Making The Learning of Acid-Base Concepts More Relevant - A Research Study
Making The Learning of Acid-Base Concepts More Relevant - A Research Study
Making The Learning of Acid-Base Concepts More Relevant - A Research Study
DOI: 10.5923/j.jlce.20180602.04
Abstract This study examines how learning acid-base concepts can be made more relevant for students. It analyzes how
the concepts learned in chemistry by tenth graders are aligned with their everyday lives. Two approaches to teaching are
compared: the Low Relevance Approach (LRA) and the High Relevance Approach (HRA). The HRA approach emphasizes
learning how chemistry materials are relevant to students’ daily life. The subject taught was "acids and bases". Following
the intervention program, a perception-type motivation and satisfaction questionnaire was administered to the students in
order to determine the effect that the ‘relevant experiential’ teaching style had on students’ attitudes towards chemistry,
regarding their motivation for and satisfaction when studying chemistry, and on their academic achievements in the
chemistry. Based on the assessment of students' cognitive and scholastic performance, it is clear that relevance-oriented
experiments in chemistry significantly contribute to these learning variables.
Keywords Introductory, Laboratory Instruction, Hands-On Learning, Pedagogy, Acids / Bases Topics
Figure 1. A model of the three dimensions of relevance with examples of aspects in both the present-future and the intrinsic-extrinsic range (Reprinted
with permission from ref. 14, © 2015 Sense Publishers: Rotterdam)
38 Muhamad Hugerat et al.: Making the Learning of Acid-Base Concepts More Relevant - A Research Study
Figure 2. Two curriculum approaches in chemistry (Reprinted with permission from ref. 22, © 2015 Sense Publishers: Rotterdam)
One of the reasons mentioned quite frequently is that vinegar as an acid and baking soda solution as a base,
learners do not perceive chemistry and chemistry education materials that are used every day or that represent the
as relevant both for themselves and for the society in which chemistry of everyday objects. The indicator that is used to
they live. The present research suggests that chemistry identify the acids and bases and the subject of titration is red
teachers must make chemistry education “more relevant” in cabbage juice, which is derived from red cabbage salad, a
order to increase student motivation and satisfaction and popular salad in Israel. It should be emphasized here that
improve their attitudes towards chemistry and its study. the student uses materials with which they are familiar,
especially from the kitchen [24, 25]. Here in Israel, the most
popular and well-known salad is red cabbage salad. There is
3. Methodology hardly a meal in Israel that does not contain this salad, and
The Low Relevance Approach (LRA) on the other hand, it is one of the main ingredients in the
falafel sandwich (actually pita), which is considered the
One of the most key concept in teaching chemistry in Israeli national food. In addition, hardly any Israeli kitchen
school is the acid-base topic. [23] In accordance with this does not contain white vinegar, baking soda, and lemon
method, the student learns about acids and bases in a juice, which are added to the red cabbage salad.
method sequence of lessons, activities, experiments, and
The students also learn about acid production using as an
cover content to meet course outcomes. Here the materials
example the acid rain that is very common in the Haifa Bay
used in the experiments are not from daily life, such as region, which has a large number of chemical plants. Sulfur
HNO3, H2SO4, NaOH, and HCl. dioxide - SO2 – is emitted by the refineries at Gadiv, Nadiv,
Students learn about titration between an acid (HCl) and a Carmel Olefins, and Nesher. It is emitted because of the
base (NaOH) when the indicator is Phenolphthalein or burning of fuel oil with high sulfur content. Until 2014, it
litmus paper, materials unfamiliar to them from their was also emitted from the electricity company’s
experience in everyday life. Additionally, students learn chimneys.Chemicals and fertilizers such as nitrogen oxides
about the pH scale, different types of acids and bases, and - NOx - are emitted from Haifa during the process of
the reactions between them; however, the students encounter
producing nitric acid (HNO3).
none of these topics in their daily life. Students also learn
Students build their own pH scale from the obvious
about the preparation of acids and bases caused by the
visible changes using the red cabbage juice along with acids
reaction between different chemical oxides and water; here
and bases from their daily life. Preparing an indicator
too, none of these materials are known from their everyday
requires using extracts of red cabbage. In this activity, the
life (more details about the lessons, activities and
social side of the activity is strengthened when the students
experiments you can find in the supporting information).
need to cut the red cabbage and then discover that their
The LRA is abstract teaching; it is traditional process
hands are stained. They must collaborate to decide how to
[22], which contain sequence of lessons, experiments, cover
prepare an indicator solution from it and they discover that
content to meet course outcomes (Fig. 2, Fig. 3). This
the color varies depending on the acidic/basic solution. The
method does not support the individual, social and
relevant part of this method is that students collaborate and
vocational dimension according to the model (Fig. 1) [14]
think together to create an indicator from red cabbage,
described by Stucky et al. [13]
which is familiar to every resident in Israel (more details
The High Relevance Approach (HRA) about the lessons, activities and experiments you can find in
In our everyday lives we use various materials for the supporting information).
different purposes, which we usually take for granted and The HRA is alternative process [22], which contain
do not consider what life would be like without them. One sequence of lessons, experiments using familiar materials
interesting exercise is to get students to think what their day and focus in the students' everyday experiences (Fig. 2, Fig.
would be like without any products produced by chemistry. 3). This method supports the individual, social and
These students study the acid-base concept in a manner vocational dimension according to the model (Fig. 1) [14]
relevant to their everyday lives, using materials such as described by Stucky et al. [13]
Journal of Laboratory Chemical Education 2018, 6(2): 36-45
Figure 3. Comparison between the two methods; HRA, which support, individual, social and vocational dimension; and LRA, which does not supports
these dimensions
Research population was translated to Arabic and the content was validated by a
The research population consisted of 120 high-school group of faculty members in the Arabic College, both for
the language as well as for the content.
science students. For the present study, two 10th grade
The variable of “motivation” was determined by calculating
classes in each of two different secondary schools in Israel
the mean of participants’ responses to the 30 items. Every
were chosen. The students in these classes were
student received a motivation score ranging between 1 and 5;
heterogeneous regarding their socio-economic background
the higher the score, the greater the motivation, and vice versa.
and their academic achievements. In each school, one of the
The motivation questionnaire’s reliability was checked by
chosen classes was defined as the experimental group and
means of an internal consistency test using Cronbach’s alpha
the other as the control group. Thus, there were in all, two
experimental classes in which the acid-base topic was taught reliability coefficient. The result,
using the HRA according to an intervention plan, and two α = 0.89, indicates high reliability.
control classes in which the subject was taught using the Part Two: Structured questionnaire for measuring student
LRA. In all, 63 students (males and females) from School A attitudes towards the sciences
(52.5%) participated in the study, of whom 32 students The questionnaire was adapted from (translated to Arabic
(50.8%) were in the experimental class and 31 (49.2%) from Hebrew) Abadi & Kashtan [27] and consists of 22
were in the control class; in School B 57 students statements that measure students' attitudes towards the
participated (47.5%), 29 in the experimental class (50.9%) sciences that include depicting situations, personal feelings,
and 28 in the control class (49.1%). and beliefs. All students were asked to report the extent to
which they agree with each of the beliefs and concepts in
4. Assessment Measures the questionnaire, using a four-item Likert scale: 1 – do not
agree at all (oppose); 2 – disagree; 3 – agree; 4 – very much
The research tool consists of a structured questionnaire agree. The reliability coefficient was α = 0.83.
with three parts. Part Three: Open questions related to students’
Part One: Structured questionnaire for measuring perceptions regarding "relevance"
students’ level of motivation In addition to the above-described quantitative measures,
For use with the students in this study, a questionnaire of the students also underwent a structured interview
30 statements was developed from Glynn & Koballa’s questionnaire in order to back up the quantitative findings
Science Motivation Questionnaire [26]. This questionnaire and to shed more light on the research topic.
has a reliability (internal consistency) of α = 0.93 [26] and This questionnaire consists of six open-end questions in
tests six different aspects of motivation with statements which the students are requested to describe their attitudes,
describing situations and behaviors of students. In order to opinions, and feelings towards their participation in the
adapt the questionnaire to be used in the Arabic schools, it intervention program and towards instruction of science by
40 Muhamad Hugerat et al.: Making the Learning of Acid-Base Concepts More Relevant - A Research Study
5. Research Design and Procedure The findings presented in Table 1 reveal non-significant
differences in the attitudes of the two groups before
This research is a ‘pre-post intervention’ and an
implementing the intervention program. In other words, the
‘experimental-control’-oriented study.
attitudes of students in both the experimental (HRA) and
Research Sample control (LRA) groups before the intervention program were
The study population consists of two groups, each similar.
composed of tenth-grade classes. The two groups were In the second stage, the difference in the attitudes of the
nearly identical regarding the features relevant for the experimental group (HRA) before and after implementing the
study. The questionnaires were administered to the two intervention program was tested. The difference was
groups at the beginning of the study (intervention). Then determined by means of a t-test for two independent samples.
one group was defined as the control group, which would
Table 2. Means and standard deviations for attitudes towards chemistry
be taught using the LRA, and the other was defined as the and its study among students in the experimental group (HRA) before and
experimental group, which would be taught using the HRA after the intervention program, and the t value of the difference
in an intervention program. Group N Mean (1-4) Standard deviation t
In order to test the independent variable and determine Before 61 2.08 0.11
whether it underwent any change, the attitude and
After 61 3.18 0.35 23.68***
motivation questionnaires were once again given to both
*** p<.001
groups and data on them were collected by means of the
concluding questionnaire. A sample group of students was
The findings, presented in Table 2, reveal a significant
then selected to fill in an open-ended questionnaire.
difference between the attitudes towards chemistry and its
The data were analyzed in accordance with the principles study among students in the experimental group (HRA)
of quantitative research. In order to test for variance within before and after the intervention program. The mean of
and between the groups regarding motivation, an F-test for students' attitudes after the intervention is higher than the
variance was carried out before and after the experiment; in mean before the intervention. In other words, the attitudes
order to test for variance within and between the groups towards chemistry and its study among students who
regarding the variable of satisfaction before and after the participated in the intervention program improved.
experiment, a t-test was conducted on two independent
In the third stage, the difference in the attitudes of the
samples, to determine whether the variance between the
experimental group (HRA) after implementing the
(experimental and control) groups was significant. In
intervention program was compared to the attitudes of the
addition, a Pearson correlation coefficient was used to
control group (LRA). The difference between the two
determine whether and how the variable of achievement
groups was determined by means of a t-test for two
correlated with the variables of attitudes and motivation.
independent samples.
Table 3. Means and standard deviations for attitudes towards chemistry
6. Results and its study among students in both groups after the intervention program,
and the t value of the difference
*** p<0.00
intervention program in which chemistry was taught to the In the third stage, the difference in the motivation and
experimental group (HRA) using the relevance approach satisfaction of the experimental group (HRA) after
brought about an improvement in students' attitudes implementing the intervention program was compared to those
towards chemistry and its study. of the control group (LRA). The difference between the
Table 4. Means and standard deviations for motivation for and satisfaction
with the study of science among students in the experimental ( HRA) and
the control (LRA) groups before the intervention program, and the t value
of the difference between them
Mean Standard
Group N t
(1-5) deviation
Experimental (HRA) 61 2.31 0.41
Control (LRA) 59 2.47 0.42 1.62 NS
Group N Mean (1-5) t
Before 61 2.13 0.41
After 61 4.07 0.19 30.40***
*** p<.001
Mean Standard
Group N T
(1-5) deviation
61 4.07 0.19
Control (LRA) 59 2.51 0.46
two groups was determined by means of a t-test for two
independent samples.
The findings, presented in Table 6 above, show a
significant difference in the levels of motivation and
satisfaction among students in the two groups after the
intervention. The mean motivation and satisfaction of the
experimental group (HRA) after the intervention program is
higher than the mean in the control group (LRA) after the
course. In other words, a previously non-existent difference
in motivation and satisfaction between the two groups
became apparent. The intervention program in which
science was taught to the experimental group (HRA) using
the relevance approach brought about an improvement in
students' motivation for and satisfaction with the study of
Table 7. Means and standard deviations for academic achievement in
chemistry among students in the experimental (HRA) and the control
groups (LRA) before the intervention program, and the t value of the
difference between them
Mean Standard
Group N t
(1-100) deviation
Experimental (HRA) 61 80.38 10.33
Control (LRA) 59 78.92 11.40 0.74 NS
Mean Standard
Group N t
(1-100) deviation
Before 61 80.38 10.33
After 61 91.28 7.13 6.78***
*** p<0.001
those of the control group (LRA). The difference between and vocational (student 4). These dimensions raised the
the two groups was determined by means of a t-test for two level of motivation and satisfaction among the students,
independent samples. mainly because of the latter's more positive attitudes
towards chemistry due to the connection made between
Table 9. Means and standard deviations for academic achievements when
studying chemistry among students of both groups after the intervention chemistry and students' daily lives.
program, and the t value of the difference
Mean Standard
Group N t
7. Discussion
(1-311) deviation Some students who study chemistry do so because they
Experimental (HRA) 61 91.28 7.13 wish to devote their future to the mathematical analysis of
Control (LRA) 59 77.25 10.54 8.56*** chemical processes. Others are enticed in studying the
*** p<0.00 human body, among other reasons. Indeed, interest in the
subject matter plays a crucial role in enhancing motivation
and success among learners. It is important therefore, to
The findings, presented in Table 9, show a significant emphasize that teaching the topic of acids and bases by
difference in the academic achievements in chemistry means of HRA can attain this goal.
among students in the two groups after the intervention. The In this study, the researchers examined how studying
mean motivation and satisfaction in the experimental group chemistry (specifically, acids and bases) by means of the
(HRA) after the intervention program is higher than the HRA correlates with improved student academic
mean in the control group (LRA) after the intervention. In achievements in chemistry, attitudes towards science,
other words, the previously non-existing difference in motivation, and satisfaction. Relevance is an increasingly
academic achievement between the two groups became important factor because, based on the declaration made by
apparent. The intervention program in which science was the Ministry of Education in Israel, quite a few reforms and
taught to the experimental group (HRA) using the relevance changes are being carried out in Israel in order to promote
method brought about an improvement in students' teaching that places the student in the center.
academic when studying chemistry. The value of the present study lies in its highlighting the
In addition to the quantitative data produced by means of need to create relevance when teaching science to students;
the questionnaires, a structured interview was conducted. its findings show that emphasizing the learned subject's
Common answers that were repeatedly given to the relevance can generate a process of improving a learners'
different questions by the students that learned acid base achievements in knowledge-type tests.
concepts by using the LRA style of learning indicate that The study also demonstrates that an intervention program
many students are not very interested in the content of in which students in the experimental group (HRA) are
school chemistry lessons. In fact, they wonder why they taught the topic of acids and bases by means of the
need to be familiar with chemistry concepts. relevance method improved students’ attitudes towards the
Implementation of an intervention program consisting of sciences and studying chemistry and supports the three
teaching students the topic of acids and bases using the dimensions: individual, social, and vocational. This post-
HRA improved students’ attitudes towards chemistry and its intervention improvement in the results of the experimental
study. Next, common answers that were repeatedly given to (HRA) compared to the control group (LRA) is statistically
the different questions are displayed: significant (Tables 6 and 9). These findings are in
Student 1: "Science helps in getting a better agreement with those of other studies [28-30] in which
understanding of life and events. It had a positive effect on students’ attitudes towards science and mathematics were
my understanding of chemistry." tested, with an emphasis on students' attitudes towards and
Student 2: "Giving examples from everyday love of science, the significance that they ascribe to the
occurrences, in order to help students gain a better subject, and their degree of self-confidence as learners.
understanding; connecting the subject with life." Students in the experimental group (HRA), in which the
Student 3: "It makes me want to implement things in subject of acids and bases was instructed by means of the
daily life; it exposes me to a variety of different topics, how relevance method, experienced a rise in their level of
they are used, their dangers, and their effects." motivation and satisfaction with respect to the study of science,
Student 4: "I will continue to study science. It had a very in comparison with students who were instructed by means of
positive influence and raised my motivation and my LRA. The difference between the two groups was significant.
satisfaction; perhaps I might even become a chemistry This finding is in accordance with other studies
teacher or scientist in the future." [31] in which the highest quality of conceptual learning
The students' responses led us to conclude that learning occurred under conditions of motivation that promotes
chemistry using the HRA had a very positive effect: It made personal growth and a reshaping of one's worldview.
them appreciate the subject, made it seem less difficult, and Above all, this study demonstrates a significant
made it more interesting and attractive. Stucky et al. [13] improvement in academic achievement in the field of
reported the contribution to the three dimensions: individual
(student 1 and student 2), social (student 3 and student 3),
Journal of Laboratory Chemical Education 2018, 6(2): 36-45
chemistry among students who were instructed by means of amount of gases responsible for acid rain ". These students’
the HRA in comparison with students who were instructed reactions clearly indicate that using the HRA in teaching the
by means of the LRA (Table 7). acid-base topic supports the social dimension and the
The findings also highlight the importance of the HRA in vocational dimension.
teaching acid-base concepts, in line with studies on In another example from the HRA in teaching the acid-
meaningful, relevant experiential learning, which base topic, the instructor announced that today's lesson
emphasizes that the creation of meaning must begin would be about "is every transparent liquid water?" as one
immediately after the student enters school, by associating example of acid-base. The students were then asked: "What
the subject matter with the child's experiences and home is the connection between this topic and the acid base one."
culture. Bruner affirms that culture affects learning by This question initiated a context-based learning process.
providing children with a toolbox with which they can build One of the student's reactions was: "This topic increased my
up their world and their personal conceptions and interest and curiosity to think about the subject of acids and
understanding. [32] Therefore, teachers must become bases". Another student's reactions was: "This topic made
acquainted with children's actual world and the influences me think deeply of transparent and acidic fluids
that shape them. [33] encountered in everyday life". These students’ reactions
In an example from the LRA in teaching acid-base clearly indicate that using the HRA in teaching the acid-base
concepts, the instructor announced that today's lesson would topic supports the individual dimension.
be about "titration of acid "HCl" and base "NaOH" using The Ministry of Education designs the curriculum. The
Phenolphthalein as an indicator for acids and bases". The officials responsible for its implementation try to link its
students were then asked: "What is the connection between objectives to the students' world. However, not every student
phenolphthalein and the indicator for acids and bases and comes to class with a burning desire to “reach the summit”, so
daily life." This question initiated a context-based learning part of the teacher's job is to make the information and skills
process. One of the student's reactions was: "I have no idea accessible to the students from their standpoint. However, it is
about the relation between HCl, NaOH and in the future if I no easy task to make topics in chemistry or biology
will become a teacher I will not teach this topic, because understandable to most students; this requires considerable
my student will not connect this topic to daily life ". Another thought and careful planning, and requires lesson plans that are
student's reaction was: "I don’t want to become chemistry flexible enough so that they can be adapted to the learning
teacher in the future; the subject has no connection to our population and to developments in the classroom. For this
daily life". These students’ reactions clearly indicate that reason, the researchers of this study wish to stress the need for
using LRA in teaching the acid-base topic does not supports relevance and interest in order to improve learning and enhance
the vocational dimension. From other students’ reactions its the learners' sense of belonging to the science curriculum and
clearly that using the LRA in teaching the acid-base topic to the scientific community. Therefore, it is essential to
does not supports the social, individual and vocational continue to build bridges between the curriculum and the
dimension. students' world in order to narrow the gap in learning.
In an example from the HRA in teaching acid-base
concepts, the instructor announced that today's lesson would
be about "red cabbage juice", as one example of an
indicator for acids and bases. The students were then asked:
8. Conclusions
"What is the connection between red cabbage juice and the The present study's main conclusion is that teaching a
indicator for acids and bases." This question initiated a topic using a relevancy-oriented method enhances the levels
context-based learning process. One of the student's of student motivation and satisfaction and improves
reactions was: "Only now do I understand how I will students’ attitudes towards science and its learning. For this
become a different teacher in the future". Another student's reason, the authors highly recommend the use of the
reaction was: "Now, I want to be researcher in the field of relevance method for teaching science as well as to include
food chemistry". These students’ reactions clearly indicate laboratory experiments in order to make the learning process
that using HRA in teaching the acid-base topic supports the more experiential and significant. This research focuses on
vocational dimension. the relevance of chemistry education. It was inspired by a
In another example from the HRA in teaching the acid- recently suggested definition and model of the relevance of
base topic, the instructor announced that today's lesson science education in its adjustment to the teaching and
would be about "acid rain", as one example of producing learning of chemistry. [13-15, 21, 22]
acids. The students were then asked: "What is the This study is also in agreement with the recommendation
connection between acid rain and the production of acids?" made by Fensham, [27] who urges adopting science education
This question initiated a context-based learning process. methods based on socio-scientific issues, despite the method's
One of the student's reactions was: "Now I will be more social emphasis. Fensham contends that this type of science
active in the future in the field of environmental protection education helps students learn and understand the
save our planet". Another student's reaction was: "I want to interconnections between science and society and helps them
be a researcher and develop methods that will reduce the develop skills that will encourage them in the
44 Muhamad Hugerat et al.: Making the Learning of Acid-Base Concepts More Relevant - A Research Study
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