................................................... 6-1
6.1 GDU 1040A/1500........................................................................................................................ 6-2
6.2 GMA 1347D AUDIO PANEL ........................................................................................................ 6-2
6.3 GIA 63W INTEGRATED AVIONICS UNITS .................................................................................... 6-3
6.4 GEA 71 ENGINE/AIRFRAME UNIT ............................................................................................... 6-3
6.5 GTX 33( ) TRANSPONDER ........................................................................................................... 6-4
6.6 GDC 74B AIR DATA COMPUTER ................................................................................................. 6-4
6.7 GTP 59 OAT PROBE .................................................................................................................... 6-4
6.8 GRS 77 AHRS ............................................................................................................................. 6-5
6.9 GMU 44 MAGNETOMETER .......................................................................................................... 6-5
6.10 GDL 69A ................................................................................................................................. 6-5
6.11 GSA 80 SERVOS ....................................................................................................................... 6-6
6.12 GSM 85A/86 SERVO GEARBOX ............................................................................................... 6-7
6.13 GCU 477 .................................................................................................................................. 6-7
6.14 GMC 710 ................................................................................................................................. 6-8
6.15 GWX 68 ................................................................................................................................... 6-8
6.16 CONFIGURATION MODULE REMOVAL & REPLACEMENT ........................................................ 6-9
6.17 GEA 71 BACKSHELL THERMOCOUPLE REMOVAL & REPLACEMENT .................................... 6-11
6.18 GPS/WAAS ANTENNAS ........................................................................................................ 6-12
6.19 DIVERSITY TRANSPONDER ANTENNA.................................................................................... 6-12
6.20 IRIDIUM ANTENNA ................................................................................................................. 6-13
6.21 WI-FI ANTENNA ..................................................................................................................... 6-13
6.22 SIGNAL CONDITIONERS.......................................................................................................... 6-13
6.24 L-3 AVIONICS (BF GOODRICH) PS-835(C OR D MODEL) EMERGENCY BATTERY ................ 6-14
6.25 STANDBY AIRSPEED INDICATOR............................................................................................ 6-15
6.26 STANDBY ALTIMETER ............................................................................................................ 6-15
6.27 STANDBY ATTITUDE INDICATOR ........................................................................................... 6-16
6.28 NOSE AVIONICS BAY COOLING FANS .................................................................................... 6-16
6.29 GDU COOLING FANS ............................................................................................................. 6-16
6.30 GTS 8XX TRAFFIC UNIT ....................................................................................................... 6-17
6.31 GPA 65 PA/LNA UNIT .......................................................................................................... 6-17
6.32 GA 58 TRAFFIC ANTENNAS ................................................................................................... 6-18
6.33 GDL 59 WI-FI DATALINK ...................................................................................................... 6-18
6.34 GSR 56 SATELLITE RECEIVER ............................................................................................... 6-19
7 G1000 EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION & TESTING ............................................................. 7-1
7.1 GDU 1040/1500 MFD & PFD ..................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2 GMA 1347D AUDIO PANEL ........................................................................................................ 7-3
7.3 GIA 63W INTEGRATED AVIONICS UNIT...................................................................................... 7-6
7.4 GEA 71 ENGINE/AIRFRAME UNIT ............................................................................................... 7-9
7.5 GTX 33( ) TRANSPONDER ......................................................................................................... 7-12
7.6 GDC 74B AIR DATA COMPUTER ............................................................................................... 7-13
7.7 GRS 77 AHRS / GMU 44 MAGNETOMETER ............................................................................. 7-18
7.8 GDL 69A XM DATA LINK ........................................................................................................ 7-26
7.9 GSA 80 SERVOS ........................................................................................................................ 7-26
7.10 GCU 477 FMS CONTROLLER ................................................................................................ 7-27
7.11 GMC 710 AFCS CONTROLLER .............................................................................................. 7-29
7.12 GWX 68 WEATHER RADAR .................................................................................................. 7-30
7.13 NON-GARMIN TRAFFIC SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL CHECK.......................................................... 7-31
7.14 STORMSCOPE FUNCTIONAL CHECK ....................................................................................... 7-32
7.15 TAWS FUNCTIONAL CHECK.................................................................................................. 7-34
7.16 FLITECHARTS FUNCTIONAL CHECK ...................................................................................... 7-37
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7.17 CHARTVIEW FUNCTIONAL CHECK ........................................................................................ 7-38
7.18 SAFETAXI FUNCTIONAL CHECK ............................................................................................ 7-39
7.19 DME FUNCTIONAL CHECK .................................................................................................... 7-40
7.20 ADF FUNCTIONAL CHECK ..................................................................................................... 7-41
7.21 RADIO ALTIMETER CHECK .................................................................................................... 7-41
7.22 WEIGHT ON WHEELS AND LOW SPEED AWARENESS BAND CHECK ...................................... 7-42
7.23 RVSM CHECKS ...................................................................................................................... 7-43
7.24 SAFE FLIGHT LIFT COMPUTER GROUND CALIBRATION ........................................................ 7-49
7.25 ESP FUNCTIONAL CHECK ...................................................................................................... 7-57
7.26 GTS 8XX TRAFFIC SYSTEM FUNCTIONAL CHECK ................................................................ 7-61
7.27 ACTIVATION OF GARMIN FLIGHT DATA SERVICES ............................................................... 7-63
7.28 GDL 59 WI-FI DATA LINK FUNCTIONAL CHECK .................................................................. 7-65
7.29 GSR 56 SATELLITE RECEIVER FUNCTIONAL CHECK ............................................................. 7-66
8 SYSTEM RETURN TO SERVICE PROCEDURE ...................................................................... 8-1
8.1 BACKUP PATH SYSTEM TESTING................................................................................................. 8-2
8.2 GFC 700 GROUND CHECKOUT .................................................................................................. 8-12
8.3 MAINTENANCE RECORDS .......................................................................................................... 8-17
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Revision 6 190-00915-01
Figure 2-1, Display Units ........................................................................................................................... 2-1
Figure 2-2, Audio Panel ............................................................................................................................. 2-2
Figure 2-3, AFCS Controller ..................................................................................................................... 2-2
Figure 2-4, FMS Controller ....................................................................................................................... 2-3
Figure 2-5, Transponder............................................................................................................................. 2-3
Figure 2-6, GIA unit .................................................................................................................................. 2-4
Figure 2-7, GEA unit ................................................................................................................................. 2-5
Figure 2-8, Air Data Computer .................................................................................................................. 2-6
Figure 2-9, OAT probe .............................................................................................................................. 2-6
Figure 2-10, AHRS .................................................................................................................................... 2-7
Figure 2-11, Magnetometer ....................................................................................................................... 2-7
Figure 2-12, GDL 69A Datalink ................................................................................................................ 2-8
Figure 2-13, GDL 59 Wi-Fi Datalink ........................................................................................................ 2-8
Figure 2-14, GSR 56 Satellite Receiver ..................................................................................................... 2-9
Figure 2-15, GTS 8XX Traffic System ...................................................................................................... 2-9
Figure 2-16, Weather Radar ....................................................................................................................... 2-9
Figure 2-17, Servo ................................................................................................................................... 2-10
Figure 2-18, 200/B200 Electrical Distribution (Post G1000 STC) .......................................................... 2-13
Figure 2-19, G1000 Component Power Sources...................................................................................... 2-14
Figure 2-20, Pitot/Static System (Post G1000 STC)................................................................................ 2-15
Figure 2-21, G1000/GFC 700 Block Diagram......................................................................................... 2-16
Figure 3-1, GDU 1040A Control Interface ................................................................................................ 3-1
Figure 3-2, GDU 1500 Control Interface ................................................................................................... 3-2
Figure 3-3, G1000 Softkeys ....................................................................................................................... 3-2
Figure 3-4, MFD Controls (GCU 477 shown) ........................................................................................... 3-3
Figure 3-5, AFCS Controls (GMC 710 shown) ......................................................................................... 3-3
Figure 3-6, GMA 1347D Controls ............................................................................................................. 3-4
Figure 3-7, Normal Mode .......................................................................................................................... 3-5
Figure 3-8, Automatic Reversion with MFD failure ................................................................................. 3-6
Figure 3-9, Manual Reversion with pilot PFD failure .............................................................................. 3-6
Figure 3-10, SET>ACTV Diagram........................................................................................................... 3-8
Figure 3-11, Loss of Communication ....................................................................................................... 3-9
Figure 3-12, Configuration Status............................................................................................................. 3-9
Figure 3-13, Data Transmission Indicators ............................................................................................... 3-9
Figure 3-14, G1000 LRU Configuration File Storage ............................................................................ 3-16
Figure 3-15, GRS/GDC Configuration Settings Storage ........................................................................ 3-17
Figure 3-16, Software/Configuration Overview ..................................................................................... 3-18
Figure 3-17, Airframe Options ................................................................................................................ 3-20
Figure 3-18, Propeller Options ................................................................................................................ 3-20
Figure 3-19, Configuration/Software Load Page .................................................................................... 3-21
Figure 3-20, System Status ...................................................................................................................... 3-22
Figure 3-21, TAWS-A Support Configuration ........................................................................................ 3-24
Figure 3-22, TAWS-A Voice No Callout Configuration ......................................................................... 3-25
Figure 3-23, TAWS-A Voice Callout Configuration ............................................................................... 3-26
Figure 3-24, ADF Configuration ............................................................................................................ 3-27
Figure 3-25, DME Configuration............................................................................................................. 3-28
Figure 3-26, RAD ALT Configuration .................................................................................................... 3-29
Figure 3-27, Non-Garmin Traffic System Configuration ........................................................................ 3-30
Figure 3-28, GTS 8XX TAS/TCAS1 Configuration ............................................................................... 3-31
Figure 3-29, Lightning System Option Configuration ............................................................................. 3-32
Figure 3-30, Stormscope Configuration Page ......................................................................................... 3-33
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Figure 3-31, Stormscope Configuration.................................................................................................. 3-33
Figure 3-32, ESP Support Configuration ................................................................................................. 3-34
Figure 3-33, ESP Support Configuration ................................................................................................. 3-35
Figure 3-34, GDL 59 Configuration ........................................................................................................ 3-36
Figure 3-35, GSR 56 Configuration ......................................................................................................... 3-37
Figure 3-36, GSM 85A Servo Mount Configuration ............................................................................... 3-38
Figure 3-37, GSM 86 Servo Mount Configuration .................................................................................. 3-39
Figure 3-38, Servo Mount Configuration Verification ............................................................................ 3-40
Figure 3-39, ChartView Enable ............................................................................................................... 3-41
Figure 3-40, TAWS-B Enable ................................................................................................................. 3-42
Figure 3-41, TAWS-A Enable ................................................................................................................. 3-43
Figure 3-42, Supplemental Database Synchronization ............................................................................ 3-44
Figure 3-43, SVS Enable ......................................................................................................................... 3-45
Figure 3-44, ESP Enable .......................................................................................................................... 3-46
Figure 3-45, Aircraft Registration ............................................................................................................ 3-47
Figure 3-46, Navigation Database Synchronization ................................................................................ 3-50
Figure 4-1, GIA I/O Page........................................................................................................................ 4-19
Figure 4-2, Discrete Valid/Invalid Indications ........................................................................................ 4-19
Figure 4-3, GFC Status Page................................................................................................................... 4-20
Figure 4-4, GFC Status Page................................................................................................................... 4-21
Figure 4-5, Standby Battery ..................................................................................................................... 4-31
Figure 4-6, Power Supply Connection .................................................................................................... 4-33
Figure 5-1, AUX – System Status Page .................................................................................................... 5-1
Figure 5-2, Alerts & Annunciations .......................................................................................................... 5-2
Figure 5-3, ADVISORY Softkey Annunciation ....................................................................................... 5-2
Figure 5-4, System Annunciations ............................................................................................................ 5-4
Figure 5-5, AFCS Annunciation Field .................................................................................................... 5-30
Figure 5-6, GFC Status Page ................................................................................................................... 5-31
Figure 5-7, Magnetometer Interference Test .......................................................................................... 5-70
Figure 5-8, GIA 63W Backplate Connectors .......................................................................................... 5-80
Figure 5-9, GEA 71 Backplate Connectors ............................................................................................ 5-81
Figure 5-10, GMA 1347D Backplate Connectors................................................................................... 5-81
Figure 5-11, GTX 33/33D Backplate Connectors................................................................................... 5-81
Figure 5-12, GDU 1040A/1500 Backshell Connector (P10401 or P15001)........................................... 5-82
Figure 5-13, GRS 77 Backshell Connector (P771) ................................................................................. 5-82
Figure 5-14, GDC 74B Backshell Connector (P74B1) ........................................................................... 5-82
Figure 5-15, GDL 69A Backplate Connector (P69A1) .......................................................................... 5-82
Figure 5-16, GCU 477 Backshell Connector (P4751) ............................................................................ 5-83
Figure 5-17, GMC 710 Backshell Connector (P7101)............................................................................ 5-83
Figure 5-18, GWX 68 Backshell Connector (P681) ............................................................................... 5-83
Figure 5-19, GTS 820/850 Mating Connectors (P8001 and P8002) ....................................................... 5-83
Figure 5-20, GTS 820/850 Mating Connector (P8003) .......................................................................... 5-83
Figure 5-21, GPA 65 Mating Connector (P651) ..................................................................................... 5-84
Figure 5-22, Signal Conditioner (1PVIB1 and 2PVIB1) ........................................................................ 5-84
Figure 5-23, GDL 59 Mating Connector (1P591)................................................................................... 5-84
Figure 5-24, GSR 56 Mating Connector (1P561) .................................................................................... 5-84
Figure 6-1, Servo Gear ............................................................................................................................... 6-6
Figure 6-2, Configuration Module Installation ......................................................................................... 6-9
Figure 6-3, GEA Backshell Thermocouple............................................................................................. 6-11
Figure 7-1, G1000 Normal Mode Check .................................................................................................. 7-2
Figure 7-2, Marker Beacon Symbology .................................................................................................... 7-4
Figure 7-3, AUX – GPS STATUS Page (MFD) ....................................................................................... 7-6
Figure 7-4, Normal Engine Instrument Markings (MFD) ........................................................................ 7-9
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Figure 7-5, Aircraft Registration.............................................................................................................. 7-12
Figure 7-6, Engine Run-Up Test Page ..................................................................................................... 7-24
Figure 7-7, Normal Mode AHRS Check ................................................................................................ 7-25
Figure 7-8, Low Speed Awareness Band Symbolization........................................................................ 7-42
Figure 7-9, RVSM Critical Region .......................................................................................................... 7-44
Figure 7-10, Dial Indicator ...................................................................................................................... 7-45
Figure 7-11, Static Port Measurement ..................................................................................................... 7-45
Figure 7-12, Static Port Measurement locations ...................................................................................... 7-46
Figure 7-13, Static Port Measurement Log .............................................................................................. 7-46
Figure 7-14, C-05606-1 Lift Computer.................................................................................................... 7-54
Figure 7-15, Breakout Box ...................................................................................................................... 7-55
Figure 7-16, Force Applicator Usage Instructions ................................................................................... 7-56
Figure 7-17, GTS 8XX GND TEST softkey............................................................................................ 7-61
Figure 7-18, GSR56 Configuration Page ................................................................................................. 7-66
Figure 7-19, AUX-TELEPHONE page ................................................................................................... 7-66
Figure 8-1, GDU Data Verification (ARINC 429) .................................................................................... 8-9
Figure 8-2, GIA Data Verification (ARINC429/RS-232).......................................................................... 8-8
Figure 8-3, GIA Data Verification (RS-485) ........................................................................................... 8-11
Figure 8-4, Pre-Flight Test ...................................................................................................................... 8-12
TABLE ................................................................................................................................................ PAGE
Table 1-1, G1000 System Software Version ............................................................................................ 1-1
Table 1-2, Required Documents ............................................................................................................... 1-5
Table 1-3, Reference Publications ............................................................................................................ 1-6
Table 3-1, Software Verification ............................................................................................................. 3-23
Table 4-1, Maintenance Intervals.............................................................................................................. 4-4
Table 4-2, Discontinued Maintenance Intervals ....................................................................................... 4-9
Table 4-3, Nose Section Visual Inspection Procedure ............................................................................ 4-10
Table 4-4, Nose Avionics Compartment Visual Inspection Procedure .................................................. 4-10
Table 4-5, Pilot’s Compartment Visual Inspection Procedure................................................................ 4-11
Table 4-6, Instrument Panel G1000 Equipment Visual Inspection Procedure ....................................... 4-11
Table 4-7, Cabin Area Visual Inspection Procedure ............................................................................... 4-13
Table 4-8, Rear Fuselage and Empennage Visual Inspection Procedure ................................................ 4-14
Table 4-9, Lightning Strike Inspection Procedure ................................................................................... 4-14
Table 4-10, Measured Torque ................................................................................................................. 4-22
Table 4-12, Standby Battery Required Equipment .................................................................................. 4-31
Table 5-1, SVS Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................. 5-27
Table 5-2, SVS-Related Alert Messages................................................................................................. 5-27
Table 5-3, AFCS Annunciation Troubleshooting ................................................................................... 5-28
Table 5-4, AFCS General Troubleshooting ............................................................................................ 5-29
Table 5-5, Magnetometer Interference Test Sequence ........................................................................... 5-72
Table 6-1, Configuration Module Kit – 011-00979-00 ............................................................................. 6-9
Table 6-2, Thermocouple Kit (011-00981-00) ....................................................................................... 6-11
Table 7-1, Fuel Flow Indication Special Equipment ............................................................................... 7-10
Table 7-2, Fuel Flow Test Points ............................................................................................................. 7-10
Table 7-3, Oil Pressure Indication Special Equipment ............................................................................ 7-11
Table 7-4, Oil Pressure Test Points.......................................................................................................... 7-11
Table 7-1, Air Data System Test ............................................................................................................. 7-15
Table 7-2, Vertical Speed Table ............................................................................................................. 7-17
Table 7-3, Required GRS/GMU Calibrations ......................................................................................... 7-19
Table 7-4, RVSM Required Avionics ...................................................................................................... 7-43
Table 7-5, In-Flight Altitude Hold Performance Test .............................................................................. 7-48
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1.1 Content, Scope, Purpose
This document provides Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA) for the Garmin G1000
Integrated Flight Deck including the GFC700 Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) as installed in
the Hawker Beechcraft Model 200/B200 series King Air, under STC SA01535WI-D. This document
satisfies the requirements for continued airworthiness as defined by 14 CFR Part 23.1529 and Appendix
G. Information in this document is required to maintain the continued airworthiness of the G1000 and
1.1.1 Applicability
This document applies to all Model 200/B200 series King Air aircraft equipped with the G1000 and
GFC700 AFCS systems.
Modification of an aircraft by this Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) obligates the aircraft operator to
include the maintenance information provided by this document in the operator’s Aircraft Maintenance
Manual and the operator’s Aircraft Scheduled Maintenance Program.
Aircraft modified by this STC have been shown to qualify for operation in Reduced Vertical Separation
Minimum (RVSM) airspace as a group aircraft in accordance with Title 14 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (14 CFR) Part 91, Appendix G, “Operations in Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum
(RVSM) Airspace”, and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Document No. 91-RVSM, Change 2
dated 2/10/2004, “Guidance Material On The Approval Of Operators/Aircraft For RVSM Operations”.
This qualification is based on analysis of the configuration and performance of the air data, automatic
altitude control, altitude alerting, and altitude reporting systems. These systems must be maintained in
accordance with the inspections and tests specified in this document and other current maintenance
practices to guarantee continued compliance to RVSM specifications.
This STC allows multiple configurations for the King Air 200/B200 series. The correct configuration for
a particular aircraft is loaded by choosing the applicable airframe/engine/propeller configuration. Refer
to Table 6 of the General Arrangement Drawing, Garmin Part Number 005-00421-03, for configuration
information for eligible engine and propeller combinations.
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If the technician is unsure of an aircraft’s STC configuration, perform the
After acknowledgement of the splash screen, use the FMS knob on the GCU 477 controller to go to the
AUX – SYSTEM STATUS page on the MFD. In the AIRFRAME section (upper right corner,) the
display shows the current G1000 airframe configuration and system software version number. The
airframe configuration is shown in the AIRFRAME field and the system software version number is
shown in the following format: ‘SYS SOFTWARE VERSION XXXX.XX’. It correlates to the software
image used to load the software to the system:
System Software Version ‘0985.01’ = Software Image P/N 006-B0985-01
Restart the MFD in configuration mode (see section 3.7) and use the FMS knob on the GCU 477
controller to go to the GDU-AIRFRAME CONFIGURATION page. In the AIRFRAME section (upper
right corner), verify the correct configuration for SERIES, ENGINE and PROP.
For a configuration that loaded “King Air B200 PT6A-42” with a “McCauley 3-BLADE” propeller, the
AIRFRAME section should display:
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1.2 Organization
The following outline briefly describes the organization of this manual:
Section 2: System Description
Provides a complete description of the type design change associated with installing the G1000 integrated
cockpit system in the 200/B200 Series King Air. An overview of the G1000 and GFC 700 system
interface is also provided.
Section 3: G1000 Control & Operation
Presents basic control and operation information specifically tailored to maintenance practices. Basic
G1000 Configuration Mode operation is also described.
Section 4: Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
Provides maintenance instructions for continued airworthiness of the G1000 and GFC 700 systems.
Section 5: Troubleshooting
Provides troubleshooting information to aid in diagnosing and resolving potential problems with the
G1000 and GFC 700 systems.
Section 6: G1000 Equipment Removal & Replacement
Gives instructions for the removal and replacement of G1000 and GFC700 equipment.
Section 7: G1000 Equipment Configuration & Testing
Gives instructions for loading software, configuring, and testing of G1000 equipment.
Section 8: System Return to Service Procedure
Specifies return-to-service procedures to be performed upon completion of maintenance of the G1000
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1.3 Definitions/Abbreviations
ADF: Automatic Direction Finder
ADTS: Air Data Test Set
AFCS: Automatic Flight Control System
AFM: Airplane Flight Manual
AFMS: Airplane Flight Manual Supplement
AHRS: Attitude Heading Reference System
CDU: Control Display Unit
CFR: Code of Federal Regulations
DME: Distance Measuring Equipment
EAU: Engine/Airframe Unit
ESP Electronic Stability and Protection
GPS: Global Positioning System
GPWS: Ground Proximity Warning System
HSDB: High-Speed Data Bus (Ethernet)
IAU: Integrated Avionics Unit
ICS: Inter-Com System
ITT: Interstage Turbine Temperature
LRU: Line Replaceable Unit
MFD: Multi-Function Display
OAT: Outside Air Temperature
PFD: Primary Flight Display
RVSM: Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum
STBY: Standby
STBY ATT: Standby Attitude Indicator
STBY ALT: Standby Altimeter
STBY A/S: Standby Airspeed Indicator
STC: Supplemental Type Certificate
TAWS: Terrain Awareness & Warning System
WAAS: Wide Area Augmentation System
VHF: Very High Frequency
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1.4 Publications
The following documents are required by this maintenance manual to perform maintenance. It is the
responsibility of the owner / operator to ensure latest versions of these documents are used during
operation, servicing or maintenance of the airplane.
Table 1-2, Required Documents
Part Number Garmin Document
Master Drawing List, Garmin G1000/GFC 700 in Hawker Beechcraft Model 200/B200
Series King Air
005-W0025-00 Wiring Diagram, G1000/GFC 700 King 200/B200
005-00421-03 General Arrangement, G1000/GFC700 AFCS, in Hawker Beechcraft 200/B200 Series King Air
005-00421-32 GWX 68 Radar Install, King Air 200/B200
005-00421-33 Antenna Install, King Air 200/B200
005-00421-30 Main Instrument Panel Installation, King Air 200/B200
005-00421-34 Electrical Equipment Install, Nose Bay, King Air 200/B200
005-00421-35 Roll Servo Install, w/GSM 85A King Air 200/B200
005-00421-36 Yaw Servo Install, w/GSM 85A King Air 200/B200
005-00421-37 Pitch Servo Install, w/GSM 85A King Air 200/B200
005-00421-38 Pitch Trim Servo Install, w/GSM 85A King Air 200/B200
005-00421-39 Magnetometer Install, King Air 200/B200
005-00421-40 OAT Sensor Install, King Air 200/B200
005-00421-42 Datalink Install, King Air 200/B200
005-00421-45 Roll Servo Install, w/GSM 86 King Air 200/B200
005-00421-46 Yaw Servo Install, w/GSM 86 King Air 200/B200
005-00421-47 Pitch Servo Install, w/GSM 86 King Air 200/B200
005-00421-48 Pitch Trim Servo Install, w/GSM 86 King Air 200/B200
005-00421-51 Wire Harness Installation, Nose, King Air 200/B200
005-00421-52 Wire Harness Installation, Cabin, King Air 200/B200
005-00421-53 Wire Harness Installation, Tail, King Air 200/B200
005-00421-54 Control Wheel Modification,G1000/GFC 700, King Air 200/B200
005-00421-55 Overhead Control Panel Modification, G1000/GFC 700, King Air 200/B200
005-00421-31 Pedestal Re-Configuration, King Air 200/B200
005-00421-56 Circuit Breaker Panel Modification, King Air 200/B200
005-00421-58 Glareshield Lighting Modification, King Air 200/B200
Hawker Beechcraft Document
101-590010-39 Beech Super King Air 200 and 200T Wiring Diagram Manual
101-590010-133 Super King Air Wiring Diagram Manual
101-590010-161 Super King Air Wiring Diagram Manual
101-590010-19 Super King Air 200 Series Maintenance Manual
101-590010-453 Super King Air 200 Series Airworthiness Limitations Manual
101-590097-13 King Air Series Component Maintenance Manual
98-39006 Structural Inspection and Repair Manual
Other Documents
85-292-1-1033 Signal Conditioner Installation Manual (Meggitt/Vibro-Meter)
Mid-Continent Instruments - Installation Manual and Operating Instructions,
4200 Series Attitude Indicator
TP-336 L-3 Avionics Systems – Emergency Power Supply Installation Manual, PS-835
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The following publications are recommended to be on hand during the performance of maintenance
Table 1-3, Reference Publications
Part Number Garmin Document
Airplane Flight Manual Supplement, G1000 Integrated Avionics System and
GFC 700 AFCS in Hawker Beechcraft 200/B200 King Air
190-00929-01 G1000 King Air 200/B200 Cockpit Reference Guide
190-00355-04 GDL 69/69A XM Satellite Radio Activation Instructions
190-00907-00 G1000 System Maintenance Manual
190-00303-72 GSA8X/GSM85(A) Installation Manual
190-00303-83 GSM 86 Installation Manual
190-00313-63 GMU 44 Installation Location Magnetic Interference Survey Procedure
Generic installation manuals for individual Garmin LRUs are also available through the ‘Dealer Resource
Center’ section of the Garmin web site; refer to Section 1.5 for details.
Garmin Dealers may obtain the latest revision of this document on the Garmin Dealer Resource Center
Owner/operators may obtain the latest revision of this document from the https://fly.garmin.com/ Support
page, or by contacting a Garmin dealer, contacting Garmin Product Support at 913-397-8200, toll free
866-739-5687, or using around the world contact information on https://fly.garmin.com/.
A Garmin Service Bulletin describing the revision to this document will be sent to Garmin dealers if the
revision is determined to be significant.
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2.1 Equipment Descriptions
2.1.1 GDU 1040A PFD (2) & GDU 1500 MFD
Two Garmin GDU 1040A displays and one GDU 1500 display are installed in the King Air instrument
panel. The GDU 1040A units, 10.4 inch LCD displays with 1024x768 resolution, are configured as PFD 1
and PFD 2; the GDU 1500 unit, a 15 inch LCD display with 1024x768 resolution, is configured as a MFD.
All displays provide control and display of nearly all functions of the G1000 integrated cockpit system. The
PFD displays are located on either side of the MFD, with the stand-by instruments located between the
Pilot’s PFD (PFD 1) and the MFD. GMA 1347D Audio Panels are located outboard of each PFD.
Additionally, a GMC 710 AFCS Controller is located in the upper instrument panel, above the MFD, and a
GCU 477 is installed in the pedestal. The GCU 477 provides the control interface for the MFD.
The GDU 1500 communicates with the GDU 1040A units, GDL 69A datalink, GWX68 weather radar,
optional GDL59 wi-fi datalink and optional GTS 8XX traffic through a high-speed data bus (HSDB)
Ethernet connection. The GDU 1500 communicates with the GCU 477 via RS-232 digital interface.
The GDU 1040A units communicate with each other and the GIA 63W units through a high-speed data bus
(HSDB) Ethernet connection.
PFD 1 receives primary electrical power from the new Essential Bus and secondary electrical power from
Dual Fed Bus No. 1. PFD 2 receives electrical power from Dual Fed Bus No. 2. Electrical power to the
MFD is also provided by the Essential Bus. The displays will power-up immediately with external or
aircraft power or battery operation.
All displays are installed in the King Air panel using ¼-turn fasteners. Three CDU cooling fans are also
installed behind the panel for PFD and MFD cooling.
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2.1.2 GMA 1347D Audio Panel (2)
The Garmin GMA 1347D Audio Panel integrates NAV/COM digital audio, intercom system and marker
beacon controls. The 200/B200 installation includes two GMA 1347D panels. The GMA 1347D panels
provide control of all cockpit intercom/mic systems as well as NAV/COM/ILS audio. The units also
provide display reversion mode control through a large red button. Warning and alert audio received by the
GMA 1347Ds is processed by and received from the GIA 63W Integrated Avionics Units (IAUs). Electrical
power to GMA 1 is provided from the Essential bus. Electrical power to GMA 2 is provided from Avionics
Bus No. 1. GMA 1 will be powered immediately with external or aircraft power or battery operation. GMA
2 will operate after selecting Avionics Master on. The GMA 1347D units interface with the existing marker
beacon antenna, as well as existing mic and phone jacks and oxygen mask mic.
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2.1.4 GCU 477 FMS Control Unit
The GCU 477 functions as the primary control interface to the GDU 1500 MFD. The GCU 477 provides
alphanumeric, softkey, and flight planning function keys used to interface with the G1000; the MFD does
not possess any knobs or controls other than softkeys. The GCU 477 is powered by the Essential Bus. The
GCU 477 also provides the crew with the added functionality of tuning their receivers via the GCU as well
as the PFD. Detailed instructions regarding the controls are discussed in the G1000 Cockpit Reference
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2.1.6 GIA 63W Integrated Avionics Unit (2)
Two Garmin GIA 63W Integrated Avionics Units (IAUs) contain the VHF COM/NAV receivers, WAAS
GPS receiver, Flight Director, and system integration microprocessors. The GIAs also serve as a
communication interface to all other G1000 LRUs in the system. Each GIA 63W communicates directly
with the on-side GDU 1040A display using a HSDB Ethernet connection. Both GIAs are located remotely
in the nose equipment bay.
GIA 1 receives primary electrical power from the Essential Bus and a secondary electrical power supply
from Dual Fed Bus No.1. GIA 2 receives electrical power from Dual Fed Bus No. 2. The GIA 1’s COMM
power supply (COMM 1) is provided by the Essential Bus. GIA 2’s COMM power supply (COMM 2) is
provided by Avionics Bus No. 1. Therefore, both GIAs power-up immediately with external or aircraft
power or battery operation, with the exception of COMM 2 operation which will become active after
selection of Avionics Master on.
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2.1.7 GEA 71 Engine/Airframe Unit (2)
The Garmin GEA 71 Engine/Airframe Units provide engine/airframe data to the G1000 system. Data
received from transducers/sensors is processed and sent to GIA 63Ws (via RS-485 digital interface), and
subsequently to the GDU 1500 MFD. Engine parameters are normally displayed on the MFD. In the event
of MFD failure, the engine parameters can be displayed on PFD 1 and/or PFD 2 using display reversion.
The GEAs are located behind the instrument panel and is mounted in a vertical orientation. Electrical power
to GEA 1 is provided from Dual Fed Bus No. 1 and to GEA 2 from Dual Fed Bus No. 2. Both GEA units
will power-up immediately with external or aircraft power or battery operation.
On serial numbers BB-1484, 1486 and subsequent, the electrical system includes the L ENG
INSTR and R ENG INSTR buses which (after this STC) are powered from Dual Fed Bus
No. 1 and No. 2 respectively. On these aircraft, GEA 1 receives power from Dual Fed Bus
No. 1 via the L ENG INSTR bus and GEA 2 receives power from Dual Fed Bus No. 2 via
the R ENG INSTR bus.
Each GEA interfaces to the following sensors for its onside engine:
• Oil Pressure Sensor
• Oil Temperature Sensor
• Fuel Flow Sensor (via onside Signal Conditioner)
• Turbine Speed Sensor (via onside Signal Conditioner)
• Propeller Speed Sensor(via onside Signal Conditioner)
• Torque Sensor
• Interstage Turbine Temperature (ITT) Sensor
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2.1.8 GDC 74B Digital Air Data Computer (2)
The Garmin GDC 74B computers compile information from the pitot/static system and various outside air
temperature (OAT) and awareness sensors and provide digital air data computations to the G1000 system.
The GDC 74B communicates with the GIA 63W, GDU 1040A, and GRS 77 using ARINC 429 digital
interface. The unit is mounted behind the instrument panel. GDC 1 receives primary electrical power from
the Essential Bus and a secondary power supply from Dual Fed Bus No. 1. GDC 2 receives power from
Dual Fed Bus No. 2. GDC 1 and GDC 2 connect to existing pitot/static ports. Refer to Figure 2-20 for a
schematic of the aircraft’s pitot/static system and its connections to the G1000 STC installed equipment.
Aircraft modified by this STC are eligible to be approved for RVSM operation. RVSM
critical maintenance instructions contained in this document must be followed in order
to guarantee performance within RVSM specifications.
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2.1.10 GRS 77 Attitude & Heading Reference System (2)
The Garmin GRS 77 AHRS units provide attitude and heading information to the G1000 system. The units,
mounted in the nose equipment bay, contain advanced tilt sensors, accelerometers, and rate sensors. The
unit interfaces with the GDC 74B and GMU44 Magnetometer and utilizes GPS signals from the GIA 63Ws.
Actual attitude and heading information is sent using ARINC 429 digital interface to both GDU 1040As and
GIA 63Ws. The GRS 77 interfaces with and provides power to the GMU 44 Magnetometer. The GRS 77
supplies attitude and heading information directly to the PFDs, MFD, and GIAs.
GRS 1 receives primary electrical power from the Essential Bus and a secondary power supply from the
Dual Fed No. 1 Bus. GRS 2 receives electrical power from Dual Fed No. 2 bus.
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2.1.12 GDL 69A Datalink
The GDL 69A provides the interface to the GWX 68 weather radar and optional GDL59 wi-fi datalink by
acting as a communications hub between the MFD and GWX 68 and GDL 59 via HSDB. The GDL 69A
also provides XM Radio weather and music entertainment through means of a dedicated satellite data link.
The GDL 69A is mounted behind the instrument panel. Power to the GDL 69A is received from the
Avionics No. 2 bus. The GDL 69A sends weather data through the HSDB bus to the MFD, where the data
link interface is controlled. Digital audio is sent directly to the GMA 1347D Audio Panel.
Optional remote control (GRC 10) and remote control transceiver (GRT 10) may be interfaced with the GDL
69A. Installation of the GRC 10 and GRT 10 is in accordance with Garmin STC SA01487SE or other
approved data. Refer to the approved Instructions for Continued Airworthiness information for these units.
It is recommended that GRT 10 be powered from the Entertainment Bus.
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2.1.14 GSR 56 Satellite Receiver (optional)
The GSR 56 provides airborne low speed data link and voice communication capability to Garmin Integrated
Flight Deck installations. The GSR 56 contains a transceiver that operates on the Iridium Satellite network.
The GSR 56 interfaces directly to the GDL 59 via an RS-232 interface. The GSR 56 is located in the aft
cabin floor area, just forward of the cabin door. The GSR 56 is powered from the Avionics No. 2 bus.
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2.1.17 GSA 80 Servos and GSM 85A/86 Servo Gearboxes (4)
The Garmin GFC 700 AFCS uses GSA 80 high torque servos to automatically control aircraft pitch, roll,
yaw damper/turn coordination and pitch trim. The pitch trim variant of the GSA 80 is a high speed servo
actuator. The GSA 80 contains a motor-control and monitor circuit board, as well as a solenoid and a
brushless DC motor. The GSA 80 servo receives serial RS-485 data packets from the GIA 63Ws. The roll
servo is located in the forward cabin lower fuselage at F.S. 185. The pitch, yaw, and pitch trim servos are
located in the tail. Power to the servos is received from the avionics No. 2 bus. All servos mount to a
Garmin GSM 85A or GSM 86 Servo Gearbox. The GSM 85A/86 is responsible for transferring the output
torque of the GSA 80 servo actuators to the mechanical flight control surface linkage. The GSM 85A has a
slip clutch that can be adjusted to a desired torque value. The GSM 86 has a clutch cartridge that cannot be
adjusted to a different torque value.
Each GEA 71 receives signals from its on-side engine turbine speed sensor, propeller speed sensor and fuel
flow sensors via a Meggitt (Vibro-Meter) Signal Conditioner. This unit converts the signals from the engine
sensors to a signal usable by the GEA 71. These units are installed behind the instrument panel. Electrical
power to the No. 1 Engine Signal Conditioner is provided from Dual Fed Bus No. 1 and to the No. 2 Engine
Signal Conditioner from Dual Fed Bus No. 2. Both signal conditioners will power-up immediately with
external or aircraft power or battery operation.
On serial numbers BB-1484, 1486 and subsequent, the electrical system includes the L ENG
INSTR and R ENG INSTR buses which (after this STC) are powered from Dual Fed Bus
No. 1 and No. 2 respectively. On these aircraft, the No. 1 Engine Signal Conditioner
receives power from Dual Fed Bus No. 1 via the L ENG INSTR bus and the No. 2 Engine
Signal Conditioner receives power from Dual Fed Bus No. 2 via the R ENG INSTR bus.
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2.1.20 Standby Airspeed Indicator
A Standby Airspeed indicator, Aerosonic part number 25030-0184, is installed between PFD 1 and the MFD.
Due to varying airspeed marking requirements, four marking options are used. To determine the appropriate
option for a specific aircraft configuration, refer to the General Arrangement drawing, Garmin Document
005-00421-03. The standby airspeed indicator does not require electrical power for normal operation except
for internal instrument lighting, which is powered from Dual Fed No. 1 Bus and the emergency standby
battery. This unit is connected to the right-hand pitot/static system.
The aircraft power buss provides a trickle charge to the PS-835 under normal conditions. This battery is
installed in the nose avionics bay. It is controlled using the standby battery switch indicator on the
instrument panel.
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2.3 Electrical Power Distribution
This airplane uses a multi-bus system, as detailed below and in Figure 2-18. This Figure shows the system
post installation of this STC. Although this STC made several bussing changes to the distribution system,
the core electrical generation and distribution system remains unchanged from the basic airplane design.
Figure 2-19 shows the power sources for all equipment used by this STC. Each bus used or modified by this
installation is described below.
Left and Right Generator Buses: The left and right generator buses receive power from their respective left
and right generators. The left and right generator buses also support all four dual fed buses and No. 1 and
No. 2 avionics buses, respectively.
Isolation Bus: The Isolation bus is fed by two generator buses and the battery bus. The Isolation bus is used
in this installation to provide power to the new Standby Instrument Bus and the new Essential bus.
Dual-fed Buses: The electrical distribution uses four individual dual-fed buses referred through this
document as Dual Fed No. 1 Bus, Dual Fed No. 2 Bus, Dual Fed No. 3 Bus and Dual Fed No. 4 Bus. Each
of these dual fed buses are powered from the Left and the Right Generator buses.
Avionics Buses: The No. 1 Avionics bus is powered from the Left Generator Bus via the Avionics No. 1
relay. The No. 2 Avionics bus is powered from the Right Generator Bus via the Avionics No. 2 relay. Both
Avionics relays are controlled using the Avionics Master Switch.
Left and Right Engine Instrument Buses: On serial numbers BB-1484, 1486 and subsequent, the electrical
system includes the L ENG INSTR and R ENG INSTR buses. This STC relocates these two buses such that
they are powered from Dual Fed Bus No. 1 and No. 2 respectively. Prior to these serial numbers, these two
buses are not installed and engine instruments are powered directly from the dual fed buses. (Figure 2-1
shows the system with these buses installed and relocated.).
Essential Bus: The Essential bus is a new bus added by this STC. It is powered from Dual Fed No. 1 bus
and the Isolation bus.
Standby Instrument Bus: The Standby Instrument bus is a new bus added by this STC. It is powered by the
Isolation bus and provides one source of power to the standby attitude indicator and standby altimeter
Entertainment Bus: The Entertainment Bus is a new bus added by this STC. It is powered from the No.2
Avionics bus via a newly installed Entertainment Bus relay. This relay is controlled via the existing Cabin
Furnishing switch so that bus can be easily shed by pilot using single switch action along with the other
cabin equipment.
Emergency Standby Battery: The Standby Emergency Battery (STBY BATT) system in the King Air
200/B200 is designed to provide uninterrupted DC power to the Standby Attitude indicator (gyro motor), the
Standby Altimeter (vibrator) and internal instrument lighting for the standby attitude indicator, standby
altimeter and the standby airspeed indicator from the L-3 PS-835(C or D Model) Emergency Standby
Battery. This standby battery power is independent from the normal electrical system and provides
redundant power for the standby instruments in the event that all other electrical power is lost.
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Pitot/Static System
G1000 / GFC 700 System Maintenance Manual - 200/B200 Series King Air
The following schematic shows the pitot-static system as modified by this installation:
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Page 2-15
2.5 Shield Block Grounds
The connectors on Garmin G1000 LRUs utilize the Shield Block grounding system to provide necessary
ground reference to wire shielding and/or transducers. The shield block termination method allows multiple
grounds to be terminated directly to a block mounted to the connector backshell assembly. Shielding and
grounding requirements for all other LRUs and connectors are shown in the respective install drawings.
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3 G1000 Control & Operation
All control and operation of G1000 equipment as normally used in flight occurs through the PFDs, MFD,
GMC 710, GCU 477 and GMA 1347D audio panel. Figure 3-1 through Figure 3-6 identify various
interface buttons for these units.
3.1 GDU 1040A and GDU 1500 Displays
Figure 3-1 and Figure 3-2 provide identification of the GDU 1040A PFD and GDU 1500 MFD controls.
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Figure 3-2, GDU 1500 Control Interface
3.1.1 Softkeys
Some pages have commands or selections that are activated by the GDU 1040 softkeys. If a softkey is
associated with a command, that command will be displayed directly above the key. A grayed-out
softkey shows a command that is unavailable. A softkey that is highlighted shows the current active
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To cancel a selection, press the small FMS knob in again, deactivating the cursor. The CLR key may also
be used to cancel a selection or deactivate the cursor.
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3.4 GMA 1347D Audio Panel
Figure 3-6 provides the audio panel controls.
Music Speaker
Transceiver Audio
Aircraft Navigation
Radio Audio
Reversionary Mode
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3.5 G1000 Normal Mode
To start the G1000 system in Normal Mode:
1. With a ground power unit connected to the external power receptacle, set the BAT switch to ‘ON’.
The following G1000 equipment is powered:
• PFD displays & MFD display
• GRS 77 AHRS Units
• GDC 74B Air Data Computers
• GIA 63W Integrated Avionics Units
• GEA 71 Engine/Airframe Units
• GCU 477 FMS Control Unit
• GMC 710 Autopilot Control Unit
2. Set the AVIONICS MASTER switch to ‘ON’. The following G1000 equipment is powered:
• GTX 33 Mode S Transponders
• GMA 1347D Digital Audio Panels
• GDL 69A Datalink Unit
• GSA Servos
• GWX 68 Weather Radar Unit
The G1000 system is now powered in the normal mode. In the normal operating mode, data fields that
are invalid have large red X’s through them. A valid field does not display a red X. Allow the displays
to initialize for approximately one minute. The GDC 74Bs requires a longer initialization period than do
the other LRUs. During normal operation, this causes the airspeed, altitude, vertical speed, and OAT
fields to be invalid during the first ~40-60 seconds of PFD power-up. The PFDs and MFD will function
as specified in the G1000 200/B200 Series Cockpit Reference Guide when the system has been correctly
installed and configured.
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3.6 Reversionary Mode
Reversionary mode allows for display of information related to safe flight in the event of a display
communication or hardware failure. For software version 0985.04 and later, the pilot’s PFD
automatically goes into reversionary mode when communication to the MFD is lost. Manual
reversionary mode allows the operator to force the pilot or copilot’s PFD into reversionary mode by
pressing the large red button labeled ‘DISPLAY BACKUP’ on the respective GMA 1347D audio panel.
When the ‘DISPLAY BACKUP’ button is pushed to exit reversionary mode, there is a 5-
second debounce (or the GDU waits for 5 consecutive seconds) and then returns to
normal mode if no other input is received. If the ‘DISPLAY BACKUP’ button is pushed
again during this 5-second interval, the timer will repeat the count.
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3.7 Configuration Mode Overview
Throughout this document, references are made to the PFD1, PFD2 and/or MFD being in configuration
mode. The configuration mode exists to provide the avionics technician with a means of configuring,
checking, and calibrating various G1000 sub-systems. Troubleshooting and diagnostics information can
also be viewed in this mode.
To start the G1000 system in configuration mode, follow these steps:
1. Apply power to the G1000 system by applying aircraft EXT power, selecting the AVIONICS
MASTER PWR and BATT switches to ON.
2. Pull the MFD, PFD1 (PRI), PFD1 (SEC) and PFD2 circuit breakers.
3. Press and hold the ENT key on PFD2 (co-pilot) while applying power using the PFD2 circuit
4. Release the ENT key after ‘INITIALIZING SYSTEM’ appears in the upper left corner of PFD2.
5. Press and hold the far right softkey on the MFD while applying power using the MFD circuit
breaker. (Note that the ENT key on the GCU 477 MFD controller may be used after initial
software loads.)
6. Release the softkey after ‘INITIALIZING SYSTEM’ appears in the upper left corner of the
7. Press and hold the ENT key on PFD1 (pilot) while applying power using the PFD1 (PRI) and
PFD1 (SEC) circuit breakers.
8. Release the ENT key after ‘INITIALIZING SYSTEM’ appears in the upper left corner of PFD1.
The Configuration Mode contains certain pages and settings that are critical to aircraft
operation and safety. These pages are protected and cannot be modified, unless the
technician is properly authorized and equipped. However, most protected pages are
viewable to allow system awareness for troubleshooting.
If the specific procedure requires an SD card to be in the top slot of the PFD/MFD, this
card must be inserted prior to applying power to the PFD/MFD. Any time a card is
inserted, the power to the PFD/MFD must be cycled.
For a complete description and breakdown of each Configuration Mode page, refer to the
G1000 System Maintenance Manual listed in Table 1-3.
3.7.1 SET>ACTV Configuration
Throughout the configuration mode pages, there are SET and ACTIVE columns for input/output settings
and other parameters.
SET: Refers to a setting or group of settings that reside in PFD Internal Memory and/or the Master
Configuration Module.
ACTIVE: Refers to an ‘active’ setting or parameter currently being used by the LRU. LRUs store the
‘active’ settings within internal memory.
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Data can be manually copied from one column to the other (and consequently from PFD memory to the
LRU memory and vice-versa) by using the following two softkeys, when available:
• SET>ACTV (read ‘Set to Active’) softkey: Allows the installer to send the information in the
SET column (data stored in the master config module) to the ACTV column (data used by LRU).
• ACTV>SET (read ‘Active to Set’) softkey: Causes the LRUs current settings to be copied to the
master configuration module as SET items.
The ACTV>SET softkey must be used with caution! If an improperly configured
unit is installed, this softkey causes the wrong configuration to replace the correct
aircraft configuration.
In the first example shown in Figure 3-10, the SET columns do not match the ACTIVE
columns. The inequality between SET and ACTIVE indicates a configuration mismatch.
By pressing the SET>ACTV softkey, this copies the SET column to the LRU unit’s
configuration memory. The settings then become the ACTIVE settings for the LRU
being configured.
Configuration Mismatch
Master Configuration Module LRU Memory Master Configuration Module LRU Memory
= =
SET>ACTV Softkey
Configuration Correct
Master Configuration Module LRU Memory Master Configuration Module LRU Memory
= =
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When troubleshooting the system, technicians can look for inequalities between SET and ACTIVE
columns. Certain problems can be resolved simply by pressing the SET>ACTV softkey, which reloads
settings to the specific LRU from the PFD. (Note that this can also be accomplished by reloading the
configuration files for the LRU. Section 7 describes this process for each LRU).
A blank active column, as shown in Figure 3-11, represents loss of communication between the display
and the particular unit. See Section 5 for more details on troubleshooting.
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3.7.4 Configuration Mode Navigation
Using the FMS knob as described in Section 3.1.2, a user can navigate through different pages and page
groups in the Configuration Mode. For complete description and breakdown of each page, refer to the
G1000 System Maintenance Manual listed in Table 1-3.
System Page Group
1. System Status 5. System Upload 9. System Data Path Configuration
2. Time Configuration 6. Diagnostics Terminal 10. System Setup
3. Lighting Configuration 7. OEM Diagnostics 11. Manifest Configuration
4. System Audio 8. System Configuration 12. Maintenance Log
GDU Page Group
1. Serial Configuration 4. Diagnostics 7. Alert Configuration
2. CDU Status Page 5. Ethernet Test 8. Airframe Configuration
3. Key Test 6. Video Test 9. TAWS Configuration
GIA Page Group
1. Serial Configuration 3. GIA I/O Configuration 5. GIA Status Page
2. GIA RS-485 Configuration 4. GIA COM Setup 6. GIA CAN Configuration
GEA Page Group
1. Engine Configuration 2. GEA Status Page 3. GEA Configuration
GTX Page Group
1. Serial Configuration 2. Transponder Configuration
GRS Page Group
1. Inputs Configuration 2. GRS / GMU Calibration
ADC Page Group
1. ADC Configuration 2. GDC Configuration
GFC Page Group
1. GFC Configuration 2. GFC Status
GMA Page Group
1. GMA Configuration
GDL Page Group
1. GDL 69 Configuration 3. GDL 59 Configuration* 5. GSR 56 Configuration*
2. GDL 59 Status* 4. GDL 59 Report Configuration*
RMT Page Group
1. Remote Controller Status
GWX Page Group
1. GWX Configuration
GTS Page Group *
1. GTS Configuration
OTHER Page Group *
1. Stormscope
CAL Page Group
1. Fuel Tank Calibration 2. Flaps & Trim Calibration 3. HSCM Calibration
* Appears only if option is installed.
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3.8 G1000 / GFC 700 Software Information
The following sections provide a detailed description of loading all G1000 software and
configuration files, which may be excessive for individual LRU removal and
replacement. If removing and replacing individual LRUs, refer to Section 6 of this
manual for the necessary steps.
3.8.1 G1000 Software Image
All software and configuration files were certified by Garmin and are considered part of FAA-approved
Type Design data. Approved software and hardware definitions for each STC Configuration are defined
on the appropriate General Arrangement drawing listed in Table 1-2.
G1000 software and configuration files are controlled via the approved software image part number listed
on the General Arrangement drawing listed in Table 1-2. This software image is loaded into the G1000
using a software loader card. The installer shall create this software loader card by downloading the
approved software image in accordance with section 3.8.2.
Only SanDisk and Toshiba brand SD cards are recommended for use with the G1000
Installers may obtain this software image already on a loader card by ordering Garmin
Part number 010-00798-XX directly from Garmin. Reference the General Arrangement
drawing listed in Table 1-2 for part number information.
To satisfy the G1000/GFC700 STC requirements for the 200/B200 series aircraft, it
is critical that the technician install correct software image part number when
servicing the G1000 system.
Approved software image part numbers are defined on the appropriate General
Arrangement drawing (see Table 1-2).
Be cautious when using software loader cards during maintenance. The G1000 system
immediately initializes the card upon power-up. On-screen prompts must be given
careful attention in order to avoid potential loss of data. Always read through procedures
given in Sections 5, 6 and 7 before attempting to use the software loader cards.
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3.8.2 Loader Card Creation
The software image is an executable self-extracting file which builds the correct file structure onto an SD
card for use loading software to the G1000 and GFC700. To create a software loader card, follow the
procedures outlined below.
In order to create a 200/B200 loader card, the individual/facility completing these
procedures, must be an authorized King Air 200/B200 service center to gain access to the
necessary data via the Garmin website.
1. Go to www.garmin.com and click on the Dealer Resource Center link in the lower portion of the home
page. Enter username and password.
5. A screen similar to the one shown below will appear. The numbers shown are for example only.
6. Click on the download symbol for the appropriate software version part number based upon the information
provided in Garmin GA Drawing 005-00421-03 and save the file to the local hard drive.
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7. Double-click the .exe file that was downloaded. The following window will pop-up on the screen. Ensure
that there is an empty SD card in the card reader, and then click Setup.
When the extraction begins, the program automatically deletes all current files on the SD
card and copies the selected files to it, regardless of the file format on the SD card.
Ensure files are not necessary, or card is empty before proceeding.
Version of card
being created
Enter SD card
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8. Ensure the card and correct drive letter is used, and click next.
Select drive
Copy of files to
selected drive
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10. Once successfully completed, the following message/window will pop-up. Click Finish to finalize SD card.
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3.8.5 Configuration File Storage
The G1000 system is designed to store all configuration settings in various places so that the
configuration is retained in the aircraft during maintenance of units.
During system configuration, each file is sent directly to the applicable LRU where it is stored in local
LRU memory (except GRS 77 & GDC 74B). Each file is also stored in the PFD internal memory. The
applicable PFD also sends a copy of all configuration files to the ‘Master Configuration module’, located
in the connector backshell (see Section 6.16). If the PFD is replaced, the configuration module retains all
configuration files in the aircraft.
The GRS 77 AHRS and GMU 44 Magnetometer do not have a configuration file.
However, these LRUs do store calibration data acquired during the post installation
checkout, which are characteristic to the specific installation. While performing
maintenance on these units, re-calibration may be required. See Section 7.7.1 for more
information on re-calibration criteria.
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The GRS 77 and GDC 74B configuration modules function differently than the rest of the system. The
GDC 74B’s configuration file is loaded directly to GDC internal memory. A copy of the file is stored in
the GDC configuration module.
The GRS 77 configuration module does not store any configuration settings. Instead, it stores calibration
data recorded during installation calibration procedures.
The GRS 77 also stores factory calibration data internally. The GDC 74B also stores factory calibration data internally.
Should internal memory or the configuration module fail, AHRS Should internal memory or the configuration module fail, loss
output data flags invalid. of some or all air data outputs will result.
Contains internal sensor calibration data Contains internal sensor calibration data
that is not installation-specific. Data is that is not installation-specific. Data is
stored from factory calibrations. stored from factory calibrations.
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3.9 G1000 Software/Configuration Procedure
This section summarizes the procedures required to load software and configuration files to the G1000. It
is intended to work as a central guide for technicians to use while performing maintenance on the aircraft.
In sections of this manual where software is required to be reloaded, these sections will make reference
back to this Section for instructions. The technician should use proper judgment regarding the context of
maintenance required while following this section.
The following diagram depicts an overview of the software/configuration sequence for the G1000 system.
This applies mostly to a new G1000 system which has not previously been powered up and is for
informative purposes only.
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3.9.1 MFD & PFD Software Load
Follow this procedure to load software to either PFD or the MFD.
1. With the G1000 and GFC 700 powered on, pull the MFD, PFD 1 (PRI), PFD 1 (SEC), and PFD 2
circuit breakers.
2. Insert the software loader card into top card slot in the desired PFD or MFD. See Section 3.8 for
information on creating or obtaining a software loader card.
If loading software to all displays, it is preferred to load PFD 2 first, followed by the
MFD and then PFD 1.
3. While holding the ENT key on the display, restore power by closing the appropriate circuit
4. When the words appear in the upper left corner of the display,
release the ENT key.
5. Press the ENT key or the sofkey labeled ‘YES’ to acknowledge the following prompt (see also
note below for MFD):
For the MFD, use the far right soft key on the MFD in lieu of the ENT key where called out in
Steps 3 through 6. The ENT key for the MFD is located on the GCU 477 FMS controller and
may not function prior to software load.
6. The following screen is displayed.
7. New software is loaded to the display and the following screen is displayed:
8. Press the softkey labeled ‘NO’. Note that the splash screen will need to be loaded after all
software and configuration loading is completed.
9. When complete, the display starts in configuration mode displaying the “System Status” page. Do
not remove power.
10. Remove the Loader Card from the display and insert it into the top card slot on another display if
desired. Repeat Steps 3 through 8 as needed.
For the rest of the software/configuration procedure, do not operate the MFD or
PFD 2 while loading software or configuration files unless specifically instructed to
do so. A failed or cancelled load may result.
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3.9.2 G1000 System Software Upload
The System Upload page allows a technician to load LRU software and system configuration files
individually or in an automated sequence. Depending on what maintenance is performed, software and/or
configuration files may need to be reloaded to LRUs. Follow the steps below as a guide to use the
System Upload page. The figures contained in the following sections represent software version 0985.04
and later. Earlier software versions are similar.
Do not allow power to be removed from the system when loading software. Remove
power only when instructed by the following procedure. As a general rule, all
displays should be in the same mode (configuration or normal) unless instructed
1. Ensure loader card is inserted into top card slot of PFD1. On PFD1, select the “System Upload” page
using the PFD1 small FMS knob.
2. Activate the cursor and use the PFD1 small FMS knob to highlight the GROUP field. Scroll small
FMS knob to select the appropriate airframe and engine combination. Press the PFD1 ENT key to
select the configuration.
3. Once an airframe type is selected the cursor moves to the ITEM window. Rotate the PFD1 small
FMS knob to activate the drop-down menu. Move the cursor to highlight the appropriate propeller
configuration for the aircraft and press ENT on PFD1.
Not all propellers are available for selection with each airframe and engine configuration.
Only those props that are approved for installation on a particular airframe/engine are
available in the drop down selection window.
When loading a new software image or re-loading software to a particular LRU, it may
not be necessary to reload all software and configuration files. The technician should be
sure of the software requirements and load the appropriate files, including any options. If
there is any doubt, the CHK ALL softkey is recommended.
5. After verifying that the desired software and configuration files are checked, press the LOAD softkey.
The G1000 system automatically begins loading software and default configuration files to the
selected LRUs in the proper order.
7. Observe software loading progress and verify software load completes without errors as indicated by
the following:
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3.9.3 Software Check
Anytime software and configuration loading procedures are accomplished during maintenance, conduct a
final software review of the system.
1. Start the PFD in Configuration Mode as described in Section 3.7.
2. Go to the System Status page using the FMS knob. Activate the cursor and toggle to the LRU
It is essential that the software versions be checked and matched against the listed
versions in the General Arrangement drawing listed in Table 1-2. Software
Configuration is a critical part of the G1000 operation and must be verified before
returning an aircraft to service.
If any software version and/or part number does not match those specified by the
General Arrangement drawing, or if the software is not successfully loaded, DO
NOT continue. Troubleshoot and resolve the issue before continuing.
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Table 3-1, Software Verification
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3.10 TAWS-A Support Configuration
This section applies only to installations with the TAWS-A option. The procedures outlined in this
section must be followed to load the necessary configuration files required to enable TAWS-A gear and
flap messages. A TAWS-A enable card is also required for this option (see Section 3.31.)
1. With the loader card in the top slot of PFD1 and PFD1 in configuration mode, select the “SYSTEM
UPLOAD” page using the small FMS knob on PFD1.
2. Activate cursor and rotate the small FMS knob to display drop down menu. Highlight King Air - Options
and press ENT key on PFD1.
3. Rotate the small FMS knob to select “TAWS-A Support”. Press ENT key on PFD1.
4. Verify the “TAWS-A Support” is displayed in the “Item” window. Press “LOAD”.
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3.11 TAWS-A Voice No Callout Option Configuration
This section applies only to installations with the TAWS-A option. If TAWS-A voice callouts (400,
300, 200, 100) are not desired, follow the procedures outlined in this section to load the necessary
configuration files to disable TAWS-A voice callouts.
1. With the loader card in the top slot of PFD1 and PFD1 in configuration mode, select the “SYSTEM
UPLOAD” page using the small FMS knob on PFD1.
2. Activate cursor and rotate the small FMS knob to display drop down menu. Highlight King Air - Options
and press ENT key on PFD1.
3. Rotate the small FMS knob to select “TAWS-A No Voice Callout Installation Option”. Press ENT key on
4. Verify the “TAWS-A No Voice Callout Installation Option” is displayed in the “Item” window. Press
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3.12 TAWS-A Voice Callout Option Configuration
This section applies only to installations with the TAWS-A option. This step is necessary only if
TAWS-A voice callouts (400, 300, 200, 100) have been disabled and are now desired. TAWS-A voice
callouts are the default configuration. Follow the procedures outlined in this section to load the
necessary configuration files to enable TAWS-A voice callouts.
1. With the loader card in the top slot of PFD1 and PFD1 in configuration mode, select the “SYSTEM
UPLOAD” page using the small FMS knob on PFD1.
2. Activate cursor and rotate the small FMS knob to display drop down menu. Highlight King Air - Options
and press ENT key on PFD1.
3. Rotate the small FMS knob to select “TAWS-A Voice Callout Installation Option”. Press ENT key on
4. Verify the “TAWS-A Voice Callout Installation Option” is displayed in the “Item” window. Press
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3.13 ADF Option Configuration
This section loads the necessary configuration files for those aircraft equipped with an ADF.
1. With the loader card in the top slot of PFD1 and PFD1 in configuration mode, select the “SYSTEM
UPLOAD” page using the small FMS knob.
2. Activate cursor and rotate the small FMS knob to display drop down menu. Highlight King Air - Options
and press ENT key on PFD1.
3. Rotate the small FMS knob to select “ADF Option”. Press ENT key on PFD1.
4. Verify the “ADF Option” is displayed in the “Item” window. Press “LOAD”.
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3.14 DME Option Configuration
This section loads the necessary configuration files for those aircraft equipped with a DME.
1. With the loader card in the top slot of PFD1 and PFD1 in configuration mode, select the “SYSTEM
UPLOAD” page using the small FMS knob on PFD1.
2. Activate cursor and rotate the small FMS knob to display drop down menu. Highlight King Air - Options
and press ENT key on PFD1.
3. Rotate the small FMS knob to highlight “DME Option”. Press ENT key on PFD1.
4. Verify the “DME Option” is displayed in the “Item” window. Press “LOAD”.
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3.15 RAD ALT Option Configuration
This section loads the necessary configuration files for those aircraft equipped with a radio altimeter.
1. With the loader card in the top slot of PFD1 and PFD1 in configuration mode, select the “SYSTEM
UPLOAD” page using the small FMS knob on PFD1.
2. Activate cursor and rotate the small FMS knob to display drop down menu. Highlight King Air - Options
and press ENT key on PFD1.
3. Rotate the small FMS knob to highlight “RAD ALT Option”. Press ENT key on PFD1.
4. Verify the “RAD ALT Option” is displayed in the “Item” window. Press “LOAD”.
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3.16 Non-Garmin Traffic System Option Configuration
Follow this procedure to enable the traffic system function for the G1000 system if required.
The G1000 can only be configured for TIS or TAS but not both. Performing this
procedure will automatically disable the TIS function. Coordinate this configuration with
section 7.13 “Traffic System Functional Check”.
1. With the loader card in the top slot of PFD1 and PFD1 in configuration mode, select the “System Upload”
page on PFD1 using the small FMS knob.
2. Activate cursor and rotate the small FMS knob to display drop down menu. Highlight King Air - Options
and press ENT key on PFD1.
3. Rotate the small FMS knob to highlight “Traffic System Option”. Press ENT key on PFD1.
4. Verify the “Traffic System Option” is displayed in the “Item” window. Press “LOAD”.
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3.17 GTS 8XX Traffic System Configuration
Follow this procedure to enable the GTS 8XX traffic system function for the G1000 system if required.
The G1000 can only be configured for TIS or TAS/TCAS but not both.
Performing this procedure will automatically disable the TIS function.
Coordinate this configuration with Section 7.26 “GTS 8XX Traffic System
Functional Check”.
Configuration of the GTS 8XX TAS/TCAS I will require the GTS system to
be configured with the aircraft mode S address. Coordinate this configuration
with Section 3.35 “Aircraft Registration Number Entry”.
1. With the loader card in the top slot of PFD1 and PFD1 in configuration mode, select the “System Upload”
page on PFD1 using the small FMS knob.
2. Activate cursor and rotate the small FMS knob to display drop down menu. Highlight King Air - Options
and press ENT key on PFD1.
3. Rotate the small FMS knob to highlight “GTS 8XX TAS/TCAS1”. Press ENT key on PFD1.
4. Verify the “GTS 8XX TAS/TCAS1” is displayed in the “Item” window. Press “LOAD”.
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3.18 StormScope (WX-500) Option Configuration
Follow this procedure to enable the lightning system option (WX-500) for the G1000 system if required.
1. With the loader card in the top slot of PFD1 and PFD1 in configuration mode, select the “System Upload”
page using the PFD1 small FMS knob.
2. Activate cursor and rotate the small FMS knob to display drop down menu. Highlight King Air - Options
and press ENT key on PFD1.
3. Rotate the small FMS knob to highlight “Lightning System Option”. Press ENT key on PFD1.
4. Verify the “Lightning System Option” is displayed in the “Item” window. Press “LOAD”.
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3.19 Stormscope (WX-500) Configuration Load Confirmation.
1. With PFD1 in configuration mode, use the PFD1 large FMS knob to select OTHER and the
Stormscope configuration page.
2. Activate the cursor to highlight the DATA field. Use the small FMS knob to open the drop down
menu then select ‘Config’ and press ENT key on the PFD1.
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3.20 ESP Support (with AOA) Option Configuration
This section applies only to installations with the ESP option with AOA modes. A new Safe Flight lift
computer is used for this configuration. The procedures outlined in this section must be followed to load
the necessary configuration files required to enable ESP messages and functions. An Enhanced AFCS
unlock card is also required for this option (see Section 3.34.)
1. With the loader card in the top slot of PFD1 and PFD1 in configuration mode, select the “SYSTEM
UPLOAD” page using the small FMS knob on PFD1.
2. Activate cursor and rotate the small FMS knob to display drop down menu. Highlight King Air - Options
and press ENT key on PFD1.
3. Rotate the small FMS knob to highlight “200/B200 ESP Support (with AoA)”. For software version
0985.03, the option is labeled “King Air 200/B200 Series - ESP Support”. Press ENT key on PFD1.
4. Verify “200/B200 ESP Support (with AoA)” or “King Air 200/B200 Series - ESP Support” is displayed
in the “Item” window. Press “LOAD”.
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3.21 ESP Support (no AOA) Option Configuration
This section applies only to installations with the ESP option without AOA modes (available in software
version 0985.04 and later.) The original Safe Flight lift computer is used for this configuration. The
procedures outlined in this section must be followed to load the necessary configuration files required to
enable ESP messages and functions. An Enhanced AFCS unlock card is also required for this option (see
Section 3.34.)
If the ESP Support (with AOA) Option Configuration was previously loaded (see Section
3.20), the baseline configuration must be reloaded before proceeding with this procedure.
Reload the baseline configuration for the specific airframe and all applicable options as
described in Section 3.9. Reloading the baseline configuration disables all previously
enabled options.
1. With the loader card in the top slot of PFD1 and PFD1 in configuration mode, select the “SYSTEM
UPLOAD” page using the small FMS knob on PFD1.
2. Activate cursor and rotate the small FMS knob to display drop down menu. Highlight King Air - Options
and press ENT key on PFD1.
3. Rotate the small FMS knob to highlight “ESP Support (no AOA)”. Press ENT key on PFD1.
4. Verify “ESP Support (no AOA)” is displayed in the “Item” window. Press “LOAD”.
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3.22 GDL 59 Wi-Fi Data Link Option Configuration
Follow this procedure to enable the optional GDL 59 Wi-Fi data link function. Note that if the GDL 59
option is reloaded for any reason, the GSR 56 option must also be reloaded per Section 3.23.
1. With the loader card in the top slot of PFD1 and PFD1 in configuration mode, select the “SYSTEM
UPLOAD” page using the small FMS knob on PFD1.
2. Activate cursor and rotate the small FMS knob to display drop down menu. Highlight King Air - Options
and press ENT key on PFD1.
3. Rotate the small FMS knob to highlight “GDL 59”. Press ENT key on PFD1.
4. Verify “GDL 59” is displayed in the “Item” window. Press “LOAD”.
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3.23 GSR 56 Satellite Reciever Option Configuration
Follow this procedure to enable the optional GSR 56 satellite receiver function. Note that the GDL 59
wi-fi data link option must be loaded per Section 3.21 prior to loading the GSR 56 option.
1. With the loader card in the top slot of PFD1 and PFD1 in configuration mode, select the “SYSTEM
UPLOAD” page using the small FMS knob on PFD1.
2. Activate cursor and rotate the small FMS knob to display drop down menu. Highlight King Air - Options
and press ENT key on PFD1.
3. Rotate the small FMS knob to highlight “GSR 56”. Press ENT key on PFD1.
4. Verify “GSR 56” is displayed in the “Item” window. Press “LOAD”.
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190-00915-01 Revision 6
3.24 POTS Handset Configuration
Follow this procedure to enable a POTS handset if installed. Note that the GDL 59 wi-fi data link option
must be loaded per Section 3.21 prior to loading the POTS handset configuration.
1. Power up the PFD1 in configuration mode.
2. On the PFD1, select GDL page group using the large FMS knob.
3. Using the small FMS knob select the GDL 59 Configuration page.
4. Activate the cursor. Use the large FMS knob to select POTS CONNECTED in the PHONE
5. Use the small FMS knob to select YES and press the ENT key.
6. After GDL 59 is configured, press the ENT key.
3.25 GSM 85A Servo Mount Configuration
For software versions 0985.04 and later, the section 4.9.1 slip clutch torque check procedure requires the
correct type of GSM servo gearbox to be configured. It is not required to load this configuration if
GSM 86 servo gearboxes are installed for all servos (default configuration.)
1. With the loader card in the top slot of PFD1 and PFD1 in configuration mode, select the “SYSTEM
UPLOAD” page using the small FMS knob on PFD1.
2. Activate cursor and rotate the small FMS knob to display drop down menu. Highlight King Air - Options
and press ENT key on PFD1.
3. Rotate the small FMS knob to highlight “King Air 200/B200 – GSM 85A Servo Mounts”. Press ENT
key on PFD1.
4. Verify “King Air 200/B200 – GSM 85A Servo Mounts” is displayed in the “Item” window.
5. Deselect any servos that have GSM 86 servo gearboxes installed by scrolling to the servo and pressing
ENT key on PFD1.
6. When all of the servos that have GSM 85A servo gearboxes are selected, press “LOAD”.
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3.27 Verification of Servo Mount Configuration
For software versions 0985.04 and later, the section 4.9.1 slip clutch torque check procedure requires the
correct type of GSM servo gearbox to be configured. The following procedure verifies the type of servo
gearbox that is configured for each servo.
1. With PFD1 in configuration mode, use the large FMS knob on PFD1 to select the GDU page, then select
“AIRFRAME CONFIGURATION” using the small FMS knob.
2. Activate cursor and rotate the large FMS knob to scroll to the last entries in the AIRFRAME field.
3. Verify the correct type of GSM servo gearbox (GSM 85A or GSM 86) is installed for each servo.
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3.28 FliteCharts Configuration
If ChartView has previously been enabled, and is no longer desired, follow the procedures outlined in this
section to return the G1000 system to the basic FliteChart functions. If ChartView has not been enabled,
the following procedure is not required.
Loading of the baseline configuration for the specific airframe is required for enabling FliteChart
functions. Reload the baseline configuration and all applicable options as described in Section 3.9.
Reloading the baseline configuration disables all previously enabled options.
The G1000 can only be configured for FliteCharts or ChartView but not both. Performing
this procedure will automatically disable the ChartView function. Coordinate this
configuration with section 7.16 “FliteChart Functional Checks”.
1. With the ChartView Enable card in the top slot of PFD1 and PFD1 in configuration mode, select the
“SYSTEM UPLOAD” page using the small FMS knob on PFD1.
2. Activate cursor and rotate the small FMS knob to display drop down menu. Highlight “Configuration
Files” and press ENT key on PFD1.
3. Rotate the small FMS knob to highlight “Enable ChartView”. Press ENT key on PFD1.
4. Verify “Enable ChartView” is displayed in the “Item” window. Press “LOAD”.
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7. De-activate the cursor.
8. Power down the system and remove the ChartView Enable card from PFD1.
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3.31 TAWS-A Enable
Follow this procedure to enable the TAWS Class A function. A TAWS-A Enable Card, as specified
on General Arrangement Drawing 005-00421-03, will be required for this procedure.
Ensure that the TAWS-A Support Configuration has been loaded per Section 3.10.
Ensure that the RAD ALT Option Configuration has been loaded per Section 3.15.
1. With the TAWS-A Enable card in the top slot of PFD1 and PFD1 in configuration mode, select the
“SYSTEM UPLOAD” page using the small FMS knob on PFD1.
2. Activate cursor and rotate the small FMS knob to display drop down menu. Highlight “Configuration
Files” and press ENT key on PFD1.
3. Rotate the small FMS knob to highlight “Enable TAWS-A”. Press ENT key on PFD1.
4. Verify “Enable TAWS-A” is displayed in the “Item” window. Press “LOAD”.
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3.32 Supplemental Database Loading
1. Open PFD1, PFD2 and MFD circuit breakers.
2. Remove the SD card containing the supplemental databases from the lower slot of the MFD.
Supplemental databases include basemap, Safetaxi, airport terrain, obstacle, airport directory and
terrain databases.
3. Download the current supplemental databases to the SD card.
4. Reinsert the SD card containing the current supplemental databases into the lower slot of the
5. Close PFD1, PFD2 and MFD circuit breakers.
6. The system will synchronize the data to the PFDs as necessary (FliteCharts and ChartView are
located only on the MFD and do not require synchronization.) Monitor the synchronization
process on the AUX – SYSTEM STATUS page in the SYNC STATUS sub-section within the
DATABASE window This sub-section is only present when a sync is occurring or has occurred
on the current power cycle.
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3.33 SVS/Pathways Enable
Follow this procedure to enable the Synthetic Vision option. An SVS/Pathways Enable Card, as
specified on General Arrangement Drawing 005-00421-03, will be required for this procedure.
The Garmin Synthetic Vision and Pathways feature requires 9 arc-second high resolution
terrain databases to function. Each G1000 display must be equipped with the
Terrain/Obstacle/SafeTaxi database card installed in the lower slot.
When the SVS/Pathways option is enabled for the first time the G1000 writes its unique
system ID to the physical card and locks the files to this unique ID. This prevents the
SVS/Pathways unlock card from ever being used to activate the SVS/Pathway feature in
other G1000 systems.
The unlock card is tied to the specific aircraft in which it was used for the first time. This
card MUST be kept with the aircraft for situations where SVS/Pathways must be
1. With the SVS Enable card in the top slot of PFD1 and PFD1 in configuration mode, select the “SYSTEM
UPLOAD” page using the small FMS knob on PFD1.
2. Activate cursor and rotate the small FMS knob to display drop down menu. Highlight “Configuration
Files” and press ENT key on PFD1.
3. Rotate the small FMS knob to highlight “Enable SVS Dual PFD”. Press ENT key on PFD1.
4. Verify “Enable SVS Dual PFD” is displayed in the “Item” window. Press “LOAD”.
8. Power down the system and remove the SVS Enable card from PFD1.
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3.34 ESP Enable
Follow this procedure to enable the Electronic Stability and Protection (ESP) function. An Enhanced
AFCS Unlock Card, as specified on General Arrangement Drawing 005-00421-03, will be required for
this procedure.
The G1000 has various features that require the use of unlock/enable cards to
activate the feature. Throughout this document these cards are generically
referred to as ‘enable cards’. In some cases, the actual label on the physical
card may say ‘unlock’. If uncertain, the technician should verify the card part
number prior to use.
Ensure that the ESP Support Configuration has been loaded per Section 3.20 or
1. With the Enhanced AFCS Unlock card in the top slot of PFD1 and PFD1 in configuration mode, select the
“SYSTEM UPLOAD” page using the small FMS knob on PFD1.
2. Activate cursor and rotate the small FMS knob to display drop down menu. Highlight “Enhanced AFCS”
and press ENT key on PFD1.
3. Rotate the small FMS knob to select “Enable Enhanced AFCS”. Press ENT key on PFD1.
4. Verify “Enable Enhanced AFCS” is displayed in the “Item” window. Press “LOAD”.
8. Power down the system and remove the Enhanced AFCS Unlock Card from PFD1.
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3.35 Aircraft Registration Number Entry
1. If not applied, apply power to the G1000 system.
2. With PFD1 in configuration mode, select the GTX page group, then select the TRANSPONDER
3. The ‘ADDRESS TYPE’ default is ‘US TAIL’. To enter a non-US Mode-S registration number
set the ‘ADDRESS TYPE’ field to ‘HEX ID’.
4. Activate the cursor and highlight the ‘MODE S ADDRESS’ field. Use the small/large FMS
knobs to enter the US aircraft registration number or other Mode-S registration number.
6. After each configuration setting change, press the ENT key to configure the transponders.
7. Press the ENT key on PFD1 to acknowledge prompt.
8. After completing transponder configuration, deactivate the cursor.
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3.36 Splash Screen Loading
When all software and configuration has been loaded, the splash screens must be loaded to all display
units (PFD1, PFD2 and MFD).
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3.37 Navigation Database Loading
A new navigation database cycle may be loaded before it is effective. The new database will be stored on
the G1000 bottom SD card until it becomes effective. The G1000 will automatically update to use the
new database at the first on-ground power-on after its effectivity date.
Follow this procedure to load the navigation database:
1. Remove power from the PFD1, PFD2 and MFD.
2. Insert an SD card containing the latest cycle Jeppesen navigation database (data supplied by
Jeppesen) into the top slot of the MFD.
3. Apply power to the PFD1, PFD2 and MFD. A prompt similar to the following will be displayed
on the MFD:
4. Select the YES softkey to confirm the standby navigation database update.
5. After the database is updated, a prompt similar to the following will be displayed on the MFD:
6. Select the NO softkey to allow the system to use the database when it becomes effective.
If the new database is not yet effective but it is desired to use the new database
immediately, select the YES softkey. To eliminate database mismatch errors when
selecting the YES softkey, the database must also be loaded on PFD1 and PFD2
individually following the same process.
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7. The system will synchronize and automatically update as necessary. Monitor the synchronization
process on the AUX – SYSTEM STATUS page in the SYNC STATUS sub-section within the
DATABASE window This sub-section is only present when a sync is occurring or has occurred
on the current power cycle.
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3.38 Configuration of Navigation Map for Traffic System
1. With the MFD in normal mode, use the GCU FMS knob to select the Navigation Map page then press
GCU MENU key to display the PAGE MENU.
2. Turn the small right knob to select or verify selected ‘Map Setup’ and press the ENT key and verify
TRAFFIC is selected ON.
3. Verify the flashing cursor highlights the GROUP field.
4. Turn the GCU small FMS knob to select Traffic and press ENT on GCU.
5. If not already selected, use the GCU FMS knob to make the following selections:
6. Return to the Map Page by pressing the GCU FMS knob or momentarily pressing and holding the
CLR key. Deactivate cursor.
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4.2 Servicing Information
G1000 LRU maintenance is ‘on condition’ only. No component-level overhaul is required for this type
design change.
The beginning of Section 6 provides instructions to check the software part number and version of each
LRU before removing a unit. Procedures in Section 7 require the same check after LRU replacement and
software loading.
All structural repairs associated with this installation are to be addressed in
accordance with the Hawker Beechcraft Structural Inspection and Repair Manual
listed in Table 1-2.
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4.2.2 Required Tools
The following tools are needed to perform maintenance tasks on G1000 equipment:
• Calibrated Milli-ohm meter, OR
• Agilent 34410A Ammeter or equivalent
• Fluke 187 Voltmeter or equivalent
• Variable DC Power Supply capable of providing 1 amp current
• #2 Non-Magnetic Phillips Screwdriver
• 3/32” Hex tool
• Calibrated digital level (Required for AHRS ‘Procedure A’ Calibration)
• Calibrated VHF NAV/COM/ILS ramp tester or equivalent
• Calibrated transponder ramp tester or equivalent
• Calibrated pitot/static ramp tester
• Outdoor line-of-site to GPS satellite signals or GPS indoor repeater
• Headset/microphone
• Ground Power Unit (Capable of supplying 28 Vdc)
• Calibrated Flight Control Cable Tension Meter or equivalent
• GSM 85A Servo Gearbox Slip Clutch Adjustment Tool – Garmin P/N T10-00110-01 and a
2 Amp, 24 V, DC Power Supply
• Calibrated torque wrench capable of measuring 0 – 70 in/lbs
• Standard sockets & wrenches (3/8”, 9/16”, and 13/16”)
• Calibrated digital thermometer suitable for measuring ambient temperature
• Laptop with RS232 emulation software
• M22885/108T8234 extraction tool
• An 0.060” 6-Spline wrench
• WX-PA portable analyzer kit (If Stormscope is installed)
• Lift Computer Breakout Box – P/N SK100360 or equivalent
(if ESP with AOA option is installed)
• Lift Transducer Force Applicator Kit – Safe Flight P/N 1952-1-3-5
(if ESP with AOAoption is installed)
• Gauging Equipment Tool SPF-4 (A1M-BCH-GE) *
* The gauging equipment tool is used for the static port inspection for RVSM
compliant aircraft only. This tool is available from Hawker Beechcraft. Any
alternate tool authorized in the King Air 200 Series Maintenance Manual for RVSM
static port measurements may be substituted for this tool. Refer to Chapter 34-10-00
of the King Air 200 Series Maintenance Manual for more details.
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4.3 Maintenance Intervals
Table 4-1 shows systems and items, installed by this STC, which must undergo tests or checks at specific
intervals. If the interval is shown to be in flight time as well as calendar months, the first interval reached
should be used as the limit.
The inspection time tables used for this STC are aligned with the existing maintenance 200 hr phase
inspection program used in the current King Air 200 Series Maintenance Manual. A complete inspection
cycle for the King Air 200/B200 is 800 hours or 24 calendar months, divided into the following four
Inspection Phase 1: To be performed at 200 hours and every 800 hours thereafter.
Inspection Phase 2: To be performed at 400 hours and every 800 hours thereafter.
Inspection Phase 3: To be performed at 600 hours and every 800 hours thereafter.
Inspection Phase 4: To be performed at 800 hours and every 800 hours thereafter.
Those inspections that are based on flight time, calendar elapsed time or cycles shall have specific
intervals stated in Table 4-1.
As allowed in the King Air 200 Series Maintenance Manual, a tolerance of +/- 20
hours for all phase inspections.
The intention of Garmin is to align this maintenance program as best possible with the existing King Air
200/B200 inspection program. For a complete description of the King Air inspection program, refer to
the King Air 200 Series Maintenance Manual listed in Table 1-2.
Table 4-1, Maintenance Intervals
Item Description/Procedure Interval
Section No.
G1000/GFC700 Equipment
Complete Visual Inspection of GWX 68
Equipment and Wiring located in Nose 4.4 Phase 4
Complete Visual Inspection of
G1000/GFC700 Equipment and Wiring 4.4 Phase 4
located in Nose Avionics Compartment
Complete Visual Inspection of
G1000/GFC700 Equipment and Wiring 4.4 Phase 3
G1000/GFC700 located in Pilot’s Compartment
System Visual
Inspections Complete Visual Inspection of
G1000/GFC700 Equipment and Wiring 4.4 Phase 3
located on and behind Instrument Panel
Complete Visual Inspection of
G1000/GFC700 Equipment and Wiring 4.4 Phase 3
located in Cabin
Complete Visual Inspection of
G1000/GFC700 Equipment and Wiring 4.4 Phase 4
located in Rear Fuselage and Empennage
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Item Description/Procedure Interval
Section No.
Verify proper operation of the GFC700 by
performing the following: 8.2.1,
Pre-Flight Test 8.2.2,
GFC700 Periodic
AFCS Switch Checks Phase 2 and 4
Check 8.2.5
Autopilot Operation Checks
For installations with the GSM 86 servo 8.2.3
gearbox: Autopilot Clutch Overpower Check
TAWS Functional
Periodic TAWS function check 7.15 Phase 4
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Item Description/Procedure Interval
Section No.
GDL 59 Wi-Fi
Removal & Replacement On Condition
GSR 56 Satellite
Verify the operation of the fan power and
G1000 Cooling Fan
fan speed monitoring circuits for GIA1
Fail Annunciation 8.1.4 Phase 1, 2, 3 & 4
Fan, GIA2 fan, PFD1 fan, MFD fan and
PFD2 fan and fan fail messages
Nose Avionics Functional test of the GIA1 and GIA2
Compartment Fans ported fans. Verify airflow from all fan 4.14 Phase 4
Operational Check* ports
Instrument Panel Functional test of the PFD1, MFD and
Fans Operational PFD2 cooling fans. Verify airflow from 4.15 Phase 3
Check* each fan
Verify PRI and SEC power sources for
PFD 1, GIA 1, GRS 1, GDC 1
Verify secondary paths for AHRS, ADC,
engine parameters and GPS data
G1000 Redundant
Verify the operation of PFD and MFD 4.10 Phase 1, 2, 3 & 4
Connection Check*
Ethernet connections
Verify ARINC connection between ADC1
and MFD and between GRS1 and MFD
Verify DISPLAY BACKUP button function
Engine Data Check Verify engine data is available and
4.11 Phase 4
(GIA 1 or 2 Inoperative)* accurate with GIA 1 or GIA 2 inoperative
Trim Annunciator Verify trim annunciators function
4.12 Phase 1, 2, 3 & 4
Check* properly
G1000 Miscompare Verify AHRS, airspeed and altitude
4.13 Phase 4
Check* miscompare monitors function properly
Verify availability of power bus feeders
Power Bus Feeder
(essential bus, No.1 dual feed bus, No. 2 4.17.1 Phase 2 and 4
dual feed bus)
Dual Bus-Feeder
Inspection of dual bus feeder diodes 4.17.2 Phase 3
Diodes Check
Check for and troubleshoot any alerts
G1000 Alerts provided in the alert window per the 5 On Condition
referenced manual section
6.18 On Condition
Diversity Transponder
Removal & Replacement 6.19 On Condition
Iridium antenna Refer to Master Drawing List, listed in Table 6.20 On Condition
1-2, for installation drawings.
Wi-Fi Antenna 6.21 On Condition
GA 58 Traffic
6.32 On Condition
Flaps-in-motion Test the Flaps-in-motion discrete inputs to
4.8 Phase 1, 2, 3 & 4
Discrete Input Check the G1000 to verify proper operation.
G1000 Accessories
Configuration Module
Removal & Replacement. 6.16
Replacement (Qty 7)
GEA 71 Backshell
Removal & Replacement. 6.17
Thermocouple (Qty 2)
GTP 59 OAT Probe On Condition
Removal & Replacement. 6.7
(Qty 2)
Removal & Replacement
Refer to Master Drawing List, listed in Table N/A
Cooling Fans (Qty 5)
1-2, for installation drawings.
G1000 Lightning Protection
Perform the Phase 3 electrical bonding
4.5.3 Phase 3
Electrical Bonding resistance check of G1000 equipment
Test Perform the Phase 4 electrical bonding
4.5.4 Phase 4
resistance check of G1000 equipment
Lightning Strike to
GTP 59 OAT Probe Inspect the antenna/probe and surrounding
or Antenna 4.4 On Condition
installation per Table 4-9.
Actual or Suspected
Other Equipment
Removal & Replacement 6.25 On Condition
Standby Airspeed
Indicator Static pressure system test according to
N/A 24 Calendar Months
14 CFR 91.411 and Part 43 Appendix E.
Standby Attitude
Removal & Replacement 6.27 On Condition
For installed equipment not listed in this maintenance manual, use the inspection
procedures set forth in Chapter 05 of the King Air 200 Series Maintenance Manual,
or other appropriate maintenance manual, as the requirements set forth by those
manuals are still applicable. The requirements set forth by this document take
precedence over those set forth by the King Air 200 Series Maintenance Manual, or
other appropriate maintenance manual, in cases where the requirements conflict.
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4.4 Visual Inspection
Perform a visual inspection in accordance with requirements in Table 4-1. Check for corrosion, damage,
or other defects for each of the items listed in Table 4-3 through Table 4-8. Replace any damaged parts
as required. Inspection may require the temporary removal of a unit or units to gain access to connectors.
Follow guidance in Section 6 for equipment removal and replacement. Refer to the King Air 200 Series
Maintenance Manual listed in Table 1-2 for instructions on removing any access panels.
It is recommended that the Phase 3 and Phase 4 electrical bonding checks contained in section 4.5 are
conducted after the Phase 3 and 4 visual inspections while access to these zones is still open.
Table 4-3, Nose Section Visual Inspection Procedure
Item Description/Procedure Initials
Gain access via the Radome for the following Inspection:
a) Inspect the GWX 68 unit, mount, and connectors for corrosion or other defects.
Check the integrity of the SHIELD BLOCK ground attachments to the harness
connector assembly as well as the integrity of the individual shields and their
GWX 68 attachment.
b) Inspect wire harness for chafing, damage, proper routing of wire bundles and security
of attachment in accordance with AC 43.13-1B, Chapter 11, Section 8, Paragraph
11-96 and the Nose Wire Harness Routing drawing, listed in Table 1-2.
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Table 4-5, Pilot’s Compartment Visual Inspection Procedure
Item Description/Procedure Initials
Locate equipment in the aft pedestal for the following inspection.
a) Inspect the GCU 477 unit and connector for corrosion or other defects. Check the
GCU 477 integrity of the SHIELD BLOCK ground attachments to the harness connector
assembly as well as the integrity of the individual shields and their attachment.
a) Inspect the ADF control unit and connector for corrosion or other defects. Check the
ADF control unit
integrity of the SHIELD ground attachments to the harness connector assembly as
(relocated by STC)
well as the integrity of the individual shields and their attachment.
a) Inspect all visible wire harness for chafing, damage, proper routing of wire bundles
Pedestal Wiring and security of attachment in accordance with AC 43.13-1B, Chapter 11, Section 8,
Paragraph 11-96 and the Cabin Wire Harness Routing drawing, listed in Table 1-2.
a) Inspect the GTP 59 units and connectors for corrosion or other defects. Check the
integrity of the SHIELD ground attachments to the harness connector assembly as
well as the integrity of the individual shields and their attachment.
GTP 59 (Qty 2)
b) Inspect wire harness for chafing, damage, proper routing of wire bundles and security
of attachment in accordance with AC 43.13-1B, Chapter 11, Section 8, Paragraph
11-96 and the Cabin Wire Harness Routing drawing, listed in Table 1-2.
a) Inspect that all required placards are installed on the left and right control wheels.
Placards Placards must be legible, secure and in good condition. Refer to the Control Wheel
Modification drawing listed in Table 1-2.
GEA 71 Engine/ a) Inspect the GEA 71 unit, rack, and connectors for corrosion or other defects. Check
Airframe Unit (Qty 2) the integrity of the SHIELD BLOCK ground attachments to the harness connector
assembly as well as the integrity of the individual shields and their attachment.
GMA 1347D (Qty 2) a) Inspect the GMA 1347D unit (including face of unit), rack and connectors for corrosion
or other defects. Check the integrity of the SHIELD BLOCK ground attachments to
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Item Description/Procedure Initials
the harness connector assembly as well as the integrity of the individual shields and
their attachment.
PFD and MFD Fans a) Inspect fans for accumulation of dirt and other damage. Remove excess dirt as
(Qty 3) required.
a) Inspect the GDL 69A unit, rack, and connectors for corrosion or other defects. Check
GDL 69A the integrity of the SHIELD BLOCK ground attachments to the harness connector
assembly as well as the integrity of the individual shields and their attachment.
a) Inspect the GMC 710 unit (including face of the unit), mount, and connectors for
corrosion or other defects. Check the integrity of the SHIELD BLOCK ground
GMC 710
attachments to the harness connector assembly as well as the integrity of the
individual shields and their attachment.
Signal Conditioner a) Inspect the signal conditioner unit, mount, and connectors for corrosion or other
(Qty 2) defects.
a) Inspect the standby attitude indicator unit (including face of unit) and connector for
Standby Attitude corrosion or other defects. Check the integrity of the harness connector assembly in
Indicator accordance with AC 43.13-1B, Chapter 11, Section 8, Paragraphs 11-96 and 11-100
and the Cabin Wire Harness Routing drawing, listed in Table 1-2.
a) Inspect the standby airspeed indicator unit (including face of unit) and connector for
Standby Airspeed corrosion or other defects.
Indicator b) Visually inspect the plumbing and harness connector assembly, and ensure it is
secure and in good condition.
a) Inspect the standby altimeter indicator unit (including face of the unit) and connector
for corrosion or other defects.
Standby Altimeter
b) Visually inspect the plumbing and harness connector assembly, and ensure it is
secure and in good condition.
a) Inspect circuit breaker panel wiring and circuit breakers for chafing, damage, other
defects and proper routing of wire bundles and security of attachment in accordance
with AC 43.13-1B, Chapter 11, Section 8, Paragraph 11-96, the appropriate Circuit
Breaker Panel Modification drawing, listed in Table 1-2, and the Cabin Wire Harness
Circuit Breaker Routing drawing, listed in Table 1-2. Pay particular attention to possible areas of
Panels chaffing.
b) Inspect edgelit overlay panels for damage or defect.
c) Reinstall the circuit breaker edgelit overlays to the circuit breaker panels.
a) Inspect that all required placards are installed. Placards must be legible, secure and
Placards in good condition. Refer to the Main Instrument Panel Installation drawing listed in
Table 1-2.
Reinstall the MFD and PFDs as described in Section 6.
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Table 4-7, Cabin Area Visual Inspection Procedure
Item Description/Procedure Initials
Inspect all external antennas for leading edge erosion and condition of base
Antennas seals (GPS/WAAS, top diversity transponder(s), Iridium, top and bottom GA 58
traffic antennas, if installed)
To gain access for the following Inspections, remove floorboards in cabin at FS 185.00 and FS 246.750
a) Inspect all exposed wire harness for chafing, damage, proper routing of wire
Cabin Wiring bundles and security of attachment in accordance with AC 43.13-1B,
Harness Chapter 11, Section 8, Paragraph 11-96 and the Cabin Wire Harness Routing
drawing, listed in Table 1-2.
a) Inspect the GTX 33( ) units, shelf, brackets and connectors for corrosion or other
defects. Check the integrity of the shield block ground attachments to the
GTX 33 ( ) (Qty 2)
harness connector assembly as well as the integrity of the individual shields and
their attachment.
a) Inspect the GDL 59 unit (if installed), shelf, brackets and connectors for
GDL 59 corrosion or other defects. Check the integrity of the shield block ground
(wi-fi option only) attachments to the harness connector assembly as well as the integrity of the
individual shields and their attachment.
a) Inspect the GSR 56 unit (if installed), shelf, brackets and connectors for
GSR 56 corrosion or other defects. Check the integrity of the shield block ground
(iridium option only) attachments to the harness connector assembly as well as the integrity of the
individual shields and their attachment.
a) Using a flashlight, inspect the roll servo, servo gearbox, connectors, support
structure, and control cables to ensure that no corrosion, chaffing, cracks, or
other defects exist.
b) If GSM 86 servo gearbox is installed, check that the retaining bolt for the slip
clutch cartridge is not damaged or loose.
c) Have an assistant manually move the aileron control surfaces from stop to stop
and visually observe the servo and control cabling/chain. Ensure there is no
binding in the control cabling or chain, and that the capstan/sprocket rotates
GFC 700 Equipment d) Check the servo control cables in accordance with AC 43.13-1B, Chapter 7,
Section 8, Paragraph 7-149 to ensure no fraying, corrosion, or other damage
exists. If the condition of any cable is questionable, replace it with a new one.
e) Check the tension on the control cables. Refer to the Roll Servo Install drawing,
listed in Table 1-2, for cable tension specifications:
f) Ensure that each cable is correctly attached to the clamps.
g) Follow recommended checks for checking main control cables, following the
instructions in Chapter 27, Flight Controls, of the King Air 200 Series
Maintenance Manual.
h) Reinstall the access panels if no other maintenance is to be performed.
To gain access for the following inspection, remove the left cabin sidewall panel at FS 158
a) Inspect the GPA 65 PA/LNA unit (if installed), brackets and connectors for
GPA 65
corrosion or other defects. Check the integrity of the shield block ground
(GTS 8XX traffic
attachments to the harness connector assembly as well as the integrity of the
option only)
individual shields and their attachment.
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Table 4-8, Rear Fuselage and Empennage Visual Inspection Procedure
Item Description/Procedure Initials
Inspect the external wi-fi antenna (if installed) for leading edge erosion and
Wi-fi Antenna
condition of base seals.
To gain access for the following Inspections, refer to the servo installation drawings and the King Air 200 Series
Maintenance Manual, listed in Table 1-2.
a) Inspect all exposed wire harness for chafing, damage, proper routing of wire
bundles and security of attachment in accordance with AC 43.13-1B,
Chapter 11, Section 8, Paragraph 11-96 and the Tail Wire Harness Routing
Tail Wiring Harness drawing, listed in Table 1-2. Pay particular attention to possible areas of
b) Verify security of aft bulkhead connectors
a) Using a flashlight, inspect the servos, servo gearboxes, connectors, support
structure, and control cables to ensure that no corrosion, chaffing, cracks, or
other defects exist.
b) If GSM 86 servo gearboxes are installed, check that the retaining bolt for the slip
clutch cartridge is not damaged or loose.
c) Have an assistant manually move the control surfaces and elevator trim wheel
from stop to stop and visually observe the corresponding servo and control
cabling. Ensure there is no binding in the control cabling, and that the capstan
rotates freely.
GFC 700 Equipment d) Check the servo control cables in accordance with AC 43.13-1B, Chapter 7,
Section 8, Paragraph 7-149 to ensure no fraying, corrosion, or other damage
exists. If the condition of the cable is questionable, replace it with a new one.
e) Check the tension on the control cables. Refer to the respective servo
installation drawing listed in Table 1-2 for cable tension specifications
f) Ensure that each cable is correctly attached to the clamps.
g) Follow recommended checks for checking main control cables, following the
instructions in Chapter 27, Flight Controls, of the King Air 200 Series
Maintenance Manual, listed in Table 1-2.
The GMU 44 units are mounted in the tailcone. To gain access, remove tailcone. Refer to King Air 200 Series
Maintenance Manual, listed in Table 1-2, for removal instructions.
a) For each GMU 44, do the following:
b) Remove the three Phillips screws holding the GMU access plate to the mounting
bracket. Be sure to use a non-magnetic screwdriver to avoid harming the GMU.
c) Carefully remove the assembly, taking care not to damage unit or wiring, and inspect
the GMU 44 and mounting plate.
GMU 44 (Qty 2) d) Inspect the mounting hardware and GMU 44 for corrosion or other damage.
e) Inspect all exposed GMU wiring and ensure no chaffing, wear, or other damage exists
in accordance with AC 43.13-1B, Chapter 11, Section 8, Paragraph 11-96 and the
Tail Wire Harness Routing drawing, listed in Table 1-2. Pay particular attention to
possible areas of chaffing.
f) Reinstall the GMU 44.
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4.5 Electrical Bonding Test
The following bonding tests are provided for G1000-equipped 200/B200 King Air aircraft as a
requirement beyond what is given in the aircraft maintenance manual. The electrical bonding checks are
split into two tests, Phase 3 Electrical Bonding Test and Phase 4 Electrical bonding test. This places the
bonding test requirement for each G1000 LRU in the same phase as the visual inspection of that zone to
minimize access requirements.
4.5.1 Requirements
All G1000 equipment must be installed. Gain access for the procedure listed below in Section 4.5.3 as
required and in accordance with the King Air 200 Series Maintenance Manual. It is recommended that
these tests are conducted after visual inspection of the zone to minimize access requirements.
2. Touch negative lead of power supply to each of the test points listed while performing Step 3. At
each point, configure the power supply to produce 1 amp before measuring voltage. (Use an
ammeter to ensure current is within 1 amp ±100 milli-amp at each point).
3. Set the voltmeter to measure milli-volts and null the reading. Measure the voltage from the engine
grounding bracket (step 1) to each of the following points and record the voltage. (Perform Step 2 at
each point to ensure that 1 amp ±100 milli-amp is present before measuring.)
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Pilot Compartment
Cabin Compartment
• GTX 33 #1 top: __________ milli-volts
• GTX 33 #2 top: __________ milli-volts
• GSA 80 (Roll) Servo body: __________ milli-volts
Ensure that at each PFD or MFD test point, no more than 20 milli-volts (20 mΩ) are present. Ensure that
at each other test point, no more than 2.5 milli-volts (2.5 mΩ) are present. In this case, voltage is
equivalent to resistance (Ω), given that precisely 1 amp reference current is present.
TIP: If 1 amp reference current cannot be maintained, note the difference between the attainable current
and 1 amp reference current. Calculate the percentage difference and apply this to the voltage reading to
obtain the equivalent resistance. Example: If the measured current is 1.2 amps, (20% high from the target
1 amp current), then the allowable voltage measurement would be 20% high, 2.5 milli-volts would now
be 3.0 milli-volts.
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4.5.4 Phase 4 Electrical Bonding Procedure
1. Connect the positive lead of the power supply to the engine compartment grounding bracket (battery
negative connection to the airframe). Connect/touch the positive lead of the voltmeter to the same
Ensure that the voltmeter and power supply probes do not touch, so as not to induce
contact resistance.
2. Touch negative lead of power supply to each of the test points listed while performing Step 3. At
each point, configure the power supply to produce 1 amp before measuring voltage. (Use an ammeter
to ensure current is within 1 amp ±100 milli-amp at each point).
3. Set the voltmeter to measure milli-volts and null the reading. Measure the voltage from the engine
grounding bracket (step 1) to each of the following points and record the voltage. (Perform Step 2 at
each point to ensure that 1 amp ±100 milli-amp is present before measuring)
Nose Section
TIP: If 1 amp reference current cannot be maintained, note the difference between the attainable current
and 1 amp reference current. Calculate the percentage difference and apply this to the voltage reading to
obtain the equivalent resistance. Example: If the measured current is 1.2 amps, (20% high from the target
1 amp current), then the allowable voltage measurement would be 20% high, 2.5 milli-volts would now
be 3.0 milli-volts.
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4.6 GRS 77 Earth Magnetic Field Updates
The GRS 77 utilizes an Earth magnetic field model which is updated once every five years. The update is
expected to be available from Garmin in each of the following years: 2010, 2015, and every five years
thereafter, as long as the GRS 77 remains a Garmin-supported product.
The G1000 system alerts the operator that the magnetic field database is out of date by issuing the
message “AHRS SERVICE – AHRS Magnetic-field model needs update”. Garmin will distribute update
instructions when updates are available. As of this writing, Garmin Service Bulletin #0533 addresses the
most recent update to the 2005 database. Service Bulletins may be obtained from www.garmin.com at
the ‘Dealer Resource Center’ portion of the web site.
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4.8 Flaps-in-motion Discrete Input Check
To perform this check, all G1000 and GFC 700 equipment must be installed and operational. Start PFD1
in Configuration Mode and go to the GIA Page Group and select the GIA I/O Configuration Page using
the FMS knob. Perform the following checks:
Invalid Valid
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4.9 GSM 85A/GSM 86 Slip Clutch Torque Check Procedure
Perform the test per section 4.9.1, 4.9.2 or 4.9.3. The following test procedures are the same for both the
GSM 85A and the GSM 86 servo gearboxes.
4.9.1 Automated Slip Clutch Test Procedure (SW version 0985.04 and later)
1. Verify the correct type of servo gearbox is configured for each servo per Section 3.27.
2. With the MFD in Normal Mode, press the red DISPLAY BACKUP button on the pilot’s GMA
audio panel to place the MFD in reversion mode.
3. With PFD1 in Configuration Mode, go to the GFC Page Group and select the GFC STATUS page
using the FMS knobs.
It is highly recommended that the following test be performed at temperatures
between 50° F and 120° F.
4. Use the FMS knob to select the desired servo (Pitch, Roll, Yaw or Pitch Trim).
5. Verify that the PFT status field shows PASSED.
6. Verify that the aircraft control surface to be checked is free to travel throughout its range of motion.
7. Press the TEST SVO softkey on the PFD. Follow prompts to begin the test.
If the test must be stopped, firmly grasp the aircraft control being moved and press
the red AP DISC switch on the aircraft control wheel. If an abnormal disconnect of
a servo occurs, reset the AFCS SERVO circuit breaker and repeat the test.
8. When test is completed, verify the CLUTCH TEST PASS message is displayed on the MFD.
9. Repeat steps 4 through 8 for each servo axis (Pitch, Roll, Yaw and Pitch Trim).
10. If the CLUTCH TEST FAIL message is displayed on the MFD for any axis, repeat the test twice in
the failed axis. If the test does not pass, the servo gearbox must be removed from the aircraft and
tested/adjusted per the Servo Gearbox Adjustment Fixture Procedure in Section 4.9.3.
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4.9.2 Manual Slip Clutch Test Procedure (SW version 0985.03 and earlier)
1. With PFD1 in Configuration Mode, go to the GFC Page Group and select the GFC STATUS
Configuration Page using the FMS knob.
It is highly recommended that the following test be performed at temperatures
between 50° F and 120° F.
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12. Allow the servo to continue driving against the control stop for at least 50 seconds. Observe the
TORQUE values displayed in the Servo Data field and record the maximum and minimum values in
Table 4-10 or in the appropriate aircraft maintenance records.
13. Manually select 0.00 rpm for the Drive Servo and press ENT. Allow the servo to stop.
14. Manually select -2.50 for the Drive Servo and press ENT. Allow the selected servo to drive the
control surface to either the NOSE UP stop (Pitch and Pitch Trim) or the RIGHT stop (Roll and
Yaw). If the PITCH SERVO is selected, firmly hold the control yoke in the full aft position until
the NOSE UP portion of the test is completed.
15. Allow the servo to continue driving against the control stop for at least 50 seconds. Observe the
TORQUE values displayed in the Servo Data field and record the maximum and minimum values in
Table 4-10 or in the appropriate aircraft maintenance records.
16. Manually select 0.00 rpm for the Drive Servo and press ENT. Allow the servo to stop.
17. Firmly grasp the aircraft control under test and press the DIS CLCH softkey.
18. Press the STP SRVO softkey.
19. Repeat steps 2 through 18 for each servo axis shown.
20. Verify that the minimum and maximum torque values measured are within the Minimum and
Maximum torque values allowed for the given axis listed in Table 4-10.
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4.9.3 Servo Gearbox Adjustment Fixture Procedure
This test is an alternative to the automated and manual slip clutch test procedures.
Only the GSM 85A servo gearbox slip clutch can be adjusted. The GSM 86 servo gearbox does not have
an adjustable slip clutch; however, the torque value can be measured using this procedure.
This adjustment requires the use of the Garmin servo adjustment fixture,
P/N T10-00110-01. For detailed operating instructions for the fixture, refer to
GSA8X / GSM85(A) Installation Manual, listed in Table 1-3.
1. Remove the GSM 85A or GSM 86 servo gearbox as per Section 6.12.
2. Place the GSM 85A or GSM 86 servo gearbox on the slip-clutch adjustment fixture and secure with
the toggle clamps. Install the fixture cable between the capstan under test and the fixture capstan.
Remove the slack in the cable using the tension adjustment knob. Tighten the two wingnuts on
bottom of fixture while holding the top thumbscrews.
3. Attach a socket to a calibrated torque wrench of appropriate range and place on top of the fixture
capstan. Adjust the wrench support fixture so that it contacts the handle in the appropriate location.
4. Connect a 2 Amp, 24 V, DC power supply to the fixture.
5. Place the solenoid switch to "on" and move the direction switch to the clockwise or counter-
clockwise position. Allow the clutch to rotate at least one revolution in each direction (note: the
capstan itself is fixed.)
6. Observe the torque reading for at least two full revolutions in each direction. Ensure the minimum
and maximum torque readings are within the tolerance specified.
7. If the minimum and maximum torque values are within the specified range in Table 4-11, the GSM
slip clutch is acceptable. Reinstall the GSM 85A or GSM 86 servo gearbox per Section 6.12.
8. If the minimum and maximum torque values are not within the specified range in Table 4-11, the
GSM 86 slip clutch cartridge must be replaced or the GSM 85A must be adjusted.
9. For GSM 85A only: If adjustment is required, remove cotter pin and adjust the nut on the capstan as
needed to obtain the torque value listed in Table 4-11, as shown on the torque wrench. Position the
nut to align with holes in the capstan shaft and install a new cotter pin.
10. When finished, remove the fixture cable, and then remove the servo gearbox from the fixture.
11. Install the GSM 85A or GSM 86 servo gearbox per Section 6.12.
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4.10 G1000 Redundant Connection Check
Perform the following steps to verify the following:
(A) The primary (PRI) and secondary (SEC) power sources for GIA 1, GRS 1, PFD 1, and GDC 1
(B) The AHRS and ADC data path to PFD
(C) PFD and MFD Ethernet connection (includes ARINC connection between ADC and MFD and
DISPLAY BACKUP button function)
(D) Engine data availability to the displays and GPS data availability to the AHRS with either GIA
(A) PRI and SEC power sources for PFD 1, GIA 1, GRS 1 and GDC 1 check
1. Connect a ground power unit to the external power receptacle and turn on the ground power unit.
2. Set the BAT and AVIONICS MASTER PWR switches to ON.
3. With the G1000 system in normal mode, pull the following circuit breakers on the right hand circuit
breaker panel:
• PFD 1 (PRI)
• AHRS 1 (PRI)
• ADC 1 (PRI)
• GIA 1 (PRI)
4. Wait at least 5 seconds, then verify the data on PFD1 remains valid and the following alert messages
are not present:
• GIA 1 FAIL (or any related message such as COM1, NAV1, XPDR1, GPS1)
5. Close the circuit breakers listed in step 3.
6. Repeat step 4.
7. Pull the following circuit breakers on the right hand circuit breaker panel:
• PFD 1 (SEC)
• AHRS 1 (SEC)
• ADC 1 (SEC)
• GIA 1 (SEC)
8. Wait at least 5 seconds, then repeat step 4.
9. Close the circuit breakers listed in step 7.
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(B) AHRS and ADC data path check
1. Verify there are no AHRS loss of data messages, such as:
• AHRS not receiving any GPS information
• AHRS not receiving backup GPS information
• AHRS using backup GPS source
2. Place the G1000 in configuration mode.
3. In the GIA page group, go to the GIA RS-232/ARINC 429 CONFIG page.
4. With GIA1 selected in the SELECT UNIT window, verify the RS232 Channel 1 (GDC74 #1) and
RS232 Channel 6 (GRS77 #1) indicators are green. Ref. Section
5. With GIA1 selected in the SELECT UNIT window, verify the ARINC 429 IN5 (GDC74 #1) and
ARINC 429 IN6 (GRS77 #1) indicators are green. Ref. Section
6. With GIA2 selected in the SELECT UNIT window, verify the RS232 Channel 1 (GDC74 #2) and
RS232 Channel 6 (GRS77 #2) indicators are green. Ref. Section
7. With GIA2 selected in the SELECT UNIT window, verify the ARINC 429 IN5 (GDC74 #2) and
ARINC 429 IN6 (GRS77 #2) indicators are green. Ref. Section
8. In the GDU page group, go to the GIA RS-232/ARINC 429 CONFIG page.
9. With PFD1 selected in the SELECT UNIT window, verify the ARINC 429 IN1 (GRS77 #1) and
ARINC 429 IN2 (GDC74 #1) indicators are green. Ref. Section
10. With PFD2 selected in the SELECT UNIT window, verify the ARINC 429 IN1 (GRS77 #2) and
ARINC 429 IN2 (GDC74 #2) indicators are green. Ref. Section
11. Restart the G1000 in normal mode.
(C) PFD and MFD Ethernet connection check (includes ARINC connection check between ADC1
and MFD and between GRS1 and MFD, and the DISPLAY BACKUP button check)
1. On the right hand circuit breaker panel, open the MFD circuit breaker:
2. Verify NAV 1, COM 1, NAV 2 and COM 2 remain valid on both PFD 1 and PFD 2.
3. Close the MFD circuit breaker and wait for MFD to initialize:
4. Open the PFD 2 circuit breaker:
5. Press the DISPLAY BACK UP button on the Pilot’s GMA 1347D audio panel.
6. Verify NAV 2 and COM 2 are each replaced by a red X and NAV 1 and COM 1 remain valid on both
the MFD and PFD 1.
7. Press the DISPLAY BACK UP button on the Pilot’s GMA 1347D audio panel to return to normal
8. Close the PFD 2 circuit breaker and wait for PFD 2 to initialize.
9. Open the PFD 1 (PRI) and PFD 1 (SEC) circuit breakers.
10. Press the DISPLAY BACK UP button on the Co-pilot’s GMA 1347D audio panel.
11. Verify NAV 1 and COM 1 are each replaced by a red X and NAV 2 and COM 2 remain valid on both
the MFD and PFD 2.
12. Verify ADC1 data and GRS1 data can be displayed on the MFD.
13. Press the DISPLAY BACK UP button on the Co-pilot’s GMA 1347D audio panel to return to normal
14. Close the PFD 1 (PRI) and PFD 1 (SEC) circuit breakers and wait for PFD 1 to initialize:
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(D) Engine data availability to the displays and GPS data availability to the AHRS with either GIA
inoperative check
1. Open GIA1 primary and secondary CBs.
2. Verify the following:
• NAV 1 and COMM1 tuning fields on PFD 1 and PFD 2 are invalid (red X).
• L/R engine data remains valid.
• XPDR1 is Inoperative.
• GMA1 is Inoperative.
• AHRS1 is using backup GPS source.
• AHRS2 not receiving backup GPS Information.
• An amber BOTH ON GPS2 is displayed on PFD 1 and PFD 2.
• AHRS and ADC data remain valid on PFD 1 and PFD 2.
3. Close GIA1 primary and secondary CBs. Allow system to re-acquire satellites and return to normal
display modes.
4. Open GIA2 CB.
5. Verify the following:
• NAV2 and COMM2 tuning fields on PFD 1 and PFD 2 are invalid (red X).
• L/R engine data remains valid.
• XPDR2 is Inoperative.
• GMA2 Is Inoperative.
• AHRS2 is using backup GPS source.
• AHRS1 not receiving backup GPS Information.
• An amber BOTH ON GPS1 is displayed on PFD 1 and PFD 2.
• AHRS and ADC data remain valid on PFD 1 and PFD 2.
6. Close GIA2 CB. Allow system to re-acquire satellites and return to normal display modes.
7. Open GIA1 primary and secondary CBs and GIA2 CB.
8. Verify the following:
• COM1/NAV1 & COM2/NAV2 fields flag invalid.
• GPS CDI flags DR on PFD.
• NAV1 & NAV2 CDI loses deviation bar.
• XPDR field flags invalid on PFD.
• Engine Instrument field flags invalid on MFD.
• All AHRS & ADC fields remain valid.
• Red AFCS status annunciation given.
• If equipped with TAWS, TAWS FAIL annunciation given.
• If equipped with ADF and/or DME, ADF/DME windows flag invalid.
9. Restore power to both GIA units.
Do the following to verify the engine data availability and validity, with GIA 1 or GIA 2 inoperative:
1. Ensure the G1000 is in normal mode.
2. With engines running, note the indication values for torque, ITT and oil pressure.
3. On the right hand circuit breaker panel, open the GIA1 (PRI) and GIA1 (SEC) circuit breakers.
4. Verify the values for torque, ITT and oil pressure remain unchanged.
5. Close the GIA1 (PRI) and GIA1 (SEC) circuit breakers and wait until the COM1 and NAV1 fields
are valid.
6. Open the GIA2 circuit breaker.
7. Verify the values for torque, ITT and oil pressure remain unchanged.
8. Close the GIA2 circuit breaker and wait until the COM2 and NAV2 fields are valid.
9. Put the G1000 in Reversionary mode.
10. Repeat steps 2 through 8, verifying engine gauge indications on PFD 1, MFD and PFD 2.
11. The Engine Data Check is complete.
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4.16 Standby Battery Periodic Checks
With the PS-835 battery installed in the aircraft and aircraft power applied, verify all four Battery Voltage
LEDs are lit to indicate the battery is being charged (see Figure 4-5).
With the PS-835 battery installed in the aircraft and no aircraft power applied, press TEST SWITCH
(Figure 4-5, Item 4) into TEST position for 5 seconds. The PS-835 indicates that it is adequately charged
when the VOLTAGE LEVEL 24Vdc LED (Figure 4-5, Item 2) illuminates momentarily, AND the 20Vdc
LED (Figure 4-5, Item 6) remains lit during the test. If the VOLTAGE LEVEL 24Vdc LED does not, at
least momentarily, illuminate while the 20Vdc LED is illuminated, perform the Section 4.16.3 Cell
Isolation Test because the battery is incapable of providing adequate power.
Table 4-12, Standby Battery Required Equipment
Power Supply 0-30 VDC, 20A capacity
DVM Fluke Model 8050A
Load Resistor 7Ω +/- 1% 250 watt
Stopwatch Capable of measuring to the minute
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4.16.2 Capacity Test
The PS-835 Emergency Power Supply must have completed a full charge prior to any
discharge testing. This test is performed with the battery removed from the aircraft.
A. Press and hold TEST SWITCH (Figure 4-5, Item 4) and observe the OUTPUT VOLTAGE
1) If the 24VDC OUTPUT VOLTAGE MONITOR LED comes on, proceed with Discharge Test
2) If OUTPUT VOLTAGE MONITOR LED's do not come on, check fuses at bracket next to
battery and replace if blown. Perform Cell Isolation Test if no fuses are blown.
B. Discharge Test (Load Resistor)
1) Prepare for test by first constructing an X-Y graph similar to the one shown below. If possible,
use pre-printed graph paper to create a record of the discharge period along the X-axis and
voltage readings along the Y-axis.
2) Position all INDIVIDUAL CELL DIP SWITCHES (Figure 4-5, Item 5) to the ON position.
If the INDIVIDUAL CELL MONITOR LED DS12 is the only LED not illuminated, proceed to
the Cell Isolation Test.
3) Connect Digital Voltmeter leads to J1 connector pins 11 (+) and 7 (-).
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4) Connect the Load Resistor across J1 connector pins 11 (+) and7 (-) and start timing the discharge
period with a stopwatch.
5) Monitor and plot voltage values at 10-minute intervals.
6) At 48.0 minutes note voltage on Digital Voltmeter. This voltage must be greater than 20.0 Vdc.
a. All INDIVIDUAL CELL MONITOR LED’s (Figure 4-5, Item 1) must remain on.
b. Any LED that does go OFF will represent a defective individual cell, which must be replaced.
7) Remove the Load Resistor from J1 connector pins 11 (+) and 7 (-).
8) Position all INDIVIDUAL CELL DIP SWITCHES (Figure 4-5, Item 5) to the OFF position.
9) Compare the voltage vs. time plot created during this test to that of curve identified as typical for the
External Load test method on the chart above. If the plot reveals a discharge curve that meets or
exceeds the MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE DISCHARGE CURVE, the unit is considered satisfactory.
10) If unit discharge plot is satisfactory and no other failures were revealed, perform the Charging
Procedure within 2 hours of completion of the discharge test. Return the unit into service.
No power should be applied to PS-835 Emergency Power Supply during test. This test is
performed with the battery removed from the aircraft.
A. Press and hold TEST SWITCH (Figure 4-5, Item 4). If no OUTPUT VOLTAGE MONITOR LED's
come on:
1) Position all INDIVIDUAL CELL DIP SWITCHES (Figure 4-5, Item 5) to the ON position.
2) Press and hold TEST SWITCH (Figure 4-5, Item 4) and observe the INDIVIDUAL CELL
MONITOR LED's (Figure 4-5, Item 1).
a. If all INDIVIDUAL CELL MONITOR LED’s come on except DS12, the unit is damaged
and requires repair at an authorized repair station.
b. If all INDIVIDUAL CELL MONITOR LED’s are on, a low-battery voltage condition exists.
B. Perform the Charging Procedure.
2. Open the ESS BUS PRI circuit breaker. Verify the MFD remains powered
3. Open the ESS BUS SEC circuit breaker. Verify the MFD is not powered
4. Close the ESS BUS PRI circuit breaker. Verify the MFD powers up.
5. Close the ESS BUS SEC circuit breaker.
6. Open the No. 1 dual bus feeder circuit breakers (RH NO.1, LH NO.1). Verify PFD1 FAN FAIL and
GIA1 FAN FAIL alert messages are shown on the PFD. If the messages are not shown, check the
dual-bus feeder circuit breakers (RH NO.1, LH NO.1) and the diode (CR1002) between No. 1 dual
feed bus and the essential bus. After replacement of the faulty component, the test should be
7. Close No 1 dual bus feeder circuit breaker RH No 1. Verify PFD1 FAN FAIL and GIA1 FAN FAIL
alert messages are not shown on the PFD. If messages illuminates check dual bus feeder circuit
breaker RH No 1, associated limiter and diode.
8. Open No 1 dual bus feeder circuit breaker RH No 1.
9. Close No 1 dual bus feeder circuit breaker LH No 1. Verify PFD1 FAN FAIL and GIA1 FAN FAIL
alert messages are not shown on the PFD. If messages illuminates check dual bus feeder circuit
breaker LH No 1, associated limiter and diode.
10. Close No 1 dual bus feeder circuit breaker RH No 1.
11. Open No 2 dual bus feeder circuit breaker LH No. 2. Verify PFD 2 remains powered. If power to
PFD 2 is removed, check dual bus feeder circuit breaker RH No 2, associated limiter and diode.
12. Open No 2 dual bus feeder circuit breaker RH No 2. Verify PFD 2 is not powered.
13. Close No 2 dual bus feeder circuit breaker LH No 2. Verify PFD 2 powers up. If PFD 2 remains
without power, check dual bus feeder circuit breaker LH No 2, associated limiter and diode.
14. Close No 2 dual bus feeder circuit breaker RH No 2.
15. If no other service is to performed, remove aircraft power.
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Revision 6 190-00915-01
5. Apply external power. Turn BATT and AVIONICS MASTER switches to ON position.
6. Bus voltage SHOULD be present on the right isolation bus (W109). Verify that the GDL69 FAIL
alert message is NOT shown on the PFD. Operation of the GDL 69A verifies continuity of the right
isolation limiter (F132).
7. By observing the following annunciators, power to each of the four buses will be verified: L FUEL
PRESS, R FUEL PRESS, L BL AIR FAIL and R BL AIR FAIL. If any of the annunciators fail to
illuminate, the associated limiter (F148, F149, F150 or F154), one of the four dual-bus-feeder diodes
(CR2) or dual-bus circuit breakers (RH NO. 1, RH NO. 2, RH NO. 3 or RH NO. 4) is open. If failure
of an annunciator is apparent, reset or replace the faulty component and repeat the test.
8. Units on the No. 1 avionics bus SHOULD NOT operate. Verify COM 2 is not powered by observing
a red X is displayed in COM 2 tuning window. If COM 2 is powered, at least one of the dual-bus-
feeder diodes is shorted. Detection of the shorted diode (diodes) may be accomplished by opening the
following dual-bus-feeder circuit breakers: (LH NO. 1, LH NO. 2, LH NO. 3 or LH NO. 4). After
replacement of the shorted diode (diodes), the test should be repeated.
9. Remove all electrical power from the airplane.
10. Reinstall the left isolation limiter (F131). Remove the right isolation limiter (F132).
11. Apply external power. Turn BATT and AVIONICS MASTER switches to ON position
12. Bus voltage SHOULD be present on the left isolation bus (W108). Units on the No.1 avionics bus
SHOULD operate. Verify COM 2 is powered by observing a frequency is displayed in COM 2 tuning
window. Operation of COM2 will verify continuity of the left isolation limiter (F131).
13. By observing the following annunciators, power to each of the four buses will be verified: L FUEL
PRESS, R FUEL PRESS, L BL AIR FAIL and R BL AIR FAIL. If any of the annunciators fail to
illuminate, the associated limiter (F145, F146, F147 or F153), one of the four dual-bus-feeder diodes
(CR1) or dual-bus circuit breakers (RH NO. 1, RH NO. 2, RH NO. 3 or RH NO. 4) is open. If failure
of an annunciator is apparent, reset or replace the faulty component and repeat the test.
14. The GDL 69A SHOULD NOT operate. Verify that the GDL69 FAIL alert message IS shown on the
PFD. If the GDL 69A DOES operate, at least one of the dual-bus-feeder diodes (CR2) is shorted.
Detection of the shorted diode (diodes) may be accomplished by opening the following dual-bus-
feeder circuit breakers: (LH NO. 1, LH NO. 2, LH NO. 3 or LH NO. 4). After replacement of the
shorted diode (diodes), the test should be repeated.
15. Remove all electrical power from the airplane.
16. Reinstall the right isolation limiter (F132).
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Revision 6 190-00915-01
This section provides instructions and guidance for G1000 system troubleshooting, as installed in the
King Air 200/B200.
Sections 6, 7 and 8 provide detailed instructions on equipment removal,
replacement, configuration, and return-to-service testing. Anytime a G1000
component or LRU is removed, swapped, or replaced, the technician must follow
the procedures given in Sections 6, 7 and 8 to ensure proper operation of the system.
Troubleshoot the G1000 system by first identifying, then isolating the specific failure to the responsible
LRU. There are several indications that the G1000 presents to the pilot or technician, showing overall
system condition. A course of action should be determined based on the information presented on the
display. This section shows possible scenarios likely to be encountered during normal operation and
gives troubleshooting guidance to the technician to resolve problems.
G1000 / GFC 700 System Maintenance Manual - 200/B200 Series King Air Page 5-1
190-00915-01 Revision 6
5.1 G1000 Alerting System
Alert Window:
The Alert window displays alert text messages. Pressing the ALERTS softkey displays the Alerts
window. Pressing the ALERTS softkey again removes the Alerts window from the display.
Softkey Annunciation:
When the G1000 Alerting System issues an alert, the ALERTS softkey is used as a flashing annunciation
to accompany the alert. During the alert, the ALERTS softkey label changes to ADVISORY as shown in
Figure 5-3. Pressing the ADVISORY softkey annunciation acknowledges the presence of the alert and
displays the advisory message in the Alert Window.
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Revision 6 190-00915-01
Aural & Audio Alerts
The G1000 system is capable of issuing audio and aural (voice) alerts for various situations. The
following alerts are utilized by the G1000:
Alert Name Purpose
“Caution Terrain, Caution Terrain” (voice) and TAWS Caution alert: Reduced required terrain clearance
“Terrain Ahead, Terrain Ahead” (voice) Or Imminent impact with terrain.
“Terrain Terrain, Pull Up Pull Up” (voice) and TAWS Warning alert: Reduced required terrain clearance
“Terrain Ahead Pull Up, Terrain Ahead Pull Up” (voice) Or Imminent impact with terrain.
“Terrain Terrain” (voice) TAWS Caution alert: GPWS mode 2, Excessive Closure Rate
TAWS Caution alert: GPWS mode 4A/B/C, Flight into terrain,
“Too Low Terrain” (voice)
takeoff or high speed
TAWS Caution alert: GPWS mode 4A/B, Flight into terrain, gear
“Too Low Gear” (voice)
not extended
TAWS Caution alert: GPWS mode 4B, Flight into terrain, flaps not
“Too Low Flaps” (voice)
“Sink Rate” (voice) TAWS Caution alert: GPWS mode 1, Excessive Descent Rate
TAWS Warning alert: GPWS mode 1 or 2, Excessive Descent Rate
“Pull Up” (voice)
Or Excessive Closure Rate
“Don’t Sink” (voice) or TAWS Caution alert: GPWS mode 3, altitude loss after takeoff or
“Too Low Terrain” (voice) go-around
“Caution Obstacle, Caution Obstacle” (voice) or TAWS Caution alert: Reduced required obstacle clearance
“Obstacle Ahead, Obstacle Ahead ” (voice) Or Imminent impact with obstacle.
G1000 / GFC 700 System Maintenance Manual - 200/B200 Series King Air Page 5-3
190-00915-01 Revision 6
5.2 System Annunciations
If data fields become invalid due to an LRU failure, the PFD/MFD typically annunciates the failure with
a large red X, as shown in Figure 5-4.
Once the FAILED PATH message has been triggered, it will remain on the list of
messages until the next power cycle. This latching was implemented so that for
intermittent failures, the message would remain at the end of the flight (to alert
maintenance crew). Also, this keeps the crew from having to acknowledge message
repeatedly in the case of intermittent failures.
The box next to each channel indicates the current status of the channel per the below:
• Red X = data path is known to be failed
• Amber question mark (?) = data path status is unknown
• Green checkmark (9)= data path is known to be good
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Revision 6 190-00915-01
The applicable data paths can be verified by viewing the following configuration mode pages.
G1000 / GFC 700 System Maintenance Manual - 200/B200 Series King Air Page 5-5
190-00915-01 Revision 6
Channel LRU Indicator Status
Green PFD1/GRS 77 #1 data path is functioning correctly.
PFD1/GRS 77 #1 data path is not functioning correctly.
• Verify GRS77 #1 status is “OK” using the System Status
page on the MFD. If it is not, correct condition before
proceeding, reference GRS troubleshooting sections.
o Swap GRS1 and GRS2 (no reconfiguration
required) to confirm if the problem is in the original
o Replace original GRS1 if box turns green after
swapping units.
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Revision 6 190-00915-01
PFD 2 RS-232
Channel LRU Indicator Status
Green PFD2/GMC 710 data path is functioning correctly.
PFD2/GMC 710 data path is not functioning correctly.
• Verify GMC 710 is powered on.
o If GMC 710 will not power on, remove unit and
verify power and ground are present at the GMC
If power or ground is not present,
troubleshoot aircraft wiring for faults.
If power and ground are present, replace
CHNL 2 GMC 710 GMC 710.
• Load PFD2 and GMC 710 configuration files.
• Swap PFD2 and PFD1 to confirm if the problem is in the
original PFD2.
oReplace original PFD2 if box turns green after
swapping displays.
• Check the PFD2/GMC 710 interconnect wiring for faults.
Replace GMC 710 if problem remains.
PFD2/GMC 710 data path functionality is unknown. Reload
PFD2 configuration file.
G1000 / GFC 700 System Maintenance Manual - 200/B200 Series King Air Page 5-7
190-00915-01 Revision 6
Channel LRU Indicator Status
Green PFD2/GRS 77 #2 data path is functioning correctly.
PFD2/GRS 77 #2 data path is not functioning correctly.
• Verify GRS77 #2 status is “OK” using the System Status
page on the MFD. If it is not, correct condition before
proceeding, reference GRS troubleshooting sections.
o Swap GRS1 and GRS2 (no reconfiguration
required) to confirm if the problem is in the original
o Replace original GRS1 if box turns green after
swapping units.
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Revision 6 190-00915-01
MFD1 RS-232
Channel LRU Indicator Status
Green MFD1/GCU 477 data path is functioning correctly.
MFD1/GCU 477 data path is not functioning correctly.
• Verify GCU 477 is powered on.
o If GCU 477 will not power on, remove unit and
verify power and ground are present at the GCU
If power or ground is not present,
troubleshoot aircraft wiring for faults.
CHNL 1 GCU 477
If power and ground are present, replace
GCU 477.
• Load MFD1 and GCU 477 configuration files.
• Check the MFD1/GCU 477 interconnect wiring for faults.
• Replace GCU 477.
Replace MFD if problem remains.
MFD1/GCU data path functionality is unknown. Reload MFD1
configuration file.
G1000 / GFC 700 System Maintenance Manual - 200/B200 Series King Air Page 5-9
190-00915-01 Revision 6 GIA RS-232 / ARINC 429 CONFIG Page
GIA1 RS-232
Channel LRU Indicator Status
Green GIA1/GDC 74 #1 data path is functioning correctly.
GIA1/GDC 74 #1 data path is not functioning correctly.
• Load GIA1 and GDC 74 #1 configuration files.
• Swap GIA1 and GIA2, reconfigure both GIA’s to their new
locations to confirm if the problem is in the original GIA1.
CHNL 1 GDC 74 #1 o Replace original GIA1 if box turns green after
swapping units.
• Check the GIA1/GDC 74 #1 interconnect wiring for faults.
Replace GDC 74 #1 if problem remains.
GIA1/GDC 74 #1 data path functionality is unknown. Reload
GIA1 configuration files.
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Revision 6 190-00915-01
GIA1 RS-232 (continued)
Channel LRU Indicator Status
Green GIA1/GRS 77 #1 data path is functioning correctly.
GIA1/GRS 77 #1 data path is not functioning correctly.
• Load GIA1 configuration files.
• Swap GIA1 and GIA2, reconfigure both GIA’s to their new
locations to confirm if the problem is in the original GIA1.
o Replace original GIA1 if box turns green after
Red swapping units.
CHNL 6 GRS 77 #1
• Swap GRS1 and GRS2 (no reconfiguration required) to
confirm if the problem is in the original GRS1.
o Replace original GRS1 if box turns green after
swapping units.
Check the GIA1/GRS 77 #1 interconnect wiring for faults.
GIA1/GRS 77 #1 data path functionality is unknown. Reload
GIA1 configuration files.
Green GIA1/GMA 1347D #1 data path is functioning correctly.
GIA1/GMA 1347D #1 data path is not functioning correctly.
• Load GIA1 and GMA 1347D #1 configuration files.
• Swap GMA 1347D #1 and GMA 1347D #2, reconfigure
both GMA’s to their new locations, to confirm if the
problem is in the original GMA 1347D #1.
o Replace original GMA 1347D #1 if box turns green
CHNL 7 after swapping units.
1347 #1
• Swap GIA1 and GIA2, reconfigure both GIA’s to their new
locations to confirm if the problem is in the original GIA1.
o Replace original GIA1 if box turns green after
swapping units.
Check the GIA1/GMA 1347D #1 interconnect wiring for faults.
GIA1/GMA 1347D #1 data path functionality is unknown.
Reload GIA1 configuration files.
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190-00915-01 Revision 6
Channel LRU Indicator Status
Green GIA1/GDC 74 #1 data path is functioning correctly.
GIA1/GDC 74 #1 data path is not functioning correctly.
• Load GIA1 and GDC 74 #1 configuration files.
• Swap GIA1 and GIA2, reconfigure both GIA’s to their new
locations to confirm if the problem is in the original GIA1.
IN 5 GDC 74 #1 o Replace original GIA1 if box turns green after
swapping units.
• Check the GIA1/GDC 74 #1 interconnect wiring for faults.
Replace GDC 74 #1 if problem remains.
GIA1/GDC 74 #1 data path functionality is unknown. Reload
GIA1 configuration files.
Green GIA1/GRS 77 #1 data path is functioning correctly.
GIA1/GRS 77 #1 data path is not functioning correctly.
• Load GIA1 configuration files.
• Swap GIA1 and GIA2, reconfigure both GIA’s to their new
locations to confirm if the problem is in the original GIA1.
o Replace original GIA1 if box turns green after
swapping units.
IN 6 GRS 77 #1
• Swap GRS1 and GRS2 (no reconfiguration required, ref.
GRS Configuration and Testing sections) to confirm if the
problem is in the original GRS1.
o Replace original GRS1 if box turns green after
swapping units.
Check the GIA1/GRS 77 #1 interconnect wiring for faults.
GIA1/GRS 77 #1 data path functionality is unknown. Reload
GIA1 configuration files.
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Revision 6 190-00915-01
GIA2 RS-232
Channel LRU Indicator Status
Green GIA2/GDC 74 #2 data path is functioning correctly.
GIA2/GDC 74 #2 data path is not functioning
• Load GIA2 and GDC 74 #2 configuration files.
• Swap GIA2 and GIA1, reconfigure both GIA’s to
their new locations to confirm if the problem is in
Red the original GIA1.
CHNL 1 GDC 74B #2
o Replace original GIA2 if box turns green
after swapping units.
• Check the GIA1/GDC 74 #2 interconnect wiring
for faults.
Replace GDC 74 #2 if problem remains.
GIA2/GDC 74B #2 data path functionality is unknown.
Reload GIA2 configuration files.
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190-00915-01 Revision 6
GIA2 RS-232 (continued)
Channel LRU Indicator Status
Green GIA2/GRS 77 #2 data path is functioning correctly.
GIA2/GRS 77 #2 data path is not functioning correctly.
• Load GIA2 configuration files.
• Swap GIA2 and GIA1, reconfigure both GIA’s to their new
locations to confirm if the problem is in the original GIA1.
o Replace original GIA2 if box turns green after
Red swapping units.
CHNL 6 GRS 77 #2
• Swap GRS2 and GRS1 (no reconfiguration required) to
confirm if the problem is in the original GRS2.
o Replace original GRS2 if box turns green after
swapping units.
Check the GIA2/GRS 77 #2 interconnect wiring for faults.
GIA2/GRS 77 #2 data path functionality is unknown. Reload
GIA2 configuration files.
Green GIA2/GMA 1347D #2 data path is functioning correctly.
GIA2/GMA 1347D #2 data path is not functioning correctly.
• Load GIA2 and GMA 1347D #2 configuration files.
• Swap GMA 1347D #2 and GMA 1347D #1, reconfigure
both GMA’s to their new locations to confirm if the problem
is in the original GMA 1347D #2.
o Replace original GMA 1347D #2 if box turns green
CHNL 7 after swapping units.
1347D #2
• Swap GIA2 and GIA1, reconfigure both GIA’s to their new
locations to confirm if the problem is in the original GIA2.
o Replace original GIA2 if box turns green after
swapping units.
Check the GIA1/GMA 1347D #2 interconnect wiring for faults.
GIA1/GMA 1347D #2 data path functionality is unknown.
Reload GIA2 configuration files.
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Revision 6 190-00915-01
Channel LRU Indicator Status
Green GIA2/GDC 74 #2 data path is functioning correctly.
GIA2/GDC 74 #2 data path is not functioning correctly.
• Load GIA2 and GDC 74 #2 configuration files.
• Swap GIA2 and GIA1, reconfigure both GIA’s to their new
locations to confirm if the problem is in the original GIA2.
IN 5 GDC 74 #2 o Replace original GIA2 if box turns green after
swapping units.
• Check the GIA2/GDC 74 #2 interconnect wiring for faults.
Replace GDC 74 #2 if problem remains.
GIA2/GDC 74 #2 data path functionality is unknown. Reload
GIA2 configuration files.
Green GIA2/GRS 77 #2 data path is functioning correctly.
GIA2/GRS 77 #2 data path is not functioning correctly.
• Load GIA2 configuration files.
• Swap GIA2 and GIA1, reconfigure both GIA’s to their new
locations to confirm if the problem is in the original GIA2.
o Replace original GIA2 if box turns green after
Red swapping units.
IN 6 GRS 77 #2
• Swap GRS2 and GRS1 (no reconfiguration required) to
confirm if the problem is in the original GRS2.
o Replace original GRS2 if box turns green after
swapping units.
Check the GIA2/GRS 77 #2 interconnect wiring for faults.
GIA2/GRS 77 #2 data path functionality is unknown. Reload
GIA2 configuration files.
G1000 / GFC 700 System Maintenance Manual - 200/B200 Series King Air Page 5-15
190-00915-01 Revision 6 GIA CAN / RS-485 CONFIGURATION Page
GIA1 RS-485
Channel LRU Indicator Status
Green GIA1/GEA1 data path is functioning correctly.
GIA1/GEA1 data path is not functioning correctly.
• Verify GEA1 is powered on using the GEA Status page.
• Load GIA1 and GEA1 configuration files.
• Swap GIA1 and GIA2, reconfigure both GIA’s to their new
locations to confirm if the problem is in the original GIA1.
Red o Replace original GIA1 if box turns green after swapping
CHNL 1 GEA1 units.
• Swap GEA1 and GEA2, reconfigure both GEA’s to their new
locations to confirm if the problem is in the original GEA1.
o Replace original GEA1 if box turns green after swapping
Check the GIA1/GEA1 interconnect wiring for faults.
GIA1/GEA1 data path functionality is unknown. Reload GIA1
configuration files.
Green GIA1/GEA2 data path is functioning correctly.
GIA1/GEA2 data path is not functioning correctly.
• Verify GEA2 is powered on using the GEA Status page.
• Load GIA1 and GEA2 configuration files.
• Swap GIA1 and GIA2, reconfigure both GIA’s to their new
locations to confirm if the problem is in the original GIA1.
Red o Replace original GIA1 if box turns green after swapping
CHNL 2 GEA2 units.
• Swap GEA2 and GEA1, reconfigure both GEA’s to their new
locations to confirm if the problem is in the original GEA2.
o Replace original GEA2 if box turns green after swapping
Check the GIA1/GEA2 interconnect wiring for faults.
GIA1/GEA2 data path functionality is unknown. Reload GIA1
configuration files.
Green GIA1/GFC 700 data path is functioning correctly.
GIA1/GFC 700 data path is not functioning correctly.
• Load GIA1 configuration files, GIA Gains file and GSA software
CHNL 4 GFC 700 and gains file (if LRU and Card versions are different).
Reference GFC section for further troubleshooting.
GIA1/GFC 700 data path functionality is unknown. Reload GIA1
configuration files.
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Revision 6 190-00915-01
GIA2 RS-485
Channel LRU Indicator Status
Green GIA2/GEA1 data path is functioning correctly.
GIA2/GEA1 data path is not functioning correctly.
• Verify GEA1 is powered on using the GEA Status page.
• Load GIA2 and GEA1 configuration files.
• Swap GIA2 and GIA1, reconfigure both GIA’s to their new
locations to confirm if the problem is in the original GIA2.
o Replace original GIA2 if box turns green after
Red swapping units.
• Swap GEA1 and GEA2, reconfigure both GEA’s to their
new locations to confirm if the problem is in the original
o Replace original GEA1 if box turns green after
swapping units.
Check the GIA2/GEA1 interconnect wiring for faults.
GIA2/GEA1 data path functionality is unknown. Reload GIA2
configuration files.
Green GIA2/GEA2 data path is functioning correctly.
GIA2/GEA2 data path is not functioning correctly.
• Verify GEA2 is powered on using the GEA Status page.
• Load GIA2 and GEA2 configuration files.
• Swap GIA2 and GIA1, reconfigure both GIA’s to their new
locations to confirm if the problem is in the original GIA2.
o Replace original GIA2 if box turns green after
Red swapping units.
• Swap GEA2 and GEA1, reconfigure both GEA’s to their
new locations to confirm if the problem is in the original
o Replace original GEA2 if box turns green after
swapping units.
Check the GIA2/GEA2 interconnect wiring for faults.
GIA2GEA2 data path functionality is unknown. Reload GIA2
configuration files.
Green GIA2/GFC 700 data path is functioning correctly.
GIA2/GFC 700 data path is not functioning correctly.
• Load GIA2 configuration files, GIA Gains file and GSA
Red software and gains file (if LRU and Card versions are
CHNL 4 GFC 700
Reference GFC section for further troubleshooting.
GIA2/GFC 700 data path functionality is unknown. Reload
GIA2 configuration files.
G1000 / GFC 700 System Maintenance Manual - 200/B200 Series King Air Page 5-17
190-00915-01 Revision 6
5.2.2 System Failure Troubleshooting
The following table provides basic troubleshooting guidance for LRU failures. Refer to G1000/GFC 700
Wiring Diagram, listed in Table 1-2, as needed to verify interconnects.
Invalid Data Field Solution
Low Speed Awareness Band
permanently displayed • With aircraft weight on wheels and the G1000 in
Configuration Mode, check that the RH GEAR ON
GROUND Discrete In indication for GIA2, on GIA I/O
CONFIGURATION page is illuminated.
• With aircraft weight on wheels and the G1000 in
Configuration Mode, check that the LH GEAR ON
GROUND Discrete In indication for GIA1, on GIA I/O
GDU CONFIGURATION page is illuminated.
• If both indications are illuminated Green, switch GIA1
and GIA2, to verify location of problem:
9 If problem is resolved, replace defective unit.
9 If indication is not illuminated, check for wiring
faults between the GIAs and aircraft squat switch
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Revision 6 190-00915-01
Invalid Data Field Solution
• Ensure that a cell phone or a device using cell phone
technology is not turned on (even in a monitoring state)
in the cabin.
GPS LOI • Check GPS1 and GPS2 signal strength on AUX
page 4. Refer to GIA GPS section if GPS can not
acquire a position lock for troubleshooting.
GIA1 or GIA2 • Check corresponding GPS antenna and cable for
• Check Ethernet interconnect between the PFD1 to
GIA1 or PFD2 to GIA2 for faults.
• Swap GIA1 and GIA2, to verify location of problem:
9 If problem follows the GIA, replace the GIA.
9 If problem persists, replace the PFD1 or PFD2.
• Check GTX 33/33D configuration settings for GIA1 and
• Check GTX 33D/GIA1 interconnect.
XPDR FAIL • Check GTX 33D/GIA2 interconnect.
GTX 33 • Perform a SET>ACTV configuration reset on the GTX
Config page for each GTX, and verify the aircraft
registration is present.
• Replace GTX 33/33D.
9 If problem persists, replace GIA.
ALTITUDE FAIL • Inspect GDC 74B pitot/static plumbing integrity.
• Inspect pitot/static ports and associated equipment for
• For TAS failure, also check GTP 59 probe.
• Check GDC 74B configuration settings for the PFDs,
MFD, GIA1, and GIA2.
9 If PFDs, MFD, and GIA configuration settings are
correct, replace the GDC configuration module.
9 If problem persists, replace the GDC 74B.
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190-00915-01 Revision 6
Invalid Data Field Solution
• Ensure that a cell phone or a device using cell phone
technology is not turned on (even in a monitoring
state) in the cabin.
• Cycle GRS 77 power to restart initialization.
• Ensure GRS 77 connecter is secure and proper wire
harness strain relief is provided.
• Ensure the GRS 77 is fastened down tightly in it’s
mounting rack and that the mounting rack is not
loose (CAUTION - do not loosen the mounting rack
hardware to the airframe shelf or the aircraft will need
ATTITUDE FAIL to be re-leveled and the PITCH/ROLL OFFSET
procedure performed).
• Ensure GPS has acquired at least four satellites, has
a 3D navigation solution, and a DOP of less than 5.0.
GRS 77 This is particularly important for an ATTITUDE FAIL
that appears during ground operation only.
• Perform an Engine Run-Up Test to check if engine
vibration is causing the GRS 77 to go offline.
• Load configuration files to the PFD, MFD, GIA1, and
• Calibrate the GRS 77 (Pitch/Roll Offset and
Magnetometer Calibration).
• Replace GRS 77.
9 If problem persists replace GRS 77 configuration
9 Contact Garmin Aviation Product Support if
condition continues after replacing the GRS 77
and config module for additional assistance.
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Revision 6 190-00915-01
Invalid Data Field Solution
GRS 77
• If this message persists longer than five minutes,
perform AHRS calibration procedures as described in
GMU 44
Section 7.7.3.
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190-00915-01 Revision 6
Invalid Data Field Solution
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Revision 6 190-00915-01
5.2.3 Engine/Airframe Instrument Failures
The following table provides guidance for troubleshooting individual engine/airframe sensor failures. Be
sure to also follow previous guidance given for the GEA 71. The technician should troubleshoot to
isolate the fault by checking sensor-to-GEA wiring, replacing the suspect sensor, and finally by replacing
the GEA 71. Replace one part at a time. Refer to Section 7.4.1 to check for correct operation of the
sensors and GEA 71 after any part has been replaced. Refer to G1000/GFC 700 Wiring Diagram and
King Air 200 Series Maintenance Manual (listed in Table 1-2) as needed.
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5.2.4 ADF/DME Failure
A DME or ADF failure is represented by the following red X’s. Refer to G1000/GFC 700 Wiring
Diagram and King Air 200 Series Maintenance Manual (listed in Table 1-2,) as needed.
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5.3 200/B200 Specific Alerts
The following alerts are configured specifically for the King Air 200/B200 installation:
Message Advisory Solution
TAWS GEAR FAULT – Landing Gear detected in • Check the gear down wiring input to the GIAs. Refer to
the DOWN position G1000/GFC 700 Wiring Diagram, listed in Table 1-2.
TAWS FLAP FAULT – Flaps detected in the LDG • Check the flap full down wiring input to the GIAs. Refer
position to G1000/GFC 700 Wiring Diagram, listed in Table 1-2.
WOW Invalid • Ensure that the GIA1 (PRI) and (SEC) and GIA2 circuit
breakers are closed.
• Check weight on wheels switch inputs to GIA1 and GIA2.
Refer to G1000/GFC 700 Wiring Diagram, listed in Table
WOW Fault • Ensure that the GIA1 (PRI) and (SEC) and GIA2 circuit
breakers are closed.
• Check weight on wheels switch inputs to GIA1 and GIA2.
Refer to G1000/GFC 700 Wiring Diagram, listed in Table
AVN 1 FAN FAIL – Avionics cooling fan #1 is
AVN 2 FAN FAIL – Avionics cooling fan #2 is • Ensure that the PFD/GIA FAN (LEFT and RIGHT) and
inoperative. MFD FAN circuit breakers are closed.
PFD 1 FAN FAIL – PFD #1 cooling fan is • Check cooling fan wiring. Refer to G1000/GFC 700
inoperative. Wiring Diagram, listed in Table 1-2,
PFD 2 FAN FAIL – PFD #2 cooling fan is • Replace cooling fan. Refer to Sections 6.28 and 6.29.
MFD FAN FAIL – MFD cooling fan is inoperative.
ESP FAIL – ESP is inoperative. Troubleshoot the GFC 700 AFCS. Refer to Section 5.5.
• Check that the MFD AUX-SYSTEM SETUP 2 page
ESP OFF – ESP selected off.
shows “Stability & Protection” status is “ENABLED”.
• Ensure GIA units are operational and GPS satellites
have been acquired.
ESP DEGRADE – ESP AOA mode is inoperative. • Ensure STALL WARN circuit breaker is closed.
• Troubleshoot Safe Flight lift computer. Refer to Section
• Ensure ADC1 and ADC2 circuit breakers are closed and
ESP DEGRADE - ESP IAS mode is inoperative.
units are providing valid airspeed data.
• Ensure that the “ESP Support Option” has been installed
per Section 3.20.
• Ensure that the “Enhanced AFCS unlock card” has been
installed per Section 3.34.
ESP CONFIG – ESP config error. Config service
req’d. • If the ESP option needs to be removed, reload the
baseline configuration for the specific airframe and all
applicable options as described in Section 3.9.
Reloading the baseline configuration disables all
previously enabled options.
From this point forward, all message advisory alerts presented are common to all G1000
systems and are not specific to the King Air 200/B200. Messages are grouped according
to LRU.
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5.4 TAWS Troubleshooting
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5.5 Synthetic Vision and Pathways Troubleshooting
The SVS/Pathways software feature requires the following G1000 sensors/data to be valid:
• Heading
• GPS Position
• 9 Arc-Second Terrain Data
In the event that one the above items fails or is unavailable, the SVS/Pathways feature is automatically
removed from the PFD. The following table describes possible symptoms associated with the
SVS/Pathways feature, and provides corresponding actions for troubleshooting:
Verify that P/N 010-00330-43 terrain datacards are installed in the lower slot
of the PFD and MFD.
Verify that the alert messages shown in Table 5-2 are not displayed on the
PFD Alerts Window. If so, follow the solutions described in Table 5-2.
3D terrain presentation does not Verify that the G1000 AHRS and heading data are valid on the PFD. Verify
appear on PFD. that a valid GPS 3D position solution is being received. Troubleshoot these
systems in accordance with sections 5.10.4 and 5.15.
If a terrain database update has just been performed, allow the system time
to initialize and verify the data. When the databases have been verified, the
current database cycle and version are reported on the MFD AUX – System
Status page.
The following table provides SVS/Pathways specific alert messages which may appear in the Alerts
Window on the PFD (press the ALERTS softkey on the PFD to view the Alerts Window):
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Annunciation Condition Resolution
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5.6 GFC 700 AFCS Troubleshooting
The GFC 700 is a digital Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) which is integrated into various
components of the G1000. This section touches upon key items to note while troubleshooting the GFC
Should a problem be encountered during the operation of the GFC 700, the pilot and technician should
first evaluate the overall status and condition of the G1000 system at the AUX – System Status page (on
MFD). Any alert messages, annunciations, or other abnormal behaviors should be noted in an effort to
pinpoint the fault. The object is to locate the fault within a LRU or LRUs in efforts to replace the
defective equipment.
The GFC 700 AFCS Annunciation field is located above the airspeed tape on the PFD as shown:
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5.6.1 GFC Status Page
The GFC Status page is presented in configuration mode and gives status information regarding the
GFC 700.
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Shows real-time reported data including servo voltage, speed, motor current, load cell torque, and clutch
solenoid status. A green box indicates the servo clutch is engaged.
To access the GIA and GSA Maintenance Logs, perform the following steps –
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9. The GIA Maintenance Log can record any of the following faults:
• FCS Task not started: Bad gains
The FCS task has not started because the gains are not present or have been corrupted.
Reload the gain files to correct.
• FCS Task not started: Gain structure out of range
The FCS task has not started because the gains are not compatible with the GIA software.
Reload the gain files to correct.
• PFT FAIL: Timeout, <STEP>
Pre-flight test has failed because the specified step has not passed in the allotted time. See the GIA
pre-flight steps for a description of the possible values for <STEP> on the failed GIA and corrective
• PFT FAIL: Cross GIA Failed, State: <STEP>
Pre-flight test has failed on opposite GIA. <STEP> specifies the pre-flight test step on selected
GIA that was in progress when the pre-flight test failed on the opposite GIA. See the GIA pre-flight
steps for a description of the possible values for <STEP> on the failed GIA and corrective actions.
Pre-flight has failed because the step specified has failed. See the GIA pre-flight test steps for a
description of the possible values for <STEP> on the failed GIA and corrective actions.
• AHRS MON invalid: <STATE>
The AHRS monitor has detected that the AHRS data is invalid. The possible values for <STATE>
a. Mon Prmtr Invalid: The ARINC 429 data used by one of the monitors has not been
b. Attitude Prmtr Invalid: The ARINC 429 pitch or roll angle has not been received.
c. Exceeded Attitude Limits: The pitch or roll angle has exceeded the engagement limits.
d. Cross Hdg Accel Fail: Cross heading acceleration monitor failed.
e. Vert Accel Fail: Vertical acceleration monitor failed.
f. Fltrd Cross Hdg Accel Fail: Filtered cross heading acceleration monitor failed.
g. Fltrd Vert Accel Fail: Filtered vertical acceleration monitor failed.
h. Roll Accel Fail: Roll acceleration monitor has failed.
i. Normal Accel Fail: Normal acceleration has failed.
Troubleshoot the GRS 77 for the cause of the failure.
• Stuck switch invalidated parameter: <AXIS>
A MET switch in the specified axis is stuck.
Check the MET (trim) switches for proper operation.
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• PRMTR: <PARAMETER> MODE:<MODE> Parameter lost
The mode specified by <MODE> has been disengaged because the parameter specified by
<PARAMETER> has become invalid. The following is a list of some of the possible values for
a. AD TDM Comm Valid: The specified mode has been disengaged because communication
with the servos, via the Time Division Multiplexer protocol, has been lost.
b. AP Pitch MET not stuck: The specified mode has been disengaged due to a stuck pitch
MET switch.
Check the MET (trim) switches for proper identification.
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PFT step 5: System initialization, verify servo PFT is complete
This step is checking to make sure that all servos have completed their own PFT. This does not check
whether the servo PFT passed or failed. It verifies that the servo PFT is no longer in progress.
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PFT step 12: Verify AP disconnect enabled
This step is checking to make sure GIA1, GIA2, and all servos have are connected to a 28 volt AP
If this step fails, make sure the AP disconnect input to GIA1, GIA2, and all servos is connected and
registering 28 volts. Make sure the AP disconnect switch has been installed in the aircraft. Make sure no
one is holding the AP disconnect switch down on the yoke.
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Revision 6 190-00915-01 Servo Faults and Troubleshooting
Whenever a servo fault occurs, a status message is logged to the corresponding servo control or monitor
maintenance log. This information is also accompanied by a time and date stamp. An “RTC DATE”
entry is made every time a servo is powered on, it is normally not useful for troubleshooting.
The following is a listing of possible faults that could be reported in a GSA fault log. Faults can occur in
either the monitor board processor or the control board processor, both of which are contained in the GSA
Monitor Processor
The monitor processor contains the logs that are found in these processors -
2 – Pitch Servo
4 – Roll Servo
6 - Yaw
8 – Pitch Trim Servo
There are two main groupings of faults that can occur in the monitor processor:
The first grouping of faults can occur during the GSA unit pre-flight test (PFT). If there is a fault during
PFT the unit will not be able to transition to normal mode and the only way to clear this state would be to
cycle unit power.
The second grouping of faults can occur during normal mode. These faults generally cause a disconnect
of power to the GSA and report that a fault has occurred to the GIA.
The Notes column indicates any actions that can be taken to troubleshoot the problem in the aircraft by
the technician. Any faults that are not listed here indicate an internal problem requiring replacement of
the servo. If the items in the Notes column check out ok, replace the servo.
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PFT Faults
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Control Processor
The control processor contains the logs that are found in these processors –
3 – Pitch Servo
5 – Roll Servo
7 - Yaw
9 – Pitch Trim Servo
There are two main groupings of faults that can occur in the control processor.
The first grouping of faults can occur during the GSA unit pre-flight test (PFT). If there is a fault during
PFT the unit will not be able to transition to normal mode and the only way to clear this state would be to
cycle unit power.
The second grouping of faults can occur during normal mode. These faults generally cause a disconnect
of power to the GSA and report that a fault has occurred to the GIA.
The Notes column indicates any actions that can be taken to troubleshoot the problem in the aircraft by
the technician. Any faults that are not listed here indicate an internal problem requiring replacement of
the servo. If the items in the Notes column check out ok, replace the servo.
PFT Faults
This can sometimes be a result of a failure on the other board, check
faults on other processor
"CTL MOT PWR ON FAIL" Check unit power and AP Disconnect power
"MON MOT PWR ON FAIL" Check unit power and AP Disconnect power
"HALL 1 FAIL" Check unit power and AP Disconnect power
"HALL 2 FAIL" Check unit power and AP Disconnect power
"HALL 3 FAIL" Check unit power and AP Disconnect power
"HALL 4 FAIL" Check unit power and AP Disconnect power
"HALL 5 FAIL" Check unit power and AP Disconnect power
"HALL 6 FAIL" Check unit power and AP Disconnect power
"CURR OFFST FAIL" Check unit power and AP Disconnect power
"SVO TYPE FAIL" Check unit power and AP Disconnect power
"CERT DATA UNINSTALLED" Upload the certification gain file to the Control board
"STRAP CODE MISMATCH" Check the connector strap inputs to the unit
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Normal Mode Faults
"GIA DIS FAULT" Check the AP Disconnect power into the unit
"HOST DATA DIF" Check the AHRS wiring to the system
"HOST DATA INV" Check the AHRS wiring to the system
"SVO PWR INV" Check unit power and AP Disconnect power
“STRP CODE CHNG” Check the connector strap inputs to the unit
“MET STUCK SWTCH” Check the MET switch inputs into the system
“MET STATUS DIF” Check the MET switch inputs into the system
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Revision 6 190-00915-01 Downloading GIA and GSA Maintenance Logs
If additional assistance is needed troubleshooting autopilot faults, the Maintenance logs can be
downloaded to an SD card as a text file (.txt) and emailed to Garmin Aviation Product Support. Please
call Garmin Aviation Product Support before you send a Maintenance Log to notify them you are sending
it to prevent a delay in response. You may download multiple GIA and GSA Maintenance Logs to the
same file, however in your email to Garmin you must furnish the order in which they were downloaded
(i.e. GIA1, then GIA2, then SRVO PTCH MON, then SRVO PTCH CTL, etc.).
1. Insert a FAT 32 formatted SD card into the top slot of the PFD before turning on the displays.
2. Power up PFD1, PFD2 and MFD in the configuration mode.
3. On the PFD1 in the System page group, use the small FMS knob to scroll to the Diagnostics
Terminal page.
4. Press the LG2CRD softkey at the bottom of the PFD1. Verify that the softkey text grays out. This
indicates the recording function is active and all text that is displayed in the OUTPUT window will
be saved to the card.
5. Enable the cursor by pressing the FMS knob, select “GIA1” in the LRU drop down menu and then
press the ENT key to select it.
6. Skip the SERVO box and move the cursor to the COMMAND box and select “View Maintenance
Log” in the drop down menu then press the ENT key. The error log data will be displayed in the
OUTPUT box. If you see the “more…press any key to continue” text at the bottom of the screen,
you may need to reselect “View Maintenance Log” for GIA data to allow it to continue scrolling
down the screen (pressing any key will not continue, disregard the text instruction you to do so).
Continue to scroll through all the OUTPUT data until you see the text, “End of Fault Log”.
7. Move the curser back to the LRU box, select “GIA2” in the LRU drop down menu and then press
the ENT key to select it.
8. Skip the SERVO box and move the cursor to the COMMAND box and select “View Maintenance
Log” in the drop down menu then press the ENT key. The error log data will be displayed in the
OUTPUT box. If you see the “more…press any key to continue” text at the bottom of the screen,
you may need to reselect “View Maintenance Log” for GIA data to allow it to continue scrolling
down the screen (pressing any key will not continue, disregard the text instruction you to do so).
Continue to scroll through all the OUTPUT data until you see the text, “End of Fault Log”.
9. If you need to download Servo fault logs (usually done at the request of Garmin Product Support),
perform the following steps. Otherwise, skip to step 10.
a) In the LRU box, you may select either “GIA1” or “GIA2”.
b) In the SERVO box, choose a servo using the FMS knobs. Each servo contains two logs, one in
the Monitor (MON) processor and one in the Control (CTL) processor. You must download
both for each servo separately.
c) In the COMMAND box, select “View Maintenance Log” and press the ENT key.
d) The log will appear in the OUTPUT box. It will scroll to the end automatically. When it is
complete, repeat steps a-c for the other servos in the aircraft. Be sure to note the order the
servos were downloaded in including the Monitor or Control logs to email to Garmin Product
Support. Without knowing the order in which the logs were downloaded, Garmin will be unable
to process them and will ask for another full download.
10. Press the LG2CRD softkey to turn off the recording function.
11. Wait 1 minute for the system to save the data from the download to the SD card.
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12. While you are waiting for the data to be saved to the SD card, record the order of the LRU’s and/or
Servos were downloaded so that you can provide that information to Cessna or Garmin to help
decipher the order of the error data.
13. Power down the G1000 System and remove the SD card.
14. Insert the SD card in the card reader of a laptop or desktop computer and open the
“diag_buf_log.txt” file from the SD card using the WordPad program. Verify that all of the fault
logs were downloaded by checking for the “End of Fault Log” message at the end of the GIA data,
and that the last servo log entry has the current date.
15. Insert the fault log as an attachment to an email and include the LRU order how the data was
downloaded and send to Garmin Aviation Product Support at avionics@Garmin.com.
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5.7 Backup Communications Path Checks
5.7.1 Overview
The G1000 system architecture is designed with redundant communication ports for several LRUs so that
critical information can continue to be displayed in the event of an equipment or wiring failure. Of most
importance is flight attitude, heading, and air data information. The GRS 77 and GDC 74B each have
four separate ARINC 429 data lines which are all capable of sending data to the displays. The GEA 71,
GTX 33(D), and GMA 1347D each have two redundant serial communication paths for the same
purpose. See Figure 2-21 for a basic G1000 block diagram depicting this architecture. Several other
diagrams are shown later in this section for illustrative purposes. When troubleshooting, refer to the
G1000/GFC 700 Wiring Diagram listed in Table 1-2.
Refer to Section 8.1.6 for procedures on checking the status of each configured G1000 /
GFC 700 backup data path.
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5.8 GDU 104X Troubleshooting
5.8.1 GDU 104X Common Problems
Symptom Recommended Action
• Ensure that a cell phone or a device using cell phone technology is not
turned on (even in a monitoring state) in the cabin.
• Cycle power.
Display is blank 9 If GDU recovers, observe display for yellow text containing error
information at the top of the screen. If message indicates software
need to be re-loaded, then re-load software. Otherwise, replace
the GDU.
• Use a bright light to verify LCD is active.
9 Adjust avionics dimmer control full clockwise.
9 Manually turn up backlight on the PFD and load configuration files
Display resets to the GDU.
• Ensure slide lock is fully engaged with the locking tabs on the back of
the unit.
9 If slide lock is not fully engaged, remove connector and verify the
locking tabs on the GDU are perpendicular to the connector. If
necessary, straighten them before reseating connector.
• Ensure GDU is receiving power. If a circuit breaker is tripped,
determine source of short before resetting breaker.
• Ensure circuit breakers have not failed and power wire connections are
Display flickers
• Swap PFD1 and PFD2.
9 If problem follows unit, replace the display. Please note the
position it failed in (PFD1/2).
9 If problem does not follow unit, troubleshoot aircraft wiring for fault.
• DO NOT insert a screwdriver of any length into the card slot.
• DO NOT pry against the overlay.
• DO NOT force the SD Card out.
• Use a small screwdriver in the groove on the side of the exposed end of
the card to help pull out the card.
• Push the card in further to release the card locking mechanism.
SD card is stuck in GDU
• Check SD Card for having more than one label. Two or more labels on
the card will cause sticking.
9 Remove all but one label.
• Ensure the SD card is from Toshiba or SanDisk. Use of other SD
Cards is not recommended.
• If card was inserted with the label facing to the right, do not attempt to
remove. Return the unit to Garmin for repair.
• Go to the GDU TEST page in configuration mode and verify button,
knob, or joystick operates correctly by observing a change in color from
red to green in the button/knob/joystick icon when the
A button/knob/joystick does not button/knob/joystick is pressed. If a button is stuck, the button icon will
appear to function be green without pressing the button as soon as you turn to the GDU
TEST page.
9 If problem is verified, replace GDU.
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Symptom Recommended Action
• Ensure supplemental data cards are inserted correctly in the lower slots
of all three GDU’s.
Terrain/Obstacle/Safetaxi does • Allow the system to verify the data on the cards for approximately five
not display minutes after power-up.
• If a database does not activate, reload the problem database onto the
SD Card or replace the card.
• Reload GDU configuration files.
Display will not track dimmer bus • If display is a PFD, swap PFD1 and PFD2 to see if problem remains
with display.
9 Replace display if condition remains with the same unit.
9 If condition remains in original position after swapping displays,
Keyboard will not track dimmer check GDU dimmer input to verify voltage is present.
• If display is the MFD, check dimmer input to verify voltage is present.
9 Replace MFD if dimmer voltage is present.
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5.9 GDU 104X Alerts
5.9.1 Software/Configuration Alerts
Failure Message Cause Solution
The system has found the PFDs
SW MISMATCH – GDU software
and/or MFD software versions do
version mismatch. Xtalk is off.
not match.
MANIFEST – PFD 1 software
mismatch. Communication
Halted. The system has detected an • Load correct software version.
incorrect software version loaded See Section 3.9 for GDU 1040
MANIFEST – PFD 2 software in the specified PFD. Software Loading procedure.
mismatch. Communication
MANIFEST – MFD1 software The system has detected an
mismatch. Communication incorrect software version loaded
Halted. in MFD.
• Check master configuration
module connector and wiring
for damage inside the GDU
connector backshell.
9 Replace master
configuration module
wiring and pins.
9 If problem persists, replace
master configuration
CNFG MODULE – PFD 1 module.
The PFD master configuration
configuration module is
module has failed. NOTE
New Terrain/Obstacle cards, Jeppesen
Aviation Database and other optional
features (i.e. TAWS unlock card) will
need to be replaced if the master
configuration module is changed. The
G1000 System ID number will change
to a new number when installing a new
master config module. The old Terrain
and other cards will no longer work as
they will remain locked to the old
System ID number.
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Failure Message Cause Solution
• Reload the display configuration
files from SD Loader Card.
• Reload system configuration files
MFD1 CONFIG – MFD1 by pressing the UPDT CFG
configuration error. Config service softkey on the Configuration
req’d. Upload Page in the PFD1 System
Page Group to load configuration
files into the configuration module.
9 If message persists, check
PFD1 config module wiring for
faults and replace if necessary.
9 If issue continues, replace
PFD1 master configuration
A configuration mismatch has module.
configuration error. Config service occurred between the display and 9 If problem persists, replace the
req’d. the Master Configuration Module. display.
New Terrain/Obstacle cards, Jeppesen
Aviation Database and other optional
features (i.e. TAWS unlock card) will
need to be replaced if the master
configuration module is changed. The
PFD 2 CONFIG – PFD 2 G1000 System ID number will change
configuration error. Config service to a new number when installing a new
req’d. master config module. The old Terrain
and other cards will no longer work as
they will remain locked to the old
System ID number.
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5.9.2 Database Alerts
Failure Message Cause Solution
MFD1 DB ERR – MFD1 aviation
database error exists. • Reload aviation database into
The MFD or specified PFD has the display.
PFD 1 DB ERR – PFD 1 aviation
encountered an error in the
database error exists. • Contact Garmin Technical
Jeppesen aviation database.
PFD 2 DB ERR – PFD 2 aviation Support for assistance.
database error exists.
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Failure Message Cause Solution
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5.9.4 Key Alerts
Failure Message Cause Solution
MFD1 “key” KEYSTK – key is The SYSTEM has determined a • Go to the GDU TEST page in
stuck. key is stuck on MFD1. configuration mode and verify
PFD 1 “key” KEYSTK – key is The system has determined a key key is stuck (if key is stuck the
stuck. is stuck on the PFD 1. corresponding indicator will be
• Exercise suspected stuck key
and reset GDU TEST page to
PFD 2 “key” KEYSTK – key is The system has determined a key see if indicator remains green
stuck. is stuck on the PFD 2.
without pressing the key.
9 If problem persists replace
the display.
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Failure Message Cause Solution
• Ensure the MFD connector is
fully seated and locked.
• If the unit was started in a very
dark environment the photocells
may not have enough light to
initially raise the CCFT level.
Go to the GDU STATUS page
in configuration mode, ensure
CCFT CRNT 1 & 2 levels are
MFD1 SERVICE – needs service. The G1000 has determined MFD1 above 50.
Return unit for repair. needs service.
9 If the CCFT levels are not
above 50, apply light to the
photocell and observe if the
CCFT level rises.
9 If the CCFT level rises,
disregard the message.
9 If the CCFT level does not
rise, replace the MFD
• Replace the MFD
• Ensure the PFD connector is
fully seated and locked.
• If the unit was started in a very
dark environment the photocells
PFD 1 SERVICE – needs service.
Return unit for repair. may not have enough light to
initially raise the CCFT level.
Go to the GDU STATUS page
in configuration mode, ensure
CCFT CRNT 1 & 2 levels are
The G1000 has determined
above 50.
the specified PFD needs
service. 9 If the CCFT levels are not
above 50, apply light to the
photocell and observe if the
CCFT level rises.
PFD 2 SERVICE – needs service.
Return unit for repair. 9 If the CCFT level rises,
disregard the message.
9 If the CCFT level does not
rise, replace the PFD
• Replace the PFD.
low voltage. Reducing power
• Check input voltage to PFD.
usage. The specified PFD supply
voltage is low. • If input voltage is ok, replace
low voltage. Reducing power
MFD1 VOLTAGE – MFD1 has • Check input voltage to MFD.
The MFD supply voltage is
low voltage. Reducing power • If input voltage is ok, replace
usage. MFD.
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5.9.6 GMA Common Problems
Symptom/Failure Recommended Action
Noise in Audio Most often the cause of the noise is external to the GMA. Try the following to locate the
source of the noise before replacing the GMA:
• Try a different pair of headsets. Noise cancelling headsets may pick up and/or
generate more noise than standard headsets from their own circuitry.
• Check for noise with the engine turned off.
9 If the noise is present only when the engine is running, check the generator
and/or ignition system as possible sources of noise (see applicable airframe
specific maintenance manual).
• Check for noise as all electrical equipment is turned on and off (strobes, other
radios, etc.).
9 If the noise is identified from one electrical system or component refer to the
applicable airframe specific maintenance manual.
• Ensure the NAV/COM squelch is not open.
• Ensure the ADF and DME audio is not active.
• Ensure the marker beacon audio is not active.
• Ensure the ICS squelch is not open.
9 Master squelch level can be adjusted on the GMA CONFIGURATION page for
higher noise environments.
• Replace unit only after all possible external sources of noise are eliminated.
Buttons Do Not Work. • Some buttons are disabled in the GMA CONFIGURATION page by default. This is
to remove potential sources of audio noise for inputs that are not used. If in doubt
as to which buttons should be disabled, reload GMA config files and other config
files for optional equipment installed in the aircraft (i.e. ADF, HF, etc.) from the
loader card.
COM Bleedover • Verify on the GMA CONFIGURATION page that “Disable Split COM” has a green
box. Due to the closeness of the COM antennas and high power of the COM
transceivers, Split COM operation is not approved. If the box is black (indicating
COM ½ button is active), highlight “Disable Split COM” with the cursor and press the
ENT key to turn the box green which will deactivate Split COM mode.
Speaker Cuts Out • Reduce volume level of the item that caused the speaker to cut out when turned up.
A speaker protection circuit disables the speaker output if the volume is too high. If
the volume is not sufficient, replace aircraft cabin speaker, reference the Airframe
Maintenance Manual.
Mic Audio Heard in • Reduce ICS Volume.
• Ensure both GMA units are receiving power.
• Ensure both units are properly configured by verifying there are no GMA alert
GMA XTALK – GMA messages.
crosstalk error has
• Check interconnect wiring between the GMA’s for faults.
• Replace GMA1.
• If problem persists, reinstall GMA1 and replace GMA2.
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5.9.7 GMA Alerts
Failure Message Cause Solution
service. Return unit for repair. The system has determined that
the specified GMA 1347D needs • Replace GMA .
GMA2 SERVICE – GMA2 needs service.
service. Return unit for repair.
GMA1 FAIL – GMA1 in • Ensure GMA1 is receiving
inoperative. power.
• Ensure both GIAs are receiving
• Ensure all GDUs are receiving
The system has detected a failure power.
GMA2 FAIL – GMA2 in in the specified GMA 1347D.
inoperative. • Ensure the GMA/GIA RS-232
data lines are working properly.
• Ensure the GIA/GDU Ethernet
data lines are working properly.
Replace GMA1.
MANIFEST – GMA1 software
mismatch. Communication
Halted. The system has detected an Load the correct unit software. See
incorrect software version loaded Section 3.9 for the Software Loading
MANIFEST – GMA2 software in the specified GMA 1347D. procedure.
mismatch. Communication
GMA1 CONFIG – GMA1 • Load GMA configuration files, see
configuration error. Config service Section 3.9.
• Replace GMA.
• If problem persists, replace
master configuration module,
check config module wiring for
faults and replace if necessary.
The system has detected a GMA
1347D configuration mismatch for New Terrain/Obstacle cards, Jeppesen
GMA2 CONFIG – GMA2 the specified unit. Aviation Database and other optional
configuration error. Config service features (i.e. TAWS unlock card) will
req’d. need to be replaced if the master
configuration module is changed. The
G1000 System ID number will change
to a new number when installing a new
master config module. The old Terrain
and other cards will no longer work as
they will remain locked to the old
System ID number.
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5.10 GIA 63 Troubleshooting
5.10.1 COM
Symptom Recommended Action
• Switch GIA1 and GIA2, to verify location of problem:
Weak COM transmit power 9 If problem follows unit, replace GIA.
9 If problem does not follow unit, check COM antenna and cabling for
• Switch GIA1 and GIA2, to verify location of problem:
Weak COM receiver 9 If problem follows unit, replace GIA.
9 If problem does not follow unit, check COM antenna and cabling for
• Switch GIA1 and GIA2, to verify location of problem:
9 If problem follows unit, replace GIA.
No COM sidetone
9 If problem persists, replace GMA1 with a known good unit.
9 If problem persists, reinstall original GMA1 and replace GMA2.
5.10.2 NAV
Symptom Recommended Action
• Set up a NAV/COM Ramp Test Set to radiate a test signal.
• Switch GIA1 and GIA2, to verify location of problem:
Weak NAV receiver 9 If problem follows unit, replace GIA.
9 If problem does not follow unit, check NAV antenna, coupler, and
cabling for faults.
5.10.3 G/S
Symptom Recommended Action
• Set up a NAV/COM Ramp Test Set to radiate a test signal.
• Switch GIA1 and GIA2, to verify location of problem:
Weak G/S receiver 9 If problem follows unit, replace GIA.
9 If problem does not follow unit, check NAV antenna, coupler, and
cabling for faults.
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5.10.4 GPS
Symptom Recommended Action
• Ensure that a cell phone or a device using cell phone technology is
not turned on (even in a monitoring state) in the cabin.
• Using the MFD AUX – GPS Status page, verify the signal strength
bars are not erratic. If so, this indicates outside interference is
affecting the GPS receivers. Find and remove the source of
interference (i.e. cell phones, FBO datalink antennas, etc.).
• Check date and time on Date/Time Setup Page.
9 If date and time are incorrect, enter the correct date and time.
• Switch GIA1 and GIA2, to verify location of problem:
9 If problem follows unit, clear the GPS almanac by performing
the following steps –
o Using the PFD in config mode, go to the GIA RS-
232/ARNIC 429 Config Page.
Will Not Acquire Satellites o At the top of the screen, select the GIA that can not acquire
satellites (GIA1 or GIA2) and press the ENT key.
o Press the “CLR NV” softkey at the bottom of the screen.
o Select “OK” in the “Clear GIA nonvolatile memory?” pop-up
o Next reload GIA Audio and Config files from a loader card,
see Section 4.3 and on for instructions. Be sure to reload
the config files for any optional equipment installed on the
aircraft that require the GIA config to be updated.
• Cycle power on the system and allow it to restart in normal mode.
Place the aircraft outside and allow 15-30 minutes for the GPS to
acquire a position and download a new almanac.
9 If clearing nonvolatile memory is unsuccessful and the GPS
still can not acquire a position, replace the GIA.
9 If problem does not follow unit, check GPS antenna and cabling.
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5.11 GIA Alert Messages
5.11.1 COM Alerts
Failure Message Cause Solutions
COM1 SERVICE – COM1 needs The system has determined • Replace GIA1 according to
service. Return unit for repair. COM1 needs service. instructions in Section 6.
COM2 SERVICE – COM2 needs The system has determined • Replace GIA2 according to
service. Return unit for repair. COM2 needs service. instructions in Section 6.
• Press the push-to-talk switch(s) again
to cycle its operation.
• Check push-to-talk switch(s) and
• Check GIA1/GMA 1347D #1
The COM1 external push-to-talk • Switch GIA1 and GIA2, to identify
COM1 PTT – COM1 push-to-talk
(PTT) switch is stuck in the whether the unit or connectors/wiring
key is stuck.
enabled (or “pressed”) state. is at fault (Both GIAs must be
configured when swapped; see
Section 3.9):
9 If problem follows the unit,
replace GIA1.
9 If problem persists replace
defective GMA 1347D #1.
• Press the push-to-talk switch(s) again
to cycle its operation.
• Check push-to-talk switch(s) and
• Check GIA2/GMA 1347D #2
The COM2 external push-to-talk • Switch GIA1 and GIA2, to identify
COM2 PTT – COM2 push-to-talk
(PTT) switch is stuck in the whether the unit or connectors/wiring
key is stuck.
enabled (or “pressed”) state. is at fault (Both GIAs must be
configured when swapped, see
Section 3.9):
9 If problem follows the unit,
replace GIA2.
9 If problem persists replace
defective GMA 1347D #2.
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Failure Message Cause Solutions
Press the COM1 external remote transfer
switch again to cycle its operation.
Check COM1 external remote transfer
switch and wiring.
Switch GIA1 and GIA2, to identify
The COM1 external remote whether the unit or connectors/wiring is
COM1 RMT XFR – COM1 remote
transfer switch is stuck in the at fault (Both GIAs must be configured
transfer key is stuck.
enabled (or “pressed”) state. when swapped, see Section 3.9)
9 If problem follows the unit,
replace GIA1.
9 If problem persists, continue to
troubleshoot remote transfer
switch & wiring.
Press the COM2 external remote transfer
switch again to cycle its operation.
Check COM2 external remote transfer
switch and wiring.
Switch GIA1 and GIA2, to identify
The COM2 external remote whether the unit or connectors/wiring is
COM2 RMT XFR – COM2 remote
transfer switch is stuck in the at fault (Both GIAs must be configured
transfer key is stuck.
enabled (or “pressed”) state. when swapped, see Section 3.9):
9 If problem follows the unit,
replace GIA2.
9 If problem persists, continue to
troubleshoot remote transfer
switch & wiring.
COM1 TEMP – COM1 over temp. • Check fan, wiring and air tubing for
Reducing transmitter power. proper operation (if applicable).
The specified COM transceiver • Replace cooling fan if unable to
is reporting a high temperature determine if operating correctly.
condition and is reducing
transmit power to prevent • Replace GIA.
COM2 TEMP – COM2 over temp.
Reducing transmitter power. damage. • If problem persists contact Garmin
Aviation Product Support for
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5.11.2 NAV Alerts
Failure Message Cause Solution
NAV1 SERVICE – NAV1 needs The system has detected a failure
• Replace GIA1.
service. Return unit for repair. in NAV1 receiver.
NAV2 SERVICE – NAV2 needs The system has detected a failure
• Replace GIA2.
service. Return unit for repair. in NAV2 receiver.
Press the NAV1 external remote
transfer switch again to cycle its
Check NAV1 remote transfer switch and
Switch GIA1 and GIA2, to identify
The NAV1 external remote
NAV1 RMT XFR – NAV1 remote whether the unit or connectors/wiring is
transfer switch is stuck in the
transfer key is stuck. at fault (Both GIAs must be configured
enabled (or “pressed”) state.
when swapped, see Section 3.9):
9 If problem follows unit, replace
9 If problem persists, continue to
troubleshoot remote transfer
switch & wiring.
Press the NAV2 external remote
transfer switch again to cycle its
Check NAV2 remote transfer switch and
Switch GIA1 and GIA2, to identify
The NAV2 external remote
NAV2 RMT XFR – NAV2 remote whether the unit or connectors/wiring is
transfer switch is stuck in the
transfer key is stuck. at fault (Both GIAs must be configured
enabled (or “pressed”) state.
when swapped, see Section 3.9):
9 If problem follows unit, replace
9 If problem persists, continue to
troubleshoot remote transfer
switch & wiring.
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5.11.3 Glideslope Alerts
Failure Message Cause Solution
G/S1 SERVICE – G/S1 needs The system has detected a failure
• Replace GIA1.
service. Return unit for repair. in G/S1 receiver.
G/S2 SERVICE – G/S2 needs The system has detected a failure
• Replace GIA2.
service. Return unit for repair. in G/S2 receiver.
• Switch GIA1 and GIA2 to verify
location of problem:
The system has detected a failure 9 If problem follows the unit,
G/S1 FAIL – G/S1 is inoperative. replace GIA.
in G/S1 receiver.
9 If problem does not follow unit,
check G/S1 antenna and
• Switch GIA1 and GIA2 to verify
location of problem:
The system has detected a failure 9 If problem follows the unit,
G/S2 FAIL – G/S2 is inoperative. replace GIA.
in G/S2 receiver.
9 If problem does not follow unit,.
check G/S2 antenna and
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Failure Message Cause Solution
If the primary receiver is a WAAS • Verify the area the aircraft was
LOI – GPS integrity lost.
sensor, the alert indicates that traveling through did not have loss
Crosscheck with other NAVS.
GPS position data has timed out. of GPS coverage. FAA NOTAMs
There is no GPS position fix may be issued for periods of
GPS NAV LOST – Loss of GPS outages, or the US Coast Guard
available or the system is in dead
navigation. Insufficient satellites. website
reckoning mode.
The G1000 has detected an notices/default.htm will have notices
internal position warning has posted.
navigation. Position error.
• Using the MFD AUX – GPS Status
page, verify the signal strength bars
are not erratic. If so, this indicates
outside interference is affecting the
GPS receivers. Find and remove
GPS NAV LOST – Loss of GPS The G1000 has detected a GPS the source of interference (i.e. cell
navigation. GPS fail. engine failure. phones, FBO datalink antennas,
• If GPS receivers can not aquire a
position lock, troubleshoot per the
“Will not acquire satellites” section.
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5.11.5 GIA Cooling Alerts
Failure Message Cause Solution
GIA1 COOLING – GIA1 GIA1 operating temperature is too
• Allow unit to warm up.
temperature too low. low.
GIA2 COOLING – GIA2 GIA2 operating temperature is too
• Allow unit to warm up.
temperature too low. low.
• Check fan, wiring and air tubing for
proper operation (if applicable).
• Replace cooling fan if unable to
GIA1 COOLING – GIA1 over GIA1 has exceeded its operating determine if operating correctly.
temperature. temperature range. • Replace GIA1.
• If problem persists contact Garmin
Aviation Product Support for
• Check fan, wiring and air tubing for
proper operation (if applicable).
• Replace cooling fan if unable to
GIA2 COOLING – GIA2 over GIA2 has exceeded its operating determine if operating correctly.
temperature. temperature range. • Replace GIA2.
• If problem persists contact Garmin
Aviation Product Support for
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5.11.6 GIA Configuration Alerts
Failure Message Cause Solution
MANIFEST – GIA1 software The system has detected an
mismatch. Communication incorrect software version loaded
Halted. in GIA1. • Load the correct software. See
Section 3.9 for the Software Loading
MANIFEST – GIA2 software The system has detected an procedure.
mismatch. Communication incorrect software version loaded
Halted. in GIA2.
GIA1 CONFIG – GIA1 audio
config error. Config service req’d.
The GIA’s audio configuration files
• Reload audio configuration files.
are incorrect or missing.
GIA2 CONFIG – GIA2 audio
config error. Config service req’d.
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5.12 GEA Troubleshooting
5.12.1 GEA Alerts
Failure Message Cause Solution
MANIFEST – GEA1 software
mismatch. Communication
halted. The system has detected an Load the correct software verion. See
incorrect software version loaded Section 3.9 for GEA 71 Software Load
MANIFEST – GEA2 software in the specified GEA 71. Procedure.
mismatch. Communication
GEA1 CONFIG – GEA1 • Load GEA configuration files. See
configuration error. Config service Section 3.9 for GEA 71
req’d. Configuration Procedure.
• If problem persists, replace master
configuration module, check config
module harness for faults and
replace if necessary.
New Terrain/Obstacle cards,
The system has detected a Jeppesen Aviation Database and
configuration mismatch in the other optional features (i.e. TAWS
GEA1 CONFIG – GEA2 specified GEA 71. unlock card) will need to be
configuration error. Config service replaced if the master configuration
req’d. module is changed. The G1000
System ID number will change to a
new number when installing a new
master config module. The old
Terrain and other cards will no
longer work as they will remain
locked to the old System ID
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5.13 GTX Troubleshooting
5.13.1 GTX Alerts
Failure Message Cause Solutions
MANIFEST – GTX1 software
mismatch. Communication
The system has detected an
incorrect software version loaded • Reload software. See Section 3.9
MANIFEST – GTX2 software in the specified GTX 33. for the Software Load Procedure.
mismatch. Communication
configuration error. Config service configuration reset on the GTX
req’d. Config page and verify the aircraft
registration is present.
• If error is still present, reload config
files from a loader card.
9 If problem persists, replace
master configuration module,
check config module harness
for faults and replace if
The system has detected a necessary.
configuration mismatch for the NOTE
XPDR2 CONFIG – XPDR2 specified GTX 33.
configuration error. Config service New Terrain/Obstacle cards, Jeppesen
req’d. Aviation Database and other optional
features (i.e. TAWS unlock card) will
need to be replaced if the master
configuration module is changed. The
G1000 System ID number will change
to a new number when installing a new
master config module. The old Terrain
and other cards will no longer work as
they will remain locked to the old
System ID number.
XPDR1 SRVC – XPDR1 needs
service. Return unit for repair. The G1000 has detected a failure
• Replace GTX 33.
XPDR2 SRVC – XPDR2 needs in the specified GTX 33.
service. Return unit for repair.
• Check wiring between GIA’s and
inoperative. The specified GTX 33 is not GTX.
XPDR2 FAIL – XPDR 2 is responding.
• Replace GTX 33.
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5.14 GDL 69A Troubleshooting
5.14.1 GDL 69A Common Problems
Symptom Recommended Action
No XM audio is heard • Ensure the following items are not preventing the audio panel
from distributing XM audio (reference applicable G1000 Pilot’s
9 Verify the XM volume is not muted on the AUX – XM RADIO
page on the MFD.
9 Verify the COM squelch is not open.
9 Verify the ICS squelch is not open.
9 Verify the marker beacon tones are not being received.
9 Verify the headphone (if equipped) volume is turned up.
• Go to the AUX – SYSTEM STATUS page on the MFD and
ensure unit is online.
9 If a red X is present, verify the unit is receiving power at the
rack connector.
• Ensure there are no GDL alerts in the alert window. If there is
an Alert for software or configuration error or mismatch, reload
the file noted in the Alert.
• Restart the PFD’s and MFD in configuration mode and go to the
GDL page.
9 Verify unit is active.
9 Verify the Signal number is “2” or “3”. If it is “0” or “1” check
No XM weather information is the GDL 69/69A antenna and cabling for faults.
displayed 9Reseat the GDL 69/69A to verify the coax connector is
fully seated.
9 If unit is not active, contact XM Customer service to have a
refresh signal sent to your unit. You will need to provide
them the Audio Radio ID (and Data Radio ID number for XM
weather) numbers. Also verify with XM that the correct
Weather package (Aviator Lite or Aviator) is on the account,
and that no traffic service has been activated against that
Radio ID. The unit must be on for approximately one hour
after the request for the refresh has been sent to receive the
9Alternatively, you may also go to XM’s website and enter
the radio ID’s to have a refresh signal sent.
9 If there is still problems receiving weather products after
performing the above step, call XM and have the account
deactivated, and a new account activated to clear out any
corrupt account information.
9 Verify there is a good ground connection through the aircraft
between the MFD and the GDL69/69A unit. Reference the
Aircraft Maintenance Manual for instructions on how to
check bonding and ground points.
9 If problem persists, replace the GDL 69/69A.
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5.14.2 GDL 69A Alerts
Failure Message Cause Solutions
• Replace GDL 69A.
The G1000 has detected a failure • Check GDL 69A antenna and
GDL 69 FAIL – GDL 69 has failed. cabling.
in the GDL 69A.
• Check the GDL 69A and MFD
• Reload configuration file. See
Section 3.9 for the Configuration
• If problem persists, replace
master configuration module,
check config module harness
for faults and replace if
The G1000 has detected a GDL NOTE
configuration error. Config service
69A configuration mismatch. New Terrain/Obstacle cards, Jeppesen
Aviation Database and other optional
features (i.e. TAWS unlock card) will
need to be replaced if the master
configuration module is changed. The
G1000 System ID number will change
to a new number when installing a new
master config module. The old Terrain
and other cards will no longer work as
they will remain locked to the old
System ID number.
MANIFEST – GDL software The system has detected an • Load correct software version.
mismatch. Communication incorrect software version loaded See Section 3.9 for the
halted. in the GDL 69A. Software Load Procedure.
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5.15 GRS 77/GMU 44 Troubleshooting
5.15.1 AHRS Common Problems
Symptom Recommended Action
• Ensure that a cell phone or a device using cell phone technology is not
turned on (even in a monitoring state) in the cabin.
• Ensure GPS has acquired at least four satellites, has a 3D navigation
solution, and a DOP of less than 5.0. This is particularly important if
this issue appears during ground operation only.
AHRS does not complete
initialization • Calibrate the GRS 77.
• Check GRS 77 configuration module wiring for damage.
• Check GRS 77 connector for bent pins.
9 If no damage can be found, replace GRS 77 configuration module.
9 If problem persists, replace the GRS 77.
• Ensure that a cell phone or a device using cell phone technology is not
turned on (even in a monitoring state) in the cabin.
• Ensure the four GRS 77 mounting screws are tight. Finger tight is not
sufficient, a screwdriver must be used to verify.
• Ensure mounting rack and airframe shelf are secure and all hardware
and brackets are present (CAUTION - do not loosen the mounting rack
Attitude appears unstable hardware to the airframe shelf or the aircraft will need to be re-leveled
and the PITCH/ROLL OFFSET procedure performed).
• Ensure GRS 77 connector is securely fastened and proper strain relief
is provided.
• Remove GRS 77 connector and verify there are no bent pins.
• Replace the GRS 77.
• Contact Garmin for further troubleshooting if required.
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5.15.2 GRS Alerts
Failure Message Cause Solutions
MANIFEST – GRS1 software
mismatch. Communication
halted. The system has detected an • Load correct software version. See
incorrect software version loaded Section 3.9 for the Software Load
MANIFEST – GRS2 software in the specified GRS 77. Procedure.
mismatch. Communication
magnetic-field model needs The AHRS magnetic field model
update. should be updated for the • Load updated AHRS magnetic field
AHRS2 SERVICE – AHRS2 specified unit. Appears on ground file. See Section 4.6.
magnetic-field model needs only.
GEO LIMITS – AHRS1 too far
north/south, no magnetic • Operate the aircraft only within the
compass. No magnetic compass information
limits as specified in the G1000/GFC
available due to being too far
GEO LIMITS – AHRS2 too far 700, King Air 200/B200 AFMS, listed
north or south.
north/south, no magnetic in Table 1-3
AHRS1 TAS – AHRS1 not • Check GRS/GDC interconnect for
receiving airspeed. faults.
The specified GRS 77 is not
receiving airspeed from the GDC • Replace the GDC 74B
AHRS2 TAS – AHRS2 not 74B.
receiving airspeed. • If problem persists, replace the GRS
AHRS1 GPS – AHRS1 not The GRS 77 #1 is not receiving • Ensure that a cell phone or a device
receiving backup GPS backup GPS information from using cell phone technology is not
information. either GIA 63. turned on (even in a monitoring
AHRS1 GPS – AHRS1 operating The GRS 77 #1 is operating in the state) in the cabin.
exclusively in no-GPS mode. absence of GPS. • Check GPS status for GIA 1 and 2
AHRS1 GPS – AHRS1 not The GRS 77 #1 is not receiving on MFD - AUX GPS STATUS page.
receiving any GPS information. GPS data from the GPS receivers. If one or both GPS receivers cannot
acquire a position lock, see GPS
AHRS1 GPS – AHRS1 using The GRS 77 #1 is using the troubleshooting section
backup GPS source. backup GPS data path.
• Troubleshoot GIA1/2 –GRS1 wiring
for faults (ref. Failed Path
troubleshooting section).
• Replace the GRS 77 #1.
AHRS2 GPS – AHRS2 not The GRS 77 #2 is not receiving • Ensure that a cell phone or a device
receiving backup GPS backup GPS information from using cell phone technology is not
information. either GIA 63. turned on (even in a monitoring
AHRS2 GPS – AHRS2 operating The GRS 77 #2 is operating in the state) in the cabin.
exclusively in no-GPS mode. absence of GPS. • Check GPS status for GIA 1 and 2
AHRS2 GPS – AHRS2 not The GRS 77 #2 is not receiving on MFD - AUX GPS STATUS page.
receiving any GPS information. GPS data from the GPS receivers. If one or both GPS receivers cannot
acquire a position lock, see GPS
AHRS2 GPS – AHRS2 using The GRS 77 #2 is using the troubleshooting section
backup GPS source. backup GPS data path.
• Troubleshoot GIA1/2 –GRS2 wiring
for faults (ref. Failed Path
troubleshooting section).
• Replace the GRS 77 #2
AHRS MAG DB – AHRS magnetic The G1000 has detected a
• Load AHRS magnetic model field in
model database version magnetic model database version
both GRS units.
mismatch. mismatch.
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Failure Message Cause Solutions
• If flying near large radio towers or
other sources of possible
electromagnetic interference, the
MAG VAR WARN – Large condition should correct itself as the
Magnetic variance value from aircraft leaves the area.
magnetic variance. Verify all
GMU 44 is not accurate.
course angles. • If problem persists, run magnetic
interference check in Section 5.15.4
to check for magnetic interference in
the aircraft.
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5.15.4 Calibration Procedure E: Magnetometer Interference Test
A magnetometer interference test is available for troubleshooting and/or verifying a magnetically ‘clean’
installation of the GMU 44. This test exercises various devices on the aircraft that could potentially
affect the magnetic field as measured by the GMU 44.
This test is used to validate that no electronic device interferes with the operation of the
GMU 44 magnetometer. It is highly recommended that this test be performed after
installation or maintenance of electrical components on the aircraft and/or for
troubleshooting the GMU 44.
2. On PFD1, enter Configuration Mode and go to GRS/GMU Calibration page as shown in Figure
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3. This page is protected and requires a keystroke password to perform this test. Press the following
softkeys in sequence: (as counted from left to right on lower bezel of MFD)
• softkey 9
• softkey 10
• softkey 11
• softkey 12
4. Select MAG INTERFERENCE TEST and press the PFD1 ENT key.
5. Follow the checklist items displayed on the PFD1, and press the ENT key as each one is
completed or confirmed.
The 3 item on the checklist instructs the operator to “prepare a detailed test sequence
with precise start and stop times for exercising all electronic devices”. The list of
relevant electronic devices are given in Table 5-5. Begin test with flaps retracted, flight
controls in a neutral position, all lights selected OFF.
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Table 5-5, Magnetometer Interference Test Sequence
Elapsed Time since Start of Test
0:00 Test begins
0:05 Tail Flood lights on
0:10 Navigation lights on
0:20 Navigation lights off
0:30 Landing lights on
0:40 Landing lights off
0:50 Taxi lights on
1:00 Taxi lights off
1:20 Strobes on
1:40 Strobes off
1:50 Recognition lights on
2:00 Recognition lights off
2:10 Beacon on
2:20 Beacon off
2:30 Rudder full left
2:40 Rudder full right
2:50 Elevator full nose UP
3:00 Elevator full nose DN
3:10 End of test
6. When the CALIBRATE field is blinking, press the ENT key to begin the procedure, and have a
stopwatch ready to begin recording the elapsed time.
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It is important that the “time equals zero” moment corresponds with the moment the PFD
first displays the blinking TEST COMPLETE? Message.
7. The operator should carry out the actions called for in the prepared test sequence.
It is important that all actions are carried out in the order and at the precise elapsed time
as specified in the prepared test sequence.
8. When the operator has completed the actions specified in the test sequence, press the ENTER button
to indicate that the process is complete. When this is done, the TEST COMPLETE field stops
9. PFD1 informs the operator if the installation has passed or failed the magnetometer interference test.
If the test passes, no further action is required for this test.
If the test fails, the installation should be considered unreliable until the source of magnetic interference
is identified and remedied. When the magnetometer interference test fails, record the three magnetometer
maximum deviation values and their corresponding timestamps. Any maximum deviation value greater
than 2.5 milliGauss indicates a problem that must be resolved. Compare the corresponding timestamps
with the prepared test sequence to identify which action produced the problem. Contact Garmin for
assistance in resolving the problem.
Three common reasons for a failed magnetometer interference test are: 1) rudder
bellcrank or other structure has become magnetized, 2) new equipment is installed in
close proximity to the GMU 44 magnetometer, and 3) an existing or new electronic
device has become grounded through the aircraft structure instead of via the proper
ground wire in a twisted shielded pair.
10. Press the ENT key on the PFD to conclude this procedure.
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5.16 GDC 74B Troubleshooting
5.16.1 Air Data Common Problems
Symptom Recommended Action
• Perform a pitot/static check per Section 7.6 of this manual.
• Determine which instrument is outside limits and replace. The
GDC may be field adjusted per Garmin Service Advisory 0720.
Note: Both units may individually be in spec but show a
Altitude is different than standby
difference in altitude. Do not return the GDC to Garmin for
service if not outside limits.
Note: The GDC 74B software for the 200/B200 contains error
correction at 19,000 feet and above. The standby altimeter
does not contain any correction.
GDC Config file does not load. • Replace GDC config module.
9 If problem persists, replace GDC config module wire harness.
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5.17 GWX 68 Troubleshooting
5.17.1 GWX 68 Alerts and Problems
Before energizing the equipment, be sure microwave radiation safety precautions including both fuel and
personnel safety considerations have been observed. These include clearing all personnel to an area
beyond the maximum permissible exposure level (MPEL) boundary. The MPEL for the GWX 68 is 11
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5.18 GMC 710 Troubleshooting
5.18.1 GMC 710 Alerts and Problems
Failure Message Cause Solutions
• Load GMC configuration files.
• Replace GMC.
• If problem persists, replace
master configuration module,
check config module wiring for
faults and replace if necessary.
New Terrain/Obstacle cards,
The G1000 has detected a Jeppesen Aviation Database and
GMC CNFG – GMC Config error.
GMC 710 configuration
Config service req’d. other optional features (i.e.
TAWS unlock card) will need to
be replaced if the master
configuration module is changed.
The G1000 System ID number
will change to a new number
when installing a new master
config module. The old Terrain
and other cards will no longer
work as they will remain locked
to the old System ID number.
• Check wiring for faults (ref Failed
The G1000 has detected a Path troubleshooting section 5.7).
GMC FAIL – GMC is inoperative.
failure in the GMC 710.
• Replace the GMC 710.
The system has detected an • Load the correct software version.
MANIFEST – GMC software
incorrect software version See Section 3.9 for the Software
mismatch. Communication halted.
loaded in the GMC 710. Load Procedure.
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5.19 GCU 477 Troubleshooting
5.19.1 GCU 477 Alerts and Problems
Failure Message Cause Solutions
• Load GCU configuration files.
• Replace GCU.
• If problem persists, replace
master configuration module,
check config module wiring for
faults and replace if necessary.
New Terrain/Obstacle cards,
The G1000 has detected a Jeppesen Aviation Database and
GCU CNFG – GCU Config error.
GCU 477 configuration
Config service req’d. other optional features (i.e.
TAWS unlock card) will need to
be replaced if the master
configuration module is changed.
The G1000 System ID number
will change to a new number
when installing a new master
config module. The old Terrain
and other cards will no longer
work as they will remain locked
to the old System ID number.
• Check wiring for faults (ref Failed
The G1000 has detected a Path troubleshooting section).
GCU FAIL – GCU is inoperative.
failure in the GCU 477.
• Replace the GCU 477.
The system has detected an • Load the correct software version.
MANIFEST – GCU software
incorrect software version See Section 3.9 for the Software
mismatch. Communication halted.
loaded in GCU 477. Load Procedure.
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5.20 Software/Configuration Troubleshooting
Problem Solutions
MFD or PFD displays do not power up: • Ensure that the criteria listed in Section 5.20.1 are
fulfilled for the applicable situation.
• Ensure power is present at display backshell
• Troubleshoot per the “Blank Display” GDU section.
Software file load fails: • Ensure that criteria listed in Section 5.20.1 are
fulfilled for the applicable situation.
• Ensure that LRU is reporting data on System
Status page (LRU is ‘ONLINE’). Check data path
wiring as needed.
• Retry software file load or try using a different card.
Ensure that the MFD is not touched during the
loading process.
• Ensure that LRU part number is compatible with
software version and Card Loader. Refer to the
General Arrangement Drawing and to Section 3.8
of this document.
• Replace LRU.
Configuration file load fails: • Ensure that the criteria listed in Section 5.20.1 are
fulfilled for the applicable situation.
• Ensure that LRU is reporting data on System
Status page (LRU is ‘ONLINE’). Check data path
wiring as needed.
• Retry configuration file load or try using a different
card. Ensure that the MFD is not touched during
the loading process.
• Ensure that LRU part number is compatible with
Card Loader. Refer to the General Arrangement
Drawing and to Section 3.8 of this document.
• Replace LRU.
GIA1 and/or GIA2 to ‘LRU’ data path not • Ensure that the criteria listed in Section 5.20.1 are
fulfilled for the applicable situation.
• Ensure GIA1 and GIA2 are configured correctly.
• Check wiring, connectors & pins as needed.
Software File Mismatch Alert appears in lower • Ensure that proper software file part number and
right corner of PFD when started in normal mode: version were loaded to LRU. Refer to the General
Arrangement Drawing and to Section 5.20.1.
• Check and ensure that correct Card Loader was
used during load process. Refer to the General
Arrangement Drawing.
• Reload software to LRU.
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5.20.1 System Communication Hierarchy
The following criteria must be satisfied to be able to perform the desired operation:
Desired Operation Criteria for Success
Load Software to MFD or PFD Displays • SW Loader Card must be inserted in top slot for
each display to be loaded.
• CLR & ENT keys must be held during power up of
• Power on only one display at a time during
software loading.
Load AIRFRAME, SYSTEM, MFD1, PFD 1, • SW Loader Card must be inserted in top slot of
PFD 1.
PFD 2 and MANIFEST configuration files to
MFD and PFDs • PFD 1 and MFD must be powered on.
• PFD 1 and MFD must have correct software.
Load Software/Configuration files to GIA 63Ws • SW Loader Card must be inserted in top slot of
PFD 1.
• G1000 system must be powered on.
• PFD and MFD must have correct software.
• PFD 1 and MFD must be successfully configured
PFD 1 and PFD 2 configuration files.
Load Software/Configuration files to: • SW Loader Card must be inserted into PFD 1 top
- GMA 1347D • G1000 must be powered on.
- GDC 74B • PFD 1 and MFD must have correct software and
configuration settings.
- GEA 71
• GIA 63Ws must have correct software.
- GRS 77 (software only) • GIA 63Ws must be successfully configured with
GIA1 and GIA2 configuration files.
- GMU 44 (software only)
• Data path from GIA1 to each LRU must be
- GTX 33 operational.
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5.21 Backshell/Backplate Connectors
The following figures depict the backplate connectors as viewed with the LRU removed.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 2728 2930
31 32 3334 35 3637 3839 40 41 42 43 44
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
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P712 P711
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
P13471 P13472
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 2728 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 5657 58 59 60 61 62
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Figure 5-12, GDU 1040A/1500 Backshell Connector (P10401 or P15001)
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Figure 5-16, GCU 477 Backshell Connector (P4751)
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
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Figure 5-21, GPA 65 Mating Connector (P651)
(Rear View)
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31
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5.22 Standby Attitude Indicator Troubleshooting
Symptom Recommended Action
• Perform the Standby Instrument Electrical Power Checks in Section 8.1.5.
• Remove the unit per Section 6.27 and inspect the electrical connector.
• Check to ensure appropriate electrical power is being supplied to the
Warning flag pops into view, instrument.
indicating that the gyro motor is
• If input electrical power is not adequate, troubleshoot the wiring
not receiving sufficient power to
• If input power is appropriate, the unit must be removed and serviced
by a qualified service facility See Section 6.27 for removal
instructions. Contact the manufacturer to find a qualified service
• The unit must be removed and serviced by a qualified service facility.
Unit fails to perform to
See Section 6.27 for removal instructions. Contact the manufacturer to
find a qualified service facility.
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5.24 Standby Altimeter Troubleshooting
Symptom Recommended Action
• Perform the Standby Instrument Electrical Power Checks in Section 8.1.5.
Altimeter lighting is inoperative or • Remove standby altimeter per Section 6.26 and inspect the electrical
malfunctioning connector.
• Check that electrical power is being appropriately supplied to the
• If the input electrical power is not adequate, troubleshoot the wiring
Altimeter Vibrator is inoperative or
malfunctioning or fail flag is
displayed • If the input electrical power is appropriate, replace the standby
altimeter or contact the manufacturer for further troubleshooting.
• Using a pitot-static ramp tester, check altitude displayed on standby
altimeter (Note that PFD2 has error correction above 19,000 ft. and will
not be the same as the non-corrected standby altimeter.)
Altitude displayed is incorrect
9 Inspect the pitot/static ports and associated equipment for faults.
9 Replace the standby altimeter or contact the manufacturer for further
troubleshooting. See Section 6.26 for removal instructions.
• If the resistances are within the ranges specified, check that there is a
ground on TP 2.
• If all the resistances are within the ranges specified and there is a ground
on TP 2, apply power to the (Stall Warning System) Lift Computer and
check for the presence of 28 VDC from the aircraft circuit Breaker (C/B)
on TP 1 (Hi) and TP 2 (Lo).
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• If the 28 VDC is missing, check the C/B.
• If 28 VDC power to the computer is present, check the transducer
excitation voltage on TP 24 (Hi) and TP 25 (Lo). The voltage should be 10
± 0.75 VAC at 720 ± 72 Hz.
• If the excitation voltage is not within the ranges specified, replace the
• If the excitation voltage is within the ranges specified, check the LAA
output on TP 18 (Lo) and TP 19 (Hi). The output is a varying DC voltage
based on the transducer vane position. The output from the computer with
the vane in neutral position depends on the flap position. See table below.
Flaps Output
Full Up +0.3 to 1.3 VDC
Approach +0.75 to 1.75 VDC
Full Down +1.1 to 2.1 VDC
• If the output on TP 18 (Lo) and TP 19 (Hi) is not within the ranges
specified, replace the Lift Computer.
• If the output on TP 18 (Lo) and TP 19 (Hi) is within the ranges specified,
check the aircraft wiring in accordance with the appropriate Garmin wiring
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26 I Lift Transducer Secondary (Fast) Input
27 I Lift Transducer Center Tap (Common) Lift Transducer Secondary Input into the computer.
28 I Lift Transducer Secondary (Slow) Input
No or low-quality wi-fi signal • Remove any obstacles between the aircraft wi-fi antenna and the wi-fi
network hub that may be blocking the signal.
• Check the wi-fi antenna cable and connectors.
• Verify antenna ground plane is adequate.
• Activate Garmin Flight Data Services (reference Section 7.27). Note that a
Connects to wi-fi but cannot send
replacement GDL 59 unit must be registered again, even if the MFD
report data
already shows REGISTERED.
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5.27 GSR 56 Troubleshooting
Transmit Power Fault Internal voltages are out of tolerance Check power connections to the GPA
65 to verify that they are not
connected to ground or each other.
Ensure that power and ground
connections to the GPA 65 are
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Problem Cause Solution
connected in their proper place.
Verify input voltage and if it continues
return to Garmin for service.
1030 MHz Fault Internal Fault Return to Garmin for service
PA/LNA Fault Antenna connections or internal fault Ensure all antenna connections are
correct otherwise return to Garmin for
Receiver Fault Antenna connections or internal fault Ensure all antenna connections are
correct otherwise return to Garmin for
Transmitter Fault Antenna connections or internal fault Ensure all antenna connections are
correct otherwise return to Garmin for
Baro Altitude Fault Baro Altimeter is not powered on or Verify that the baro altimeter has
improper wiring. power and is properly wired.
Improper configuration settings Verify the configuration correct
Temperature Fault Fan is not operating, Poor ventilation at the Verify the fan is running and the unit
mounting location is getting adequate ventilation.
TCAS Equipage Fault Broken wire, improper configuration Verify configuration settings on the
transponder and the GTS. Ensure
proper wiring between the
transponder and the GTS
Radio Altitude Fault Radio Altimeter is not powered on or Verify that the radio altimeter has
improper wiring. power and is properly wired.
Improper configuration settings Verify the configuration is correct.
Red ‘X’ on a data port on the Improper wiring; wrong port or speed Ensure the port is properly wired to
configuration page selected the GTS 8XX and the correct settings
are selected on the configuration
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6 Equipment Removal & Installation
This section describes how to remove and replace equipment in the King Air 200/B200 associated with
this STC. After removal and replacement, LRUs must be configured and tested as described in Section 7.
When removing and/or replacing any G1000 component, always ensure that aircraft
power is off. Unplug any auxiliary power supplies. Before performing
maintenance, it is required that the technician verify the LRU software part number
and version number matches the software configuration listed in the General
Arrangement drawing, listed in Table 1-2.
To check an LRU software part number and/or version, follow the procedure defined in Section 3.9.3.
If a faulty LRU is not reporting its software version and part number, check aircraft maintenance logs for
last software version loaded and verify against the General Arrangement drawing. The Software
Manifest page may also be used to check part numbers and versions.
The General Arrangement drawing allows alternate part number units to be installed with certain
hardware/software combination restrictions. Refer to the applicable “Garmin Equipment/Software List”
contained in the General Arrangement drawing for details.
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6.1 GDU 1040A/1500
1. Using a 3/32” hex tool, rotate all four ¼-turn fasteners counter-clockwise until they reach their
2. Carefully remove the display from the panel.
3. While supporting the display, disconnect the connector.
1. Visually inspect the connector and pins for signs of damage. Repair any damage. While
supporting the display, connect the connector to the rear of the unit.
2. Carefully insert the display into the panel cutout, ensuring that all 4 ¼-turn fasteners align with
the corresponding holes.
3. Seat the display in the panel cutout. Do not use excessive force while inserting the display.
4. Once seated, rotate all four ¼-turn fasteners clockwise to lock the display to the panel.
5. Configure and test the MFD and/or PFD according to Section 7.1.
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6.3 GIA 63W Integrated Avionics Units
1. Gain access to the forward avionics compartment in the nose of the aircraft.
2. Unlock the GIA 63W handle by loosening the Phillips screw on the handle.
3. Pull the handle upward to unlock the GIA 63W. Gently remove the unit from the rack.
1. Visually inspect the connectors to ensure there are no bent or damaged pins. Repair any damage.
2. Gently insert the GIA 63W into its rack. The handle should engage the dogleg track.
3. Press down on the GIA 63W handle to lock the unit into the rack.
4. Lock the handle to the GIA 63W body using the Philips screw.
5. Configure and test the GIA 63W(s) according to Section 7.3.
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6.5 GTX 33( ) Transponder
1. Gain access by removing the cabin center floor panel at the main entry door.
2. Remove the remote equipment shelf. Alternately, detach the two rack mount angles from the
shelf. Retain all mounting hardware.
3. Unlock the GTX 33( ) handle by loosening the Phillips screw on the handle.
4. Pull the handle upward to unlock the GTX 33( ). Gently remove the unit from the rack.
1. Visually inspect the connectors to ensure there are no bent or damaged pins. Repair any damage.
2. Gently insert the GTX 33( ) into its rack. The handle should engage the dogleg track.
3. Press down on the GTX 33( ) handle to lock the unit into the rack.
4. Lock the handle to the GTX 33( ) body using the Philips screw.
5. Reinstall the remote equipment shelf or two rack mount angles using the retained hardware.
6. Reinstall the cabin center floor panel.
7. Configure and test the GTX 33( ) according to Section 7.5.
3. Using a brush or other applicator, apply a thin coat of Aeroshell 33MS (Lithium-complex based)
grease to the servo output gear
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6.12 GSM 85A/86 Servo Gearbox
1. Remove the desired servo(s) per Section 6.11.
2. For the Roll, Pitch and Yaw Servos: remove the servo bridle cables from the control cable
clamps. For the Pitch-Trim Servo: disconnect the servo cable at the forward turnbuckle and aft
3. Use a socket or open-wrench to loosen and remove the servo attachment bolts.
4. Carefully remove the servo gearbox(es).
5. Remove the cable retention pins and ring (or cover) and then remove the servo cable from the
1. Ensure cable retention pins are oriented correctly. Follow the installation instructions provided in
the respective servo installation drawing(s) listed in Table 1-2.
2. If no other maintenance is to be performed, reinstall the servo(s) per Section 6.11.
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6.14 GMC 710
1. Use a 3/32” hex drive tool to turn each of the four locking sockets ¼ turn counterclockwise until
they reach their stops.
2. Disconnect backshell assembly from unit.
1. Inspect connector(s) for damaged pins.
2. Connect backshell assembly to unit.
3. Hold unit flush with the mounting bracket, ensuring locking stud alignment marks are in the
vertical position.
4. Use a 3/32” hex drive tool to turn each of the four locking sockets ¼ turn clockwise. This may
require applying a small amount of forward pressure to engage the ¼ turn sockets.
5. Configure and test the GMC 710 according to Section 7.11.
6.15 GWX 68
1. Gain access by removing nose radome.
2. Disconnect backshell assembly from unit.
3. Use a 3/16” hex drive tool to remove each of the four mounting screws.
1. Inspect connector for damaged pins.
2. Hold unit flush with the radar mount.
3. Use a 3/16” hex drive tool to tighten each of the four mounting screws.
4. Connect backshell assembly to unit.
5. Configure and test the GWX 68 according to Section 7.12.1.
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6.16 Configuration Module Removal & Replacement
Configuration modules (Item 1 shown below) are located in the following LRU harness connector
backshells (Item 6): GDU 1040A PFD, GRS 77 AHRS, GDC 74B Air Data Computer, and the GEA 71
Engine/Airframe Unit. Refer to the Master Drawing List, listed in Table 1-2, for specific installation
1. Disconnect connector from LRU.
2. Remove 2 screws (8) from cover (7) and remove cover.
3. Unplug connector from configuration module (1).
4. Remove configuration module.
1. Inspect connector for damaged pins (4).
2. Place configuration module (1) in position.
3. Insert connector into configuration module (1).
4. Assembly of the connector is the reverse of disassembly.
5. Continue to Section 6.16.1.
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6.16.1 Configuration Module Checkout
If a GRS 77 AHRS Configuration Module is replaced:
All three GRS 77/GMU 44 calibration procedures must be performed. Proceed to Section 7.7.3.
If a GDC 74B Configuration Module is replaced:
Configuration settings must be reloaded to the GDC 74B per Section 3.9, then proceed to Section 7.6.1.
If a GEA 71 Configuration Module is replaced:
Proceed to Section 7.4.1.
If only the Master Configuration Module is replaced:
New Terrain/Obstacle cards, Jeppesen Aviation Database and other optional features (i.e.
TAWS unlock card) will need to be replaced if the master configuration module is
changed. The G1000 System ID number will change to a new number when installing a
new master config module. The old Terrain and other cards will no longer work as they
will remain locked to the old System ID number.
1. The entire G1000 system must be re-configured. Insert the correct G1000 software loader card into
PFD 1.
2. Start the G1000 in configuration mode. Go to the System Upload Page on PFD 1.
3. See Section 3.9 for instructions on how to use the System Upload page. Check all configuration
files and reload them.
4. After reloading configuration files, examine the G1000 installation for any installed configuration
options. Options are listed in Section 3.9. Load optional files as necessary.
5. Continue to Section 8 and conduct the return to service checkout.
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6.17 GEA 71 Backshell Thermocouple Removal & Replacement
The GEA 71 has a K-Type thermocouple (Item 1 shown below) installed in its backshell, in addition to
the configuration module. The thermocouple is used in conjunction with the configuration module
temperature sensor to compensate for temperature probe errors resulting from the dissimilar metals at the
pin contacts.
1. Remove GEA 71 per Section 6.4.
2. Remove GEA connector backplate.
3. Remove connector assembly J711 from the backplate.
4. Remove screws, item 7, and cover, item 6, from the backshell, item 5.
5. Unscrew thermocouple from boss on backshell. Extract the thermocouple pins from the
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1. Crimp pins, item 2, onto each of the thermocouple wires, item 1. Ensure that pre-stripped wire
length is 1/8” prior to crimping.
2. Insert newly crimped pins and wires into the appropriate connector housing location, item 4, as
specified by King Air 200/B200 Wiring Diagram, listed in Table 1-2.
3. Place thermocouple body, item 1, onto the backshell boss, item 5. Place the thermocouple as
shown in Figure 6-3 so that the wires exit towards the bottom of the backshell.
4. Fasten thermocouple tightly to backshell using the provided screw, item 3.
5. Fasten cover, item 6, to backshell using screws, item 7.
6. Continue to Section 7.4.1 and verify that the ITT indications are valid on the MFD.
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6.20 Iridium Antenna
1. Gain access to the antenna coaxial cable connector by removing the aft cabin ceiling panel. Refer
to the Antenna Install drawing listed in Table 1-2.
2. Disconnect the antenna coaxial cable.
3. Remove the antenna mounting screws.
4. Remove antenna.
1. Install antenna using retained mounting screws.
2. Connect the antenna coaxial cable.
3. Fillet seal around antenna. Refer to the Antenna Install drawing listed in Table 1-2.
4. Reinstall the aft cabin ceiling panel.
5. Proceed to Section 7.29 for testing of the GSR 56.
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5. If planning to reinstall the same unit, it is not necessary to disconnect the ground strap from the
unit ground stud. If replacing with a new unit, disconnect the ground strap from the removed unit
and retain the ground strap and associated hardware for reinstallation on the new unit.
1. Reinstallation of the Signal Conditioners is the reverse of the removal.
Note that the p/n 85-292-2 and 85-292-4 units are interchangeable.
Reference the Main Instrument Panel Installation drawing, listed in Table 1-2, for more details.
2. Proceed to Section 7.4.1 for testing.
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6.25 Standby Airspeed Indicator
1. Remove MFD per Section 6.1.
2. Disconnect pitot-static plumbing from the back of the standby airspeed indicator. Take necessary
precautions to prevent foreign object debris from entering the pitot-static lines during
3. Disconnect the electrical connector from the standby airspeed indicator.
4. Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the attachment screws from the front of the standby airspeed
5. Remove the standby airspeed indicator.
1. Reinstallation of the standby airspeed indicator is the reverse of the removal. Reference the Main
Instrument Panel Installation drawing, listed in Table 1-2, for more details.
2. If further maintenance is not required, proceed to Section 8.
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6.27 Standby Attitude Indicator
Ensure the standby attitude indicator gyro is not spinning—this may take 10 minutes or longer after the
unit has been turned off. This unit is very delicate; handle like eggs. Refer to the 4200 Series Attitude
Indicator Installation Manual, listed in Table 1-2, for more handling instructions.
1. Remove MFD per Section 6.1.
2. Disconnect the electrical connector of the standby attitude indicator.
3. Use a 0.060” 6-Spline wrench to remove the knob from the front of the standby attitude indicator.
4. Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the three attachment screws from the front of the standby
attitude indicator.
5. Remove the standby attitude indicator.
1. Ensure the lighting control voltage switches on rear of unit are set for 28V.
2. Reinstallation of the standby attitude indicator is the reverse of the removal. Reference the Main
Instrument Panel Installation drawing, listed in Table 1-2, for more details.
3. If further maintenance is not required, proceed to Section 8.
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7 G1000 Equipment Configuration & Testing
This section provides procedures to be followed after a piece of G1000 equipment is replaced. At the
beginning of each LRU section, instructions are given to guide the technician for various
removal/replacement scenarios. These instructions define necessary procedures to be followed for
situations where original equipment was reinstalled as well as for situations where new equipment (new
serial number) is installed.
Remove Supplemental Database Cards from the lower slot of all displays before loading
software into any unit. Not removing the cards may corrupt them. Replacing corrupted
database cards are not covered under warranty.
Garmin recommends the use of SanDisk or Toshiba brand SD cards to load G1000
software and configuration files. If another brand of card is used, and software loading
problems occur, replace the card with a SanDisk or Toshiba brand card and reattempt the
software load.
Connect a ground power unit to the aircraft for software loading. Do not rely on only the
aircraft batteries to prevent loss of power during the software loading process. DO NOT
SOFTWARE! Remove power only when told to do so by the following procedure. As a
general rule all displays should be in the same mode (configuration or normal), unless
instructed differently.
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7.1.1 PFD/MFD Test
1. Allow displays to initialize for ~1 minute.
2. Check that all COM/NAV display fields are valid in the top corners of both PFDs.
3. Check that attitude, heading, altitude, airspeed, vertical speed and OAT fields are valid within 2
minutes of power up on both PFDs.
4. Press the SENSOR softkey on each PFD and switch between ADC1 and ADC2. Verify that data
from both GDC 74Bs is valid on both displays.
5. Press the SENSOR softkey on each PFD and switch between AHRS1 and AHRS2. Verify that data
from both GRS 77s is valid on both displays.
6. Check that the engine instrument fields are valid on the MFD.
7. Push the red DISPLAY BACKUP button on the pilot-side GMA 1347D. Verify that the pilot-side
PFD and MFD displays enter reversion mode. MFD should have valid altitude, airspeed, vertical
speed, COMM1, COMM2, NAV1, NAV2 and engine instruments.
8. De-activate pilot-side reversion mode by pushing the DISPLAY BACKUP button. Verify PFD 1 and
MFD return to normal display modes.
9. Repeat Step 1 using GMA2. Ensure that PFD 2 and MFD enter reversion mode and MFD displays
valid altitude, airspeed, vertical speed, COMM1, COMM2, NAV1, NAV2 and engine instruments.
10. De-activate co-pilot’s side reversion mode by pushing the DISPLAY BACKUP button. Verify PFD 2
and MFD return to normal display modes.
11. Select the TAWS page on the MFD.
12. Verify that the title at the top of the page reads “MAP – TAWS-B” or “MAP-TAWS-A”. If TAWS
has not been enabled, the title will read “MAP – TERRAIN PROXIMITY” or “MAP – TERRAIN”.
13. Press the MENU button and select “Test TAWS” from the pop-up menu.
14. After the TAWS test has completed, verify that “TAWS System Test Okay” is heard over the cockpit
15. If no other service is to be performed, perform final return-to-service test as specified in Section 8.
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7.2 GMA 1347D Audio Panel
Original GMA 1347D Reinstalled
No software/configuration loading or testing is required if the removed GMA 1347D is re-installed. This
does not include units that were returned for repair as their software and configuration files are deleted
during the repair testing process. Continue to the final return-to-service checks in Section 8.
Original GMA 1347D Installed in Opposite Locations for Troubleshooting
If the original GMA #1 and GMA #2 are installed in opposite locations, configuration loading is required.
See Section 3.9, and then continue to the GMA 1347D Test (Section 7.2.1).
New, Repaired or Exchange GMA 1347D Installed
If a new, repaired or exchanged GMA 1347D is installed, the correct software and configuration files
must be loaded to the unit. See Section 3.9, and then continue to the GMA 1347D Test (Section 7.2.1).
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Transceiver Operational Check
Perform a ramp test radio check by exercising the installed transceivers, microphone, microphone key
and audio over the headphones and speaker. Verify that communications are clear and PTT operation is
correct for each pilot position.
1. On the pilot’s audio panel, select the audio source corresponding to each installed avionics unit (i.e.
NAV1, NAV2, COM1, COM2, ADF and DME) and check for audio over the pilot’s headset.
2. Press the SPKR key on pilot’s audio panel and verify that the selected audio is heard over the pilot’s
3. On the copilot’s audio panel, select the audio source corresponding to each installed avionics unit (i.e.
NAV1, NAV2, COM1, COM2, ADF and DME) and check for audio over the copilot’s headset.
4. Press the SPKR key on copilot’s audio panel and verify that the selected audio is heard over the
copilot’s speaker.
Failsafe Operation Check – GMA 1347D #1
1. Turn the GMA 1347D #1 off by pulling the AUDIO NO 1 circuit breaker. This directs all COM 1
phone audio, MIC audio and MIC key to the pilot’s position.
2. Check the failsafe operation by exercising the COM 1 boom mic, hand mic, microphone key and
audio over the headphones. All volume control for the COM audio should be through the PFD
volume control. Verify proper operation of COM 1 using the failsafe operation.
3. Close the AUDIO NO 1 circuit breaker to continue testing.
Failsafe Operation Check – GMA 1347D #2
1. Turn the GMA 1347D #2 off by pulling the AUDIO NO 2 circuit breaker. This directs all COM 2
phone audio, MIC audio and MIC key to the co-pilot’s position.
2. Check the failsafe operation by exercising the COM 2 boom mic, hand mic, microphone key and
audio over the headphones. All volume control for the COM audio should be through the PFD
volume control. Verify proper operation of COM 2 using the failsafe operation.
3. Close the AUDIO NO 2 circuit breaker to continue testing.
Marker Beacon Test
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7.2.2 Landing Gear Aural Alert Check
This check should be conducted in conjunction with the Phase 2 and Phase 4 Landing Gear Retraction,
Warning Horn check, in the existing King Air Maintenance Program.
This procedure is applicable only to aircraft equipped with a tone generator as part of the
aircraft audio system. Refer to the appropriate aircraft wiring diagrams to determine if a
tone generator is installed.
This check can be accomplished in conjunction with the Weight on Wheels and Low
Speed Awareness Band Test in Section 7.22.
1. Conduct the Landing Gear Retraction, Warning Horn check as stated in the King Air 200 Series
Maintenance Manual, listed in Table 1-2.
2. Verify that the aural tone is played through the G1000 audio system and through both cockpit
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7.3 GIA 63W Integrated Avionics Unit
Original GIA 63W(s) Reinstalled
No software or configuration loading is required if the removed GIA is re-installed in its original position
(GIA1 and GIA2 in their original racks). This does not include units that were returned for repair as their
software and configuration files are deleted during the repair testing process. Continue to the return-to-
service checks in Section 8.
Original GIA 63Ws Swapped for Troubleshooting
No software loading is required if the originally installed GIA units are re-installed in opposite positions
(GIA1 and GIA2 in opposite unit racks). However, configuration loading is required. See Section 3.9,
and then continue to the GIA 63W Test (Section 7.3.1).
New, Repaired or Exchange GIA 63W(s) Installed
If a new, repaired or exchange GIA 63 is installed, the correct software and configuration files must be
loaded to the unit. See Section 3.9, and then continue to the GIA 63W Test (Section 7.3.1).
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VHF COM Interference Test
This test must be conducted outside. Use of a GPS repeater inside a hangar may result in a failed test.
This procedure assumes that the system is currently set to 25 kHz COM channel spacing. Once the signal
acquisition test has been completed successfully, perform the following steps:
1. On the MFD, monitor GPS signal strength bars on the AUX – GPS STATUS page.
2. On the PFD, ensure that the CDI is set to GPS. If it is not, press the ‘CDI’ softkey until GPS ENR is
3. Verify that the GPS “INTEG” flag is out of view.
4. Select 121.150 MHz on the No. 1 COM transceiver.
5. Transmit for a period of 35 seconds while monitoring GPS 1 signal strength levels.
6. During the transmit period, verify that the GPS “INTEG” flag does not come into view on the PFD
and verify that GPS 1 does not lose a 3-D navigation solution on the MFD.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 and re-transmit while monitoring GPS 2 signal levels on the MFD.
8. Repeat steps 4 through 7 for each of the following frequencies:
• 121.175 MHz
• 121.200 MHz
• 131.250 MHz
• 131.275 MHz
• 131.300 MHz
9. Repeat steps 4 through 8 for the No. 2 COM transceiver (GIA2).
10. On the MFD, select the AUX – SYSTEM SETUP page.
11. Under the COM CONFIG field, change the COM channel spacing from 25 kHz to 8.33 kHz.
12. Go back to the AUX – GPS STATUS page.
13. Select 121.185 MHz on the No. 1 COM transceiver.
14. Transmit for a period of 35 seconds while monitoring GPS 1 signal strength levels.
15. During the transmit period, verify that the GPS “INTEG” flag does not come into view on the PFD
and verify that GPS 1 does not lose a 3-D navigation solution on the MFD.
16. Repeat steps 14 and 15 and re-transmit while monitoring GPS 2 signal levels on the MFD.
17. Repeat steps 14 through 16 for each of the following frequencies:
• 121.190 MHz
• 130.285 MHz
• 131.290 Mhz
18. Repeat steps 14 through 17 for the No. 2 COM transceiver (GIA2).
19. On the MFD, select the AUX – SYSTEM SETUP page and change the COM channel spacing back
to 25 kHz.
Continue to the VOR/LOC/GS Test.
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Check the VOR, ILS, and Glideslope functions with ramp test equipment. Operate the equipment
according to the test equipment manufacturer’s instructions. Adjust the RF signal to a level adequate to
perform the test. Select the appropriate HSI source by using the CDI softkey.
The PFD HSI does not show a course deviation bar unless a valid VHF NAV frequency
is tuned.
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7.4 GEA 71 Engine/Airframe Unit
Original GEA 71 Reinstalled
No software or configuration loading is required if the removed GEA 71 is re-installed. This does not
include units that were returned for repair as their software and configuration files are deleted during the
repair testing process. Continue to the return-to-service checks in Section 8.
Original GEA 71 Installed in Opposite Locations for Troubleshooting
No software loading is required if the original GEA units are installed in opposite locations (GEA #1 and
GEA #2 in opposite unit racks). Continue to the GEA 71 Test (Section 7.4.1).
New, Repaired or Exchange GEA 71 Installed
If a new, repaired or exchange GEA 71 is installed, the correct software and configuration files must be
loaded to the unit. See Section 3.9, and then continue to the GEA 71 Test (Section 7.4.1).
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7.4.2 GEA Engine Indication Checks
Perform engine indicating systems checks for the following left and right engine indications:
Reference King Air 200 Series Maintenance Manual, Chapter 77-00-00, “Engine Indicating –
Maintenance Practices”.
• N1
• N2
• Torque
1. Remove the engine cowling (Ref. King Air 200 Series Maintenance Manual, Chapter 71-10-00) to
gain access to the engine MT5 fuel flow transmitter connector (P6).
3. Connect the Decade Box, set to a resistance of 1000 Ω, to pins C and D of the P6 connector.
4. Connect the Signal Generator to pins A (+) and B (-) of the P6 connector.
7. Inject a 25 mV P-P signal with the signal generator and simulate the frequencies specified in the
table below.
8. Observe MFD in normal mode and verify fuel flow indications match those values listed in Table
Table 7-2, Fuel Flow Test Points
Test Point (Hz) Indication (PPH)
0 0
140 100
561 400
841 600
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7.4.4 GEA Oil Pressure Indication Functional Check
The special tools and equipment listed in Table 7-3 are provided for reference only and are not
specifically required. Any product conforming to the specification listed may be used. It is the
responsibility of the technician or mechanic to determine the applicable specification prior to testing.
Table 7-3, Oil Pressure Indication Special Equipment
Name Requirement
Signal Generator 0-10Vdc / 0 – 1k Hz
1. Remove the engine cowling (Ref. King Air 200 Series Maintenance Manual, Chapter 71-10-00) to
gain access to the engine Oil Pressure Transmitter connector (P12).
3. Connect the Signal Generator to pins A (-) and B (+) of the P12 connector.
6. Inject a DC signal with the signal generator to the values specified in the table below.
7. Observe MFD in normal mode and verify Oil Pressure indications match those values listed in
Table 7-4.
Table 7-4, Oil Pressure Test Points
Test Point (VDC) Indication (PSI)
0 0
1.25 50
2.50 100
3.75 150
5.00 200
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7.5 GTX 33( ) Transponder
Original GTX 33( ) is Reinstalled
No software or configuration loading is required if the removed GTX 33 is re-installed. This does not
include units that were returned for repair as their software and configuration files are deleted during the
repair testing process. Continue to GTX 33 Test (Section 7.5.2).
Original GTX 33( ) Installed in Opposite Locations for Troubleshooting
No software loading is required if the original GTX #1 and GTX #2 are installed in opposite locations.
Continue to Transponder Configuration (Section 7.5.1).
New, Repaired or Exchange GTX 33( ) is Installed
If a new, repaired or exchange GTX 33( ) is installed, the correct software and configuration files must be
loaded to the unit per Section 3.9. Continue to Transponder Configuration (Section 7.5.1).
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6. After each configuration setting change, press the ENT key to configure the transponders.
7. Press the ENT key on PFD1 to acknowledge prompt.
8. After completing transponder configuration, deactivate the cursor.
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7.6.1 Air Data Test (GDC 74B)
The G1000 system must be maintained in accordance with the G1000 System Maintenance Manual listed
in Table 1-3 and appropriate regulations. When the GDC 74B is tested in accordance with 14 CFR Part
43, Appendix E, note the following exceptions:
• For paragraph (b)(1)(i) Scale Error, use Table 7-5 of this section instead of Appendix E, Table I
• Do not perform paragraph (b)(1)(iv) Friction
• Do not perform paragraph (b)(1)(vi) Barametric Scale Error
The following Air Data Test is to be performed in addition to or in conjunction with any other regulated
tests. This test must be performed on both pilot and copilot systems with a calibrated Air Data Test Set
(ADTS) with a combined accuracy/repeatability specification of less than ±20 feet for the test altitude
1. Perform pitot static system leak check of each system as described in the King Air 200 Series
Maintenance Manual, 34-00-00, with the following changes:
a. For the pitot leak check, set the air data test unit to an indicated airspeed of 200 knots with the
static system vented to ambient pressure conditions (ground). Pitot leak rate is not to exceed 1
knot in 1 minute.
b. For the static leak check, set the air data test set to 30,000 feet and an indicated airspeed of 120
knots. Static leak rate is not to exceed 300 feet in 1 minute.
2. Connect the pitot/static tester to the aircraft left and right pitot and static ports. Note that the
standby altimeter and airspeed indicator are connected to the copilot side pitot and static lines.
3. Verify that the PFD1 altimeter baro setting is set to 29.92 in Hg (1013.25 mb).
4. Start PFD1 in configuration mode and navigate to the GRS page. The values for altitude and
airspeed are shown on the AHRS/AIR DATA INPUT table as B ALT and IAS for both
5. Simulate the altitudes and airspeeds for each condition shown in Table 7-5. Wait for ADTS to
report that target values have been achieved.
6. On Table 7-5, record the altitude (B ALT) displayed on PFD1 for AIR DATA 1 and AIR DATA 2
for each condition.
7. On Table 7-5, record the airspeed (IAS) displayed on PFD1 for AIR DATA 1 and AIR DATA 2 for
each condition.
8. Verify that the indicated altitudes and airspeeds are within allowable tolerances.
9. File the results with the aircraft maintenance records.
If either the pilot or copilot air data system does not meet the tolerances specified, have maintenance
checks performed on the air data system or the pitot/static system.
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Table 7-5, Air Data System Test
Altitude (FT) Airspeed (KIAS)
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Air Data System Test (Continued)
Test Point Altitude (FT) Airspeed (KTS)
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7.6.2 Static Port Vertical Speed (Rate of Climb) Test
1. Command ADTS to change the altitude at the rates shown in the table below.
2. Wait for ADTS to report that target rates have been achieved.
3. Verify that the Rate of Climb reported by the Vertical Speed field on PFD1 and PFD2 are within the
tolerances specified in Table 7-6:
Table 7-6, Vertical Speed Table
Vertical Speed, feet/minute Allowed tolerance, ±feet/minute
2000 100
1000 50
500 45
200 45
0 N/A (No VS Display)
-200 45
-500 45
-1000 50
-2000 100
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7.7 GRS 77 AHRS / GMU 44 Magnetometer
Original GRS 77 is Reinstalled
If the original GRS 77 is reinstalled, then no software loading is required. This does not include units
that were returned for repair as their software and configuration files are deleted during the repair testing
If the GRS rack was not removed or loosened, continue to the GRS/GMU Test (Section 7.7.6).
If the GRS rack was removed or loosened, continue to the GRS/GMU Calibration Procedures (Section
Original GRS 77 is Installed in Opposite Location for Troubleshooting
If the original GRS #1 and GRS #2 are installed in opposite locations (GRS #1 and GRS #2 in opposite
unit racks), no software loading is required.
If the GRS rack(s) was not removed or loosened, continue to the GRS/GMU Test (Section 7.7.6).
If the GRS rack(s) was removed or loosened, continue to the GRS/GMU Calibration Procedures (Section
New, Repaired or Exchange GRS 77 is Installed
If a new, repaired or exchange GRS 77 is installed, then software must be loaded. Continue to Section
3.9 for software loading, then proceed as follows:
If the GRS rack(s) was not removed or loosened, continue to the GRS/GMU Test (Section 7.7.6).
If the GRS rack(s) was removed or loosened, continue to the GRS/GMU Calibration Procedures (Section
New GRS 77 Configuration Module is Installed
If the GRS 77 configuration module is replaced, no software loading is required. Continue to the
GRS/GMU Calibration Procedures (Section 7.7.1).
Original GMU 44 is Reinstalled
If the original GMU 44 is reinstalled, then no software loading is required. This does not include units
that were returned for repair as their software and configuration files are deleted during the repair testing
process. Continue to the GRS/GMU Test (Section 7.7.6).
Original GMU 44 is Installed in Opposite Location for Troubleshooting
If the original GMU #1 and GMU #2 are installed in opposite locations (GMU #1 and GMU #2 in
opposite unit racks), no software loading is required. However, performing the Magnetometer
Calibration Procedure is required. Continue to the GRS/GMU Test (Section 7.7.6).
New, Repaired or Exchange GMU 44 is Installed
If a new, repaired or exchange GMU 44 is installed, then software must be loaded. Continue to Section
3.9 for software loading, then continue to the GRS/GMU Calibration Procedures (Section 7.7.1).
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7.7.1 GRS/GMU Calibration Procedures
GRS/GMU Recalibration Criteria
The following calibration procedures are provided for the GRS 77 and GMU 44:
• Pitch/Roll Offset: (Procedure A1, PROVIDED IN SECTION 7.7.2)
• Magnetometer Calibration: (Procedure B, PROVIDED IN SECTION 7.7.4)
• Engine Run-Up Vibration Test: (Procedure D, PROVIDED IN SECTION 7.7.5)
• Magnetometer Interference Test: (Procedure E, PROVIDED IN SECTION 5.15.4)
When ready to perform the procedures, shut the PFDs and MFD off by pulling the PFD and MFD circuit
breakers. Restart all displays in configuration mode. Follow the steps given for each procedure on-
screen at the GRS/GMU CALIBRATION page. Note that the CALIBRATE command cannot be
selected and activated until the installer acknowledges all required steps have been carried out by
pressing the ENT key on each step.
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7.7.2 Procedure A1: GRS 77 Pitch/Roll Offset Calibration
This procedure must be performed for both GRS 77 units installed in the aircraft. This first procedure
must be carried out with the engine off.
1. Level the aircraft to within ±0.25° of zero pitch and zero roll using a digital level. (Follow
instructions in King Air 200 Series Maintenance Manual, listed in Table 1-2, for leveling)
2. Start the G1000 system in Configuration mode.
3. Go to the GRS Page Group and select the GRS/GMU Calibration page at the PFD. This page is
protected and the following softkey password must be entered at the PFD to continue:
• 9
• 10
• 11
• 12 (Far Right softkey)
4. Ensure that the No. 1 GRS 77 is selected in the SELECT GRS UNIT window on the PFD.
5. Activate the cursor and highlight the SELECT PROCEDURE window and select PITCH/ROLL
6. Press the ENT key.
7. Use the cursor to highlight the BEFORE CALIBRATION window.
8. Follow the checklist items displayed on the PFD and press the ENT key as each step is completed or
9. When the CALIBRATE field is blinking, press the ENT button to begin the procedure.
10. After several seconds, a new checklist appears in the lower half of the PFD. Press the ENT key as
each step is confirmed. When the CONFIRM AIRCRAFT IS LEVEL field is blinking, press the
ENT key to continue.
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11. The result of the pitch/roll offset compensation is displayed on the PFD. If successful, the AHRS
records the required pitch and roll offsets, informs the operator of a successful conclusion and
returns to normal operation.
12. Press the ENT key on the PFD to conclude this procedure for GRS 77 #1.
13. Repeat steps 1 through 6 for GRS 77 #2.
The Magnetometer Calibration Procedure that follows in Section 7.7.4
(Calibration Procedure B) must be carried out at a site that is determined
to be free of magnetic disturbances. If it is unsure whether the site is
‘clean’, the technician should verify that the site is ‘clean’ by following
the guidance provided in Section 7.7.3. The technician may skip Section
7.7.3 if the site condition is acceptable.
7.7.3 Compass Rose Evaluation of Magnetic Disturbances for Magnetometer
Calibration Procedure (Optional)
Typically, a compass rose is an acceptable location to perform the
magnetometer calibration procedure. However, because not all compass
roses are well maintained, even an existing compass rose should be
regularly evaluated using the method described here to determine if it is
free of magnetic disturbances. If evaluation of an existing compass rose
indicates that magnetic disturbances are present, then an alternative
location must be found to perform the Magnetometer Calibration
A G1000-equipped airplane that has completed the pitch/roll offset compensation procedure (Procedure
A-1, Section 7.7.2) can be used to evaluate a candidate site for magnetic disturbances and determine
whether it is a suitable location to perform the magnetometer calibration procedure. The magnetometer
calibration procedure itself contains the logic to simultaneously survey the location for magnetic
cleanliness while it is computing the magnetometer calibration parameters.
In order to evaluate a candidate site, the Magnetometer Calibration Procedure must be performed twice:
once turning clockwise around the site, and once turning counter-clockwise. Both times, the procedure
should be conducted as described in Section 7.7.4 of this document, with the exception of the direction of
turns around the site.
Although Section 7.7.4 indicates that the Magnetometer Calibration
Procedure should be performed by making a series of clockwise turns
around the site, the procedure can also be performed by making counter-
clockwise turns for the purpose of evaluating the site for magnetic
If the PFD displays the “CALIBRATION SUCCESSFUL / SITE IS CLEAN” message upon completion
of the Magnetometer Calibration Procedure in each clockwise and counter-clockwise direction, then the
candidate site is sufficiently free of magnetic disturbances and is acceptable for performing the
Magnetometer Calibration Procedure. It is important to obtain successful result in both the clockwise and
counter-clockwise directions to ensure that the magnetometer sweeps over a large enough area at the
candidate site.
If the PFD displays either the “MAG FIELD AT SITE NOT UNIFORM” or “MAG FIELD AT SITE
DIFFERS FROM IGRF MODEL” message upon completion of the Magnetometer Calibration Procedure
in either of the two directions, then the site contains magnetic disturbances that are too large.
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7.7.4 Procedure B: GRS 77/GMU 44 Magnetic Calibration
Procedure A-1 (Section 7.7.2) must first be successfully accomplished before performing
Procedure B, only for situations where the GRS 77 was replaced with a new unit.
Calibration Procedure B must be carried out on a compass rose in order to guarantee
measurements free of environmental magnetic disturbances. Attempting to carry out this
maneuver on a typical ramp area may not yield a successful calibration. The accuracy of
the AHRS cannot be guaranteed if this calibration is not performed on a magnetically
clean compass rose. If the compass rose condition is not known, it is recommended that
the technician follow the guidance in Section 7.7.3.
1. Start the aircraft engine following the procedures referenced in the appropriate King Air AFM or
AFMS as shown in the General Arrangement drawing, listed in Table 1-2.
2. After aircraft engine startup, taxi the aircraft to a properly calibrated compass rose.
3. At the compass rose, align the aircraft to a heading of magnetic north (±5°).
Calibration Procedure B must be carried out on a compass rose in order to guarantee
measurements free of environmental magnetic disturbances. Attempting to carry out this
maneuver on a typical ramp area may not yield a successful calibration. The accuracy of
the AHRS cannot be guaranteed if this calibration is not performed on a magnetically
clean compass rose or equivalent.
This procedure provides instructions for calibrating both GRS 77 magnetometers
separately. It is acceptable to calibrate both GRS 77 magnetometers simultaneously by
putting both PFD 1 and PFD 2 in configuration mode and following the procedure below,
using PFD 1 to calibrate GRS #1 and PFD 2 to calibrate GRS #2.
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12. Upon instruction to turn, taxi the aircraft in a right turn. After approximately 25° to 30° of turn from
the last heading, the PFD display advises the operator to stop the aircraft.
Due to the difficulties in executing smooth, accurate turns the PFD may incorrectly
interpret a station and instruct to “HOLD POSITION” prior to full completion of a 30°
turn. If this scenario is encountered, it is best for the operator to ignore the “HOLD
POSITION” command and instead use outside references to complete the approximate
30° turn. Instead of using the PFD instruction to turn as a real-time indication of when to
turn, simply judge the 30° (±5°) turn increments of the aircraft by using the compass rose
radials. Dwelling at these 30° increments for the time recommended by the PFD should
result in successful calibration.
13. The PFD guides the operator to dwell at multiple headings around a complete circle.
Due to high winds or excessive airframe vibration, the operator may encounter a
condition where the PFD restarts the 18-second countdown without full completion of the
previous countdown. If this is encountered more than once for a given station, the
operator should begin turning to the next station (approximately 30°). A minimum of 2
successful stations per quadrant is required, where a successful station is a full 18-second
countdown followed by instruction to move. Ensure that at least 2 stations per quadrant
are completed. Thus, it may sometimes be required to dwell at a station after a
countdown restart. A maximum of 30 stations is allowed for the entire calibration
procedure. If too many countdown restarts are encountered, the calibration will fail with
the message, “TOO MANY STATIONS.”
14. Repeat the turn-and-stop process until the PFD advises that a successful calibration is complete.
The GRS 77 AHRS then enters its normal operational mode. Press the ENT button on the PFD to
conclude this procedure.
15. Repeat steps 4 through 14 for GRS 77 #2.
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7.7.5 Procedure D: Engine Run-Up Vibration Procedure
Calibration Procedure D is performed in order to guarantee that the AHRS mounting is
sufficiently rigid and insensitive to vibration. This procedure must be performed for both
GRS 77 units installed in the aircraft. Calibration Procedures A1 and B (Sections 7.7.2
and 7.7.4 respectively) are not required prior to this procedure.
1. Press the FMS small knob to highlight GRS 77 #1. The FMS small knob can now be turned to select
either GRS 77 #1 or GRS 77 #2 for calibration. Press the ENT key after selecting the desired GRS 77
unit to calibrate. The SELECT PROCEDURE field is not blinking.
2. Initiate the AHRS engine run-up vibration test procedure by performing the following steps:
a) Select the ENGINE RUN-UP TEST procedure and press the ENT key.
b) Follow the checklist items displayed on the PFD, and press the ENT key as each one is completed
or confirmed. When the CALIBRATE field is blinking, press the ENT key to begin the
3. The PFD display instructs the operator to gradually increase power from idle to full throttle and back
to idle over a period of 2-4 minutes.
4. When the operator has completed the engine run-up and the engine is back to an idle setting, press the
ENT key to indicate that the process is complete. When this is done, the TEST COMPLETE field
stops blinking.
5. The PFD informs the operator if the installation has passed or failed the vibration test. If the test fails,
the specific measurements causing the failure are identified and associated numeric values are
displayed on the PFD.
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Should a failure occur, the technician may perform the Engine Run-up test up to 3 times
successively before corrective action must be taken. If the test does not pass after three
attempts, then the installation should not be considered reliable until the source of the
vibration problem is identified and remedied. In the event of repeated failure of the
engine run-up test, record the values that are reported to be out of range for future
The following are potential causes for failure of the engine run-up test:
a) Vibration motion of GRS77 and/or GMU44 caused by neighboring equipment
and/or supports.
b) Mounting screws and other hardware for GRS77 and/or GMU44 not firmly
c) GRS77 connector not firmly attached to unit.
d) Cabling leading to GRS77 or GMU44 not firmly secured to supporting structure.
e) An engine / propeller that is significantly out of balance.
6. Press the ENT key on the PFD to conclude this procedure
7. Repeats steps 1 through 6 for GRS 77 #2 and proceed to Section 7.7.6.
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7.8 GDL 69A XM Data Link
Original GDL 69A is Reinstalled
No software or configuration loading is required if the removed GDL 69A is re-installed. This does not
include units that were returned for repair as their software and configuration files are deleted during the
repair testing process. Continue to the GDL 69A Test (Section 7.8.1).
New, Repaired or Exchange GDL 69A is Installed
If a new, repaired or exchange GDL 69A is installed, the correct software and configuration files must be
loaded to the unit, then the XM Satellite Radio subscription must be reactivated. See Section 3.9 and the
XM Activation Instructions listed in Table 1-2. Then continue to the GDL 69A Test (Section 7.8.1).
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7.10 GCU 477 FMS Controller
Original GCU 477 Reinstalled
No software or configuration loading is required if the removed GCU 477 is re-installed. This does not
include units that were returned for repair as their software and configuration files are deleted during the
repair testing process. Continue to the GCU 477 Test (Section 7.10.1).
New, Repaired or Exchange GCU 477 Installed
If a new, repaired or exchange GCU 477 is installed, the correct software and configuration files must be
loaded to the unit. See Section 3.9 and then continue to the GCU 477 Test (Section 7.10.1).
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7.11 GMC 710 AFCS Controller
Original GMC 710 Reinstalled
No software or configuration loading is required if the removed GMC 710 is re-installed. This does not
include units that were returned for repair as their software and configuration files are deleted during the
repair testing process. Continue to the GMC 710 Test (Section 7.11.1).
New, Repaired or Exchange GMC 710 Installed
If a new, repaired or exchange GMC 710 is installed, the correct software and configuration files must be
loaded to the unit. See Section 3.9 and then continue to the GMC 710 Test (Section 7.11.1).
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7.12 GWX 68 Weather Radar
Original GWX 68 Reinstalled
No software or configuration loading is required if the removed GWX 68 is re-installed. This does not
include units that were returned for repair as their software and configuration files are deleted during the
repair testing process. Continue to the GWX 68 Test (Section 7.12.1).
New, Repaired or Exchange GWX 68 Installed
If a new, repaired or exchange GWX 68 is installed, the correct software and configuration files must be
loaded to the unit. See Section 3.9 and then continue to the GWX 68 Test (Section 7.12.1).
1. On the GCU, turn the large FMS knob to select the Map Page Group then turn the small FMS knob
to select the Weather Radar page.
2. Select the MODE softkey.
3. Select the STANDBY softkey to initiate the one minute warm-up period. Verify the radar enters the
standby mode after the warm-up is complete.
4. Select the MODE softkey.
5. Select the WEATHER softkey. After reading the CAUTION statement, turn the large FMS knob to
select YES. Press the GCU ENT key.
6. Select the STAB ON softkey to activate antenna stabilization or select the STAB OFF softkey to
deactivate. Verify the current stabilization condition is shown in the upper right of the weather radar
7. Select the BACK softkey.
8. Select the VERTICAL softkey.
9. Select the TILT softkey to activate the cursor in the TILT field.
10. On the GCU, turn the small FMS knob to select the desired antenna tilt angle. Press the GCU ENT
key. Press the GCU FMS knob to remove the cursor.
11. Select the GAIN softkey to activate the cursor in the GAIN field.
12. On the GCU, turn the small FMS knob to adjust the gain for the desirable level. Verify the gain
setting is visible in the gain field as a movable horizontal bar in a flashing box and the line pointer is
a reference depicting the calibrated position. Press the FMS knob to remove the cursor.
13. On the GCU, select the GAIN softkey again to recalibrate the gain. Verify ‘CALIBRATED’ is
displayed in the GAIN field.
14. Select the MODE softkey.
15. Select the OFF softkey.
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7.13 Non-Garmin Traffic System Functional Check
1. Select the TRAFFIC MAP page on the MFD.
2. Verify that the STANDBY, OPERATE, TEST and ALT MODE soft keys are available on the bottom
of the MFD. Verify that an operating mode; STANDBY, OPERATE, or TEST (not TAS FAIL) is
displayed in the upper left corner of the traffic map. Verify that NO DATA is not displayed in yellow
in the center of the display over the aircraft symbol.
If the ALT MODE softkey is not displayed, the G1000 has not been properly configured
for the traffic system. Reference Section 3.15, “Traffic System Option” to enable the
traffic system.
3. Press the OPERATE soft key and verify that OPERATING is displayed in the upper left corner of the
traffic map.
4. Press the STANDBY soft key and verify that STANDBY is displayed in the upper left corner of the
traffic map.
5. Press the TEST soft key and verify that TEST is displayed in the upper left corner of the traffic map
and a traffic test pattern is displayed. Upon completion of the test, verify that “TAS SYSTEM TEST
OK” is heard over the cockpit speaker.
This annunciated traffic system test message may be different from the traffic system
installed on subject aircraft.
6. Open the TRFC circuit breaker on the avionics circuit breaker panel. On the MFD, verify that NO
DATA is displayed in yellow after several seconds.
7. Close the TRFC circuit breaker on the avionics circuit breaker panel and verify that NO DATA is
removed after several seconds.
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7.14 Stormscope Functional Check
Reference Section 3.17, Stormscope (WX-500) Configuration, for configuring Stormscope. This
procedure assumes familiarity with the set-up and operation of the WX-PA portable analyzer kit.
1. Apply power to the WX-500 and verify that no failed test messages appear. If fault messages do
appear, refer to the WX-500 Installation Manual for troubleshooting.
2. Following successful power up, verify the following modes:
• Access to both 3600 and 1200 weather view modes.
• All available ranges can be displayed.
• Access to the cell mode and strike mode.
• Strike counter is displayed in all weather modes and ranges.
3. Key COM1 and COM2 several times on different frequencies representing the lower, mid and upper
portion of the VHF COM frequency band. Verify keying of COM1 or COM2 does not cause strike
data to appear on the MFD.
4. Operate DME, XPDR 1, XPDR 2 and weather radar. Verify these systems do not cause strike data
to appear on the MFD.
5. Connect the WX-PA cable to the WX-PA antenna.
6. Position the WX-PA antenna on the WX-500 antenna. Ensure the connection is tight. If necessary,
use tape to secure the WX-PA antenna. Ensure the “FORWARD” arrows are aligned and the WX-
PA antenna suction cups are positioned forward of center along the longitudinal axis.
7. Secure the WX-PA cable to the aircraft with the attached suction cup and route the cable to the
8. Connect the remaining cable end to the WX-PA.
9. Power up the WX-PA and verify the WX-500 is in the weather mapping mode (i.e. 3600 weather
view at the 200 NM range.
10. Set the WX-500 to STRIKE mode; 100 NM range (or next highest available range).
11. Select the Continuous Out mode displayed on the WX-PA menu and press MENU/ENTER.
12. Select the bottom mount antenna configuration on the WX-PA keyboard (“A” key).
13. Select a cardinal bearing and a range of 120 NM.
14. Use the F1 and F2 keys to adjust range and F3 and F4 keys to adjust heading.
The WX-500 will plot data at one-half the range selected on the WX-PA.
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15. Press MENU/ENTER to start the test.
16. Observe the MFD to ensure the proper positioning of the strikes, based on range and azimuth
settings on the WX-PA. Change the cardinal bearings and verify correct test strikes. Verify the
strikes are within 10 degrees of the selected azimuth and plot at 60NM (1/2 120 NM).
17. Verify after 20 seconds of operation the strike counter reads 580 +/-40.
18. After testing for all ranges and bearings indicated, press 2ND then MENU/ENTER to return to the
main menu.
19. Select Circular Pattern mode on the WX-PA mode menu and press MENU/ENTER.
20. Select bottom mount antenna configuration on the WX-PA keyboard (“A” key).
The MFD should be set at 100 NM (or next highest available range) on the 360 degree
weather screen and in strike mode.
21. Use the F1 and F2 keys to select 120 NM range and press MENU/ENTER to start the test. Verify
the WX-500 plots discharge points at approximately 60 NM.
22. Observe the MFD to ensure the proper positioning of the test strikes. Verify the strikes are within 10
degrees of the 30 degree azimuth increment and within 12 NM of 60 NM,
23. When complete, set WX-PA for 55 NM, set the MFD for 50 NM (or the next highest available
range) and repeat test.
24. On the MFD, verify the sensor plots points just outside of 25 NM and the strikes are within 10
degrees of the 30 degree azimuth and within 5 NM of 27.5 NM.
25. Repeat above setting the MFD for 25 NM (or the next highest available range) and the WX-PA for
15 NM.
26. On the MFD, verify the positioning of test strikes are within 10 degrees of azimuth and within 2 NM
of 7.5 NM.
27. Restart the G1000 in configuration mode by opening the PFD and MFD circuit breakers. While
holding the ENT keys on the PFDs and MFD, restore power by closing the PFDs and MFD circuit
28. Select the OTHER page group on the MFD. The STORMSCOPE page is shown by default.
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7.15 TAWS Functional Check
7.15.1 Functional Check for TAWS-B
1. With the G1000 in Normal Mode, use the GCU FMS knob to select the MAP group and TAWS
page on the MFD.
2. Verify that the title at the top of the page reads “MAP – TAWS-B”.
If TAWS has not been enabled, the title will read “MAP – TERRAIN PROXIMITY” or
“MAP – TERRAIN”. Refer to section 3.30 for TAWS Configuration for configuring
3. Press the GCU MENU button and select “Test TAWS System” from the pop-up menu. Verify
TAWS test annunciation is displayed on the MFD and both PFDs.
4. After the TAWS test has completed, verify that “TAWS System Test Okay” is heard over the
cockpit speaker (if selected) and the headsets.
5. Press the GCU MENU button again and select “Inhibit TAWS” from the pop-up menu and press
ENT on the GCU. Verify “TAWS INH” is displayed on PFD 1 and PFD 2.
6. Press the GCU MENU button again and select “Enable TAWS” from the pop-up menu and press
ENT on the GCU. Verify the “TAWS INH” annunciation on the PFDs has extinguished.
7. With a GPS position acquired, shield or disconnect the GPS antennas to remove the GPS signal.
Verify “LOI” shows on the MFD and the “TAWS N/A” and “LOI” annunciations show on the
8. Reconnect or remove the shield from the GPS antennas, and verify the MFD “LOI” indication and
PFD “TAWS N/A” and “LOI” annunciations are removed once the GPS satellites are acquired.
9. Pull PFD1 PRI and PFD1 SEC circuit breakers. Re-power PFD1 in configuration mode, and use the
PFD1 FMS knob to select the Audio Alert Configuration page.
10. Ensure cockpit speaker is selected ON. Use the PFD1 FMS knob to highlight each of the following
messages then select PLAY. Verify each of the following audio messages are played:
• Too Low Terrain
• Sink Rate
• Pull Up
• Don’t Sink
• Five Hundred
• Caution, Terrain (2X)
• Terrain (2X), Pull Up (2X)
• Caution, Obstacle (2X)
• Obstacle (2X), Pull Up (2X)
• Terrain Ahead (2X)
• Terrain Ahead, Pull Up (2X)
• Obstacle Ahead (2X)
• Obstacle Ahead, Pull Up (2X)
11. Pull the PFD1 PRI and PFD1 SEC circuit breakers, and re-power PFD1 in normal operating mode.
If no other service is to be performed, continue to the return-to-service checks in Section 8.
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7.15.2 Functional Check for TAWS-A
1. With the G1000 in Normal Mode, use the GCU FMS knob to select the MAP group and TAWS page
on the MFD.
2. Verify that the title at the top of the page reads “MAP – TAWS-A”.
If TAWS has not been enabled, the title will read “MAP – TERRAIN PROXIMITY” or
“MAP – TERRAIN”. Refer to section 3.30 for TAWS Configuration for configuring
3. Press the GCU MENU button and select “Test TAWS System” from the pop-up menu. Verify
TAWS test annunciation is displayed on the MFD and both PFDs.
4. After the TAWS test has completed, verify that “TAWS System Test Okay” is heard over the
cockpit speaker (if selected) and the headsets.
5. Press the GCU MENU button again and select “Inhibit TAWS” from the pop-up menu and press
ENT on the GCU. Verify “TAWS INH” is displayed on PFD 1 and PFD 2.
6. Press the GCU MENU button again and select “Enable TAWS” from the pop-up menu and press
ENT on the GCU. Verify the “TAWS INH” annunciation on the PFDs has extinguished.
7. Press the GCU MENU button again and select “Inhibit GPWS” from the pop-up menu and press
ENT on the GCU. Verify “GPWS INH” is displayed on PFD 1 and PFD 2.
8. Press the GCU MENU button again and select “Enable GPWS” from the pop-up menu and press
ENT on the GCU. Verify the “GPWS INH” annunciation on the PFDs has extinguished.
9. Press the GCU MENU button again and select “Flap Override” from the pop-up menu and press
ENT on the GCU. Verify “FLAP OVR” is displayed on PFD 1 and PFD 2.
10. Press the GCU MENU button again and select “Disable Flap Override” from the pop-up menu and
press ENT on the GCU. Verify the “FLAP OVR” annunciation on the PFDs has extinguished.
11. With a GPS position acquired, shield or disconnect the GPS antennas to remove the GPS signal.
Verify “LOI” shows on the MFD and the “TAWS N/A” and “LOI” annunciations show on the
12. Reconnect or remove the shield from the GPS antennas and verify the MFD “LOI” indication and
PFD “TAWS N/A” and “LOI” annunciations are removed once the GPS satellites are acquired.
13. Pull the RADIO ALTM circuit breaker. Verify “GPWS FAIL” is displayed on PFD1 and PFD2.
14. Reset the RADIO ALTM circuit breaker. Verify “GPWS FAIL” annunciations are removed.
15. Pull PFD1 PRI and PFD1 SEC circuit breakers. Re-power PFD1 in configuration mode, and use the
PFD1 FMS knob to select the Audio Alert Configuration page.
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16. Ensure cockpit speaker is selected ON. Use the PFD1 FMS knob to highlight each of the following
messages then select PLAY. Verify each of the following audio messages are played:
• Too Low, Terrain • Terrain Ahead (2X)
• Too Low, Flaps • Terrain Ahead, Pull Up (2X)
• Too Low, Gear • Obstacle Ahead (2X)
• Sink Rate • Obstacle Ahead, Pull Up (2X)
• Pull Up • Five Hundred
• Don’t Sink • Four Hundred
• Caution, Terrain (2X) • Three Hundred
• Terrain (2X), Pull Up (2X) • Two Hundred
• Terrain (2X) • One Hundred
• Caution, Obstacle (2X) • Glide Slope
• Obstacle (2X), Pull Up (2X) • Glide Path
17. Pull the PFD1 PRI and PFD1 SEC circuit breakers, and re-power PFD1 in normal operating mode.
The following steps require the movement of the flaps and landing gear.
This portion of the check can be accomplished in conjunction with the Landing Gear
Aural Alert and XM Audio Suppression Test in Section 7.2.2.
18. Place the airplane on jacks (Ref. King Air 200 Series Maintenance Manual Chapter 7-00-00) with
the wheels clear of the ground.
19. Ensure all equipment and personnel are clear of the flaps and landing gear. Place the flaps and
landing gear in the full down positions.
20. Using an air data test set connected to the pilot side pitot/static system, set an airspeed of at least 190
kts as displayed on PFD1.
21. After an alert advisory appears, press the softkey directly below the flashing ADVISORY.
22. Verify the “TAWS FLAP FAULT – Flaps detected in the LDG position” and “TAWS GEAR
FAULT – Landing Gear detected in the DOWN position” messages are present.
23. Press the ALERTS softkey to close the alerts window.
24. Place the flaps and landing gear in the full up positions.
25. Press the ALERTS softkey again to open the alerts window.
26. Verify the “TAWS FLAP FAULT – Flaps detected in the LDG position” and “TAWS GEAR
FAULT – Landing Gear detected in the DOWN position” messages not present.
27. Return air data test set to GROUND.
28. Place the landing gear in the down position and remove the aircraft from the jacks.
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7.16 FliteCharts Functional Check
Reference Section 3.20, FliteCharts Configuration, for configuring FliteCharts.
This test is not required if ChartView is enabled.
1. With the G1000 in Normal Mode, use the GCU FMS knob to select ‘AUX – System Status’ page,
then select MFD1 DB softkey.
2. Use the small FMS knob to scroll to CHART.
3. Verify “FliteCharts” is displayed in blue text adjacent to “CHART”.
4. Verify the FliteCharts database cycle number is displayed in blue text and the FliteCharts database is
5. Deactivate the cursor and use the GCU large FMS knob to select the Navigation Map Page then
press the SHW CHRT softkey.
6. Verify the airport chart is displayed and the following softkeys are displayed (some softkeys may be
grayed out):
• INFO-1
• DP
• WX
7. Press the CHRT OPT softkey and verify the following softkeys are displayed (some softkeys may be
grayed out):
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7.17 ChartView Functional Check
ChartView must be enabled using a ChartView Enable Card, as specified in the General Arrangement
Drawing listed in Table 1-2, and a current ChartView database. Reference section 3.29, “ChartView
Configuration” for enabling procedures.
The required ChartView databases are subscription-based and are to be procured by the
aircraft owner directly from Jeppesen.
1. With the G1000 in Normal Mode, use the GCU FMS knob to select ‘AUX – System Status’ page,
then select MFD1 DB softkey.
2. Use the small FMS knob to scroll to CHART.
3. Verify “ChartView” is displayed in blue text adjacent to CHART.
4. Verify the ChartView database cycle number is displayed in blue text and the ChartView database is
5. Deactivate the cursor and use the large GCU FMS knob to select the Navigation Map Page then press
the SHW CHRT softkey.
6. Verify the airport chart is displayed and the following softkeys are displayed(some softkeys may be
grayed out):
7. Press CHRT OPT softkey and verify the following softkeys are displayed (some softkeys may be
grayed out):
If no other service is to be performed, continue to the return-to-service checks in Section 8.
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7.18 SafeTaxi Functional Check
The maximum map ranges for enhanced detail are configurable by the flight crew. When zoomed in close
enough to show the airport detail, the map reveals runways with numbers, taxiways with identifying
letters/numbers, and airport landmarks including ramps, buildings, control towers, and other prominent
features. Resolution is greater at lower map ranges. When the aircraft location is within the screen
boundary, including within SafeTaxi ranges, an airplane symbol is shown on any of the navigation map
views for enhanced position awareness.
Any map page that displays the navigation view can also show the SafeTaxi airport layout, within the
maximum configured range. The following is a list of pages where the SafeTaxi feature can be seen:
• Navigation Map Page
• Inset map
• Weather Datalink Page
• Airport Information Page
• Intersection Information Page
• NDB Information Page
• VOR Information Page
• User Waypoint Information Page
• Trip Planning Page
• Nearest Pages
1. Use the FMS knob on the GCU to select the AUX – System Status page and select DBASE softkey.
Use the small FMS knob to scroll to CHART category and verify “FliteCharts” is displayed in blue
text adjacent to “CHART”.
2. Verify the FliteCharts database ‘REGION’, ‘CYCLE’ number, ‘EFFECTIVE’, ‘EXPIRES’, and
‘DISABLES’ dates of the subscription appear in blue text.
3. Use the FMS knob on the GCU to select MAP - Navigation Map page.
4. On the GCU, press MENU. With Map Setup highlighted, press ENT on the GCU. Rotate the small
GCU FMS knob to select the Aviation group and press the ENT key on GCU.
5. Turn the GCU large FMS Knob to scroll through the Aviation Group options to ‘SAFETAXI’.
6. Turn the GCU small FMS Knob to display the range of distances.
7. Turn the GCU FMS Knob to select 5000ft as the distance for maximum SafeTaxi display range, and
then press the GCU ENT key to complete the selection.
8. Using the GCU range knob, select a range of 5000ft or less. Verify SafeTaxi display represents the
current aircraft location and the airport layout.
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7.19 DME Functional Check
This check verifies that the DME-to-G1000 interface operates correctly.
Support for a single Collins DME-42 system is provided as an option in the G1000. If
the DME option is selected, the DME channel one audio level must be adjusted by the
procedure contained within Collins DME-42 Transceiver Repair Manual 523-0772458,
Maintenance Section 523-0772460-006118, to adjust DME channel one audio level.
Recommended nominal DME audio output level is 4.46 Vpp + 0.10 Vpp. Procedure must
be accomplished by an approved repair station.
1. If DME is not displayed, press the PFD softkeys on PFD1 and PFD2, then press the DME softkey.
Verify the DME window is displayed next to the PFD1 and PFD2 HSI.
2. On PFD1 and PFD2, press the BACK softkey then select DME softkeys. Verify the DME TUNING
screen is displayed.
3. On PFD1 and PFD2, use the large FMS knob to select the NAV1, NAV2 and HOLD modes in the
DME field. Verify that the NAV1, NAV2 and HOLD modes can be selected by turning the small
FMS knob.
4. Set NAV1 and NAV2 frequencies to 108.00 and 117.00 respectively.
5. On PFD1 and PFD2, select the DME NAV1 mode. Verify that the DME window display is set to the
NAV1 frequency of 108.00.
6. On PFD1 and PFD2, select the DME NAV2 mode by pressing the ENT softkey. Verify that the
DME window display is set to the NAV2 frequency of 117.00.
7. On PFD1 and PFD2, select the DME HOLD mode by using the FMS knob. Verify that the last
selected NAV frequency of 117.00 remains the same when the NAV2 frequency is changed. Deselect
8. On the NAV Test Set, set up a DME test and note the nav frequency. Tune NAV 1 to the test set
frequency and set PFD1 and PFD2 DME MODE to NAV1. Set NAV 2 to a frequency other than the
test set frequency.
9. Verify that the DME distance on PFD1 and PFD2 match the test set.
10. Select, or verify selected, DME and SPKR buttons on GMA1 and GMA2 audio panels to select the
DME audio and select speaker to ON. Verify that the DME audio can be heard over the cockpit
11. On PFD1 and PFD2, set the DME mode to NAV2 and verify that the DME distance is dashed out.
12. Tune NAV 2 to the test set frequency. Set NAV 1 to a frequency other than the test set frequency.
13. Verify that the DME distance on PFD1 and PFD2 match the test set.
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7.20 ADF Functional Check
This check verifies that the ADF / G1000 interface operates correctly.
1. Press the PFD softkey on PFD1 and PFD2. Toggle the BRG1 and BRG2 softkey until the ADF
bearing is shown on PFD1 and PFD2.
2. Verify that the ADF window is not invalid (no red ‘X’).
3. Using the ADF control head select a known valid local ADF. Verify that the ADF bearing pointer
moves towards a bearing and stabilizes.
4. Select ADF and SPKR on GMA1 and GMA2. Using the ADF control head, select, ANT mode.
Verify that the audio from the station tuned can be heard on the pilots and copilots headset and
cockpit speaker.
5. Increment the ADF volume control from full low to full high. Verify the volume increases and
decreases appropriately over pilots and copilots headset and cockpit speaker.
If no other service is to be performed, continue to the return-to-service checks in Section 8.
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7.22 Weight on Wheels and Low Speed Awareness Band Check
This procedure will verify that the GDU air ground status uses valid Weight on Wheels (WOW) inputs.
1. Ensure aircraft is positioned with weight on wheels.
2. Apply external power to the aircraft. Set BATT and AVIONICS MASTER switches to ON and wait
for all aircraft and avionics systems to complete their initialization and begin operating normally.
3. Verify there are no WOW INVALID or WOW FAULT messages. Refer to Section 5.3 to
troubleshoot messages.
4. Verify the Low Speed Awareness band (red band) is NOT displayed on the PFD1 and PFD2 airspeed
tapes (see Figure 7-8.)
This portion of the check can be accomplished in conjunction with the Landing Gear
Aural Alert and XM Audio Suppression Test in Section 7.2.2.
5. Place the airplane on jacks (Ref. King Air 200 Series Maintenance Manual Chapter 7-00-00) with the
wheels clear of the ground.
6. Verify there are no WOW INVALID or WOW FAULT messages. Refer to Section 5.3 to
troubleshoot messages.
7. Verify the Low Speed Awareness band (red band) appears at the low end of the Air Speed Tape on
the PFD1 and PFD2 (see Figure 7-8.)
8. Remove airplane from jacks.
If no other service is to be performed, continue to the return-to-service checks in Section 8.
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7.23 RVSM Checks
The following are required initial and continued airworthiness checks to verify proper configuration for
operation in RVSM airspace. RVSM operations are prohibited until the all of the RVSM checks are
completed successfully.
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7.23.2 RVSM Critical Region Visual Inspection
The RVSM critical region is a 24 x 24 inch area around the static ports on both sides of the airplane. The
corners of the RVSM critical region are to be marked on the aircraft with placards or paint of a
contrasting color (see Figure 7-9.) The RVSM critical region must meet the following visual inspection
1. The fuselage skin must be free from damage. All skin repairs within the RVSM critical region must
be flush (no external doublers). If any damage is found, the area must be repaired. Locations of
existing protruding head rivets in frames and skin laps are acceptable.
2. The paint (including stripes) must be uniform and smooth. Remove any paint blisters or flaking and
sand smooth. Any decals or placards must be flush with no peeling edges.
3. The static ports must be free from any corrosion, elongation of holes, deformation or obstructions. If
any damage is found, replace the static port.
4. The oxygen servicing door on the right hand side must close approximately flush with the fuselage
skin and be free from damage or deformation. The ELT access hole cover on the right hand side must
be in place.
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7.23.3 RVSM Static Port Height Inspection
The Gauging Assembly p/n SPF-4 (A1M-BCH-GE) is available from Hawker Beechcraft. Any alternate
tool authorized in the King Air 200 Series Maintenance Manual for RVSM static port measurements may
be substituted for this tool. Initialize the tool as follows:
1. Make sure the dial indicator reads negative when the plunger is pressed and positive when the
plunger is free.
2. Place the gauging assembly on a flat surface (gauge block or equivalent.)
3. Ensure the smaller needle is at approximately (.1).
4. Rotate the dial indicator to set the large needle at (0) as shown in Figure 7-10.
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The dial indicator shows 0.100 inch when completely flush. Therefore subtract the
readings from 0.100 inch to determine the actual static port height. This should be
completed before making any calculations.
3. For each static port, measure the static port height at the A, B, C and D locations as shown in Figure
7-12. Record the measurements in the measurement log, Figure 7-13.
4. Calculate the AVERAGE for each static port using the measurements by adding the four
measurements and dividing the total by 4. Record the AVERAGE in the measurement log, Figure
5. Ensure the AVERAGE for each static port is within tolerance (+0.045 to +0.085 inch.) If it is not,
remove and reinstall the static ports as necessary to meet the tolerance.
6. Calculate the ANGLE for each static port by subtracting the smallest of the A, B, C or D
measurements from the largest of the A, B, C or D measurements. Record the ANGLE in the
measurement log, Figure 7-13.
7. Ensure the ANGLE for each static port is within tolerance (0.000 to +0.026 inch.) If it is not, remove
and reinstall the static ports as necessary to meet the tolerance.
Figure 7-12, Static Port Measurement locations
(A+B+C+D)/4 Largest - Smallest
Aircraft s/n:
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7.23.4 RVSM Air Data System Check
Perform the Air Data Test per Section 7.6.1
If either the pilot or copilot air data system does not meet the tolerances specified, have maintenance
checks performed on the air data system or the pitot/static system.
RVSM operations are prohibited until the air data system meets all test conditions.
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7.23.5 RVSM In-Flight Altitude Hold Check
RVSM operation requires that the autopilot system accurately maintain the acquired altitude during non-
turbulent, non-gust cruise conditions. The autopilot must be maintained in accordance with the G1000
System Maintenance Manual listed in Table 1-3. The autopilot must be shown to meet the performance
specification of the following in-flight altitude hold test.
1. Verify the following conditions (normal RVSM cruise flight):
• Altitude FL290 to FL350
• Altimeter setting 29.92 in Hg (1013 HPA)
• Autopilot altitude hold engaged
• Non-turbulent, non-gust conditions
2. Record the data from the primary cockpit displays as specified by Table 7-9 every 5 minutes for a
minimum flight segment of 30 minutes in length. The maximum altitude deviation shown on the
display throughout the test should not exceed ±65 feet.
If the aircraft fails to hold altitude to this tolerance, repeat the test ensuring that the airspeed remains
constant and the air remains stable during the entire test. If the test still fails, have maintenance checks
performed on the GFC 700 system, then repeat the test. RVSM operations are prohibited until the
autopilot is capable of maintaining altitude within ±65 feet of the selected cruise altitude.
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7.24 Safe Flight Lift Computer Ground Calibration
This procedure is required only for aircraft with the optional Electronic Stability
and Protection (ESP) feature with Angle of Attack (AoA) modes and the Safe
Flight Lift Computer p/n C-05606-1.
Prior to removal of the lift computer, it is recommended that Section 7.24.1 be accomplished to record the
existing stall warning points for Pots 0, 1 and 2.
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The anchor tab of the force applicator can be bent if the knob that applies
tension to the transducer mounting plate is over tightened. Use care when
installing the force applicator to prevent damage to the anchor tab. Refer
to the data supplied with the force applicator.
6. Install the 1952-3 gauge (2 to 15 gram scale), in the force applicator (see Figure 7-16) onto the
left wing in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Refer to the data supplied with the
force applicator. The force arm must be positioned so that the applied force is within 1/32 inch of
the transducer vane tip. Forces applied forward or up will be classified as minus values. Forces
applied aft or down will be classified as plus values. Make sure that the vane is free to move with
the force applicator.
7. Apply external power to the aircraft.
8. Place the BATT master switch to the ON position.
9. Verify the STALL WARN circuit breaker on the copilot circuit breaker panel is set.
Make sure that all personnel are clear of the flap area before proceeding
with these procedures.
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13. Place the BATT master switch to the OFF position.
14. Remove external power to the aircraft.
15. Remove the breakout box from the aircraft.
16. Reinstall the potentiometer access cover plate on the lift computer.
5. Install the appropriate gauge, 1952-1 gauge (0.5 to 3 gram scale) or the 1952-3 gauge
(2 to 15 gram scale), in the force applicator (see Figure 7-16), onto the left wing in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions. Refer to the data supplied with the force applicator. The
force arm must be positioned so that the applied force is within 1/32 inch of the transducer vane
tip. Forces applied forward or up will be classified as minus values. Forces applied aft or down
will be classified as plus values. Make sure that the vane is free to move with the force
6. Apply external power to the aircraft.
7. Place the BATT master switch to the ON position.
8. Verify the STALL WARN circuit breaker on the copilot circuit breaker panel is set.
Make sure that all personnel are clear of the flap area before proceeding
with these procedures.
9. Flaps retracted calibration:
a. Run the flaps to the FULL UP position.
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b. Using the force applicator, deflect the transducer vane forward (UP) to the (Pot 0) TG
force measured in step 10 in Section 7.24.1. If the stall warning horn is already ON, turn
(Pot 0) CCW until the horn is OFF and then slowly turn the (Pot 0) CW until the horn is
ON again. Press down on the vane until the horn is OFF and slowly release the vane. If
the horn is not ON when the vane is released, turn the (Pot 0) until the horn is ON.
c. Reduce the force on the vane to 0 TG and reposition the force applicator to apply a
downward force on the vane.
d. Calculate the (Pot 3) TG force by adding +10 TG to the (Pot 0) TG force.
If the (Pot 0) force is -4 TG, add +10 TG and the (Pot 3) force is +6 TG.
e. Install voltmeter leads between TP18 (Lo) and TP19 (Hi) of the SK100360 Breakout
f. Apply the calculated (Pot 3) TG force to the vane with the force applicator.
g. Adjust the (Pot 3) on the lift computer until the voltage output from TP18 (Lo) and TP19
(Hi) reads 2.2 ± 0.2 VDC on the voltmeter.
h. Return the force on the force applicator to 0 TG.
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If the (Pot 2) force is -10 TG, add +17 TG and the (Pot 5) force is +7 TG.
e. Install voltmeter leads between TP18 (Lo) and TP19 (Hi) of the SK100360 Breakout
f. Apply the calculated (Pot 5) TG force to the vane with the force applicator.
g. Adjust the (Pot 5) on the lift computer until the voltage output from TP18 (Lo) and TP19
(Hi) reads 2.2 ± 0.2 VDC on the voltmeter.
h. Return the force on the force applicator to 0 TG.
12. Place the BATT master switch in the OFF position and remove the external power from the
14. Remove the breakout box and reconnect the lift computer.
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Figure 7-14, C-05606-1 Lift Computer
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Figure 7-15, Breakout Box
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Figure 7-16, Force Applicator Usage Instructions
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7.24.3 Safe Flight Lift Computer Flight Calibration
This procedure is required only for aircraft with the optional Electronic Stability
and Protection (ESP) feature.
1. Disable the STABILITY & PROTECTION item via the MFD AUX – SYSTEM SETUP 2 page.
Verify that the message “ESP OFF” is present.
2. Perform the “Flight Test and Calibration” procedure in accordance with the King Air 200 Series
Maintenance Manual, listed in Table 1-2, Section 27-31-00.
3. If the stall warning points for the new lift computer were set to match the lift computer that was
removed, adjustments to the new lift computer may not be necessary in flight. If the stall warning
points are adjusted in flight, verify the LAA output per Section 7.24.2.
4. Enable the STABILITY & PROTECTION item via the MFD AUX – SYSTEM SETUP 2 page.
Verify that the message “ESP OFF” is not present.
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5. On the GMC 710 couple the Flight Director to the left side by pressing the XFR button. The
arrow that is illuminated indicates which side is coupled. No flight director modes should be
active at this time.
6. On the GCU, rotate the inner FMS knob to activate the AUX – SYSTEM SETUP page on the
7. On the MFD AUX – SYSTEM SETUP page press the SETUP 2 softkey.
8. Verify that on the MFD SETUP 2 page there is a window for Stability & Protection and the status
9. Verify on PFD 1 and PFD 2 that there are no “ESP FAIL”, “ESP OFF”, or “ESP DEGRADE”
alert messages.
10. Cover both GPS1 and GPS2 antennas.
11. Verify on PFD 1 and PFD 2 the ESP Roll Indices are displayed at 45° on the roll indicator on the
Attitude Display.
12. For installations with AOA mode, verify on PFD 1 and PFD 2 that there is an “ESP DEGRADE”
alert message.
13. On the GCU, press the inner FMS knob to activate the cursor then rotate the outer FMS knob to
select the Stability & Protection window on the MFD.
14. Rotate the inner FMS knob to change the status to “DISABLED”.
15. Verify that on the MFD SETUP 2 page Stability & Protection window that the status is
16. Verify on PFD 1 and PFD 2 the ESP Roll Indices are not displayed at 45° on the roll indicator on
the Attitude Display.
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17. Verify on PFD 1 and PFD 2 that there is an “ESP OFF” and for installations with AOA mode, an
“ESP DEGRADE” alert message.
18. Remove the cover from both GPS1 and GPS2 antennas.
19. Remove power to the aircraft and avionics systems by placing the aircraft AVIONICS MASTER
PWR and BATT switches to OFF.
20. Wait ~ 1 minute before re-applying aircraft power.
21. Apply power to the aircraft and avionics systems by placing the aircraft AVIONICS MASTER
PWR and BATT switches to ON.
22. During power up and GPS satellite acquisition, verify on PFD1 and PFD2 the ESP Roll Indices
are displayed at 45° on the roll indicator on the Attitude Display.
23. Once AFCS PFT is complete and GPS has acquired satellites, verify on PFD1 and PFD2 the ESP
Roll Indices are not displayed at 45° on the roll indicator on the Attitude Display.
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24. On the GCU, rotate the inner FMS knob to activate the AUX – SYSTEM SETUP page.
25. On the MFD AUX – SYSTEM SETUP page press the SETUP 2 softkey.
26. Verify that on the MFD SETUP 2 page there is a window for Stability & Protection and the status
27. Verify on PFD 1 and PFD 2 that there are no “ESP FAIL”, “ESP OFF”, or “ESP DEGRADE”
alert messages.
28. On the GMC 710, couple the Flight Director to the right side by pressing the XFR button. The
arrow that is illuminated indicates which side is coupled. No flight director modes should be
active at this time.
On power up the coupled side will default to the left side. Each time power is
reapplied couple back to the right side and continue test steps.
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7.26 GTS 8XX Traffic System Functional Check
Perform the following tests to verify GTS 8XX operational and surveillance functions. Use a ramp tester
such as a TIC TR220 or equivalent to perform the tests.
To perform these tests, the aircraft must be on the ground and the GTS 8XX must be in Ground Test mode.
On the MAP-TRAFFIC MAP page of the MFD, press the softkey sequence: 3, 4, 4, 3
The GND TEST softkey will appear. Press the GND TEST softkey to activate Ground Test mode. This
simulates the GTS 8XX to be airborne at 50,000 feet with a magnetic heading of 0 degrees. To exit the
Ground Test mode, press the GND TEST softkey again.
2. Ensure that the transmitter or receiver (RX/TX) that you are testing is significantly closer to the
ramp tester than another operating RX/TX, or erroneous and inaccurate results may occur. All
four quadrants (0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees) will be similarly tested to verify bearing of simulated
intruder supplied via the ramp tester are correctly displayed on the MAP-TRAFFIC MAP page of
the MFD.
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3. Set up a stationary intruder by selecting the following on the ramp tester:
• Intruder type: ATCRBS.
• Intruder Start Distance: 2 nm
• Intruder Start Altitude: 50,000 ft
• Vertical Speed: 0 fpm
• Velocity: 0 kts (on some ramp testers, a velocity greater than 0 kts is required and a
stationary intruder is created by not starting the scenario.)
4. Position ramp tester at 0 degrees.
5. Initiate the intruder scenario and verify a target is annunciated on the MAP-TRAFFIC MAP page
of the MFD at the correct bearing of approximately 0 degree azimuth at 2 NM and co-altitude
(read as 00 above a filled diamond indicating proximate traffic).
7. Reposition ramp tester and reengage the same intruder scenario for 90, 180 and 270 degrees.
8. Verify a target is annunciated on the MAP-TRAFFIC MAP page of the MFD at the same bearing
as the ramp tester.
9. If the bearing is not as anticipated or multiple targets are displayed during tests, verify the
• Coax cable QMA connectors are 'snapped' firmly in place at the GA58 antennas, GTS
8XX unit and GPA 65 unit
• Coax cable TNC connectors are properly secured at the bulkhead adapter fittings
• Connections are made to the proper channels and color-coded heat shrink is the same color
on both ends of coax cables
• QMA and TNC connectors are correctly installed on coax cables
7.26.2 Ramp Test
The following test provides a scenario that will converge and intercept the GTS 8XX to assure proper
operational and surveillance functions. The GTS 8XX must be in Ground Test mode.
1. On the MAP-TRAFFIC MAP page of the MFD, press the OPERATE softkey.
2. Position ramp tester at 90 degrees.
3. Select the following on the ramp tester:
• Intruder type: ATCRBS.
• Intruder Start Distance: 10 nm
• Intruder Start Altitude: 50,000 ft
• Vertical Speed: 0 fpm
• Velocity: 360 kts
4. Initiate the intruder scenario and observe the following:
• Traffic should be acquired at approximately 10 NM at 90 degree bearing and co-altitude.
Observe intruder closes on own aircraft at a rate of 0.1 NM/sec. Verify that only a single
target is displayed in the expected quadrant.
• The intruder should transition from Other Traffic (displayed as an open diamond with 00
displayed above), to proximate traffic (displayed as a filled white diamond with 00
displayed above), to a Traffic Advisory (TA) alarm (yellow filled circle with 00 displayed
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The aural TA annunciations are muted if the gear is extended (and the Radio
Altimeter indicates below 400 feet).
Garmin Flight Data Services will provide additional information for activation of data services.
To obtain the G1000 system ID number and GSR 56 unit serial number, accomplish the following:
1. Turn the large FMS knob on the MFD to select the AUX page group.
2. Turn the small FMS knob to select the SYSTEM STATUS page. Record the SYSTEM ID
number shown in the AIRFRAME field. This number is unique for each G1000 system.
3. Use the large FMS knob to scroll the cursor to GSR1 (if GSR 56 is installed). Record the GSR 56
serial number shown in the LRU INFO field.
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For previously activated systems, if the GSR 56 satellite receiver unit is replaced, the new unit serial
number must be registered with Garmin Flight Data Services. Contact Garmin Product Support and
follow the activation procedure as described previously in this section.
For previously activated systems, if the GDL 59 wi-fi datalink unit is replaced, the system must be
registered again. This can be accomplished by entering the same passcode received during the intial
activation process as described in the following steps:
1. Connect to an available network (reference Section 7.28 for details.)
2. Using the large FMS knob, select the AUX page group on the MFD. Using the small FMS knob,
select the AUX-REPORT STATUS page.
3. Press the MENU key on the GCU to display the PAGE MENU window.
4. With the “Register With GFDS” option highlighted, press the ENT key on the GCU to display
5. Using the keypad on the GCU, enter the access code (provided by Garmin Product Support
during the initial activation of the system) in the NEW REGISTRATION - ACCESS CODE field
and press the ENT key on the GCU.
The replacement GDL 59 unit must be registered again, even if the MFD
already shows REGISTERED in the STATUS window.
6. With the REGISTER field highlighted, press the ENT key on the GCU.
7. Verify that the STATUS field indicates REGISTERED and that the data displayed in the
CURRENT REGISTRATION field matches the aircraft information.
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7.28 GDL 59 Wi-Fi Data Link Functional Check
This check verifies GDL 59 Wi-Fi Data Link interface is configured and is functional. This check
requires an operating and available wireless network to be within range of the aircraft.
This check only verifies the data output from the G1000 equipment. Any
equipment/wiring added that is not part of the installation data will need
separate testing and verification not covered as part of this document.
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7.29 GSR 56 Satellite Receiver Functional Check
1. Power up the PFD1 in configuration mode.
2. On the PFD1, select GDL page group using the large FMS knob.
3. Using the small FMS knob select the GSR56 Configuration page. Verify the page can be
displayed and information is available.
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8.1 Backup Path System Testing
This final checkout tests various secondary communications paths to ensure that the paths function
correctly. Perform the following steps and verify the results of each test.
Before starting, create a simple Direct-To flight plan to an airport or other waypoint that is greater than
31 NM from the present aircraft position. Verify that the phase of flight displayed on the GPS CDI is
4. Remove shrouds from GPS antennas. • Airspeed, Altitude, Vertical Speed and OAT
remain valid from both Air Data Computers on
5. Allow both receivers to re-acquire satellite both PFDs.
signals before continuing.
• LOI appears on MFD Map.
• TAWS N/A aural alert & annunciation given.
When GPS satellites are re-acquired, verify that the
INTEG OK annunciation is given on the HSI in white
for a brief period of time then disappears.
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8.1.2 GIA Failure Test
Step Desired Result
GIA 1 Failure Condition: For a GIA 1 failure condition, the following shall
1. Ensure GPS satellites are acquired.
• NAV 1 and COMM1 tuning fields on PFD1 and
2. Open GIA1 primary and secondary CBs.
PFD2 are invalid (red X).
3. Verify desired results.
• L/R engine data remains valid
4. Close GIA1 primary and secondary CBs.
Allow system to re-acquire satellites and • XPDR1 is Inoperative.
return to normal display modes. • GMA1 Is Inoperative.
• AHRS1 is using backup GPS source.
• AHRS2 not receiving backup GPS Information.
• An amber BOTH ON GPS2 is displayed on
PFD1 and PFD2.
• AHRS and ADC data remain valid on PFD1 and
GIA 2 Failure Condition: For a GIA 2 failure condition, the following shall
1. Open GIA 2 CB.
• NAV2 and COMM2 tuning fields on PFD1 and
2. Verify desired results.
PFD2 are invalid (red X).
3. Close GIA 2 CB. Allow system to re-
acquire satellites and return to normal • L/R engine data remains valid.
display modes. • XPDR2 is Inoperative.
• GMA2 Is Inoperative.
• AHRS2 is using backup GPS source.
• AHRS1 not receiving backup GPS Information.
• An amber BOTH ON GPS1 is displayed on
PFD1 and PFD2.
• AHRS and ADC data remain valid on PFD1 and
Dual GIA Failure Condition: For a dual GIA failure, the following shall occur:
1. Open GIA1 primary and secondary CBs • COM1/NAV1 & COM2/NAV2 fields flag invalid.
and GIA 2 CB.
• GPS CDI flags LOI on PFD
2. Check for desired results.
• NAV1 & NAV2 CDI loses deviation bar.
3. Restore power to both GIA units.
• XPDR field flags invalid on PFD.
• Engine Instrument field flags invalid on MFD.
• All AHRS & ADC fields remain valid.
• Red AFCS status annunciation given.
• TAWS FAIL annunciation given.
• ADF/DME windows flag invalid.*
*If equipped.
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8.1.3 Display Failure Test
Step Desired Result
MFD Failure Condition: For an MFD failure condition, the following shall
1. Open MFD CB.
• MFD goes blank.
2. Verify desired results.
3. Close MFD CB. • All PFD1 and PFD2 primary flight information is
• The COM 1/2 and NAV 1/2 tuning fields remain
valid and can be tuned by rotating the tuning
knobs on PFD1 and PFD2.
• XPDR 1/2 fields remain valid and XPDRs can
adjusted via PFD softkeys.
PFD2 Display Failure Condition: For a PFD2 failure condition, the following shall
1. Open PFD 2 CB.
• PFD2 goes blank.
2. Verify desired results.
3. Close PFD 2 CB. • PFD1 and MFD remain in normal display
formats. The following illuminate on PFD1:
• HDG NO COMP illuminates on PFD1
• ROLL NO COMP illuminates on PFD1
• PIT NO COMP illuminates on PFD1
• IAS NO COMP illuminates on PFD1
• ALT NO COMP illuminates on PFD1
• GMA2 Fail – GMA2 is inoperative.
• XPDR2 Fail – XPDR2 is Inoperative.
PFD1 Display Failure Condition: For a PFD1 failure condition, the following shall
1. Open PFD 1 PRI and PFD1 SEC circuit
breakers. • PFD1 goes blank.
2. Verify desired results. • PFD2 and MFD remain in normal display
3. Close PFD 1 PRI and PFD1 SEC circuit formats. The following illuminate on PFD2:
breakers. • HDG NO COMP illuminates on PFD2
• ROLL NO COMP illuminates on PFD2
• PIT NO COMP illuminates on PFD2
• IAS NO COMP illuminates on PFD2
• ALT NO COMP illuminates on PFD2
• GMA1 Fail – GMA1 is inoperative.
• XPDR1 Fail – XPDR1 is Inoperative.
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8.1.4 G1000 Cooling Fan Fail Annunciation Check
Do the following to verify the cooling fans and annunciations are functioning properly
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Step Desired Result
5. Select (depress) the STANDBY Verify the following:
BATTERY switch.
• STBY Attitude indicator motor is energized as
indicated by the indicator motor and the absence
of flag.
• STBY altimeter vibrator is active as indicated by
vibrator noise and absence of flag.
• STBY attitude, STBY Altimeter, STBY Airspeed
indicators are illuminated full bright.
• Amber “ON” is annunciated full bright on the
• White STANDBY BATTERY legend on the
standby battery switch is illuminated full bright.
6. Activate aircraft power by selecting the Verify the following:
“on” position of the BATTERY switch.
• “ON” annunciation should extinguish on the
• “ARM” should be fully illuminated (green) on the
• The STBY attitude, STBY altimeter and STBY
airspeed instrument lighting reverts to the aircraft
• The STBY attitude motor and STBY altimeter
vibrator remain active.
• White STANDBY BATTERY legend on the
standby battery switch remains illuminated.
7. Deselect the STANDBY BATTERY Verify the following:
• “ARM” annunciation extinguishes on the
• STBY attitude motor and STBY altimeter vibrator
remain active.
• White STANDBY BATTERY legend on the
standby battery switch remains illuminated.
8. Remove aircraft power by selecting the Verify the following:
battery switch to “OFF” position.
• The STBY Attitude motor is deactivated (the
sound of the motor may be present as the gyro
spools down).
• The STBY altimeter vibrator is deactivated.
• The STBY attitude, STBY altimeter, STBY
airspeed and magnetic compass are no longer
• White STANDBY BATTERY legend on the
standby battery switch extinguishes.
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8.1.6 G1000 Backup Path Test
1. Remove power from the displays by pulling the following circuit breakers:
• PFD2
2. Reboot PFD1, PFD2 and MFD while holding the ENT key on each display (far right key on MFD)
until the words INITIALIZING SYSTEM appear.
3. In configuration mode, go to the GDU Page Group on PFD1.
4. On PFD1, activate the cursor and select PFD1 in the SELECT UNIT field and press ENT.
5. Observe the GRS 77 and GDC 74 DATA indicators in the ARINC 429 window.
6. Verify both indicators are GREEN, indicating the channels are receiving data as shown below:
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17. On PFD1, go to the CAN / RS-485 CONFIGURATION page in the GIA Page Group.
18. Verify that GIA1 is selected in the SELECT UNIT field.
19. Observe the data indicators for all configured RS-485 channels.
20. Verify all DATA indicators are GREEN, indicating the channels are receiving data as shown:
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8.2 GFC 700 Ground Checkout
The following procedures verify the proper operation of the GFC 700 AFCS, after maintenance has been
performed. The technician performing these checks should be thoroughly familiar with the G1000 and
GFC 700. Information on the installation and operation of the GFC 700 can be found by referring to
Sections 6.11, 6.14 and the G1000 in King Air 200/B200 Cockpit Reference Guide, listed in Table 1-2.
In the sections that follow, an Autopilot disconnect should be accompanied by an aural
alert (two-second tone) unless otherwise specified.
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8.2.2 AFCS Switch Checks
Verify that the AFCS system buttons and switches are operating correctly by performing the following:
1. Actuate both sections of the PITCH TRIM (NOSE UP/NOSE DN) switch to activate Manual Electric
Pitch Trim (MEPT). Verify the trim clutch engages and the trim wheel drives in the requested
direction. Check operation in both the up and down direction.
2. Press the AP/YD DISC TRIM INTRPT switch and hold while actuating the manual electric trim
switch. Verify trim does not run and the trim wheel rotates freely when moved manually. Release
the AP/YD DISC TRIM INTRPT button and PITCH TRIM switch.
3. Engage the autopilot by pressing the AP key on AFCS mode controller. Press and hold the left section
of the manual electric trim switch. Verify the Autopilot disengages normally with an aural alert and
the trim wheel rotates freely when moved manually.
4. Engage the autopilot again by pressing the AP key on the AFCS mode controller. Verify the pitch
and roll clutches engage and resist movement of the control wheel. Press and hold the CWS switch
and verify the control wheel moves freely when moved manually. Verify the green ‘AP’ at the top of
PFD1 and PFD2 is replaced by a white ‘CWS’.
5. Release the CWS switch and press the ‘XFR’ key on the AFCS mode controller. Verify the clutches
are engaged and resist movement of the control wheel. Press and hold the CWS switch and verify the
control wheel moves freely when moved manually. Verify the green ‘AP’ at the top of PFD1 and
PFD2 is replaced by a white ‘CWS’.
6. Release the CWS switch and press the AP/YD DISC TRIM INTRPT switch on the pilots control
wheel. Verify the autopilot disengages with a flashing amber ‘AP’ annunciation on PFD1 and PFD2,
accompanied by an aural alert. Verify that the control wheel is free in pitch and roll axes.
7. Engage the autopilot again by pressing the ‘AP’ key on the AFCS mode controller. Open AFCS
SERVOS circuit breaker. Verify the autopilot disconnects and the abnormal disconnect is provided,
consisting of a continuous aural alert and a flashing red/white ‘AP’ annunciation. Verify no AFCS
annunciations (e.g. AFCS, PFT, Mistrim) remain on PFD1 or PFD2. Press the AP/YD DISC TRIM
INTRPT switch to cancel the abnormal alert. Close the AFCS SERVOS circuit breaker to restore
power to the system and wait for completion of the pre-flight test sequence.
8. Engage the autopilot again by pressing the ‘AP’ key on the AFCS mode controller. Ensure the
autopilot is coupled to GIA1 by verifying the arrowhead next to the ‘XFR’ key on the AFCS mode
controller is pointing to the pilot’s side. If the arrowhead points to the copilot’s side, press the ‘XFR’
key. Open GIA1 primary and secondary circuit breakers. Verify the autopilot disconnects with a
continuous aural alert and a flashing red/white ‘AP’ annunciation. Press the AP/YD DISC TRIM
INTRPT switch to cancel the alert and annunciation. Close the GIA1 primary and secondary circuit
breakers and wait for completion of the pre-flight test sequence.
9. Press the ‘XFR’ key on the AFCS mode controller and engage the autopilot by pressing the ‘AP’ key
on the AFCS Mode Controller. Press the AP/YD DISC TRIM INTRPT switch on the pilot side to
disconnect the autopilot; verify the flashing amber ‘AP’ alert is displayed on PFD1 and PFD2.
10. Press the GO AROUND button on the left throttle. Verify ‘TO’ is annunciated on PFD1 and PFD2
for both PITCH and ROLL modes and the command bars should be at 8 degrees nose up and wings-
11. Press the Flight Director (FD) key on the AFCS mode controller to deactivate the GA mode. Press
the AP key to engage the autopilot. Press the CWS button for a minimum of 5 seconds and release;
verifying there is no residual force on the control stick for the pitch axis.
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12. Disengage the autopilot by pressing the AP/YD DISC TRIM INTRPT switch on the co-pilot’s control
wheel. Engage VS mode by pressing the VS key on the AFCS mode controller. Verify PFD1 and
PFD2 display ‘VS’ in green and indicates a pitch reference of ‘0 FPM’.
13. Press the FLC key on the AFCS mode controller and verify that ‘FLC’ is annunciated on PFD1 and
PFD2 in green with a reference of 100 KTS.
14. Press the ALT key on the AFCS mode controller and verify that the ‘ALT’ annunciation is displayed
in green on PFD1 and PFD2 with an altitude reference equal to the aircraft altitude (within the nearest
20 feet).
15. Press the FD key and verify that the mode annunciations and command bars are removed from the
The GFC 700 uses electronic torque limiting as well as mechanical slip clutches to limit
the maximum servo effort. When the system is on the ground, the electronic torque
limiting is removed, allowing manual checks of the slip-clutch settings.
1. Engage the Autopilot by pressing the AP key on the AFCS mode controller.
2. Manually overpower the autopilot clutches in pitch, roll and yaw. If the Autopilot clutches cannot be
overpowered, check the GSM 85A clutch torque settings or GSM 86 clutch cartridge. Refer to the
servo installation drawing (listed in Table 1-2) as applicable.
3. Actuate and hold PITCH TRIM switch in either the NOSE UP or NOSE DOWN direction to
disconnect the autopilot. While the trim is running, restrain the aircraft pitch trim wheel and verify
that the trim clutch can be overpowered. If it cannot be overpowered, check the GSM 85A clutch
torque setting or GSM 86 clutch cartridge. Refer to the pitch trim servo installation drawing listed in
Table 1-2.
4. Engage the autopilot by pressing the AP key on the AFCS mode controller. Actuate and hold the
manual electric trim switch in either the up or down direction to disconnect the autopilot. Verify that
the trim wheel moves smoothly in both directions throughout the entire trim range during manual
electric trim operation. If the trim wheel hesitates, this may indicate that the pitch trim clutch is
slipping and proper clutch setting or clutch cartridge and cable tension should be verified. Refer to
the King Air 200 Series Maintenance Manual and Pitch Trim Servo Install drawing, listed in Table
1-2, for clutch settings and cable tensions. If both clutch setting and cable tension are within
tolerance, check the aircraft pitch trim system for excessive friction. Refer to the King Air 200 Series
Maintenance Manual listed in Table 1-2.
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8.2.5 Autopilot Operation Checks
For aircraft with software version 0985.03 and the Electronic Stability and
Protection (ESP) option, an airspeed of 200 knots must be input using a pitot-
static test set.
1. Engage the Autopilot by pressing the AP key on the AFCS mode controller. Push the HDG knob to
synchronize the heading bug to the current aircraft heading. Select HDG mode by pressing the HDG
key on the AFCS mode controller. Verify the command bars are level and the control wheel is
stationary. (There may be some roll motion in the yoke if the aircraft not perfectly level.)
2. Turn the HDG knob to the left and right and check that the command bars move in the correct
direction and the control wheel follows the command bars.
3. Push and hold the CWS button and pull the control wheel to the center of the pitch control range.
Release the CWS button. Verify the autopilot clutches re-engage and hold the wheel stationary.
4. Holding the control wheel lightly, rotate the NOSE UP/DN wheel on the AFCS mode controller two
clicks UP to increase the pitch reference. Verify the command bars move up 1 degree and the control
wheel begins moving aft. (In some aircraft, the down spring may require manual assistance to get aft
control stick movement).
5. While holding the control wheel firmly, press and hold the CWS button to re-synchronize the pitch
reference. Re-center the control wheel to wings level and mid-range elevator travel. Release the
CWS button and check that servo clutches re-engage before releasing the control wheel.
6. Rotate the NOSE UP/DN wheel on the AFCS mode controller two clicks DOWN to decrease the
pitch reference. Verify the command bars move down 1 degree and the control wheel begins moving
forward. Hold the controls and press CWS to re-center the command bars and stop control wheel
7. With the Autopilot still engaged and the CWS button pressed, move the control wheel to its aft limit.
Release the CWS button and apply continuous forward pressure, slowly moving the control wheel.
After a brief delay, verify the trim wheel begins moving in a trim up direction.
8. Grip the control wheel and press the CWS button. Verify trim motion stops. Move the control wheel
to the forward limit and release the CWS button. Slowly move the control wheel aft. After a brief
delay, verify the trim wheel begins to trim down. Relieve pressure on the wheel and verify the trim
motion stops. Check that the trim wheel is free to turn. Hold the control wheel and press the AP/YD
DISC TRIM INTRPT switch to disconnect the autopilot.
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8.2.6 VOR/LOC/GS Test
Perform the following test using ramp test equipment. Operate the equipment according to the test
equipment manufacturer’s instructions.
The PFD HSI does not show a course deviation bar unless a valid VHF NAV frequency
is tuned.
1. Ensure FD is coupled to PFD1 as indicated by a left pointing arrow next to the XFR button.
2. Simulate a VOR signal on a radial equivalent to the aircraft heading. Tune the NAV 1 and NAV 2
receivers to the simulation frequency.
3. Set the HSI on PFD1 to VOR1 by pressing the CDI soft key until VOR1 is selected. Set the HSI on
PFD2 to VOR2 by pressing the CDI soft key until VOR2 is selected. Rotate CRS1 and CRS2 knobs
to set VOR1 and VOR2 course pointers to aircraft heading. (CDI Synchronization must be set to
OFF on the AUX-SYSTEM SETUP 1 page on the MFD.)
4. Verify full scale deflection of VOR1 and VOR2 CDI by varying the selected course at least 10° left
and right. Reset course pointers to aircraft heading.
5. Engage the autopilot and press the NAV key on the AFCS mode controller. Using the CRS1 knob
alter course by 10° to the right. Verify the flight director and aircraft controls respond by flying to the
VOR course. Repeat to the left.
6. Couple FD to PFD2 by pressing the XFR button on the AFCS mode controller. Verify FD is coupled
right as indicated by a right pointing arrow on the AFCS mode controller next to the XFR button.
Repeat step 5 using CRS2 knob while coupled to PFD2.
7. Set CRS1 and CRS2 course pointers to aircraft heading.
8. Simulate a Localizer/Glideslope signal. Tune this signal on NAV 1 and NAV 2 receiver. Set the
PFD1 HSI to LOC1 and PFD2 HSI to LOC2 by pressing CDI soft key until LOC1 and LOC2 is
selected. Use the test equipment to center the deviation bars (localizer and glideslope) on PFD1 and
9. Press the APR key on the AFCS mode controller. Verify that the LOC and GS annunciations are
green on PFD1 and PFD2. Apply right/left and up/down localizer/glideslope signals using the test
equipment. Verify that the Flight Director and flight controls respond appropriately.
10. Couple FD to PFD1 by pressing the XFR button on the AFCS mode controller. Verify FD is coupled
to PFD1 as indicated by a left pointing arrow on the AFCS mode controller next to the XFR button.
11. Repeat step 9 while coupled to PFD1.
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8.3 Maintenance Records
After conducting required return-to-service procedures in accordance with the King Air 200 Series
Maintenance Manual, listed in Table 1-2, the aircraft may be returned to service.
Record the following information in appropriate aircraft maintenance logs:
• Part number of the G1000 software loader card used to perform software loading or software
• Record part and serial numbers of any LRU which was replaced.
• Record any database updates which were performed during maintenance.
• Any other applicable information related to the maintenance work performed on the aircraft.
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