Bpoutline Quotes
Bpoutline Quotes
Bpoutline Quotes
1- Complete pages 1 & 2 of this document. Be thorough.
2- Submit to Canvas Project #3 Outline Assignment by April 8 th 11:59pm US DST
My thesis statement:
A globalized education system that focuses on science, math and technology fails to teach
children the importance of empathy and relationships.
Set up Quote/Give context of the quote:
Reiss observes that there is a lack of empathy among people which not only impacts others but it also
affects themselves.
First Quote:
Later in the video, the researcher explains that, “empathy not only gives us the strength to face the
challenges of day-to-day life but also ensures our survival”
Explanation (Interpretation):
The non-verbal sign such as body posture and facial expressions are pivotal to convey messages which
are not captured by spoken language. They also establish a bond between the speaker and the receiver,
thereby establishing an emotional response.
Second Quote:
Explanation (Interpretation):
Ma observes that according to advance neurobiology, human brains have neural pathways for critical
thinking as well as empathetic thinking. However, the scholar further adds that it only when both faculties
are integrating, it is possible to reach a balanced judgement.