Analysis of Simply-Supported Orthotropic Plates Subject To Static and Dynamic Loads
Analysis of Simply-Supported Orthotropic Plates Subject To Static and Dynamic Loads
Analysis of Simply-Supported Orthotropic Plates Subject To Static and Dynamic Loads
AIAA 80-0688R
Equations are presented for the analysis of simply-supported orthotropic plates subjected to static and
dynamic loading conditions. Transient loading conditions considered include sine, rectangular, and triangular
pulses, and pulses representative of high explosive blast and nuclear blast. These pulses can be applied as a
uniform load over the panel, a concentrated load, a uniform load applied over a small rectangular area, and a
cosine loading applied over a small rectangular area. A method for the analysis of low velocity impact is also
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Introduction Where u°, v°, and w are the plate displacements in the x, yt
and z directions at the plate midplane and \l/x and \l/y are the
T HE analysis of laminated composite plates subject to
static and dynamic loads has received widespread
attention in recent years. Lekhnitskii, * Ambartsumyan, 2
shear rotations in the x and y directions. Taking the equations
of motion developed by Whitney and Pagano, reducing them
Jones,3 Whitney and Leissa,4 and Ashton and Whitney,5 to specially orthotropic form (5^=0, A16=A26
have presented analyses for laminated plates with infinite =D16=D26=Q), and adding the uniform initial stress
normal shear rigidity while Whitney and Pagano6 have resultants N°x and N°y as discussed by Sun and
presented an extension of Mindlin's7 beam theory to Chattopadhyay13 and a foundation stiffness K results in
laminated plates with normal shear deformations. Papers
dealing with the response of plates to dynamic loading have
been less in evidence. Meirovitch8 and Warburton9 presented
the response of isotropic plates to dynamic loading while (2a)
Yu,10 and Sun and Whitney11'12 have analyzed the response
of anisotropic plates in cylindrical bending using Mindlin's7 (D 12
method to account for normal shear stiffness. Sun and
Chattopadhyay13 used the plate equations developed by - KA44\l/y - (2b)
Whitney and Pagano6 to analyze a specially orthotropic plate
subject to a center impact.
This paper considers the analysis of thin simply supported
orthotropic plates subjected to static and dynamic loading. (2c)
The specially orthotropic form of the equations of motion is
used instead of the more general equations incorporating where differentiation with respect to x or y is denoted by a
bending -stretching coupling used in Refs. 10-12 in order to comma while differentiation with respect to time is denoted
obtain solutions that are generally applicable to engineering by a dot. The distributed loads pz, mxt my are as given by Sun
problems. and Whitney. n Also, K is a shear correction factor introduced
The paper presents the governing equations for an or- by Mindlin7 and is popularly taken to be 7r2/12, and the
thotropic rectangular plate and obtains static solutions for stiffness and inertias are given by
several loading cases. The vibration frequencies and mode
shapes are then determined and solutions for plate deflec- rhh/2
(Aij,Dij)=\ ij = l,2,6
tions, bending strains, and normal shear forces due to several J — hi2
transient loads are obtained. It is seen that the dynamic
solution is closely akin to the static solution and requires only h/2
a small additional effort to obtain. A solution for plate im-
pact loading is then given, followed by several examples of
{ -h/2 CijdZ tj-4.5
Pd,z2)dz (3)
The plate equations developed by Whitney and Pagano6 are
used as they include the effect of transverse shear defor- The QJJ are reduced in-plane stiffnesses for plane stress and
mations. The assumed displacement field is given by Cfj are transverse shear stiffnesses, as defined in Ref. 6. By
defining Btj as zero the equations of motion given in Ref. 6
v = v°(x,y,t) decouple into two independent groups, of which only the
group concerned with transverse displacement is considered
= w(x,y,t) (1) here.
This paper is concerned with a simply supported rec-
Presented as Paper 80-0688 at the AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS 21st tangular plate of uniform thickness with dimensions a and b
Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Seattle, for which the boundary conditions are given by
Wash., June 4-6, 1980; submitted June 5,1980; revision received Nov.
18, 1980. Copyright © American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics, Inc., 1980. All rights reserved. = \I/xx = 0 at x =
* Research Engineer, Advanced Composites Development Group.
Member AIAA. =\l/yy = 0 at y-0tb (4)
Static Loading
For a static load, solutions to Eq. (2) that satisfy the
boundary conditions Eq. (4) are given by
xcos sin——
Vx =Amncos(rmrx/a) sin(mry/b) a b
W=Cmnsin(rmrx/a)sin(mry/b) (5)
. mry
with the loading function given by xsm cos —— (9)
a b
pz = qmnsin(rmrx/a)sm(mry/b) (6) where Em indicates a summation for m = 1 to oo.
The terms in the Fourier series representation of the load
where qmn are the terms of a Fourier series representation of may be determined from 14
the load. Substituting Eqs. (5) and (6) into the equations of
motion Eqs. (2) produces
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LH L12 L13
LI2 L22 L23 (7)
For a uniform load qmn becomes
^ v Vx.y ' Ty,x /
Substituting Eq. (5) and its derivatives into Eq. (16) results in
a set of homogeneous equations that may be solved for the
natural frequencies of vibration. (21)
Three eigenvalues and their respective eigenvectors result w(x,y,t) = Wmn (x,y) Tmn (t) (22)
from Eq. (17) for each m, n pair. If the rotational inertia (/)
can be neglected, then Ln and L22 may be used in Eq. (17)
instead of L'n and L22. Mindlin7 has shown that rotatory where Tmn(t) is a time dependent generalized coordinate.
inertia has little effect in isotropic plates and it is popularly Substituting Eq. (22) into the equations of motion Eqs. (2)
assumed that the same holds true for orthotropic plates. In and using Eq. (16) gives
that case only one eigenvalue and its eigenvector results for
each m, n, as given by
o^ = (QL33 +2L12L23L13 -L22L]3 -LUL]3) / (PQ)
Q=LnL22-L]2 (19)
p - po cos £ Ix-f) cos ^(y-r?)
Jo Ji0
Tmn(n+<*2mnTmn(t)=Qmn(t) (26)
The solution for w, \l/x, and \l/y is obtained by substituting •_.. / / _r)dr-
T\dr- ^_ ((7
,^ wlltO
Eqs. (5), (20), (25), and (27) into Eq. (22).
For cases in which rotatory inertia can be neglected,
relatively simple relations for w, \l/x, and \l/y can be deter- / p
mined. If mx = my=I=Q, then the generalized force Qmn(t) o
may be expressed as (32)
4 ff b n
~ (t)=
Q f ( P,(^)sm——sin-—d^d^
. m*x . *y * j ,~^
(28) For a triangular pulse
mn p
PabC mn Jo Jo a b
Comparing Eq. (28) with the Fourier series for static loading
Eq. (10), it can be seen that F(t)=0 t>tj
= (qmn/PC'mn) (29)
( o F(t)sinw mn(t-T)dT=
P r
—— \l-cosumnt
<*„„ L
Using Eq. (29) with Eqs. (5), (20), (22), (25), and (27)
results in expressions for the deformations in a plate under a
transverse loading.
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F(t)smumn(t-T)dT=F0\- ——
O "
x F(T)sinumn(t-T)dT (30a)
JO t>t, (33)
F(t) F(t)
Bending strains ex, e^, 7X>, and normal shear forces Qx and Qy
at any point in the plate may be computed from Eqs. (30)
using Eq. (9).
The convolution integral in Eq. (30) has been solved TIME TIME
analytically for several commonly encountered forcing TRIANGULAR LOADING EXPONENTIAL LOADING
functions; a sine pulse, a step pulse, a triangular pulse, a (BLAST LOADING)
stepped triangular pulse, and an exponential pulse, where the F(t) F(t)
pulse definition is given in Fig. 2. For a sine pulse the forcing Ff
f unction F ( t ) and the convolution integral are
F ( t ) =F0si
F(t)=0 t>tj
long duration phase of several seconds due to the overpressure Equation (36) may be extended to include the effect of a
and a short duration phase of a few milliseconds due to shock flexible impactor as given by Goldsmith.17
wave reflection. The short duration phase has twice the
pressure of the long duration phase.15 For a stepped
triangular pulse the equations are a = w2-Wj(c)=v0t-(l/m) \ dt\'Fdt-w^c) (37)
F(t)smvmn(t-T)dr= ^ \
l-cosumnt F=k2a3'2 (38)
<* I
can be substituted into Eq. (37) to obtain an equation for the
impact response of a plate
F \2/3 ?t p*
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k2 = (40)
Since Eq. (39) is a nonlinear equation, it must be solved
numerically as discussed by Sun and Chattopadhyay.13 Sun
and Chattopadhyay obtained a solution for the response of an
orthotropic plate to center impact idealized as a concentrated
-tj)} \ load, that resulted in the prediction of an infinite normal
J shear force at the impact point. Using Eq. (30) with Eq. (13)
or (14), the impact load may be idealized as a uniform load
over a small rectangular area or as a cosine shaped load over a
small rectangular area, which allows more realistic values for
the normal shear force to be computed.
_ F0[wmne
11 (I
Impact Loading
X « C-»~j
The response of a rectangular orthotropic panel to impact
loading may be computed from the transient response Eq. w, W 1 (c, t)
(30) by computing the impact force from the deceleration of
the impactor mass. Timoshenko16 obtained the equation for a
rigid impact between a mass and a beam as
v0t-(l/m) (36)
-p 400
5/16 in
•f<45/0)4] T300/5208 fabric
• P = 1,000 Ib
£ • Uniform load
> [<45/0)4] T300/5208 fabric
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_7.5 in——.J
Fig. 4 Normal shear force and bending strain distribution of an
impacted plate.
Itr. 5 • [(45A))4]ST300/5208 fabric
Impact velocity, V = 139 in/s
h- Impact mass, M2 = 4lb
0.06 Impact radius-5/16 In
Load patch-5/16 x 5/16 in
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
((45/0)4)8 T300/5208 fabric, T = 0.12 Kinetic energy-100 in-lb
Analytical 5 by 15 in
' - - — STAGS-C (finite-difference) -^ .E 0.020 4,000
o p ^ 1-by 3-in
100|-| LOAD 0.06 t = 0.48
0.04 c 0.015 3,000
0.00175 t
0.03 I
§0.010 fe 2,000
t = 0.12 = 0.24
cr 0.02
i 0.005 1,000 = 0.12
\ X
o 0.01
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 "0 2 4 6 8 10 12
0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015 0.002 a (INCHES) a (INCHES)
TIME (SECONDS) Fig. 7 Effect of size on solid laminate panel response.
Fig. 5 Comparison of STAGS-C with analytical method.
to the step pulse and the sine pulse reaches a maximum when
occurs at the edge of the load patch, as would be expected the pulse length is near the longest natural period of the plate
from beam theory. (lowest natural frequency) while the response to the triangular
Figure 5 shows a plot of the center deflection as a function pulse continues to increase with pulse length.
of time for a plate loaded by a step pulse, analyzed by the Several studies have been conducted on the response of
STAGS-C finite-difference program and by the method given graphite/epoxy solid laminate and honeycomb plates using
in this paper. The correlation between the two methods is the method developed by Sun and Chattopadhyay,13
good, although it deteriorates when the load is increased modified to apply the impact load as a uniform load over a
enough to produce deflections greater than the panel small rectangular area. This allows a more realistic value of
thickness. At a load of 1000 Ib the STAGS-C program gives a the normal shear force and interlaminar shear stress to be
predicted deflection of 0.255 in. while the analytical method computed than the concentrated load originally used. Figure 7
gives a prediction of 0.493 in., indicating that large deflection shows the effect of panel size and thickness on the maximum
effects are becoming too important to ignore. interlaminar shear stress, bending strain, and impact force for
Figure 6 shows the predicted dynamic magnification factor a constant impact energy on a solid laminate panel. It can be
on panel center deflection for three types of loading pulse, as seen that the plate thickness has only a small effect on the
a function of the pulse length. It can be seen that the response interlaminar shear stress but a large effect on the bending
Fig. 8 Effect of panel size and core shear stiffness on sandwich panel
0.15 j \\ ^
• 2.5- by 7.5-\n panel 10- by 30-iri C 5,000 -
• t = 0.12 n PANEL ~
• V = 139 in/s
• M = 4 Ib
0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005
i . ,i . . i
Fig. 9 Deflection and strain vs time for low-velocity impact. 100 1,00010,000
V (in/s)
Fig. 11 Effect of impact velocity on plate response.
strain and impact force, while the plate size has a large effect
on all three parameters.
Figure 8 shows a similar set of plots for a honeycomb 9 shows the center deflection and strain vs time response for a
sandwich panel with two different core shear stiffnesses, using panel impacted at 3.5 m/s (139 in./s) while Fig. 10 shows the
the Hertz force-deformation relation. The Hertz relation, response of a panel impacted at 2540 m/s (100,000 in./s),
given by Eq. (38), is not correct for honeycomb panels since it with an impact energy of 11.3 J (100 in.-lb) in both cases. The
predicts an increasing stiffness with increasing deformation, low velocity impact response appears to be very similar to the
whereas the honeycomb shows a decreasing stiffness with static response in that the peak deflection and strain occur at
increasing deformation, due to core crushing. The Hertz the same time and the deflection shape is similar to the static
relation was used to get preliminary results until a more deflection shape. It was necessary to include a large number
correct force-deformation equation could be determined. In of mode shapes in the solution for the higher impact velocities
the figure, the 3.0 pcf Nomex core has a shear stiffness of only to obtain good results. The solution shown in Fig. 10 required
35.8 MPa (5200 psi) while the 12 pcf 5052 core has a shear 100 terms in each direction to obtain good strain values. It
stiffness of 1158 MPa (168,000 psi), so that the panel made required 400 terms in each direction to obtain good transverse
with Nomex core is much more flexible than the panel with shear values. Sun and Lai18 have shown that the general
aluminum core. The result is that the Nomex panel is much equations used in this analysis are valid for stress wave
less sensitive to panel size than the panel with the stiffer 5052 phenomena, which lends credence to the results shown for the
core, since the flexible panel allows more deformation in the 2540 m/s (100,000 in./s) impact. Figure 11 shows a plot of
local impact region, both by core shear deformation and by plate response vs impact velocity for two panel sizes. At low
core crushing. impact velocities there is a large difference in response for the
A study has been made on the effect of impact velocity on two panel sizes as would be expected from the static loading
the response of a solid laminate graphite/epoxy panel. Figure results while at higher velocities the panel size has only a small
3- by 5-in SUPPORTS
• 3- by 5-in
4,000 • t = 0.195 in
T300/5208 t = 0.18 t = 0.195
• m = 4 Ib
• r = 0.3125 [(45/0/45)4~l FABRIC
• Center impact E = 140-
• Simply supported P = 2,540 Ib DOUGHNUT TEST
a = 0.165 in T300/5208 f(0/±45/90) ol TAP
1 = 0.12-! L J
Downloaded by PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY on April 27, 2021 | | DOI: 10.2514/3.50984
11SI-1 N S t
55 1.2
^ 3,000
3 in
o 1.0
< 0.8 (0/90)6 FABRIC
t = 0.080 T300/P1700
E = 60
P = 1,640 Ib T300/5208t = 0.12
< 2.000 a = 0.143 in [(45/0)4] FABRIC
11SI-5 0
20 40 60 80 100 120 140
IMPACT E N E R G Y (in-lb)
cc ALLOWABLE Q AT F = 10,000 lb/in2
O Fig. 13 Relationship of damage size to impact energy for graphite
SIZE AT E 140/7 /
Loading," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 61, Transport Aircraft," Boeing Commerical Airplane Company,
Jan. 1977, pp. 101-104. Contract NAS 15107, 1978.
13 21
Sun, C. T. and Chattopadhyay, S., "Dynamic Response of Porter, T. R., personal communication, Boeing Military Air-
Anisotropic Plates Under Initial Stress Due to Impact of a Mass," plane Company, Seattle, Wash., May 1979.
This volume presents a wide-ranging scientific examination of the many aspects of the interaction between space systems
and the space environment, a subject of growing importance in view of the ever more complicated missions to be performed
in space and in view of the ever growing intricacy of spacecraft systems. Among the many fascinating topics are such matters
as: the changes in the upper atmosphere, in the ionosphere, in the plasmasphere, and in the magnetosphere, due to vapor or
gas releases from large space vehicles; electrical charging of the spacecraft by action of solar radiation and by interaction
with the ionosphere, and the subsequent effects of such accumulation; the effects of microwave beams on the ionosphere,
including not only radiative heating but also electric breakdown of the surrounding gas; the creation of ionosphere "holes"
and wakes by rapidly moving spacecraft; the occurrence of arcs and the effects of such arcing in orbital spacecraft; the
effects on space systems of the radiation environment, etc. Included are discussions of the details of the space environment
itself, e.g., the characteristics of the upper atmosphere and of the outer atmosphere at great distances from the Earth; and
the diverse physical radiations prevalent in outer space, especially in Earth's magnetosphere. A subject as diverse as this
necessarily is an interdisciplinary one. It is therefore expected that this volume, based mainly on invited papers, will prove of
737pp., 6x9, illus., $30.00Mem., $55.00List
TO ORDER WRITE: Publications Dept., AIAA, 1290 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10104
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