Pasumbal Gillianne Grace M. FACILITATING SEMIFINAL
Pasumbal Gillianne Grace M. FACILITATING SEMIFINAL
Pasumbal Gillianne Grace M. FACILITATING SEMIFINAL
Learning Objectives:
A. Principles of Learning
Horne and Pine (1990) identified the following principles of learning to guide teachers on how to
1. Learning is an experience which occurs inside the learner and is activated by the learner.
2. Learning is the discovery of the personal meaning and relevance of ideas.
3. Learning (behavioral change) is a consequence of experience.
4. Learning is a cooperative and collaborative process. Cooperation fosters learning.
5. Learning is a evolutionary process.
6. Learning is sometimes a painful process
7. One of the richest resources of learning is the learner himself.
8. The process of learning is emotional as well as intellectual.
B. Learning and Thinking Styles
Asa G. Hilliard describes “learning style” as the sum of the patterns of how individuals develop
habitual ways of responding to experience.
There are several perspective about learning-thinking styles. Let us focus on sensory preferences
and the global-analytical
1. Sensory Preferences- Individuals tend to gravitate toward one or two types of sensory
inputs and maintain a dominance.
A. Visual Learners
Visual Iconic- prefer visual imagery like film, graphic display or pictures.
Visual Symbolic- prefer abstract symbolisms like written words or mathematical
B. Auditory Learners
Listeners- remember things said to them and make the information their own.
Talkers- prefer to talk and discuss.
A. Metacognition
It is defined in simplest terms as “thinking about your own thinking.” The root “meta” means
“beyond,” so the term refers to “beyond thinking.” Specifically, this means that it encompasses the
processes of planning, tracking, and assessing your own understanding or performance.
Flavell further divides metacognitive knowledge into three categories: knowledge of (a) person, (b)
task variables, and (c) strategy variables.
Person variables - Declarative knowledge/“person knowledge,” or understanding one’s own
capabilities. This type of metacognitive knowledge is not always accurate, as an individual’s self-
assessment can easily be unreliable.
Task variables - Procedural knowledge/“task knowledge,” including content (what do I need to
know?) and length (how much space do I have to communicate what I know?). Task knowledge is
related to how difficult an individual perceives the task to be as well as to their self-confidence.
Strategy variables- Strategy knowledge/“conditional knowledge,” or one’s ability to use strategies
to learn information, as well as for adapting these strategies to new situations. This is related to the
age or developmental stage of the individual. For example, a kindergartener can be taught
strategies, but needs to be reminded to use them, such as sounding out words when learning to
read. In contrast, an upper elementary student understands this strategy and knows when it will be
effective under different circumstances.
B. Metacognitive Strategies
1. TQLR - it is a metacognitive strategy before listening to a story or a presentation.
T- Tune In - It is first important for the learner himself to be aware that he is paying
attention, and that he is ready to learn.
Q- Question - the learner is given questions or he thinks of questions about what he will
soon learn.
L- Listen - the learner exerts effort to listen.
R- Remember - the learner uses ways or strategies to remember what was learned.